578 Index
Index 583
Miranda,16,222,396,403,405,456, 255,256,258-260,291-293,
5r0 304,3t1,364,365,369-371,
anomalous inclination, 13 313,402105,412,413,415,
Monte Carlo approach, 7 420,421,428,436,452,454,
Moon,44,82,83, 133-135, 148,174, 459,460,465,466,468471,
181, 183, t92,209,210,212, 511,518, 522,523
220,221,453 outer planets, 470
orbital evolution, 163, 166
quadrupole moment, 189,194 Oberon' 404
spin-orbit resonance, 217 oblate spheroid, 149, 151
Morabiro, L.,lj4 oblateness, 750,221,264,265,269,
21 0, 21 7, 299, 301, 302, 301,
N-body maps,440,446 308,316,328,332,314,400,
N-body problem, 274,440 482,490,492,491,513, 530
nebular drag,123 oblique variables,60
Neptune, 28,52,283,466469 occultation, 474,418,480,481,494,
discovery, 5, 18 495, 501, 502,504,506, 507,
orbital migration,469 512,518
ringarcs, 13 oceancurrents, 141, 147,148
rings, 13, 476,481,518,519 oceantide
Adams, 481,484,490, 513, 518, amplitude, 147
519 Oort cloud, 74
Adams ring, 13 Ophelia, 13, 480, 488, 504, 505,
Arago,48l -510
arcs,481 optical depfh,496,497
Courage arc,481 orbit circularisation, 167
discovery,474 orbit in space.48
Egalité arc, 481 orbit plane, 24
Fraternité arc, 481 orbit-orbit coupling, 9
Galle, 481 orbital angular momentum, 41 ,l1l,ll3,
Lassell,481 167
Le Verrier. 481 orbital elements
Liberté arc, 481 calculation, 52
unnamed,48l perturbations,25l
secular evolution, 304 variation, 328
Nereid, 28 orbital energy, 30, 162,163, l1l,42l
neutral stability. 208 orbital evolution, 163, 166,428,431,
Newcomb operators, 232,233 522
Newcomb, 5.,234 orbital period, 3, 10,28, 41
Newton, I., 1, 4, 5, 19 , 22 orbital perturbations, 54
laws of motion, I, 4, 9 , 162, 226 argument of pericentre, 57
Newton-Raphson method, 35 eccentricity, 55
nonlinear dynamics, 18, 19, 410 inclination, 56
normal modes, 508 longitude of ascending node, 56
numerical integrations, 10, 14,18,97 , semi-major axis, 54
98, 106, 110, 111, I15,127,218, timeof pericentrepassage,5T
Index 585
orbital position and velocity, 25 Poincaré variables, 59, 60, 342, 356
orbital radius, 28 Poisson series, 201
orthogonal function, 138 potential
osculating eccentricity, 96 central, 136,164
osculating elements, 54, 228, 232, 27 0, core boundary, 144
27 4, 27 8, 290, 29 t, 309, 404 deforming, 130, 143, 144
extemal, 136, I40, 142, 161. 163,
Pan,12,512-516 164,196
discovery,513 gradient, 133
Pandora, 12,375, 488, 495,504, 506, intemal, 136, 140, 142, 143
515-511,520,52t surface,133
orbital evolution, 375 tidal, 130, 140, 142, 143,148,163,
resonances, 479 164,167, 110, 194
pattern speed,482185, 489, 508 tide-raising, 134,142
Peirce,8.,233 potential energy, 41,58,83, 148, 336,
pendulum analogy,2ll 337
pendulum equation, 204, 428 potential minimum, 83
pendulum model, 211, 334-339, 34I, potential theory, 136, 265
354,355,368,395, 400, Poynting-Robertson (PR) lighr drag,
428430, 448,449,458, 462, 483 12t,495, 496,510, 522
periapse,23 precession, 5, 10, 152, 256, 293, 298,
pericentre, 28 308, 309, 3t4, 328,33t,332,
alignment, 506-508 335, 368, 374,436, 4s1,478,
perihelion, 28 490, 491, 506, 509, 517, 518, s30
perijove,23 differential, 497, 507, 508, 517
periodic orbit, 389, 423,424 free. 509
first kind, 424 luni-solar. 152
second kiñ,425 uniform, 506-508, 516
periselenium,23 precessional pinch, 507, 508
phase lag, 194 prograde motion, 49
phase shift, l6t, 162, ti1,2t2,486,489 Prometheus, 12, 488, 494, 504, 506,
phase space, 410, 414, 4I7, 419, 421, 515-518, s20,s2t
425,426,428,450 longitude lag,518,521
Phobos, 211,455 resonances, 479
orbital evolution, 163 proper eccentricity, 286
shape,217 proper elemerts, 309, 31 1, 315, 316,
spin-orbit resonance, 217 522
Pioneer 11,515 proper longitude of pericentre, 286
Plato,2 pseudo-potential, 61
P1utinos,467 PSR1257+12.405
Pluto, 13, 28, 52,82, lO1, 186, 466468 Ptolemaic system,2
chaotic motion. 468 Ptolemy,44
discovery,5,467 Puck, 180
Poincaré, H., 19, 63,410 pulsar,405
Poincaré elements. 431 millisecond.405
Poincaré map,4l4,416 pulsar planets, 405
586 Index
Tethys, ll, 12, 109, 157, 37 5, 389, 393, librational, 44, l7O-172
520 low, 134
3:l resonance,374 lunar, 135
thermal creep, 146 radial, 17G-1 12, 176
three-body problem, 19, 63-65,70, 11, satellite, 166
4t0, 413, 419, 459, 499, 5tt, 520 semiannual, 135
circular restricted, 63, 7 3, 77, 260, semidiurnal, 135, l6L, 162
332, 364, 37 1, 372, 4r0, 4r2, solar, 135, 184
413, 421, 425, 427, 448, 450, Titan, i75
460,511 time of pericentre passage,32, 52
effects of drag, l2I calculation, 53
effects ofradiation pressure, 122 perturbations, 57
elliptical restricted, 255 timescale
equilibrium points, 5 10 separation of, 400,401
excluded regions, 70 Tisserand constant, 73
tidal amplitude, 130, 146 Tisserand relation, 7l-13,100, 316, 333,
tidal bulge, 130-132, 134, 139, l4l , 146, 343,498,499
148, 161, 162, r70, 190, 194 Tisserand's criterion, 1 18
oscillation, 170 Titan, 12, 157, 158, 11 6, 324, 328, 388,
tidal currents, 147 389,455, 509
tidal deformation, 134, 135, 140, 156, global ocean, 176
172 internal structure, 158
tidal despinning, 13, 166, 189 methane, 175
tidal dissipation, I 3 1, 167 , I70, 11 I , tides, 175
t7 3, t'7 5, l8l, 212, 220, 221 Titan ringlet, 508
tidal dissipation function, 16l, 166, l'7 l, Titania,404
t7 4, 184, t9t, 2r5, 37 5 , 386, 391 Titius, J., 5
tidal distortion, l7l, 173, 116,222 Titius-Bode law, 5,6,9
tidal evolution, 178, 179,375,389, 390, Tombaugh, C'461
481 torque, 496, 502, 504, 505
tidal flow, 176 satellite, 505
tidal force, 130, 132, 159, l1O, 47 5 viscous,504,505
tidal friction, l3l, 159-162, 11 I torus,430
tidal heating, 171 triaxial ellipsoid, 130, 151, 156,196
tidal lag, 161,163,190 triple collisions, 64
tidal oscillations, 171 Triton, 165
tidal torque, 160-163, 189, 191-193, orbital evolution, 165
20r,205,208,209,211, retrograde orbit, 165
212,453 Trojan asteroids, 107-l l0
tidal wave, 148 Trojan satellites, 107, 109
tidally evolved systems, 179 true anomaly,28,44
tide, 130, l3l calculation,53
diurnal, 135 true longitude, 28
equilibrium, l4l,l43 truncation enor,47O
fortnightly, 135,147 two-body problem, 22, 26, 45, 69, 7 l,
high, 134 413.498
592 Index