BA Release Notes
BA Release Notes
BA Release Notes
BrightSign, LLC. 16780 Lark Ave., Suite B Los Gatos, CA 95032 | 408-852-9263 |
BrightAuthor Requirements
• PC with Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10—plus Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6 or
• BrightSign XT4, XD4
Minimum Firmware Required: 7.1.33
• BrightSign XTx43, XDx33, HDx23, LS423, HO523, HS123
Minimum Firmware Required: 6.2.39
• BrightSign 4Kx42, XDx32, XDx30, HDx22, HDx20, LSx22, AU320
Minimum Firmware Required: 5.1.33
• BrightWall presentations and Enhanced Synchronization now support Genlock.
• Publishing to an exFAT-formatted drive now prompts a warning only if the presentation is targeted at a
Series 2 (e.g. XDx32, HDx22) or earlier model.
Bug Fixes
• 30828: The Set Variable, Reset Variable, and Reset Variables commands now update variables in Ticker
• 30836: The Support 4K images option for Media Lists has been fixed.
• 29062: The horizontal scrollbar now works with the Media Library in list mode.
• 30059: The Twitter state can now display up to 280 characters per Tweet.
• 29556: An Audio List state populated from a data feed now works in Enhanced Audio zones.
• 30895: Uploading a Dynamic Playlist to a BSN account with encryption enabled no longer fails if the
Dynamic Playlist contains a mix of new and previously uploaded content.
• 30287: The player will no longer reboot when trying to play MRSS content that doesn't contain guid
and filesize fields.
• 28025: The BSN WebUI and BrightAuthor now use the same unit of measurement for the Rate Limit
Network Download Traffic field.
• 31006: A crash related to MRSS templates has been fixed.