The Simple Algebra of The IS-LM Model and The Aggregate Demand Curve
The Simple Algebra of The IS-LM Model and The Aggregate Demand Curve
The Simple Algebra of The IS-LM Model and The Aggregate Demand Curve
The chapter analyzes the IS–LM model with graphs of the IS and LM curves.
Here we analyze the model algebraically rather than graphically.This alternative
presentation offers additional insight into how monetary and fiscal policy influ-
ence aggregate demand.
The IS Curve
One way to think about the IS curve is that it describes the combinations of in-
come Y and the interest rate r that satisfy an equation we first saw in Chapter 3:
Y = C(Y − T ) + I(r) + G.
This equation combines the national income accounts identity, the consumption
function, and the investment function. It states that the quantity of goods pro-
duced, Y, must equal the quantity of goods demanded, C + I + G.
We can learn more about the IS curve by considering the special case in
which the consumption function and investment function are linear. We begin
with the national income accounts identity
Y = C + I + G.
Now suppose that the consumption function is
C = a + b(Y − T ),
where a and b are numbers greater than zero, and the investment function is
I = c − dr,
where c and d also are numbers greater than zero.The parameter b is the mar-
ginal propensity to consume, so we expect b to be between zero and one.The
parameter d determines how much investment responds to the interest rate;
because investment rises when the interest rate falls, there is a minus sign in
front of d.
From these three equations, we can derive an algebraic expression for the IS
curve and see what influences the IS curve’s position and slope. If we substitute
the consumption and investment functions into the national income accounts
identity, we obtain
Y = [a + b(Y − T )] + (c − dr) + G.
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308 | P A R T I V Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run
Note that Y shows up on both sides of this equation.We can simplify this equa-
tion by bringing all the Y terms to the left-hand side and rearranging the terms
on the right-hand side:
Y − bY = (a + c) + (G − bT ) − dr.
We solve for Y to get
a+c 1 −b −d
Y = + G + T + r.
1−b 1−b 1−b 1−b
This equation expresses the IS curve algebraically. It tells us the level of income Y
for any given interest rate r and fiscal policy G and T. Holding fiscal policy fixed,
the equation gives us a relationship between the interest rate and the level of in-
come: the higher the interest rate, the lower the level of income. The IS curve
graphs this equation for different values of Y and r given fixed values of G and T.
Using this last equation, we can verify our previous conclusions about the IS
curve. First, because the coefficient of the interest rate is negative, the IS curve
slopes downward: higher interest rates reduce income. Second, because the coef-
ficient of government purchases is positive, an increase in government purchases
shifts the IS curve to the right.Third, because the coefficient of taxes is negative,
an increase in taxes shifts the IS curve to the left.
The coefficient of the interest rate, −d/(1 − b), tells us what determines whether
the IS curve is steep or flat. If investment is highly sensitive to the interest rate, then
d is large, and income is highly sensitive to the interest rate as well. In this case, small
changes in the interest rate lead to large changes in income: the IS curve is relatively
flat. Conversely, if investment is not very sensitive to the interest rate, then d is small,
and income is also not very sensitive to the interest rate. In this case, large changes in
interest rates lead to small changes in income: the IS curve is relatively steep.
Similarly, the slope of the IS curve depends on the marginal propensity to
consume b.The larger the marginal propensity to consume, the larger the change
in income resulting from a given change in the interest rate.The reason is that a
large marginal propensity to consume leads to a large multiplier for changes in
investment.The larger the multiplier, the larger the impact of a change in invest-
ment on income, and the flatter the IS curve.
The marginal propensity to consume b also determines how much changes
in fiscal policy shift the IS curve.The coefficient of G, 1/(1 − b), is the govern-
ment-purchases multiplier in the Keynesian cross. Similarly, the coefficient of
T, −b/(1 − b), is the tax multiplier in the Keynesian cross. The larger the mar-
ginal propensity to consume, the greater the multiplier, and thus the greater
the shift in the IS curve that arises from a change in fiscal policy.
The LM Curve
The LM curve describes the combinations of income Y and the interest rate r
that satisfy the money market equilibrium condition
M/P = L(r, Y ).
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L(r, Y ) = eY − fr,
where e and f are numbers greater than zero. The value of e determines how
much the demand for money rises when income rises.The value of f determines
how much the demand for money falls when the interest rate rises. There is a
minus sign in front of the interest rate term because money demand is inversely
related to the interest rate.
The equilibrium in the money market is now described by
M/P = eY − fr.
To see what this equation implies, rearrange the terms so that r is on the left-
hand side.We obtain
This equation gives us the interest rate that equilibrates the money market for
any values of income and real money balances.The LM curve graphs this equa-
tion for different values of Y and r given a fixed value of M/P.
From this last equation, we can verify some of our conclusions about the LM
curve. First, because the coefficient of income is positive, the LM curve slopes
upward: higher income requires a higher interest rate to equilibrate the money
market. Second, because the coefficient of real money balances is negative, de-
creases in real balances shift the LM curve upward, and increases in real balances
shift the LM curve downward.
From the coefficient of income, e/f, we can see what determines whether
the LM curve is steep or flat. If money demand is not very sensitive to the
level of income, then e is small. In this case, only a small change in the interest
rate is necessary to offset the small increase in money demand caused by
a change in income: the LM curve is relatively flat. Similarly, if the quantity
of money demanded is not very sensitive to the interest rate, then f is small.
In this case, a shift in money demand caused by a change in income leads
to a large change in the equilibrium interest rate: the LM curve is relatively
a+c 1
−d e 1 M
Y = + G + T + Y − .
1−b 1−b f f P ( )
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310 | P A R T I V Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run
With some algebraic manipulation, we can solve for Y. The final equation for Y
z(a + c) z −zb d M
Y = + G + T + ,
1−b 1−b 1−b (1 − b)[f + de/(1 − b)] P
where z = f/[f + de/(1 − b)] is a composite of some of the parameters and is be-
tween zero and one.
This last equation expresses the aggregate demand curve algebraically. It says
that income depends on fiscal policy G and T, monetary policy M, and the price
level P. The aggregate demand curve graphs this equation for different values of
Y and P given fixed values of G, T, and M.
We can explain the slope and position of the aggregate demand curve with
this equation. First, the aggregate demand curve slopes downward, because an in-
crease in P lowers M/P and thus lowers Y. Second, increases in the money supply
raise income and shift the aggregate demand curve to the right. Third, increases
in government purchases or decreases in taxes also raise income and shift the ag-
gregate demand curve to the right. Note that, because z is less than one, the mul-
tipliers for fiscal policy are smaller in the IS–LM model than in the Keynesian
cross. Hence, the parameter z reflects the crowding out of investment discussed
Finally, this equation shows the relationship between the aggregate demand
curve derived in this chapter from the IS–LM model and the aggregate demand
curve derived in Chapter 9 from the quantity theory of money. The quantity
theory assumes that the interest rate does not influence the quantity of real
money balances demanded. Put differently, the quantity theory assumes that the
parameter f equals zero. If f equals zero, then the composite parameter z also
equals zero, so fiscal policy does not influence aggregate demand. Thus, the ag-
gregate demand curve derived in Chapter 9 is a special case of the aggregate de-
mand curve derived here.
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C H A P T E R 1 1 Aggregate Demand II | 311
1. Give an algebraic answer to each of the following b. How does the sensitivity of money demand to
questions. Then explain in words the economics the interest rate affect the slope of the aggre-
that underlies your answer. gate demand curve?
a. How does the sensitivity of investment to the c. How does the marginal propensity to consume
interest rate affect the slope of the aggregate affect the response of aggregate demand to
demand curve? changes in government purchases?
User JOEWA:Job EFF01427:6264_ch11:Pg 311:27358#/eps at 100% *27358* Wed, Feb 13, 2002 10:28 AM