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2B • Tuesday, January 9, 2018 SPORTS The Republic-Monitor • www.perryvillenews.


Saxony falls to Duchesne Austin Peay edges SEMO

HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL to hand Saxony the 77-66 two baskets of the third quar- COLLEGE BASKETBALL the field in the first. fouled to go back up four, 66-
DUCHESNE 77, SAXONY 66 loss on Friday at Saxony ter to pull within one point at AUSTIN PEAY 66, SEMO 65
Southeast fell down dou- 62.
High School. 35-34. ble digits early before they Deja Jones was fouled
By Justin Hotop The loss is the Crusaders But the Pioneers went on SEMO News Bureau went on a 10-3 run led by with three seconds left. She
third in the last four games. to score the next 11 points of Tesia Thompson and cut the hit the first, and missed the
The lone win came last the game to widen the margin CLARKSVILLE— lead to just four points with second but the ball went out
To say that the Saxony Southeast Missouri wom- just 4:42 remaining in the of bounds off Austin Peay,
Wednesday over St. Pius. to double-digits.
Lutheran boys team is in a en’s basketball fell to the Aus- game. giving the ball to Southeast on
rut, could be an understate- Jalen Williams led the All the steam seemed to
Crusaders with 24 points and go out of Saxony’s sails in tin Peay Governors 6­ 6-65 to The Redhawks then tied the baseline with two seconds
ment. wrap up a two game road trip. the game at the 2:38 mark remaining.
The Crusaders have been Dewayne Giboney added 12 the opening minute of the
Southeast got off to the after a pair of free throws Southeast got the ball to
without leading scorer Aus- points. fourth quarter when post
slow start, scoring just two from Deja Jones and Kaley Kaley Leyhue and she was
tin Jarvis due to an injury that It certainly didn’t start player Trae Robinson fouled field goals in the opening Leyhue. fouled on a three-point shot,
he sustained in the Carbon- out well for the Crusaders as out. The Crusaders will at- quarter. The Redhawks did The Governors answered giving her three free throws
dale Holiday Tournament. It Adam Moore of Duchesne tempt to get back on the win- manage to get to the line 12 Southeast with a 4-0 run their down three with 0.1 seconds
has hurt them in the last few scored 11 of his 29 points in ning track this week when times in the period, hitting own to go up 61-57 with 1:44 left. Leyhue went to the line
games as they struggle to ad- the first quarter as the Pio- they compete in the Chester nine. The Govs shot 42 per- remaining. and missed the first. She made
just to life with the senior for- neers jumped out to leads of Tournament at Chester High cent from the field in the Leyhue then answered the next two free throws, but
ward. 11-0 and 16-3 before Saxony School. opening quarter while also back with a three, putting it wasn’t enough as South-
It certainly doesn’t help got their feet under them. The Crusaders are the getting to the line at will with SEMO down just one point east fell by one. For the game
when quality teams such as The Crusaders hung top-seed and could possi- 10 first quarter attempts. at 61-60 with 1:26 remaining. Southeast shot 39 percent
Duchesne come to town ei- around between 8-10 point bly match-up with Perryville At the end of the first quar- Austin Peay was fouled and had 19 turnovers, Aus-
ther. The Pioneers hit five deficits in the first half and on Wednesday should both ter Southeast trailed 22-13. on the next possession and tin Peay shot just 37.5 percent
three pointers in the first seemed primed for a come- teams win their first round The Redhawks opened the hit the pair, putting them up but turned the ball over only
quarter, and 11 for the game back after scoring the first match-ups. second period on a 6-0 run led three. Southeast missed on the 11 times.
by a couple drives from Tesia other end forcing them to foul Tesia Thompson led the
Thompson, cutting the lead again. Peay split the pair, giv- way for the Redhawks once
to just three. Both teams trad- ing them a 64-60 advantage again with 18 points and
ed baskets back and forth for with 35 seconds left. eight rebounds. She also
the rest of the quarter as the The Redhawks came knocked down her first career
Govs took a three point lead down and scored a quick two three-pointer. Deja Jones had
into half. Southeast shot 55 to cut it to two points with another strong performance
percent in the second quarter 19 seconds remaining. Aus- with 17 points and eight re-
compared to 18 percent from tin Peay then hit a pair when bounds.

Jefferson College names

soccer coach after search
For Republic-Monitor troduce Brocklon as our new In 2016, Chatman led
Men’s and Women’s Soc- the LSUA Generals with a
Following a comprehen- cer Coach,” said Director of school record 11 wins, in-
sive national search, Brock- Athletics Greg McVey. cluding the program’s first
lon Chatman, a native of “He will continue the ever RRAC Championship
North St. Louis and head longstanding tradition of ex- and the university’s first
men’s coach/assistant wom- cellence that Viking Athlet- ever trip to the NAIA Na-
en’s coach at Louisiana ics represents in our region tional Championship Tour-
State University-Alexandria to ensure the Jefferson Col- nament.
for the past three years, has lege is providing the best He has established a re-
been named the new Wom- possible experience for our cord of recruiting quali-
en’s and Men’s Head Soccer student-athletes in competi- ty student-athletes, includ-
Coach at Jefferson College. tion, in the classroom, and in ing over 11 All-Conference,
He was chosen from a the community.” nine All-Tournament, and 30
field of over 45 applicants Chatman holds both a Academic All-Conference
and follows Interim Co- Master of Science degree in student-athletes.
Head Coaches Bob Barto- Sport Management as well Before moving to LSUA,
lone and Alex Ochoa who as a Bachelor of Profession- he served as an assistant
served this past year with a al Studies degree in Gener- coach for the St. Louis
10-7 record. al Studies and Learning with Lions in the United Soccer
“As the excitement of ex- a concentration in Elementa- League’s professional devel-
panding Jefferson College’s ry Education from Missouri opment league, helping the
Soccer program moves for- Baptist University. He also Lions reach just their second
ward with the formation of earned a National “C” Li- playoff appearance since he
our first-ever women’s team, cense from the United States was one of the team’s play-
I am extremely proud to in- Soccer Federation. ers in 2006.

Republic-Monitor/JUSTIN HOTOP
Jackie Verseman looks for open teammates against Woodland. Verseman scored 18
points in the consolation tournament championship and was named to the All-Tour-
nament team along with Saxony’s Masyn McWilliams.

Delta Tournament roundups

HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL against Meadow Heights with 17 points. Saxony allowed
ST. VINCENT 44, Advance just two points in each
SCOTT COUNTY CENTRAL 41, half. Amajority of the offense
ST. VINCENT 36 MEADOW HEIGHTS 26 came from the bench of the Cru-
DELTA—St. Vincent se- saders as they had the game in
The Lady Indians shook off the
nior Jackie Verseman’s 21 disappointment from the previ-
hand as soon as the first quarter.
points and 10 rebounds was ous game to advance to the con- SAXONY LUTHERAN 89,
not enough to overcome the solation championship game. PUXICO 26
Lady Indians turnover prob- Verseman again led the Indians
lem. with 18 points, but St. Vincent Saxony opened up the game
Scott County Central also got 10 points from Lexie on a 16-2 run and never looked
forced 21 turnovers and held Anderson and another 6 points back as it set up a tournament
title game rematch with Oran.
on for the first round victo- from Kalli Seabaugh to even out
Maysn McWilliams led all scor-
the offensive load. St. Vincent
ry. St. Vincent had a chance ers with 21 points. But a big fac-
opened up their lead in the third
to tie the game in the final quarter with a 14-8 edge to take tor was the bench play. Brianna
10 seconds with three free control of the contest. Jenkins had 15 points, while Gra-
throws, but all three came up cie Price added 10 points. Sax-
short. ony’s defense was on point, al-
Corin Carroll and Abby lowing no more than nine points
in any quarter in the game.
Buchheit each had four The top-seeded Lady Crusad- The Crusaders shot 71 percent
points to compliment Verse- ers made quick work of a young from on two-pointers in the con-
man’s double-double. The Hornet team that is comprised of test as they had made just one
loss put the Lady Indians mostly freshmen. Callie Brown three-pointer for a shooting per-
in the consolation bracket was the high scorer for Saxony centage of 61 percent.

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