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Nervous System and Sensoric Organs in Human A

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Chapter 3

Nervous system and sensoric organs in Human

Nervous System in Human
The functions of nervous system are:
1. Regulates and controls all body activities
2. The ability to receive stimuli, send messages ( impuls )
to the centre of nervous system .
3. The give responce and reaction to those stimuli to the muscle / gland

Nerve is composed of :
1. Nerve cells ( neuron ) / sel saraf

 The smallest part of nervous system is called nerve cell( neuron )

The nerve cell consist of body , dendrit, and neuritis ( axon )
 The function of dendrit : to receive and bring stimulus( impuls ) to cell body.
 Function of axon / neurit : to conduct stimulus from nerve cell body to other
 The neurit there are smooth threads called neurofibril, neurofibril is covered myelin
membran that has function to accelerate the flow of stimuli.
The myelin is made up of group schwwan cell, that from tissue and has function to
help prepare food for neurit and help formation of neurite.
The myelin membran does not cover all part of neuritis that is located between
schwwan cell is nodus ranvier , that is the function to accelerate sending of nervous
Based on its functions , nerve cell
are separated into 3 kinds :
1. The sensoric nerve cell ( sel saraf sensorik )
the nerve cell is called sensoric nerve cell because this cell corresponds to sensoric.
That function : to receive stimuli from the sensoric organs to central nerve
( brain and spinal cord )

2. Motoric nerve cell

The function : to bring command or response from the center of nerve ( brain or spinal
cord ) to the muscle or body gland .

3. Intermediate ( connecting ) nerve cell

Intermediate nerve cell is a nerve cell that has function to continue stimuli from
sensoric nerve cell to motoric nerve cell. The intermediate nerve cell be found in the
brain and the spinal cord.
CHAPTER system indra pada manusia

Sense/ indra in human is an organ that is used to recognize the world outside his
body. There are five human sensory organs so the are called five senses.
Those five senses are :
1. Eyes
2. Ears
3. Nose
4. Tongue
5. Skin

1. EYES.
Eyes have function as sight sense are found in the eyeball is protected by various eye
protector organs.

A. The eyes protector:

a. Eyebrow./ alis
Eyebrow is a collection of hair that grows below the forehead.
Function : to hold sweat from the forehead that will flow to the eye ball.
b. Eyelash./ bulu mata
Eyelash is hairs that grow at the edge of eyelid/ kelopak mata.
Function : To hold and protect the eye from dust and filter very striking sunlight.
c. Eyelid. / kelopak mata
Eyelid consist of upper eyelid that can be moved and lower eyelid that can’t be moved.
Function : To protect the eyeball from dust and excessive light.

d. The tear gland / kelenjar air mata.

The tear gland produces tear that has function to keep the eyeball surface from drying, Clean the
eyeball surface from dust, also destroy germs that enter into the eyes.
The tear gland is located inside the upper eyelid./ sebelah dalam dari kelopak mata atas.

B. Part of eye

a. Sclera/ lapisan luar.

Sclera has white color, except the front part that is transparent. The sclera is a strong layer. The
part forms the cornea that has function to control light that enters into the eyes.
b. Choroid/ lapisan tengah
Choroid has blackish brown color until black. The dark color in choroid has function to prevent
reflection of ray. Besides, in this layer there are many blood vessels. This part forms the iris
( rainbow layer ), pupil, and eye lens.
c. Retina / lapisan dalam.
This layer contains receptor that is sensitive to light. This part consist of yellow spot (fovea)
and blind spot.

C. Seeing Process
A body reflect light to the eye, then that light will enter through the pupil, penetrates the lens
and arrives to retina. To make the image of the body fall precisely on the yellow spot, the lens
moving muscles contract, so the lens can concave or flatten. From the yellow spot, image of the
body is sent by nerve to the brain, so we can see that body.


 Ear is the organ that detects sound. The vertebrate ear shows a common biology
from fish to humans, with variations in structure according to order and species.
It not only acts as a receiver for sound, but plays a major role in the sense of
balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system.
 if there is sound vibrations whose its frequency is between 20-20,000 Hz, it will caught
by external ear, enter and vibrate the eardrum membrane, and continued by auditory
ossicles that lie in middle ear to inner ear.

 In the inner ear, the vibration is caught by oval window and round window so it causes
lymph fluid inside cochlea follows to vibrate

 The vibration of lymph fluid gives stimuli to the ends of auditory nerve, then it is sent
to the brain. In the brain, the stimuli is processed and recognized so we can hear the
The Picture of Skin

Layers of Skin Constituently:

 Epidermis consist of 2 layers:

1. Epithelium : Is the layer and composed of dead cells. It will peel and replaced by cells
under it.
Function : To hold too much vaporization.
2. Malpighian Layer : Located under the epithelium layer and composed of living cell.
Contains the pigment that gives color to the skin.
Function of pigment : to protect the skin from excessive sunlight. In this layer there are
ends of nerve of pain feeler.

2. Dermis
 Consists of blood vessel, the sweat gland, hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and the
ends of sensory nerve.

1. Blood Vessel
Function: To transport the blood to give the life of skin cells. So the skin constituent cells
can develop by doing fission.
2. Sweat Gland
Function: To produce sweat that is transported through sweat channels and end in pore.
3. Hair follicle
Hair follicle is part of skin in which there are hair base and hair shaft.
4. Sebaceous Gland
Function : To soften hair and keep the skin from drying.
5. The ends of sensory nerve
The ends of sensory nerve are place of feeler of sense and touching sense.

The Connective Tissue Under The Skin

 Connetive tissue under skin is found under epidermis, thickness of boundary among them
is not clear.
 Function:
1. Surplus of food will be stored to be food reserve in the form of fat and then the fat
will be stored inside it.
2. As body protector for the impact of hard object.
3. As isolator to block heat emitted from the body.
 In the skin there are ends of nerve that are sensitive to contact, pressure, and touch
so the skin can receive stimuli of heat, cold, smoothness, roughness, pain, and soon.
 The ends of receptor nerve are commonly found in the skin Malpighian Layer.
Meanwhile the ends of touching nerve nonuniform in the entire skin surface. The most
sensitive part is the part that has most nerve ends, such as pointer finger, hand palm,
foot palm, lips, and left and right sides of the neck.

Work Of Organ

 Skin is the receptor of the body. Receptor is the end-branches of dendrite from
sensory neuron. If the receptor given stimulus, there are impulse along dendrites to
the central nervous system.
 Then the brain gives response (Processing impulse) and that response is brought by
motor neuron to the muscles.
 Example:
If we touch and ice block the nervous system in the skin will gives impulse to the brain
through sensory neuron than the brain will gives response in the form of thinking that the ice
block is cold. The brain will continue the response to the muscle through motor neuron. So,
our hand will feel cold.

 The tongue has function as tasting sense that is sensitive to stimulus of taste, in the
form of solution, so we know the taste of a substance dissolved in water. The taste
that can be know are sweet, sour, salty, and bitter
 Lidah berfungsi sebagai indra pengecap yang peka terhadap rangsangan rasa,
berupa larutan, sehingga kita dapat mengetaui rasa suatu zat yang larut dalam air.
Rasa yang dapat diketahui adalah rasa manis, asam, asin, dan pahit.
Work process
 In the tongue there are lumps (papilla) that contain many taste buds. Taste buds is a
collection of gustatory nerve ends that is sensitive to stimulus of taste and found in the
upper part of tongue surface.
Cara Kerja
 Makanan yang dikunyah bersama air liur memasuki kuncup pengecap melalui pori-
pori bagian atas, di dalam makanan akan merangsang ujung-ujung saraf yang
mempunyai rambut(Gustatory hair), dari ujung tersebut pesan akan di bawa ke otak,
kemudian di interpretasikan dan sebagai hasilnya kita dapat mengecap makanan
yang masuk ke dalam mulut kita.

5. Nose
Nose is one of the sense that has function as olfactory sense that is sensitive to
stimulus of chemical substance of gas and vapor.
Nerve cell of smell stimuli reseptor have smooth hair and covered by mucous
membrane that have function as moisturizer. Smeller nerve fibers unite to form
smelling nerve tendon going to the smelling nerve center in the brain.
of nose

• Chemical substance in the air such as gas and vapor enter into nasal cavity when we
inhale the air. Inside the nasal cavity those chemical substances dissolve in mucus
and stimulates the smell stimuli reseptor cell, so stimuli (impulse) appears in the
smelling nerve fibers. In the brain, the stimulus (impulse) is processed and translated
so we can differentiate various kinds of smell.


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