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Standard 1 Diversity Lesson Plan

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Central State University

College of Education
Department of Professional Education
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Plan Title: __Teaching Diversity by exploring the words different and similar
Date: ___9-25-14_____________________
Subject: _Language Arts___

Number of Days Covered: 1

Grade Level:__1st_______

Standards Addressed: (Ohio Common Core Standards, or Ohio Content Area

3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and
appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other
readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word
identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., soundletter
correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of
a variety of literacy communities.
12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own
purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
Specific Observable/Measurable Learning Objectives:
Students will activate prior knowledge about diversity by exploring the words different
and similar.
Students will gain knowledge by learning what the term diversity means.
Students will apply and further that knowledge in whole-class and small-group
discussions about diversity.
Students will demonstrate comprehension and practice writing skills by writing about
Evaluation of Student Learning:

What Evaluation Strategies Will You Use?

How Does Evaluation Align With Goals?
Connections: Identify the instructional connections between past, present and future
An important goal of teaching students the literature of diversity is showing them how to
become empathetic human beings.
Balance is a part of teaching empathy. Students should not become overwhelmed by
negative feelings, but they should recognize-and take seriously-stories about
Required Materials Needed for Lesson:
(List materials to be used and where materials are located? How much time will
be needed to set up for lesson?)
It's Okay to Be Different by Todd Parr
White Board/Marker
Small Group Worksheet
Computer with internet access
Students Background/Prior Knowledge/Experience: (Pre-Assessment)
What do you know about diversity?
How are you different from the person sitting next to you?
How are you similar to the person next to you?
Main Ideas:
Teaching diversity
Compare and contrast similar and different

Key Vocabulary:
Motivational Strategy/Anticipatory Set for Lesson:
(How will you hook student interest?)

All the 6-year-olds stand up

Everyone wearing tennis shoes stand up
If you like football stand up
Stand up if you have any freckles on your skin
Stand up if you have black hair
Why is it important to share these differences? What can they help us understand
about each other?

1. Introduce activity- 2 minutes
2. Place students in small groups-1 minute
3. I write Diversity on white board have students write on a piece of paper what it
means working toward the following definition: Being different from each other - 4
4. Show the class the cover of It's Okay to Be Different. Ask students to predict
what the book will be about- 5 minutes
5. Read It's Okay to Be Different to the class- 5 minutes
6. Have group discussion- 10 minutes
Questions to ask:
1. Do you know anyone who is like the characters in this book?
2. What do you think of the illustrations?
3. Why do you think the author uses the colors he does?
4. Which, if any, of these characters is like you?

Differentiated Instructional Support: (What modifications/accommodations are

required to meet the needs of various students?)
Read book one on one with student.
Allow student to work at a slower pace.
Give student more time to answer the question and write reponses.

Integration of Technology:
Homework or Home Connections:
Send home a book of students choice about diversity or same or different concepts to
read with family.
Introduce flipbook to class.
Allow students a few at a time to create a flipbook. (This depends on the number of
computers in the classroom.)
After reading the book and completing the activity, ask students to share their thoughts
and ideas about what makes us all different and what makes us the same. Have
students list their responses on a piece of paper. This can be used later to make a
Culminating Activity:
Create a flipbook for the whole class using their ideas.
Student Learning Based on Data: (What does your data tell you about student
learning? In terms of what they have learned, what will you do next for the whole group
or individual students?)
Reflections/Self Evaluation:
a) Effectiveness of Lesson: (How effective was your lesson? What went well?
What did not go so well? Did you feel the students were engaged and
developing new learning? Where your teaching/learning strategies
appropriate? How did they encourage new learning? What parts of the
lesson did the students seem to really enjoy? What parts of the lesson need
improvement with regard to planning or delivery?)
b) Effectiveness of Teacher: (Describe your strengths and areas that need
improvement. Document your development as a teacher.)
c) Next Steps to Consider: (Do you need to re-teach any part of the lesson
and how will you teach it differently? Would you change any part of the
lesson? If so, how? What do you need to address in your next lesson?)
Central State University
College of Education

Department of Professional Education

Lesson Plan Scoring Rubric

Checklist: All Goals/Objectives Are:

Clearly Stated
Developmentally Appropriate Given Classroom Context
Aligned with National, State or District Standards
Described in Terms of Student Performance NOT Activities
Learning Objectives are Based Upon Blooms Taxonomy

Checklist: Assessment
Assessment Instructions are Understandable to ALL Students
Assessment Adaptations are Made for Special Needs Students
Explains the Minimal Level of Acceptable Student Performance
in Measureable Terms

Checklist: Instructional Design & Implementation

Learning Goals & Learning Objectives Are Aligned with Standards
Follows a Logical Sequence
Includes Evidence of Deliberate Checking for Understanding
Is Developmentally Appropriate (intellectually, socially & physically)
Takes Into Account Students Background/Prior
Uses Creative Motivational Strategies &/or an Anticipatory Set at
Beginning of Lesson
Step-by-Step Procedures for Lesson Presentation are Provided.
Sample Questions and Correct Responses are Provided.
Modifications/Accommodations are Made as Required to Meet
Needs of Various Students
Required Materials for Lesson are Listed.
Main Ideas of Lesson Are Clearly Presented to Students
Key or New Vocabulary Terms are Clearly Presented to Students
Resources are Appropriately Cited.
Homework or Home Connections are Provided
Closure of Lesson is Provided
Identifies connections between past, present and future learning

Total Checklist Points ________/48

Total Rubric Points ________/32
Total Points

Met (0 pts)

Met (1 pts)

Met (2 pts)

Met (0 pts)

Met (1 pts)

Met (2 pts)

Met (0 pts) Met (1 pts)

Met (2 pts)

80-75 points
74-67 points
66-57 points
55 points & below

A = 100% - 94%
B = 93% - 83%
C = 82% - 71%
D = unacceptable

Element 2

Element 2

Element 2


Distribution of

Not Met (0pts)

All objectives are

Partially Met (1 pt)

More than half of the stated
objectives are knowledge
objectives versus application
and reasoning objectives.

Met (2pts)
Knowledge objectives represent
1/3 or less of stated objectives
OR a rationale defends use of
mainly knowledge-based


No evidence

Response includes only 2 of

the criteria listed to the right,

Measurable assessment
criteria is described in
measurable terms.
Comprehensive covers all
essential content & skills. Does
not assess irrelevant content &
Criteria Level- Specifies level of
successful attainment of learning


Active Inquiry &




Learning Based
on Data


Only 1 or 2
strategies are
throughout the
lesson &/or the
strategies reflect
only the more
types/levels of
learning (e.g., relies
mostly on direct
instruction, visual,
Lesson does not
include procedures
for engaging
student in active
Instruction does
not include
technology or a
rationale why it is
inappropriate to use
technology with
their students.
No evidence that
critical thinking is
Provides no
rationale for why
some activities or
assessments were
more successful
than others.
No evidence

A variety of instructional
strategies are incorporated
throughout the lesson. The
strategies reflect a variety of
types/levels of learning but most
are of the more
common/traditional type.

Multiple instructional strategies

using multiple types/levels of
learning are incorporated throughout
the lesson. Application of multiple
intelligences & learning styles is
evident. Most strategies actively
involve students in critical thinking,
problem solving, or authentic

Lesson design includes some

procedures for engaging
students in active inquiry but
most procedures rely on passive,
rote, recall strategies for the
Use of technology is limited
(e.g., one time or for only short
periods) or is used w/o regard to
learning outcomes (i.e., an addon just to full requirement) or a
limited rationale is given why it is
inappropriate to use technology
with their students.

Lesson design includes a majority of

procedures that actively engage
students in questioning concepts,
developing learning strategies,
seeking resources & conducting
independent investigations.
Technology is integrated throughout
instruction or makes a meaningful
contribution to learning (i.e., it had a
purpose or was needed) or a
rationale is given why it is
inappropriate to use technology with
their students.

Encourages critical thinking

when situations occur naturally
in the classroom. Teacher does
NOT deliberately explore ways to
enhance critical thinking.
Identifies successful and
unsuccessful activities or
assessments & superficially
explores reasons for their
success or lack of success.

The teacher deliberately

incorporates into the lesson critical
thinking techniques and encourages
independent exploration of student
ideas to enhance critical thinking
Identifies successful & unsuccessful
activities & assessments & provides
plausible reasons for there success
or lack of success.

Provides ideas for redesigning

instruction but offers no rationale

Provides ideas for redesigning

instruction and explains why these








why these changes would

improve student learning.

modifications would improve student



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