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Nadella Needle Bearings WL101E

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The document discusses technical features, applications, and specifications of various types of needle bearings.

Needle bearings are used in applications that require low friction rotation between components like shafts and housings.

The document discusses radial needle roller bearings, needle bushes, drawn cup roller clutches, bearings with cage-guided needles, full complement needle bearings, cam followers, needle thrust bearings, roller thrust bearings, combined bearings, and precision combined bearings.

Linear and Motion Solutio


Needle Bearings

WL 101 E
General Catalogue
Principal units

S.I. System Multiple or part

Unit Equivalent
title symbol title symbol

millimeter mm 1 mm = 10-3 m
length metre m
micron μm 1 μm = 10-6 m

hour h 1 h = 3600 s
time second s
minute min 1 min = 60 s

speed metre per second m/s

metre per second per

acceleration m/s2

speed (rotational) revolutions per minute min-1

mass kilogramme kg gramme g 1 g = 10-3 kg

force newton N kilonewton kN 1 N = 10-3 kN

moment of force newton metre Nm

stress pascal Pa megapascal Mpa 1 Mpa = 1N/mm2

square metre square millimetres

kinematic viscosity m2/s mm2/s 1 mm2/s = 1 cSt
per second per second

temperature degrees centigrade C°

Comments Information and advice contained herein may

The information given in this catalogue can be subject be insufficient given the conditions of individual
to modification and deletions. applications. Consult our Technical Department.

Nadella does not accept any responsibility for errors or Certain products mentioned in this catalogue involve
omissions. proprietary rights of manufacture, Trademarks and

List of contents








RAX 400 RAXPZ 400

RAX 500 RAXZ 500
RAX 700 RAXN 400 RAXNPZ 400
RAXF 700 RAXN 500 RAXPZ 500





List of contents PAGE

















Technical features




3.1.1. Dynamic capacity C
3.1.2. Nominal life L10
3.1.3. Modified life Lna
3.1.4. Variable loads and speeds
3.1.5. Oscillating motion
3.1.6. Application criteria

4.1.1. Heat treatment of raceways
4.1.2. Surface finish
4.1.3. Tolerances and form deviations
4.1.4. End chamfer
4.1.5. Surface in contact with seals
4.2.1. Surface finish of the shaft
4.2.2. Tolerances and form deviations
4.2.3. End chamfer
4.3.1. Surface finish of the shaft
4.3.2. Tolerances and form deviations
4.3.3. End chamfer
4.3.4. Alignment between hole housing
4.4.1. Requirements for materials, processing and finishing
4.4.2. Alignment between hole housing

Technical features

5.1.1. Base oil
5.1.2. Additives
5.2.1. Main types of grease
5.2.2. Consistency
5.2.3. Special grease
5.2.4. Compatibility of greases
5.2.5. Application
5.2.6. Quantity of grease
5.2.7. Re-lubrication
5.3.1. Viscosity
5.3.2. Application of the lubricant


Technical features


The choice of a bearing depends on many factors Bearing type selection is made after the general design
that need to be examined in order to obtain the most concept of the mechanism has been established and
successful results at the lowest cost. the application requirements carefully evaluated.
In most cases the selection should be made when
the overall design of the machine has been decided. The ability of a bearing to support radial or axial loads,
Dimensional limits are then known, also the speeds tolerate misalignments, be suitable for high speeds or
and loads. At this stage the choice can be made from loads are the main criteria for guiding the selection in
the many types of bearings offered from the standard the correct way. To navigate the families of bearings in
ranges. The notes given in this section will generally this catalogue an initial assessment can be made on the
permit one to select the most suitable bearing for each basis of the table below. Further details are specified in
application. the relevant chapters.
As for all other types of bearing, the results obtained
with needle bearing products depend to a large extent
on the design and method of assembly, loading, and
alignment between inner and outer rings.
Bearing alignment depends first of all on the geometry of
the parts involved and secondly on the deflection of the
shaft under load. The shaft diameter should therefore
be sufficient to prevent large deflections. This is easier
to achieve using needle bearings because they occupy
a small radial area.

Radial Full Full

Caged Caged
needle complement complement Needle Thrust Combined
needle needle
roller needle needle rollers bearings bearings 1)
bushes bearings
cage bushes bearings

Radial load High Moderate High High Very high Very high None High

Axial load None None None None None None Very high Very high

Speed Very high High Moderate Very high Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate

Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Very low Low Low

Grease life High High Moderate High Moderate Moderate Low Low

Friction Very low Low High Very low High High High Moderate

Precision Very high Moderate Moderate High High Very high High Very high

Cross section Very low Low Low Moderate Moderate Very low Moderate Moderate

Cost Low Low Low Moderate Moderate Low High High

1) RAX 700 series not included

Technical features


BEARINGS The life of a (or thrust bearing) is the number of
The details following enable one to evaluate lifetime of revolutions (or the number of hours at constant speed)
radial bearings and thrust bearings and also combined that it will maintain before showing the first signs of
bearings which comprise a radial and a thrust material fatigue.
component. These are calculated separately without The relationship between the life in millions of revolutions
transforming the axial load into an equivalent radial L10, the dynamic capacity C and the supported load P, is
load. given by the formula:
The calculation for a radial or thrust bearing must take
account of the following principal factors:

sOPERATINGTEMPERATURE in this expression p is equal to 10/3 for needle or roller
sHARDNESSOFTHEBEARINGRACEWAYS bearings. In order to assess the importance of the
influence of load on the life expectancy, one should note
Other features such as lubrication, sealing and alignment for example that, if the load on a bearing is doubled,
must be considered in order to avoid introducing its life is reduced by a factor of 10. The formula above
unfavourable factors. is independent of speed of rotation which must not
The formulas for lifetime calculations here reported are exceed the recommended limit in respect of the radial
considered valid under standard conditions, generally bearing or the thrust bearing used an d the method of
useful for first-sizing or product comparison. lubrication. lf the speed of rotation n (r.p.m.) is constant,
For further details on correction factors for bearing the life is given in hours by the function:
lifetime in applications, please refer to ISO281 and
ISO16281 standards and to Nadella Technical Service.
The life calculation of a radial bearing or a thrust bearing
under rotation is established from the dynamic capacity
C indicated in the tables of dimensions. The static
capacity Co enables one to determine the maximum The above formula will ensure that 90% of the bearings
load under certain operating conditions (see table on operating under the same conditions will attain at least
page 8). the calculated L10 life, known as the nominal life (the
figure 10 being the percentage of bearings which may
3.1. BEARING LIFETIME not attain this life). The formulae are based on the use of
standard quality bearing steel and assume a satisfactory
3.1.1. Dynamic capacity C method of lubrication.
The dynamic capacity of a bearing is the constant radial The formulas for life calculation are effective for an
load which it can support during one million revolutions applied load smaller than 0.5 C.
before the first signs of fatigue appear on a ring or
rolling element. For a thrust bearing, the capacity for
one million revolutions assumes a constant axial load
centred in line with the axis of rotation.
The dynamic capacity is a reference value only; the
base value of one million revolutions has been chosen
for ease of calculation. Since applied loading as great
as the dynamic capacity tends to cause local plastic
deformations of the rolling surfaces that may affect their
The dynamic capacity C for bearings shown in the tables
of dimensions has been established in conformance
with the ISO Standard 281.

Technical features

3.1.3. Modified life Lna 3.1.4. Variable loads and speeds

In conditions different from the mentioned above, When the loads and speeds are variable, the life
a modified life Lna can be determined (in millions of calculation can only be made by first establishing an
revolutions) following the general formula: assumed constant load and constant speed equivalent
in their effect on the fatigue life.
Lna = a1 . aISO . L10 This type of operating condition is frequently met and the
possible variations although cyclical are numerous. One
encounters this feature in particular, in variable speed
in which a1 and aISO are correction factors linked drives on some supports, but constant on each support
respectively to reliability, contamination and lubrication. for an interval of time referring to the total operating time
(example: change of speed). The equivalent load P and
Reliability correction factor a1 the equivalent speed n are obtained from the following
A reliability factor in excess of 90% may be required in formulae:
certain industries fields, such as aviation, for reasons
of security and to reduce the risk of a very costly
immobilisation. The table below indicates the values of
the correction factor a1 as a function of reliability:

Reliability Factor Modified life

% a1 Lna1
90 1 L10
95 0,64 L5 in which:
96 0,55 L4
m1, m2 ..., mn: interval of operating time under
97 0,47 L3
98 0,37 L2 constant load and speed (by definition:
99 0,25 L1 m1 + m2 + ... + mn =1).
99,5 0,175 L0,5
n1, n2, ..., nn: constant speed corresponding
99,9 0,093 L0,1
respectively to intervals of time
m1, m2, ..., mn.
In order to select as an example a bearing of life L4
P1, P2, Pn: constant loads corresponding
(reliability 96%) it is necessary to estimate life L10 with
respectively to intervals of time
the formula L10 = (C/P)10/3 starting from the dynamic
m1, m2, ..., mn.
capacity C given in this catalogue:
For needles and rollers bearings and thrust bearings, p
is equal to 10/3.
L4 = 0.55 . L10
Whilst at constant speed, the load varies linearly during
a given time, between a minimum Pmin and a maximum
Correction factor aISO
Pmax. the equivalent load is given by:
The factors that affect bearing life are numerous, and
their analysis is not one in this catalogue. The effects
of temperature, misalignment, bearing clearance,
cleaning and lubrication conditions, which require a
detailed discussion is beyond the scope of the product
catalogue. For a more detailed discussion, please refer
to Standards:
ISO 281:2007 introducing the coefficient aISO to take
into account the effects of lubrication and cleanliness
of the lubricant.
ISO 16281, which introduces in the calculation the effect
of clearance and misalignments in the bearing.
Nadella technical service is available for advice on the
choices to be made in special cases.

Technical features

3.1.5. Oscillating motion 3.3. STATIC CAPACITY Co AND LIMIT LOAD Po

In order to calculate the life during oscillating motion The static capacity Co given in the tables of dimensions
it is necessary to determine an equivalent speed n in has been established in conformance with ISO
revolutions per minute from the formula: Specification 76. This takes into consideration the
maximum admissible contact stress (Hertzian stress).
The value currently being adopted in 4000 MPa.
Since permanent deformation is produced as
readily in a bearing rotating as in one that is
stationary, the static capacity Co determines
nosc: number of oscillations "Forward and Return" per the limit load Po which depends on the type of
minute bearing and the operating conditions. When the
α: amplitude of oscillation "Forward" in degrees. limit load Po is given within the "min-max" range,
the load applied may attain the indicated maximum
However, this formula risks being in error and giving provided it is applied continuously without sudden
inaccurate lives for oscillations at small amplitudes. It repeated variations. Alternatively, in the case of
is therefore recommended not to apply it for angles of shock loads and vibrations, the load applied should
oscillation below 15°. not exceed the minimum value of limit load Po.
When the angle of oscillation is very small fretting The relationship between the static capacity and
corrosion is likely to be produced and a suitable the limit load defines the safety static factor fo:
lubricant must be chosen in consequence. Experience
confirms that full complement needle bearings provide fo = Co/Po
better results under this phenomenon in view of their
better load sharing capability.
The suggested values for the safety factor, depend on
3.1.6. Application criteria the type of application and product
The life calculation may be unreliable when values for
speed and load reach the ultimate limits. A low speed Solid rail bearings
and/or load can yield an extremely long calculated life fo = 1,5 … 2,5 Important requirements for smoothness
but this will be limited in practice by other operating of function, silent operation or accuracy
factors such as sealing, lubrication and maintenance, of rotation
all of which have a decisive influence on the life of the fo = 1 … 1,5 General applications
product in such cases. fo = 0,7 … 1 Slow rotation or oscillatory motion.

3.2. MINIMUM LOAD Drawn bearings

Slippage can occur if loads are too light and, if fo > 4 Important requirements for smoothness
accompanied by inadequate lubrication, cause damage of function, silent operation or accuracy
to the bearings. The minimum load for bearings with of rotation
cage must be fo > 3 General applications and oscillatory
For radial bearings
- Fr min = 0,04 C Cam followers: the allowable load for cam followers
(C is the Dynamic Capacity for lifetime calculation) depends on the static load of the bearing and from the
strength of the stud and of the outer ring. Authorised
For thrust bearings are correct the formulas values are listed in the tables of dimensions.
- Needle bearings Fa min = 0,005 Co
- Roller bearings Fa min = 0,001 Co
(Co is the Static Capacity)

Technical features


The resistance torque M of a bearing supporting a load The tabular pages list the limiting speed values calculated
P is given by the following relationships: under normal operating conditions, properly mounting
tolerances and clearance, absence of misalignments,
s2ADIALBEARING-F.P. low loads. For speed calculated with oil lubrication it
is considered a normal flow of lubricant. A bearing may
(with Fw is the diameter of the inner raceway of the bearing) operate at a speed higher than the listed limiting speed
E +E with use of a clean, with good quality oil and correct
s4HRUSTBEARING-F.P. with dm = b a flow to remove the heat generated in the table. Consult
2 2
Nadella Technical Service for further details.
(Eb and Ea being the internal and external raceway In case of high speed and acceleration to avoid internal
diameters given in table of dimensions). slippage between the rolling elements and the raceways
The coefficient of friction f depends on a number of the relationship between the applied load P and the
factors, amongst which are: base load of the bearing C must be at least P/C > 0.02.
sTYPEOFMECHANISM The wheels are supplied normally lubricated with grease
sAPPLIEDLOAD suitable for general use, so the limit speed given in the
sSPEEDOFROTATION dimension tables take account of such lubrication. For
sLUBRICATION wheels without seals, lubricated with oil, the indicated
sSURFACElNISHANDALIGNMENTOFRACEWAYS speed limit may be increased by about 30% for
The mean values shown below are for oil lubrication continuous rotation (about 50% for intermittent rotation).

f = 0,002 ÷ 0,003 for caged needle bearings

f = 0,003 ÷ 0,004 for full complement bearings and needle
thrust bearings
f = 0,004 ÷ 0,005 for roller thrust bearings.

These coefficients are applicable for values of C/P

between 2 and 6 approximately. For values less than or
in excess of these limits the coefficient of friction f can be
increased by 10 to 50%. Under starting conditions from
rest, the values of f may be up to 1.5 times higher than
those shown above.
To evaluate the losses of the entire bearing assembly,
account must also be taken of the friction due to the seals
which can be significant, especially during "running-in".

Technical features

4. MOUNTING 4.1.3. Tolerances and form deviations

The suggested tolerances for the mean shaft diameter
4.1. SHAFT FOR BEARINGS WITHOUT INNER RING are indicated in the appropriate chapters specific for
4.1.1. Heat treatment of raceways every product.
The minimum hardness of 58-64 HRC required to apply The suggested tolerance for deviation from the
the calculations without reducing the basic capacities cylindrical raceways form (radial bearings).
may be obtained with a through-hardened bearing steel - Variation of mean shaft diameter within the length of
or with a case-hardened and tempered steel. In the the bearing raceway should not exceed 0.008 mm or
latter case, the hardened case must be homogeneous one-half the diameter tolerance. The profile should
and regular over the entire surface of the raceway: the never be concave (the core diameter must protrude to
case depth is the thickness between the surface and the diameter at the ends)
the core having a hardness value of Vickers HV1 of 550 - Deviation from circular form: the minimum between
(see Standard NF A 04 202). 0.0025 mm and one quarter of diameter tolerance
The minimum effective case depth of hardening depends
on the applied load, the size of the rolling elements and For thrust bearings and combined bearings refer to the
the core strength of the steel used. To calculate the specific chapter prescriptions.
approximate case depth minimum depth can be used
the following formula 4.1.4. End chamfer
For the most effective assembly and preventing damage
Minimum case depth = (0,07÷0,12) x Dw to the roller complements or needles, provide a chamfer
Dw = diameter of the rolling element to the ends of the raceway.

In any case the minimum suggested case depth is of 4.1.5. Surface in contact with seals
0.4 mm. The surface in contact with the sealing lips must
The load capacities shown in the tables of dimensions be finished with plunge cut grinding. The propeller
apply to raceways with a hardness of between 58 and subsequent to the grinding process without centers
64 HRC. can create a pumping effect of the lubricant through the
The dynamic and static capacities are reduced when seal.
hardness values are lower than 58 and 54 HRC
respectively according to the following table: 4.2. SHAFT FOR BEARINGS WITH INNER RING

HRC 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 45 40 35 30 25 4.2.1. Surface finish of the shaft

Hardness Maximum roughness suggested: Ra = 1,6 μm
HV* 697 653 613 577 545 512 485 447 392 346 302 267
Coefficients Dyn. 1 1 0.93 0,84 0,73 0,63 0,52 0,43 0,31 0,23 0,15 0,11
for load 4.2.2. Tolerances and form deviations
reduction Stat. 1 1 1 1 0,96 0,86 0,77 0,65 0,50 0,39 0,30 0,25 The suggested tolerances for the mean shaft diameter
are indicated in the appropriate chapters specific for
every product.
4.1.2. Surface finish
The shafts or housing used directly as raceways for The suggested tolerance for deviation from the
needles must have a surface finish acceptable for the cylindrical raceways form (radial bearings)
operating conditions and the precision requirements: - Variation of mean shaft diameter within the length
of the bearing raceway: one-half of the diameter
- applications with high speeds and loads: Ra = 0,2 μm tolerance
- general applications: Ra = 0,35 μm - Deviation from circular form: one-half of the diameter

4.2.3. End chamfer

For the most effective assembly provide a chamfer to
the ends of the shaft on which the inner ring must be

Technical features


Bearings are protected against oxidation with a corrosion
4.3.1. Surface finish of the shaft protection, but normally supplied unlubricated. Please
Maximum roughness suggested: Ra = 1,6 μm don't forget to lubricate them when mounting.

4.3.2. Tolerances and form deviations 5.1. LUBRICANT FEATURES

The suggested tolerances for the housing is indicated Lubrication of a bearing provides a viscous film between
in the appropriate chapters specific for every product. the rolling elements in order to reduce heat and wear
The suggested tolerance for deviation of form is caused by friction. The lubricant can also assist in
- Variation of mean housing diameter within the length preventing corrosion and help to seal the bearing from
in contact with needle: 0.013 mm the introduction of dirt and impurities; it reduces friction
- Deviation from circular form: one-half of the diameter between the shaft and seals and lowers the noise level
tolerance of the housing generated within the bearing.
Wherever the operating conditions permit, grease
4.3.3. End chamfer should be chosen in preference to oil, as it is more
For the most effective assembly provide a chamfer to convenient to use and more economic. Furthermore,
the ends of the shaft on which the inner ring must be it acts as an efficient seal against the effects of dust
inserted. and humidity. On account of its consistency, grease can
improve the effectiveness of sealing rings and can be
4.3.4. Alignment between hole housing used on its own as a seal, when it is used to fill grooves
When possible ream the housing of the same shaft with or labyrinths provided for this purpose.
a single placement on the machine tool. Alternatively, oil is necessary for high rotational speeds
in excess of the limits advised for grease lubrication and
4.4. HOUSING FOR CAGES AND NEEDLES in cases where there is a problem of heat dissipation.
Oil can also remove moisture and impurities from the
4.4.1 Requirements for materials, processing and bearing and is usually easily controlled to monitor the
finishing state of lubrication. Oil lubrication is also necessary
Observe the rules for the shafts, paragraph 4.1. where it is used already in the function of the equipment,
such as hydraulic motors and pumps, speed variators
4.4.2. Alignment between hole housing and gear boxes etc.
When possible ream the housing of the same shaft with Oil and grease lubricants must be free of all impurities
a single placement on the machine tool. which could cause premature failure of the bearing
and removal from service. Sand and metal particles
are particularly injurious to bearings. Every precaution
must be taken to assure the cleanliness of gear casings,
pipes, grease nipples, couplings, as well as lubricant
The efficiency of a lubricant decreases in service both
by age and by the continuous mixing to which it is
submitted. Therefore replenishment must take place
at regular intervals, taking account of operating and
environmental conditions (humidity, dirt, temperature)
except for applications where the bearing has been
lubricated for life with a suitable grease.

Technical features

5.1.1. Base oil 5.1.2. Additives

It is the main constituent of a lubricant, being it an oil The addition of additives to the base oil, allows to
(obtained by adding base oil to chemical additives) or obtain an oil with performance features clearly higher
a grease (which is obtained by adding the thickener to than the base oil itself. The additives allow to reduce
the oil). Technically base oils differ between them for some negative sides of base oils, although a silicone
their chemical/physical properties and for their ability to oil (particularly weak to support applied loads) suitabley
work in particular conditions such as high temperatures additiveted (eg with EP additives) will never be as a
or low temperatures or even in oxidizing environments, synthetic oil or polyglycol .
and so on. The following table shows the main technological
The following table shows the main base oils and their characteristics related with additives.
main physical features distinguishing its capabilities.
Additives Features
Ester Fluoro- They slow down the oxidation that creates deposits on
Mineral Polyglycol Silicone
Parameter based carbon Anti-oxidants the surfaces in contact with detriment to the lubricating
oil oil oil
oil oil fluid that deteriorates
Density [g/ml] 0.9 0.9 0.9-1.1 0.9-1.05 1.9 Slow chemical reactions with materials such as copper,
aluminum and sulfur
Viscosity index VI (1) 100 150 >200 200/500 50/150
Slow down the chemical reactions with ferrous materials
that give life to rust
Pour Point [°C] (2) -10/-40 -30/-70 -20/-50 -30/80 -30/-70
Slow down the wear phenomena of materials in contact
Flash point [°C] (3) 200/250 230/300 150/300 150/300 No one Anti-wear
with the lubricant

Oxidation resistance Sufficient Good Good Excellent Excellent Extreme Pressure it allows to increase the ability of the
EP lubricant to withstand the applied load thereby reducing
Temperature stability Sufficient Good Good Excellent Excellent the danger of seizure
Clean the metal surfaces from debris or oxidation
Lubricating ability (4) Good Good Excellent Low Good Detergents
products by emulsion
Compatibility with seals Good Low Sufficient Good Good
Maintain the oxidation and emulsion products in
suspension, preventing their deposit on metal surfaces
(1) The viscosity index represents the ability of the lubricant to maintain
constant its viscosity with changes in temperature; An high value of index
VI means good ability to maintain a constant viscosity (key parameter for Lower the flow temperature of a lubricant allowing its
Pour Point
oils). use at low temperatures
(2) The pour point is the lowest temperature at which the lubricant loses the Increase the viscosity index allowing to obtain a
ability to scroll (solidification), so it is an index for the utilization of the Enhancers of VI lubricant constant in a wide range of temperature. Used
lubricant at low temperatures. mainly to the extreme temperatures temperature
(3) Minimum temperature at which the air / gas mixture above the lubricant
will ignite if it gets too close to a heat source. Reduce the danger of the formation of foam in the
(4) The lubricating ability indicates the ability of the lubricant to withstand lubricant
large loads applied.
Increase the adhesion of the lubricant to the surface
Adhesiveness enhancers
with which it is in contact
The mineral oils are used in most applications. Synthetic
oils (such as esters, polyglycols, silicon) and finally the Compatibility with seals Good
fluorocarbon that are special oils as chemically inert
(due to the presence of fluoride) in the case of specific

It is important to note the general rules on the viscosity

of the oils:
- fluid oil = excellent refrigerant;
- thick oil = excellent lubricant;
never use a lubricant with a viscosity greater than

Technical features

5.2. GREASE LUBRICATION 5.2.2. Consistency

Greases for bearings must possess high lubricity The parameter that determines the softness or hardness
power, good mechanical stability, an effective oxidation of the grease is the consistency, that is, the penetration
resistance and good anti-rust features, especially for of the lubricant. It is defined by the NLGI consistency
parts operating in humid environment or subjected to scale of measurement, according to eight levels
splashing water. Their consistency, generally of grade which corresponds to a range of values of the Worked
1, 2 or 3 of the NLGI scale, must remain as stable as Penetration, expressed in tenths of millimeter.
possible within the temperature limits allowed by their
composition. The following table shows the classes defined by the
NLGI consistency.
5.2.1. Main types of grease
The grease is a thick lubricant, it consists of the base Worked
oil, plus additives and a thickener which is very often NLGI class Texture
composed of a soap.
000 445 – 475 Liquid
Greases based on lithium soap are particularly suitable
for the lubrication of needle and rollers bearings 00 400 – 430 Semi-liquid
and thrust bearings. They can be used at operating 0 355 – 385 Very very soft
temperatures between -30 and +120°C, and even up
to 150°C if they are of good quality. They are generally 1 310 – 340 Very soft
fitted with anti-rust additives and offer a good protection 2 265 – 295 Soft
against corrosion.
3 220 – 250 Medium
Greases based on sodium soap are suitable for the
lubrication of the bearings up to approximately 100°C 4 175 – 205 Hard
(minimum temperature -30°C) and ensure a good 5 130 – 160 Very hard
seal against dust. They can absorb small amounts of
water without losing their lubricating properties, but 6 85 - 115 Extremely hard (as softwood)
high amounts of water will dissolve and cancel all their
effectiveness. 5.2.3. Special grease
Greases based on calcium soap are stable to water and Greases with EP additives (high pressure) can be useful
can be used only up to 50 or 60°C. Their mechanical when bearings or thrust bearings must work with heavy
stability and their power anti-rust are weak. Their use as loads. These greases generally offer a good lubricating
lubricants for bearings is therefore not recommended, power and have good anti-rust properties even in the
but may be used in labyrinth seals. However, some presence of moisture. EP additives are used in the
grease calcium based, with increased mechanical case of bearings with high load and low rotation speed,
stability and anti-rust power, can be used up to 100°C insufficient to create a meatus of lubricant sufficient to
to lubricate bearings in a humid atmosphere. separate the metal parts.
Greases for low temperatures. The starting torque at
Lithium low temperatures can be problematic. Suitable acids
Lithium Sodium Calcium aluminium are commercially available.
soap soap soap complex
Greases for high temperatures. The stability and
duration of the grease is strongly influenced by
Temperature range 120 110 60 160 160
temperature. In general the standard greases can be
Drop point 190 260 100 230 260 used up to 120°C-150°C. Further should be provide
Water resistance Good Low Excellent Excellent Good specific products. For high temperatures can be used
lubricating pastes.
EP capacity Good Good Good Low Excellent

Technical features

Clay Non-Soap
Ca 12 Hydroxy
= Best Choice

Li 12 Hydroxy

Polyurea S S
Ca Sulfonate
Ba Complex

Ca Stearate

Ca Complex
Al Complex

Li Stearate

Li Complex
= Compatible

= Borderline
= Incompatible

Aluminum Complex

Barium Complex

Calcium Stearate

Calcium 12 Hydroxy

Calcium Complex

Calcium Sulfonate

Clay Non-Soap

Lithium Stearate

Lithium 12 Hydroxy

Lithium Complex

Polyurea Conventional

Polyurea Shear Stable

5.2.4. Compatibility of greases 5.2.6. Quantity of grease

Certain greases are incompatible with others and, if The amount of grease that should be contained in
they are mixed, their function will be impaired. a bearing can be established by considering the
With greases considered as compatible, account relationship of the limiting speed permissible for the
should be taken of the reduction in their consistency grease nG to the speed of rotation n:
when mixed and the maximum permissible temperature s NG/n < 1,25 minimum quantity; bearing must be
should be reduced accordingly. lubricated with a small quantity of grease and the
adjacent parts packed with grease
5.2.5. Application s NG/n < 5 1/3 to 2/3 of the available volume
Grease can be introduced into the bearings at the time sNG/n >5 bearing must totally filled with grease.
of assembly, care being taken to distribute it around the
crown of the needles (see below "Quantity of grease").
The free space found in the bearing which is filled with
grease, constitutes a reservoir and a reinforced seal.
This method is possible if replenishments of grease are
necessary at regular maintenance periods, during the
course of which one can dismount the bearings, clean
and examine them. Otherwise one has to use a hand
pump which forces grease into the bearing by means of
valves and replenishes the adjacent reservoir and also
the channels and labyrinth seals.
The entry passage for the grease must directly abut the
bearing or be in close proximity to it, in order that new
fresh grease pushes out the used grease through the
seals. For this reason the lip of the sealing ring must
be oriented towards the outside of the bearing for it to
rise under the force of the grease being ejected. This
method has the advantage of removing impurities
which could be introduced into the seals, particularly in
the case of a highly contaminated atmosphere.

Technical features

5.2.7. Re-lubrication 5.3. OIL LUBRICATION

The frequency of grease re-lubrication depends on 5.3.1. Viscosity
a number of factors, amongst which are the type of The essential characteristic of an oil is its basic kinematic
bearing and its dimensions, the speed and load, the viscosity in mm2/sec. at a reference temperature of 40°C
temperature and ambient atmospheric conditions according to ISO 3448.
(humidity, acidity, pollution), the type of grease and The base viscosity V40 should be increased
sealing. proportionately as the operating temperature increases
Only after controlled trials can the re-lubrication period but decreased as the speed increases, without however
be defined exactly and particular importance should reaching a lower limit below which the film strength of
be given to the effects of temperature, speed and the oil is impaired. For applications under moderate
humidity. Under normal conditions of function without load without shocks up to about 1/5 of the dynamic
unfavourable factors using an appropriate grease with capacity of the bearing, the viscosity VF at the operating
a maximum temperature of 70°C, the re-lubrication temperature should not be lower than 12 mm2/sec.
interval TG in hours can be determined approximately For higher loads greater than 1/5 of the dynamic
from the formula: capacity the min. viscosity VF can be about 18 mm2/
sec. The variation in viscosity of an oil as a function
of temperature is reduced as the number measuring
its index of viscosity is increased. A viscosity index of
85 to 95 is generally satisfactory for the lubrication of
Diagram 1 below gives the viscosity VF required at the
n: speed of rotation operating temperature from the ratio nH/n (nH: permitted
nG: permissible speed limit for grease lubrication (see speed limit for oil lubrication - n: speed rotation) and of
page 14) the applied load (ratio C/P).
Fw: diameter of inner raceway of bearing in mm For the viscosity VF required in operation and from
K: coefficient according to the type of bearing: operating temperature, diagram 2 gives the base
K = 32 for caged needle bearings K = 28 for full viscosity V40 at the reference temperature of 40°C.
complement needle bearings K = 15 for needle or Example: A bearing supporting a load P>C/5 and having
roller thrust bearings. a speed limit for oil lubrication of 10000 r.p.m., must
For the bearings below, the diameter Fw is replaced rotate at 2000 r.p.m. at temperature up to 60°C.
by the following dimensions, given in the table of nH 10.000
dimensions: The ratio = =5
n 2.000
Cam followers type FG and derivatives: dimension dA indicates a viscosity in operation VF = 60 mm2/sec.
Needle or roller thrust bearings: dimension Eb (diagram 1 ). For an operating temperature of 60°C, the
horizontal VF = 60 cuts the vertical of 60°C (diagram 2)
Cam followers type GC and derivatives:
in the 150 zone, which is therefore the base viscosity
average dimension d+dA required at 40°C.

lf the operating temperature exceeds 70°C, the interval

TG determined from the formula above should, for
each increase of 10°C, be reduced by 50%. However,
this adjustment is not applicable beyond 115°C; for
temperatures above this level trials should be made to
determine the acceptable re-lubrication interval.
In the case of very slow speed rotation, which would
give interval TG in excess of 35000 hours corresponding
to 8 years operation at a rate of 12 hours per day, it is
recommended to limit the period to a maximum of 3 years.
For oscillating motion, the speed to be considered is the
equivalent speed given by the formula on page 11. For
very small amplitudes of oscillation it is recommended
to reduce by half the calculated re-lubrication period TG.

Technical features

5.3.2. Application of the lubricant effectively protects it from the introduction of dust, humid
Oil must be supplied to the bearings regularly and in vapours and noxious gases. This procedure, which
sufficient quantity but not abundantly, otherwise an allows a substantial flow from a small quantity of oil,
abnormal increase in temperature can occur. According is used particularly for ultra-high speed applications in
to the speed of rotation, the following general lubrication excess of speed limits given in the tables of dimensions.
methods can be applied:
Lubrication by oil bath: is suitable for assemblies with With the exception of cam followers which are delivered
the shaft horizontal and average speeds up to about half lubricated with grease, all other needle or roller bearing
the values shown in the tables of dimensions. The level products are supplied without grease, though protected
of oil in the bath at rest must reach the lowest point of against oxydation by an oil film compatible with most
the inner raceway of the bearing, though the movement greases and mineral oil lubricants. Bearings should
of oil caused by the immersion of parts in the oil bath be stocked in a clean dry environment and retained
may be sufficient to feed bearings situated above this in their original wrapping until the last moment before
level, providing there are pipes and collectors to ensure assembly. Even when assembling the bearing, care
sufficient oil reserve when starting. should be taken to prevent contamination from dirt or
metallic particles and humidity.
Forced lubrication: the circuit is typically composed of In case of doubt concerning cleanliness of the bearing,
the tank, the circulation pump, hoses and fittings, filter, it may be necessary to wash it in filtered petroleum. In
possibly the radiator. Allows to effectively lubricate the so doing the bearing must be rotated and then suitably
bearings even in case of high speed, remove dirt and drained and dried. Smear the bearing with a suitable oil
moisture from the bearing, if necessary to remove the or grease to protect it against oxydation at the time of
heat generated in the bearing. assembly.
For the thrust bearing, the arrival of the oil must be Avoid the use of compressed air to clean or dry the
made, if possible, from the shaft to use the effect of bearing.
centrifugation in the sense of movement. And to avoid the risk that a needle roller can be removed
from its place and launched (danger for the operator and
Oil mist lubrication: consists of applying to the bearings the people close to him), and because the air introduces
oil finely atomised in suspension in a current of clean moisture into the component.
compressed air. The pressure created within the bearing

Diagram 1 Diagram 2




The high speeds attained by these engines subject the Lateral location of the rod is ensured by the crankshaft
connecting rod bearings to extremely arduous working webs, giving adequate clearance between the little end
conditions, made worse by doubtful lubrication and and the internal bosses of the piston.
high operating temperatures. Needle cages provide the
solution to these difficulties, by virtue of their small size The crankshaft runs in two RAX 714 combined bearings
and special manufacturing methods. In the big end of to carry the radial loads and provide axial location
the connecting rod, the steel cage is specially treated the least possible space. They are sealed by two DH
and is centred on its outside diameter. lip seals. In the disengaged position, the pulley is
supported by a HK 10 12 caged Needle Bushes. All
In the little end, on the other hand, the needle cage faces and shafts acting as needle raceways are case
is centred internally on the gudgeon pin. The cage hardened to 58 – 60 HRC.
extends beyond the width of the rod, thereby allowing
the maximum possible length of needle to be utilised
with consequent reduction of unit load.



The pinion shaft is supported at one end, by two The use of inner race avoids the necessity for hardening
RAX 730 thin wall combined bearings, which ensure the shaft journals.
lateral location in both directions. The other end of the
shaft runs in a HK 30 20 caged needle bushes.



The common spindle carrying the two rollers turns Lubrication is by grease introduced via a nipple on the
between two RAX 718 combined bearings (with thrust end of the shaft.
plates) which ensures lateral location in both directions. Sealing is effected by sealing rings type DH28x35x4.
The bearing surfaces of the shaft are hardened to 58 HRC.



For this application, Nadella has introduced a special preload. This preload, by the lock ring at the end of the
precision combined bearing type ARNB ensuring the pinion, is adjusted precisely to the desired value, whilst
axial rigidity of the screw, permanently without play, by assembled, by measuring the torque required to turn
virtue of the behaviour of thrust races under controlled the screw, this being a function of the axial loading.



This assembly is particularly interesting in the method proximity, ensure adequate support. Of equal interest is
of radial and axial location of gears and spindles, by the RAX 700 thin wall combined bearing whose closed
means of two RAX 400 combined bearings mounted end ensures perfect shaft sealing.
in opposition which, even though located in close



Case hardening the ends of the shaft to 60 HRC allows bodies by the cover which retains the thrust washer
the use of bearings without inner rings. The front journal and by a sleeve over the assembly. The rear housing
is fitted with an RAXZ 520 combined bearing with roller incorporates an RAX 417 combined bearing (with thrust
thrust and integral thrust washer. The inside diameter of washer CP 2 17 30) on a k5 shaft. the needle thrust
the radial part of the bearing is held to tolerance F6, and taking the axial loadings in the opposite direction to the
the shaft to k5, giving the necessary low play for this main working load. A speed of 1 500 r.p.m. allows the
precision application. use of grease for lubrication.

The thrust rollers of the combined bearing withstand the

main axial loading. lt is shielded from ingress of foreign



This example shows the use, on a hardened shaft, of type outer bearing of the output shaft is supported by a
HK caged needle bushes, whose small radial thickness HK sealed, caged needle bush. Axial drilling loads are
is particularly suitable for this type of application. The carried by a needle thrust bearing type AX.



This roller guides hot rolled steel products whose Axial location of the rollers is by two AX needle thrust
temperature is around 100°C. A cooling spray limits bearings of 90 mm bore, mounted either side of a
the temperature of the roller to 50°C. Two NA 3 080 full CPR intermediate plate. Lip seals an d grease filled
complement bearing support the radial load which may labyrinths effectively prevent the ingress of coolant into
be as high as 28 000 daN at a speed of 100 r.p.m. the bearing



The operating conditions of this gear pump allow the needle bushes ensure the sealing of the bores in the
use of DL and DLF full complement needle bushes bottom plate. The trunnions, acting as raceways under
bearings on the pinion journals. The DLF closed end the needles, are hardened to 58 HRC.



The minimal space requirement of the RAX 700 The imput and output shafts are sealed by type DH
combined bearings has led to the conception of sealing rings of the same radial dimensions as the
an extremely compact speed reducer with outside corresponding bearings and the opposite ends of
dimensions only sightly greater than the size of the the same shaft by means of RAXF 700 closed end
gears. As well as achieving economy in the casting, combined bearings. The shaft journals serving as
this arrangement also allows minimal bearing span, bearing raceways are hardened to 58 HRC.
thereby affording greater rigidity and resistance to
possible deflection of the worm.



The driving shaft runs in two combined bearings types The sealing of all shafts is ensured by type DH 20 26
RAX 718 and RAX 720 with separate thrust plates. The sealing rings.
driven shaft is mounted on two RAX 720 combined
bearings of which one only has a separate thrust plate.
The shaft journals and gear faces serving as bearing
raceways are hardened to 58 HRC.



On this type of weaving machine, the shuttles are

replaced by "spears" or "rapiers" whose function is
to project the weft thread through the warp threads
to produce larger widths of cloth. The fore and aft
operation of these "rapiers" is by means of a system
of connecting rods whose arms are fitted with
NA 22 030 full complement needle bearings (with
inner races) which fully cater for the shock loadings
occasioned by reversals of directions. either rotationally
or under oscillating movement.



These rollers are each fitted with two NK 42/20 caged - When the drum is heated internally, only a small
needle bearings with inner rings. A GC52EE sealed cam amount of heat is transferred to the bearings via the
follower with stud mounted vertically between the flan- outside diameter and the bearings do not have to have
ges of the sleeve, ensures lateral location of the cylinder specially increased play to allow for expansion of the
in both directions. inner rings, as would be the case with a large bearing
mounted on the trunnion.
This arrangement offers the following advantages:
- The bearings are determined by the load to be carried - Finally the coefficient of friction is much reduced and
rather than by the diameter of the trunnion. It is clearly less power is required to turn the cylinder.
preferable to sue four small bearings, rather than one of
unnecessarily large diameter.



Threaded spindle support mounted between two needle

thrust bearings, i.e. AX 45 65 (with matching thrust ra-
ces) ensures .low frictional characteristics and easy ma-
nual operation.

Technical features
Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies

Radial needle roller and cage assemblies have a steel

cage that provides both inward and outward retention
for the needle rollers. The designs provide maximum
cage strength consistent with the inherent high load-
ratings of needle roller bearings.
Accurate guidance of the needle rollers by the cage
bars allows for operation at high speeds. Needle roller
and cage assemblies have either one or two rows of
needle rollers.
Also listed are needle roller and cage assemblies using
molded, one-piece glass-reinforced engineered polymer
cages (suffix TN). These operate well at temperatures up
to 120° C over extended periods. However, care should
be exercised when these assemblies are lubricated with
oils containing additives as service life may be reduced
if the operating temperature exceeds 100° C. At such
high temperatures oil can deteriorate with time and it is
suggested that oil change intervals are observed.

TYPES OF RADIAL NEEDLE ROLLER AND CAGE Needle rollers with relieved ends used in these
ASSEMLIIES assemblies are made of high-carbon chrome steel,
through-hardened, ground and lapped to close
tolerances for diameter and roundness.

Reference standards are:

sISO 3030 - needle roller bearings - radial needle roller
and cage assemblies - boundary dimensions and
sDIN 5405 Section 1 - rolling bearings - needle roller
bearings - radial needle roller and cage assemblies.
s ANSI/ABMA 18.1- needle roller bearings – radial,
metric design.


Needle roller groups
SUFFIXES Radial needle roller and cage assemblies are supplied
with needle roller complements subdivided into groups.
TN molded cage of reinforced engineered
The groups are decided by Nadella if not differently
decided during the order and with Grade G2 specified
ZW double-row in ISO 3096 standard (see needle rollers, page 195).
TNZW molded cage of reinforced engineered The needle roller and cage assemblies of one shipment
polymer - double-row usually contain needle rollers with group limits of
H hardened steel cage between 0 … to -2, and -5 … -7 μm. For needle roller
F machined cage and cage assemblies with needle rollers of different
group limits contact Technical Service Nadella.
FH machined cage, case hardened
FV machined cage, hardened and tempered

Technical features
Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
MOUNTING DIMENSIONS The housing and shaft shoulder heights should be 70
Design of raceways percent to 90 percent of the needle roller diameter to
Radial needle roller and cage assemblies use the provide proper axial guidance.
housing bore as the outer raceway and the shaft as the
inner raceway. To realize full bearing load rating and life,
the housing bore and the shaft raceways must have the
correct geometric and metallurgical characteristics.
The housing should be of sufficient cross section to BcH11 BcH11
maintain adequate roundness and running clearance
under load. Additional design details for housings
and shafts used as outer and inner raceways can be
found in the “MOUNTING” section of this catalogue. Guidance in the housing Guidance in the shaft
The only limit to precision of the radial clearance of a
mounted assembly is the capability of the user to hold
close tolerances on the inner and outer raceways. The Mounting in sets
suggested shaft tolerances are based on housing bore Radial needle roller and cage assemblies that are
tolerance G6 and apply to metric series radial needle mounted side by side must have needle rollers of the
roller and cage assemblies with needle rollers of group same group limits to ensureuniform load distribution.
limits between 0.000 and -0.007.
Oil is the preferred lubricant for most applications. In
Suggested shaft tolerances for housing bores critical applications involving high speeds, ample oil
machined to G6 flow must be provided. Where assemblies are subjected
Nominal shaft diameter in mm ≤80 >80 to high centrifugal forces – such as in epicyclic gearing,
or inertia forces, as in the small end of a connecting
Radial clearance rod – the contact pressure between the cage and
the raceway guiding surface becomes critical. The
Smaller than normal j5 h5 allowable contact pressure depends on a combination
Normal h5 g5 of the induced force and the relative velocity between
Larger than normal g6 f6 the cage and raceway and the rate of lubricant flow.
Consult the Nadella Technical Service when cages will
Axial guidance requirements be subjected to high induced forces.
Radial needle roller and cage assembly must be axially
guided by shoulders or other suitable means. The end SPECIAL DESIGNS
guiding surfaces should be hardened to minimize wear Radial needle roller and cage assemblies made to
and must provide sufficient axial clearance to prevent special dimensions or configurations – such as those
end-locking of the assembly. which are split to assemble around a one-piece
Length tolerance H11 is suggested on dimension BC. crankshaft – can be made available on special order.
If end guidance is provided by a housing shoulder at Special coated or plated cages to enhance life, under
one end and by a shaft shoulder at the other end, the conditions of marginal lubrication and high induced
shaft must be axially positioned to prevent end-locking forces, also can be made available.
of needle roller and cage assembly.

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
4 K4x7x7TN 4 7 7 1.83 1.32 34000 52000 4.000 3.995 7.014 7.005 0.0005
K5x8x8TN 5 8 8 2.18 1.71 31000 47000 5.000 4.995 8.014 8.005 0.0007
5 K5x8x10TN 5 8 10 3.04 2.63 31000 47000 5.000 4.995 8.014 8.005 0.0008
K5x9x13TN 5 9 13 4.29 3.55 26000 40000 5.000 4.995 9.014 9.005 0.002
K6x9x8H 6 9 8 3.19 2.90 29000 44000 6.000 5.995 9.014 9.005 0.0008
6 K6x9x8TN 6 9 8 2.47 2.07 29000 44000 6.000 5.995 9.014 9.005 0.001
K6x9x10TN 6 9 10 3.07 2.74 29000 44000 6.000 5.995 9.014 9.005 0.001
K7x10x8TN 7 10 8 2.74 2.44 28000 42000 7.000 6.994 10.014 10.005 0.001
7 K7x10x10TN 7 10 10 3.40 3.22 28000 42000 7.000 6.994 10.014 10.005 0.001
K7x11x15TN 7 11 15 6.44 6.24 23000 35000 7.000 6.994 11.017 11.006 0.003
K8x11x8FV 8 11 8 3.23 3.11 26000 41000 8.000 7.994 11.017 11.006 0.002
K8x11x8TN 8 11 8 2.34 2.05 26000 41000 8.000 7.994 11.017 11.006 0.001
K8x11x10H 8 11 10 4.57 4.89 26000 41000 8.000 7.994 11.017 11.006 0.002
8 K8x11x10FV 8 11 10 4.01 4.11 26000 41000 8.000 7.994 11.017 11.006 0.002
K8x11x10TN 8 11 10 3.84 3.91 26000 41000 8.000 7.994 11.017 11.006 0.001
K8x11x13TN 8 11 13 5.18 5.75 26000 41000 8.000 7.994 11.017 11.006 0.002
K8x11x13H 8 11 13 5.22 5.78 26000 41000 8.000 7.994 11.017 11.006 0.003
K9x12x10FH 9 12 10 4.27 4.60 26000 40000 9.000 8.994 12.017 12.006 0.003
K9x12x10FV 9 12 10 4.27 4.60 26000 40000 9.000 8.994 12.017 12.006 0.002
9 K9x12x13FH 9 12 13 5.57 6.47 26000 40000 9.000 8.994 12.017 12.006 0.003
K9x12x13FV 9 12 13 5.57 6.47 26000 40000 9.000 8.994 12.017 12.006 0.003
K9x13x8H 9 13 8 3.96 3.50 21000 32000 9.000 8.994 13.017 13.006 0.003
K10x13x10H 10 13 10 5.40 6.43 25000 39000 10.000 9.994 13.017 13.006 0.002
K10x13x10TN 10 13 10 4.29 4.77 25000 39000 10.000 9.994 13.017 13.006 0.002
K10x13x13 10 13 13 5.90 7.16 25000 39000 10.000 9.994 13.017 13.006 0.003
K10x13x16 10 13 16 7.43 9.64 25000 39000 10.000 9.994 13.017 13.006 0.004
K10x14x10H 10 14 10 6.12 6.29 20000 31000 10.000 9.994 14.017 14.006 0.003
K10x14x13H 10 14 13 7.88 8.71 20000 31000 10.000 9.994 14.017 14.006 0.004
K10x16x12F 10 16 12 8.39 7.47 15000 24000 10.000 9.994 16.017 16.006 0.006
K10x16x12TN 10 16 12 7.50 6.40 15000 24000 10.000 9.994 16.017 16.006 0.005

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K12x15x10H 12 15 10 5.85 7.51 24000 37000 12.000 11.992 15.017 15.006 0.003
K12x15x13H 12 15 13 6.78 9.03 24000 37000 12.000 11.992 15.017 15.006 0.004
12 K12x16x13H 12 16 13 7.49 8.51 19000 30000 12.000 11.992 16.017 16.006 0.006
K12x17x13 12 17 13 8.93 9.29 16000 25000 12.000 11.992 17.017 17.006 0.008
K12x18x12H 12 18 12 9.76 9.40 14000 22000 12.000 11.992 18.017 18.006 0.009
K13x17x10 13 17 10 7.22 8.33 19000 29000 13.000 12.992 17.017 17.006 0.004
K13x18x15F 13 18 15 10.8 12.1 16000 25000 13.000 12.992 18.017 18.006 0.008
K14x18x8 14 18 8 5.39 5.82 19000 29000 14.000 13.992 18.017 18.006 0.004
K14x18x10 14 18 10 7.17 8.41 19000 29000 14.000 13.992 18.017 18.006 0.005
K14x18x13 14 18 13 9.73 12.5 19000 29000 14.000 13.992 18.017 18.006 0.006
K14x18x15 14 18 15 10.5 13.8 19000 29000 14.000 13.992 18.017 18.006 0.007
K14x18x17H 14 18 17 12.4 17.1 19000 29000 14.000 13.992 18.017 18.006 0.008
K14x19x13H 14 19 13 10.2 11.4 16000 24000 14.000 13.992 19.020 19.007 0.008
K14x19x18F 14 19 18 13.2 16.0 16000 24000 14.000 13.992 19.020 19.007 0.011
K14x20x12 14 20 12 10.5 10.6 14000 21000 14.000 13.992 20.020 20.007 0.009
K15x18x14TN 15 18 14 7.92 11.9 13000 23000 15.000 14.992 18.017 18.006 0.003
K15x18x16F 15 18 16 8.36 12.6 13000 23000 15.000 14.992 18.017 18.006 0.005
K15x18x17 15 18 17 8.08 12.1 23000 36000 15.000 14.992 18.017 18.006 0.005
K15x19x10 15 19 10 7.87 9.69 18000 28000 15.000 14.992 19.020 19.007 0.005
K15x19x13 15 19 13 9.66 12.6 18000 28000 15.000 14.992 19.020 19.007 0.007
K15x19x17H 15 19 17 12.3 17.2 18000 28000 15.000 14.992 19.020 19.007 0.009
K15x19x22ZW 15 19 22 12.2 17.0 18000 28000 15.000 14.992 19.020 19.007 0.010
K15x20x13H 15 20 13 9.93 11.3 16000 24000 15.000 14.992 20.020 20.007 0.008
K15x21x15 15 21 15 13.4 14.8 14000 21000 15.000 14.992 21.020 21.007 0.013
K15x21x21H 15 21 21 18.0 21.7 14000 21000 15.000 14.992 21.020 21.007 0.018

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K16x20x8F 16 20 8 6.37 7.51 18000 28000 16.000 15.992 20.020 20.007 0.005
K16x20x10H 16 20 10 7.82 9.76 18000 28000 16.000 15.992 20.020 20.007 0.006
K16x20x13 16 20 13 10.1 13.5 18000 28000 16.000 15.992 20.020 20.007 0.007
K16x20x14 16 20 14 10.8 14.8 18000 28000 16.000 15.992 20.020 20.007 0.007
K16x20x17H 16 20 17 12.9 18.5 18000 28000 16.000 15.992 20.020 20.007 0.008
K16x20x20 16 20 20 13.4 19.5 18000 28000 16.000 15.992 20.020 20.007 0.011
K16x22x12 16 22 12 11.2 11.9 19000 29000 16.000 15.992 22.020 22.007 0.010
K16x22x16H 16 22 16 14.9 17.2 19000 29000 16.000 15.992 22.020 22.007 0.014
K16x22x20 16 22 20 18.6 22.9 19000 29000 16.000 15.992 22.020 22.007 0.017
K16x24x20 16 24 20 20.2 21.4 20000 30000 16.000 15.992 24.020 24.007 0.025
K17x20x10 17 20 10 5.96 8.53 16000 25000 17.000 16.992 20.020 20.007 0.004
K17x21x10 17 21 10 8.12 10.4 17000 26000 17.000 16.992 21.020 21.007 0.006
K17x21x13H 17 21 12.8 10.5 14.5 17000 26000 17.000 16.992 21.020 21.007 0.008
17 K17x21x15 17 21 15 11.4 16.1 17000 26000 17.000 16.992 21.020 21.007 0.008
K17x21x17H 17 21 17 13.4 19.8 17000 26000 17.000 16.992 21.020 21.007 0.011
K17x22x20FH 17 22 20 17.0 23.3 17000 27000 17.000 16.992 22.020 22.007 0.015
K17x23x15F 17 23 15 14.1 16.3 18000 27000 17.000 16.992 23.020 23.007 0.010
K18x22x8F 18 22 8 6.32 7.70 16000 24000 18.000 17.992 22.020 22.007 0.005
K18x22x10H 18 22 10 8.41 11.1 16000 24000 18.000 17.992 22.020 22.007 0.006
K18x22x13H 18 22 13 10.8 15.4 16000 24000 18.000 17.992 22.020 22.007 0.008
K18x22x14 18 22 14 11.6 16.8 16000 24000 18.000 17.992 22.020 22.007 0.009
K18x22x14FV 18 22 14 11.3 16.3 16000 24000 18.000 17.992 22.020 22.007 0.009
K18x22x17H 18 22 17 13.3 19.9 16000 24000 18.000 17.992 22.020 22.007 0.009
K18x22x20F 18 22 20 15.0 23.4 16000 24000 18.000 17.992 22.020 22.007 0.011
K18x24x12 18 24 12 11.8 13.1 17000 25000 18.000 17.992 24.020 24.007 0.011
K18x24x20H 18 24 20 19.4 24.9 16000 25000 18.000 17.992 24.020 24.007 0.019
K18x25x22H 18 25 22 23.3 28.6 17000 26000 18.000 17.992 25.020 25.007 0.025
K18x26x12FV 18 26 12 13.8 13.5 11000 17000 18.000 17.992 26.020 26.007 0.020
K18x26x20F 18 26 20 21.7 24.1 17000 26000 18.000 17.992 26.020 26.007 0.027

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K19x23x13 19 23 13 10.8 15.5 15000 23000 19.000 18.991 23.020 23.007 0.008
K19x23x17 19 23 17 13.4 20.6 15000 23000 19.000 18.991 23.020 23.007 0.011
K20x24x8F 20 24 8 7.31 9.60 14000 22000 20.000 19.991 24.020 24.007 0.005
K20x24x10H 20 24 10 8.97 12.5 14000 22000 20.000 19.991 24.020 24.007 0.006
K20x24x12 20 24 12 10.7 15.7 14000 22000 20.000 19.991 24.020 24.007 0.008
K20x24x13H 20 24 13 11.5 17.3 14000 22000 20.000 19.991 24.020 24.007 0.009
K20x24x14 20 24 14 12.4 18.9 14000 22000 20.000 19.991 24.020 24.007 0.009
K20x24x17H 20 24 17 14.8 23.7 14000 22000 20.000 19.991 24.020 24.007 0.011
K20x26x12 20 26 12 13.0 15.3 15000 23000 20.000 19.991 26.020 26.007 0.012
K20x26x13H 20 26 13 13.4 15.9 15000 23000 20.000 19.991 26.020 26.007 0.014
K20x26x17H 20 26 17 19.3 25.5 15000 23000 20.000 19.991 26.020 26.007 0.017
K20x26x20 20 26 20 20.3 27.2 15000 23000 20.000 19.991 26.020 26.007 0.020
K20x28x20H 20 28 20 24.6 29.0 15000 23000 20.000 19.991 28.020 28.007 0.028
K20x28x25H 20 28 25 29.7 37.0 15000 23000 20.000 19.991 28.020 28.007 0.036
K20x30x30H 20 30 30 38.9 45.8 16000 24000 20.000 19.991 30.020 30.007 0.055
K20x32x36H 20 32 36 49.9 57.0 16000 25000 20.000 19.991 32.025 32.009 0.082
21 K21x25x17H 21 25 17 14.3 23.1 14000 21000 21.000 20.991 25.020 25.007 0.013
K22x26x10H 22 26 10 9.81 14.5 13000 20000 22.000 21.991 26.020 26.007 0.007
K22x26x13H 22 26 13 11.8 18.3 13000 20000 22.000 21.991 26.020 26.007 0.012
K22x26x17H 22 26 17 15.6 26.3 13000 20000 22.000 21.991 26.020 26.007 0.012
K22x26x18H 22 26 18 15.3 25.5 13000 20000 22.000 21.991 26.020 26.007 0.017
K22x28x13 22 28 13 13.9 17.1 13000 20000 22.000 21.991 28.020 28.007 0.015
K22x28x17H 22 28 17 18.2 24.2 13000 20000 22.000 21.991 28.020 28.007 0.020
K22x30x15H 22 30 15 19.7 22.3 14000 21000 22.000 21.991 30.020 30.007 0.023
K22x30x20FV 22 30 20 24.4 29.4 14000 21000 22.000 21.991 30.020 30.007 0.031
K22x32x24F 22 32 24 33.1 37.9 14000 22000 22.000 21.991 32.025 32.009 0.046
K22x32x30H 22 32 30 41.8 51.3 14000 22000 22.000 21.991 32.025 32.009 0.057

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K23x28x24F 23 28 24 22.4 36.2 12000 19000 23.000 22.991 28.020 28.007 0.023
K23x35x16H 23 35 16 25.9 25.1 14000 21000 23.000 22.991 35.025 35.009 0.040
K24x28x10H 24 28 10 9.67 14.6 12000 18000 24.000 23.991 28.020 28.007 0.027
K24x28x13H 24 28 13 12.5 20.2 12000 18000 24.000 23.991 28.020 28.007 0.010
K24x28x16F 24 28 16 24.000 23.991 28.020 28.007
K24x28x17H 24 28 17 15.4 26.4 12000 18000 24.000 23.991 28.020 28.007 0.013
K24x30x10TN 24 30 10 11.3 13.5 12000 19000 24.000 23.991 30.020 30.007 0.008
K24x30x17H 24 30 17 19.8 27.7 12000 19000 24.000 23.991 30.020 30.007 0.020
K24x30x22 24 30 22 25.0 37.3 12000 19000 24.000 23.991 30.020 30.007 0.024
K24x36x23H 24 36 23 37.1 40.1 13000 20000 24.000 23.991 36.025 36.009 0.070
K25x29x10H 25 29 10 9.61 14.6 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 29.020 29.007 0.008
K25x29x13H 25 29 13 12.8 21.1 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 29.020 29.007 0.010
K25x29x17H 25 29 17 15.1 26.2 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 29.020 29.007 0.016
K25x30x13 25 30 13 14.6 21.4 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 30.020 30.007 0.012
K25x30x17H 25 30 17 18.8 29.8 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 30.020 30.007 0.016
K25x30x18 25 30 18 20.6 33.4 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 30.020 30.007 0.017
K25x30x20H 25 30 20 21.9 36.1 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 30.020 30.007 0.019
K25x30x24H 25 30 24 24.8 42.4 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 30.020 30.007 0.024
K25x30x26ZW 25 30 26 23.0 38.6 11000 17000 25.000 24.991 30.020 30.007 0.027
K25x31x14H 25 31 14 16.8 22.7 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 31.025 31.009 0.017
K25x31x17H 25 31 17 19.7 27.8 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 31.025 31.009 0.020
K25x31x21H 25 31 21 25.1 38.0 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 31.025 31.009 0.026
K25x31x24H 25 31 24 25.3 38.5 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 31.025 31.009 0.031
K25x32x16 25 32 16 19.8 25.3 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 32.025 32.009 0.027
K25x33x20H 25 33 20 28.8 37.6 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 33.025 33.009 0.035
K25x33x24H 25 33 24 32.3 43.5 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 33.025 33.009 0.038
K25x33x25H 25 33 25 33.0 44.6 12000 18000 25.000 24.991 33.025 33.009 0.041
K25x35x23,7H 25 35 23.7 35.9 42.3 12000 19000 25.000 24.991 35.025 35.009 0.050
K25x35x25H 25 35 25 37.8 46.2 12000 19000 25.000 24.991 35.025 35.009 0.054
K25x35x30H 25 35 30 44.6 57.2 12000 19000 25.000 24.991 35.025 35.009 0.060
K25x35x36H 25 35 36 52.4 70.4 12000 19000 25.000 24.991 35.025 35.009 0.074
K25x37x20H 25 37 20 32.5 34.1 12000 19000 25.000 24.991 37.025 37.009 0.055

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K26x30x10F 26 30 10 9.46 14.5 11000 16000 26.000 25.991 30.020 30.007 0.007
K26x30x13 26 30 13 12.3 20.4 10000 16000 26.000 25.991 30.020 30.007 0.011
K26x30x17 26 30 17 15.0 26.3 10000 16000 26.000 25.991 30.020 30.007 0.014
K26x30x22ZW 26 30 22 16.7 30.2 10000 16000 26.000 25.991 30.020 30.007 0.018
K28x32x21F 28 32 21 18.7 35.7 9900 15000 28.000 27.991 32.025 32.009 0.018
K28x33x13F 28 33 13 14.1 21.4 10000 15000 28.000 27.991 33.025 33.009 0.015
K28x33x13F 28 33 13 14.1 21.4 10000 15000 28.000 27.991 33.025 33.009 0.015
K28x33x17H 28 33 17 19.8 33.0 10000 15000 28.000 27.991 33.025 33.009 0.018
K28x33x27 28 33 27 29.0 53.8 10000 15000 28.000 27.991 33.025 33.009 0.027
K28x34x17 28 34 17 21.1 31.5 10000 16000 28.000 27.991 34.025 34.009 0.022
K28x34x20H 28 34 20 24.4 37.8 10000 16000 28.000 27.991 34.025 34.009 0.025
K28x35x15H 28 35 15 19.5 25.6 10000 16000 28.000 27.991 35.025 35.009 0.025
K28x35x16H 28 35 16 21.5 29.1 10000 16000 28.000 27.991 35.025 35.009 0.026
K28x35x27H 28 35 27 35.2 54.7 10000 16000 28.000 27.991 35.025 35.009 0.042
K28x36x20FV 28 36 20 27.8 37.0 10000 16000 28.000 27.991 36.025 36.009 0.039
K28x38x25,5 28 38 25 40.9 52.7 11000 16000 28.000 27.991 38.025 38.009 0.059
K28x40x18H 28 40 18 33.6 36.5 11000 17000 28.000 27.991 40.025 40.009 0.060
K28x40x25H 28 40 25 45.5 54.0 11000 17000 28.000 27.991 40.025 40.009 0.072
K28x40x30H 28 40 30 54.3 67.8 11000 17000 28.000 27.991 40.025 40.009 0.100
K28x41x25H 28 41 25 49.2 57.1 11000 17000 28.000 27.991 41.025 41.009 0.082
29 K29x34x27F 29 34 27 28.9 54.0 9700 15000 29.000 28.991 34.025 34.009 0.033
K30x34x13 30 34 13 13.5 24.1 9200 14000 30.000 29.991 34.025 34.009 0.011
K30x35x13H 30 35 13 15.6 24.9 9300 14000 30.000 29.991 35.025 35.009 0.017
K30x35x17H 30 35 17 20.2 34.6 9300 14000 30.000 29.991 35.025 35.009 0.022
K30x35x20H 30 35 20 23.5 41.9 9300 14000 30.000 29.991 35.025 35.009 0.023
K30x35x23F 30 35 22.8 25.6 46.8 9300 14000 30.000 29.991 35.025 35.009 0.028
K30x35x27H 30 35 27 30.6 59.0 9300 14000 30.000 29.991 35.025 35.009 0.032
K30x35x27HZW 30 35 27 19.9 33.6 9300 14000 30.000 29.991 35.025 35.009 0.033
K30x36x14 30 36 14 18.0 26.2 9500 15000 30.000 29.991 36.025 36.009 0.020

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K30x37x18 30 37 17.8 24.3 34.8 9600 15000 30.000 29.991 37.025 37.009 0.033
K30x40x30H 30 40 30 49.2 67.8 9900 15000 30.000 29.991 40.025 40.009 0.077
K30x42x30H 30 42 30 54.2 68.6 10000 16000 30.000 29.991 42.025 42.009 0.096
K30x44x26H 30 44 26 52.4 59.9 10000 16000 30.000 29.991 44.025 44.009 0.095
K32x36x15F 32 36 15 11.6 20.2 8600 13000 32.000 31.989 36.025 36.009 0.015
K32x37x13 32 37 13 15.2 24.4 8700 13000 32.000 31.989 37.025 37.009 0.018
K32x37x17H 32 37 17 20.0 34.8 8700 13000 32.000 31.989 37.025 37.009 0.020
K32x37x27 32 37 27 29.3 56.8 8700 13000 32.000 31.989 37.025 37.009 0.035
K32x38x20H 32 38 20 27.3 45.7 8800 14000 32.000 31.989 38.025 38.009 0.030
K32x38x26H 32 38 26 33.2 58.8 8800 14000 32.000 31.989 38.025 38.009 0.037
K32x39x16H 32 39 16 23.0 33.0 8900 14000 32.000 31.989 39.025 39.009 0.030
K32x39x18H 32 39 18 25.8 38.2 8900 14000 32.000 31.989 39.025 39.009 0.033
K32x40x25H 32 40 25 37.9 57.2 9000 14000 32.000 31.989 40.025 40.009 0.052
K32x40x36H 32 40 36 52.3 86.4 9000 14000 32.000 31.989 40.025 40.009 0.080
K32x42x42H 32 42 42 69.2 108 9200 14000 32.000 31.989 42.025 42.009 0.110
K32x46x18H 32 46 18 39.2 41.9 9600 15000 32.000 31.989 46.025 46.009 0.075
K32x46x32H 32 46 32 67.0 83.4 9600 15000 32.000 31.989 46.025 46.009 0.140
K32x46x40H 32 46 40 81.7 108 9600 15000 32.000 31.989 46.025 46.009 0.158
33 K33x51x23H 33 51 23 55.9 57.6 9600 15000 33.000 32.989 51.029 51.010 0.140
K34x38x11 34 38 11 12.2 21.9 8100 12000 34.000 33.989 38.025 38.009 0.011
K34x44x26FH 34 44 26 42.9 58.9 8600 13000 34.000 33.989 44.025 44.009 0.080
K35x40x13H 35 40 13 16.2 27.2 7900 12000 35.000 34.989 40.025 40.009 0.018
K35x40x17H 35 40 17 22.1 40.8 7900 12000 35.000 34.989 40.025 40.009 0.025
K35x40x19F 35 40 19 23.2 43.2 7900 12000 35.000 34.989 40.025 40.009 0.025
K35x40x19H 35 40 19 23.2 43.2 7900 12000 35.000 34.989 40.025 40.009 0.025
K35x40x25H 35 40 25 28.4 56.2 7900 12000 35.000 34.989 40.025 40.009 0.035
K35x40x27H 35 40 27 29.8 59.6 7900 12000 35.000 34.989 40.025 40.009 0.037
K35x42x16H 35 42 16 24.5 36.8 8100 12000 35.000 34.989 42.025 42.009 0.032
K35x42x18 35 42 18 27.5 42.6 8100 12000 35.000 34.989 42.025 42.009 0.035

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 Wt.
∅ Designation min-1
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K35x42x20H 35 42 20 30.4 48.5 8100 12000 35.000 34.989 42.025 42.009 0.037
K35x42x30FH 35 42 30 40.5 70.0 8100 12000 35.000 34.989 42.025 42.009 0.061
K35x45x20FH 35 45 20 36.5 49.9 8400 13000 35.000 34.989 45.025 45.009 0.059
K35x45x30F 35 45 30 51.2 74.5 8400 13000 35.000 34.989 45.025 45.009 0.100
35 K35x45x35H 35 45 35 62.1 95.5 8400 13000 35.000 34.989 45.025 45.009 0.085
K35x45x41 35 45 41 70.8 113 8400 13000 35.000 34.989 45.025 45.009 0.120
K35x45x49H 35 45 49 82.5 138 8400 13000 35.000 34.989 45.025 45.009 0.143
K35x45x49HZW 35 45 49 71.8 115 8400 13000 35.000 34.989 45.025 45.009 0.143
K35x50x40F 35 50 40 79.7 102 8700 13000 35.000 34.989 50.025 50.009 0.200
K36x40x29TN 36 40 29 21.2 45.2 7600 12000 36.000 35.989 40.025 40.009 0.029
K36x42x16 36 42 16 22.8 37.7 7800 12000 36.000 35.989 42.025 42.009 0.027
K37x42x13H 37 42 13 16.9 29.4 7500 11000 37.000 36.989 42.025 42.009 0.017
K37x42x17H 37 42 17 21.9 41.0 7500 11000 37.000 36.989 42.025 42.009 0.025
K37x42x27F 37 42 27 32.1 66.9 7500 11000 37.000 36.989 42.025 42.009 0.039
K37x44x19H 37 44 19 29.7 48.0 7600 12000 37.000 36.989 44.025 44.009 0.039
K38x41x9TN 38 41 9 5.93 11.0 7100 11000 38.000 37.989 41.025 41.009 0.004
K38x43x17H 38 43 17 21.8 41.0 7300 11000 38.000 37.989 43.025 43.009 0.032
K38x43x27 38 43 27 31.9 67.0 7300 11000 38.000 37.989 43.025 43.009 0.041
K38x46x20H 38 46 19.8 33.3 51.0 7500 12000 38.000 37.989 46.025 46.009 0.055
K38x46x32H 38 46 32 55.2 98.1 7500 12000 38.000 37.989 46.025 46.009 0.090
K38x50x25 38 50 25 53.0 70.8 7800 12000 38.000 37.989 50.025 50.009 0.100
K38x50x33H 38 50 33 68.3 98.2 7800 12000 38.000 37.989 50.025 50.009 0.126
K38x50x40FH 38 50 40 76.2 113 7800 12000 38.000 37.989 50.025 50.009 0.170
K40x45x13H 40 45 13 17.6 31.7 6900 11000 40.000 39.989 45.025 45.009 0.022
K40x45x18H 40 45 18 25.1 50.4 6900 11000 40.000 39.989 45.025 45.009 0.031
K40x45x21H 40 45 21 23.3 45.2 6900 11000 40.000 39.989 45.025 45.009 0.033
K40x45x27H 40 45 27 32.7 70.2 6900 11000 40.000 39.989 45.025 45.009 0.040
K40x45x27TN 40 45 27 33.3 72.1 6900 11000 40.000 39.989 45.025 45.009 0.030
K40x45x29H 40 45 29 34.7 75.9 6900 11000 40.000 39.989 45.025 45.009 0.050

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K40x46x17 40 46 17 25.2 44.0 7000 11000 40.000 39.989 46.025 46.009 0.033
K40x47x18 40 47 18 28.0 45.6 7000 11000 40.000 39.989 47.025 47.009 0.041
K40x47x20 40 47 20 31.1 52.1 7000 11000 40.000 39.989 47.025 47.009 0.042
K40x48x20FV1 40 48 20 35.5 56.3 7100 11000 40.000 39.989 48.025 48.009 0.052
40 K40x48x20H 40 48 20 35.5 56.3 7100 11000 40.000 39.989 48.025 48.009 0.050
K40x48x35H 40 48 35 57.3 104 7100 11000 40.000 39.989 48.025 48.009 0.098
K40x50x27H 40 50 27 53.0 81.0 7200 11000 40.000 39.989 50.025 50.009 0.084
K40x55x45H 40 55 45 103 146 7500 12000 40.000 39.989 55.029 55.010 0.221
K40x56x26H 40 56 26 63.7 75.7 7600 12000 40.000 39.989 56.029 56.010 0.138
41 K41x48x31HZW 41 48 31 38.0 68.1 6800 11000 41.000 40.989 48.025 48.009 0.067
K42x47x13H 42 47 13 18.7 34.9 6500 10000 42.000 41.989 47.025 47.009 0.027
K42x47x17H 42 47 17 22.8 45.2 6500 10000 42.000 41.989 47.025 47.009 0.028
K42x47x27H 42 47 27 33.8 74.7 6500 10000 42.000 41.989 47.025 47.009 0.041
42 K42x48x24F 42 48 24 33.1 63.9 6600 10000 42.000 41.989 48.025 48.009 0.046
K42x50x13H 42 50 13 20.9 28.9 6700 10000 42.000 41.989 50.025 50.009 0.035
K42x50x20H 42 50 20 35.2 56.6 6700 10000 42.000 41.989 50.025 50.009 0.054
K42x50x30H 42 50 30 51.3 91.9 6700 10000 42.000 41.989 50.025 50.009 0.080
K43x48x17FH 43 48 17 23.0 45.8 6400 9800 43.000 42.989 48.025 48.009 0.036
K43x48x27H 43 48 27 34.8 78.0 6400 9800 43.000 42.989 48.025 48.009 0.050
K44x50x22H 44 50 22 31.6 60.6 6400 9900 44.000 43.989 50.025 50.009 0.046
K44x50x30,5HZW 44 50 30 35.5 70.5 6400 9900 44.000 43.989 50.025 50.009 0.068
K45x50x13H 45 50 13 18.4 35.1 6100 9400 45.000 44.989 50.025 50.009 0.022
K45x50x15H 45 50 15 19.4 37.3 6100 9400 45.000 44.989 50.025 50.009 0.028
K45x50x17H 45 50 17 24.9 51.8 6100 9400 45.000 44.989 50.025 50.009 0.030
K45x50x20F 45 50 20 27.0 57.4 6100 9400 45.000 44.989 50.025 50.009 0.040
K45x50x21CH 45 50 21 24.6 50.4 6100 9400 45.000 44.989 50.025 50.009 0.036
K45x50x27FH 45 50 27 34.2 77.4 6100 9400 45.000 44.989 50.025 50.009 0.043
K45x50x27TN 45 50 27 31.8 70.7 6100 9400 45.000 44.989 50.025 50.009 0.048
K45x52x18H 45 52 18 30.1 52.0 6200 9500 45.000 44.989 52.029 52.010 0.045

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K45x52x21F 45 52 21 35.0 63.2 6200 9500 45.000 44.989 52.029 52.010 0.055
K45x53x20H 45 53 20 36.0 59.5 6200 9600 45.000 44.989 53.029 53.010 0.054
K45x53x25H 45 53 24.8 45.9 81.5 6200 9600 45.000 44.989 53.029 53.010 0.072
K45x53x25F 45 53 25 42.5 73.7 6200 9600 45.000 44.989 53.029 53.010 0.075
K45x53x28H 45 53 28 49.3 89.2 6200 9600 45.000 44.989 53.029 53.010 0.078
45 K45x55x20H 45 55 20 42.0 62.2 6400 9800 45.000 44.989 55.029 55.010 0.074
K45x59x18H 45 59 18 47.8 58.9 6600 10000 45.000 44.989 59.029 59.010 0.107
K45x59x18TN 45 59 18 45.7 55.4 6600 10000 45.000 44.989 59.029 59.010 0.097
K45x59x36H 45 59 36 82.4 118 6600 10000 45.000 44.989 59.029 59.010 0.181
K45x60x30H 45 60 30 75.5 101 6600 10000 45.000 44.989 60.029 60.010 0.171
K45x60x45H 45 60 45 108 160 6600 10000 45.000 44.989 60.029 60.010 0.280
46 K46x53x36HZW 46 53 36 48.6 96.7 6100 9300 46.000 45.989 53.029 53.010 0.100
K47x52x15FH 47 52 15 20.1 39.8 5800 8900 47.000 46.989 52.029 52.010 0.030
K47x52x17H 47 52 17 24.2 50.4 5800 8900 47.000 46.989 52.029 52.010 0.032
K47x52x27H 47 52 27 36.6 85.9 5800 8900 47.000 46.989 52.029 52.010 0.045
K47x55x28FV1 47 55 28 48.9 89.5 6000 9200 47.000 46.989 55.029 55.010 0.092
K48x53x17H 48 53 17 25.7 54.9 5700 8700 48.000 47.989 53.029 53.010 0.032
K48x54x19H 48 54 19 30.9 61.2 5700 8800 48.000 47.989 54.029 54.010 0.042
K49x55x32HZW 49 55 32 40.2 86.4 5600 8600 49.000 48.989 55.029 55.010 0.080
K49x65x38H 49 65 38 100 142 6100 9300 49.000 48.989 65.029 65.010 0.244
K50x55x17H 50 55 17 25.5 55.0 5400 8400 50.000 49.989 55.029 55.010 0.032
K50x55x20H 50 55 20 30.2 68.5 5400 8400 50.000 49.989 55.029 55.010 0.038
K50x55x30 50 55 30 38.2 92.4 5400 8400 50.000 49.989 55.029 55.010 0.057
K50x55x30FV1 50 55 30 38.2 92.4 5400 8400 50.000 49.989 55.029 55.010 0.057
K50x56x23 50 56 23 35.5 74.1 5500 8500 50.000 49.989 56.029 56.010 0.051
K50x57x18FH 50 57 18 31.3 56.4 5500 8500 50.000 49.989 57.029 57.010 0.050
K50x58x20H 50 58 20 38.8 67.8 5600 8600 50.000 49.989 58.029 58.010 0.065
K50x58x25H 50 58 25 46.5 85.6 5600 8600 50.000 49.989 58.029 58.010 0.081

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K50x58x35H 50 58 35 64.9 131 5600 8600 50.000 49.989 58.029 58.010 0.105
K50x62x30H 50 62 30 64.6 98.1 5800 8900 50.000 49.989 62.029 62.010 0.136
K50x66x30H 50 66 30 80.9 109 5900 9100 50.000 49.989 66.029 66.010 0.192
K50x70x32H 50 70 32 103 129 6100 9300 50.000 49.989 70.029 70.010 0.224
K52x57x12 52 57 12 18.4 36.7 5200 8000 52.000 51.987 57.029 57.010 0.022
52 K52x57x17H 52 57 17 21.4 44.3 5200 8000 52.000 51.987 57.029 57.010 0.035
K52x60x24 52 60 24 47.1 88.3 5400 8200 52.000 51.987 60.029 60.010 0.078
K55x60x17 55 60 17 26.0 58.3 4900 7600 55.000 54.987 60.029 60.010 0.037
K55x60x20H 55 60 20 30.7 72.4 4900 7600 55.000 54.987 60.029 60.010 0.042
K55x60x27H 55 60 27 40.1 102 4900 7600 55.000 54.987 60.029 60.010 0.055
K55x60x30FH 55 60 30 40.6 103 4900 7600 55.000 54.987 60.029 60.010 0.068
K55x61x26H 55 61 26 44.3 102 5000 7600 55.000 54.987 61.029 61.010 0.063
55 K55x62x18H 55 62 18 33.2 62.8 5000 7700 55.000 54.987 62.029 62.010 0.055
K55x63x15F 55 63 15 30.5 51.5 5000 7800 55.000 54.987 63.029 63.010 0.054
K55x63x20 55 63 20 40.3 73.5 5000 7800 55.000 54.987 63.029 63.010 0.072
K55x63x25 55 63 25 49.8 96.5 5000 7800 55.000 54.987 63.029 63.010 0.080
K55x63x32 55 63 32 62.3 129 5000 7800 55.000 54.987 63.029 63.010 0.108
K50x55x30 50 55 30 38.2 92.4 5400 8400 50.000 49.989 55.029 55.010 0.057
K58x63x17F 58 63 17 27.0 62.6 4700 7200 58.000 57.987 63.029 63.010 0.037
58 K58x64x19H 58 64 19 32.9 70.6 4700 7200 58.000 57.987 64.029 64.010 0.037
K58x65x18H 58 65 18 34.3 67.1 4700 7300 58.000 57.987 65.029 65.010 0.058
K60x65x20H 60 65 20 31.9 78.1 4500 6900 60.000 59.987 65.029 65.010 0.046
K60x65x27FH 60 65 26.8 39.5 103 4500 6900 60.000 59.987 65.029 65.010 0.059
K60x65x30FH 60 65 29.8 42.9 114 4500 6900 60.000 59.987 65.029 65.010 0.085
K60x65x30 60 65 30 42.9 114 4500 6900 60.000 59.987 65.029 65.010 0.070
60 K60x68x17F 60 68 17 34.2 61.4 4600 7100 60.000 59.987 68.029 68.010 0.066
K60x68x20H 60 68 20 41.8 79.2 4600 7100 60.000 59.987 68.029 68.010 0.066
K60x68x23H 60 68 23 49.0 97.2 4600 7100 60.000 59.987 68.029 68.010 0.089
K60x68x25 60 68 25 51.6 104 4600 7100 60.000 59.987 68.029 68.010 0.091
K60x68x30ZW 60 68 30 46.4 90.1 4600 7100 60.000 59.987 68.029 68.010 0.119

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
63 K63x71x20 63 71 20 41.4 79.4 4400 6700 63.000 62.987 71.029 71.010 0.070
64 K64x70x16 64 70 16 26.4 55.1 4200 6500 64.000 63.987 70.029 70.010 0.049
K65x70x20CH 65 70 20 28.6 69.2 4100 6400 65.000 64.987 70.029 70.010 0.050
K65x70x30 65 70 30 44.4 123 4100 6400 65.000 64.987 70.029 70.010 0.075
K65x73x23H 65 73 23 48.2 97.7 4200 6500 65.000 64.987 73.029 73.010 0.091
K65x73x30H 65 73 30 60.1 129 4200 6500 65.000 64.987 73.029 73.010 0.116
K68x74x20FH 68 74 20 37.5 88.1 4000 6100 68.000 67.987 74.029 74.010 0.062
K68x74x28CH 68 74 28 44.8 110 4000 6100 68.000 67.987 74.029 74.010 0.082
K68x74x30H 68 74 30 47.6 119 4000 6100 68.000 67.987 74.029 74.010 0.098
K68x74x35HZW 68 74 35 45.1 111 4000 6100 68.000 67.987 74.029 74.010 0.120
K68x76x20 68 76 20 43.8 87.8 4000 6200 68.000 67.987 76.029 76.010 0.086
K68x82x38,5H 68 82 38.5 117 209 4200 6400 68.000 67.987 82.034 82.012 0.320
K70x76x20 70 76 20 36.1 84.7 3900 5900 70.000 69.987 76.029 76.010 0.065
K70x76x30 70 76 30 51.6 134.0 3900 5900 70.000 69.987 76.029 76.010 0.097
K70x78x20H 70 78 20 43.6 87.9 3900 6000 70.000 69.987 78.029 78.010 0.090
K70x78x23F 70 78 23 49.8 104.0 3900 6000 70.000 69.987 78.029 78.010 0.115
70 K70x78x25F 70 78 24.8 49.8 104.0 3900 6000 70.000 69.987 78.029 78.010 0.115
K70x78x30H 70 78 30 62.2 139.0 3900 6000 70.000 69.987 78.029 78.010 0.140
K70x78x46ZW 70 78 46 78.4 187.0 3900 6000 70.000 69.987 78.029 78.010 0.188
K70x85x40F 70 85 40 118 203 4100 6300 70.000 69.987 85.034 85.012 0.338
K70x88x30H 70 88 30 115 175 4100 6400 70.000 69.987 88.034 88.012 0.205
72 K72x80x20 72 80 20 44.4 90.7 3800 5800 72.000 71.987 80.029 80.010 0.084
73 K73x79x20 73 79 20 37.0 88.7 3700 5700 73.000 72.987 79.029 79.010 0.068
K75x81x20F 75 81 20 37.4 90.7 3600 5500 75.000 74.987 81.034 81.012 0.075
K75x83x23 75 83 23 52.5 114.0 3600 5600 75.000 74.987 83.034 83.012 0.104
K75x83x30 75 83 30 60.9 138 3600 5600 75.000 74.987 83.034 83.012 0.141
K75x83x30FH 75 83 30 60.9 138 3600 5600 75.000 74.987 83.034 83.012 0.141
K80x86x20H 80 86 20 38.6 96.7 3400 5200 80.000 79.987 86.034 86.012 0.072
80 K80x88x25FV1 80 88 25 54.0 121 3400 5200 80.000 79.987 88.034 88.012 0.134
K80x88x30 80 88 30 67.5 161 3400 5200 80.000 79.987 88.034 88.012 0.153

Radial needle rollers and cage assemblies
single-row, double-row assemblies

raceway surfaces to be 58 HRC

or equivalent




Bc Load ratings kN Speed rating
Shaft Mounting dimensions
Fw Ew -0.20 min-1 Wt.
∅ Designation
mm mm -0.55 Dynamic Static Max. Min. Max. Min. kg
mm mm mm mm mm
C C0 Grease Oil
K85x92x20H 85 92 20 39.9 91.7 3200 4900 84.988 84.973 92.034 92.012 0.085
85 K85x93x25F 85 93 25 58.8 138 3200 4900 84.988 84.973 93.034 93.012 0.000
K85x93x30H 85 93 30 31024" 3200 4900 4900 84.988 84.973 93.034 93.012 0.166
K90x97x20 90 97 20 46.3 114 3000 4600 89.988 89.973 97.034 97.012 0.095
90 K90x98x25F 90 98 25 54.8 128 3000 4600 89.988 89.973 98.034 98.012 0.134
K90x98x30 90 98 30 63.6 155 3000 4600 89.988 89.973 98.034 98.012 0.168
K95x103x20 95 103 20 49.3 114 2800 4400 94.988 94.973 103.034 103.012 0.130
K95x103x30F 95 103 30 71.0 183 2800 4400 94.988 94.973 103.034 103.012 0.180
100 K100x108x30 100 108 30 72.4 191 2700 4200 99.988 99.973 108.034 108.012 0.210
K110x118x24 110 118 24 64.0 168 2400 3800 109.988 109.973 118.034 118.012 0.165
K110x118x30H 110 118 30 75.3 207 2400 3800 109.988 109.973 118.034 118.012 0.200

Technical features
Needle Bushes
Needle bushes consist of a thin, heat treated outer ring
formed from accurately controlled sheet steel encasing
a set of needles. Bushes may have a full complement
of needles retained in the outer ring by their ends or
by grease; others have the needles retained in a cage
which is prevented from moving laterally in the outer
These bearings which occupy very little radial space are
particularly economical to use and possess a high load
capacity, relative to their size. They should be selected
in preference to other bearings when conditions of
mounting and operation permit.
When needle bushes are used without an inner ring and
the needles rotate on a shaft of suitable hardness, they
occupy minimum space and therefore provide a very
satisfactory solution.
Maximum load capacity is obtained with a shaft
hardness under the needles of at least 58 HRC. A lower
hardness is acceptable if loads and required life permit.
Hardened inner rings can be supplied for most Nadella
needle bushes. They remove the necessity to harden
the shaft and enable the bearings to accept full load
All needle bushes are normally supplied unlubricated
(except where a special grease has been requested).
However, they are coated with a thin film of grease to
prevent corrosion.



Full complement Caged needle bushes Suffixes

needle bushes
AS1 lubricating hole
Retained needles RS seal on one side
closed open with closed end
open .2RS seal on each side
closed end seals with seals


Technical features
Needle Bushes
The outer ring, in the form of a cup, is accurately drawn lnner rings for needle bushes are normally supplied
and no subsequent machining is performed. Needle without oil hole and have a cylindrical needle track. In
bushes of series HK and DL have open ends. The HK those infrequent cases where lubrication is provided
series also are available with one seal, HKRS, and with through the shaft, inner rings can be supplied on request
two seals, HK.2RS. The stamped lip of a needle bush with an oil hole (series JR...JS1).
of series HKRS is at the seal end.

Needle bushes of series BK and DLF are closed at one

end. They are used for shaft-end mounting. The open
end is typically not sealed.
Needle bushes may be made available on request with
a lubricating hole, indicated by suffix AS1. JR JR...JS1
The one-piece steel cage used in most cases of needle
bushes is designed to provide rigidity and minimize
wear. This cage design separates the needle roller Inner rings series JRZ...JS1 are without installation
guiding and retention functions. chamfers, allowing for maximum possible raceway
contact. See section “Inner rings” on pag. 68 for further
Caged needle bushes incorporating seals details.
Caged needle bushes type HK…RS and HK…2RS have
a seal incorporated on the inside of the face marked LOAD RATING FACTORS
with the bearing part number. To this face should be Dynamic loads
applied the force necessary for installation or two seals Needle bushes can accommodate only radial
version 2RS. Thus, after fitting, the seal will normally be loads.
situated towards the outside of the bearing to prevent
loss of lubricant and the entry of dirt, etc. (fig. 4). P= The maximum dynamic radial load that may be
applied to a needle bush based on the
lf sealing is also necessary on the opposite side, a dynamic load rating C, given in the bearing tables.
separate sealing ring type DH (see page 189), of the This load should be ≤ C/3.
same internal and external diameters as the needle
Static loads
bush may be used or, if available, a needle bush HK…
2RS. The bearing seal which is made of synthetic f0 = 0
rubber permits operation up to 120°C (minimum running P0
temperature -20°C). f0 = static load safety factor
C0 = basic static load rating (kN)
The shaft to be introduced into the needle bush on P0 = maximum applied static load (kN)
assembly must be chamfered at its end or at its To ensure satisfactory operation of needle bushes,
shoulder (fig. 4). When carrying out this operation the under all types of conditions, the static load safety
surface passing through the seal must be greased, in factor f0 should be ≥ 3.
order to avoid damages.

Technical features
Needle Bushes
For needle bushes one must accept that the thin outer
ring is interference fitted to the housing bore and will D -0.2/0.3
correspond closely to the shape of the housing. D -2.3
A housing with localised imperfections and thickness
variations may cause deformation of the bush, which
is detrimental to smooth operation. Best results are 1
obtained with a geometrically uniform shape and even
load distribution.
A mounting with interference of needle bushes in the
housing obviates any lateral sealing device. The side of
the bush not marked must remain moved away from
any shoulder, seal, cover, spacer or edge of another
bush. If for machining required there is a housing with
shoulders, the latter must be sufficiently moved away
from the bush to avoid deforming the edge during
(1) Bore of ring D + 0.3 mm
The force required to insert the needle bush must be
applied without shock to the side marked with the
bearing part number.
Thus it is advisable to use a small press fitted with a
suitable mandrel to apply uniform force to the bush Fig.3
Fw -3
centred in the housing (fig. 1).
The axial movement of the mandrel should be limited
by a shoulder coming against the face of the housing.
Bushes having one closed end should preferably have
the open end presented to the housing bore (fig. 2).
lf this is not possible, the force may be applied to the
inside face of the closed end in the case of bushes type
DLF (fig. 3) (this must not be done in the case of bushes Fw (h8)
type BK).

Fig.1 A min = C3 min + 1 mm

D -2.3

15° Fig.4
1 D -0.2/0.3
0.5 min


Fw (h8)
0.5 min

(1) Marked face

Technical features
Needle Bushes
RADIAL PLAY It is suggested that when inner rings are used with needle
The fit of a bush in its housing determines to a large bushes, they should be mounted with a loose transition
extent the dimension under the needles after fitting fit on the shaft using g6 (g5) shaft diameter tolerance.
and consequently the radial play during operation. The inner ring should be end-clamped against a
The recommended shaft and housing tolerances give shoulder. If a tight transition fit must be used [shaft
a radial play the limits of which are suitable for most diameter tolerance h6 (h5)] to keep the inner ring from
normal applications. To obtain a closer clearance, it is rotating relative to the shaft, the inner ring outer diameter,
possible to match the shaft diameters with the diameters as mounted, must not exceed the raceway diameter
under the needles of the bushes after the latter have required by the needle bush for the particular application.
been fitted into their housings. In case the outer diameter of the inner ring, when mounted
The possible differences in the rigidity of housings on the shaft, exceeds the required raceway diameter for
and the variations of clamping force resulting from the the matching needle bush, it should be ground to proper
tolerance build up do not permit one to establish a range diameter while mounted on the shaft.
of dimensions under the needles for every application.
The radial play limits should also take into account the
tolerance of the shaft used directly as a raceway or the
outer diameter of the inner ring after it has been fitted
on to the shaft.

Shaft tolerance, needle Shaft tolerance, needle
Housing tolerance
bushes without inner bushes with inner ring
Types of bush Operating conditions (recommended internal
ring (recommended (recommended internal
radial play)
internal radial play) radial play)

HK, BK, HKRS, One piece heavy section steel

h5 (h6) h6 (h5) N6 (N7)
HK.2RS or cast iron housing

One piece heavy section steel

DL,DLF h5 (h6) h6 (h5) H6 (H7)
or cast iron housing

HK, BK, HKRS, Housing material of low rigidity (Non-ferrous

h5 (h6) h6 (h5) R6 (R7)
HK.2RS metal (1) or thin casings in steel)

Housing material of low rigidity (Non-ferrous

DL,DLF h5 (h6) h6 (h5) M6 (M7)
metal (1) or thin casings in steel)

HK, BK, HKRS, Outer ring rotation (one piece heavy section
f5 (f6) g6 (g5) R6 (R7)
HK.2RS steel or cast iron housing)

Outer ring rotation (one piece heavy section

DL,DLF f5 (f6) g6 (g5) M6 (M7)
steel or cast iron housing)


Oscillating motion j5 (j6) h6 (h5) (2)

DL,DLF Oscillating motion j5 (j6) h6 (h5) (2)

(1) lf a housing of non-ferrous metal reaches temperatures considerably higher (or lower) than 20°C, account should be taken of the difference in expansion (or
contraction) of the bush and suitable adjustments to the fits should be made.
The cylindrical tolerance defined as the difference in radii of two coaxial cylinders (Standard ISO 1101) must normally be less than a quarter of the machining
tolerance on the defined diameter. However, far precision applications or high speeds, it is recommended that the cylindrical tolerance is reduced to one eighth of
the machining tolerance.

(2) The tolerance depends on the shape of the housing.

Technical features
Needle Bushes
Although the bush is accurately drawn from strip steel,
because of its fairly thin section, it may go out-of-round
during heat treatment. When the bearing is pressed into
a true round housing, or ring gage of correct size and wall
thickness, it becomes round and is sized properly.
For this reason, it is incorrect to inspect an unmounted
drawn cup bearing by measuring the outer diameter.
The correct method for inspecting the needle bush size
is to:
1. Press the needle bush into a ring gage of proper size.
2. Plug the needle bush bore with the appropriate “GO”
and “NO GO” gages, or measure it with a tapered
arbor (lathe mandrel).
The “GO” gage size is the minimum needle roller
complement bore diameter. The “NO GO” gage size is
larger than the maximum needle roller complement bore


Type HK, BK, HK...RS, BK...RS, HK...2RS
FULL COMPLEMENT NEEDLE BUSHES Needle roller complement bore
Nominal bore diameter
Type DL, DLF diameter
Ring gage*

Needle roller complement bore Max. Min.

Nominal bore diameter mm mm mm mm
Ring gage*
Max. Min. 3.000 6.484 3.024 3.006
mm mm mm mm 4.000 7.984 4.028 4.010
5.000 9.000 5.036 5.009 5.000 8.984 5.028 5.010
6.000 12.000 6.034 6.009 6.000 9.984 6.028 6.010
8.000 14.000 8.034 8.009 7.000 10.980 7.031 7.013
9.000 14.000 9.034 9.009 8.000 11.980 8.031 8.013
10.000 16.000 10.034 10.009 9.000 12.980 9.031 9.013
12.000 18.000 12.035 12.009 10.000 13.980 10.031 10.013
13.000 19.000 13.035 13.009 12.000 15.980 12.034 12.016
14.000 23.000 14.035 14.009 12.000 17.980 12.034 12.016
15.000 24.000 15.035 15.009 13.000 18.976 13.034 13.016
16.000 26.000 16.035 16.009 14.000 19.976 14.034 14.016
17.000 23.000 17.035 17.009 15.000 20.976 15.034 15.016
18.000 24.000 18.035 18.009 16.000 21.976 16.034 16.016
20.000 26.000 20.035 20.009 17.000 22.976 17.034 17.016
22.000 28.000 22.035 22.009 18.000 23.976 18.034 18.016
25.000 33.000 25.041 25.015 20.000 25.976 20.041 20.020
28.000 36.000 28.041 28.015 22.000 27.976 22.041 22.020
30.000 38.000 30.041 30.015 25.000 31.972 25.041 25.020
35.000 43.000 35.041 35.015 28.000 34.972 28.041 28.020
40.000 48.000 40.041 40.015 30.000 36.972 30.041 30.020
44.000 52.000 44.041 44.015 35.000 41.972 35.050 35.025
45.000 52.000 45.041 45.015 40.000 46.972 40.050 40.025
47.000 55.000 47.041 47.015 45.000 51.967 45.050 45.025
50.000 58.000 50.041 50.015 50.000 57.967 50.050 50.025
55.000 63.000 55.041 55.015 60.000 67.967 60.060 60.030

* The ring gage sizes are in accordance with ISO N6 lower limit.

Needle bushes, full complement, retained
open series DL
closed end series DLF



C3 C3


Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Fw D C C3 min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Grease Oil
DL 6 10 6 12 10 – 2.90 3.80 33000 50000 0.004
DLF 6 10 6 12 10 7.7 2.90 3.80 33000 50000 0.004
DL 8 10 8 14 10 – 4.50 6.50 24000 37500 0.005
DLF 8 10 8 14 10 7.7 4.50 6.50 24000 37500 0.006
DL 10 12 10 16 12 – 7.00 10.9 20000 30000 0.008
DLF 10 12 10 16 12 9.7 7.00 10.9 20000 30000 0.009
DL 12 10 12 18 10 – 6.00 9.7 16000 25000 0.008 JR8x12x10.5
DLF 12 10 12 18 10 7.7 6.00 9.7 16000 25000 0.008 JR8x12x12.5
DL 12 12 12 18 12 – 7.00 11.5 16000 25000 0.009 JR8x12x12.5
DLF 12 12 12 18 12 9.7 7.00 11.5 16000 25000 0.010 JR8x12x12.5
DL 13 12 13 19 12 – 8.50 14.2 15000 23000 0.010 JR10x13x12.5
DLF 13 12 13 19 12 9.7 8.50 14.2 15000 23000 0.011 JR10x13x12.5
DL 14 12 14 20 12 – 7.90 13.5 14000 21500 0.011 JR10x14x12.5
DLF 14 12 14 20 12 9.7 7.90 13.5 14000 21500 0.012 JR10x14x12.5
DL 15 12 15 21 12 – 9.40 16.4 13000 20000 0.011 JR12x15x12.5
DLF 15 12 15 21 12 9.7 9.40 16.4 13000 20000 0.012 JR12x15x12.5
DL 16 12 16 22 12 – 8.70 15.5 12000 18500 0.012 JR12x16x12.5
DLF 16 12 16 22 12 9.7 8.70 15.5 12000 18500 0.013 JR12x16x12.5
DL 17 12 17 23 12 – 9.00 16.2 11000 17500 0.013 JR13x17x12.5
DLF 17 12 17 23 12 9.7 9.00 16.2 11000 17500 0.014 JR13x17x12.5
DL 18 12 18 24 12 – 10.7 19.5 11000 16500 0.014 JR13x18x12.5
DLF 18 12 18 24 12 9.7 10.7 19.5 11000 16500 0.016 JR13x18x12.5
DL 18 16 18 24 16 – 16.0 29.5 11000 16500 0.019 JR15x18x16.5
DLF 18 16 18 24 16 13.7 16.0 29.5 11000 16500 0.021 JR15x18x16.5

Needle bushes, full complement, retained
open series DL
closed end series DLF



C3 C3


Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Fw D C C3 min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Grease Oil
DL 20 12 20 26 12 – 10.2 19.5 10000 15000 0.015 JR15x20x12
DLF 20 12 20 26 12 9.7 10.2 19.5 10000 15000 0.017 JR15x20x12
DL 20 16 20 26 16 – 16.0 30.5 10000 15000 0.020 JR17x20x16
DLF 20 16 20 26 16 13.7 16.0 30.5 10000 15000 0.022 JR17x20x16
DL 22 16 22 28 16 – 17.0 33.0 8800 13500 0.022 JR17x22x16
DLF 22 16 22 28 16 13.7 17.0 33.0 8800 13500 0.025 JR17x22x16
DL 25 16 25 33 16 – 16.0 32.5 7800 12000 0.035 JR20x25x17
DLF 25 16 25 33 16 13.7 16.0 32.5 7800 12000 0.039 JR20x25x17
DL 25 20 25 33 20 – 22.8 46.0 7800 12000 0.043 JR20x25x20.5
DLF 25 20 25 33 20 17.7 22.8 46.0 7800 12000 0.047 JR20x25x20.5
DL 28 20 28 36 20 – 24.5 52.0 7200 11000 0.047 JR22x28x20.5
DLF 28 20 28 36 20 17.7 24.5 52.0 7200 11000 0.051 JR22x28x20.5
DL 30 16 30 38 16 – 21.7 46.5 6500 10000 0.040 JR25x30x17
DLF 30 16 30 38 16 13.7 21.7 46.5 6500 10000 0.045 JR25x30x17
DL 30 20 30 38 20 – 26.0 56.0 6500 10000 0.050 JR25x30x20.5
DLF 30 20 30 38 20 17.7 26.0 56.0 6500 10000 0.055 JR25x30x20.5
DL 30 25 30 38 25 – 35.5 76.0 6500 10000 0.063 JR25x30x26
DLF 30 25 30 38 25 22.7 35.5 76.0 6500 10000 0.068 JR25x30x26
DL 35 16 35 43 16 – 24.0 54.0 5500 8500 0.046 JR30x35x17
DLF 35 16 35 43 16 13.7 24.0 54.0 5500 8500 0.053 JR30x35x17
DL 35 20 35 43 20 – 29.0 65.0 5500 8500 0.057 JR30x35x20.5
DLF 35 20 35 43 20 17.7 29.0 65.0 5500 8500 0.064 JR30x35x20.5
DL 40 16 40 48 16 – 26.5 62.0 4900 7500 0.051 JR35x40x17
DLF 40 16 40 48 16 13.7 26.50 62.0 4900 7500 0.061 JR35x40x17
DL 40 20 40 48 20 – 36.0 84.0 4900 7500 0.064 JR35x40x20.5
DLF 40 20 40 48 20 17.7 36.0 84.0 4900 7500 0.074 JR35x40x20.5

Needle bushes, full complement, retained
open series DL
closed end series DLF



C3 C3


Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Fw D C C3 min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Grease Oil
DL 44 16 44 52 16 – 23.80 57.00 4400 6800 0.056
DLF 44 16 44 52 16 13.7 23.80 57.00 4400 6800 0.066
DL 47 16 47 55 16 – 25.00 61.00 4200 6400 0.060
DLF 47 16 47 55 16 13.7 25.00 61.00 4200 6400 0.071
DL 50 12 50 58 12 – 20.00 50.00 3900 6000 0.047
DLF 50 12 50 58 12 9.7 20.00 50.00 3900 6000 0.061
DL 50 18 50 58 18 – 36.50 92.00 3900 6000 0.071
DLF 50 18 50 58 18 15.7 36.50 92.00 3900 6000 0.085
DL 50 20 50 58 20 – 37.00 93.00 3900 6000 0.077 JR45x50x20
DLF 50 20 50 58 20 17.7 37.00 93.00 3900 6000 0.091 JR45x50x20
DL 55 20 55 63 20 – 39.5 102.0 3600 5500 0.086 JR50x55x20
DLF 55 20 55 63 20 17.7 39.5 102.0 3600 5500 0.102 JR50x55x20

Caged needle bushes
open series HK
closed end series BK

rs rs




Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Fw D C C3 min. rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Grease Oil
BK0306 3 6.5 6 5.2 0.30 1.20 0.78 30000 46000 0.001
HK0306 3 6.5 6 – 0.30 1.60 1.14 30000 46000 0.001
BK0408 4 8 8 6.4 0.40 1.83 1.32 25000 39000 0.002
HK0408 4 8 8 – 0.40 1.88 1.38 25000 39000 0.002
BK0509 5 9 9 7.4 0.40 2.52 2.07 23000 36000 0.002
HK0509 5 9 9 – 0.40 2.52 2.07 23000 36000 0.002
BK0608 6 10 8 6.4 0.40 2.34 1.95 22000 33000 0.002
HK0608 6 10 8 – 0.40 2.34 1.95 22000 33000 0.002
BK0609 6 10 9 7.4 0.40 3.14 2.85 22000 33000 0.003
HK0609 6 10 9 – 0.40 3.14 2.85 22000 33000 0.002
BK0709 7 11 9 7.4 0.40 3.24 3.10 21000 32000 0.003
HK0709 7 11 9 – 0.40 3.23 3.05 21000 32000 0.003
BK0808 8 12 8 6.4 0.40 2.90 2.73 20000 31000 0.003
HK0808 8 12 8 – 0.40 2.90 2.73 20000 31000 0.003
BK0810 8 12 10 8.4 0.40 3.93 4.14 20000 31000 0.004 JR5x8x12
HK0810 8 12 10 – 0.40 3.95 4.07 20000 31000 0.004 JR5x8x12
BK0910 9 13 10 8.4 0.40 4.57 5.07 19000 30000 0.004 JR6x9x12
HK0910 9 13 10 – 0.40 4.57 5.07 19000 30000 0.004 JR6x9x12
BK0912 9 13 12 10.4 0.40 5.65 6.65 19000 30000 0.005 JR6x9x12
HK0912 9 13 12 – 0.40 5.65 6.65 19000 30000 0.005 JR6x9x12
BK1010 10 14 10 8.4 0.40 4.78 5.51 19000 29000 0.004 JR7x10x10.5
HK1010 10 14 10 – 0.40 4.78 5.51 19000 29000 0.004 JR7x10x10.5
BK1012 10 14 12 10.4 0.40 5.90 7.23 19000 29000 0.006 JR7x10x12
HK1012 10 14 12 – 0.40 5.90 7.23 19000 29000 0.005 JR7x10x12
BK1015 10 14 15 13.4 0.40 7.49 9.81 19000 29000 0.006 JR7x10x16
HK1015 10 14 15 – 0.40 7.49 9.81 19000 29000 0.006 JR7x10x16

Caged needle bushes
open series HK
closed end series BK

rs rs




Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Fw D C C3 min. rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Grease Oil
BK1210 12 16 10 8.4 0.4 4.96 6.08 18000 28000 0.006 JR8x12x10.5
HK1210 12 16 10 – 0.4 4.96 6.08 18000 28000 0.006 JR8x12x10.5
BK1212 12 18 12 9.3 1 6.61 7.29 14000 22000 0.012 JR8x12x12.5
HK1212 12 18 12 – 1 6.61 7.29 14000 22000 0.01 JR8x12x12.5
BK1312 13 19 12 9.3 1 6.92 7.89 14000 22000 0.012 JR10x13x12.5
HK1312 13 19 12 – 1 6.92 7.89 14000 22000 0.01 JR10x13x12.5
BK1412 14 20 12 9.3 1 7.21 8.50 14000 21000 0.014 JR10x14x12
HK1412 14 20 12 – 1 7.21 8.50 14000 21000 0.011 JR10x14x12
BK1512 15 21 12 9.3 1 7.16 8.57 14000 21000 0.015 JR12x15x12.5
HK1512 15 21 12 – 1 7.49 9.11 14000 21000 0.012 JR12x15x12.5
BK1516 15 21 16 13.3 1 10.70 14.4 14000 21000 0.019 JR12x15x16.5
HK1516 15 21 16 – 1 10.70 14.4 14000 21000 0.018 JR12x15x16.5
BK1522 15 21 22 19.3 1 13.50 19.4 14000 21000 0.022 JR12x15x22.5
HK1522 15 21 22 – 1 13.50 19.4 14000 21000 0.024 JR12x15x22.5
BK1612 16 22 12 9.3 1 7.76 9.72 14000 21000 0.016 JR12x16x12
HK1612 16 22 12 – 1 7.76 9.72 14000 21000 0.012 JR12x16x12
BK1616 16 22 16 13.3 1 11.1 15.3 14000 21000 0.02 JR12x16x16
HK1616 16 22 16 – 1 11.1 15.3 14000 21000 0.016 JR12x16x16
BK1622 16 22 22 19.3 1 13.4 19.5 14000 21000 0.028 JR12x16x22
HK1622 16 22 22 – 1 13.4 19.5 14000 21000 0.022 JR12x16x22
BK1712 17 23 12 9.3 1 8.12 10.4 13000 20000 0.018
HK1712 17 23 12 – 1 8.12 10.4 13000 20000 0.013
BK1812 18 24 12 9.3 1 8.41 11.11 12000 18000 0.017
HK1812 18 24 12 – 1 8.41 11.11 12000 18000 0.015
BK1816 18 24 16 13.3 1 11.6 16.8 12000 18000 0.022 JR15x18x16.5
HK1816 18 24 16 – 1 11.6 16.8 12000 18000 0.018 JR15x18x16.5

Caged needle bushes
open series HK
closed end series BK

rs rs




Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Fw D C C3 min. rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Grease Oil
BK2012 20 26 12 9.3 1 8.97 12.5 11000 16000 0.017 JR15x20x12
HK2012 20 26 12 – 1 8.97 12.5 11000 16000 0.015 JR15x20x12
BK2016 20 26 16 13.3 1 12.40 18.90 11000 16000 0.024 JR17x20x16.5
HK2016 20 26 16 – 1 12.40 18.90 11000 16000 0.022 JR17x20x16.5
BK2020 20 26 20 17.3 1 15.50 25.30 11000 16000 0.027 JR17x20x20.5
HK2020 20 26 20 – 1 15.90 26.20 11000 16000 0.025 JR17x20x20.5
BK2030 20 26 30 27.3 1 21.20 37.80 11000 16000 0.043 JR17x20x30.5
HK2030 20 26 30 – 1 21.20 37.80 11000 16000 0.041 JR17x20x30.5
BK2210 22 28 10 9.3 1 7.06 9.49 9600 15000 0.013
HK2210 22 28 10 – 1 7.06 9.49 9600 15000 0.013
BK2212 22 28 12 9.3 1 9.81 14.50 9600 15000 0.02 JR17x22x13
HK2212 22 28 12 – 1 9.81 14.50 9600 15000 0.015 JR17x22x13
BK2216 22 28 16 13.3 1 13.10 20.90 9600 15000 0.027 JR17x22x16
HK2216 22 28 16 – 1 13.10 20.90 9600 15000 0.022 JR17x22x16
BK2220 22 28 20 17.3 1 15.30 25.50 9600 15000 0.028 JR17x22x23
HK2220 22 28 20 – 1 15.30 25.50 9600 15000 0.026 JR17x22x23
BK2512 25 32 12 9.3 1 10.90 14.70 8500 13000 0.025
HK2512 25 32 12 — 1 10.90 14.70 8500 13000 0.021
BK2516 25 32 16 13.3 1 15.60 23.50 8500 13000 0.031 JR20x25x17
HK2516 25 32 16 — 1 15.60 23.50 8500 13000 0.028 JR20x25x17
BK2520 25 32 20 17.3 1 20.60 33.40 8500 13000 0.043 JR20x25x20.5
HK2520 25 32 20 – 1 20.60 33.40 8500 13000 0.040 JR20x25x20.5
BK2526 25 32 26 23.3 1 25.70 44.40 8500 13000 0.051 JR20x25x26.5
HK2526 25 32 26 – 1 25.70 44.40 8500 13000 0.046 JR20x25x26.5
BK2538 25 32 38 35.3 1 35.30 66.90 8500 13000 0.077 JR20x25x38.5
HK2538 25 32 38 – 1 35.30 66.90 8500 13000 0.068 JR20x25x38.5
BK2816 28 35 16 13.3 1 15.9 24.9 7500 12000 0.038 JR22x28x17
HK2816 28 35 16 – 1 15.9 24.9 7500 12000 0.032 JR22x28x17
BK2820 28 35 20 17.3 1 20.9 35.3 7500 12000 0.047 JR22x28x20.5
HK2820 28 35 20 – 1 20.9 35.3 7500 12000 0.040 JR22x28x20.5

Caged needle bushes
open series HK
closed end series BK

rs rs




Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Fw D C C3 min. rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Grease Oil
BK3012 30 37 12 9.3 1 11.6 16.8 7000 11000 0.031
HK3012 30 37 12 — 1 12.0 17.7 7000 11000 0.024
BK3016 30 37 16 13.30 1 16.8 27.3 7000 11000 0.041 JR25x30x17
HK3016 30 37 16 — 1 16.8 27.3 7000 11000 0.032 JR25x30x17
BK3020 30 37 20 17.3 1 22.4 39.6 7000 11000 0.053 JR25x30x20.5
HK3020 30 37 20 — 1 22.4 39.6 7000 11000 0.042 JR25x30x20.5
BK3026 30 37 26 23.3 1 27.4 51.2 7000 11000 0.067 JR25x30x26.5
HK3026 30 37 26 — 1 27.4 51.2 7000 11000 0.054 JR25x30x26.5
BK3038 30 37 38 35.3 1 38.4 79.2 7000 11000 0.093 JR25x30x38.5
HK3038 30 37 38 — 1 38.4 79.2 7000 11000 0.075 JR25x30x38.5
HK3512 35 42 12 — 1 13.0 20.6 5900 9100 0.028
HK3516 35 42 16 — 1 17.4 29.9 5900 9100 0.037 JR30x35x17
BK3520 35 42 20 17.3 1 24.5 46.8 5900 9100 0.065 JR30x35x20.5
HK3520 35 42 20 — 1 24.5 46.8 5900 9100 0.049 JR30x35x20.5
HK4012 40 47 12 — 1 14.7 25.3 5200 7900 0.033
HK4016 40 47 16 — 1 18.9 34.8 5200 7900 0.042 JR35x40x17
BK4020 40 47 20 17.3 1 25.1 50.4 5200 7900 0.070 JR35x40x20.5
HK4020 40 47 20 — 1 25.1 50.4 5200 7900 0.060 JR35x40x20.5
HK4512 45 52 12 — 1 14.1 24.8 4600 7000 0.036
HK4516 45 52 16 — 1 19.8 38.5 4600 7000 0.048 JR40x45x17
BK4520 45 52 20 17.3 1 26.3 55.4 4600 7000 0.079 JR40x45x20.5
HK4520 45 52 20 — 1 27.2 58.2 4600 7000 0.059 JR40x45x20.5
HK5012 50 58 12 — 1 17.0 28.7 4100 6300 0.045
50 HK5020 50 58 20 — 1 30.9 62.2 4100 6300 0.072 JR45x50x20
HK5025 50 58 25 — 1 35.5 74.1 4100 6300 0.092 JR45x50x25.5
55 HK5520 55 63 20 — 1 31.0 64.4 3700 5700 0.079 JR45x55x20
HK6012 60 68 12 — 1 17.2 31.2 3400 5200 0.060
HK6020 60 68 20 — 1 35.6 79,5 3400 5200 0.090 JR50x60x20

Caged needle bushes with seal
series HK...RS, BK...RS, HK...2RS

rs rs rs




Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Shaft Fw D C C3 min. rs min. Weight
Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
C C0 Grease
8 HK0810RS 8 12 10 – 0.4 2.90 2.73 20000 0.004
10 HK1012RS 10 14 12 – 0.4 4.78 5.51 19000 0.006
HK1214RS 12 18 14 – 1 6.61 7.29 14000 0.013
HK1216.2RS 12 18 16 – 1 6.87 7.65 14000 0.016
BK1414RS 14 20 14 11.6 1 7.17 8.41 14000 0.014
14 HK1414RS 14 20 14 – 1 7.17 8.41 14000 0.015 JR10x14x16
HK1416.2RS 14 20 16 – 1 7.17 8.41 14000 0.014 JR10x14x20
BK1514RS 15 21 14 11.3 1 7.87 9.69 13000 0.017 JR12x15x16.5
15 HK1514RS 15 21 14 – 1 7.87 9.69 13000 0.016 JR12x15x16.5
HK1516.2RS 15 21 16 – 1 7.87 9.69 13000 0.019 JR12x15x16.5
HK1614RS 16 22 14 – 1 7.82 9.76 12000 0.014 JR12x16x16
HK1616.2RS 16 22 16 – 1 7.82 9.76 12000 0.015 JR12x16x20
HK1814RS 18 24 14 – 1 8.41 11.10 11000 0.018 JR15x18x16.5
HK1816.2RS 18 24 16 – 1 8.41 11.10 11000 0.017 JR15x18x16.5
HK2016.2RS 20 26 16 – 1 8.97 12.50 9700 0.023 JR17x20x16.5
20 HK2018RS 20 26 18 – 1 12.40 18.90 9700 0.025 JR17x20x20.5
HK2020.2RS 20 26 20 – 1 12.40 18.90 9700 0.028 JR17x20x20.5
HK2216.2RS 22 28 16 – 1 9.81 14.50 8800 0.025
22 HK2218RS 22 28 18 – 1 13.10 20.90 8800 0.027 JR17x22x23
HK2220.2RS 22 28 20 – 1 13.10 20.90 8800 0.026 JR17x22x23
HK2516.2RS 25 32 16 – 1 11.10 15.10 7800 0.030 JR20x25x17
HK2518RS 25 32 18 – 1 16.20 24.60 7800 0.034 JR20x25x20.5
25 HK2520.2RS 25 32 20 – 1 16.20 24.60 7800 0.033 JR20x25x20.5
HK2522RS 25 32 22 – 1 20.60 33.40 7800 0.042 JR20x25x26
HK2524.2RS 25 32 24 – 1 20.6 33.4 7800 0.047 JR20x25x26

Caged needle bushes with seal
series HK...RS, BK...RS, HK...2RS

rs rs rs




Load Ratings kN Speed limit

Shaft Fw D C C3 min. rs min. Weight
Designation Dynamic Static min-1 Internal ring
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
C C0 Grease
28 HK2820.2RS 28 35 20 – 1 15.9 24.9 6900 0.042 JR22x28x20.5
HK3016.2RS 30 37 16 – 1 11.6 16.8 6500 0.030 JR25x30x17
HK3018RS 30 37 18 – 1 16.8 27.3 6500 0.042 JR25x30x20.5
30 HK3020.2RS 30 37 20 – 1 16.8 27.3 6500 0.040 JR25x30x20.5
HK3022RS 30 37 22 – 1 22.4 39.6 6500 0.051 JR25x30x26
HK3024.2RS 30 37 24 – 1 22.4 39.6 6500 0.057 JR25x30x26
HK3516.2RS 35 42 16 – 1 14.2 23.2 5500 0.047 JR30x35x17
35 HK3518RS 35 42 18 – 1 17.4 29.9 5500 0.054 JR30x35x20.5
HK3520.2RS 35 42 20 – 1 17.4 29.9 5500 0.044 JR30x35x20.5
HK4016.2RS 40 47 16 – 1 13.4 22.4 4900 0.037 JR35x40x20
40 HK4018RS 40 47 18 – 1 18.9 34.8 4900 0.057 JR35x40x20.5
HK4020.2RS 40 47 20 – 1 18.9 34.8 4900 0.053 JR35x40x20.5
HK4518RS 45 52 18 – 1 19.8 38.5 4300 0.064 JR40x45x20.5
HK4520.2RS 45 52 20 – 1 19.8 38.5 4300 0.055 JR40x45x20.5
HK5022RS 50 58 22 – 1 28.8 56.6 3900 0.097 JR45x50x25.5
HK5024.2RS 50 58 24 – 1 28.8 56.6 3900 0.083 JR45x50x25.5

Internal rings for needle bushes

When it is impractical to meet the shaft raceway design These fits used in conjunction with the proper fit of the
requirements (hardness, surface finish, case depth, etc.) bearing outer ring, will provide the correct operating
outlined in the engineering section of this catalogue, clearances for most applications.
standard inner rings may be used. Regardless of the fit of the inner ring on the shaft, the
Inner rings are made of rolling bearing steel and after inner ring should be axially located by shaft shoulders
hardening, their bores, raceways and end surfaces or other positive means. The shaft shoulder diameter
are ground. Inner rings may be used to provide adjacent to the inner ring must not exceed the inner ring
inner raceway surfaces for radial needle roller and outside diameter.
cage assemblies, needle roller bearings and needle When inner rings are to be used with the needle roller
bushes. The extended inner rings are suitable for use bearings, appropriate shaft tolerances should be
with bearings containing lip contact seals and for selected from table 3 on page 94 in the needle bearing
applications in which axial movement may be present. section. When inner rings are to be used with needle
bushes the suggested shaft tolerances are given in
CONSTRUCTION the “Radial play” paragraph on page 57 of the “Needle
Inner rings are available in four basic designs and bushes” section of this catalogue.
differ only by the chamfers at the ends of the raceway
surfaces, the lubricant access holes and the raceway SEALING RINGS
profile. Inner rings of series JR have chamfers to assist Sealing rings series DH, tabulated on pages 191 to 193
in bearing installation but are without lubricating holes. are of a small cross section suitable for use with needle
Inner rings of series JR.JS1 have bearing installation bushes. They provide a cost effective and compact
chamfers and lubricating holes (bore diameters 5 to construction in applications using grease lubrication.
50 mm). Inner rings of series JRZ.JS1 are without
installation chamfers, allowing for maximum possible CONSTRUCTION
raceway contact. Sealing rings series DH comprise of a steel angle casing
on the outside and a molded nitrile rubber sealing
DIMENSIONAL ACCURACY element containing the sealing lip.
The tolerances of size, form, and runout for inner rings These seals have an operating temperature range of
meet the requirements of ISO normal tolerance class for -20°C to + 120°C.
radial bearings (see tables at the end of the catalogue).
Most inner rings are produced with outside diameter MOUNTING OF LIP CONTACT SEALS
raceway tolerance in accordance with h5 which, in It is generally sufficient to press the seal into its
most cases, is suitable for combining the needle roller predetermined position. Axial locating devices are not
bearings to give the normal clearance class, and for required for the seals in normal circumstances.
use with needle bushes. The shaft surface on which the seal is to run must be
Other raceway tolerances may also be found on inner hardened and preferably plunge ground to a smooth
rings for combining with needle roller bearings to give finish, free from burrs, nicks or scratches which may
one of the clearance requirement. damage the sealing lip.
The end of the shaft should be chamfered or rounded
MOUNTING OF INNER RINGS to prevent lip damage and to ease installation. It is also
Inner rings may be mounted on the shaft with either a recommended to apply a coating of a suitable lubricant
loose transition fit or an interference fit. on the shaft before mounting the seal.

Internal rings for needle bushes


r r r

d F d F d F


d F B rs min. Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg

JR5x8x8JS1 5 8 8 0.3 0.002

5 JR5x8x12 5 8 12 0.3 0.003
JR5x8x16 5 8 16 0.3 0.004
JR6x9x8JS1 6 9 8 0.3 0.002
JR6x9x12 6 9 12 0.3 0.003
JR6x9x16 6 9 16 0.3 0.004
JR6x10x10 6 10 10 0.3 0.004
JR6x10x10JS1 6 10 10 0.3 0.004
JRZ6x10x12JS1 6 10 12 0.3 0.005
JR7x10x10.5 7 10 10.5 0.3 0.003
7 JR7x10x12 7 10 12 0.3 0.004
JR7x10x16 7 10 16 0.3 0.005
JR8x12x10 8 12 10 0.3 0.005
JR8x12x10JS1 8 12 10 0.3 0.005
JR8x12x10.5 8 12 10.5 0.3 0.005
JRZ8xl2x12JS1 8 12 12 0.3 0.006
JR8x12x12.5 8 12 12.5 0.3 0.006
JR8x12x16 8 12 16 0.3 0.007
JR9x12x12 9 12 12 0.3 0.005
JR9x12x16 9 12 16 0.3 0.006
JR10x13x12.5 10 13 12.5 0.3 0.005
JR10x14x11JS1 10 14 11 0.3 0.007
JR10x14x12 10 14 12 0.3 0.007
JR10x14x12JS1 10 14 12 0.3 0.007
JR10x14x13 10 14 13 0.3 0.007
JRZ10x14x14JS1 10 14 14 0.3 0.008
JR10x14x16 10 14 16 0.3 0.009
JR10x14x20 10 14 20 0.3 0.012

Internal rings for needle bushes


r r r

d F d F d F


d F B rs min. Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg

JR12x15x12.5 12 15 12.5 0.3 0.006

JR12x15x16 12 15 16 0.3 0.008
JR12x15x16.5 12 15 16.5 0.3 0.008
JR12x15x18.5 12 15 18.5 0.3 0.009
JR12x15x22.5 12 15 22.5 0.3 0.011
JR12x16x12 12 16 12 0.3 0.008
JR12x16x12JS1 12 16 12 0.3 0.008
JR12x16x13 12 16 13 0.3 0.008
JRZ12x16x14JS1 12 16 14 0.3 0.010
JR12x16x16 12 16 16 0.3 0.011
JR12x16x20 12 16 20 0.3 0.014
JR12x16x22 12 16 22 0.3 0.015
14 JR14x17x17 14 17 17 0.3 0.009
JR15x18x16.5 15 18 16.5 0.3 0.010
JR15x19x16 15 19 16 0.3 0.013
JR15x19x20 15 19 20 0.3 0.017
JR15x20x12 15 20 12 0.3 0.012
JR15x20x12JS1 15 20 12 0.3 0.012
15 JR15x20x13 15 20 13 0.3 0.014
JRZ15x20x14JS1 15 20 14 0.3 0.015
JR15x20x16 15 20 16 0.3 0.017
JR15x20x20 15 20 20 0.35 0.021
JR15x20x23 15 20 23 0.3 0.025
JR15x20x26 15 20 26 0.3 0.028

Internal rings for needle bushes


r r r

d F d F d F


d F B rs min. Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg

JR17x20x16.5 17 20 16.5 0.3 0.011

JR17x20x20 17 20 20 0.3 0.014
JR17x20x20.5 17 20 20.5 0.3 0.014
JR17x20x30.5 17 20 30.5 0.3 0.021
JR17x21x16 17 21 16 0.3 0.015
JR17x21x20 17 21 20 0.3 0.019
JR17x22x13 17 22 13 0.3 0.015
JR17x22x16 17 22 16 0.3 0.019
JR17x22x16JS1 17 22 16 0.3 0.019
JRZ17x22x16JS1 17 22 16 0.3 0.019
JR17x22x20 17 22 20 0.35 0.023
JR17x22x23 17 22 23 0.3 0.028
JR17x22x26 17 22 26 0.3 0.031
JR17x22x32 17 22 32 0.3 0.038
JR20x24x16 20 24 16 0.3 0.018
JR20x24x20 20 24 20 0.3 0.022
JR20x25x16 20 25 16 0.3 0.022
JR20x25x16JS1 20 25 16 0.3 0.022
JR20x25x17 20 25 17 0.3 0.023
JRZ20x25x18JS1 20 25 18 0.3 0.025
20 JR20x25x20 20 25 20 0.3 0.028
JR20x25x20.5 20 25 20.5 0.3 0.029
JR20x25x26 20 25 26 0.3 0.036
JR20x25x26.5 20 25 26.5 0.3 0.037
JR20x25x30 20 25 30 0.3 0.042
JR20x25x32 20 25 32 0.3 0.044
JR20x25x38.5 20 25 38.5 0.3 0.054

Internal rings for needle bushes


r r r

d F d F d F


d F B rs min. Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg

JR22x26x16 22 26 16 0.3 0.019

JR22x26x20 22 26 20 0.3 0.023
22 JR22x28x17 22 28 17 0.3 0.030
JR22x28x20.5 22 28 20.5 0.3 0.038
JR22x28x30 22 28 30 0.3 0.056
JR25x29x20 25 29 20 0.3 0.027

JR25x29x30 25 29 30 0.3 0.040

JR25x30x16 25 30 16 0.3 0.027
JR25x30x16JS1 25 30 16 0.3 0.027
JR25x30x17 25 30 17 0.3 0.028
JRZ25x30x18JS1 25 30 18 0.3 0.031
25 JR25x30x20 25 30 20 0.3 0.034
JR25x30x20.5 25 30 20.5 0.3 0.035
JR25x30x26 25 30 26 0.3 0.044
JR25x30x26.5 25 30 26.5 0.3 0.045
JR25x30x30 25 30 30 0.3 0.051
JR25x30x32 25 30 32 0.3 0.054
JR25x30x38.5 25 30 38.5 0.3 0.066
JR28x32x17 28 32 17 0.3 0.028
28 JR28x32x20 28 32 20 0.3 0.030
JR28x32x30 28 32 30 0.3 0.044

Internal rings for needle bushes


r r r

d F d F d F


d F B rs min. Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg

JR30x35x16 30 35 16 0.3 0.031

JR30x35x17 30 35 17 0.3 0.033
JRZ30x35x18JS1 30 35 18 0.3 0.036
JR30x35x20 30 35 20 0.3 0.039
JRZ30x35x20JS1 30 35 20 0.3 0.039
JR30x35x20.5 30 35 20.5 0.3 0.040
JR30x35x26 30 35 26 0.3 0.054
JR30x35x30 30 35 30 0.3 0.057
JR30x35x32 30 35 32 0.3 0.062
JR30x38x20JS1 30 38 20 0.6 0.067
JR32x37x20 32 37 20 0.3 0.043
JR32x37x30 32 37 30 0.3 0.064
JR32x40x20 32 40 20 0.6 0.069
JR32x40x36 32 40 36 0.6 0.128
JR35x40x17 35 40 17 0.3 0.040
JR35x40x20 35 40 20 0.3 0.046
JR35x40x20.5 35 40 20.5 0.3 0.049
JR35x40x22 35 40 22 0.3 0.052
JR35x40x30 35 40 30 0.3 0.071
JR35x40x34 35 40 34 0.3 0.080
JR35x40x40 35 40 40 0.3 0.094
JR35x42x20 35 42 20 0.6 0.065
JR35x42x20JS1 35 42 20 0.6 0.065
JRZ35x42x23JS1 35 42 23 0.6 0.074
JR35x42x36 35 42 36 0.6 0.122
JR35x44x22 35 44 22 0.6 0.097

Internal rings for needle bushes


r r r

d F d F d F


d F B rs min. Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg
37 JR37x42x20 37 42 20 0.35 0.046
JR38x43x20 38 43 20 0.3 0.050
JR38x43x30 38 43 30 0.3 0.075
JR40x45x17 40 45 17 0.3 0.044
JR40x45x20 40 45 20 0.3 0.052
JR40x45x20.5 40 45 20.5 0.3 0.054
JR40x45x25 40 45 25 0.35 0.062
JR40x45x30 40 45 30 0.3 0.078
40 JR40x45x34 40 45 34 0.3 0.089
JR40x45x40 40 45 40 0.3 0.115
JR40x48x22 40 48 22 0.6 0.094
JRZ40x48x23JS1 40 48 23 0.6 0.100
JR40x48x40 40 48 40 0.6 0.173
JR40x50x20 40 50 20 1 0.110
JR42x47x20 42 47 20 0.3 0.055
JR42x47x30 42 47 30 0.3 0.083
JR45x50x20 45 50 20 0.3 0.058
JR45x50x25 45 50 25 0.6 0.073
JR45x50x25.5 45 50 25.5 0.3 0.075
JR45x50x35 45 50 35 0.6 0.103
JR45x50x40 45 50 40 0.3 0.117
JR45x52x22 45 52 22 0.6 0.090
45 JR45x52x23 45 52 23 0.6 0.096
JRZ45x52x23JS1 45 52 23 0.6 0.096
JR45x52x40 45 52 40 0.6 0.167
JR45x55x20 45 55 20 1 0.133
JR45x55x20JS1 45 55 20 1 0.133
JR45x55x22 45 55 22 1 0.135
JR45x55x40 45 55 40 1 0.247

Internal rings for needle bushes


r r r

d F d F d F


d F B rs min. Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg

JR50x55x20 50 55 20 0.3 0.065

JR50x55x25 50 55 25 0.6 0.081
JR50x55x35 50 55 35 0.6 0.113
JR50x55x40 50 55 40 0.3 0.130
JR50x58x22 50 58 22 0.6 0.117
50 JRZ50x58x23JS1 50 58 23 0.6 0.122
JR50x58x40 50 58 40 0.6 0.213
JR50x60x20 50 60 20 1 0.155
JR50x60x20JS1 50 60 20 1 0.155
JR50x60x25 50 60 25 1 0.170
JR50x60x40 50 60 40 1 0.310
JR55x60x25 55 60 25 0.6 0.088
JR55x60x35 55 60 35 0.6 0.124

Technical features
Drawn cup roller clutches

Lock function
Shaft drives gear
clockwise (white arrows)

or gear can drive shaft K

counter clockwise (black


Overrun function
Shaft overruns in gear


(white arrows) or gear K

overruns on shaft
clockwise (black arrow)

The basic types of clutches and clutch and bearing
assemblies are listed below:

FCS, FC-K Regular clutch, single roller per

stainless steel spring.
FC Regular clutch, multi-roller per
stainless steel spring.
FCB Regular clutch and bearing
assembly, multi-roller per stainless
steel spring.
FCL-K Light series clutch, single roller per
Drawn cup roller clutch transmits torque between shaft stainless steel spring.
and housing in one direction and allows free overrun in FCBL-K, FCBN-K Light series clutch and bearing
the opposite direction. assembly. Single roller per
When transmitting torque, either the shaft or the housing stainless steel spring.
can be the input member. Applications are generally
described as indexing, backstopping or overrunning.


Drawn cup roller Drawn cup clutch and Drawn cup roller Drawn cup clutch and
clutch type FC with bearing assembly clutch, types FCS, bearing assembly types
stainless steel type FCB with stainless FC-K, FCL-K with FCBL-K, FCBN-K with
springs steel springs stainless steel springs stainless steel springs

Technical features
Drawn cup roller clutches
In many respects, construction is similar to that of Operation is in two modes: the overrun mode and
needle bushes. The well-established design utilizes the the lock mode. Operational mode is controlled by the
same low-profile radial section as needle bushes. direction of the clutch or shaft rotation with respect to
The precisely formed interior ramps provide surfaces the locking ramps.
against which the needle rollers wedge. These positively
lock the clutch with the shaft when rotated in the proper In the overrun mode, shown in the drawings below (a),
direction. These ramps, formed during the operation of the relative rotation between the housed clutch and the
drawing the cup, are case hardened for wear resistance. shaft causes the rollers to move away from their locking
position against the locking ramps in the needle bush.
Two designs of precision molded clutch cages are The housing and the clutch are then free to overrun in
employed. Clutch and clutch and bearing assembly one direction, or the shaft is free to overrun in the other
types – FC, FC-K, FCS, FCL-K, FCB, FCBN-K, FCBL-K direction.
– use a glass fiber, reinforced nylon cage, equipped
with inserted stainless steel leaf springs. The stainless In the lock mode, shown in the drawings below (b),
steel springs permit higher rates of clutch engagement the relative rotation between the housed clutch and the
and achieve greater spring life. The nylon cage permits shaft is opposite to that in the overrun mode. The rollers,
operation at higher temperatures. assisted by the leaf-type springs, become wedged
between the locking ramps and the shaft to transmit
Types FCB, FCBL-K, FCBN-K, clutch and bearing torque between the two members. Either the member
assemblies have cages, for retention and guidance of housing the clutch drives the shaft in one direction, or
the needle rollers in the bearings, located on both sides the shaft can drive the clutch and its housing member
of the clutch unit. in the other direction.



Clutch and bearing assembly SHAFT SHAFT








Types FC, FC-K, FCS, FCL-K are of clutch-only

configurations for use with external radial support (b) HOUSING HOUSING
(usually two needle bushes). Separate bearings position
the shaft and housing concentrically and carry the radial
load during overrun. SHAFT SHAFT






Clearance between the rollers and cup ramps is exaggerated in

these drawings

Clutch only

Technical features
Drawn cup roller clutches
APPLICATIONS In any application where our clutch may be considered, it
Clutches and clutch and bearing assemblies are will be part of a system in which the operating conditions
successfully applied in a wide range of commercial and the clutch mounting will affect its function.
products where indexing, backstopping and overrunning Before any clutch selection is made, it is important that
operations must be performed reliably. The sketches on the following catalog section be carefully studied to
these pages illustrate some of the many possible uses. understand the effects of these factors.
When applying the clutch-only unit, separate bearings
on each side of the clutch are required to position the Consideration should be given to operating conditions
shaft concentrically with the housing, and to carry the such as:
radial loads during overrun. Needle bushes, with the s-AGNITUDE OF EXTERNALLY APPLIED TORQUE AS WELL AS
same radial section as the clutch, should be used in the inertial torque.
through-bored housings for simplicity and economy. s-AGNITUDEOFAPPLIEDRADIALLOADSDURINGOVERRUNNING
Two clutches can be used side by side for greater s0OTENTIALFORVIBRATIONORAXIALSHAFTMOVEMENTWITHIN
torque capacity. the clutch during engagement.
Where the radial loads are light, the clutch and bearing s %NGAGEMENT RATE AS IT PERTAINS TO THE SELECTION OF
assembly can be used without additional support stainless steel or plastic leaf springs.
bearings. This reduces the overall assembly width, the s/ILLUBRICANTSUPPLYDURINGHIGHOVERRUNNINGSPEEDS
number of stocked and ordered parts and assembly s%XTERNALANDINTERNALENVIRONMENTALTEMPERATURESTHAT
costs, as well. can affect clutch performance.

Consideration should be given to the shaft and housing

design requirements such as:
approaching torque rating limits.
Clutch and bearing arrangement
for heavy loads to ensure sufficient fatigue life and torque-carrying
support the applied torque loads.
to ensure uniform torque and load distribution.

A test program under all expected operating conditions

should be carried out before putting a new application
into production.
Customer engineers are constantly working with and
Clutch and bearing assembly testing new applications, and their experience can be
for light loads of great help to the designer considering the use of a
drawn cup roller clutch.
Drawn cup roller clutches are manufactured to
commercial hardware standards and are used
extensively in appliances, business machines, industrial
and recreation equipment and a wide range of other

Technical features
Drawn cup roller clutches

Paper feed rolls in Stair steppers and

business machines other athletic equipment

Paper feed rolls in business machines

Rack indexing Lawnmower

drive differential

Towel dispensers
Motor backstops
and similar web roll feed

with reversing Conveyor rollers
input Conveyor rollers

Two speed Gearbox with reversing input

Conveyor rollers

Two speed Gearbox with reversing input Chainsaw starters

Chainsaw starters

Timing motor

Washing machine

Technical features
Drawn cup roller clutches
HOUSING DESIGN Either case-hardening or through-hardening grades of
Drawn cup clutches and clutch and bearing assemblies good bearing quality steel are satisfactory for raceways.
are mounted with a simple press fit in their housings. Steels modified for free machining, such as those high
Through-bored and chamfered housings are preferred. in sulfur content and particularly those containing lead,
A 30 degree angle is suggested and care should be are seldom satisfactory for raceways.
taken to round the edge where the chamfer meets the For long fatigue life, the shaft raceway must have a
housing bore. A sharp edge at this location can greatly HARDNESSEQUIVALENTTO(2#MINIMUMANDMUSTBE
INCREASEINSTALLATIONFORCES0ROVISIONSFORAXIALLOCATION ground to the suggested diameter shown in the tables
such as shoulders or snap rings, are not required. The of dimensions. It may be through hardened, or it may be
case hardened cups must be properly supported. Steel case hardened with an effective case depth of 0.40 mm.
housings are preferred and must be used for applications Effective case depth is defined as the distance from the
involving high-torque loads to prevent radial expansion SURFACE INWARD TO THE EQUIVALENT OF  (2# HARDNESS
of the clutch cups. The suggested minimum housing level after grinding.
outer diameters in the tables of dimensions are for steel. Taper within the length of the raceway should not
The housing bore should be round within one-half of the exceed 0.008 mm, or one-half the diameter tolerance
diameter tolerance. – whichever is smaller. The radial deviation from true
The taper within the length of the outer ring should not circular form of the raceway should not exceed 0.0025
exceed 0.013 mm. The surface finish of the housing mm for diameters up to and including 25 mm. For
bore should not exceed 1.6 μm Ra. raceways greater than 25 mm, the allowable radial
The torque ratings, given in the clutch tables, are based deviation should not exceed 0.0025 mm multiplied by
on a steel housing of a large section. When other housing a factor of the raceway diameter divided by 25. Surface
material must be used (such as aluminium, powdered finish on the raceway should not exceed 0.4 μm Ra.
metal and plastics), the torque rating of the clutch will Deviations will reduce the load capacity and fatigue life
be reduced. Such housings may be satisfactory for of the shaft.
lightly torqued applications. But, the Technical Service
should be consulted for appropriate housing and shaft INSTALLATION
suggestions. Otherwise, an insufficient press fit and Simplicity of installation promotes additional cost
use of a lower strength housing material can result in savings.
more internal clearance and reduced performance of The drawn cup roller clutch or the clutch and bearing
When using non-steel housings, thorough testing of are virtually identical with those for installing needle
the design is suggested. Adhesive compounds can be bushes. The unit is pressed into the bore of a gear or
used to prevent creeping rotation of the clutch in plastic pulley hub or housing of the proper size. No shoulders,
housings with low friction properties. Adhesives will not splines, keys, screws or snap rings are required.
provide proper support in oversized metal housings. Installation procedures are summarized in the following
When using adhesives, care must be taken to keep the sketches on page 84.
adhesive out of the clutches and bearings.
Use an arbor press or hydraulic ram press (fig. 1) to exert
SHAFT DESIGN steady pressure. Never use a hammer, or other tool
The clutch or clutch and bearing assembly operates requiring pounding to drive the clutch into its housing.
directly on the shaft whose specifications of dimension,
hardness and surface finish are well within standard
manufacturing limits.

Technical features
Drawn cup roller clutches

of recess


Use “O-Ring“
on pilot

Long lead on pilot

“O-Ring” holds unit
fig. 1 Pilot dia. is
on Pilot during
0.5 mm less than
nom. shaft dia. installation
easy introduction of the clutch and bearing or the clutch
unit (fig. 3).
bore to assure full seating.
Through-bored housings are always preferred. If the
housing has a shoulder, never seat the clutch against
the shoulder.

Amount of Recess

fig. 4

fig. 3 The clutch-only unit is designed to transmit purely torque
loads. Applied torque should not exceed the catalog
ratings, which are based on the compressive strength of
IMPORTANT: The mounted clutch engages when the
well-aligned clutch components.
housing is rotated relative to the shaft in the direction
Bearings on either side of the clutch are to assure
of the arrow and lock marking ( LOCK) stamped on the
concentricity between the shaft and the housing to
support radial loads during clutch overrun. Integral clutch
pressing it into its housing.
and bearing assemblies are available for this purpose,
especially where the radial loads are light. The total
maximum dynamic radial load that may be shared by
the two needle roller and cage radial bearing assemblies
should not be greater than C/3.
In determining the total torque load on a clutch, it is
essential to consider the torque, due to inertial forces
developed in the mechanism, in addition to the externally
applied torque. The larger the clutch, and the greater
the mass of the mechanism controlled by it, the more
important this consideration becomes.
Clutch lockup depends on friction. For this reason,
When assembling the shaft, it should be rotated in the
applications involving severe vibrations or axial motion of
overrun direction during insertion. The end of the shaft
the shaft within the clutch are to be avoided. Applications
should have a large chamfer or rounding (fig. 4).
where overhanging or overturning loads occur should
incorporate bearings that will maintain alignment between
Use an installation tool as shown in fig. 2. If the clutch is
the shaft and the clutch housing.
straddled by needle roller bearings, press units into
Consult Technical Service for suggestions.
position – in proper sequence – and preferably leave a
small clearance between units.

Technical features
Drawn cup roller clutches
Oil is the preferred lubricant; it minimizes wear and Exact limiting speed ratings are not easily predictable.
heat generation. For those applications where oil is The value for each clutch given in the bearing tables
not practical, clutches are packed with a soft grease is not absolute but serves as a guide for the designer.
containing mineral oil. Thick grease will retard roller Oil lubrication is absolutely necessary for high speed
engagement and can cause individual rollers to slip, operations. Consult Technical Service when overrunning
possibly overloading any engaged rollers. speeds are high.

Temperature extremes can cause clutch malfunctions Although the outer cup of the clutch is accurately drawn
and failure. The molded plastic cage with integral from strip steel, it can go slightly out of round during
springs holds its necessary resiliency and strength heat treat. When the assembly is pressed into a ring
when the operating temperature within the clutch is gage, or properly prepared housing of correct size and
kept below 90° C. The clutch with reinforced nylon wall thickness, it becomes round and properly sized.
cage and separate steel springs operates well at Direct measurement of the outer diameter of a drawn
temperatures up to 120° C continuously and to 150° C cup assembly is an incorrect procedure.
intermittently. Excessive thickening of the lubricant at
low temperatures may prevent some, or all, of the rollers The proper inspection procedure is as follows:
from engaging. New applications should be tested
under expected operating conditions to determine 0RESS THE ASSEMBLY INTO A RING GAGE OF THE PROPER
whether or not temperature problems exist. size, as given in the tables.

BACKLASH 2. Gage the bore with the specified plug gages of the
Backlash, or lost motion, prior to engagement is minimal. proper size, as given in the tables of dimensions.
The variation in backlash from one cycle to another is
extremely low. Grease lubrication, or improper fit (housing a. The locking plug is rotated to ensure lockup when
bore and shaft diameter), may increase backlash. Angular the
displacement between the shaft and housing increases as clutch is operated on a low-limit shaft and is
an applied torque load is increased. mounted in a high-limit housing, strong enough to
properly size the clutch.
Clutch lockup depends upon static friction. Axial motion b. The overrun plug is rotated to ensure free
between shaft and clutch rollers prevents lockup. overrunning
Clutches with integral springs engage satisfactorily at when the clutch is operated on a high-limit shaft
cyclic rates up to 200 engagements per minute. Intermittent and is mounted in a low-limit housing.
operation at higher rates has been successful. The steel
spring type clutches have proven dependability at rates c. The “go” plug and “no go” plug ensure proper
up to 6000 or 7000 engagements per minute. Even higher size of the bearings in the clutch and bearing
cyclic rates may be practical. Because grease may impair assemblies.
engagement at high cyclic rates, a light oil should be
gage sizes reflect adjustment for the loose and tight
conditions resulting from high or low housings or shafts.

Drawn cup roller clutches

Shaft raceway and housing bore diameters that are C C

necessary for proper mounting and operation are listed
on the opposite page. Types FC, FC-K, FCS and FCL-K
clutches have stainless steel springs inserted in molded
cage to position rollers for lockup. Fw D Fw D


Shaft limiting speed
Fw D C Torque Suitable
∅ Designation rating for
mm mm mm Nm needle bush
mm rotating shaft

4 FC-4-K 4 8 6 0.349 26000 HK0408

FCS-6 6 10 12 2.15 22000 HK0608
FC-6 6 10 12 2.63 22000 HK0608
FCL-8-K 8 12 12 3.39 21000 HK0808
FC-8 8 14 12 4.42 21000 DL810
FCL-10-K 10 14 12 4.60 19000 HK1010
FC-10 10 16 12 5.82 19000 DL1012
12 FC-12 12 18 16 14.0 19000 HK1212
16 FC-16 16 22 16 21.7 14000 HK1612
FC-20 20 26 16 32.6 11000 HK2012
FC-20-K 20 26 16 30.0 11000 HK2012
FC-25-K 25 32 20 66.4 8700 HK2512
FC-25 25 32 20 71.0 8700 HK2512
30 FC-30 30 37 20 99.1 7300 HK3012
35 FCS-35 35 42 20 107.0 6100 HK3512

Drawn cup roller clutches

and then checking the bore with the appropriate plug gauges.

When applying these clutches, it is important that separate bearings

be used adjacent to the clutches to carry radial loads and assure
concentricity between the shaft and housing.
Z S H For full details on “INSTALLATION” see page 83.
Shaft surface to be
58 HRC or equivalent The mounted clutch engages
when the housing is rotated
relative to the shaft in the
direction of the arrow marking
( LOCK) stamped on the cup.

Z S - Shaft raceway
H - Housing bore
Gaging Minimum diameter
Shaft outer
Mounting Weight
∅ diameter of
mm Ring Clutch Clutch steel housing
for Torque Max. Min. Max. Min.
gage locking plug overrun plug
mm mm mm mm mm
mm mm mm
4 7.984 3.980 4.004 11 4.000 3.995 7.993 7.984 0.001
9.984 5.980 6.004 14 6.000 5.995 9.993 9.984 0.003
9.984 5.980 6.004 14 6.000 5.995 9.993 9.984 0.004
11.980 7.976 8.005 17 8.000 7.994 11.991 11.980 0.003
13.980 7.976 8.005 20 8.000 7.994 13.991 13.980 0.007
13.980 9.976 10.005 20 10.000 9.994 13.991 13.980 0.004
15.980 9.976 10.005 25 10.000 9.994 15.991 15.980 0.009
12 17.980 11.974 12.006 27 12.000 11.992 17.991 17.980 0.012
16 21.976 15.972 16.006 31 16.000 15.992 21.989 21.976 0.018
25.976 19.970 20.007 38 20.000 19.991 25.989 25.976 0.021
25.976 19.970 20.007 38 20.000 19.991 25.989 25.976 0.016
31.972 24.967 25.007 46 25.000 24.991 31.988 31.972 0.026
31.972 24.967 25.007 46 25.000 24.991 31.988 31.972 0.034
30 36.972 29.967 30.007 51 30.000 29.991 36.988 36.972 0.042
35 41.972 34.964 35.009 56 35.000 34.989 41.988 41.972 0.048

Drawn cup roller clutches

Shaft raceway and housing bore diameters that are C C

necessary for proper mounting and operation are listed on
the opposite page.
Types FCB and FCBL clutch and bearing assemblies Fw D Fw D
have stainless steel springs inserted in the molded cage
to position rollers for instantaneous lockup.


Load ratings 1)
Fw D C Torque speed rating
∅ Designation
mm mm mm Nm for rotating
mm Dynamic Static
kN kN

4 FCBN-4-K 4 10 9 0.19 1.86 0.99 26000

6 FCBN-6-K 6 12 10 0.56 2.48 1.48 22000
FCBL-8-K 8 12 22 3.39 3.62 3.28 21000
FCB-8 8 14 20 4.42 4.22 3.04 21000
10 FCB-10 10 16 20 5.82 4.84 3.80 19000
12 FCB-12 12 18 26 14.0 6.30 5.84 19000
16 FCB-16 16 22 26 21.7 6.64 7.12 14000
20 FCB-20 20 26 26 32.6 8.16 9.46 11000
25 FCB-25 25 32 30 71.0 11.3 13.1 8700
30 FCB-30 30 37 30 99.1 11.5 14.9 7300


Drawn cup roller clutches


assembly in a ring gauge and then checking the bore with the
on the page 85.

For full details on “INSTALLATION” see page 83.

Shaft surface to be
58 HRC or equivalent The mounted clutch engages
when the housing is rotated
relative to the shaft in the
direction of the arrow marking
( LOCK) stamped on the cup.

S - Shaft
Gaging Z H - Housing
Minimum bore
Shaft Clutch outer
Bearing Mounting Weight
∅ Ring Clutch overrun and diameter of
no go kg
mm gage locking plug bearing go steel housing
plug for Torque Max. Min. Max. Min.
mm mm plug
mm mm mm mm mm mm
4 9.984 3.980 4.004 4.030 16 4.000 3.995 9.993 9.984 0.003
6 11.980 5.977 6.004 6.030 18 6.000 5.995 11.991 11.980 0.004
11.980 7.976 8.005 8.033 17 8.000 7.994 11.991 11.980 0.005
13.980 7.976 8.005 8.033 20 8.000 7.994 13.991 13.980 0.011
10 15.980 9.976 10.005 10.033 25 10.000 9.994 15.991 15.980 0.013
12 17.980 11.974 12.006 12.036 27 12.000 11.992 17.991 17.980 0.018
16 21.976 15.972 16.006 16.036 31 16.000 15.992 21.989 21.976 0.024
20 25.976 19.970 20.007 20.043 38 20.000 19.991 25.989 25.976 0.028
25 31.972 24.967 25.007 25.043 46 25.000 24.991 31.988 31.972 0.048
30 36.972 29.967 30.007 30.043 51 30.000 29.991 36.988 36.972 0.054

Technical features
Bearings with cage - guided needles
The basic constructions of needle roller bearings are:

Needle roller bearings with integral flanges

or a lubricating hole.

Caged needle bearings possess an outer ring made Reference standards are:
from through- hardened bearing steel. The cage guides s)3/ .EEDLEROLLERBEARINGS ,IGHTANDMEDIUM
the needles and retains them in the outer ring. SERIES $IMENSIONSANDTOLERANCES
The bearings may be used without an inner ring if
the shaft journal serving as a raceway is of sufficient SUFFIXES
hardness and has the correct surface finish. To ensure TN MOLDEDCAGEOFENGINEERED REINFORCEDPOLYMER
that the full load capacity of these bearings is achieved,
a hardness of 58-64 HRC is required. A lower hardness
will entail a reduction in the load capacities (both
dynamic and static) as shown in the table of dimensions
(see Technical Section).

Needle roller bearings with inner rings Needle roller bearings without inner rings


(d ≤ 7 mm) (d ≥ 9 mm) (Fw ≤ 10 mm) (Fw ≥ 12 mm)

Technical features
Bearings with cage - guided needles
Needle roller bearings with inner rings BEARING MOUNTING
ALSO SPECIlED FOR CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARINGS -OSTLY Table 2 lists the suggested tolerances for the housing
end of the catalogue). AREUSEDWITHINNERRINGS
Needle roller bearings without inner rings 2. Shock loads.
ADVANTAGES OF ECONOMY AND CLOSE CONTROL OF RADIAL different than that of the bearing.
Table 1. inner ring
Rotation Nominal )3/ Nominal )3/
4ABLE  #AGED NEEDLE ROLLER COMPLEMENT BORE conditions housing bore tolerance shaft toleran
mm housing mm zone for
> ≤ LOW high ,OAD All H7 All H
 +10 +18 STATIONARY diameters * diameters
 10  +22
10 18  +27 General All K7 All G
18  +20  WORKWITH diameters diameters
 80   ,OAD All N7 All F
80 120   rotates diameters diameters
120 180  
180   +79

Technical features
Bearings with cage - guided needles
Table 3 - Shaft tolerances for bearings with inner 2EGARDLESS OF THE lT OF THE BEARING OUTER RING IN THE
Nominal shaft
Rotation conditions diameter
d1 mm
All diameters G
no greater than the minimum bearing chamfer rs min as
 100 M
100  M

rs ra diameter ≤ 20  100 
r h
$IAMETER $MAX &W   &W   &W   &W  &W  
r h
Static loads
r h loads.
rs a needle roller bearing is based on the static load rating
Fw D1

Mounting in sets
Table 4 - Fillets, undercuts, and shoulder heights
1 1     2  
  1   2   
2 2      

Bearings with cage - guided needles
with inner ring

rs B rs B

rs rs s

Fw d D Fw d D

NKJ (d ≤ 7) NKJ, NKJS

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

d D B Fw rs min. s(1) Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NKJ5/12 5 15 12 8 0.3 1.5 4.57 4.89 41000 26000 0.014
NKJ5/16 5 15 16 8 0.3 1.5 5.22 5.78 41000 26000 0.017
NKJ6/12 6 16 12 9 0.3 1.5 4.27 4.60 40000 26000 0.015
NKJ6/16 6 16 16 9 0.3 1.5 5.57 6.47 40000 26000 0.019
NKJ7/12 7 17 12 11.5 0.3 1.5 5.40 6.43 39000 25000 0.017
NKJ7/16TN 7 17 16 11.5 0.3 1.5 5.30 6.27 39000 25000 0.021
NKJ9/12 9 19 12 12 0.3 1.5 6.86 7.60 30000 19000 0.018
NKJ9/16 9 19 16 12 0.3 1.5 6.78 9.03 30000 19000 0.024
NKJ10/16 10 22 16 14 0.6 1.5 12.4 14.8 24000 16000 0.032
NKJ10/20 10 22 20 14 0.3 1.5 14.7 18.4 24000 16000 0.040
NKJ12/16 12 24 16 16 0.3 1.5 13.0 16.2 28000 18000 0.036
NKJ12/20 12 24 20 16 0.3 1.5 15.4 20.2 28000 18000 0.046
NKJ15/16 15 27 16 19 0.3 1.5 14.1 19.0 24000 15000 0.042
NKJ15/20 15 27 20 19 0.3 1.5 16.8 23.6 24000 15000 0.054
NKJ17/16 17 29 16 21 0.3 2.0 15.3 21.6 21000 14000 0.047
17 NKJ17/20 17 29 20 21 0.3 1.5 18.1 23.9 21000 14000 0.059
NKJS17 17 37 20 24 0.6 1.0 29.1 32.8 20000 13000 0.108
NKJ20/16 20 32 16 24 0.3 1.5 16.2 24.3 18000 12000 0.053
20 NKJ20/20 20 32 20 24 0.3 1.5 19.3 30.3 18000 12000 0.067
NKJS20 20 42 20 28 0.6 1.0 30.3 38.4 16000 11000 0.130
NKJ22/16 22 34 16 26 0.3 1.5 16.6 25.7 17000 11000 0.058
NKJ22/20 22 34 20 26 0.3 2.0 19.7 32.0 17000 11000 0.071
NKJ25/20 25 38 20 29 0.3 2.0 23.4 36.4 15000 9800 0.086
25 NKJ25/30 25 38 30 29 0.3 2.0 29.8 56.4 15000 9800 0.130
NKJS25 25 47 22 32 0.6 1.5 36.0 36.2 14000 9200 0.174
NKJ28/20 28 42 20 32 0.3 2.0 24.8 40.4 14000 8800 0.104
NKJ28/30 28 42 30 32 0.3 2.0 35.6 64.3 14000 8800 0.156
(1) maximum axial movement

Bearings with cage - guided needles
with inner ring

rs B rs B

rs rs s

Fw d D Fw d D

NKJ (d ≤ 7) NKJ, NKJS

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

d D B Fw rs min. s(1) Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NKJ30/20 30 45 20 35 0.3 1.5 26.1 44.4 12000 8000 0.120
30 NKJ30/30 30 45 30 35 0.3 1.5 37.4 70.6 12000 8000 0.179
NKJS30 30 52 22 37 0.6 1.5 39.0 53.4 12000 7900 0.198
NKJ32/20 32 47 20 37 0.3 2.0 26.6 46.4 12000 7600 0.127
NKJ32/30 32 47 30 37 0.3 1.5 38.2 73.9 12000 7600 0.192
NKJ35/20 35 50 20 40 0.3 2.0 27.8 50.4 11000 7000 0.135
35 NKJ35/30 35 50 30 40 0.3 1.5 40.0 80.2 11000 7000 0.208
NKJS35 35 58 22 43 0.6 1.0 41.6 60.7 10000 6700 0.235
NKJ38/20 38 53 20 43 0.3 2.0 29.0 54.4 9900 6400 0.146
NKJ38/30 38 53 30 43 0.3 1.5 41.6 86.6 9900 6400 0.196
NKJ40/20 40 55 20 45 0.3 2.0 29.5 56.4 9400 6100 0.152
40 NKJ40/30 40 55 30 45 0.3 1.5 42.3 89.8 9400 6100 0.229
NKJS40 40 65 22 50 1.0 1.0 45.5 71.3 8700 5700 0.292
NKJ42/20 42 57 20 47 0.3 2.0 30.0 58.5 9000 5900 0.159
NKJ42/30 42 57 30 47 0.3 1.5 39.9 84.1 9000 5900 0.241
NKJ45/25 45 62 25 50 0.6 3.0 40.7 79.3 8500 5500 0.223
45 NKJ45/35 45 62 35 50 0.6 3.0 55.0 117 8500 5500 0.345
NKJS45 45 72 22 55 1.0 1.0 47.9 78.4 7900 5100 0.360
NKJ50/25 50 68 25 55 0.6 3.0 46.1 87.3 7800 5000 0.288
50 NKJ50/35 50 68 35 55 0.6 3.0 62.3 129 7800 5000 0.406
NKJS50 50 80 28 60 1.1 1.5 66.9 103 7300 4800 0.523
NKJ55/25 55 72 25 60 0.6 3.0 44.3 94.0 7000 4600 0.290
55 NKJ55/35 55 72 35 60 0.6 3.0 59.9 139 7000 4600 0.410
NKJS55 55 85 28 65 1.1 1.5 71.0 114 6700 4400 0.569
NKJ60/25 60 82 25 68 0.6 2.0 49.0 101 6200 4000 0.440
60 NKJ60/35 60 82 35 68 0.6 2.5 66.2 149 6200 4000 0.520
NKJS60 60 90 28 70 1.1 1.5 72.6 120 6200 4000 0.607
(1) maximum axial movement

Bearings with cage - guided needles
with inner ring

rs B rs B

rs rs s

Fw d D Fw d D

NKJ (d ≤ 7) NKJ, NKJS

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

d D B Fw rs min. s(1) Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NKJ65/25 65 90 25 73 0.6 2.0 61.5 119 5800 3800 0.500
65 NKJ65/35 65 90 35 73 0.6 2.0 82.5 173 5800 3800 0.690
NKJS65 65 95 28 75 1.1 1.5 76.5 132 5800 3700 0.655
NKJ70/25 70 95 25 80 1.0 2.0 65.0 131 5300 3400 0.561
70 NKJ70/35 70 95 35 80 1.0 3.5 79.7 184 5300 3400 0.779
NKJS70 70 100 28 80 1.1 1.5 80.1 143 5400 3500 0.772
NKJ75/25 75 105 25 85 1.0 2.0 76.4 137 5000 3300 0.640
75 NKJS75 75 105 32 90 1.1 1.5 91.5 176 4700 3100 1.060
NKJ75/35 75 105 35 85 1.0 2.0 108 214 5000 3300 1.050
NKJ80/25 80 110 25 90 1.0 2.0 79.5 147 4700 3100 0.790
80 NKJS80 80 110 32 95 1.1 2.0 95.1 188 4500 2900 1.140
NKJ80/35 80 110 35 90 1.0 2.0 113 230 4700 3100 0.980
NKJ85/26 85 115 26 95 1.0 3.0 49.3 114 4400 2800 0.862
NKJ85/36 85 115 36 95 1.0 2.0 114 238 4400 2800 1.040
NKJ90/26 90 120 26 100 1.0 3.0 83.6 163 4200 2800 0.780
NKJ90/36 90 120 36 100 1.0 2.5 118 254 4200 2800 1.080
NKJ95/26 95 125 26 105 1.0 2.5 52.2 127 3900 2600 0.935
NKJ95/36 95 125 36 105 1.0 3.5 72.8 195 3900 2600 1.300
NKJ100/30 100 130 30 110 1.1 2.0 103 220 3800 2500 0.984
100 NKJ100/40 100 130 40 110 1.1 2.0 132 301 3800 2500 1.410
NKJS100 100 135 32 115 1.1 2.0 104 226 3700 2400 2.010
(1) maximum axial movement

Bearings with cage - guided needles
without inner ring

C rs C rs C

Fw D Fw D Fw D

NK (Fw ≤ 10) NK, NKS NKTN

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

Fw D C rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NK5/10TN 5 10 10 0.2 2.18 1.71 47000 31000 0.004
NK5/12TN 5 10 12 0.2 3.04 2.63 47000 31000 0.004
NK6/10 6 12 10 0.2 3.19 2.90 44000 29000 0.005
NK6/12TN 6 12 12 0.2 3.07 2.74 44000 29000 0.006
NK7/10TN 7 14 10 0.3 2.74 2.44 42000 28000 0.007
NK7/12TN 7 14 12 0.3 3.40 3.22 42000 28000 0.009
NK8/12 8 15 12 0.3 4.57 4.89 41000 26000 0.011
NK8/16 8 15 16 0.3 5.22 5.78 41000 26000 0.013
NK9/12 9 16 12 0.3 4.27 4.60 40000 26000 0.012
NK9/16 9 16 16 0.3 5.57 6.47 40000 26000 0.015
NK10/12 10 17 12 0.3 5.40 6.43 39000 25000 0.013
NK10/16TN 10 17 16 0.3 5.30 6.27 39000 25000 0.015
NK12/12 12 19 12 0.3 6.86 7.60 30000 19000 0.013
NK12/16 12 19 16 0.3 6.78 9.03 37000 24000 0.018
NK14/16 14 22 16 0.3 12.4 14.8 24000 16000 0.023
NK14/20 14 22 20 0.3 14.7 18.4 24000 16000 0.028
NK15/16 15 23 16 0.3 12.4 15.0 24000 15000 0.024
NK15/20 15 23 20 0.3 14.7 18.6 24000 15000 0.031
NK16/16 16 24 16 0.3 15.4 20.2 28000 18000 0.025
NK16/20 16 24 20 0.3 16.1 21.3 28000 18000 0.036
NK17/16 17 25 16 0.3 13.6 17.5 27000 17000 0.027
NK17/20 17 25 20 0.3 15.4 20.4 27000 17000 0.034
NK18/16 18 26 16 0.3 13.6 17.7 25000 16000 0.028
NK18/20 18 26 20 0.3 16.1 22.0 25000 16000 0.035
NK19/16 19 27 16 0.3 14.1 19.0 24000 15000 0.029
19 NK19/20 19 27 20 0.3 18.8 23.6 24000 15000 0.037
NKS18 19 30 16 0.3 15.9 16.2 26000 17000 0.045

Bearings with cage - guided needles
without inner ring

C rs C

Fw D Fw D

NK (Fw ≤ 10) NK, NKS

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

Fw D C rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NK20/16 20 28 16 0.3 14.1 19.1 22000 14000 0.030
20 NK20/20 20 28 20 0.3 17.5 25.3 22000 14000 0.038
NKS20 20 32 20 0.6 24.4 26.7 24000 15000 0.058
NK21/16 21 29 16 0.3 15.3 21.6 21000 14000 0.032
NK21/20 21 29 20 0.3 18.1 26.9 21000 14000 0.040
NK22/16 22 30 16 0.3 15.2 21.7 20000 13000 0.033
22 NK22/20 22 30 20 0.3 18.0 27.0 20000 13000 0.041
NKS22 22 35 20 0.6 22.9 27.1 21000 14000 0.069
NK24/16 24 32 16 0.3 16.2 24.3 18000 12000 0.035
24 NK24/20 24 32 20 0.3 19.3 30.3 18000 12000 0.045
NKS24 24 37 20 0.6 29.1 32.8 20000 13000 0.073
NK25/16 25 33 16 0.3 16.1 24.4 17000 11000 0.037
25 NK25/20 25 33 20 0.3 19.1 30.4 17000 11000 0.047
NKS25 25 38 20 0.6 29.1 33.0 19000 12000 0.076
NK26/16 26 34 16 0.3 16.6 25.7 17000 11000 0.039
NK26/20 26 34 20 0.3 19.7 32.0 17000 11000 0.048
NK28/20 28 37 20 0.3 22.6 34.4 16000 10000 0.057
28 NK28/30 28 37 30 0.3 29.0 53.8 16000 10000 0.088
NKS28 28 42 20 0.6 30.3 38.4 16000 11000 0.094
NK29/20 29 38 20 0.3 23.4 36.4 15000 9800 0.059
NK29/30 29 38 30 0.3 29.8 56.4 15000 9700 0.090
NK30/20 30 40 20 0.3 24.2 38.3 15000 9500 0.071
30 NK30/30 30 40 30 0.3 34.7 61.0 15000 9500 0.107
NKS30 30 45 20 0.6 34.3 42.8 15000 9900 0.114
NK32/20 32 42 20 0.3 24.8 40.4 14000 8800 0.074
32 NK32/30 32 42 30 0.3 35.6 64.3 14000 8800 0.112
NKS32 32 47 22 0.6 36.0 46.2 14000 9200 0.120
NK35/20 35 45 20 0.3 26.1 44.4 12000 8000 0.081
35 NK35/30 35 45 30 0.3 37.4 70.6 12000 8000 0.122
NKS35 35 50 22 0.6 37.5 49.9 13000 8400 0.130

Bearings with cage - guided needles
without inner ring

C rs C

Fw D Fw D

NK (Fw ≤ 10) NK, NKS

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

Fw D C rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NK37/20 37 47 20 0.3 26.6 46.4 12000 7600 0.084
37 NK37/30 37 47 30 0.3 38.2 73.9 12000 7600 0.128
NKS37 37 52 22 0.6 39.0 53.4 12000 7900 0.134
NK38/20 38 48 20 0.3 21.7 40.9 11000 7300 0.087
NK38/30 38 48 30 0.3 31.9 67.0 11000 7300 0.131
NK40/20 40 50 20 0.3 27.8 50.4 11000 7000 0.089
40 NK40/30 40 50 30 0.3 40.0 80.2 11000 7000 0.137
NKS40 40 55 22 0.6 40.3 57.0 11000 7200 0.140
NK42/20 42 52 20 0.3 28.3 52.4 10000 6600 0.085
NK42/30 42 52 30 0.3 40.7 83.5 10000 6600 0.141
NK43/20 43 53 20 0.3 29.0 54.4 9900 6400 0.096
43 NK43/30 43 53 30 0.3 41.6 86.6 9900 6400 0.134
NKS43 43 58 22 0.6 41.6 60.7 10000 6700 0.150
NK45/20 45 55 20 0.3 29.5 56.4 9400 6100 0.100
45 NK45/30 45 55 30 0.3 42.3 89.8 9400 6100 0.151
NKS45 45 60 22 0.6 43.0 64.2 9800 6400 0.156
NK47/20 47 57 20 0.3 30.0 58.5 9000 5900 0.104
NK47/30 47 57 30 0.3 43.0 93.1 9000 5900 0.158
NK50/25 50 62 25 0.3 40.7 79.3 8500 5500 0.171
50 NK50/35 50 62 35 0.6 55.0 117 8500 5500 0.242
NKS50 50 65 22 1.0 45.5 71.3 8700 5700 0.170
NK55/25 55 68 25 0.6 46.1 87.3 7800 5000 0.207
55 NK55/35 55 68 35 0.6 62.3 129 7800 5000 0.293
NKS55 55 72 22 1.0 47.9 78.4 7900 5100 0.225
NK60/25 60 72 25 0.6 44.3 94.0 7000 4400 0.202
60 NK60/35 60 72 35 0.6 59.9 139 7000 4400 0.286
NKS60 60 80 28 1.1 66.9 103 7300 4800 0.337
NK65/25 65 78 25 0.6 48.2 97.7 6500 4200 0.257
65 NK65/35 65 78 35 0.6 65.2 144 6500 4200 0.298
NKS65 65 85 28 1.1 71.0 114 6700 4200 0.362

Bearings with cage - guided needles
without inner ring

C rs C

Fw D Fw D

NK (Fw ≤ 10) NK, NKS

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

Fw D C rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NK68/25 68 82 25 0.6 49.0 101 6200 4000 0.287
NK68/35 68 82 35 0.6 66.2 149 6200 4000 0.350
NK70/25 70 85 25 0.6 43.6 87.9 6000 3900 0.298
70 NK70/35 70 85 35 0.6 62.2 139 6000 3900 0.411
NKS70 70 90 28 1.1 72.6 120 6200 4000 0.383
NK73/25 73 90 25 0.6 61.5 119 5800 3800 0.320
NK73/35 73 90 35 0.6 82.5 173 5800 3800 0.450
NK75/25 75 92 25 0.6 43.7 90.2 5600 3600 0.364
75 NK75/35 75 92 35 0.6 60.9 138 5600 3600 0.518
NKS75 75 95 28 1.1 76.5 132 5800 3700 0.413
NK80/25 80 95 25 1.0 65.0 131 5300 3400 0.331
NK80/35 80 95 35 1.0 79.7 184 5300 3400 0.380
NK85/25 85 105 25 1.0 76.4 137 5000 3300 0.506
NK85/35 85 105 35 1.0 108 214 5000 3300 0.610
NK90/25 90 110 25 1.0 79.5 147 4700 3100 0.450
NK90/35 90 110 35 1.0 113 230 4700 3100 0.745
NK95/26 95 115 26 1.0 49.3 114 4400 2800 0.572
NK95/36 95 115 36 1.0 114 238 4500 2900 0.803
NK100/26 100 120 26 1.0 83.6 163 4200 2800 0.530
NK100/36 100 120 36 1.0 118 254 4200 2800 0.658
105 NK105/26 105 125 26 1.0 52.2 127 3900 2600 0.595
NK110/30 110 130 30 1.1 103 220 3800 2500 0.660
NK110/40 110 130 40 1.1 132 301 3800 2500 0.900

Technical features
Full complement needle bearings
These bearings are available with or without an inner
ring from 12 mm bore size. Standard complete bearings
type NA have an inner ring with convex raceway form.
lf extra wide inner rings or rings with lubrication hole are
required, they should be ordered separately for use with
the corresponding RNA series.

Reference standards are:

sISO 1206 - Needle roller bearings – Light and medium
series – Dimensions and tolerances.


The shaft journal which is used directly as the inner ring
raceway of the bearing should have adequate hardness
and satisfactory surface finish. A hardness of 58-64
HRC will ensure full load capacity for the bearing. Lower
hardness figures will entail a reduction in both static and
dynamic capacities as shown in the table of dimensions
(see Technical Section).
In cases of misalignment, a convex inner ring
raceway can be machined directly at the shaft journal
position by grinding, using a concave profile and
Full complement needle bearings have a through-
inclining the diamond impregnated grinding wheel.
hardened outer ring which results in high static and
A convex inner ring raceway calculated to permit
dynamic load capacities and an ability to withstand
misalignment of 1 in 1000 does not affect bearing load
overloading, shocks and vibration.
capacity. A larger convex radius is necessary for a
They are particularly suitable for operations involving
greater degree of misalignment but this will reduce the
oscillating motion but may also accept high speed
effective bearing load capacity.
conditions where good alignment is necessary. This
can more easily be achieved using a convex inner ring
raceway (inner rings with suffix R6).
The retention of the needles in the outer ring enables
the bearing to be installed easily during assembly.
The difference between the needle bearings with integral
end flanges series 3000 and the others is explained in
the Chapter of the Bearings with cages.

Needle roller bearings with inner rings Needle roller bearings without inner rings

NA Series 1000, NA Series 3000 RNA Series 1000, RNA Series 3000
2000, 22000 2000, 22000

Technical features
Full complement needle bearings
lnner rings made from high quality bearing steel heat lnner and outer rings for full complement standard
treated and through-hardened avoid any necessity for needle bearings are manufactured in accordance with
heat treatment of the shaft and enable the bearings to the tolerance class of ISO Standard 492 (class zero
operate within their full load capacity. according to DIN 620). Closer tolerances, corresponding
to classes 6, 5 and 4 may be necessary for special high
lnner rings with convex raceway “R6” precision applications (symbols P6, P5, P4). See table
These inner rings without lubrication hole are of the at the end of the catalogue.
same width as the outer ring and are supplied with
series NA complete, types 1000, 2000, 22000 and RADIALPLAY
3000. They can accept a misalignment of 1 in 1000 in Bearings without inner ring
continuous operation and up to 2 in 1000 temporarily, The radial play of a bearing without inner ring results
as in the case of sudden deflection due to overload from the difference in diameter beneath the needles and
conditions. The inner and outer rings may be displaced the size of the shaft. The standard diameter beneath the
axially from one to the other by up to 5% of the ring needles for RNA bearings with the recommended shaft
width. The designation of the inner ring separated from tolerances should provide suitable radial play for most
the complete needle bearing is BI number R6. For normal applications.
example BI 2020 R6. The designation of the needle For special applications (high precision, close fits, etc.),
bearings complete of inner ring BI…R6 is NA number. we can offer the diameter beneath the needles selected
For example NA 2035. as follows:
- in the bottom half of the normal tolerance (RNA ... TB)
lnner rings with cylindrical raceway - in the upper half of the normal tolerance (RNA...TC).
Cylindrical inner rings of the same bore as those with Bearings without inner ring tolerance Class TB mounted
convex raceway may be supplied on request in the on a shaft with k5 tolerance will have a reduced radiai
following versions: play suitable for certain applications.
- with oil hole permitting lubrication through the shaft
(BIC). Tolerance of diameter under needles
Nominal dimension
- wider than corresponding outer ring (BICG), to enable Fw normal Selected Selected
a displacement in position of one ring relative to the mm μm TB μm TC μm
other (e.g. expansion of the shaft) or lateral shaft above to
movement. In the latter case, which can occur with 5 15 +20 + 40 +20 + 31 + 29 + 40
or without simultaneous rotation of the shaft, please 15 25 +20 + 43 +20 + 33 + 30 + 43
consult Nadella Technical Service. 25 30 +25 + 48 +25 + 38 + 35 + 48
30 35 +30 + 53 +30 + 43 + 40 + 53
35 60 +35 + 58 +35 + 48 + 45 + 58
60 80 +45 + 73 +45 + 60 + 58 + 73
80 115 +50 + 78 +50 + 65 + 63 + 78
115 180 +60 + 88 +60 + 75 + 73 + 88
180 220 +70 +103 +70 + 88 + 85 +103
220 270 +80 +113 +80 + 98 + 95 +113
270 350 +90 +128 +90 +110 +108 +128
Examples of
RNA 1020 RNA 1020 TB RNA 1020 TC


The use of cylindrical inner rings with standard bearings A nominal diameter under the needles further reduced
type RNA series 1000, 2000, 22000 and 3000 requires may be required for certain precision.
that the housing and shaft be correctly aligned at Should a larger clearance than normal be necessary, the
assembly with due regard to the application under load shaft diameter must be controlled nearer to the nominal
lf it is not essential to use these inner rings, it is always size than the tolerances h5 or g5 would normally
preferable to use complete bearings type NA with provide.
convex inner rings type “R6”, without oil hole, of the
same width as the outer ring. In particular cases where
lubrication is provided through the shaft, the inner ring
with oil hole may be replaced by a lubrication hole at the
face of the inner ring.

Technical features
Full complement needle bearings
Standard complete bearings with inner ring Radial play of full complement bearings with cylindrical
Complete bearings type NA are offered with a radial play inner ring (not R6).
that is suitable for the majority of applications. They can Series 1 000, 22 000
be supplied if necessary:
Inner ring Standard play Selected TB Selected TC
- with the radial play selected from the bottom half of the dimension d mm μm μm μm
normal tolerance (NA...TB) above to min. max. min. max. mini. max.
- with the radial play selected from the upper half of the
12 17 20 50 20 35 35 50
normal tolerance (NA…TC). 17 20 30 60 30 45 45 60
For bore dimensions d > 130 mm, bearings NA…TB or 20 25 35 70 35 53 52 70
NA…TC are supplied only on special request. 25 30 40 75 40 58 57 75
30 35 45 80 45 63 62 80
Radial play of full complement bearings with convex 35 50 50 85 50 68 67 85
inner ring "R6". 50 55 60 100 60 80 80 100
55 65 60 105 60 83 82 105
Series 1 000, 2 000, 22 000 65 70 60 110 60 85 85 110
70 90 65 115 65 90 90 115
Inner ring Standard play Selected TB Selected TC
dimension d mm μm μm μm

above to min. max. min. max. min. max. Series 2 000

12 20 20 50 20 35 35 50 Inner ring Standard play Selected TB Selected TC

dimension d mm μm μm μm
20 25 25 60 25 43 42 60
25 30 30 65 30 48 47 65 above to mini. maxi. min. max. min. max.
30 50 35 70 35 53 52 70 15 20 30 60 30 45 45 60
50 55 45 85 45 65 65 85 20 25 35 70 35 53 52 70
55 65 45 90 45 68 67 90 25 30 40 75 40 58 57 75
65 70 45 95 45 70 70 95 30 35 45 80 45 63 62 80
70 105 50 100 50 75 75 100 35 50 50 85 50 68 67 85
105 125 60 115 60 88 87 115 50 55 60 100 60 80 80 100
120 140 80 145 80 113 112 145 55 65 60 105 60 83 82 105
140 170 100 165 65 70 60 110 60 85 85 110
170 190 120 185 70 105 65 115 65 90 90 115
190 210 130 200 105 125 75 130 75 103 102 130
210 230 130 205 125 140 95 160 95 128 127 160
230 260 160 235 140 170 125 190
260 290 180 260 170 190 145 210
290 310 180 265 190 210 160 230
210 230 160 235

Series 3 000 Series 3 000

Inner ring Standard play Selected TB Selected TC Inner ring Standard play Selected TB Selected TC
dimension d mm μm μm μm dimension d mm μm μm μm
above to min. max. min. max. min. max. above to min. max. min. max. min. max.
30 45 35 70 35 53 52 70 30 45 50 85 50 68 67 85
45 55 45 85 45 65 65 85 45 55 60 100 60 80 80 100
55 65 45 90 45 68 67 90 55 65 60 105 60 83 82 105
65 70 50 95 50 73 72 95 65 70 65 110 65 88 87 110
70 100 50 100 50 75 75 100 70 100 65 115 65 90 90 115
100 105 60 110 60 85 85 110 100 105 75 125 75 100 100 125
105 130 60 115 60 88 87 115 105 130 75 130 75 103 102 130
130 140 80 145 80 113 112 145 130 140 95 160 95 128 127 160
140 170 100 165 140 170 125 190
170 190 120 185 170 190 145 210
190 210 130 200 190 210 160 230
210 230 130 200 210 230 160 235
230 260 160 235 230 260 190 265
260 290 180 260 260 290 210 290
290 310 180 265 290 310 210 295

Technical features
Full complement needle bearings
BEARING MOUNTING Table 2 lists the recommended tolerances for the
General requirements housing bore and the shaft raceway for bearings
In general, the mounting of needle roller bearings with without inner rings. Table 3 lists the recommended shaft
or without inner rings, of normal precision, requires the tolerances for the above two mounting conditions when
shaft seat or raceway to be machined to quality IT5 or the bearings are used with inner rings.
IT6. The housing bore should meet quality IT6 or IT7.
Other quality requirements for shaft and housings are Other mounting dimensions may be required for special
given on page 13. operating conditions such as:
1. Extremely heavy radial loads
It is recommended that needle roller bearings are 3. Temperature gradient across bearing
mounted in their housings with a clearance fit if the load 4. Housing material with heat expansion coefficient
is stationary relative to the housing, and with a tight different to that of the bearing
transition fit if the load rotates relative to the housing. 5. Oscillating movements

Table 2- Mounting tolerances for bearings without Table 3- Shaft tolerances for bearings with inner rings
inner ring

Nominal ISO Nominal

Nominal housing ISO tolerance ISO ISO
Rotation shaft tolerance housing
bore diameter zone for Nominal shaft tolerance tolerance
conditions diameter zone for Rotation conditions bore
D mm housing diameter d mm zone for zone for
F mm shaft diameter
shaft housing
D mm
Load All diameters J6 All h5
stationary diameters Load stationary h5 All
All diameters J6
relative to relative to housing (h6) diameters
Load rotates relative > ≤
to housing
40 k5
Load rotates All diameters M6 All g5
relative to diameters 40 100 m5 M6
100 140 m5
140 – n6

NOTE: Care should be taken that the selected bearing NOTE: Care should be taken that the selected bearing
internal clearance is appropriate for the operating internal clearance is appropriate for the operating
conditions. Details of shaft and housing quality conditions. Details of shaft and housing quality
requirements are given on pages 13 and 14. requirements are given on pages 13 and 14.

Full complement needle bearings with inner
ring - NA 1 000, 2 000, 22 000, 3 000 series

rs rs

rs rs

d Fw D d Fw D

NA series 1000, NA series 3000

2000, 22000

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

d D B Fw rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
12 NA 1012 (1) 12 28 15 17.6 0.35 11.0 16.5 22000 14000 0.050
NA 1015 (1) 15 32 15 20.8 0.65 12.4 19.5 18000 12000 0.044
NA 2015 (1) 15 35 22 22.1 0.65 23.5 37.5 17000 11000 0.082
17 NA 1017 (1) 17 35 15 23.9 0.65 13.7 22.5 16000 10000 0.047
NA 1020 20 42 18 28.7 0.65 19.3 33.5 13000 8600 0.084
NA 2020 20 42 22 28.7 0.65 28.5 49.0 13000 8600 0.104
NA 1025 25 47 18 33.5 0.65 21.5 39.0 11000 7200 0.097
25 NA 2025 25 47 22 33.5 0.65 33.0 60.0 11000 7200 0.122
NA 22025 25 47 30 33.5 0.65 52.0 94.0 11000 7200 0.170
NA 1030 30 52 18 38.2 0.65 23.5 44.5 10000 6500 0.107
NA 2030 30 52 22 38.2 0.65 34.5 66.0 10000 6500 0.139
NA 22030 30 52 30 38.2 0.65 57.0 108 10000 6500 0.193
NA 3030 30 62 30 44.0 0.65 64.0 125 8600 5600 0.309
NA 1035 35 58 18 44.0 0.65 26.0 51.0 8600 5600 0.127
NA 2035 35 58 22 44.0 0.65 38.0 75.0 8600 5600 0.160
NA 22035 35 58 30 44.0 0.65 63.0 124 8600 5600 0.225
NA 3035 35 72 36 49.7 0.65 90.0 183 7600 4900 0.545
NA 1040 40 65 18 49.7 0.85 28.5 58.0 7600 4900 0.160
NA 2040 40 65 22 49.7 0.85 41.5 85.0 7600 4900 0.200
NA 22040 40 65 30 49.7 0.85 68.0 140 7600 4900 0.278
NA 3040 40 80 36 55.4 0.85 97.0 204 6900 4500 0.672
NA 1045 45 72 18 55.4 0.85 30.5 65.0 6900 4500 0.193
45 NA 2045 45 72 22 55.4 0.85 45.0 95.0 6900 4500 0.242
NA 3045 45 85 38 62.1 0.85 105.0 230 6100 4000 0.710
NA 1050 50 80 20 62.1 0.85 33.0 73.0 6100 4000 0.418
50 NA 2050 50 80 28 62.1 0.85 64.0 142 6100 4000 0.603
NA 3050 50 90 38 68.8 0.85 113.0 255 5500 3600 1.22
(1) without holes and lubrication groove

Full complement needle bearings with inner
ring - NA 1 000, 2 000, 22 000, 3 000 series

rs rs

rs rs

d Fw D d Fw D

NA series 1000, NA series 3000

2000, 22000

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

d D B Fw rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NA 1055 55 85 20 68.8 0.85 35.5 80.0 5500 3600 0.258
55 NA 2055 55 85 28 68.8 0.85 69.0 157 5500 3600 0.361
NA 3055 55 95 38 72.6 0.85 117.0 268 5200 3400 0.782
NA 1060 60 90 20 72.6 0.85 37.0 85.0 5200 3400 0.283
60 NA 2060 60 90 28 72.6 0.85 72.0 165 5200 3400 0.413
NA 3060 60 100 38 78.3 0.85 123.0 290 4900 3200 0.810
NA 2065 65 95 28 78.3 0.85 78.0 184 4900 3200 0.433
NA 3065 65 105 38 83.1 0.85 129.0 308 4500 2900 0.865
NA 1070 70 100 20 83.1 0.85 43.0 103 4500 2900 0.322
70 NA 2070 70 100 28 83.1 0.85 81.0 195 4500 2900 0.470
NA 3070 70 110 38 88.0 0.85 134.0 325 4300 2800 0.906
NA 2075 75 110 32 88.0 0.85 104.0 253 4300 2800 0.767
NA 3075 75 120 38 96.0 0.85 142.0 355 4000 2600 1.098
NA 1080 80 115 24 96.0 0.85 68.0 170 4000 2600 0.510
80 NA 2080 80 115 32 96.0 0.85 110.0 275 4000 2600 0.694
NA 3080 80 125 38 99.5 0.85 145.0 365 3800 2500 1.220
NA 2085 85 120 32 99.5 1.35 113.0 285 3800 2500 0.787
NA 3085 85 130 38 104.7 1.35 150.0 390 3600 2300 1.252
NA 2090 90 125 32 104.7 1.35 117.0 300 3600 2300 0.837
NA 3090 90 135 43 109.7 1.35 185.0 480 3500 2300 1.522
NA 2095 95 130 32 109.1 1.35 120.0 315 3500 2300 0.882
NA 3095 95 140 43 114.7 1.35 190.0 505 3300 2100 1.551
NA 2100 100 135 32 114.7 1.35 125.0 330 3300 2100 0.677
NA 3100 100 145 43 119.2 1.35 195.0 520 3200 2100 1.645
NA 2105 105 140 32 119.2 1.35 129.0 340 3200 2100 0.941
NA 3105 105 150 45 124.7 1.35 203.0 550 3000 2000 1.762

Full complement needle bearings with inner
ring - NA 1 000, 2 000, 22 000, 3 000 series

rs rs

rs rs

d Fw D d Fw D

NA series 1000, NA series 3000

2000, 22000

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

d D B Fw rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
NA 2110 110 145 34 124.7 1.35 133.0 360 3000 2000 1.015
NA 3110 110 160 45 132.5 1.35 210.0 580 2900 1900 2.037
NA 2115 115 155 34 132.5 1.35 139.0 380 2900 1900 1.205
NA 3115 115 165 45 137.0 1.35 215.0 600 2800 1800 2.140
NA 2120 120 160 34 137.0 1.35 142.0 395 2800 1800 1.265
NA 3120 120 170 45 143.5 1.35 224.0 630 2700 1800 2.107
125 NA 2125 125 165 34 143.5 1.35 145.0 410 2700 1800 1.218
130 NA 2130 130 170 34 148.0 1.35 150.0 425 2600 1700 1.292
NA 2140 140 180 36 158.0 1.35 157.0 455 2400 1600 1.478
NA 3140 140 205 52 170.5 1.35 290.0 860 2200 1400 3.840
150 NA 2150 150 195 36 170.5 1.35 165.0 490 2200 1400 1.790
160 NA 2160 160 205 36 179.3 1.35 170.0 515 2100 1400 1.970
170 NA 2170 170 220 42 193.8 1.35 233.0 720 2000 1300 2.570
180 NA 2180 180 230 42 202.6 1.35 240.0 750 1900 1200 2.835
190 NA 2190 190 245 42 216.0 1.35 250.0 800 1800 1200 3.210
200 NA 2200 200 255 42 224.1 1.35 257.0 830 1700 1100 3.560
190 NA 2190 190 245 42 216.0 1.35 250.0 800 1800 1200 3.210
200 NA 2200 200 255 42 224.1 1.35 257.0 830 1700 1100 3.560
190 NA 2190 190 245 42 216.0 1.35 250.0 800 1800 1200 3.210
200 NA 2200 200 255 42 224.1 1.35 257.0 830 1700 1100 3.560

Full complement needle bearings without
inner ring - RNA 1 000, 2 000, 22 000, 3 000 series

rs rs

Ew Fw D Ew F D

RNA series 1000, RNA series 3000

2000, 22000

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

Fw D C Ew rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
7.3 RNA 1005 (1) 7.3 16 12 12.3 0.35 3.95 4.45 52000 34000 0.010
9.7 RNA 1007 (1) 9.7 19 12 14.7 0.35 4.80 5.90 39000 25000 0.013
12.1 RNA 1009 (1) 12.1 22 12 17.1 0.35 5.60 7.40 31000 20000 0.018
14.4 RNA 1010 (1) 14.4 24 12 19.4 0.35 6.35 8.90 26000 17000 0.020
17.6 RNA 1012 (1) 17.6 28 15 22.6 0.35 11.0 16.5 22000 14000 0.034
20.8 RNA 1015 (1) 20.8 32 15 25.8 0.65 12.4 19.5 18000 12000 0.044
22.1 RNA 2015 (1) 22.1 35 22 28.1 0.65 23.5 37.5 17000 11000 0.082
23.9 RNA 1017 (1) 23.9 35 15 28.9 0.65 13.7 22.5 16000 10000 0.047
RNA 1020 28.7 42 18 34.7 0.65 19.3 33.5 13000 8600 0.084
RNA 2020 28.7 42 22 34.7 0.65 28.5 49.0 13000 8600 0.104
RNA 1025 33.5 47 18 39.5 0.65 21.5 39.0 11000 7200 0.097
33.5 RNA 2025 33.5 47 22 39.5 0.65 33.0 60.0 11000 7200 0.122
RNA 22025 33.5 47 30 39.5 0.65 52.0 94.0 11000 7200 0.170
RNA 1030 38.2 52 18 44.2 0.65 23.5 44.5 10000 6500 0.107
38.2 RNA 2030 38.2 52 22 44.2 0.65 34.5 66.0 10000 6500 0.139
RNA 22030 38.2 52 30 44.2 0.65 57.0 108 10000 6500 0.193
RNA 1035 44 58 18 50.0 0.65 26.0 51.0 8600 5600 0.127
RNA 2035 44 58 22 50.0 0.65 38.0 75.0 8600 5600 0.160
RNA 22035 44 58 30 50.0 0.65 63.0 124 8600 5600 0.225
RNA 3030 44 62 30 51.0 0.65 64.0 125 8600 5600 0.309
RNA 1040 49.7 65 18 55.7 0.85 28.5 58.0 7600 4900 0.160
RNA 2040 49.7 65 22 55.7 0.65 41.5 85.0 7600 4900 0.200
RNA 22040 49.7 65 30 55.7 0.65 68.0 140 7600 4900 0.278
RNA 3035 49.7 72 36 56.8 0.65 90.0 183 7600 4900 0.545
RNA 1045 55.4 72 18 61.4 0.85 30.5 65.0 6900 4500 0.193
55.4 RNA 2045 55.4 72 22 61.4 0.85 45.0 95.0 6900 4500 0.242
RNA 3040 55.4 80 36 62.5 0.85 97.0 204 6900 4500 0.672
(1) without holes and lubrication groove

Full complement needle bearings without
inner ring - RNA 1 000, 2 000, 22 000, 3 000 series

rs rs

Ew Fw D Ew F D

RNA series 1000, RNA series 3000

2000, 22000

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

Fw D C Ew rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
RNA 1050 62.1 80 20 68.1 0.85 33.0 73.0 6100 4000 0.255
62.1 RNA 2050 62.1 80 28 68.1 0.85 64.0 142 6100 4000 0.375
RNA 3045 62.1 85 38 69.2 0.85 105 230 6100 4000 0.710
RNA 1055 68.8 85 20 74.8 0.85 35.5 80.0 5500 3600 0.258
68.8 RNA 2055 68.8 85 28 74.8 0.85 69.0 157 5500 3600 0.361
RNA 3050 68.8 90 38 75.9 0.85 113 255 5500 3600 0.705
RNA 1060 72.6 90 20 78.6 0.85 37.0 85.0 5200 3400 0.283
72.6 RNA 2060 72.6 90 28 78.6 0.85 72.0 165 5200 3400 0.413
RNA 3055 72.6 95 38 79.6 0.85 117 268 5200 3400 0.782
RNA 1065 78.3 95 20 84.3 0.85 41.5 97.0 4900 3200 0.306
78.3 RNA 2065 78.3 95 28 84.3 0.85 78.0 184 4900 3200 0.433
RNA 3060 78.3 100 38 85.3 0.85 123.0 290 4900 3200 0.810
RNA 1070 83.1 100 20 89.1 0.85 43.0 103 4500 2900 0.322
83.1 RNA 2070 83.1 100 28 89.1 0.85 81.0 195 4500 2900 0.470
RNA 3065 83.1 105 38 90.2 0.85 129 308 4500 2900 0.865
RNA 1075 88 110 24 95.0 0.85 64.0 155 4300 2800 0.577
88 RNA 2075 88 110 32 95.0 0.85 104 253 4300 2800 0.767
RNA 3070 88 110 38 95.0 0.85 134 325 4300 2800 0.906
RNA 1080 96 115 24 103.0 0.85 68.0 170 4000 2600 0.510
96 RNA 2080 96 115 32 103.0 0.85 110 275 4000 2600 0.694
RNA 3075 96 120 38 103.0 0.85 142 355 4000 2600 1.098
RNA 2085 99.5 120 32 106.5 1.35 113 285 3800 2500 0.787
RNA 3080 99.5 125 38 106.5 0.85 145 365 3800 2500 1.220
RNA 2090 104.7 125 32 111.7 1.35 117 300 3600 2300 0.837
RNA 3085 104.7 130 38 111.7 1.35 150 390 3600 2300 1.252
RNA 2095 109.1 130 32 116.1 1.35 120 315 3500 2300 0.882
RNA 3090 109.1 135 43 116.1 1.35 185 480 3500 2300 1.522

Full complement needle bearings without
inner ring - RNA 1 000, 2 000, 22 000, 3 000 series

rs rs

Ew Fw D Ew F D

RNA series 1000, RNA series 3000

2000, 22000

Shaft Load Ratings kN Speed rating

Fw D C Ew rs min. Weight
∅ Designation Dynamic Static min-1
mm mm mm mm mm kg
mm C C0 Oil Grease
RNA 2100 114.7 135 32 121.7 1.35 125 330 3300 2100 0.677
RNA 3095 114.7 140 43 121.7 1.35 190 505 3300 2100 1.551
RNA 2105 119.2 140 32 126.2 1.35 129 340 3200 2100 0.941
RNA 3100 119.2 145 43 126.2 1.35 195 520 3200 2100 1.645
RNA 2110 124.5 145 34 131.5 1.35 133 360 3000 2000 1.015
RNA 3105 124.5 150 45 131.5 1.35 203 550 3000 2000 1.762
RNA 2115 132.5 155 34 139.5 1.35 139 380 2900 1900 1.205
RNA 3110 132.5 160 45 139.5 1.35 210 580 2900 1900 2.037
RNA 2120 137 160 34 144.0 1.35 142 395 2800 1800 1.265
RNA 3115 137 165 45 144.0 1.35 215 600 2800 1800 2.140
RNA 2125 143.5 165 34 150.5 1.35 145 410 2700 1800 1.218
RNA 3120 143.5 170 45 150.5 1.35 224 630 2700 1800 2.107
148 RNA 2130 148 170 34 155.0 1.35 150 425 2600 1700 1.292
RNA 2140 158 180 36 165.0 1.35 157 455 2400 1600 1.478
RNA 3130 158 190 52 166.0 1.35 275 790 2400 1600 3.285
RNA 2150 170.5 195 36 177.5 1.35 165 490 2200 1400 1.790
RNA 3140 170.5 205 52 178.5 1.35 290 860 2200 1400 3.840
RNA 2160 179.3 205 36 186.3 1.35 170 515 2100 1400 1.970
RNA 3150 179.3 215 52 187.3 1.35 300 900 2100 1400 4.185
RNA 2170 193.8 220 42 200.8 1.85 233 720 2000 1300 2.570
RNA 3160 193.8 230 57 201.9 1.35 360 1110 2000 1300 4.955
202.6 RNA 2180 202.6 230 42 209.6 1.85 240 750 1900 1200 2.835
RNA 2190 216 245 42 223.0 1.85 250 800 1800 1200 3.210
RNA 3180 216 255 57 224.1 1.85 385 1240 1800 1200 6.040
224.1 RNA 2200 224.1 255 42 231.1 1.85 257 830 1700 1100 3.560
236 RNA 2210 236 265 42 243.1 1.85 279 910 1600 1000 3.470
258.4 RNA 3220 258.4 300 64 268.4 1.85 490 1650 1500 980 8.570
269.6 RNA 2240 269.6 300 49 276.6 1.85 345 1190 1400 910 4.985
281.9 RNA 3240 281.9 325 64 291.9 1.85 520 1800 1300 850 9.480
335 RNA 2300 335 375 54 343.0 1.85 460 1690 1100 720 8.600

Technical features
Cam followers

Nadella cam followers are designed to run directly TO USE AS FOLLOWERS

on various types of surface such as cams, ramps and When the cam followers or the wheels are used for
slideways. running on a rail or a cam, under the load there is a
In order to satisfy the operating conditions imposed plastic deformation of the outer ring that reduces
on this type of bearing - heavy radial loads usually the load distribution between the rolling elements of
accompanied by substantial and repeated shocks, the the bearings. The tables in the following pages list
various Nadella cam followers have these common two different values of the basic load of the bearing
advantages: depending from the use and mounting.
deformations that reduce the load capacity of the ISO 281 for bearings, for lifetime calculations when
bearing mounting with the cylindrical outer ring in a hole.
contact surfaces or cylindrical outer ring for reducing mounting with the cylindrical outer ring running in
contact pressure contact with a cam or plain guide rail.
replenishment through the shaft In addition to the load capacity of the bearing you must
s FULL COMPLEMENT OF NEEDLES OR ROLLERS PROVIDING consider the strength of the outer ring and of the stud in
Dynamic limit load Fr: it is the load which should not be
Cam followers can be equipped with an eccentric stud EXCEEDEDWHENFOLLOWERISSUBJECTTOREPEATEDTORQUES
in order to allow setting the preload during the mounting. Static limit load For IT IS THE MAXIMUM STRENGTH LIMIT
Cam followers can be equipped with plastic seals or THATTHEFOLLOWERCANEXCEPTIONALLYSUPPORT
metallic shields for retaining lubricant. In case of use like a wheel the strength of the raceway
Besides the standard products in the catalogue, Nadella must be considered. For more details, please ask to
manufactures several variations for specific conditions Technical Service Nadella.
of use.

Reference standards are:

ISO 7063 – Needle roller bearings – Track rollers –
boundary dimensions.

Technical features
Cam followers
TYPES AND OPERATING CONDITIONS Double-row full complement roller followers types
Full complement needle followers types GC NUKR.2SK
These followers are recommended under following Their installation is especially recommended for:
conditions: - high speeds
- high radial loads - heavy radial loads
- oscillating motions Outer ring with optimised profile with decreasing
#ONVEXOUTERRINGGC ORCYLINDRICALGCL) curvature from middle of the wheel
Starting from dimension 16 can be equipped with 7ITHMETALLICSHIELDSSUFlXMM)

Small single-row full complement needle followers

type FP
Their installation is especially recommended for:
Single-row full complement roller followers types GCU
- low speeds
Their installation is especially recommended for:
- heavy radial loads
- high speeds
- oscillating motions
- heavy radial loads

Single-row full complement needle followers type FG

Their installation is especially recommended for:
- low speeds
- heavy radial loads
- oscillating motions
Cam followers FG can be equipped with contact plastic

Technical features
Cam followers
Single-row full complement roller followers type Single-row full complement needle followers type
FGU (heavy and light series) RNA 11000
Their installation is especially recommended for: These followers useable without inner ring on a treated
- high speeds shaft, are available with an inner ring starting from a
LIMITEDANDINTERMITTENTAXIALLOADS shaft diameter 12 mm, and their installation is especially
- heavy radial loads recommended for:
Heavy series is different from light series for the thickness - intermediate speeds
diameter and an higher load capacity. - oscillating motions
Inner ring and lateral shoulders built in a single piece.

like for the following table:

Cam follower type

RNA 11 000 B6 1.5 in 1000

RNAB 11 000 15 in 1000
Double-row full complement roller followers type FG, GC, GCU 7 in 1000
Their installation is especially recommended for:
LIMITEDAXIALLOADS For all type of follower:
- heavy radial loads CONVEXOUTERRINGHONDIM$
Heavy series is different from light series for the thickness - cylindrical outer ring h7 on dim. D
diameter and an higher load capacity.
Inner ring in three parts, not separable. Positioning of the radial lubrication hole
shock or vibration, the lubrication hole situated under
the needles should be positioned outside the loaded
zone. The lubrication hole which is not visible on the
cam follower with threaded stud is parallel to the
screwdriver slot in the head of the stud. Where the head
lubrication hole is indicated by the marking by the hole.

Technical features
Cam followers
Lateral support of followers For RNA 11000 fitted with inner ring Dimension d
For followers type FGU shoulders on the shaft or other
Load fixed in relation to the inner ring h5 / h6
parts serving to retain the follower on the faces of the
Load rotating in relation to the inner ring k5 / j6
inner ring should have an outer diameter not less than
dimensions dA7HERETHEREISCONSIDERABLEAXIALLOAD For RNA 11000 without inner ring Dimension Fw
should be equal at least to dimension dA listed in the
tables. The cylindrical tolerance, defined as the difference in
For followers of FG series shoulders on the shaft should RADIIOFTWOCOAXIALCYLINDERS)3/3TANDARD SHOULD
be equal at least to dimension dA. normally be less than a quarter of the manufacturing
For the correct mounting of followers of NUKR series tolerance. However, for high precision or high speed
TIGHTEN AXIALLY THE BEARING THE MINIMUM DIAMETER applications it is advised to restrict this tolerance to one
advised for locking is dA listed in the tables. eighth of the manufacturing tolerance.

Tolerance on hole housing Type RNA 11000 followers are supplied with a coating
The stud should fit easily into the hole in the mating of protective grease compatible with a lithium base
member having a bore of tolerance H7. To ensure grease.
contact over the entire surface area of the yoke, the As for the bearings the protective grease is not suitable
supporting face of the mating member should have a for lubrication of the wheels.
diameter of at least equal to dimension dA. The locking All types of wheels and cam followers, with or without
torque applied to the nuts, as shown in the table of seals are supplied lubricated with a grease permitting
DIMENSIONS IS CALCULATED TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE lXING OF operation in temperatures from -20 to +120°C. In the
the follower. versions with metallic shields or in synthetic material
Cam followers GC GCU NUKR series Dimension d lubricant. On request, these followers can be supplied
Without eccentric stud d H7 with greases for high or low temperatures, or without
In any case, at temperatures of 150°C and above, cam
followers must be specially heat treated and calculation
CAM FOLLOWERS FG FGU RNA1000 NUTR of life should take account of reduced load capacity
Cam followers NUTR FP FG FGU series Dimension d Use of a special grease for high temperatures may
reduce the limiting speeds shown in the tables of
Load fixed in relation to the inner ring h5 / h6
Load rotating in relation to the inner ring k5 / j6
The metallic shields ...EEM …MM enables operation up
Load fixed in relation to the inner ring, moderate to 200°C with a suitable lubricant.
loads, high strength shaft

Load fixed in relation to the inner ring, light loads,

unhardened shaft, loose transition fit

Technical features
Cam followers
ECCENTRIC STUDS Cam followers of GC series and derived from dimension
the hole of the housing at the time of installation, track top end for a grease nipple and a screw driver slot. The
rollers are available with eccentric bushing added to the nipple protrudes from the edge of the head.
track roller stud fitted with interference. In this way the Cam followers of GC series, from diameter 30 mm and
position of the bearing can be settled for a value of ±k. GCUSERIES WITHAHEXAGONALSOCKETONHEADSIDE THE
The eccentric bushing closes the lubrication hole on the nipple protrudes only if mounted on the stud side.
stud. In cam followers NUKR series the nipple is always hided
As a standard eccentric bushing are supplied already INTHEHEXAGONALSOCKET
mounted on the stud. The radial hole in the stud, if not used, is closed by the
housing of the cam follower.
ACCESSORIES FOR FOLLOWERS Concentric cam followers GC GCU and NUKR series
Cam followers with lubrication hole are supplied with are supplied with two nuts.
cap and grease nipple. Insert the one or the other in the Eccentric cam followers GCR GCUR NUKRE series
appropriate end seats in function of the side from which are supplied with eccentric bushing, one nut, one lock
the lubrication will be performed. washer, one flat washer
The cap is completely inserted for all its length by
The nipple has instead a step that is not within the
length of the hole for the portion that protrudes of 2.5
mm dimension h.

From GC16
to GC28

From GC30
and GCU


Cam followers GC

GC, GCL series
without seals

C1 G1
B4 B2

GC..., GCL...

∅ Designation 1)
outer C d B1 B2 B4 G1 Thread rs min. dA 2) C1
D GC mm mm mm mm mm mm G mm mm mm mm
mm GCL
10 10 8 4 19.5 11 8.5 6 M4x0.7 0.2 8.4 0.25
11 11 8 4 19.5 11 8.5 6 M4x0.7 0.2 8.4 0.25
12 12 9 5 22.5 13 9.5 7 M5x0.8 0.2 10.3 0.25
13 13 9 5 22.5 13 9.5 7 M5x0.8 0.2 10.3 0.25
14 14 9 6 26 16 10 8 M6x1 0.3 11.8 0.25
15 15 9 6 26 16 10 8 M6x1 0.3 11.8 0.25

1) Designation for cam followers

GC... Concentric cam followers with convex outer ring without seal
GCL... Concentric cam followers with cylindrical outer ring without seal
2) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of heavy axial loads or vibrations

Clamping Basic capacities kN Speed limits ∅
grease Weight outer
torque as a bearing as a follower lubrication kg D
Nm Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For min-1 mm
0.9 2.8 3.09 1.92 1.01 1.82 8500 0.006 10
0.9 2.8 3.09 2.12 1.43 2.58 8500 0.007 11
1.8 3.74 4.74 2.54 1.63 2.94 6600 0.011 12
1.8 3.74 4.74 2.16 2.75 3.89 6600 0.011 13
3.0 4.05 5.44 2.86 2.26 4.07 5700 0.016 14
3.0 4.05 5.44 3.04 2.83 4.65 5700 0.018 15

Needle cam followers GC..

C Holes 1 and 2 Be 4 Be
B3 from D=30 mm
r r r

D d4 1 d4 G d1 d1 M
d1 k k

C1 G1
B4 B2
from GCR16.. to GCR52.. from GCR62.. to GCR90..

∅ Designation 1) Thread
outer C d 2) d1 2) 3) k 3) M 3) Be 3) B1 B2 B3 7) B4 G1 dA 4)
GC..., GC...EE G
D mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
GC...EEM mm
16 16 11 6 9 0.5 8 28.7 16.5 12.2 8 M6x1 13.3
19 19 11 8 11 0.5 10 32.7 20.5 12.2 10 M8x1.25 15.3
22 22 12 10 14 1 11 36.7 23.5 13.2 12 M10x1.25 18.2
24 24 12 10 14 1 11 36.7 23.5 13.2 12 M10x1.25 18.2
26 26 12 10 14 1 11 36.7 23.5 13.2 12 M10x1.25 20.8
28 28 12 10 14 1 11 36.7 23.5 13.2 12 M10x1.25 20.8
30 30 14 12 16 1 11 40.7 25.5 6 15.2 13 M12x1.5 24.8
32 32 14 12 16 1 11 40.7 25.5 6 15.2 13 M12x1.5 24.8
35 35 18 16 21 1.5 14 52.6 33 8 19.6 17 M16x1.5 28.8
40 40 20 18 24 1.5 16 58.6 37 8 21.6 19 M18x1.5 33.8
47 47 24 20 27 2 17.5 66.6 41 9 25.6 21 M20x1.5 38.7
52 52 24 20 27 2 17.5 66.6 41 9 25.6 21 M20x1.5 38.7
62 62 29 24 36 3 44 18 80.6 50 11 30.6 25 M24x1.5 52
72 72 29 24 36 3 44 18 80.6 50 11 30.6 25 M24x1.5 52
80 80 35 30 42 3 50 27 100.5 63.5 15 37 32 M30x1.5 68
85 85 35 30 42 3 50 27 100.5 63.5 15 37 32 M30x1.5 68
90 90 35 30 42 3 50 27 100.5 63.5 15 37 32 M30x1.5 68

1) Cam follower designation

GC.. Concentric cam followers with convex outer ring
GCL.. Concentric cam followers with cylindrical outer ring
GCR.. Eccentric cam followers with convex outer ring
GCRL.. Eccentric cam followers with cylindrical outer ring
Without suffix: without seals
Suffix ..EE: with plastic seals
Suffix ..EEM: with metallic shields

Needle cam followers GC..

head side view


up to diameter D=28 from diameter D=30

Basic capacities KN Speed limits ∅

S 6) Clamping Weight with
C1 r min. P d4 grease outer
torque as a bearing as a follower nut and
mm mm mm mm lubrication D
min. max. Nm Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For washer kg
min-1 mm
0.6 0.3 4 8.5 10 3 5.66 6.51 4.19 2.79 5.02 5700 0.024 16
0.6 0.3 4 10.5 13 8 6.44 8.15 4.65 3 6.28 4400 0.039 19
0.6 0.3 4 11.5 14 20 7.3 10.2 5.05 4.07 7.33 3500 0.057 22
0.6 0.3 4 11.5 14 20 7.3 10.2 5.45 5.42 8.63 3500 0.072 24
0.6 0.3 4 11.5 14 20 9.92 12.9 7.09 5.43 9.77 3200 0.080 26
0.6 0.3 4 11.5 14 20 9.92 12.9 7.57 6.95 11.4 3200 0.088 28
0.6 0.6 8 4 11.5 14.5 26 15.5 20.4 11.2 8.48 15.3 2900 0.118 30
0.6 0.6 8 4 11.5 14.5 26 15.5 20.4 11.8 10.6 18.1 2900 0.126 32
0.8 0.6 10 6 14.5 19 64 23.6 33.1 15.7 10.8 19.4 2200 0.220 35
0.8 1 12 6 16.5 22 90 29.9 48 18.5 13.8 24.8 1800 0.321 40
0.8 1 14 6 18 25 120 36.5 65.5 22.5 20.2 36.4 1400 0.500 47
0.8 1 14 6 18 25 120 36.5 65.5 25.2 28 47.5 1400 0.568 52
0.8 1 12 6 18.5 25.5 220 43.3 85.6 30.5 42.9 64.7 1200 1.035 62
0.8 1 12 6 18.5 25.5 220 43.3 85.6 33.9 65.8 79.5 1200 1.278 72
1 1 14 8 27.5 36 450 65.1 144 42.7 62.9 95.3 870 2.074 80
1 1 14 8 27.5 36 450 65.1 144 45.1 75.3 106 870 2.235 85
1 1 14 8 27.5 36 450 65.1 144 47.1 88.8 115 870 2.435 90

2) Hole diameter for mounting the concentric follower: d H7

Hole diameter for mounting the eccentric follower: d1 H7
3) Dimension of the stud with eccentric bushing
4) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of axial loads or vibrations
5) On request cam followers can be produced with screw driver slot on the end of the threaded stud (suffix AK)
6) Mounting plate thickness
7) For concentric rollers only (without eccentric bushing)

Roller cam followers GCU..

C Be 4 Be

D d4 d4 G d1 d1 M
k k

C1 G1
B4 B2

GCU.. from GCUR35.. to GCUR52.. from GCUR62.. to GCUR130..

∅ Designation 1) Thread
outer C d 2) d1 2) 3) k 3) M 3) Be 3) B1 B2 B3 7) B4 G1 dA 4)
D mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
GCUR...M M mm
35 35 18 16 21 1.5 14 52.5 32.8 8 19.7 17 M16x1.5 26
40 40 20 18 24 1.5 16 58.5 36.8 8 21.7 19 M18x1.5 28.6
47 47 24 20 27 2 17.5 66.5 40.8 9 25.7 21 M20x1.5 33.6
52 52 24 20 27 2 17.5 66.5 40.8 9 25.7 21 M20x1.5 33.6
62 62 29 24 36 3 44 18 80.5 49.8 11 30.7 25 M24x1.5 38.9
72 72 29 24 36 3 44 18 80.5 49.8 11 30.7 25 M24x1.5 38.9
80 80 35 30 42 3 50 27 100.5 63.3 15 37.2 32 M30x1.5 51.8
85 85 35 30 42 3 50 27 100.5 63.3 15 37.2 32 M30x1.5 51.8
90 90 35 30 42 3 50 27 100.5 63.3 15 37.2 32 M30x1.5 51.8
100 100 40 36 48 3 56 32 117.5 75.3 20 42.2 38 M36x3 61
110 110 40 36 48 3 56 32 117.5 75.3 20 42.2 38 M36x3 61
120 120 46 42 54 3 62 39 136.5 88.3 24 48.2 44 M42x3 71
130 130 46 42 54 3 62 39 136.5 88.3 24 48.2 44 M42x3 71

1) Cam followers designation

GCU.. Concentric cam follower with convex outer ring
GCUL.. Concentric cam follower with cylindrical outer ring
GCUR.. Eccentric cam follower with convex outer ring
GCURL.. Eccentric cam follower with cylindrical outer ring
Without suffix: without seals
Suffix ..MM: with metallic shields

head side view


Basic capacities KN Speed limits Weight ∅

S 6) Clamping
C1 r min. P d4 grease with nut outer
torque as a bearing as a follower
mm mm mm mm lubrication and D
min. max. Nm Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For min-1 washer kg mm
0.85 0.6 10 6 14.5 19 64 26.4 32.4 15.4 7.25 13.1 2200 0.215 35
0.85 1 12 6 16.5 22 90 26.4 32.4 18.7 12.1 21.8 2200 0.313 40
0.85 1 14 6 18 25 120 43.8 57.9 30.6 21.2 38.2 1600 0.500 47
0.85 1 14 6 18 25 120 43.8 57.9 30.6 21.2 38.2 1600 0.555 52
0.85 1 12 6 18.5 25.5 220 63.7 87.4 44.1 30.9 55.6 1400 1.035 62
0.85 1.1 12 6 18.5 25.5 220 63.7 87.4 50.8 52.7 84.1 1400 1.278 72
1.1 1.1 14 8 27.5 36 450 100 140 66.8 43.8 78.8 1000 2.070 80
1.1 1.1 14 8 27.5 36 450 100 140 75.8 68.1 122 1000 2.230 85
1.1 1.1 14 8 27.5 36 450 100 140 75.8 68.1 122 1000 2.470 90
1.1 2 17 8 32.5 41 740 115 175 82.1 76.6 135 840 3.380 100
1.1 2 17 8 32.5 41 740 115 175 89.7 107 161 840 3.860 110
1.1 2 19 8 39.5 48 1200 167 240 124 107 193 740 5.100 120
1.1 2 19 8 39.5 48 1200 167 240 133 142 228 740 5.590 130

2) Hole diameter for mounting the concentric follower: d H7

Hole diameter for mounting the eccentric follower: d1 H7
3) Dimension of the stud with eccentric bushing
4) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of axial loads or vibrations
5) On request cam followers can be produced with screw driver slot on the end of the threaded stud (suffix AK)
6) Mounting plate thickness
7) For concentric rollers only (without eccentric bushing)

Roller cam followers NUKR..2SK

C Be

D d4 d4 G d1

C1 G1


∅ Designation 1) Thread
outer C d 2) d1 2) 3) k 3) M 3) Be 3) B1 B2 B3 G1 d3 dA 4)
D mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
35 35 18 16 20 1 - 14 52 32.5 8 17 3 M16x1.5 23,6
40 40 20 18 22 1 - 16 58 36.5 8 19 3 M18x1.5 26,4
47 47 24 20 24 1 - 18 66 40.5 9 21 4 M20x1.5 31
52 52 24 20 24 1 - 18 66 40.5 9 21 4 M20x1.5 36,4
62 62 29 24 28 1 44 22 80 49.5 11 25 4 M24x1.5 44,4
72 72 29 24 28 1 44 22 80 49.5 11 25 4 M24x1.5 50,4
80 80 35 30 35 1.5 50 29 100 63 15 32 4 M30x1.5 52,9
90 90 35 30 35 1.5 50 29 100 63 15 32 4 M30x1.5 52,9
1) Designation for cam followers
NUKR..2SK Concentric cam follower with profiled outer ring
NUKRE..2SK Eccentric cam follower with profiled outer ring
2) Hole diameter for mounting the concentric follower: d H7
Hole diameter for mounting the eccentric follower: d1 H7
3) Dimension of the stud with eccentric bushing
4) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of axial loads or vibrations
5) For concentric rollers only (without eccentric bushing)

Roller cam followers NUKR..2SK

head side view


Basic capacities kN Speed limits ∅

Clamping Weight with
C1 r min. P d4 grease outer
torque as a bearing as a follower nut and
mm mm mm mm lubrication D
Nm 4) Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For washer kg
min-1 mm
0.8 0.6 8 6 53.2 24.7 29.4 16.2 10.1 16.1 2300 0.215 35
0.8 1 8 6 77.5 26.6 33.3 18.7 15.0 23.9 2000 0.310 40
0.8 1 10 6 109 41.4 53.2 28.1 20.5 32.7 1700 0.500 47
0.8 1 10 6 109 45.8 63.1 29.6 22.2 35.4 1400 0.580 52
0.8 1 14 8 193 62.7 83.1 40.9 29.6 47.2 1200 1.050 62
0.8 1.1 14 8 193 68.9 97.8 46.1 39.6 63.1 1100 1.280 72
1.0 1.1 14 8 390 95.4 130 69.7 63.2 101 1000 2.080 80
1.0 1.1 14 8 390 95.4 130 77.8 97.8 128 1000 2.400 90

Small needle cam follower FP

FP, FPL series B

without seals C

D d


∅ Designation 1) Basic capacities kN Speed

outer D d B C rs min. r1s min. limits grease Weight
as a bearing as a cam follower
D FP, FPL mm mm mm mm mm mm lubrication kg
mm Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For min-1
10 3 10 10 3 8.7 8 0.2 0.15 2.8 3.09 2.12 1.43 2.58 8500 0.004
11 3 11 11 3 8.7 8 0.2 0.15 2.8 3.09 2.12 1.43 2.58 8500 0.005
12 4 12 12 4 9.7 9 0.2 0.15 3.74 4.74 2.54 1.63 2.94 6600 0.006
13 4 13 13 4 9.7 9 0.2 0.15 3.74 4.74 2.16 2.75 3.89 6600 0.008
14 4 14 14 4 10.2 9 0.3 0.15 4.05 5.44 2.86 2.26 4.07 5700 0.010
15 4 15 15 4 10.2 9 0.3 0.15 4.05 5.44 3.04 2.83 4.65 5700 0.011

1) Designation
FP Convex outer ring
FPL Cylindrical outer ring

Needle cam follower FG

FG series C
without seal rs

FG..EE series
with plastic seals
FG..EEM series D d

with metallic FG..EE, FG..EEM


∅ Designation 1) Basic capacities kN Speed limits

outer D d B C dA2) rs min. r1s grease Weight
min. as a bearing as a follower
D FG, FGL mm mm mm mm mm mm mm lubrication kg
mm Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For min-1
16 5 16 16 5 12 11 10 0.3 0.3 5.66 6.51 4.19 2.79 5.02 5700 0.016
19 6 19 19 6 12 11 12 0.3 0.3 6.44 8.15 4.65 3.49 6.28 4400 0.019
8 24 24 8 13 12 14.5 0.3 0.3 7.3 10.2 5.45 5.42 8.63 3500 0.037
8 24 15 24 8 15 14 14.5 0.3 0.3 9.08 13.5 6.76 7.05 11.4 3500 0.044
30 10 30 30 10 15 14 19.5 0.6 0.3 14.2 18.3 10.3 7.67 13.8 2900 0.066
32 12 32 32 12 15 14 21.5 0.6 0.3 15.5 21.2 10.5 7.52 13.5 2400 0.077
35 15 35 35 15 19 18 24 0.6 0.3 22.5 35.4 14.6 11.6 20.9 2100 0.103
40 17 40 40 17 21 20 28 0.6 0.3 29.9 48.0 18.5 13.8 24.8 1800 0.155
47 20 47 47 20 25 24 32.5 1.0 0.3 36.5 65.5 22.5 20.2 36.4 1400 0.295
52 25 52 52 25 25 24 37 1.0 0.3 39.7 76.4 23.1 22.6 40.3 1200 0.310
62 30 62 62 30 29 28 44 1.0 0.3 46.5 97.9 28.9 35.5 58.2 1100 0.490
72 35 72 72 35 29 28 50 1.0 0.6 50.0 113 31.4 45.6 68.4 920 0.670
80 40 80 80 40 32 30 56 1.0 0.6 62.1 155 38.3 63.7 90.6 810 0.890
85 45 85 85 45 32 30 62 1.0 0.6 65.7 173 38.4 67.2 91.1 720 0.970
90 50 90 90 50 32 30 69 1.0 0.6 69.7 194 37.8 74.3 88.7 640 1.04
100 55 100 100 55 36 34 75 1.5 0.6 85.0 233 45.2 87.9 103 570 1.35
110 60 110 110 60 36 34 82 1.5 0.6 88.6 251 48.9 99.6 119 530 1.65
120 65 120 120 65 42 40 90 1.5 0.6 103 310 58.1 131 154 490 2.35
125 70 125 125 70 42 40 92 1.5 0.6 106 332 58.7 142 157 460 2.50
130 75 130 130 75 42 40 96 1.5 0.6 110 354 59.2 155 159 440 2.65
140 80 140 140 80 48 46 105 2.0 1.0 140 455 72.4 202 189 390 3.40
150 85 150 150 85 48 46 112 2.0 1.0 146 490 75.3 227 203 370 4.00
160 90 160 160 90 54 52 120 2.0 1.0 168 603 85.7 299 244 340 5.30
170 95 170 170 95 54 52 125 2.0 1.0 172 629 89.8 308 267 330 6.00
180 100 180 180 100 65 63 135 2.0 1.5 238 828 126 358 363 310 8.05
200 110 200 200 110 65 63 150 2.0 1.5 252 922 133 427 401 280 10.00
215 120 215 215 120 65 63 160 2.0 1.5 261 985 138 476 430 260 11.50
270 150 270 270 150 78 75 195 3.0 1.5 372 1470 200 721 658 210 22.00
1) Designation
FG..EE series with plastic seals are available up to type FG 50 90
FG convex outer ring
FGL cylindrical outer ring
2) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of axial loads or vibrations

Full complement roller cam followers FGU

Light series rs C

FGU.. without seals

FGU..MM with metallic r1S
d dA D

∅ Designation 1) Basic capacities kN Speed limits

outer D d C B dA2) rs min. r1s grease Weight
min. Dynamic Static
D mm mm mm mm mm mm mm lubrication kg
mm light series C Fr For min-1
35 15 35 35 15 18 19 20.4 0.6 0.3 7.80 17.0 17.0 5700 0.096
40 17 40 40 17 20 21 23 0.6 0.3 11.5 20.0 21.5 5200 0.142
47 20 47 47 20 24 25 27.1 1.0 0.3 15.5 29.5 32.3 4400 0.235
52 25 52 52 25 24 25 31.8 1.0 0.3 17.3 31.5 36.0 3800 0.268
62 30 62 62 30 28 29 38.2 1.0 0.3 24.5 44.5 54.00 3200 0.454
72 35 72 72 35 28 29 45.9 1.0 0.6 31.3 50.0 66.0 2700 0.611
80 40 80 80 40 30 32 51.6 1.0 0.6 40.6 59.0 84.0 2400 0.822
110 60 110 110 60 34 36 71.2 1.5 0.6 64.0 88.0 129 1800 1.625
120 65 120 120 65 40 42 76.4 1.5 0.6 89.0 110 174 1700 2.300
125 70 125 125 70 40 42 81.5 1.5 0.6 93.0 110 180 1600 2.070
140 80 140 140 80 46 48 91.7 2.0 1.0 130 138 250 1400 3.450
160 90 160 160 90 52 54 101.8 2.0 1.0 166 188 327 1300 5.185
170 95 170 170 95 52 54 108.2 2.0 1.0 184 198 356 1200 5.925
200 110 200 200 110 63 65 124.1 2.0 1.5 310 280 590 1100 10.200
215 120 215 215 120 63 65 133.6 2.0 1.5 310 310 600 960 11.560

1) Designation
FGU convex outer ring
FGUL cylindrical outer ring
2) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of axial loads or vibrations

Full complement roller cam followers FGU

Heavy series rs C

FGU.. without seals

FGU..MM with metallic r1S
d dA D

∅ Designation1) Basic capacities kN Speed limits

outer D d C B dA2) rs min. r1s grease Weight
min. as a bearing as a follower
D mm mm mm mm mm mm mm lubrication kg
mm heavy series Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For min-1
42 15 42 42 15 18 19 20.4 1.0 0.3 26.4 32.4 19.7 14.7 26.4 2200 0.153
47 17 47 47 17 20 21 23 1.0 0.3 28.3 36.5 21.5 18.8 31.9 1900 0.214
52 20 52 52 20 24 25 27.1 1.0 0.3 43.8 57.9 30.7 21.3 38.3 1600 0.268
62 25 62 62 25 24 25 31.8 1.0 0.3 48.2 68.2 35.1 30.7 55.1 1400 0.435
72 30 72 72 30 28 29 38.2 1.0 0.3 70 103 49 40 72 1100 0.681
80 35 80 80 35 28 29 45.9 1.0 0.6 77.5 124 51 42.4 76.3 920 0.82
90 40 90 90 40 30 32 51.6 1.0 0.6 89.2 153 60.2 59.3 107 810 1.125
100 45 100 100 45 30 32 55.4 1.5 0.6 92.7 165 64.5 73.6 122 750 1.395
110 50 110 110 50 30 32 61.1 1.5 0.6 97.8 182 68.1 85.9 135 680 1.683
120 55 120 120 55 34 36 66.1 1.5 0.6 128 215 88.7 91.8 159 640 2.235
130 60 130 130 60 34 36 71.2 1.5 0.6 133 232 93.4 106 175 590 2.62
140 65 140 140 65 40 42 76.4 2.0 0.6 156 290 110 142 222 540 3.56
150 70 150 150 70 40 42 81.5 2.0 0.6 161 310 115 160 240 510 4.09
160 75 160 160 75 40 42 86.6 2.0 0.6 166 329 119 178 257 480 4.65
170 80 170 170 80 46 48 91.7 2.0 1.0 195 412 140 229 322 450 6.07
180 85 180 180 85 46 48 95.5 2.0 1.0 224 426 162 225 340 440 6.724
190 90 190 190 90 52 54 101.8 2.0 1.0 259 524 186 277 412 410 8.515
260 120 260 260 120 63 65 133.6 3.0 1.5 396 875 293 540 730 300 19.750
300 140 300 300 140 75 78 152.6 3.0 1.5 493 1210 367 818 1020 260 31.265
1) Designation
FGU convex outer ring
FGUL cylindrical outer ring
2) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of axial loads or vibrations

Cam followers without inner ring RNA


Ew Fw D


∅ Designation1) Basic capacities KN2)

outer D3) C Fw Ew rs min.
as a bearing as a follower
D RNA B6 RNA B RNAL mm mm mm mm mm
mm Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For
19 RNA 11005 B6 RNAB 11005 19 12 7.3 12.3 0.35 5.31 4.44 4.82 4.44 4.82
22 RNA 11007 B6 RNAB 11007 RNAL 11007 22 12 9.7 14.7 0.35 6.42 5.93 5.5 5.26 6.55
28 RNA 11009 B6 RNAB 11009 RNAL 11009 28 12 12.1 17.1 0.35 7.37 7.42 6.66 7.42 9.06
32 RNA 11012 B6 RNAB 11012 RNAL 11012 32 15 17.6 22.6 0.35 12.7 16.4 9.38 9.48 13.7
35 RNA 11015 B6 RNAB 11015 35 15 20.8 25.8 0.65 13.9 19.4 9.60 9.47 14.1
42 RNA 11017 B6 RNAB 11017 RNAL 11017 42 15 23.9 28.9 0.65 15.0 22.4 11.0 14.4 18.4
47 RNA 11020 B6 RNAB 11020 RNAL 11020 47 18 28.7 34.7 0.65 21.7 33.5 14.6 16.0 23.3
52 RNA 11025 B6 RNAB 11025 52 18 33.5 39.5 0.65 23.6 39.1 15.0 17.1 24.4
62 RNA 11030 B6 RNAB 11030 62 22 38.2 44.2 0.65 34.2 65.8 22.6 32.8 44.3
72 RNA 11035 B6 72 22 44.0 50.0 0.65 36.7 75.7 24.6 42.4 52.2
90 RNA 11050 B6 90 24 62.1 68.1 0.85 44.0 107 25.8 53.1 57.0
1) Designation
RNA..B6 Convex outer ring with maximum inclination 0.15%
RNAB Convex outer ring with maximum inclination 1,5%
RNAL Cylindrical outer ring
2) Basic capacities refer to RNAL type only when mounted forced in a housing
3) Tolerances on dimension D: h9 for RNA..B6 and RNAB, h7 for RNAL

Inner ring BIC


d F


Speed limits Designation ∅

grease Weight F B Fw D r1s min. outer
lubrication kg BIC mm mm mm mm mm D
min-1 mm
6500 0.019 19
4700 0.022 22
3700 0.028 28
2400 0.032 12 BIC 1012 17.6 15 12 0.35 0.35 32
2000 0.035 15 BIC 1015 20.8 15 15 0.65 0.65 35
1700 0.042 17 BIC 1017 23.9 15 17 0.68 0.65 42
1400 0.047 20 BIC 2020 28.7 18 20 0.65 0.65 47
1200 0.052 25 BIC 1025 33.5 18 25 0.65 0.65 52
1100 0.062 30 BIC 2030 38.2 22 30 0.65 0.65 62
920 0.072 35 BIC 2035 44 22 35 0.65 0.65 72
640 0.090 50 BIC 11050 62.1 24 50 0.85 0.85 90

Full complement roller cam follower NUTR

rs rs

r1s r1s

d dA D d dA D



∅ Designation1) Basic capacities kN Speed

rs r1s limits
outer D d B C dA min. Weight
min. as a bearing as a follower grease
D NUTR, NUTR.DZ mm mm mm mm mm mm mm lubrication
mm Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. Cw Dyn. Fr Stat. For min -1

35 15 35 15 19 18 24 0.6 0.3 24.7 29.3 16.2 10.1 16.1 6100 0.105

40 17 40 17 21 20 27 1.0 0.3 26.6 33.4 18.7 15.0 23.9 5300 0.154
42 1542 42 15 19 18 24 0.6 0.3 22.8 29.4 20.0 21.2 28.4 6100 0.166
1747 47 17 21 20 27 1.0 0.3 24.5 33.3 22.0 28.1 33.6 5300 0.230
20 47 20 25 24 32 1.0 0.3 39.0 53.2 28.1 20.5 32.7 4500 0.254
2052 52 20 25 24 32 1.0 0.3 39.0 53.2 31.6 31.0 45.9 4500 0.326
25 52 25 25 24 37 1.0 0.3 43.0 63.1 29.6 22.2 35.4 3700 0.291
2562 62 25 25 24 37 1.0 0.3 43.0 63.1 36.0 43.9 57.8 3700 0.460
30 62 30 29 28 44 1.0 0.3 60.0 83.1 40.8 29.0 46.2 3200 0.480
3072 72 30 29 28 44 1.0 0.3 60.0 83.1 48.6 53.2 74.2 3200 0.711
35 72 35 29 28 50 1.1 0.6 65.5 97.8 45.9 38.7 61.7 2600 0.655
3580 80 35 29 28 50 1.1 0.6 65.5 97.8 51.7 58.7 81.9 2600 0.865
40 80 40 32 30 55 1.1 0.6 88.0 132 60.6 48.0 76.5 2500 0.848
85 45 85 45 32 30 60 1.1 0.6 93.0 146 62.0 50.2 80.0 2200 0.917
4090 90 40 32 30 55 1.1 0.6 88.0 132 69.1 75.4 111 2500 1.162
50 90 50 32 30 65 1.1 0.6 98.0 160 63.3 52.9 84.3 2000 0.988
100 45100 100 45 32 30 60 1.1 0.6 93.0 146 74.3 92.2 127 2200 1.412
110 50110 110 50 32 30 65 1.1 0.6 98.0 160 79.0 110 141 2000 1.727

1) Designation
NUTR Convex outer ring
NUTR.DZ Cylindrical outer ring

Technical features
Needle thrust bearings-Roller thrust bearings
The rolling elements of a thrust bearing are retained and THRUST PLATES
guided in radial pockets within the cage (1). The latter The plate incorporated in the thrust bearing is made from
is itself retained in relation to the plate (2) by means of hardened bearing steel and forms one of the raceways
a steel ring (3). This assembly of parts is easy to handle for the rolling elements. The opposing raceway is
and install and provides a high axial load capacity whilst generally provided by a separate thrust plate of similar
occupying minimal space. design supplied by Nadella. When the thrust bearing is
The design of Nadella thrust bearings serves to centred by the revolving part, the thrust plate must be
reduce to a minimum the friction between the rolling centred by the stationary part and vice versa. lf the
elements and the cage that guides them. Given correct revolving part and the stationary part are noticeably
installation and adequate oil lubrication, the coefficient eccentric to each other, the thrust bearing with integral
of friction will be between 0.003 and 0.004 for needle plate must without exception be centred by the revolving
thrust bearings and between 0.004 and 0.005 for roller part (see mounting examples on pages 140 and 141).
thrust bearings. The second raceway for the rolling elements may also
This result is due principally to the design of the one- be formed by the face of a shoulder or an inserted ring,
piece steel cage (1) which has a special curvature that provided these have the correct geometrical dimensions
guides the rolling elements by their ends along their and hardness.
Thus, the loads imposed on the cage by the rollers THRUST BEARINGS WITH THRUST PLATE
cannot create components parallel to the axis of Thrust bearings type AXZ and ARZ have two thrust
rotation and therefore no increase in internal friction plates retained by a steel ring giving protection against
is generated, and correct operation without wear or the entry of dirt and metal particles whilst at the same
overheating is ensured. In addition, this special curvature time assisting retention of the lubricant.
gives the steel cage great rigidity and being relatively
thin provides maximum space for the lubricant. OPERATION
When the ring of rolling elements begins to rotate, it is
automatically centred in relation to the shaft axis. Thus
TYPES OF THRUST BEARINGS the thrust bearing does not need to be precisely centred
by the incorporated plate. Hence it is possible to align
the bearing (on the shaft or in the housing) allowing wide
tolerances to be used and without surface hardening.
This enables costs to be reduced. The same feature
3 applies to centring of the thrust plate.

Thrust bearings with

Thrust bearings with Separate thrust
plate and thrust plate
incorporated plate plates
Needle thrust
bearings Needle thrust bearings
AX thin series AXZ thick series
CP thin series
AX thick series
2 CP thick series
Roller thrust
Roller thrust bearings
bearings AR light
ARZ light series

AR heavy series CPR heavy series ARZ heavy series

1 Needle thrust bearings with a thin plate are of minimal

thickness and are particularly economic to use. They
should be considered whenever the degree of support
and rotational accuracy permits.

Technical features
Needle thrust bearings-Roller thrust bearing
Centring on the shaft: h10 on dimension Dc1 for thrust
Internal ∅ Thickness Axial run-out bearings or thrust plates.
Dc1 mm tolerance μm max
Centring in the housing: H10 on dimension D for thrust
Dc1 ≤ 60 + 30/- 40 1) 20 1) bearings and dimension d1 for thrust plates.
Needle thrust bearings (thin) 60 < Dc1 ≤ 90 + 50/- 60 2) 25 2)
90 < Dc1 ≤ 120 + 50/- 60 2) 30 2) LOAD RATINGS
Dc1 ≤ 60 + 30/- 40 1) 20 1) Minimum axial load
Thrust plates (thin) 60 < Dc1 ≤ 90 + 50/- 50 2) 25 2) Slippage can occur if the applied axial load is too light
90 < Dc1 ≤ 120 + 50/- 50 2) 30 2)
and the operating speed of the needle thrust bearings
Dc1 ≤ 120 + 50/- 60 5* is high – particularly if accompanied by inadequate
Needle thrust bearings (thick)
120 < Dc1 ≤ 180 + 50/- 110 7* lubrication. For satisfactory operation, a certain minimum
Roller thrust bearings
180 < Dc1 ≤ 250 + 50/- 160 10 *
load must be applied to a needle thrust bearing which
Dc1 ≤ 120 + 50/- 50 5* can be calculated from:
Thrust plates (thick) 120 < Dc1 ≤ 180 + 50/- 100 7*
180 < Dc1 ≤ 250 + 50/- 150 10 * Fa min = C0/2200 [kN]
(1) Under min. load of 150 N C0 static load rating [kN]
(2) Under min. load of 250 N Fa min minimum axial load [kN]


For smooth running operation of needle or roller thrust In general, the coefficient of friction of a thrust bearing
bearings, it is necessary that their supporting faces (consisting of a needle thrust bearing and thrust plate)
should be parallel. is defined as the friction torque, divided by the product
For a thrust bearing with intermediate thrust plate, the of the applied load and the bearing pitch radius. This
permissible degree of deviation from true parallelism coefficient of friction is not a constant value, but will vary
between the two supporting faces should be no more
considerably with load, speed and lubricant.
than 1 min. (or approx. 0.3 per 1000).
Generally, the coefficient of friction becomes smaller
For a thrust bearing without intermediate thrust plate,
as the load is increased, and larger as the speed is
the deviation must be no more than 1 min. 30 sec. (or
approx. 0.45 per 1000). increased.
Thin needle thrust bearings and thin thrust plates It is suggested that a value of 0.008 as a conservative
must be supported on a flat, rigid and continuous estimate.
face throughout the area of circulation of the needles
bounded by dimensions Eb and Ea. LUBRICATION
Thick needle thrust bearings and thick thrust plates can Oil is the preferred lubricant for needle thrust bearings
be supported on a more restricted or discontinuous and an ample oil flow is absolutely necessary for high
shoulder, provided that the deflection of the plate under speeds or for moderate speeds when the load is relatively
load does not endanger the smooth operation of the high.
thrust bearing or the axial run-out required. When the application must utilize grease lubrication, the
Since roller thrust bearings generally run under needle thrust bearing should be ordered pre-greased.
considerable loads, their incorporated plate and thrust When the speeds are low and rotation is not continuous,
plate should be supported on a shoulder covering the the initial charge of grease may be suitable for the life of
whole area of circulation of the rollers bounded by the application.
dimensions Eb and Ea. When the speeds are moderate, the designer must
Where an application does not involve the use of a provide for frequent re-greasing. Because the needle
thrust plate, the surface forming the second raceway
rollers tend to expel the lubricant radially outward, re-
lubrication passages should be directed to the bore of
- extend at least across the whole area of circulation of
the cage whether oil or grease is used as the lubricant.
the rolling elements between dimensions Eb and Ea;
- possess a suitable surface finish (≤0.5 μm C.L.A.)
and sufficient hardness in relation to the load to be SPECIAL DESIGNS
supported. Needle thrust bearings and thrust plates are made to
A hardness of 58-64 HRC enables thrust bearings to special dimensions and configurations, as well as from
carry their full load capacity. Lower hardness values special materials – when quantities permit economical
reduce the capacities shown in the tables of dimensions manufacture.
(see Technical Section).

Mounting arrangements
Needle thrust bearings with thin thrust plate

Without thrust plate With thin thrust plate With thick thrust plate
Max. Recess = h Max. Recess = h

Ø d1 (H10)

Ø d1 (H10)
Ea min
Ea min
Ea min

Dc1 (h10)
Ea min

Dc1 (h10)

Dc1 (h10)
Eb max

Eb max


Max. Recess = B1-0.2

Depth = B1 Depth = B1 Depth = B1

Ø D(H10)

Ø D (H10)
Ø D (H10)
Ea min
Ea min

Dc1 (h10)

Dc1 (h10)
Eb max

Eb max

Eb max



Max. Recess = h +0.2 Max. Recess = h +0.2

Needle thrust bearings with thick plate or light series roller thrust bearings

Without thrust plate With thin thrust plate With thick thrust plate
Max. Recess = h Max. Recess = h

Ø d1 (H10)
Ø d1 (H10)
Dc1 (h10)

Dc1 (h10)

Dc1 (h10)
Ea min

Eb max
Eb max



Max. Recess = B1 -0.2 Max. Recess = B1 -0.2

Recess = B1 Recess = B1 Recess = B1
Ø D (H10)

Ø D (H10)
Ø D (H10)
Ea min

Dc1 (h10)

Dc1 (h10)
Ea min




Max. Recess = h+0.2 Max. Recess = h+0.2

Mounting for eccentric operation

Thrust bearing Thrust plate

revolving Shaft
Housing Housing
fixed revolving

Thrust plate
Thrust bearing

Mounting arrangements
Roller thrust bearings AR heavy series

Without thrust plate With thick thrust plate

Max. Recess = h

Max. Recess = B1-0.2

Eb max
Eb max

Ø d1 (H10)
Dc1 (h10)

Dc1 (h10)
Ea min
Ea min

Ea min

Max. Recess = B1
Max. Recess = B1

Max. Recess = h+0.2

D c1 (h10)
Ø D (H10)

Ø D (H10)
Ea min
Eb max

Eb max
Ea min




Needle thrust bearings AXZ or roller thrust bearings ARZ

Mounting for high speed rotation Mounting for slow speed rotation or oscillating motion
Max. Recess = T

Max. Recess = h+0.2

Ø D +0,5 min.
Ø D (H10)
Dc1 (h10)

Dc1 (h10)

Needle thrust bearings
AX thin and thick series
B1 B1

D DC1 Eb Ea D DC1 Eb Ea

AX thin AX thick

Designation Load ratings Speed

DC1 D B1 Eb Ea rating Weight

mm mm mm mm mm Dyn. C Stat. Co oil kg
mm AX thin series AX thick series
kN kN min-1
AX 5 13 5 13 2.3 6.3 10.9 3.00 5.70 25000 0.001
AX 3.5 5 13 5 13 3.5 6.3 10.9 3.00 5.70 25000 0.002
AX 6 14 6 14 2.3 7.3 11.9 3.15 6.35 22000 0.001
AX 3.5 6 14 6 14 3.5 7.3 11.9 3.15 6.35 22000 0.002
AX 7 15 7 15 2.3 8.3 12.9 3.55 7.60 22000 0.002
AX 3.5 7 15 7 15 3.5 8.3 12.9 3.55 7.60 22000 0.003
AX 8 16 8 16 2.3 9.3 13.9 3.70 8.30 22000 0.002
AX 3.5 8 16 8 16 3.5 9.3 13.9 3.70 8.30 22000 0.003
AX 9 17 9 17 2.3 10.3 14.9 4.05 9.50 19000 0.002
AX 3.5 9 17 9 17 3.5 10.3 14.9 4.05 9.50 19000 0.004
AX 10 22 10 22 2.8 12.0 18.6 5.00 10.90 15500 0.004
AX 4 10 22 10 22 4.0 12.0 18.6 5.00 10.90 15500 0.007
AX 12 26 12 26 2.8 15.0 22.6 6.90 17.70 13000 0.006
AX 4 12 26 12 26 4.0 15.0 22.6 6.90 17.70 13000 0.010
AX 13 26 13 26 2.8 15.0 22.6 6.90 17.70 13000 0.006
AX 4 13 26 13 26 4.0 15.0 22.6 6.90 17.70 13000 0.010
AX 15 28 15 28 2.8 17.0 24.6 7.40 20.00 11500 0.007
AX 4 15 28 15 28 4.0 17.0 24.6 7.40 20.00 11500 0.009
AX 17 30 17 30 2.8 19.0 26.6 7.80 22.00 10500 0.008
AX 4 17 30 17 30 4.0 19.0 26.6 7.80 22.00 10500 0.010
AX 19 32 19 32 2.8 21.0 28.6 8.00 23.30 10000 0.009
AX 4 19 32 19 32 4.0 21.0 28.6 8.00 23.30 10000 0.013
AX 20 35 20 35 2.8 22.0 31.6 11.80 39.00 9000 0.010
AX 5 20 35 20 35 5.0 22.0 31.6 11.80 39.00 9000 0.018
AX 25 42 25 42 2.8 27.7 37.4 13.30 49.00 7500 0.012
AX 5 25 42 25 42 5.0 27.7 37.4 13.30 49.00 7500 0.025
27 AX 27 44 27 44 2.8 30.0 39.6 13.70 52.00 7200 0.012
AX 30 47 30 47 2.8 32.7 42.4 14.50 57.00 6500 0.014
AX 5 30 47 30 47 5.0 32.7 42.4 14.50 57.00 6500 0.029
AX 35 52 35 52 2.8 37.2 49.0 18.90 84.00 5500 0.019
AX 5 35 52 35 52 5.0 37.2 49.0 18.90 84.00 5500 0.035
AX 35 53 35 53 2.8 37.2 49.0 18.90 84.00 5500 0.019
AX 5 35 53 35 53 5.0 37.2 49.0 18.90 84.00 5500 0.036

Thrust plates
CP thin and thick series
h h

d1 d d1 d

CP thin CP thick

Shaft Designation Thrust bearings

d d1 h Weight

mm mm mm kg
mm CP thin series CP thick series AX thin series AX thick serie

CP 5 13 5 12.4 0.8 0.001 AX 5 13

CP 2 5 13 5 12.4 2.0 0.002 AX 3.5 5 13
CP 6 14 6 13.4 0.8 0.001 AX 6 14
CP 2 6 14 6 13.4 2.0 0.002 AX 3.5 6 14
CP 7 15 7 14.4 0.8 0.001 AX 7 15
CP 2 7 15 7 14.4 2.0 0.002 AX 3.5 7 15
CP 8 16 8 15.4 0.8 0.001 AX 8 16
CP 2 8 16 8 15.4 2.0 0.002 AX 3.5 8 16
CP 9 17 9 16.4 0.8 0.001 AX 9 17
CP 2 9 17 9 16.4 2.0 0.002 AX 3.5 9 17
CP 10 22 10 21.5 0.8 0.002 AX 10 22
CP 2 10 22 10 21.5 2.0 0.002 AX 4 10 22
CP 12 26 12 25.5 0.8 0.003 AX 12 26
CP 2 12 26 12 25.5 2.0 0.006 AX 4 12 26
CP 13 26 13 25.5 0.8 0.002 AX 13 26
CP 2 13 26 13 25.5 2.0 0.006 AX 4 13 26
CP 15 28 15 27.5 0.8 0.003 AX 15 28
CP 2 15 28 15 27.5 2.0 0.006 AX 4 15 28
CP 17 30 17 29.5 0.8 0.003 AX 17 30
CP 2 17 30 17 29.5 2.0 0.007 AX 4 17 30
CP 19 32 19 31.5 0.8 0.004 AX 19 32
CP 2 19 32 19 31.5 2.0 0.009 AX 4 19 32
CP 20 35 20 34.5 0.8 0.004 AX 20 35
CP 3 20 35 20 34.5 3.0 0.013 AX 5 20 35
CP 25 42 25 41.5 0.8 0.005 AX 25 42
CP 3 25 42 25 41.5 3.0 0.019 AX 5 25 42
27 CP 27 44 27 43.7 0.8 0.006 AX 27 44
CP 30 47 30 46.5 0.8 0.006 AX 30 47
CP 3 30 47 30 46.5 3.0 0.022 AX 5 30 47
CP 35 52 35 51.5 0.8 0.007 AX 35 52
CP 3 35 52 35 51.5 3.0 0.026 AX 5 35 52
CP 35 53 35 52.5 0.8 0.007 AX 35 53
CP 3 35 53 35 52.5 3.0 0.027 AX 5 35 53

Needle thrust bearings
AX thin and thick series
B1 B1

D DC1 Eb Ea D DC1 Eb Ea

AX thin AX thick

Designation Load ratings Speed

DC1 D B1 Eb Ea rating Weight

mm mm mm mm mm Dyn. C Stat. Co oil kg
mm AX thin series AX thick series
kN kN min-1
AX 40 60 40 60 2.8 43.0 54.9 20.40 96.00 5000 0.024
AX 5 40 60 40 60 5.0 43.0 54.9 20.40 96.00 5000 0.046
AX 45 65 45 65 2.8 48.0 59.9 21.80 109 4500 0.025
AX 5 45 65 45 65 5.0 48.0 59.9 21.80 109 4500 0.050
AX 50 70 50 70 2.8 53.3 65.7 22.50 118 4000 0.026
AX 5 50 70 50 70 5.0 53.3 65.7 22.50 118 4000 0.055
AX 55 78 55 78 2.8 58.4 72.5 28.50 164 3800 0.034
AX 6 55 78 55 78 6.0 58.4 72.5 28.50 164 3800 0.089
AX 60 85 60 85 2.8 63.5 79.2 31.50 193 3500 0.040
AX 6 60 85 60 85 6.0 63.5 79.2 31.50 193 3500 0.106
AX 3.5 65 90 65 90 3.5 68.5 84.2 33.50 210 3200 0.059
AX 6 65 90 65 90 6.0 68.5 84.2 33.50 210 3200 0.114
AX 3.5 70 95 70 95 3.5 73.5 89.2 34.50 223 3000 0.061
AX 6 70 95 70 95 6.0 73.5 89.2 34.50 223 3000 0.120
AX 3.5 75 100 75 100 3.5 78.5 94.2 36.00 240 2900 0.065
AX 6 75 100 75 100 6.0 78.5 94.2 36.00 240 2900 0.127
AX 3.5 80 105 80 105 3.5 83.5 99.2 36.50 253 2700 0.069
AX 6 80 105 80 105 6.0 83.5 99.2 36.50 253 2700 0.134
AX 3.5 85 110 85 110 3.5 88.5 104.2 38.00 270 2600 0.078
AX 6 85 110 85 110 6.0 88.5 104.2 38.00 270 2600 0.142
AX 4.5 90 120 90 120 4.5 94.2 112.9 59.00 360 2400 0.117
AX 8 90 120 90 120 8.0 94.2 112.9 59.00 360 2400 0.238
AX 4.5 100 135 100 135 4.5 104.2 127.3 73.00 490 2100 0.155
AX 9 100 135 100 135 9.0 104.2 127.3 73.00 490 2100 0.364
AX 4.5 110 145 110 145 4.5 114.2 137.3 77.00 550 2000 0.168
AX 9 110 145 110 145 9.0 114.2 137.3 77.00 550 2000 0.393
AX 4.5 120 155 120 155 4.5 124.2 147.3 80.00 590 1800 0.182
AX 9 120 155 120 155 9.0 124.2 147.3 80.00 590 1800 0.424

Thrust plates
CP thin and thick series
h h

d1 d d1 d

CP thin CP thick

Shaft Designation Thrust bearings

d d1 h Weight

mm mm mm kg
mm CP thin series CP thick series AX thin series AX thick serie

CP 40 60 40 59.5 0.8 0.009 AX 40 60

CP 3 40 60 40 59.5 3.0 0.034 AX 5 40 60
CP 45 65 45 64.4 0.8 0.010 AX 45 65
CP 3 45 65 45 64.4 3.0 0.037 AX 5 45 65
CP 50 70 50 69.4 0.8 0.011 AX 50 70
CP 3 50 70 50 69.4 3.0 0.040 AX 5 50 70
CP 55 78 55 77.4 0.8 0.014 AX 55 78
CP 4 55 78 55 77.4 4.0 0.069 AX 6 55 78
CP 60 85 60 84.3 0.8 0.017 AX 60 85
CP 4 60 85 60 84.3 4.0 0.083 AX 6 60 85
CP 1.5 65 90 65 89.3 1.5 0.033 AX 3.5 65 90
CP 4 65 90 65 89.3 4.0 0.088 AX 6 65 90
CP 1.5 70 95 70 94.3 1.5 0.034 AX 3.5 70 95
CP 4 70 95 70 94.3 4.0 0.093 AX 6 70 95
CP 1.5 75 100 75 99.3 1.5 0.037 AX 3.5 75 100
CP 4 75 100 75 99.3 4.0 0.099 AX 6 75 100
CP 1.5 80 105 80 104.3 1.5 0.039 AX 3.5 80 105
CP 4 80 105 80 104.3 4.0 0.104 AX 6 80 105
CP 1.5 85 110 85 109.3 1.5 0.047 AX 3.5 85 110
CP 4 85 110 85 109.3 4.0 0.111 AX 6 85 110
CP 1.5 90 120 90 118.8 1.5 0.052 AX 4.5 90 120
CP 5 90 120 90 118.8 5.0 0.173 AX 8 90 120
CP 1.5 100 135 100 133.8 1.5 0.068 AX 4.5 100 135
CP 6 100 135 100 133.8 6.0 0.277 AX 9 100 135
CP 1.5 110 145 110 143.8 1.5 0.075 AX 4.5 110 145
CP 6 110 145 110 143.8 6.0 0.300 AX 9 110 145
CP 1.5 120 155 120 153.8 1.5 0.081 AX 4.5 120 155
CP 6 120 155 120 153.8 6.0 0.323 AX 9 120 155

Needle thrust bearings
AX thick series

D DC1 Eb Ea

AX thick

Designation Load ratings Speed

DC1 D B1 Eb Ea rating Weight

mm mm mm mm mm Dyn. C Stat. Co oil kg
mm AX thick series
kN kN min-1
130 AX 11 130 170 130 170 11 135 161 106 710 1700 0.660
140 AX 11 140 180 140 180 11 145 171 111 770 1600 0.670
150 AX 11 150 190 150 190 11 155 181 115 830 1500 0.710
160 AX 11 160 200 160 200 11 165 191 118 870 1400 0.760
170 AX 12 170 215 170 215 12 175 207 165 1160 1300 1.000
180 AX 12 180 225 180 225 12 185 217 173 1250 1200 1.050
190 AX 14 190 240 190 240 14 196 232 230 1650 1200 1.400
200 AX 14 200 250 200 250 14 206 242 239 1730 1100 1.500
220 AX 14 220 270 220 270 14 226 262 248 1850 1000 1.600
240 AX 15 240 300 240 300 15 246 286 280 2240 900 2.300

Thrust plates
CP thick series

d1 d

CP thick

Shaft Designation Thrust bearings

d d1 h Weight

mm mm mm kg
mm CP thick series AX thick serie

130 CP 7 130 170 130 168.7 7.0 0.480 AX 11 130 170

140 CP 7 140 180 140 178.7 7.0 0.500 AX 11 140 180
150 CP 7 150 190 150 188.7 7.0 0.530 AX 11 150 190
160 CP 7 160 200 160 198.7 7.0 0.560 AX 11 160 200
170 CP 7 170 215 170 213.5 7.0 0.700 AX 12 170 215
180 CP 7 180 225 180 223.5 7.0 0.735 AX 12 180 225
190 CP 8 190 240 190 238.3 8.0 0.950 AX 14 190 240
200 CP 8 200 250 200 248.3 8.0 1.000 AX 14 200 250
220 CP 8 220 270 220 268.3 8.0 1.100 AX 14 220 270
240 CP 9 240 300 240 298.5 9.0 1.600 AX 15 240 300

Roller thrust bearings
AR light and heavy series

Eb Ea D DC1 Eb Ea

AR light series AR heavy series

Designation Load ratings Speed

DC1 D B1 Eb Ea rating Weight

mm mm mm mm mm Dyn. C Stat. Co oil kg
mm AR light series AR heavy series
kN kN min-1
10 AR 4.5 10 22 10 22 4.5 12.2 18.5 8.2 17.9 15500 0.007
12 AR 5 12 26 12 26 5 14.8 22.9 12.7 29.5 13000 0.011
15 AR 5 15 28 15 28 5 16.8 24.9 14.0 34.0 11500 0.011
17 AR 5 17 30 17 30 5 18.8 26.9 15.0 39.0 10500 0.013
20 AR 7 20 35 20 35 7 22.0 31.6 22.0 54.0 9000 0.022
AR 7 25 42 25 42 7 27.7 37.3 25.5 70.0 7500 0.031
AR 7 25 52 25 52 7 29.0 47.0 32.5 122.0 6500 0.070
AR 7 30 47 30 47 7 32.7 42.3 26.5 77.0 6500 0.036
AR 9 30 60 30 60 9 33.5 53.5 46.0 162.0 5600 0.113
AR 8 35 53.4 35 53.4 8 37.8 47.8 33.8 94.0 5500 0.052
AR 9 35 68 35 68 9 39.0 60.6 51.0 194.0 4900 0.144
AR 9 40 60.4 40 60.4 9 42.8 54.8 46.0 129.0 5000 0.070
AR 11 40 78 40 78 11 44.0 70.0 71.0 265.0 4200 0.225
AR 9 45 65.4 45 65.4 9 47.8 59.8 49.0 143.0 4500 0.077
AR 14 45 85 45 85 14 49.0 77.0 92.0 340.0 3800 0.350
AR 9 50 70.4 50 70.4 9 52.8 64.8 51.0 157.0 4000 0.082
AR 14 50 95 50 95 14 54.0 86.0 108.0 430.0 3400 0.448
AR 10 55 78.4 55 78.4 10 58.5 72.5 61.0 203.0 3800 0.125
AR 14 55 105 55 105 14 60.2 96.2 125.0 530.0 3100 0.537
AR 10 60 85.4 60 85.4 10 63.5 79.5 71.0 255.0 3500 0.150
AR 14 60 110 60 110 14 65.2 101.2 130.0 580.0 2900 0.572
AR 10 65 90.4 65 90.4 10 68.5 84.5 74.0 275.0 3200 0.160
AR 14 65 115 65 115 14 70.2 106.2 135.0 620.0 2800 0.610
AR 10 70 95.4 70 95.4 10 73.5 89.5 77.0 295.0 3000 0.170
AR 16 70 125 70 125 16 76.0 116.0 174.0 710.0 2600 0.775

Thrust plates
CP thin and thick series, CPR heavy series

h h

d d1 d d1 d d1

CP thin series CP thick series CPR heavy series

Shaft Designation Designation Designation

d d1 h Weight h Weight h Weight

mm mm CP mm kg CP mm kg CPR mm kg
Thin series Thick series Heavy series
10 10 21.5 CP 10 22 0.8 0.002 CP 2 10 22 2 0.004
12 12 25.5 CP 12 26 0.8 0.003 CP 2 12 26 2 0.006
15 15 27.5 CP 15 28 0.8 0.003 CP 2 15 28 2 0.006
17 17 29.5 CP 17 30 0.8 0.003 CP 2 17 30 2 0.007
20 20 34.5 CP 20 35 0.8 0.004 CP 3 20 35 3 0.013
25 41.5 CP 25 42 0.8 0.005 CP 3 25 42 3 0.019
25 52 CPR 4 25 52 4 0.052
30 46.5 CP 30 47 0.8 0.006 CP 3 30 47 3 0.022
30 60 CPR 5 30 60 5 0.083
35 51.5 CP 35 52 0.8 0.007 CP 3 35 52 3 0.026
35 68 CPR 5 35 68 5 0.102
40 59.5 CP 40 60 0.8 0.009 CP 3 40 60 3 0.034
40 78 CPR 6 40 78 6 0.162
45 64.4 CP 45 65 0.8 0.010 CP 3 45 65 3 0.037
45 85 CPR 8 45 85 8 0.245
50 69.4 CP 50 70 0.8 0.011 CP 3 50 70 3 0.040
50 95 CPR 8 50 95 8 0.308
55 77.4 CP 55 78 0.8 0.014 CP 4 55 78 4 0.069
55 105 CPR 8 55 105 8 0.380
60 84.3 CP 60 85 0.8 0.017 CP 4 60 85 4 0.083
60 110 CPR 8 60 110 8 0.405
65 89.3 CP 1.5 65 90 1.5 0.033 CP 4 65 90 4 0.088
65 115 CPR 8 65 115 8 0.430
70 94.3 CP 1.5 70 95 1.5 0.034 CP 4 70 95 4 0.093
70 125 CPR 8 70 125 8 0.510

Roller thrust bearings
AR light and heavy series

Eb Ea D DC1 Eb Ea

AR light series AR heavy series

Designation Load ratings Speed

DC1 D B1 Eb Ea rating Weight

mm mm mm mm mm Dyn. C Stat. Co oil kg
mm AR light series AR heavy series
kN kN min-1
AR 10 75 100.4 75 100 10 78.5 94.5 80.0 313.0 2800 0.180
AR 16 75 135 75 135 16 82.0 126.0 198.0 860.0 2400 0.893
AR 10 80 105.4 80 105 10 83.5 99.5 82.0 330.0 2700 0.190
AR 16 80 140 80 140 16 87.0 131.0 208.0 940.0 2300 0.960
85 AR 18 85 150 85 150 18 92.0 138.0 230.0 1010.0 2100 1.256
90 AR 18 90 155 90 155 18 97.0 143.0 245.0 1090.0 2000 1.330
100 AR 20 100 170 100 170 20 109.0 157.0 280.0 1250.0 1800 1.740
110 AR 24 110 190 110 190 24 118.0 178.0 365.0 1600.0 1700 2.500
120 AR 24 120 210 120 210 24 127.0 199.0 470.0 2300.0 1500 3.200
130 AR 24 130 225 130 225 24 138.0 214.0 510.0 2640.0 1400 3.600
140 AR 28 140 240 140 240 28 149.0 229.0 600.0 2980.0 1300 4.800

Thrust plates
CP thin and thick series, CPR heavy series

h h

d d1 d d1 d d1

CP thin series CP thick series CPR heavy series

Shaft Designation Designation Designation

d d1 h Weight h Weight h Weight

mm mm CP mm kg CP mm kg CPR mm kg
Thin series Thick series Heavy series
75 99.3 CP 1.5 75 100 1.5 0.037 CP 4 75 100 4 0.099
75 135 CPR 8 75 135 8 0.595
80 104.3 CP 1.5 80 105 1.5 0.039 CP 4 80 105 4 0.104
80 140 CPR 8 80 140 8 0.630
85 85 150 CPR 9 85 150 9 0.815
90 90 155 CPR 9 90 155 9 0.840
100 100 170 CPR 10 100 170 10 1.13
110 110 190 CPR 12 110 190 12 1.70
120 120 210 CPR 12 120 210 12 2.10
130 130 225 CPR 12 130 225 12 2.40
140 140 240 CPR 14 140 240 14 3.20

Roller and needle thrust bearings with
thrust plate - AXZ and ARZ light and heavy series


Dc1 Dc1 D Dc1 D

AXZ ARZ light series ARZ heavy series

Designation Load ratings Speed

d D T rating Weight

ARZ ARZ mm mm mm Dyn. C Stat. Co oil kg
mm AXZ
light series heavy series kN kN min-1
5 AXZ 5.5 5 13 5 13 5.5 3.00 5.70 25000 0.004
6 AXZ 5.5 6 14 6 14 5.5 3.15 6.35 22000 0.004
7 AXZ 5.5 7 15 7 15 5.5 3.55 7.60 22000 0.005
8 AXZ 5.5 8 16 8 16 5.5 3.70 8.30 22000 0.005
9 AXZ 5.5 9 17 9 17 5.5 4.05 9.50 19000 0.005
AXZ 6 10 22.4 10 22.4 6 5.00 10.9 15500 0.011
ARZ 6.5 10 22.4 10 22.4 6.5 8.20 17.9 15500 0.012
AXZ 6 12 26.4 12 26.4 6 6.90 17.7 13000 0.017
ARZ 7 12 26.4 12 26.4 7 12.7 29.5 13000 0.017
AXZ 6 15 28.4 15 28.4 6 7.40 20.0 11500 0.016
ARZ 7 15 28.4 15 28.4 7 14.0 34.0 11500 0.019
AXZ 6 17 30.4 17 30.4 6 7.80 22.0 10500 0.018
ARZ 7 17 30.4 17 30.4 7 15.0 39.0 10500 0.022
AXZ 8 20 35.4 20 35.4 8 11.80 39.0 9000 0.033
ARZ 10 20 35.4 20 35.4 10 22.0 54.0 9000 0.038
AXZ 8 25 43 25 43 8 13.30 49.0 7500 0.047
25 ARZ 10 25 43 25 43 10 25.5 70.0 7500 0.057
ARZ 11 25 53 25 53 11 32.5 122 6500 0.122
AXZ 8 30 48 30 48 8 14.50 57.0 6500 0.054
30 ARZ 10 30 48 30 48 10 26.5 77.0 6500 0.065
ARZ 14 30 61 30 61 14 46.0 162 5600 0.196
AXZ 8 35 54 35 54 8 18.90 84.0 5500 0.066
35 ARZ 11 35 54 35 54 11 33.8 94.0 5500 0.087
ARZ 14 35 69 35 69 14 51.0 194.0 4900 0.246

Roller and needle thrust bearings with
thrust plate - AXZ and ARZ light and heavy series


Dc1 Dc1 D Dc1 D

AXZ ARZ light series ARZ heavy series

Designation Load ratings Speed

d D T rating Weight

ARZ ARZ mm mm mm Dyn. C Stat. Co oil kg
mm AXZ
light series heavy series kN kN min-1
AXZ 8 40 61 40 61 8 20.40 96.0 5000 0.084
40 ARZ 12 40 61 40 61 12 46.0 129 5000 0.114
ARZ 17 40 79 40 79 17 71.0 265 4200 0.387
AXZ 8 45 66 45 66 8 21.80 109 4500 0.092
45 ARZ 12 45 66 45 66 12 49.0 143 4500 0.126
ARZ 22 45 86 45 86 22 92.0 340 3800 0.595
AXZ 8 50 71 50 71 8 22.50 118 4000 0.100
50 ARZ 12 50 71 50 71 12 51.0 157 4000 0.137
ARZ 22 50 96 50 96 22 108.0 430 3400 0.756
55 ARZ 22 55 106 55 106 22 125.0 530 3100 0.917
AXZ 10 60 86 60 86 10 31.50 193 3500 0.194
60 ARZ 14 60 86 60 86 14 71.0 255 3500 0.246
ARZ 22 60 111 60 111 22 130.0 580 2900 0.977
65 ARZ 22 65 116 65 116 22 135.0 620 2800 1.040
AXZ 10 70 96 70 96 10 34.50 223 3000 0.220
ARZ 14 70 96 70 96 14 77.0 295 3000 0.279
AXZ 10 80 106 80 106 10 36.50 253 2700 0.256
ARZ 14 80 106 80 106 14 82.0 330 2700 0.312

Technical features
Types of combined bearings
Nadella combined needle bearings type RAX and The operation of the thrust bearing and the needle cage
derivatives are designed to support simultaneously independent of one another precludes any interaction
both a radial and an axial load. harmful to precise axial and radial rotation. Axial
They comprise a needle thrust bearing (or roller thrust expansion of the shaft, for example, will have no effect
bearing) and needle cage retained in a common outer on the accuracy of the radial component.
ring. The bearings can be used without inner rings or thrust
The technical characteristics of the thrust bearing and plates, if the shaft journals serving as raceways are
the needle cage are set out in the appropriate sections. of sufficient hardness and possess a suitable surface
These bearings form one integral unit permitting easy finish. Hardness of 58-64 HRC will ensure that the full
storage, handling and fitting. Their high radial and axial capacity of these bearings is attained.
load capacities and small space requirement enable Lower hardness figures will entail a reduction in the
cost effective solutions to be achieved. static and dynamic capacities (both axial and radial)
Calculations for combined bearings are carried out as shown in the tables of dimensions (see Technical
taking the axial component and the radial component Section).
separately without transforming the axial load into an
equivalent radial load.

Standard combined bearings

RAX700 RAX400 RAX500


Technical features
Types of combined bearings
Combined bearings type RAX 700 and RAXF 700 With roller thrust
With needle thrust bearing
Combined bearings type RAX 700 possess a one- bearing
piece outer ring formed from thin sheet steel accurately
Thin outer ring Thick outer ring Thick outer ring
controlled and hardened by suitable heat treatment.
The shape of this outer ring prevents weakness in Closed-
Without With Without With
the area between the axial component and the radial open retained retained retained retained
thrust Plate thrust plate thrust plate thrust plate
component, even after the latter has been tightly fitted
into a housing. Bearings
700 700 400 400 500 500
This type of combined bearing is inexpensive and
occupies little space, thus providing a very economical Separate
CP thick CP thick
solution. Because they are easy to use and can be fitted thrust CP thick or thin
or thin or thin
rapidly, they are often employed in preference to an
arrangement with two separate needle bearings. Inner
Closed-end combined bearings type RAXF 700 ensure rings (1) JR JR JR
perfect sealing at the end of a shaft and do not require
(1) lnner rings with oil hole type JR...JS1 on request.
the use of blind housings or end caps.
Machine-tool quality combined bearings types
Standard combined bearings type RAX 400 and RAX RAXN 400, RAXN 500, and derivatives
500 The combined bearings in the RAXN 400 and RAXN
Combined needle bearings type RAX 400 and RAX 500 series are manufactured to the same dimensions
500 comprise a thrust plate and an outer ring machined as the RAX 400 and RAX 500 series in higher precision
separately and joined by a strong metal insert. with respect to out-of- roundness and thickness of the
This arrangement prevents localised stresses and rings and axial run-out of the thrust bearing. These
weakness in the area between the two components, bearings, which are also available with retained thrust
thus eliminating the risk of damage during mounting or plate RAXNPZ 400 and RAXNZ 500, are particularly
operation. recommended for use in drilling machine spindles.

Although combined bearings type RAX 700 should be With needle thrust bearing With roller thrust bearing
considered first on grounds of economy, combined
With With
bearings with thick outer ring type RAX 400 or RAX Without Without
retained retained
thrust plate thrust plate
500 should be used when operating conditions require thrust plate thrust plate
higher limit loads or greater rotational accuracy. Bearings RAXN 400 RAXNPZ 400 RAXN 500 RAXNZ 500
Moreover, they can be supplied in machine-tool quality
type RAXN. thrust plates

Standard combined bearings type RAXPZ 400 and IM 19 000

Inner ring IM 20 600
IM 20 600
RAXZ 500
These bearings have an incorporated thrust plate
retained by a steel ring set on the thrust plate. They
are better protected against the introduction of dust
and metal particles and are therefore recommended for
spindles of drilling machines.

Technical features
Types of combined bearings
TOLERANCES OF COMBINED BEARINGS ISO Standard 1206 (see table on page 219).
Combined bearings types RAX 700 and RAXF 700 Out-of-roundness: Precision class 5 according to ISO
Because types RAX 700 and RAXF 700 have an outer Standard 492 (DIN 620) (see table on page 219).
ring formed from thin sheet steel, the radial component
of these bearings can only be inspected using a lnner rings IM 19000 and IM 20600:
ring-gauge having sufficient thickness to withstand inner diameter d: 0/-0,010mm
deformation and with a bore ground with great accuracy. outer diameter F: 0/ -0,005 mm
The diameters of the ring-gauge and the "GO" and "NO- width B: 01/ -0,130 mm up to d = 40 mm
GO" plug-gauges are identical to those given on page 0/ -0,160 mm for d > 40 mm
58 in the inspection table for caged needle bushes type
DL having identical inner and outer diameters. out-of-roundness: 0.005 mm.

Thickness tolerance of the axial component C1: ± 0,1 mm s!XIALCOMPONENT

Thickness C1: 0/ -0,012 mm
Standard combined bearings type RAX 400, RAX 500 Axial run-out: 0,005 mm
and derivatives
s2ADIALCOMPONENT Thickness h: selected to obtain tolerance h8 on total
Diameter under the needles Fw: tolerance F6 (ISO thickness (h + C1)
Standard 1206). Axial run-out: 0,005 mm.

Normal tolerance class RADIAL PLAY

Outer diameter D
according to ISO Combined bearings types RAX 700, RAXF 700
Standard 1206 (see table The fit of a combined bearing with thin outer ring in the
lnner rings JR
on page 219). housing determines, to a large extent, the dimension
under the needles and consequently the radial play
s!XIALCOMPONENT during operation.
Thickness C1: + 0,05/ - 0,06 mm The recommended shaft and housing tolerances give
Axial run-out max: 0,01 mm a radial play whose limits are suitable tor most normal
applications. To obtain a closer clearance, it is possible
Thin thrust plates to match the shaft diameters with the diameters under
Thick thrust
Tolerance Intermal ∅ Intermal ∅ plates the needles of the bearings, after the latter have been
d ≤ 60 mm d > 60 mm mm fitted into their housings.
The possible differences in the stiffness of housings
Thickness h ± 0,030 (1) h ± 0,050 (2) h ± 0,050
and the variations of clamping force resulting from the
Max axial
0,020 (1) 0,025 (2) 0,005 tolerance build up do not permit to establish a range
of dimensions under the needles for every application.
(1) Under minimum load of 150 N - (2) Under minimum load of 250 N However, for housings of very thick steel, taking into
account the probable restraining force, the variations of
Machine-tool quality combined bearings types the dimensions under the needles after installation will
RAXN 400, RAXN 500 and derivatives be within the tolerances
given below:
s2ADIAICOMPONENT + 15/ + 50 μm up to Fw 20 mm
Diameter under the needles FW: tolerance F6 (ISO + 20/ + 60 μm up to Fw = 25 a Fw = 40 mm
Standard 1206). + 20/ + 65 μm up to Fw = 45 mm

Outer diameter D: Normal tolerance class according to

Technical features
Types of combined bearings
The limits of radial play should also take into account Tolerance of diameter under
Nominal dimension the needles
the tolerance of the shaft used directly as a raceway or
Fw F5
of the outer diameter of the inner ring after it has been mm μm
fitted on to the shaft.
Where an inner ring is used on a shaft of recommended above to
tolerance k5 (or m5), the minimum play may be slightly da 6 a 10 +13/+19
lower and the maximum play slightly higher than for the da 10 a 18 +16/+24
da 18 a 30 +20/+29
case of an assembly without inner ring on a shaft with
da 30 a 50 +25/+36
tolerance h5. da 50 a 80 +30/+43

Standard combined bearings type RAX 400, 500 and

The radial play of these bearings when used without The radial play prior to installation of machine-tool
inner rings is the difference between the diameter quality combined bearings results from tolerance F5 on
under the needles, which is kept within tolerance F6, the diameter under the needles and tolerance 0/-0.005
and the diameter of the shaft which is machined to the mm on the outer diameter Fw of inner ring IM 19000 or
recommended tolerances. IM 20600.
This type of combined bearing without inner ring can be
supplied having a diameter under the needles selected
in the lower half of tolerance F6 (suffix TB) or in the SHAFT AND HOUSING TOLERANCES
upper half (suffix TC) according to the table below.
Shaft Housing
Tolerance of diameter under
Nominal dimension the needles Dimension D
Quota Fw per Dimension d
Fw Normal F6 TB TC Combined
mm μm μm μm
cuscinetti senza for bearings with Non-ferrous
bearings anello interno inner ring Steel or
metal (1) or
above to thin castings
da 6 a 10 +13/+22 +13/+18 + 17/+22 Rotation Oscillation Rotation Oscillation in steel
da 10 a 18 +16/+27 +16/+22 +21/+27
da 18 a 30 +20/+33 +20/+27 +26/+33 RAX, RAXF 700
da 30 a 50 +25/+41 +25/+33 +33/+41 h5 (h6) j5 (j6) k5 (k6) m5 (m6) H6 (H7) M6 (M7)
da 50 a 80 +30/+49 +30/+40 +39/+49 RAX, RAXPZ,
h5 j5 k5 m5 K6 M6
RAXZ series
400 and 500
The radial play prior to installation of standard
combined bearings with inner ring is in conformance k5 k5 k5 m5 K6 M6
RAXNZ series
with the normal group of ISO Standard 5753. The 400 and 500
closely controlled play provided by this standard can be
provided on request. 1) lf a housing of non-ferrous metal reaches temperatures considerably
higher (or lower) than 20°C, account should be taken of the difference
in expansion (or contraction) of the outer race of the bearing and
Machine-tool quality combined bearings types suitable adjustments to the fits should be made.
RAXN 400, 500 and derivatives
"EARINGSWITHOUTINNERRING The cylindrical tolerance defined as the difference in radii of two
coaxial cylinders (ISO Standard 1101) should normally be less than a
The radial play prior to installation of machine-tool quarter of the manufacturing tolerance.
quality combined bearings results from tolerance F5 on
However, for high precision or high speed applications, it is advisable
the diameter under the needles, possibly in selection TB to restrict this tolerance to the one-eighth of the manufacturing
or TC, and tolerances k5 on the diameter of the shaft. tolerance.

Technical features
Types of combined bearings
The bearing shoulder must be a flat face at right angles
to the housing axis, otherwise axial precision will be RAX and RAXF 700: see page 162.
affected and the smooth running characteristics of the RAX 400 (or 500) and RAXPZ 400 (or RAXZ 500): see
thrust bearing will be diminished. page 163.
Similarly, the shaft shoulder, on which the needles of RAXN 400 (or 500) and RAXNPZ 400 (or RAXNZ 500):
the thrust bearing rotate or on which the thrust plate is the typical applications for these machine-tool quality
combined bearings used without inner ring and with or
supported, must be flat and square to the axis.
without thick thrust plate are identical to those for the
The deviation from true parallelism between the two
corresponding standard combined bearings (see page
supporting faces must be no more than:
a combined bearing with thrust plate. The special inner rings (series 19000 or 20600) designed
sIN CORRESPONDINGTOANANGLEOF FOR for machine-tool quality combined bearings are of
a combined bearing without thrust plate. sufficient width to permit centring of the thrust plate and
In the case of an assembly where neither thrust plate thus eliminate the need for a shaft shoulder.
nor inner ring is used, the shaft journal on which the
needle rotate must have sufficient hardness, i.e. 58-64
HRC to ensure maximum load capacities are attained. min=Ea
lf the shaft shoulder is used directly as a raceway for
the needles of the thrust bearing or, if it supports a thin
thrust plate (thickness 0.8 or 1.5 mm), it must be rigid
and continuous throughout the area of circulation of the
needles bounded by dimensions Eb and Ea.
A thick thrust plate can be supported on a smaller shaft
shoulder or on one that is discontinuous (as in the case L-2mm
of splines), provided the deflection of the plate does not
affect the smooth running or required accuracy of the
thrust bearing. Fw (h8)

The bearing must be correctly aligned with the housing.
lt is wise to use a small press fitted with a mandrel having
a supporting face square to the axis and covering the
whole area bounded by dimensions Eb and Ea. This
method prevents the thrust component from undergoing
shock load which might damage the bearing.
When RAX or RAXF 700 bearings are placed in position
during installation care must be taken to ensure that the
force exerted by the press does not exceed the axial
limit load shown in the table of dimensions.
The fitting of inner rings on shafts manufactured to the
recommended tolerances is usually sufficient to render
the use of retaining rings unnecessary. However, if it
is necessary to employ a ring to support an adjacent
pinion, this ring must have an outer diameter slightly
smaller than dimension Fw to enable it to pass smoothly
into the bearing when the shaft is introduced.

Technical features
Types of combined bearings
When the applied axial loads are relatively high and the Calculations for combined bearings are carried out
application allows the use of oil as the desired method taking the axial component and the radial component
of lubrication, bearing types RAX 500 should be given separately without transforming the axial load into an
consideration. Combined bearings with a dust cap may equivalent radial load.
use oil lubrication, although their design makes them For the meaning of the Load Ratings in the tables of
better suited for use with grease lubrication. combined bearings RAX 400, RAX 500 and derivatives,
Combined bearings are typically shipped protected with see the Technical Section.
a corrosion preventive compound that is not a lubricant. Combined bearings type RAX700 and RAXF700 has a
The bearings may be used in oil or grease lubricated limitation for the maximum axial permissible load, both
applications, without removal of the corrosion- axial and radial, because are made in thin outer ring.
preventive compound. However, it may be advisable Limit loads are in the table on page 165.
to remove the corrosion-preventive compound before
packing the bearings (with a suitable grease) to obtain
optimum grease performance and to minimize the
possibility of confusing grease bearings with bearings
containing corrosion preventive.

Methods of installation for combined
bearings RAX and RAXF 700

1 1

Ea min


(1) Chamfer: 0,5 to 1 mm up to RAX (or RAXF) 720
0,7 to 1,5 mm from RAX (or RAXF) 725
712 714 715 718 720 725 730 735 740 745
r max.
0.75 1 1.8 1 0.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.5 0.5

h C
h C

C+h-2 C+h-2

Ea min



h C
h C

C+h-2 C+h-2


1 B h-0.2 B
max max

Da+0.5 min

Ea min
Da+0.5 min Da+0.5 min
Da+0.5 min
Ea min Ea min



r: 0.5 max

Fw D
Fw Fw

Da+0.5 min

Da+0.5 min Da+0.5 min


Fw(h10) Fw(h10)



d d
RAX 400 and 500, RAXPZ 400 and RAXZ 500
Methods of installation for combined bearings

Combined bearings RAX 700

sOPEN2!8 C1

RAXF 700 Da Ea E b Fw D Da Ea E b Fw D


RAX 700 RAXF 700

Designations Load ratings kN

Fw D C Da Eb Ea C1 L
∅ RAX 700 RAXF 700 Radial Axial
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
mm series series Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. C Stat. Co
5 RAX 705 5 9 11 15.5 7.2 11.2 3.3 – 2.15 1.95 3.15 6.35
12 RAX 712 RAXF 712 12 18 14.2 27.5 15 22.6 4.2 13.2 6.30 7.20 6.90 17.7
14 RAX 714 RAXF 714 14 20 14.2 29.5 17 24.6 4.2 13.2 6.90 8.50 7.40 20.0
15 RAX 715 RAXF 715 15 21 14.2 31.5 19 26.6 4.2 13.2 7.40 9.30 7.80 22.0
18 RAX 718 RAXF 718 18 24 18.2 33.5 21 28.6 4.2 17.2 11.5 17.7 8.00 23.0
20 RAX 720 RAXF 720 20 26 18.2 36.5 22 31.6 4.2 17.2 12.2 19.5 11.8 39.0
25 RAX 725 RAXF 725 25 33 22.2 45.5 30 39.6 4.2 21.2 20.5 32.0 13.7 52.0
30 RAX 730 RAXF 730 30 38 22.2 50.5 35 44.7 4.2 21.2 22.3 37.5 14.9 60.0
35 RAX 735 35 43 22.2 56.5 39 50.9 4.2 21.2 24.5 45.0 19.4 88.0
40 RAX 740 RAXF 740 40 48 22.2 61.5 43 54.9 4.2 21.2 26.2 51.0 20.4 96.0
45 RAX 745 45 52 22.2 66.5 48 59.9 4.2 21.2 24.8 55.0 21.8 109

C1 C1

Da Ea E b Fw D Da Ea E b Fw D

RAX 700 RAXF 700

Limit Loads kN Weight Inspection Thrust plate

Speed Shaft
rating Housing GO plug- NO-GO plug- Inner ring ∅
Radial Axial min-1 ∅ gauges gauges Thin Thick mm
Kg Kg
mm mm mm
0.74 3.5 25000 0.005 9.000 5.009 5.036 5
2.5 11 13000 0.017 0.018 18.000 12.009 12.035 JR 8x12x12.5 CP 12 26 CP 2 12 26 12
2.9 12.5 11500 0.018 0.020 20.000 14.009 14.035 JR 10x14x12 CP 14 26 CP 2 14 26 14
3.1 14 10500 0.020 0.022 21.000 15.009 15.035 JR 12x15x12.5 CP 15 28 CP 2 15 28 15
5.8 16 10000 0.027 0.030 24.000 18.009 18.035 JR 15x18x16.5 CP 18 30 CP 2 18 30 18
6.4 18 9000 0.031 0.035 26.000 20.009 20.035 JR 15x20x16 CP 20 35 CP 3 20 35 20
10.5 22 7200 0.055 0.060 33.000 25.015 25.041 JR 20x25x20.5 CP 25 42 CP 3 25 42 25
12 25 6300 0.063 0.070 38.000 30.015 30.041 JR 25x30x20.5 CP 30 47 CP 3 30 47 30
14.3 27 5500 0.075 0.084 43.000 35.015 35.041 JR 30x35x20.5 CP 35 52 CP 3 35 52 35
16 30 5000 0.086 0.096 48.000 40.015 40.041 JR 35x40x20.5 CP 40 60 CP 3 40 60 40
17 32 4500 0.088 0.099 52.000 45.015 45.041 JR 40x45x20.5 CP 45 65 CP 3 45 65 45

Combined bearings RAX 400 – RAX 500

Machine-tool C1 C
C2 C1 C2
quality combined rs

RAXN 400,
RAXN 500 Da Ea Eb Fw D Da Ea Eb Fw D


RAX 400 - RAXN 400 RAX 500 - RAXN 500

Shaft Designations
Fw C D Da Eb Ea C1 C2 rs min
∅ RAX 400 RAX 500 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
mm series series
RAX 410 10 19 19 22 12 18.6 5 6 0.35
RAX 510 10 19.5 19 22 12.2 18.5 5.5 6 0.35
RAX 412 12 19 21 26 15 22.6 5 6 0. 35
RAX 512 12 20 21 26 22.9 14.8 6 6 0.35
RAX 415 15 19 24 28 17 24.6 5 6 0.35
RAX 515 15 20 24 28 16.8 24.9 6 6 0.35
RAX 417 17 21 26 30 19 26.6 5 8 0.65
RAX 517 17 22 26 30 18.8 26.9 6 8 0.65
RAX 420 20 24 30 35 22 31.6 6 9 0.85
RAX 520 20 26 30 35 22 31.6 8 9 0.85
RAX 425 25 24 37 42 27.7 37.4 6 9 0.85
RAX 525 25 26 37 42 27.7 37.4 8 9 0.85
RAX 430 30 24 42 47 32.7 42.4 6 9 0.85
RAX 530 30 26 42 47 32.7 42.3 8 9 0.85
RAX 435 35 24 47 53 37.2 49 6 9 0.85
RAX 535 35 27 47 53.4 37.8 47.8 9 9 0.85
RAX 440 40 24 52 60 43 54.9 6 9 0.85
RAX 540 40 28 52 60.4 54.8 42.8 10 9 0.85
RAX 445 45 24 58 65 48 59.9 6 9 0.85
RAX 545 45 28 58 65.4 47.8 59.8 10 9 0.85
RAX 450 50 27 62 70 53.3 65.7 6 11 1.3
RAX 550 50 31 62 70.4 52.8 64.8 10 11 1.3
RAX 460 60 28 72 85 63.5 79.2 7 11 1.3
RAX 560 60 32 72 85.4 63.5 79.5 11 11 1.3
RAX 470 70 28 85 95 73.5 89.2 7 11 1.3
RAX 570 70 32 85 95.4 73.5 89.5 11 11 1.3

C1 C
C2 C1 C2

Da Ea Eb Fw D Da Ea Eb Fw D

RAX 400 - RAXN 400 RAX 500 - RAXN 500

Load Ratings kN Speed Thrust plate Shaft

Weight Inner
Radial Axial Rating ∅
kg ring
Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. C Stat. Co min-1 Thin Thick mm

5.90 7.16 5.00 10.9 15500 0.025 JR 7x10x16 CP 10 22 CP 2 10 22

5.90 7.16 8.20 17.9 15500 0.026 JR 7x10x16 CP 10 22 CP 2 10 22
6.78 9.03 7.10 18.5 13000 0.032 JR 9x12x16 CP 12 26 CP 2 12 26
6.78 9.03 12.7 29.5 13000 0.033 JR 9x12x16 CP 12 26 CP 2 12 26
9.66 12.6 7.60 20.8 11500 0.034 JR 12x15x16 CP 15 28 CP 2 15 28
9.66 12.6 14.0 34.0 11500 0.036 JR 12x15x16 CP 15 28 CP 2 15 28
11.8 16.3 8.10 23.0 10500 0.041 JR 14x17x17 CP 17 30 CP 2 17 30
11.8 16.3 15.0 39.0 10500 0.044 JR 14x17x17 CP 17 30 CP 2 17 30
14.8 23.7 11.8 39.0 9000 0.066 JR 17x20x20 CP 20 35 CP 3 20 35
14.8 23.7 22.0 54.0 9000 0.070 JR 17x20x20 CP 20 35 CP 3 20 35
15.1 26.2 13.3 49.0 7500 0.099 JR 20x25x20 CP 25 42 CP 3 25 42
15.1 26.2 25.5 70.0 7500 0.105 JR 20x25x20 CP 25 42 CP 3 25 42
20.2 34.6 14.5 57.0 6500 0.111 JR 25x30x20 CP 30 47 CP 3 30 47
20.2 34.6 26.5 77.0 6500 0.118 JR 25x30x20 CP 30 47 CP 3 30 47
22.1 40.8 18.9 84.0 5500 0.130 JR 30x35x20 CP 35 52 CP 3 35 52
22.1 40.8 33.8 94.0 5500 0.146 JR 30x35x20 CP 35 52 CP 3 35 52
23.8 47.0 20.4 96.0 5000 0.150 JR 35x40x20 CP 40 60 CP 3 40 60
23.8 47.0 46.0 129.0 5000 0.174 JR 35x40x20 CP 40 60 CP 3 40 60
24.9 51.8 21.8 109.0 4500 0.179 JR 40x45x20 CP 45 65 CP 3 45 65
24.9 51.8 49.0 143.0 4500 0.206 JR 40x45x20 CP 45 65 CP 3 45 65
30.2 68.5 22.5 118.0 4000 0.205 JR 45x50x25 CP 50 70 CP 3 50 70
30.2 68.5 51.0 157.0 4000 0.232 JR 45x50x25 CP 50 70 CP 3 50 70
31.9 78.1 31.5 193.0 3500 0.282 JR 55x60x25 CP 60 85 CP 4 60 85
31.9 78.1 71.0 255.0 3500 0.327 JR 55x60x25 CP 60 85 CP 4 60 85
36.1 84.7 34.5 223.0 3000 0.386 JR 60x70x25 CP 1.5 70 95 CP 4 70 95
36.1 84.7 77.0 295.0 3000 0.435 JR 60x70x25 CP 1.5 70 95 CP 4 70 95

Combined bearings with incorporated
thrust plate RAXPZ 400 – RAXZ 500
Machine-tool C1 C2 C1
quality combined rs

RAXNZ 500 Da dw Fw D Da dw Fw D


RAXPZ400 - RAXNPZ 400 RAXZ 500 - RAXNZ 500

Shaft Designations
Fw D C da Da C1 C2 rs min
∅ RAXPZ 400 RAXZ 500 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
mm series series
RAXPZ 410 10 19 21 10 22.4 7 6 0.35
RAXZ 510 10 19 21.5 10 22.4 7.5 6 0.35
RAXPZ 412 12 21 21 12 26.4 7 6 0.35
RAXZ 512 12 21 22 12 26.4 8 6 0.35
RAXPZ 415 15 24 21 15 28.4 7 6 0.35
RAXZ 515 15 24 22 15 28.4 8 6 0.35
RAXPZ 417 17 26 23 17 30.4 7 8 0.65
RAXZ 517 17 26 24 17 30.4 8 8 0.65
RAXPZ 420 20 30 27 20 35.4 9 9 0.85
RAXZ 520 20 30 29 20 35.4 11 9 0.85
RAXPZ 425 25 37 27 25 43 9 9 0.85
RAXZ 525 25 37 29 25 43 11 9 0.85
RAXPZ 430 30 42 27 30 48 9 9 0.85
RAXZ 530 30 42 29 30 48 11 9 0.85
RAXPZ 435 35 71 27 35 54 9 9 0.85
RAXZ 535 35 47 30 35 54 12 9 0.85
RAXPZ 440 40 52 27 40 61 9 9 0.85
RAXZ 540 40 52 31 40 61 13 9 0.85
RAXPZ 445 45 58 27 45 66 9 9 0.85
RAXZ 545 45 58 31 45 66 13 9 0.85
RAXPZ 450 50 62 30 50 71 9 11 1.3
RAXZ 550 50 62 34 50 71 13 11 1.3
RAXPZ 460 60 72 32 60 86 11 11 1.3
RAXZ 560 60 72 36 60 86 15 11 1.3
RAXPZ 470 70 85 32 70 96 11 11 1.3
RAXZ 570 70 85 36 70 96 15 11 1.3

C1 C2 C1 C2

Da dw Fw D Da dw Fw D

RAXPZ400 - RAXNPZ 400 RAXZ 500 - RAXNZ 500

Load Ratings kN Speed Shaft

Radial Axial rating ∅
Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. C Stat. Co min-1 mm

5.9 7.2 5 10.9 15500 0.029

5.9 7.2 8.2 17.9 15500 0.031
6.8 9 7.1 18.5 13000 0.038
6.8 9 12.7 29.5 13000 0.039
9.66 12.6 7.6 20.8 11500 0.040
9.66 12.6 14 34 11500 0.044
11.8 16.3 8.1 23 10500 0.048
11.8 16.3 15 39 10500 0.053
14.8 23.7 11.8 39 9000 0.079
14.8 23.7 22 54 9000 0.086
15.1 26.2 13.3 49 7500 0.118
15.1 26.2 25.5 70 7500 0.131
20.2 34.6 14.5 57 6.500 0.133
20.2 34.6 26.5 77 6.500 0.147
22.1 40.8 18.9 84 5.500 0.157
22.1 40.8 33.8 94 5.500 0.181
23.8 47 20.4 96 5.000 0.184
23.8 47 46 129 5.000 0.218
24.9 51.8 21.8 109 4.500 0.216
24.9 51.8 49 143 4.500 0.255
30.2 68.5 22.5 118 4.000 0.245
30.2 68.5 51 157 4.000 0.287
31.9 78.1 31.5 193 3.500 0.365
31.9 78.1 71 255 3.500 0.423
36.1 84.7 34.5 223 3.000 0.479
36.1 84.7 77 295 3.000 0.545

Thrust plates for standard combined
h h
CP thin and thick series

d1 d d1 d

CP thin CP thick

Shaft Designations For combined bearings

d d1 h Weight
∅ CP CF RAX 700
mm mm mm g RAX 400 RAX 500
mm Thin series Thick series RAXF 700
CP 10 22 10 21.5 0.8 1.7
10 RAX 410 RAX 510
CP 2 10 22 10 21.5 2 4.3
CP 12 26 12 25.5 0.8 2.5
12 RAX, RAXF 712 RAX 412 RAX 512
CP 2 12 26 12 25.5 2 6.2
CP 14 26 14 25.5 0.8 2.3
14 RAX, RAXF 714
CP 2 14 26 14 25.5 2 5.6
CP 15 28 15 27.5 0.8 2.8
15 RAX, RAXF 715 RAX 415 RAX 515
CP 2 15 28 15 27.5 2 6
CP 17 30 17 29.5 0.8 2.5
17 RAX 417 RAX 517
CP 2 17 30 17 29.5 2 7
CP 18 30 18 29.5 0.8 2.3
18 RAX, RAXF 718
CP 2 18 30 18 29.5 2 5.7
CP 20 35 20 34.5 0.8 3.8
20 RAX, RAXF 720 RAX 420 RAX 520
CP 3 20 35 20 34.5 3 13
CP 25 42 25 41.5 0.8 5.3
25 RAX, RAXF725 RAX425 RAX 525
CP 3 25 42 25 41.5 3 19
CP 30 47 30 46.5 0.8 6
30 RAX, RAXF 730 RAX 430 RAX 530
CP 3 30 47 30 46.5 3 22
CP 35 52 35 51.5 0.8 7
35 RAX, RAXF 735 RAX 435 RAX 535
CP 3 35 52 35 51.5 3 26
CP 40 60 40 59.5 0.8 9.3
40 RAX, RAXF 740 RAX 440 RAX 540
CP 3 40 60 40 59.5 3 34
CP 45 65 45 64.4 0.8 10
45 RAX, RAXF 745 RAX 445 RAX 545
CP 3 45 65 45 64.4 3 37
CP 50 70 50 69.4 0.8 11
50 RAX 450 RAX 550
CP 3 50 70 50 69.4 3 40
CP 60 85 60 84.3 0.8 17
60 RAX 460 RAX 560
CP 4 60 85 60 84.3 4 83
CP 1.5 70 95 70 94.3 1.5 32
70 RAX 470 RAX 570
CP 4 70 95 70 94.3 4 93

Inner rings for standard combined bearings

JR standard series B

d F


Designations For combined bearings

d F B r Weight
∅ RAX 700 RAX 400 RAX 500
JR series JR series mm mm mm mm g
mm RAXF 700 RAXPZ 400 RAXZ 500

7 JR 7x10x16 7 10 16 0.2 4.8 RAX 410 RAX 510

8 JR 8x12x12,5 8 12 12.5 0.3 5.8 RAX 712
9 JR 9x12x16 9 12 16 0.2 5.9 RAX 412 RAX 512
10 JR 10x14x12 10 14 12 0.3 7 RAX 714
JR 12x15x12,5 12 15 12.5 0.2 5.8 RAX 715
JR 12x15x16 12 15 16 0.2 7.6 RAX 415 RAX 515
13 JR 15x18x16,5 13 18 16.5 0.35 15 RAX 718
14 JR 14x17x17 14 17 17 0.2 9.3 RAX 417 RAX 517
JR 15x20 16 15 20 16 0.35 17 RAX 720
JR 17x20x20 15 20 20 0.35 20.5 RAX 420 RAX 520
JR 20x25x20 20 25 20 0.35 32 RAX 425 RAX 525
JR 20x25x20,5 20 25 20.5 0.35 33 RAX 725
JR 25x30x20 25 30 20 0.35 32 RAX 430 RAX 530
JR 25x30x20,5 25 30 20.5 0.35 33 RAX 730
JR 30x35x20 30 35 20 0.35 38 RAX 435 RAX 535
JR 30x35x20,5 30 35 20.5 0.35 39 RAX 735
JR 35x40x20 35 40 20 0.35 44 RAX 440 RAX 540
JR 35x40x20,5 35 40 20.5 0.35 45 RAX 740
JR 40x45x20 40 45 20 0.35 50 RAX 445 RAX 545
JR 40x45x20,5 40 45 20.5 0.35 51 RAX 745
45 JR 45x50x25 45 50 25 0.65 69 RAX 450 RAX 550
55 JR 55x60x25 55 60 25 0.65 84 RAX 460 RAX 560
60 JR 60x70x25 60 70 25 0.85 190 RAX 470 RAX 570

Thrust plates for machine-tool quality
combined bearings
CPN series for
RAXN 400 and RAXN 500

d1 d


Centred Designations
On inner d d1 h Weight
On shaft CPN CPN mm mm mm kg
∅ mm Standard series Supplementary series
∅ mm
CPN 2 10 22 10 21.5 2 0.0043
10 CPN 2,5 10 22 10 21.7 2.5 0.005
CPN 4 10 22 10 21.7 4 0.009
CPN 2 12 26 12 25.5 2 0.0062
12 CPN 3 12 26 12 25.7 3 0.0095
CPN 4 12 26 12 25.7 4 0.012
CPN 2 15 28 15 27.5 2 0.006
15 CPN 4 15 28 15 27.7 4 0.013
CPN 7 15 28 15 27.7 7 0.024
CPN 2 17 30 17 29.5 2 0.007
17 CPN 4 17 30 17 29.7 4 0.014
CPN 7 17 30 17 29.7 7 0.025
CPN 3 20 35 20 34.5 3 0.013
CPN 5 20 35 20 34.7 5 0.024
CPN 3 25 42 25 41.5 3 0.019
CPN 5 25 42 25 41.77 5 0.033
CPN 3 30 47 30 46.5 3 0.022
CPN 5 30 47 30 46.7 5 0.037
CPN 3 35 52 35 51.5 3 0.026
CPN 4 35 52 35 52 4 0.034
40 CPN 3 40 60 40 59.5 3 0.034
45 CPN 3 45 65 45 64.4 3 0.037
50 CPN 3 50 70 50 69.4 3 0.040
60 CPN 4 60 85 60 84.3 4 0.083
70 CPN 4 70 95 70 94.3 4 0.093

Inner ring for machine-tool quality
combined bearings

IM 19000 and IM 20600
series for r

RAXN 400 and RAXN 500 d F


d F B Weight
∅ IM 19 000 IM 20 600 mm mm mm kg
mm series series

IM 19 017 17 20 27.5 0.019

IM 20 617 17 20 31.5 0.021
IM 19 020 20 25 27.5 0.038
IM 20 620 20 25 31.5 0.044
IM 19 025 25 30 27.5 0.042
IM 20 625 25 30 31.5 0.048
IM 19 030 30 35 27.5 0.055
IM 20 630 30 35 31.5 0.063
IM 19 035 35 40 27.5 0.063
IM 20 635 35 40 31.5 0.072
IM 19 040 40 45 27.5 0.069
IM 20 640 40 45 31.5 0.08
IM 19 045 45 50 30.5 0.085
IM 20 645 45 50 34.5 0.096
IM 19 050 50 60 32.5 0.208
IM 20 650 50 60 38.5 0.25
IM 19 060 60 70 32.5 0.247
IM 20 660 60 70 39.5 0.30

Bearing assemblies

Combined bearings, a a

thrust plates, inner rings

quality series
RAXN, RAXNPZ 400, a a


Combined bearings and Combined bearings with a

Inner rings
separate thrust plates retained thrust plates mm

IM 19 017 0.5
RAXN 420 + CPN 3 20 35 RAXNPZ 420
IM 20 617 4.5
RAXN 420 + CPN 5 20 35 IM 20 617 2.5
RAXN 520 + CPN 3 20 35 IM 20 617 2.5
RAXN 520 + CPN 5 20 35 IM 20 617 0.5
IM 19 020 0.5
RAXN 425 + CPN 3 25 42 RAXNPZ 425
IM 20 620 4.5
RAXN 425 + CPN 5 25 42 IM 20 620 2.5
RAXN 525 + CPN 3 25 42 IM 20 620 2.5
RAXN 525 + CPN 5 25 42 IM 20 620 0.5
IM 19 025 0.5
RAXN 430 + CPN 3 30 47 RAXNPZ 430
IM 20 625 4.5
RAXN 430 + CPN 5 30 47 IM 20 625 2.5
RAXN 530 + CPN 3 30 47 IM 20 625 2.5
RAXN 530 + CPN 5 30 47 IM 20 625 0.5
IM 19 030 0.5
RAXN 435 + CPN 3 35 52 RAXNPZ 435
IM 20 630 4.5
RAXN 435 + CPN 4 35 52 IM 20 630 3.5
RAXN 535 + CPN 3 35 52 IM 20 630 1.5
RAXN 535 + CPN 4 35 52 IM 20 630 0.5

Bearing assemblies

Combined bearings, a a

thrust plates, inner rings

quality series
RAXN, RAXNPZ 400, a a

Combined bearings and Combined bearings with a

Inner rings
separate thrust plates retained thrust plates mm

IM 19 035 0.5
RAXN 440 + CPN 3 40 60 RAXNPZ 440
IM 20 635 4.5
RAXN 540 + CPN 3 40 60 RAXNZ 540 IM 20 635 0.5
IM 19 040 0.5
RAXN 445 + CPN 3 45 65 RAXNPZ 445
IM 20 640 4.5
RAXN 545 + CPN 3 45 65 RAXNZ 545 IM 20 640 0.5
IM 19 045 0.5
RAXN 450 + CPN 3 50 70 RAXNPZ 450
IM 20 645 4.5
RAXN 550 + CPN 3 50 70 RAXNZ 550 IM 20 645 0.5
IM 19 050 0.5
RAXN 460 + CPN 4 60 85 RAXNPZ 460
IM 20 650 6.5
RAXN 560 + CPN 4 60 85 RAXNZ 560 IM 20 650 2.5
IM 19 060 0.5
RAXN 470 + CPN 4 70 95 RAXNPZ 470
IM 20 660 7.5
RAXN 570 + CPN 4 70 95 RAXNZ 570 IM 20 660 3.5

Technical features
Precision combined bearings
Types AXNB and ARNB combined bearings and their
derivatives consist of a radial needle bearing with cage,
in an outer race, with a high radial thickness, each
face of which acts as a raceway for a needle or roller
thrust bearing. The inner ring, secured laterally between
the thrust plates, acts as the inner radial raceway.
Combined bearings type AXNA, have the same features
of previous, but the radial needle bearing is without
These bearings which take up very little space, are
particularly recommended tor shafts requiring very
precise axial positioning, operating under high load,
such as leading spindles, ballscrews for numerically-
controlled machine tools, drive shafts on control
apparatus, etc.


With Radial Thrust bearing

attachment caged
holes bearings needle roller






Technical features
Precision combined bearings
Subject to calculations made tor each application, the

Axial displacement under load

following general classifications can be made:

AXNB and AXNBT bearings tor slow speed assemblies

with low operating loads; the particularly high axial
rigidity of needle thrust bearings, together with the
advantages of preloading, ensure a very high axial |
precision and satisfactory working life.
For example: displacement drive shafts on control
apparatus. F1
Fo 2Fo Axial working load
ARNB and ARNBT, series 1 and 2 bearings generally (1) thrust bearing without preload
enable preloading to be chosen which suit the precision (2) thrust bearing under a preload Fo
and working life required of production machine tools.

ARNB series 3 bearings for machine tools, machining DETERMINING OF PRELOAD

Preload Fo should be determined according to the
units or special equipment requiring very high axial
axial precision required under maximum load and the
rigidity with high loads and slow speeds.
working life required.
The working life of the thrust bearing carrying the greater
load depends on the resulting stress applied (i.e. Fo + F1
PRELOAD /2 when F1 < 2 Fo or when F1 > 2 Fo). Since these two
This technique consists in subjecting the thrust cases can both occur on the same machine according
bearings to controlled preload during assembly, using to the type of machining carried out, the calculations
an adjusting nut, in order to eliminate play and reduce must take into account the running time ratios under the
the axial displacement caused by the operating stress various loads and speeds.
regardless of the direction or the axial load. For more usual assemblies, a preload stress of 5 to
In an assembly with an axial preload of Fo, an operating 10% of the axial dynamical load carrying capacity of
stress F1 overloads one of the thrust bearings and frees the thrust bearing, is usually suitable.
For certain applications, with slow rotating speeds, for
the other of a load approximately equal to F1 /2. In an
example, the preload stress can be increased to allow
assembly without preload, the loaded thrust bearing
for a higher operating load while remaining within the
must carry the entire stress F1.
limit of the preload effect, and achieving a satisfactory
working life.
In a preloaded assembly, the axial rigidity is therefore
approximately twice that of an assembly without preload. ADJUSTMENT OF PRELOAD
This result is obtained as long as the operating stress For a given assembly, the shaft torque is defined first,
F1 remains less than about twice the preload stress Fo. which corresponds to the preload required.
When F1 > 2 Fo, one of the thrust bearings is total freed Series adjustments can then be made on each machine
and the other thrust bearing completely carries the load by simply checking the torque.
F1; in this case, the axial run-out remains less than it lf, as a result of assembly, this is not possible, the nut
would have been for an assembly without preload (see tightening torque needed to obtain preload is determined
separately on the test assemblies. The torque must then
be respected for series adjustments. The torque must
be measured after starting up the thrust bearing, since
it can be up to 50% higher at the beginning of rotation.

Technical features
Precision combined bearings
The outer and inner rings of the combined bearings are The oil used to lubricate the other parts of the assembly
manufactured with class 6 tolerances according to ISO is generally suitable for combined bearings whose
Standard 492 (class P6 of standard DIN 620). outer ring has three 120° holes connected by a groove.
The radial play before assembly is kept within the Grease can generally be used if the rotating speed is
limits of group 2 given for inner and outer paired rings in the order of 50% of the maximum speeds given in
according to ISO Standard R 5753 (class C2 "paired the dimensional tables. However, special top quality
rings" of standard DIN 620). greases enable higher speeds to be reached. By way
The axial run-out of the thrust bearing plates is in of information, oils with viscosities of 30 to 150 cSt are
accordance with tolerance class 4 according to ISO recommended.
Standard 199 (class P4 of standard DIN 620).
Shaft tolerance: g5 on dimension Di. P= stress under which precision is needed
Tolerance of outer ring housing: J6 on dimension De. P<2 x Preloading
The bearing parts of the thrust bearings must be rigid, In this field of preloading, the axial rigidity is equal to 2K
with plane faces, perpendicular to the rotation axis and
of very good surface quality to avoid crushing during use The interference is 1
as this decreases the preloading. Their outside diameter 2K
must be at least equal to the average diameter of the
race, dimension Dm. The outer ring of the combined Example: lf P = 7000 N, ARNB 50 90 will be chosen,
bearings should be blocked against a shoulder in order since the preloading value is 3800 N and 2 x 3.800 =
to avoid any axial displacement under load. 7.600N > P
In type AXNA, AXNB and ARNB bearings, they are
usually blocked by a spacer positioned lengthways Rigidity in this field k = 2 K = 3900 Nμm-1
during assembly. A flange attached by screws to the
frame is located against the spacer (flange and spacer Under P, the interference will be
can be in a single piece). 1 x 7.000 =1,79 μm
The outer ring of type AXNBT and ARNBT bearings has 3.900
three attachment screw holes for direct attachment to
the frame. WORKING LIFE
The surface finish of the outer diameter of the thrust The hypotheses given in the table below enable
bearing plates (dimension DA) allows the sliding of the the equivalent speed and an equivalent load to be
seal rings. determined according to the maximum load and
maximum speed, which enables a rapid calculation of
0.4 the theoretical working life to be made under average
operating conditions.
0.4 1 2 3 4
Loads Pmax 0,8 x Pmax 0,5 x Pmax 0,2 x Pmax
0.005 B
Speeds 0,05 Vmax 0,2 Vmax 0,5 Vmax Vmax
D D eJ6
0.4 Time % 0,15 0,40 0,30 0,15

0.8 Calculation of equivalent speed:
0.005 A
Veq. = (0,15x0,05+0,40x0,2+0,30x0,5+0,15) Vmax=0,39xVmax

Calculation of the equivalent load:

Peq  ppmax x Vmax (0,0075+0,08x0,8p+0,15x0,5p+0,15x0,2p)
0,39 x Vmax
Peq  0,575 x Pmax
p = 10/3

Technical features
Precision combined bearings

Rotation torque Rotation torque

(Nm) (Nm)

Preload Preload
(N) (N)

AXNB ARNB serie 1

Rotation torque
Rotation torque


ARNB serie 2

Rotation torque Rotation torque ARNB serie 3

(Nm) (Nm)

Rotation torque

Preload Preload
Preload (N)

AXNBT ARNBT serie 1 ARNBT serie 2

Precision combined bearings,
with adjustable axial preload

AXNA and AXNAT series B±0.15

r r

r r
D DA d Fw Dm

B1 C B1


Shaft Designation Mounting

d D Fw DA Dm B C B1 r
∅ Screw TCEI 4) N° E
AXNA AXNAT mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm min. Torque Nm
mm class 12.9 screws mm
5 22 5 22 7.3 17 12.5 12 4 4 0.35
5 32 5 32 7.3 17 12.5 12 4 4 0.35 3 x 10 4 24 1.4
6 28 6 28 8.7 22 15.3 16 6 5 0.35
6 38 6 38 8.7 22 15.3 16 6 5 0.35 4 x 12 4 30 3
7 32 7 32 11.1 26 18.8 18 6 6 0.35
7 42 7 42 11.1 26 18.8 18 6 6 0.35 4 x 12 6 34 3
8 32 8 32 11.1 26 18.8 18 6 6 0.35
8 42 8 42 11.1 26 18.8 18 6 6 0.35 4 x 12 6 34 3
9 35 9 35 12.8 28 20.8 20 8 6 0.35
9 45 9 45 12.8 28 20.8 20 8 6 0.35 4 x 16 6 37 3
10 37 10 37 14.1 30 22.8 22 8 7 0.35
10 48 10 48 14.1 30 22.8 22 8 7 0.35 5 x 16 6 39 6
12 40 12 40 16.6 32 24.8 22 8 7 0.35
12 50 12 50 16.6 32 24.8 22 8 7 0.35 5 x 16 6 41 6

B ±0.15
r r

r r

D E DA d Fw Dm

B1 C±0.03 B1


Load Ratings kN Speed Rotation 2)

Preload 1) Rigidity K 3) Shaft Weight
radial axial Ratings torque Designation
N N/μm threading kg
Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. C Stat. Co min-1 Nmm

2.35 2.65 4.0 9.4 19 000 252 55 32 5 x 0,8 0.021 AXNA 5 22

2.35 2.65 4.0 9.4 19 000 252 55 32 5 x 0,8 0.032 AXNAT 5 32
4.9 5.8 7.2 17.5 15 500 340 70 50 6x1 0.045 AXNA 6 28
4.9 5.8 7.2 17.5 15 500 340 70 50 6x1 0.064 AXNAT 6 38
5.8 7.4 7.9 21.0 13 000 469 130 100 7x1 0.070 AXNA 7 32
5.8 7.4 7.9 21.0 13 000 469 130 100 7x1 0.090 AXNAT 7 42
5.8 7.4 7.9 21.0 13 000 469 130 100 7x1 0.067 AXNA 8 32
5.8 7.4 7.9 21.0 13 000 469 130 100 7x1 0.090 AXNAT 8 42
9.0 11.9 8.5 23.8 11 500 497 190 116 9x1 0.096 AXNA 9 35
9.0 11.9 8.5 23.8 11 500 497 190 116 9x1 0.120 AXNAT 9 45
9.7 13.1 9.0 26.5 10 500 525 180 119 10 x 1 0.109 AXNA 10 37
9.7 13.1 9.0 26.5 10 500 525 180 119 10 x 1 0.151 AXNAT 10 48
10.9 15.5 9.2 27.8 10 000 532 220 120 12 x 1,5 0.133 AXNA 12 40
10.9 15.5 9.2 27.8 10 000 532 220 120 12 x 1,5 0.160 AXNAT 12 50

1) 6% of dynamic axial load

2) with axial load equal to preload
3) rigidity of a single thrust bearing with load equal to preload
4) hexagon socket shallow head cap screw DIN 91

Precision combined bearings,
with adjustable axial preload

AXNB and ARNB series B ±0.15

r1 r1

r r
D DA Fw Dm

B1 C ±0.03 B1


Shaft Designation
d D Fw DA Dm B C B1 r r1
∅ AXNB ARNB ARNB ARNB mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm min. min.
mm series 1 series 2 series 3
15 45 15 45 20 35 26.8 40 16 12 0.85 0.85
15 45 15 45 20 35 26.8 46 16 15 0.85 0.85
20 52 20 52 25 42 32.5 40 16 12 0.85 0.85
20 52 20 52 25 42 32.5 46 16 15 0.85 0.85
20 62 20 62 30 52 39.9 60 20 20 1.3 0.85
20 72 20 72 30 60 43.5 60 20 20 1.3 0.85
25 57 25 57 30 47 37.5 44 20 12 0.85 0.85
25 57 25 57 30 47 37.5 50 20 15 0.85 0.85
25 72 25 72 35 62 46.7 60 20 20 1.3 0.85
25 80 25 80 35 68 49.8 60 20 20 1.3 0.85
30 62 30 62 35 53 43.1 44 20 12 0.85 0.85
30 62 30 62 35 53.4 42.8 50 20 15 0.85 0.85
30 80 30 80 40 68 52.7 66 20 23 1.3 0.85
30 90 30 90 40 78 57 66 20 23 1.3 0.85
35 70 35 70 40 60 48.9 48 20 14 1.3 0.85
35 70 35 70 40 60.4 48.8 54 20 17 1.3 0.85
35 85 35 85 45 73 57.7 66 20 23 1.3 0.85
35 100 35 100 45 85 63 66 20 23 1.3 0.85
40 75 40 75 45 65 53.9 48 20 14 1.3 0.85
40 75 40 75 45 65.4 53.8 54 20 17 1.3 0.85
40 90 40 90 50 78 62.7 75 25 25 1.3 0.85
40 110 40 110 50 95 70 75 25 25 1.3 0.85
45 80 45 80 50 70 59.5 54 25 14.5 1.3 0.85
45 80 45 80 50 70.4 58.8 60 25 17.5 1.3 0.85
45 105 45 105 55 90 70.9 82 25 28.5 1.3 0.85
45 120 45 120 55 105 78.2 82 25 28.5 1.3 0.85
50 90 50 90 55 78 65.5 54 25 14.5 1.3 0.85
50 90 50 90 55 78.4 65.5 60 25 17.5 1.3 0.85
50 110 50 110 60 95 75.9 82 25 28.5 1.3 0.85
50 125 50 125 60 110 83.2 82 25 28.5 1.3 0.85
55 115 55 115 65 100 80.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85
55 130 55 130 65 115 88.2 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85
60 120 60 120 70 105 85.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85
60 120 60 140 70 125 96 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85
65 65 125 65 125 75 110 90.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85
70 70 130 70 130 80 115 95.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85
75 75 155 75 155 90 135 109.9 100 30 35 1.75 0.85
90 90 180 90 180 110 160 132.9 110 35 37.5 1.75 0.85

B ±0.15
r1 r1

r r
D DA Fw Dm

B1 C±0.03 B1


Load Ratings kN Speed Rotation 2) Weight

Preload 1) Rigidity K 3)
radial axial rating torque Designation
N N/μm
Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. C Stat. Co min-1 Nmm kg
16.2 22.0 12.0 40.0 9 000 735 120 1 250 0.296 AXNB 15 45
16.2 22.0 20.5 49.0 9 000 1 340 350 780 0.316 ARNB 15 45
18.9 28.8 13.5 50.0 7 500 820 160 1 480 0.392 AXNB 20 52
18.9 28.8 23.5 63.0 7 500 1 550 500 950 0.418 ARNB 20 52
28.0 44.5 48.0 115.0 6 300 3 010 1 200 1 130 0.875 ARNB 20 62
28.0 44.5 42.5 148.0 5 600 2 765 800 1 700 1.300 ARNB 20 72
28.0 44.5 14.8 58.5 6500 880 200 1 780 0.515 AXNB 25 57
28.0 44.5 24.8 70.0 6 500 1 620 550 1 090 0.543 ARNB 25 57
30.5 53.0 66.0 165.0 5 300 4 130 1 900 1 270 1.180 ARNB 25 72
30.5 53.0 48.0 179.0 4 900 3 060 1 000 1 900 1.565 ARNB 25 80
30.5 53.0 19.0 85.0 5 500 1 130 300 1 880 0.585 AXNB 30 62
30.5 53.0 32.0 88.0 5 500 2 100 850 1 070 0.620 ARNB 30 62
32.5 59.0 83.0 210.0 4 800 5 040 2 600 1 450 1.520 ARNB 30 80
32.5 59.0 68.0 250.0 4 200 4 340 1 600 2 300 2.145 ARNB 30 90
32.5 59.0 20 500 97.0 5 000 1 210 350 2 250 0.787 AXNB 35 70
32.5 59.0 45 000 124.0 5 000 2 910 1 350 1 300 0.815 ARNB 35 70
34.5 67.0 86 000 228.0 4 300 5 250 2 900 1 520 1.642 ARNB 35 85
34.5 67.0 90 000 328.0 3 800 5 770 2 400 2 500 2.535 ARNB 35 100
34.5 67.0 22.0 110.0 4 500 1 300 400 2 630 0.860 AXNB 40 75
34.5 67.0 47.5 138.0 4 500 3 070 1 550 1 470 0.908 ARNB 40 75
44.0 95.0 93.0 260.0 4 000 5 740 3 500 1 620 2.110 ARNB 40 90
44.0 95.0 106.0 420.0 3 400 6 750 3 200 3 000 3.570 ARNB 40 110
44.0 95.0 22.7 119.0 4 000 1 340 450 2 980 1.100 AXNB 45 80
44.0 95.0 50.0 150.0 4 000 3 230 1 750 1 480 1.232 ARNB 45 80
44.0 98.0 127.0 345.0 3 600 7 770 5 300 1 930 3.060 ARNB 45 105
44.0 98.0 122.0 520.0 3 100 7 700 4 100 3 400 4.700 ARNB 45 120
44.0 98.0 28.5 164.0 3 800 1 680 650 3 500 1.385 AXNB 50 90
44 .0 98.0 60.0 197.0 3 800 3 800 2 350 1 950 1.440 ARNB 50 90
48.0 113.0 131.0 370.0 3 300 8 120 5 900 2 020 3.320 ARNB 50 110
48.0 113.0 128.0 560.0 2 900 8 050 4 600 3 450 4.945 ARNB 50 125
53.5 119.0 135.0 395.0 3 100 8 400 6 500 2 170 3.535 ARNB 55 115
53.5 119.0 134.0 610.0 2 800 8 330 4 900 3 750 5.256 ARNB 55 130
56.0 128.0 147.0 445.0 2 900 9 100 7 500 2 500 3.717 ARNB 60 120
56.0 128.0 174.0 710.0 2 600 10 640 6 800 4 100 5.976 ARNB 60 140
64.0 143.0 150.0 470.0 2 800 9 310 8 100 2 550 3.960 ARNB 65 125
73.0 148.0 155.0 495.0 2 600 9 520 8 800 2 720 4.136 ARNB 70 130
7.0 165.0 230.0 730.0 2 300 14 140 14 800 3 050 7.700 ARNB 75 155
118.0 268.0 288.0 990.0 1 900 17 640 22 200 3 700 11.654 ARNB 90 180
1) 6% of dynamic axial load - 2) with axial load equal to preload - 3) rigidity of a single thrust bearing with load equal to

Precision combined bearings,
with adjustable axial preload

AXNBT and ARNBT B ±0.15

r1 r1

r r
D E DA Fw Dm

B1 C±0.03 B1


Shaft Designation Screw Mounting

d D Fw DA Dm B C B1 r r1 Torque
∅ AXNBT ARNBT ARNBT mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm min. min. TCEI
N° E e Nm
mm series 1 series 2 class 12,9 viti mm mm
15 60 15 60 20 35 26.8 40 16 12 0.85 0.85 6x20 6 46 9 10
15 60 15 60 20 35 26.8 46 16 15 0.85 0.85 6x20 6 46 9 10
20 68 20 68 25 42 32.5 40 16 12 0.85 0.85 6x20 8 53 9 10
20 20 68 20 68 25 42 32.5 46 16 15 0.85 0.85 6x20 8 53 9 10
20 80 20 80 30 52 39.9 60 20 20 1.30 0.85 6x25 12 63 13 10
25 75 25 75 30 47 37.5 44 20 12 0.85 0.85 6x25 8 58 13 10
25 25 75 25 75 30 47 37.5 50 20 15 0.85 0.85 6x25 8 58 13 10
25 90 25 90 35 62 46.7 60 20 20 1.30 0.85 6x25 12 73 13 10
30 80 30 80 35 53 43.1 44 20 12 0.85 0.85 6x25 12 63 13 10
30 30 80 30 80 35 53.4 42.8 50 20 15 0.85 0.85 6x25 12 63 13 10
30 105 30 105 40 68 52.7 66 20 23 1.30 0.85 8x25 12 85 11 24
35 90 35 90 40 60 48.9 48 20 14 1.30 0.85 6x25 12 73 13 10
35 35 90 35 90 40 60.4 48.8 54 20 17 1.30 0.85 6x25 12 73 13 10
35 110 35 110 45 73 57.7 66 20 23 1.30 0.85 8x25 12 88 11 24
40 100 40 100 45 65 53.9 48 20 14 1.30 0.85 8x25 8 80 11 24
40 40 100 40 100 45 65.4 53.8 54 20 17 1.30 0.85 8x25 8 80 11 24
40 115 40 115 50 78 62.7 75 25 25 1.30 0.85 8x30 12 94 16 24
45 105 45 105 50 70 59.5 54 25 14.5 1.30 0.85 8x30 8 85 16 24
45 45 105 45 105 50 70.4 58.8 60 25 17.5 1.30 0.85 8x30 8 85 16 24
45 130 45 130 55 90 70.9 82 25 28.5 1.30 0.85 8x30 12 105 16 24
50 115 50 115 55 78 65.5 54 25 14.5 1.30 0.85 8x30 12 94 16 24
50 50 115 50 115 55 78.4 65.5 60 25 17.5 1.30 0.85 8x30 12 94 16 24
50 140 50 140 60 95 75.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85 10x30 12 113 14 48
55 55 145 55 145 65 100 80.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85 10x30 12 118 14 48
60 60 150 60 150 70 105 85.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85 10x30 12 123 14 48
65 65 155 65 155 75 110 90.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85 10x30 12 128 14 48
70 70 160 70 160 80 115 95.9 82 25 28.5 1.75 0.85 10x30 12 133 14 48
75 75 185 75 185 90 135 109.9 100 30 35 1.75 1.30 12x35 12 155 17 80
90 90 210 90 210 110 160 132.9 110 35 37.5 1.75 1.30 12x40 16 180 22 80

r1 r1

r r
D E DA Fw Dm

B1 C±0.03 B1


Load Ratings kN Rotation 2) Weight

Speed rating Preload 1) Rigidity K 3)
radial axial torque Designation
min-1 N N/μm
Dyn. C Stat. Co Dyn. C Stat. Co Nmm kg
16.2 22.0 12.0 40.0 9 000 735 120 1 250 0.406 AXNBT 15 60
16.2 22.0 20.5 49.0 9 000 1 340 350 780 0.427 ARNBT 15 60
18.9 28.8 13.5 50.0 7 500 820 160 1 480 0.521 AXNBT 20 68
18.9 28.8 23.5 63.0 7 500 1 550 500 950 0.548 ARNBT 20 68
28.0 44.5 48.0 115.0 6 300 3 010 1 200 1 130 1.088 ARNBT 20 80
28.0 44.5 14.8 58.5 6 500 880 200 1 780 0.740 AXNBT 25 75
28.0 44.5 24.8 70.0 6 500 1 620 550 1 090 0.768 ARNBT 25 75
30.5 53.0 66.0 165.0 5 300 4 130 1 900 1 270 1.438 ARNBT 25 90
30.5 53.0 19.0 85.0 5 500 1 130 300 1 880 0.798 AXNBT 30 80
30.5 53.0 32.0 88.0 5 500 2 100 850 1 070 0.833 ARNBT 30 80
32.5 59.0 83.0 210.0 4 800 5 040 2 600 1 450 1.876 ARNBT 30 105
32.5 59.0 20.5 97.0 5 000 1 210 350 2 250 1.079 AXNBT 35 90
32.5 59.0 45.0 124.0 5 000 2 910 1 350 1 300 1.108 ARNBT 35 90
34.5 67.0 86.0 228.0 4 300 5 250 2 900 1 520 2.029 ARNBT 35 110
34.5 67.0 22.0 110.0 4 500 1 300 400 2 630 1.257 AXNBT 40 100
34.5 67.0 47.5 138.0 4 500 3 070 1 550 1 470 1.306 ARNBT 40 100
44.0 95.0 93.0 260.0 4 000 5 740 3 500 1 620 2.657 ARNBT 40 115
44.0 95.0 22.7 119.0 4 000 1 340 450 2 980 1.652 AXNBT 45 105
44.0 95.0 50.0 150.0 4 000 3 230 1 750 1 480 1.684 ARNBT 45 105
44.0 98.0 127.0 345.0 3 600 7 770 5 300 1 930 3.723 ARNBT 45 130
44.0 98.0 28.5 164.0 3 800 1 680 650 3 500 1.932 AXNBT 50 115
44.0 98.0 60.0 197.0 3 800 3 800 2 350 1 950 1.987 ARNBT 50 115
48.0 113.0 131.0 370.0 3 300 8 120 5 900 2 020 4.091 ARNBT 50 140
53.5 119.0 135.0 395.0 3 100 8 400 6 500 2170 4.353 ARNBT 55 145
56.0 128.0 147.0 445.0 2 900 91 00 7 500 2 500 4.581 ARNBT 60 150
64.0 143.0 150.0 470.0 2 800 9 310 8 100 2 550 4.871 ARNBT 65 155
73.0 148.0 155.0 495.0 2 600 9 520 8 800 2 720 5.093 ARNBT 70 160
77.0 165.0 230.0 730.0 2 300 14 140 14 800 3 050 8.915 ARNBT 75 185
118.0 268.0 288.0 990.0 1 900 17 640 22 200 3 700 13.200 ARNBT 90 210
1) 6% of dynamic axial load
2) with axial load equal to preload
3) rigidity of a single thrust bearing with load equal to preload
4) hexagon socket shallow head cap screw DIN 91

Technical features
Sealing rings
Nadella sealing rings type DH, made in synthetic rubber
and incorporating a metal insert, have the same inner
and outer dimensions as Nadella needle bushes and
the radial portion of the combined bearings type RAX
700. The recommended housing and shaft tolerances
for these bearings ensure a tight fit of the sealing ring in
the housing bore and the optimum friction between lip
and shaft. The simple installation of this seal, requiring
no special machining, provides a very economical seal
within a minimum space. 5
In the case of grease lubrication, the seal should be in-
stalled with the lip facing away from the bearing (fig. 1)
to enable expulsion of old grease when replenishing by
Type DH sealing rings should be smeared with grease
means of a pump.
before mounting- on the outside diameter to facilitate as-
For oil lubrication, installation the opposite way is recom-
sembly and avoid damage and on the inside to prevent
mended (fig. 2). lf the prevailing conditions are particu-
dry operation when starting from rest.
larly dirty, it may be necessary to protect the seal additio-
The edge of the housing bore should be chamfered to pre-
nally by means of a labyrinth.
vent damage to the seal and to facilitate assembly. A small
press should be used for this purpose - such as that used
to install needle bushes, in order to guide the sealing ring
parallel to the axis of the housing bore.
The needle bush and the sealing ring must be installed
separately in two distinct operations. The same mandrel
(fig. 6) may be used for both operations: the seal instal-
lation being effected by limiting the mandrel stroke with a
spacer (fig. 7).
In order to prevent the risk of damage to the seal lip, the
1 2 shaft end must be chamfered.

Sealing rings may also be used with needle cages ha-
ving the same shaft and housing diameters (fig. 3) or
with those having larger or smaller housing diameters
than that of the seal (fig. 4 and fig. 5).
The hardness and surface finish required for the race-
way on the shaft enable these sealing rings to operate D -2,3
at circumferential speeds of 10-12 m/s, providing lubri- 30°
d (h8)
cation is adequate.
Standard type DH sealing rings will operate satisfac- 6
torily at temperatures from -20°C to + 120°C. For con- 1.2 min
ditions outside this temperature range, please consult
Nadella Technical Department. A=b+1.2 ÷ 1.4


3 4 7
B=b+ (0.3 ÷ 0.5)
C=0.5 ÷ 0.7

Sealing rings

d D

d D b Speed rating Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm min-1 g

5 DH 5x9x2 5 9 2 22500 0.21

DH 6x10x2 6 10 2 20000 0.3
DH 6x12x2 6 12 2 20000 0.5
DH 7x11x2 7 11 2 15000 0.34
DH 7x14x2 7 14 2 15000 0.55
DH 8x12x3 8 12 3 15000 0.55
DH 8x15x3 8 15 3 15000 1.1
9 DH 9x13x3 9 13 3 12500 0.69
10 DH 10x14x3 10 14 3 12500 0.74
DH 12x16x3 12 16 3 10000 0.8
12 DH 12x18x3 12 18 3 10000 1.29
DH 12x19x3 12 19 3 10000 1.61
13 DH 13x19x3 13 19 3 10000 1.37
DH 14x18x2.5 14 18 2.5 9000 1.03
14 DH 14x20x3 14 20 3 9000 1.4
DH 14x22x3 14 22 3 9000 1.98
DH 15x21x3 15 21 3 9000 1.5
DH 15x23x3 15 23 3 9000 1.54
DH 16x20x2.5 16 20 2.5 8500 1.22
16 DH 16x22x3 16 22 3 8500 1.52
DH 16x24x3 16 24 3 8500 1.56

Sealing rings

d D

d D b Speed rating Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm min-1 g

DH 17x23x3 17 23 3 8000 1.54

DH 17x25x3 17 25 3 8000 1.61
DH 18x24x3 18 24 3 8000 1.55
DH 18x26x4 18 26 4 8000 1.7
19 DH 19x27x4 19 27 4 7500 1.8
DH 20x24x2.5 20 24 2.5 7500 1.48
20 DH 20x26x4 20 26 4 7500 1.59
DH 20x28x4 20 28 4 7500 1.99
21 DH 21x29x4 21 29 4 7000 2.18
DH 22x26x2.5 22 26 2.5 7000 1.52
22 DH 22x28x4 22 28 4 7000 1.65
DH 22x30x4 22 30 4 7000 2.8
24 DH 24x32x4 24 32 4 6500 3.8
DH 25x31x2.5 25 31 2.5 6500 1.84
25 DH 25x32x4 25 32 4 6500 2.15
DH 25x33x4 25 33 4 6500 4.2
26 DH 26x34x4 26 34 4 6000 4.3
DH 28x35x4 28 35 4 6000 4
DH 28x37x4 28 37 4 6000 4.64
29 DH 29x38x4 29 38 4 6000 4.95
DH 30x36x2.5 30 36 2.5 5500 2
30 DH 30x37x4 30 37 4 5500 4.57
DH 30x40x4 30 40 4 5500 5.15

Sealing rings

d D

d D b Speed rating Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm min-1 g

DH 32x42x4 32 42 4 5500 5.5

DH 32x45x4 32 45 4 5500 6.15
DH 35x41x2.5 35 41 2.5 5000 2.16
35 DH 35x42x4 35 42 4 5000 5.3
DH 35x45x4 35 45 4 5000 5.65
37 DH 37x47x4 37 47 4 5000 7.5
38 DH 38x48x4 38 48 4 5000 7.6
DH 40x47x4 40 47 4 4700 6.2
DH 40x50x4 40 50 4 4700 8.01
DH 42x49x5 42 49 5 4500 5
DH 42x52x4 42 52 4 4500 8.4
DH 45x52x4 45 52 4 4500 6.7
DH 45x55x4 45 55 4 4500 8.9
48 DH 48x55x3.5 48 55 3.5 4200 6.8
DH 50x58x4 50 58 4 4000 6.95
DH 50x62x5 50 62 5 4000 10.9
52 DH 52x59x3.5 52 59 3.5 4000 7.1
58 DH 58x65x3.5 58 65 3.5 3700 7.8

Technical features
Needle rollers
In certain applications, the limited amount of space Needles in heat treated corrosion resistant steel
available for bearings and the loads to be supported (hardness 57-62 HRC) may be produced on request,
require the use of a full complement of needles the preferred diameters being 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 mm.
independent of any system of retention. The dimensions The surface finish is 0.2 micron according to Ra system.
of the needle, diameter and length, are determined in The profile of a needle is not cylindrical along its whole
relation to the load capacity required. length as there is a very slight tape towards the ends.
The needles are placed directly between shaft and Therefore, precise measurement of the diameter can
housing without the use of inner or outer rings. Thus a only be carried out in the central area of the needle.
shaft of maximum diameter is permissible to increase Needles having a greater taper at the ends may be
rigidity and load capacity. supplied on request (suffix ... DTN).
In rotating applications where the load capacity requires
the use of needles that are long in relation to the shaft MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES
diameter, it is preferable to employ two rows of needles In general, the diameter of standard needles with
of equal length separated by a spacer ring. In such rounded ends type BR and with flat ends type BP is
cases, the needles must be selected with diameters produced to a tolerance up to 10 micron less from the
in the same tolerance class. This arrangement is nominal dimension.
particularly recommended for mounting parts such as However, the maximum variation on any one production
long idler wheels, especially where they are subjected lot is 5 μm according to one of the classes of grade G5
to rotational torque. in the table below. On request, a variation of 3 μm may
be obtained according to the classes of grade G3, and a
RACEWAYS variation of 2 μm according to the classes of grade G2.
Maximum load capacity is obtained with hardened inner Unless specified otherwise, quantities supplied are
and outer raceways of surface hardness 58-64 HRC. divided by Nadella into different classes of each grade
Parts used for the lateral retention of needles at their G2, G3 or G5. However the current supply are generally
ends should be of equivalent hardness. available in grade G2 according to the classes printed
The inner and outer raceways should both be aligned on in bold type.
installation and before operation under load. In the case The colour codes shown for class G2 are only used by
of parts fitted with a single row of needles, the inner agreement.
raceway may be ground convex to allow misalignment. The length of needles type BR and BP is kept within
A convexity permitting misalignment of 1 in 1000 (or up tolerance h13.
to 2 in 1000 in cases of instantaneous overloading) does
not reduce the calculated load capacity. This convexity,
which also depends on the length of the needles, may TOLERANCES ON NEEDLE DIAMETER
be produced on a separate inner ring or directly on the
shaft journal using a grinding wheel with concave profile Deviation
Variation in
Grade from true
obtained by inclining the diamond impregnated cutting diameter Standard classes
G circularity
wheel. Further technical information is available, consult μm
Nadella Technical Department. 0-2 -1-3 -2-4 -3-5 -4-6
2 2 1
5-7 -6-8 -7-9 -8-10
3 3 0-3 -15-4,5 -3-6 -4,5-7,5 -6-9 -7-10 1,5
The standard needle type BR, of increased use, has
rounded ends. On request, can also be supplied needles 5 5 0-5 -3-8 -5-10 2,5
with flat ends, type BP.
The standard dimensions of the BR type needles are Example of designation: ∅ 2,5 x 15,8 BR/G2-2-4
given in the table following (pages 198, 199 and 200).
Needles of special dimensions may be manufactured COLOUR CODES FOR THE CLASSES OF GRADE G2
on request.
0-2 1-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-9 8-10
red pink blue sky blue white grey green orange yellow
Nadella standard needles are made in through-hardened
bearing steel of hardness 58-65 HRC.

Technical features
Needle rollers
SHAFT AND HOUSING TOLERANCES To ensure the circumferential play jc, which should
normally be between 0.3 and 1 mm, the shaft diameter
Housing Fw is corrected with the following formula:
Operating conditions Shaft Fw
Quota D Quota B (1)
4) Fw = γ ∅ +
Rotation on a convex π
j5 F6
inner raceway
is a variable factor shown in the tables on pages 201, 202
Rotation on a cylindrical H12 and 203 in respect to the number of needles Z.
h5 F6
inner raceway

Oscillatory motion h5 G6 Example: needles of diameter d = 2. 5 mm on a shaft of

diameter Fw = approx. 30 mm.
(1) Nominal dimension B = length of needle Lw +0,2 mm
The cylindrical tolerance, defined as the difference in radii of two
coaxial cylinders (ISO Standard 1101 ), should normally be less than a
quarter of the manufacturing tolerance. However, far high precision or π (30 + 2,5)
Number of needle Z =
high speed applications, it is recommended to restrict this tolerance to 2,5
one-eighth of the manufacturing tolerance.
To ensure circumferential play jc = 0,3 mm the shaft
LIMITING SPEED diameter Fw planned is corrected with the formula 4)
With effective oil lubrication and good alignment with γ = 12.06 for 41 needles (tables on pages 201, 202
between shaft and housing, limiting speed may reach: and 203), thus:
n (min-1) = 380 000 Fw = 12,06 x 2,5+
= 30,25 mm (adjusted up)
(Fw: diameter of inner raceway in mm) The shaft diameter Fw can therefore be designed at the
nominal dimension adjusted up to 30.3 mm to take 41
up to a maximum speed of 70 000 mm-1. For grease needles of diameter 2.5 mm, with a circumferential play
lubrication, use approximately half these values. of approx. 0.3 mm.

Note: Having established the number of needles Z, reference may

DYNAMIC AND STATIC CAPACITIES then be made to the table on pages 201, 202 and 203, giving the
The dynamic capacity CR, in Newton (N), is given by the corresponding Fw dimensions according to needle diameter and for a
formula: circumferential play between 0.3 and 0.6 mm. Thus, for 41 needles of
diameter 2.5 mm, diameter Fw is 30.3 mm.
1) CR = K Lu
K: variable factor relating to diameter of inner raceway
Fw, according to tables on pages 201, 202 and 203. INSTALLATION OF LOOSE NEEDLE
Lu (mm): effective needle length, as shown in the table Because of the large number of shaft diameters possible,
of dimensions. depending on the number of needles chosen and their
diameter, needles cannot be packed in rings ready for
The static capacity COR in Newton (N), is given by the installation.
formula: The needles, which are supplied loose, should therefore
2) COR = 44 ( 1 - ∅ ) be arranged in a ring around the inner or outer raceway,
∅ Lu Z
Fw+∅ which must be pregreased to ensure their retention
∅ (mm): diameter of needles during installation of the parts that will retain them.
Lu (mm): effective needle length, as shown in the table In cases where the shaft has to be introduced blind into
of dimensions. a ring of needles, it may be useful to retain the needles in
Z: number of needles their housing by means of a mounting shaft of the same
Fw: diameter of inner raceway in mm. length as the needles. This can then be withdrawn when
the shaft is introduced.
NUMBER OF NEEDLES- CIRCUMFERENTIAL PLAY Arrangement of the needles in a ring may be carried
The number of needles Z is given, as a function of the out by hand where the number of installations is small.
proposed shaft diameter Fw and the needle diameter ∅, The use of automatic machines with high-speed rotary
by the formula: loading should be considered only for production
π (Fw + ∅) quantities large enough to ensure that the high cost of
3) Z = investment can be absorbed.

adjusted to the nearest whole number.

Standard needles with rounded ends type
BR and BP

Example of designation:
∅ 3 x 23,8 BR ∅ R


∅ in mm
Example of designation:
> ≤ r min. r max. ∅ 3 x 23,8 BP

Lu = Lw - 0,1 ∅
- 1 0,1 0,3
1 3 0,1 0,4 BP
3 5 0,1 0,6

BP Weight

Lw Lw Lu ‰
mm mm mm g

5.8 5 34
7.8 7 46
5.8 5.8 4.9 76
6.8 6.8 5.9 90
7.8 6.9 103
1.5 9.8 9.8 8.9 130
11.8 10.9 157
13.8 12.9 185
15.8 14.9 210
3.8 2.8 87
5.8 4.8 135
7.8 7.8 6.8 182
9.8 9.8 8.8 230
2 11.8 10.8 280
13.8 13.8 12.8 325
15.8 15.8 14.8 375
17.8 16.8 420
19.8 19.8 18.8 470
7.8 7.8 6.7 285
9.8 8.7 360
11.8 10.7 430
13.8 12.7 510
15.8 15.8 14.7 580
17.8 16.7 660
19.8 18.7 730
21.8 20.7 800
27.8 23.8 22.7 880

Standard needles with rounded ends type
BR and BP

Example of designation:
∅ 3 x 23,8 BR ∅ R


∅ in mm
Example of designation:
> ≤ r min. r max. ∅ 3 x 23,8 BP

Lu = Lw - 0,1 ∅
- 1 0,1 0,3
1 3 0,1 0,4 BP
3 5 0,1 0,6

BP Weight

Lw Lw Lu ‰
mm mm mm g

9.8 9.8 8.5 510

11.8 11.8 10.5 620
13.8 13.8 12.5 730
15.8 15.8 14.5 840
17.8 17.8 16.5 940
19.8 19.8 18.5 1 050
21.8 21.8 20.5 1 150
23.8 23.8 22.5 1 260
25.8 25.8 24.5 1 370
27.8 27.8 26.5 1 480
29.8 29.8 28.5 1 600
11.8 10.3 840
13.8 12.3 990
15.8 14.3 1 130
17.8 16.3 1 280
19.8 18.3 1 430
21.8 20.3 1 510
23.8 22.3 1 720
25.8 24.3 1 850
27.8 26.3 2 000
29.8 28.3 2 150
34.8 33.3 2 500

Standard needles with rounded ends type
BR and BP

Example of designation:
∅ 3 x 23,8 BR ∅ R


∅ in mm
Example of designation:
> ≤ r min. r max. ∅ 3 x 23,8 BP

Lu = Lw - 0,1 ∅
- 1 0,1 0,3
1 3 0,1 0,4 BP
3 5 0,1 0,6

BP Weight

Lw Lw Lu ‰
mm mm mm g

8.8 13.8 12.1 1 280

15.8 14.1 1 480
17.8 16.1 1 650
19.8 18.1 1 850
21.8 20.1 2 050
23.8 22.1 2 250
25.8 24.1 2 450
27.8 26.1 2 600
29.8 28.1 2 800
34.8 33.1 3 300
39.8 38.1 3 800
44.8 43.1 4 200
19.8 17.5 2 900
21.8 19.5 3 200
23.8 21.5 3 500
25.8 23.5 3 800
27.8 25.5 4 100
29.8 27.5 4 400
34.8 32.5 5 100
39.8 37.5 5 900
49.8 47.5 7 400

Unit weight g

29.8 27.6 6.3

6 39.8 37.6 8.4
59.8 57.2 12.7
7 69.8 66.9 20.2
8 79.8 76.7 30

Standard needles

Shaft diameter Fw for Z

needles of diameter ∅ and a
circumferential clearance jc
between 0.3 and 0.6 mm
Coefficient γ : formula 4)
Coefficient Κ: formula 1)

∅ ¬ mm 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5

Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw
Z γ K K K K K K K K
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
10 2.24 2.3 531 3.5 823 4.6 1 119 5.7 1 420 6.9 1 730 8.0 2 040 9.1 2 351 11.3 2 985
11 2.55 2.7 586 4 905 5.2 1 228 6.5 1 561 7.8 1 898 9.1 2 241 10.3 2 583 12.9 3 283
12 2.86 3 635 4.4 978 5.9 1 334 7.3 1 693 8.7 2 058 10.2 2 429 11.6 2 803 14.5 3 562
13 3.18 3.3 680 4.9 1 050 6.5 1 430 8.1 1 817 9.7 2 210 11.3 2 608 12.9 3 010 16 3 822
14 3.49 3.6 723 5.4 1 118 7.1 1 522 8.9 1 935 10.6 2 352 12.4 2 776 14.1 3 203 17.6 4 070
15 3.81 3.9 765 5.9 1 182 7.8 1 609 9.7 2 045 11.6 2 488 13.5 2 936 15.4 3 388 19.2 4 306
16 4.13 4.2 804 6.3 1 242 8.4 1 693 10.5 2 151 12.5 2 617 14.6 3 088 16.6 3 564 20.8 4 530
17 4.44 4.5 841 6.8 1 301 9 1 772 11.2 2 253 13.5 2 740 15.7 3 233 17.9 3 732 22.3 4 743
18 4.76 4.9 878 7.3 1 356 9.7 1 849 12.0 2 349 14.4 2 858 16.8 3 372 19.2 3 893 23.9 4 948
19 5.08 5.2 913 7.8 1 411 10.3 1 921 12.8 2 443 15.4 2 971 17.9 3 507 20.4 4 048 25.5 5 144
20 5.39 5.5 945 8.2 1 463 10.9 1 992 13.6 2 532 16.3 3 080 19 3 635 21.7 4 196 27.1 5 333
21 5.71 5.8 978 8.7 1 512 11.6 2 059 14.4 2 618 17.3 3 185 20.1 3 758 23 43 39 28.7 5 515
22 6.03 6.1 1 010 9.2 1 560 12.2 2 125 15.2 2 701 18.2 3 286 21.2 3 879 24.3 4 477 30.3 5 690
23 6.34 6.4 1 039 9.6 1 607 12.8 2 189 16 2 783 19.2 3 385 22.3 3 996 25.5 4 611 31.8 5 861
24 6.66 6.8 1 067 10.1 1 652 13.5 2 250 16.8 2 861 20.1 3 481 23.4 4 107 26.8 4 741 33.4 6 026
25 6.98 7.1 1 097 106 1 695 14.1 2 311 17.6 2 936 21.1 3 572 24.6 4 216 28.1 4 866 35 6 187
26 7.30 7.4 1 124 11.1 1 738 14.7 2 369 18.4 3 011 22 3 664 25.7 4 322 29.3 4 991 36.6 6 342
27 7.61 7.7 1 151 11.6 1 779 15.4 2 425 19.2 3 082 23 3 751 26.8 4 426 30.6 5 109 38.2 6 494
28 7.93 8 1 178 12 1 822 16 2 481 20 3 153 23.9 3 836 27.9 4 528 31.9 5 225 39.8 6 642
29 8.25 8.4 1 202 12.5 1 860 16.6 2 535 20.8 3 221 24.9 3 919 29 4 626 33.1 5 341 41.4 6 786
30 8.57 8.7 1 228 13 1 898 17.3 2 587 21.6 3 289 25.8 4 002 30.1 4 723 34.4 5 451 43 6 927
31 8.88 9 1 252 13.5 1 936 17.9 2 639 22.3 3 356 26.8 4 081 31.2 4 818 35.7 5 560 44.5 7 069
32 9.20 9.3 1 277 13.9 1 975 18.5 2 691 23.1 3 420 27.7 4 161 32.3 4 910 36.9 5 668 46.1 7 204
33 9.52 9.6 1 301 14.4 2 011 19.2 2 739 23.9 3 483 28.7 4 236 33.5 4 998 38.2 5 772 47.7 7 336
34 9.84 9.9 1 325 14.9 2 046 19.8 2 788 24.7 3 545 29.7 4 311 34.6 5 088 39.5 5 874 49.3 7 466
35 10.16 10.3 1 345 15.4 2 081 20.5 2 835 25.5 3 606 30.6 4 386 35.7 5 176 40.8 5 974 50.9 7 595
36 10.47 10.6 1 368 15.8 2 118 21.1 2 883 26.3 3 666 31.5 4 460 36.8 5 262 42 6 075 52.5 7 720
37 10.79 10.9 1 390 16.3 2 150 21.7 2 930 27.1 3 725 32.5 4 530 37.9 5 346 43.3 6 172 54.1 7 843
38 11.11 11.2 1 413 16.8 2 183 22.4 2 974 27.9 3 782 33.5 4 600 39 5 430 44.6 6 267 55.7 7 965
39 11.43 11.5 1 434 17.3 2 216 23 3 020 28.7 3 839 34.4 4 670 40.1 5 512 45.9 6 360 57.3 8 085
40 11.75 21.9 1 453 17.8 2 247 23.6 3 065 29.5 3 895 35.4 4 738 41.3 5 590 47.1 6 455 58.9 8 202

Standard needles

Shaft diameter Fw for Z

needles of diameter ∅ and a
circumferential clearance jc
between 0.3 and 0.6 mm
Coefficient γ : formula 4)
Coefficient Κ: formula 1)

∅ ¬ mm 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5

Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw
Z γ K K K K K K K K
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
41 12.06 24.3 3 107 30.3 3 949 36.3 4 805 42.3 5 673 48.4 6 546 60.4 8 321
42 12.38 24.9 3 150 31.1 4 005 37.3 4 871 43.5 5 748 49.7 6 635 62 8 435
43 12.70 25.5 3 194 31.9 4 058 38.2 4 938 44.6 5 826 50.9 6 726 63.6 8 548
44 13.02 26.2 3 233 32.7 4 111 39.2 5 001 45.7 5 902 52.2 6 813 65.2 8 660
45 13.34 26.8 3 275 33.5 4 163 40.2 5 064 46.8 5 978 53.5 6 899 66.8 8 769
46 13.65 27.4 3 317 34.3 4 215 41.1 5 127 47.9 6 052 54.7 6 986 68.4 8 879
47 13.97 28.1 3 356 35.1 4 266 42 5 190 49 6 126 56 7 071 70 8 986
48 14.29 28.7 3 396 35.9 4 316 43 5 251 50.2 6 197 57.3 7 153 71.6 9 091
49 14.61 29.4 3 434 36.7 4 366 44 5 311 51.3 6 286 58.6 7 236 73.2 9 196
50 14.93 30 3 474 37.5 4 415 44.9 5 372 52.4 6 339 59.9 7 317 74.8 9 300
51 15.24 30.6 3 513 38.2 4 465 45.9 5 430 53.5 6 409 61.1 7 399 76.3 9 405
52 15.56 31.3 3 550 39 4 514 46.8 5 490 54.6 6 479 62.4 7 479 77.9 9 506
53 15.88 31.9 3 588 39.8 4 561 47.8 5 547 55.7 6 548 63.7 7 556 79.5 9 606
54 16.20 32.5 3 626 40.6 4 609 48.7 5 606 56.8 6 616 64.9 7 637 81.1 9 706
55 16.52 33.2 3 661 41.4 4 655 49.7 5 661 58 6 681 66.2 7 713 82.7 9 804
56 16.83 33.8 3 699 42.2 4 701 50.6 5 719 59 6 750 67.5 7 789 84.3 9 901
57 17.15 34.4 3 736 43 4 747 51.6 5 774 60.2 6 814 68.7 7 867 85.9 9 997
58 17.47 35.1 3 770 43.8 4 793 52.5 5 831 61.3 6 880 70 7 942 87.5 10 093
59 17.79 35.7 3 806 44.6 4 837 53.5 5 884 62.4 6 944 71.3 8 016 89.1 10 188
60 18.11 36.4 3 840 45.4 4 882 54.5 5 938 63.5 7 009 72.6 8 090 90.7 10 282
61 18.43 46.2 4 926 55.4 5 992 64.6 7 073 73.9 8 162 92.3 10 374
62 18.74 47 4 970 56.4 6 045 65.7 7 136 75.1 8 236 93.8 10 468
63 19.06 47.8 5 013 57.3 6 100 66.8 7 198 76.4 8 307 95.4 10 559
64 19.38 48.6 5 056 58.3 6 150 68 7 258 77.7 8 379 97 10 651
65 19.70 49.4 5 099 59.2 6 204 69.1 7 320 78.9 8 451 98.6 10 740
66 20.02 50.2 5 141 60.2 6 254 70.2 7 381 80.2 8 521 100.2 10 829
67 20.33 51 5 184 61.1 6 306 71.3 7 442 81.5 8 590 101.8 10 917
68 20.65 51.8 5 225 62.1 6 357 72.4 7 502 82.7 8 660 103.4 11 005
69 20.97 52.6 5 266 63 6 408 73.5 7 562 84 8 729 105 11 092
70 21.29 53.4 5 308 64 6 458 74.7 7 620 85.3 8 796 106.6 11 179

Standard needles

Shaft diameter Fw for Z

needles of diameter ∅ and a
circumferential clearance jc
between 0.3 and 0.6 mm
Coefficient γ : formula 4)
Coefficient Κ: formula 1)

∅ ¬ mm 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5

Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw Fw
Z γ K K K K K K K K
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
71 21.61 54.2 5 349 65 6 506 75.8 7 678 86.6 8 863 108.2 11 265
72 21.93 55 5 389 65.9 6 557 76.9 7 737 87.9 8 930 109.8 11 350
73 22.24 55.7 5 431 66.9 6 604 78 7 795 89.1 8 998 111.3 11 437
74 22.56 56.5 5 471 67.8 6 654 79.1 7 852 90.4 9 064 112.9 11 520
75 22.88 57.3 5 510 68.8 6 702 80.2 7 910 91.7 9 129 114.5 11 604
76 23.20 58.1 5 550 69.7 6 751 81.3 7 966 92.9 9 195 116.1 11 686
77 23.52 58.9 5 589 70.7 6 798 82.5 8 022 94.2 9 260 117.7 11 769
78 23.83 59.7 5 628 71.6 6 846 83.5 8 079 95.5 9 324 119.3 11 851
79 24.15 60.5 5 666 72.6 6 892 84.7 8 134 96.7 9 389 120.9 11 933
80 24.47 61.3 5 704 73.5 6 940 85.8 8 189 98 9 453 122.5 12 013
81 24.79 74.5 6 985 86.9 8 243 99.3 9 516 124.1 12 093
82 25.11 75.5 7 030 88 8 298 100.6 9 578 125.7 12 173
83 25.43 76.4 7 078 89.1 8 353 101.9 9 640 127.3 12 252
84 25.74 77.4 7 123 90.2 8 407 103.1 9 703 128.8 12 332
85 26.06 78.3 7 169 91.3 8 461 104.4 9 764 130.4 12 410
86 26.38 79.3 7 213 92.5 8 512 105.7 9 825 132 12 488
87 26.70 80.2 7 258 93.6 8 565 106.9 9 887 133.6 12 566
88 27.07 81.2 7 302 94.7 8 618 108.2 9 947 135.2 12 643
89 27.34 82.2 7 345 95.8 8 670 109.5 10 007 136.8 12 720
90 27.65 83.1 7 390 96.9 8 723 110.7 10 069 138.4 12 796
91 27.97 84 7 436 98 8 775 112 10 128 140 12 871
92 28.29 85 7 479 99.2 8 825 113.3 10 187 141.6 12 947
93 28.61 86 7 520 100.3 8 876 114.6 10 245 143.2 13 021
94 28.93 86.9 7 565 101.4 8 927 115.9 10 303 144.8 13 096
95 29.24 87.9 7 607 102.5 8 978 117.1 10 363 146.3 13 172
96 29.56 88.8 7 650 103.6 9 028 118.4 10 420 147.9 13 245
97 29.88 89.8 7 692 104.7 9 079 119.7 10 478 149.5 13 318
98 30.20 90.7 7 735 105.8 9 129 120.9 10 537 151.1 13 391
99 30.52 91.7 7 777 107 9 177 122.2 10 593 152.7 13 464
100 30.84 92.7 7 817 108.1 9 227 123.5 10 650 154.3 13 536

Technical features
Inner rings
When it is impractical to meet the shaft raceway design Inner rings features
requirements (hardness, surface finish, case depth,
etc.) standard inner rings may be used. Series Lubrication hole Chamfer
Inner rings are made of rolling bearing steel and after
hardening, their bores, raceways and end surfaces are JR X

Inner rings may be used to provide inner raceway sur-
faces for radial needle roller bearings, needle roller be-
arings and needle bushes with opened and closed end.
For a generic bearing with a given internal diameter, Nominal diameter of lubrication hole
there is a choice of inner rings with the same diameter F
but of different widths. Normally, the width of the inner Internal diameter of the Nominal
inner ring mm diameter of the
ring should never be less than that of the bearing. Alter- Series
lubrication hole
natively, a cylindrical inner ring wider than the bearing ≤ mm
may be used to permit the fitting of a sealing ring, which
would locate on the extended portion at one end of the 20 2

bearing. In this case, if the inner ring has an oil hole, 20 40 2,5
care should be taken to ensure that the hole does not JR.JS1
coincide with the ends of the needles 40 80 3

80 3,5

Inner rings are available in four basic designs and differ
only by the chamfers at the ends of the raceway surfa- Construction tolerances of inner rings
ces, the lubricant access holes and the raceway profile.
Tolerance on
Inner rings of series JR have chamfers to assist in bea- Series
external diameter F
Other tolerances
ring installation but are without lubricating holes.
h5 According ISO 492
With suffix P

Inner rings of series JR.JS1 have bearing installation IM 19000 and

+0.000 /- 0.005 mm
Contact Technical
IM 20600 Service
chamfers and lubricating holes (bore diameters 5 to 50
mm). Inner rings of series JRZ.JS1 are without installa-
tion chamfers, allowing for maximum possible raceway
contact. In the following tables are listed all the inner rings for
needle bushes, cages, needle bearings with cages, with
Inner rings series BIC and BICG are also represented, to
full complement and combined bearings that are show-
completion of the bearings series NA, in addition to the
ed in this catalogue.
IM 19000 and IM 20600 for use with combined bearings

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR5x8x8JS1 5 8 8 0.3 0.002
5 JR5x8x12 5 8 12 0.3 0.003
JR5x8x16 5 8 16 0.3 0.004
JR6x9x8JS1 6 9 8 0.3 0.002
JR6x9x12 6 9 12 0.3 0.003
JR6x9x16 6 9 16 0.3 0.004
JR6x10x10 6 10 10 0.3 0.004
JR6x10x10JS1 6 10 10 0.3 0.004
JRZ6x10x12JS1 6 10 12 0.3 0.005
JR7x10x10.5 7 10 10.5 0.3 0.003
7 JR7x10x12 7 10 12 0.3 0.004
JR7x10x16 7 10 16 0.3 0.005
JR8x12x10 8 12 10 0.3 0.005
JR8x12x10JS1 8 12 10 0.3 0.005
JR8x12x10.5 8 12 10.5 0.3 0.005
JRZ8xl2x12JS1 8 12 12 0.3 0.006
JR8x12x12.5 8 12 12.5 0.3 0.006
JR 8x12x16 8 12 16 0.3 0.007
JR9x12x12 9 12 12 0.3 0.005
JR9x12x16 9 12 16 0.3 0.006
JR10x13x12.5 10 13 12.5 0.3 0.005
JR10x14x11JS1 10 14 11 0.3 0.007
JR10x14x12 10 14 12 0.3 0.007
JR10x14x12JS1 10 14 12 0.3 0.007
JR10x14x13 10 14 13 0.3 0.007
JRZ10x14x14JS1 10 14 14 0.3 0.008
JR10x14x16 10 14 16 0.3 0.009
JR10x14x20 10 14 20 0.3 0.012

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR12x15x12.5 12 15 12.5 0.3 0.006
JR12x15x16 12 15 16 0.3 0.008
JR12x15x16.5 12 15 16.5 0.3 0.008
JR12x15x18.5 12 15 18.5 0.3 0.009
JR12x15x22.5 12 15 22.5 0.3 0.011
JR12x16x12 12 16 12 0.3 0.008
JR12x16x12JS1 12 16 12 0.3 0.008
JR12x16x13 12 16 13 0.3 0.008
JRZ12x16x14JS1 12 16 14 0.3 0.010
JR12x16x16 12 16 16 0.3 0.011
JR12x16x20 12 16 20 0.3 0.014
JR12x16x22 12 16 22 0.3 0.015
14 JR14x17x17 14 17 17 0.3 0.009
JR15x18x16.5 15 18 16.5 0.3 0.010
JR15x19x16 15 19 16 0.3 0.013
JR15x19x20 15 19 20 0.3 0.017
JR15x20x12 15 20 12 0.3 0.012
JR15x20x12JS1 15 20 12 0.3 0.012
15 JR15x20x13 15 20 13 0.3 0.014
JRZ15x20x14JS1 15 20 14 0.3 0.015
JR15x20x16 15 20 16 0.3 0.017
JR 15x20x20 15 20 20 0.35 0.021
JR15x20x23 15 20 23 0.3 0.025
JR15x20x26 15 20 26 0.3 0.028

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR17x20x16.5 17 20 16.5 0.3 0.011
JR17x20x20 17 20 20 0.3 0.014
JR17x20x20.5 17 20 20.5 0.3 0.014
JR17x20x30.5 17 20 30.5 0.3 0.021
JR17x21x16 17 21 16 0.3 0.015
JR17x21x20 17 21 20 0.3 0.019
JR17x22x13 17 22 13 0.3 0.015
JR17x22x16 17 22 16 0.3 0.019
JR17x22x16JS1 17 22 16 0.3 0.019
JRZ17x22x16JS1 17 22 16 0.3 0.019
JR17x22x20 17 22 20 0.35 0.023
JR17x22x23 17 22 23 0.3 0.028
JR17x22x26 17 22 26 0.3 0.031
JR17x22x32 17 22 32 0.3 0.038
JR20x24x16 20 24 16 0.3 0.018
JR20x24x20 20 24 20 0.3 0.022
JR20x25x16 20 25 16 0.3 0.022
JR20x25x16JS1 20 25 16 0.3 0.022
JR20x25x17 20 25 17 0.3 0.023
JRZ20x25x18JS1 20 25 18 0.3 0.025
20 JR20x25x20 20 25 20 0.3 0.028
JR20x25x20.5 20 25 20.5 0.3 0.029
JR20x25x26 20 25 26 0.3 0.036
JR20x25x26.5 20 25 26.5 0.3 0.037
JR20x25x30 20 25 30 0.3 0.042
JR20x25x32 20 25 32 0.3 0.044
JR20x25x38.5 20 25 38.5 0.3 0.054

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR22x26x16 22 26 16 0.3 0.019
JR22x26x20 22 26 20 0.3 0.023
22 JR22x28x17 22 28 17 0.3 0.030
JR22x28x20.5 22 28 20.5 0.3 0.038
JR22x28x30 22 28 30 0.3 0.056
23 JR23x28x20 23 28 20 0.35 0.030
JR25x29x20 25 29 20 0.3 0.027
JR25x29x30 25 29 30 0.3 0.040
JR25x30x16 25 30 16 0.3 0.027
JR25x30x16JS1 25 30 16 0.3 0.027
JR25x30x17 25 30 17 0.3 0.028
JRZ25x30x18JS1 25 30 18 0.3 0.031
25 JR25x30x20 25 30 20 0.3 0.034
JR25x30x20.5 25 30 20.5 0.3 0.035
JR25x30x26 25 30 26 0.3 0.044
JR25x30x26.5 25 30 26.5 0.3 0.045
JR25x30x30 25 30 30 0.3 0.051
JR25x30x32 25 30 32 0.3 0.054
JR25x30x38.5 25 30 38.5 0.3 0.066
JR28x32x17 28 32 17 0.3 0.028
28 JR28x32x20 28 32 20 0.3 0.030
JR28x32x30 28 32 30 0.3 0.044
JR30x35x16 30 35 16 0.3 0.031
JR30x35x17 30 35 17 0.3 0.033
30 JRZ30x35x18JS1 30 35 18 0.3 0.036
JR30x35x20 30 35 20 0.3 0.039
JRZ30x35x20JS1 30 35 20 0.3 0.039

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR30x35x20.5 30 35 20.5 0.3 0.040
JR30x35x26 30 35 26 0.3 0.054
30 JR30x35x30 30 35 30 0.3 0.057
JR30x35x32 30 35 32 0.3 0.062
JR30x38x20JS1 30 38 20 0.6 0.067
JR32x37x20 32 37 20 0.3 0.043
JR32x37x30 32 37 30 0.3 0.064
JR32x40x20 32 40 20 0.6 0.069
JR32x40x36 32 40 36 0.6 0.128
JR35x40x17 35 40 17 0.3 0.040
JR35x40x20 35 40 20 0.3 0.046
JR35x40x20.5 35 40 20.5 0.3 0.049
JR35x40x22 35 40 22 0.3 0.052
JR35x40x30 35 40 30 0.3 0.071
JR35x40x34 35 40 34 0.3 0.080
JR35x40x40 35 40 40 0.3 0.094
JR35x42x20 35 42 20 0.6 0.065
JR35x42x20JS1 35 42 20 0.6 0.065
JRZ35x42x23JS1 35 42 23 0.6 0.074
JR35x42x36 35 42 36 0.6 0.122
JR35x44x22 35 44 22 0.6 0.097
37 JR37x42x20 37 42 20 0.35 0.046
JR38x43x20 38 43 20 0.3 0.050
JR38x43x30 38 43 30 0.3 0.075

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR40x45x17 40 45 17 0.3 0.044
JR40x45x20 40 45 20 0.3 0.052
JR40x45x20.5 40 45 20.5 0.3 0.054
JR40x45x25 40 45 25 0.35 0.062
JR40x45x30 40 45 30 0.3 0.078
40 JR40x45x34 40 45 34 0.3 0.089
JR40x45x40 40 45 40 0.3 0.115
JR40x48x22 40 48 22 0.6 0.094
JRZ40x48x23JS1 40 48 23 0.6 0.100
JR40x48x40 40 48 40 0.6 0.173
JR40x50x20 40 50 20 1 0.110
JR42x47x20 42 47 20 0.3 0.055
JR42x47x30 42 47 30 0.3 0.083
JR45x50x20 45 50 20 0.3 0.058
JR45x50x25 45 50 25 0.6 0.073
JR45x50x25.5 45 50 25.5 0.3 0.075
JR45x50x35 45 50 35 0.6 0.103
JR45x50x40 45 50 40 0.3 0.117
JR45x52x22 45 52 22 0.6 0.090
45 JR45x52x23 45 52 23 0.6 0.096
JRZ45x52x23JS1 45 52 23 0.6 0.096
JR45x52x40 45 52 40 0.6 0.167
JR45x55x20 45 55 20 1 0.133
JR45x55x20JS1 45 55 20 1 0.133
JR45x55x22 45 55 22 1 0.135
JR45x55x40 45 55 40 1 0.247

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR50x55x20 50 55 20 0.3 0.065
JR50x55x25 50 55 25 0.6 0.081
JR50x55x35 50 55 35 0.6 0.113
JR50x55x40 50 55 40 0.3 0.130
JR50x58x22 50 58 22 0.6 0.117
50 JRZ50x58x23JS1 50 58 23 0.6 0.122
JR50x58x40 50 58 40 0.6 0.213
JR50x60x20 50 60 20 1 0.155
JR50x60x20JS1 50 60 20 1 0.155
JR50x60x25 50 60 25 1 0.170
JR50x60x40 50 60 40 1 0.310
JR55x60x25 55 60 25 0.6 0.088
JR55x60x35 55 60 35 0.6 0.124
JR55x63x25 55 63 25 1 0.141
JR55x63x45 55 63 45 1 0.286
JR55x65x30 55 65 30 1 0.222
JR55x65x60 55 65 60 1 0.444
JR60x68x25 60 68 25 0.6 0.153
JR60x68x35 60 68 35 0.6 0.220
JR60x68x45 60 68 45 1 0.284
JR60x70x25 60 70 25 1 0.200
JR60x70x30 60 70 30 1 0.240
JR60x70x60 60 70 60 1 0.480

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR65x72x25 65 72 25 1 0.143
JR65x72x45 65 72 45 1 0.266
JR65x73x25 65 73 25 0.6 0.170
65 JR65x73x35 65 73 35 0.6 0.240
JR65x75x28 65 75 28 1 0.240
JR65x75x30 65 75 30 1 0.260
JR65x75x60 65 75 60 1 0.520
JR70x80x25 70 80 25 1 0.230
JR70x80x30 70 80 30 1 0.270
70 JR70x80x35 70 80 35 1 0.320
JR70x80x54 70 80 54 1 0.500
JR70x80x60 70 80 60 1 0.556
JR75x85x25 75 85 25 1 0.240
JR75x85x30 75 85 30 1 0.289
JR75x85x35 75 85 35 1 0.338
JR75x85x54 75 85 54 1 0.530
JR80x90x25 80 90 25 1 0.260
JR80x90x30 80 90 30 1 0.306
JR80x90x35 80 90 35 1 0.355
JR80x90x54 80 90 54 1 0.565
JR85x95x26 85 95 26 1 0.290
JR85x95x30 85 95 30 1 0.334
85 JR85x95x36 85 95 36 1 0.397
JR85x100x35 85 100 35 1.1 0.595
JR85x100x63 85 100 63 1.1 1.080

Inner rings
Summary table


r r r

d F d F d F


Shaft Designation
d F B rs min Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
JR90x100x26 90 100 26 1 0.300
JR90x100x30 90 100 30 1 0.350
JR90x100x36 90 100 36 1 0.422
JR90x105x32 90 105 32 1.1 0.580
JR90x105x35 90 105 35 1.1 0.624
JR90x105x63 90 105 63 1.1 1.140
JR95x105x26 95 105 26 1 0.310
JR95x105x36 95 105 36 1 0.430
JR95x110x35 95 110 35 1.1 0.653
JR95x110x63 95 110 63 1.1 1.200
JR100x110x30 100 110 30 1.1 0.384
100 JR100x110x40 100 110 40 1.1 0.510
JR100x115x40 100 115 40 1.1 0.790
JR110x120x30 110 120 30 1 0.425
JR110x125x40 110 125 40 1.1 0.870
JR120x130x30 120 130 30 1 0.460
JR120x135x45 120 135 45 1.1 1.060
JR130x145x35 130 145 35 1.1 0.890
JR130x150x50 130 150 50 1.5 1.730
JR140x155x35 140 155 35 1.1 0.955
JR140x160x50 140 160 50 1.5 1.860
150 JR150x165x40 150 165 40 1.1 1.170
160 JR160x175x40 160 175 40 1.1 1.240
170 JR170x185x45 170 185 45 1.1 1.480
180 JR180x195x45 180 195 45 1.1 1.560

Inner rings for machine-tool quality combined
bearings - Summary table

IM 19000 B B

and IM 20600 series r

d F


Shaft Designation
d F B r Weight

mm mm mm mm kg
IM 19017 17 20 27.5 0.2 0.019
IM 20617 17 20 32 0.2 0.021
IM 19020 20 25 27.5 0.35 0.038
IM 20620 20 25 32 0.35 0.044
IM 19025 25 30 27.5 0.35 0.042
IM 20625 25 30 32 0.35 0.052
IM 19030 30 35 27.5 0.35 0.053
IM 20630 30 35 32 0.35 0.061
IM 19035 35 40 27.5 0.35 0.063
IM 20635 35 40 32 0.35 0.072
IM 19040 40 45 27.5 0.35 0.069
IM 20640 40 45 32 0.35 0.080
IM 19045 45 50 30.5 0.65 0.085
IM 20645 45 50 35 0.65 0.096

Cylindrical inner rings with hole for RNA
bearings - Summary table



rs rs

d F d F


d F B rs min Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg
12 BIC 1012 12 17.6 15 1 0.016
BIC 1015 15 20.8 15 1 0.018
BIC 2015 15 22.1 22 1 0.035
17 BIC 1017 17 23.9 15 1 0.026
BIC 1020 20 28.7 18 1 0.046
BIC 2020 20 28.7 22 1 0.056
BIC 1025 25 33.5 18 1 0.054
25 BIC 2025 25 33.5 22 1 0.065
BIC 22025 25 33.5 30 1 0.500
BIC 1030 30 38.2 18 1 0.060
30 BIC 2030 30 38.2 22 1 0.074
BIC 3030 30 44.0 30 1 0.188
BIC 1035 35 44.0 18 1 0.077
BIC 2035 35 44.0 22 1 0.093
BIC 1040 40 49.7 18 1.5 0.094
40 BIC 2040 40 49.7 22 1.5 0.115
BIC 3040 40 55.4 36 1.5 0.321
BIC 1045 45 55.4 18 1.5 0.113
45 BIC 2045 45 55.4 22 1.5 0.139
BIC 3045 45 62.1 38 1.5 0.422

Cylindrical inner rings with hole for RNA
bearings - Summary table



rs rs

d F d F


d F B rs min Weight
∅ Designation
mm mm mm mm kg
BIC 1050 50 62.1 20 2 0.163
BIC 11050 50 62.1 24 2 0.196
BIC 2050 50 62.1 28 2 0.228
BIC 3050 50 68.8 38 2 0.515
BIC 1055 55 68.8 20 2 0.205
55 BIC 3055 55 72.6 38 2 0.525
BICG 3055 55 72.6 48 2 0.660
BIC 2060 60 72.6 28 2 0.282
60 BIC 3060 60 78.3 38 2 0.583
BICG 2060 60 72.6 38 2 0.385
65 BIC 3065 65 83.1 38 2 0.623
70 BIC 3070 70 88.0 38 2 0.662
75 BIC 2075 75 88.0 32 2 0.410
BIC 1080 80 96.0 24 2 0.410
80 BIC 2080 80 96.0 32 2 0.545
BIC 3080 80 99.5 38 2 0.805
BIC 2090 90 104.7 32 2 0.531
BIC 3090 90 109.1 43 2 0.990
BIC 2095 95 109.1 32 2 0.548
BIC 3095 95 114.7 43 2 1.075
100 BIC 3100 100 119.2 43 2 1.090
105 BIC 2105 105 119.2 32 2 0.615
110 BIC 2110 110 124.7 34 2 0.705
125 BICG 2125 125 142.5 44 2 1.340
130 BIC 3130 130 158.0 52 2 2.530

Standard tolerance class P0 (1)
Inner ring Outer ring
∅ bore dm Width ∅ external Dm Out
Out of
(d min. + d max.
) round tolerance Max variation
nominal D
(D min. +2 D max.) of
round Width
mm μm μm μm on a ring mm μm μm
max. μm max.
from to max. min. max. min. from to max. min.
2,5 10 0 -8 10 0 -120 15 6 18 0 -8 15

Tolerance variations on a ring are

identical to those of the inner ring
10 18 0 -8 10 0 -120 20 18 30 0 -9 15

for the corresponding bearing

18 30 0 -10 13 0 -120 20 30 50 0 -11 20
30 50 0 -12 15 0 -120 20 50 80 0 -13 25
50 80 0 -15 20 0 -150 25 80 120 0 -15 35
80 120 0 -20 25 0 -200 25 120 150 0 -18 40
120 180 0 -25 30 0 -250 30 150 180 0 -25 45
180 250 0 -30 40 0 -300 30 180 250 0 -30 50
250 315 0 -35 50 0 -350 35 250 315 0 -35 60
315 400 0 -40 60 0 -400 40 315 400 0 -40 70

(1) According to ISO 1206 (DIN 620 Class 0).

Tolerance class P6 (2)

Inner ring Outer ring
∅ bore dm Width ∅ external Dm Out
Out of
(d min. + d max.
) round tolerance Max variation
nominal D
D min. + D max.
) of
round Width
mm μm μm μm on a ring mm μm μm
max. μm max.
from to max. min. max. min. from to max. min.
2,5 10 0 -7 6 0 -120 15 6 18 0 -7 9

Tolerance variations on a ring are

identical to those of the inner ring
10 18 0 -7 7 0 -120 20 18 30 0 -8 9

for the corresponding bearing

18 30 0 -8 8 0 -120 20 30 50 0 -9 10
30 50 0 -10 10 0 -120 20 50 80 0 -11 13
50 80 0 -12 10 0 -150 25 80 120 0 -13 18
80 120 0 -15 13 0 -200 25 120 150 0 -15 20
120 180 0 -18 18 0 -250 30 150 180 0 -18 23
180 250 0 -22 20 0 -300 30 180 250 0 -20 25
250 315 0 -25 25 0 -350 35 250 315 0 -25 30
315 400 0 -30 30 0 -400 40 315 400 0 -28 35

Tolerance class P5 (2)

Inner ring Outer ring
∅ bore dm Width ∅ external Dm Out
Out of
(d min. + d max.
) round tolerance Max variation
nominal D
D min. + D max.
) of
round Width
mm μm μm μm on a ring mm μm μm
max. μm max.
from to max. min. max. min. from to max. min.
2,5 10 0 -5 3,5 0 -40 5 6 18 0 -5 5
Tolerance variations on a ring are
identical to those of the inner ring

10 18 0 -5 3,5 0 -80 5 18 30 0 -6 6
for the corresponding bearing

18 30 0 -6 4 0 -120 5 30 50 0 -7 7
30 50 0 -8 5 0 -120 5 50 80 0 -9 8
50 80 0 -9 5 0 -150 6 80 120 0 -10 10
80 120 0 -10 6 0 -200 7 120 150 0 -11 11
120 180 0 -13 8 0 -250 8 150 180 0 -13 13
180 250 0 -15 10 0 -300 10 180 250 0 -15 15
250 315 0 -18 13 0 -350 13 250 315 0 -18 18
315 400 0 -23 15 0 -400 15 315 400 0 -20 20

(2) According to ISO/R 492 (DIN 620). For tolerances of class 4 information on request.
NOTE- For the particular tolerances of a bearing type, please consult the corresponding chapter. In view of the relative thinness of inner and outer rings of needle
bearings, their circularity (or ovality) is of little significance, because it is influenced by the shape of the appropriate shafts and housings after installation.
This characteristic does not figure in the tables above.

Nominal F G H J K M N P R
mm F6 F7 F8 G6 H6 H7 H8 H10 H11 H12 J6 J7 Js12 K6 M6 M7 N6 N7 N11 P7 R6 R7
from to
+22 + 28 +35 +14 +9 +15 +22 + 58 + 90 +150 +5 +8 +2 – 3 0 – 7 – 4 0 – 9 –16 –13
6 10 +13 +13 +13 + 5 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 –4 –7
–7 –12 –15 –16 –19 –90 –24 –25 –28
+27 +34 +43 +17 +11 +18 +27 + 70 +110 +180 +6 +10 +2 – 4 0 – 9 – 5 0 –11 –20 –16
10 18 +16 +16 +16 + 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 –5 – 8
–9 –15 –18 –20 –23 –110 –29 –31 –34
+33 +41 +53 +20 +13 +21 +33 + 64 +130 +210 +8 +12 + 2 – 4 0 –11 – 7 0 –14 –24 –20
18 30 +20 + 20 +20 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 –5 – 9
–11 –17 –21 –24 –26 –130 –35 –37 –41
+41 +50 +64 +25 +16 +25 +39 +100 +160 +250 +10 +14 + 3 – 4 0 –12 – 8 0 –17 –29 –25
30 50 +25 +25 +25 + 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 6 –11
–13 –20 –25 –28 –33 –160 –42 –45 –50
+49 +60 + 76 +29 +19 +30 +46 +120 +190 +300 +13 +18 + 4 – 5 0 –14 – 9 0 –21 –35 –30
50 65 +30 +30 + 30 +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 6 –12
–15 –24 –30 –33 –39 –190 –51 –54 –60
+49 +60 +76 +29 +19 +30 +46 +120 +190 +300 +13 +18 + 4 – 5 0 –14 – 9 0 –21 –37 –32
65 80 +30 +30 +30 +10 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 6 –12
–15 –24 –30 –33 –39 –190 –51 –56 –62
+58 +71 +90 +34 +22 +35 +54 +140 +220 +350 +16 +22 + 4 – 6 0 –16 –10 0 –24 –44 –38
80 100 +36 +36 +36 +12 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 6 –13
–18 –28 –35 –38 –45 –220 –59 –66 –73
+58 +71 +90 +34 +22 +35 +54 +140 +220 +350 +16 +22 – 6 0 –16 –10 0 –24 –47 –41
100 120 +36 +36 +36 +12 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 6 –13
±175 –18
–28 –35 –38 –45 –220 –59 –69 –76
+68 +83 +106 +39 +25 +40 +63 +160 +250 +400 +18 +26 + 4 – 8 0 –20 –12 0 –28 –56 –48
120 140 +43 +43 + 43 +14 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –14
–21 –33 –40 –45 –52 –250 –68 –81 –88
+68 +83 +106 +39 +25 +40 +63 +160 +250 +400 +18 +26 + 4 – 8 0 –20 –12 0 –28 –58 –50
140 160 +43 +43 + 43 +14 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –14
–21 –33 –40 –45 –52 –250 –68 –83 –90
+68 +83 +106 +39 +25 +40 +63 +160 +250 +400 +18 +26 + 4 – 8 0 –20 –12 0 –28 –61 –53
160 80 +43 +43 + 43 +14 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –14
–21 –33 –40 –45 –52 –250 –68 –86 –93
+79 +96 +122 +44 +29 +46 +72 +185 +290 +460 +22 +30 + 5 – 8 0 –22 –14 0 –33 –68 – 60
180 200 +50 +50 + 50 +15 0 0 0 0 0 0 –7 –16
–24 –37 –46 –51 –60 –290 –79 –97 –106
+79 +96 +122 +44 +29 +46 +72 +185 +290 +460 +22 +30 + 5 – 8 0 –22 –14 0 –33 – 71 – 63
200 225 +50 +50 + 50 +15 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –16
–24 –37 –46 –51 –60 –290 –79 –100 –109
+79 + 96 +122 +44 +28 +46 +72 +185 +290 +460 +22 +30 + 5 – 8 0 –22 –14 0 –33 – 75 – 67
225 250 +50 + 50 + 50 +15 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –16
–24 –37 –46 –51 –60 –290 –79 –104 –113
+88 +108 +137 +49 +32 +52 +81 +210 +320 +520 +25 +36 + 5 – 9 0 –25 –14 0 –36 – 85 – 74
250 280 +56 + 56 + 56 +17 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –16
–27 –41 –52 –57 –66 –320 –88 –117 –126
+88 +108 +137 +49 +32 +52 +81 +210 +320 +520 +25 +36 + 5 – 9 0 –25 –14 0 –36 – 89 – 76
280 315 +56 + 56 + 56 +17 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –16
–27 –41 –52 –57 –66 –320 –88 –121 –130
+98 +119 +151 +54 +36 +57 +89 +230 +360 +570 +29 +39 + 7 –10 0 –26 –16 0 –41 – 97 – 87
315 355 +62 + 62 + 62 +18 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –18
–29 –46 –57 –62 –73 –360 –98 –133 –144
+98 +119 +151 +54 +36 +57 +89 +230 +360 +570 +29 +39 +7 –10 0 –26 –16 0 –41 –103 – 93
355 400 +62 + 62 + 62 +18 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 7 –18
–29 –46 –57 –62 –73 –360 –98 –139 –150


Nominal f g h j k m n p
mm f6 g5 g6 h5 h6 h7 h8 h10 h13 j5 j6 k5 k6 m5 m6 n6 p6
from to
–10 – 4 – 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 3 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 9 +12 +16 +20
3 6 –18 – 9 –12 –5 –8 –12 –18 –48 –180 – 2 – 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 8 +12
–13 – 5 – 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 4 + 7 + 7 +10 +12 +15 +19 +24
6 10 –22 –11 –14 –6 –9 –15 –22 –58 –220 – 2 – 2 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 6 +10 +15
–16 – 6 – 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 5 + 8 + 9 +12 +15 +18 +23 +29
10 18 –27 –14 –17 –8 –11 –18 –27 –70 –270 – 3 – 3 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 7 +12 +19
–20 – 7 – 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 5 + 9 +11 +15 +17 +21 +29 +35
18 30 –33 –16 –20 –9 –13 –21 –33 –84 –330 – 4 – 4 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 9 +15 +22
–25 – 9 – 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 6 +11 +13 +19 +20 +25 +33 +42
30 50 –41 –20 –25 –11 –18 –25 –39 –100 –390 – 5 – 5 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 9 +17 +28
–30 –10 –10 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 6 +12 +15 +21 +24 +30 +39 +51
50 80 –49 –23 –29 –13 –19 –30 –46 –120 –460 – 7 – 7 + 2 + 2 +11 +11 +20 +32
–36 –12 –12 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 6 +13 +18 +25 +28 +35 +45 +59
80 120 –58 –27 –34 –15 –22 –35 –54 –140 –540 – 9 – 9 + 3 + 3 +13 +13 +23 +37
–43 –14 –14 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 7 +14 +21 +28 +33 +40 +52 +68
120 180 –99 –32 –39 –19 –25 –40 –63 –160 –630 –11 –11 + 3 + 3 +15 +15 +27 +43
–50 –15 –15 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 7 +16 +24 +33 +37 +45 +50 +79
180 250 –79 –39 –44 –20 –29 –46 –72 –188 –720 –13 –13 + 4 + 4 +17 +17 +31 +80
–56 –17 –17 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 7 +15 +27 +35 +43 +52 +66 +88
250 315 –88 –40 –49 –23 –32 –52 –81 –210 –610 –18 –15 + 4 + 4 +20 +20 +34 +55
–62 –18 –16 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 7 +19 +29 +40 +46 +57 +73 +99
315 400 –99 –43 –54 –25 –38 –87 –89 –230 –890 –19 –16 + 4 + 4 +21 +21 +37 +92


Nominal dimension of the hole Class of play C2 Class of play C0 Class of play C3 Class of play C4
mm mm (standard) mm mm mm
> ≥ min max min max min max min max
– 30.000 – 0.025 0.020 0.045 0.035 0.060 0.050 0.075
30.000 40.000 0.005 0.030 0.025 0.050 0.045 0.070 0.060 0.085
40.000 50.000 0.005 0.035 0.030 0.060 0.050 0.080 0.070 0.100
50.000 65.000 0.010 0.040 0.040 0.070 0.060 0.090 0.080 0.110
65.000 80.000 0.010 0.045 0.040 0.075 0.065 0.100 0.090 0.125
80.000 100.000 0.015 0.050 0.050 0.085 0.075 0.110 0.105 0.140
100.000 120.000 0.015 0.055 0.050 0.090 0.085 0.125 0.125 0.165
120.000 140.000 0.015 0.060 0.060 0.105 0.100 0.145 0.145 0.190
140.000 160.000 0.020 0.070 0.070 0.120 0.115 0.165 0.165 0.215
160.000 180.000 0.025 0.075 0.075 0.125 0.120 0.170 0.170 0.220
180.000 200.000 0.035 0.090 0.090 0.145 0.140 0.195 0.195 0.250
200.000 225.000 0.045 0.105 0.105 0.165 0.160 0.220 0.220 0.280
225.000 250.000 0.045 0.110 0.110 0.175 0.170 0.235 0.235 0.300
250.000 280.000 0.055 0.125 0.125 0.195 0.190 0.260 0.260 0.330
280.000 315.000 0.055 0.130 0.130 0.205 0.200 0.275 0.275 0.350
315.000 355.000 0.065 0.145 0.145 0.225 0.225 0.305 0.305 0.385
355.000 400.000 0.100 0.190 0.190 0.280 0.280 0.370 0.370 0.460
400.000 450.000 0.110 0.210 0.210 0.310 0.310 0.410 0.410 0.510
450.000 500.000 0.110 0.220 0.220 0.330 0.330 0.440 0.440 0.550

(1) According to ISO 5753 only for needle bearings with cage and precision combined bearings with adjustable preload. For
internal radial play of other products see the specific chapters.


AR Roller thrust bearing 138
ARNB Precision combined bearing with adjustable preload using roller thrust bearings 178
ARNBT Combined bearing ARNB with screw locations 178
ARZ Roller thrust bearing with retained plate 138
AX Needle thrust bearing 138
AXNA Precision combined bearing of small dimensions, with adjustable preload using 178
needle thrust bearings
AXNAT Combined bearing AXNA with screw locations 178
AXNB Precision combined bearing with adjustable preload using needle thrust bearings 178
AXNBT Combined bearing AXNB with screw locations 178
AXZ Needle thrust bearing with retained plate 138

...B6 Convex outer diameter for RNA 11000 series 117
BIC Cylindrical inner ring with lubrication hole for full complement needle bearings RNA series 206
Cylindrical inner ring with lubrication hole for RNAB series 135
BICG Wide cylindrical inner ring with lubrication holes for full complement needle 206
bearings RNA series 2000 and 3000
BK Caged needle bush, closed-end 54
BK...RS Caged needle bush, closed-end with one seal 54
BR Needle roller with round ends 196
BP Needle roller with flat ends 196

...C2, C3, C4, C5 Radial play different from standard play for complete bearings with thick inner and 221
outer ring
CP Plate for needle thrust bearing, roller thrust bearing (light series) and combined 138
CPN Plate for combined bearing machine-tool quality 138
CPR Plate for roller thrust bearing AR (heavy series) 138

DH Sealing rings 190
DL Full complement needle bush, open 54
DLF Full complement needle bush, closed-end 54

...EE Seal incorporated on two sides 117
...EEM Metal seals incorporated on two sides 117

FC Drawn cup needle roller clutch, regular series, multi-roller per stainless steel spring 79
FCB Drawn cup needle roller clutch and bearing assembly, regular series, multi-roller 79
per stainless steel spring
FCL-K Drawn cup needle roller clutch, light series, single roller per stainless steel spring 79
FCBL-K Drawn cup needle roller clutch and bearing assembly , light series, single roller per 79
stainless steel spring
FCS Drawn cup needle roller clutch, light series, single roller per stainless steel spring 79
FC-K Drawn cup needle roller clutch, light series, single roller per stainless steel spring 79
FCBN-K Drawn cup needle roller clutch and bearing assembly, light series, multi-roller per 79
stainless steel spring


FG Needle cam follower with convex outer ring 117
FGL Needle cam follower FG with cylindrical outer ring 117
FG...EE Needle cam follower with convex outer ring with two seals 117
FGL...EE Needle cam follower FG with cylindrical outer ring with two seals 117
FG...EEM Needle cam follower with convex outer ring with two metallic shields 117
FGL...EEM Needle cam follower FG with cylindrical outer ring with two metallic shields 117
FGU Full complement roller cam follower with convex outer ring 117
FGU...MM Full complement roller cam follower with convex outer ring and metallic shields 117
FGUL Full complement roller cam follower with cylindrical outer ring 117
FGUL...MM Full complement roller cam follower with cylindrical outer ring and metallic shields 117
FP Small needle cam follower with convex outer ring 117
FPL Small needle cam follower with cylindrical outer ring 117

GC Needle cam follower with stud, convex outer ring 117
GC...EE Needle cam follower with stud, convex outer ring with two seals 117
GCL Needle cam follower with stud, cylindrical outer ring 117
GCL...EE Needle cam follower with stud, cylindrical outer ring with two seals 117
GC...EEM Needle cam follower with stud, convex outer ring with two metallic shields 117
GCL...EEM Needle cam follower with stud, cylindrical outer ring with two metallic shields 117
GCR Needle cam follower with eccentric stud, convex outer ring 117
GCR...EE Needle cam follower GC...EE with eccentric stud 117
GCRL Needle cam follower with eccentric stud and cylindrical outer ring 117
GCRL...EE Needle cam follower GCL..EE with eccentric stud 117
GCR...EEM Needle cam follower GC...EEM with eccentric stud 117
GCRL...EEM Needle cam follower CGL...EEM with eccentric stud 117
GCU Roller cam follower with stud, convex outer ring 117
GCUL Roller cam follower with cylindrical outer ring 117
GCUR Roller cam follower with eccentric stud, convex outer ring 117
GCURL Roller cam follower with eccentric stud, cylindrical outer ring 117

HK Caged needle bush, open, according to ISO tolerances 54
HK...RS Caged needle bush, open, with one seal 54
HK...2RS Caged needle bush, open, with two seals 54

IM Inner rings 19000 and 20600 series for machine-tool quality precision combined 206

JR Inner ring for bushes and bearings without lubrication hole 206
JR...JS1 Inner ring for bushes and bearings with lubrication hole 206
JRZ...JS1 Inner ring for bushes and bearings with lubrication hole, without chamfer on the 206

NA Full complement needle bearings with inner ring 104
NK Caged needle bearings without inner ring 92
NKS Caged needle bearings without inner ring 92


NKJ Caged needle bearing with inner ring 92

NKJS Caged needle bearing with inner ring 92
NUKR...2SK Full complement roller cam follower , with shields, profiled outer ring 117
NUKRE...2SK Full complement roller cam follower , with shields, profiled outer ring, with 117
eccentric stud
NUTR Full complement roller wheels with convex outer ring 117
NUTR...DZ Full complement roller wheels with cylindrical outer ring 117

...P6, P5, P4 Precision tolerance codes for thick inner and outer ring 219

K Needle cage with single-row 38
K...ZW Needle cage with double-row 38
K...TN Molded cage of reinforced engineered polymer, with single-row 38

...R6 Convex inner ring raceway 104
RAX 400 Needle combined bearing with needle thrust cage 156
RAX 500 Needle combined bearing with roller thrust cage 156
RAX 700 Needle combined bearing with thin outer ring, open 156
RAXF 700 Needle combined bearing with thin outer ring, closed-end 156
RAXN 400, 500 Needle combined bearing, machine-tool quality 156
RAXNPZ 400, RAXNZ 500 Needle combined bearing RAXN 400 RAXN 500 with retained thrust plate 156
RAXPZ 400 Needle combined bearing RAX 400 with retained thrust plate 156
RAXZ 500 Needle combined bearing RAX 500 with retained thrust plate 156
RNA Full complement needle bearing without inner ring 104
RNAB Cam follower 11000 series, convex outer diameter greater than B6 117
RNA...B6 Cam follower 11.000 series, convex outer diameter 117
RNAL Cam follower 11.000 series, cylindrical outer diameter 117
...RS Seals for needle bushes HK and BK 54

...TB Radial play or diameter under needles selected from lower half of standard 104
...TC Radial play or diameter under needles selected from upper half of standard 104
...TN Molded cage of reinforced engineered polymer 38

Nadella S.r.l. Nadella GmbH Nadella Inc. Nadella Office Shanghai
Via Melette, 16 Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 28 4884 Hawkins Road 728 German Centre, 88 Keyuan Road
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