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Iso 14001 Certification: Bureau Veritas Certification Services

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Bureau Veritas Certification Services

Proving your responsibility to the environment.

Care for the environment improves the image of your company. At the same time, the appropriate
management of environmental issues contributes positively to economic gain and increases the
competitiveness of the company.
Proof of a responsible approach is fast becoming a key purchasing criteria. Environmentally conscious
client prefers to do business with like-minded companies, i.e. those who demonstrate their
commitment through internationally recognized standards such as the ISO 14000 series.

What is ISO 14001?
ISO 14001:2004 is a part of a series of international standards applicable to any organization, anywhere
relating to environmental management. Based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, ISO 14001: 2004
specifies the most important requirements to identify, control and monitor the environmental aspects
of any organization, and also how to manage and improve the whole system.
What are the key benefits?
Customer, investor, public, community assurance by demonstrating commitment
Improving cost control through conserving input materials and energy
Reducing incidents that result in liability, therefore reducing insurance costs
Assisting the attainment of permits and authorizations for local trade.


Recognition - Bureau Veritas Certification is recognized RELATED SERVICES
by more than 40 national and international accreditation
bodies across the world. Bureau Veritas Certification was Integrated certification
the first certification body worldwide to be accredited for Bureau Veritas Certification offers the
ISO 14001 certification. possibility of integrated and/or combined
certification with other schemes such as
Network - 5,700 skilled auditors operating in more than
ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and/or sector
100 countries offer a unique combination of international
specific schemes (AS/EN 9001...).
and local expertise providing consistent services This delivers greater audit efficiency,
wherever our clients are. consistency and optimization.
Expertise - Bureau Veritas Certification relies on a pool
Other services
of more than 400 environmental auditors possessing an
Beyond ISO 14001:2004, Bureau
extensive experience in environmental and technical Veritas Certification offers services
issues, as well as in depth knowledge of local related to corporate responsibility and
regulations, markets and language that enables them sustainable development that include:
to provide solutions adapted to your needs. Assurance of Sustainability Reports
Leadership - Bureau Veritas Certification is the (GRI, AA 1000…)
worldwide market leader with over 9 000 companies in Social Accountability (SA 8000,
80 countries already certified to ISO 14001:2004. ISO 26000, Codes of Conduct)

Mark of Global recognition - The Bureau Veritas Climate Change validation and
ISO 14001
Certification mark is a globally recognized symbol of verification services (CDM, JI, EU ETS,
Certification VCS, Gold Standard, CCX, CCAR, ISO
your organization’s ongoing commitment to excellence,
14064, PAS 2050, Carbon Progress…)
sustainability and reliability.
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Key steps in our certification process are: Stage
2 aud
Definition of certification scope ud
it it
ISO 14001 e 1a
Pre-audit (optional): gap analysis and diagnosis of ag
Certification your current position against standard CA**
CA** Certificate
Certification audit performed in 2 stages: issued
- Stage 1 – readiness review performed to verify • Commitment-Policy
• Planning
that the organization is ready for certification • Implementation and

Pre-audit (optional)
- Stage 2 – evaluation of implementation, • Monitoring and
including the effectiveness of the management Measurement
• Review
system of the organization
A certificate valid for 3 years is issued upon
satisfactory results of stage 2 audit
Surveillance audits to verify that the management certification
Definition of

system continues to fulfill the requirements of the Surveillance audits

standard and monitor the continual improvement

Re-certification after 3 years to confirm the continued * EMS: Environmental Management System
** CA: Corrective Action (if necessary)
conformance and effectiveness of the management
system as a whole

Which areas are covered by the ISO 14000 series?
The key areas covered by this series are:
Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Environmental Auditing
Environmental Labels and Declarations
Environmental Performance Evaluation
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Environmental Communication
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Monitoring


For details about this service, please contact please visit:
Bureau Veritas Certification www.bureauveritas.com/scs
By phone: please contact your local office
By e-mail: certification.contact@bureauveritas.com

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