21.0 Inches: LF Drivers
21.0 Inches: LF Drivers
21.0 Inches: LF Drivers
This next evolution s ubwoofer us es a new, longer, four layer aluminum voice coil. The res ult is more energy in
the gap, higher s ens itivity, lower dis tortion and better overall performance. The 21DS115 features a 36 mm
long, 4.5 inch diameter (116mm) Copper Clad Aluminum Wire voice coil. With a 1700watt AES power rating, 99
dB s ens itivity, and over 16.5mm of Xvar, this high energy s ubwoofer is a s ignificant s tep forward from s imilar
models in the B& C range, even approaching the performance of our 6” voice coil alternatives .
Via Poggiomoro, 1 - Loc. Vallina, 50012 Bagno a Ripoli (FI) - ITALY - Tel. +39 055 65721 - Fax +39 055 6572312 - mail@bcspeakers.com
LF Drivers- 21.0 Inc hes
Nominal Diameter 530 mm (21.0 in) Surround Shape Triple Roll Resonance Frequency 30 Hz
Minimum Impedance 6.5 Ω Magnet Material Neodymium Inside Slug Qes 0.24
EBP 125 Hz
Shipping Units 1
Shipping Box
570x570x320 mm (22.44x22.44x12.60 in)
1. 2 hours test made with continuous pink noise signal within the range Fs-10Fs. Power calculated on rated nominal impedance. Loudspeaker in free air.
2. Power on Continuous Program is defined as 3 dB greater than the Nominal rating.
3. Applied RMS Voltage is set to 2.83 V for 8 ohms Nominal Impedance.
4. Thiele-Small parameters are measured after a high level 20 Hz sine wave preconditioning test.
Via Poggiomoro, 1 - Loc. Vallina, 50012 Bagno a Ripoli (FI) - ITALY - Tel. +39 055 65721 - Fax +39 055 6572312 - mail@bcspeakers.com