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Sulfonamide Drug Study

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Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication/ Adverse Effects Nursing

Contraindication Responsibility
Brand name Structural analogs Indication: - loss of appetite - Minimize Adverse Effects:
- Bactrim -Instruct patients to
Urinary Tract - Nausea
of para- discontinue drug use
Generic name aminobenzoic - Vomiting immediately at the first
- Sulfamethoxazole 
 - Painful or sign of hypersensitivity
acid (PABA) and (e.g. rash). Advise
+ Trimethoprim swollen tongue
thus act as patients to avoid
- Dizziness prolonged exposure to
competitive - Spinning sunlight, wear protective
antagonists in sensation clothing, and apply a
sunscreen to exposed
microbial cells. - Ringing in your skin. Observe patients for

Microbes need ears signs of hemolysis (fever,

Contrindication: palor, jaundice) and if
PABA to form BACTRIM is - Tiredness
sulfonamide therapy is
contraindicated in - Sleeping
dihydrofolic acid, prolonged, periodic
patients with a problems checks of blood cell
a precursor of known counts should be made.

folic acid. Folic hypersensitivity to Because sulfonamide

crystals can injure the
acid is required trimethoprim or
kidneys advise patients to
sulfonamides, in
for purine and patients with a
consume 8-10 glasses of
water per day.
pyrimidine history of a drug-
synthesis and induced immune
hence nucleic with use of
acid synthesis trimethoprim

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