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action, 37 6, 378, 380, 383, 385, 429 (887) Alinda, 388

action variable,429 (1) Ceres, 5,29,456
Adams, J. C.,5, 18 (2060) Chiron, 4ll,4l2
adiabatic invariant, 376 (3153) Cruithne, 107
Adrastea,4'77 Dactyl, 29,30, 182
d'Alembert relation, 250,316, 483 (668) Dora
algebraic mappings, 19, 428, 429, 431, family,314
460,466 (221) Eos
2:l Jupiter resonance, 465 family,314
3: 1 Jupiter resonance, 43 1 (5261) Eureka,107
3:2 Jupiter resonance, 465 (1272) Gefion
Anaximander of Miletus, 2 family,3l3
angle variable,429 (1620) Geographos, 465, 466
angular momentum, 24, 1 1, 163, 167, (1362) Griqua, 388
266, 326, 328, 421 , 495499, (522) Helga, 465
502,503,505, 520 (153) Hilda, 388, 390, 457
integral, 30,69 grotp,457
vector, 24, 56, I I (243) Ida, 29, 30, 182
angular velocity, 29 (158) Koronis
apoapse,28 family, 3ll,312,3I4
apocentre, 28 (44) Nysa
apocentric libration, 361 -31 0 family, 311,312,314
area-preserving map, 439 (2) Pallas.263.456
argument of pericentre, 49 (24) Themis
calculation,53 family, 311,312,314
Kozai resonance, 316 (279) Thule, 388
perturbations, 57 (4) Vesta, 456
Ariel, 16, 119-181,396 asteroid belt, 309, 3ll, 314-316, 321,
ascending node, 49 364, 390, 400, 436, 456458,
matual,234 464,465,490,522
Asteroid resonant structure, 457
(588) Achilles, 107 asteroid dynamics, 353, 355

578 Index

asteroid family, 309-312, 315 characteristic equation, 87, 9A-93, 124,

asteroid mass, 29 279,280
astronomical unit, 29, 526 Charon, 13,82,107, 186
asymptotic stability, 125-127 Chirikov's cnteion, 220
attitude unstable, 455 Chiron,411
averaging method, 206, 226, 293, 294, circulating orbits, 102
299 circulation, 210
averaging principle, 249, 254, 260, 293, COBE,523
299,4t5 coefficient of restitution, 496
azimuthal confinement, 13, 484, 518 colatitude, 734, 135,137, 138, 168
barycentric motion, 45 bombardment, 160
barycentric system,46 Jupiter family,4l2
Bernouilli's theorem, 148 Oortclotd, 14,74
Bessel function, 38,39, 438 Shoemaker-Levy,9, 412
bi-quadratic equation, 124 short-period, 14, 412
bifurcation, 341, 348, 350-352, sungrazing,3lT
357-359,36t-363,377 coÍrmensurability, l5
Birkhoff, G.,63 l8:1,263
Bode's law,5 3:1,261
Bode, J., 5 5 :2 Jupiter-Saturn, 283
Boquet, F.,234 mean motion,275,279
Brahe, T.,3 preference for, 15
butterfly effect, 4ll, 412 computer algebra, 18,232,234, 470
configuration space, 410
Callisto, 10,157 conic section, 4, 26, 27, 45, 46, 225
internal structure, 158 circle,26
Calypso, 109 ellipse,26
Cassini, 7 3, I58, 5 1 8, 521 hyperbola,26
Cassini division, 12, 456, 492, 509 parabola,26
celestial mechanics, 18, 19, 28, 67 , 321 polar equation, 26
Centaur,4l2 conjugate variables, 59, 60
central force,22 conjunction, ll, 437 439
centred ellipse, 96, 103, 191,324,482 conservation of energy, 73
2:1,96,190-192,216 contact transformation, 60
centrifugal acceleration, 66, 7 4, 1 5, 149 coorbital satellites, 108-1 10, 503, 512,
centrifugal force, 91, 132,159 5t6
centrifugal potential, 67, 149, 15 1, 155 Copenhagen problem, 64
chaos, 18, 220,409413,426, 42-1, 448, Copernican system, 2
451, 460, 461, 465, 46941 I Copernicus, N.,5
bounded, 418, 465, 47 I Cordelia, 13, 480, 488, 504-506, 510
chaotic motion, 2I9,410413, 417, 418, resonances, l3
420,421, 423,426, 428, 430, Coriolis acceleration, 66
449451, 459, 460, 464, 47 t, 530 Coriolis force,67,'14
chaotic rotation, 454, 455 Coriolis terms, 67
chaotic zore,22O,22I cosmic ray exposure age,464
Index 579

couple, 198 Kaula's expansion, 232, 23i, 238,

creep,172 241
Le Verrier's expansion, 234
damping timescale, 160 literal expansion,233
Darwin, G.H.,194,212 nearly resonant terms, 261
Darwin-Radau relation, 153, 154 Newcomb operators, 232, 233
deep ocean,144 Newcomb's expansion, 234
degeneracy problem, 21 9, 301, 302 order of argument, 261
Deimos,22l,222 order of resonarÍ term, 261
Delaunay variables, 59, 60, 316 Peirce's expansion, 233
Delaunay, C.-E., 18 permissible arguments, 230-232,
density waves,488 250,253
deterministic system, l, 409, 430, 448 resonant arguments, 258, 260
Digital Orrery, 18, 465, 468 resonant terms, 253, 254, 25'7, 261,
Dione, ll,12,lO9 293.43t,436
Dirac á-function, 429 , 432, 440, 445, 446 second-order a.rguments, 546-550
dissipation, 99, 163, 167, 17 l, I73, 448, second-order expansion, 238
502,509 secular arguments, 260
dissipative systems, 341 secular terms, 253, 254,256,257 ,
disturbing function, 35, 225-229, 21 4, 261 , 293, 301 , 329 , 33r, 43t,
27 5, 27 9, 289, 293, 299, 300, 436
314, 315, 377, 329, 34U342, short-period terms, 254, 256, 260
348, 349, 355, 37 3, 386, 390, strength of term, 251
394, 395, 400, 404, 415, 431, strength of terms, 260
436, 440, 47 0, 483, 486, 489 terms with specific arglment,246
averaged, 253, 257, 261, 264, 279, third-order arguments, 551, 552
329,332,431, 432 use of, 248,249
Boquet's expansion, 234 zeroth-order arguments, 540-542
Brouwer & Clemence's expansion, double synchronous state, 183-185
234 drag, 121, 16l
Brown & Shook's expansion. dust particles, 14
classification of arguments, 253 Earth, 52, 82, 83, 130, 133-135, 148,
convergence, 250,340, 436, 465 163,176, t83, s23,528
dkectparl,234 chaotic orbit,47l
direct terms, 221 ,330 chaotic orbital motion, 19
dominant contributions, 230 dust ring, 15, 522-524
expansion,539 flattening, 152
flrst-order arguments, 543, 545 increase in rotational period, 163
fouÍh-order arguments, 553-556 minimum rotation period, 150
Hansen coeffi cients. 232, 233 igidify,747
high frequency terms, 432 rotation, 166
inclination function, 232, 248, secular evolution, 303, 305 , 317
264 eccentric anomaly, 32, 43, 44
indirect part,234 relationship to true anomaly, 32
indirect terms, 227, 330 eccentric variables, 60
580 Index

eccenfricify,26,2'7 empty orbitals, 6

calculation,53 Enceladus, I1,12,393
damping, 161, 17l, 113, 174,222, Encke gap, 12, 512-516
484,502,505 encounter maps, 436, 439, 440, 445, 451,
forced, 96, 286-292, 308, 309, 452
31 t-314, 352, 486, 481, 489, energy constant, 3 1, 48
502,503,509,519 energy dissipation, 161, 181,211
tuee, 96, 97, lll, 286, 291, 292, energy equation, 386
309,311,313 energy integral, 30, 69, 7 l, 210, 211 ,
osculating, 286, 288, 309 220
perturbations, 55 balance of, 382
proper, 286, 309, 310, 3 13 epicentre, 95,96,98, 102, 125, 482
eccentricity gradient, 506-508 epicycle, I 1 1
eccentricity impulse, 100 epicyclic frequency, 482
eccentricity vector, 30, 211 epicyclic motion, 95, 96,98, 103, 1 19,
ecliptic, 49,528 120, t25
Edgeworth, K., 14 suppressed, 97
Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, 9, 14, 412. 467 Epimetheus, 12, 109, 110, 113-1 15, I22,
effective rigidity, 145 t57.516
eigenfrequencies, 105, 289, 290, density, ll5
302-304,308, 309, 314-3t7 . equation of the centre, 41
404,405,469 equatorial canal, l4l, I48
eigenmode, 279,302 equilibrium points, 7 4, 77, 5ll
eigenvalue, 86, 87, 89-94, 125,218,280, equilibrium tide, 134
301 amplirude, 134
eigenvecror, 86-88, 21 8-282, 301, 3lj equipotential curves, 171
Einstein, A. equipotential surface, 133, 140-1 44,
theory of relativity, 5 146,150,156, 164
elastic energy, 174 Euler's equation, 136
elastic forces, l4l, 112 Euler's equations, 198
elastic yielding, 141 Euler, L., 63, 198
ellipse,22,28 Europa, 10, 157, 158,396,397
2:l centred,523 internal structure. 157
area,28 excluded regions, 10,82,98, 421, 422
centred. 33, 324, 486, 502, 503
empty focus, 26, 42, 44, 167, 168, f and g functions, 36, 37
170 flattening, 150, 151
focus, 3, 26,28,42 forced eccenticity, 9 6, 286
keplerian, 486 forced elemenrs, 283, 289, 292, 293,
polar equation, 28 308, 3l 1, 314
position vector, 28 generalised, 307
semi-major axis, 3 forced inclination, 287
elliptic fixed point, 336 forced longitude of pericentre, 286
elliptic integral,464 lree eccentricity,96,97 , lll,286
elliptical expansions, 37 free elements,283,309
elliptical integral, 288, 331, 463 generalised, 307
Index 581

free inclination, 287 Hooke, R.,4

free longitude ofpericentre, 286 Hornstein, K.,456
horseshoe orbits, 12, 97-102,104, 105,
Galatea, 13, 481, 490,514,519 108-1 I l, tt7, 121, 126,
Galilean satellites, 10, 181 5t0-5t2,514,515
Galilei, G.,5,474 connection with zero-velocity
Galileo, 10, 29, 7 3, I57, 158, 471 curves, llT
Ganymede, 10, 151, 396, 397 drag,122
internal structure, 157 long-term stability, 100, 110
Gauss's averaging method, 293, 294, 299 horseshoe zone, 100, 109
Gauss's equations, 438 Hubble Space Telescope, 515
Gaussian gravitational constant, 526 Huygens ringlet, 509
generalised leap frog, 447,448 Huygens, C.,414
grande inégalité, 10 hydrostatic equilibrium, 145-147, 153,
gravitation t55-157, 159,164
universal law of.226 hydrostatic pressure, 144, 148
gravitation, universal law of. 1,4,22, l3l hyperbolic fixed point, 337
gravitational constant, 4,23, 526 hypergeometric function, 288
gravitational potentiai, 67 Hyperion, 12, 220, 22I, 324, 328, 388,
great inequality, l0 389,452455
Greek asteroids, 107 light curve, 453, 455
Gregori an c alendar, 527 rotation, 19, 452, 454, 455
guiding centre, 42, 45, 96, 103-105, 107, shape,453
ll0, 111, 113, 118-120, 168,
t7 0, 17 6, 216, 464, 482, 511 rÁ.U,526,527
Iliad. 107
Hamilton, W. R.,63 impact parameter, 5l 1
Hamiltonian, 58, 59 inclination, 37, 49
3:l resonance,432434 calculation,53
Hamiltonian system,59 forced, 281 -292, 308, 309,
coordinates, 59 311-313,489,492
degrees of freedom, 59 free, 287, 291, 292, 309, 3 l 1,
momenta.59 3t3
order. 59 high,316
Hansen coefficients, 232, 233, 248 mutual,234,279
harmonic oscillator, 160, 161 osculating, 281 ,288
Helene. 109 perturbations, 56
heliocentric coordinates. 49 proper, 309. 310, 315
Hill's equations, 79, 115, 116, 118, 120, inclination v ecfor. 27 7
158, 436-438,440,499 inertia
Hill's sphere, 116.ll1 central ellipsoid of, 196
Hill's stability, Tl ellipsoid of, 196
Hill, G. w., 115 moment of, 151-153, 163,
Hirayama families, 309, 3 1 l, 314, 522 t94-t97,199,200
Hirayama, K., 309 moment of inertia factor, 153, 1 54,
homogeneous functions, 136, 137 157
582 Index

inertia (cont.) Jupiter-Saturn system

principal axes of, 196,197 secular evolution, 27 9, 282, 283,
product of, L94,196 289
inertial drag forces, 126 test particle, 289
integral of relative energy, 68
inverse square law, 4, 22, 23, 25, 26, 64, KAM curves,450
Keeler gap, 514, 515
Kepler's equation, 34, 35, 51, 51, 446
Io, 10, 44, l3L, 157, 158, 7'7 4, 181, 396,
divergence of series solution, 35, 39
numerical solution, 35, 36
internal structure, 157
series solution, 34, 35, 38, 39
runaway melting, 174
Kepler, J.,2,5,44
tidal heating, 131,174
first law, 3,4,26
vulcanism, 11,174,175
geometrical model of planetary
[RAS, 9, 309 , 3tt , 522, 523
IRAS dust bands, 309, 3ll,314
laws of planetary motion, 2,3,22
centre of symmetry, 313,314
second Law,3,4,294
islands, 416, 4ll, 423425, 427, 430,
third law, 2, 3, 29, 155, 163, 251,
294, 332, 338, 348, 386, 391,
450, 487, 490, 498, 500, 513
J2, l5l,152
Jacobi constarfi, 69-7 l, 7 3, 80-82, 98,
kinetic energy, 47,58,83, 84, l4l,148,
105, 1 16, 158,343,354, 365,
Kirkwood, D., 13, 456,459
414,421427, 438, 510, 511
Kirkwood gaps, 13, 19, 316, 456, 459,
variation of,123
Jacobi integral, 64, 68,70, 72, 437
Jacobi, K. G. K.,63
3:1 resonance,431
Jacobian coordinates, 441443
collisional hypothesis, 459
Janus, 12, 109, I 10, 1 13-1 15, 122, 157 ,
cosmogonic hypothesis, 459
488, 503, 504,512,5t6
gravitational hypothesis, 459
density, l15
origin, 458
Jeffreys, H.,266
statistical hypothesis, 45 8
Julian calendar,527
Kozai resonance, 316, 317
Julian century 527
equilibrium points, 3 17
Julian date, 526-528, 530
Kuipe¡ G., 14
húianyea¡ 527
Jupiter, 29, 51, 52, lO7, I08, 255, 219, lag angle, 194,502
282,4t2,456,465,466 Lagrange's inverse theorem, 41, 42, 79
flattening, 152 Lagrange's planetary equations,
minimum rotation period, 150 251-255, 258, 259, 265, 269,
rings, 11, 476,477 27 0, 27 4, 21 7, 293, 294, 3t4,
discovery, 474,476 328,386,381,438,483
gossamer ing,476,477 Lagrange, J.L.,63,101
hato,476418 Lagrangian equilibrium points, 74,17 ,
main ring, 476478 82, 101
secular evolution, 304, 306, 301, collinear, 78,90,91, 116, 1 17, 158,
43t 289

Index 583

location. 77-85 Lorcnlz resonance, 477, 47 8

motion near triangular points, 95, 96 Love number, 164, 191,386,391
stability, 83, 84, 90-94 Love, A.8.H.,164
stability under drag, 123, L21 lunar laser ranging, 1 8 1
triangular, 7 8, 82, 84, 92-94, 102, Lyapounov exponent, 418421, 465,
126,422 469411
Laplace coefficients, 236, 237, 242, 247, Lyapounov time,42O
249, 25 l, 252, 256, 262, 27 5,
6, 280, 287 -289, 299, 329,
2',7 MacCullagh's formula, 151, 197, 198
346,386, 389, 390, 431, 488, 539 MacCullagh, 1., 191, 198
Laplacerelation, 11, 181, 394,396 Mars, 17, 52,108,211
Laplace resonance, lO, 17, 396 chaotic orbit,4ll
Laplace's equation, 136, 137 secular evolution. 303-305
Laplace, P. S., 19, 63,302,409,410 Maxwell ringlet, 509
Laplace-Lagrange secular theory, 302 Maxwell, J.C.,474
Le Verrier. U., 5, 18, 63,234 mean anomaly,32,43,44
Legendre polynomial, 134, 137, 138, mean elements,2l0
149, tsl, 152, 155, 228, 229, 265
mean equinox, 528
Legendre's equation, 137
mean longitude,34,6O
libration amplitude, 107
mean longitude at epoch, 251,329,331,
libration frequency, 205 482,490
line of nodes, 49
mean motion, 10, 29, 47, 65, 268
linear force,22
mean motion resonances, 316
linear momentum, 58, 440,442
mechanical energy, 69, 162,163
linear regression, 6
Mercury, 6, 28, 52, 183, 205, 206, 209,
linear stability analysis, 85
linearisation of equations of motion, 85,
3:2 spin-orbit resonance, 205-207
chaotic orbit,47l
longitude, 28, 134, 131, 168
precession of orbit, 5, 302
longitude of ascending node, 49
quadrupole moment,207
forced, 287, 288, 290, 291, 312 rotation, 9
secular evolution, 303, 305
free,287 ,29I,311-313
osculating, 281,288 spin-orbit resonance, 214
perturbations, 56 meteorites, 464
proper,314 ordinary chrondrites, 464
longitude of pericentre, 27 ,28, 49 Metis,471
forced, 286, 288-291 , 313 , 314 Mimas, ll, 12, l5'1, 119, 180, 220, 221,
free,286,29l,3ll-313 37 5, 389, 393, 488, 491, 492,
osculating,2ST 503,504, 512,520,521
proper, 286,313,314 2:1 resonance,375
longitude of perihelion 6:4 resonance, 374
forced,3l2 inclination, 493
LONGSTOP,402 internal structure, 157
Uranus, 402, 403, 405 resonances, 493
Lorentz force,4'7'7 shape, 157
584 Index

Miranda,16,222,396,403,405,456, 255,256,258-260,291-293,
5r0 304,3t1,364,365,369-371,
anomalous inclination, 13 313,402105,412,413,415,
Monte Carlo approach, 7 420,421,428,436,452,454,
Moon,44,82,83, 133-135, 148,174, 459,460,465,466,468471,
181, 183, t92,209,210,212, 511,518, 522,523
220,221,453 outer planets, 470
orbital evolution, 163, 166
quadrupole moment, 189,194 Oberon' 404
spin-orbit resonance, 217 oblate spheroid, 149, 151
Morabiro, L.,lj4 oblateness, 750,221,264,265,269,
21 0, 21 7, 299, 301, 302, 301,
N-body maps,440,446 308,316,328,332,314,400,
N-body problem, 274,440 482,490,492,491,513, 530
nebular drag,123 oblique variables,60
Neptune, 28,52,283,466469 occultation, 474,418,480,481,494,
discovery, 5, 18 495, 501, 502,504,506, 507,
orbital migration,469 512,518
ringarcs, 13 oceancurrents, 141, 147,148
rings, 13, 476,481,518,519 oceantide
Adams, 481,484,490, 513, 518, amplitude, 147
519 Oort cloud, 74
Adams ring, 13 Ophelia, 13, 480, 488, 504, 505,
Arago,48l -510
arcs,481 optical depfh,496,497
Courage arc,481 orbit circularisation, 167
discovery,474 orbit in space.48
Egalité arc, 481 orbit plane, 24
Fraternité arc, 481 orbit-orbit coupling, 9
Galle, 481 orbital angular momentum, 41 ,l1l,ll3,
Lassell,481 167
Le Verrier. 481 orbital elements
Liberté arc, 481 calculation, 52
unnamed,48l perturbations,25l
secular evolution, 304 variation, 328
Nereid, 28 orbital energy, 30, 162,163, l1l,42l
neutral stability. 208 orbital evolution, 163, 166,428,431,
Newcomb operators, 232,233 522
Newcomb, 5.,234 orbital period, 3, 10,28, 41
Newton, I., 1, 4, 5, 19 , 22 orbital perturbations, 54
laws of motion, I, 4, 9 , 162, 226 argument of pericentre, 57
Newton-Raphson method, 35 eccentricity, 55
nonlinear dynamics, 18, 19, 410 inclination, 56
normal modes, 508 longitude of ascending node, 56
numerical integrations, 10, 14,18,97 , semi-major axis, 54
98, 106, 110, 111, I15,127,218, timeof pericentrepassage,5T
Index 585

orbital position and velocity, 25 Poincaré variables, 59, 60, 342, 356
orbital radius, 28 Poisson series, 201
orthogonal function, 138 potential
osculating eccentricity, 96 central, 136,164
osculating elements, 54, 228, 232, 27 0, core boundary, 144
27 4, 27 8, 290, 29 t, 309, 404 deforming, 130, 143, 144
extemal, 136, I40, 142, 161. 163,
Pan,12,512-516 164,196
discovery,513 gradient, 133
Pandora, 12,375, 488, 495,504, 506, intemal, 136, 140, 142, 143
515-511,520,52t surface,133
orbital evolution, 375 tidal, 130, 140, 142, 143,148,163,
resonances, 479 164,167, 110, 194
pattern speed,482185, 489, 508 tide-raising, 134,142
Peirce,8.,233 potential energy, 41,58,83, 148, 336,
pendulum analogy,2ll 337
pendulum equation, 204, 428 potential minimum, 83
pendulum model, 211, 334-339, 34I, potential theory, 136, 265
354,355,368,395, 400, Poynting-Robertson (PR) lighr drag,
428430, 448,449,458, 462, 483 12t,495, 496,510, 522
periapse,23 precession, 5, 10, 152, 256, 293, 298,
pericentre, 28 308, 309, 3t4, 328,33t,332,
alignment, 506-508 335, 368, 374,436, 4s1,478,
perihelion, 28 490, 491, 506, 509, 517, 518, s30
perijove,23 differential, 497, 507, 508, 517
periodic orbit, 389, 423,424 free. 509
first kind, 424 luni-solar. 152
second kiñ,425 uniform, 506-508, 516
periselenium,23 precessional pinch, 507, 508
phase lag, 194 prograde motion, 49
phase shift, l6t, 162, ti1,2t2,486,489 Prometheus, 12, 488, 494, 504, 506,
phase space, 410, 414, 4I7, 419, 421, 515-518, s20,s2t
425,426,428,450 longitude lag,518,521
Phobos, 211,455 resonances, 479
orbital evolution, 163 proper eccentricity, 286
shape,217 proper elemerts, 309, 31 1, 315, 316,
spin-orbit resonance, 217 522
Pioneer 11,515 proper longitude of pericentre, 286
Plato,2 pseudo-potential, 61
P1utinos,467 PSR1257+12.405
Pluto, 13, 28, 52,82, lO1, 186, 466468 Ptolemaic system,2
chaotic motion. 468 Ptolemy,44
discovery,5,467 Puck, 180
Poincaré, H., 19, 63,410 pulsar,405
Poincaré elements. 431 millisecond.405
Poincaré map,4l4,416 pulsar planets, 405
586 Index

Pythagorean problem, 64 1 : I Janus-Epimetheus, 12

Pythagorean school, 2 1:1 Jupiter,13,457
1: 1 spin-orbit, 9
quadrature,500 1:1 Tethys, 12
quadrupole moment, 189, 192, 194, 24:25 Cordelia, 13, 480, 488
198-200,205-208 24:25 Coñelia Lindblad, 506
quartic equation, 88, 9l 2:1,260,364
quasi-periodic orbit, 423, 425 2: 1 Enceladus-Dione, ll,
16, 393
2:1 Europa-Ganymede, 10, 16
radial frequency,268
2:1 lo-Europa, 10, 11, 16
radiation pressure, l2l, 523
2: I Jupiter, 13, 251 -259, 316, 321,
322, 324, 325, 364, 366, 436,
radius vector, 28
reduced mass, 58
reference frame
2:l Lindblad,493
2:1 Mimas, 12, 37 5, 456, 491, 492,
reference plane, 49, 21 9, 3Oz 2: 1 Mimas corotation, 484
regression, 256, 328, 365, 368, 31 4, 490 2:1 Mimas Lindblad, 502
differential, 498 2:l Umbriel-Titania
regular motion, 415, 416, 418, 420 near-resonance, 404
relativity,302 2:3 Neptune, 14
renormalisati on, 419, 420 32:31 Prometheus,5l5
resonance, 9, 94, 226, 314, 416, 47 8, 3:1,331,371
481,485, 509 3: 1 Jupiter, 13, 261, 316, 400, 431,
e, 348, 350, 351, 355, 360, 492 436, 456, 46M62, 464, 466
348-35r, 355, 360, 492 3:1 Mimas, 491,492
etz,355,35i , 492 3:1 Tethys,374
et3,35B 3:1 vertical,493
eet ,359 3:2 corotation, 483, 484
eetk ,360,363
3:2 Jupiter, 13, 436, 451 459, 465
ez , 355, 35i , 37 l, 492
3:2 Mercury spin-orbit, 9,205-207
e3 ,358,3i2 3:2 Mimas,520
3:2Mimas e,521
3:2 Mimas et ,521
IIt ,359,360,364, 489
3:2 Neptune, 467
IItk ,360,363,364
12,355-351 3:2 Neptune-Pluto, 10, 16,466,467
IkIt,360,363 3:2 PSRl257+12 planets, 406
l2:7 Jupiter,465 3 :2 Titania-Oberon near-resonance,

14:13 Ophelia, 13, 480, 488 404

14: 13 Ophelia Lindblad, 505 42:43 Galatea,5l9
18:17 Pandora,515 42: 43 G alatea corotation
l87 Jupiter,263 inclination,5l9
1:0 Titan, 509 42:43 Galatea Lindblad, 519
l:1,423,483, 510, 512 4:1 Jupiter, 13,457
1:1 Dione, 12 4:2 Mimas, 491,492
Index 587

4:2 Mimas-Tethys, l l, 16.315, eccentnc,482

389,393 effect on orbital elements, 328
4:3 Jupiter, 340, 451, 458 encounter, 37 5-379 , 390, 39I
4:3 Titan-Hyperion, 12, 16, 17, first-order, 377
324,328,388, 389, 455 second-order, 383
5:2,450 equilibrium points, 346, 347,
5:2 Jupiter, 13. 436. 456 3 49 -3 52, 351, 3 s8, 361-364,

5 : 2 Jupiter-Saturn near-resonance, 368,374,3't7 ,319, 425, 426,

t0, 283, 302, 304, 3r7, 41 0 430, 449, 483, 484, 486, 487,
5:2 ptimary,425,426 489
5:3 Mimas, 491,492,494 exact, 260, 33 l, 345, 350, 3 52, 3 53,
5: 3 Rosalind-Cordelia near- 355, 3s7 -359, 361, 365-369,
resonance, 13 37 3, 31 4, 389, 423, 483, 486,
5:3 vertical,493 487, 489, 490, 492, 493, 502,
5:4 Jupiter, 458 503
5:6Earfh,522 exterior, 325,326
60:24,450 extemal,329
60:24 pimary,425,426 first-order, 335, 338, 340,436
6:4 Mimas, 374,521 geometry of,321,323
6:4 Mimas etz,521 Hamiltonian approach, 341
6:4 Mimas e2,521 high order, 465
6:5 Jupiter, 458 interior, 325,326
7:2 Jupiter,456 internal, 326,329
7:3 Jupiter,456 Jupiter system, 10
'7:4,371,372 Jupiter's ring, 11
7:4 Jupiter,416 Kozu,316
7:6 Janus Lindblad, 503 Laplace,396
7:6 Lindblad,486,493 Laplace resonance, 10, 17
8:1 secondary, 425,426 libration, 335-331, 352, 354,
8:3,426 366-368, 423, 425, 448, 463,
8:5 Mimas, 479, 491, 492, 495 464,483,484
9:4 Jupiter, 456 apocentric, 366-310
apocentric libration, 379 libration period, 337
asteroid,390 libration width, 337, 338, 340, 341,
asteroidbelt, 13 373,42t,450,458460
capture, 341, 37 5, 380, 385 Lindblad, 352, 355, 360, 482,
circulation, 335, 336, 352, 368, 425, 485490, 492, 493, 502, 5 14,
448,463,464 516,519
inner,366-368 inner, 485, 492, 494, 508
outer,366, 367,369 outet 485
classification, 492 width, 486-488,492
corotation, 355, 482484, 516, 5 19 location, 490
corotation ecc entflcity, 49 L Lorenfz,417,478
corotation inclination, 491 maps,431
Earth,522,523 mean motion, 289, 316, 326, 399,
Earth's dust ring, 15 416
588 Index

resonance (cont.) inner, 489, 492,494

meteor streams, 14 outer, 489
Mimas vertical,490 width,502
mixed, 359 , 363, 364 resonance maps, 43 , 445, 446

near-resonance triads, 17 resonant argument, 324,436

Neptune system, 13 resonantterms,253,254,251 ,261,289,
nominal, 365,371,373,416,490 293,333
nominal location, 262,331,339 retrograde motion, 49
orbit-orbit,9 Rhea, 12
order, 261, 331,342,423425, rigidity, l4l,114
430 effective.l45
overlap, 373,428,448,450,458, ring plane crossing, 515, 518, 521
516 rings,159,299,352,355,415,476,481,
Pandora,516 5I2
passage, 181,341,521 arcs,518,519
physics of, 326 calculation of mean motion, 299
planetary system, 10 calculation of semi-major axis,299
Pluto system, 13 confinement,507,510,514,518,
prímary" 425 520
Prometheus,516 dissipation,502
ring-satellite, 481 eccentric, 4j9,480,495,49j,
rings,481 506-510
rotating frame,324-326 edge waves, 512*515
satellite, 503,512 effecr of collisions, 495, 49i, 503,
Sarurn sysrem, I 1 505, 5 10, 5lg, 520
secondary, 425 effect of differential precession,
secular, 10, 308, 314-316,466 495,491
linear,3l5 effectof P-R drag,495497,510
nonlinear, 3 16 effect of plasma drag, 495, 497 , 520
separatrix, 336,337 ,316,380, 426, evolurion, 520
428,430,448,450,520 gaps,509
solar system, 9 inclined, 495,498,506
spin-orbit,g location, 159
splitting,332,313-375,490 narow, t21,480,481,484,488,
stable equilibritm,322, 328,336 495, 497 ,501, 504-507, 510,
strength, 425 512,513,515, 518, 520
successive conjunctions, 323,324, origin, 159
326 radial confinement,504,505
synchronous spin-orbit, 13 resonances,48l
three-body, 394-396,510 Roche zone, 159
two-body, 387 satellite perlurbations, 498
type,492 sharp edges, 495, 503, 508
unstable equilibrium, 322,331 shock formation, 501, 502
Uranus system, 12 spreading timescales, 495
vertical,360,482,489,490,492, stability,495
493 surface density,4]g
Index 589

Titan ringlet, 508 discovery, 474

Uranus,396,508 Ering,478,479
viscosity, 496 Encke gap, 12,512-516
wake formation, 500, 501 F ring, 418,419,504, 506,
wakes, 512,513 515-518,520,521
wave formation,498, 500, 501 G ring, 478
Roche limit. 159 gaps, 478
Roche lobe, 159 Huygens ringlet, 509
Roche zone, 158-160, 481 Keeler gap, 514, 515
Rodrigues' formula, 138 lifetime, 520,521
root mean square, 6 mass.520
Rosalind. 13 Maxwell ringlet,509
rotating frame, 324-326, 426, 427, 484, resonances, 418,479
486, 492, 498. 502, 5 18, 523 spokes, 476
cusp, 326 satellite system, 375
loop, 326 secular evolution, 304,306, 307
rotational angular momentum, 167 secular perturbation theory, 14, 21 4, 27 5,
rotational deformation, 130, 132, 149, 27 8, 289, 292, 293, 299, 300,
156 302, 304, 307, 3 tt, 3 t4-3 16,
rotational energy, 162, 163 399, 402, 433, 461, 490, 492, 5 t8
rotational forces, 130 Bretagnon,3lT
round-off error,410 Brouwer & van Woerkom,
302-309, 3 I 1, 3 t2, 3 14, 3 11
satellite evolution of test particles,29l
shepherding, 480 general,299
satellite tides, 165, 166 high order,317
satellites higher order, 314
asteroid. 29 Laplace-Lagrange, 302, 403, 469
embedded,510,514,518 Laskar.317
Galilean, 395-391 solar system, 302,469
internal structure. 155 synthetic, 304, 403
shapes, 155 two planets,274
shepherding, 504-506, 509, 5 16, two planets and test particle, 283
511,520 secular resonance, 314*3 16
Saturn, 12, 52, 109, 279, 282, 492, 497, linear,315
518,521 nonlinear,316
orbital evolution of satellites. 179 secular resonances, 316, 466
rings, 476, 41 8, 481, 484, 488, secular terms, 253, 254,256,25'7 ,261,
490493,495, 506, 508 2t 4, 27 5 , 289 , 293, 307 , 333
A ring, 12, 418, 479, 481, self-gravitation, l4l, 480, 506-508
493195, 503, 5t2, 5t4, semi-major axis, 3, 26, 96
515,520 calculation,53
B ring, 12, 47 8, 419, 502, 503 perturbations, 54
C ring, 418, 419, 509, 5 10 proper,315
Cassini division, 41 8, 492, 509 semi-minor axis, 28, 96
D ring, 478 semilatus rectum. 26
s90 Index

separatrix, 217, 218, 336, 337 libration, 214, 215, 211

shallow ocean,144, l4l libration period, 214,217 ,219
shear stress, 496 NIoon,2l7
shepherding mechanism, 504-506, 5 10, passage,2lO,2ll
512,5r4, s15 pendulum malogy,2ll
short-period terms, 254, 256, 260, 292 pendulum model, 211
sidereal coordinates, 65, 69 separatrix, 217-220
sidereal frame, 68 spin axis, 221
sidereal system, 64, 66 surface of section. 211-Zl9
similarity transformation, 87 synchronous, 215, 220, 221
simple harmonic motion, 3 12, 335, 337
spiral arms, 492
small divisors, 27 9, 290, 291, 308, 321
spiral bending waves, 479,490,
soilo,92 492494,520
solar nebula, 459
spiral density waves, 479, 492494, 508,
solar system
standard map, 428, 430432, 448, 449
dynamical structure, 1, 410
stickiness phenomenon, 418, 427
evolution, l8
stiffness parameter, 160
srability, 302, 317, 4lo, 469, 47 I
solid body tide
streamlines, 485481, 490, 492, 502,
amplitude, 147
solid harmonic, 137
stroboscopic angle, 206
solid spherical harmonic, 142
specific dissipation function, 161
spherical coordinates, 137, 168 mass,526
spherical harmonic function, 136 surface density, 492, 493, 495, 497, 501,
spherical solid harmonic, l3l 508
spherical surface harmonic, 137 surface gravity, I34
spin axis surface harmonic, 138, 141
stability,22l surface of section, 217,218, 413418,
spin-orbit coupling, 200, 207 423421, 43t, 448, 450, 454, 460
spin-orbit resonance, 189 , 200, 203 , symplectic map, 440, 448, 41 0
205-207, 209, 210, 215, 220 synchronous orbit, 165, 179, 180, 183,
3:2 Mercury, 205-207, 212 475,481,497
asphericity parameter, 218, 220 synchronous rotation, 44, l3O, 146, 152,
capture, 2lO, zLl, 213, 220 155, 156, 158, 167 , 168, 189,
capture probability, 212-21 5 t9t, t92,194,453
chaotic motion, 219, 220 synodic coordinates, 65
chaotic zone,22l synodic period, 439
circulation, 210,211 synodic system,66,67
encounter, 2ll, 213, 214, 220
energy integral, 210, 217, 220 tadpole orbits, 97-102, 104-107, 109,
equilibrium configuration, 216 110,510, 5t2,5t4
forced libration, 215-211, 219 tadpole zone, 100, 109
half-width, 2I8, 219, 221 Telesto, 109
higher order, 214 tensile strength, 160
Index 591

Tethys, ll, 12, 109, 157, 37 5, 389, 393, librational, 44, l7O-172
520 low, 134
3:l resonance,374 lunar, 135
thermal creep, 146 radial, 17G-1 12, 176
three-body problem, 19, 63-65,70, 11, satellite, 166
4t0, 413, 419, 459, 499, 5tt, 520 semiannual, 135
circular restricted, 63, 7 3, 77, 260, semidiurnal, 135, l6L, 162
332, 364, 37 1, 372, 4r0, 4r2, solar, 135, 184
413, 421, 425, 427, 448, 450, Titan, i75
460,511 time of pericentre passage,32, 52
effects of drag, l2I calculation, 53
effects ofradiation pressure, 122 perturbations, 57
elliptical restricted, 255 timescale
equilibrium points, 5 10 separation of, 400,401
excluded regions, 70 Tisserand constant, 73
tidal amplitude, 130, 146 Tisserand relation, 7l-13,100, 316, 333,
tidal bulge, 130-132, 134, 139, l4l , 146, 343,498,499
148, 161, 162, r70, 190, 194 Tisserand's criterion, 1 18
oscillation, 170 Titan, 12, 157, 158, 11 6, 324, 328, 388,
tidal currents, 147 389,455, 509
tidal deformation, 134, 135, 140, 156, global ocean, 176
172 internal structure, 158
tidal despinning, 13, 166, 189 methane, 175
tidal dissipation, I 3 1, 167 , I70, 11 I , tides, 175
t7 3, t'7 5, l8l, 212, 220, 221 Titan ringlet, 508
tidal dissipation function, 16l, 166, l'7 l, Titania,404
t7 4, 184, t9t, 2r5, 37 5 , 386, 391 Titius, J., 5
tidal distortion, l7l, 173, 116,222 Titius-Bode law, 5,6,9
tidal evolution, 178, 179,375,389, 390, Tombaugh, C'461
481 torque, 496, 502, 504, 505
tidal flow, 176 satellite, 505
tidal force, 130, 132, 159, l1O, 47 5 viscous,504,505
tidal friction, l3l, 159-162, 11 I torus,430
tidal heating, 171 triaxial ellipsoid, 130, 151, 156,196
tidal lag, 161,163,190 triple collisions, 64
tidal oscillations, 171 Triton, 165
tidal torque, 160-163, 189, 191-193, orbital evolution, 165
20r,205,208,209,211, retrograde orbit, 165
212,453 Trojan asteroids, 107-l l0
tidal wave, 148 Trojan satellites, 107, 109
tidally evolved systems, 179 true anomaly,28,44
tide, 130, l3l calculation,53
diurnal, 135 true longitude, 28
equilibrium, l4l,l43 truncation enor,47O
fortnightly, 135,147 two-body problem, 22, 26, 45, 69, 7 l,
high, 134 413.498
592 Index

angular momentum integral, 24, 30 y ring,508

angular momentum yectot, 24 )" ring, 479
barycentric motion, 45 discovery, 47 4, 47 9, 495, 506
centre of mass. 23 dust rings, 480
constants of motion. 30 lifetime.497
energy constant, 31 ring 1986U2sR,480
energy integral, 30 ring 6, 480
equation of relative motion, 24 satellite system, 375
equations of motion, 23 satellites. 6
Hamiltonian,58 orbital periods, 6
Hamiltonian formulation. 57 secular evolution, 304, 306
inclination, 37 small satellites, 179
mean motion, 47 velocity,3l
orbit plane, 24 velocity vector,3l
orbital angular momentum, 47 Venus,6,52, 183,530
orbital period,47 secular evolution, 303, 305, 306
position and velocity, 25 vernal equinox, 49
total energy,47 vertical frequency, 268, 482
velocity,31 Viking,29,2l1
vis viva integral, 30
Voyager, l, 1 1, 15, 13, 109, I 10, 1 15,
Umbriel, 16.396,404 151, t]4, t'.¡5, t79,402,453,
universal law of gravitation, 5 454, 474116, 418481, 493,
Uranus, 52,283, 402, 491 , 505 494.504-s06, 509, 510,
absence of satellite resonances. 393 512-511,519
discovery,5 zero-velocity curves, 70, 80-85, 97,98,
orbital evolution of satellites. 179 100-103, 105, 107, 117.120,
rings, 121, 396, 41 6, 419, 480, 497, t58,42t,422,426
504,506,507,510,514 associated, 96, 104, 105, I 18, 120
cu ring, 506, 507 connection with orbits, 102, 103,
B rlr.g,506,507 105
á ring,480,508 zero-velocity surfaces, 70
e ring, 13, 480, 488, 502, zonal harmonic coefficients, 266
504-508.510 zonal harmonics, 138, 480,482

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