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3 Lesson FPD For Soccer Sepep Ict

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The key takeaways were that students were assigned different roles to help plan and run a sports program. The roles included sports medic, creative manager, statistician and more. Students had to work collaboratively within their roles and teams to make the program a success.

Students were assigned different roles including sports medic, creative manager, statistician, coach and more. The sports medic led warm ups, the creative manager took photos and made a poster, the statistician kept track of scores using Google Sheets and Dartfish.

Students worked within their assigned roles and on their assigned teams to plan and run the sporting event. They used technology like iPads, Weebly, Padlet, Google Sheets and Dartfish to coordinate their efforts and ensure the event ran smoothly.


TERM/WEEKS: 3 lesson YEAR LEVEL: 5 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Health and Physical education
plan FPD

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

Each student should have access to an iPad. iPads can be shared within small groups, as students must work collaboratively for the duration of the unit.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

ACPMP067 Students acknowledge that See Rubric on Introduction: Each student has an
ACPMP051 some are better than others Weebly (TBC) - Teacher introduces students to SEPEP and the iPad each, or an iPad
at specific tasks. expectations of a program like it. for all students
Students are to - Teacher to answer any questions about a SEPEP within the same
Students embrace the post on the designated role.
opportunity to work with Padlet specific
- Teacher to allocate roles to the students, using
their peers to create a to their roles Weebly with
successful program. with their their previous knowledge of students’ skill levels description of each
names, and any and personalities to assign them to roles they role, and guide to
Students grasp the concept of specific role would fit best. fulfilling the needs of
a SEPEP program and engage related the role.
with the content. questions.
Body: Undercover area
Students are able to access Teacher can use - Teacher to place QR code link to SEPEP Weebly
the Weebly individually, and Padlet to assess on wall of undercover area. QR code to Weebly
navigate through the tabs. progress of - Students to access the Weebly and follow the
students and instructions of their roles. Predetermined
help those who assigned roles for
- Teacher to answer any questions and guide
may be students
students to starting the requirements for their
struggling in the
lesson, or in the roles. Padlet for each role’s
following lesson - Students to test apps and become familiar with
(TBC). how to use them.
- Students to work within their roles and groups
Teacher guided
to plan for the tournament.
questions about
personalities, and
skill qualities of Conclusion:
students. - Students to navigate to the Padlet for each of
(EG. Do you the roles and leave questions for the teacher to
think if there answer next lesson.
were three
- Class discussion about roles and why the teacher
leaders in a
may have chosen students for specific roles.
team, the team
would work well

ACMPP063 Teacher to Introduction:

ACPMP067 Students employ previous access Padlet for - Teacher to recap the last lesson and answer any
knowledge and demonstrate each role and questions left on the Padlet. 2 iPads per field
effective offensive and assess / help - Teacher to allocate students to their teams for
defensive tactics. students. (TBC) 1 iPad for the
the duration of the sports program. Each team
creative manager of
should have at least one of each role in the
Students collaborate to fulfil Teacher to use duty team.
the requirements of their rubric to assess team. The teams should also have an even

roles to help run a successful one role per spread of ability to keep the competition
sporting event. week. engaging for all participants. QR code on clipboard
See rubric on - Sports Medics to take their teams through a to Google sheet
Students engage positively Weelby (TBC)
Sworkit Kids work out as a warm up
within their teams, and also 2 appropriately sized
within their assigned roles. soccer pitches
Body: cones and 2 soccer
- Tournament to begin. 2 fields, with 2 games balls

playing simultaneously. The games consist of two

halves of 8-minutes, with 3-minute break
between the halves.
- 2 lots of games to be played per lesson.
- Students 5-minutes intermission between the
two games to make sure all scores are correctly
- Coach responsible for taking students to the
correct field and making sure they are against
the correct team.
- Duty team is responsible for keeping score
through Google Sheets and Dartfish, and taking
photos. These jobs should be completed by the
members of the duty team responsible for those


- Students to upload a screenshot / photo of

their input to the SEPEP program.
- (Sports medic – screenshot of their chosen
Sworkit Kids workout)
- (Creative manager – upload photos taken
during the competition to compile to their
Smore.com poster)
- (Statistician - screenshots of the current
Google Sheets and all teams Dartfish)

ACPMP051 Students Introduction: Field for final game.

ACPMP067 Students complete a personal complete the - Teacher welcomes students to the finals of the
reflection on with the SEPEP survey monkey SEPEP program.
reflection survey. - Creative managers display their poster they have iPads for every
Students recognise that the TBC made for the final event student for
teamwork and involvement of - Sports medics work together to run the warm reflection.
all participants is what makes Teacher finalises
up before the final game.
a successful event and marks, using the Undercover area for
program. rubric as a guide Body: reflection.
(TBC). - Statisticians announce the beginning of the final
Students continue to work Cones and 2 soccer
game, including the statistics they have recorded
collaboratively with their Role dependent balls
for each team.
peers up until the final event. Padlet
- Finals teams play for 12 minute halves, with 5
QR code for Weebly
minutes between each half.
- Students watch and fulfil requirements of their Padlets for each role
Survey for reflection


- Awards handed out to the winners of the

competition and individual team award winners
(determined by students).
- Teacher debriefs with students and asks them to
complete the survey on the Weebly. Teacher
provides QR code to the Weebly for quick access.
- Survey to include questions on importance of
working collaboratively and fulfilling the needs of
their roles.
- Teacher congratulates students on their efforts
throughout the unit of work.
- Students homework to upload all of their work
created towards the SEPEP program to their
designated Padlet.

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