3 Lesson FPD For Soccer Sepep Ict
3 Lesson FPD For Soccer Sepep Ict
3 Lesson FPD For Soccer Sepep Ict
TERM/WEEKS: 3 lesson YEAR LEVEL: 5 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Health and Physical education
plan FPD
General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
ACPMP067 Students acknowledge that See Rubric on Introduction: Each student has an
ACPMP051 some are better than others Weebly (TBC) - Teacher introduces students to SEPEP and the iPad each, or an iPad
at specific tasks. expectations of a program like it. for all students
Students are to - Teacher to answer any questions about a SEPEP within the same
Students embrace the post on the designated role.
opportunity to work with Padlet specific
- Teacher to allocate roles to the students, using
their peers to create a to their roles Weebly with
successful program. with their their previous knowledge of students’ skill levels description of each
names, and any and personalities to assign them to roles they role, and guide to
Students grasp the concept of specific role would fit best. fulfilling the needs of
a SEPEP program and engage related the role.
with the content. questions.
Body: Undercover area
Students are able to access Teacher can use - Teacher to place QR code link to SEPEP Weebly
the Weebly individually, and Padlet to assess on wall of undercover area. QR code to Weebly
navigate through the tabs. progress of - Students to access the Weebly and follow the
students and instructions of their roles. Predetermined
help those who assigned roles for
- Teacher to answer any questions and guide
may be students
students to starting the requirements for their
struggling in the
lesson, or in the roles. Padlet for each role’s
following lesson - Students to test apps and become familiar with
(TBC). how to use them.
- Students to work within their roles and groups
Teacher guided
to plan for the tournament.
questions about
personalities, and
skill qualities of Conclusion:
students. - Students to navigate to the Padlet for each of
(EG. Do you the roles and leave questions for the teacher to
think if there answer next lesson.
were three
- Class discussion about roles and why the teacher
leaders in a
may have chosen students for specific roles.
team, the team
would work well
roles to help run a successful one role per spread of ability to keep the competition
sporting event. week. engaging for all participants. QR code on clipboard
See rubric on - Sports Medics to take their teams through a to Google sheet
Students engage positively Weelby (TBC)
Sworkit Kids work out as a warm up
within their teams, and also 2 appropriately sized
within their assigned roles. soccer pitches
Body: cones and 2 soccer
- Tournament to begin. 2 fields, with 2 games balls