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The text discusses themes of memories, dreams, and growing up.

Themes of memories, both past and present, as well as hopes and dreams for the future are discussed.

Organizations like Rotary Club, Optimist Club, and Kiwanis Club are mentioned.


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Looking back
I see what's come
and that which has gone
yesterday . . .
the shadow of tomorrow.
The sun will rise ...
and again will set,
followed close by another dawn.
I see my life
as it was . ..
as it is ...
A step apart, yet . ..
one step closer
To the happiness
of tomorrow,

Sandy Righter

Sometimes memories can be a crutch,
You lean on them
As the years fade on,
Memories can only become stronger,
Yesterday's forgotten past,
Once again unfolded.

Will I live till tomorrow?

What will I be?
As I grow up,
Will fate be kind to me?
Until the future becomes my past,
These questions I can only ask.

Dreams of Tomorrow
Soon Become Memories of Yesterday

I had my dreams just like the rest,

But I thought my dreams by far the best.
Someone special I was to be,
But in stepped a thing called reality .
Now memories are all I have left to me.
Of a past full of dreams of what is yet to be.

Poetry by Bobbie Montgomery

Those Were The Days

Many were the sounds and sights of the '74 -75 chool year. On every
hand things were humming. In these few hot we tryed to show orne of the
familiar sights that will remain in our minds forever, like the normal "fooling
around" with Mr. Lee. This was the year the Buffalo Gals made their break-
neck effort to collect money to go to Portland, Oregon for the Grand Floral
Rose Parade. One of these activities was the very successful SO's "Sock Hop"
that was fun for young and old.
All the activitie were not new this year, however. Who can forget the mad
dash to lunch, getting together at the car wash on Friday after school, and
buzzing the quare after the ballgarne before going home? It's truly been a
year to remember, and I'm sure we're all glad to say we were a part of it.

Four Queen of Hearts
Made orne tarts,
All during a Bison game;
The Knave of Heart ,
He stole the tarts,
And the Queens were never the same.

The Knave of Hearts,

Felt guilt for the tarts,
And knew the Queens were sore;
So the Knave of Hearts
Brought back the tarts,
And they loved him all the more.

Miss Merry Christmas: Penny Blair
Football Festival Queen: Cheryl Clayton
Homecoming Queen : Sandy Franklin
Bamwarming Queen : Susan Atteberry
Knave of Hearts : Steve Davies

Grace Anne and Lee Are B est
This year the Bison Annual Staff chose six per-
sonality traits that they thought were most desire-
able. With the help of the faculty, six couples who
best typified these traits were chosen. To reign
over this group a Bison King and Queen were
selected on the basis of over-all personality and
contribution to the school. The 1974-75 Bison
King and Queen are Lee Price, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Price, and Grace Anne Henderson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson, Sr.

1. Wonder what's on his mind?

2. Is Lee holding his hay truck up?
3. Grace Anne takes time out to "look over the farm"
while chewing on a weed.
4. Bill Nunn and Rosa Roach were the "Most
Friendly" people running around our chool.
5. Ron Pence and Nancy Janke were the all
around "Most Versatile" people on campus.
6. The Bison King and Queen ponder over a
Trig problem.
7. Grace Anne takes time for deep-thinking.
8. Two Seniors, John Durham and Marsha
Montgomery displayed the "Best sense of
9. The "Most Dependable" duo was Denise
Spoering and Donald Potter.
10.Seniors Galen Jones and Becky Bradley
were considered to have the "Best School
Spirit" at BHS.
11. Grace Anne enjoys nature.
12. Grace Anne "takes it easy" at a friends
13. Jeff Sluder and Marilyn Miller earned the
title of "Most Courteous".
14. In his spare time, Lee works on his car.

"Obedtence without understanding i a -blindne , too."

"The Miracle Worker'

Annie Sullivan

"The Miracle Worker"

Seniors Speak Out
One of these students will be the valedictorian of the Senior Oass of 1975. Cheryl Garret, Marilyn Miller, Katy Beckett, Debbie Hill, Grace Anne
Henderson, Donald Potter and Jean Roos discuss teachers, subjects and future goals with Superintendent of Schools, D.A. Mallory.
MR. MALLORY. Grace Anne, we'll start with you. How has B.H.S. contributed to your success?
GRACE ANNE. In the first place, I've had a lot of good friends here that will last forever. I'll always remember them. I think I've got a good
education. I've been able to take the courses that I've wanted to for the most part. They have helped me to prepare for college.
MR. MALLORY. Thank you, Grace Anne. Let me ask you this question, Cheryl, and I don't mean to embarrass you. What teachers have made
the greatest impression on you?
CHERYL. I think Mrs. Sneed and Mrs. Hurlbut.
MR. MALLORY. You think it would be Mrs. Sneed and Mrs. Hurlbut. Now, will you tell me why and how. Are they teaching the subjects you
like the best?
CHERYL. It's not that at all because I don't like history, but Mrs. Sneed just gets her point across very well, and she teaches her class
very well. Mrs. Hurlbut is the same way. She gets you to do things. She doesn't have to press you on.
MR. MALLORY. Allri~t. Let's ask you this question, Don. What have you learned that you think will most help you in the future?
DON. That s pretty rough.
MR. MALLORY. I'd say up to this point you know where you're going. Are you a Senior?
DON. Yeah.
MR. MALLORY. You are taking the last thing yo·• are going to take, so ....
DON. I'd say it would be mostly like my preparatory college classes like
trig, things like that 'cause I'm going to college.
MR. MALLORY. Allright. That has been what you have done in school. You've
taken college preparatory courses.
DON. Yeah.
MR. MALLORY. Allright. Let me go to you, Marilyn, with this question. What
teachers have made the greatest impression on you?
MARILYN. Well. ...
MR. MALLORY. Now, you can go back as far as you want to--- I suppo e the
seventh grade.
MARILYN. Well, the first one I would have to say would be Mr. Elhart be-
cause I've had two classes under him for four years and even some in junior high, and
I've learned a lot from his classes. AI o, I'd have to go back to Mrs. Sneed again. She
makes history come alive for me, and then some of my English teachers, and also Mr.
Jessen, my math teacher.
MR. MALLORY. What ubjects do you like the best?
MARILYN. English, history and drum corps.
MR. MALLORY. Allright. Debbie, what year did you enjoy the most?
DEBBIE. I think every Senior is very happy because it's their senior year; and
after you get out of high school, you can go maybe get a job or go on to college. For me
well, every year was best, real exciting!
MR. MALLORY. You've enjoyed all of it?
DEBBIE. Yes, because here at Buffalo there are always things to do. You've
got a lot of friends, and they're always athletic events to go to and just be around your
friends. To me, you alway have things to do with your friends.
MR. MALLORY. Alright. Jean, I haven't got to you, have I?
MR. MALLORY. What memorable event has happened to you, or what is the high-
light of your school experience?
JEAN. I think the highlight would be two things. First of all, the oppor-
tunity to take broadcasting and find out what it's all about and what I wanted to do
with my life. And then being able to go to state in radio speaking.
MR. MALLORY. Allright, Let me a k you this question. The first one--- what has
BHS contributed to your success and what do you think will continue to contribute to
your success? Katy, you answer that question, will you?
KATY. I think it has contributed pretty much. Like in English and tuff.
It's prepared me to correspond with people and to communicate---. a,nd like all the
friends I've made. It's helped me to prepare to go on to college, and 1t helped me to
be on my own because--- like you have to make a lot of your own decisions in
school, and it's helped me to learn to make decisions. It's just prepared me to go on
after I get out of school.
MR. MALLORY. Allright. Now, I'm going to ask this same question. I don't know
if Jeff will use all of the answers to this question or not, but it's for my own infor-
mation. It's interesting for me to know. Don, what teacher or teacher have made the
greatest impres ions on you?
DON. I'd have to say Mrs. Sneed.

I've had my share of broken dreams
and more than a couple of falls,
and in chasing what I thought were moombeams,
I have run into a couple of walls.

But in looking back at the places I've been,

I would ure be the first one to say
When !look at myself today,
I wouldn't have done it any other way.
Jim Croce

Harv est of Memories

What is a memory?
An image or reflection of the past.
A fleeting moment of yesterday.
A memory is ageless in our mind .
Can we relive a memory?
It is up to us to live for today.
The 1974-75 Bison Annual is just a small
piece of yesterday left for us to remember.
It's like taking a trip back into a forgotten
time just for a short while, to revisit
and relive.
Remembering can be beautiful.

Cheryl Gargus


A Squad .for All
This year our teams were backed by a spirited pep club that
clid one great job. The girls, under the supervision of their spon-
sor, Mrs. Diane Hurlbut, sold booster pins and had other money
raising activities to pay for their bus fare so that they'd be sure
and not miss any games. All members wore pins claiming them
as belonging to the Bison Pep Club. The time they spent at
those games was well worth their while as the seasons were
climaxed with a number of all-conference battles. It WAS a
great year and the boys who made All-Conference and the Pep
Club deserve praise for filling 1974- 75 with excitement and
making it an unforgettable year!

1. Enthusiastic Bison supporters at a pep assembly.

2. Varsity cheerleaders throw out balls to the crowd.
3. Coach Willis wonders what's in store for him at a pep assembly.
4. The Bison Pep Qub this year boosted a strong membership.
5. Dan Bower is the first player from Buffalo ever to be so honored.
This year Dan was chosen for the All-Conference team; All-Ozark
team; and All-State. One of Dan's favorite things when he's out
there on the field is tackling their quarterbacks.
6. Lee Price is a Bison! This year Lee made AU-Conference, 2nd All-
Ozark, and AU-State teams. When Lee's out there playing football,
he gets kicks opening up holes for the ball carriers to go through.
7. We were very proud to have ten of our boys making the COC All-
Conference Team. They are: (Front) Lee Price, Bob Simmons,
Steve Ownby, Dan Crawford, Kim Davies: (Back) Joe Shantz, Dan
Bower, Steve Edwards, Mark Gronniger and Dan Glor.
8. The Pep Qub was led this year by their sponsor Mrs. Diane
Hurlbut, President Cheryl Clayton, and Secretary Becky Bradley.

B isons Show Depth
The '74- '75 season was a tough and unpredictable
year for the Basketball Bisons. They were short, and
they always had to run to win ballgames. They might
have been short in size, but they were big in deter-
mination and hustle. This year's team featured
something that is essential to any good team, good
bench strength. The Bisons could substitute players
and very rarely be hurt. They were one of the most
completely balanced teams to come out of Buffalo in
a long time. The Bisons finished the COC with are-
cord of 10-4 and an overall record of 19-8. The Bisons
were in the race for the championship up until the
end when they suffered a hard loss to Rogersville. The
way the boys hustled and the dedication they showed
only help to compliment the coaching of Floyd Willis
and his staff.
But now they're just a memory, something enjoyed
but rarely thought of. We all hope that in the years to
come, memories of Basketball '75 will enter with a

1. Doug Brethower is a 6'1" Junior Guard.

2. Jay Hill is a 5'8" Senior Guard.
3. The Basketball Bisons are: (Front) Assistant, Dick
Wilson; Head Coach, Floyd Willis; Assistant, Rick
Henderson; (Back) Dan Crawford, Ron Pence, Doug
Brethower, Steve Davies, Jay Hill, Gaylen Jones, Rick
Dismang, Craig Sample, Lynn Whitworth, Kim Davies,
Hollis Henderson.
4. Kim Davies is a 5'11" Junior Guard.
5. Ron and Roy get ready to spring into action.
6. The Bisons of the future smile.
7. Lynn Whitworth is a 6'1" Junior Forward.
8. Dan Crawford is a 6 '4" Senior Center.
9. Gaylen Jones is a 5'8" Senior Guard.
10. The Bisons huddle for last minute instructions.
11. Head Coach Floyd Willis shouts instructions and
anxious Bisons look on.
12. Craig Sample is 5'11" Junior Forward.
13. Kirby Bradley is a 6'2" Junior Center.
14. Ron Pence is a 6'1" Senior Forward.
15. Rick Dismang is a 5'10" Senior Guard.
16. Roy Metcalf is a 6'6" Senior Center.
17. Steve Davies is a 5'10" Senior Guard.
18' Hollis Henderson is a 6'2" Senior Forward.
19. Hollis and
20. Rick are pure DY-NO-MITE.

The Buffalo Bisons B-Team had a fairly good season
this year. They were 12-10 overall and 9-5 in the COC.
They finished third in the conference. The B-Team is
coached by Rick Henderson, who is also an assistant
coach for the varsity.
The Buffalo Freshman Team had a winning season in
1975. They had an overall record of 10-6. They are
coached by Floyd Willis. In a few years these boys will
be making up the nucleus of the varsity squad.

1. "Aw come on Rosa, This is fun!"

2. "M-m-m, maybe if I give her just a little push."
3. The Buffalo Bisons score a point.
4. "Gee, Coach, isn't the powder a little thick?"
5. Junior Varsity Team is : (Front) Coach Wilson, Coach Willis,
Coach Henderson ; (Back) Scott Pitts, Wyatt Sample, Barry
Maddux, Doug Franklin, Benny Wallace, Pat Hill, AI Ny-
berg, Kevin Dull, Mitchell Hale, Leon immo. Joe Shantz.
6. Freshman Team: is (Front) Tim Stokes, Brad Dunham.
Charlie Dill, Bobby Shantz, Billy Oine, David France, Mike
Andrews; (Back) John Roach, Larry Allen, Bret Jewell,
Dick Henderson, Danny Lewis, Brad Duff, David Louder-
baugh, Ronnie Janke;
7. "Ooh, Patsy, did you see that one?"
8. "If Laurie tells that joke one more time... "

Homecoming Burns
With Excitement

Basketball Homecoming 1975 may hold many
memories for Buffalo students. One unpleasant
memory, is the fact that the Buffalo Bisons lost
their game to the Logan-Rogersville Wildcats. For
six young ladies, however, memories of this night
may well never be forgotten. During halftime
ceremonies, Miss Sandy Franklin was crowned
Basketball Homecoming Queen for 1975 and
reigned with her five attendants.
Saturday night February 15, the Homecoming
festivities closed with the annual dance. Music for
the evening was provided by the musical group

1. Rothchild provided music for the basketball Home-

coming dance.
2. Elizabeth Patterson graciously presents her crown to the
1975 Homecoming Queen Miss Sandy Franklin.
3. Lee Price escorts Miss Sandy Franklin, a Senior candi-
date, down the court.
4. The Sophomore candidate, Miss Patsy Atteberry,
accepts the arm of escort, Steve Ownby.
5. The 1975 reigning Queen is Miss Sandy Franklin.
6. Senior Candidate, Miss Dora Pettit, is escorted by
Steve Edwards.
7. As the crowd proves, the 1975 homecoming dance was
a success.
8. Junior Attendant, Miss Shannon Evans, is proudly e~
corted by Dan Bowers.
9. The Seniors third candidate, Miss Lori Long, is escorted
by Bob Simmons.
10. These six young ladies reigned over the game.
11. Miss Karen Goodwin, the Freshman attendant, is e~
corted by Randy Cooksey.
12. The 1974 Basketball Homecoming Queen, Miss Eliza-
beth Patterson, is escorted by Mark Gronniger.
13. Lee Price congratulates Sandy Franklin with the tradi-
tional kiss.

Festival Filled With Memories
The 1974 Football Festival will hold many Jesting memories for students of
BHS. Plans multiplied and grew until finally the weekend of October 25-26
appeared. By Friday many posters decorated the halls urging the Bisons on to
victory and victory it was! That night we defeated the previously undefeated
Republic team 18-0. The four queen candidates were all from the Senior Class,
and during half-time Cheryl Clayton was crowned festival queen. Half-time
concluded with a routine by the Buffalo Gals. Festival activities continued on
Saturday night with Shadow Rock playing for the dance. As they played their
last song and the crowd began to leave, we could already see that soon Football
Festival 1974 would be just another page in our book of memories.

1. The Bisons run onward to victory.

2. Becky Bradley is escorted by Ron Pence.
3. "Ok. Who's got the dirty socks?"
4. If nothing else, it's a good way to shine the floor.
5. Reigning as 1974 Festival Queen is Miss Cheryl Clayton.
6. "Don't worry, the band will get here sooner or later.
7. Rick Dismang escorts Lynn Farell across the field.
8. Arm in arm Gaylen Jones escorts Cheryl Clayton to her crowning.
9. The queen and her court are: Steve Davies, Gina Wimberly\ the out going
queen, Steve Johnson, Lynn Farell, Rick Dismang, Gay en Jones, Cheryl
Clayton, Ron Pence, Becky Bradley, Susie Saunders, and Hollis Henderson.
10. "Have a heart ref! Put your arms down!"
11. "Thank goodness that wasn't a brick wall!"
12. Hollis Henderson escorts Susie Saunders to the platform.

Bisons Provide Touchdown Thrills

Thjs year the Buffalo Football Team came closer to harvesting the
conference. They won eight games and lost two by the total of three
points. Total scoring was 287 to 73 which is nearly four times the
opposing teams added together. In conference during the last three years
they finished first, second, and third. They finished in the top five teams
in Southwest Missouri in the last two years. Coach Warren Kennedy sajd
he was very proud of this team and that they played well at all times.
In the last three years they led conference in defense, and the last two
years in both defense, offense and in scoring points.
The Junior Varisty was 3-1 and Freshman were 3-0. The over all
total was fourteen won, three lost and tied one.

1. "Hey, Hey, Hey, let's play, "orders Rick

2. "Me Tarzan, you Jane," says Steve Ownby.
3. Craig Sample is getting 'up in the air' over
4. Bisons score a touchdown!
5. "OK, who's the wise guy that switched my
shoulder pads?" quips Steve Edwards.
6. "We'll start at the beginning this year.
This is a football," illustrates Coach Warren
7. They played great!
8. "Like this, coach?" asks Jay Hill.
9. "Hey, boys, I'm on your side!"
10. "Now that I got the ball, what do I do with
it?" asks Bob Simmons.
11. This year's Varsity Football Team included:
(Front) Steve Edwards, Jeff Bates, Dan
Crawford, Steve Ownby, Mark Gronniger,
Dan Bower, Lee Price, Joe Shantz; (Back)
Bob Simmons, Tim Brownfield , and
Dan Glor.
12. "Darn! I knew I should have gone out for
basketball instead," says Dan Bower.
13. Lee Price dives right into the matter.

Mountain Grove 8-0
Branson 37-6
Ozark 42-6
Rogersville 46-7
Cabool 30-7
Marshfield 20-21
Willard 47-6
Republic 18-0
Bolivar 12-14
Lebanon 28-6

1. Bob Phillips, "Look, mom, no feet!"

2. Rick Henderson says, "All right, you guys, what'd
you put in the gum!"
3. Clayton Creasey is determined to get the ball
this time.
4. Danny Crawford takes his aggresion out on the ball.
5. Joe Shantz says, "I never miss a pass."
6. The B-team includes: (Front) Doug Franklin, Gary
Lockhart, Randy Miller, Alvin Davis, Rick
Bursey, David William, Randy Ray, Rodney
Brethower; (Back) Rickie Mitchell, John Reed and
Ronnie Hunget.
7. "Oh, Bison, what a mess!"
8. Devin Harmon says, "Look at me! I'm superman!"
9. "Man, did you have to throw so hard?"
10. The Freshman Football Team is: (First) Hawkins,
Bennett, Louderbough, McNally, Dunham,
Jewell; (Second) Etherton, Hayes, Linman,
Campbell, Chastine, Atteberry, Lane; (Third)
Allen, Suha, Andrews, Mincks, Bolin, Shantz,
Harrold; (Back) Coach Hender on, Ferrell,
Righter, Montgomery, Bass, Blue, Glor, Coach
11. "They're not going to get this ball," says Jeff Bates.
12. Tim Brownfield holds the ball while Randy
Cooksey kicks it.
13. Kim Davies catches another football.
14. Doug Brethower takes a position against the
opposing team.
15. Mark Gronniger is determined not to let them
through this time.

We've Got Spirit
Every year we read remarks about how much time and
energy our cheerleaders devote to their team and school. For
those of you who would put this down as a kind of worn
out cliche we say it again because it's true. They DO work
hard promoting our Bison spirit, and since a compliment is
due them, we say, "Everyone! Please give a tip of your hat to
our Bison cheerleaders!"

1. Cathy Cassity, sophomore 1,2 is a varsity cheerleader.

2. Nancy Janke, junior 1,2,3 has cheered on the varsity squad the past
two years.
3. Varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders are 'doing it' for the fans.
4. Stacey Simmons is our varsity mascot, and a very cute one, too.
5. Amy Kennedy, Coach Kennedy's daughter, is our freshmen team
6. Janice Nixon, senior 4, is another varsity cheerleader.
7. Jan Cantlon, sophomore 1 ,2 is one of two sophomores on the
varsity squad this year.
8. Vickie Smith gets in action at a pep rally.
9. Kim Dismang, junior 1,2,3 is serving her fust year as a varsity
10. Varsity cheerleaders Janice Nixon, Cathy Cassity, Jan Cantlon,
Donna Wood, Stacey Simmons, and Nancy Janke, are ready to
whip the Tigers.
11. Donna Wood, senior 1 ,2,3,4 is varsity captain.
12. Janet Hill is the junior varsity mascot.
13. Freshmen cheerleaders are (Front), Kim Walsh, Sandra Morgans,
Sue Price (Back) Karen Goodwin, Penny Blair, Becky Clayton.
14. Junior varsity cheerleaders are: (Front) Vickie Smith, Lynda
Dismang, Elizabeth Patterson; (Back) Sharon Shewmaker, Pam
Vest, Gina Wimberly.

~v. .
•• •

Girls Gain on Court
The girls' basketball squad, second year veterans, had a pretty inpressive record
going into the Regionals at Camdenton. The "A" team had eight wins and six losses,
while the "B" team boasted ten wins and four losses. They were fortunate in having
a good bench, and a lot of juniors, sophomores, and freshmen who rounded out the
two squads and really sparked enthusiasm . Not only did the girls show lots of vitality,
so did the crowds who gave support off the floor, as well as on. Even though they
will miss their two seniors, Mary Beth Lemons (forward) and Debbie Hill (guard),
they feel next year will be better.
Volleyball has been the fall sport for girls at BHS for about forty years. This
year the Junior Varsity sported a record of 9-2, the "A" team held to 54, while the
Freshmen displayed an impressive 8-1 record. They entered two tournaments, the
C.O.C., in which they took fifth, and their Regional, where they received fourth
place. This was the first year for a freshman volleyball team, so we now have three
chances to conquer our rivals.
Volleyball has changed a lot over the past ten years. There are now six, instead
of nine or eight on a team. They also play a match (two out of three games), instead
of quarters. Hitting has changed from flat-hand to forearm and finger tips. All these
changes have made for a faster and much more skillful game.

1. The new team for girls' Freshman Volleyball included: (Front) Becky Clayton, Penny Blair,
Karen Goodwin, Sherry Henderson, Cindi Cole; (Back) Sue Price, Kim Walsh, Tammy
Baldock, Rhonda Earp, Rene Bradley, ancy Swigert and Robin Long.
2. ''That's what I think of you!"
3. "Here ya go!"
4. This year's Varsity and Junior Varsity team members were (Front) Rhonda Shaw, ancy
Janke, Becky Pierce, Janice ixon, Jean Roos, Kim Dismange, Peggy Blair, and Lynda
Dismange; (Back) Marilyn Owens, Ann Boer, Peggy Patrick, Laurel Smith, Bonnie
Oopton, Jackie Nixon, Patsy Atteberry, Sharon Shewmaker, Gina Wimberly, Regina
Pierce, Karen Wallace, and Coach June Bradley.
5. "Hey, did you see that?"
6. The girls Varsity Basketball Team was made up of: Coach LaWanka Mallard, Beth Ford, Jan
Alford, Debbie Hill, Peggy Blair, Mary Beth Lemons, Nancy Janke, Rhonda Shaw,
Elaine Durham, Jackie ixon and Gerri Gilpin.
7. "It's that simple!"
8. Our Junior Varsity consisted of: (Front) Beth Ford, Coach Mallard and Gerri Gilpin.
(Back) Sharlene Ownby, Jackie Nixon, Pam Morgans, Elaine Durham, Regina Davis,
Ilene Boer, Debbie Hunget, Tammy Baldock, Nancy Thompson, Sherry Henderson and
Kimi Bennett.
9. "It's my ball no matter what you say, ref!"
10. "Get away from me!"

Junior Bisons Win
Buffalo Junior High School sports had a taste of both victory and
defeat this year. The seventh grade football team had a 3-1 record, but
the basketball team didn't do so well.
Seventh grade coach, Jack Leatherman, accredited their football
success to a good defense and an efficient ground game, while citing a
small team as the reason for their downfall in basketball.
Eighth grade, however, told just the opposite story. Their football
record was 2-2-l,while they ran up an impressive tally, in basketball
winning the Central Ozark Conference championship for eighth graders.
Coach Dick Wilson said this year's terrific season could be attributed to
good teamwork by a good group of boys. "If these boys can keep up
the good work, we may have another championship team in two or
three years," he commented. In talking with members of this year's
team, the most frequent comment was that a good defense attributed
much but teamwork was also a major factor in their brilliant season.
Good ball handling, strengthened by much practice and effective
instruction, were also commonly cited as reasons for capturing the
championship. Other comments attributed the team's height, speed,
shooting skill, rebounding efforts, strategy, and team spirit as additional
reasons for a winning season. As one player put it, "We just tugged on!"

1. The Junior High All Star Wrestling Team is: (Front) Dill, Gann, Bliss,
Sufficool, Stephenson, Paro, Larkin, Hicks, Cline and Oliver. (Back)
Howell, Slack, Wolfe, Shewmaker, Boyd, Dryer, Boggs, Lee, Rankin
and Allen.
2. Junior High cheerleaders, (Lower) Joy Bennett and Donna Nyberg, (Middle)
3. This year's championship Eighth Grade Basketball Team included: (Front)
Bobby Nunn, Ricky Rose and Wes McKinney; (Back) John Harmon,
John Janke, Gary Stephenson, Tommy Roby, Tony Sample, Mike Evans,
Coach Dick Wilson, Mike Peace, Russell Brethower, Terry Shewmaker.
Blake Gilpin and Ronald Morgans.
4. This year's Seventh Grade Football Team included: (Front) Rankin, Highfill,
Allen, Paro, Morgan, Gamel, Bruffett, Davis, Weitzel; (Back) McKinney,
Oldham, Bolin, Henderson, Reavis, Simmons, Wallace, Tummons,
Johnson and Coach Wilson.
5. Four students try to catch basketballs thrown out at halftime.
6. "Just call me 'Rat:."
7. Playing in this year's Seventh Grade Basketball Team were: (Front) Herbie
Allen, Robert Gamel, John Long, Gary Simmons, Greg Bruffett, Steve
Morgans and Denis Highf"ill. (Back) Coach Jack Leatherman, Billy
Sweaney, Roger Henderson, Terry Howe, Earl Wallace, Dennis
Chapman, Sam Dryer, Russell Reavis, Mike Larkin, Tom Bolin and Wes
8. "Please!"
9. The members of the Eighth Grade Football Team were: (Front) Scott Daniels,
David Zuhlke, Tim Gaughran, John Janke, John Harmon, Ronald Morgans,
Brent Hamlet, Gerald Roberson, Carl Davis and Bob unn; (Back) Coach
Wilson, Gary Stephenson, Ricky Rose, Rodney Sperko,Mark Ipok, Tony
Sample, Mike Evans, Russell Brethower, Terry Shewmaker, Emory
Shewmaker and Wes McKinney.

Gals Are Portland
The Buffalo Gals Drum and Bugle Corps was one of six
guest honor marching groups selected across the United
States to participate in the Portland , Oregon Grand Floral
Rose Parade in June, 1975 . The Gals worked hard during
the 1974-75 school year to earn money for the trip by
having a slave auction , a Fifties Sock Hop, raffling off a
beef, selling Christmas cards, and various other activities.
Meanwhile , the Buffalo Gals seemed to find time to
march at the University of Missouri, Rolla football game,
Christmas parades, and several home football and basket-
ball games under the supervision of Brian Elhard. Their
reward for all their time and effort, along with several
trophies, was an award of appreciation from the Buffalo
Optimist Club for thier achievement and community

1. Director, Brian Elliard gets a few laughs from the senior

Buffalo Gals: Anita Garrison, Marilyn Miller, Grace Anne
Henderson, Cindy Daniels, Debbie Hill, Sandy Franklin,
Cheryl Clayton, Debby Cox, Marsha Montgomery, Lynn
Dunham, Carla Atterberry, and Katy Beckett.
2. The Buffalo Gals' 1974-75 officers are: Anita Garrison,
Treasurer; Katy Beckett, Secretary; Lynn Dunham,
President; Carla Atterberry, Vice-president; and Cindy
Daniels, Reporter.
3. Drill Captains for the Buffalo Gals are: Joy Moss, Debbie Hill,
Debby Cox, Joyce Powell, and Marsha Montgomery.
4 . The Buffalo Gals Drum and Bugle Corps
proudly display some of their many
5. It was a fine performance from the Gal
that night. "We've come a long way,
6. Head MaJorette, Cheryl <Jayton and
Assistant Majorette, Sandy Franklin
have what it takes to be majorettes.
7. Drum Captain, Grace Anne Henderson and
Bugle Bugle Captain, Marilyn Miller flash
those sweet smiles.
8. Carla Atterberry concentrates on twirling
her rope. "Around and around ... .I
think I'm getting dizzy."

Government Grows
This year a new student government was initiated by the student
body of the junior high. With the help of Mr. Dull, they set up a
seventh and eighth grade Student Advisory Committee. What this long
title means is Junior High Student Council. This group strove hard to
promote school morale. Mr. Dull said that many ideas had been
presented and some led to activities such as hillbilly day and written
articles for the "Scout."
The Student Council of Buffalo High School started things rolling
this year with the Football Festival followed shortly by the Basketball
Homecoming. The main project, however, was redoing the parking lot.
The Council decided to have the lot graded and completely regraveled.
Mr. Lee, council advisor helped decide feasibility of student ideas and
was intermediary between the administration and council.

1. These are the smiling faces of this year's Student

Council: (FrontLisa James, Bobbie Montgomery,
Pam Vest, Donna Wood, Lynn Dunham, John
Durham, Rick Bursey, AI Nyberg, Charley Finck,
Robert Glor; (Back) Beth Ford, Susan Atteberry,
Denise Spoering, Patsy Atteberry, ancy Janke.
2. Student Council isn't all work as Lynn Dunham
shows during an assembly.
3. The Junior High Student Advisory Committee was
new this year and boosted morale through the
seventh and eighth grades. Cheris Wingo, Katy
Yates, Jill Anderson, Lisa Burton, Joy Bennett,
Tony Sample, Joe Bond and D'Ann Whitworth
led the way.
4. All smiles and giggles, Beth Ford, Susan Atteberry,
Lisa James and Robert Glor, show off again.
5. The "junior governors" of tomorrow are ancy
Janke, Bobbie Montgomery, Denise Spoering
and Rick Bursey.
6. "Did you seniors ever hear of Watergate?"-----
Lynn Dunham, Bill Nunn, John Durham and
Donna Wood.
7. Student Council President, Gay len Jones led us
through the 74-75 school year.
8. Gaylen's side kick and helper this year was John
Durham, Vice President.
9. Sophomore council members were: Pam Vest,
Charley Finck, Patsy Atteberry and AI Nyberg.


Kate Keller Grace Anne Henderson

Captain Keller Jack Henderson
Annie Sullivan Susie Saunders
Helen Lynne Farell
James Kim Shepherd
Doctor Mike Randleman
Aunt Ev Shannon Evans
Viney Rosa Roach
Anagnos Ron Woods
Martha Deirdre Thomas
Percy George Thomas
Blind Girls Marsha Montgomery
Debbie Hill
Cathy Hayes
Caroline Hayes
Trisha Farrel
Joyce Dill
Voices Robert Glor
Steve Howerton

Theatrics Treat
Buffalo High School was proud to present one
of its greatest productions William Gibson's "The
Miracle Worker". This production was a great
challenge to the Drama Department, as they
attempted to recreate scenes taken from the
inspirational life of Helen Keller and her teacher
Annie Sullivan. One can find faith and hope from
the miracle that was wrought in the story. The
Keller Family and the many people who influenc-
ed Helen's awakening were brought to life under
the direction of Mrs. Ruth Ann East.
The Drama Department gave vent to vibrant
humor, as they took part in the presentation of
the 1890's Revue. This program took the place
of the PTA fund raising carnival and was made
possible with the help of many teachers. Old
slap-stick humor was revived once more with a
men's chorus line, a brass band under the direct-
ion of Mr. Elhard, and even a hillbilly jug-band.
The Drama Department was also proud to dis-
play their new stage flats used for the first time,
to enhance the atmosphere for their productions.

1. Grace Anne Henderson and Lynne Farell portray

many emotions from the life of Helen Keller.
2. Ron Pence, Marsha Montgomery and Lynne Farell
captivate the audience with their many antics.
3. The amazing Jack Henderson and his partner Lynne
Farell have baffled the audience once more with
the disappearance of Mike Randleman?!?
4. Lynne Farrell, Susie Saunders, Jack Henderson and
Grace Anne Henderson were part of the
production, "The Miracle Worker."
5. Bill unn, Sandra Righter, Kim Shepherd, Robert
Glor, Jean Roos, and Anita Garrison capture
the villian and live happily ever after, in the
skit, "Who Stole The Bustle" as told by Mary
Beth Lemons.

Speech Team
Takes COC
The 1974-75 Buffalo High School Speech Students formed
a transient team. While they traveled on the road of competi
tion, they created a proud name for our school and its foren-
sic abilities. The Central Ozark Pre-District Meet was the most
profitable of the year. Our Speech team left victoriously
with the First Place Sweepstakes Trophy. The speech teams
are under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Ann East.

1. "Ron, you're always complaining about how heavy your extemp

files are. How would you like to carry Steve's demonstration
saddle instead!" "Oh Jeff, you're just Jealous!"
2. Mrs. Ruth Ann East proudly carries the Sweepstakes Trophy won
at the Ozark meet.
3. The Speech and Drama Club takes a ten minute break from
their productions.
4. "And here I thought it was a trophy."
5. Congratulations for a job well done.
6. "Yes, Jeff, we are great!"
7. The Monett Tournament had stiff competition with four states.
Jack Henderson and Lynne Farrell won second place in
Humorous Duet, and Susan Atteberry won second place in
Original Poetry.
8. Mrs. East takes time out to go over last minute instructions
before the rounds begin.
9. "Gee, I didn't know that a trophy could be so beautiful."
10. While waiting for the results, one must learn to occupy themselves.
11. Speech Students proudly display trophies from the Monett and
Ozark meets: (Front) Mrs. East, Sweepstakes Trophy, Jean
Roos, second place Radio; Lynne Farell and Jack Henderson,
second place Duet Acting; Sandra Righter, flrst place Public
Speaking; Susan Atteberry, second place Original Poetry;
Becky Beckner, fust place Humorous Interpretation and Cheryl
Gargus third place Book Review. (Back) Jeff Blue, third place
Demonstration; Mary Beth Lemons, second place Humorous
Interpretation; and Jeff Bates, fust place Extemp.
12. "Well, here come the results, at last!"
13. "Buffalo won the COC Sweepstakes?!? Hey, wait a minute!
That's us!"
14. Ron Pence and Susie Saunders take a break.
15. The people placing in the Marshfield Speech Meet were: Jean Roos,
second place Poetry; Mary Beth Lemons, second place Humorous
Reading; Becky Beckner, first place Humorous Reading; Kim
Walsh, third place Dramatic Reading; and Billy Chapman,
second place Public Speaking.


Artists Picture
a Colorful Christmas
When Christmas arrives each year, the artistic touch of Mrs.
Buchanan's students can be seen around Buffalo's square as local
store windows come colorfuJiy alive. This sets the stage for the
annual community Christmas parade as school and town join to
celebrate the occasion.

1. Claudia Minear and Ann Boer make Halloween gifts for the party at
Chastain's ursing Home.
2. The following Art Club members entertained the senior citizens at
Chastain's Home: (Front) James Luce, Pat Claspill, Debbie Woods, and
Dixie Witt; (Back) Lynn Howe, Mrs. Buchanan, Bonita Gillham, Julie
Weitzel, Kelly Gaughran, Stacy Keith, Brenda Morton, Dee Decker,
and Helen Rubles.
3. The Art Club members pose with their sponsor, Mrs. Leta Buchanan.
4. This fellow is made of the stuff that canceled the Christmas parade
for a week this past year.
5. Colleen immo and Penny McClure painted this fust prize window.
6. Miss Penny Blair was the 1974 Miss Merri Christmas.
7. Miss Blair's attendants were: Sandy Abercrombie, sophomore; Rhonda
Sweaney, junior, and Eileen Trow, senior.
8. Bobbi Montgomery and Denise Spoering sold lots of cookies at the
junior bake sale and car smash on parade day.
9. Santa, Lloyd Buchanan, left his sleigh in the parking lot during his
thirtieth visit to Buffalo.
10. There are many who remember the Christ of Christmas.
11. Quick! Let him out before Christmas!
12. "Up on the Housetop Reindeer Pause."
13. Dusty Highfill, J. R. Taylor, Steve Howerton, Bret Viets, Ron Wood,
Kevin Dull and Devin Sharpe wish everyone a Merry Christmas in song.
14. Bobby unn and Greg Bruffett look like they just arrived from Alaska.
15. The Buffalo Girl Scouts were represented in the Christmas parade.

German and French
Students May Be
Future Teachers
Mr. Hart, FT A sponsor, was in charge of Buffalo High School's
sixteenth College Day, which was attended by colleges' representa-
tives from all over the state and a few area high schools. In attendance
were many members of Mrs. Grant's French Club, and Mrs. Jurgen's
German Club, who are preparing for college by taking a foreign
language course, which is required by most colleges before admission.

1. Teresa Lightwine, Bill Nunn and Beth Ford enjoy their French magazines
while waiting for the main course.
2. The French Club says "fromage" (French for cheese) as they smile for their
3. Mrs. Jurgens and her German Club have fun speaking German at Club
4. Buffalo High School students attend the Central Missouri State University
booth at College Day.
5. They call that French Art? Move over Picasso. Here comes Kimi Bennett.
6. Future Teachers of America help plan this year's College Day.
7. Boys, Tom Rogers and James Hall, and girls, Diana Hancock and Carolyn
Cooper sing "Munich's Bridge is Falling Down."


Fellas Featured
by FHA
Future Farmers
Select Fairest
This year one of the F .F .A.-F .H.A. activities was the pow-
der-puff football game. There were reversed roles with boy
cheerleaders and girl football players. They were coached by
Bison football players, who probably thought the Future
Homemakers should have remained in their homes. One of the
high spots of the night was the crowning of the "queen",
Junior candidate Joe Shantz. The other major activity was
the F. F. A. Barnwarming. Then, it was the boys' turn to
work. They roasted a pig, and served it to the girls and their
sponsor, Mrs. Judy Kennedy ,who sat back and enjoyed
watching Mr. Steve Potter and his boys serve them.

1. FFA President, Hollis Henderson, talks to his officers:

(Front) Rick Dismang, Chaplin; Patti Marshall, Recorder;
Randy Easterly, Sentiental; (Back) Lynn Duff, Secre-
tary; Lee Covert, Vice President and Dan Bower,
2. The Future Farmers of America is a ational organ-
ization with many diversified projects.
3. The FFA Barnwarming court included: (Front)Cathy
Cassidy and Tony Henderson; Becky Burd and Lynn
Duff; Dora Pettit and Hollis llenderson; (Back) Queen
Susan Atteberry and her escort, Brad Duff.
4. Could they be the "Best of the Bunch"? nder the
usual circumstances, no. But in theca e of FHA ini-
tiation, Kim Dismang, Becky Griffith and Cindy
Gaughran were "best."
S.Jean Roo was FHA president in 1974-75.
6. Hollis Henderson headed FFA this year.
7. Jeff Atteberry, Lynn Whitworth, Benny Wallace and
Jay Hill cheered the Powderpuff teams to "victory."
8. 1l1is year's FilA officers were: (Front) Janice i.xon,
Vice President; Sandy Franklin, Parliamentarian; Dora
Petitt, Reporter; Jean Roos, President; (Back) Beckie
Burd, Historian; Grace Anne Henderson, Vice President;
Denise Spoering, Treasurer; ancy Janke, Secretary;
Rhonda Shaw, Songleader; Sandy Ahart, Devotionals.
9. The Future Homemaker of America is one of the
school's largest groups.
10. Come on, girls. Let's show 'em how we can pass.

Vo Tech Keeps Growing
The Dalla County Area Yo-Tech School held its open house on October 13,
1974. Over 450 people saw what took several year of dreams and several years
work to complete. This marked the third year that Yo-Tech was in operation,
each year the quality of education going up. ew classes and new teachers have
been added along with the old favorites of auto body, welding, and electronics.
The real impact of Yo-Tech won't be felt until a few more years when, if you
stop and take the time, you will see just how many students have used Yo-Tech
as a stepping-stone to their future careers.

1. Shannon Evans prepares a new item at KBFL.

2. Two boys learn more about welding in Gene Coltrin's class.
3. Jack Henderson explores the world of photography.
4. Don Chapman learns that soldering irons work better when they're plugged in!
5. The place where it all happens is the Vo-Tech School, Louisburg, Missouri.
6. Careful now, you'll burn your fingers.

KBFL and Scout Staff
Handle Communications
Communication is anything which allows us to relay our thoughts and ideas to each other.
Two of the way we achieve communication here at B. H. S. arc through our high chool
radio station, KBFL, and the school newspaper, The Buffalo Scout.
KBFL, while furnishing students with a valuable background in broadcasting, at the
same time provides Buffalo and the surrounding area with the latest in news and pccial
programming, not to mention one of the widest varieties of music in Southwest Missouri.
All of this i made possible through the unbelievable tolerance of Dennis Kelly, Christina
Gaunt, Kathy Willis, Danny Chastain, and, above all, Mr. Wayne Lemons.
Where would a school be without a school paper? Most of us would be missing a lot,
including plays and everything el ewe hear about in the Buffalo Scout. Celebrating its
tenth anniversary this year and still going strong, theScout Staff, under the direction of
Mr. Keith Kendall, bring us the latest from around our school including interviews, sports
and editorials.
With these two establi hments working in our chool system, there is no excu e for a
gap in communication.

1. A KBrL production staff, Kim Shepherd, Jeff Sluder and Jack Henderson get ready to "put one
on the air."
2. Here are the KBFL broadcasting students the bright "good morning" voices whose faces you
never see!
3. Rick Bursey selects the music that area listeners will hear.
4. "Dateline Omaha: Welcome Wagon hits newcomer. Details at 11: 30." Jeff Sluder signing off.
5. Broadcasting students jet a chance to air their ideas on KBFL's show Viewpoint.
6. General Manager, Wayne Lemons, shows off his latest "toy", the new control board in Studio 1.
7. Turn on the power and grease the presses; the Scout Staff (Donna Wood, Debbie Woods, Ken-
neth Cooksey, Debbie Sweaney and Dixie Witt) hit high gear.
8. Katy Beckett and Penny McClure prepare the camera as the Scout Staff conceives another issue.

Band Members
Keep Up the
Good Work
We at Buffalo High School appreciate the thoughtfulness of the
Senior High Band this year. They have performed in concert and
have "pepped" up the pep assemblies. A small ensemble performed
and kept the beat going for the 1890's revue. The fifth and sixth
grade band performed for the P. T. A. this year.

1. In the Junior High Band are members of the future pep band and high school
concert band.
2. The Buffalo High School Band pose for a picture they all look forward to.
3. Dusty Highfill "jazzes up" on his sax.
4. The Sixth Grade Band meets four times a week.
5. Becky Griffith and Camille Swanigen practice a duet.
6. J. R. Taylor plays a solo while nobody is around.
7. The Fifth Grade Band is learning to get in time before advancing to Junior
High School.
8. Robert Taylor, Dusty Highfill, J. R. Taylor, Steve Howerton, Bret Viets,
Ron Woods, Andy Hall, and Kevin Dull follow the trumpet playing leader,
Mr. Bryan Elhard.

Bison Choristers Heard Throughout
Mrs. Carol Faucett's Bison choral groups have carried their message in song to various organizations around
Buffalo this year. Small ensembles from the large choral groups have provided entertainment for appreciative
audiences throughout Buffalo land. This year , also, the mixed chorus of eighty junior high school students and
ixty-five high school members gave public concerts. uch great renditions as, "If You Were Coming in the Fall"
by Frederick Silver, "Morning Has Broken" by Cat Stevens, "Sweet Lamb" by Walter Ehret, and "Do You Hear
What I Hear" by IIarry Simeone, provided a variety of pop, folk, religiou and classical music.

1. Mrs. raucett and student Bonita Owens vocalize up the

scale and down the scale.
2. The eighth grade chorus enjoys the song they're singing.
3. The Glee Club appeared in new blue formals at the
f.'all Concert.
4. Suzy Saunders presents her version of "Summertime".
5. The lligh School Mixed Chorus are shown as they
appeared at the Dillard A. Mallory Elementary School.
6. The Junior High Chorus topped all the others in

We Were Seniors '75
Here it is---springtime of 1975, and that long
awaited graduation ceremony will shortly be only a
memory. When all 83 of us began our long trip
through this great organization called chool, we
didn't realize what wonderful relationships and exper-
iences we would have along the way. Today, we stand
148 trong donned in cap and gown, each ready to
go our own separate ways. Some of us will go on to
college and others to occupations. Our time has
finally come, and time alone will tell how long the
friendships we have made will last as the Class of
1975 becomes a larger part of life.

October 27, 1956 Libra
May 15,1957 Taurus
Honor Roll1,2,3,4; Drum Corp 1,2,3,4, Vice President 3,4; Pep Club
1,3; Band 1; ITA 1,2,3,4; FFA 3; Vocationa Agriculture; Photography


Aprilll, 1957 Aries
Baseball4; Auto-Mechanics 3,4; Woodwork 1,2.
April 13, 1957 Aries
Carpentry 3,4; Woodwork 1,2,3.


June 11, 1957 Gemini
Principal's List 3; Honor Roll1,2,3,4; Drum Corps 1,2,3,4, Secretary
2,3,4; Pep Club 3,4; Band 1,2,34 Honors Band; Chorus 1; FTA 3,4;
Photography 4. Nickname: "Katy"
September 16, 1957 Virgo
FFA 1,2; Auto Mechanics 3,4. Favorite saying: "Bull-feathers"
ickname: "Blob"


August 22, 1957 Leo
Welding 3,4.
April16, 1957 Aries
Football 2,3,4 All-Conference Guard and End, All-Ozark Guard, All-
State Guard; Track 2,3,4; FFA 1,2,3,4, Treasurer 4, Vocational
Agricultural 3 ,4.

February 14, 1957 Aquarius
Honor RoU 1; Basketball!; Baseball! ,4; Speech 1; Body-Fender 3,4.
July 18, 1957 Cancer
Honor RoU 4; Drum Corps 1; Pep Club 1,2,3,4, Secretary-Treasurer
3,4; Football Festival Candidate 4; Chorus 1,2; FT A 1,2,3,4; French
Dub 3 Vice-President; Clerical Practice 3,4. Favorite saying: "There's
:me way to find out." Nickname: "Beck"


July 18, 1957 Cancer
Track 2; Electronics.
May 21, 1957 Gemini
Auto Mechanics 3. Nickname: "G.W."


October 23, 1956 Scorpio
Pep Club 1,2; FT A 1,2,3,4, President 4; Clerical Practice 3,4. Favorite
saying: "What's happening".
August 26, 1956 Virgo
Footballl,2; Track 1,2; Auto Mechanics 3,4.


October 10, 1956 Libra
Honor RoU 1,2,3,4; Football 1, All Conference B-team; Band 1,2;
Speech 2, "Clarence"; Electronics 3,4.
May 17, 1957 Taurus
Honor RoU 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 3,4; Band 1; Art Club 3; French Club
3. Favorite saying: "Oh, shut up!" Nickname: "SaUy"

August12, 1957 Leo
Track 4; FFA 3; Body and Fender 3,4. ickname: "Radical"
September 2, 1957 Virgo
Honor Roll1 ,2,3,4; Cheerleader 1 ,2,3, Junior Varsity 1, Varsity 2,3;
Drum Corps 1 ,2,3,4, Assistant Majorette 2, Majorette 3,4; Pep Club
1,2,3,4, President 4; Miss Merry Christmas 3, Football Festival Queen
4; Chorus 1,2; FTA 1,2,3,4; Photography 3.


December 12, 1957 Sagittarius
Principal's List 4; Honor Roll 4; Chorus 4.
April4, 1957 Aries
Honor Roll 2,3,4; Basketball 1 ,2; Baseball 2; Band 1,2,3,4, Ensembles
4; Scout Staff 3, Sports; Annual Staff 3; Broadcasting 3,4; Drafting 1;
Stage Band 1 ,2,3,4. Favorite saying: "Really"

June 17,1957 Gemini
Football4; Chorus 4.
July 24, 1957 Leo
Honor Roll 3,4; Drum Corps 1,2,3,4, Drill Captain 4; Band 1,2,3;
Speech and Drama Club 3, "The House of Seven Gables", Clerical
Practice 4. Favorite saying: "Really!" ickname: "Rabbit"


July 11, 1957 Cancer
Football 1,2,3,4, All-Conference 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball
3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Auto Body 3,4. Favorite saying: "Well!"
September 30, 1957 Libra
Pep Club 1; Art Club 1,2,3,4; Health Occupations 3,4.

July 30, 1957 Leo
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; I·TA 2; German Club 4,
Social Director 4; FHA 2,3; Printing 4; Young Homemaker of the
Week Award 3. Favorite saying: "Golly" Nickname: "Eddie"


March 21, 1957 Aries
Drum Corps 1,2,3,4, Reporter 4; Band 2,3; Art Club-2,3; ITA 3,4;
German Club 3,4; FHA 1,2,3,4, Stanley High Salesman 1; Oerical
Practice 4. ickname: "Legs"


February 14, 1957 Aquarius
Honor Roll 1; Basketball1,2,3,4; Lettered 3,4; Art Club 4; FFA 2;
Auto Mechanics 3,4. icknamc: "Peck"

January 10, 1957 Capricorn
Chorus 3; Art Oub 3; French Club 2; Photography 4.


March 20, 1957 Pisces
Basketball 1 ,2,3,4; Powderpuff Cheerleader 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4;
Track 1 ,2; FFA 1,2,4; Vocational Agriculture; Electronics 3,4.
ickname: "Fingerbanger"
July 14, 1957 Cancer
Honor Roll1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,3,4; Vice-President 3; Girls
Ba ketball4; Drum Corps 1,2,3,4; Drill Captain 2,3; President 4;
Pep Club 1,4; Senior Advisory Board; Basketball Homecoming
Queen 1; FTA 1,2,3,4; FFA 3,4.


May 26, 1957 Gemini
Student Council 3,4; Junior Class President; Student Council Vice-
President; Football 2,3; Baseball 1; Track 1,2; FFA 1,2; Leadership 2;
Electronics 3; Refrigeration and Heating 4. Favorite aying: ''That's
Life" Nickname: "Skipper"
ovember 1, 1956 Scorpio
Honor Ro114; Band 1,2; Choru 1 ,2,4; Honors Chorus 1 ,2; Carpentry

ovember 11, 1957 Scorpio
FFA 1,2,3,4; Vocationa Agriculture 3,4. ickname: "Rabbit"
October 10, 1957 Libra
Honor Roll 1,2,3 ,4; Football 1 ,2,3,4; Basketball 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4;
Track 1,2,3,4; Speech and Drama Club 1,2; FFA 1,2,3; Reporter 3;
Sub-Di trict Treasurer 3. Favorite saying: "You don't have to be
mall to carry a big punch." ickname: "Ed"


March 18, 1957 Pisces
Art Club 3; German Club 3; FHA 1,2,3; Photography; Library Club
4. Nickname: "Janie"
May 18, 1957 Taurus
Health Occupation' 3,4.

September 19,1957 Virgo
Principals List 3,4; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3,4; Pep Club 1 ,3; Chorus 3,4;
Speech and Drama Club 1,2,3,4; Vice-President 3, Secretary-Treasurer 2;
"Spoon River" 2, "Miracle Worker" 4, 1890's Review 4; Awards: Drama
Reading 3 2nds, Duet Acting 2 3rds; FTA 1,2,3,4; German Club 1,
Secretary-Treasurer; Broadcasting 3,4. Favorite saying: "That's mean-
inful to my lifetime." ickname: "Lynne ... Baby"
October 1, 1957 Libra
Principal's List 1 ,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3,4; Drum Corps 1 ,2,3,4;
Assistant Majorette 3,4; Pep Club 1,2,3; Barnwarming Candidate 3;
Band 1,2,3,4; FHA 2,3,4; Parlimentarian 4. ickname: "Sandy"


September 15, 1957 Virgo
Principal's List 4; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3,4; Speech and Drama Club 4;
"House of Seven Gables" 3; 3rd place Book Review C.O.C. 3rd
place Voice of Democracy; French Club 4; FHA 1,2,3; Annual Staff
2,3,4; Co-Editor 3; Editor 4; KBFL 3,4; Summary Staff 3; Math
Relay 3,4. Favorite saying: "Mom, get off the cookstove; it's too hot
to ride the range." ickname: "Pigmy"
January 19, 1957 Capricorn
Principal's List 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; District 2
rating clarinet quartet; Chorus 1.

September 22, 1957 Virgo
Principal's List 4; Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Girl's Basketball 3; Drum Corps
1,2,3,4, Buffalo Gal of Month 3; Pep Club 1,2; Band 1,2; Speech and
Drama Club 4; 1890's Revue 4; FTA 1,2,3,4; Health Occupations 3.
Nickname: "Neter"
June 20, 1956 Gemini
Honor Roll 2,3,4; Basketball 1 ,2,3; Track 1,2; Chorus 2; Carpentry;
ickname: "Rev."


September 1, 1956 Virgo
Football 2,3,4; Defense End 3; Center 4; Track 2,3,4; Auto Mechanics
3,4; Favorite saying: "It wasn't me." ickname: "Hunchin Grunt"
February 20, 1957 Pisces


September 5, 1957 Virgo
Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Football 3,4; Track 1,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; District
Rating 1; State Rating 2; Small ensemble; "House of Seven Gables"
3; FTA 3,4, German Club 2,3; Social Director 2,3; French Club 4;
Social Committee; Annual Staff 4; District Math Relays 3,4; Pt.
Look Out Math Contest 4; Stage Band 1. Favorite saying: "Really?"
Nickname: "Hallmonster"
October 13,1956 Libra
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 3; 2nd place Contest; Art Club 3,4;
Clerical Practice.

December 17, 1956 Sagittarius
Principal's List 1 ,2,3,4; Honor Rolli ,2,3,4; Drum Corps 1 ,2,3,4; Drill
Captain 3; Drum Captain 4; Gal of the Month 1; Band 1,3,4, District
Rating 1, Pep Band 4; Speech and Drama Club 3,4; "House of Seven
Gables" 3, "The Miracle Worker" 4; C.O.C. Speech Meet 1st;
Demonstration 3; FHA 2,3,4, Historian 3, 1 t Vice President 4.
Favorite saying: "Right On" ickname: "Gracie Baby"
March 12, 1957 Pisces
Honor Roll1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1 ,2,4; Band 1; FFA
1,2,3,4; Treasurer, President, Star Greenhand, Star Chapter Farmer,
Outstanding Junior Award; Vocational Agriculture. ickname:
"Heavy Duty"

October 25, 1957 Scorpio
Principal's List 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3; Pep Club 1,2,4; Band 1; German
Club 3; FHA 3,4; Broadcasting; GAA I; Citizenship 1; FAS 2; Girl's
League 2. Favorite saying: "That's just quite alright." ickname:


February 13, 1957 Aquarius
Honor Roll 4; Band 1,2,3,4; FFA 1,2; KBFL 3; Carpentry 4.

ovember 4, 1956 Scorpio
Principal's List 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1 ,2,3,4; Basketball 3,4; Cheer-
leader Jr. Var. 1, Var. 2; Pep Club 1,2,3, Rer.<?rter 4; Drum Corps
1,2, Drill Captain 3,4; Band 1,2; Chorus I;' 1iracle Worker" 4;
FT A I ,2,3,4; FHA 4; KBFL Broadcastin~ 3,4. Favorite saying:
"Moving right along ... " ickname: Debb1e (alias "Hillbilly")
August 23, 1957 Virgo
Football 4; Basketball 3,4; Baseball 3,4; Track 3,4.


April 30, 1957 Taurus
Track 4; Speech- Treasure 2; Electronic 3,4; Woodwork 1,2.
November 16, 1956 Scorpio
Honor Roll 1; Chorus 1; Office Procedures 3,4. Favorite saying: "I
would if I could, but I can't so I won't"


January 1,1957 Capricorn
Band 3; Business Education 3,4;
Basketball1,2,3; Track 4; Band 1; Auto Mechanics 3,4. ickname: "OJ"

Februray 14, 1957 Aquarius
Honor Rolli ,2,3; Student Council 2,3,4, President; Basketball I ,2,3,
4; Baseba114; Track 1; FFA 1; Electronics 3,4. Nickname: "Barney"
September 7, 1957 Virgo
Honor Roll 3,4; Chorus 1; Speech and Drama Club 1; "Spoon River
Anthology"; Voice of Democracy Contest 1; French Club 3,4;
Annual Staff 4; Electronics 3. Favorite saying: "Cute"


March 26, 19 57 Aries
Honor Roll 4; Chorus 2,4; FHA 1,2,3,4; Health Occupation 3,4.
Favorite saying: "Peace on earth good will toward men." ickname:
March 15, 1956 Pisces


June 29, 1957 Cancer
Pep Club 2; Chorus 1, Glee Club 2, District rating; Art Club 1; FHA
1. Favorite saying: "Live one day at a time."
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Football 1 ,2; Track 1 ,2; German Club 1 ,2;
Annual Staff 3; KBFL 3,4.


Principal's List 2,3,4, Honor Ro111,2,3,4; Student Council 3; Basket-
ball 3,4, Letterman 4; Pep Club 1,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4, 2 District rating;
Chorus 2,4, Honors Chorus 2; Speech and Drama Club 3,4, Reporter
3, Humorous Interpretation 2nd place, "Spoon River Anthology",
1890's Revue, District VFW Voice of Democracy 1st place, FHA 2,
3,4; Stage Band 1; KBFL 3,4; Powderpuff Football4; Woodworking 4.
Favorite saying: "How upsetting!" ickname "Mareebetheeee"
December 6, 1956 Sagittarius
Honor Roll1,2,3,4; VolleybaJI 2,3; Queen Candidate Football
Festival4; Queen Candidate Basketball Homecoming 3; FHA 1,2,3;
Oerical Practice 3,4. Favorite saying: "Indeed"

ovember 27, 1956 Sagittarius
Body and fender 3,4.


December 16, 1957 Sagittarius
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Roll2; FFA 2,3,4, Reporter, Leadership
and Scholarship; Vocational Agriculture.


July 10, 1957 Cancer
FF A 1 ,2,3; Voca tiona I Agriclu ture.
Aprilll, 1957 Aries
Principal's List 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll1,2,3,4; Drum Corps 1,2,3,4, Bugle
Captain 3,4; Band l ,2,3,4, District Contest, 2 Rating 2,3; Math Relays;
Stage Band.

February 7,1957 Aquarius
Principal's List 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4, Drum Corps 1,2,3,4, Drill
Captain 4; Pep Club 1; Band l ,2,3 ,4, Solo District 2 rating; Chorus 1;
Speech and Drama Club 3,4, "Steadfa t Tin Soldier", "House of
Seven Gables", ''The Miracle Worker", COC pre-{!istrict speech meet,
Storytelling 2nd place, Drama reading 3rd place. Favorite saying:
ovember 9, 1956 Scorpio
Football! ,2; Track 1 ,2; French Club 1; Auto Mechanics 3,4.
ickname: "Doc"


December 21, 1956 Sagittarius
Pep Club 1,2,3; Art Club 1,2,3,4; FHA 1,2,3; Health Occupations
3,4. Favorite saying: "Keep on Truckin"
October 12, 1955 Libra
Honor Roll4; Speech and Drama Club 1, Annual Voice of Democracy
Contest 2nd place 1; German Club 1 ,2,3,4; Refrigeration and Heating

January 21,1957 Aquarius
Honor Roll 2,3,4; Cheerleader 4; Pep Club 3,4; FFA Barnwarming
Queen; Band 1,2,3,4; FHA 2,3,4, 2nd Vice President 4.
December 22, 1956 Capricorn
Honor Roll2,3,4; Student Counci14; Football1,2; Track 1,2; Band
1,2; Chorus 1 ,2; Speech and Drama Club 2,3,4, "House of Seven
Gables" 3; French Club 4. Favorite saying: "It's only life" Nickname:
"Wild Willey Wolf"

October 2, 1956 Libra
October 3, 1956 Libra
Basketball 1; Baseball4; "House of Seven Gables" 3; Broadcasting
3,4. Favorite saying: "Buzz Off" ickname: "Dave-Dave"


February 14, 1957 Aquarius
July 17, 1957 Cancer
Honor Rolli; Chorus 1; Auto Mechanics II.

March 7, 1957 Pisces
Business Occupation. Favorite saying: "Right On"
July 8, 1957 Gemini
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Basketball1,2,3,4; Ba eball
4; Band 3,4, Southwest Missouri Honors Choir 1,2; Speech and
Drama Club 3,4; "House of Seven Gables", Bolivar ovice Tourney 1st
place poetry 3, Speaking and Poetry 2nd place 3; French Club 4,
Social Director. Favorite saying: "Two all beef patties, special sauce,
lettuce, cheeze, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. ickname:

August 19, 1957 Leo
Honor Roll3,4; Powderpuff Football4; Queen Carnival!; Ba ket-
ball3; FFA 4; Band 1,3,4; Chorus 2,3,4; Speech and Drama Club 3;
Art Club 3; FTA 4; French Club 2; FHA 2,3,4.
February 28, 1957 Pisces
FFA 1,2,4; Carpentry 3,4. Favorite saying: "lluh" ickname :

July 25, 1957 Leo
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Powderpuff Football 4; Pep
Club 3,4; Volleyball 2,3,4; Art Club 2,3,4; FHA 1,2,3,4; Business
Procedures 3,4. Favorite saying: "Shut your mouth!" Nickname:


August 9, 1957 Leo
FFA 1,2; Auto Mechanics 3,4. Favorite saying: "Bananas" Nickname:


December 1, 1956 Sagittarius
Principal's List 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll1,2,3,4; Baseball4; Lettered in
Baseball; German Club 1,2.
March 24, 1957 Aries
Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Footballl,2,3,4, All-State, All-Ozark honorary
mention, All-Conference 3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Speech Club 2,3; Debate
3; "The House of Seven Gables", "Cheaper by the Dozen", ''The
Miracle Worker"; FTA 3; FFA 1,2; Electronics 4. ickname: "Hoss"


September 19, 1956 Virgo
Health Occupations 4. Favorite saying: "A stitch in time saves nine."
September 11, 1957 Virgo
Chorus 1,2,3,4; "The Miracle Worker," French Club 2; Broadcasting
4. Favorite saying: "Get down and boogie." ickname: "Roach Clip"

November 15, 1957 Scorpio
Band 4; lntramurals 1; S~anish Club 1. Favorite saying: "What a rip
off!" Nickname: "Robin'
February 9, 1957 Aquarius

June 2, 1957 Gemini
December 3, 1956 Sagittarius
Principal's List 1,2,3,4; Powderpuff FootbaJ14; Pep Club 3,4; Volley-
ball 1 ,2,3,4; Speech and Drama Club 2,3,4, Reporter 3; "Spoon
River Anthology" 2, District Speech Meet 2,4, Voice of Democracy
Contest 2; FHA 1 ,2.3 Devotional Leader 2, Vice President 3,
President 4; Annual Staff 3,4, Copy; KBFL 3,4, Summer staff 3.
Favorite saying: "Get out of my life, you fool!"


August 9, 1957 Leo
Football!; Band 1; German Club 1; FFA 2 1 Parliamentarian; Auto
Body 4. Favorite saying: "What's happnin' '


July 20, 1957 Cancer
Principal's List 3; Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Pep Club 4; VolleybaJ11,2;
Queen Candidate FootbaJl Festival 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4, Honors Choir
1 ,2,3, Girls' Sextet 1 District rating 3, Vocal Solo 1 District rating 3,
Vocal Solo 1 State rating 3, Glee Club 3; "The House of Seven Gables"
"The Hracle Worker", 1890's Revue 3,4; French Club 3,4; Annual '
Staff 3. Nickname: "Susie"


August 27,1957 Virgo
Honor Rolll ,2,3,4; Pep Club 1 ,2,3,4; Speech and Drama Club 2,3;
FTA 1,2,3,4; Annual Staff 3,4; R.E.A. Essay Contest 1st place.
Favorite saying: "Oh darn"
February 9, 1957 Aquarius
Honor Roll2; FootbaJ11,2; Baseball3,4; Track 1,2; Band 1,2,4,
Drum Ensemble 1 District ratin~; Speech and Drama Club 4; Me-
chanics 3,4. ickname: "Whop'

February 27, 1957 Pisces
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Footballl,2; Baseball 3,4;
Track 1,2; Band 1,2,3,4; 2 rating in district contest; Spee-:h and
Drama Club 4; "The Hou e of the Seven Gables" 3, "The Miracle
Worker" 4; FTA 4; Annual Staff 3; Bradcasting 3,4.
July 16, 1957 Cancer
Auto Mechanics 3,4.

ovember 18, 1956 Scorpio
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2; Chorus 2; FTA 2; German Club
1; Health Occupations 3,4. Favorite saying: "Oh that makes me so
mad" ickname: "Lindy"
December 25, 1956 Capricorn
Honor Roll 4; Student Council 1,2,4; Football 1 ,2,3,4; All-Conference
Running Back 4; Basketballl,2; Track 1 ,2,3,4; Gold Medal Mile Relay;
"The Hou e of the Seven Gables"; FTA 4, Secretary-Treasurer; Refrig-
eration-Heating 4; Broadcasting 3. Favorite saying: "Win some, Lose
some" ickname: "Flash"


ovember 6, 1956 Scorpio
Principal's List 2; Honor Rolll,2,4; Student Council 1; Football 1;
Track 1,2; FFA 1; Annual Staff 2; Carpentry 3,4; Leterman's Club
Track 1,2.
March 15, 1957 Pisces
Honor Rolli ,2; Ba ketballl; Chorus 1; FHA 1,2,Health Occupations
4. Favorite saying: "Let's Boogie" Nickname: "Chatter Box"

April 4, 1957 Aries
FFA 4, Chaplain.
December 5, 1957 Sagittarius
Principal's List 1 ,2; Pep Club 1 ; Chorus 1,2; Art Club 1; Photography
3. Favorite saying: "Dummy" ickname: "Cher"

May 29, 1957 Gemini
Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Footballl,2,3, Letterman 2; Baseball!; Track
1,2; 1890's Revue 3; French Club 3,4; President 3; Speech and
Drama Club 1; Broadcasting 4. Favorite saying: "The Situation Is
Under Control." ickname: "IIoss"
January 16, 1957 Capricorn
Track 1; Carpentry. Nickname: "Red"


December 24, 1957 Sagittarius
FFA 1,2; Carpentry 3,4; Shop. Nickname: "Snowball"

March 5,1956 Pisces
Welding 3,4.


November 27, 1956 Sagittarius
FFA 1,2; Carpentry 3,4. Favorite saying: "Kill the Fuzz." ickname:


June 7, 1957 Gemini
Chorus 1, Glee Club 2 District rating; Photography 4. Favorite
saying: "Live one day at a time."


September 23, 1957 Libra
FFA 1,2; Auto Mechanic 3. ickname: "Frozie"
October 22, 1956 Libra
Honor Roll 2,3; Student Council!; Powderpuff Football4; Volley-
ball I, Manager 2,3; Queen Candidate Carnival 2; FHA 1,2,3,4; Scout
Staff 4; Clerical Practice, Photography.

ugust 14,1957 Leo
Honor Rolll,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; FFA 1,2, Special
awards, Leadership Scholarship; Broadcasting 3, Electronics 4.
Favorite aying: "A Dy- o-Mitc!" ickname: "J.R."
March 27, 1956 Aries
Track 1 ; F FA 1; Car pen try 3,4; Shop 1,2 ,3.


December 4, 1956 Sagittarius
Band 1 ,2,3,4; Welding 3,4. Favorite saying: "Cool it" ickname:
July 29, 1957 Leo
Pep Oub l; Chorus 4; Art Club 1,2,3,4; FHA 1,2; Clerical Practice 3,4.


April 9, 1957 Aries
Honor Roll 1; Pep Club 1,2; Queen Candidate Miss Merry Christmas
l; Chorus 1,2; Broadcasting 3; Printing 4.
June 28, 1957 Cancer

October 8, 1957 Libra
ovember 10, 1956 Scorpio
Track 2,3,4; French Club 4.

July 5, 1957 Cancer
Baseball4; Track 3; German Club 3; FFA 2; Vocational Agriculture


May 4, 1957 Taurus
FF A I ,2; Carpentry 3,4.


January 21, 1957 Aquarius
Honor Roll4; Pep Club 4; Art Club 1; FTA 2,3,4; Clerical 3;
Photography 4. Nickname: "Becky"
Honor Roll 2,3,4; Art Club 1,2,3,4, Reporter; French Club 2; Scout
Staff 4; Photography 4; Printing 3. Favorite saying: "I'm not that
short!" ickname: "Dix"

May 18,1957 Taurus
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Roll1,2,3,4; Student Council 3,4,
Secretary-Treasurer 3,4; Varsity Cheerleader 3,4, Captain 4; Pep
Club 1,3,4; Carnival Queen Candidate 3, Football Festival Queen
Candidate 3; Chorus 1,2, District Music Contest 2; ITA 1,2,3,4;
Scout Staff 4; Annual Staff 2,3; Photography 3,4; Regional
Educational Conference 4; District Math Relays 3.
October 3, 1957 Libra
Art Club 1,2,3,4; Scout Staff 4; Photography 4; Printing 3. ickname:


February 11, 1957 Aquarius
Honor Roll1,2,4; Band 1,2,3,4; State Music Contest 2,3, Jazz Band
1,2,3,4; "The Miracle Worker"; Broadcasting 4. Favorite saying:
June 26, 1957 Cancer
Principal's List 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Broadcasting 3,4.

Not Pictured


August 24, 1957 Virgo
Speech Club 1; Body and Fender 3,4.
December 13, 1956 Sagittarius
Honor Roll 3; Band 1; FFA 1,2, Greenhand; Auto Mechanics 3.

December 25, 1954 Capricorn
Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1; Welding 4.
April 6, 1957 Aries
Auto Mechanics 3,4.


August 26, 1957 Virgo
Basketball 1 ,2,3; Baseball 1; Auto Mechanics 4. ickname: "Bull Calf''
September 14, 1957 Virgo
Honor Roll 4; Speech Club 4, Stage-work; Art Club 1,2; French
Club 1 ,2,3,4; Printing-Photography 4. Favorite saying: "Let's have
a party!"


October 14, 1956 Libra
Refrigeration 3,4; Woodworking 1 ,2,3. ickname: "Racer"
August 28, 1957 Virgo
Electronics 3,4.







-:::>. • --·


As the senior year goes by, the seniors tend to look back
over the past four years. In these years there have been many
things that happened to us or that we have done that we'll
always remember- goin' up town on Saturday nights
and trying' to find a girl or guy, Saturday nights at the drive-in,
cruisin' the Snack Shack, skip pin' class, stan din' out in the
halllookin' at the people, go in' to parties, Watermill, drag
racin; these arc just a few of the things the seniors of '75 have
as memories. As we look back, we want to thank all those
before and after who have been a part of this collage of mem-
The thought is probably best put in a line from one of the
songs by the late Jim Croce: "When I look at myself today,
Wouldn't have done it any other way."


John Amschler
Tim Anderson
Dean Baldwin
James Bass

Jeff Bates
Kimi Bennett
Peggy Blair
Jean Bliss

Ann Boer
Hank Boyd
Kirby Bradley
Rhonda Branch

Doug Brethower
Steve Brown
Tim Brownfield
Rick Bursey
Pat Claspill
Ronnie Claspill
Eddie C]jne
Bonnie Clopton

Jayne Compton
Carolyn Cooper
Oayton Creasy
Sherry Creasy
David Daugherty
Randy Davis
DeEtta Deckard
Mary Dickey

Barbara Dill
Joyce Dill
Kim Dismang

Brenda Dozier
Dennis Dozier
Lynn Duff

Brenda Dugan
Debra Dugan
Shannon Evans

Carl rerreU

Valerie rrantz

Randy Gamel

Jay Gann

Bonita Gillham
Frank Gillham
Danny Glor
Leola Gott
Becky Griffith
Cassandra Hammond
Edward Hall
Devin Harmon

Allen Harrington
Linda Harrold
Cheryl Hedgepath
Jack Henderson
Debbie Hobbs
Gary Howard
Lynn Howe
Jackie Howerton

Ruth James
Nancy Janke
Mary Ann Jennings
Alana Jewell
Judy Kilgore
Grace IGngston

Randy Knapp
Larry Lane
Jody Lane
Cindy Leer
Vickie Lewis
Steve Lindsey

Cynthia Loudermilk
Penny McClure
Joe McDowell
Barry Maddux
Mariane Markussen

Claudia linear
Bobbie Montgomery
Glen Montgomery
Mike 1oore
Joy Moss
Anita Nunn
Gary Owen
1arilyn Owens

Brad Paro
Mary Parris
Joyce Payne
Marcia Perlcins
Bob Phillips
Robert Poole
Oyde Ray
Dennis Reed

Sandra Righter
Sandra Ritter
Chris Roberson
Rick Rodelander
Steve Rogers
Tim Romo
Ronnie Rose
Craig Sample

Jill Schwanlce
Joe Shantz

Debbie Skinner

Mari Slocum
Carolyn Smith

Vickie Smith
Steve Spence
Sharyl Spilman
Denise Spoe ring
Elaine Spur lock
Sherry Stafford
Denis Sutton
Chip Sweaney

Rhonda Sweaney
Viclde Sweaney
Rece Swigert
ancy Thompson
Owen Tribble
Brian Trotter
Shirley Turner
Dana Vanderlicht

Doug Vest
Benny Wallace
Dennis Wallace
Karen Wallace
Julie Weitzel
Deborah White
Lynn Whitworth
Penny Wingo

Sandy Abercrombie
Sandra Ahart
Jan Alford
Dale Allen

Chris Amschler
Morgan Atchley
Viola Atkisson

Jill Atteberry
Patsy Atteberry
Martin Austin

Graig Ballard
Paul Barber
Ted Bates

Tim Beard
Carl Beehler
Ilene Boer

Kevin Boggs
Toni Bonner
Kelly Bradley
Rodney Brethower
Teddy Brixey
Eva Brown
Mike Brown
Regina Brown

Kathy Bryant
Carolyn Burd
Jody Burton
Jan Cantlon
Cathy Ca ity
Billy Chapman
Mark Charleton
Dale Cha tain

Steve Covert
Warren Crothers
David Chapman
Karen Dame

Jan ice Davis

Rick Davis
Teresa Deckard
Cindy Dibben

Leesa Dickenson
Lynda Dismang
Terry Dowell
Debbie Drinkall
Doug Drinkall
Kevin Dull
Elaine Durham
Greg Eisman

Martha Evans
Charlie Finck
Doug Franklin
John Freeman
Li a Frey
Jeff Gamel
Carl Gann
fark Gardner

Kelley Gaughran
David Good
Gary Green
Andy Gronniger
Mitch Hale
James Hall
Nancy Hamacher
Darlene Haney

Tony Henderson
Anna Hicks
Donald Hicks
Pat Hill

Joe Horner
Tommy Howerton
Robert H unget
Ronnie Hunget

Julie James
Diane Johnson
Steve Johnson
Randall Jones

Cindy Kay
Stacey Keith
Catherine Kingston
Rene Kreisel

Carl Lawson
Mike Lewis
Gary Lockheart
Danny Loudermilk

Dale Lowe
James Luce
Pam McDowell
Curtis Miller
Randy Miller
Mitchell Miner
Ricky Mitchell
Kirby Montgomery

Pam Morgans
CoUeen Nimmo
Leon immo
Jaclde Nixon
Al yberg
Don Oliver
Curtis Oudin
Bonita Owens

Mike Owens
Wayne Owensby
Sharlene Owenby
David Pachmayr
Elizabeth Patterson
Peggy Patrick
Re!(ina Pierce
Scott Pitts

Peggy Potter
Joyce PoweU
Randy Ray
Mike Redwine
Tim Rogers
Dexter Romo
Wyatt Sample
Sharon Saunders

Bonita Shantz
Rhonda Shaw
Sharon Shewmaker
Wayne Shlelds
Penny Shoemaker

Ronnie Simmons
Donna Skinner
Mike Slater
David Smith
Karen Smith

Laurel Smith
Ronnie Smith
Debbie Stafford
Madonna Steinmaek
Vincent Stroup

Pam Suha
William Sutton
Tom Taylor
Henry Theison
Carolyn Thompson

ancy Tummons
Pam Vest
Bret Viets
David Wallace
Ricky Wright

Mike Worley
Earl Worley
Billy Woody
Susan Wood
Gina Wimberly
Jeri Whillock
J.P. Weiser
Kathy Weeks

Larry Allen
Greg Anderson

Joy Ander on
James Andrews
Mike Andrews
Lesa Arterberry
Dale Atteberry
Jeff Atteberry
Susan Atteberry
Debbie Austin

Tammy Baldock
Randy Ba s

Becky Beckner
Scott Bennett

Penny Blair
Jeff Blue

Debbie Bodi
Tim Bolin
Randall Boro
Renee Bradley
Becky Brown
Larry Brown
Tim Campbell
Lyle Ca elman

David Chastain
Kevin Clark
Becky Clayton
Billy Cline

Jimmy Cline
Heidi Cobb
Cindy Cole
Larry Cooper

Glenda Craig
J us tin Dampier
Alvin Davi
Anita Davis

Regina Davis
Arthur Dickey

Charles Dill
Jackie Dill

Brad Duff
Brad Dunham

Rhonda Earp
Susan Edwards
Kent Eisman
Harold Etherton
Tricia f'arell

Carey Ferrell
Tom f'olJjn
Beth Ford
David Frantz
Debbie Gann

Cindy Gaughran
Jerry Gilpin
Robert Glor
Carroll Goodwin
Darrell Goodwin

Karen Goodwin
Tina Goosey
Cindy Green
Larry Griffen
Kelly Hackler

Diana Hancock
Larry Harold
Wayne Hayes
Bill Hays
Carolyn Hays

Brad Hawkins
Karen Hedgepath
Dick Henderson
Sherry Henderson
1.ike Hicks

Larry Higgins
Garland Hobbs
Debbie Howard
Steve Howerton
Martha Huber
Nina Huber
Debbie Hunget
Carol Hutton

Larry James
Lisa James
Ronald Janke
John Jasper
Bret Jewell
Patricia Kay
Sharon Keen
1ary Kingston

Kathy Knepper
Johnny Lane
Melody Lee
Lori Leer

Danny Lewis
Teresa Lightwine

Robin Long
David Louderba ugh
Raymond Lowe

Charles Luttrell
Ronnie Lynn
Patty McDowell

Ron McDowell
Dale McHenry
Mike McNally

Carl Marley
Mary Massey
Billy Mincks
Amelia Miner
Carol Montgomery
Steve Montgomery
Sandra Morgans
David Oliver

Kim Owens
Daryl Patterson
Randy Peppers
J. R. Peters
Duane Phillips
Mark Pinkley
Ronald Powell
Sue Price

Jeanette Randall
Mike Randleman
Shirley Ray
Tammy Reavis
John Reed
Charles Richardson
George Righter
Pam Ritter

John Roach
Diane Rogers
Tommy Rogers
Ken Scrivener

Bobby Shantz
Cathy Shantz
Charles Shaw
Mike Smith

Randy Smith
Gaylen Snodgrass
Linda Spilman
Gerry Stephenson

Tim Stokes
Beth Strickland
John Stroup
Joseph Suha

David Sutton
Camile Swanigan
ancy Swigert
1\fichael Thjesen

James Trupp
Kim Walsh
Carolyn Weeks
Dewayne Weeks

Jeff Weeks
Bridget Weitzel
Craig Whitlock
Steve Wickware

Teresa Wilkinson
Kimberly Wingo
Cynthja Wommack
Archle Woods

My Friend Was
My friend wa not the be t known student in school. he was one who kept her trouble
quiet. She never really hated anyone; but, very humanly, she flared at pa sing remarks and then
tried to make up even though it hurt her pride. Often he would ask the Lord to forgive her
mi takes and others their tre pa ses. he had a trong ense of right and wrong and stood for
what she thought wa right. She came to my hou eon that Saturday night, ovember 16. We
had a good time chattering together, and I wanted her to stay all week-end; but there was a
family jaunt to take on Sunday, o that came first. Her family ties were strong.
But now 1t' a memory of Yesterday never to be repeated because my friend was killed in a
car wreck ovcmber 17, 1974. Why he is dead the Lord only knows. She wa and she will
always be my friend. Her name is Diana Lynn Sutton.

Carolyn Larimer, Senior '75.

Diana Lynn Sutton was born August 1, 1956, in 1. Diana Sutton was a Senior.
Washington D.C. From 1959 to 1963 she lived in and 2. Diana is pictured with her dog.
near Louisburg, Missouri, returning there in 1966 and 3. She was in fir t grade in 1962.
attending the Buffalo chool since then. She was an 4. Diana poses with "little" brother, Dennis.
active member of the Louisburg Christian Church and 5. She enjoyed swimming with her brother at the age
had planned to pursue a nur ing career after gradua- of eleven.
tion in the spring of 1975. 6. Like all toddlers, she loved animals.
7. Diana and her Mother Gladys share a quiet

Carolyn Allen
Russel Allen
Brenda A tk.isson
James A us tin
Donna Barber GRADE
Terri Bartee
Tim Bass
Brian Beard
Claudia Bennett
Joy Bennett
Sandy Bennett
Scott Boggs
Joe Bond

Thomas Boyd
Jennifer Brarlley
Russell Brethower
Nancy Brown
Peggy Brown
Chris Burd
David Burd
Valerie Burd

Sari Buttler

Penny Caldwell

Chris Carter

Jean Clark
Anita Cline
Teresa Cline
Lori Cox
Jim Crawford
Steven Creasey
Angela Davis
Carl Davis

Scott Daniels
Daniel Dickey
Gwen Dickinson
Mark Dill
Doug Durrington
Rene Dutcher
Deanna Eby
Velma Eisle

Janice Evans
Mike Evans
Donna Fisher
Butch Foster
Shelly Foster
Lori Franklin
Tammy Franklin
Becky Fritchey

Dennis Gann
Edward Gann
Tim Gaughran
Vickie Goodwin
Brenda Green
Glen Grieser
Becky Hall

Brent Hamlet
Julie Haney
Ruby Haney
John Harmon
Joseph Hashler
Angelia Hawkins
Donna Henderson
Brian Herd

Richard Hitchcock
Melody Hobbs
Virginia Holt
Phillip Howerton

Robert Howell
Tommy Howell
Mark lpok
John Janke

Beverly Jasper
Cynthia Jasper
Ronnie Jones
Charlotte Killian

Cheryl Killian
Margaret Kingston
Rodney Knapp
James Lara mer

Todd Lear
Raymond Lee
Kim Lilley
Dewayne Lockhart
Joni Long
1apel Lowe
Carol McKinney
Kathy Medcalf

Danny Meyer
Brenda Montgomery
Jerry Montgomery
Freddie Miller
Ronald Morgans
Carla Moss
Teresa Newkirk
Donald icolas

Jerry ixon
B11bby unn
Kelley Oldham
Lisa Owens
Denise Paro
Juanita Pawlikowski
Larry Peace
J eneane Pence

Rick Pilkington
Nancy Pinkley
Nana Rankin
Jennie Ratcliffe
DarreU Reed
Connie Richardson
Clinton Robbins
Gerald Roberson

Charles Roberts
SaUcy Roberts
Tomy Roby
KeUey Robins
Mercy Romo
Ricky Rose
Susan Routh
Dean Sadler

Tony Sample
Tomi Saunders
Robert Sage
Mike Scurlock
Emmory Shewmaker

Terry Shewmaker
Doug Shields
Terry Slack
Betty Sue Smith
Terrie Smith

Jeff Spence
Rodney Sperco
Terry Stafford
Gary Stevenson
Keith Stevens

Pat Sullivan
Brenda Taylor
Gary Todd
Karen Tribon
Gaylen Vanderon

Kim Vest
Trudy Weeks
D'Anne Whitworth

David Zulhke

Herbie Allen
SEVENTH Larry Allen
Kathy Anderson

Kenny Anderson
Jill Anderson
Mike Andrews
Lisa Atkisson
Sherri Atteberry
Mike Austin

Becky Bates
Carl Bliss
Tawyna Boggs
Tom Bolin
Jeff Bowne
Carolyn Breshears

Johnny Brown
Marsha Brown
Greg Bruffett
Lisa Burtin
Beth Cantlon

Jackie Carsten
Roger Carver
Dennis Chapman
Dawn Christy
Melissa Clark

ell Clay
John Cline
Donnie Clough
Ronnie Clough
Frank Cox

Connie Crawford
Harold Crothers
Lee Crusha
Yvonne Cummings
Robert Dame
Tammy Dame
Steve Dampier
David Davis

John Davis
Sammy Dryer
Charles Duke
Ty Dull
Pam Eagon
Lewis Ernster
Rodney Fant
Joanie Farrell

Matthew Frant:t
Susan Freeman
Robert Gamel
Lynda Gargus
Tim Garrett
Timmy Garrett
Teresa Garrison
Teresa Goodwin

Patty Griffin
Chris Hackler
LaTresa Harmon
John Hays

Lisa Hayes
Susan Heirigs
Cindy Henderson
Roger Henderson

Brenda Hendrickson
Carl Hicks
Dennis Highfill
Brenda Higgins

Ginger Hitchcock
Margaret Hood
Gail Howard
Terry Howe

Randy Jasper
Rocky Johnson
Timmy Jones
RusseU Justice

Ray Klapp
Cheryl Knowles
Mark LaCrue
Mike Larkin

Meg Linman
Johnny Long

Edith Lowe
Jennifer McGoldrick
Juanita McHenry

Sherri Mahoney
Kevin Mallory
Carolyn Martin

Clara Miller
Marlene :\filler
Suzanne \finer

Darlena Morgans
Steve Morgans
l\1ichelle Morrow

Tammy icholson
Donna unn
Donna yberg

Alan Oldham
Donnie Oliver
Don Oliver
Melanie Oliver
Jeff Owens
Tammy Owens
Kevin Paro
Teresa Patten

Danny Payne
David Phillips
Sherri Phillips
Danny Pierce

Mark Popejoy
l\1ike Rackley
Chip Rankin
JoAnne Ratcliffe

Russell Reavis
Becky Reed
Gwenna Reed
Tyla Rhodelander

Carol Roberson
Joe Roberson
Ricky Rogers
Rick Rogers
Jaclde Ross
ancy Sample

Tricia Saunders
Schawna Sergent
Kyle Sharpe
Gary Simmons
Larry Skinner
Jamie Slocum

Roger Smith
Troy Smith
Doris Strickland
BiUy Sweaney
Jimmy Sweaney
David Sufficool

Veronica Taylor
Kevin Todd
Eddy Torrey
Julie Tribon
Judy Vance
Earl Wallace

Vicky Wallace
Greg Whipple
Jeff Weitzel
Greg White
Ruben Wilson
Kirk Williams

iclde Williams
Cheris Wingo
Belinda Woody

Gussie Woody
Rodney Worthington
Beverly Wolfe

Mark Wolfe
Maretta Wright
David Yates

Kathy Yates

Mac Ahart
Jack Albright
Julie Alford

Robert Allen
Jackie Andrews
Dalsia Atkisson

Jerry Austin
Lyn Bailey
Julie Blue

David Bowne
Sharon Branch
Dale Brown
Linda Brown
Larry Burris
Shirley Bush
Trinka Butler
Robert Bryant

Connie Caldwell
Dudley Caldwell
Rebecca Carter

Gary Cederlind
Jerry Chastine
Rex Clinkenbeard

Ronald Clough
Kevin Croley
Mary Crothers

ancy Crowder
Steven Daugherty
Dawn Davies

Jeff Dill
Mikael Dill
Charles Donovan
George Drinkall
Cheryl Dugan
Greg Durrington
Donna Eby
Brian Eisman

Martha Frantz
Jean Freeman
Karen Griffin

Sandra Hackler
Terri Hackler
Ruth Hall

SheUy Hamlet
Greg Hicks
Michael Hopkins

Nicholas Houston
Karen Huber
Linda Jasper

BiUy Johnson
Wendy Jones
Becky Lane

Joseph Larimer
Jeff Lilley
Chris Lippincott

1ichael Massey
ancy Massey
Chris 1ayfield
Stanley Mayfield
KeUy McDonald
Tammy McGregor
Bruce McKinney
Jeffrey McKinney

Jane Ann Meyer

Dennis Mineu
Karen Montgomery
Danny Morgans
atalie Morrow
Liz apier
David ichola
Deana immo

Jolene Nixon
Anna Nunn

Danny Oliver
Kent Pinkley

Gi cUe Rankin
Gloria Ray

Wesley Ray
Jackie Roach

Donald Schmied
Donna Schmied
Gary Scott
Karen Shantz
Vickie Sharp
Connie Shewmaker
Janie Shoemaker
Jeanie Shoemaker

Bonnie Shields
Donna Short
Gwendolyn Skinner
Jamie Smith

Karen Spence
Tracy Stafford
Jeffery St. Clair
John Swigert

Matt Taylor
Bill Templeton
Joy Walker
Kim WaUace

Cheryl Weeks
Rodney Weeks
Casey Wilson
Alfred Wood

Shirley A!len
Debra Atkisson
Beth A ttcbcrry

Kevin Baker
Rex Bass
Heather Bass
Jana Bates
Lisa Barclay
Parry Bartee
Billy Bennett

Troy Bolin
Craig Brassfield
Brenda Brown
Tina Bursey
Sherry Caldwell
Kim Caswell
Jeanette Clasp ill

Jackie Cornett
Dale Cox
Yvette Crabtree

Mark Crisman
Jeff Croley
Barbara Crothers

Shari Crusha
Chris Daniels
Scott Davis

Rozetta Dowell
Gilbert Drinkall
Marc Duggan

Jerry Dutcher
Ellsworth Eisele
Ellen Gargus

Jill Gilpin
Joyce Gilpin
Sherry Hackler

Danette Hall
Kim Harmon
Carla Hawkins
Cindy Hawkins
Darin Henderson
Charles Hensley
Ronnie Higgins
Vincent Hobb

Charles Hood
Mike Houston
Ronda Jasper
Alan Kaisler
Susan Knowles
Shelly LaCrue
Rhonda Lamkey
Jody Leer

Amy Linman
Brenda Lockhart
David Lockhart
Lisa Loudermilk
Gloria Lowe
Bob Luttrell
Sandra Luttrell
Tammy McDaniel

Stacey Meadows
David Miller
Mark Mincks
Michelle Montgomery
Shannon Murphy
Shannon elson
Terry Nicholson
Doug Nimmo

Diana unn
Deah Oliver
Dana Owens
Usa Paro
Eric Patterson
Norman Patterson
Christie Piper
Michael Phillips

Mitch Phillips
ancy Phillips
Denise PopeJOY
Tammy Powell
Janet Rackley
Steven Randall
Darren Rice
Tammy Rice

Laura Ritter
George Roach
Gorden Robertson
Earnest Roby
Sherry Rogers
Kevin Routh
David Sage
Kinberly Sharp

Barry Slack
Chris Smith
Marsha Spittler
Lisa Stafford
Steven Steinmark
Eddie Stephenson
Andy Suha
William Sullivan

Robert Tapp
Ronnie Taylor
Terry Taylor
Robin Thiesen
Steve Todd
Kelly Tummons
Burley Turner
Jimmy Turner

Ricky Turner
Melody Whillock
Jason Whipple
1ike White
Susan Whitworth
David Wilson
Greg Wimberly
Kim Witzman

Suzanne Allee
William Allen
Jerry Arterberry


Todd Baldock
fichael Barclay
Keith Barnes
Melinda BeaU
Buddy Bradley
Elaine Bradley
Regina Branch
Angela Breshears

Danny Brown
Linda Brown
Darrell Bryant
Tracy J o Bryant
Traci Boggs
fike Burkhart
Lisa Burris
Billy Bush

Russell Butler
Kay Cantlon
Jerry Carsten
Leslie Carter
Lisa Chapman
Juanita Cline

Jennifer Cobb
Karen Cody
Sherri Crane
Tammy Criner
Jeanie Cornett
Kelly Davidsavor

Gary Dill
Gail DrinkaU
Greg Drinkall
Danny Dryer
Melissa Duggan
Saundra Earp

Lorren Ernster
](jm Enyart
Steven Etherton
Jimmy Evans
Rachel Frantz
Keenan Gilispie

Debbie Goosey
Jonathan Green
Frank HaU
Donald Hancock
James Haney
John Harrell

Debra Hawkins
Eddie Hawkins
1artin Hawkins
Darin Heard
Danny Henderson
ancy Henderson
Wendy Hayes
Kathy Hensley

11 0
Bobby Hood
Zoe Ella Huber
Angelia Ipock
Jimmy Jackson
Billy Jones
Jeff Jones
Nickie Lamkey
Becky Lamimer

Kurt Lawrence
Mindy Lewis
Mike Lynn
Kathy Mahoney
Kim Massey
Cindy Mathews
Robin McClaron
Angela McCurry

Danny McDaniel
Melinda McDaniel
Mark McGoldrick
Donna McLallen
Vickie Meyer
Curtis 1iller
Randy Miller
Brian Montgomery

Trudy Montgomery
Becky Morgans
Greg Morgans
Brenda eal
Pam Ortner
Timmy Owens

Susan Owensby
Stephanie Parish
Robery Parker
Cathey Piper
Susan Randall
Jackie Rankin

Roger Rankin
Jacqui Ratcliffe
Bobby Reasoner
James Richey, Jr.
Gaylene Righter
Grayson Robertson

Sarah Sally
Barbara Sample
Craig Schmied
Jeff Scowden
Joel Skinner
Joanne Smith

LeAnne Smith
Karen Spilman
Nathan Stafford
Kim Stephenson
David Sweaney
Cherrie Tapp

Linda Turner
Janet Wallace
Layne Wallace
Scott Weitzel
Jackie Williams
Mary Williams
Tammy Wilson
Jeff Witzman

Jeff Allen
David Andrews
Russell Andrews
Jimmy Atkisson
Mike Bass


Mike Birdsong
John Black
Barbara Blake
Wade Blake
Michelle Blue
Eddie Boer
Beth Brown
Wendy Bryant

Scott Catlin
ick Cox
Derren Crisman
Lorri Derreck
Jummy Derreck
Billy Dugan
Curtis Dunlap
Rocky Durman

Larry Eby
Ross Everett
Craig Ferrell
Lisa Gann
Wayne Gann
Damara Gillham
Gwen Gray
Jennifer Green

Jeff Grifith
Deena Hackler
Linda Hall
Linda Hamm
Bobby Hashagen
Lola Hayes
Laura Hicks
Connie Higgins

Gary Huber
Timmy Jackson
Lynn Jasper
Sherry Jasper
David Johns
Judy Johnson
Anthony Jones
Regina Justice

Gay Keith
Scott LaCrue
Oyde Lane
Lisa Lane
Paula Lankford
Duk LuttreU
John Martin
Pat McDaniel

Rebecca McGoldrick
M.ickey McGuiie
Christma Miller
Dean Miller
Denise Miller
Rodney Miller
Randy Montgomery
Kim Myers

SheUy Myers
Darren cal
Lloyd clson
Marla Nelson
Brenda Ortner
Anita Paro
Sheri Parrack
Tricia Patterson

Paul AUen Phillips

Shelley Prater
Karen Rackley
Timmy Rankin
Bobby Rogers
Tommy Scrivner
Becky Sergent
John Shoemaker

Donald Sk.inner
elda Skinner
Randy Smith
Ramona Swan.igan
David Torrey
Arthur Tucker
Tonya Vest
Donna Viles

Regina Weeks
Todd Weitzel
Renee Westland
Bryan Whillock
Brian Whipple
Tina White
Greg Wommack
Theresa Wood

SECOND Billy Allen
Steven Allen
Russell Andrews
James Ashworth
GRADE Andy Atteberry

Connje Austin
IGmberly A us tin
Kyla Bates
Suzanne BeaU
Amy Blake

Karen Boggs
Jon Bradley
Jamie Branch
Danny Brown
Paul Brown

William Brown
Tammy Burris
Betty Bush
Mark Carver
IGmberly Cook

Jeff Crrune
Lori Croley
Lanita Crusha
Blake Cully
Joel Dayjson

Susan Derrick
IGm Dibben
Cynthia Dickey
Shirley Dryer
Barbara Dugan

Jody Enyart
Shauna Evans
Melissa Gann
Scott Gargus
Kylette Gillham
Evonne Glor
Kirnmie Gurthle

Laura Hawely
Pride Hayes
Deanna Henderson
AJexa Hewitt
Jerry Johns
Sheila Johnson
Gary Jones
Glenna Diana Jones

Tony Jones
James Justice
AJecia Kay
Lovanne Kelley
ancy Kennedy
ancy Knowles
Teresa Larkin
Meri Lewy

Gregory Lilley
Marvin Lowe
Gerald Lynn
Melissa Mahon
Ursula Mathis
Becky McClure
Vonzel McDaniel
Angela McDonald

Todd McGregor
Randy Mewbourn
Mary Ann Oliver
Stephen Patten

Lisa Patterson
Gina Peters
Erin Phillips
Meri Phillips

Rachel Popejoy
Dawn Prom
Brenda Randall
Curt Rankin

Angela Rice
Scotty Rice
Julia Ritter
David Roby

James Rowland
Lisa Rowland
James Sartin
Gregory Shores

Mike Simmons
Nina Skinner
Pamala Smith
Tina Smith
June Stillings
Donnie Sweaney
Melissa Sweaney
Angela Taber

Marta Taylor
Cora Sue Tucker
Kellie Turner
Larry Turner

Nathaniel Van oy
Kimberly Wilson
Robert Wilson
Teresa Witzman

FIRST Jeuy Allen
Michael Allee
Jimmy Atterberry
Iven Atkisson

athan Bailey
Lara Barnhart
Vincent Boggs
Terry Bradley
Billy Brown

Cui Brown
Michaelle Burris
Eddy Bryant
Pat Bryant
Randy Case

Tammy Caswell
Glen Chastine
David Clemmon
Barbara Criner

John Crowder
Troy Danielson
Deanna Davis
Steven Davis
Kimberly Davison

Dennis Dibben
Lanisa Doty
Daniel Drinkall
Zella Dunlap
Julie Dyke

Margy Eisman
Brad Evans
Valerie Ford
Christy Frey
Stacy Gann
Don Gunn
Mark Hawley

Kevin Heard
Michael Heirigs
Janet Hill

Bobby Huston
Cindy Jones
Dawn Jones

Kyle Jones
Larry Jones
Julie Kay
Dawn Keith
ancy Lamkey
Jane Lane
Carl Lanlcford
Angie Mayfield

Kimberly McCurry
Scott McGown
Steven Murphy

Devonna Unlll1)
Jerry Owens
Tammy ixon

linda unn
David Page
Erin Patterson

Ginger Potter
Wade Rambo
Kerri Ray

Ken Reasoner
Stacy Richardson
Lonnie Scott

Steven Scowden
Mike Sergent
Brent Sharp
Johnny Skirvin
Roger Smith

Todd Smith
Linda Smitherman
Robert Spotz
Anne Sullivan
Jane Sweaney

Mark Thieson
Kelly Thomas
Scott Turner
Michael Vest
Brad Walker

Richard Adams
Theresa Adams
1\iike Allen

Willie Alterman
Chris Anderson
Kenneth Barnes
Laura Bates
Shannon Bliss
Sandy Blue
Sherri J o Bradley

Susan Bradley
1\iissie Bramwell
Jacqueline Bridges
Wendy Bridges
Kathy Bryant
Kristi Bryant
Denise Cheek

Lori Compton
Kevin Cook
Scott Cook
Leon Crusha
Shawn Danielson
Sheila Doty
Yevette Dunlap

Cindy Sue Dusart

Leslie Eby
Jennifer Edgmon
Kenneth Ferguson
Debra Finley
Sonya Ford
Terry Frye

Charles Fullerton

Tina Garrett
Chad Gillham

Patrick Gray
Devin Green

Sherry Hashagen
Jeffrey Hayes

Curtis Henderson
Mary Jo Hensley
Paul Hood
Mark Houston
Brian Howe
Tammy Howe
Stephen Johnson
Shannon Dell Jones

Tony Jones
Michael Kelley
Janna Lambeth

Renee McDaniel
LeAnne Miller
Sam Miller

Billie Jo Morrow
Carol Myres
Tina unn

Melissa Owens
Lori Page
Cristi Parrack

Patricia Pope
Judith Popejoy
Roslyn Prom

Sherman Putnam
Bryan Patten
Tammy Reed
Wesley Rice
Tammy Lynn Scarbrough
Ted Scott
Bertrum Sharp
Gary Shockley

Stacy Simmons
Lori Beth Spence
Johnny Swigert
Brian Taber
Jodie Taylor
Mike Torrey
Tina Tucker
Cynthia Tuning

Lisa Jean Vest

Cris Watkins
Shelly Weeks
Melissa Wilson
Mike Wingo
Tammy Jo Workman
Shana Whipple

Becky Dampier
Steven Green
Brian Henson
Tammy Howerton
Angela Imes
Christopher Knox
Benjamin Lawson
Darrin Lewis
Jarid Newkirk
Kenny Roberts
Joan Roos
Michele Rush

Kenny Tedlock
Tamira West

Ricky Bennett
Victor Clark
Christina Dibben
Jimmie Dorman
Kimberly Gaughran
Melissa Howerton
Lynn Huntley
Vicky Jennings

Samantha Johnson
orma Kingston
Randy Leone
Valinda Manning
Scott Martin
Janette Mathews
Mark Mathews
Melinda Pickney

Mike Pilkington
Brian Ragland
Kim Rainwater
Wayne Sherman
Millissia Steinmark
Jerry Strickland
Marcy Williams
Kimberly Wilson

Michelle Burks
Darrin Chapman

Ronna Clark
Scott Dame
Sheila Dame
Sunny Day
Susan Imes
Nancy Jennings
Christine Manning
George Oldham

Dawn Pierce
Sandra Renee
Tina Rhodelander
Douglas Richardson
Kevin Smith
Crieg Standley
Machelle Standley
Wayne Vest

Marty Bennett
Leona Cansler
Susan Daniels

Jason Dibben
Anita Evans
Daniel Gaughran
Billy Gregory
Susan Hays
Fred Jennings
Marelyn Kays
Helen Kingston

Reginald Knapp
Jamie Kopp
Angela Lawson
Kelly Peace
Bill Rainwater
Dixie Rogers
Barbara Sherman
Danny Strickland

Mark Barks


James Burtin
William Jennings
Patrick McGlothlin
Sheila Ownby
Joe Pawtikowski
Debbie Percival
Kevin Pierce
Mark Roberts

Terry Smith
James Strickland
Scott Stroup
Laura Trotter
Therise Walters
Larry Webster
Ctinton West
Carl Williams

Kevin Bennett
Sidney Bishop
Jeanna Burtin


Kelly Burtin
James Clark
Elizabeth Daniel
Sharon Daniel
Rocke Deckard
Joel Dibbens
Rocky Duren
J. R. Evans

Suzanne Gaughran
Jerrold Gregory
Tammy Gregory
Kelly Griser
Mark Kilgore
Eddie Lawden
Jo eph Leone
Joni Mathew

M.ttchel ewkirk
James Palikowski
Sonya Payne
Tammy Rhodelander
Kenny Richardson
Shelly Richardson
Daniel Rogers
Jane Roos

Eddie Smith
Tina Strickland
Carol Sufficool
Shannon Tribble
Steven Young

John Bennett
Arthur Brown
Kent Brown
Eddie Caselrnan
Lacinda Day
Debora Deckard
Jeffery Dibben
Walter Dickover
Michael Gaughran
Timmy Green
Darryll Hicks
Ronda Howerton

Twyla Jennings
Michael Kingston
Jerry Lentz
Michael McGlothlin
Craig Newkirk
Laura Oldham
Barban Pilkington
Rany Ragland

Rodney Tribble
Monty West

Long Lane Keeps
Tradition Alive
The students at Long Lane Elementary School are proud of the
Carnival efforts which raised over $1700 this year for the P .T.A. Each
grade had a bake sale, and the grade that raised the most money went
to a special P .T.A. party. Their theme was "The Monster's Holiday,"
and there was a delightful music program with all grades participating.
The P.T.A. gave a small amount of money to each teacher for her
classroom needs and bought many library and medical supplies. Long
Lane was the only school in Buffalo to hold a carnival for the P.T.A.
this year.

1. Mrs. Randall's kindergartners make Christmas trees.

2. Mrs. Ashworth's musicians will soon join the ranks of the
Junior High School Band.
3. The Long Lane Carnival royalty included: Brian Ragland
and Kimberly Rainwater, first grade; Marty Bennett and
Helen Kingston, second grade; Jared ewkirk, kindergarten
escort; Doug Richardson and Ronna Clark, second grade
King and Queen; Michele Rush, Kindergarten flower girl;
Rodney Tribble and Laura Oldham, sixth grade; Danny
Rogers and Carole Sufficool, fifth grade; Clint West and
Therisa Walters, fourth grade.

Gus Acreback
Mervon Bancroft
R etakes Melinda Beckett
Tommy Beckett
Bruce Blecher

Paul Bolin
Olin Bradford
Beckie Burd
Charles Cody
Tommie Croley
Cindy Elliott
Debra Elliott
Thomas Elliott

Robert Gaughran
Blake Gilpin
Chris Good
J.R. Harris
Catherine Hayes
Pat Hill
David Howe
Chris Jones

Wade King
Robin LaCrue
Melinda Lewis
Barbara Lowrance
Bobby Lowrance
Bruce Lowrance
JoAnn Lowrance
Michelle 1abus

Penny Mabus
Rebecca May
Dena McDaniel
Robin McFall
Teresa McFall
Jeanie Mincks
Joe Mitchell
Lisa ash

Patricia Osborn
Thomas Osborn
Rachelle Prater
Chuck Rhodes
Cheri Roberson
Sherry Roberts
Steven Rountree
Helen Ruble

Vivian Sage
Chris Sawyer
Justin Stewart
Matthew Stewart
William Stewart
Brenda Stafford
Debra Sue Swigert
Tammy Jo Swigert

Theresa Taylor
Danita Thieman
Deridre Thoma
Kathy Varner
Norman Weitzel
Debbie Whitney
Alan Wilkett
Greg Wilkett

Jimmy Williams
Brenda Willis
Mary Witt
Stella Witt
Jeff Woodell
Ricky Wright
Christopher Yates
Robert Zimla

We Harvested the Memories
As you can sec by the picture on the page, the annual staff works in many different ways.
There arc, however, layouts that all have certain deadlines, and all work must be in by March
1. The staff selects the Bison King and Queen who are honored in the yearbook, which
arrives just before the May chool closing. In the summer, some students work on the sup-
plement, which includes graduation and other senior activities and is delivered in the fall.

1. The mean old Troll, Jeff Sluder, plunges to his demise in the assembly to "kick-off' the October
Annual sales.
2. Steve Spence, Denise Spocring, and Ruth James "bare" their problems.
3. The Annual Staff gathers in a sopt that will remind the reader that some things, like Memories arc
always in the past and that this year's theme is "Harvest of Memories."

chool Board Members
Have Varied Interests

Superintendent Mallory
Speaks to Youth
Probably one of the g reatest g ifts to
m a n is that of "MEMORY". It can be a
real blessing; or, on the other hand, it
can be a hauntin{! condemnation.
It is m y w ish for y ou that y our
personal a chievem ent, y our contribution
for good~ and y our se rvice for and to
others during y our school day s will be
such that y ours w ill be only pleasant
m e morzes a s y ou browse throug h these

Since re ly~
Dillard A. Mallory
Superintendent of Schools
1. Mr. Harold Morgans takes an order for lime that will be the start of another harvest.
2. Mr. Ernie Mayfield and Elementary Supervisor, Mr. Dan Bruffet, "experiment" with
some new elementary equipment.
3. Mr. Derald Henderson, President of the Board of Education, spends his leisure hours
breaking a young horse.
4. Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Dillard Mallory, enjoys conversing with young people,
especially his grandson Dennis, a Freshman at Lincoln University.
5. Miss Ethel Williams, Secretary of the Board of Education, prepares financial reports to
relate at the next board meeting.
6. Mr. Ed Garrison and grandaughter Carie visit the elementary facilities.
7. Mr. Vernon Viets sets an heirloom which has a dominate place in his new home.
8. Dr. Charles "Doc" Moore practices some tender loving care on a patient (the family
dachshund) with the same hands that write out the teachers' paychecks.

The Dream

The study hall for Buffalo High School has

come a long way from the original army barracks.
This school year has brought with it a fully mod-
ernized, carpeted and air-conditioned study cen-
ter. The principal attendant of these facilities is
Mr. Ken Gaughran. The spacious building offers
much for studious persons. By going directly into
the new library facilities, one has access to var-
ious reference books and facts of interest. We
should all appreciate the adequate study hall and
library and keep it in excellent condition.
Contibu tion to the library may be given to
librarian Joy Harrison. Persons wishing to honor
their mother will be allowed to donate books
with a sticker inside denoting the person the
book is to honor. Also, persons wishing to donate
one hundred dollars or more will have their
names engraved on a metal plaque with a place
of distinction in the library.

1. 1rs. Fern Martin, Long Lane Principal, relaxes

from school duties by painting in her home.
2. Mr. Jack Howard, our new Assistant Superintend-
ent, decides many important school matters per-
taining to teachers and curriculum.
3. Mr. Dan Bruffet, Associate Superintendent and
Elementary Supervisor, is taking care of school
4. Mr. Albert Hart, High School Guidance Counselor-
helps a student plan her future.
5. 1r. Bob Lee, High School Principal, is smiling de-
spite many school problems.
6. Students in the study hall are under the super-
vision of Mr. Gaughran.
7. Mr. Jim Andrews, Junior High Guidance Counselor,
proudly displays the result of his favorite hobby,
8. Mr. John Dull, along with his chool duties as
Junior High Principal and Athletic Director, finds
time to referee basketball games.
9. 1rs. Eva Marie Glor is Elementary Guidance
10. Mr. Pruitt Miller, Prinicpal of the Elementary
School, displays some of his guns used for his
favorite sport, hunting.
11. Mr. Ramie Sample is Director of the Vocational
Technical School at Louisburg.

Elem entary Day Begins With A Smile

There has been a new face on the Buffalo elementary campus

this year, Miss Lawanka Mallard, who teaches physical education.
Miss Mallard feels that her main job is to develop the basic motor
skills in her pupils. The grade level she teaches is one through six
She is also in charge of the physical education in the Long Lane
School. Miss Mallard enjoys her work with children and is very
happy with the Dallas County School District. She feels that the
school at Buffalo is making every attempt to meet the growing
needs of the student.

1. Mrs. Dorothy Steelman has been teaching for many years at Buffalo.
2. Mrs. Denise Jessen begins her second year at the Long Lane first grade.
3. Fairy tales were the favorite subject of Mrs. Ruth Pierce's first grade class
4. Miss Barbara Clark spends her leisure time away from her second grad-
ers with a good book.
5. Mrs. Lovie Palmer holds a group session with her class of second graders.
6. Mrs. Marie Gregg helps one Long Lane boy with last night's homework.
7. Another familiar face at the elementary school is that of Mrs. Lucille
Chapman, fust grade teacher.
8. Mrs. Viola Miller enjoys her piano almost as much as her kindergartners.
9. Mrs. Mary ell Andrews finds sewing quite different than fust graders.
10. Miss Ivana Hagan is quite a music fan.
11. Mrs. Marjorie Stanley is a teacher with many after school hobbies.
12. Mrs. Loreta Sons explains to a student the fundamentals of geography.
13. Mrs. Esther Thompson's third graders know this smile well.
14. Mrs. Barbara Yates enjoys teaching and here instr ucts students in the
methods of reading.
15. Mrs. Barbara Randall prepares for another day of class in her kindergar-
ten class at Long Lane.
16. Mrs. Vonna King is the idol of her kindergarten class.

Saturdays Are Fun

Many four year olds took advantage ot a new

course held on Saturdays this year at the Dillard A.
Mallory Grade School. This class was held to help
each child be on approximately the same achievement
level upon entering kindergarten. The children were
placed into groups and were tuaght the basic skills in
various studies they will have in later school years.
This course may someday be required by the State
Department of Education. Mrs. Fran Chandler was
the teacher in charge of the course.

1. Mrs. Sue Hall is an elementary special reading instructor

for third and fourth graders.
2. Mrs. Evelyn Peterie convinces students there is an art in
learning special reading.
3. Mrs. Cathey Johnson teaches behavior disabilities in her
fust year in the R-1 system.
4. Mrs. Susan Pulaster looks over her lesson plans for her
fourth grade special math class.
5. Miss Elaine Willoughby explains the confusing aspects
of special math to her fifth and sixth grades.
6. Miss Janice Brandt helps a handsome young man in
special education.
7. Do these four year olds get a grade in sand pile?
8. Mrs. Kathy Hoke is a learning disability specialist.
9. Mrs. Nancy Pusateri is a whiz at second and third grade
special math.
10. Mrs. Carolyn McGolderick practices her nursing after a
major accident.
11. Mrs. Jan Bowen helps young people learn the fundamen-
tals of speech with the help of Marilyn McKowan,
teacher's aide.
12. Mrs. rran Chandler enjoys her adventurous four year old
Saturday class.
13. Mrs. Jodie Bricker pauses from her second grade special
reading class to pose for our camera.

Long Lane Is
Our Right Hand
The elementary school at Long Lane is a school progressive in
nature, but rural in atmosphere. It provides the same quality edu-
cation as does the elementary school in Buffalo, but in a quieter,
more secluded environment.
It has its own band, and each child has music twice a week.
They also have the benefit of the special reading and math teachers
from Buffalo, who are there half of each day. The nurse and the
physical education and art teachers from Buffalo also visit there
each week. Besides these special teachers, there are teachers for
each grade, who instruct 157 students, giving each as much per-
sonal attention as possible.

1. Mrs. Buelah Neuhart explains world history to an eager fifth grader.

2. Mrs. Patsy Meadors baffles a young man from her fourth grade class.
3. Mrs. Susan Foster isn't sleeping, is she?
4. Mrs. Linda Brown fascinates a young man with her knowledge of
5. Miss Gloria Carpenter, pep club co-sponsor, is excited about Friday
night's game.
6. Long Lane students play ball during recess.
7. Fourth graders discuss a social project with Mrs. Helen Roberts.
8. Mrs. Agnes Breshears enjoys a ciphering match.
9. Mrs. Patsy Bowser captures her fifth graders' attention.
10. Mrs. Carol Hatch prepares a display to capture the fourth grade's atten-
11. Mrs. Evelyn Allee encourages class mathematics participation.
12. Mr. Ron Schofield figures out a whopper.
13. Mrs. Sally Shantz with two household members.
14. Mrs. Willa Polly promotes a good fitness program.
15. Mrs. Donna Tucker is harvesting the bounty.



English Program Expands

The language department has seen many im-

proved changes this year. Advancements were
made in English courses, in special education and
reading, and in the speech department. Some
new semester courses have been added to the
regular English agenda this year. Shakespeare,
short story, novel, word study, composition,
and mythology give a wide variety to meet the
students' interests. The speech department has
expanded in more ways than one. Working area
was increased by moving the department into the
basement of the junior high giving plenty of
space for Mrs. East's needs. A new course added
to the other classes of the speech department
was debate.

1. Mrs. Dorothy Berry helps a child in special education.

2. Mrs. Donna LaCrue explains a book to children in the
grade school library.
3. Mrs. Ruth Dunkin pauses during one of her eighth grade
English classes to smile for our camera.
4. Mrs. Ruth Ann East is busily working on her favorite
hobby, baking bread.
5. Mrs. Diane French in one of her many classes, "Where
does it say that?"
6. Miss Virginia Hughes proves her point to a student in her
short story class.
7. Buffalo High's new school librarian, Mrs. Joy Harrison,
is busy in the reference section.
8. Mrs. Beverly Evans with her freshman English class,
"Now, it's my turn .... X! I win!"
9. George Righter, Bill Hayes and Jeff Atteberry portray
Agamemnon, leader of Greek troops, and Achilles ar-
guing over a slave girl. "I don't care if you can only be
wounded in you heel. I'm in command and demand the
10. Mrs. Merle Grant pauses with her favorite pets, Blackie
and Cashus Clay.
11. Flipping through the fLies is Miss Margaret Brooks,
teacher of special reading.
12. Mrs. Linda Gillispie spins a record for one of her Eng-
lish classes.
13. Mr. Gary East in his junior high speech class, "All right,
who stapled my hand to the bulletin board?"
14. Mrs. Cleta Jurgens displays her precious quilt. Several
generations have worked on the quilt, and the last pieces
were put in place by her son, Phillip.

Industrial Arts
Change With The Times
This year one of the big changes was the addition of a
new industrial arts building. The new building and its equip-
ment is commandeered by Jack Leatherman, a graduate of
SMSU. By adding a second industrial arts teacher, the classes
have been enlarged and the curriculum has been expanded.
Drafting and metalwork have been added along with the re-
gular shop program. As shown in the picture, Mr. Leatherman
aids the students as they learn the in's and out's of industrial

1. When he's not teaching driver's education or math, Mr. Lendol Condren enjoys his Black Angus.
2. A new face to Buffalo, Mr. Ken Gaughran serves as study hall supervisor.
3. Mrs. Carol Faucett teaches the finer points of music to high school students.
4. Miss Chloe Gregg teaches typing and general business at Buffalo.
5. Mrs. Leta Buchanan is shown at home with one of her small "friends" and a plant, one of many given
to her by friends.
6. Mrs. Donna Ashworth travels to Long Lane twice a week to teach elementary students vocal music.
7. Mrs. Pam Dickinson gives her art students a chance to explore the world of color.
8. Mr. Ray Bolin spends his 'idle' hours working on his home.
9. A familiar face to Buffalo students during the past few years, Mrs. June Bradley teaches girls' physical
education and coaches girls' volleyball.
10. Mr. Jack Leatherman, the new industrial arts teacher, instructs students in woodworking.
11. After hours Mr. Brian Elhard relaxes with his favorite toy, his camera.
12. Mrs. Freda Heady is shown with her "friends", one happy one sad.
13. After school hours, Mrs. Judy Kennedy becomes another type of teacher, a mother to her children.
14. Mrs. Diana Hurlbut, once a student teacher at Buffalo, instructs a student in typing.

Social Studies Advance

In the last year at Buffalo High School two new

ocial studies courses have been added, famous people
taught by Mrs. Sneed and American government
taught by Mrs. Grant. Other histories are contemporary
issues also taught by Mrs. Grant, sociology and psy-
chology taught by Mrs. Boyd, minority groups and
American history taught by Mrs. Sneed. American
history, a required freshman course is also taught by
Mrs. French and Mr. Harriman.

I. Mr. Don Jessen shines the 'pearlics' as he gives out a big

assignment to his algebra class.
2. Mr. rloyd Willis is thinking about the Bankers' successful
3. Mr. Joe Atteberry shows his class Lake Ontario on the
4. Mr. Allen Stanley is busily working on his ten speed
bike--<1uite a switch from chemistry.
5. Mrs. Jeanne Price and family work the canoe into the
6. Mr. Bud Bennett discusses biology questions, "Last
season I shot. .... "
7. Mr. Dick Wilson smiles pretty while his boys run a couple
of laps.
8. Mr. Rick I lenderson is proud of his dogs, Cindy and Duke.
9. In minority groups Anita Nunn says to Alana Jewell,
"flow would you like a natural part?"
10. Mr. John Walsh is busy with an experiment.
11. Mrs. Joan Boyd shows her class a spot in the history
12. Mr. Warren Kennedy gives a lecture to his football boys
before a game.
13. Mrs. LaJohna Gillispie enjoys the farm with her two
sons, three year old Lancer and nine year old Keenan.
14. Mr. Avera Harriman quips, "If you think this is okay,
you should sec the one that got away.
15. Mrs. ancy Sneed helps a student in one of her many
cia ses.

Offers Many Ca~eers

The Vocational Technical school at Louisburg has come a long way

since those first small seeds of plans were planted. It has sprouted and
grown in the past three years of operation and now offers twelve courses
to nearly four hundred students from Polk, Dallas, Hickory, and part of
Camden County. This year it has a total attendance from thirteen
schools, and this school alone serves more schools outside its district
than any of the other fifty-two Yo-Tech schools in the state.
In the years to come many of the students, who with the help and
training of this school have gone on into meaningful careers, will look
back and remember that they, like the school, have came a long way
from that first small seed and that this school was truly the beginning
of their tomorrow.

1. Mr. Wayne Lemons, Manager of KBFL, and Mrs.

Lemons are often heard harmonizing on our local
2. Mr. Warren Scarbrough, building trades, checks to
make sure all the pieces fit.
3. Electronics teacher, Mr. Glen Montgomery, is mak-
ing sure no one gets his wires crossed.
4. "Okay, who was the wise guy that set this lumber
on my feet," asks teacher of building trades, Mr.
Bill White.
5. Mr. Gene Coltrin illustrates one technique of weld-
6. "All right! Who's got the monkey wrench?" asks
Mr. Bert Booth, of auto mechanics.
7. "No, shorthand doesn't mean having stubby fm-
gers," states business education teacher, Mrs.
Judith Bradley.
8. Mr. David McHeruy,auto body teacher, shows us
the new driver's ed. car after one year's use.
9. "Look Innocent! Maybe they won't notice the mis-
take," quips Mr. Frank Phillips, auto mechanics
10. Photography and printing teacher, Mr. Keith Kendall,
gives us a photographer's pose.
11. Vocational agriculture teacher, Mr. Steve Potter Jr.,
shows off his many trophies. That one must have
really been a porker!
12. "Looks like a bad case of ingrown toenails," annouc-
es health occupations teacher, Mrs. Barbara Janzeko-
13. Mr. Roy Rice, building trades teacher, looks as if
he's getting a little "behind" on the building.
14. Teacher of heating and refrigeration, Mr. Bill Price,
illustrates that when you're hot, you're hot and
when you're not, you're not!


They J(eep Things Running

We at Buffalo High School are proud of

our new study hall, library system . One of
the outstanding services is the new textbook
check out system . Mr. Orville Stoeber, who
is in charge of book distribution , has done a
very fine job for us at B.H.S. This service
also includes the video-audio equipment
check out for the teachers . This new book
and video-audio center has lifted another bur-
den of our teachers . Thanks, Mr. Stoeber!

1. Mrs. Patsy Condren and Mrs. Hildreth Swanigan are the secretaries
in junior and senior high school.
2. Mr. Orville Stoeber tags some books.
3. Mrs. Ruth Glor, Mrs. Phyllis Sweaney, 1rs. Patsy Derrington, Mrs.
Marilyn McKowan, Mrs. Bonnie Powell, Mrs. Mary Atteberry, and
Mrs. Lorene Tucker aid the teachers at the elementary school.
4. "Don't splatter catsup in our nice clean kitchen."
5. Mr. Ray Bennett and Mr. Ward Rea locate bus routes.
6. "Mess" production at Buffalo is better than the army's.
7. Mrs. Martha Hyde is dietitian for the Buffalo Schools.
8. Mrs. Becky Stokes, Mrs. Willa Phillips, and 1iss Ethel Williams
discuss secretarial matters in the main office.
9. "Look at it shine, and all I did was damp mop."
10. Once they taste this, they'll never know what hit them .
11. Mrs. Mabel Stevens is Long Lane secretary.
12. Miss Brenda Marsh conducts secretarial affairs at the Yo-Tech
13. "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us."


WILLIAM'S GROCERY This area's mo t complete lumber company

Glen, Edith , and Chuck

Groceries, Seeds, F eeds,

Rock Phosphate, Bulk



South Hiway 65 Buffalo, Missouri

Phone 345-2256

Complete Processing & Curing

Top Quality


Fine quality rod-reels-waders

Everything for the fisherman Harold & Del Allen Owners
Brice Route, Lebanon, Missouri

Phone 345-7731 East Franklin
Larry L. Peace, Owner

Real Estate

Funeral Directors
Ambulance Service
Two-Way Radio Service We sell the Earth and What's
Oxygen Equipped
First-Aid Trained Attendants on it!

Glen E. Hawkins

South Side of the Square

Phone 345-2233 Buffalo, Mi ouri

Phone 345-7215
VOGELS c& c Fabric Shop

-- . -
Fine Fabric
Sewing Supplies
your ho ts orth ide of the square

phone 417-532-4097

Brice Route
Buffalo , Missouri
Lebanon , Mis ouri 65536

Buffalo Laundry
Service Station

phone 345-7422

Buffalo, Mis ouri

Ford's Gas &Oil
Loui burg Missouri

Jesse Ford phone 752-3341

Buffalo Building Buffalo Auto

Supply, Inc. Salvage
John Louderbough


Roy Caswell

"We buy late model wrecks"

phone (417) 345-7612

P.O. Box 455 South Highway 32 Buffalo, Missouri

phone 345-2311 Free phone service to 110 salvage


Buffalo, Mi souri

Located in 10 states
Dallas "Dalla County's First Offset Printing

County Jack H. Lewy, Publisher

Courier P.O. Box 445

Buffalo, Missouri 65622


Office Supplies

Buffalo Furniture &Appliance


Frigidaire Fine lines

G.E. of furniture
Sony and appliances
Magic Chef

East Side of the Square Buffalo, Missouri

Nyberg Pharmacy
"Large enough to accommodate, yet small enough to appreciate"

Office Phone Kenneth Nyberg

417-345-2321 R. Ph.

Re idence Dwight Nyberg

417-345-2535 R. Ph.
Gaunt's Feed &Supply
Your Key
To Greater Values

The store in Buffalo for the brands you know .

Feeds- Seeds- Suppli~s

Fertilizer- Lime Spreadmg

Phone 345-7011 Buffalo, Mis ouri

Phone 345-7223 Buffalo, Missouri

TH'E. FlOT/IS T S/-101'

A-1 TV
"All work guaranteed"

Phone 345-7141 Buffalo, Missouri

Billie's Florist Shop

"We wire flowers anyw h ere."

345-7724 Cut Flowers

345-8743 Plants

Muriel Indermuehle, Owner

Three offices in Dallas County

345-7714 South ide of the square in Buffalo

345-8212 Highway 65 Urbaba

Pepper Davies
Readygas Propane Gas Co. Motor Company
Hersheline Pinkley, Mgr.


Bulk Propane
Complete line of
Heating & Cooling Equipment
Gas Appliances

For Dependable Service

Call 345-2250
ight Call Dodge & Dodge Trucks
345-2583 345-7289 752-3751

Phone 345-2264
208 South Maple
Highway 32 Buffalo, Mis ouri
Buffalo, Missouri
Dodge Plymouth
Kahler Electric Company
Lowell Kahler-Owner BISON INN
Electric Repair, Sales



Air Conditioning



Box 333 South Maple Street

Pete and Pat y unn-Owner

Buffalo, Missouri

Phone 345-2422
345-9260 Buffalo, Missouri

Moyle's Jewelry BUFFALO REALTY

Finest in jewelry-Best in Repair.
Lake Properties
Ralph and Diane Moyie-owners
Jim Abercrombie-Realtor

South Maple Buffalo , Mi ouri Re . 345-7187

South Maple Box 388 Buffalo, Missouri

General Reporters
P.O. Box 393 Buffalo, Mo. 65622

Springfield Office
AC 417-883-3331
AC 417-869-5211
Buffalo Office
AC 417-345-8113

1722-HH South Glenstone
Springfield , Mo. 65804
U-Save more and pend less. Mrs. Penny DeFriese
Mrs. Clara A. Bond
Phone: 345-2433 Mrs. Maxine Cunningham
Buffalo, Mo. 65622
Jack W. Henderson
East side of the quare Verbatim reporting on depositions, Preliminary
hearings, coroner inquests, Labor-
Management Arbitration , and Conventions

COOPER-ATTEBERRY Parish Funeral Home

Flowers for every occasion. Rendering service on the basis of
professional kill, understanding,
We wire flowers anywhere. and economy.

Cut flower and plants 24-hour Ambulance Service

Telephone Equipped
Wedding decorations U niver ity Trained
Funeral designs

Corsages Larry Parish

Diane Atteberry Phone: 345-2248

Owner & Operator

Buffalo, Mi souri
Phone: 345-7411
East Jefferson Buffalo, Missouri
Snack Shack Horton's
Phone: 345-8112
Family Store
Clothing needs for the
entire family.

~..~.,..,,.,, I(DU qo
Sandwiche , Soft Drinks,
Dairy Treats

Mr. Swiss
Phone: 345-8861

Buffalo, Mi souri
Buffalo Bolivar

Earl Sawyer's Service Station

Always a friendly
Bennett Spring State Park Western Auto
Brice Rt. Phone 532-4307
Highway 64 Area Code 417 ASSOCIATE STORE Hom e owned
Lebanon, Mo .
Keith Cully

65 ir conditioned cabin -Swimming pool-

amp ground -Hor eback riding-Rainbow Trout
Fishing-Coin-o-Matic laundry-Fi hing tackle
Souvenir -Groceries
Tom and Shirley Saunder - Concessionaire

304 South Maple Street

Hunting and ishing Licenses

Buffalo, Missouri 345-2641



Lou's Place
Ice Cream - Soft Drinks
Loui burg, Missouri

Phone 752-3765

Phone 345-2415 Buffalo, Mi souri

~reage Trac~
Terms Available
Brice Route Lebanon, Missouri
Phone 417/532-2211
Glenn Davison and Son
Obtain HUD property report and read it before
signing anything. HUD neither approve the
merit of the offering nor the value, if any, of
the property. This offering not available to resi-
Eiectronic acce orie
dent in stat s where prohibited by law .
Kelvinator Appliance
Zenith TV' (color, black and white)

Buffalo , Mi ouri Ph. 345-2351

GUNN'S CREE MEE Compliment


Dallas County Republican

Located at the corner of ommercial and Pine

Buffalo, Mi ouri

Buffalo Reflex
Mitch and Karen Fritchey
Uncle Dudley's H&RBlock

If you didn' t buy it at Uncle The Income Tax People

Dudley' ... .You Probably Ray Patterson
paid too much! Highway 65 & Main

Highway 65 South Buffalo , Mis ouri Buffalo , Mis ouri

Maddux Oil Company Potter's Saw Shop

Highway 73

1/ 4 mile south of 32-65 junction

Phone 345-8086

Ray Potter, Owner

Buffalo , Missouri
Woods Supermarket

Stores in: Fresh Fruit

Buffalo, Bolivar Vegetable
Eldorado Springs & Stockton Fine t Meats

Phone 345-2612
Buffalo, Missouri

Bob's True Value Hardware

Tru-Te t
Maytag Wa hers
South 65 Highway Buffalo, Mi ouri
Phone 345-7213
Fishing Tackle-Gifts-Sporting Goods

Floyd's Conoco
Junction 32 & 65

Buffalo, Mi souri


General Office, Fort Scott, Kansas

PHO : 316-223-2000


Buffalo, Mi ouri


Buffalo, Missouri

PHO E: 417-345-7331

Authorized dealer for Myers Pumps

Dependable Product

Dependable Service

Is someone you love far away?


PHO E: 345-2215
Buffalo, Mis ouri
ftf;t~~~r B IS 0 N
~ .~ Camper Inc .

Manufacturer of

Pick up Campers
Travel Trailers
RESTAURANT South Highway 65, Box 129


Friday and Saturday nights 5 to 9

Sunday afternoon II to 2:30 Buffalo, Missouri

PHO 345-2325


C. G. Davie
Authorized ales and ervice
Dependable dealer


SINCE 1932"

PHO : 345-2712 after hour 345-7462

General Insurance

"Serves You Fir t"

& Nimmo

We t Commercial, Buffalo .. 345-7314 Buffalo, Mi souri

If oAnswer 345-8561 345-7021



Buffalo, Missouri
Hermitage, Mis ouri
. . .
""'- ·- - -·- - 745-3511

b -J •·.
- ~
' ~

- ,_


Hotpoint- Admiral - R.C.A.- G.E.

"This Is Your Bank"

No Service Charge Automobile Loans

Savings Accounts Installment Loans
Checking Accounts Safety Deposit Boxes
Certificates Of Deposit Night Depository
Christmas Club Travelers Check
Commercial Loans Bank Money Orders
Real state Loans


Kelly Franklin , Mgr.

Highway 32 at Dallas

Buffalo, Mis ouri


Bill Nunn Realtor

Phone 345-2286 or 345-2287 Phone 345-7714

~ -- - --- -- ----------- -.-- - - --

Feeds, seeds, groceries,

"A penny saved is a fertilizer and hardware
penny earned"
Phone 345-7711
West ide of the square
Buffalo, Mi souri
Buffalo, Mi souri
Funeral Home
A complete dignified ervice

at a price you can afford

Jerry Cantlon-Manager
24-hour oxygen equipped

ambulance service
completely air-conditioned chapel

The truck people from General Motors

Phone 345-7712
Phone 345-2211 Buffalo, Missouri

Bradley Mobil Dallas County R-1

Deryl and Maralou Bradley
Alumni Association

"For those who

care about their cars"

We t Dallas Street

Buffalo, Mi ouri

Phone 345-8111
Farris Brother's HAR BELL

"Bus" Harless "Dinger" Bell

"Shorty" Harrison

Athletic Goods, Inc.

Springfield , Missouri
Famous Brand
Schools-Team & Retail
315 College
Dre es
Sportswear Retail Only
1956 S. Glenstone
Buffalo Missouri 883-4416

Electricity off?-- -
Springfield Truck Check your fuses!
Equipment Company
Distributor of

Ward School Buses


Ward Coachette Buses Carefully turn main switch to "OFF".

Locate damaged fuse (arrow above) and
2. remove by turning counter-clockwise.
P.O. Box 470 Insert new fuse of correct amperage (house
3. circuits are usually 15 amps).
ixa, Mi ouri 65714 4. Carefully turn main switch to " 0 "
If the fuse blows again CALL AN
Phone 417-725-2685 5• ELECTRICIAN!
June Brownfield and Donna Rankin
Class rings
Owners and Operators
Verna Strickland Lois Anderson


Jewelry Repair

1012 West Dallas

Phone: 345-2811

Buffalo, Missouri
345-8913 Buffalo, Missouri

Take a Look at Beautiful

Gardens of Memory

Excellent Beautiful
Burial Lots Memorial Marker

orth Phone: 345-2655

Highway 65 Buffalo, Missouri
Medicaid approved
J. D. Chastain, Owner
Member of
American Nur ing
Family of Fine Homes
Home Association
& Mo. ursing Home
"The ideal retirement


Complete nursing care for:
Post Operative- Convalescent- Planned Recreation- Beauty Salon
Invalids -Terminal - Physical Therapy - Day Care

Phone: 345-2228 Buffalo, Missouri

The Rotary Club The
Buffalo, Missouri


Kiwanis is an organization of business and pro-
First .... Is it the truth? fessional men whose members share the common
Second .. Is it fair to all concerned? desire to serve their fellow man.
Third ... Will it build better friend-
ship and good will? By working in concern they make the commu-
Fourth .. Will it be beneficial to all nity a better place in which to live. They en-
concerned? joy the fellowship of frequent as ociation and
common endeavor. Their stated purpo e i
"Service to Youth, Community, and ation."
The Kiwani motto is:
Rotary International "We Build."

Springfield Grocery
Institutional Distributor
Buffalo, Mis ouri

Objective of Optimi m Main P.O. Box 229

To develop Optimism as a philo ophy of life; Springfield, Missouri

to promote an active interest in good govern-
ment and civic affairs; to inspire respect for law;
to promote patriotism and work for internation-
al accord and friendship among all people; to
aid and encourage the development of youth.
The Optimist Club

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