Therminol Information Bulletin No.4: Heat Transfer System Expansion Tank Design
Therminol Information Bulletin No.4: Heat Transfer System Expansion Tank Design
Therminol Information Bulletin No.4: Heat Transfer System Expansion Tank Design
Solutia Inc.
® 4
Pub. No. 7239124B
P.O. Box 66760 (Supersedes 7239124A)
St. Louis, Missouri 63166-6760
(314) 674-1000
Figure 1
The Basic System*
*NOTE: This information does not constitute an express or implied warranty. See NOTICE on the back of this bulletin.
Expansion Tank Design Parameters Under normal operating conditions, valves A
and C are open, and valves B, D, E and F are
There are several basic design parameters which
closed. To add make-up fluid to a system in opera-
should be considered part of every heat transfer
tion, valve D should be used. This provides minimum
system’s expansion tank so that the maximum benefit
upset to an operating system. Any time make-up
can be obtained from the tank relative to overall
fluid is added to an operating system, normal safety
system operation.
precautions should be observed because of the high
Sizing temperatures associated with an operating heat
The expansion tank should be sized so that it is transfer system.
25% full at ambient temperature and 75% full at
The initial fill of a system should be made through
normal operating temperature. This sizing should
valve E with valves B, C and F open. This is the most
cause positive fluid pressure to the pump’s suction
efficient way of forcing air out of the system.
side during system startup and should minimize the
The expansion tank should be the primary point
vapor space in the tank during normal operation.
in the system for venting moisture and low boiling
Fluid expansion between two temperatures can
degradation products from the system. New systems
be calculated by dividing the fluid’s density at the
almost always contain some water either from
lower temperature by the density of the fluid at the
hydrotesting or from atmospheric condensation
higher temperature — i.e., the density of Therminol®
during construction. This moisture must be removed
66 at 40˚F is 8.47 lb./gal. and changes to 6.72
during system startup or pump cavitation will occur.
lb./gal. at 600˚F. Thus the expansion of Therminol
In order to use the expansion tank as a vent, valves
66 is 8.47/6.72 = 126% of the original volume at
A, D and E should be closed, while valves B, C and
40˚F when heated to 600˚F. Therefore, an expan-
F should be open. System temperature should be
sion tank for a 1,000-gallon Therminol 66 system
gradually raised to 300˚F-350˚F. Once all evidence
operating between 40˚F and 600˚F should be sized
shows that venting has stopped (steam plume disap-
for 260 gallons of expansion. Since this expansion
pears), valve A should be opened, and then valves
represents 50% of the tank volume (the volume
B and F should be closed. If low boilers accumulate
between 25% and 75% full), the expansion tank
in the fluid, this procedure should be repeated;
should be 520 gallons in size.
however, in this case the expansion tank should
Double Drop Leg and Valving be allowed to reach full system temperature before
The expansion tank should be located at the highest opening valve A.
point in the system with a double drop leg piping
arrangement as is shown in Figure 2. If the only
In general, a policy striving for “fail-safe” instru-
purpose of the expansion tank was to provide for
mentation in the designing of the expansion tank, as
fluid expansion, a single drop leg would be sufficient;
well as the other components of the heat transfer
however, the expansion tank also provides the best
system, is essential. The expansion tank should be
point for system venting. In order to properly vent a
equipped with both high and low level alarms along
heat transfer fluid system, the expansion tank must be
with a low level switch to automatically shut off the
capable of full system flow. The lines to and from the
heater and pump in the event of accidental fluid loss.
expansion tank should be sized to take full system
Pressure relief devices should be incorporated in the
flow at startup conditions.
expansion tank’s design with possible discharges
of fluid directed to areas away from personnel and
sources of ignition. A high temperature sight glass also
should be installed as a visual backup for level sensors.
Figure 2
Inert Gas Arrangement for Expansion Tank*
*NOTE: This information does not constitute an express or implied warranty. See NOTICE on the back of this bulletin.
Figure 3
Cold Seal Trap Arrangement for Expansion Tank*
*NOTE: This information does not constitute an express or implied warranty. See NOTICE below.
NOTICE: Although the information and recommendations set forth herein (hereinafter “Information”) are presented in good faith
and believed to be correct as of the date hereof, Solutia Inc. makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness or
accuracy thereof. Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving same will make their own determination
as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. In no event will Solutia Inc. be responsible for damages of any nature what-
soever resulting from the use of or reliance upon Information or the product to which Information refers. Nothing contained here-
in is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product, process, equipment or formulation in conflict with any patent,
and Solutia Inc. makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that the use thereof will not infringe any patent. NO