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Bridal Show. 2a.public Saftey.12.8.16

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2A • Tuesday, January 10, 2017 PUBLIC SAFETY The Republic-Monitor • www.perryvillenews.


42High, 24Low 47High, 29Low
Weekly Weather forecast for Showers/Wind AM Fog/
Perry County PM Clouds


39High, 26Low 40High, 33Low 48High, 41Low 51High, 40Low 40High, 27Low
Rain Freezing Rain Rain Light Rain Showers

Cheyenne Hasty captured this picture titled “Sunset over

Church.” This photo was taken in rural Perry County.
Did you capture the perfect image recently? To see your Weather Proverb:
snapshot in print submit your weather landscapes to
typesetter@perryvillenews.com. “Fog in January makes a wet spring.”

Police Reports was dispatched to Mt. Hope Police Thursday, December deputies for four counts of ■■Donald James Neal, ■■Ladonna Marie Smar,
Cemetery on a report of 29 on a Perry County war- supplying liquor to a minor. 33, of Old Appleton Tues- 33, of Cahokia, Ill. was ar-
vandalism to a family head- rant for first degree domes- day,Weather
January 3 byProverb:
the Mis- rested Thursday, January 5
The Perryville Police ■■Brian Edward “If the souri
Helm goose honks high, fairbyweather.
stone. tic assault and two counts of State Highway Patrol Perry County sheriff’s
Department has released its
Police are also reporting abuse or neglect of a child. If the
Jr., 23, of Ste. Genevieve by goose
for failing to obey judges weather.”
honks low, foul deputies for possession of
latest report of arrests and sheriff’s deputies Saturday, order.
two other recent arrests: marijuana and unlawful use
incidents. December 31 on a Jefferson
Sheriff’s Reports of drug paraphernalia.
■■Theresa Ann Clopton, County warrant for proba- ■■Shawn Alan Garner,
■■Shane L. Wilson, 38, tion violation. 36, of Sikeston Wednes- ■■James Edward Mu-
49, of St. Louis was ar-
of Perryville was arrested day, January 4 by Cape likey Sr., 39, of Carbondale,
rested Thursday, December The Perry County Sher- ■■Amanda Renee Jones, Girardeau County Sheriff’s Ill. Thursday, January 5 by
Tuesday, December 20 on
29, 2016 on a Perry County iff’s Office has released its 33, of Sedgewickville by Deputies on a warrant out Perry County Sheriff’s dep-
a Perryville warrant for
warrant. Police say the ar- latest report of arrests. Camden County, Georgia of Perry County for failing uties for DWI, careless and
rest came during an inves- sheriff’s deputies on a Perry to appear on a charge of re- imprudent driving and no
Arrested were:
■■A Perryville resident tigation of a leaving the County warrant for proba- ceiving stolen property.
reported her legally parked scene of a traffic accident ■■Nathan David Seyler, valid license.
tion violation.
vehicle was hit by another incident she was involved 37, of Red Bud, Ill. Friday, ■■Mark Philip Rossi Jr., ■■Terrance Lavincent,
vehicle while she was sit- in and a check showed the December 30 by sheriff’s ■■Blake Andrew Pfei- 55, Wednesday, January 4 20, Cotton of Festus on
ting in it, and the other outstanding warrant. deputies on a Perry County ffer, 21, of Perryville on by Miller County Sheriff’s Thursday, January 5 by
vehicle left the scene. The warrant for failing to appear Saturday, December 31 by Deputies on a Perry County Cape County Sheriff’s
■■Todd W. Depper, 25, sheriff’s deputies for DWI warrant for theft or stealing. Deputies on a Perry County
incident happened about 7 on changes of possession
of Perryville was arrested and failing to equip vehicle
p.m. Wednesday, December of a controlled substance, warrant for failing to appear
Sunday, January 1 on charg- with two approved head- ■■Michael Lee Gibson on a charge of second de-
14 on North Main Street. possession of methamphet-
es of driving while suspend- lamps. Jr., 28, of Ste Genevieve gree property damage.
amine paraphernalia and
■■Two Perryville resi- ed, speeding and failing to Wednesday, January 4 by
unlawful use of drug para- ■■Michael Dean Foger- Ste. Genevieve County
dents reported being the provide proof of insurance. ■■Brandon Ray Cole,
phernalia. son, 46, of Chester, Illinois Sheriff’s Deputies on a 31, of Perryville on Thurs-
victims of identity theft on
■■Donnie Wayne Rob- Wednesday, December 28 Perry County warrant for day, January 5 by sheriff’s
Tuesday, December 20. ■■Ricardo Trejo, 54,
erts, 28, Jr. of Perryville by sheriff’s deputies for probation violation.
of Perryville on Friday, deputies for violating an
■■The Perryville Police was arrested by Perryville DWI.
December 30 by sheriff’s order of protection.

Perryville man faces child abuse charges Two local men charged with forgery
The Perryville Police by Lieutenant Jon Lanier Hospital emergency room Two Perryville men are the theft of a check from The amount of the
Department is reporting the of the Perryville Police where she was then flown charged with forgery fol- her checkbook on Decem- check was for $130 and
arrest of a 28-year old Per- Department, Roberts was by helicopter to Cardinal lowing the report of a sto- ber 8, 2016. She stated her Nathan Slacer stated that
ryville man after the report watching the child while Glennon Hospital. The len check that was cashed brother and Lane were at Lane provided him with
of possible abuse to a 23- her mother was at work and child’s injuries included a at Regions Bank in Per- her residence the previous 7.5 grams of marijuana
month old child. the child was injured. lacerated liver, bruised pan- ryville. day. from an unnamed drug
Donnie Wayne Roberts, Roberts then drove the creas, subdural hematoma Hunter Lane, 17 is According to a prob- dealer for $110 and $20
Jr. was arrested by Per- child to her mother’s place and retinal hemorrhaging in charged with forgery stem- able cause statement made interest.
ryville Police on Decem- of employment, stating both eyes. ming from cashing an al- by Police Officer Chris- Lane then cashed the
ber 29, 2016. He is charged that the child “fell through During questioning Rob- tered check and Nathan topher Bradford. Slacer’s check at Regions Bank,
with first-degree domestic a door and hit a concrete erts admitted to police he Slacer, 25, is charged with sister said that Lane stole knowing the check was al-
assault and two counts of floor” and needed to seek had gotten a little rough forgery and misdemeanor the check on December 6 tered. Slacer said the check
abuse of a child. medical care. while playing with the possession of a controlled and made it out to himself, was never supposed to be
According to a probable The mother then took the child, throwing her on the substance. then Slacer forged his sis- cashed and that he gave it
cause statement drafted child to the Perry County couch. Slacer’s sister reported ters name on the check. to Lane as collateral.

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Beth Durreman, bethd@perryvillenews.com


Dolores Smith, dsmith@perryvillenews.com
Kelcee Hill, office assistant, khill@perryvillenews.com

Bridal Show
Crystal Lyerla, managing editor, clyerla@perryvillenews.com
Amanda Hasty, ahasty@perryvillenews.com
Justin Hotop, sports reporter, jhotop@perryvillenews.com

Sandy Schnurbusch, advertising manager
sschnurbusch@perryvillenews.com Coming January 22
Jessica Coppaway, advertising sales
Stephanie Schumer-Vandeven,
This is our 24th year helping brides p lan
lead designer/ad design manager, stephaniesv@perryvillenewscom
Kimberly Allen, ad design, kallen@perryvillenews.com
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