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Nsep Solved 2007

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Total time : 120 minutes (A-1, A-2 & B)
PART - A (Total Marks : 180)
(A) (B)
Q.1 The distance traveled by an object is given by
x = at + bt2/ (c + a) where t is time and a, b, c,
are constants. The dimensions of b and c
respectively are :
(A) [L2T 3], [L T 1] (B) [L T 2], [L T 1]
(C) [LT 1], [L2 T 1] (D) [L T 1], [L T 2]
Sol. [A] m m F = 2mg
Use the dimensional analysis. Note that the 2m
dimensions of a and c are the same as those of (A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 3 (D) 2 : 1
[length/time] and those of b are [length ×
(length/time) (time)2]. Sol. [C]
For arrangement (A), the acceleration of mass
Q.2 A person throws vertically up n balls per m is obviously [(2m – m)g/(2m + m)] = g/3.
second with the same velocity. He throws a ball For arrangement (B), the net force acting on
whenever the previous one is at its highest mass m is mg upwards so that the acceleration
point. The height to which the balls rise is : is g only and hence the result.
(A) g/n2 (B) 2gn (C) g/2n2 (D) 2gn2
Sol. [C] Q.5 A particle of mass m is made to move with
The time required for a ball to reach highest uniform speed v along the perimeter of a
point is (1/n) second giving initial velocity to regular hexagon. Magnitude of impulse
be (g/n). Use this in v2 = u2 – 2 gh to find h. applied at each corner is :
(A) mv (B) mv 3
Q.3 A particle moves at a constant speed v from
(C) mv/2 (D) mv / 3
point A to point B along a circle of radius r. If
points A and B have an angular separation of T, Sol. [A]
the magnitude of change in velocity in moving The impulse is nothing but change in
from A to B is : momentum. For taking the difference of two
momenta, note that the angle between vectors
(A) zero (B) 2v sin (T/2)
at the corner is 120º.
(C) 2v sin T (D) 2v cos (T/2)
Sol. [B]
Q.6 The maximum tension in the string of a
The change in velocity is [vB – vA] = [vB = + (–vA)].
pendulum is three times the minimum tension.
Find the magnitude nothing that the angle
If T0 be the angular amplitude, cos T0 is
between vB and vA is (180º – T).
(A) 1/2 (B) 3/4
(C) 3/5 (D) 2/3
Q.4 Two pulley arrangements (A) and (B) are as
Sol. [C]
shown in the figure. Neglect the masses of the
Tension in the string is maximum [mg(3 – 2
ropes and pulleys and the friction at the axle of
cosT)] when it is in the vertical position
the pulleys. The ratio of the acceleration of
whereas tension is minimum [mg cosT] when
mass m in arrangement (A) to that in
arrangement (B) is the string is in the extreme position.

Q.7 A body of mass 4m at rest explodes into three Q.10 A ball floats on mercury in a container with
fragments. Two of the fragments, each of mass volume V1 inside mercury. If the container is
m move with speed v in mutually perpendicular now covered and the air inside is pumped out,
directions. Total kinetic energy released in the volume V2 is found to be under mercury.
process is : Then,
(A) V1 = V2 (B) V1 > V2
(A) mv2 (B) 3mv2/2
2 (C) V2 > V1 (D) V2 = 0
(C) 2mv (D) 3mv2 Sol. [C]
Sol. [B] Since air is pumped out, upthrust due to air
Consider the conservation of linear momentum becomes zero and the ball sinks slightly more
along two perpendicular directions X and Y than before.
axes, to get the velocity of the largest particle
[(v/2)(– i – j)]. Then calculate the kinetic Q.11 Pressure of one litre of nitrogen (J = 1.4) is
energy. 500 cm of mercury. It is compressed
adiabatically to 990 cc. The final pressure of
Q.8 Two masses m and M are attached to strings as the gas (in cm of mercury) is :
(A) 507 (B) 505
shown in the figure. In equilibrium tan T is
(C) 495 (D) 502
Sol. [A]
Use the expression for adiabatic change to get
(dp/p) + y (dV/V). After substintution dp = 7.
Note that there is an increase of pressure.
45° 45° Q.12 Two identical rings A and B are acted upon by
m torques WA and WB respectively. A is rotating
(A) 1 + (2M /m) (B) 1 + (2m /M) about an axis passing through the centre of
(C) 1 + (M/2m) (D) 1 + (m/2M) mass and perpendicular to the plane of the
Sol. [A] ring. B is rotating about a chord at a distance
Use the concept of balancing components of ( 1 2 ) times the radius of the ring. If the
forces and tensions along horizontal and angular acceleration of the rings is the same,
vertical directions at the two points where the then
masses m and M are attached. (A) WA = WB
(B) WA > WB
Q.9 Two bodies of masses 2 kg and 3 kg are (C) WA < WB
connected by a metal wire of cross section 0.04 (D) Nothing can be said about WA and WB as
mm2. Breaking stress of metal wire is 2.5 GPa. data are insufficient
The maximum force F that can be applied to 3 Sol. [A]
kg block so that wire does not break is : Using perpendicular and parallel axes
3 kg theorems it is found that the moments of
2 kg
F inertia in both the cases are the same.

Q.13 Two satellites S1 and S2 revolve around a

(A) 100 N (B) 150 N (C) 200 N (D) 250 N planet in coplanar circular orbits in the same
Sol. [D] sense. Their periods of revolution are 1 hour
If T is the tension in the string connecting the and 8 hour respectively. The radius of the orbit
two bodies, (T/A) d the breaking stress, where of S1 is 104km. When S1 is closest to S2, the
A is the area of cross section. Deduce the angular speed of S2 as observed by an
relation T = (2/5) F and then the result. astronaut in S1 is
(A) S rad/hr (B) S/3 rad/hr
(C) 2S rad/hr (D) S/2 rad/hr

Sol. [B] Q.18 A long thin rod AB is charged uniformly. The
Use Kepler's law to get the radius of orbit of S2 electric field at a point C is directed
to be 4 × 104 km. The linear speeds of S1 and S2 C
happen to be 2S × 104 km/hr and S × 104 km/hr.
Then, the angular speed of S2 as seen from S1 is
A + + + + + + + + + + + + + + B
(A) parallel to the rod
(B) perpendicular to the rod
Q.14 If a section of a soap bubble of radius r by a (C) along the bisector of the angle ACB
plane through its centre is considered, the force (D) along a line dividing the angle ACB in the
on the half due to surface tension is : ratio BC : AC
(A) 2S rT (B) 4S rT Sol. [C]
(C) S r T (D) 2r T Check it by considering two elements at the
Sol. [B] two ends then two symmetrically situated
Note that force = 2 (2Sr) T. elements of the rod.
Q.19 An electric field is given by E = yî  xˆj
Q.15 Volume of a gas (Cp/CV = J) expands from a volt/m. The work done in moving a charge of
volume V to 2V at constant pressure p. The
10μC from a point r1 = 3î  4 ĵ to another
change in internal energy is :
(A) R / (J – 1) (B) pV r2 = 2î  6 ĵ is :
(C) pV / (J – 1) (D) J pV (J – 1)
(A) 10 5 J (B) – 10 5 J
Sol. [C]
Use the expression for the change in internal (C) 10 2 × 10–6 J (D) zero
energy = nCV dT. Also use the substitution Sol. [D]
CV = R / (J – 1) and pV/T = constant. Use the relation : work done = charge ×
potential difference. Then, the potential
Q.16 A satellite is revolving round the earth with difference (-³E· dr) comes out to be negative
orbital speed v0. If it imagined to stop integral of (y dx + x dy), that is, of [d (xy)] to
suddenly, the speed with which it will strike the
be evaluated between(3,4) and (2, 6).
surface of the earth would be (ve – escape
velocity of a body from earth's surface)
(A) ve2 /v0 (B) v0 Q.20 When the switch S is closed in the circuit
(C) (ve2 – v02)1/2 (D) (ve2 – 2 v02)1/2 shown below, the current that flows through it
Sol. [D] is
Use the concept of conservation of energy and 10 : 15 :
the expressions for escape velocity and orbital + 15 V + 15 V
20 :
Q.17 A car moves with a speed of 60 km /hr from
point A to point B and then with the speed of S
40 km / hr from point B to point C. Further it
moves to a point D with a speed equal to its
average speed between A and C. Points A, B, C (A) zero (B) 15/26 A
and D are collinear and equidistant. The (C) 15/13 A (D) 5/26 A
average speed of the car between A and D is : Sol. [B]
(A) 30 km/ hr (B) 50 km / hr Take the potential at the junction of resistors to
(C) 48 km / hr (D) 60 km / hr be V and then use Kirchhoff' s current law at
Sol. [C]
this junction. Obtain V and then the current
Noting that AB = BC, average speed between
A and C is 48 km/hr and that between A and D through 20 ohm resistor, that is, the switch.
is also 48 km/hr.

Q.21 In a standing wave formed as a result of Q.25 In case of an adiabatic process the correct
reflection from a surface, the ratio of the relation in terms of pressure p and density U of
amplitude at an antinode to that at node is x.
a gas is
The fraction of energy that is reflected is :
(A) [(x – 1) / x]2 (B) [x / (x + 1)]2 (A) p UJ = constant (B) pJ UJ 1 constant
(C) p UJ 1 = constant (D) p U J= constant
(C) [(x – 1)/(x + 1)] (D) [1/x]2
Sol. [C] Sol. [D]
If ai and ar denote the amplitudes of the incident
Note that pVJ = constant and that U is inversely
and the reflected waves then the net amplitude
at the antinode is (ai + ar) and that at the node proportional to V.
is (ai – ar). From this we get (ar / ai) Q.26 Three rods of the same cross section and made
= [(x – 1)/(x + 1)]. Note that the energy is of the same material form the sides of a
proportional to square of the amplitude. triangle ABC as shown. The points A and B
are maintained at temperatures T and 2T
Q.22 The fundamental frequency of a sonometer respectively in the steady state. Assuming that
wire of length l is n0. A bridge is now only heat conduction takes place, the temperature
introduced at a distance of 'l (<< l) from the at point C is :
centre of the wire. The lengths of wire on the A
two sides of the bridge are now vibrated in
their fundamental modes. Then, the beat
frequency nearly is :
(A) n0 'l / l (B) 8 n0 'l / l
(C) 2 n0 'l / l (D) n0 'l / 2l B C
Sol. [B] (A) [(2 2  3 ) /(2  3 )]T
Note that the beat frequency is (n1 = n2) and the
(B) [3 2 /(2  3 )]T
corresponding vibrating lengths are (l/2 – ')
and (l/2 + 'l). (C) [2 / 3 ]T
(D) [ 5 / 2]T
Q.23 Two open organ pipes of fundamental
frequencies n1 and n2 are joined in series. The Sol. [A]
fundamental frequency of the new pipe so In s steady state, the heat conducted from B to
obtained will be : C is the same as from C to A.
(A) n1 + n2 (B) n1n2/ (n1 + n2)
(C) n1n2/(n1 – n2) (D) n12  n 2 2 Q.27 A soap bubble filled with helium floats in air.
Sol. [C] Let mw and mHe be the mass of the wall of the
Lengths of the organ pipes are (v/2n1) and bubble and that of the helium gas inside,
(v/2n2) where v is the speed of sound in air. respectively. If density of helium is 0.1384
The fundamental frequency of the new organ
times that of air, then :
pipe (after the two are joined) will be [v/2(n1 +
n2)]. (A) mw > mHe
(B) mw < mHe
Q.24 The specific heat of a solid at low temperature (C) mw = mHe
varies according to the relation c = k T3 where (D) nothing can be said about mw and mHe as
k is a constant. The heat required to raise the data are insufficient
temperature of a mass m of such a solid from
Sol. [A]
T = 0 K to T = 20 K is Density of helium is less than half the density
(A) 2 × 104 mk (B) 4 × 104 mk of air and hence the mass of helium is less than
(C) 8 × 104 mk (D) 16 × 104 mk half the mass of air. Note that (mw + mHe) d
Sol. [B] mair.
Integrate (mCdT) between 0 K and 20 K.

Q.28 A ball A moving with certain velocity in Q.31 A charge + 6μC is situated inside a closed
positive X axis direction collides with a surface. The flux, in volt-m, through a portion
of the surface subtending a solid angle of (S/2)
stationary ball B. After collision their
at the point where the charge is situated is
directions of motion make angles D and E with (A) + (1.5/H0) × 10 6 (B) + (6/H0) × 10 6
the X axis. The possible values of D and E are (C) – (1.5/H0) × 10 6 (D) + (0.75/H0) × 10 6
Sol. [A]
(A) D = 30° and E = – 45°
Note that the flux will be [(S/2)/4S] (q/H0)
(B) D = 90° and E = – 120°
(C) D = 0° and E = – 30° Q.32 A metal sheet 14 cm × 2cm of uniform
thickness is cut into two pieces of width two
(D) D = 45° and E = 0° cm. The two pieces are joined and laid along
Sol. [A] XY plane as shown. The centre of mass has
This is the only possibility where the condition the coordinates
for conservation of momentum can be satisfied. Y

Q.29 Two identical thin planoconvex lenses of

refractive index n are silvered, one on the plane
side and the other on the convex side. The ratio
of their focal lengths is :
(A) n / (n – 1) (B) (n – 1) / n O
(C) (n + 1) / n (D) n (A) (1, 1) (B) (19/7, 19/7)
Sol. [A] (C) (8/7, 8/7) (D) (12/7, 12/7)
When the plane face of a planoconvex lens is Sol. [B]
coated, the focal length is given by R/[2(n – 1)] Note that the centres of mass of the vertical
and it is R/2n when the convex face is coated. and the horizontal pieces are (1, 4) and (5, 1)
respectively and their masses are in the ratio
Q.30 Two plane mirrors subtend angle T between 4 : 3.
them. A ray of light incident parallel to one of
Q.33 In a double slit experiment, the wavelength of
them retraces its path after n reflections. The monochromatic light used is O and the distance
graph of T (Y axis) versus n (X axis) is : between the slits is d. The screen is at a
(A) a straight line through origin distance D from the slits. If a bright fringe is
(B) a parabola formed opposite to a slit on the screen, the
order of the fringe is :
(C) a rectangular hyperbola
(A) d/2D (B) d2/OD
(D) a straight line with a intercept on Y axis 2
(C) d /2O D (D) O D /d2
Sol. [C] Sol. [C]
Refer to the ray diagram and note that for four The distance from the centre of the screen is
reflections from the two mirrors, we have d/2 = nX where X is the fringe width and n is
90°– 3T = T, so that T = 90° /4 = 90°/(number the order of the fringe.
of reflections n). Therefore, the product of T
and n is a constant so that the graph is a Q.34 A lens formed by two watch glasses, as shown,
rectangular hyperbola. behaves like a

2T 2T
T TT (A) convex lens (B) concave lens
(C) glass plate (D) mirror

Sol. [C] Sol. [C]
Note that for each of the watch glasses, the two Note that the emf induced in the inductor is [L
radii of curvature happen to be the same so that (di/dt)] and energy stored per unit time is the
their focal lengths happen to be infinite. power, that is, [emf × current]
Q.39 According to Bohr theory, for the stability of
Q.35 Six resistors each of 10 ohm are connected as
an atom, angular momentum of an electron in
shown. The equivalent resistance between
points X and Y is : an orbit is quantized. This is a necessary
X condition according to :
(A) Pauli's exclusion principle
(B) the concept of wave associated with an
(C) correspondence principle
Y (D) none of the above
Sol. [B]
(A) 20 ohm (B) 5 ohm
(C) 25/3 ohm (D) 10 ohm Note that angular momentum mvr = n(h/2 S)
giving n [h/(mv)] = 2 S r. Note that [h/(mv)] is
Sol. [B] the de Broglie wavelength.
Redrawing the circuit reveals that five of the
resistors form a balanced Wheatstone's network Q.40 A radioactive substance with decay constant of
between points X and Y with the remaining 0.5/s is being produced at a constant rate of 50
resistor in parallel appearing across X and Y. nuclei per second. If there are no nuclei
present initially, the time (in second) after
Q.36 Two long parallel straight conductors carry which 25 nuclei will be present is :
currents i1 and i2 (i1 > i2).When the currents are (A) 1 (B) 2 ln (4/3)
in the same direction, the magnetic field at a (C) ln 2 (D) ln (4/3)
point midway between the wires is 20 μT. If Sol. [B]
the direction of i2 is reversed, the field becomes Use the relation di/dt = 50 – ON and integrate
50 μT. The ratio of the currents i1/i2 is : to get N = 50/O [1 – e Ot]. Then use O = 0.5/s
(A) 5/2 (B) 7/3 (C) 4/3 (D) 5/3 and N = 25.
Sol. [B]
Note that when the currents are in the sense the
Sub-Part A-2
magnetic fields due the two wires subtract and
when the currents are in opposite sense they
Q.41 Two particles having the same specific charge
Q.37 Magnetic field at the centre of a circular loop enter a uniform magnetic field with the same
of area A is B. The magnetic moment of the speed but at angles of 30° and 60° with the
loop is : field. Let a, b, and c be the ratios of their
(A) BA2/(μ0S) (B) BA A / μ 0 periods, radii and pitches of their helical paths
respectively, then
(C) BA A /(μ 0 S) (D) 2BA A /(μ 0 S )
Sol. [D] (A) abc > 1 (B) a + b = 2 C
Use the expression for the magnetic field at the (C) a = C (D) a b = C
centre of a circular coil [B = (μ0 i) / 2r]and that Sol. [A,B,C,D]
for the magnetic moment [M = iA]. Note that Use the expression for periodic time T = (2S m)
area A = Sr2. /(Bq sin T), for radius of the circular path
Q.38 A current of 1A through a coil of inductance of r = (mv)/(Bq sin T) and for the pitch of the
200 mH is increasing at a rate of 0.5 A/s. The helical path p = T (v cos T) where the symbols
energy stored in the inductor per second is : their usual meanings. With this we get, a = b = 3
(A) 0.5 J/s (B) 5.0 J/s
(C) 0.1 J/s (D) 2.0 J/s and c = 3.

Q.42 Let v and a bet he instantaneous velocity and Q.46 A ball A moving with a velocity 5 m/s collides
the acceleration respectively of a particle elastically with another identical ball at rest
moving in a plane. The rate of change of speed such that the velocity of A makes an angle of
(dv/dt) of the particle is : 30° with the line joining the centres of the
(A) | a | balls. Then,
(B) (v ˜ a)/ | v |
(A) speed of A after collision is (5/2) m/s
(C) the component of a in the direction of v
(D) the component of a perpendicular to v (B) speed of B after collision is (5 3 / 2) m/s
(C) balls A and B move at right angles after
Sol. [B,C] collision
Use v2 = vX2 + vy2, differentiate to get (dv/dt) (D) Kinetic energy is not conserved as the
= (vx ax + vy ay)/ v = (v ˜ a)/ v. Also note that collision is not head-on
(v/v) is the unit vector along v.
Sol. [A,B,C]
Consider the conservation of kinetic energy
Q.43 A piece of metal weighs 210 g in air, 180 g in
water and 120 g in a liquid. Then, specific and the fact that the momentum must be
gravity of : conserved along two directions, namely (i) line
(A) metal is 3 (B) metal is 7 joining their centres and, (ii) perpendicular to
(C) liquid is 3 (D) liquid is 1/3 that line.
Sol. [B,C]
Use relation : relative density of metal = Wair/ Q.47 For any monoatomic gas the quantity/quantities
(Wair – Wwater) and loss of weight in liquid = independent of the nature of the gas at the
upthrust in liquid. same temperature is /are
(A) the number of molecules is one mole
Q.44 Two sphere A and B have the same radii but
(B) the number of molecules in equal volume
the heat capacity of A is greater than that of B.
The surfaces of both are painted black. They (C) the translational kinetic energy of one
are heated to the same temperature and allowed mole
to cool in vacuum. Then, (D) the kinetic energy of unit mass
(A) A cools faster than B Sol. [A,C]
(B) both A and B cool at the same rate Consider the properties of one mole of any gas
(C) at any temperature the ratio of their rates of at a given temperature.
cooling is a constant
(D) B cools faster than A Q.48 A square coil OLMN of side 5 cm is placed in
Sol. [C,D]
a magnetic field B = 3kt2 (as shown in the
At any temperature T, both the spheres lose
figure) where k is a constant, B is in tesla and t
heat at the same rate which is C (dT/dt) in
is in second. At time t = 5 second
Q.45 Two different coils have self inductance
L1 = 10 mH and L2 = 12 mH. the currents in
both the coils are increased at the same rate and &
the power in the two coils is also the same at X X X B
some instant of time. At that instant of time let
i1, V1 and W1 be the current, the induced emf
and the energy stored respectively in the first L M
coil. Let i2, V2 and W2 be the corresponding (A) induced current flows from O to L
quantities for the second coil. Then, (B) induced current flows from L to O
(A) i1/i2 = 6/5 (B) i1/i2 = 5/6
(C) induced emf is 75k mV
(C) W2/W1 = 5/6 (D) V2/V1 = 6/5
(D) induced emf is 1.875 k V
Sol. [A,C,D]
Use the relation power P = Vi = L(di/dt) i. Sol. [A,C]
Since P and (di/dt) are the same, L1i1 = L2i2. Use the expression : emf induced = dI/dt = l2
Note that the energy stored in an inductor is (dB/dt) and consider the sense in which the
(1/2 Li2). induced emf sends the current.

Q.49 Two card A and B are moving in the same m
direction with speeds 36 km/hr and 54 km/hr
respectively. Car B is ahead of A. If A sounds "1 "0
horn of frequency 1000 Hz and the speed of Sol. The length of the stretched spring
sound in air is 340 m/s, the frequency of sound
l = (l02 + x2)1/2 | l0 + x2 (2l0) so that the
received by the driver of car B is
extension of the spring is (l – l0) = x2 / (2l0).
(A) 928.57 Hz (B) 984.84 Hz
(C) 946.37 Hz (D) 938.47 Hz Now the tension in the spring will be T = k
Sol. [B] [x2/(2l0)]. The restoring force will be 2 T sin
Noting that speed of the observer is 15 m/s and T = kx3 / l02where sin T | T = x/l. This gives
that of the source is 10 m/s apply Doppler's the acceleration proportional to x3. The motion
relation for the apparent frequency. is obviously not simple harmonic.
Q.50 A glass prism is immersed in a hypothetical
liquid. The curves showing the refractive index x
n as a function of wavelength O for glass and
l0 l0
liquid are as shown in the figure. When a ray of
white light is incident on the prism parallel to
the base –
n Q.52 A body of mass m is projected inside a liquid
liquid at an angle T0 with horizontal at an initial
velocity v0. If the liquid develops a velocity
dependent force F = – kv where k is a positive
constant, determine the x and the y
components of the velocity at any instant. Also
glass determine its range.
Sol. To determine the component of velocity in the
O Oyellow O horizontal direction, consider the equation
(A) yellow ray travels without deviation Fx = – k vx and integrate to get ln v = – (kt/m)
(B) blue ray is deviated towards the vertex + ln C where the constant of integration C can
(C) red ray is deviated towards the base be determined by using the initial condition
(D) there is no dispersion that at t = 0, vx = v0 cos T0. This gives after
Sol. [A,B,C]
substitution vx = v0 cos T0 (e kt/m). Similarly
Note that the refractive indices of both the glass
and the liquid are the same for yellow and the vertical component of velocity can be
hence no deviation. However, red ray enters determined by considering the equation
from a rarer to a relatively denser medium Fy = – kvy – mg. While integrating we use the
while blue ray enters from a denser medium to condition that at t = 0, vy = v0 sin T0. This
a relatively rarer medium and hence the gives vy = (m/k) {[k/m) v0 sin T0 + g] e kt/m –
corresponding deviations. g}. The range can then be determined by
writing Fx = – k vx as m (dvxdt) = – k vx and
PART B Marks : 60 further as mvx(dvxdx) = – k vx. this given the
* All questions are compulsory. range xmax = (m v0 cos T0)/k.
* All questions carry equal marks
Q.53 Identical thin rods of length 2l carry equal
Q.51 A small bob joins two light unstretched
charges + q, uniformly distributed along their
identical springs fixed at their far ends and
arranged along a straight line, as shown in the lengths. The rods lie along X axis with their
figure. The bob is displaced in a direction centres separated by a distance of a > 2l. Show
perpendicular to the line of the springs by x that the magnitude of the force exerted by one
(<<I0) and then released. Obtain an expression rod on the other is given by
for the acceleration of the bob in terms of the F = (1/4SH0) (q2/4l2) ln [a2/(a2 – 4 l2)]
displacement x. Is the motion simple harmonic ?

Sol. Referring to the figure, write the electric field Q.55 A container of volume 0.02 m3 contains a
at a point distance d from one end of the rod. mixture of neon and argon gases at a
This comes out to be [(1/4SH0)q/ {d(d + l)}]. temperature of 27°C and pressure of 1 × 105
Using this write the electric field dE at a point N/m2. The total mass of the mixture is 28g. If
the molecular weights of neon and argon are
distance x from the origin where the centre of
20 and 40 respectively, determine the masses
one of the rods is situated. This is given by dE of the individual gases in the mixture,
= (1/4SH0) q/[(x – l) (x + l)]. From this, the assuming them to be ideal. (R = 8.314 J/mole
force dF on a small element of charge Odx of K)
the other rod can be written as (dE × dq). Sol. Let m1 and m2 be the masses of neon and
integrating this relation between (a – l) and argon respectively. Then, (m1 + m2) = 28. The
(a + l) we get the result. number of moles of the two gases are (m1/M1)
ª 1 q º and (m2/M2) where M1 and M2 are the
E= « ˜ »
q ¬ 4SH 0 d(d  2) ¼ corresponding molecular weights. Using
pV = nRT where n represents the total number
2L d
of moles, we get m1 = 4 g and m2 = 24g

Y Q.56 A metal rod of length 1 m is clamped at two

dx points as shown in the figure. Find the
x minimum frequency of natural longitudinal
q q X oscillation of the rod. (Young's modulus
–L O (a + l) Y = 1.6 × 1011 N/m2, density of metal
+L a–L
a U = 2500 kg/m3 )
Q.54 A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is
rotating about its axis, as a result of which the
liquid rises at the sides. Show that the section 5 cm 15 cm
of the surface of the liquid by a vertical plane Sol. Using the relation v = (Y/U)1/2 the speed of
containing the axis is a parabola. Determine the longitudinal wave is 8000 m/s. Nodes will be
difference in height of the liquid at the centre formed at the clamped positions and there
of the vessel and its sides.
should be integral number of loops between
Sol. Referring to the figure, consider a particle at a
the nodes. If a denotes the number of loops
point P on the surface. We have N cos T = m g
and N sin T = m x Z2, giving tan T = (x Z2) / g. between P and Q, then a(O/2) = 80 or aO =
The Slope of the curve (dy/dx) is itself tan T. 160. Now, since R and S are free ends, the
With this we get the differential equation number of loops between P-R and Q-S must be
(dy/dx) = (x Z2) / g. Solve this differential odd multiples of (O/4) say, b and c
equation using the conditions that at x = 0, respectively. This gives (2b – 1) (O/4) = 5 and
y = 0 and at x = r, y = h. This gives h = (Z2 r2) / (2c – 1) (O/4) = 15. For frequency to be
(2g). minimum, a, b and c must be smallest integers.
Y With this a = 8, b = 1 and c = 3, and then,
frequency comes to be 40 kHz.
section Q.57 The mercury thread in a glass thermometer
by a appears to be half as thick as the cylindrical
vertical h stem. Calculate the actual diameter o the
plane P (x, y) mercury thread if the actual diameter of the
mg stem is 3mm. Refractive index of glass is 1.5.
X How does the answer depend upon the
external diameter ? Draw a next ray diagram.

Sol. Refer to the ray diagram and write sin i1 = r/R
and sin i2 = r'/R. This gives the refractive index
n = sin i2 / sin i1 = r' / r = (apparent radius) / S1
(actual radius) giving actual radius as 1 mm. * O
S S2
the answer is obviously independent of the Screen
external diameter R.
r o actual radius Sol. Let the central maximum be formed at P at a
i2 rco apparent radius distance x from O. Then, the path difference
i1 O o Point from where {S2P + [(μg/μm) – 1] t} – S1P = 0, where t is
R a ray starts the thickness of the glass plate and μg, μm are
rc O the refractive indices of the glass of the plate
i2 r and the medium respectively. This gives x =
4.33 mm. The path difference for waves
reaching at point O is [(μg / μm) – 1] t which
corresponds to a phase difference of (13S/3). If
I0 denotes the intensity at point O and Imax the
maximum intensity, then the ratio I0/Imax = ¾.
Q.58 A glass prism in the shape of a quarter cylinder Note that the net intensity I at any point due to
lies on a horizontal table. A horizontal beam of two waves with intensities I1 and I2 is [I1 + I2 +
light falls on its vertical plane surface, as 2 (I1I2)1/2 cos G], where G is the phase
shown. If the radius R of they cylinder is 3 cm difference.
and the refractive index n of the glass is 1.5,
where on the table beyond the cylinder will a Q.60 It is proposed to use the nuclear reaction
patch of light be formed ? 84Po o 82Pb206 + 2He4 to produce 2kW of
electric power in a generator. The half life of
polonium (84Po210) is 138.6 days. Assuming
efficiency of the generator to be 10%,
calculate how many grams of polonium are
Sol. Referring to the ray diagram, we have, sin required per day.
Tc = 1/n and cos Tc = R/(R + x) giving x = 1.03 [Masses of nuclei : Po210 – 209.98264 amu,
cm. Now consider the lower part of the Pb206 – 205.97440 amu, He4 – 4.00260 amu
cylinder as a planoconvex lens to get f = 2R = and 1 amu = 931 MeV]
6. cm. Thus the path of light will be found Sol. The mass difference ('m) between the two
between 1.03 cm and 3 cm beyond the cylinder. isotopes is 0.00564 amu which is equivalent to
5.25 MeV. The decay constant O turns out to
be (0.693/138.6) = 0.005 /day. If M grams of
TC Po210 are required per day, the number of
nuclei in M grams is about (6 × 1023/210) M =
R N, say. Then, ON should be the number of
TC nuclei present. The energy produced per day
R x will then be ON (5.25 MeV × 1.6 × 10 19) J.
This energy is expected to be (2kW × 24 × 60
Q.59 The Young's double slit experiment is done in × 60) J. Equating the two we get M = 14.4
water of refractive index 4/3. A light source of gram. Since the efficiency is 10%, the amount
wavelength 6000Å is used and the slits are 0.45 required is 144 gram.
mm apart. One of the slits is covered by a glass
plate of thickness 10.4 μm and refractive index
3/2. The interference pattern is observed on a
screen placed 1.5 m from the slits. Determine
(1) the location of the central maximum, and
(2) the intensity of light at point O relative to
the maximum intensity.


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