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9 22 05 Transcript Bulletin

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Popular Tooele
hamburger joint
a classic story

of American dream
See A3

September 22, 2005


Teen arrested in Settlement Canyon murder Fluoride

by Jesse Fruhwirth
sent back
A Tooele man was shot and
killed at the Settlement Canyon
reservoir Tuesday night. By 2
a.m. Thursday morning, police
captured the 18-year-old suspect
believed to be responsible for the
Shortly after 8 p.m. on Tuesday,
to voters
by Mark Watson
ambulance and police officials
arrived at the area. Richard
National, state and local health
Martinez, 24 of Tooele, was pro-
officials are definitely sold on the
nounced dead at the scene. Police
positive effects of adding fluoride
said he was shot through the chest
to drinking water systems to help
with a .22-caliber hand gun.
prevent tooth decay for large popu-
Daniel Herrera of Tooele is now
lations. Salt Lake County and Davis
charged with first-degree murder.
County fluoridate their water.
Police received a tip Wednesday
On two prior occasions Tooele
evening that Herrera was hiding
residents voted “no” to adding
out in a Tooele residence. By 2:30
fluoride to their city’s water sys-
a.m. Thursday morning, Herrera
tem. The question was posed to
was taken into police custody.
the populace six years ago. But
Herrera appeared in court
citizens will have an opportunity
Thursday. His cash-only bail is set
to re-visit the issue and vote “yea”
at $1 million.
or “nay” again at the November
Police officials declined to com-
ment on whether the violence was
Tooele City Council voted 4-0
gang related, but said that is a part
Wednesday night to place the ini-
of the investigation.
tiative on the ballot. Four council
“We’ve looked at the gang
members voted instead of five,
component all along,” Tooele
because Mike Johnson is now
City Police Chief Ron Kirby said.
serving as temporary mayor.
“Whether they were gang mem-
Armed with volumes of data,
photography / Troy Boman
Tooele County Health Director
Memorial flowers left by Richard Martinez’s sister, Kimmy, are surrounded by medical equipment left by emergency responders. Martinez was
SEE SHOOTING ON A2 fatally shot in the chest Tuesday night at the south end of the Settlement Canyon dam.
Myron Bateman extolled the bene-
fits of fluoridation during the meet-
ing. Also attending were Tooele

Grantsville again rejects apartment development dentist Clair Vernon; Dr. Stephen
Steed, dental director for the Utah
Department of Health; and Kathy
Baebler of the Salt Lake Valley
by Mary Ruth Hammond The property was sold by CEO, told city council members to the meeting to state that an apart- wanted to place the apartments lies
STAFF WRITER Grantsville resident Garry Bolinder Tuesday night that his proposed ment complex in the area would between Quirk Street and Orchard Health Department.
Grantsville leaders have shot approximately one year ago to PWC, project would be called Orchard definitely be detrimental to their Lane, those streets would offer the Vernon said fluoridated water is
down — for a second time in six headquartered in Boise, Idaho. Park Apartments. And he claimed homes and lifestyle. only entrance and exits to the apart- especially beneficial for children
weeks — a request by Pacific West Bolinder obtained a Planned that changing the PUD to allow Julie Black, a condo owner and ment complex. as their teeth grow. Bateman said
Communities (PWC), in conjunction Unit Development (PUD) from the apartments to be mingled with the president of Country Haven Home Scott Davis, an Orchard Lane two-thirds of the United State’s
with Grantsville Family Associates, city several years ago for develop- condos currently in Country Haven Owners Association, said she and resident, told the city council that water is fluoridated and that 125
to place 64 apartments between ment of condominiums in the area. would have no adverse effect on the other four condo owners in the PWC’s proposed layout of the apart- communities adopted fluoridation
Orchard Lane and Quirk Street The condo development is called those living there. Roope further area purchased their homes with a ments would create “a serious safe- in the past five years.
Under PWC’s plan, the 7.12-acre Country Haven. stated that the apartments would promise that only similar housing ty issue” for residents of his street. Although he voted yes to give
parcel of land would have housed Conditions of the PUD obtained not impact residents of Orchard would be allowed in the area. “There is a large number of chil- voters another opportunity to
eight apartment units, with each by Bolinder state that only condos Lane. Black, as well as several other dren on (Orchard Lane),” Davis consider the fluoride proposal,
unit containing eight apartments. would be built in the area. But about 20 residents of Country residents of the area, noted that Councilman Steve Bevan is not a
Caleb Roope, PWC’s president/ Haven and Orchard Lane showed up since the land on which PWC SEE APARTMENTS ON A12 big proponent of re-addressing the
fluoride issue.
“People voted on it twice, that’s

Movie filmed in Tooele Color of Fall enough,” he said. “Some people

cannot take fluoride.” He men-
tioned a situation where a woman

debuts for Utah crowd

was told not to take fluoride
because it counter-acted her medi-
Councilman John Hansen said
‘World’s Fastest Indian’ stars Sir Hopkins the city had grown substantially
in population in six years and the
by Audrey Rock on camera, as did other various
public may now have a different
CORRESPONDENT sites. After filming in Utah, the crew
view of fluoridation.
Burt Munro of New Zealand had headed to New Zealand to shoot the
“It’s something that needs to be
a dream. And the only place that remainder of the film for roughly
debated again,” he said.
dream could come true was halfway 11 weeks.
A woman in the audience
across the world in Tooele, Utah. But the movie made its way
addressed the council and said
He spent a lifetime perfecting his again back to Utah, and on Tuesday,
she agreed that fluoride had many
classic Indian motorcycle, racing in the film was screened for only the
benefits, but that an entire city
the early morning hours and look- second time at Salt Lake City’s
should not be forced to drink fluo-
ing forward to the day he would Broadway Theater in a celebratory
ridated water. She said most of the
have enough money to make the premier. The first screening took
water is used for other purposes
trip to Bonneville. place at the famed Toronto Film
instead of drinking anyway. She
Finally, as an elderly man with Festival, which Donaldson is cur-
questioned fluoridating an entire
a host of health problems, Munro rently attending. In a pre-recorded
water system when only a fraction
arrived at the 1967 Bonneville message to the audience, Donaldson
of it is actually consumed. Most of
Speed Week to snickers and cyni- said the movie was so well-received
the water is used to irrigate yards.
cism. There, with his shabby little at Toronto, it received three stand-
Councilman Steve Pruden said
bike, he broke world land speed ing ovations. The film won’t be
photography / Troy Boman he would like to have more infor-
records that still stand today. Munro released to the general public until
Fall officially arrived with bright bursts of color at 4:23 p.m. today as evidenced in the foothills sur- mation on start-up costs and the
is a bona fide legend. early next year.
rounding Tooele County. See related story on A2. costs of maintaining a fluoridated
Given that his legend took shape The premier event was spon-
water system.
on the salty landscapes of Utah, sored by the Utah Film Commission,
“I think voters will want to know
writer/director Roger Donaldson whose incentive packages lured the

Woman critical after SR-112 accident

all about the costs. It’s important
had no question that it was the right production to Utah for a longer stay
for them to have as much informa-
place to shoot the climactic racing than they had planned. Originally,
tion as possible on the issue,” he
scenes of his movie about Munro, only around 10 days worth of
by Mary Ruth Hammond ing to Tooele Police Lt. Steve struck by the front quarter panel said. Mayor Johnson said the city
“The World’s Fastest Indian.” production were scheduled to
Newkirk. of the pickup,” Newkirk stated. will also need to know the costs
And so it came to be that Oscar- take place in Utah, mostly on the CORRESPONDENT
A 48-year-old Tooele woman “(Davile) apparently pulled off It was unknown whether as it works on its budget for the
winning screen legend Sir Anthony Bonneville Salt Flats. Ultimately the
was in critical condition at the the road and then attempted to either driver was wearing a seat upcoming year.
Hopkins and Donaldson (famous production stayed for over a month,
time she was flown by Life make a U-turn,” Newkirk stated. belt at the time of the crash. Bateman said that four of the
for directing “Cocktail” and “The filming all the U.S. portions of the
Flight to LDS Hospital Wednesday The Dodge Neon driven by Newkirk stated that the driver most significant advances in pre-
Recruit”) found themselves in production in Utah.
night following a traffic crash on Davile was struck by a Dodge of the pickup sustained no inju- venting disease come from pas-
Tooele last October. The Salt Lake Film Society and
state Route 112. Dakota pickup driven by Keith ries. teurization, immunization, chlori-
The old Tooele hospital on the Utah Motion Picture Association
Lynette Davile was eastbound Lewis, 50, of Erda. “The driver of the car was in nation and fluoridation. The health
200 South took on the role of a also backed the premier. They hope
on SR-112 when she pulled off “It appears that Lewis tried critical condition when she was director’s main goal was to see
Hollywood set, transformed seam- to continue luring large-scale pro-
to the right side of the high- to avoid the accident, but the that the initiative be put on the bal-
lessly into a 1960s hospital. Penny’s
SEE MOVIE ON A12 way near Rogers Road, accord- front corner panel of the car was
in Stockton also spent some time ON SEE FLUORIDE ON A2

Partly cloudy tonight and Friday.
Festival of the Old West offers Lows in the mid 50s.
Highs in the mid 70s. HOMETOWN B1 TV LISTINGS C4, C5
colorful glimpse into the past
See B1 Complete Forecast: A2 DOINGS B4 CLASSIFIEDS C6
A2 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Pine Canyon residents host clean dirt party
Temps/Precipitation Local
Valley Weather
Weather Forecast by Jesse Fruhwirth While the residents of Pine Tooele. Despite that, the clean- Keri Stoddard said. “It’s been
Canyon had been living on the up finished ahead of schedule.
Fri really good. The actual process
Date High Low (prec./inches) STAFF WRITER
Sept. 20 86 48 78/50 Pine Canyon residents and property for years, it wasn’t until “We were originally sched- didn’t hinder our family at all.”
Sept. 21 80 53 .43 9/23 one family received alarming uled to finish it next year,” While one of the Stoddard
government environmental offi-
Mostly cloudy in the morning. news about their child that the said Jennifer Lane, community daughter’s high blood-lead level
Ned Bevan, Tooele’s weather observer cials gathered Wednesday night
for the National Weather Service, reports to celebrate the completion of authorities hopped into action. involvement coordinator for the started the commotion, things
that his recording station at 139 S. Main
one phase of the environmen- “We had our kids tested [for EPA. have returned to normal.
received .43 inches of precipitation Sat 73/47 tal cleanup of their community. lead],” Pine Canyon resident The cleanup was funded and “When things were resolved,”
between Sept. 20 and Sept. 21 and a total
of .44 so far this month. The normal for 9/24 Seventeen yards received new Mack Stoddard said. managed by Atlantic Richfield, Mack Stoddard said, “her blood
September is .94 inches. Slight chance of a thunderstorm. top soil in an effort to rid the “One daughter did show high the “probable responsible party.” levels went down almost imme-
For the water year, which began Oct. levels of lead,” Stoddard said. PRP is term referring to the party diately.”
1, 2004, Tooele has received 25.01 inches
town’s dirt of lead and arsenic.
He joked, “one out of eight isn’t responsible for the pollution. The pollutants had been
In addition to residents,
of precipitation. The normal for the year is bad.” With EPA guidance and enforce-
18.49 inches of precipitation. 73/54 officials from the federal affecting the families in other
9/25 Stoddard’s high blood-lead ment, Atlantic Richfield helped
Environmental Protection ways, too.
Pollen Count level made authorities scram- to finish the project quickly.
Slight chance of a thunderstorm. Agency (EPA) and the state “For love or money we
ble to take care of the issue in “[Atlantic Richfield] has been
The pollen counts from the Department of Environmental couldn’t get a garden to grow,”
the most expedited fashion the through this before,” said Robert
Intermountain Allergy and Quality attended the “Clean Dirt Mack Stoddard said. A drive
agencies have at their disposal. O’Brien, project manager for
Asthma Clinic in Salt Lake City Mon 69/51
Party.” The residents’ land was “Initially we thought it would State Environmental Quality. through Pine Canyon now
as of Sept. 22, 2005, were as 9/26 contaminated with the danger- be just two houses,” Waterman “They have been through more shows luscious lawns and bud-
follows: ous chemicals by International ding flowers.
Partly cloudy, chance of a thunder- said. Superfund site actions than I
Sagebrush — High storm. Smelting & Refining decades The cleanup is ongoing with
As testing of the community probably ever will be.”
Mold — High ago. groundwater testing showing
started, however, the EPA found By all accounts, that experi-
Ragweed — Low “We started with the first contamination. Pine Canyon’s
that not only were there up to ence paid off and residents are
Chenopods — Low
Tue 69/46
house in fall 2004,” EPA Project 15 other homes impacted by the pleased with the cleanup. water supply is clean, but a
Corrections 9/27 Manager Erna Waterman said. pollution, but so was much of “It was about a six-week pro- few now abandoned residential
A few thunderstorms possible. “The rest of the 16 houses were the land around the entire rail cess. Ours was the first one wells did show signs of lead.
Bob Titus is president of the
©2005 American Profile Hometown Content
done this year.” line between Pine Canyon and done,” Pine Canyon resident e-mail: jessefruhwirth@tooeletranscript.com
Tooele Rock and Gem Club, Service
while Janet Nix works with

advertising. This information aware of any.”
was mistated in Tuesday’s arti-
Subscriber Service “[Martinez] had some minor
cle Gem and mineral display If you haven’t received offenses,” Wexels said. “But I
continued from page A1
sparkles. your newspaper by 6:30 p.m., don’t know if he had any direct
please call 882-0050 and our cus- bers is hard to say.” [gang] affiliation.”
tomer representative will assist In addition to the murder Swartzfager said the investiga-
Subscribe Today you. Customer service hours on charge, Herrera was charged with tion was an overwhelming suc-
882-0050 Tuesday and Thursday nights illegal possession of a firearm by a cess.
are 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. restricted person. This restriction “I am very proud of law enforce-
indicates that Herrera has a histo- ment in this community right

Summer officially
ry of violent crime in his past, but now,” Swartzfager said. “It was
because those charges occurred such an effort of law enforcement
when he was a minor, police and ... and the community. We were
the prosecutor declined to com- overwhelmed with walk-ins.”

comes to a close ment on the details.

Police are still looking for one
other suspect. The other suspect
was allegedly in the vehicle with Tooele City Police Chief Ron Kirby speaks Wednesday morning with
photography / Troy Boman
Swartzfager said information
that came from community mem-
bers drove the investigation.
“It was fabulous,” Swartzfager
It will probably feel like sum- this month’s equinox as the start Herrera at the time of the murder. said. “I’ve done this job for 21
mer for a while longer, but sum- of the shorter, cooler days of media regarding the murder of Richard Martinez in Settlement Canyon
Martinez was at the dam with Tuesday night. The suspect, 18-year-old Daniel Herrera, was appre- years and I can’t recall a time
mer officially ended here in Utah fall, those in the southern hemi- just one other friend. According when everything came together
hended early Thursday morning in a Tooele home.
and the rest of the northern hemi- sphere, where the seasons are to Tooele City Police Lt. Craig so well.”
sphere Thursday, Sept. 22, at 4:23 reversed, see it as the start of the Wexels, the testimony from this Swartzfager said his heart goes
p.m. longer, warmer days of spring. witness is helpful but limited. out to the Martinez family.
According to NASA Solar The next similar event, known “The victim and the friend were Martinez is the son of Lori
System Ambassador to Utah as the March or vernal equinox, at the dam,” Wexels said. “But the Martinez and the late Sam
Patrick Wiggins, “At that moment will occur when the Sun moves friend was down by the reservoir Anglada. His obituary says he was
the Sun will glide southward northward across the celestial when the incident occurred.” a lover of the outdoors and spent
across the celestial equator, an equator next March, marking the Martinez was shot at the south a lot of time in the mountains
event known as the September or start of northern hemispheric end of the dam. His friend report- with his three dogs. His funeral
autumnal equinox.” spring. edly heard the gunshot, but did will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at
The celestial equator is an Similarly, there are two times not see the altercation. St. Marguerites with a vigil held
imaginary line in space directly a year when the Sun is furthest “We do have some information Sunday evening from 6-8 p.m. at
above Earth’s equator. from the sky’s equator. One is that the victim was engaging in the same church. To read the com-
On the day of the equinox the at the start of summer, when it’s conversation with a couple of dif- plete obituary, see page A7.
periods of daylight and dark are furthest north, and the other is Herrera will be back in court
ferent groups,” Tooele City Police Richard Martinez Daniel Herrera
nearly equal and the Sun rises at the start of winter, when it’s Lt. Craig Wexels said. “We don’t on Oct. 5.
due east, and sets due west, furthest south. These events are know the context of the conversa- e-mail: jessefruhwirth@tooeletranscript.com
which Wiggins notes, “can be known as the June and December Martinez about a half hour prior to the shooting],” Searle said.
tion just prior to the shooting.” the shooting. “There were no individuals
a problem for drivers in Utah solstices. According to Tooele County Tooele Police Sgt. Steve
where so many roads run due
east and west.”
For further astronomical infor-
mation visit Wiggins’ NASA Solar
Deputy Attorney Gary Searle, Swartzfager said there were 10
that were there at the time of the
shooting that have come forward,”
Herrera interacted with Martinez to 20 people who arrived at the Searle said.
While we who reside in the System Ambassador web site at twice on that evening. Herrera
northern hemisphere think of http://www.trilobyte.net/paw. altercation that happened prior Wexels also would not confirm
was at the dam and confronted to the shooting. Herrera and the that there may have been gang “We Are Your Neighborhood
others left but Herrera allegedly activity at play in the crime. Family Theatre”
came back. “I have talked to his mother,” 1600 N Pine Canyon Rd.
Fluoride “We believe there was more
than one individual involved in
the confrontation [at the time of
Swartzfager said. “I asked if she
was aware of any ongoing feuds
(East of Viaduct) • 843-5800
Tickets are now available online
at www.movieswest.com
continued from page A1 or any known enemies. She wasn’t
lot. The department will now begin PORK TENDERLOIN EVERY WEDNESDAY Sept. 23rd - 29th
its campaign to educate voters.
Now open
Corpse Bride*
Breakfast, Lunch
Voted #1 Burger Joint in Tooele County!

Information about fluoridation is & Dinner Sundays from

M ‘‘
Fresh, Fast & 7am-3pm
found on the Tooele County Health
1/2 lb. Double Delicious Dly: 4:30, 7:00, 9:15
K I D S M E N U $2 . 9 9

Department’s Web site at www. Sat: 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 7:00, 9:15
Cheeseburger Combo

Sun: 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 7:00 (PG)


The site displays a quote & EGGS $599

w/fries & a Med. Drink
from former Surgeon General C.

$ 49 Lord of War*
Everette Koop: “Fluoridation is the Friday & Saturday Prime Rib & Shrimp
single most important commitment Tuesday Smothered Burrito • Thursday Grilled Salmon Dly: 4:10, 7:00, 9:30
a community can make to the oral Call in orders welcome 882-4203 Sat: 12:10, 4:10, 7:00, 9:30
Sun: 12:10, 4:10, 7:00 (R)
health of its citizens.” 76 West Vine Street Open Tues-Sat 7AM-9PM Closed Mondays
In other council business: LIVER & ONIONS • SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS
• Steven Smith was appointed
to the Library Board of Directors. Ice Cream Sundaes 40 Year Old Virgin
• Allison McCoy presented an Dly: 4:50, 7:10, 9:30
Sat: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30
update on the Youth City Council.
Sat, Sept 24th
Sun: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10 (R)

• Election judges were approved
for the primary and general elec- All Day
Support the Just Like Heaven*
• A resolution was approved
authorizing the city to sign a
Everyday Dly: 4:30, 7:00, 9:15
Sat: 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 7:00, 9:15
contract with Wadsworth Golf Hadlee Wyatt Sun: 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 7:00 (PG-13)
Construction Company of 490 N.Main, Tooele • 882-3608
Southwest to construct an addi-
tional nine holes at Oquirrh Hills
HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 am –10 pm • Sunday 11 am – 9 pm Benefit Day at Flight Plan*
Golf Course.
• The city council approved
Buddys! Dly: 4:30, 7:00, 9:15
Sat: 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 7:00, 9:15
Sun: 12:10, 2:20 4:30, 7:00 (PG-13)
the bid of T.B. Construction for
the amount of $80, 837.55 for the
The Exorcism of
2005-2006 sidewalk replacement
e-mail: mwatson@tooeletranscript.com

�������� ������ Emily Rose*
Dly: 4:45, 7:10, 9:35
������������������������������������������������� Sat: 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35
� Sun: 12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:10 (PG-13)

Accident �
Show Times are subject to change.
Open daily 4pm • Sat & Sun Noon
continued from page A1 ���� ������� �� �������
1501 N. Main • 882-1064
All shows before 6:00 pm $4.50
• After 6 pm Adults $6.50

Children (under 12) $4.50 Seniors (over 65) $4.50
taken by medical helicopter to Only State-of-the-Art Theatre in Tooele
All Digital Sound Wall to Wall Screens
LDS Hospital,” Newkirk stated.
Due to hospital pri-
vacy laws, an update on
Davile’s condition was not avail-
� �������� ��������� RITZ
Friday & Saturday 5:00 • 7:00 • 9:00
Friday & Saturday 5:00 • 7:00 • 9:00
able as of press time today. ����� PG G
While the accident is still �������������� Tooele’s Show Place
Sunday - Thursday 5:00 • 7:00 Sunday - Thursday 5:00 • 7:00


Filmed in Utah Brought Back by Popular Demand!!
under investigation, Newkirk for Over 60 Years!
said there is no suspicion that
drugs or alcohol played any role
in the cause of the crash.
������� ���� �������� 882-2273
111 North Main, Tooele
http://ritz-motorvu.hypermart.net ADMISSION: ADULTS: $6.00 CHILD/SENIOR: $4.00 before 6pm: $4.00
“No citations were issued last
night,” Newkirk stated Thursday � MOTOR VU Friday, Saturday and Sunday 8:00 am/fm radio required

morning, “but it does appear that

the driver of the car was at fault
in the accident.”
���������� �������������������� RED EYE also
A3 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Tooele’s American Burger is a story of the American dream

by Karen Hunt going to succeed,” Angelo said. “ worked off and on at America
STAFF WRITER And just invest in your business, Burger since she was 16 and enjoys
The name American Burger put money into it.” working there because of the way
reflects the unique perspective of “You need to constantly be she is treated.
its owners. updating,” Mary added. “You can’t “They’re like family,” said Avila.
In-laws Mary and Angelo just say now we have this in and “They always treat the employees
Geovjian gave that name to their let it be, it must be continually as much like family as they can.”
char-broiled burger joint because improving, updating.” Food is made fresh at the store,
burgers are, after all, an American Plus, “like Angelo said, if you including homemade onion rings
phenomenon. want something you have to be made in the kitchen.
Hambugers were “made popu- there. You can’t just hire a man- The most popular items on the
lar in America, that’s why,” said ager,” she added. menu are the American burgers
Angelo. That approach has built up a and gyros. Of the 32 flavors, the
Angelo, with his dark eyes stream of faithful repeat custom- most popular shake is strawberry
and hair, has Armenian roots — ers, which they say is particularly (made with real strawberries).
Armenia is a country from the important in a smaller town like But, individual favorites vary.
former Soviet Union known for its Tooele. Angelo prefers their cheeseburg-
plethera of intellectuals. Angelo Bob and Margaret Davis, who ers when he’s “medium hungry,”
grew up in Salt Lake City and now have lived in Tooele for over 50 although he admits he creates his
in Tooele he demonstrates his own years, came in not too long after own concoctions in the kitchen.
intellect as he pulls off a success- American Burger opened. Mary also likes the cheeseburgers
ful business. The store opened with crowds and the broiled chicken sandwich-
Accompanying him is his pleas- of customers, keeping employees es. Avila recommends the chicken
ant, very Greek sister-in-law Mary on their feet from open to close for plate with two kabobs, lemon rice,
whose family owned Tooele Pizza the first three months. pita bread and a salad. Customers
for years. “It was too busy at first, but Keith and Sandi Bettridge say they
Unlike Angelo, who couldn’t as soon as it eased up we started come back for the bacon cheese-
wait to get out of high school coming regularly,” Bob said. burger and the fish and chips.
and start his own restaurant, Mary “The food tasted good,” he said Throughout the years, custom-
went on to earn a bachelor’s degree with a contented smile. ers have requested items be added
from the University of Utah in soci- “They’re very accommodating,” to the menu and the Geovjians
ology and psychology before get- photography / Troy Boman Margaret said. “We have a little have obliged.
ting back into the restaurant busi- In-laws Mary and Angelo Geovijian, owners and managers of American Burger, serve a wide variety of Greek granddaughter in the other valley Chicken fingers, Chili and
ness. When she started to work at and American favorites. They say their secret to success is freshly made food, excellent customer service and when she comes out here this cheese fries, a turkey pita, fish and
American Burger it was supposed and long hours of hard work. is the only place she’ll eat.” chips, popcorn chicken and hot-
to be part-time and temporary. In order to keep their repeat dogs are on the menu as a result.
who hire a manager and expect the Due to customer feedback the operate in Salt Lake City. His
But, somehow it stuck, though customers the Geovjians put a pre- “Hot dogs! I never wanted to
cash to roll in, they’ve built their American burger now comes in brother (Mary’s husband) manages
she’s not complaining. mium on customer service. serve that, but a customer request-
lives the last five-and-a-half years two additional sizes. Many ladies, that store.
“I’ve been in it [the restaurant Although they’re not a full-ser- ed it,” Angelo said.
around their little burger shop. they say, prefer the Jr. American After that Angelo opened sev-
business] for 20 years,” Mary said. vice restaurant they train employ- From the beginning, they’ve
Angelo and Mary manage the burger and those who are really eral other businesses. But, it was
“You know I’ve been in it all my ees to bring food out to their cus- serve American food, Greek food
store while Mary’s husband (the hungry prefer the double American only about five-and-a- half years tomers. They had customer com- and more fine dining classics like
life. It was nice to be able to get
into it again.” third owner) manages the broth- burger — which is huge. ago that he, his brother and his ment forms for about six months. shrimp and steak.
It was Mary who saw the oppor- er’s oriental rug shop in Salt Lake. “It’s an intimidating sandwich, sister-in-law opened their Tooele They add food items to the menu A few salads are made fresh in
tunity in Tooele after Kentucky The twosome believe customers actually. I mean I couldn’t eat one,” location. via customer request. In addition, the morning and then more are
Fried Chicken (now KFC Taco like to see them personally meet- Angelo admits. The store, located at 490 N. Main they built their entire front counter made as needed throughout the
Bell) left the building to move ing their needs. Angelo first started in the res- St. in Tooele, was picked as “best lower so it is accessible to those in day.
to its current location at 737 N. “Angelo and I have always said taurant business in 1979 at the age burger joint” by Tooeleliving.com wheelchairs. The Greek salad dressing is one
Main. this,” Mary said. “We won’t ask of 18. in 2004. In addition, the Geovjians, American Burger employs 14 of Angelo’s secret recipes, as is
“It was just a fluke,” Mary said. our employees to do anything we He purchased The Filling Station, described by some as clean freaks, people; 3-4 are part time and the the fry sauce, which he boasts is
“I just came out here and I was like won’t do and that just goes back to a New York style deli located near won Friends of Public Health rest are full time. They only hire more than just ketchup and may-
this is for sale and it just happened successful business.” the University of Utah, and then awards from the Tooele County those over 18 and while they don’t onnaise.
to fall in our laps.” “The American Burger,” is not added his own sandwiches. All the Health Department in 2003 and expect anyone to make a career And for the kids there are kid’s
The twosome are strong charac- only the name of the restaurant, sandwiches were named after old 2005. out of it, they expect 100 percent meals and free kiddy cones.
ters, down-to-earth and anxious to it is also the name of their famous automobiles. “We’re the only ones in Tooele effort while people are working. Megyn Bettridge, age 6, came to
please. They graciously greet long- pastrami burger. In 1983 he sold the location to County that have two health “It’s constant learning, constant American Burger for the first time
time customers by name, recall “It’s as big as the picture. It’s this Market Street Broiler and from department awards,” Angelo said. training,” Mary said. “It’s more of last Friday. She had French fries, a
someone who has a new baby or big,” Angelo said holding his hands there he started a carpet com- “My advice to anyone who opens ‘treat customers the way you want milk shake and chicken fingers.
ask about a grandchild. inches apart. “... It’s a cheeseburger pany — Broadway Oriental Rugs a business is if you are not willing to be treated.’” “I liiike it,” Bettridge said. “It’s
Unlike some business owners with piles of pastrami on it.” — which he and his brother still to work seven days a week, it’s not Employee Heather Avila has deeeellllllliccccious.”

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38 S. Main St., Tooele 843-8404
A4 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Tooele County’s wild horses Fall Festival draws crowd for food, entertainment
up for adoption in Farmington by Jesse Fruhwirth
The Bureau of Land If you plan to adopt: Fry bread was flipped,
Management (BLM), Salt Lake • On Friday, Sept. 23, view afghans were auctioned, and
Field Office (SLFO) will host a horses from 12-9 p.m. St. Marguerites Catholic Church
Wild Horse and Burro Adoption • On Saturday, Sept. 24, regis- raised some cash. Last week-
at the Davis County Fairgrounds tration begins at 8 a.m. adoption end’s Fall Festival was a success
in Farmington. Registration will begin at 11 a.m. with about 3,000 attendees cel-
begins noon on Friday, Sept. 23, • Adopters must be pre- ebrating the diversity of Tooele’s
and continue through the begin- approved before bidding on a community.
ning of the adoption at 11 a.m. horse. This year’s festival was the
on Saturday, Sept. 24. • Walk-ups are welcome the 15th annual Fall Festival held
Approximately 34 head of wild day of the adoption. by the parish. Festival organizer
horses and one wild burro will be • Bidding is by silent bid auc- Susan Cummings said the event
available for adoption. Potential tion, beginning price is $125. was a great success.
adopters and the general pub- • The wild horses available at “The fund raiser is for our
lic are encouraged to attend. the adoption will be weanlings, parish but we do it to bring the
Admission is free. Some of wild yearlings, mares, studs and geld- community together to share a
horses available have roots in ings. fun event,” Cummings said. “So
the Cedar Mountain herds near • All animals have been de- as far as being a success, it defi-
Dugway. Wild horses have occu- wormed; freeze marked, vacci- nitely was.”
pied the Cedar Mountains since nated and will have a clean bill Cummings said the total
the late 1800s. of health. funds raised won’t be counted
It is suggested that the A wild horse requires a three- for another month, but she is
original stock was controlled horse trailer or larger. Bring one confident the fund raising went
by the Standard Horse and with you. For additional infor- well also.
Mule Company that provided mation or application forms call “Our silent auction is one
remounts for the U.S. Cavalry. Kyle Hansen at 801-977-4300. of our biggest fundraisers,”
Many of the Cedar Mountain The Salt Lake Regional Horse Cummings said. “Everything in
herd are descendants of horses and Burro Center is located at the silent auction is donated, we photography / Mike Call
that escaped local ranches in 8605 West Butterfield Canyon don’t purchase anything.” Jerri Costanzo, Ida Bittmenn and Annamarie Cochran (l-r) served up delicious German food at St. Marguerites’
the area. Road or call 1-877-224-3956. Cummings said the event’s annual fall festival held this past weekend at the Catholic parish in Tooele.
most talked about performance dancers. very well accepted. They were weekend,” Cummings said.
Subscribe Today • 882-0050 was done by a group of Tongan “The Tongan dancers were one of the hits of the whole e-mail: jessefruhwirth@tooeletranscript.com

Depot’s former research facility gets new focus

Deseret Chemical Depot standards of national and state includes items such as personal systems, processing equipment
(DCD) officials this week agencies to treat and dispose protective equipment, insula- and procedures currently in use
announced the mission of the of secondary waste in a man- tion, cleaning materials, tools, by other chemical agent destruc-
Chemical Agent Munitions ner that protects the health and steel containers and munitions tion facilities across the United
Disposal System (CAMDS) has safety of our workers, the public casings. States. The facility employs
been revised, a decision that and the environment,” said Van Workers at the plant will open approximately 130 Army civil-
establishes a three-year planning Pelt. “At the same time we will a variety of sealed hazardous ians and is located approxi-
date for CAMDS closure. develop a plan to safely close the waste containers, identify and
mately 1.5 miles south of the
DCD Commander Col. facility and prepare our workers separate contents, then re-pack-
Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal
Raymond T. Van Pelt addressed for future employment options.” age the contents for continued
Facility (TOCDF).
depot workers at a town hall Secondary wastes are routine- storage for destruction at a
meeting on the depot and iden- ly generated as a normal part of later date. Depot officials will The U.S. Army Chemical
tified segregation and re-pack- storage and disposal of chemical work closely with the Chemical Materials Agency is responsible
aging of secondary waste; and weapons. Some of these wastes Materials Agency and the state for safely storing and eliminating
facility closure as the new pri- are classified as hazardous to develop disposal options. the United States’ aging chemi-
mary focus of work at CAMDS. because they are contaminated Since 1970, the CAMDS facil- cal weapons and agent stock-
“We will continue to adhere to with low levels of agent-resi- ity has developed personal pro- piles and for the safe elimination
the strict and closely regulated due. Typical secondary waste tective ensembles, monitoring of recovered chemical materiel.


Subscribe Today • 882-0050 TRANSCRIPT


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882-0690 843-8270

Friday, September 23
11:30 a.m. . . . . . . Alumni Luncheon
5:00 p.m. . . . . . . . Homecoming Parade (see new route map below)
7:00 p.m. . . . . . . . Homecoming Game Tooele vs. Ben Lomond
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9:00 p.m. . . . . . . . Dance Stomp following the Game at the THS Gym TOOELE • STANSBURY • GRANTSVILLE
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882-4422 952 N. MAIN • 843-4344

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Operator of the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility


882-4976 882-6800


1929 N. AARON DR. STE I 1141 N. MAIN • TOOELE 1141 N. MAIN • TOOELE 1041 N. MAIN • TOOELE 668 N. MAIN • TOOELE 48 S. 50 WEST 94 S. MAIN • TOOELE
TOOELE -882-2350 882-7000 882-2000 882-1300 882-2211 882-0964 882-6800
B6 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Popular English band comes back Health department aims to reduce

“Gene Loves Jezebel” will
return to Tracks in Tooele for a
second concert this Friday, Sept.
youth tobacco use with The TRUTH
23, at 9 p.m. Only seven percent of checks culate birthdates. “Retailer education efforts by
Tracks Promotions Director conducted with Utah’s tobacco- In the past, the tobacco local health departments have
Ron Baum said the band was so selling retailers result in ille- industry has provided stores been effective in the past, result-
impressed with Tooele, the fans gal sales to underage youth; with generic “We Card” post- ing in Utah having one of the
and Tracks that they just had to however, the Utah Department ers and point-of-purchase sig- lowest rates in the country for
come back for one more show of Health (UDOH) hopes to nage. However, according to retailers illegally selling tobacco
before returning to England. Fans decrease that number even Heather Borski, UDOH Tobacco to youth,” said Clausing. “We
further. That’s why the UDOH Prevention and Control Program are hopeful that the new retailer
should know that “Gene Loves
has collaborated with Tooele Manager, these materials send a guide, collateral material and
Jezebel” has been around (in
County Health Department and contradictory message. the efforts of local health depart-
various permutations) since goth
other health departments and “Since the Tobacco Industry ments will reduce the percent-
diverged from the early 80s neo-
retailers across the state to prepares and distributes these age of retailers illegally selling
romantic scene.
produce a new, comprehensive materials to retailers, we have to tobacco from 8 to 0 percent. We
Lead singer Michael Aston has
The TRUTH Tobacco Retailer be wary of their motives,” said have our work cut out for us to
now become more romantic than
Education Program to help Borski. “The industry as a whole keep these deadly products out
gothic in his music and has a flair Gene loves Jezebel will play at Tracks Friday. enforce the law that prohibits has proven time and again to of the hands of youth.”
for the dramatic and knows how
youth under age 19 from pur- be deceptive and it would be Approximately 90 percent
to use it. Their newest copulation
chasing tobacco products. pretty inconsistent for any busi- of regular smokers in the U.S.
“Exploding Girl” is a smoldering, tuned guitars. goers, Tracks will let those who Representatives from Tooele ness to do everything possible
melodic meditation. Other topi- This album is comprised com- have their ticket receipts or stubs started smoking before age 19.
County Health Department and to sell a product, and then turn
cal and personal insights surface pletely of songs that Aston penned from the last show attend Friday’s Within this health district there
Utah’s 11 other local health around and create materials to
amid edgy tunes shot through with about women who have affected show free of charge. are 6.4% of youth smokers and
departments will be visiting effectively prevent the sale of
exotic flavors, ranging from the his life. It is probably the stron- Tickets for this show are avail- only 6 of the local retailers have
retail businesses that sell tobac- that same product. That is why
slinky electronica-tinged groove gest album “Gene Loves Jezebel” able at Tracks by calling 435-882- sold tobacco products to youth
co to share a new guide that we created new, stronger, more
behind the bittersweet “2 Hungry has ever made. It is nearly flaw- 4040 or at the door at 1641 N. Main in 2004.
will help managers and owners attention-getting materials that
Women” to the African-style per- less in its “U2” meets “The Cure” here in Tooele. More information “Our focus is not on trying to
educate their employees about will be used consistently state-
cussion driving “Blue Mary.” meets “Human League” style may also be found at www.tracks- catch retailers breaking the law,”
how to avoid selling tobacco to wide at no cost to the user.”
This fetching album will hold a delivery, according to the Tracks brewing.com. underage youth. The guide con- “We want to continue to build said Sarah Reynolds, Tobacco
special appeal for those who fond- press release. “This is a truly special event tains an overview of the prob- good relationships with our Compliance Health Educator.
ly recall the days when goth was The popular Salt Lake City once again for the Tooele Valley lem, information about Utah’s retailers, and one way we can “We would much prefer to work
more about romantic yearning (in Band “The Street” will do the pre- we hope to see all the fans that tobacco laws, penalties imposed do that is to provide easy-to- with them to comply with it and
the Bronte sense) and gritty pop show before the concert. As a spe- could not get into the last show on businesses and individu- use materials that help them recognize them for their great
rock than fetish gear and down- cial thank you to the last concert here this time,” Baum said. als for selling tobacco to those comply with the law,” said Kim efforts in reducing youth access
underage, how to properly ID Clausing, Tobacco Prevention to tobacco.”
people, how to refuse selling Coordinator. “According to the The guide and materials are
tobacco and employee training Campaign for Tobacco-Free funded by Master Settlement
techniques. Kids, 2.8 million packs of ciga- Agreement funds as part of the
New, bold and humorous rettes are sold to underage youth state’s comprehensive tobacco
posters that say “We I.D. every- in Utah every year and part of prevention and control program.
one…even this guy” will be dis- the reason might be because For more information contact
tributed to retailers along with some retailers and employees Sarah Reynolds, 843-2310. The
a window cling and a register are misinformed or unaware of guide is also available on-line at
sticker to help clerks easily cal- the law. www.tobaccofreeutah.org.

Anti-war rally to be held in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky King said. Iraq to be used for reconstruc-
Anderson will be among Surviving family members tion and humanitarian needs
the speakers at a noon rally of soldiers who have died in at home.
on Saturday, Sept. 24, at Iraq as well as other activists The rally will include an
Washington Square. Rally orga- will be speaking at the rally. opportunity to contribute to
nizers are calling for an end to Public opinion polls have medical aid for the people of
the military action in Iraq. been showing a majority of the Iraq.
“We expect a thousand or American people think the U.S. The rally program will
more to march and rally in invasion of Iraq was a mistake. include music, poetry and time
Salt Lake City next Saturday After Hurricane Katrina, polls for people to meet, talk and
calling for an end to the war show most Americans want browse at various information
in Iraq,” peace activist Tom resources now going to war in tables.

After School Special


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THURSDAY September 22, 2005 A7


Elliot Cobia Taron family pared for us; the Skyline and the
Eighth Ward Relief Society for
Newberry Morris The family of Alice Marie
the dinners; President Halladay
and Paul Kuester for their love-
McPhie Taron would like to
Our beloved husband, father ly talks; Dr. Forbes and staff,
extend a special thanks to every-
and grandpa, Elliot Cobia Mountain West Medical Center
one who sent flowers, cards,
Newberry Morris left us on Sept. money and food, for those who and ambulance service, all the
20, 2005, to return to the arms of visited, made phone calls and EMTs and Tate Mortuary. A spe-
his Heavenly Father. Born June provided care after the pass- cial thank you for the Tooele
24, 1926 in Ely, Nev., to James ing of our beloved wife, mother, Dialysis Center for your special
William and Mary Loree (Cobia) grandmother and great-grand- care.
Morris, he was the youngest of mother. We would like to express Robert Taron
nine children. our thanks to Bishop Aagard Holly and Guy Shields
A WWII veteran of the U.S. and the Lakeview Ward Relief Troy and Kim Taron
Army, he served in the campaign Society for the luncheon pre- Shaun and Lori Taron
to liberate the Philippines and in Jeri Code Holbrook Jeri Code Holbrook Jones
the occupation of Japan. Elliot Cobia Newberry Morris
He married his sweetheart and Jones 1969. She married Richard Larry
eternal companion, Margaret
Derbyshire in the Salt Lake LDS He is survived by his wife
Jones in July of 1988. They later Iverson family able help and support they have
offered. Thanks to our family,
Our beloved mother, grandma divorced. friends and co-workers for your
Temple on Jan. 6, 1950. Margaret; son Elliot Kimball and sister, Jeri, died at the age Surviving are her children, We wish to extend our sincere love and support at this difficult
Elliot earned bachelor’s and (Doris), Stansbury Park, Utah; of 63, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005, at Stephen Michael Holbrook, thanks to all of the people who time. A special thanks to the
master’s degrees in geology daughters Loree, Salt Lake home surrounded by the people Ogden; Joey Lyn (Ed) Clayson, have helped us at our time of paramedics, doctors and nurses
from the University of Utah and City and Nancy Ann Pollini she cherished, following a val- Tooele; Troy Holbrook, Ogden; the loss of our sweet Shanell. for doing their best to try to save
a Ph.D from Stanford University. (Gianluca), Swaffham Prior, iant battle with colon cancer. Heather (Kerry) Doutre, The outpouring of kindness and our special angel; we know that
He was employed for thirty years England; brothers William She was born April 2, 1942, Riverdale; five grandchildren support has been overwhelm- you did all you could.
for the U.S. Geological Survey, Wendell, Salt Lake City and in Ogden, a daughter of John and one on the way. ing. Thanks to the Relief Society David and Ana Wilding
twenty-five of those in Flagstaff, Reuben Curtis, Montevallo, Robert and Dorothy Frances Also surviving are two broth-
Ariz. He was immersed in sci- Ala.; sister Anna Buckwalter, for their preparations, the mor- Michela Iverson
Linton Code. ers and three sisters, Robert
entific research connected with Oceanside, Calif.; and by eight tuary for their help in getting us Landon Andersen
She grew up in Sunset and Michael Code, Roy; John Robert
NASA’s Ranger, Surveyor, Apollo, granddaughters and one grand- through this very difficult time, Aaron Wilding
Roy, and later lived in Bountiful, (Sherri) Code, Gilbert, Ariz.;
and Mars Viking missions. Upon son-in-law. our Bishopric for the immeasur- Kris and Kami England
Riverdale, Liberty and Ogden. Peggy (Michael) Knowles,
retiring, he and Margaret moved Viewing’s and funeral ser-
to Stansbury Park, Utah. Jeri loved music, dancing, the Clinton; Sharon (Dale) Sansom,
vices will be held at the LDS theater, traveling, gardening and Farmington; Melody (Douglas)
He was a devout member of Stake Center located at 417 E.
The Church of Jesus Christ of decorating. Jeri’s most precious Vandenberg, Layton.
Benson Rd., Stansbury Park, moments were spent with her Funeral services will be
Latter-day Saints. Elliot served Utah (across the road from the
as a full-time missionary for the family and friends. held Monday at 11 a.m. at
historic Benson Grist Mill on She was an active member of Lindquist’s Ogden Mortuary,
Church in the Eastern States State hwy 138). Viewing will be
Mission and later in life, with The Church of Jesus Christ of 3408 Washington Blvd.
Sunday, Sept. 25, from 6 p.m. Latter-day Saints her entire life. Friends may call at the mortu-
his wife, in the Massachusetts to 8 p.m. and Monday, Sept. 26,
Boston Mission. She served in many callings, her ary on Sunday from 6 to 8 p.m.
from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. Funeral and Monday 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
Other church callings includ- favorite being Music Director.
Services will be Monday, Sept. Interment, Bountiful Memorial
ed counselor in the Flagstaff Jeri was the owner/operator
26, at noon. Interment following Park.
Arizona Stake Presidency, of Jerico Enterprises.
the funeral will be at Redwood E-mail condolences to the fam-
Bishop and Explorer Scout On March 4, 1963, Jeri married
Memorial Cemetery, 6500 S. ily at lom@lindquistmortuary.
Leader. His testimony of the Joseph B. Holbrook in the Logan
Redwood Rd., West Jordan, com.
restored gospel never wavered. LDS Temple. He died April 17,
Utah. The family expresses their
He was able to find a perfect deep appreciation to the nurses
balance between faith and sci- and staff of Vista Care Hospice.
entific inquiry, never doubting Arrangements under the care
God’s hand in the great myster- of Greer’s Mortuary of Winslow Subscribe Today
ies of the universe he loved to Walker Mortuary, Morgan, Utah. 882-0050
study and contemplate.

Richard Martinez
Our Angel, Our Love, Richard
When Flowers just won’t do

The Gift Basket

Martinez was tragically taken
from us Sept. 20, 2005. Beloved
son of Lori Martinez and the
late Sam Anglada. Forever will a
piece be missing from all whose
lives he touched.
Born Sept. 27, 1980. We will
remember him for his smile and J. Lester Clark
kind, playful nature. He brought
• Sympathy Fruit Baskets
love, happiness and laughter to
all those around him. J. Lester Clark • Bath & Beauty
He loved being in the moun-
tains hiking, hunting and fish-
Richard Martinez Gone Flying • Specialty Baskets for Men
ing. He was a favorite among his Renadi (Gilbert) Pacheco of Salt
“little” cousins and friends. He Lake City and Lenora Anglada of J. Lester Clark returned to • Birthday • Baby
adored his babies Casper, Chica Tooele. Also his many Cousins his Heavenly Father on Tuesday,
and Hita. Richard loved spend-
ing time with family, friends and
Sydney and Jacob Garcia, Stevie
Rael, Mario Martinez, Amelio
Sept. 20, 2005. Les was born on
Feb. 28, 1928, to Samuel W. and
Custom Baskets
especially his mom. Medina, Raymond, Robert and Ada Clark in Grantsville, Utah. tailored to your needs
Richard is survived by his Demetri Martinez, Shona, Felix Les was raised in the Tooele
Mother Lori Martinez, special Jr., Reyna, Shaleena Lucero, Valley and was the student body D elivery to: Tooele,
friend Jessica Kubat. Sister Steve Jr, Kayla and Victor president for Tooele High School
Samantha Anglada; grandpar- Anglada, Melissa Anglada, and in 1946. G rantsville, S tockton, E rda,
ents Olivama and Clarence Phillip and Grace Tafoya and He married the love of his life, S tansbury, & Lakepoint
Lucero of Las Vegas, Nev., Sam many of his “BROS.” Diane Jones, in 1948. Together
and Ella Anglada of Tooele; step- He was preceded in death by they raised six children that
grandmother Lonnie Gifford of his father Sam Anglada; grand- were a great source of pride We accept
Grantsville, UT; great-grandma pa Bernie Martinez and Aunt to him. Les was the visionary

Caroline Rendon of Olathe, Debbie Rael. behind Stansbury Park and
Col.; uncles and aunts Bernie Richard will be greatly missed worked hard to see his dream
“Ray” Martinez of Denver, by all. A vigil will be Sunday become a reality. He loved to fly
with a viewing from 6-8 p.m.
Colo., Natalie (George) Winkler
of Blackfoot, Idaho, DeeDee and a prayer service at 7 p.m.
and was an accomplished pilot.
His wife, children, grandchil- 986 N. Main • Tooele
(David) Garcia of Corpus and the funeral will be Monday dren and great-grandchildren
Christi, Texas, Pam (Felix) at 2 p.m. at St. Marguerite’s. were the most important things
Lucero of Colorado Springs, For more information call Tate in his life and he demonstrated
Colo., Steve Anglada of Tooele, Mortuary. his love for them everyday.
Les is survived by his wife,

Ann K. Bush
Diane; children, Jerry (Michelle),
Leslie, Elesa (Allen) Gollaher, PERSONAL COMMUNITY
David (Tristin), Charlie (Christi)
Ann Kochevar Bush passed and Steve; 21 grandchildren
away on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005, and 15 great-grandchildren.
in Tooele, Utah at the age of He is also survived by sisters,
Florine Armstrong, Deon Butler, 1959 North Aaron Drive, Suite C. Tooele 882-1644
85 after a long illness. She was
born July 18, 1920, in Tooele to Ruby Clark, Shirley (Richard)
McKinnon; and brother, Dwight


John Kochevar and Elizabeth
Tekovic Kochevar. (Bertha) Clark.
Ann worked in Salt Lake City, Funeral services will be held
Tooele and for many years at on Friday, Sept. 23, 2005 at
Dugway Proving Ground as the
bank manager for then First
11 a.m. at the Crescent Ridge
5th Ward Chapel, 10975 South Pediatric & Adult Urgent Care
Security Bank, where she met Prescott Drive, Sandy, where
and married Frank John Bush. friends may call Thursday 6- We are pleased to introduce a new
Ann K. Bush 8 p.m. and Friday 10-10:45 Nurse Practitioner who has joined our
After his death in 1975, she
moved to Tooele to be near her
a.m. Interment, Larkin Sunset team at Personal Community Health Care
Monday Wed. Friday
Gothard of Globe, Ariz. and
family and friends, all of whom Mary Elizabeth Toth of Colorado
Gardens. Goff Mortuary, funeral
Gwendolyn Cook MS, APRN, FNP 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm
will miss her gentle spirit and Springs, Brenda Nelson and
generous nature.
She was a member of the St.
Paulla Krantz and nephew
Brandon Bender all of Tooele.
Tuesday Thursday
ooele's R epresentative
Marguerite’s Catholic Church Ann was preceded in death 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
and dedicated many hours to
its service. In her later years,
by her parents; husband; broth-
ers, John Kochevar, Jr., Frank
Ann cherished her grandchil-
dren and great-grandchildren,
Kochevar; sisters Mary Krantz,
Elizabeth Drobnick, Rose
MEMORIAL RT Saturday 9 am - 4 pm
the newest of whom (born Aug. Kochevar and Albeana Buttrey; G RAVE M
17, 2005) she saw the night of adopted brother Eddie Perovsek; oorr M ONUMENTS
her death. She is survived by and nephew Jim Krantz.
her son, Brian X. Bush and his Funeral Mass will be held
Joel Sagers
1959 North Aaron
wife Geri of Colorado Springs, at St. Marguerite’s Church on
Colo.; her granddaughter Monday, Sept. 26, at 10 a.m. Tooele Floral Visit our new convenient hours with Curt
Drive, Suite C. Tooele
Michelle and grandson Michael Friends may call at the viewing, 351 North Main
of Tacoma, Wash.; great-grand- prior to the funeral from 9 to
Dustin and Gwendolyn Cook, Family Nurse
Practitioners for all your health care needs
children Caitlin Rose and Sean 10 a.m. Interment will be in the
Patrick Crosby; nieces Dorothy Tooele City Cemetery.
A8 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

County’s rugged terrain was backdrop for doomed wagon train

Hasting’s Pass
he des-
ert and
If you want to see the country, it is still there Tooele
But to fully appreciate what happened County in par-
You have to get out in the Mountains, on the ticular is full of
all kinds of his-
Plains, and in the Desert
torically signifi-
And see for yourself cant sites that
offer opportuni-
— Louis L’amour ties for educa-
tional outdoor
excursions that Jaromy Jessop
can be enjoyed
by persons of
all ages. One
of the most Then & Now
significant of
these sites is
Hasting’s Pass, which is located
in the northern end of the Cedar
Mountains. This pass is part of the Hasting’s Pass, named after Lansford Hastings (below left), is located in the northern end of the Cedar
infamous “Hastings’ Cutoff” emi- Mountains in Tooele County. The ill-fated Donner-Reed party cleared the pass (below right) on their way
grant trail. Lansford Hastings first across the salt desert, the Sierra Nevadas and ultimately the history books.
traveled through the pass in 1846
on his way back from California
and came up with the bright idea
that by taking the more direct route
������������������������ across the Salt Desert — rather
than following the established trail
������������������������������� to Fort Hall — that much time and

labor could be saved.
� � Heinrich Leinhard in his jour-
��� ���������������
nal describes how many of the
��������������������������� emigrants of the day were sold
������������������������������� on Hastings idea “There were two
�������������� roads from Fort Bridger: the old
one via the so-called Soda Springs
and Fort Hall, and the new one
������������ �����������
called Captain Hastings’ Cutoff,
which was said to be much shorter

1846 near Iosepa in Skull Valley at the Cedar Mountains make sure calcium carbonate that has been
and which led past the Great Salt
Hope Wells. They had been follow- that you have the following: good used for roofing granules, decora-
Lake. Many parties ahead of us
ing messages left by Hastings. The maps, full tank of gas, several tive stone, poultry gallstones, and
had chosen this route, and since it
message at Hope Wells had been gallons of water, food, and other lime supplement in cattle feed.
was supposed to be much shorter,
torn to pieces by a raven or crow, emergency items. Cell phones Aragonite, to borrow another
we, too, preferred it.” Others who
left on the ground and been rained don’t work out there so as the Boy phrase from Louis L’amour is
were to ultimately take the route
on. But they pieced it back togeth- Scouts say, “Be prepared.” gaunt in the same way a dead tree
were not so sure including Mrs.
er and gathered from it that they To get to Hastings Pass, follow is gaunt. There are several dilapi-
George Donner who was described
should fill every container they Interstate 80 west from the Salt dated buildings, rusting auto hulks,
������� by author Jessie Thorton in the fol-
had with water from these springs Lake City and Tooele areas. When deep quarries, trenches, and mine

lowing manner “She was gloomy,
������������ sad and dispirited, in view of the and cut as much grass for feed as you get to exit 70, which is the shafts — a potentially dangerous
�������� their wagons could carry and head Delle exit, you may want to take place so be careful.
fact, her husband and others could
through the Cedar Mountains via advantage of this last chance for At mile 6.0 you will enter the
��������� think for a moment of leaving the
������������������� Hastings Pass and out across the fuel, water, and food before enter- Juniper forest where bleached
������������� old road, and confide in the state-
���������������������� salt desert to Pilot Peak. ing the desert. While you are there skeletons of trees burned long ago
ment of a man of whom they knew
�������������������� The disasters the Donner party think back to the Hollywood movie stand among the living in stark
������������������� nothing (Hastings) but who was
faced after clearing Hastings Pass “Joy-Ride” and the ice truck scene contrast. At mile 6.4 the road
�������������� probably some selfish adventurer.”
������ out on the Salt Desert and then because you are standing on the makes a sharp turn to the left and
�������������������� Unfortunately for Mrs. Donner
the Sierra Nevada are now a sad spot that it was filmed at. heads north for another tenth of
and the rest of the Donner-Reed
and disturbing chapter in history. But I digress, continuing west a mile to the summit of Hasting’s
party, her premonitions were right
Roy D. Tea, a member of the Utah on Interstate 80 in about 15 miles Pass. It was very silent and peace-
on the mark. This infamous wagon
Crossroads Chapter of the Oregon you will come to exit 56 which is ful in the pass when I visited it, so
train camped in late August of
and California Trails Association, the Aragonite exit. Take this exit much so that I decided to take a
has a lot of interesting literature on and turn left (south) and follow short walk and look around.
this subject available at the OCTA this road approximately 2.2 miles. I climbed about 100 meters
YOU ARE INVITED TO website at the end of this article. It will seem like you are going to northeast of the pass and sat
GET TO KNOW MERCHANTS Captain Howard Stansbury also enter the Clean Harbors Aragonite on some black, igneous-looking
FROM TOOELE’S LLC plant but just before you reach rocks and surveyed the scene. As I
HISTORIC DOWNTOWN used the pass on a return trip from
BUSINESS DISTRICT his circuit of Great Salt Lake. He the guard shack, turn left and head watched the tall grass sway and the
Introducing… and his team arrived at the western east toward the Cedar Mountains sunflowers bob in the cool breeze,
base of the Cedar Mountains in on a pretty decent BLM dirt road. I wondered if Fremont, Hastings,
November of 1849. He describes I must describe to those who or Stansbury ever stood on the
Tooeleʼs Party Planner with her creativity, his camp spot as follows “the
ascent to the range was gentle and
do not know what the Clean
Harbors plant is. It is a toxic
same piece of ground. I imagined
how it would have looked from

makes any party into a masterpiece. we encamped at the mouth of a

narrow winding pass through it,
waste incinerator that holds
the proud distinction of being
this spot to see the Donner Party
laboring up the dugway to the sum-
amid plenty of large Cedar trees one of only five facilities in the mit. As the cloud shadows moved
Tooeleʼs Party Planner Owner, and very large Artemisia.” United States that are authorized across the canyon and mountains, I
Amber Jansen, has been in Stansbury and his men were so to burn PCBs (Polychlorinated considered all of these things.
business retail, since March exhausted due to the fact that they Byphenols), a practice which was As I descended the canyon to
2005. The Services offered by had traveled for nearly 30 hours banned by international treaty the east, I noticed large areas of
her includes: Balloon Bouquets, straight across the Salt Desert from in 1976. But thanks to William junipers that were completely
Balloon Decorating, Stuffed Donner Spring at the base of Pilot Jefferson Clinton, it was repealed burned with only the bleak skel-
Balloons, Stand-up Balloon Peak and had very nearly perished in 2000 paving the way for the etons remaining upon the hills.
Figures, Custom Party Packs, KS,
THAN E! out upon the desert. Stansbury continued existence of this plant. There are outstanding views of
Party Planning/Hosting, OE L rested his men for two days in the Additionally, this plant incinerates Skull Valley and Onaqui, Medina,
TO anded
Exploding Balloons, Holiday ve exp vicinity of the western mouth of medical bio-hazard waste, infec- and Deseret Peaks in the Stansbury
and Retail Decorating, Balloon We ha e of you!
becau nd check Hastings Pass canyon. Stansbury tious waste, toxic sludge from east- Range. At mile 9.2 the road comes
Drops & Release, & Lighted e in a ern metropolitan areas and other out on top of a rocky finger on
Com d made some observations of the
Balloons. o u r adde
out e ! geology of the area. less hazardous substances. the east side of the Cedar range
sp a c
“The rocks were all veined with As you turn left and pass by this and the panorama of Skull Valley
Customer Service Philosophy: white marble,” he wrote. “Large apocalypse of the desert, consider is impressive. At mile 9.7 you will
-To bring my customerʼs We have some spooktacular Halloween crystalline nodules of this sub- the contrasting wild beauty of the reach the Hasting’s Pass East Side
creativity conveniently!
How I got in this business:
decor for your business, office, or home! stance were found which assumed Cedar Mountain Wilderness Study sign in board. At this point, turn
the form of aragonite.” This miner- Area that extends from this point left and head north to Delle which
Iʼve known since high school Pre-order by 9-30-05 for all Halloween Décor and receive free delivery! south nearly 30 miles to Rydalch is approximately eight miles away.
al, aragonite, was eventually mined
that one day I would own my
in the area for years. Pass. At mile 3.5 from the free- As you leave the dirt road at
own business I just wasnʼt sure
balloon canopy that is lit up with Recently I joined hundreds of It snowed several inches on way you will come to the BLM Delle and get on I-80, think about
what kind of business! About
a light inside of a balloon on all balloon decorators, Twisters, the men during the night and on Wilderness S.A. sign-in board. Be the struggle of the explorers and
three years ago I started as a
clown and planning parties. four corners of the dance floor? Deco-Twisters, retailers and Monday, Nov. 5, 1849, Captain sure to sign in just in case your 49ers who passed through this
After trying to learn to juggle balloonists from around the Stansbury and his Army survey vehicle breaks down. This area is area. The entire circuit takes only
and ride my unicycle I decided I realized with my own child that world, in Las Vegas for Balloon team crossed through the pass no place to be stranded unless you four hours from Salt Lake if you
the only way I was going to get having a birthday party can be Camp. I went to this camp to and out into Skull Valley, which he want to re-enact the hardships of take breaks at the more interest-
laughs is if people saw me trying quite expensive! Sure you can help increase my skills to be able named Spring Valley on account the pioneers. ing sites. The same distance took
to learn these clownish tasks! Of go to Salt Lake, but have you to offer my customers new and of all the springs issuing from the As I continued past the sign-in the Donner Party nearly four days
course balloons go with every ever tried to load up twelve kids exciting decorations. I spent western base of that range. board I noticed battalions of sun as they rested their animals and
party, and I started to research and haul them into the city? four days with some of the top Another very prominent indi- flowers swaying in the breeze and collected the courage necessary to
them because I wanted to learn Well, I have! And guaranteed it professional decorators in the vidual passed through the Cedar the changing vegetation from shade tackle the Salt Desert. Something
more. After seeing how much only happened one time! I felt country. The latest in technology Range even earlier. Explorer and scale and cheatgrass, to big sage- to consider out here in the Great
could be done with balloons I that if I could create custom and designs were included in the Military officer John C. Fremont brush, wheat grass and Juniper. At American Desert.
knew this would be the business party packs, this would alleviate 144 classes offered to give passed through Skull Valley about mile 4.2 you enter Hastings Canyon OCTA has all kinds of books
for me! I love creating a fun people from having to spend a decorators from 48 states and 6 a year prior to Hastings and they and at mile 4.4 you will encounter and informational brochures on
environment! I began while lot of money and would also foreign countries, new ways of came to the crest of the Cedar the OCTA (Oregon and California this subject. For more informa-
stilling working in the car cancel out all that shopping you helping their customers celebrate Range about three to five miles Trails Association) rail marker. tion contact the Utah Crossroads
business, decorating showrooms have to do to find everything to those special events. This south of Hastings Pass. Fremont They have really done a nice job Chapter of the Oregon California
and lots for dealerships! go with that party theme! My convention, which is a yearly with these trail markers as they Trails Association at HYPERLINK
was greatly concerned about the
party packs are all customized to event in Las Vegas, is designed
safety of his party and what might are extremely difficult for idiots to “http://www.utahcrossroads.org”
With a lot of reading and training fit your needs. You can purchase to bring together Manufacturers, happen to them if they ventured vandalize. OCTA has placed 83 of www.utahcrossroads.org
I have learned to look at balloons a pack that comes with Distributors and Balloonists to
these markers along the Hastings For information on the Cedar
out onto the Salt Desert. He then
in a whole different light! Give everything from the plates, cups, help show new products and
sent famed scout and explorer, Kit trail to mark and preserve this Mountains Wilderness Study Area
me an occasion or theme and I party favors, to the balloons! ways to use them. With the
Carson and several others across historic route. These markers are call the Salt Lake BLM Field Office
will be able to create something Along with party packs we also knowledge gained at Balloon
offer hosted parties. A hosted Camp I will be able to offer local the desert toward Pilot Peak and now a piece of significant his- at 801-977-4300. Special thanks to
out of balloons to fit! Lets say
itʼs a football party. I could party includes everything you clients the latest in balloon and if they found water, they were to tory themselves, so please do not Roy Tea of OCTA who provided
make a life size stand up balloon find in our party pack, plus set special event decorations. build a fire to signal the rest of the disturb them. I paused a minute graphics and insight for this article.
figure of a football player! Want up, craft or project, and games Hours of Operation: Tues-Fri party to come across the desert. All here and walked over to the edge Jaromy D. Jessop grew up
a Luau? How about a palm tree provided by Tooeleʼs Party 10:00am-5:00pm. Saturday of this history and un-familiar ter- of the ravine and tried to imagine in West Valley City where he
made of balloons! So itʼs your Planner. How convenient, huh? 10:00am-4:00pm. DELIVERY rain was something I had to see. Stansbury’s camp, as it must have attended Kearns High School and
wedding-we must make it a You donʼt have to lift a finger-let AVAILABLE. CALL IN After finishing some military been somewhere near this place earned the Eagle Scout award
memorable one! How about a me handle it all! ORDER 435-224-4616 duty at the UTTR (Utah Test and based on his description. while exploring the Utah Desert. A
Training Range) on Sunday, Sept. Continuing on at mile 4.7 you graduate of the University of Utah,

11, 2005, I decided to take Mr. will encounter the gaunt remains of B.S. in geography, U.S. Army
BIRTHDAY BASH w/Jumpin Joey’s
All Kids balloons, L’amour’s advice and go out and the ghost town of Aragonite. This Reserve Captain Jessop lives with
of all ages prizes, see this historical portion of the mineral was mined commercially his family in Dugway where he is
Wednesday October 5, 2005 6:00pm-8:00pm bouncing & emigrant trail for myself. If you here in the early 1900s through employed by Jacobs Sverdrup at
at the Dow James Building - 400 W. 400 N. pizza decide to visit Hastings Pass and the 1950s. Aragonite is a form of Michael Army Airfield.
THURSDAY September 22, 2005 A9

Take something back from Katrina

know we’ve unknowns and we need to simplify
all heard things by making our preparations
and seen one step at a time.
a lot about We also need to know that there
Hurricane is no guarantee that every element
Katrina and of those plans will work. Does that
its devasta- mean we don’t need to make the
tion this past effort to get them in place? No.
month. I’m It’s imperative we prepare for the
also sure we’re threats and risks we know exist
going to hear around us. The people of New
Wade Mathews
and see much Orleans knew flooding was a huge
more about possibility. The city sits below sea
the effects Preparedness level with nothing but dikes and �������������������������������
of Hurricane levees holding back the water. ���������������������������
Katrina for Matters Unfortunately, many didn’t act on ��������������������������������������������������������������������
many months that knowledge by having evacua-
to come. tion plans and disaster supplies. ���� �����������������
An emergency exercise drill was held in Tooele County last week.
Katrina is being described as the Remember, only you are respon- ���� ������������������������
� ���

nation’s worst disaster in history. a large-scale disaster. sible for you and your family’s
The consequences extend beyond Tooele County has been
gency plan and emergency supplies own safety; not the government, ���� ����
� ���� �
��� ������

the human death toll and human in place, and to be knowledgeable not your church, not the American ������������������������
described as one of the best pre- ����������������������
suffering and the physical dam- about the risks that exist where Red Cross, not the Boy Scouts ��������������������������������������
pared counties in the state and pos-
age along the Gulf Coast. Katrina they live. One thing that Hurricane of America, you are. Those other
sibly in the country. Fortunately for
is also affecting our nation’s Katrina should make clear to every- organizations are there to help, but
all of its residents, Tooele County is
economy, politics and government one is that the government won’t it’s really up to you. ������������������
a partner in the Chemical Stockpile
be able to come to everyone’s

— similar to the aftermath of the There’s a saying in the emer-
Satellite Solutions
Emergency Preparedness Program
tragic terrorist attack on our coun- rescue at the same time. You’re gency management profession:
(CSEPP), because of the potential
try on Sept. 11, 2001. going to have to rely on your own “In a disaster, you don’t rise to the
risks associated with having one
emergency preparations to get you Local Service- Stockton,
While nearly a million people of the U.S. Army’s aging chemical occasion, you sink to your lowest Tooele & Surrounding Areas
lived through the violent hur- through the disaster. level of preparedness.” Let’s do all
weapons stockpiles within its bor- ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

ricane, their lives being changed The victims of Hurricane we can to rise to the occasion dur-

ders. The program provides federal


forever, the rest of us were (and Katrina, those people in New ing any disasters that may come

funding for the county to plan and

�������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

still are) just observers watching Orleans who couldn’t, or chose not our way by raising our level of

prepare for a chemical stockpile


to evacuate, were lacking the most


the disaster develop on TV and in incident at the chemical depot. preparedness. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

the newspapers. However, many basic essentials like clean drink-

Through CSEPP funding, Tooele
people chose to get involved and ing water and a three day supply
County has a state-of-the-art
gather donations of clothing, toys of food. You can’t survive without
Emergency Operations Center,
and money for the victims who lost those simple life-support items.
which coordinates response
everything during the storm and When the grocery stores are filled
efforts and resource needs dur-
resulting flooding. Those efforts with food, and the power company
ing an emergency; five warning
are to be commended. keeps sending electricity into our
systems (sirens, tone alert radio
When word spread (although homes, it may seem unnecessary
system, highway message boards,
incorrect) that 500 evacuees from and not worth the effort to put
Emergency Alert System, and route
New Orleans were coming to the together a disaster supply kit for
alerting using police car loudspeak-
barracks at Tooele Army Depot, each member of our family. That
ers) with which to alert and notify
people mobilized to clean and pre- couldn’t be further from the truth.
the public of an impending natural
pare those barracks and to collect So put that excitement, enthusi-
or technological threat; decon-
truckloads of items to help those asm, and desire to get involved fol-
tamination facilities strategically
who were supposed to arrive with lowing Hurricane Katrina to good
located around the county and at
nothing but the clothes on their use. Develop your family disaster
the Mountain West Medical Center;
backs. After it was learned that plan now. Know how to evacuate
an upgraded microwave radio sys-
Camp Williams had enough room for oncoming threats, shelter-in-
tem for countywide first responder
for the smaller numbers of evacu- place for hazardous materials
communications; and training and
ees that were coming to Utah, the incidents, and duck, cover and hold
exercise opportunities with which
supplies gathered in Tooele were for earthquakes. Know how you
to test and revise our plans and
taken to the National Guard post, will receive emergency instructions
sharpen our skills.
and finally, several truckloads were during any hazard. Have disaster
Just last week Tooele County,
sent to the disaster area. supply kits for each member in
other local police, fire and emer-
Many more people wanted to get your family, with a three day sup-
gency medical agencies, the school
involved somehow but didn’t know ply of food, water and medica-
district, and all three U.S. Army
what to do. In many large disasters tions, clothing, flashlights, AM/FM
military installations in the county
like Hurricane Katrina, there’s a radios, and other special needs
participated in a federally funded,
phenomenon called self-deploy- items. Have a fire extinguisher in
professionally evaluated, full-

UALITY Discount
ment of volunteers. People from all your house, family meeting places
scale exercise. Multiple scenarios
over the country, without receiving outside your house and outside
put emergency management and
a call for help, rush into a disaster your neighborhood, an emergency
responder training and skills to the

area to give assistance. What they phone list, and an out-of-state tele-
test. The exercise activities includ-
don’t understand is that most of phone contact.
ed a pretend leak of mustard agent “Where the Locals come to buy”
the time, they only compound the Go through your house to miti-
at Deseret Chemical Depot, which
problem by adding to the chaos, gate hazards that might exist dur-
required a precautionary (and sim-


and adding to the demand on ing an earthquake, such as fasten-
ulated) evacuation of parts of Rush
resources. There are better ways to ing the water heater to the wall and
Valley; a group of visitors to the


overcome the anxiety and excite- moving heavy objects down from
county that demanded decontami-
ment that follows a huge disaster. high shelves. Include in your plans
nation at a roadblock and decon-
What can we learn from all of neighbors and relatives with spe-

tamination site; a collision between
this? What should we learn from cial needs: those who can’t drive,
a tanker truck and flatbed truck,
all of this? or are immobile and can’t shelter-
both carrying hazardous materials,
Undoubtedly, agencies from all in-place by themselves. Remember
which required the mobilization of
levels of government are docu- those who may not hear or see
the Tooele County Hazmat Team;
well and might miss the warnings

at 4,985
menting the lessons learned from a group of “victims” coming from

Katrina. The staff at Tooele County over sirens or the Emergency Alert
a meth lab that was making them
Emergency Management held a System. Have some plan for tak-
sick; and the activation of several
meeting shortly after the category ing care of your pets in a disaster.
emergency operations centers
five hurricane hit land to discuss Finally, practice your plans by hold-
and the Tooele Community Joint
what occurred, what was done in ing fire, earthquake and evacuation
Information Center, which gathers
response, and what could have or drills, and preparing an emergency
information and disseminates it to
should have been done. Of course meal when you rotate the food in
the media and the public.
we can’t second guess the deci- your disaster supply kits.
The citizens of Tooele County
We hope that we never have
sions made by officials leading benefit from these emergency $
up to and during the storm. We response capabilities, but the
to put those plans into action or 96 Toy Corolla NIce!
can only hope to learn from any rely on our own disaster supplies
citizens also have a crucial role
mistakes that may have been made
and be that much better prepared
in Tooele County’s plans. It’s the
responsibility of individuals and
for survival, but we need to have
them just in case. We need to do 99 Ford Contour NIce!
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to deal with all of the unknowns in families to have their own emer- $
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A10 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

From The Sidelines County grid teams
start fresh in region
Region gives by Nick Drake

players new,
Tooele and Grantsville will open the Region
11 gridiron season with a perfect slate when the
Buffs and Cowboys take the field.
The Buffs return home to tackle region rival

fresh start
Ben Lomond Friday to celebrate Tooele’s annual
Homecoming at 7 p.m. The Scots are winless in
five games on the season while Tooele sports a
3-2 mark.

Meanwhile, Grantsville is in the midst of a
remember get- three-game road swing when the Cowboys ven-
ting up early one ture to Tremonton Friday to battle the two-time
morning, walking defending state champion Bear River Bears in
into the bath- a 7 p.m. contest. Both teams sport disappoint-
room, looking onto the ing preseason records with the Bears 1-4 on
mirror and reading, the year and the Cowboys 0-5. However, the
“You are looking into preseason records for either team don’t mean
the face of a mighty a thing as far as the two schools fighting for a
Bulldog…are you state berth. But one of the teams after Friday
scared?” It was game will be one game closer toward earning a berth
day and the pixies had David Gumucio for the Class 3A state tournament.
somehow found the GUEST COLUMNIST Ben Lomond at Tooele Homecoming
key to the pound. It The Scots hit the road to Tooele to tackle
was just one of many surprises and high the Buffs in their annual Homecoming gridiron
school rituals that took place on game affair Friday at THS.
day. Ben Lomond has yet to taste victory on the
Game day was sacred. Wearing your game season after dropping all five of its preseason
jersey to school was like being a member of an games to date. The Scots have fallen to Juab
elite force. It was a personal statement of who (22-7), Morgan (38-18), Judge Memorial (61-0),
we were- hard workers, sacrificing personal Wasatch (27-7) and Roy (42-21) on the year.
lives daily, disciplined in thought and action, Skye Povey has two scoring strikes on the
confident and loyal to the team above all else. season, one to Brock Moore and another to Jim
I was an outgoing kid and loved to have fun Wallace. Povey also has a 35-yard scoring gallop
and make people laugh. I was my own man,
never following the trends of the day- more SEE REGION PAGE A11
concerned with my character than my reputa-
tion,. Character is what you really are, while
your reputation is merely what others think
you are. Stookey heads to photography/Troy Boman
Grantsville’s Brooke Bunderson was all smiles in a match earlier this fall. The Cowgirls pulled off a thrilling five-
Many wondered how this happy go lucky game victory over Tooele Tuesday at GHS to even their league mark at 1-1 on the young volleyball season.
kid could ever get mean enough and focused
THS Wall of Fame
Cowgirls rally past Lady Buffs
enough to play football. I had a secret…it
was my helmet. The helmet was like a switch.
When the helmet went on, I became a different by Richard Valdez
person- more animal than human and really, CONTRIBUTING WRITER

aggressive, determined, unstoppable. Thoughts Bob Stookey, a three-sport athlete at

of anything else other than the game were not Tooele High School in the 1980s, is the by Nick Drake Mustangs dropped decisions to Waterford (25-21,
tolerated. I was protected from the outside newest addition to the THS Wall of Fame. SPORTS EDITOR 25-10), Ben Lomond (25-23, 25-14), Tabiona (25-20,
world by my helmet and was left inside to The 1986 THS graduate will be inducted Tooele and Grantsville had hooked up in some 25-20) and Layton Christian (25-17, 22-25, 15-8) in
focus and execute what I had practiced all at this Friday’s Homecoming game, when memorable volleyball matches since the two teams pool play. Dugway beat Christian Heritage (25-23,
week. My heart and determination made up for the Tooele Buffaloes host the Ben Lomond joined the same region ranks five years ago. 20-25, 15-9) and Salt Lake Lutheran (25-27, 25-17,
my lack of skill, and the only people that had Scots. The induction will take place during But Tuesday’s Region 11 bout may have sur- 16-14) but dropped a contest to Tabiona (25-23, 25-
the key to my cage were my coaches and my pre-game ceremonies. passed them all as the two Tooele County spike 20) to finish with the runner-up status in the silver
teammates. Stookey played baseball, basketball and teams battled for over two hours in a grueling bracket.
Why am I boring you with this? It’s because football for the Buffaloes, seeing varsity five-game decision in front of a loud, supportive In volleyball play tonight, Grantsville hosts
Tooele County grid teams are entering the final action in basketball and football. Grantsville crowd. Logan and Tooele hosts Ogden, both in 7:15 p.m.
stretch of their football seasons. Preseason He shined in football as a wide receiver Tooele seized the first two games 25-15 and 25-22 league affairs. Both teams hit the road on Tuesday
is history. And whether you’re 5-0 or 0-5 the and he was selected to the Utah All-State to come within one victory of capturing the pivotal as the Cowgirls venture to Ben Lomond and the
record is insignificant when state berths are football team his senior year. league affair. Lady Buffs meet Bear River in Tremonton. Dugway
being handed out next month. Region counts Following graduation, Stookey traveled However, the Cowgirls bounced back to win ventures to Wendover this weekend to compete
and for seniors, it really matters. For most to Cedar City and played football for the three straight games, 25-15, 25-13, 15-10 to post a in the Wendover Invitational Volleyball tourna-
seniors, there is no organized football waiting Thunderbirds of Southern Utah University dramatic and exciting contest between the county ment Friday and Saturday. Wendover and Dugway
for them on the other side. This is their last for four years. He was a three-year starter as neighbors. resume league action Tuesday when the Lady
football team experience. Same goes for the a receiver. Brooke Bunderson, Autumn Pitt, Rika Larsen, Wildcats travel to Dugway to tangle with the Lady
coaches too. Sure there is another season next Stookey was named first team All- Alexa Bakker, Mari Vera and Brooke Bakker put Mustangs in region play at 6 p.m.
year, but not with the seniors. Conference as a junior and second team down pivotal kills to stem the Lady Buff tide and Grantsville Coach Heidi Heath said her team
Tooele will be hosting Ben Lomond and All-Conference as a senior. He was also turn the match into the favor of the Cowgirls. came through when it counted to get the hard
Grantsville will be traveling to Bear River, named to the Pre-Season All-America team The play of Leanna and Laura West, Abbie Dow, fought triumph.
both on Friday. It’s time to strap on your hel- his senior year. Becky Knoblauch, Jessica Mortensen and Karly “It was a good match for us,” she stated. “We
mets boys…it’s time to throw the switch…it’s In 1990, Stookey led the Western Bitters spurred the Lady Buffs to a two games to came out flat and we didn’t have a lot of intensity.
all or nothing now. Don’t let people fool you Conference in total yards receiving, total none lead headed into the third game of the memo- And when we finally got [intensity] in the first two
into thinking winning doesn’t matter. It does. yards per catch and total yards per game. rable match. games, we didn’t finish. But the last three [games],
That’s why we keep score. But at the end of He also was eighth in the nation in receiving Meanwhile, Dugway remained atop the Region the girls had the desire and determination. They
the game, regardless of the score, players and yards per game in the NCAA Division 2 as a 18 volleyball standings with pivotal road victories decided that losing [Tuesday] would not be accept-
coaches alike have to ask themselves one junior. over region rivals Wasatch Academy, 25-20, 25-19, able and it was awesome to watch. The girls and
question, “Did I do everything I possibly could Stookey presently holds some SUU foot- 21-25, 25-15, and Tintic, 25-21, 20-25, 25-22, 27-25. the coaching staff felt like the crowd played a sig-
to help my team do their best.” If the answer Dugway also battled to a runner-up status in the nificant role in helping us win the last three games
is yes, hold your head high…if the answer SEE STOOKEY PAGE A11 silver bracket of the St. Joseph Invitational volley-
no…athletes have some work to do. Don’t ball tournament Friday and Saturday in Ogden. The SEE RALLY PAGE A11
worry about being too conservative or too
flamboyant…be loose; be confidant, be smart,
play team ball and play hard. You have nothing
to lose and everything to gain. Leave it all on
Childs, Mogus earn
the playing field.


bowling Hall honors
by Nick Drake
Bowling has been one of the favorite winter
sports for local residents to participate in the
Sports Wrap chilly months.
A pair of Tooele County bowlers were honored
for their dedication and integral part in helping
Lady Buffs fall to Scots raise the popularity of the sport for over the past
Ben Lomond captured a doubles sweep and five decades.
two of three singles matches to register a 4-1 Tom Childs and the late Mike Mogus received
triumph over the Lady Buffs Tuesday in Region the ultimate honor of being inducted into the Utah
11 girls tennis action at Tooele. State Bowling Association Hall of Fame at the fifth
Lindsie Heder recorded the lone victory of annual awards banquet Saturday at 6 p.m. at the
the day for the hosts. Alpine Country Club.
Tooele hosts Logan today in the Region 11 The two local bowlers became the 31st and 32nd
regular season finale and then the Lady Buffs members of the Hall of Fame and the first two area
venture to Ogden to compete Tuesday and bowlers bestowed with the prestigious honor.
Wednesday in the Region 11 girls tennis tourna- Childs started his bowling career as a pin boy in
ment. the Tooele Bowling Center in 1960. Just one year
Cowgirls fall to Tigers later, he joined the American Bowling Congress
Ogden fired in three goals in the first-half and (ABC) through a summer league and averaged a
four more in the second-half to post a 7-0 win whopping 143 in his first campaign.
over Grantsville Tuesday in Region 11 girls soc- Bowling has always been a favorite sport for
cer action at GHS. Childs as he has bowled in three to five leagues in
The Lady Tigers had seven different players his first few years of league play and as many as
score goals in the league affair. eight in one year.
The Cowgirls hit the road to tangle with first The list of awards and achievements is long and
place Ben Lomond today on the Lady Scots prosperous for Childs. He captured the Salt Lake
home field in Ogden at 4 p.m. Grantsville also City Bowling Association singles championship
hits the road to Logan Tuesday for a league in 1965 and garnered the Salt Lake City Bowling
affair as well, also at 4 p.m. Association “C” Division doubles title in 2004. He
Tooele’s Tom Childs (left) receives a plaque in honor of being selected into the Utah State Bowling Association has participated in 23 ABC national tournaments
SEE WRAP PAGE A11 Hall of Fame Saturday at Alpine Country Club. The late Mike Mogus, also of Tooele, was also inducted into
the USBA Hall of Fame at the same banquet last weekend. SEE HONORS PAGE A11
THURSDAY September 22, 2005 A11

Cowgirls fall to Lady Tigers;

take 8th in invite tourney
by Nick Drake The Cowgirls also lost a 4-1 contest to Ogden
SPORTS EDITOR Tuesday at the Nelson Memorial Tennis Courts.
Ben Lomond picked the wrong time to play The setback drops the Cowgirls dual record to
Grantsville in a dual match. 8-5 on the season to date.
The Scots took the courts to meet the Cowgirls Grantsville did play in a league dual against
just two days after Grantsville suffered its first and Logan Thursday and battled in the St. George
only setback of the season to date. Invitational Girls Tennis tournament Friday and
Ben Lomond paid a heavy price for the untimely Saturday. But results were not available by press
meeting. time.
The Cowgirls return home today to host league
The Cowgirls swept doubles play and two of
rival Ogden at 3:30 p.m. in region dual action and
three singles matches to record a 4-1 triumph over
hit the road to Tremonton Thursday to battle Bear
the Lady Scots Sept. 8 in Ogden.
River in a key league match, also at 3:30 p.m.
Brittany Smith and Lori Gallup registered singles
Grantsville Coach Patrick Ciervo said his team
wins while Monica Aagard-Camillie Chistianson learned to battle to win a match when they weren’t
and Natalie Tripp-Giselle Stephenson also logged actually playing their best.
doubles victores to earn the dual triumph. “The team went into thhe Ben Lomond match,
Grantsville also beat Logan 4-1 in a Region 11 kind of down,” he noted. “The next thing you
dual last Thursday on the Nelson Memorial Tennis know, our team showed we were able to pull out
Courts. a nice win even though weren’t as sharp as usual.
However, the Cowgirls finished the St. George It was nice and encouraging that we were able
Invitational tournament with a 1-3 dual mark. to play through that. Even though we may have
Grantsville toppled Viewmont 3-2 but dropped a struggled, a good team finds a way to win and we
5-0 decsion to Pine View, lost a 3-2 contest to Dixie found it on that day.”
and were upended by Mountain View, 4-1, to finish Individual results will be published in a future
in eighth place for the 16-team tourney. edition.

Buff linksters take 3rd in meet photography/Troy Boman

Tooele’s Laura Andrews talks strategy with her volleyball players. The Lady Buffs won the first two games
of Tuesday’s match at Grantsville only to watch the Cowgirls rally to win three straight games and capture
by Nick Drake through sixth place, respectively. “That is actually a little better the contest.
SPORTS EDITOR The six teams will compete (score) than I thought we would
Tooele is looking for another today at Mt. Ogden in the regular play,” he noted. “Jacob put him-
trip to the Class 3A State Golf
meet next month.
season finale of the Region 11
campaign. The squads will battle it
self back in contention for the
medalist position in the region. Rally mistakes they made in the final three games. It
was a tough loss. But it also showed us things
we can improve upon and that we need to stay
And the Buffs knew they needed out for league supremacy Monday Sadie shot her lowest round for continued from page A10
at the Region 11 Golf Meet at focused for the entire match.”
a strong performance at their home the year. We played pretty well. It
course, The Links at Overlake Golf Eagle Mountain Golf Course at was critical that we play well and and the match. The student body was awesome
Cowgirls nip Lady Buffs
11 a.m. we moved four points ahead of The two county neighbors battled in a memo-
Course, last Thursday to solidify in their enthusiasm and chants. I haven’t been to
Jacob Abraham shot a 70 to lead Ben Lomond, who we are battling rable and exciting volleyball match Tuesday at
their league standing in the Region a match this year where the crowd has been as
all scorers in the match and pave Grantsville.
11 ranks. for a state berth.” tough as ours. It makes it a tough environment for
the way for the strong Buff team Bunderson paved the way with 15 kills, three
Tooele may not have won the Meanwhile, Grantsville finished other schools to come in and play.
performance. Sadie Palmer regis- aces and a pair of blocks while Rika Larsen put
match, but the Buffs fired a sea- in last place for the fourth straight “I really felt good about the way the girls never
tered a 76 and Greg Auxier record- down eight kills and registered 10 blocks. Alexa
son-low 309, just five strokes region match. Casey Williams led gave up,” she added. “It would have been easy to
ed an 80 as well. Kyle McKendrick, Bakker contributed seven kills, a pair of aces and
behind first-place Ogden and only the way for the Cowboys with an just give in after losing the first two games. But
Darren Stone and Parker Alleman eight blocks to the triumph while sister Brooke
four strokes by runner-up Logan in 82 and Robin Butz logged an 84. these girls gave their all and showed why I have
all tied for fourth place in the Bakker added six kills and five blocks on the
the league affair. Ogden logged a Heather Atkin battled to an 86 and so much confidence in them. They proved they
team scoring with an 83 each. Matt night. Vera logged three kills and eight blocks and
first-place 304 to edge out second- Tanner Hale had a 91 to complete can come back from adversity and win matches.
Medina (86) and T.J. Witkowski Johnson recorded a kill as well. Peterson reeled
place Logan by one stroke for top the team scoring. It was just great to see them put everything
(100) also competed for the Buff off three aces and the back row duo of Ashton
honors in the tough meet. Tooele Grantsville Coach Bridget together.”
squad in the match. Miller and Peterson turned in excellent passing
Tooele Coach Laura Andrews said her team
garnered third place while Bear Tooele Coach Fred Killpack Clinton said “Casey Williams con- for the entire match. Pitt also registered 35 assists,
just suffered from a letdown after winning the
River (327), Ben Lomond (334) and said his team played better than tinues to shoot some very consis- six kills and three aces against her former team.
first two games of the match and couldn’t get the
Grantsville (343) finished in fourth expected. tent scores for us.” Meanwhile, Leanna West paced the Lady Buff
momentum back after Grantsville took it.
attack with seven kills and three aces while Dow
“We played really well in the first two games,”
had five kills and three aces. Laura West recorded

Fresh Wrap
ented, so bright, so filled with she noted. “We were aggressive and running our
five kills and five aces and Becky Knoblauch had
energy and life. Coaches we love offense effectively. Then in game three we had a
eight blocks and a kill. Mortensen logged four
you too. We appreciate your letdown which shifted momentum to Grantsville
continued from page A10 continued from page A10 kills and Bitters had 22 assists on the night for the
examples, your knowledge, your and they started playing offensively which made
Lady Buffs.
Now that I am 30 years-plus
down the road, it still matters.
time, sacrifices and teaching our Local grid games on us play defensively for the rest of the match.
A story on the individual scoring throughout
children about football and life. We had poor passing in games three, four and
There are a lot of things I wish I We understand the stresses and aired on radio five. We were not able to capitalize on the few
the thrilling match will be published in a future
had done differently when play- the pressures involved, and we Salt Lake City radio station
ing high school football. I wish are grateful. 1320 KFAN has been broadcast-
I had prepared more, worked
Players and coaches, we will ing Class 3A football games live The Bears have captured just Nick Celeya has drilled eight of
harder, and showed more lead- be there for you…win…or lose. across the Utah air waves every one of five games on the sea- 10 PAT’s the past three weeks
ership. I wish I had someone a Either way, leave it all on the Friday since the 2005 grid iron
continued from page A10 son, beating Park City 48-28 on and also sports a pair of field
little older and wiser that shared field guys. That feeling inside is season began. Sept. 9 in Tremonton. Bear River goals, 33 and 35 yards, on the
with me what I’m sharing now. I what you take with you. When On Friday, 1320 will air the
on the year while Cory Ralleson has dropped contests to Skyline campaign as well.
would like to think it would have you look back at the field after Tooele vs. Ben Lomond Friday for
has tacked on a pair of short (38-12), Sky View (18-15), Box Grantsville Coach Tony
made a difference. But my time it’s all over you can smile and THS Homecoming and the Tooele
touchdown plunges of two and Elder (20-17) and Logan (55-34) Cloward said his team will bat-
is over…now it is your time. nod and say, “I gave it my all!” takes on Grantsville Oct. 20 on
one yard on the campaign. Jake in the Bears region opener a tle a Bear River team that like
Don’t burden yourselves with The great Vince Lombardi said, the Cowboys home field. The
Smith also has a scoring toss to week ago. his Cowboy squad, has faced a
what other teams have done “I firmly believe that any man’s Buffs beating the Miners of Park
Wallace and Chris Duersch has Tyson Rasmussen and Justin very formidable preseason slate.
before. You are who you are. finest hour, the greatest fulfill- City on Friday was aired for a
a fumble recovery for a score Hupp have spearheaded the Grantsville has battled five Class
Focus on your team. Execute, ment of all that he holds dear, while before technical difficulties
as well. Bear River offensive attack this 3A foes to date that sport a
play together with your team- is that moment when he has forced the station to take a differ-
Tooele Coach Sam Elliott said season. Rasmussen has fired six glossy 27-4 overall record on the
mates…as a team. And above worked his heart out in a good ent direction for the game.
his team will have to be ready scoring strikes on the season season to date, including unde-
all, be yourselves. There is great-
ness in each of you. Collectively,
cause and lies exhausted on the
field of battle - victorious.”
THS soccer alumni for anything on Friday. to date, including three each to feated Pine View, Wasatch and
Tooele High is set to play the “They run shotgun and go four Jeff Stanworth (32, 26 and 43 Morgan and a 4-1 Uintah squad.
you are unbeatable. That is what Tooele County
annual THS girls soccer alumni wide quite a bit,” he noted. “They yards) and Josh Miller (22, 80 “They are pretty much your
Tooele County fans love football is all about and there’s
game Sept. 24 at 11 a.m. at the run a lot of different formations and 80 yards). The Bear River typical Bear River team,” he
watching you play football. We nothing quite like it. See you from
THS soccer field. and we have to be ready for field general also has touchdown noted. “They are very, very big,
love watching every facet of the sidelines…Go Cowboys.
Any past players interested everything. I think our attitude gallops of 34 and two yards and strong and athletic. The run the
your game. You are all so tal-
in playing should contact Coach will be the key. We need to stay a pair of two-point conversions ball really well. They are effec-
Wilcox at 843-7013 or during upbeat and positive with one as well. However, the key to the tive passing when they need to.

Stookey McQuivey about Stookey in his school hours at THS or e-mail at another, no matter what hap- Bears recent surge has been the They get after you for 48 straight
junior year. “He not only makes cwilcox@trilobyte.net. pens. If we stay that way, we’ll emergence of Justin Hupp. The minutes. I would say their pre-
the catch, but then he turns it be able to stay on top.” Bear senior has raced for seven season has been as equally dif-
continued from page A10
into a big play” was another W. Desert elections Tooele will still be without the scoring dashes in the past two ficult as ours.
ball records. He ranks first in comment from McQuivey. The West Desert Blaze Soccer services of Josh Banford (hip) weeks as the Bear River offense “They have a little more depth
touchdown receptions in a sea- Stookey received his B.A. will be holding elections for the while the Buffs expect running has exploded for 82 points in and size on us,” he added. “But if
son with nine and first in career from SUU in 1992 and is a sales 2006 soccer season Oct. 12 at 6 back and cornerback Garrett the past two weeks. Hupp has we can compete for 48 minutes
receptions with 17. He is also rep for Alside Supply. He enjoys p.m. at the Tooele Valley Mental Quaid (knee) to see some time scoring jaunts of 20, four, two, I feel we have a legitimate shot
second with most yards receiv- playing slow pitch softball and Health, 100 South 1000 West. on the field this weekend after 36, 71, eight and 42 yards in a at them.”
ing in a season (1,061) and sec- he is an avid golfer. He also The elections will be for League suffering an injury. victory over Park City and a loss Grantsville could be without
President, Recreation Director or at Logan and tallied 157 yards the services of two-way starter
ond in most yards receiving in a enjoys coaching his children’s Grantsville at Bear River
career (2,076). soccer and baseball teams. He Treasurer. rushing on 22 carries last week Jordan Nelson. The wide receiv-
The Cowboys venture to
“Probably the best thing lives in St. George. He is married Please submit nominations to against the Grizzlies. Steve Solis er and defensive back is ques-
Tremonton to battle the two-
about Bob Stookey this year and to the former Lori Sorden and he Bruce Wilson at 843-1163 by Sept. also has scoring bolts of seven tionable for the game with an
time champion Bears Friday at
the things he has done is his is the proud father of children 23. and one-yard on the year while ankle injury.
Bear River in the Region 11 grid-
consistency” was a quote from Rilee (six-years-old), Trevor NEWS TIPS: 882-0050 iron opener.

While SR36 is
Offensive Coordinator Wayne (four) and Whitlee (one).

Honors In his 44 years of bowling, Childs worked

31 years with the junior bowlers and Junior
Bowling programs at the state and city lev-
Association of America (BPAA) tournament
(1964), seized the Salt Lake City Bowling
Association (SLCBA) singles title (1971), under construction
continued from page A10
els. Ritz Classic title (1973), SLCBA team title
2400 North
and competed in 40 Utah State Bowling Tom married Linda McLeod in June of 1974 (1976), two USBA doubles titles (1977, ‘80),
Association (USBA) tournaments as well. �
� �

and he has five daughters Necol, Denise, established a USBA record in 1980 and
Childs has logged a high scratch series of Julie, Tamara and Michelle, 14 grandsons claimed the SLCBA Hall of Fame tourna-

798 and his highest average has been 210. and two granddaughters. ment crown (1990).

route 2400
He has also rolled three perfect 300 games, Hospital
Mogus was involved in bowling for over Mogus rolled a perfect 300 in 1998 and
including the first-ever bowled in the Tooele 60 years until he passed away after a coura- his high-career series was a 772. He also
area. geous battle with cancer June 5, 2005. recorded a glossy 190+ average for 20 years. Bob’s
Childs has held nearly every coveted posi- Garage
The local roller picked up bowling at age He was a member of the ABC for 55 years,
tion in the USBA after being elected to the 7 in 1938 and became a pin boy in Canton, become a member of the SLCBA in 1959
board of directors in 1979. He was the USBA

Bob’sG A R AG E
Ohio where he bowled in junior and high and joined the Tooele Bowling Association
president (1988-89), chairman and Hall of
school leagues. in 1955.
Fame committee member (1991) and elected
historian and assistant secretary (1993). By
After serving four years in the United
States Air Force during the Korean War,
Mogus was elected the secretary of the
Tooele Bowling Association (1956) and was
1997, Childs had helped the USBA Hall of “Engines Are Our Business”
Fame Committee earn enough money by Mogus came to Utah and settled in Tooele. elected to the USBA Board of Directors
Engines • Transmission • Drive Axle Front End
selling raffle tickets, hats, towels and shirts Just like Childs, Mogus registered a lot of (1970), USBA president (1974-75) and All Air Conditioning • Power Steering
to hold the first ever USBA Hall of Fame success on the lanes throughout the years. Central Bowling Region Team by the BPAA Tune-ups • Engine Diagnostics
induction ceremony. He competed in 28 ABC national tourna- (1964). He was nominated to the SLCBA Hall
ments, competed in the Bowling Proprietors of Fame (1984) as well. 1676 N Progress Way • Tooele • 882-0313 or 882-1273
A12 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Leaning Tree Movie from New Zealand to Long Beach

to Nevada to Wendover, where he
pushy streets of California.
The old Tooele hospital, stark

Farm Fall Sale continued from page A1 saw his lifelong dreams come true. and all-business in white, serves as
Discouragement, ridicule, and hard- the backdrop for a short but pivotal
ductions like “The World’s Fastest ship meet this simple yet ambitious scene in the film. Munro sits on a
Indian” to Utah’s versatile loca- man every step of the way. But he hospital bed after an acutely painful
Now is the time to plant! tions. also had the opportunity to meet attack, and is told he has a serious
Tuesday’s premier celebrated a host of oddball and interesting heart condition and will have to end

• Shade, Ornamental
% & Specimen Evergreen Trees
both the efforts of New Zealander
Donaldson to bring Munro’s inspir-
characters who graciously helped
him and, more importantly, believed
his motorcycling career.
And then there are the incom-
off • Over 25 varieties
• $35 and up
ing story to the big screen, and the
Utah Film Commission’s triumph in
in him.
Hopkins turns in a predictably
parable Salt Flats. Glaringly bright,
expansive, reflective, and over
keeping the film in Utah. Dignitaries brilliant portrayal of Munro. Laid 44,000 acres in size, Bonneville
DELIVERY AVAILABLE! 3 mi. west of Stockton
including Utah Gov. John Huntsman back, boorishly determined, funny makes for stunning cinematogra-

Silver Ave Jr. attended a pre-screening recep- and sympathetic, Hopkins trans- phy. The motorcycle scenes filmed
tion and walked the red carpet. forms himself to become the man here, refreshingly devoid of digitally
owner Jon Hogan enhanced effects, are composed of
The adventure/drama tells the who wouldn’t mow his lawn but file photo
story of Burt Monro’s wearying trek could leave world class racers in Sir Anthony Hopkins was in Tooele one thing only: dangerously blunt
speed. The kind of speed that made
3 mi. west of Stockton

County last fall filming “The World’s

Fastest Indian,” which premiered Munro a hero.
last night in Utah After all, if an old man from New
Zealand can teeter into Utah in a
the dust. beat-up car with only a few dollars
He called his experience on the in his pocket and beat the pants off
film the best experience he has ever anyone around him, anything is pos-
had on a movie, which for an actor
��������������� sible. That’s the affecting story that

����������������� ������� ��������������������������

� ���������������������
as prolific as Hopkins, is quite a
statement. The man has more than
90 film and television credits to
Donaldson wanted to share. It may
well be the most inspiring story to
ever come out of the famous Salt
his name. And given that most of Flats.
�������� ��������������������������� the crew for “The World’s Fastest Hopkins’ character stands on the
� �������������������� Indian” (with the exception of the famed natural racing track for the
���������� ������������������� lead actors and the director) were first time with tears in his eyes.
� ���������������������������� from Utah, his statement could also This is the place where big things
be taken as quite a compliment. happen, he says.
��������� ��������������� Once the story moves from its And there, great things did hap-
� ������������������������� early lush New Zealand scenes and pen. Burt Munro became history.
� ���������������� into the arid deserts of Utah, loca- Decades later, Hollywood came
������� �������� tions are instantly recognizable. back to the site of his unlikely vic-
� ������������������������ Coachman’s Dinner and Pancake tory. And now, the story of the man
House on Salt Lake City’s State who conquered the world by com-
��������� ��������������������������� Street, and Sonic Burger all lined ing to Tooele County, is told on the
� ��������������������������� up with vintage cars, double for the silver screen.

Apartments After listening to representatives

from PWC, as well as Grantsville
residents, the city council voted
continued from page A1
unanimously to uphold the P&Z’s
stated. He added that placing a road denial to allow the apartment com-
between Quirk Street and Orchard plex to be built.
Lane (which is currently a dead Councilman Kyle Matthews stat-
��������������������������������������� end street) would allow everyone, ed, “We have two other apartment
��������������� including high school students and
others who drive too fast, direct
complexes going in on the west side
of town. I think we have enough of
�������� access through Orchard Lane.
“That street is not designed to
this type (of housing).
Wayne Butler, another council
accommodate that increase in traf- member, said he believes opening
fic,” Davis concluded. a road between Quirk Street and
Speaking on behalf of PWC and Orchard Lane for the apartment
Grantsville Family Associates, Roope complex would create a safety haz-
emphasized that his company’s plan ard.
would allow for a large open space

We know four
“To me, this (proposed apart-
in the center of the apartment com- ment complex) is a high-density
plex, where children could safely development and I generally oppose
play within sight of their parents. high-density developments. High
And he added that PWC’s project

letters that are

density developments do not lend
would offer affordable housing for to the atmosphere we want (in
what he called the “workforce” seg-
Grantsville),” Butler added.
ment of Grantsville.
The councilman further noted
“These apartments would serve
that he had listened to the “voice of

good for business.

your bank tellers, retail clerks, gro-
the citizens.” Butler said that other
cery store employees, and restau-
than the developers, no one had
rant workers.”
voiced support for the apartment
Roope stated that families eli-
gible to rent the apartments would complex.”
have to be in an annual income Councilman Paul Rupp stated
bracket of $25,000 to $35,000. He that changing the PUD to allow
said rental rates for the apartments the apartments would not measure
would range from $511 per month up to the original plan of Country
for a two-bedroom apartment, to Haven.
$659 per month for a four-bedroom “I don’t think people who bought
apartment. Those rental fees would (condos) in that area would be get-
include utilities. ting what they paid for,” Rupp
But unlike the requirements added. “I don’t think the quality of
of the current PUD for Country the (apartment) project is of the
Haven, which requires all housing same quality of the original plan.”
in the area to be constructed from Councilman Todd Castagno stat-
brick, stone or stucco, Roope said ed that even though PUDs could be
the apartments’ exterior would be changed, it should only happen to
vinyl. make an area better.
“I struggle to see why (the apart- “The code states a change in a
ment complex) would be any less PUD should be in conformity with
desirable (than then condo units),” the current PUD, and these apart-
Roope stated. ments are completely different than
Responding to that state- the type of housing already in the
ment, Black, Country Haven’s area,” Castagno said.
Homeowners Association president, Adding his voice to uphold the
said current condominium owners P&Z’s denial of the apartment com-
“believed we were buying into a plex, Councilman Robin Baird said
condominium development and not P&Z commissioners had researched
an apartment complex.” the request and heard comments
Black noted that when Garry from the public before issuing a
Bolinder applied for a PUD for denial for the project.
Country Haven on July 10,1997, “If I was living in those condos,
his application stated, “Our goal at I would want to know that what I
Country Haven Condominiums is bought into would be upheld,” Baird
to create a condominium lifestyle stated.
opportunity ... Our commitment to Roope told the Tooele Transcript-
create an upscale living environ- Bulletin following the council’s
ment comes from being longtime
Those letters are TFCU.
denial to their plan to build apart-
residents of Grantsville with the ments in Country Haven, that his
desire to have our project to be an
company still plans to build in the
asset, not a detriment to our com-
From lines of credit to SBA munity.”
Bolinder’s application for a PUD
area. He said it would probably
take 90 to 120 days before PWC
representatives presented another
loans we have the tools to distinctly stated that Country Haven
would not be a low-income housing
plan to the P&Z Commission. Roope
added that the company’s next plan
build your business... right Black stated Tuesday night that the would be more in line with the cur-
PUD obtained by Bolinder required rent PUD.
“upscale” housing in Country Haven Councilman Todd Castagno
down to the letter. and added, “Promises made should
be promises kept.”
said the original PUD would have
allowed about 80 condos to be built
Grantsville’s Planning and Zoning in Country Haven.
Commission denied PWC’s request When contacted by telephone
to place eight apartment complexes Wednesday afternoon, Roope said
(435) 833-7200 — (800) 662-9522 — TFCU.NET Call us today. in the Country Haven development
on Aug. 11.
he does not know at this point
whether his company would build
Refusing to give up on the idea the condos, with the hope of sell-
TOOELE 562 N. Main of building the apartments — which ing them — or if housing in the
STANSBURY PARK 200 Millpond would have been called Orchard area would be built as it was sold.
Park Apartments — PWC represen- But either way, Roope said that
tatives filed an appeal to the city PWC would like to break ground
council of the P&Z’s denial for their and start building in the area next
project. That appeal was heard by spring.
council members Tuesday night. e-mail: maryruth@tooeletranscript.com

THURSDAY September 22, 2005
Unless otherwise requested, community
news items such as weddings, missionaries,
■ Doings Around The Valley birthdays, babies and Doings Around the Valley
must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day prior
■ Weddings, Missionaries, Birthdays to the desired publication date. To place a
community news item or for more information
contact Community News Editor
■ Classifieds and Public Notices Karen Hunt at 882-0050.

Festival of the

This weekend only!

Old West
by Mike Call
County Gem and Mineral Show.
Celebrating its 12th anniversary
and women along with their displays.
“Each of them brings their own
little group of guys,” Hope said. “It
changes every year and that’s what
makes it exciting ... to see the differ-
ent outcomes.”
One of the great things about this
rendezvous is its size, which Hope
said is greatly helped by the fact that
O nce upon a time in the Old
West, traders, trappers and
American Indians used to get togeth-
this year, the event has grown in
popularity thanks in part to dedi-
cated organizers who work tirelessly
the powwow and gem show are going
on at the same time.
er each year for what they called a to make the festival a success. It all American Indian Powwow
“rendezvous.” makes for an entertaining, unforget- This year’s powwow will revolve
These gatherings allowed the table weekend and a great way to end around the theme “Strength is our
diverse groups to trade coffee, beads, the summer in Tooele County. Progress through Sovereignty,”
handiwork, guns, furs, food staples, Mountain Man Rendezvous according to powwow organizer
gun powder and a variety of other The last two mountain man ren- Donna Chavez.
goods critical for survival in the new dezvous have been such an enor- Over its 12-year history, Chavez has
frontier. mous success that organizer Blair seen the powwow grow from a one-
Those days are long gone, but as Hope is just hoping they can con- day competition to a three-day event
summer fades into autumn, Tooele tinue to build on that tradition. With — and she said it has gotten bigger
County residents 35 vendors show- and better every year.
have an opportuni- ing up to display She is anticipating an even bigger
ty to peer back in their wares and turnout this year, as the up and com-
time. The sound of entertain the large ing group “White Lake” of Salt Lake
beating drums and crowd last year, City will be the host drum at this
thousands of tiny, Blair describes the year’s powwow.
tinkling bells will event as simply Chavez said this powwow is partic-
mix with the bang “awesome.” ularly popular because it is held out-
from old black If it ain’t bro- doors — underneath Mother Earth’s
powder rifles at ken, then don’t big blue canopy. Last year, Chavez
the Festival of the fix it — and that’s said about 30 different American
Old West. exactly what Hope Indian tribes were represented at the
One of the best said they plan to Tooele powwow, with as many as 150
things about the do. They won’t to 200 dancers participating in the
festival, which be tampering competition.
starts at 10 a.m. with activities the Dancers compete in five different
this Friday at the crowds obviously categories, including seniors, adults,
city complex and enjoy. teens, youth and tiny tots with mon-
continues through The rendezvous etary awards given out on Sunday.
Sunday, is that it’s file photo is an ideal fam- Dances include traditional dances
actually three dis- Colorful dancers makes the annual ily activity and a done by men and women, men’s grass
tinct events rolled powwow a stunning performance. chance for the pub- dances, the women’s jingle, men’s
into one. On the lic to learn about fancy dance and the women’s fancy
file photo shawl.
green expanse the Old West with Last year’s Mountain man rendezvous attracted men, women and children Dancers are judged according to
west of the complex parking lot, rug- its friendly competition and camara- ready to share the passion for the Old West.
ged mountain men and women set up derie, games for kids and adults, the how they move, if they stop when
camp, display their wares and show crowd-pleasing black powder shoots “voushway,” (that’s mountain man the drumming stops, when they raise
— complete with buckskin clothing,
off their skills at the Mountain Man and more. lingo for “the man in charge”) as their fans, and different techniques
coonskin hats and tall tales — dem-
Rendezvous. There will also be target shooting well as a different “segundo,” who they use during the dance.
onstrate skills that were essential for
Simultaneously on the east side, with great prizes. Kids can scamper is chosen by the voushway. The man As the dancers perform, the public
trappers and traders to survive in the
drums beat and singers chant rhyth- for goodies as a candy cannon will in charge this year will be “Flying is invited to sit back and enjoy this
mically as stunning Native American be shot off every hour. The mountain Eagle” (aka Carl Timmerman) and fascinating spectacle with its colorful
As always, festival-goers can expect
dancers in their colorful regalia men will compete on Saturday in the The Scotsman (aka Richard Luke) American Indian regalia; subtle and
to see some new faces, and Hope
compete in a three-day powwow. John Colter Run, which re-enacts that will be the segundo. Because moun- not-so-subtle dance styles and the
said there may even be a well-known
Meanwhile, inside the city complex, famous mountain man’s adventures. tain men tend to travel in different rhythmic — and sometime hypnotic
entertainer at this year’s rendezvous.
colorful stones and dazzling works The rendezvous’ participants The new faces will include a new circles, a new voushway will translate
of art are on display at the Tooele SEE WEST PAGE B10
into some different mountain men

Nauvoo’s gardens complement its history

ne yard, the candle shop, the finally left under duress. In
of Joseph Smith sites, visitors’ many cases they were our
center and blacksmith shop ancestors.
my favor- among many others — one All the activity, his-
ite travel gets caught up in what tory and sentiments of the
adven- is going on. The setting restored Old Nauvoo occupy
tures is along the Mississippi River your thoughts. It is easy to
visiting is lovely and the story of overlook the beautiful gar-
beautiful the thousands who lived dens there.
gardens. there and built the beauti- And yet, the gardens,
I have ful community takes all forming a lovely backdrop
Diane Sagers
your attention. And now to all that goes on in Old
a garden there is the temple. The Nauvoo, unobtrusively help
tour for Nauvoo Temple, residing to create the ambiance of
the past Garden again atop the hill is a strik- the area. There is much
week and ing addition to the town. more to the gardens than
saw some Spot There is something stirring the occasional flowerbed by
truly about rounding the bend a home or pot beside a door.
outstanding gardens in the on Mullholland Street and A listing of the specific gar-
Midwest. Among them was looking at the temple pre- dens is rather impressive.
a visit to Nauvoo, Ill. True to siding majestically over the There is the Women’s
the Hebrew meaning of its city that is stirring. It is said Garden, Lyon Drug Store
name, Nauvoo is a beautiful that in the 1800s, people garden, Sarah Granger
place. traveling on boats on the Kimball garden and temple
I realize that a visit to river were taken with the gardens. These sites hold
Nauvoo is a peek into wonderful landmark. their own special gardens.
the past. In my opinion, Nauvoo evokes strong The Lyon Drug store is
Nauvoo is second only to emotions for many Utahns a re-creation of a pioneer
Williamsburg, Va. as a living as they remember the early drug store. Inside are the
history museum. As visitors members of The Church of
to Nauvoo’s historic sites Jesus Christ of Latter-day Nauvoo’s gardens accentuate the historical setting, where early members of The Church of Jesus SEE NAUVOO PAGE B6
— the cooper shop, the brick- Saints who lived there and Christ of Latter-day Saints made their home.
B2 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Small business owners: how much should you pay yourself?

any themselves. operations begin, that the important to understand the a disguised dividend. Because tion. Therefore, when deter-
peo- As a small business owner, business will pay the owner. reasons before making a final dividends, unlike salaries, are mining your compensation,
ple you may often assume that In addition, you should estab- decision. not deductible, an unfavorable keep in mind that what your
dream of one you won’t earn anything until lish goals for the business to Because the cash flow of determination could result in an pay yourself affects how much
day being able the business gets firmly estab- achieve so that you can receive many businesses is unpredict- overdue tax notice, back-inter- you can save for retirement.
to write their lished. While this appears logi- compensation more in line with able — especially during the est charges and penalties for Generally, the more you earn,
own paycheck cal, some experts will tell you your knowledge and skills, as early stages — you may want the business. the more you are able to save.
so it’s ironic that if a business doesn’t pay well as the time you devote to to consider relying on bonuses A good place to start is by Your financial consultant can
that business its owner a salary, its business the business. It’s also important rather than a regular salary for talking to your CPA about what help you develop a plan to
owners fre- plan and cash flow model are to review the progress of your much of your compensation. the IRS would consider reason- address your retirement needs
quently pay not being truly tested. Unless business toward its goals every By doing so, you can determine able compensation, as well as but it’s important to remain
themselves Kenyon Eastin you operate under normal six months to make sure that when and how much the busi- contacts at industry associa-
GUEST COLUMNIST consistent and start as early as
too little or business conditions, and com- compensation figures are still ness can afford to pay you. tions you belong to. If what possible.
sometimes, pensate everyone who works accurate and in synch with Bonuses can come once or sev- you receive is out of line with A.G. Edwards does not ren-
nothing at all Financial for the business, you can’t tell business conditions. eral times a year depending on what owners of comparable der legal, accounting or tax
— preferring whether the business will be Some business owners have your needs and the business’s businesses are making, you preparation advice. Please
instead to put Focus viable in the “real world.” a tough time determining what performance. could be setting yourself up for consult your legal and tax
their earn- As a result, business owners their compensation should be Another factor to keep in a visit from the IRS and costs advisors for your specific
ings back into their businesses. should determine a minimum and determining how much to mind is how the IRS will view could be substantial. Business situation. Kenyon Eastin
Even owners of established salary as early in the game as pay yourself can be emotional. your salary. For example, let’s valuation specialists may also resides in Stansbury Park.
businesses sometimes underpay possible, preferably before However, as the owner, you’re say you own a C-corporation. offer some insight into what a He is an Accredited Asset
the one taking the biggest risk The “C” simply refers to the tax buyer would expect to be able Management Specialist with
Real Estate Tips if the business should fail.
Logically then, you should earn
treatment category your com-
pany is in. C-corporations are
to take from the business.
In addition, once your sal-
A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. in
the Sugarhouse office in Salt
more than your employees the most common traditional ary is determined, don’t forget Lake City. (801) 487-7177.
RELATIONSHIP ADVICE! and if not, then you should ask types of small businesses. You about saving for retirement. This article was provided by
Why are realty professionals called yourself why. Are you making may face an unreasonable com- The amount you can save in A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.,
“agents”? What is the meaning of the a short-term sacrifice in order pensation audit if the IRS inter- a qualified plan is calculated Member SIPC.
term “agent” in the context of real estate? to invest in future growth? It’s prets the owner’s large salary as based on eligible compensa-
Real estate is practiced under the “Law of

Check reports containing info. on you

Agency,” in which one party - the agent -
represents the interests of another - the
principal. The association is termed an
“agency relationship.”
As the sellers’ agent, the representative
by David Uffington • Your check-writing his- you that will include your rent- are a few numbers to get you
acts on the sellers’ behalf, with their best interests in mind, to locate a buyer. tory -- If you’ve ever bounced al history, information from started:
The buyers must be treated honestly and fairly, but they are not Credit information isn’t the a check due to insufficient previous landlords and any Medical Report: Medical
“represented” by that agent. The sellers’ agent is always faithful to the only data that is being col- funds, had an account closed court records for evictions. Information Bureau -- 1-866-
sellers’ best interests (but not necessarily those of the buyer). lected about you. Your medi- or been the victim of iden- Just as it’s important to
cal information, any crimi- tity theft, there is a specialty pull your credit file to make 692-6901
In the past, most buyers were not represented by an agent - they made their
buying decisions using factual information presented to them by the sellers nal record, previous insur- reporting agency that will like- sure it contains no errors, it’s Home & Auto Insurance
or their team of agents. Because of the increasingly complicated nature of ance claims, driving record, ly have a file on you. important to get copies of Reports: ChoicePoint CLUE
real estate transactions, however, “buyer agency” has become more
common. To gain representation in their purchase, buyers may employ an
employment history and more • Medical information -- If other reports and correct any Reports -- 1-866-312-8076.
agent or team of agents to represent their interests and fulfill the obligation are being assembled into files you have private insurance misinformation, especially if Check-Writing Reports:
to faithfully serve them. called specialty consumer (not through an employer), if you’ve been turned down for ChexSystems -- 1-800-428-
What’s the real message about agency? Both buyers and sellers should reports. you have a medical condition, insurance or a job. As with 9623.
know whether they are represented and by whom. To find out, ask the Companies use these reports or if you engage in dangerous your credit report, if you find
to help them decide if they pastimes such as skydiving, incorrect information, you Tenant Reports: ChoicePoint
agent(s), “Who are you representing in this transaction?” Inform yourself
and make confident decisions by learning the facts about agency want to do business with you, it’s likely your information is have the right to request that -- 1-877-448-5732.
relationships before you buy or sell. issue you an insurance policy, on file. it be fixed. You are allowed
Berna & Chris Sloan are both Past Presidents of the Tooele County Board of hire you or rent an apartment • Employment background to include a statement for any Write to David Uffington
Realtors with over 20 years of combined to you. checks -- An employer must adverse information that isn’t in care of King Features
experience in Tooele County real The good news is that the tell you in advance and get removed.
estate. Existing homes or New Weekly Service, P.O. Box
Construction, listing your home, or same federal law that guaran- your permission to run a At this time there is no sin- 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-
finding the home of your dreams, tees you a free copy of your background check. Ask which gle place to go to request all
credit report every year also reporting company will be the personal consumer reports 6475 or send e-mail to letters.
contact Berna or Chris @ 840-
5029, or visit our website @ provides for a free copy of all used. you may have. You’ll have to kfws@hearstsc.com.
Real Estate tooelehomes4sale.com or
other reports that are kept on • Tenant report -- A potential call each one that is likely to
you: landlord can order a report on have information on you. Here (c) 2005 King Features Synd., Inc.
Berna Sloan 840-5029 • Chris Sloan 840-5031
Three sales associates join Coldwell
Coldwell Banker Residential Stringham Real Estate School. Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage has announced the Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is a member of the
addition of three new sales Brokerage is Utah’s largest resi-
associates to its Tooele sales dential real estate company with NRT family of companies. NRT
team: Nicole Anderson, Suzette 16 offices serving customers and Incorporated, the nation’s lead-
Petersen and Jennifer Sant. communities across the Wasatch ing residential real estate bro-
Suzette is an experienced agent Front. The company offers resi- kerage company, is a subsidiary
from RE/MAX. Nicole is new dential and commercial broker-
to the industry. Jennifer is also age, corporate relocation, and of Cendant Corporation (NYSE:
a new agent and graduate of mortgage services. CD).

���� Deseret Peak Mortgage wants to get

acquainted with its customers online
���� Joann and Rick Valdez, own-
ers of Deseret Peak Mortgage
located in both Tooele and West
Jordan, Utah, have recently com-
pleted the production of their
ing and advertising in the Utah.
This marketing medium is the
first for a mortgage company in
this area. This video production
will be uploaded to their Web
know them better.
Rick and Joann are excited to
introduce this video in an open
house to be announced in the
promotional video for market- site to help the new client get to very near future.

Microwaves safe when in good condition

by Samantha Mazzotta waves (just like a radar or X-ray). from microwave ovens is steam
These waves pass through the burns, which occur most often
Q: My friend told me that food and excite the water mol- when a covered dish is heated.
if I cook food in the micro- ecules within. The water mol- When the user opens the cover
wave (oven), it will be radioac- ecules, suddenly moving much of the dish, steam can escape
tive when I take it out. He also faster than normal, generate rapidly, causing a painful burn.
said standing near the micro- friction, friction generates heat This is why oven manufacturers
wave will cook my insides, and and, voila, you have hot food. and microwave cooking recipes

people with pacemakers can’t The radio waves themselves do recommend that covered dishes
come into my kitchen because not stay in the food. In addition, be vented by punching a hole in
the microwave would make the the radiation generated by a the plastic wrap or leaving the
pacemakers stop. Some of my microwave oven is much, much lid cracked during cooking.

� ����� �� ��
friends have pacemakers and less than that generated by an
use microwaves. Should I tell X-ray at the dentist’s office. HOME TIP: When you micro-
them to stop using them? -- Many years ago, pacemaker wave a mug of water for tea, the
Grace G. in Missouri wearers were told not to stand
water sometimes doesn’t boil
too close to microwave ovens
until you open the door -- and
A: Your friend is giving you because researchers were con-
it can boil right over! Place a

some rather sensational and cerned that, should stray radio
teaspoon of sugar into the liquid
untrue information. A micro- waves be emitted from the ovens
before microwaving. Now the
wave in good condition presents during use, the radio frequency
would scramble the frequency water molecules have something
no significant danger to you or
to agitate against, and the water
your friends, pacemaker or not. of the pacemaker. However,
Note that I said “in good con- pacemakers themselves have will boil when it’s supposed to
dition.” If the microwave oven been shielded to prevent any -- preventing a possible steam or
������������������������� is damaged, if any of the inte-
rior or exterior parts are not in
kind of interference -- not just
from microwaves.
water burn.

��������������������� �������������� ������������������������� �������������� place, if the rubber door seals If you’re still concerned about Send questions or home repair
are deteriorated or warped or radiation from the microwave tips to homeguru2000@hotmail.
��������������� ����������� ����������������������� �������������
the door doesn’t close properly oven, follow these steps. Check com, or write This Is a Hammer,
����������������������� ����������������������� ������������������������ ������������������ -- then do not use it. Replace the the oven for damage or a bad c/o King Features Weekly
��������������������� ����������������� �������������� ������������������� microwave oven. door seal, or replace it with a Service, P.O. Box 536475,
����������������� ����������� ������������������������� ����������� Your friend’s fears about the newer model. When the oven Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
food becoming “radioactive” is in operation, stand at least 2
������������������������ are also unfounded. Microwave feet away. (c) 2005 King Features Synd., Inc.
ovens work by generating radio A more significant danger
����������������������������� The Perfect Job is TOOELETRANSCRIPT
������������ Waiting for You! BULLETIN
THURSDAY September 22, 2005 B3

MISSIONARIES God only leads one church, holy and catholic

Mert Redmond
he holy with a large C now refers to a That is what it means to believe N. Seventh St. in Tooele. He is a
catholic particular denomination whose in the holy catholic Church. It is in graduate of Concordia Theological
Church” headquarters is in Rome. The term essence to believe that Christ died Seminary located in Ft. Wayne,
Sister Melinda Beth (Mert) The eighth catholic actually means universal. for your sins, and to know that oth- Indiana. Bible studies and Sunday
Redmond has put her law line of the When the Apostles’ Creed con- ers believe the same. School start at 9 a.m. Sunday,
enforcement career on hold and Apostle’s Creed fesses belief in a catholic Church it Bror Erickson is pastor of the followed by worship at 10:30 a.m.
has answered a call to serve the expresses belief merely means a Church that knows First Lutheran Church at 349
Lord. in one church no boundaries. It means a universal
She has been called to serve in that is both Church. Christ’s Church is found

the Brazil Belem Mission of The holy and catho- wherever and whenever people
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- lic (catholic who believe in Christ’s death and
day Saints. She entered the means univer-
Bror Erickson
resurrection for the forgiveness of
Sao Paulo Missionary Training sal). The Nicene
sins are gathered together in His
Center on Sept. 20, 2005.
Melinda’s parents are Roger
Creed expands name. ����������������
this theme to The Good That happens on the corner
and Marene Redmond of
confess one
of Seventh and Birch at 10:30 on �������������������������
holy catholic Sunday mornings, and 7:30 on
Melinda Beth (Mert) Redmond and apostolic Wednesday evenings for those that �����������������
church. Biblical support for this are interested. It also happens in
belief comes from Paul’s letter to
the Ephesians: “There is one body
many other places through out
Tooele, Utah, the United States
and one Spirit — just as you were and the world — and not only on �������������������������
called to the one hope that belongs Sunday mornings. Christ’s Church
Wesley and Ann to your call — one Lord, one faith, is universal.
one baptism, one God and Father Finally the Church is apostolic.
Vorwaller of all, who is over all and through That means that it holds to the �������
all and in all,” (Ephes. 4:4-6 (ESV). teaching of the apostles, those
Wesley G. and Ann Vorwaller
have accepted a call to labor as
full time missionaries of The
There is only one church (“body”
of believers), because there is
men Christ had sent to preach the
good news, the Gospel. These were �����
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints in the Illinois Nauvoo
only one Lord, Jesus Christ. This
may seem surprising to some who
notice many different church build-
men like Peter and Paul. From
the very beginning the Church
saw the teaching of the apostles
Mission. Monday, Sept. 26, they ings on their way to the grocery as being essential to their being.
begin tour guide training in the store. But this one Church is not In Acts the members of the early
Provo MTC after being set apart defined by any particular building church are said to have “devoted
by President Ray L. Ashby of the or even denomination. It gathers themselves to the apostles’ teach-
Tooele North Stake. in many different buildings through ing and fellowship, to the breaking

Wesley G. and Ann Vorwaller

out the world, and crosses over
denominational lines. It consists of
of bread and the prayers,” (Acts
2:42 (ESV). This teaching of the ��������������
sheep who hear the voice of their apostles is summarized by Paul
shepherd. That means people who who says in 1 Corinthians 1:23 “But
believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord we preach Christ crucified.” This
and Savior, and gather together to
hear His word. This Church can
is the essence of the Gospel the
disciples were sent to preach. That ������������
be found wherever the Gospel Christ died for your sins, yes even
is heard, and the sacraments of the sins of the whole entire world,
Elder Sutton Baptism and the Lord’s Supper you included. The wages of sin is
are received in their purity. These death, and sin received its payment ��������������������������������������
Elder Randall David Sutton are the marks of the Church, not in the death of God, the death of ��������������������������������������������������
recently returned home after denominational logos. Christ insti- Jesus Christ. His divine blood of
successfully completing a mis- tuted His church to do these things, infinite worth paid for our trans-
sion for The Church of Jesus and where these things are being gressions. So we are saved not by ��������������������
Latter-day Saints. He served
in the Argentina Resistencia
done you will find His Church. It
does not matter what denomination
the sign out in front of the building
our own doing, but by the work of
Jesus Christ. So important was this
teaching, this Gospel, to the church
Elder Sutton will speak
Sunday, Sept. 25, at 12:45 p.m.
advertises. However, one must be
careful to make sure that this is
that Paul warned the Galatians
concerning it:” But even if we or an
in the Gordon Lane Ward sacra-
ment meeting in Stansbury Park,
what is being done in the church/
denomination/ congregation one
angel from heaven should preach
to you a Gospel contrary to the �������������������
290 E. Village Blvd. belongs too. For it is also possible one we preached to you, let him be
Elder Sutton is the son of that what one hears on Sunday accursed,” ( Galatians 1:8 (ESV).
David and Lori Sutton and the morning is not the Gospel, but the
grandson of Rex and Deon Randall David Sutton fictions of men. And the fictions of
Sutton. men are never helpful in the salva-

Incredible Kitchens
tion of one’s soul.
The Holy Spirit uses the Gospel
and the sacraments to purify souls
and sanctify them. To sanctify
Temple Square performances: something means to make it holy.
The Holy Spirit accomplishes this
in those who believe the Gospel,
Six impressive Temple Square Mozart’s Adagio, Andante, and and are baptized. Paul explains ����������������������������
musical events are scheduled
for October, five in the Assembly
Presto from Symphony No.
38 in D Major “Prague”; and
this saying: “Do you not know that ��������������������������������
the unrighteous will not inherit
Hall and one in the Conference Tchaikovsky’s Pizzicato ostinato the kingdom of God? Do not be
Center, all beginning at 7:30 p.m. and Allegro con fuoco from deceived: neither the sexually
The events are for audiences Symphony No. 4 in F Minor Op. immoral, nor idolaters, nor adul- ����������������
ages eight and older. 36. The orchestra will also per- terers, nor men who practice ������������������
• Friday-Saturday, Oct. 7-8 — form Cliff Millward’s Second homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the ���������������
Soprano Susan Alexander-Boren Ceremonial Prelude. greedy, nor drunkards, nor revil-
and baritone Michael Turnblom
• Saturday, Oct. 22 — A ers, nor swindlers will inherit the
will sing in the Assembly Hall “Tanner Gift of Music” con- kingdom of God. And such were
a new work, “The Joseph cert will be presented in the some of you. But you were washed,
Sonnets,” based on the poetry Conference Center. For program you were sanctified, you were justi- �����������������
of Sally T. Taylor on the life and information and tickets, contact fied in the name of the Lord Jesus ����������������������
ministry of the Prophet Joseph 801-240-0080 or visit www.lds. Christ and by the Spirit of our God” �������������
Smith, with music composed by org/events. (1 Cor. 6:9-11 (ESV).
Murray Boren and a 13-piece • Friday, Oct. 28 — The When the Spirit washes you,
orchestra conducted by Brandon Church Relief Society Music He sanctifies you. (Baptism is the
Matthews. Boren is composer Festival will feature works from Greek word for “to apply water or
in residence at Brigham Young the annual Relief Society music wash.” But because Christ used
University. Taylor is a BYU pro- submissions in the Assembly the term to describe the making of
fessor emeritus whose poetry Hall. Of the 11 pieces to be pre- disciples, the term has been given
has been published in many sented, some are new works of added connotations, and is used ������������������
journals. Alexander-Boren and text and music whereas other now used exclusively as a religious
Turnblom have outstanding works are new musical arrange- term). Because the Church consists
operatic experience. ments for well-known texts. A of baptized believers, it is holy. �������������������������������
• Friday, Oct. 14 — The Soulage choir of Relief Society members The term catholic causes con- �������������������������
Trio of flutist Jeannine Richards from throughout the Wasatch fusions today. We often refer to
Goeckeritz, Bonnie Schroeder Front, conducted by Merrilee Roman Catholics as just Catholics.
on oboe and English horn, and Webb and accompanied by Anne But that is really unfair. Catholic ��������������������� �����������������������������
harpist Tamara Bischoff Oswald Puzey, will perform the music.
will perform in the Assembly For Temple Square

Elect Patrick
Hall numbers by Bizet, Soulage, Performances information, call
Vaughn Williams, Prigmore, 801-240-3323.

Samuel-Rousseau, Salzedo,
Nielsen, Schaposhnikov, and
Ibert. All three instrumental-
ists perform with the Orchestra
at Temple Square and are well
known locally for their individu-
al musical expertise.
• Saturday, Oct. 15 — The
Wasatch Chorale will present in
the Assembly Hall an “Americana
Concert Celebrating the Music of
Mack Wilberg,” accompanied by
organist-pianist Larry Blackburn
and directed by Dyanne Riley. PROVEN QUALITY LEADERSHIP
Experienced, Knowledgeable & Prepared
Featured works composed or
arranged by Wilberg will include
one Latin text and an anthem,
three hymns, three American
spirituals, and two folk songs.
to direct Tooele City as the next Mayor
Wilberg is associate director of
the Mormon Tabernacle Choir ★ Tooele City Recorder 22 years ★ Not a Politician - A Public Servant
and known worldwide in choral
circles for his choral arrange- ★ Working knowledge of Municipal government procedures
ments and compositions. ★ Special Project Director responsible for 3 multi Million building projects. All 3 brought
• Friday, Oct. 21 — The
Orchestra of Sandy City,
in on time & on budget
under the direction of Joel ★ Served 11 years Tooele City Police Department as Lt. over administration & investigation division.
Rosenberg, will perform in the
Assembly Hall Beethoven’s Paid for by the committee to Elect Patrick Dunlavy for Mayor
Overture to “Fidelio” Op. 72b;
B4 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

DOINGS around the valley

Crafters needed
It’s time for the third annual Holiday
Harvest Boutique sponsored by the
USU Tooele County Alumni Chapter.
We need crafters on Saturday, Nov.
12, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Utah
State University Tooele Campus, 1021
W. Vine. Please contact Sydnie at 843-
9534 to reserve your space.
Check your car seat
A booster/car seat checkpoint will
be at Quality Chevrolet, 1041 No. Main,
Tooele, on Wednesday, Sept. 28, from
Gardeners celebrate apples
Tooele Master Gardeners will hold
their monthly meeting on Wednesday,
Sept. 28, at the county extension build-
ing, 151 N. Main, Tooele. The business
meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and is open
to all Master Gardeners. The educa-
tional program begins at 7 p.m. and is
open to the public. This month several
Master Gardeners will present the pro- A crowd gathered Saturday to remember the lives lost in the 9-11
gram on apple varieties, and there will tragedy and to support troops overseas at Veterans Memorial Park
be apple tasting to sample some of the in Tooele. Students Against Destructive Decisions sponsored the
varieties that grow best in our area. event where helium balloons were released.
Come join us for a fun and informative
meeting. 200 East to 200 West, turn south to end support will be greatly
BACA thanks with party at Tooele High School at approximately appreciated.
Bikers Against Child Abuse pres- 5:30 p.m. Fall festival, BBQ set blood drive for victims of Hurricane traditional St. Francis Day blessing!
ent the first annual giving back to the Auditions slated Healing Horses Fall Festival and Katrina on Monday, Sept. 26. The Red Lighthouse Community Church
community event on Saturday, Oct. 1, Auditions will be held for Missoula Benefit Dinner will be held Saturday, Cross will be at the Grantsville West Coming to Tooele — Divine
11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the city park by the Children’s Theatre (MCT) production Sept. 24, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Benson Stake Center, 115 E. Cherry St., from Comebacks, a dramatic presentation
swimming pool. Join us for food and of The Jungle Book will be held on Grist Mill. Free fun and games for the 12-5 p.m. All Grantsville residents are from the Gospel of John, on Friday,
fun. Monday, Sept. 26, at Copper Canyon whole family throughout the day and asked to participate in this worthy Sept. 23, at 7 p.m. at 505 S. Brenda Pl.
Get Simply Fit Elementary School (1600 N. Broadway) a magic show at 4 p.m., $1 pony rides, cause. #3 Bldg 605 U.I.D. This presentation
Get ready for the Holidays by par- from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Some of the cast live entertainment, and a scarecrow
ticipating in the Simply Fit For Life
Planning date changed promises to be heart challenging and
members will be asked to stay for display contest ($100 grand prize). Joe The Grantsville City Planning life changing. All are invtied, bring a
Program sponsored by the American a rehearsal immediately following Morley BBQ dinner from 5-7 p.m., every Commission will hold a work meeting friend. This event is free. For more
Heart Association. Classes begin the auditions. All students grades regular meal purchase is entered into on Thursday, Sept. 29, in the Grantsville information, call 496-0201 or visit www.
Thursday, Sept. 22, at 6:30 p.m. at Sweat Kindergarten through six are encour- a drawing to win two round-trip tick- City Hall council chambers, 429 E. Main lighthousetooele.org.
Fitness, 34 S. Main Street in Tooele. The aged to audition. Students in the sev- ets anywhere Southwest Airlines flies. St., at 7 p.m. Bible Baptist School open
10-week program will focus on devel- enth and eighth grades may audition for For more information or to purchase
oping a healthy life style, including assistant director positions. No advance dinner tickets, call today 843-7774. All Attention GHS alumni The Bible Baptist Church Christian
healthy eating, exercise and controlling preparation is necessary. MCT touring proceeds benefit the Healing Horses Grantsville High School is looking School is accepting students. Call 882-
stress. In addition, you’ll learn to under- productions are complete with cos- Therapeutic Riding Center. for any GHS alumni willing to help 7183 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
stand emotional eating and learn some tumes, scenery, props and makeup. The organize a Centennial Committee for Methodists invite all
behavior modification strategies. The
price of the program is $60. United way
MCT Tour actor/directors will conduct
rehearsals throughout the week from
Meetings the 2007 school year. If you are inter-
ested in helping us out, please contact
Tooele United Methodist Church, 78
E. Utah Street, invites all to join in
is offering $10 scholarships to those 3:30-8 p.m. each day. The Jungle Book Principal Leon Jones at 884-4500 or 9:45 a.m. adult Sunday school with
who qualify. Call the Heart Association will be presented on Saturday, Oct. by e-mail at ljones@m.tooele.k12.ut.us. child care, 11 a.m. youth fellowship
County commission meets Thanks!
at 484-3838 or 1-800-AHA-USA-1 for 1, at Copper Canyon Elementary. For The Tooele County Commission will and children Sunday school with nurs-
more information or to pre-register. more information, call Terra Sherwood hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, Donner Reed Museum ery. Pastor Tom’s message will be “The
Reduce stress, energize at 843-2142 or e-mail terras@tooelecity. Sept. 27, at 3 p.m. in room 310 of the The Donner Reed museum at Clark Three ‘Rs’ of Christianity.” The church
Back by popular demand, this weekly org. Tooele County Courthouse, 47 S. Main, and Cooley Streets in Grantsville is choir will practice at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays
class introduces participants to power- Kids perform The Jungle Book Tooele. open, by appointment only, seven days for the Christmas cantata, which will
ful systems of self-healing and stress The Missoula Children’s Theatre fea- a week. For an appointment call 884- be Dec. 11. Anyone interested in sing-
Dow James schedule meeting 3411 or 884-3767. ing is welcome. The community annual
reduction to increase your body’s nat- turing local performers will present The Tooele City Parks and Recreation
ural energy. Methods taught include Jungle Book on Saturday, Oct. 1. The G’ville family history Thanksgiving dinner will be Nov. 5.
invites any groups that would like to
practices from Chi Kung, breathing for performances will be held at Copper The Grantsville Family History
relaxation, healing self-massage, gen-
tle yoga stretches and stress reducing
Canyon Elementary (1600 N. Broadway,
Tooele) at 3 and 7 p.m. Tickets will be
schedule the Dow James Building on
an ongoing basis to an scheduling meet- Center is located at 117 E. Cherry and
is open help you with any research
ing Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 3:30 p.m. in
meditation. Taught by Troy B. Marsh, available at the door and the cost is $3 the Tooele City Hall large conference from 12-4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
physical therapist at Meier & Marsh for adults, $2 for children, or $10 for room (90 N. Main). We will discuss Evening hours are 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Bookmobile tells stories
Professional Therapies, this one-hour a family. Missoula Children’s Theatre and schedule the building for October Wednesday and Thursday. We are also The Tooele County Bookmobile
class is free and starts Monday, Oct. in Tooele is sponsored by Tooele City through December 2005. If you have open the first and second Saturday of Library, 429 E. Main, Grantsville, is
3, at 6:15 p.m. and will continue four Parks and Recreation. For more infor- any questions or would like more infor- each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. again hosting Story Time on Thursdays
weeks. Limited to 10 participants. Call mation please contact Terra Sherwood mation, please contact Terra Sherwood at 4 p.m. The program is designed
Michelle at 843-1311.
Grist Mill
at 843-2142 or e-mail terras@tooelecity. at 843-2142 or e-mail terras@tooelecity. to create in young children a love of
Employers train org. org. books though stories, puppets, games
The Second Annual Employer 101/
Labor Law Basic Training has been
Run with club
Join a running club for Tooele County.
Grantsville Pumpkin Walk set Oct. 21-22
and crafts. The public is invited and
there is no cost to participate. For more
designed through a joint partnership to Call 435-850-0148 or 435-840-2573. information call 884-3703.
provide Utah employers with informa- Join us down by the Old Mill Scream
Need caregiver help?
tion about state and federal labor laws.
Training will be held on Wednesday, Oct.
Did you know there is a Caregiver
Beautiful yards abound
The Grantsville Shade Tree
at the Benson Grist Mill’s free 11th
Annual Pumpkin Walk! Kids can play Schools
Support program in our community? Commission & Beautification games, be in costume contest, run
12, at the Metro Employment Center, If you are a caregiver for a spouse or
720 South 200 East, 1:30-4 p.m. and in Committee congratulates and give through the hay maze, have their faces
loved one, then you should plan to a much deserved “thank you” to the painted and much more! Enjoy enter- Middle Canyon PTA meets
Tooele at the USU Extension (class- attend this helpful conference on Sept. Middle Canyon Elementary PTA
rooms E and F), 1021 W. Vine Street, families who have made an outstanding tainment, shopping and food! Crafters
24 from 1-5 p.m. at the Tooele Senior effort to create and maintain beautiful and food vendors are needed! If you meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept.
8:30-11 a.m. There will be a minimal Citizens Center (59 E. Vine). Dr. Ronald 28, at 7 p.m. at the school. All PTA
registration fee of $10 per company. To yards this summer. would like to enter the display contest
Trudel is the keynote speaker. The The Shade Tree campaign is under- or sign up as a vendor, please contact members are encouraged to attend.
make reservations for “Employer 101 afternoon will provide information on
Labor Law Basic Training” please call way for this fall. Anyone interested, Christine at 882-7678. GHS conferences set
medical issues, medication issues, legal Grantsville High School parent
the Business Services Center toll free implications, financial planning option
please fill out an application at the Store open for shopping
at (888) 920-9675. Grantsville City Hall by Sept. 30 or call The Benson Grist Mill Country Store teacher conferences will be Monday
for Medicaid and local resources. 884-1936. and Tuesday, Sept. 26-27, 4-7 p.m. in the
Fix pets Oct. 24-25 is open Monday through Saturday from
Current caregivers share the real Our town could be known as one of commons (Monday is for ninth grad-
The Big Fix Discount Mobile 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Country Store
challenges they have faced and over- the most beautiful in Utah with every- ers). Limit your time with each teacher
Spay/Neuter Clinic will be in Tooele offers a wide variety of handcrafted
come. There will be door prize draw- one’s help, hard work and dedication to five minutes or schedule an appoint-
Oct. 25 at Wal-Mart, 99 W. 1280 N. items from local folks. Get your copy
ings. Call 882-2870 ext. 130 for more -- a worthy goal for all residents. ment for longer conferences.
Appointments are available by calling of the DUP History of Tooele County
information. There are many, along with those Please check your student’s atten-
882-2085. Microchipping and vaccina- Volume 1. We carry a variety of Apricot
Come to gem, mineral show listed below, that are making prog- Press books, Willow Tree figurines, dance and grades on SIS; contact the
tions are available to anyone while vet- Tooele Gem & Mineral will hold its counselor’s office at 884-4500 if you
ress in beautifying our city. We also home décor and accessories, candy,
erinarian is on site. annual show Sept. 23-25 at the Tooele have problems with the system.
thank Grantsville merchants and sev- gifts and much more. Visit the Benson
Space is Limited. Intake is 8 a.m. City Complex (400 W. 400 N.) from
until full. Female dog $50, male dog
eral local residents for generous con- Grist Mill for a free tour and shop at our Copper Cyn. council meets
10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday tributions to the prize baskets. The fol- Country Store. For more information The Copper Canyon Elementary
$40, female cat $30, male cat $20, fam- and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. lowing families are to be commended call 882-7678. Community Council will hold its
ily cat plan $90, family dog plan $135, Dealers, display cases, demonstrations on receiving an Honorable Mention September meeting on Thursday, Sept.
$10 extra for pregnancies and dogs
over 80 pounds. For more information,
call toll-free 1-866-PETS FIX (1-866-
and a snack bar make a great fam-
ily outing with free admission. This is
Award and will receive a prize:
Mark & Shauna Bleazard; Max & Pat Churches 22, at 6:30 p.m. in the library media
center. All parents are encouraged to
held in conjunction with the Native Coon; Tracy Holbert; Margene & Ed attend and participate.
7387 349) or visit www.utahpets.org. American Pow Wow and the Mountain Bartunic; Jay & Monica Miller; Jack &
Upholster your own Man Rendezvous. Zelma Minchey; Don & Rae Wooley;
St. Francis Day celebration TJHS news
USU Extension is offering an evening Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. St. Barnabas’ Center, • Parent/teacher conferences — All
Fall Boo-tique set Mike & Paba Cafferelli; Darrell & Dee
1782 N. Aaron Drive in Overlake, invites
upholstery class Oct. 17-28. The cost of Tooele United Methodist Church will Ann Allen; Mike & Cindy Howard; Larry
the class is $45. Registrations are now the community to a blessing of the ani-
hold its annual Fall Boo-tique on Friday & Karen Johnson.
mals. Bring your furry or not so furry,
being taken. Class size is limited, so and Saturday, Oct. 21-22. Reserve your Fix pets Oct. 24 SEE DOINGS ON B5
register early to reserve your spot. Call big or small, live or stuffed friends for a
space now to sell your crafts and gifts. The Big Fix Discount Mobile Spay/
843-2350 to register. Call Glenice Moore at 882-3807 for Neuter Clinic will be in Grantsville Oct.
Support THS orchestra
Don’t miss the benefit yard sale on
more information and to reserve your
24 at Westgate Mortgage, 94 W. Main.
Appointments are available by calling
Saturday, Sept. 24, at Phil’s Glass park- Help S&R buy GPS 884-1400. For more information, see Would you like to share a story or announce an upcoming event in “Doings
ing lot from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tons of Tooele County Sheriff K-9 Search and the Tooele section on this page, call Around the Valley?” Submit written announcements to Barbara Bennett by e-mail at
great stuff to buy and help us earn the Rescue Team will hold a fund raiser in toll-free 1-866-PETS FIX (1-866-7387 barbara@tooeletranscript.com or fax to 882-6123. With questions call 882-0050 x104.
money for our festival trip next spring. the parking lot at CAL Ranch, Sept. 349) or visit www.utahpets.org. The Tooele Transcript-Bulletin is happy to run a notice of special events for charitable
THS Homecoming news 24, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds will Blood drive for Katrina victims organizations, civic clubs, non-profit organizations, etc. Businesses should contact the
• Parade changed — The Sept. 23 purchase Global Positioning System The Grantsville West Stake of The advertising department to inquire about placing a display ad. Due to limited space we
Homecoming parade route has changed. (GPS) for members of the team. This Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day can only guarantee that items will run three times. Please limit your notice to 60 words
It will begin at 5 p.m. at the LDS stake is a totally volunteer team, and your Saints has been asked to help with a or less. Information should be delivered no later than 3 p.m. on the day prior to the
center going West on 200 South from desired publication date.
THURSDAY September 22, 2005 B5
Doings • Sept. 27 — Foot clinic 1:30-
3:30 p.m. appointments neces-
days with Collette Vacations.
Visit Shakespeare’s birthplace,
Oxford, Peak District, Bath,
visit www.utahsafetycouncil.org.
When parent has cancer
“Raising Healthy Children ■�����������������������������������������������
Continued from page B4 �����������
• Sept. 30 — Birthday dinners Cotswolds, Wedgwood Visitor When a Parent Has Cancer,” fea- ■�����������������������������������������������
return 5 p.m.; Wayne Jones and Centre, Blehnheim Palace and turing Wendy S. Harpham, M.D., ■������������������������������������������������
parents are encouraged to attend dancing at 6:30 p.m. much more. Call 843-3690 for a is the topic of a patient education �����
Tooele Junior High School par- • Oct. 4 — Logan Fall Foliage flyer. seminar at the Cancer Wellness ■��������������������������������������������������
ent teacher conferences on
Wednesday, Sept. 28, from 4-7
trip $33 per person includes
round-trip bus from Salt Lake
Groups House, 59 S. 110 E., Salt Lake
City. Come Thursday, Sept. 29,
p.m. City, stops at Cox’s Honey Factory 7-9 p.m. Harpham is a doctor ����������������������������������������������������
• 8th graders test — Eighth and Gossner Cheese and all-you- of internal medicine, best-sell-
grade students will take the
Horsemen meet �����������������������������������������������������
can-eat buffet lunch. The West Desert Back Country ing author and award-winning
Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) author, long-term cancer survivor ������������������������������������������������������
Tuesday-Thursday, Sept. 27-29.
Tooele seniors Horsemen will hold their monthly ������������������
The Tooele County Senior meeting Monday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. and mother of three. Her books
Parents, it is important for stu- include Diagnosis: Cancer, After ����������������������
Citizen Center can be reached at at the Tooele County Courthouse.
dents to be to school and on time Cancer, Becky and the Worry Cup,
882-2870. The public is welcome. �����������������������
these days. Make sure your child Happiness in a Storm and When a
• Mondays — Bridge 10 a.m.; Eagles events ��������������
gets a good night’s sleep. Have Parent has Cancer, A Guide to
aerobics 10:30 a.m.; lunch at • Friday steaks — Keith and �����������������
him or her eat a good break- Caring for Your Children.
Noon; line dancing 1 p.m.; Bingo Debbie will host karaoke starting ��������������
fast. Review test-taking strate- Space is limited. To reserve
1 p.m. at 8 p.m. PMSP Aletha Wrathal
gy with your child on test day. your spot, please contact ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
• Tuesdays — Lunch at Noon; and her family will host steaks
Remind your child to check his/ Jessica Drury at 801-519-6600 or
Pinochle 1 p.m.; line dancing 1 this Friday, Sept. 23, 6:30-9 p.m.
her answers carefully. Good luck druryj@lls.org. Sponsored by The
p.m. Steak, shrimp, chicken and hali-
students! Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
• Wednesdays — Breakfast 9 but dinners are available.
THS first term ends a.m. to Noon; aerobics 10:30 a.m.; • Lunch — Lunch will now be Smart Women, Smart Money
• Parent/teacher conferences dancing 12-1 p.m.; Dixie Carter of “Designing
served at the Eagles Lodge: hot/
— First term parent/teacher con- • Thursdays — Pinochle 9 Women” fame to speak on happi-
cold sandwiches, Polish dogs,
ferences for Tooele High School a.m.; aerobics 10:30 a.m.; lunch ness and money — Zions Bank’s
corn dogs, pizza, etc.
are scheduled for Monday and at Noon; blood pressure at Noon; Women’s Financial Group will
• Monday night football —
Tuesday, Sept. 26-27, 4-7 p.m. bridge 12:45 p.m. host its second annual Smart
Come to the Eagles and have
Mid-term reports will be issued • Fridays — Aerobics 10:30 Women, Smart Money Women’s
something to eat and watch
in the main foyer to parents who a.m.; lunch at Noon; dinner 4-5:30 Financial Conference on
Monday night football.
come to the conference. Teachers p.m.; Bingo 6 p.m.; dancing 6-8 Wednesday, Oct. 12, at the Salt
• Date changes — In October
will be located in the commons p.m. Palace Exhibit Hall (100 S. West
the date for Family Night will be
area and along the main hall- • Sept. 23 — Dance with Temple) from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30
Saturday, Oct. 8, and the Deer
way for five minute meetings. If Delbert p.m. Actress and author Dixie
Hunters Ball and Dutch oven
additional time is needed, make • Sept. 23-24 — Yard sale 8 a.m. Carter will offer the keynote
cook off will be Saturday, Oct.
an appointment for a later date. to 3 p.m. Bring items to sell to the address. While the event is free,
Counselors and administrators center. registration is required and is
will also be available. • Sept. 30 — Dance with Ned limited to the first 2,000 women
• Grades available Friday — who sign up to attend. For more
Use the school’s Website to check
Senior Circle, MWMC
Senior Circle is for those over information or to sign up for
grades and attendance on Friday, Castaways AA the event, visit www.swsm.zions-
50 and costs just $15 per year. Castaways Alcoholics
Sept. 23. ID and password is avail- bank.com or call (801) 844-9328
Call 843-3690 for a membership Anonymous meets Monday-
able at the counseling office, not or (800) 558-3794.
form and to RSVP for all activi- Saturday at Noon and Monday,
over the telephone. Attendees are encouraged to
ties except exercise and water Wednesday and Friday at 7
• Planners — Students were take TRAX, which stops at the
aerobics. p.m. at the St. Barnabas Center,
given THS planners at the begin- Salt Palace. Those driving are
• Body Instincts — Meets on 1784 North Aaron Dr., Tooele.
ning of this year. Parents may responsible for their own park-
Tuesdays 10 a.m. at Pinnacle (Southwestern looking church
review school policies, dates, ing. Child care will not be pro-
Therapy (29 S. Main). by the new hospital, first left
athletic contests, ACT test dates, vided.
• Hinges and Twinges (water off 2000 North). Open, mixed,
parent/teacher conferences and
aerobics) — Meets Tuesdays and non-smoking, wheelchair access,
Thursdays 11 a.m. at Pratt Aquatic nursery available Monday-Friday.
If there are any questions or
Center, $2.50. (No children Saturdays).
concerns, please call the main
• Sept. 27 — Birthday Bingo
office at 833-1978 or the counsel-
Night 5 p.m. in the MWMC class- Feeling trapped?
ing office at 833-1981. If someone’s drinking is affect-
rooms. Come celebrate September �����������������������
birthdays and play bingo for priz- ing your life, Alanon can help. ��������������������
es. Pizza, cake and drinks will be Call 882-7756 for information. �����������������������
served! Cost will be $3. Alateen starts ������������������������������������������������������������
THS class of 2000 • Oct. 5 — Diabetes Support A new Alateen group is start- �������������������������������������
Come join the Tooele High Group 11 a.m. at the health ing at St. Barnabas church in �������������������������������������������
School class of 2000 for our ���������������������������
department (181 N. Main). Overlake. Please come for shar-
five year reunion on Saturday, • Oct. 6-7 — Book fair ing and caring Mondays from 6:30
Oct. 8, at 6 p.m. Dinner will be Thursday-Friday, Oct. 6-7, from to 7:30 p.m. Please call 849-1881
provided and the cost is $7 per for more information. 882-7000
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
person. For the location and • Oct. 7 — Breakfast Buddies Kick drug habit
more information, visit our class 9 a.m. Meet at Jim’s Family A 12 Step Addiction Recovery

Website www.geocities.com/ths_ Restaurant for Dutch treat.
Program for addictive/compul-
2000_reunion. We hope to see • Oct. 13-14 — AARP Driving sive behavior, run by LDS Social ������������������������������
you there! Course 12:30-4:30 p.m. each Services in Tooele and Erda, wel-

Tire & Lube Center

day. Both days are mandatory comes new members and every-
Scouts to complete the course. Cost is
$10. Meet at MWMC classrooms.
• Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. at 1030 S.
Registration is required. 900 W., Tooele, Room 118
Boy Scout Camp-O-Ree • Oct. 19 — Wellness Luncheon • Thursdays 7:30 p.m. at 134 E.
Boy Scout Fall Camp-O-Ree is
Sept. 23-24 at Stansbury Island.
Night games enacting the relief
11 a.m. Meet in the hospital class-
rooms. Topic is “Infection Control:
Flu Season is Upon Us” presented
Erda Road, Erda, Room 8

of Mafeking will begin around by Kip Thompson, infection con-

��� ����
9 p.m. Driving directions: Head trol manager at MWMC. Space is
west through Granstville on SR limited. Lunch provided.
• Oct. 20 — Breast Cancer
Drive defensively
138 then north on Stansbury

The Utah Safety Council is

Road. For more information con- Support Group 7 p.m. in the
offering four-hour defensive driv-
tact Matt Imlay at 882-1326. MWMC classrooms.
ing courses at 1514 West 1700
Scouts sell popcorn • Oct. 25 — Identity theft pre-
South, Salt Lake City. Also,
All sponsoring organizations sentation 10 a.m. in the MWMC
Spanish defensive driving cours-
classrooms presented by the Utah
are encouraged to use this fund- es are held once a month at this ������������������������������������

raiser to supplement your bud- state government. Lunch will be

� ��
location. The course consists of
provided following the presenta-
gets. For LDS sponsored units,
a memo from Charles Dahlquist tion. Space is limited.
classroom instruction and focus-
es on accident prevention, driving
stated that this fundraiser, if con-
ducted in accordance with budget
• Oct. 25 — Birthday Bingo
Night 5 p.m. in the MWMC class-
confidence, awareness of hazards
and improving driving skills.
guidelines, would be an appropri- rooms. Come celebrate October
birthdays and play bingo for priz-
Drivers may complete the
������������� ���������
ate fundraising tool. Any scouting course for a 50-point reduc-
unit interested in selling popcorn es. Pizza, cake and drinks will be
tion from their Utah driving ������
served! Cost will be $3. Wear a
as a fundraiser call Alan Powell
at 882-8468. costume and your pizza is free.
record, once every three years.
Individuals 55 years of age and ��������������������� �� ���������
• Oct. 26 — Red Butte Gardens
older, may qualify for insurance
Seniors Day Trip. Leave at 9:15 a.m.;
return by 3:30 p.m. Visit the Red
discounts after completing the
Butte Gardens to learn about fall
Registration is $40 per person,
gardening and see beautiful col-

Volunteers needed or $10 for those age 55 and over
ors. Lunch will follow at Chuck-
Volunteers of America, Utah is who are only seeking a reduc-
A-Rama Buffet. Cost of trip is
offering the Foster Grandparent tion in their insurance rate. For
$22 and includes transportation,
additional information or to reg-
Program in Tooele County.
Seniors must be over 60 and will-
lunch and ticket to gardens.
ister, please contact the Utah ��������������������������
• Treasures of England
ing to volunteer at least 15 hours departs Oct. 19, 2006, for nine
Safety Council at 801-478-7878 or ��������������������
a week with children in school
settings. Eligible seniors will qual- �����������������������������
ify for a monthly tax-free stipend
reimbursement of approximately ����������������������������������
$200 plus mileage. Please contact
Jennifer at the Tooele office 882-
3154 if you have any questions.
Grantsville seniors
28 years!! Even after all these
years together, you can still make me
The Grantsville Senior Center
can be called at 884-3446.
• Mondays lunch at noon, res-
feel like a kid. Thank you for
making even ordinary days special.
ervations by 8:30 a.m. ���������������������������������������������
• Tuesdays 9 a.m. aerobics; �������������������������
10 a.m. ceramics; 1 p.m. Skipbo;
lunch at noon, reservations by �������� ���������������������������
8:30 a.m.
• Wednesdays 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. �������� �������������������������
breakfast; 1 p.m. Pinochle Happy Anniversary ������ ������������������������
• Thursdays 9 a.m. Pinochle;
10 a.m. line dancing; lunch at
Terry, I love you!
noon, reservations by 8:30 a.m.; Heres to another 28 years! ������������������������
12 p.m. blood pressure clinic; 1
p.m. Bingo
Love Vic
• Fridays 9 a.m. aerobics;
lunch at noon, reservations by
The Blue �����������������������
8:30 a.m.
• Everyday quilting
Tire & Lube ����������������
B6 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

See News Happening? Nauvoo

Give Us a Call! 882-0050 continued from page B1

TOOELE pots, pestles and mortars, colored
BULLETIN bottles and hanging bundles of
herbs along with baskets and
bundles that you would expect.
Medicines in the mid-1800s, con-
sisted primarily of various herbal
NOTICE OF remedies. Lyon would have had
an herb garden to supplement his
TOOELE COUNTY The herb garden around the
home now represents herbs that

SATELLITE Lyon might have used in the

The garden at the Lyon Drug

REGISTRATION DAYS Store is a mix of herbs and oth-

ers medicinal plants often used in
that time period. Native American
remedies were often included.

SEPTEMBER In its newspaper ad for Jan 6,

1842, the drugstore listed the fol-
lowing notice.
23RD & 26TH, 2005 “GUIDE TO HEALTH.” The
Art of Healing had its origin in

8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

the woods, and the forest is still
the best medical school. DR. W.
BEACH’S celebrated medical
remedies for the treatment of all Nauvoo evokes strong emotions for many Utahns as they remember the early members of The Church of
complaints, on Botanical prin- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who lived there and finally left under duress.
ciples, for sale low for cash, at
TOOELE COUNTY C. W. Lyon’s store. Also, Beach’s
“Practice of Medicine,” in 3 vols.
The shade gardens that make
up the Monument to Women are
COURTHOUSE Price $20. C.W. LYON, Agent
The drugstore probably did not
filled with colorful blooms sur-
rounding the multiple statues
47 SO. MAIN grow too much right around the
store. They probably gathered
honoring women. In the spring,
the beds include spring favorites
TOOELE, UT 84074 most of what they sold. but the summer continues with
hostas, Solomon’s seal and others.
Joseph Smith called a group of
REGISTRAR: HAZEL DOWNEY women together upstairs in his The area around the Nauvoo
Temple is completed with flow-
Red Brick Store and organized
the Relief Society, but the con- ers. Statues of Joseph and Hyrum
Smith mounted on their horses
GRANTSVILLE CITY cept began in the Sarah Granger
Kimball home. There the women on their final journey to Carthage
sit on the crest of the hill by the
gathered to make clothing for the
men who were donating 10 per- temple. The two look back over
cent of their time to building the the city. Flower beds around the
429 E. MAIN temple. There was little that the statues include lovely blooms and
women could do directly to help were skilled and educated people. had the know-how to do that
GRANTSVILLE, UT 84029 the cause but they could help Gardening was a way of life Gardeners were among them. sort of work. He had published
keep the men in shirts. A garden in Old Nauvoo. Each family had For example, Edward Sayers, a
REGISTRAR: SHERLENE LAWTON around the Sarah Granger Kimball a one acre lot where they could horticulturist from England never
The American Fruit Garden
Companion, a practical treatise
home is filled with perennials grow fruit trees and vegetable gar- joined the church, but he set up
dens and raise an animal or two. a thriving business among the on the propagation and culture of
typical of the Nauvoo period.
They are beautiful and full, filling But more importantly, Nauvoo Mormons of Nauvoo. Among his fruit adapted to the northern and
Dennis D. Ewing the flowerbeds. was home to a wide ranging skills were pruning trees, laying middle states, and The American
group of people. Among them
Tooele County Clerk out gardens, grafting, etc. Sayers Flower Garden Companion.

If it happens here,
read about it here. The Siege of Mafeking was the birth of Scouting
ost to be passing by. Now afraid that would warn the town before the
Published in the Tooele Transcript Bulletin TRANSCRIPT
people the town was surrounded by land shell arrived.
September 20th and 22nd, 2005 BULLETIN are mines, the Boers never encroached Trained in first aid, these young
Subscribe Today • 882-0050 unaware of upon the town. men were valuable orderlies
the events Colonel Powell had two small assisting with the wounded and
surrounding artillery guns in his possession. miscellaneous tasks in the hospital.

the town of Another gun was “created” using Messages were delivered to and
Mafeking, now furnace pipe and an old threshing from the outposts by donkey. As
the capital of machine. This cannon was named food supplies became short, the
the Northwest “The Wolf” and used shells melted donkeys ended up in the kitchen
Province of down from metal scrap found and the boys carried the messages
South Africa. TJ Wallace throughout the city. A fourth gun, by bicycle. The cadets were also
There are even GUEST COLUMNIST an ancient cannon they later named commissioned to round up every
Robert and Dawnya are going all over the country since making the exciting career change to fewer people ‘Lord Nelson’ was found being spare piece of scrap metal they
becoming professional over-the-road truck drivers! who could not Seeds of used as a gatepost. Gun emplace- could find to be melted down and
recognize the ments were built all around the city turned into cannonballs. These
Robert had been a jeweler for 20 years and was part owner of the Diamond Shop. After closing the global move- Scouting — none of which had a permanent young boys took their new job
store in January, he started his 30-day instruction at Prime Inc. in March. Dawnya, a one-time hos- ment that gun emplaced. With these four with pride and were soon a recog-
pital billing technician, found the opportunity to join Robert at Prime after her daughter graduated began in this small, English settle- small cannons, Powell ordered his nized part of the town defenses.
from high school and headed to the Navy. ment back in the year 1899. forces to fire a shot, move to the The corps was quickly enlarged
Mafeking was located near the next emplacement and fire again. from 18 to 40 boys.
Although Robert and Dawnya have been together for 13 years, neither had ever driven a truck northern border adjacent to the Oft times the cannons would fire The boys were given their own
before going to Prime Inc. for their career change. Both received instruction and were able to get Transvaal Republic. It was a key without a ball. The Boers believed khaki uniform and conducted their
their CDL. Then they began one-on-one training with Prime Inc. and were PAID DURING TRAINING. location for railroad transportation that Mafeking was surrounded by own drilling under the direction
from the Cape to Rhodesia. As war heavy artillery. of their appointed youth-leader
They have enjoyed seeing the country together really enjoy the great pay. with the Boers drew closer, Colonel In addition, Colonel Powell sur- Warner Goodyear. Colonel Powell
With the yearly driving potential at $50,000+ for a solo driver and Robert Stephenson Smith Baden- rounded the town with imaginary often watched the drilling with
100,000+ for team drivers, Prime gave them the financial Powell was commissioned to raise barbed wire. From his vantage satisfaction and asked himself,
answers they were looking for. forces in Rhodesia and defend the point within the city, he noticed “Why cannot all boys be like that?”
border. He choose Mafeking as a that the Boer soldiers would crawl When the boys were off-duty, he
Starting a new career like this was not easy, but with the supply base. Since war had not yet under and high step around some took the time to teach them wood-
support staff that Prime provided been declared, he was forbidden to unseen obstacle. This gave him an working, camping, and hiking
they were able to get the adequate make public preparations so as to idea. He ordered his own men to techniques. He organized games
training and service they not alert the surrounding Boer and continue putting up posts and to and competitions for the boys to
needed to succeed. Dutch colonies. string imaginary wire. The enemy test their skills, resolving to form a
Supplies were acquired secretly had no way of knowing from a civilian corps of Scouts when the
Join Robert, Dawnya to arm the local militia and civil- distance that Mafeking was only war ended.
and the rest of the ians. Sandbags could not be requi- surrounded by empty posts. Mafeking was relieved on May
Prime team and be sitioned for fortifications, but he All of these “defenses” would 16, 1900 after being besieged for
a part of the New collected all available grain sacks have been worthless if the Boer 217 days. The town’s defenders
Face of Trucking. for the purpose. Fortifications spies were to infiltrate the town. became heroes of the British
could not be built overlooking Colonel Powell got up early one Empire. Young boys across the
the town. It was done anyway morning and posted this sign in country asked him to visit them
under the pretense of building the town square: SPIES. There are or send letters. From his fame
a rifle range for the local police in town today nine known spies. the Mafeking Cadets grew into
force. Colonel Powell could not They are hereby warned to leave the Scouting movement that has
order armored trains sent up from by 12 noon tomorrow or they will spread across the world. In 2004
Cape Town, so he secretly had be apprehended. Although there The Boy Scouts of America boast-
two constructed in the local rail was really no way of knowing the ed over three million registered
TEAM DRIVERS yard by lining train cars with steel true number spies, if any, the trick youth offering 34.5 million hours of
Dawnya Hostetler rails. The armaments he did have worked. service.
Robert Gregory included two small, obsolete can- The Mafeking Cadets Siege re-enacted
nons, nicknamed Crooked-Tail Sal With the British soldiers in This fall, the Deseret Peak
and Old Creechy, 700 soldiers, and Mafeking outnumbered by almost District of the Boy Scouts of
1,000 local volunteers. War was 10 to 1, every soldier was required America will be recognizing the
declared on October 11, 1899 and on the firing line to defend the roots of Scouting by re-enacting
a force of 6,000 Boers immediately town. As with any young man, the the siege and relief of Mafeking at

DRIVERS WANTED 460 Orange St. • Salt Lake City, UT surrounded the town.
A Game of Bluff
boys in Mafeking could not be kept
in bomb shelters for any length of
the Fall Camp-O-Ree. We will make
camp on Stansbury Island 14.25
All supply lines had been cut of time. The wilder the bombing and north of I-80. Siege dates are Sept.
LOCAL EXPANSION by the Boers; road, rail, even tele- shelling the greater the excitement 23-24. Registration begins Friday
Positions will be filled: graph. With virtually no defenses, it was to run around the deserted evening at 5 p.m. and night games
SALT LAKE CITY AREA Colonel Powell had to get creative. streets of town. To harness this will commence at 9 p.m. Breakfast
September 26th
While the Boers watched from a youthful energy, Colonel Powell will be provided, but each scouter
Accepting Experienced, New & Student Drivers 8am · 10am distance, inhabitants of Mafeking commissioned chief-of-staff, Major will need to bring their own plate,
12pm · 2pm were asked to carry metal boxes, Lord Edward Cecil to organize cup and utensils. You will also
Company-funded CDL instruction available! 4pm · 6pm filled with nothing but sand, with the Mafeking Cadets. Eighteen need to provide your own water. If
strict orders not to drop or bump boys ages 9 and older were given you need any additional informa-
877-PRIMEJOB them. Hundreds of these sand-filled
land mines were buried around the
various assignments and became
well trained in delivering mes-
tion or would like to assist with the
games, please contact Matt Imlay
( 877-774-6356) town. Powell dropped a stick of
dynamite into a hole to “test” these
sages between the town defenses,
assisting in first-aid, and acting as
at 882-1326. We would also like to
extend a special note of apprecia-
www.primeinc.com mines. Out of the dust emerged
a man with a bike who happened
lookouts. The cadets kept an eye
on the large Boer siege gun and
tion to the Bleazard family for pro-
viding our camp location.
THURSDAY September 22, 2005 B7

When parents condone teen drug use their children suffer

by Lynda Kamerrer and adolescents’ decisions to family, friends, teachers, and regular times to talk about con-
CSAP’S WESTERN CENTER FOR THE use or not use alcohol, tobacco the community about alcohol, cerns.
APPLICATION OF PREVENTION TECHNOLOGIES or illicit drugs. Where family tobacco or illicit drug use? • Know your children’s

hat do teenagers think connectedness is high, parental • How could you enlist the friends and their parents’ atti-
when parents over- influence can be significant, support of other parents to tudes towards alcohol, tobacco
look, disregard or par- even when it conflicts with strengthen monitoring and and illicit drug use.
don their drinking, smoking or peer attitudes and behaviors. communication for your chil- • Visit the Family Guide
other drug use? Parents play a critical role in dren and their friends? to Keeping Youth Mentally
In the absence of a clear fam- shaping peer associations of Healthy and Drug Free website
ily policy or consequences, at
Action steps
their children and in directly • Set a clear no-use policy http://family.samhsa.gov.
least some of them will reach influencing behavior through
the conclusion that it’s okay for children in your family, Remember
the values they instill by com- spelling out the consequences Take action to prevent your
with their parents to do those
municating directly and model- if violated and remember to child from engaging in risky
things. Others might wonder if
ing healthy behaviors. give recognition and praise for behavior.
anyone cares what they do.
According to a recent book Think about following family expectations. For more information,
by the National Research • What messages do teens in • Keep the dialogue going call Valley Mental Health
Council, adolescents are com- your local area get from their with your teen, establish Prevention Team at 843-3520.
ing of age in a culture that
promotes and enables under-
age drinking. One of the most
consistent findings in studies NEW Body Firming Tan Solution
of adolescent substance use,
delinquency, school failure, and
pregnancy is that problems are
interrelated. If a teen is drink- Parents play a critical role in shaping peer associations of their children
ing or smoking, he or she is at and in directly influencing behavior through the values they instill
greater risk to become involved gest that parent perceptions to be nondrinkers, and 27 per-
with other youth problem
of youth drinking are skewed cent of those who said they had
In order to understand these toward underestimating the had five or more drinks in the
amount and frequency of use. past month were said by their

phenomena we might also want
to know what is going through
the minds of parents when they
condone youth substance use.
For example, in one survey, 31
percent of the youth who said
they had been drunk in the past
parents to be nondrinkers.
Parental attitudes and family
supervision strongly influence s e
La Airbrush TANNING
Several recent surveys sug- year were said by their parents young people’s choice of peers
Using Australian Gold Products
Introductory Special

Tooele High School scholarships: $

Bring a Friend
40 for reg. $50
Limited Time Only
• Phone now for appt.
• Walkins Welcome
Scholarship information is will have the chance of receiv- mation visit the counseling
available for students in the ing $6,000, a medallion and a office. Buy 4 tans -
Tooele High School counsel-
ing department. (Most of these
trip to Washington D.C. This
scholarship requires writing a
Deadline: Mail your appli-
cation to the address on the
get 5th tan free Gift Certificates available

same scholarships are also

offered at other high schools
few short essays. Applications
must be turned into the coun-
application by Oct. 28. 435-843-7577
• Wells Fargo’s
in Tooele County School
District through the counsel-
seling office.
Deadline: Oct. 25
CollegeSTEPS Program (12th 986 N. Main • Tooele
ing departments). Currently • Spirit of America Youth
Tuition prizes of $1,000
available scholarships are as Conference (11th graders)
given away to 100 students
Mon - Sat 10am - 7pm
follows: This is for students who
• The Prudential Spirit of demonstrate leadership quali- chosen through random draw-
Community Awards (11th & ties, high academic achieve- ings monthly. Register online
12th graders) ment and exemplary citizen- at www.wellsfargo.com/colle-
This scholarship is for ship to receive a scholarship gesteps for a full set of official
those students who have been to attend the Spirit of America rules and eligibility require-
involved with community ser- Youth Conference at Valley ments.
vice over the past year. You Forge, Penn. For more infor- Deadline: None


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B8 THURSDAY September 22, 2005
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Foam rollers help increase flexibility
by Andrea Renee Wyatt The National Academy of begin to improve muscle adhe- makes it important to learn the
����� M.S.S., C.S.C.S. Sports Medicine describes self sions. proper way of completing this
myofascial release as “a flexibil- As with any other type of form of exercise before begin-
������������ Q: My gym has large tubes of
ity technique where muscles are exercise, this form of stretching ning.

��������� �������� ������ ������������������� ��
rolled over a cylindrical piece should be part of a progressive
hard foam for members to use. I
������������������������������� ������������� of foam, using body pressure flexibility, strength and cardio-
see the personal trainers having Always consult a physician
to massage micro-adhesions in vascular training program, but
their clients roll back and forth before beginning an exercise
the fibrous tissue that surrounds it may not be right for every-
on them in different positions. and separates muscle tissue.” one. Self myofascial release is program. Andrea Renee Wyatt,
Why are they used?

This stretching technique uses not recommended on injury M.S.S., C.S.C.S., is a certified
your body weight on the foam areas, for anyone who cannot personal trainer with an exten-
A: The tubes of foam you see roller to apply light pressure to safely support themselves in the sive background in strength and
at the gym are called “foam roll- major muscle groups such as proper stretching positions or conditioning as well as therapeu-
ers.” Foam rollers are normally quadriceps, iliotibial band (out- for anyone with osteoporosis or tic recreation. If you have a fit-
used for a stretching technique side of legs), hamstrings, calves, other medical conditions that
������������������ ��������������� ness or training question, e-mail
called self myofascial release. adductors and latissimus (upper may be irritated by this type of Andrea at letters.kfws@hearstsc.

879 pp
Self myofascial release is used
$ $
������������������������� as part of a corrective flexibility
back). Pressure is applied to an
area where you feel an adhe-
For safety, be sure to consult
com or write her in care of King
Features Weekly Service, P.O.
Nov. 26 program designed to improve sion or knot, and should be held a fitness or medical professional
muscle imbalances and limited for 20 to 30 seconds. Initially for the proper self myofascial Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-
Jan. 8, 22 $
1099 joint movement, and to help the this form of stretching may feel release techniques. Foam roll- 6475.
����������������������������� body achieve an optimal level of uncomfortable, but over time ing should not be done over
�������������� Dec. 20 function. it should become easier as you the spine, neck or joints, which (c) 2005 King Features Synd., Inc.
Feb. 4, 25
Endometriosis can cause pain, bleeding
Jan. 7, 21, 28, Feb. 4 �����������������������������
��������������������������������������������������� by Paul G. Donohue says he’s going to make me arti- Endometriosis and its treat- needed.
M.D. ficially pregnant. What does that ment are discussed in the book- ***
mean? -- T.R. let on that topic. Readers can Dear Dr. Donohue: I eat a
Dear Dr. Donohue: I have Answer: The endometrium is obtain a copy by writing: Dr. banana every other day. The
endometriosis, which I don’t the lining of the uterus. Every Donohue -- No. 1105W, Box amount of potassium in it stops
understand all that well. The month it grows in preparation 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. me from having leg cramps. I
suggested treatment I under- for housing a fertilized egg. Enclose a check or money order just started the Atkins Diet, and
stand even less well. The doctor When no egg is fertilized, the (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6.75 bananas are too high in carbohy-
endometrium is shed during the Canada with the recipient’s print-
drates for me to eat now. How
menstrual period. ed name and address. Please
many milligrams of potassium
Endometriosis is pieces of allow four weeks for delivery.
the uterine lining in places far *** must I consume in a supple-
distant from the uterus. The pel- Dear Dr. Donohue: I have ment to equal the amount in a
vic cavity is the usual spot for had two procedures to reduce banana? -- R.H.
transplanted endometrium, and the size of an enlarged prostate Answer: One medium banana
it can take hold on many pelvic gland. I am 78, and I asked the has 450 mg of potassium.
structures, like the ovaries. It doctor to remove my testicles, That’s really not a whole lot of
responds to the surge of month- since I no longer can have chil- potassium. New guidelines tell
ly female hormones just as the dren. But he wouldn’t agree to us to eat 4,700 mg of potassium

���������������������������������� endometrium in the uterus does.

It cannot be shed, however, and
that explains some of the symp-
it. Why not? I am told prostate
cancer starts in the testicles.
-- A.N.
every day.
Dr. Donohue regrets that he
toms of endometriosis: pelvic Answer: Testosterone, which
����������������� pain during monthly periods,
painful sexual relations, abnor-
is made in the testicles, pro-
motes the growth of the pros-
is unable to answer individual
letters, but he will incorporate
them in his column whenever
��������������� mal vaginal bleeding and some-
times the inability to become
tate gland and enhances the
growth of prostate-cancer cells.
possible. Readers may write
him or request an order form
������������������� pregnant.
One method for treating endo-
Testosterone production wanes
with age but doesn’t disappear.
of available health newsletters
at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL
metriosis is to create a hormone Even in old age, testosterone
state similar to that of preg- serves useful purposes, like 32853-6475, or order newslet-

���������������� nancy, because pregnancy often

causes a withering of displaced
maintaining muscle strength.
When situations call for negat-
ters online from www.rbmamall.
endometrial tissue. This can be ing testosterone, medicines can
������������� done by having a woman take block its effects on the prostate. (c) 2005 North America Synd., Inc.
low-dose birth-control pills for Most men and doctors choose All Rights Reserved
�������� six to nine months. that route when such action is

������������������������������� Animal visitors are reason for firm warning

by Diane Verhoeven facing a placid lake. There are Every day, Jerome takes a
We accept most insurance plans Same day appointments available many ducks, swans and other chair, cooler and his pipe to
Dear Diane: animals that frequent the lake, his back patio and feeds the

������������ I am a 73-years-YOUNG,
classy lady; single and living
and I enjoy watching them.
My next-door neighbor,
wildlife, tossing nuts, bread
and goodness knows what
���������������������������������������������� in a beautiful retirement con- “Jerome,” also loves the ani- else at them.
dominium with a back patio mals -- maybe a bit too much. As a result, the ducks, swans,
squirrels and other critters
have taken to waiting outside
Jerome’s sliding-glass door.
The problem is, there are so
many animals that the crowd
spills over onto MY patio.
Not only do I have to worry
about cleaning up all that ani-
mal waste that is deposited on
my patio, I also am subjected
to dozens of animals swarm-
ing me expecting a handout. I
have been pecked repeatedly
by dissatisfied ducks, and at
my age, I bruise easily.
I have spoken with Jerome
about his Fan Club, but he
just laughs and shrugs it off.
What am I going to do about
this, Diane? I’m tired of all this
-- Pecked in Phoenix
Dear Pecked:
Speak one more time with
Jerome. Tell him politely but
forcefully that he needs to stop
feeding the animals so close to
the complex. He should move
his chair closer to the lake.
Explain to him that the
animals are a hazard to your
health and well-being. If you
were to be knocked down by

that swarm of animals, it could
cripple a woman of your age.

Then let him know that if he
continues to attract these ani-
mals to your property, you will
have no choice but to report
him to the Condo Association.
������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������
Send letters to Diane c/o
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������
�������������������������� King Features Weekly Service,
�������������������������������� P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL
�������������������������������� 32853-6475, or e-mail her at
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� dianeadvice@aol.com.
����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������
��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������
(c) 2005 King Features Synd., Inc.

NEWS TIPS: 882-0050

THURSDAY September 22, 2005 B9

Smith/Miles Orgill/Anderson Miller/Benson
Kenneth and Carolyn Dennis and Judy Orgill are Tommy Miller and Jennifer
Smith of Tooele are pleased pleased to announce the mar- Benson have chosen to seal
to announce the marriage of riage of their daughter, Sharon, their love for time and all eter-
their daughter, Rachel Leigh to James Richard Anderson, nity on Sept. 23, 2005, in the
Smith, to Dustin Vaughn Miles, son of Richard and Dawn Logan Temple.
son of Sam and Martha Miles Anderson of Levan, Utah. They They, along with their par-
of Erda. They will be married will be married on Sept. 24, ents, invite friends and family
on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2005. A 2005, in the Salt Lake Temple. to join them in celebration. A
reception will be held in their Sharon is a 2000 graduate reception will be held that eve-
honor at the home of John of Grantsville High School ning from 6-9 p.m. at the Bullen
Giles, 224 E. Cimmarron Way and is employed at Atherton Center, 43 S. Main in Logan,
in Erda, that evening from 6-8 Mortgage in Orem. and an open house will be held
p.m. Rachel Leigh Smith James is a 2001 graduate of Saturday, Sept. 24, from 4-6:30
Rachel graduated from and Dustin Vaughn Miles Grantsville High School. He p.m. at the Miller family home, Tommy Miller
Tooele High School in 2001. served a mission in Lansing, 598 Nelson Ave., Tooele. and Jennifer Benson
She works as a senior cred- Mich., and is a student at Utah Parents of the bride and
Sharon Orgill groom are Jeff and Charlene
it analyst for Zions National cian’s apprentice for Uintah Valley State College. and James Richard Anderson
Real Estate Group in Salt Lake Refrigeration & Electric. They will make their first Benson of Newton, Utah, and
City. The couple will make their home in Spanish Fork. Glen and Lori Miller of Tooele.
Dustin graduated from home in Tooele, Utah.
Tooele High School in 2003. If we have inadvertently
He works as an electri- missed anyone, please join us.

Festival of the

Friday, Saturday & Sunday


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Sponsored by
Your Complete TRANSCRIPT
Local News Source. BULLETIN

Lordy, Lordy, Look

whose TWO TIMES forty!
A kind, humorous, & generous
man will celebrate his 80th
birthday on September 24,
2005. Francis Steele was born ������������� ��������������� �����������������
September 24, 1925 in Goshen
Utah. After serving in World ���������� ������������� ���������������������
War II he moved to Tooele,
where he met and married
LaRona Lee. They now have
������������ ������ ����������������
two daughters, Lisa &
Michelle, two son-in-laws, �������������� ������������������� ������������������
Michael and Dale, and four
grand kids, Lindsay, Taylor,
Hanna & Sam.
������������ ��������������
They would all love for you to attend an OPEN HOUSE in his
honor Sunday, September 25, 2005 from 2:00-5:00 p.m.
at the Oaks Clubhouse, 535 Oak Lane. No Gifts Please
B10 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Buffalo on T mountain

Warehouse Demo Services

WDS, demo company for Costco, has im-
mediate openings for supervisor, lead and
demonstrator positions. We offer competitive
wages and 401K. Full time and part time po-
sitions available. Doesn’t require working at
multiple locations. Entry level positions avail-
able. If you are looking for a fun, fast paced
environment & enjoy working with people
send resume to applynow@wdsdemos.com
or call 1-877-878-9912.

Urgent news for people who took

Many VIOXX® users have been at increased risk for serious

cardiovascular injuries, including strokes, heart attacks,
blood clots and even death. If you or a loved one took VIOXX®
and had any of these problems, call us now toll free at
1-800- THE-EAGLE for a free consultation. We practice law only
in Arizona, but associate with lawyers throughout the U.S.
GOLDBERG & OSBORNE ys photography by Dennis Lougy
1-800-THE-EAGLE 7 ek The colors on T mountain are changing just in time for Tooele High School’s Homecoming activities. If you look at the peak, above and behind
Offices in (1-800-843-3245) en we
Phoenix &
Tucson www.1800theeagle.com Op a the T to the left, the foliage makes the shape of a charging buffalo. Behind and to the right of the T (and with a little imagination and some bright
sunlight) one can pick out a Buff football player readying to kick the ball. Too bad the leaves aren’t changing purple.


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We are accepting applications for
1-bedroom apartments for
seniors or disabled.

20 GUN SAFE $ 699 West show’s top highlights is the live
demonstration by collectors and
I-15 Exit 276 in American Fork continued from page B1 artisans who gladly share their
386 East 620 South • A.F. 756-7977 expertise.
— sound of drumming and chant- Show chairman Larry Higley
Safe Factory Outlet.com ing from the drum circle.
This year’s powwow will also
of the Tooele Gem and Mineral
Society, said most of the same
include several specials with the vendors will be returning to this
teen boys and girls traditional year’s show — and that’s what the
See News Happening? dance sponsored by Loren and
Pearl Sammaripa. Eastern Great
public seems to enjoy. Visitors will
also have the chance to win some
Give Us a Call! 882-0050 Basin Gathering
Princess Effie
great door
prizes, includ-
TOOELE TRANSCRIPT Wall is sponsor- ing a yet-to-
BULLETIN ing a northern be-announced
and southern grand prize.
traditional teen The show
dance set apart also includes a
by its particular silent auction,
music. rock bags for
C h a v e z sale and pop-
describes the ular games,
Tooele powwow including a
as a good-sized search through
powwow, which a bin of saw-
draws dancers dust for hid-
following the den treasures,
“powwow cir- and the wheel
cuit” from sev- of fortune
eral surrounding where beauti-
states, as well as ful prizes are
Canada. on the line. The
“They travel quite a ways to popular gold-panning demonstra-
get to some of these powwows. ... tion will also be back at this
They are really powwow people,” year’s show.
she said. Hope, Higley and Chavez all
The powwow begins Friday, encourage the public to spend
Sept. 23, with the grand entry at 6 some of that last summer week-
p.m. On Saturday, the dancing will end at the Festival of the Old
resume with the grand entry at 1 West. They are sure visitors will
p.m. Following a dinner break, be impressed and will have a
the dancing will go on until about great time.
10 p.m. The powwow concludes And in case you’re still not
on Sunday, Sept. 25, with dancing convinced to attend this incred-
from noon until around 4 p.m. ible end-of-summer event, then
Gem and Mineral Show here’s one last reason to attend:
Festival-goers are cheating the food. Food vendors set up
themselves if they don’t check out their respective culinary offerings
the gem and mineral show. While at all three shows. There’s some-
mountain men shoot and Indians thing for everyone, whether it be
dance, a whole other world of Indian Tacos, mountain man fare
gems and minerals, along with or good, old-fashioned hot dogs
games and demonstrations, await and hamburgers.
the public’s enjoyment inside the How to get there: From Tooele’s
city complex. Main Street, turn west on 400
Natural, uncut rocks, to finely North and proceed to 400 West.
polished or finished jewelry, are The complex is the precast con-
available for purchase. One of the crete structure on the north.

file photo
A powwow, mountain man rendezvous and gem show will take Tooele residents back in time with dancing,
gold panning, history, games, music and colorful costumes this weekend.
THURSDAY September 22, 2005 C1

Simple Fast easy fall meals are

Suppers Made
also healthy with turkey,
the only meat that is a


Family Features Editorial Syndicate

All materials courtesy of
Honeysuckle White and Shady Brook Farms

As autumn settles in, more families enjoy meals at home — nearly

80 percent are prepared there as opposed to eaten in restaurants.
But with on-the-go kids in school and extracurricular activities,
there’s less time available for busy parents to cook. Factor in the
desire to provide appealing meals that are also healthy, and it’s no
wonder why many busy parents struggle for evening meal solu-
But moms and dads can excitedly proclaim “dinner’s almost
ready” by adding turkey to their menu.
“The reality is that busy families can have it all — they can serve
simple suppers that are easy to prepare, and they can ensure great-
tasting, nutritious meals by simply adding turkey to those favorite
dishes that parents already routinely cook,” said Jennifer Bushman,
author of several Kitchen Coach cookbooks including Weeknight
Cooking and Weekend Cooking. “Everyone will love the taste of tur-
key in these meals, and parents can feel great about the nutritious,
high-protein benefits turkey offers the family.”
A variety of simple-to-prepare meals — many of them regular fam-
ily favorites — are every bit as tasty and provide a healthy choice
when made with turkey. Try sloppy joes using ground turkey for a
saucy and satisfying, yet protein-packed, family pleaser. Experience
a zesty taste of the Southwest with easy turkey enchiladas. And Turkey Sloppy Joes
break out of the ordinary routine with Italian turkey sausage and
pasta — a quick, one-dish wonder that is sure to tantalize the taste
buds. Superfood. Super easy. tiple nutrients which help build a strong immune system.”
For on-the-go parents, it’s easy to incorporate “superfoods” into
Another way to add a touch of “super” to a best-loved dish is to Naturally protein-packed, turkey is a lower fat, healthier choice
create fabulous lasagna with ground turkey or Italian turkey sau- than many other meal options. In fact, turkey is the only meat simple-yet-super meals. Find delectable recipes that combine tur-
sage (sweet or hot). Turkey is also a prime-time performer when named a “superfood” by Steven Pratt, MD, a food and health expert key with more of Dr. Pratt’s superfoods, including spinach, toma-
used in spaghetti with ground turkey meat sauce. Sign up for a and co-author of Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change toes, beans, walnuts, oats and yogurt, at www.honeysucklewhite.
“Turkey Recipe of the Month” e-mail newsletter and find hundreds Your Life. com and www.shadybrookfarms.com.
more turkey recipes at www.honeysucklewhite.com or www.shady- In his book, Dr. Pratt states that turkey is “a perfect example of
brookfarms.com. a twenty-first century ‘healthy’ protein source ... and provides mul- SEE TURKEY ON C2

Voice of Tooele County since 1894

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C2 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Turkey cheese
2 cups bottled salsa
2 medium tomatoes, seeded and diced
continued from page C1
2 green onions, chopped (optional)
Turkey Sloppy Joes Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease 9 x 11-inch bak-
Servings: 6 ing pan. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over
Prep Time: 10 minutes / Total Time: 30 minutes medium-high heat. Cook turkey, stirring con-
1 package Honeysuckle White or Shady Brook stantly until no longer pink, about 10 minutes. In
Farms Ground Turkey small bowl, mix sour cream and ranch dressing.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil In another small bowl, combine 1 cup sour cream
1 medium onion, chopped mixture and turkey. Divide turkey mixture, cheese
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and and salsa evenly over tortillas. Roll up and place
chopped seam-side down in prepared pan. Bake, uncov-
1-1/2 cup (12 ounces) chili sauce ered, 25 to 30 minutes. Top with tomato, green
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce onion and any remaining salsa and/or sour cream
6 (4-inch) hamburger buns mixture.
Green leaf lettuce, optional
1 medium tomato, optional Italian Turkey Sausage With Pasta
Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium- Servings: 8
high heat. Cook onion and bell pepper until soft- Prep Time: 10 minutes / Total Time: 35 minutes
ened, about 5 minutes. Add turkey; crumble and 1 package Honeysuckle White or Shady Brook
cook until no longer pink, about 5 minutes; drain. Farms Hot or
Stir in chili sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Cook, Sweet Italian Turkey Sausage
covered, over low heat for 10 minutes. Divide mix- 2 tablespoons olive oil
ture evenly over bottom of buns. Layer on lettuce 1 medium onion, chopped
and tomato, if desired. Top with remaining buns. 2 cans (14-1/2 ounces each) whole peeled toma-
toes with juice, broken up
1 package (16 ounce) penne, rotelle or fusilli
Easy Turkey Enchiladas pasta, cooked according to package directions
Servings: 5 1 cup (8 ounces) Mozzarella cheese, cut into
Prep Time: 10 minutes / Total Time: 50 minutes 1/2-inch pieces
1 package Honeysuckle White or Shady Brook Slice open package with sharp knife; remove
Farms Turkey Breast Cutlets, cut into 1-inch sausage casings. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet
pieces over medium-high heat. Cook onion until soft-
1 tablespoon olive oil ened, about 5 minutes. Add sausage and tomato;
1 cup light sour cream crumble sausage. Cook, stirring constantly until
1 cup light ranch dressing sauce is thickened, about 20 minutes. In large
10 (8-inch) flour tortillas bowl, mix cooked pasta with meat sauce. Top
1 cup (8 ounces) shredded Monterey Jack pasta with cheese and serve. Easy Turkey Enchiladas

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Voice of Tooele County since 1894

Call 882-0050 For Placement

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THURSDAY September 22, 2005

• Games
• Kids’ Corner
• Fun Features
• Trivia

Recycle the garage-sale way

• Put price stickers on each • On sale day, be sure to pro-
item and price to sell. vide a table for kids to arrange By Samantha Weaver
• Although you might adver- their wares. You might suggest
tise the sale in the newspaper, that items be sorted by catego- • Those who study such
your kids can make their own ry: sports equipment, puzzles, things say that the average
fliers to distribute to friends and costumes, dolls, action figures, American consumes 24 gallons
neighbors to publicize the items CDs, etc. If time permits, set up of bottled water every year.
they are selling. They’ll also a refreshment stand with lem- • If you travel to the Pantanal
enjoy making posters to hang onade and cookies to lure shop- region of Brazil, you might get
in the neighborhood the day of pers to your sale. a chance to see otters. Be pre-
Planning and running a family the sale. • Find a cash box and be sure pared, though — the otters here
garage sale can be more than • Make a big poster with someone is always in charge of can grow to 6 feet in length and
a moneymaking venture “Extraordinary Kid Stuff” print- it throughout the day. weigh up to 70 pounds.
for your kids. Dollars • Be prepared to bar- • Statistically speaking, park
might be the incentive gain, especially for bikes, rangers have the most dan-
for parting with out- scooters and skates. gerous job in American law
grown toys, books and • At the end of the enforcement. A ranger is 13
games, but your kids will sale, gather leftover times more likely to be injured
also be reaping the ben- items in good condition, or killed while on the job than a
efits of hands-on experi- remove the price stickers drug-enforcement officer.
ence in marketing, mer- and donate to a nonprofit • Practically everyone in this
chandising and sales. organization. country — and many others,
Here are some tips to ***** I’m sure — grew up hearing the
help your kids recycle Write Donna with Golden Rule quite frequently:
the garage-sale way: your questions and “Do unto others as you would
• Set aside time a ideas at www.donnas- have them do unto you.” Poet
week or two before the day.com. Donna’s latest W.H. Auden, though, had his
sale to help your kids book, “Donna Erickson’s own take on it: “I and the public
sort through books, toys, Fabulous Funstuff for know / What all schoolchildren
games and clothes. Wash Families,” is available learn, / Those to whom evil is
items that are soiled. If a in bookstores nation- done / Do evil in return.”
toy has small parts, cor- wide. • Bing Crosby, Diane Sawyer
ral the pieces, put them and Jules Verne all attended
ed in large letters to display in © 2005 Donna Erickson
in a small bag and tape the bag Distributed by King Features Synd. law school, but none of them
to the toy. the kids department of the sale. earned law degrees.
• British novelist Ian Fleming
achieved great success and
widespread fame as the creator
of James Bond. Writing wasn’t
one of his original aspirations,
though; he wanted to be a dip-
lomat. Unfortunately, he failed
the Foreign Office exam. He
ended up working in British
intelligence during World War
II, then moved to Jamaica to
spend his time gambling, fish-
ing and watching birds. Fleming
finally decided to try his hand
at writing and was intrigued
by the idea of secret agents.
And where did the name “James
Bond” come from? Fleming
named his protagonist after the
author of a book on bird-watch-
• The word “camera” comes
from the phrase “camera obscu-
ra,” which simply means “dark
room” in Latin.
Thought for the Day: “With
money in your pocket, you
are wise, and you are hand-
some, and you sing well too.”
— Jewish proverb
© 2005 King Features Synd., Inc.

What was that big noise last night?

Read about it in the Transcript Bulletin!
SUBSCRIBE 882-0050


photography / Troy Boman

Correctly identify the specific location in Tooele County where this photo was taken and be eli-
gible for a drawing to receive a $20 gift certificate to American Burger in Tooele. E-mail answers to
barbara@tooeletranscript.com or deliver or mail to the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin, 58 N. Main Street, Tooele,
Utah 84074. Entries must be received by Wednesday, Sept. 28. The winner will be notified on Thursday,
Sept. 29. Ernest Bergeron of Tooele won last week’s drawing as the only correct identifier of Stansbury
Island taken from I-80 at exit 99.
C4 THURSDAY September 22, 2005


CHANNEL 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
(2) CBS News Ent. Tonight Ghost Whisperer “Pilot” ’ (CC) Threshold “Blood of the Children” (N) NUMB3RS “Judgment Call” ’ (CC) News (CC) (:35) Late Show With David Letterman Late Late Show
(4) ABC ABC Wld News Access Hollywood Supernanny “Minyon Family” (CC) Supernanny “Webb Family” (N) (CC) 20/20 (CC) News (CC) (:35) Nightline Inside Edition (:35) The Insider
(5) NBC News News Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) Three Wishes “Sonora, California” ’ Inconceivable “Pilot” ’ (CC) News The Tonight Show With Jay Leno (N) Late Night
(6) HBO (5:45) “Batman & Robin” › (1997) Arnold Schwarzenegger. ‘PG-13’ Cont’d Inside the NFL ’ (CC) “The Grudge” ›› (2004) Sarah Michelle Gellar. ‘PG-13’ Corpse Bride Rome “Stealing From Saturn” (CC)
(7) KUED The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (N) Washington Week Foreign Exchng NOW (N) (CC) African Wildlife Nature “Deep Jungle: New Frontiers” Waiting for God Brittas Empire Viewers’ Choice
(8) KPNZ Sex and the City Sex and the City WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) ’ (CC) Jerry Springer (N) ’ (CC) South Park (CC) South Park (CC) Cheaters (CC) Girlfriends (CC)
(10) TBS (5:30) MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (CC) Cont’d “The 6th Day” ›› (2000, Science Fiction) (PA) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Goldwyn. (CC) Family Guy (CC) Futurama (CC)
(11) KBYU Little House on the Prairie Women’s College Soccer California at BYU. (Live) “Hamlet” (:35) I Love Lucy
(13) FOX The Simpsons ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) The Bernie Mac Show ’ (CC) Killer Instinct “Pilot” ’ (CC) News The Simpsons ’ (:35) Seinfeld ’ (:05) Yes, Dear ’ (:35) Yes, Dear ’
(14) KJZZ Friends ’ (CC) Will & Grace Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) Dr. Phil The value of attractiveness. News (:35) Friends ’ My Wife and Kids Home Improve. (:05) Fear Factor “Four Stunt Show”
Friday (15) KUWB That ’70s Show That ’70s Show What I Like Twins (N) (CC) Reba (N) (CC) Living With Fran King of Queens King of Queens Every-Raymond Every-Raymond Drew Carey Spin City (CC)
(23) FX Fear Factor ’ (CC) King of the Hill ’ King of the Hill ’ That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Nip/Tuck “Momma Boone”
The Bernie Mac Show (25) QVC For Race Fans Only Jeff Gordon. Tanzanite Jewelry Picture Perfect Problem Solvers Oreck.
7 p.m. on ` FOX (26) ANPL Corwin’s Quest “The Sardines Run” Animal Cops Houston “Survivors” Miami Animal Police (CC) Corwin’s Quest “The Sardines Run” Animal Cops Houston “Survivors” Miami Animal Police (CC)
Actor Anthony Anderson and wrestler (27) NICK Avatar-Last Air Danny Phantom Danny Phantom ’ (CC) Full House (CC) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince The Cosby Show Roseanne (CC) Roseanne (CC) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
Steve Austin guest star in the hour- (28) FAM “The Sandlot 2” (2005, Comedy) James Earl Jones, Cole Evan Weiss. (CC) Whose Line? Whose Line? The 700 Club (CC) Operation Smile Free surgery. Paid Program Paid Program
long season premiere. Anderson (29) TOON Camp Lazlo Camp Lazlo Camp Lazlo Camp Lazlo Foster’s Home Foster’s Home Grim Adventures Grim Adventures Naruto Zatch Bell Gundam Seed Twilight Bracelet
plays Bryan, a guy from the old neigh- (31) CMTV Inside the Real Coyote Ugly Wynonna: Her Story (N) Stacked Class of 1985 (N) Dukes of Hazzard Wynonna: Her Story Class of 1985 CMT Music
(33) DISN Kim Possible The Proud Family Sister, Sister ’ Phil of the Future Zack & Cody That’s So Raven “The Country Bears” ›› (2002, Comedy) Christopher Walken. ‘G’ (CC) Zack & Cody Sister, Sister ’
borhood who shows up at Bernie’s
(36) SPIKE CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ’ Viva Baseball The influence of Latin baseball players in the United States. (N) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CC) Star Trek: The Next Generation (CC) Star Trek: The Next Generation (CC)
(Bernie Mac) claiming to be Bryana’s (38) AMC “The Usual Suspects” ››› (1995) Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne. Movies Shook “Alien Resurrection” ›› (1997) Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder. (CC) (:45) “Psycho III” ›› (1986, Suspense) Anthony Perkins.
(Dee Dee Davis) father. Austin plays (39) TNT “The Wedding Singer” ››› (1998, Comedy) Adam Sandler. (CC) (DVS) “The Mask” ››› (1994, Fantasy) Jim Carrey, Cameron Diaz. (CC) “The Cable Guy” ›› (1996, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Matthew Broderick. (CC)
himself, counseling Bernie on how to (41) CNN Paula Zahn Now (CC) Larry King Live (CC) NewsNight With Aaron Brown (CC) Lou Dobbs Tonight Larry King Live NewsNight With Aaron Brown
deal with Jordan’s (Jeremy Suarez) (43) CNBC Late Night With Conan O’Brien (N) ’ Mad Money The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch The Apprentice ’ (CC) Mad Money The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch
problems with the wrestling team. Kel- (46) LIFE (5:00) “Deadly Web” ›› Cont’d “Identity Theft: The Michelle Brown Story” (2004) Kimberly Williams-Paisley. Will & Grace ’ Will & Grace ’ “Speak” ›› (2004, Drama) Kristen Stewart, Michael Angarano. (CC)
lita Smith also stars in “Father Knows (49) FXNEWS The O’Reilly Factor (Live) (CC) Hannity & Colmes (Live) (CC) On the Record-Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Special Report Your World With Neil Cavuto
Best; Wrestling With a Sticky Situa- (51) FXSPN Poker Superstars Invitational Best Damn Sports Show Period (Live) Around Track FSN Pro Football Preview Best Damn Sports Show Period (Live) Fant. Football FSN Pro Football Preview
tion.” (52) ESPN (5:00) MLB Baseball Teams to Be Announced. (Subject to Blackout) Cont’d College Football California at New Mexico State. (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC)
(57) USA Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Badge” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Monk “Mr. Monk Goes to the Office” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Monk “Mr. Monk Goes to the Office” The Dead Zone “Double Vision”
What I Like About You (71) DISC MythBusters “Breaking Glass” (CC) Dirty Jobs “Worm Dung Farmer” Going Tribal (CC) MythBusters “Breaking Glass” (CC) Dirty Jobs “Worm Dung Farmer” Going Tribal (CC)
7 p.m. on / KUWB (518) ENC “Secondhand Lions” ››› (2003) Michael Caine. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “Cold Mountain” ››› (2003) Jude Law. A Confederate soldier tries to reach his sweetheart. ‘R’ (:40) “Vision Quest” ›› (1985) Matthew Modine. ’ ‘R’
Holly (Amanda Bynes) resolves to (534) STARZ “13 Going on 30” ››› (2004) Jennifer Garner. ‘PG-13’ (:45) On the Set (:05) “Raise Your Voice” ›› (2004, Drama) Hilary Duff. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” ››› (2004, Action) Uma Thurman. ’ ‘R’ (CC)
make her relationship with Vince (Nick (561) MAX (5:30) “Dead Bang” ››› ‘R’ Cont’d (:15) “Runaway Jury” ››› (2003) John Cusack. A man tries to manipulate an explosive trial. ’ “Torque” ›› (2004) Martin Henderson. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story”
Zano) work despite the temporary (576) SHOW (:15) “Heathers” ››› (1989, Comedy) Winona Ryder. iTV. ‘R’ (CC) Weeds (iTV) ’ Weeds (iTV) ’ Boxing (iTV) (Live) “The Reckoning” ›› (2004) ‘R’ (CC)
(591) TMC (5:30) “Fat City” ››› (1972) Cont’d (:15) “Phantoms” ›› (1998, Horror) Peter O’Toole. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Slash” (2003, Horror) Steve Railsback. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:35) “Miner’s Massacre” › (2003) John Phillip Law. ‘R’
physical distance between them. Val
(Jennie Garth) teams up with Lauren FRIDAY LATE NIGHT SEPTEMBER 23, 2005
(Leslie Grossman) to get Vic (Dan CHANNEL 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30
Cortese) out of her place so their im- (2) CBS Late Late Show (:37) Paid Program (:07) Paid Program (:37) Paid Program (Off Air) Saturday Early Show ’ (CC)
pulsive marriage can be ended. (4) ABC (12:05) Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (CC) (:05) Oprah Winfrey (CC) (:05) Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com (Off Air)
(5) NBC Late Night (:36) Last Call With Carson Daly (N) Build. Wealth (:05) Paid Program (:34) Extra (N) ’ The Tonight Show With Jay Leno ’ (Off Air)
Three Wishes (6) HBO Real Time ’ (CC) One Night Stand Sex Inspectors (:10) “The Peacekeeper” ›› (1997, Drama) Dolph Lundgren. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (3:55) Inside the NFL ’ (CC) “Whispers in the Dark” ›› (1992)
8 p.m. on % NBC (7) KUED (11:00) Viewers’ Choice Cont’d Jrnl Edit. Rpt Roadshow FYI Soundstage (N) ’ (CC) Sesame Street ’ (EI) (CC) (DVS) Boohbah ’ (EI) Jay Jay the Jet
Singer Amy Grant hosts this new un- (8) KPNZ Paid Program Judge Hatchett Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
scripted series devoted to making (10) TBS The Oblongs ’ Mission Hill (CC) Family Guy (CC) Futurama (CC) The Oblongs ’ Mission Hill (CC) Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Bosom Buddies Bosom Buddies Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell
people’s dreams come true. In each (11) KBYU I Love Lucy (CC) Steves Europe Declining by Degrees: Higher Education at Risk ’ (CC) Rosemary and Thyme ’ (CC) The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (N) History Detectives ’ (CC)
episode, Grant and her team travel to (13) FOX Bernie Mac Divorce Court (N) (:05) News Build. Wealth Paid Program Paid Program Cops ’ (CC) Cops ’ (CC) A Current Affair Paid Program Paid Program
(14) KJZZ Paid Program (:35) Becker ’ Just Shoot Me ’ Build. Wealth The Parkers ’ “Drop Squad” ›› (1994, Drama) Eriq La Salle, Vondie Curtis-Hall. Friends ’ (CC) Paid Program Global Business
a different town to tell the stories of
(15) KUWB Paid Program Elimidate (N) Entertainment Street Smarts ’ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Build. Wealth Blind Date (CC) Paid Program Build. Wealth
deserving people. That could entail (23) FX Nip/Tuck That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Married... With “Pecker” ›› (1998, Comedy) Edward Furlong, Christina Ricci. Paid Program Paid Program
saving someone’s job, reuniting long- (25) QVC Linea by Louis Dell ’Olio Electronics Today Seriously Late on QVC Opaque Gemstone Collection Diamond Jewelry by Affinity Around the House
lost loved ones, helping a family cope (26) ANPL The Most Extreme “Dads” (CC) Corwin’s Quest “The Sardines Run” Animal Cops Houston “Survivors” Miami Animal Police (CC) Crufts Dog Show 2004 More than 18,000 dogs compete. (CC)
with a member’s illness or even res- (27) NICK Roseanne (CC) Roseanne (CC) Murphy Brown ’ Who’s the Boss? Fresh Prince The Cosby Show Full House (CC) Fatherhood (CC) Wild Thornberrys Hey Arnold! (CC) Rocket Power ’ Rugrats ’ (CC)
cuing the local economy. Heartwarm- (28) FAM The 700 Club (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers”
ing? But of course. (29) TOON Justice League Justice League Samurai Jack Megas XLR Evil Con Carne Courage-Dog Time Squad Johnny Bravo D.I.C.E. Ed, Edd n Eddy Atomic Betty Puffy AmiYumi
(31) CMTV (11:30) CMT Music Cont’d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CMT Music
(33) DISN That’s So Raven That’s So Raven Phil of the Future Kim Possible Lizzie McGuire The Proud Family Boy Meets World That’s So Raven That’s So Raven That’s So Raven That’s So Raven House of Mouse
8 p.m. on / KUWB (36) SPIKE Maximum Exposure ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’
Could this be love? In the new (38) AMC Psycho III ›› (:45) “The Usual Suspects” ››› (1995) Stephen Baldwin, Gabriel Byrne. (:45) “Jesse James” ›››› (1939, Western) Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda, Randolph Scott. “My Darling Clementine” ›››
episode “Reba and the One,” Barbra (39) TNT “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me” ››› (1999) Mike Myers. “Josie and the Pussycats” ›› (2001) Rachael Leigh Cook, Tara Reid. (CC) The Lost World “Into the Fire” (CC) “Tin Cup” ››› (1996) René Russo
Jean (Melissa Peterman) regrets sign- (41) CNN Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Lou Dobbs Tonight People in the News CNN Presents CNN Saturday Morning
ing Reba (Reba McEntire) up with an (43) CNBC Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Paid Program CNBC World The Suze Orman Show (CC) High Net Worth Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program
online dating service when Reba finds (46) LIFE The Golden Girls Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
(49) FXNEWS Hannity & Colmes On the Record-Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Your World With Neil Cavuto Special Report Fox and Friends Saturday (Live)
a guy and starts spending more time
(51) FXSPN Off the Wall (CC) Big 12 Showcase Baseball Report Aussie Rules Highlights Show Beyond the Glory (CC) Baseball Report Chris Myers FSN Pro Football Preview
away from the family. Hit especially (52) ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (CC) College Football California at New Mexico State. (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC)
hard are Cheyenne and Van (JoAnna (57) USA “Legionnaire” ›› (1998, Action) Jean-Claude Van Damme. (CC) “One Tough Cop” › (1998, Action) Stephen Baldwin, Chris Penn. (CC) Coach ’ (CC) Coach ’ (CC) Paid Program Paid Program
Garcia, Steve Howey), who had come (71) DISC American Chopper (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Russ Dalbey Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Little Giant
to count on Reba’s help with the baby. (518) ENC Vision Quest ›› “Blue Velvet” ››› (1986, Drama) Kyle MacLachlan. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:40) “Secondhand Lions” ››› (2003) Michael Caine. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) (:35) “Bio-Dome” › (1996) Pauly Shore. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Inconceivable (534) STARZ Kill Bill: Vol. 2 ‘R’ “Shall We Dance?” ›› (2004) Richard Gere. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:20) “Sugar Hill” ›› (1993, Drama) Wesley Snipes, Michael Wright. ‘R’ (CC) (:25) “The I Inside” (2004) Ryan Phillippe. ’ ‘R’ (CC)
(561) MAX Dodgeball-True (:35) “The Sex Spa” (2003, Adult) ’ ‘NR’ (CC) Passion Cove ’ “Killing Emmett Young” ›› (2002) Scott Wolf. ‘R’ (CC) (:15) “Sling Blade” ››› (1996, Drama) Billy Bob Thornton. ’ ‘R’ (CC)
9 p.m. on % NBC (576) SHOW (11:00) “The Reckoning” ›› Cont’d “Ball in the House” ›› (2002) Jonathan Tucker. ‘R’ Beverly Hills (:15) “Dirty Deeds” ››› (2002) Bryan Brown. iTV. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:15) “Dangerous Minds” ›› (1995)
Like the network’s medical series (591) TMC (12:05) “The Hole” ››› (2001, Suspense) Thora Birch. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Personals: College Girl Seeking...” (2000) ’ ‘NR’ (CC) “Net Games” (2003) C. Thomas Howell. ‘R’ (CC) (:15) “Avanti!” ››› (1972) ‘R’ (CC)
“ER,” this new offering set in a fertility
clinic provides as much drama from SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 24, 2005
the regular characters’ private lives as CHANNEL 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
it does from the cases du jour. Even if (2) CBS (5:00) Saturday Early Show ’ Cont’d News (CC) LazyTown ’ (EI) Go, Diego, Go! Backyardigans Dora the Explorer Little Bill (CC) Blue’s Clues “Baby Geniuses” › (1999, Comedy)
(4) ABC Good Morning America (CC) Lilo & Stitch Buzz on Maggie The Proud Family That’s So Raven Zack & Cody Phil of the Future College Football: Regional -- Colo. at Miami or Iowa at Ohio St.
that’s not your cup of tea, anything (5) NBC Golf The Presidents Cup -- Day 3. From the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Prince William County, Va. ’ (Live) (CC)
that brings Angie Harmon back to se- (6) HBO Whispers-Dark Legendary Nights (:15) “Eddie” ›› (1996, Comedy) Whoopi Goldberg. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Shark Tale” ›› (2004) Voices of Will Smith. ‘PG’ (CC) “Crossworlds” ›› (1996) Rutger Hauer. ‘PG-13’ (CC)
ries television is worth watching. Join- (7) KUED Red Green Steves Europe Passport-Adv. Woodwright This Old House Hometime (N) Yankee Shop Anything I Do Victory Garden Southwest Yrd Martin Yan Lidia’s Family
ing her are “ER” alumna Ming-Na and (8) KPNZ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Safari Tracks (N) Travel in Style Real Estate Beautiful Hme Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
Jonathan Cake (“Empire”) as the clin- (10) TBS “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” ›››› (1988) (PA) Bob Hoskins. (CC) “Dennis the Menace” ›› (1993) (PA) Walter Matthau, Mason Gamble. (CC) (:10) “It Takes Two” › (1995, Comedy) Kirstie Alley, Steve Guttenberg. (CC)
ic’s founders. Joelle Carter also stars. (11) KBYU On Aerobics On the Money Victory Garden Garden Home Smart Gardening Am Homeshop America’s Tst Everyday Food ’ Barbecue America Culinary Cre Graham Kerr Burt Wolf: Travels
(13) FOX Build. Wealth Paid Program Magical DoReMi Mew Mew Power Bratz (N) (CC) Winx Club (N) ’ Sonic X (N) (CC) Mutant Turtles G.I. Joe Sigma 6 One Piece (N) ’ Under-Helmet Paid Program
(14) KJZZ U.S. Farm Report (N) Paid Program Paid Program Carmen Sdiego Paid Program Build. Wealth Dennis-Menace Paid Program Paid Program This Old House Paid Program
(15) KUWB Paid Program Build. Wealth Yu-Gi-Oh! (N) ’ The Batman (N) Xiaolin Showdown Coconut Fred Pokémon (N) ’ Loonatics Johnny Test (N) Yu-Gi-Oh! (N) ’ Sabrina Series Liberty’s Kids
(23) FX Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Dharma & Greg Dharma & Greg Dharma & Greg Dharma & Greg Dharma & Greg Dharma & Greg “Solo” ›› (1996) Barry Corbin
(25) QVC AM Style The Family Room Diamond Jewelry by Affinity
(26) ANPL (4:00) Crufts Dog Show 2004 Cont’d Funniest Animals Funniest Animals Animal Videos Animal Videos The Most Extreme “Jumpers” (CC) The Crocodile Hunter Diaries (CC) Corwin’s Quest
(27) NICK All Grown Up ’ Jimmy Neutron SpongeBob Catscratch ’ Fairly Oddparents Danny Phantom Avatar-Last Air All Grown Up ’ Teenage Robot ChalkZone (CC) Dad-Rock Star Catscratch ’
(28) FAM “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” Get Ed (CC) Get Ed (CC) Kong-Series Kong-Series Power Rangers Dragon Booster Full House (CC) Full House (CC) Full House (CC) Full House (CC)
(29) TOON Cartoon Cartoon’s Greatest Hits Codename: Kid Juniper Lee Foster’s Home Camp Lazlo Grim Adventures Grim Adventures Teen Titans Naruto Codename: Kid Juniper Lee
(31) CMTV (4:00) CMT Music Cont’d Top 20 Countdown CMT Insider (N)
(33) DISN Lilo & Stitch ’ Winnie-Pooh The Wiggles Bear in House Koala Brothers Higglytown Higglytown JoJo’s Circus Doodlebops Charlie & Lola The Wiggles Lilo & Stitch ’
(36) SPIKE Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Three Stooges Three Stooges Maximum MLB (N) Ride-Funkmastr Trucks! ’ (CC) Trucks! ’ (CC) Car and Driver Horsepower TV Xtreme 4x4 Trucks! (CC)
(38) AMC “My Darling Clementine” ››› “Yellow Sky” ››› (1948, Western) Gregory Peck, Anne Baxter. “The War Wagon” ››› (1967, Western) John Wayne, Kirk Douglas. (:15) “Death Hunt” ›› (1981) (CC)
(39) TNT (5:00) “Tin Cup” ››› (1996) Kevin Costner. Cont’d “EDtv” ›› (1999, Comedy) Matthew McConaughey, Jenna Elfman, Woody Harrelson. NASCAR Racing: Nextel Cup Practice NASCAR Racing: Busch Series
(41) CNN Saturday Morn. House Call Saturday Morn. Open House CNN Saturday Morning (CC) The Turnaround (CC) CNN Live Saturday (CC) In the Money (CC)
Leonardo DiCaprio stars in (43) CNBC Paid Program Paid Program Little Giant Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Paid Program
(46) LIFE Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Head 2 Toe (CC) Head 2 Toe (CC) Will & Grace ’ Will & Grace ’ “Shattered Trust: Shari”
“Catch Me if You Can,” airing (49) FXNEWS (5:00) Fox and Friends Saturday (Live) Cont’d Bulls and Bears On Business Forbes (CC) Cashin’ In (CC) Weekend Live With Tony Snow
Saturday on ABC. (51) FXSPN Fant. Football Runnin’-PAC Women’s College Volleyball USC at Stanford. (Taped) The Sports List 54321 Weekly Baseball Report Helmets Off Beach Volleyball: AVP Nissan Series
(52) ESPN SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter College Gameday (Live) (CC) College Football Purdue at Minnesota. (Live) (CC)
Saturday (57) USA Paid Program Paid Program “The Addams Family” ›› (1991, Comedy) Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia. (CC) “The Majestic” ››› (2001, Drama) Jim Carrey. Citizens embrace an amnesiac writer as one of their own. (CC)
(71) DISC Bosley Hair Paid Program The New Detectives (CC) The New Detectives “Raw Greed” The FBI Files Boy is abducted. (CC) The FBI Files Brothers’ greed. (CC) Alaskan Crab Fishing
Movie: Selena (518) ENC (:15) “My Baby’s Daddy” › (2004, Comedy) Eddie Griffin. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (7:50) “Cold Mountain” ››› (2003, Drama) Jude Law, Nicole Kidman. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “G.I. Jane” ››› (1997) Demi Moore. ’ ‘R’ (CC)
(534) STARZ “The Bourne Supremacy” ››› (2004) Matt Damon. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (7:50) “13 Going on 30” ››› (2004) Jennifer Garner. (:35) “Shall We Dance?” ›› (2004) Richard Gere. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) Accidental Spy
6:45 p.m. on & HBO (561) MAX Sling Blade (1996) “The Laughing Policeman” ››› (1973, Drama) Walter Matthau. ‘R’ (CC) “Nuns on the Run” ›› (1990) Eric Idle. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Mad City” ›› (1997, Drama) John Travolta, Mia Kirshner. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Jennifer Lopez stars in the true sto- (576) SHOW (5:15) “Dangerous Minds” ‘R’ Cont’d “Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit” ›› (1993) Whoopi Goldberg. iTV. ’ ‘PG’ “Forget Paris” ››› (1995) Billy Crystal. ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:45) “Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights” ›› (2004) ‘PG-13’
ry of singing sensation Selena, who (591) TMC (5:15) “Avanti!” ››› (1972) Jack Lemmon. ‘R’ Cont’d (:45) “Inherit the Wind” ››› (1960, Drama) Spencer Tracy, Fredric March. ‘NR’ (CC) “Super Size Me” ››› (2004) ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) Romantic Comedy
was about to make the leap from
Tejano music into mainstream pop SATURDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 24, 2005
when she was killed by a member CHANNEL 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30
of her own inner circle in 1995. Ed- (2) CBS (11:00) “Baby Geniuses” › Cont’d Football Today College Football Florida at Kentucky. (Live) (CC) News (CC)
ward James Olmos plays Selena’s (4) ABC College Football: Colo. at Miami or Iowa at Ohio St. College Football Regional Coverage -- Georgia Tech at Virginia Tech or Notre Dame at Washington. (Live) News News
father, who gave her her start with (5) NBC Golf The Presidents Cup -- Day 3. ’ (Live) (CC) Cont’d Golf The Presidents Cup -- Day 3. ’ (Live) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Build. Wealth NBC Nightly News
the family band. Lupe Ontiveros (6) HBO Inside the NFL ’ (CC) Tracey Takes “The Rundown” ››› (2003) The Rock. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:15) “Fathers’ Day” › (1997, Comedy) Robin Williams. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Shark Tale” ›› (2004) ‘PG’ (CC)
(7) KUED Love of Quilting Chefs Afield Daisy Cooks! Scandinavian Everyday Food ’ Cooking-Fire Barbecue Univ. Yankee Shop Hometime (N) The New This Old House Hour (CC) Find! ’ (CC)
plays the fan-turned-employee con- Showtime at the Apollo ’ Soul Train Mike Jones; Corey Clark. “Unforgettable” ›› (1996, Suspense) Ray Liotta, Linda Fiorentino. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
(8) KPNZ
victed of Selena’s murder. Jon (10) TBS (:15) “Antz” ››› (1998) (PA) Voices of Woody Allen, Sharon Stone. (CC) “Rat Race” ›› (2001, Comedy) Rowan Atkinson, John Cleese. (CC) (:15) “A Night at the Roxbury” › (1998) Will Ferrell, Chris Kattan. (CC)
Seda also stars. (11) KBYU Steves Europe Passport-Adv. Smart Travels This Old House Hometime (CC) Am Homeshop Find! ’ (CC) Bargain Hunt Antiques Roadshow (CC) Nova “Battle Plan Under Fire” ’
Movie: Catch Me if You Can (13) FOX “The Theory of Flight” ›› (1998) Helena Bonham Carter, Kenneth Branagh. Stargate SG-1 “New Order” (CC) Stargate Atlantis “Rising” (N) (CC) Alias “Truth Be Told” ’ (CC) News King of the Hill ’
(14) KJZZ Build. Wealth Paid Program College Football Texas Christian at BYU. (Live) Maximum Exposure Not-First Date
7 p.m. on $ ABC (15) KUWB Build. Wealth Paid Program WWE Bottom Line ’ The Outer Limits “A Stitch in Time” Tim McCarver Blind Date (CC) The Twilight Zone ’ (CC) Star Trek: Enterprise “Broken Bow”
Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this fact- (23) FX (11:00) “Solo” ›› (1996) Cont’d “Predator 2” ›› (1990, Science Fiction) Danny Glover, Gary Busey. “Kiss of Death” ››› (1995, Drama) David Caruso, Samuel L. Jackson. “A Glimpse of Hell” ›› (2001)
based 2002 comedy-drama directed (25) QVC QVC Sampler Linea by Louis Dell ’Olio Easy Solutions Weekend Style: Sport Savvy Electronics Today Linea by Louis Dell ’Olio
by Steven Spielberg, playing a (26) ANPL The Planet’s Funniest Animals (CC) The Most Extreme Large mouths. Buggin’ With Ruud “Desert Survivors” Corwin’s Quest “The Sardines Run” Polar Bears Uncovered Animal Cops Houston “Survivors”
master con man who swindles peo- (27) NICK Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ “The Princess and the Barrio Boy”
ple out of their money by posing as (28) FAM Supernanny “Weston Family” (CC) Supernanny “Gorbea Family” (CC) Supernanny “Ririe Family” ’ (CC) Supernanny ’ (CC) Supernanny “Burnett Family” (CC) Supernanny “Christiansen Family” ’
all kinds of people he isn’t. Christo- (29) TOON Foster’s Home Camp Lazlo Grim Adventures Puffy AmiYumi Cartoon Cartoon’s Greatest Hits Pokémon (CC) Pokémon (CC) Static Shock ’ Static Shock ’ Duel Masters Naruto
pher Walken gives an Oscar-nomi- (31) CMTV 100 Greatest Duets (Part 1 of 4) 100 Greatest Duets (Part 2 of 4) 100 Greatest Duets (Part 3 of 4) 100 Greatest Duets (Part 4 of 4) 100 Greatest Duets Concert Artists perform.
nated performance as his dad, and (33) DISN Lilo & Stitch ’ Mr. Whiskers American Drgn Buzz on Maggie “The Country Bears” ›› (2002, Comedy) Christopher Walken. ‘G’ (CC) American Drgn American Drgn Kim Possible Kim Possible
Tom Hanks plays an FBI agent (36) SPIKE “Legend of the Swordsman” › (1991, Action) Jet Li, Brigitte Lin. ’ (CC) “Red Dawn” ›› (1984, Adventure) Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell. World’s Most Amazing Videos (CC) World’s Most Amazing Videos (CC)
working to put a stop to his crime (38) AMC (11:15) “Death Hunt” ›› Cont’d (:15) “Outland” ››› (1981, Science Fiction) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. Premiere. “Firefox” ›› (1982) Clint Eastwood. A Vietnam-era pilot tries to steal a Russian high-tech jet.
spree. (39) TNT NASCAR Racing Busch Series -- Dover 200. (Live) (CC) Police Chases “Matilda” ››› (1996, Fantasy) Mara Wilson, Danny DeVito. (CC) “The Mask” ››› (1994, Fantasy) Jim Carrey, Cameron Diaz. (CC)
(41) CNN CNN Live Saturday (CC) CNN Presents (CC) CNN Live Saturday (CC) People in the News (CC) CNN Live Saturday On the Story (CC)
Movie: Shrek (43) CNBC Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Little Giant Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Tim Russert
7 p.m. on % NBC (46) LIFE “Shattered Trust: Shari” “Hunger Point” (2003, Drama) Barbara Hershey, Susan May Pratt. (CC) (DVS) “In My Sister’s Shadow” (1999, Suspense) Nancy McKeon, Janet Leigh. (CC) “Mom at Sixteen” (2005, Drama) (CC)
The box-office champ of 2001, this (49) FXNEWS Fox News Live (CC) The Beltway Boys Fox News Watch Fox Report
(51) FXSPN Women’s College Soccer Santa Clara at California. Poker Superstars Invitational Australian Poker Champ. FLW Outdoors From Venica, La. Beyond the Glory (CC)
clever, Oscar-winning comedy-fan-
(52) ESPN College Football Purdue at Minnesota. College Gameday Scoreboard (CC) PGA Golf Valero Texas Open -- Third Round. (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) College Gmday College Football
tasy is the computer-animated saga (57) USA “Happy Gilmore” ›› (1996) Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald. (CC) “American Pie 2” ›› (2001, Comedy) Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth. (CC) “In & Out” ›› (1997, Comedy) Kevin Kline, Joan Cusack, Matt Dillon. (CC)
of an ogre (voice of Mike Myers) (71) DISC Alaskan Crab Fishing Alaskan Crab Fishing Dirty Jobs “Bat Cave Scavenger” Dirty Jobs “Worm Dung Farmer” Dirty Jobs Garbage man. (CC) Dirty Jobs “Sewer Inspector” (CC)
who adores a princess (voice of (518) ENC G.I. Jane ››› (:40) “Secondhand Lions” ››› (2003) Michael Caine. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “My Baby’s Daddy” › (2004) Eddie Griffin. ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Kindergarten Cop” ›› (1990) Arnold Schwarzenegger. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Cameron Diaz). Together with a (534) STARZ (11:30) “The Accidental Spy” Cont’d “Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls” ›› (1995) ‘PG-13’ (:35) “Shall We Dance?” ›› (2004) Richard Gere. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “The Bourne Supremacy” ››› (2004) Matt Damon. ’
wisecracking donkey (voice of Ed- (561) MAX “City by the Sea” ››› (2002, Drama) Robert De Niro. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (1:50) “Eight Legged Freaks” ›› (2002) David Arquette. “Held Up” › (2000) Jamie Foxx. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Mystic River” ››› (2003) ‘R’ (CC)
die Murphy), they oppose a tyranni- (576) SHOW (:15) “It Runs in the Family” ›› (2003) Michael Douglas. ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:15) “Against the Ropes” ›› (2004) Meg Ryan. iTV. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:15) “Dangerous Minds” ›› (1995) Michelle Pfeiffer. iTV. ’ ‘R’ (CC)
cal ruler (voice of John Lithgow) (591) TMC (11:45) “Romantic Comedy” ›› (1983) ‘PG’ Cont’d “The Opposite of Sex” ››› (1998) Christina Ricci. ‘R’ (:15) “Beyond Borders” ›› (2003, Drama) Angelina Jolie, Clive Owen, Teri Polo. ’ ‘R’ (CC) Godsend ›› ’
who wants all fairy tales abolished,
even one as fractured — and fre- SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 24, 2005
quently funny — as this. CHANNEL 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
(2) CBS Entertainment Tonight (N) ’ (CC) Cold Case “The House” ’ (CC) Without a Trace “Bait” ’ (CC) 48 Hours Mystery ’ (CC) News (CC) Talkin’ Sports Outdoors CSI: Crime Scn
Movie: JFK (4) ABC Access Hollywood (N) (CC) “Catch Me if You Can” ››› (2002, Comedy-Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks. Premiere. ’ (CC) (:08) News (CC) Hot Ticket Sports At Your Leisure (:38) The Insider
7 p.m. on 7 FX (5) NBC News Ebert & Roeper “Shrek” ››› (2001, Comedy) Voices of Mike Myers. Premiere. ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ News Sports Beat Sun. Beat Goes On Extra (N) (CC)
Oliver Stone’s Oscar-winning ac- (6) HBO Shark Tale ›› (:45) “Selena” ››› (1997, Biography) Jennifer Lopez, Edward James Olmos. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “I, Robot” ›› (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. Premiere. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) Boxing: Klitschko vs. Peter
count of the alleged conspiracy sur- (7) KUED Antiques Roadshow “Memphis” Evening at Pops ’ (CC) Live From Lincoln Center Pianist Lang Lang performs. ’ Red Green Red Dwarf ’ Hardware Black Adder
(8) KPNZ Sex and the City Sex and the City America’s Next Top Model ’ (CC) Tornado Terror Storm chaser. Showtime at the Apollo ’ South Park (CC) South Park “Pip” Paid Program Paid Program
rounding the 1963 assassination of “The Waterboy” › (1998, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates. (CC) College Football Arizona State at Oregon State. (Live) College Football
(10) TBS
President Kennedy unfolds in such (11) KBYU Nature “Trail of the Cougar” ’ The Lawrence Welk Show (N) Latter-day Saints General Relief Society Meeting My Three Sons College Football Texas Christian at BYU. (Same-day Tape)
committed, “true believer” style that (13) FOX The Simpsons ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) Cops (N) (CC) Cops (CC) America’s Most Wanted-Fights Back News The Simpsons ’ (:35) Mad TV (N) ’ (CC) Stargate SG-1
many moviegoers took this 1991 (14) KJZZ College Football UNLV at Utah State. (Live) Talkin’ Sports “Another 48 HRS.” ›› (1990, Comedy-Drama) Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte.
docudrama to be more “docu” than (15) KUWB King of Queens That ’70s Show Smallville “Pilot” ’ (CC) The X-Files “Christmas Carol” (CC) Andromeda The final battle. (CC) King of Queens Saturday Night Live Will Ferrell; Queens of the Stone Age.
“drama.” Cooler heads have pre- (23) FX (5:00) “A Glimpse of Hell” Cont’d “JFK” ››› (1991, Drama) Kevin Costner, Sissy Spacek, Joe Pesci. Based on the alleged conspiracy surrounding JFK’s death. Over There “Spoils of War”
vailed more recently, but stellar (25) QVC Around the House Gem Week Grand Finale Countdown to Christmas
work by Tommy Lee Jones, Kevin (26) ANPL The Big Squeeze (CC) Subtle as a Serpent (CC) Anaconda: Giant Snake The Big Squeeze (CC) Subtle as a Serpent (CC) Anaconda: Giant Snake
Bacon and star Kevin Costner still (27) NICK “The Princess and the Barrio Boy” Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Jeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy Roseanne (CC) Roseanne (CC) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
fuels Stone’s fever dream. (28) FAM “Au Pair” ›› (1999) Gregory Harrison, Heidi Noelle Lenhart. (CC) “Au Pair II” › (2001, Comedy-Drama) Gregory Harrison, Heidi Lenhart. (CC) Home Videos Home Videos Paid Program Paid Program
(29) TOON Teen Titans (N) Zatch Bell (N) Naruto (N) One Piece (CC) Justice League Justice League Futurama (CC) Inuyasha Full-Alchemist Samurai Cham. S-CRY-Ed Cowboy Bebop
Cops (31) CMTV Crossroads Bon Jovi. ’ Gretchen Wilson Undressed (N) In the Moment “Gretchen Wilson” Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Undressed Wynonna: Her Story CMT Insider
7:30 p.m. on ` FOX (33) DISN Buzz on Maggie Buzz on Maggie Naturally Sadie Life With Derek Zack & Cody That’s So Raven “The Return of Jafar” ›› (1994, Adventure) ’ ‘G’ (CC) (:25) “Aladdin and the King of Thieves” ›› (1996) ‘NR’
In this “Bizarre Calls Special Edi- (36) SPIKE “Raw Deal” ›› (1986) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold. ’ (CC) The Ultimate Fighter ’ WWE Velocity (N) ’ (CC) World’s Most Amazing Videos (CC) Viva Baseball ’
tion,” a Las Vegas police officer re- (38) AMC “Clear and Present Danger” ››› (1994, Drama) Harrison Ford, Willem Dafoe, Anne Archer. “Solaris” ››› (2002) George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Jeremy Davies. “Clear and Present Danger” ›››
sponds to a frantic call from a resi- (39) TNT “The Truman Show” ››› (1998) Jim Carrey, Laura Linney. Premiere. (CC) “The Truman Show” ››› (1998) Jim Carrey, Laura Linney. (CC) “Jumanji” ›› (1995, Fantasy) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt. (CC) (DVS)
dent whose home has been vandal- (41) CNN CNN Presents Larry King Live CNN Saturday Night CNN Presents Larry King Live CNN Saturday Night
(43) CNBC The Suze Orman Show (CC) The Suze Orman Show (CC) Tim Russert The Suze Orman Show (CC) The Suze Orman Show (CC) Tim Russert
ized ... with toilet paper. Also in Sin
(46) LIFE (5:00) “Mom at Sixteen” (2005) Cont’d “Ambulance Girl” (2005, Comedy-Drama) Kathy Bates, Robin Thomas. (CC) Will & Grace: Backstage Pass (CC) “The Only Witness” (2003, Suspense) Kristy Swanson, Vincent Spano. (CC)
City, a stolen car is pulled over, and (49) FXNEWS Heartland With John Kasich (Live) Big Story Weekend Edition (Live) At Large With Geraldo Rivera (Live) After Hours Fox News Watch Big Story Weekend Edition At Large With Geraldo Rivera
the owner explains that the thief (51) FXSPN PRIDE Fighting Championships Poker Superstars Invitational Chris Myers Fant. Football FSN Pro Football Preview (N) MLB 2005: A Season on the Wire Knockouts Chris Myers
took the car after she agreed to (52) ESPN (5:45) College Football Tennessee at LSU. (Live) (CC) Cont’d (:45) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) College Gameday Final (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC)
take some erotic pictures for him. (57) USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ E-Ring “Pilot” ’ (CC) Monk “Mr. Monk Goes to the Office”
Law & Order: Special Victims (71) DISC The New Detectives (CC) The FBI Files “No Place to Hide” The FBI Files “Deadly Stranger” The New Detectives (CC) The FBI Files “No Place to Hide” The FBI Files “Deadly Stranger”
Unit (518) ENC “G.I. Jane” ››› (1997, Drama) Demi Moore, Viggo Mortensen. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:05) “Outbreak” ›› (1995, Suspense) Dustin Hoffman. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:15) “Gangs of New York” ››› (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. ’ ‘R’ (CC)
(534) STARZ Bourne Suprm. “Brother Bear” ›› (2003) Voices of Joaquin Phoenix. “The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement” ›› (2004) Anne Hathaway. “The Incredibles” ››› (2004) Voices of Craig T. Nelson. ‘PG’ (CC)
9 p.m. on % NBC (561) MAX (5:00) “Mystic River” ››› (2003) Sean Penn. ‘R’ Cont’d (:20) “Shrek 2” ››› (2004) Voices of Mike Myers. ‘PG’ “The Edge” ›› (1997, Suspense) Anthony Hopkins. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Flight of the Phoenix” ›› (2004)
In “Game,” Stabler and Fin (Christo- (576) SHOW “The Punisher” ›› (2004, Action) Thomas Jane. iTV. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:05) Barbershop (:35) Barbershop (:05) “Prey for Rock and Roll” ››› (2003) Gina Gershon. iTV. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Cube Zero” ›› (2004) ‘R’ (CC)
pher Meloni, Ice-T) investigate the (591) TMC (5:30) “Godsend” ›› (2004) Cont’d (:15) “Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star” ›› (2003) David Spade. ‘PG-13’ “Super Size Me” ››› (2004) ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:45) “Tupac: Resurrection” ››› (2003) ’ ‘R’ (CC)
THURSDAY September 22, 2005 C5


CHANNEL 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30
(2) CBS CSI: Crime Scn Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program (Off Air) From Cathedral MarketWatch Hometime (N)
(4) ABC Paid Program Build. Wealth (:08) Paid Program (:38) Paid Program Build. Wealth (Off Air) NBA Inside Stuff
(5) NBC Extra (N) (CC) “Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct: Heatwave” (1997) Dale Midkiff, Erika Eleniak. (Off Air)
(6) HBO Boxing: Klitschko vs. Peter Tarver Jones (:45) Rome “Stealing From Saturn” ’ Making Of: Rome (:15) “The Peacemaker” ›› (1997, Suspense) George Clooney, Nicole Kidman. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:20) I, Robot ››
(7) KUED Austin City Limits “Beck” ’ (CC) Nature “Deep Jungle: New Frontiers” Beyond the Border ’ (CC) Hidden Turkey ’ (CC) George Shrinks Jay Jay the Jet Caillou “Words” Clifford’s-Days
(8) KPNZ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
(10) TBS (11:30) College Football Arizona State at Oregon State. Cont’d “Dennis the Menace” ›› (1993) (PA) Walter Matthau, Mason Gamble. (CC) “Rat Race” ›› (2001, Comedy) (CC)
(11) KBYU College Football Guns, Germs and Steel: A National (:31) History Detectives ’ (CC) Short Life-Anne In the Wild ’ (CC) The Lawrence Welk Show (N) Education Week Paul R. Warner.
(13) FOX Stargate SG-1 (:35) Paid Program (:05) Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com (:05) Paid Program (:35) Paid Program (:05) Cops (CC) Cops ’ (CC) Cops ’ (CC) Cops ’ (CC) Paid Program Paid Program
(14) KJZZ College Football UNLV at Utah State. Will & Grace ’ Just Shoot Me ’ Cheers ’ (CC) Paid Program Every Woman brutal rape and murder of a prosti-
(15) KUWB Girls-Badly (:31) Paid Program (:01) WWE After Burn ’ (:01) Paid Program (:31) Saturday Night Live ’ Elimidate (N) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program tute. The prime suspects turn out to
(23) FX The Shield “Pilot” (CC) The Shield “Our Gang” (CC) The Shield “The Spread” (CC) “Solo” ›› (1996, Science Fiction) Mario Van Peebles, Barry Corbin. Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program be teenagers who were apparently
(25) QVC Santa’s Toy Shop Christmas Shoppe Quacker Factory With Jeanne Bice Holiday Home Santa’s Toy Shop acting out scenes from a video
(26) ANPL Animal Cops Houston “Survivors” The Big Squeeze (CC) Subtle as a Serpent (CC) Anaconda: Giant Snake Animal Miracles (CC) Backyard Habitat K9 Karma game. Novak (Diane Neal) faces a
(27) NICK Roseanne (CC) Roseanne (CC) Murphy Brown ’ Who’s the Boss? Fresh Prince The Cosby Show Full House (CC) Full House (CC) Wild Thornberrys Hey Arnold! (CC) Rocket Power ’ Rugrats Pizza. ’ formidable courtroom opponent in
(28) FAM Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Amazing Facts “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers”
the teens’ lawyer, whose defense
(29) TOON Futurama (CC) Inuyasha Full-Alchemist Samurai Cham. S-CRY-Ed Cowboy Bebop Super Milk Chan Cartoon Planet Rave Master Ed, Edd n Eddy Atomic Betty Puffy AmiYumi
(31) CMTV CMT Music Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CMT Music
strategy is to blame the game.
(33) DISN Phil of the Future That’s So Raven Life With Derek Buzz on Maggie American Drgn Mr. Whiskers Boy Meets World The Proud Family Lilo & Stitch ’ Mr. Whiskers Dave-Barbarian House of Mouse Movie: The Edge
(36) SPIKE (11:00) Viva Baseball ’ Cont’d Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ 9 p.m. on MAX
(38) AMC (11:00) “Clear and Present Danger” ››› (1994) Harrison Ford. Cont’d “Solaris” ››› (2002) George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Jeremy Davies. Movies Shook “Gidget” ››› (1959) Sandra Dee, Cliff Robertson.
“Addams Family Values” ›› (1993) Anjelica Huston. Premiere. (CC) “The Day My Parents Ran Away” › (1993) Blair Brown, Matt Frewer. (CC) “EDtv” ›› (1999) Matthew McConaughey, Jenna Elfman. (CC) (DVS)
A plane trip to Alaska turns into a
(39) TNT
(41) CNN CNN Presents Larry King Live On the Story People in the News CNN Presents CNN Sunday Morning deadly fight for survival in David
(43) CNBC Paid Program Paid Program The Suze Orman Show (CC) The Suze Orman Show (CC) The Suze Orman Show (CC) High Net Worth Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Mamet’s 1997 suspense film. After
(46) LIFE Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program the vehicle crashes in the wilder-
(49) FXNEWS The Beltway Boys Fox News Watch Fox Report Heartland With John Kasich Big Story Weekend Edition The Beltway Boys Fox News Watch Fox and Friends Sunday (Live) ness, a reclusive billionaire and an
(51) FXSPN Women’s College Volleyball USC at Stanford. FLW Outdoors From Venica, La. Beach Volleyball: AVP Nissan Series Poker Superstars Invitational Beyond the Glory (CC) ambitious photographer (Anthony
(52) ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (CC) NFL Matchup (N) College Football Tennessee at LSU. (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) College Gmday Hopkins, Alec Baldwin) must make
(57) USA “American Pie 2” ›› (2001, Comedy) Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth. (CC) “Happy Gilmore” ›› (1996) Adam Sandler, Christopher McDonald. (CC) Coach ’ (CC) Coach ’ (CC) Paid Program Paid Program their way through dangerous territo-
(71) DISC Dirty Jobs “Sewer Inspector” (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Select Comfort Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ry while being stalked by a bear.
(518) ENC (10:15) “Gangs of New York” Cont’d (:05) “Copycat” ››› (1995, Suspense) Sigourney Weaver, Holly Hunter. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:20) “Back to School” ›› (1986) Rodney Dangerfield. “Soccer Dog: European Cup” › ‘PG’ But the biggest threat the two men
(534) STARZ “The Bourne Supremacy” ››› (2004) Matt Damon. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Mortal Kombat Annihilation” › (1997) Robin Shou. (CC) (:45) “Batman Forever” ›› (1995, Adventure) Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) face is each other.
(561) MAX (11:00) “Flight of the Phoenix” Cont’d Sex Games “Emmanuelle vs. Dracula” (2004, Adult) ’ ‘NR’ (CC) “Mystic River” ››› (2003) Sean Penn. A detective probes the murder of his friend’s daughter. Flight-Phoenix
(576) SHOW Cube Zero ›› (:45) “Sexual Needs” (2004, Adult) iTV. ’ ‘NR’ (CC) “Stealing Candy” › (2002) Jenya Lano. iTV. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “It Runs in the Family” ›› (2003) Michael Douglas. iTV. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) Grumpy Old Men
(591) TMC Tupac: Resurr. (:45) “Wild Orchid” ›› (1990, Drama) Mickey Rourke, Carre Otis. ’ ‘R’ “Method” (2004, Suspense) Elizabeth Hurley. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:05) “Point Doom” (1999) Richard Grieco. ’ ‘NR’ (CC) Beyond Borders
CHANNEL 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
(2) CBS Spiritual Caregiv Bob Vila (CC) News (CC) CBS News Sunday Morning ’ (CC) Face the Nation NFL Today (Live) (CC) NFL Football: Raiders at Eagles
(4) ABC Good Morning America (CC) Paid Program Little Giant Rebecca Gdn Hot Homes At Your Leisure UTAH 2002 This Week-George Stephanopoulos Paid Program Paid Program
(5) NBC Fine Living Animal Advent. Today ’ (CC) Meet the Press (CC) Chris Matthews Spoken Word Golf The Presidents Cup -- Day 4. ’ (Live) (CC)
(6) HBO (5:20) “I, Robot” ›› (2004) Will Smith. ‘PG-13’ Cont’d (:20) “Mouse Hunt” ›› (1997) Nathan Lane. ‘PG’ (CC) Inside the NFL ’ (CC) Nine Innings From Ground Zero ’ “S.W.A.T.” ›› (2003) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(7) KUED Tony Brown Religion-Ethics Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Jakers!-Winks Dragon Tales Arthur ’ (EI) Maya & Miguel Cyberchase ’ Jrnl Edit. Rpt NOW (N) (CC) Washington Week
(8) KPNZ Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Smith Gardens
(10) TBS (5:00) “Rat Race” ›› (2001) Cont’d (:15) “A Night at the Roxbury” › (1998) Will Ferrell, Chris Kattan. (CC) “The Waterboy” › (1998, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates. (CC) MLB Baseball: Marlins at Braves
(11) KBYU BYU Devotional Education Week Roy Reid. Spoken Word In the Gospels In the Gospels Worship Service BYU Idaho Devotional BYU Devotional
(13) FOX Paid Program Build. Wealth Pet Keeping Wild About Awesome Adv. Animal Atlas (N) Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace Fox NFL Sunday ’ (Live) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program
(14) KJZZ Faith-Families Your Life Paid Program Believer’s Voice Ron Hazelton Paid Program Profiles in Caring Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Real Life Teens Build. Wealth
(15) KUWB Wild America (EI) Paid Program Animal Rescue ’ Build. Wealth Sabrina Series Sabrina Series Liberty’s Kids Liberty’s Kids Paid Program Build. Wealth Andromeda ’ (Part 1 of 2) (CC) Ty Pennington is team leader
(23) FX Select Comfort Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program “Predator 2” ›› (1990, Science Fiction) Danny Glover, Gary Busey. “JFK” ››› (1991, Drama) Kevin Costner, Sissy Spacek, Joe Pesci. on “Extreme Makeover: Home
(25) QVC (5:00) Santa’s Toy Shop Cont’d Heartfelt Aromas by Valerie Christmas Shoppe Holiday Home Quacker Factory With Jeanne Bice Edition,” airing Sunday on ABC.
(26) ANPL Barking Mad Stubborn donkeys. Funniest Animals Funniest Animals Animal Videos Animal Videos The Most Extreme “Gluttons” (CC) The Jeff Corwin Experience (CC) Barking Mad “Polly & Max”
(27) NICK All Grown Up ’ Jimmy Neutron SpongeBob Catscratch ’ Fairly Oddparents Danny Phantom Avatar-Last Air All Grown Up ’ Teenage Robot ChalkZone (CC) Dad-Rock Star Catscratch ’
(28) FAM “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” Get Ed (CC) Get Ed (CC) Kong-Series Kong-Series Power Rangers Dragon Booster Full House (CC) Full House (CC) Full House (CC) Full House (CC)
(29) TOON Cartoon Cartoon’s Greatest Hits Codename: Kid Juniper Lee Foster’s Home Camp Lazlo Grim Adventures Grim Adventures Teen Titans Naruto Codename: Kid Juniper Lee Sunday
(31) CMTV (4:00) CMT Music Cont’d Wide Open Country CMT Insider Top 20 Countdown
(33) DISN Lilo & Stitch ’ Winnie-Pooh The Wiggles Bear in House Koala Brothers Higglytown Higglytown JoJo’s Circus Doodlebops Charlie & Lola The Wiggles Lilo & Stitch ’
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
(36) SPIKE Paid Program ’ Paid Program ’ Viva Baseball The influence of Latin baseball players in the United States. ’ The WWE Experience (N) ’ Car and Driver Horsepower TV Xtreme 4x4 Trucks! (CC) 6 p.m. on $ ABC
(38) AMC Gidget ››› “The Breakfast Club” ››› (1985) Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald. (CC) Movies Shook Sun. Shootout Sun. Shootout “When Harry Met Sally...” ›››› (1989) Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan. The hit reality series is back, creat-
(39) TNT (4:00) EDtv Cont’d “Matilda” ››› (1996, Fantasy) Mara Wilson, Danny DeVito. (CC) “Jumanji” ›› (1995, Fantasy) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt. (CC) (DVS) Ctdwn-Green NASCAR Racing: Nextel Cup ing more special spaces for deserv-
(41) CNN Sunday Morn. House Call CNN Sunday Morning (CC) On the Story (CC) CNN Sunday Reliable Sources Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer (CC) ing families. This season, two new
(43) CNBC Little Giant Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Select Comfort Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Guthy-Renker.com Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program interior designers join the team.
(46) LIFE Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Will & Grace: Backstage Pass (CC) “Judith Krantz’s Dazzle” (1995) Lisa Hartman Black. A photographer’s father fights to keep his valuable estate. (CC) Tanya McQueen used to design
(49) FXNEWS (5:00) Fox and Friends Sunday (Live) Cont’d Fox News Live (CC) Weekend Live houses but found her passion work-
(51) FXSPN PRIDE Fighting Championships Baseball Report The Sports List FSN Pro Football Preview FLW Outdoors From Grand Isle, La. Classic Patterns The Sports List Beyond the Glory (CC)
ing on interiors and turning ho-hum
(52) ESPN College Gmday NFL Matchup SportsCenter Outside the Lines Sports Reporters SportsCenter Sunday NFL Countdown (Live) (CC) MLB Baseball: Teams TBA
(57) USA Paid Program Paid Program “In & Out” ›› (1997, Comedy) Kevin Kline, Joan Cusack, Matt Dillon. (CC) PGA Tour Sunday (Live) (CC) Coach ’ (CC) Made in the USA “Does It Work?” Dirty Harry ›››
homes into showplaces. Daniel Ku-
(71) DISC Paid Program Paid Program The Electric Eel (CC) Amazon Abyss A voyage up the Amazon River reveals new species. (CC) Three Gorges: Biggest Dam Secrets of the Great Wall (CC) can’s dramatic style has its roots in
(518) ENC Soccer Dog “3 Ninjas Kick Back” ›› (1994) Sean Fox. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) (:05) Cinenews ’ (:35) “Con Air” ›› (1997, Suspense) Nicolas Cage. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:35) “Free Willy” ››› (1993) Jason James Richter. ’ his theater background. Ty Penning-
(534) STARZ (:10) “Brother Bear” ›› (2003, Adventure) ’ ‘G’ (CC) (:40) “The Incredibles” ››› (2004) Voices of Craig T. Nelson. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) (:40) “Around the World in 80 Days” ›› (2004) Jackie Chan. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) (:45) On the Set ton is back as the team’s leader in
(561) MAX (5:20) “Flight of the Phoenix” Cont’d (:15) “Around the Bend” ›› (2004) Christopher Walken. (:40) “I Heart Huckabees” ›› (2004) Jason Schwartzman. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Down Periscope” ›› (1996) Kelsey Grammer. ‘PG-13’ the two-part season premiere.
(576) SHOW (5:30) “Grumpy Old Men” ›› Cont’d (:15) Toothpaste (:35) “Against the Ropes” ›› (2004) Meg Ryan. iTV. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “OT: Our Town” ››› (2002) iTV. ’ ‘NR’ (CC) “Desperate Measures” › (1997) ‘R’ The West Wing
(591) TMC (5:45) “Beyond Borders” ›› (2003) Angelina Jolie. ’ ‘R’ (CC) Cont’d “Bulletproof Monk” ›› (2003) Chow Yun-Fat. ‘PG-13’ (:45) “Paris Blues” ›› (1961, Drama) Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier. ‘NR’ Stakeout ›››
7 p.m. on % NBC
SUNDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 25, 2005 In the season premiere, commenta-
CHANNEL 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 tors’ criticism of Leo (John Spencer)
(2) CBS (11:00) NFL Football Oakland Raiders at Philadelphia Eagles. (CC) Cont’d NFL Football New England Patriots at Pittsburgh Steelers. From Heinz Field in Pittsburgh. (Live) (CC) News (CC) as Matt Santos’ (Jimmy Smits) run-
(4) ABC GTU Angel in Paid Program Paid Program IndyCar Racing Watkins Glen Indy Grand Prix. (Live) (CC) Inside Edition Hot Homes ABC Wld News News ning mate takes Josh (Brad Whit-
(5) NBC (10:00) Golf The Presidents Cup -- Day 4. From the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Prince William County, Va. ’ (Live) (CC) Cont’d Ebert & Roeper News NBC Nightly News News ford) by surprise. CJ and White
(6) HBO (11:00) “S.W.A.T.” ›› (2003) Cont’d “Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World” ››› (2003) Russell Crowe. ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Wyatt Earp” ›› (1994, Western) Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC)
House counsel Oliver Babbish (Alli-
(7) KUED Foreign Exchng Find! ’ (CC) Antiques Roadshow “Memphis” Nova “Mystery of the Megaflood” ’ Welcome to North Korea ’ (CC) Lucille Ball: Finding Lucy “An American Masters Special” Civic Dialogue
(8) KPNZ Your New House BusinessWeek Your Total Health Steel Dreams Paid Program CoolFuel Roadtrip B in Tune TV Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Girlfriends (CC) Girlfriends (CC)
son Janney, Oliver Platt) discuss the
(10) TBS (11:00) MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves. (Live) (CC) Cont’d “Passenger 57” ›› (1992) (PA) Wesley Snipes. (CC) (:45) “Romeo Must Die” ›› (2000, Action) (PA) Jet Li, Aaliyah, Isaiah Washington. (CC) investigation into who leaked the
(11) KBYU The Lawrence Welk Show (N) Religion-Ethics McLaughlin Group McLaughlin Piano Guy ’ Primary Focus ’ Ancestors (CC) Spoken Word Little House on the Prairie Little House space station story. Donna (Janel
(13) FOX “Executive Power” ›› (1997, Suspense) Craig Sheffer, John Heard. NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at San Francisco 49ers. From Monster Park in San Francisco. ’ (Live) (CC) News The Simpsons ’ Moloney) goes to Josh looking for a
(14) KJZZ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Just Shoot Me ’ Guthy-Renker.com Northwest Team Championship Golf My Wife and Kids Talking Pictures The Parkers ’ Will & Grace ’ job. Martin Sheen also stars in “The
(15) KUWB Star Trek: Enterprise “Broken Bow” Smallville “Metamorphosis” ’ (CC) “Stone Cold” ›› (1991, Drama) Brian Bosworth, Lance Henriksen. Supernatural “Wendigo” ’ (CC) What I Like Twins ’ (CC) Ticket.”
(23) FX (10:00) “JFK” ››› (1991, Drama) Kevin Costner, Sissy Spacek. Cont’d “Holy Man” ›› (1998, Comedy) Eddie Murphy, Jeff Goldblum, Kelly Preston. “Dr. Dolittle 2” ›› (2001, Comedy) Eddie Murphy, Kristen Wilson. Movie: Martha: Behind Bars
(25) QVC Leap Into Learning With LeapFrog Let There Be Light (N) Santa’s Toy Shop Christmas Shoppe Heartfelt Holidays With Valerie
(26) ANPL Face to Face With the Polar Bear Pet Star “Greatest Moments” Talented animals strut their stuff. (CC) Miami Animal Police “Tiger Trouble” Miami Animal Police “Pit Bull Raid” Miami Animal Police (CC) 8 p.m. on ^ CBS
(27) NICK Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Nicktoons TV ’ Amanda Drake & Josh ’ Ned’s School Unfabulous (N) ’ Cybill Shepherd reprises the role
(28) FAM Full House (CC) Full House (CC) “Hook” ››› (1991) Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman. Captain Hook kidnaps the children of the adult Peter Pan. (CC) “The Little Rascals” ›› (1994, Comedy) Travis Tedford, Bug Hall. (CC) she first played in 2003’s “Martha,
(29) TOON Foster’s Home Camp Lazlo Grim Adventures Puffy AmiYumi Cartoon Cartoon’s Greatest Hits Pokémon (CC) Pokémon (CC) Static Shock ’ Static Shock ’ Foster’s Home Juniper Lee Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart”
(31) CMTV Gretchen Wilson Undressed Gretchen Wilson Class of 1985 CMT Music Awards 2005 Gaylord Entertainment Center, Nashville, Tenn. Crossroads Bon Jovi. ’ Duets Concert for this new TV movie detailing the
(33) DISN Lilo & Stitch ’ Mr. Whiskers American Drgn Buzz on Maggie “The Jungle Book 2” ›› (2003, Adventure) ‘G’ (CC) Mr. Whiskers Zack & Cody That’s So Raven Lizzie McGuire Even Stevens domestic diva’s trial and imprison-
(36) SPIKE World’s Most Amazing Videos (CC) “Hot Shots! Part Deux” ››› (1993) Charlie Sheen, Lloyd Bridges. ’ (CC) “Fletch Lives” ›› (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Hal Holbrook. ’ (CC) WWE Sunday Night Heat (N) (CC) ment for obstructing justice and lying
(38) AMC “Look Who’s Talking Too” ›› (1990) John Travolta. (:45) “Tommy Boy” ›› (1995, Comedy) Chris Farley, David Spade. (:45) “The Jewel of the Nile” ›› (1985, Adventure) Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas. (CC) about a stock sale. Neither a hatchet
(39) TNT (11:00) NASCAR Racing Nextel Cup Series -- MBNA NASCAR RacePoints 400. (Live) (CC) Cont’d Law & Order “Girlfriends” ’ Law & Order “DWB” (CC) (DVS) Law & Order “A Losing Season” ’ job nor a puff piece, it has its mo-
(41) CNN People in the News (CC) In the Money (CC) CNN Live Sunday (CC) People in the News
ments but doesn’t evoke enough
(43) CNBC Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Diabetes Life Wall Street Jrnl
(46) LIFE “Judith Krantz’s Dazzle” (1995) (CC) “Love in Another Town” (1997, Drama) Victoria Principal, Adrian Pasdar. (CC) “Speak” ›› (2004, Drama) Kristen Stewart, Michael Angarano. (CC) “Ambulance Girl” (2005) Kathy Bates.
sympathy or enmity toward Shep-
(49) FXNEWS Fox News Live (CC) Bulls and Bears On Business Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace Fox News Live (CC) Fox Report herd’s Martha to be truly engaging.
(51) FXSPN Poker Superstars Invitational FLW Outdoors From Grand Isle, La. PRIDE Fighting Championships Beach Volleyball: AVP Nissan Series Beyond the Glory (N) (CC) Poker Superstars Invitational Desperate Housewives
(52) ESPN (11:00) MLB Baseball Teams to Be Announced. (Subject to Blackout) Cont’d PGA Golf Valero Texas Open -- Final Round. From the LaCantera Golf Club in San Antonio. (Live) (CC) SportsCenter NFL Primetime
8 p.m. on $ ABC
(57) USA (11:30) “Dirty Harry” ››› (1971) Premiere. (CC) Cont’d “Belly of the Beast” › (2003, Action) Steven Seagal, Russell Wong. (CC) “Blow” ›› (2001) Johnny Depp. A small-time pot dealer becomes a major cocaine supplier. (CC)
(71) DISC Building Hong Kong’s Airport (CC) MythBusters “Jet Pack” (CC) Intervention House (CC) The Family Carnival (CC) Little People, Big Dreams (CC) Firehouse USA: Boston As the new season opens, Mike
(518) ENC Free Willy ››› (:35) “The Program” ›› (1993, Drama) James Caan. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:35) “It Could Happen to You” ››› (1994) Nicolas Cage. ‘PG’ (CC) “Fire Birds” ›› (1990) Nicolas Cage. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (James Denton) confronts Zach and
(534) STARZ “Mona Lisa Smile” ›› (2003, Drama) Julia Roberts. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:05) “Ladder 49” ›› (2004, Drama) Joaquin Phoenix. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:05) “Ella Enchanted” ›› (2004) Anne Hathaway. ‘PG’ The Incredibles Susan (Cody Kasch, Teri Hatcher) at
(561) MAX (:05) “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” ››› (2004) Daniel Radcliffe. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “When Justice Fails” ›› (1998) Jeff Fahey. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “2 Days in the Valley” ›› (1996) Danny Aiello. ‘R’ (CC) (:45) Titanic (1997) his house. Lynette (Felicity Huffman)
(576) SHOW Desperate Mea. (:45) “Groundhog Day” ›› (1993, Comedy) Bill Murray. iTV. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “Timeline” ›› (2003, Fantasy) Paul Walker. iTV. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Grumpy Old Men” ›› (1993) Jack Lemmon. ‘PG-13’ starts interviewing for a job at an ad
(591) TMC (11:30) “Stakeout” ››› (1987) ’ ‘R’ (CC) Cont’d “Stealing Time” ›› (2001) Peter Facinelli. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:15) “Barbershop 2: Back in Business” ››› (2004) Ice Cube. ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Bulletproof Monk” ›› (2003) (CC) agency, where her prospective boss
(guest star Joely Fisher) has reser-
SUNDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 25, 2005 vations about hiring a woman with
CHANNEL 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 kids.
(2) CBS 60 Minutes (Season Premiere) (N) ’ Cold Case “Family” ’ (CC) “Martha Behind Bars” (2005) Cybill Shepherd, Gale Howard. Premiere. (DVS) News (CC) Talkin’ Sports CSI: Crime Scn
(4) ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (N) Desperate Housewives “Next” (CC) (:01) Grey’s Anatomy ’ (CC) News (CC) Hot Ticket Sports Access Hollywood (N) (CC) Curb Your Enthusiasm
(5) NBC Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) The West Wing “The Ticket” (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Grow” Crossing Jordan ’ (CC) News Sports Beat Sun. Beat Goes On Da Vinci’s Inquest 11 p.m. on & HBO
(6) HBO Wyatt Earp ›› Hist. Violence “S.W.A.T.” ›› (2003, Action) Samuel L. Jackson. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) Rome “Stealing From Saturn” (CC) Rome (N) ’ (CC) Curb-Enthsm Extras ’ (CC) The co-creator of “Seinfeld,” Larry
(7) KUED Jungle “Underworld” (CC) Nature ’ (Part 2 of 3) (CC) (DVS) Mystery! “Foyle’s War III: They Fought in the Fields” (N) Great Museums Born and Bred Vicar of Dibley Chef! “Rochelle” David, is back with a fifth season of
(8) KPNZ Paid Program Sneak Peek “Unforgettable” ›› (1996, Suspense) Ray Liotta, Linda Fiorentino. Ultimate Combat Experience Sports Machine Paid Program Soul Train Mike Jones; Corey Clark. his improvisational comedy series
(10) TBS “Cradle 2 the Grave” ›› (2003, Action) (PA) Jet Li, DMX. Premiere. (CC) “Cradle 2 the Grave” ›› (2003, Action) (PA) Jet Li, DMX. (CC) “Romeo Must Die” ›› (2000, Action) (PA) Jet Li, Aaliyah. (CC) based on his own life. In the season
(11) KBYU Joseph “I Had Seen a Vision” (CC) Perry Mason (CC) History Detectives ’ (CC) American Experience “Tupperware!” Short Life-Anne Latter-day Saints General Relief Society Meeting
The Simpsons ’ King of the Hill (N) The Simpsons (N) The War at Home Family Guy (N) American Dad (N) News The Sports Page (:35) Seinfeld ’ (:05) Yes, Dear ’ Stargate Atlantis
premiere, “The Larry David Sand-
(13) FOX
(14) KJZZ Wheel of Fortune Paid Program “All Tied Up” › (1993, Comedy) Zach Galligan, Teri Hatcher, Tracy Griffith. News Talkin’ Sports Utah Brides.com Paid Program “Return of the Rebels” ›› (1981) wich,” an eatery names a menu item
(15) KUWB Reba “Pilot” ’ Reba ’ (CC) Charmed “Still Charmed & Kicking” Blue Collar TV ’ Blue Collar TV ’ That ’70s Show Every-Raymond “Species II” › (1998, Science Fiction) Michael Madsen, Natasha Henstridge. after Larry, a development that
(23) FX Dr. Dolittle 2 ›› “Just Married” › (2003, Comedy) Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy, Christian Kane. “Phone Booth” ›› (2002, Suspense) Colin Farrell, Kiefer Sutherland. Nip/Tuck “Momma Boone” comes on the heels of a near-death
(25) QVC Heartfelt Holidays With Valerie Santa’s Toy Shop Countdown to Christmas Clarks Footwear Halloween Spooktacular experience and some new informa-
(26) ANPL Animal Icons “Hollywood’s Prehistoric Superstars” Perception of dinosaurs. The Big Squeeze (CC) Animal Icons “Hollywood’s Prehistoric Superstars” Perception of dinosaurs. The Big Squeeze (CC) tion about his dad.
(27) NICK Zoey 101 (CC) News Special Full House (CC) Fresh Prince Hi-Jinks ’ (CC) The Cosby Show Roseanne (CC) Roseanne (CC) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince The Cosby Show The Cosby Show
(28) FAM “Doctor Dolittle” ›› (1998, Comedy) Eddie Murphy, Ossie Davis. Whose Line? Whose Line? Home Videos Home Videos Joel Osteen Feed the Children Zola Levitt Pr. Paid Program Monday
(29) TOON Totally Spies Codename: Kid Camp Lazlo Puffy AmiYumi Naruto Teen Titans American Dad ’ Robot Chicken Stroker and Hoop Venture Bros. Hungerforce Tom-Mayor Surface
(31) CMTV (5:30) 100 Greatest Duets Concert Artists perform. Cont’d Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Undressed CMT Insider Top 20 Countdown
(33) DISN Phil of the Future That’s So Raven Aly-AJ Concert Life With Derek Zack & Cody That’s So Raven “Bob the Butler” ›› (2005, Comedy) Tom Green, Brooke Shields. ‘PG’ (CC) Zack & Cody Naturally Sadie 7 p.m. on % NBC
(36) SPIKE “Super Troopers” ›› (2001) Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan. ’ (CC) “Super Troopers” ›› (2001) Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan. ’ (CC) World’s Wildest Police Videos (CC) MXC ’ Blind Date (CC) The creature that Miles (Carter Jenk-
(38) AMC “Fletch” ›› (1985, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Joe Don Baker. Premiere. (CC) “The Blues Brothers” ››› (1980, Comedy) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Aretha Franklin. (CC) “Fletch” ›› (1985) Chevy Chase, Joe Don Baker. (CC) ins) has brought home escapes and
(39) TNT Law & Order “DR 1-102” ’ Law & Order “Couples” ’ Law & Order “Hands Free” ’ “Fatal Attraction” ››› (1987, Suspense) Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Anne Archer. Cry for Help wreaks havoc in the house during a
(41) CNN CNN Presents Larry King Live CNN Sunday Night CNN Presents Larry King Live CNN Sunday Night party. Laura and Rich (Lake Bell, Jay
(43) CNBC High Net Worth Chris Matthews The Restaurant ’ (CC) The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch High Net Worth Chris Matthews The Restaurant ’ (CC) The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch R. Ferguson) are taken to an evacua-
(46) LIFE (5:00) “Ambulance Girl” (2005) Cont’d Strong Medicine (N) (CC) Missing “Sisterhood” (N) (CC) Missing “Try Again” (CC) Wild Card “Con Artistry” ’ (CC) Providence “The Good Fight” (CC) tion center for questioning after trying
(49) FXNEWS War Stories With Oliver North Sunday Best At Large With Geraldo Rivera (Live) Fox Magazine Sunday Best At Large With Geraldo Rivera to get onto Sullivan’s Island to find out
(51) FXSPN Poker Superstars Invitational Boxing Sunday Night Fights. (Taped) Knockouts Chris Myers American Poker Championship Poker Superstars Invitational The Sports List Knockouts about the strange carcass that’s
(52) ESPN NFL Primetime NFL Football New York Giants at San Diego Chargers. From Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego. (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) NFL Primetime (CC) washed ashore.
(57) USA “The Scorpion King” ›› (2002, Adventure) The Rock, Steven Brand. (CC) “The Scorpion King” ›› (2002, Adventure) The Rock, Steven Brand. (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ The Dead Zone “Still Life” (CC)
(71) DISC Killer Squid (CC) Killer Ants (CC) Killer Jellyfish Killer Squid (CC) Killer Ants (CC) Killer Jellyfish Beautiful People
(518) ENC “Con Air” ›› (1997, Suspense) Nicolas Cage, John Cusack. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Wild at Heart” ››› (1990, Drama) Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:05) “Leaving Las Vegas” ››› (1995) Nicolas Cage. Premiere. ’ ‘R’ (CC) 7 p.m. on < FAM
(534) STARZ (5:45) “The Incredibles” ››› (2004) Voices of Craig T. Nelson. ‘PG’ Cont’d (7:50) “Around the World in 80 Days” ›› (2004) Jackie Chan. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “Ladder 49” ›› (2004, Drama) Joaquin Phoenix. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) In the series finale, Karen (Torrey De-
(561) MAX (5:45) “Titanic” ›››› (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio. Oscar-winning account of the doomed 1912 ocean liner. Cont’d “I Heart Huckabees” ›› (2004) Jason Schwartzman. ‘R’ MAX on Set “Harry Potter-Prisoner of Azkaban” Vitto) realizes what Mr. Stein’s
(576) SHOW Grumpy Old Men “The Perfect Score” ›› (2004) Erika Christensen. (CC) Barbershop (CC) Weeds (iTV) ’ Out of Order (iTV) (:45) “Bookies” ›› (2003) Nick Stahl. ’ ‘R’ (CC) (:15) “Heathers” ››› (1989) ‘R’ (Michael B. Silver) true motives are.
(591) TMC Bulletproof Monk (:45) “Glory” ›››› (1989, Drama) Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Out of Time” ›› (2003) Denzel Washington. ‘PG-13’ (:45) “House of the Dead” › (2003) Jonathan Cherry. ‘R’ Sophie (Sarah Foret) has two poten-
MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 tial escorts to the school formal: Nicky
CHANNEL 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 and Gideon (Jackson Rathbone,
(2) CBS News Ent. Tonight King of Queens How I Met Two/Half Men Out of Practice ’ CSI: Miami “Blood in the Water” ’ News (CC) (:35) Late Show With David Letterman Late Late Show Ricky Mabe). Lynn (Daphne Zuniga)
(4) ABC ABC Wld News Access Hollywood NFL Football Kansas City Chiefs at Denver Broncos. From INVESCO Field at Mile High in Denver. ’ (Live) (CC) News (CC) (:35) Nightline Inside Edition (:35) The Insider deals with a request from her ex to
(5) NBC News News Surface “Episode 2” (N) ’ (CC) Las Vegas (N) ’ (CC) Medium (N) ’ (CC) News The Tonight Show With Jay Leno (N) Late Night bring the girls back to New Mexico.
(6) HBO (5:30) “Taxi” › (2004) ‘PG-13’ Cont’d Making I Robot “Shark Tale” ›› (2004) Voices of Will Smith. ‘PG’ (CC) “Men in Black” ››› (1997) Tommy Lee Jones. ‘PG-13’ Like Heaven “I, Robot” ›› (2004) Will Smith. ’ James McCaffrey also stars in “Photo
(7) KUED The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (N) Antiques Roadshow Pop collectibles. American Masters “Bob Dylan: No Direction Home” (N) (CC) Fresh Fields Brittas Empire Antiques Roadshow Pop collectibles. Finish.”
(8) KPNZ Sex and the City Sex and the City One on One (N) All of Us (N) ’ Girlfriends (N) ’ Half & Half (N) ’ Jerry Springer (N) ’ (CC) South Park (CC) South Park (CC) Cheaters (CC) Girlfriends (CC) Movie: Forbidden Secrets
(10) TBS Friends ’ (CC) Friends ’ (CC) Friends ’ (CC) Friends ’ (CC) Family Guy (CC) Family Guy (CC) “Blade” ›› (1998) Wesley Snipes. A vampire hunter does battle with a vicious bloodsucker. The Art of War
(11) KBYU Little House on the Prairie The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (N) Rosemary and Thyme (CC) In Performance at the White House BBC World News College Football Texas Christian at BYU. 7 p.m. on N LIFE
(13) FOX The Simpsons ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) Arrested Dev. Kitchen Confid. Prison Break (N) ’ (PA) (CC) News The Simpsons ’ (:35) Seinfeld ’ (:05) Yes, Dear ’ (:35) Yes, Dear ’ A woman in the midst of a divorce
(14) KJZZ Friends ’ (CC) Will & Grace ’ Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) Dr. Phil (N) News (:35) Friends ’ My Wife and Kids Home Improve. (:05) Fear Factor “Favorite Winners” moves back to the house where she
(15) KUWB That ’70s Show That ’70s Show 7th Heaven “Home Run” (N) (CC) Just Legal “The Runner” (N) (CC) King of Queens King of Queens Every-Raymond Every-Raymond Drew Carey Elimidate (N) grew up, and strange events start to
(23) FX (4:30) “Just Married” › Cont’d King of the Hill King of the Hill That ’70s Show That ’70s Show “Tears of the Sun” ›› (2003, Action) Bruce Willis. Commandos lead a doctor and African refugees to safety. unfold. She seeks help from an old
(25) QVC PM Style Jessica Simpson’s Dessert Beauty Clarks Footwear Arte d’Oro: The Art of 18k Gold friend and her mom’s psychiatrist to
(26) ANPL Wild Down Under (N) Zoo Babies (CC) Animal Precinct “Terrier Rescue” Wild Down Under Zoo Babies (CC) Animal Precinct “Terrier Rescue” find an explanation for the odd occur-
(27) NICK SpongeBob Zoey 101 (CC) Full House (CC) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince The Cosby Show Roseanne (CC) Roseanne (CC) Fresh Prince Fresh Prince The Cosby Show The Cosby Show rences and gain some insights into a
(28) FAM Beautiful People “Blow Up” (CC) Beautiful People “Photo Finish” Whose Line? Whose Line? The 700 Club (CC) Home Videos Home Videos Paid Program Paid Program childhood shrouded in mystery. Kristy
(29) TOON Grim Adventures Codename: Kid Foster’s Home Cartoon Cartoons Yu-Gi-Oh! (CC) Dragon Ball Z Family Guy (CC) Futurama (CC) Hungerforce Inuyasha Full-Alchemist Paranoia Agent Swanson, David Keeley and Christo-
(31) CMTV Wynonna: Her Story Crossroads “Heart & Wynonna” ’ Gretchen Wilson Undressed Dukes of Hazzard Wynonna: Her Story CMT Music pher Bondy star in this new thriller.
(33) DISN Kim Possible The Proud Family Sister, Sister ’ Phil of the Future That’s So Raven That’s So Raven “Lilo & Stitch” ››› (2002, Comedy) Voices of Daveigh Chase. ‘PG’ (CC) Naturally Sadie Sister, Sister ’
(36) SPIKE CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ’ WWE Monday Night Raw ’ (Live) (CC) (:05) The Ultimate Fighter ’ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ’ Maximum MLB ’ Blind Date (CC) Las Vegas
(38) AMC “National Lampoon’s Animal House” ››› (1978, Comedy) John Belushi. “The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear” ›› (1991) (:45) “National Lampoon’s Animal House” ››› (1978) John Belushi. Naked Gun 2 8 p.m. on % NBC
(39) TNT Law & Order “Refuge” (CC) (DVS) Law & Order “Veteran’s Day” ’ Law & Order “Mammon” ’ Without a Trace “The Bus” ’ (CC) The X-Files “Unrequited” ’ (CC) The X-Files “Tempus Fugit” (CC) Ed (James Caan) tries to get to the
(41) CNN Paula Zahn Now (CC) Larry King Live (CC) NewsNight With Aaron Brown (CC) Lou Dobbs Tonight Larry King Live NewsNight With Aaron Brown bottom of a chip-counterfeiting opera-
(43) CNBC Late Night With Conan O’Brien (N) ’ Mad Money The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch The Apprentice: Martha Stewart ’ Mad Money The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch tion without alerting the new boss,
(46) LIFE (5:00) “Dirty Little Secret” › Cont’d “Forbidden Secrets” (2005) Kristy Swanson, David Keeley. Premiere. (CC) Will & Grace ’ How Clean How Clean The Golden Girls The Nanny (CC) The Division Monica (Lara Flynn Boyle), to the de-
(49) FXNEWS The O’Reilly Factor (Live) (CC) Hannity & Colmes (Live) (CC) On the Record-Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Special Report Your World With Neil Cavuto
velopment. Monica is already fretting
(51) FXSPN Poker Superstars Invitational Best Damn Sports Show Period (Live) Knockouts Best Damn Sports Show Period (Live) Best Damn Sports Show Period (Live) Totally Football Poker Superstars Invitational
(52) ESPN Monday Night Countdown (CC) Figure Skating State Farm U.S. Championships. From Portland, Ore. (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) NFL Live (CC) Baseball Tonight
over a wealthy guest on a winning
(57) USA Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) “Carlito’s Way” ››› (1993) Al Pacino, Sean Penn. An ex-con finds it hard to escape his former life of crime. (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Monk (CC) streak. Danny’s (Josh Duhamel) ac-
(71) DISC Monster House “Theme Park House” Monster Garage (CC) American Chopper (N) (CC) To Be Announced Monster House “Theme Park House” Monster Garage (CC) countant hooks him up with an attrac-
(518) ENC “Open Range” ››› (2003) Robert Duvall. Cattle herdsmen battle a ruthless rancher in 1882. ‘R’ “The Butterfly Effect” ›› (2004, Suspense) Ashton Kutcher. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Rounders” ›› (1998, Drama) Matt Damon. ’ ‘R’ (CC) tive real estate agent (guest star
(534) STARZ (:05) “The Air Up There” ›› (1994, Comedy) Kevin Bacon. ’ ‘PG’ (CC) “Crimson Tide” ››› (1995, Suspense) Denzel Washington. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” ››› (2004, Action) Uma Thurman. ’ ‘R’ (CC) Rachael Leigh Cook). Dennis Rod-
(561) MAX (5:00) “Up Close & Personal” Cont’d (:05) “Witness” ››› (1985, Drama) Harrison Ford. ’ ‘R’ (CC) “Flight of the Phoenix” ›› (2004) Dennis Quaid. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Ghost Ship” › (2002) ’ ‘R’ (CC) man and Paul Anka guest star as
(576) SHOW (5:15) “The Italian Job” (2003) Cont’d (:05) The L Word “Lagrimas de Oro” Weeds (iTV) (N) Weeds (iTV) ’ “Rikers High” ››› (2005, Documentary) ’ ‘NR’ “Storm Trooper” › (1997) Carol Alt. iTV. ’ ‘NR’ themselves in the new episode “Fake
(591) TMC “The Return of Swamp Thing” ›› “The School of Rock” ››› (2003, Comedy) Jack Black. ’ ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Blue Steel” ››› (1990) Jamie Lee Curtis. ’ ‘R’ (:45) “Confessions of an American Girl” › (2002) ’ ‘R’ the Money and Run.”

� Housing, employment, public notices
� Office: 882-0050

NOTICE Garage, Yard Sales Garage, Yard Sales

Transcript Bulletin Pub-
lishing Co. does not CLASSIFIED LINE AD RATES Pets Livestock Livestock
endorse, promote, or Rates for the Tooele Transcript Bulletin, published every Tuesdays and Thursdays
encourage the purchase GRANTSVILLE, 895 S TOOELE, 385 Highland, LAB/ GERMAN short 2005 CIRCLE J 2 horse ALFALFA GRASS mixed
Twenty Words or Less MONTHLY RATE

of any product or service Poplar Lane (380 East), Friday and Saturday, hair puppies, $15 each. slant, $4000. 849-0317 hay, $3 bale. (435)840-
advertised in this newspa-
per. Advertisements are $ 50* After 20 Words An ad running a minimum
of 8 consecutive issues
Saturday, 8am-1pm. 8am-1pm. Clothes, Call (435)843-1783 or
Multi family, lots of good toys, crafts, baby items, (801)979-6100 ACCEPTING CONSIGN-

the sole responsibility of

the advertiser. Transcript
Bulletin Publishing Co.
Bold Type 5 per word/issue
30¢ per word/issue $
25** (20 words or less)
2.00 per word over 20 words
things. Scrapbook sup- books,
plies, bed. items, misc.

Call 224-3333
MENTS for Fall horse ALFALFA HAY, $2.25 -
LOST: COCKATIEL bird. pasture for Entry Oct $2.50 per bale. Excel-
1st. 15 acres, lush lent horse hay. Call Bart
Boxed ads 50 per issue ¢
Bold/boxed ads extra STANSBURY PARK, TOOELE, 474 East 740 grass pasture, cold at 830-0758 or Clint at
hereby disclaims all liabili-
ty for any damages suf- *Includes the Tooele Valley “Extra” and **No credit for stopped ads. Includes 146 Boatsman Circle, North, Saturday, 8am. MINIATURE SCHNAUZ- creek water, salt blk, 837-2301
Transcript Bulletin web-site 4 runs in the Tooele Valley “Extra”
fered as the result of any Friday 8am-5pm, Satur- 8hp rear- tined tiller, ER puppies, AKC regis- furnished. Also Winter
advertisement in the Classified ad deadlines: Monday 4:45 p.m. for Tuesday edition day 8am-? Craft sale. trash trailer, video tered, white- $350; Salt feeding program availa- APHA PAPERABLE 2
Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. Wednesday 4:45 p.m. for Thursday edition Scrapbooking, fall and games, clothes, toys, & pepper or black & sil- ble. Call Garth for pri- 1/2yr old mare, ready to
Transcript Bulletin Pub- Christmas crafts, wood, knick knacks, misc. ver, $300. 882-4797, ces and more info. 837- break. Sell or trade.
lishing Co. is not responsi- All classified line ads running in the Tooele Transcript Bulletin on Tuesday or Thursday will beads, etc. 224-3181. Do not shed! 2246, 830-2309 $250. 884-9198
automatically run in the Tooele Valley Extra, a separate publication that is delivered to all non-
ble for any claims or rep- subscribers of the Tooele Transcript Bulletin. They will also run on our web-site. TOOELE, 595 East 670
resentations made in STANSBURY PARK, North, Saturday, 9am- MINIATURE SHIH Tzu CERTIFIED HAY, $4.50 HAY FOR Sale, 1st cut,
advertisements in the 797 Lakeview, Satur- 1pm. Huge 2 family puppies, purebred, per bale. 882-3861 2nd cut & 3rd cut. 830-
Tooele Transcript-Bulletin. day, 8am-12pm yard sale. Gifts, furni- APRI registered. 3 2572
The Tooele Transcript- Services Services Miscellaneous ture, clothing, house- males, $400; 3 females,
Bulletin has the sole STANSBURY, 103 Crys- hold items, misc. hand- $500. Great with kids.
authority to edit and locate
any classified advertise-
ment as deemed appropri-
DRYWALL: Hanging, MOVING! Broyhill fir en-
finishing, texturing. 23 tertainment
years experience. Li- $300; Magnovox 26”
tal Bay Drive, Saturday, made sterling silver jew- Don’t shed! (435)843-

STANSBURY, 209 Lake-

elry, body
jewelry, 7509
ornaments to NEW HOMES needed
Transcript Bulletin Pub- censed and insured. color TV, $225; Sony view, Saturday, 8am-? paint, comic books. for two family dogs due Full time career opportunity.
lishing Co. reserves the
30 W. 1 So.
Doug 884-1985; mobile DVD, $50; Onkyo tuner/ Moving sale. Too much Something for every- to job change. Both
right to refuse any adver-
• UPS Shipping

FOXX PIANO Studio is 5-disc

amp & twin cassette
player, $275; Technics
to mention!

$125; STANSBURY, 230 Star-

one! housebroken and neu-
TOOELE, 644 Kingston, 6yr old Brittany spaniel,
tered. Great with kids. Advertising –
All real estate adver-
tised in the Tooele
• Stamps
• Copies
registering students for Acoustic Monitor dblV board Lane, Saturday, Friday and Saturday, 4yr old chocolate lab.
piano lessons & Little speakers, $225; RCA 7am-1pm. Multi family, 9am-5pm. Tools, en- Need homes with lots of
Mozarts. Visit www.foxx HP Deskjet color print- tons of name brand gine parts, furniture, ba- love, other dogs and
Printing Sales
Transcript-Bulletin is • Fax pianostudio.com for more er, $75; Tall 4-place pa- adult and kids clothes
by clothes, misc. lots of interaction. Representative wanted for growing
subject to the Federal • Scrapbook Paper information. Call 843- tio furniture with umbrel- (lots new), furniture, Please call (435)843-
Fair Housing Act of TOOELE, 710 N 1st E, Tooele Transcript Bulletin Newspaper.
5031 la, $275. 843-5070 household. 7844
1968 which makes it • Office Supplies Friday, Saturday, 9am-? Previous sales or marketing experience
illegal to advertise • Money Orders HANDYMAN WINTER PIANO DUO Art, electric TOOELE 840 West Utah Yard sale. POMERANIAN puppies, helpful. Must have customer service
“any preference, limi- Prep. tilling, pruning, player, w/rolls, $1200 Ave. Friday, 8am-? 7wks, teddy bear faces,
tation, or discrimina- field mowing, cleanups, obo. Call after 6pm. Truck, misc. TOOELE, 713 Aspen pure white female and skills. Must be self-motivated.
tion based on race, driveway, worksight, 882-2396 Street (1000 North to cream & red male. Very Computer skills a plus. Salary plus
religion, sex or nation- metal sweep cleanup TOOELE, 1365 N 380 E, 680 East to Aspen), fluffy and cute! $600. commission and excellent benefits.
Saturday, 9am-5pm. (435)882-1452
al origin, or any inten- with magnet equipment. WOOD BURNING Friday and Saturday, Apply in person at the
tion to make any such Call (435)850-2235, Stove, $300; motorcycle 7:30am-1pm. Moving Three family sale. No
preference, limitation We’re more than just (435)833-0436 prices. trailer, $350 obo; beau- sale. Fishing and early birds! Livestock
or discrimination.” The BALLOONS! Have your next
ty shop equipment, camping gear, baby
Tooele Transcript-Bul- party HOSTED, so you can HANDYMAN WORK! $300. 830-1407 furniture, crafts, tools, TOOELE, 770 Vandyke
enjoy it & stay stress-free! Way, Saturday 24th, #1 LUMBER Horn hay,
letin will not knowingly Tree trimming and re- toys, etc.
accept any advertis- Party Packs make your moval, rubbish hauling Furniture & 9am-12pm. Misc. #3 no rain, $80-$85 per
ing for real estate
which is in violation of
child’s next party a cinch!
No more going from store to
and small construction
work. Call 843-5794 or
Appliances TOOELE, 150 South Co-
leman, Saturday, 8am- TOOELE, 877 N White
ton. 830-2559 58 North Main • Tooele
store for the plates, games, Transcript Bulletin promotes a drug-free environment.
the law. Our readers party favors, & balloons - 882-1044 $275 CANOPY BED 2pm. Quality children Pine, Friday, 9am-1pm.
are informed that all now it’s all in one bag ready Black iron w/mattress and adult clothes,
801- washer dryer set, storm TOOELE, CAL Ranch

dwellings advertised for you to pickup! PIANO LESSONS in NE set. Still pkgd.
in this paper are avail- Tooele. Lots of fun! $32 831-0678. doors, old windows, parking lot, Saturday,
It’s wedding time! Make a month. Call Kim 882- saddles, household, 9am-2pm. Fund raiser
able on an equal yours creative and special -
opportunity basis. 0597 2 KENMORE WASHER 10ft metal awning. yard sale for K-9 team.
order your custom wedding
decor and displays! PIANO LESSONS. Ex- and dryer sets, one
36 N. Main St. #5
Tooele Merc Plaza
perienced teacher.
Located in North East
Tooele. $40 per
electric, one gas, $250; TOOELE, 224 Home-
Whirlpool washer and town Court (370 West,
dryer set, $250; Side by Utah Avenue), Satur-
Distribution Center
Tues -Sat 10am-5pm side Kitchen Aid refrig- day, 8am-1pm. Moun- My Friend Wanda
month. Call 840-3208
erator, $400. Will trade tain bikes, 4x8 trailer, Pet Grooming & Gifts Grantsville, UT
REMODELING Base- for hay. 90 day warran- microwave, gas weed 11 East Vine Street, Tooele
MAID TO A ONE of a kind Quality
ments, kitchens, bath- ty. 850-2383
rooms, additions, tiling,
eater. Lots of things!

TOOELE, 288 W 1380

NOW OPEN: Material Handling Positions
ORDER work in concrete, roof-
ing, foundation, side-
siding. All jobs large 5 PIECE knotty alter pine N, September 24, 05.
and small. Free esti- kitchen table, like new, Moving sale.
Unloaders, Orderfillers, Loaders
Requires continuous lifting up to 100 lbs.
walk, patio, floor, drive- mates. Please leave $300 obo. 843-7146
Basic way. Free estimate. Call
10 am - 5pm • Tues- Sat
Wal-Mart offers competitive hourly wages with a Shifts available:

House Cleaning 882-2820, 843-7444,

message. 882-6141
TOOELE, 35 South 4th Self Serve Bath Progression Schedule
Tuesday-Friday, 10 hour schedule (1st and 2nd shifts)
Saturday-Monday 12 hour shift ($1.35 Shift Differential)
849-2569 TRACTOR
Street, Saturday, 10am-
SERVICE, Memory foam Queen 1pm. Craft supplies, Walk Ins Welcome
All baths include shampoo, $11.40/HR progresses to $14.40/HR PER HOUR This is your opportunity to join the world’s
Merrill Johanson tilling, post holes, mow- mattress & box. High necklace making mate- conditioner, finishing rinse
largest retailer, recognized by Fortune Magazine
A QUALITY designers & ing fields and lots, level- density. New in pkg rials. for weekday schedules as one of the most admired companies in the
(435) 884-0440 builders. Framing, fin- ing, final grades. 884- w/warranty. 801-831-
Also use of towel/brushes/blow dryer world. As a member of the Wal-Mart team, you
will enjoy benefits including Associate
ishing work, roofing, All dogs required to be leashed. $12.75/HR progresses to $15.75/HR PER HOUR discounts, 401(k), stock purchase plan, profit
Donna Duke 6868, or 830-1124 0678. TOOELE, 370 South 360 GROOMING & PROFFESSIONAL BATH by appt. only for weekday schedules sharing, health benefits, career advancement
sheet rock, new or re- opportunities, and more!
West, Saturday, Sep-
(435) 882-7721 model. Free estimate. Miscellaneous BEST BARGAIN!!! $109 tember 24th, 8am-2pm.
Call 882-2820, 843- Queen Pillowtop Mat- Estate and four family FREE KITTENS to a Applications for employment at the Wal-Mart Distribution Center in Grantsville, UT will be
7444, 849-2569 tress & box. New in inside and outside yard good home! Very cute! accepted at the following Workforce Services locations: Tooele, West Valley City, Downtown,
pkg. With warranty. sale. Good mousers! Call Metro, Midvale and South County Offices. Or stop by our Distribution Center in Grantsville.
“Best Bet” ATTORNEY, E. Knowl- Riddles Salvage 801-831-0678. 224-4000
ton. Low legal fees.
DUI, divorce or bank- & Wrecking CHERRY SLEIGH bed
TOOELE, 433 Skyline
Applicants MUST be 18 years of age or older.
Applications are valid for 60 days from submission.
ruptcy. $495 + filing Drive, Saturday, 8am- FREE KITTENS. 830-
House, Apartments, Trailers fee. Criminal defense, Real cash for only $275. New in box.
1pm. 4 families! 3922 or 830-3232 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V
Interiors – Exteriors civil litigation. your junk
• Best Prices (435)496-3159.
car or truck.
• Best Service RATES • car & trucks used one year $40.00
• Best Quality BRO & Sis Cleaning • farm equipment Call if interested 843-
Your “Best Bet” in town Services. Homes, apart- • batteries
• aluminum & copper 0663
For FREE estimates call your painter John Handyman & property 9 am - 5 pm • Mon - Sat

cleanup. We can help. FREE Pick- up great condition, works
Call 882-4311 or 884- 3366 perfect, $125. Call 882-
(801)706-4428 6400 Burmester Rd • Grantsville 5273 Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing – West (DDRW), a Daimler Chrysler Company,
CLEANING BATH- KING PILLOWTOP $199 located in a state-of-the-art facility in Tooele, is seeking an individual to fill the
Are you too ROOM Busters and oth- Brand name in plastic position of Process Engineer. DDRW is an ISO 9001:2000 certified, remanufacturer
er cleaning needs. Call
busy for house Tina 843-0985. Dave’s Drugs w/warranty.
of Detroit Diesel two and four-cycle engines and components.
cleaning? COMPJUNKIES is now 30 WEST 1 SOUTHST

LET ME HELP open at 22 W Vine. In
home service, network-
ing, free estimates and
882-0287 Whirlpool dryer, excel-
lent condition, $75 obo.
The successful candidate will:
• Develop manufacturing
Are you taking vitamins, 882-7477
tech support. Lowest
prices. 882-3986 nutritional supplements,
processes including:
homeopathic or herbs?
ance. Washers/ dryers o Equipment layout
Are they okay with your
$99-$199. Complete
Call Natasha ALL phases of con-
crete. Specializing in
repair service. Satisfac-
pharmacy medications?
o CNC Programs
882-2539 flatwork,
tion guaranteed. Parts
STAMPED. Better let us check it out. for all major brands. o Fixture/Tool design
Reliable, Affordable Best price in town. o Equipment
Front loader/$550. 843-
Concrete and repair.
CAN’T AFFORD to pay 882-4399 or 840-0424.
9154, 830-3225.
your mortgage any-
more?? Call Rich Solu- CREATIVE CONCRETE “Yamaha” plastic mod- $400; Sofa with new
SOFA & oversized chair, • Process Improvement
tions LLC. “Helping Coatings; epoxy floor el, ideal for marching. Surefit slipcover, sage, • Shop floor support of
Homeowners in Despa- coatings $2.60 per “Buffet” all wood model,
rate Situations find Real square foot installed. paid $1200. Make an 7629
$150. 882-3897, 830- production processes
Solutions” (801)450- Call (435)840-2606 offer. 833-9216
Place Your Ad Here Call 882-0050 retail! Large selection, electric, white with black
high quality. Bridal sets, door. Very good condi- Qualified candidates will possess:
wedding bands. Every- tion, $130. 843-9946
• BS in Manufacturing or Mechanical Engineering
NEED CASH NOW? thing wholesale! Rocky
Co. WHITE AMANA washer
and gas dryer, $395 for • Ability to program CNC machining equipment
We want to make pair or $200 for dryer. • Experience with process and fixture design
you a loan! FIREPLACE INSERTS, Runs great. Call Dianne
installs. Pallet, gas, (801)294-5057 or • PLC programming a plus
$50 - $3,000 wood. Guaranteed low- (801)330-4072
est prices! Save over
• CAD/CAM Skills (Solid Edge, Mastercam)
No checking account $300, many brands,
Garage, Yard Sales • Established above-average communication skills (verbal and written)
needed. Usually 30 some used,
we install.
• Established team building and customer service skills.
minute service!
(801)598-3473 GRANTSVILLE, 31 W
• Established above-average organizational skills.

843-1255 NOBLE
Clark, Saturday, 8am-
FINANCE FIREWOOD MIXED split 12pm. Misc. furniture,
134 W 1180 N, Ste 13 delivery rounded truck clothes.
load “chimney sweep
This position offers a competitive wage and excellent benefits package.
with load” 884-6965 or GRANTSVILLE, 455 If you are a team player who is interested in a career opportunity with the market
882-3133 West Richard Street
leader in the remanufacturing industry, e-mail your resume and salary history to:
(down by cemetery),
Accepting Experienced, New & Student Drivers 884-3701 or 884-0113 Lots of baby stuff, horse
- LOCAL EXPANSION - 353 South Cooley, tac. Fax to (435) 843-6035
GRANTSVILLE, 532 W or submit your resume to:
460 Orange St. • Salt Lake City, UT HONEY/ BEEWAX, new Love Circle, Saturday,
crop, most sizes availa- 9am-? Moving sale.
Positions will be filled:
ble, see or call Vance or Trampoline, gas bbq, Detroit Diesel Reman-West
SEPTEMBER 26TH Shirley Keele, 882- couches.
100 South Lodestone Way
8am · 10am · 12pm · 2pm · 4pm · 6pm 0123, 50 S Coleman St.
HAVING A GARAGE Tooele, UT 84074
www.primeinc.com SELL YOUR computer in SALE? Advertise it in
COMPANY-FUNDED CDL the classifieds. Call the classifieds. Call “Equal Opportunity Employer – M,F,D,V”
INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE! 800.511.5663 882-0050 882-0050

Livestock Livestock Livestock Farm Equipment Child Care Help Wanted Help Wanted Recreational Trailers
ATTENTION ANIMAL BIG BAY gelding, 9yrs HAY FOR Sale! Oat/al- 1500 GALLON unleaded GRANDMA IN West Er- ENTHUSIASTIC PER- THE SALT Lake Com- CHRYSLER OVERLAND 1995 BIG Tex utility trail-
Lovers! Bathe your old, great hunting pros- falfa: $75/ton, stainless steel storage da has much kind, ten- SON needed for Tooele munity Action 30ft motor home, sleeps er, dual tandem axle,
horses & other animals pect or mountain/ trail. $2.75/bale. 1st Crop: tank w/suction pump, der, loving care and office, knowledge of Program/Head Start is 8, runs great, excellent 25’, 20,000lb JVW, pin-
naturally and quickly. Pleasure type, anyone $85/ton, $3/25/bale. whole agitator, man clean home to give your medical billing prefer- accepting applications condition. Must see! tle hitch, electric brakes,
Spray on EzAll and can ride. $1800 obo. 2nd crop: $90/ton, hole on 1965 GMC child. Try me, you’ll be red, M-W 1pm-8pm, Th- for: Family Advocate – $3000 obo. 843-5906 like new, $5900 obo.
rinse off. No scrubbing! Message 882-6285 $3.50 bale. Ask about truck. $1500 obo. pleased! 0-up 884-0622 F as needed. Pay nego- FT with benefits. B.S. in (435)830-2426
No buckets! All natural, delivery. 435-839-3423 (801)595-6131 tiable. Send resume w/3 Sociology or related JAYCO MOTOR HOME
vet approved, guaran- FOX TROTTERS for (Vernon) INFANT CARE, 25 years references to PO Box field is preferred. As- 2002, 31ft, V10, 9000 Boats
teed. As seen on TV. sale, 2yr old, 3yr old, CASE TRACTOR, 52L, experience, safe, clean 245, Tooele, or e-mail sures that each child miles, like new, loaded.
(801)520-6680 or 6yr old. All experienced HAY FOR sale, first crop, runs well. Includes environment, CPR and to janeb@allwest.net has necessary permis- $44,900 obo. (435)830-
www.thehorsefinder.com mountain horses, great no rain. $90/ ton, sec- spring tooth 14 ft, 6 ft first aid certified. 843- sion for health screen- 2426 14FT ALUMINUM boat,
Free brochure. for the hunt. (801)381- ond crop $100/ ton. Oat disc, 2 bottom plow, 9705 EXPERIENCE THE ings, physical and den- 7.5 horsepower motor,
8710, 884-6801 hay $75/ ton. 840-2298, blade, 12” auger. 882- South, single Mom look- tal exams and assures Motorcycles & trailer, extras, $1000.
882-7510 Must see!
DELTA HAY, 2nd and 843-0621 2938 LICENSED, LOVING ing for live-in LDS Nan- that all children are im- ATVs
3rd crops, 85lb bales, HAY FOR sale, in the care, preschool activi- ny for 3 children, must munized. Is an advo-
125, deliver 7 ton loads. barn. 1st crop $4.50 HORSE BOARDING, SADDLE FOR sale ties, nutritious meals, have HS Diploma, CPR cate to the family. 2003 NINJA 900 2200 Autos
(435)864-3175 eve- 2nd crop $5.00 3rd for with covered or uncov- $200. Good shape, peace of mind while you Driver License, Great Qualified Head Start miles like new $6,700
nings. $5.00 882-2973 eve- ered stalls. Roundpen used once. Call 843- are at work. Call 882- Swimmer, Excellent Parents are encouraged call 840-4293 $0 DOWN! Cars from
ning 882-8204. and 100x200ft riding 0663 6624 Time Management/ to apply. Bilingual
area. Lots of riding 96 CUSTOM Cycle, new- $29/mo, police im-
Communication Skills. Spanish/English prefer- pounds for sale! 24
room. 882-4513, Sporting Goods LITTLE GENIUSES Pre- Christina 404-954-5045, red. This position will be ly rebuilt w/new 96 CI months at 8.5% APR.
motor, $5000 below
CONSTRUCTION (801)230-7878 Kindergarten, 3-5 years. 770-757-4333.
Certified teacher, con-
open between Septem-
ber 16, 2005 and Sep-
blue book, $9500, obo. For listings call 800-
366-9813, extension
HORSE HAY and cow FOR SALE: Gas pow- venient location, in my EXPERIENCED DOZER tember 23, 2005. Apply 882-4851
* IMMEDIATE OPENINGS* hay for sale 884-6570 ered golf cart. Call 830- home, mornings, warm operator. Apply in per- in person at the Tooele
7793 academic/ social envi- son 1830 West Hwy Head Start, 555 East
Springs Ranch horse SELLING YOUR moun-
ronment. 112, Tooele. Bolinder Vine Street Tooele or at
Your Local $10,000. obo. 882-
boarding, accepting two tain bike? Advertise it in
boarders on five acres the classifieds. Call
the SLCAP, 764 S. 200
W., SLC, Utah between News Source 7665 after 7pm.
care located in the NE EXPERIENCED HVAC the hours of 9:00 and
in Erda. Clean stalls 882-0050 has openings for your installer, minimum 4 4:30. Resumes and TOOELETRANSCRIPT 1993 Ford Escort Hatch-
and training areas, child. 13yrs experience. years experience. emails will not be ac- BULLETIN back 4D LX, $1,000,
$250 per month. Feed Lost & Found References available. (435)830-1415 cepted in place of com- obo. 801-865-5420.
included. 833-9216 843-1474 or 496-3470
Layton Construction Company, a premier EXPERIENCED LOAD-
pleted applications.
general contractor, is hiring for the TWO HORSE trailer $500 REWARD. LOST at Drug and alcohol test- 02 GMC YUKON SLT 04 DODGE QUAD CAB
WANTED: ONE child, I ER operator. Apply in ing and criminal back- VERY LOW MILES. F21581B
following positions. 2001 Overo paint 2003 McDonalds: engage- have a 3 year old son to person at 1830 West ground checks are re-
Palamino breeding ment ring, princess cut
be his/her buddy. We Hwy 112, Tooele. Bolin- quired. G21772B 19,995
$ $
stock paint 2003 Shet- diamond with two sap-
would love to care for der Company.
• CARPENTER/FORMSETTER land stud colt 1996 phires. Contact Jill Bar-
your child. Experienced 02 DENALI XL
breeding stock mare. tholomew at (801)971- FULL-TIME CAREER RESIDENTIAL FRA- 04 TOYOTA TACOMA
840-1652 3332 OPPORTUNITY LOW MILES. G21574B
enced, own hand tools, LOADED. G21643B
• CONCRETE FINISHER WANTED: USED Corral Help Wanted Advertising/Printing
transportation to Herri-
Sales Representative
• LABORERS panel, gates, no- climb wanted for growing man area. Please call 04 GMC DURAMAX
Excellent benefits and competitive salary wire. Cash paid. 882- AVON: TO BUY OR Tooele Transcript Bulle-
6162 SELL. Sell to anyone. tin. Previous sales or SEVERAL ENTRY level MILES GREAT SHAPE. G21504B AUTO LOADED LOW MILES.
REQUIRED TO BE CONSIDERED FOR Farm Equipment For information call in- marketing experience positions available, 36,495
$ PU22374A

THESE POSITIONS. Application can be dependent sales repre- helpful. Must have cus- Eclipse Shutter Compa-
sentative Vi Knutson tomer service skills. ny. 843-4540 05 CHRYSLER 300
obtained at www.laytoncompanies.com or at The male dog in this picture 04 FORD EXCURSION
884-3830 Must be self motivated. LOADED LEATHER VERY NICE.
any Utah Workforce Service office. 12’ HAY CUTTER, self was found wandering in Terra. EDDIE BAUER
He was lost, alone, hungry, Computer skills a plus. POWER STOKE FULLY LOADED 22,911
propelled, apron, John
very thin, and in need of a 100 WORKERS NEED- Salary plus commission
family. If this dog belongs to LOW MILES. G22017B
adjusting. 882-2973 or ED! Assemble crafts, and excellent benefits. 04 OLDS ALERO
9090 South Sandy Parkway you, please call Sharon at wood items. Materials Apply in person at the
Sandy, Utah 84070 882-8204, (801) 209- 435-837-2383. 05 CHEV CAVALIER LOW MILES AUTO AIR
5937. If you would like to adopt this provided. To $480+ per Tooele Transcript Bulle- AUTO, 4DOOR PRW GREAT FUEL ECONOMY. PU22294A
Fax: 801-563-3621
One of the Layton Companies
darling guy, Sharon will be
taking names should the
week. Free information tin office, 58 North
package. 24 hours Main, Tooele. Tran-
Place Your Ad Here owner not be located. NICE. PU22438A
EEO/AA (801)264-5665. script Bulletin promotes
Call 882-0050 a drug free environ- is HIRING: 10,357
NEEDED Cashiers starting at $8 $

era on sidewalk by soc- 04 JEEP GRAND
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Parts Corner starting at $8
cer field. Call Grants-
ville Elementary, 884- IMMEDIATELY Mechanic, must be able
to troubleshoot and per- Fast Food starting at $7 02 GMC SAFARI
Certified CNA’s. form routine repairs on Waitress starting at $3 19 23,164
MILES. G21410C1
LOST: BLACK & tan Full time. Must be engine, transmission, fi- plus tips

Tooele County School District hound, lost from 600

North. Any information
caring, professional
and dependable.
nal drive, hydraulic and
electrical systems. Cat-
- Merit increases at
60, 120 and 180 days.
833-9814 after
Please apply in
erpillar experience pre-
ferred. 401k and medi- - Benefits G21600B18,189
TRANSPORTATION - Substitute Bus Drivers: Must be 21 yrs of age, have a high cal benefits. $16+ per --------------- PU22376A
school diploma, a chauffer’s license, the ability to work well with people, and provide
person at: hour to start, DOE. Apply in person 00 SAVANA 2.9% FINANCE AVAILABLE
health/physical information as required by supervisor. $20 background check CORONADO
required for all applicants. District will license and train all applicants. Wage $12.54 is amazing, sweet, ro- COTTAGE GLEN (435)630-6008 ask for 8836 N. Hwy 40
per hour. For more information contact Richard Merino, Supervisor, Transportation, mantic and handsome. Affordable Premier Assisted Living Jay. Lake Point
833-1916. 1892 Aaron Drive, Tooele SOFA BED GRAPHICS PKG. 03 CHEV 1500 4X4
If this sounds like some-
Adult Part-Time Cleaner Positions: Position entails general cleaning as assigned by one you’ve lost, back off HUNDREDS OF acting,
school custodian. Applicants from this announcement will be used to fill existing part- ladies! He’s mine! I’m APPLY IN Person, full modeling, extra, promo- must have driver’s li- $
time cleaner positions for School Year 05-06. OPEN UNTIL FILLED. eternally grateful for time sales associate. tional jobs now! $72-
cense and hand tools. 98 CHEV SILVERADO
Tooele School District - Part-Time ESL Aide: Should have skills in teaching you, Braden. Happy An- Ask for Mary Ann. $700 hr a day. 801-680- Cal Tony 840-0214, PWR WIND, LOCKS ONLY 63
reading and math under the direction of certificated staff. Preference will be given niversary! Dave’s Drug, 30 West 0660 04 SUZUKI XL7
to bilingual applications. Position will be 19 hrs. a week. For more information 882-2096 K MILES MUST SEE VERY ONLY 8K MILES MUST SEE.
contact Sandy Shepard, Elementary Direcctor, 833-1900, X1152, or Human
Resources, 833-1900. Closing date: Open until filled.
100 South, Tooele.
WANTED: Spray tan
CLEAN. 14,256
$ G21060B

ARE YOU Connected? company in Grantsville technician, will train,

Harris Elementary - 6th Grade Teacher: Must have current appropriate Utah $500-$1500 part time, looking for 2 part time Apply at 986 N Main, or COME SEE THESE VEHICLES AND MANY
Teaching Certificate. Position will begin immediately. For more info contact $3000-$5000 full time. contact managers. Con- call 843-7577.
Principal Robin Nielson, 833-1961. Closing date: Open until filled. Diabetic Life Center tact Rob Gravitt Insur- MORE CERTIFIED USED AT

• Diabetic Education
Work around
schedule. VISIT US TO-
ance at 884-0896
WORK FROM home and
Tooele County School District - Part-Time School Tobacco Prevention
Secretary: Must have strong written and oral communicaiton skills, computer • Diabetic Pharmacy DAY! www.earnincome-
LOOKING FOR a career love it! $1000-$5000 725 WEST 3300 SOUTH 1-866-645-6649
skills (MS Office), knowledge of community volunteer programs. Position will be now.com/sjacques
for 15 hrs a week. For more information contact Human Resources, 833-1900.
Specialist in real estate? Give us part time not MLM 877-
Position closes: Thurs, Sept 29 - noon. We bill Medicare AUDIO VIDEO Company a call for details on how
for diabetic supplies. seeking installers, tech- you can get started. In Business Somerset Gardens
Complete line of nicians and sales staff. house training availa- Opportunities
Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent.
No experience neces- ble. Branch of String-
Applications, Job description & information may be picked up at the District Office Diabetic Supplies
- 92 Lodestone Way, Tooele or downloaded at web site: tcsd.tooele.k12.ut.us sary. Residential and ham Real Estate IDENTITY THEFT For persons 62 or older,
commercial work. Must School. “We Train Our SHIELD associates handicapped or disabled*
TCSD IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Dave’s Drugs be professional and Agents.” Call Exit Real- needed. Get paid daily.
The district provides reasonable accommodations to the known disabilities of applicants in
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Individuals needing special accommodations 30 WEST 1st SOUTH able to work independ- ty Home Team at Work from home. 877- * Regardless of age
ently and as part of a (435)843-8326 for more 721-3929 ext. 85. Toni.
should notify Terry Christensen, at TCSD, 92 Lodestone Way Tooele, Utah or call 833-1900.
882-0287 team. Must have own details. Independant Associ-
Laundry facilities, recreation room on site.
Patios & storage room
transportation. Fax re- ates.
LPNs NEEDED, part or 143 North 400 West, Tooele
sume and references to
full time, to work with Recreational
MOUS meets daily at patients in Magna area. Office Hours: Tues. - Fri., 9am-2pm
noon and 8pm at 1120 Vehicles
CABINTRY SUPERVI- Call Pioneer Health, 435-882-7076 TTY 1-775-778-0889
W Utah Ave. Call 882- (801)265-0669
SOR, custom builder, ‘02 17’ PALAMINO travel EQUAL OPPORTUNITY HOUSING
pay $12-$18/hr depend- MEDICAL ASSISTANT trailer with pop out tent,
Child Care ing on experience. Cab- for busy internal medi- beds, self contained,
inet installer salesman, cine doctor. Experi- $7950 obo. 830-2730
experience needed. enced preferred. Please
(435)496-3423 fax resume to (435)882- home, nice for age, 460
enchantment CARPENTERS, 1+ yr
4098 or mail to 1959 N. Ford, 54,000 miles, new
Aaron Drive, Ste C, transmission, $2800.
experience, Tooele
county work, pay based
Tooele, Utah 84074. Must see! 307 Caldwell We have a vacancy.
ATTN: KINSEY Drive. We are accepting applications for 1-bdrm
on experience. Call
843-1383 MEDICAL ASSISTANT, 1979 8FT camper, oven, apartments for seniors,
ft/pt, pediatric skills a
CLERICAL/ WORK from plus, Tooele area. Fax stove, 3 way fridge, handicapped or disabled.
home. Extra income. resume to 833-0499 bathroom w/toilet. $450
Help national company Attn Carrie. obo. Call Brian at 830-
locate and assist 1936 or after 5pm, 882- 236 W. Plum, Grantsville • 884-6236
where minds and HUD/FHA clients owed PART TIME cook need- 2024
spirits grow refunds. Need internet ed at Cottage Glen.
1982 ITASCA, 24ft motor
and 1-2 hours a day. Hours vary. Call 882-
home. Loaded. Includes
Monday-Thursday Nationwide. (435)843- 7990.
ac and built in Onan

The Kirk
AM & PM classes PLUMBER/ PIPE fitter must
generator. Moving,
CNA CLASSES day, Journeyman plumber/ sell. $4000.
3-5 year olds evening or weekend pipe fitter needed for lo- (435)830-2940
Quiet, Quality apartments in a
accepted classes, 2 week course. cal construction compa- 1982 PACE Arrow moto- restored historic structure
Claudia (801)964-1940, ny. Must have own rhome, 29ft, 47,000
information line tools, truck and clean miles, generator, dual
Call Kim (801)849-1160 driving record. Must be ac’s, microwave, sleeps
The Best Places at the Best Prices
for details www.ccCNA.com willing to travel. Must 8, $7900 obo. 882-6831 Completely Furnished
pass physical and drug Weekly & Monthly Rates
CONSTRUCTION LA- test. Full benefits pack- 1990 NATIONAL RV mo-
843-9751 BORER wanted, must age available. Phone tor home, 31ft, sleeps 6,
be able to effectively 801-323-1719 (Tooele) low mileage, new awn- 57 West Vine • Tooele • 882-1372
or perform physical labor or 801-972-2727 (Salt ing, tires, air bags.
830-6833 activities. Own transpor- Lake) for applications. Great
tation not required if in Wages are negotiable.
$17,000. 833-0413,
Tooele. (435)224-4227 840-5130
ABC KIDS Preschool is SLCAP HEAD Start in
CUSTOMER SERVICE/ Wendover has an open- 2004 27FT Wilderness,
still enrolling! Full ciricu- lending representative ing for Lead Teacher. loaded, $17,000. 882-
lam including sign lan- needed for full time po- CDA Required, AA/BS 5328 ask for Denise.
guage. Experienced sition. Must have excel- degree preferred in Ear-
teachers. We make lent customer service ly Childhood Develop- 4 SALE: Classic 1958
learning fun AND edu- skills, cash handling, ment. This position will Zenith travel trailer,
cational. 850-9491 10-key and computer open September 20, sleeps 4, 16ft, good
skills. Requires HS di- 2005 and will stay open condition, $750 obo.
CHILD CARE openings, ploma or GED equivi- until filled. Apply in per- Call
ages 2-9. Call Sandra
lant. Variable shifts be- son at the Wendover (801)688-0093
tween 8:30am-7:30pm, Head Start Program,
CHILD CARE, state li-
Mon-Sat. $8/hr. Please 131 S. Wildcat Blvd. 94 DUTCHMAN Classic, Now Renting
censed, 25yrs exp, has
fax resume to (435)882- Between the hours of 25’, fully loaded, $5500
openings from ages 1- 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. obo. Call 843-5972 Exclusively for Seniors
6. Open 4am-5:30pm 5 Drug Testing and Crimi-
days a week, bussing to
ELDERLY CAREGIVER nal background check is 99 STARCRAFT Field
needed for elderly gen- required. Stream pop-up truck Pet Friendly
school. 882-5055 tleman, 1 to 2 days a camper, heater, fridge, Call for details. pp
week, some weekends, WANTED: BODY Wax stove, jacks, very nice
NANNY FOR Hire. 882-
in Grantsville. 884- technician. Apply at 986 unit, like new, $3000. (435)843-0717
0965, 884-0193 N Main or call 843-7577 833-0188

Autos Autos Autos Autos Vehicle Parts Apartments for Homes for Rent Homes for Rent Homes for Rent
ado, power everything, Cab 4x4, 454, 212k mi., ta LSFS. Take over 1990, runs great, 6cyl, NTR tires. 245/75X16 3bdrm, 2bth town- w/carport, clean nice bedroom homes on Bedroom mobile
leather interior, factory runs great, clean, no payments. 843-9230 ac, auto everything, $600 OBO Tires have homes, 2 car garage, neighborhood. Available horse property in homes, from $300/mo.
installed cd player and leaks, one owner, fifth $1400 obo. Call Charly 4,000 miles on them ac, enclosed yard, Oct 1. $750/mo, Grantsville, 2 car ga- Grantsville. Call Aliza at
Bose speakers, runs wheel hitch, custom or Tammie (435)882- 840-1673 hookups, starting at $500/dep. 830-5912 or rage. Lots of upgrades. (435)224-4804
great. Retail $3400, stereo. (435)224-4479
asking $1700 obo. 840-
1994 ISUZU Trooper SE,
FOR SALE! 0416, (435)496-0206

MUST SELL 2003 Mitsu-

Apartments for
$399. 882-4004 (801)573-8607

QUIET 2BDRM Apart- 3BDRM, 1.5BTH apart-

Call Joseph (801)414-
4800 RENT TO Own, great
family home w/fireplace,
220k miles, heated bishi Spider Eclipse Rent ment, no smoking, no ment, $775 month, ONE BEDROOM house, Northeast section of
1991 Plymouth Acclaim, leather seats, moon convertible. Loaded. $450/MO, 2BDRM, 2 drinking, no pets. For $400 deposit, utilities in- $375 a month plus utilit- Tooele. 4bdrm, 1bth.
or 1988 Suzuki Samurai roof, power everything. Great on gas. 224-9995 plex apartment in further information cluded, central air, w/d ies, $200 cleaning de- Only $875/mo. Call
-Best offers. Contact Blue Book $4500, ask- Best offer. Tooele, has big pantry please call 882-4986 hookups, no pets or posit. No smoking, no Fresh Start Homes, El-
Jim at 833-9524 ing $3800. 840-4247 Sell Your Car Here for and wash room. 850- leave a messages smoking. Kim 882-3796 pets. Referrals neces- len 1-888-597-6021.

$ 80*
sary. 882-3106 or 224- Remax Results.
1997 DODGE 1500 SST, boat in the classifieds. ROOMMATE WANTED 3BDRM, 1BTH Town- 4657
135k miles, lots of ex- Call 882-0050 to share home, no house, rent option to RENT TO Own, North-
tero, 163k, all power
tras, $5500 obo. 840- ea. 1 BEDROOM basement,
173 S. 1st St. kitchen- smoking. Satellite TV buy. See 8 possible. All OVERLAKE 5bdrm 3bth, east section of Tooele,
and 4wd works perfect-
ly. $900 obo. Call Marc
at 801-520-7336
Call 882-0050 ette, washer, dryer. Ca-
ble tv. $475/mo, $200
and DSL. Call Dave appliances
882-4473 w/d.
included, 2 story house, 2 car ga- only 5yrs old. Central
(435)882-0190, rage, fenced, $1050. air, Pergo floors, 3bdrm,
*Based on 13 issue contract. deposit. 882-6141 ROOMMATE WANTED, (801)699-7884 Available October 1st. 2bth, 2 car garage & RV
1993 FORD Explorer gourmet kitchen, wash- 17 East Aaron Drive parking. Fully fenced,
please leave messages.

Hunting for a
4x4, V6, power win- er, dryer, full entertain- 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile 1600 North jetted tub, $1250/mo.
2001 HONDA Odyssey dows, power doors, ment center, bath, pri- home for rent, no smok- Davidson Realty Call Fresh Start Homes,
1BDRM APT, utilities in-
EX, immaculate, one sunroof, tow package,
deal on a new owner, all power op- etc. Looks and runs
tions, keyless entry, great. Loaded, with ex-
cluded except electrici-
ty, no smoking, no pets,
vate. No smoking, ing/ pets. 882-1550
drugs, alcohol, pets.
3BDRM, 2BTH with car-
(801)466-5078 Ellen, 1-888-597-6021.
Remax Results.

home? TCS, remote start, tras. $3500 obo. 843-

59,500 mi. $16,100 9061, 830-8114
$385/mo. 882-5104

1BDRM, CLEAN, fur-

male only 840-2011
port, newly remodeled,
ROOMS $800 per month plus
obo. (435)882-9966 per deposit. 407 West Ri-
Find HUD & Bank owned homes 2001 SUZUKI Esteem 1998 GMC Jimmy SLS,
nished apartment, w/d,
air, cable and extra
available, $70
week, $10 key deposit, chard Street. (435)884- Palomino Home For Sale
at tooelebankownedhomes.com GL. Great commuter great condition, $5300
storage. $500. 261 Mar-
first and last week- total 3955, (801)580-5820 or 430 N. Wrathall Cir., G-ville Palomino Ranch Sub.
Interest rates are low, now is the car. Super gas mile- obo. 850-9973
vista Lane. Call 882-
$150 to move in. 46 N (435)849-1293
time to buy. age. 63k miles, 4 Broadway. 882-7605
98 JEEP Wrangler, air, 1036 for more informa- 4BDRM, 2.5BTH, Stans-
door, ac, automatic.
Call now for your free hardtop, cd, excellent tion. SPECIAL 2bdrm apt, bury Park home, depos-
Kelley Blue Book:
condition, $11,000. 849- $200 move in allow- it. $1100/mo. 843-2434
market analysis. Ask about our $4180. Asking $3150.
0317 1BDRM, Walk-In closets,
ance. $500/mo, $400
fall listing special. Call Tedd 843-7630 or new rug and paint, qui-
(801)988-6455 deposit. Accepts hous- BACHELOR APART-
Trucks et, bright, cozy, from
ing. 328 E Main, MENT 158 N Garden,
$415. No smoking. Vine
2002 DODGE Durango Grantsville. Call or office space, 580sqft
Street Courtyard, 34
SLT, 23,000 miles, 1974 FORD F100 4x4, West Vine, Tooele. (801)815-2928, 435- w/restroom, parking,
Real Estate 884-0432. $400 plus electricity, 1.5 acres of horse property. European Maple Cabinets throughout. 4 bdrm,
leather seats, great 2300 miles on 390 en- (801)205-3883 centrally located. 882- 2.5 bths, apx. 2,500 sq. ft. finished plus full unfinished basement, 2 car
condition, third row gine. Asking $1000 garage, tile throughout kitchen & bths, large laundry/mud room, steel
seat. $16,000 obo. Call obo. 830-5405 Homes for Rent 5496 fabricated lighted arena. Call Kyle 435-840-0213, by appt. only.

Chris & Pat or Kathy 882-7396 BEAUTIFUL CLEAN, 4BDRM, also

7 night
1989 FORD Ranger, ps, 1 & 2 bedroom
Berna Sloan
2bdrm, deposit $300.
98 JEEP Wrangler, Sa- pb, ac, runs good, $$WHY RENT when
apartments!! Rent $800/mo,
hara edition, 3 tops, $1500. 849-1385 you can buy? O down
$500/mo. Garage,
programs, not perfect

p e
hard, soft, safari, !! NO SEPT. RENT !! hookups. For more in-

credit. Single parent

am/fm/cd w/sound bar, 1995 FORD F150, single

Completely Remodeled formation or to see, call

cruise, ac, $9500 firm. cab truck, great condi- NEW fridge, stove, programs. Call for de-
Venice 882-1279.
www.tooelebankownedhomes.com After 5pm: 882-5045 tion, 150,000+ miles. dishwasher, cabinets, tails. Berna or Chris
$5800 Call (435)843- carpet & patio. 435-840-5029 Group FOR RENT: 3 bedroom
8026 Absolutely Gorgeous! The 1 Real Estate house, full basement, 1
best value in ALL of
to paradise for two!
Wide Open Spaces in the Country Tooele. bath. $850 per month.
1997 F250 Extended $775 3BDRM, 1.5bth, ac,
We LOVE Children. (435)882-3521
Cab, powerstroke large yard, near school,
w/banks power up- (801) 358-8592 no smoking, pets nego- Receive a complimentary 7 night cruise to paradise*

grade. Mint condition, tiable. $600 deposit. GRANTSVILLE, 3BDRM when you purchase this home!!! Monthly payments as
Horse Property/ Building Lot 260 N. 100 E., Tooele

110k. See pics at Available October 1. 1bth, $700/mo,
5650 Burmester Road, Gville low as $442 P&I on an FHA 3 year arm!
www.thehorsefinder. 2 AND 3bdrm apart- 833-0624 $500/dep, no pets, ref-

• 19.31 Acres com. Call 833-9157 ments behind Super erences and lease re-

Wal-Mart. On select $795/MO, INCLUDES quired. 884-3350, 882-
• 1.4 acre ft. Water rights
90 CHEVY, 6 inch lift, units $99 moves you taxes and insurance, 1695
$ 35” tires, power every- in. Some apartments 3bdrm, 1.5bth, finished
thing, ac, dvd/tv, subs includes all utilities. backyard, w/garage, GRANTSVILLE, GOR-

10”, rear locker, new Swimming pool, hot great neighborhood, GEOUS new custom
$ tires, runs great, clean, must see! Call home, 3bdrm, rent to
tub, exercise room,
chrome roll bar. Great playground, full club- Chance at (435)882- own available, starting

5648 Burmester Road, Gville truck, rebuilt engine and house. 843-4400 3741 at $1100/mo. Shawn
• 22.90 Acres
t Y transmission. Asking LAKEPOINT DUPLEX 888-822-8211 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, Home warranty included,
Lis re
$5800 obo. Call 830- 2BDRM DUPLEX $600, with Horse Property
• Horse Property large attached garage, very cute modular on its
H Newly MOVE IN Special - 1
3239 w/full basement. No (if desired).
• 6 bedroom own lot, located in Grantsville - minutes away from

smoking or pets. built 2bdrm, 1bth, 1 month free for this one
96 FORD F150, V8, Grantsville. 884-5552. bedroom apartment - new Wal-Mart Distribution Center.
• 4 bathroom car garage, tile, soft
• Too many upgrades to list
170k miles, $1600 obo.
850-9455, (801)558- 2BDRM DUPLEX,
water, fully landscap-
ed, w/d hookups, Di-
Good location, all utilit-
ies included. $450 a List Price $97,000
2063 clean, quiet, w/d hook- rectTV, unfinished month for rent. Security

Call Brent Williams at 435-843-9276 Vehicle Parts

ups, $500/mo. basement for storage, Deposit of $400. Call For More info contact
(435)224-2163 Carole 882-7875 ext
central air, full appli-
123. Seana Westerman
2BDRM DUPLEX, new ance package, nice,
FIBERGLASS SHELL for cabinets, paint and clean, must see to be-
shortbed Ford truck, carpet, a/c, dishwash- lieve! 1yr lease, no *Cruise provided by Premier Mortgage
pets/ smoking, Services with each closed loan
$150. 840-3514 er, w/d hookups.
$595/mo. Move in bo- $795/mo includes wa-
nus. 882-0366, 830- ter/sewer. Rex
2665 (801)508-9004.

2BDRM, 1BTH, rent in- 2 & 5 BEDROOM rentals Taking the STRESS, Keeping you YOUNG
Real cludes all
utilities. available. Call Talena
(435)830-8113at Pru-
dential Utah Real Es-
Estate for 2BDRM, 2BTH, large tate
rooms, washer, dryer FEATURED HOME
Your hookups, central air, 2 HOMES for rent,
dishwasher, storage 3bdrm, 2bth, 2 car ga-
Water rages, $875/mo, 944
• 5 bed 2 bath - Model Home Look

McAffee Realtors World

unit, Parking. • Master suite with grand bath
paid. $575/mo. No pets. West 420 South or 477 and jetted tub
(435)840-3010 West 740 South. Call • Laundry on same floor as bdrms
Joe at (801)254-1009 or • 2 car attached garage and a two
3BDRM 2BTH Tooele Carl at (801)792-5548 car detached garage in back
apartment, fenced yard, • Huge finished yard
301 South Main central air, hookups,
carport, shed, one pet,
2BDRM COZY home,
w/d, nice neighborhood,
• Bring your fussiest buyers
• Walk In Closet with organizer

NEW LISTING $75,000. Affordable

water/ garbage provid-
ed. $600/mo $400/dep.
large backyard, covered
parking, $600/month
plus deposit. 849-1394
• Won’t Last Long!

commercial property, great 884-0193

Main Street location, 1200 Margene Colledge
830- 2521 2BDRM, 2BTH modular
3BDRM, NO Smoking, home, fenced yard, very
sq. ft. Building set on 1/4 soft water, laundry nice, 1 small pet al-
acre lot with loads of hookups, microwave, lowed, no smoking,

potential. dishwasher, storage, $665/mo. (801)671-
fenced, off street park- 9847, (801)569-9040.
Call Craig 496-0721.
ing. 1 indoor pet nego-
tiatable. $640 833- 3-BDRM, 2-BATH new U
871 S. Vickory View, Rush Valley
Craig Rydalch 9393 home in Rush Valley.
496- 0721

Horse property, 40- 3 Bdrm 2 Bath
4 PLEX Apartment for acres, • 2 Story Beauty • 3 Bdrm 2 1/2 Bath
shop/garage, • Best Neighborhood - NE End of Town
rent, 2bdrm, 1bth, fire- fenced/gated, plenty of • Laundry Room With Bedrooms
$449,000. 2900 sq. ft. of place, $605; 1bdrm, water, corral.
• Room To Grow - 4th Bdrm Started • Stainless Steel Appliances
unbelievable quiet country living in 1bth, $475. Water and $1,100/month plus de- Call Karen 830-0615 Call Karen 830-0615
this 2005 Rambler sitting on 98 acres gas paid. Aaron Nelson posit. 702-290-3097
of awesome 360 views. Wild life (801)971-4075 R N
abundant property that borders BLM Jeannine Johnson
830- 6369 3BDRM 1BTH, fenced, UN RUCT
& Wasatch National Forest. It’s like
APT FOR RENT, 2 central air, all applian-
owning your own mountain. 30 CO
minutes from town. bdrm, 1 bath, govern- ces plus w/d. No smok-
ment subsidized. 211 ing. $860/mo, includes
Call Craig 496-0721. S. Hale, Grantsville. water, sewer, garbage.
Call Tammi 884-1712. 870 W 810 S. 884-3045
Equal Housing Opp.
Your Construction RAMBLER
Specialist NEW T R
Karen Perry

830- 7846
43 E 500 North. 2bdrm ing/ pets, 482 N Park-
way, 833-9243. Sale or Many Different Styles 3 Bd 2 Bath • Great Starter Home
1bth, owner pays wa-
rent, $675/mo plus de- In All Different Parts Of Town. 100% Financing Available
ter, new air condition-
posit. Several Contractors Available . Payments $700 Includes T&I
ing unit. $575/mo. Ap-
plication process re- Call Karen 830-0615 Call Karen 830-0615
3BDRM 2BTH 1 car port,
276 North 100 West 448 North Parkway Ave. quired. 882-1199
fence yard $800/mo 1- R N
$85,900 Wonderful starter home. New DE IO
$97,000 Lease Option Available. John Gollaher GRANTSVILLE APART- 801-885-3365 UN RUCT
Furnace & Water Heater in Partial A/C, newer siding & roof. Large living room & 830- 8552
MENTS now available! 3BDRM 2BTH condo, no
Basement. Sold “as is”.
kitchen. Fenced back yard. 10X12 shed and
fenced garden area. Studios $375 includes smoking, no pets. Avail-

Call Karen 830-7846. #516253s Call Cheryl 840-4466. #514451 utilities, 1bdrm $450 in- able October 1st.

cludes utilities, call 1- $975/mo, $600/dep.



Cheryl Barrus
840- 4466
GRANTSVILLE, seclud- 3BDRM HOME, 2bth,
ed, quiet 1bdrm. $465. garage, fenced yard, no
• 3 Car Garage

(801)898-9085 Owner/ smoking, no pets, • 4 Bdrm 2 Bath • Huge Family Room
agent. • Large Cul-De-Sac Lot Bonus Room Over Garage
$750/mo, $600/dep,
• Updated Kitchen w/Pergo & Solid Countertops • Over 3000 Sq Ft
396 Lakeview Ave,
241 West Utah Ave. LOW RENT Remodels: Tooele. 882-2124 cell Call Karen 830-0615 Call Karen 830-0615

Studio, 1 and 2 bed- 830-2891
$134,500. Great investment property! room apartments. New
Chiropractors office and living quarters.
carpet, tile and paint. 3BDRM HOME, with

Almost half an acre. Two car deep garage. Karma Albrecht
224- 2734 New management with basement/shed $680
Call Karen 830-7846.
great tenants. 843-0917 rent, $500 cleaning, we
pay water no pets, no
NICE, QUIET 1bdrm, smoking. 313 Valley

Karen Young
2bdrm, kitchenette View Dr. 882-0235
available, monthly,
weekly special. HBO, 4BDRM, 3BTH, fenced,
Jeannine Butler
830- 2950
Jerry Johnson
801- 209- 6390
Melody Harding
849- 2560
Lena Patterson
840- 0244
Terry Baird
850- 9546
cable. Call 882-3235. 2 car garage, 6yrs old,
585 Canyon Rd, 598 East 700 North,
Tooele. Valley View $950/mo. 882-0599,
768 N Main • Tooele • 843- 1200 Motel. (801)628-6986.
Each office Independently Owned & Operated

Homes for Rent Homes Homes Homes Homes Homes Lots & Land Public Notices Public Notices
Meetings Meetings
STANSBURY CONDO, $$$SAVE MONEY 1982 14X70 Mobile 320 ACRES near Ver- 3. Tax Adjustments September 28, 2005 at
4BDRM 3BTH home in TERRA HORSE proper-

large master bedroom Find HUD & Bank home. Appliances, non, fenced and with 4. Bills 7:00 p.m. in the auditori-
Overlake, fully fenced ty, 3bdrm, 2.75bth, bor-
w/bath, walk-in closet, owned homes at: 3bdrm, $15,000, $5000 water. Can be used for 5. Deseret Peak Com- um of the Tooele County
yard, RV parking, full ders BLM. 35ac
den, 2bdrms, 1bth, ga- www.tooelebankowned down, $500/mo. 5% int. Rec property or farmed. plex Courthouse, 47 South
stucco, great neighbor- 2466sqft, 1466sqft
rage, patio, fireplace, homes.com or call for 4years. Includes lot (801)230-7878 6. Placement of an En- Main Street,
hood, finished base- basement, ADT, double
central air. Available a list Berna or Chris rent. 843-3587 eve. terprise Zone on the De- Tooele Utah.
ment. $178,000. Call garage, implement
now. $850. 882-5379 435-840-5029, Group STOCKTON BUILDING seret Peak Complex THE ERDA TOWNSHIP
John (435)840-4070 shed, storage shed,
STANSBURY PARK, 1 Real Estate horse shelter, ac. 837- lots. 8000-12000sq.ft. 7. Ordinance 2005-23 - PLANNING COMMIS-
BANK FORECLOSURE! 2358. Newly constructed Changing the Name of SION MEETING HAS
Large 3bdrm, 2bth, $127,900 3BDRM, 1bth Sell Your Home Here for

3bdrm 2bth Home, roads. Beautiful lake/ North Street Located in BEEN CANCELLED.
*Distress Sale*
2 car garage, rambler,
no pets, no smoking.
rambler home,
2268sqft, 40% finished Bank Foreclosures, $ 80* $41,900! Won't Last! SHANGRILA Stansbury
More Homes Available, Park. The home, space,
mountain views. Great
for manufactured or
Pass Canyon Subdivi-
Dated this 19th day of
September, 2005
116 Regatta Lane.
basement, large family
Short-Sales, & Highly ea. For Listings Call 800- neighborhood and custom built homes. 8. Proclamation for Na- MARY DIXON, Secreta-
room w/fireplace, 366-9783 xH772 neighbors you’ve al- 882-7094. ry
Call 882-0050
Davidson Realty Motivated Sellers. tional 4-H Week, October
.27acre, central air. Call ways dreamed about.
801-466-5078 2-8, 2005 Erda Township Plan-
(435)882-6353 or FREE computerized 3038sqft, 4 bedrooms, Water Shares 9. Board Appointments ning Commission
*Based on 13 issue contract.
STANSBURY PARK, (435)830-2923 list of Bank-owned, ERDA, HORSE property, 3 baths, family room, 10. Public Concerns (Published in the Tran-
newer 3bdrm, 2.5bth 2 $158,000 GRANTS- HUD, & other bargain 3 bedroom, 2.5bth, dou- study, and all the com- 11. Adjourn script Bulletin September
story home, large VILLE home, 6bdrm, ble garage, family room, forts in the greatest lo- GRANTSVILLE WATER DATED THIS 21st DAY 22, 2005) UPAXLP
fenced backyard, patio, 2bth, 2 car garage, cen-
properties. very nice. $119,500. cation. Broker- owner. share. Call 840-0928
Free recorded message OF SEPTEMBER, 2005
$1150 per month. Call tral air, 2560sqft. By 4624 N Toms Lane. (435)882-6814 DENNIS D. EWING PUBLIC HEARING NO-
843-1282 owner. Must sell! 884-
1-888-754-0331 (801)390-7266. C21 $196,000 WATER RIGHTS want-
Tooele County Clerk TICE
ID# 85 McAffee ed. Will pay cash. Call Rush Valley Town will
STANSBURY, VERY 0936 Tooele Real Estate Information Hotline TOOELE, OWNER fi- (801)808-8530
Pursuant to the Ameri-
hold a public hearing to
cans with Disabilities Act,
nice 3bdrm, 2bth, 2 car $214,900. STANSBURY, Sponsored by Kelly Kremer, RE/MAX Platinum
EXCHANGE MY 3 bed- nance with $2500 down consider projects for
Asking Price $128,900 individuals needing spe-
garage, large yard. 4bdrm, 2.5bth, 2 car ga- PRICE REDUCED room duplex 16 bed- or bank financed with Office Space cial accommodations which funding may be
$900/month plus depos- rage, central air, fenced 833 No. 310 East•Tooele room home for house no down: 98 4bdrm
during this meeting applied under the CDBG
it. (435)830-1039 3 bedroom 1 bath units or ? Agent. 882- 2bth with fireplace and Small Cities Program for
yard, 2495sqft. 843- 251 Julie Ann Ct house. Unfinished 4858 family room, 28x72ft at 4000SQFT BUILDING should notify Dennis D.
Program Year 2006-
TOOELE, 3 bedroom 2434, 5627 Oakmont basement. Large family 102 West 860 North w/3 overhaed doors, of- Ewing, Tooele County
2007. Suggestions for
apartment, 1.75 bath, Ct. room. 2 car garage. 2”
wood and faux blinds
FOR SALE BY OWNER and 112 West 740 fice. Located on Clerk, at 843-3148 prior
potential projects will be
carport, ac, no smoking, 2BDRM 1BTH, large custom home, 3000sqft North. Also 2003 1.1acre. 480 3-phase to the meeting.
on every window. solicited, both verbally
no pets, $600/month. laundry/ misc room, rambler, 5+bdrm, 3bth, 3bdrm, 2bth, 24x46 at power. $1800/month. (Published in the Tran-
Central air, window and in writing, from all in-
623 East Smelter Road. new carpet, window seats in front bedrooms. 1 acre horse property, 1602 North 150 East. Main Street Grantsville. script Bulletin September
22, 2005) UPAXLP terested parties. The Ex-
(435)882-1287 coverings, new kitchen, Fully landscaped, $259,500. Grantsville. (801)671-1755. Built in 1998. (435)830- pected amount of CDBG
house totally remod- 2660 sq. ft., 4 bdrm, sprinkling system, fully Call 884-0182 2940. PUBLIC NOTICE OF funds for this Program
TOOELE, eled, sprinklers on 3 bths, den/bedroom, fenced. Motorcycle
shed, Trailer parking
Manufactured MEETING AND AGEN- Year will be discussed
Newer 3bdrm, 2bth, FOR SALE or lease op- GRANTSVILLE 2400sqft DA
garage, large yard,
timer, new 10x12 Hart- beautifully finished pad. Great views. Close
tion: Stansbury, 5bdrm,
Homes Shop Space on 1/2acre Erda Township Planning
along with the range of
ley shed, .40acre, cor- to local parks, schools, projects eligible under
available now. $995. ner lot, RV parking,
bsmnt, gas fireplace, and churches. Call 3bth, custom upgrades, 1996 CAVCO, refurbish- land for rent. Power, Commission
custom paint. Call this program and a re-
1748 North Dean Drive completely fenced, 801-209-0849 $176,000, 0 down. Or ed, like new, 3bdrm, water, gas available, The Erda Township view of previously funded
(120 West) $94,000. Call (435)882- 882-2898 or $1400/mo, $3000 down. 2bth, vaulted ceilings, zoned commercial/ light Planning Commission projects. The hearing
Davidson Realty 3071, (435)882-3275, 435-840-4200. Must See! 833-0511, covered front deck, car- industrial, $650/mo. will hold a meeting on
(801)466-5078 (435)830-2350 (801)592-4117 port. $45,000. Finance 840-5659, 840-5661 Continued on next page
for right buyer. LOCAL OFFICE Space
FSBO 3BDRM, 1.5bth, (435)433-6640,
Subleasing for night
ready to move in. Price (720)280-2943
useage. Tables/ chairs
reduced to $82,000.
available, large room.
Call 843-1738 2000 FLEETWOOD
$50/night. Lots of park-
Spring Hill 24x52,
FSBO: MULTI level, 3bdrm, 2bth, valued at ing, on Main Street.
FOR SALE 3bdrm, 1bth, ceramic $34,873, in Tooele park 850-9491
172 E. 400 North tile, unfinished base- or can be moved, OFFICE/ BUSINESS
130,000 ment, vaulted ceilings, $26,900 obo. (208)860-
vinyl fence, landscap- 3441
SPACE Utilities in-
cluded 50 South Main 443 S. 300 W. - Tooele - $124,900
SEE US TODAY WHILE RATES ARE LOW! 3 bdrm, 1 3/4 bath, ing, $127,900. 629 East
& 56 South Main. 1 3bed/2ba Brick Rambler w/mother-in-law
245 E. Birch Street - Tooele - $139,900
4bed/2ba Charming Country Home
fireplace w/gas log, 180 North. 882-7598 month free. (602)826- apt. Beautiful Landscaping/Fully Fenced/
w/3 Stall Barn & Tack Room!
• FHA, VA, CONVENTIONAL, RURAL HOUSING GOO for sale, Vorwaller Park. Large 2 Car Detached Garage.
OR CHADLCREDIT large family room,
9471 (602)826-9471
AND CONSTRUCTION LOANS WE DO ITLENGED covered patio, A/C, 3bdrm, 2bth,
ALL!* property, 2ac, 4300sqt, home theater, $45,500. OFFICE/ BUSINESS
*Certain restrictions apply.
5bdrm, 3bth, rec room, (801)910-0997 space, utilities and high
• COMMERICAL, SBA AND HARD MONEY LOANS sprinklers with 3 car garage, horse speed internet included, 1785 N.
irrigation share, shelter, finished base- Mobile Homes 272 North Broadway. Banks St.,
storage sheds, close ment, water rights. (435)882-4949
to elementary school. Tooele
$295,000. 884-6488
Call 882-1612 for 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile $115,900
GRANTSVILLE, NEW home for rent, no smok-
Public Notices
custom home! Rent to ing/ pets. 882-1550 Meetings
own, low down. Shawn 7933 N Mountain View Rd, Lakepoint 3bed/2ba Town Home in Overlake!
3BDRM 3BTH, large lr & Deadline for public no- $184,900– 3 BED, 2BA , 2.22 Acres horse
kitchen, fam rm, 1 car 888-822-8211 MOBILE HOME for sale, 2002 w/Tons of Upgrades.
lease or rent. (435)224- tices is 4 p.m. the day heaven - Oversized garage w/electric & heat -
att garg, lge det garg, lg GRANTSVILLE, price prior to publication. fenced & ready for your animals. 90% Finished Basement
TED ELLIOTT lot, w/irr water avail, reduced 30K! Only 3688
Public notices submit-

BRANCH MANAGER near schools & park. $199,000. 1.71 acres RENT TO Own, 2bdrm, ted past the deadline

882-4766, 882-2435 with beautiful 4bdrm

1bth mobile home. will not be accepted.

4BDRM 2BTH HUD two story home. The Grandview Village park.
home! Only $68,500, fi- Solutions Team. 884- Owner will finance (801) NOTICE AND AGENDA
nancing referrals availa- 9449 520-8770 NOTICE IS HEREBY
ble! For listings call GREATEST
Sale Pending
Call Now 800-366-9783 ext. B851 BORHOOD! Grantsville Lots & Land TOOELE COUNTY

4BDRM 3BTH, 6yrs old, 5bdrm, 2.5bth, stucco HOLD A REGULAR
25 S. 820 E. - Tooele - $249,900 688 Hidden River Trail - Tooele
598 East 700 North. and brick, large patio, RESIDENTIAL BUILD- MEETING ON TUES-
TERRI ELLIOTT (801)628- 10x12 shield, RV pad,
6bed/4ba - 100% finished $129,900 4bed/3ba - Fully
882-0599, ING lot, Canyon Rim DAY SEPTEMBER 27, Fabulous East Bench Location Landscaped - Lg. Patio & Covered Porch
PROCESSOR 70 SO. MAIN, SUITE B • TOOELE 6986 $136,000. No fenced, .26 acres. Job Estates, 12,000sqft, 2005, AT 3:00 P.M., IN
relocation. $180,000.
884-0700 zoned R1-12, all under- ROOM 310, TOOELE
ground utilities, peace- COUNTY COURT- Serving the Tooele and Salt Lake Valley. melodierealtor@yahoo.com
ful, secluded, beautiful HOUSE, 47 SOUTH

homes, lots & Melodie Waldron

views, canyon atmos- MAIN STREET,

Hundreds of
immediate phere, $29,900. Owner TOOELE, UTAH. THE RE/MAX
(435) 830-5886
882-7094. AGENDA IS:
equity, 5bdrm, 2bth, 2
property to choose from!
1. Roll Call
car garage, basement
2. Minutes
50%, needs paint and
carpet. 1-800-393-7191.
www.enrichedhomes.com WILLOW
PRICE REDUCED RANCHES Creative Financing Solutions

E R 1294 Haylie Lane Tooele rambler, 5bdrm, Country Living at it’s Best!

2bth, fenced back yard, 1/3 to 1 acre lots available
in Elk Ridge Estates • Less than perfect credit

fully landscaped, 2 car $
Gorgeous East Bench garage, basement 90% 2 miles South on Quirk Street • Hard to prove income
Rambler w/ 5 Bdrms, 3 full finished. Call (435)882- from Grantsville’s Main Street
• Past bankruptcy or foreclosure

bths, 1half bth, Jetted Tub, 0822 Your Builder or Ours

Home Theater Room, Fully Call Daniele • Current bankruptcy or foreclosure

SELLER WILL finance 435-830-4990
Fenced, Beautifully & closing costs down, no • Need higher than normal loan to value
Professionally Landscaped credit qualifying, several
Offered thru Diamond D Realty

with 15 watering Zones for houses available. Cen-

435-884-0805 • Lacking in down payment
$$ the Not So Green Thumb, tury 21 All Pros Realty. • There are lending solutions for you!
Backyard is Awesome. Gaylen Robison.
(435)793-4206 Hey Builders RENTERS DON’T ASSUME YOU = WON’T QUALIFY!
Lookin’ for Lots in all the
Advertise it in the clas-
sifieds. Call 882-0050 Try Ours! Whether you are looking to refinance just your mortgage, consolidate your high rate
1/3 to 1 acre lots debt, or are looking to cash out, we can help you find the lowest rate possible.
2.5bth, 2735sqft, large South Willow Ranches
kitchen w/tile, formal liv-
Just 2 miles south off
25,000 ing/ dining, 2 family
rooms, central air,
Grantsville’s Main
Street. Call Daniele
SELL YOUR 117 North Sheridan
A 100’ X 80’ Buildable Lot, Great for Manufactured
(435)882- 435-830-4990 Call Now!
833-0740, Tooele • 801-568-0500, West Jordan
6402, (801)201-5272 Offered thru Diamond D Realty

Home or Stick framed, 1 Block East of Main, Gradual
slope and Frontage may go East or North, Invest in your 435-884-0805
future before prices skyrocket do to the population TOOELE COUNTY
influx and demand. GRANTSVILLE, www.deseretpeakmtg.com
beautiful 4bdrm, 3.75bth,
.31 acre, rock fireplace,
finished basement,
285 West Main Street
TOOELE, 4bdrm, 2.5bth,
tri-level, 2 car garage, 2
family rooms, $203,500.
$$ 1177 North 600 East
TOOELE, 4bdrm, 2.5bth
787 East 540 North 124 North Sheridan tri-level, 2 car garage,

A Location for family and friends, Fully fenced, upgraded inside,
East side Rambler w/ Curb Appeal, 2142 s.f., Main
Floor laundry, Vaulted ceilings, Fenced yard, Patio, 2 decks, 4 Bdrms, 3 Baths, 3 Family Rms, $160,000.
Landscaping and an unfinished basement. A perfect Master Suite and a beautifully 338 East 910 North.
Niki Faye Seana Michelle
starter home to build your equity & finishing your way. landscaped and Fully Sprinkled Yard. STANSBURY PARK,
5bdrm, 3.5bth, garage,
2 family rooms,

view of golf course,


448 East Country Club. Kim Amy STEAL
This weeks
Call Lana McKean

Davidson Realty

137 North 570 East
This home is in a beautiful area with mountain
5bdrm 3bth Rambler ,
Golf course view, lots of 364 Angus Cove, Grantsville
views, close to East elementary, churches and
town. Has 3 bdrms, 2 bths, 1766 sq. ft.,
unfinished bsmnt w/ a partially finished full bth.
extras. 5634 Miller Cir-
cle. $194,500. 843-
5495 or 801-550-1085
Apx 3000 Sq Ft., 4 bdrm, 2 bth

*Each office independently owned and operated.
Information deemed reliable not guaranteed. STANSBURY RAMBLER
$239,800, 3485sqft, 6
bedroom, 3.5 baths,
cul-de-sac. FSBO.
435-884-0555 Sq u
Open house Saturdays. ight Dealar e
Stra otin’ in’
840- 0344 (cell) (435)830-0822,
(801)560-9585. MLS
S h o

882- 8868 ext. 119 1185 N. Main #543108 www.utahreal

Continued from
previous page Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices
Trustee's Sales Trustee's Sales Trustee's Sales Trustee's Sales Trustee's Sales Water Users Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Public Notices
Easements, and as 003-0-0050 The street title, liens, possession, LOT 421, WESTLAND NONUSE sprayed each year. The posed action area. The
Meetings amended thereto, re- address of the property taxes encumbrances, or
COVE SUBDIVISION, 15-1015 (U12810): herbicide will reduce time herbicides will break
corded November 8, is purported to be 304 condition of the property. APN: 12-109-0-0519 PHASE 4, ACCORDING Sage Ranch L.L.C. is and labor needed to down before they leach
will begin at 7:00 pm on
1999, as Entry No. South Cooley Street, The sale is subject to a Trust No. 05-2346-UT TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT seeking Nonuse period keep the targets free of into the soil beyond one
September 28, 2005,
139643, in Book 596 at Grantsville, UT 84029. workout reinstatement, Ref. MATTHEW LARS- THEREOF RECORDED for 5.6 ac-ft. from weeds. Herbicide will foot. The herbicides are
and will be held at the
Page 398 of Official Re- The undersigned dis- payoff, sale cancellation EN Loan No. 9297138 IN THE OFFICE OF THE groundwater (Cooleys keep the sprayed areas designed and tested to
Town Hall, 52 South
cords. claims any liability for or postponement, incor- Important Notice to Prop- COUNTY RECORDER Lane) for Stockwatering. ready to accept muni- attach molecularly to the
Park Street, Rush Valley,
NOW KNOWN AS any error in the street ad- rect bidding instructions, erty Owner YOU ARE IN OF SAID COUNTY. Jerry D. Olds, P.E. tions testing and training soil particles within one
Utah. Further informa-
All of Lot 3, MILLPOND dress. The current Bene- bankruptcy, or any other DEFAULT UNDER A Tax Serial No. 12-069-0- STATE ENGINEER operations for a longer to six inches of the sur-
tion can be obtained by
PLAZA - Commercial ficiary of the trust deed is circumstance of which DEED OF TRUST DAT- 0421 (Published in the Tran- period of time. face. The herbicide mol-
contacting Mayor Travis
P.U.D., Amendment No. Mortgage Electronic the trustee is unaware. In ED May 17, 2001. UN- Purported Property Ad- script Bulletin September ALTERNATIVES: ecules bind tightly to soil
Sagers or Joyce McAtee.
1, a commercial planned Registration Systems, the event any of the fore- LESS YOU TAKE AC- dress: 954 WEST 420 15& 22, 2005) No Action colloids with very little
In compliance with the
Americans with Disabili- unit development of Inc., ("MERS"), solely as going apply, the sale will TION TO PROTECT SOUTH, TOOELE, UT The no action alternative leeching.
ties Act, individuals Stansbury Park, accord- nominee for the lender be void and the success- YOUR PROPERTY, IT 84074. The undersigned Public Notices would be to allow inva- HEALTH & SAFETY:
needing special accom- ing to the official plat and the record owners of ful bidder's funds will be MAY BE SOLD AT A disclaims any liability for sive weeds to continue to Material Safety Data
modations (including thereof on file and of re- the property as of the re- returned without any lia- PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU any error in the street ad- Miscellaneous encroach and to have no Sheets (MSDS) are pro-
Auxiliary communicative cord in the Tooele Coun- cording of this notice of bility to the trustee or NEED AN EXPLANA- dress. management action. vided with the herbicides,
Deadline for public no-
aids and services) during ty Recorder’s Office. default are reported to be beneficiary for interest or TION OF THIS PRO- The owner of the proper- This alternative is not re- and will be required on
tices is 4 p.m. the day
these hearings should Subject to and together Nicklaus Palmer and Nic- any other damages. NO- CEEDING, YOU ty as of the recording of sponsive to the identified site. All applicable Occu-
prior to publication.
notify Joyce McAtee at with the terms and condi- ole Palmer. Bidders must TICE IS HEREBY GIV- SHOULD CONTACT A the Notice of Default is need and is not a viable pational Health and
Public notices submit-
837-2229 at lease three tions set forth in Declara- be prepared to tender to EN THAT THIS FIRM IS LAWYER. On October reported to be: Craig A. alternative Safety (OSHA) stand-
ted past the deadline
days prior to the hearing tion of Covenants, Con- the trustee $5,000.00 at ATTEMPTING TO COL- 4, 2005, at 4:30PM, Memmott Alternative 1 ards will be complied
will not be accepted.
to be attended. ditions and Restrictions, the sale and the balance LECT A DEBT AND ANY James H. Woodall, as Bidders must tender to Disking to remove with. Adequate mitigation
The Rush Valley Town and Reservation of of the purchase price by INFORMATION OB- duly appointed Trustee the trustee a $5,000.00 NOTICE weeds. This alternative is measures would be im-
Council will hold its regu- Easements, and as 12:00 noon the day fol- TAINED WILL BE USED under a Deed of Trust re- deposit at the sale and KUED-TV has changed not a consideration be- plemented when mixing
lar meeting on Wednes- amended thereto, re- lowing the sale. Both FOR THAT PURPOSE. corded May 21, 2001, as the balance of the pur- channels in Tooele and cause of the explosive and handling herbicides
day September 28, 2005 corded November 8, payments must be in the Dated September 14, Instrument No. 163658 in chase price by 12:00 surrounding communi- hazards. Unwanted to ensure the protection
at the Rush Valley Town 1999, as Entry No. form of a cashier's 2005. Book 0681 at Page noon the next business ties. Pursuant to provi- weeds hide unexploded of human health and the
Hall. 139643, in Book 596 at check; cash is not ac- Stuart T. Matheson, 0653, of the Official Re- day following the sale. sions of the Communica- ordnances. Disking natural environment.
Agenda Page 398 of Official Re- ceptable. A trustee's Successor Trustee cords in the office at the The deposit and balance tions Act of 1934, as would be highly danger- The mixing operation will
1. Roll Call cords. deed will be made avail- Matheson, Mortenson, County Recorder of of the sale proceeds amended, notice is here- ous in the impact areas. consist of combining wa-
2. Minutes of prior meet- The current beneficiary able to the successful Olsen & Jeppson, P.C. Tooele County, State of must be in the form of a by given that on or about This alternative is also ter and dry herbicide ma-
ing of the Deed of Trust is bidder within three busi- 648 East First South Utah executed by Mat- wire transfer, cashier's Sept 1, 2005, TV transla- not a feasible solution to terial, and loading it into
3. CDBG Grant BANK OF THE WEST ness days following re- Salt Lake City, Utah thew L. Larsen and Kim- check or certified funds tor channel K64FZ, locat- removal of weeds the aircraft holding tanks.
4. Election Judges and the record owner of ceipt of the bid amount. 84102 (801) 363-2244 berly A. Larsen, Hus- payable to First South- ed on Farnsworth Peak Alternative 2 NATURAL / CULTURAL
5. Sesquicentennial cele- the property as of the re- The sale is made without Office Hours 8:30 am to band and Wife as Joint western Title Agency of and serving the com- Mowing for vegetation RESOURCES:
bration for 2006 - Lacy cording of the Notice of any warranty whatsoev- 4:30 pm, Mon.-Fri. Tenants. Will sell at pub- Utah, Inc.. A trustee's munities of the Tooele control. This alternative There will be no environ-
Burrows Default is MILLPOND er, including but not limit- MMOJ File No.: lic auction to the highest deed will be delivered to Valley, was changed to is not a consideration be- mental impacts to any
6. Caretaker Job De- SPA & RETREAT, L.L.C. ed to any warranty as to 008409m ASAP721728 bidder, payable in lawful the successful bidder channel K65HO, under cause of the possible ex- natural/cultural resour-
scription for Parks The Trustee may be con- title, liens, possession, (Published in the Tran- money of the United within three business Special Temporary Au- plosive damage to mow- ces. There are no signif-
7. Fee for use of Pavilion tacted for further infor- taxes encumbrances, or script Bulletin September State at the time of sale. days after receipt of the thority from the Federal ing equipment. Mowing icant wetland impacts.
- Dana Gardner mation at Burbidge & condition of the property. 15, 22 & 29, 2005) Successful bidders must amount bid. Communications Com- is also undesirable be- No threatened and en-
8. Fire Department re- Mitchell, 215 South The sale is subject to a tender a deposit of This Trustee's Sale may mission. Questions and cause it usually encour- dangered (TE) species
NOTICE OF TRUST- be subject to a bankrupt-
port, Grant update State, Suite 920, Salt workout reinstatement, EE'S SALE $5,000 in Certified Funds comments concerning ages lateral growth in or species of concern
By Laws for fire depart- Lake City, Utah 84111, payoff, sale cancellation to the Trustee at the time cy filing, a payoff, a rein- this change should be di- weeds that would compli- would be affected by the
The following described statement or any other
ment telephone number 801 or postponement, incor- real property will be sold of sale, with the balance rected to the University cate rather than alleviate proposed action.
9. Council reports 355-6677, between the rect bidding instructions, due by Noon the follow- condition that would of Utah, KUED-TV, 101 the problem of unwanted The Facts and Conclu-
at public auction to the cause the cancellation of
10. Public Comments hours of 9:00 A.M. and bankruptcy, or any other highest bidder payable in ing business day, at the S. Wasatch Drive, SLC, weeds. The mower sions That Led to the
11. Payment of Bills 5:00 P.M., Monday circumstance of which office of the Trustee. At this sale. Further, if any UT 84112. would have to be towed FNSI.
lawful money of the Unit- of these conditions exist,
12. Adjourn through Friday. the trustee is unaware. In ed States, on October 5, the west main entrance, (Published in the Tran- with an armored vehicle Based on the considera-
Joyce McAtee DATED this 6th day of the event any of the fore- north steps of the Tooele this sale will be null and script Bulletin September and would generate ad- tions summarized above,
2005 at 10:00 A.M., at void, the successful bidd-
Recorder September, 2005. going apply, the sale will the West entrance to the County District Court, 47 15, 20, 22 & 27, 2005) ditional risks from scat- the proposed action will
Town of Rush Valley STEPHEN B. MITCH- be void and the success- South Main Street, er's funds shall be re- tering unexploded muni- not affect the quality of
Tooele County Court- turned, and the Trustee
(Published in the Tran- ELL ful bidder's funds will be house, 47 South Main, Tooele, Utah all right, ti- PUBLIC NOTICE tions. the human environment,
script Bulletin September Successor Trustee returned without any lia- tle, and interest con- and the beneficiary shall If you had any business ANTICIPATED ENVI- or the natural environ-
Tooele, UT 84074, in the not be liable to the suc-
22, 2005) Parkside Tower bility to the trustee or County of Tooele, State veyed to and now held dealings with Dee A. RONMENTAL EF- ment directly or indirect-
215 South State, Suite beneficiary for interest or by it under said Deed to cessful bidder for any Randall or Horizon Fi- FECTS: ly, as specified by the
of Utah, for the purpose damages.
Public Notices 920 any other damages. NO- of foreclosing a trust Trust in the the property
DATED: August 31, 2005
nancial Services or Hori- PROPOSED ACTION: National Environmental
Salt Lake City, Utah TICE IS HEREBY GIV- situated in said County zon Mortgage and In- The proposed action to Policy Act and the regu-
Trustee's Sales 84111 EN THAT THIS FIRM IS
deed held by Mortgage
and State described as: FIRST SOUTHWEST- vestment, or Independ- apply pesticides through lations of the Council on
Electronic Registration ERN TITLE AGENCY
355-6677 ATTEMPTING TO COL- Systems, Inc. (solely as Lot 519, Carr Fork Sub- ent Financial and Invest- aerial spray would ena- Environmental Quality
Deadline for public no- OF UTAH, INC.
(Published in the Tran- LECT A DEBT AND ANY nominee for Lender and division Plat Five, ac- ment, please contact at- ble DPG to provide a and the Department of
tices is 4 p.m. the day LORETTA K. POCH,
script Bulletin September INFORMATION OB- Lender's successors and cording to the Official torney Kathryn Collard at safe and economical sol- the Army. In conse-
prior to publication. Asst. Vice President
8, 15 & 22, 2005) TAINED WILL BE USED assigns), as the current Plat thereof on file and of 801-537-5625. ution to weed infestation quence of the foregoing,
Public notices submit- Successor Trustee
NOTICE OF TRUST- FOR THAT PURPOSE. Beneficiary, executed by record in the Tooele (Published in the Tran- and reduce the possibili- no environmental impact
ted past the deadline 102 West 500 South,
EE'S SALE Dated September 6, Claude Tamez, as Trust- County Recorder's Of- script Bulletin September ty of rangeland fires statement (EIS) will be
will not be accepted. Suite 300
The following described 2005. or, recorded March 13, fice. The street address 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 & 29 caused by exploding ord- prepared. A Finding of
Stuart T. Matheson, and other common des- Salt Lake City, UT 2005) nances. It would also im- No Significant Impact is
NOTICE OF TRUST- property will be sold at 2000 as Entry No.
Successor Trustee ignation of the real prop- 84101 prove the quality of real appropriate; therefore,
EE'S SALE public auction to the 144957, in Book 0613,
Matheson, Mortenson, erty described above is 04-6401/Memmott, DRAFT FINDING OF NO life training for our armed this FNSI has been pre-
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE highest bidder, payable at Page 0434, of the offi-
Olsen & Jeppson, P.C. purported to be: 876 Craig A. and Kathleen SIGNIFICANT IMPACT forces that train at DPG. pared.
that the following descri- in lawful money of the cial records of Tooele
648 East First South North 1340 East Tooele, R. (FNSI) FOR ENVIRON- AIR QUALITY: Deadline for the Receipt
bed property will be sold United States at the County, Utah, given to
Salt Lake City, Utah UT 84074 The under- (Published in the Tran- MENTAL ASSESS- Impacts are expected to of Public Comments and
at public auction to the West Main Entrance, secure an indebtedness
84102 (801) 363-2244 signed Trustee disclaims script Bulletin September MENT FOR AERIAL be short term and are as- point of Contact for addi-
highest bidder, payable North Steps, Tooele in favor of Academy
Office Hours 8:30 am to any liability for any incor- 8, 15 & 22, 2005) SPRAY FOR WEED sociated with aircraft tional information.
in lawful money of the County Courthouse, 47 Mortgage Corporation,
South Main, Tooele, 4:30 pm, Mon.-Fri. rectness of the street ad- CONTROL ON U.S. AR- take-offs, low flying, and Comments are particu-
United States at the time by reason of certain obli-
of sale, at the front en- Utah, on October 4, 2005 MMOJ File No.: gations secured thereby. dress or other common Public Notices MY DUGWAY PROVING landings, and would not larly invite from tribal,
008373m ASAP720546 GROUND (DPG), UTAH affect DPG’s Title V Air federal, state, county and
trance of the Tooele at 1:00 PM, for the pur-
(Published in the Tran-
Notice of Default was re- designation, if any, Water Users PROPOSED ACTION: Permit. There are no oth- local government officials
County Courthouse, 47 pose of foreclosing a corded JANUARY 28, shown herein. Said sale
Trust Deed dated Sep- script Bulletin September will be made without cov- Deadline for public no- The environmental as- er air issues nor are and agencies, citizen Ad-
South Main, Tooele, 2005, as Entry No.
tember 3, 2004 executed 8, 15 & 22, 2005) enant or warranty, ex- tices is 4 p.m. the day sessment (EA) was pre- there any significant en- visory boards, Restora-
Utah, the 18th day of Oc- 235255, in Book 998, at
by Nicklaus Palmer and NOTICE OF TRUST- press or implied, regard- prior to publication. pared to evaluate the po- vironmental impacts as- tion Advisory Boards and
tober, 2005, at the hour Page 786, of said official
Nicole Palmer, as Trust- EE'S SALE ing title, possession, con- Public notices submit- tential environmental ef- sociated with the pro- any other groups or par-
of 9:00 A.M. of said day, records.
ors, in favor of Mortgage The following described dition, or encumbrances, ted past the deadline fects of aerial spray of posed action. ties who have an interest
for the purpose of fore- Trustee will sell at public
Electronic Registration property will be sold at including fees, charges, will not be accepted. herbicides for weed con- HAZARDOUS MATERI- in environmental effects
closing a Deed of Trust auction to highest bidder
Systems, Inc., "MERS", public auction to the expenses of the Trustee trol on DPG. The control ALS: of the proposed action.
originally executed by without warranty as to ti-
as Beneficiary, covering highest bidder, payable and of the trusts created NOTICE TO WATER of vegetation would be Herbicides to be used The environmental as-
MILLPOND SPA & RE- tle, possession or en-
real property located in in lawful money of the by said Deed of Trust, to USERS accomplished by an aer- are not classified as a sessment is on file and
TREAT, L.L.C., Trustor, cumbrances, the follow-
Tooele County and de- United States at the pay the remaining princi- The State Engineer re- ial spray application of hazardous material by may be reviewed by in-
to secure certain obliga- ing described property:
scribed as follows: BE- West Main Entrance, ple sums of the note(s) ceived the following Ap- herbicides applied ac- the U. S. Department of terested parties at the
tions in favor of BANK LOT 9, WEST PARK
GINNING AT THE North Steps, Tooele secured by said Deed of plication(s) in Tooele cording to label direc- Transportation (DOT). Public Affairs Office, U.S.
NORTHEAST CORNER County Courthouse, 47 Trust. The current bene- County (Locations in tions, and Army, and Air The products are regis- Army Dugway Proving
OF BLOCK 68, South Main, Tooele, ficiary of the Trust Deed SLB&M). Force Regulations. The tered and controlled un- Ground (435/831-3409).
GRANTSVILLE CITY Utah, on October 11, as of the date of this no- For more information or herbicide to be selected der EPA/FIFRA regula- Comments will be re-
BANK, as Beneficiary, THE PLAT THEREOF,
SURVEY, GRANTS- 2005 at 1:00 PM, for the tice is Wells Fargo Home to receive a copy of fil- will be from the approved tions, EPA Regulation ceived during the 30-day
executed on October 25, RECORDED IN THE
VILLE CITY, WHICH purpose of foreclosing a Mortgage, Inc. NKA ings, visit http://water list authorized by DoD 352-505. As powder, or period following the first
2000, and recorded on OFFICE OF THE
POINT IS THE SOUTH- Trust Deed dated July Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. rights.utah.gov or call 1- and the Army Environ- in solution, they are of a publication of the Public
November 2, 2000, as TOOELE COUNTY RE-
WEST CORNER OF 20, 2004 executed by The record owner of the 866-882-4426. mental Center. The se- low order of toxicity. Notice, and should be
Entry No. 154833, in CORDER.
THE INTERSECTIONS Brian E. Cleveland and property as of the record- Persons objecting to an lected, approved herbi- Consultation with the Hill addressed to the
Book 0646, at Page Tax Serial No. 10-047-0-
OF COOLEY AND DUR- Latoya R. Cleveland, as ing of the Notice of De- application must file a cide will be the safest AFB Fire Department in- commander, U.S. Army
0086, of the Official Re- 0009
FEE STREETS; AND Trustors, in favor of Mort- fault are Matthew L. CLEARLY READABLE and most effective for dicates that they have no Dugway Proving Ground,
cords of Tooele County, Purported Property Ad-
RUNNING THENCE gage Electronic Registra- Larsen and Kimberly A. protest stating FILING this operation, and is concern with the storage, ATTN: CSTE-DTC-DP-
State of Utah, covering dress: 509 WEST 200
SOUTH 78 FEET tion Systems, Inc., Larsen NUMBER, REASONS cleared by the Environ- handling or use of the PA, Dugway, Utah
real property located at SOUTH, TOOELE, UT
ALONG THE WEST "MERS", as Beneficiary, Dated: September 6, FOR OBJECTION, mental Protection Agen- material, as long as all of 84022.
25 Plaza Court, Stans- 84074. The undersigned
LINE OF COOLEY covering real property lo- 2005 PROTESTANTS` NAME cy for aerial application. the manufacturer’s regu- GREG D. OLSON
bury Park, Utah 84074, disclaims any liability for
STREET; THENCE cated in Tooele County James H. Woodall AND RETURN AD- These applications will lations are followed. COL, CM
and more particularly de- any error in the street ad-
WEST 100 FEET; and described as follows: 10653 River Front Park- DRESS, and any request be accomplished after WATER QUALITY: Commanding
scribed as: dress.
THENCE NORTH 78 LOT 2, WESTLAND way, Suite 290 South for a hearing. Protest the areas have been The proposed action U.S. Army Dugway
All of Lot 3, MILLPOND The owner of the proper-
FEET, MORE OR LESS, COVE SUBDIVISION Jordan, Utah 84095 must be filed with the identified, and will be re- would have no significant Proving Ground
PLAZA - Commercial ty as of the recording of
TO THE SOUTH LINE PHASE 1, AMENDED, (801) 254-9450 James State Engineer, Box peated as necessary to impact on water quality. (Published in the Tran-
P.U.D., a commercial the Notice of Default is
OF DURFEE STREET; ACCORDING TO THE H. Woodall, Trustee 146300, Salt Lake City, keep them clear of There are no fresh water script Bulletin September
planned unit develop- reported to be: Claude
THENCE EAST ALONG OFFICIAL PLAT Hours: 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 UT 84114-6300 on or be- weeds. Not all areas are sources within the pro- 20, 22 & 27, 2005)
ment of Stansbury Park, Tamez and Ruth Tamez
according to the official THE SOUTH LINE OF THEREOF ON FILE Bidders must tender to p.m. P234081. fore OCTOBER 12,
plat thereof on file and of SAID DURFEE STREET AND OF RECORD IN the trustee a $5,000.00 (Published in the Tran- 2005. These are informal
record in the Tooele 100 FEET TO THE THE OFFICE OF THE deposit at the sale and script Bulletin September proceedings as per Rule
County Recorder’s Of- POINT OF BEGINNING. TOOELE COUNTY RE- the balance of the pur- 8, 15 & 22, 2005) R655-6-2 of the Division
fice. Together with all the im- CORDER. Together with chase price by 12:00 of Water Rights.
Subject to and together provements now or here- all the improvements noon the next business (The Period of Use is
with the terms and condi- after erected on the now or hereafter erected day following the sale. generally year-round ex-
The following described
tions set forth in Declara- property, and all ease- on the property, and all The deposit and balance cept irrigation which is
real property will be sold
tion of Covenants, Con- ments, appurtenances, easements, appurtenan- of the sale proceeds generally from Apr 1 to
at public auction to the
ditions and Restrictions, and fixtures now or here- ces, and fixtures now or must be in the form of a Oct 31 each year.)
highest bidder payable in
and Reservation of after a part of the proper- hereafter a part of the wire transfer, cashier's CHANGE APPLICA-
lawful money of the Unit-
ty. Tax Parcel No.: 08- property. Tax Parcel No.: check or certified funds TION(S)
ed States, on October 5,
11-095-0-0002 The payable to First South- 15-3539(a30480): CJ
2005 at 10:00 A.M., at
street address of the western Title Agency of Family Trust propose(s)
the West entrance to the
property is purported to Utah, Inc.. A trustee's using 16.0 ac-ft. from the
Tooele County Court-
be 876 West 740 South, deed will be delivered to Underground Water Well
house, 47 South Main,
Tooele, UT 84074. The the successful bidder (existing) (1436 Country
Tooele, UT 84074, in the
undersigned disclaims within three business Ln, Erda) for Irrigation;
County of Tooele, State
any liability for any error Stockwatering; Domes-
614 No. Main in the street address.
days after receipt of the of Utah, for the purpose
amount bid. of foreclosing a trust
Tooele Ut, 84074 The current Beneficiary This Trustee's Sale may deed held by Mortgage
15-4552(a30487): James
of the trust deed is Mort- M. and Sheri Harrell pro-

be subject to a bankrupt- Electronic Registration
gage Electronic Registra- cy filing, a payoff, a rein- pose(s) using 5.0 ac-ft.
Systems, Inc. (solely as
from groundwater (344
Dori Wilkinson / Jeff England tion Systems, Inc., statement or any other nominee for Lender and
W Cimmaron Wy, Erda)
("MERS"), solely as condition that would

Lender's successors and
(435) 882-1873 nominee for the lender cause the cancellation of assigns), as the current
for Irrigation.
and the record owners of this sale. Further, if any EXTENSION(S)
Beneficiary, executed by
the property as of the re- of these conditions exist, 16-737 (A60591): USA
Craig A. Memmott and
Bureau of Land Manage-
cording of this notice of
default are reported to be
this sale will be null and
void, the successful bidd-
Kathleen R. Memmott,
as Trustor, recorded
ment is filing an exten- You’ll also get career training
Brian E. Cleveland and sion for 0.1 cfs. from
Latoya R. Cleveland.
er's funds shall be re-
turned, and the Trustee
March 15, 1999 as Entry
No. 127953, in Book
groundwater (Puddle and money for college. Join the
Bidders must be pre- and the beneficiary shall Valley) for Stockwater-
pared to tender to the not be liable to the suc-
0558, at Page 0762, of
the official records of
ing; Wildlife.
18-525 (A60547): USA
Army National Guard today.
trustee $5,000.00 at the cessful bidder for any Tooele County, Utah,
sale and the balance of damages. Bureau of Land Manage-
given to secure an in-
the purchase price by DATED: August 31, 2005 ment is filing an exten-
debtedness in favor of
12:00 noon the day fol- FIRST SOUTHWEST- sion for 0.1 cfs. from
North American Mort-
lowing the sale. Both ERN TITLE AGENCY groundwater (4.5 miles
gage Company, by rea-
payments must be in the OF UTAH, INC. South of Goldhill) for
son of certain obligations
• Facilitating Freedom through form of a cashier's LORETTA K. POCH, secured thereby.
Stockwatering; Wildlife.
Home ownership check; cash is not ac- Asst. Vice President Notice of Default was re-
Grantsville Irrigation
ceptable. A trustee's Successor Trustee corded JUNE 6, 2005, as
• Committed to Excellence deed will be made avail- 102 West 500 South, Company, State of Utah
Entry No. 241566, in
• Ultimate mortgage experience able to the successful Suite 300 Board of Water Resour-
Book N/A, at Page N/A,
bidder within three busi- Salt Lake City, UT ces are filing an exten-
of said official records.

FREE credit report with

ness days following re-
ceipt of the bid amount.
05-6025/Tamez, Claude
Trustee will sell at public
auction to highest bidder
sion for 44.51 cfs or
7000.0 ac-ft. from the 1-800-GO-GUARD
The sale is made without
any warranty whatsoev-
(Published in the Tran-
script Bulletin September
without warranty as to ti-
Davenport Creek & North
Willow Creek (Grants-
tle, possession or en-
er, including but not limit- 8, 15 & 22, 2005) ville) for Irrigation; Stock-
cumbrances, the follow-
ed to any warranty as to watering; Domestic.
ing described property:
THURSDAY Sept. 22, 2005 C11

Utahns vow to stay

safe near schools
Students and parents across Utah are tak- alive,” he said.
ing the Green Ribbon pledge this month, In addition to Green Ribbon month, the
promising to walk and drive safely in school UDOH is taking other steps to make getting
zones and neighborhoods. to school safer and easier. On Sept. 27, sev-
September is Green Ribbon Month, an eral health, safety and transportation experts
annual safety initiative launched in Davis will attend a Safe Routes to School (SR2S)
County and designed to reduce pedestrian training in West Valley City. SR2S aims to
deaths and injuries in Utah. Utah Department get more kids walking and biking to school,
of Health (UDOH) data show that every year, using routes that are known to be safe. Using
an average of 1,100 Utah pedestrians are the 4 Es-education, encouragement, enforce-
struck by motor vehicles and 40 are killed. ment and engineering-SR2S helps communi-
The Salt Lake-Ogden metro area has been ties identify barriers to walking and engineer
ranked among the 20 most dangerous in the safer streets. Utah was one of only 10 states
country for pedestrians in recent years. And to be awarded the training course.
Utah’s pedestrian fatality rate is the 20th high- Also as part of Green Ribbon month, chil-
est in the U.S. In response to those numbers, dren in some neighborhoods will be getting to
the Davis County SAFE KIDS Coalition and school via “walking school buses.” As a way
Utah Highway Safety launched the Green to get more kids walking to and from school,
Ribbon Month project in 1998. Since then it students walk in a group led by two adult
has spread statewide.
supervisors — a “walking school bus.” Just
“We have to get a handle on this important
like a regular school bus the walking school
safety issue,” said Theron Jeppson, Bicycle
bus follows a designated route and picks
and Pedestrian Safety Coordinator, Violence
up children at designated stops along that
and Injury Prevention Program (VIPP),
route to and from school. The walking school
UDOH. “Green Ribbon Month is a great way
to remind us of the dangers on our streets, bus operates rain or shine and maintains a
and to get us thinking about how to reduce schedule.
the risk,” he said. “Walking school buses promote health by
The Green Ribbon program features pledge getting families walking, and reduce traffic
congestion because fewer kids are being

forms for both walkers and drivers. Students
sign forms promising to walk only on side- driven to school,” said Jane Lambert, Physical
walks whenever they’re available, and to Activity Coordinator, Heart Disease and
cross only at crosswalks and intersections. Stroke Prevention Program, UDOH.
For more information on Green Ribbon

Drivers sign pledges and tie green ribbons
on their cars, promising to drive five miles Month, Safe Routes to School and Walking
under posted speed limits in school zones and School Buses, please call Cyndi Bemis at
neighborhoods. (801) 538-6348 or (801) 550-4228, or visit
Over the past decade, 141 pedestrians and www.health.utah.gov/vipp.
bicyclists ages 14 and under have been hit and The mission of the Utah Department of
killed by motor vehicles. Another 7,347 chil- Health is to protect the public’s health through

dren, or two every day, have been injured. preventing avoidable illness, injury, disabil-
“Getting to school shouldn’t be like navigat- ity and premature death, assuring access to Family Features Editorial Syndicate
ing a war zone,” said Jeppson. “Speed limits affordable, quality health care, and promoting All materials courtesy of Energizer®
and crosswalks exist for a reason-to keep us healthy lifestyles.
As temperatures begin to drop outside, it’s
important to think about home and family
safety. Take steps inside to be prepared for
winter weather emergencies and potential
hazards present at this time of year. For
example, statistics show that home fires
peak in the cold weather months, often due
to the use of alternate heating sources and
holiday lights. An average of three children
a day — approximately 1,000 children under
the age of 20 each year — die in home fires.
And more than 19 million American homes
are at needless risk for home fire fatalities
because there is not a working smoke detec-
tor in their homes.
Energizer Max brand Batteries and fire
departments nationwide continue their 18-
year effort to urge Americans to adopt the
simple lifesaving habit of changing smoke
alarm batteries when changing their clocks
back to Standard Time each fall — this year
Change the batteries in your home smoke detectors when you set your
on October 30. “Change Your Clock Change clocks back to Standard Time on October 30. A working smoke detec-
Your Battery” is a simple call to action that tor doubles your chances of escaping a home fire.
can save lives. Having working smoke detec-
tors in your home more than doubles the Cold Weather Preparedness Check List
chance of preventing home fire fatalities. In —Make certain your furnace is working properly.
addition, it’s a good idea to make sure there —Have all fireplaces and chimneys checked and cleaned prior to
is at least one smoke detector on every level the first use of the cold weather season.
of your home; to clean your smoke alarms —Place a working smoke detector on every level of your house,
to ensure they are free of dust and cobwebs; including one in every bedroom and outside of each sleeping area.
and to plan and rehearse two escape routes —Make sure kids know and understand fire safety. Show your
from your home. children where smoke alarms are located, and make sure they rec-
The peak time for home fire fatalities ognize the smoke alarm’s sound (and understand that it signals a
is between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., when most home fire).
people are sleeping. Flashlights become not —Place at least one working carbon monoxide detector in the
only a vital safety tool to help you find your area outside all bedrooms. Test the detectors monthly and replace
way out of a dark or smoky house, but also a batteries as directed by the manufacturer.
way to signal rescue workers for help. Quick —If you must use a space heater, keep it at least three feet away
Switch flashlights are revolutionary new from anything that can burn such as clothing, bedding, draperies or
lights that run on two D, C or AA batteries furniture, and never leave it unattended or in use overnight.
and put an end to the number one frustration —Never use your range or oven to heat your home, even for a
about flashlights — never having the right short period of time.
size batteries when you need a flashlight
the most. Because they are so versatile, the Emergency Supply Kit
Quick Switch flashlight is good for emergen- In a large plastic bin, store the following items and any other
cies, power outages or any other time you things you may need in a cold weather emergency either at home
need to grab a flashlight. or in your car:
With the Quick Switch, you simply unscrew —Drinking water, shelf-stable food items
the base, pull out a battery tray and drop in —First aid kit
two same-size batteries. Closing the tray —Flashlights (keep the Energizer Quick Switch at every bedside
automatically locks the batteries into place. for help in finding the way out and signaling for help in the event
To turn the light on, you move the switch to of a fire)
the matching battery size. Operating times —Battery-powered radio
will vary, but the light output is the same no —Extra batteries (Energizer Max ensures you have power when
matter the cell size. you need it)
In addition to fire prevention, there are —Blankets
other measures you can take to keep your

3 & 4 BEDROOMS family safe this winter season. A cold weath-

er emergency supply kit and cold weather
Health Career
preparedness check list can help your family
get through short-term power outages and
storms. Training in
For more ideas and information, including Two Locations
science projects for kids, visit www.ener- www.americaninstitute.edu
gizer.com. From Utah's
FROM $139,900 Premier Health
Career Provo and
Model Home Hours: 12 noon - 7:00 pm College Draper, UT Campuses
230 North 250 West, Tooele
Antiques Marketplace
50 Plus Dealers Inside And Out!

The Perfect Job is Waiting for You! Sept 23, 24, 25 • Davis County Fairgrounds • West of Lagoon
Fri 6-9pm “Better to Give” Charity Preview Benefiting
The Ogden Rescue Mission

Sat 10-7, Sun 11-4

TOOELE Admission $4 / $2 OFF with this ad!! (Sat & Sun only)
BULLETIN Be extra prepared this fall when you change
the batteries in your home smoke detectors
and place working flashlights in each room of
For Dealer info or other, call:
Silver Teapot Antiques 390-1685 or 390-1875
Davis Co. Fairgrounds • 151 South 1100 West, Farmington
Southbound Exit 327 - Follow signs
your house. Northbound Exit 326 - Stay to right and follow signs
C12 THURSDAY September 22, 2005

Tooele County School District Friday, Sept. 30 Thursday, Sept. 29 cookie, fruit cocktail, milk Chicken parmesan, salad, roll,
has planned the following menus Eggo waffle or yogurt or cere- Pizza-Harris, Italian dunkers Wednesday, Sept. 28 cantaloupe, milk
for the week of Sept. 26-30: al, toast, fruit, milk or hot dogs w/fries, cantaloupe, Fish treasures w/fries or ham Tuesday, Sept. 27
Breakfast for all schools milk and cheese pocket, corn, orang- Mexican chicken, Spanish
Monday, Sept. 26 Elementary school lunch Friday, Sept. 30 es, milk rice, roll, green beans, peach
French toast sticks or yogurt Monday, Sept. 26 Pizza-East, lasagna w/salad or Thursday, Sept. 29 cobbler, milk
or cereal, toast, fruit, milk Hamburger or foot long hot chef salad w/roll, green beans, Taco salad or breaded chick-
Wednesday, Sept. 28 Gotta Get
Tuesday, Sept. 27 dog, fries, veg w/dip, apple- banana, milk en, cheese potatoes, wheat roll,
California blend, chocolate pud- French dip, Cheetos, vanilla Something Off
sauce, milk
Egg, sausage, cheese muffin
or yogurt or cereal, toast, fruit, Tuesday, Sept. 27 Junior high lunch ding, milk pudding, pears, milk Your Chest?
milk Friday, Sept. 30 Thursday, Sept. 29
Turkey dinner or meat balls Monday, Sept. 26 Write a letter to the Editor,
Wednesday, Sept. 28 w/roll, California blend, water- Pizza, salad, cucumbers w/ Hamburger w/fries or nacho Chicken fried steak, potatoes
supreme w/salad, roll, banana, and gravy, roll, peas and carrots, (it’s good therapy).
Dinosaur egg or yogurt or melon, milk dip, applesauce, milk
cereal, biscuit, fruit, milk Wednesday, Sept. 28 Tuesday, Sept. 27 milk applesauce, milk
P.O. Box 390
Thursday, Sept. 29 Pizza-West, shrimp poppers Stacked turkey sub or tuna Friday, Sept. 30
Tooele, UT 84074
Cinnamon roll or yogurt or w/fries or taco salad w/roll, sandwich w/lettuce and toma- High school lunch Ham and cheese pocket,
cereal, toast, fruit, milk broccoli, grapes, milk to, Cheetos, green beans, sugar Monday, Sept. 26 salad, Jell-O, banana, milk

150 Columbia Dr $274,900 3630 Gundersen Circle,
847 South 810 West, 5 bdrm, 3 1/2 bath, 3 car grg plus Erda $35,000
88 West 1970 N $104,900 REDUCED $112,000 RV parking. Spectacular - One of a Horses allowed on this 1.16 acre
3 bdrm, 1.5 bath. Lake & mtn views! 3 bdrm, 1 bath, very nice clean kind - custom home. Over 4000 sq lot. Build your own home on
Close to elementary, hospital & golf. rambler, full basement, central air, ft finished. New carpet, granite, tile, Gundersen Acre Sub. Call Brad
Call Sandy for details. 830-5545. fenced yard. Call Debbie 830-4716. appliances, furnaces & central air Sutton 435-830-0370. #519945
#518536 #525198 units plus amazing views! Call Pam
Mallet 850-0105. #450679 Tax ID #1-62A-10 Highway
71 West 1970 N, $110,000 804 Fleetwood Dr $119,900 138 Grantsville $58,000
3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, bright & sunny 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. Gorgeous 91 Memory Ln, $339,900 2 acres on highway North West of
remodeled home, home business 4 bdrm, 3.5 bath, 3 car grg. Grantsville, gas & power available,
corner unit condo! Close to
opportunity. Killer workshop & Prestigious Memory Lane! Shows
elementary, hospital & golf. Call well is drilled, conditional use
garage - Let me show you. Canʼt like a model. Custom home - total
Sandy 830-5545. #508001 horse property manufactured
beat it! Call Laney 830-7583. upgrades. Call Sandy 830-5545. Or
home okay.
#535919 Tana 801-301-1275. #526016
71 Benchmark Village Call Guy Keisel 496-3739.
$130,000 716 Deer Hollow Rd #512073
36 N. Fifth Street 847 Country Club, Stansbury 1502 N. Clemente, Tooele
3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. Wonderful Price Reduced $112,900 $359,900 PRICE REDUCED
condo village on the SE bench with $199,900 $179,900 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3 car grg. Fantastic 607 Haylie Lane $59,900
4 bed, 1 bath, 25% fin bsmt, Central
Fantastic views. This home is in air! .22 acre - 2 car carport - close to 5 bdrms, 3 bath, 2 car grg. Beautiful home, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car grg. Nicest home in Overlake, custom home, awesome views, Precious Land! .33 acre. Views are
Beautiful. Brand new custom built home. This house many upgrades & extras, cherry gorgeous! Get it now! Call Laney
excellent condition. Call Jay Kirk elementary school & great beautifully landscaped. 2 familyrooms, large shed & Riegel 830-7583. #513012
830-2091. #506381 neighborhood! Call Laney 830-7583. wood cabinets & railings, shown by
RV pad! Call Laramie 224-4000. #544805 has it all! Call Jeff Cracroft 435-241-0194. #518352 appointment only $369,000. Call
Jim Busico or Mark Martinez 840- Scenic Ophir Canyon
831 Oak Lane, Tooele
106 North 100 West, Tooele 1494. #515681 Blk 3 & Blk 6 Lots
$125,000 $165,000
2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg CONDO!
3 bdrm, 1 bath, 2 car grg. Old charm Lots with “almost impossible to
One level condo on the East side of
- updated kitchen, new electrical, 650 Country Club, Stansbury get” culinary water share. Prime
Tooele with great views. Call home building site. Call Tana
new plumbing - oversized garage - $134,900
Jeannie 830-0250. #536694 Must see! Call Kathy 830-4441 or DuBose 801-301-1275. #503559
1 Block to golf & Elementary school
Debbie 830-4716. #537081 - All new inside - What a deal, 3
bedrooms 2 bathrooms & fireplace - 273 S. Main St. $90,000
705 Marlette Drive, Tooele 1147 So. Southwest $135,000 Call Sandy 830-5545. #540246 0.67 acres. Zoned commercial/
$82,000 3 bdrm, 1 3/4 bath. Nice family residential. Main Street and ally
home in great neighborhood. Yard 456 Water Wheel Lane, access. Settlement Canyon share
2 bdrm, 1 3/4 bath, 2 car grg. Great
fully landscaped with full sprinkler 199,900 available. Call Kathy 830-4441.
home - Great Price! Large 2 car
garage, large fully landscaped and
system. Home has large master
1596 N. Dawson Lane, Tooele 1703 Cerroni Drive, Tooele 4 bdrm, 2.5 baths, 2 car grg. 5th #490917
bedroom & central air. Call Vicki $171,900 bdrm completed by closing. Big
fenced lot, many many extras! Call 830-6010 #522481 $175,900
5 bdrm, 3 bath, Lots of upgrades, fully fenced & rooms & closets, central vac, A/C, Deer Hollow Lots
Guy Keisel 496-3739. #539124 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car grg. Nicest home in Overlake, split bdrm layout. Call Tana Phase 3 & 5.
153 N. Fifth St. $125,000 Beautiful. Brand new custom built home. This house landscaped, dog kennel, 100% finished. Fabulous Dubose 801-301-1275. #526767 Exclusive View lots above Deer
196 N. 100 West $82,900 4 bdrm, 1 bath, 1909 total rambler. Call Tana Dubose 801-301-1276. #544088
Doll House, perfect for first time remodeled with original built in wood
has it all! Call Jeff Cracroft 435-241-0194. #518364 Hollow. Call Peggy Van Dam 850-
8888. #451831
buyer or investors, great shape, all buffet, book cases & window seat -
appliances included. Call Vicki stunning wood work. 10ʼ ceilings - 5576 Higley Road,
come look! Call Laney Riegel 830- $69,900 PRICE REDUCED
Powell 830-6010. #537972
7583 #531504 Horse Property! 2 bdrm, 1 bath.
Away from it all - .50 acre. Call 21711 South 42 West,
386 Century Dr. $83,900 Laney Riegel 830-7583. #509974 Vernon $45,000
1472 N 490 E, $133,000
Your own fenced .29 acre of peace No neighbors! This is as quiet as it
A “Must Sell” Opportunity! Corner
& quiet. Clean 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Lot, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Family room. 136 E. North St $94,900 gets. 1 bedroom home on 1/4 acre
Cll Tana DuBose 801-301-1275. Call Sandy 830-5545. #539481 WOW! Grantsville fenced home. 4 lot in Vernon. Call Brad Sutton
#518212 bdrm, 2 baths, .20 acres with huge 435-830-0370. #536274
160 W. 480 S., master bath, garden tub, living &
83 E 200 South $86,000 PRICE REDUCED $115,000 family room. Call Today! Sandy 4660 North 400 West, Erda
Very nice clean home, remodeled 4 bedrooms, great Southwest 830-5545. #491232 $75,000
with new roof, furnace, central air, location, great neighborhood! Call 5502 N. Ardennes Way, Stansbury Park 275 N. 7th Street, Tooele A Rare find! Corner lot, 1 acre, 6” well
stove, paint, flooring, washer & Jay Kirk 830-2091. #524077 42 East Clark $110,000 with 1 acre ft of water, 2” well for
$139,000 $126,000 .74 acres with cute home. Very
dryer, ready to move into. Call livestock plus electricity and gas
Debbie 830-4716 #516850 999 Southwest Dr $126,000 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. Lots of upgrades, full 3 bdrm, 1 1/3 bath. Secluded all brick rambler with nice & clean - New kitchen. Call available - call agent for list of
6 bdrm, 2 bth. 2 car grg. Very nice landscaping, full vinyl fencing, sprinklers, move in now! hardwood floors, 2 car detatched garage. Debbie 830-4716. #523198 equipment included. Call Jean
home with finished basement, Call Tana DuBose 801-301-1275. #543858 Draper 840-1076. #539570
350 South 360 West, $89,950
fenced yard, central air. Call Debbie
Call Jeannie McIntyre 830-0250. #542189 88 North Hale St, $131,900
GREAT PRICE one level - 3 bdrms, 3 bdrm, 2 baths, adorable 40ʼs
830-4716. #525820 1396 W. Hwy 199
1 bath, 2 car garage. Call Call style home w/ mother-in-law apt in
Laney 830-7583 #533820 $109,900
695 North 350 West, basement - .18 acre - very
charming & updated - good Rush Valley 2 bdrm, 2
252 E 1st South $89,000 opportunity. Call Laney Riegel 830- baths. NO NEIGHBORS! 3.67 ac,
4 bdrm, 3 bath, Wow! Better than
Very Nice clean home with newly 7583. #507329 2 tuff sheds & a modular! Views all
new! New carpet & paint, tonʼs of
around - Call Sandy 830-5545.
remodeled kitchen, bath & family room, finished sq. ft. Central air & 2 car
garage. Call Vicki Powell 830-6010. 38 N. Hale Street #526249
new siding & windows. Call Debbie
830-4716 #518829 #534452 Grantsville $161,000
5 bdrm, 1.75 bath. HORSE 370 N. Main St., Rush Valley
383 Isgreen Circle $133,000 PROPERTY! .75 acre, $145,000
190 South 2nd Street, Tooele
Brick rambler, 4 bedroom, HUGE 3 car 2 sheds & workshop with 20 + acres, 2.73 acre ft H20, 2
$90,000 bedroom home, fine country
detached garage - Custom kitchen too! electricity, barn, fenced. Call Sandy
Move right in, nice yard, shed, Covello 830-5545. #526955 living!. Call Laney Riegel 830-
sprinklers, covered patio service
Call Laney 830-7583 or Mark 830- 401 Lakeview, Tooele $119,900 78 ACRES
0655. #541516 7583. #538697
basement, gas fireplace. Call Tana 4 bdrm, 2 bath, completely remodeled, new kitchen, South Willow Canyon Road 280 E. Orchard Cir. $159,000
801-301-1275. #539780 224 Hometown Ct $133,500 paint, carpet & bathrooms, large lot, mature Lots of land with sunny skies above Grantsville in 5 bdrm home with double garage in 42 Conner, Stockton
2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. Let the landscaping, brick. Call Vicki Powell 830-6010. South Willow Canyon. Call Sandy 830-5545. culde sac near school and park in $84,900
383 E. Vine $95,000 memories begin great life style, Gville. Includes 1/4 acre lot and 2 A better Way of life! 2 bdrm, 2 bath
friendly neighbors, newly painted -
#543742 #543442 1/2 baths. Call Brad Sutton 830-
2 bd & 1 bth, 50% finished in large living area - Full landscaping,
basement! Close to schools, pick your own carpet. Private patio 0370. #536269 fenced backyard. Call Sandy 830-
churches & entertainment. Call and back yard. Call Jean Draper 5545 or Tana
Sandy 830-5545. #502706 840-1076. #476341
804 W. 620 South, 694 Buzianis Cir $169,900 801-301-1275. #531264
503 E. 700 N. $159,900 163 E. 100 So, $190,000
805 & 807 E Uintah Ave $144,900 4 bdrm, 2 3/4 baths. All brick home, 5072 August Lane, Erda
4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. Beautiful Over 3000 sq ft home & business,
466 N. 250 West, $106,900 $134,900 5 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. Beautiful $405,000
large home! Master suite with Jetted Very unique, upstairs loft, office in new kitchen, new detached garage
STAIRLESS! 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, Great Investment property. Duplex rambler with exquisite yard & 5 bdrm, 3 bath, custom log home,
Tub & walkin closet. Large beautiful basement. Call Laramie Dunn 224- & workshop - a bathroom in each! Lot on North Broadway,
1/3 acre lot with huge garage & with 2 bedroom, 1 bath in each unit. decorating, Almost finished over 4000 sq ft, 5 acres, stunning
kitchen, tons of extras! Call Guy 4000. #508434 Big secluded yard - very nice $31,000
workshop. Call Sandy 830-5545. Good Condition! Call Vicki (435)830- landscaping - Best views in the
basement. Call Vicki 830-6010. Keisel 496-3739. #504734 location. Laney 830-7583. Commercial Lot on the corner of
#528255 6010. #524363 valley & more! Call Laney Riegel
#539697 410 South 100 West, Elm and Broadway. Set up your
#500447 830-7583. #467889
29 North 150 West 1252 N 490 E $147,900 REDUCED $159,900 shop here! Call Brad Sutton 882-
302 South 100 West, Tooele 651 Valley View $144,000 4 bdrm, 2 baths. Nice family home. 5th 2100. #542362
$135,000 A great restoration project or build 482 Gordon Circle, Tooele
$109,900 5 bdrm, 1.75 bath, 2 car grg. New bedroom in basement almost finished.
5 bdrm, 2 bath. Wow! Beautifully a few new homes or multi unit $199,900 653 E. Main #9, Gville
4 bdrm, 1 bath. Horse property - roof, siding, furnace, water Oversized garage fits 4 cars with front 36 N Main #11-9-3
finished home with large yard housing. Call Sandy 830-5545 or 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, 3 car grg. $17,500
super price approx 1/2 acre, basement finished spotlessly clean. softener, den, new appliances, the & back access. Added Features 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1120 sq ft - mint OFFICE SPACE
Laney 830-7583. #537659 Absolutely gorgeous home,
irrigation water, classy older home Call Debbie 830-4716. #541547 list goes on & on! Call Laney include central air, fenced backyard & condition. New deck - More! Call $100, $300, $900
with upstairs loft and basement. Riegel 830-7583. #525691 nestled in the southeaast bench Call Sandy Covello 830-5545
full sprinkling system. Call Vicki Powell 886 E. 860 N, $174,900 Laney 830-7583 #523525.
Hurry on this one. Call Jim Busico 976 Southwest Dr. $136,500 830-6010. #529204
location with lots of extras. Call
5 bdrm, 3 bath. “Perfect” family Home- Vicki Powell 830-6010. #536065
840-1494. #536786 4 bdrm, 2 bath. Completely updated 265 South 5th St $145,000 163 E. 100 South
fireplace, jetted tub, french doors -
home in great neighborhood. All new 3 bdrm, 3 bath. Spring into action, 548 E. 700 N., $169,900 TOOELE, $190,000
carpet and paint. Seller motivated. Enclosed deck, 100% complete Mormon Trail, Grantsville
204 S. Sixth St, $109,900 great family home an east bench 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath over 3000 sq ft! 303 Nottingham Dr. $229,000 Over 3000 sq ft home & business,
Suzette Petersen 840-3377. storage sheds - beautiful yard - Cul- LAND - LAND - LAND. 40 acres. 9
Drop Dead Restoration! 3 bdrm, 2 family room in the lower level. Plus 2 story stucco -GRAND! Call Laney 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. new kitchen, new detached garage
#535234 De-Sac too many extras to list! Call acres near walmart 26 acres - 23
baths, 2 car grg. Fabulous office space fully equipped beauty salon, large 830-7583 #534041 Gorgeous full brick custom home & workshop - a bathroom in each!
Vicki Powell 830-6010. #542410 acre ft water. Grantsville along
or formal dining. laundry, covered deck, fully fenced on the East bench on approx 1/3 Big secluded yard - very nice
161 South 1st West, $139,900 & more! Call Jean Draper. Mormon trail. Call Sandy Covello
Call Sandy 830-5545. #528059 3 bedroom, 1 bath 4 car garages, 1837 No 170 W, 559 East 1480 N $174,900 acre. Loaded with upgrades & location. Laney 830-7583.
#505054 830-5545. #522251
cozy brick home on over 1/3 acre, $172,000 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Absolutely extras. Priced to sell. Call Jim #500447
345 East 400 North, Tooele fireplace, irrigation water, nice yard - 5 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car grg. Lovely stunning! Better than new, tons of Busico 840-1494. #536736
JUST REDUCED! $100,000 a must see. Call Jim Busico 840- 482 East 770 N $149,900 rambler, fully finished, full
upgrades, spacious floor plan &
Coldwell Banker
4 bdrm, 2 bath. Investment property! 1494. #535438 3 bdrm, 2 bath, new flooring, big landscaping, vaulted. Master suite,
great views. Call Vicki 830-6010 or 97 East 1810 No $195,000
1/2 acre mother-in-law apt or rental kitchen, all landscaped - coves & 2 fireplaces. Hurry! Wonʼt Last! Call
Jon 224-7845. #534495 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car grg.
758 W. Sunrise, $139,900 vaults - very sweet! Call Pam 850- Pam Mallet 850-0105. #533605
welcomes D&T Homes
in basement. Great potential! Call Upgrades galore. Double ovens. 2
3 bdrm, 2 bath. Great Deal, Rambler 0105 or Laney 830-7583. #536690
Sandy 830-5545. #519890 central air, 2 gas heaters, gas log
with full basement partially finished. 1747 Cerroni Dr., $174,900
887 N. Fox Run Dr $174,900 fireplace, formal dining. Call Pam
Located in great neighborhood 599 E. 180 N. $159,900 Great curb appeal, 4 bdrm, 2.5 20 prime North
476 Salton, $109,900 extras include central air, water Beautiful brand new multi level - 4 Mallet 850-0105. #526378
4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2 car grg. Beautiful
bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, 3 car grg. Great
bath. Corner lot totally finished East lots available
2 bdrm, 1 bath, 2 car grg. NO softener, fireplace, sprinkling system
STAIRS! Full landscaping, formal
open floor plan. Vaulted ceilings,
NE location will be ready in 30
yard! Room for game room, 2 to build on, Stop
& master bath. Call Vicki Powell 551 Tamarack Dr $269,900
neutral colors, excellent condition. bdroms & bathroom in basement. by and see our
living & family area. Call Sandy 830- 830-6010. #528122. days. Call Vicki 830-6010. 4 bdrm, 3 bath! Beautiful Custom
Many extras, Must see! Call Guy Call Sandy 830-5545. #530751 model home
5545. #513869 #514245
221 Hometown $143,500 Keisel 496-3739. #538614 Home! Great southeast bench located on Fox
3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car grg. Spacious 35 E. 1860 N. $179,900 location, walk out basement, Run Drive & 1000
546 Salton Street, $114,900 526 Mayo Drive, $156,900 1382 E. 850 N. $165,000
& affordable 1638 sq ft town house. 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 car grg. Wow - fabulous deck with never-ending
3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2 car grg. Great 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms total: Beautiful multi-level, vaulted North. Lots of
Main floor mstr bdrm, full bth, Alot of house for the money, tons of views, full mature landscape, gas
starter home. 2 fireplaces, central plans to choose
air, fully landscaped with fenced
laundry, country kitchen, plus a
breakfast nook. 2 bdrm, 1 full bath
Full, 3/4 & 1/2. 2 car grg.
80% finished basement, RV
ceilings, hardwood floors, tile entry,
oversized tub w/ sep. shower in
storage, beautiful yard & courtyard
in back, huge master suite, central
fireplace & grand master bathroom
w/ jetted tub. Call Vicki Powell 830-
Call Vicki Powell from. Marketed
back yard & huge deck. Call Vicki by the Vicki
master. Many upgrades. Youʼll love
upstairs - 2 car grg. Call Jean parking - SWEET! Laney Riegel air. Call Vicki Powell 830-6010.
Powell 830-6010. #527343 6010. #527386
Draper 882-2100. #530852 830-7583. #506974 iit. Call Jeff 241-0194. #504599 #542452 Powell Team.

CALL US TODAY! 882-2100

Special Supplement

September 22, 2005


3 Cypress Hills, Alberta Canada 4 Wyoming - East Newton Lake

Fifty Mile Mountain: A Great New Trophy Hunt to Consider

All transportation will be on foot or the back of a mule or horse

he world of trophy of the frustration the BLM has when there was no electricity,
hunting took on a new endured in their effort to rid television, or automobiles.
meaning this last week, Fifty Mile Mountain of these You will stay in an old log
when Steve Westhoff and unmanageable animals. They cabin, that dates back to the
Quinn Griffin started guiding could not do it with horses, pioneer days. Eat food pre-
trophy hunts for wild Bulls, planes or even helicopters. pared in a dutch oven, and A wild bull is much more elusive than a moose, elk or buffalo, and the horns are more valuable.
on their grazing allotment on This mountain has no peer for all transportation will be on
Fifty Mile Mountain. being the most rugged, inac- foot or the back of a mule or
What makes a wild bull cessible, desolate area in the horse.
such a special trophy? For United States. Throw in the If all this has not scared
starters, they rank right there scenic beauty, Indian lore and you off , and you are still
with a grizzley bear as far as uniqueness, make this new frustrated with not being able
meanness and danger goes, venture a must do. to draw a trophy tag, why
when wounded. A wild bull Don’t think you will be not give Steve a call for more
is much more elusive than a pampered in a fine lodge, information on how you can
moose, elk or buffalo, and the with a hot tub waiting for you reserve time for your hunt.
horns are more valuable. in the evening, or riding out Steve can be reached at 435-
If you have followed the to the hunting area in the nice 310-0205 and Quinn at 435-
news in southern Utah the soft confines of a new pickup. 616-4660, they are waiting for
past few years, you are aware No, this hunt is equivalent to your call. You will stay in an old log cabin that dates back to the pioneer days.


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September 22, 2005

Steptoe Valley Now Looking Like The Thermocline

What It Is And What To Do With It
a Wildlife Management Area By Morrill Stout mocline is. The fish stay just

nowing what a ther- above transition zone in the
that there are plans to plant mocline is and how to more oxygenated water.
them on the management find it is probably the Other fish such as bass and
area. most important information pike have other temperature
A variety of groups have you can have when fishing comfort zones. When fish-
been partnering with NDOW the hot months of summer. ing during warmer months,
on the wetlands and meadows The thermocline is the tran- it is important to know these
sition layer between the warm zones and find them before
projects including the Rocky
mixed layer at the surface and you start fishing.
Mountain Elk Foundation,
the cold deep water layer. Once you have decided the
Ducks Unlimited, Nevada
The mixed layer and the depth you need to be fishing,
Bighorns Unlimited, Wildlife you need to find the best way
and Habitat Improvement of deep water layer are relative-
ly uniform in temperature, to get your bait to that depth.
Nevada, Northern Nevada For flyfishermen, it will be
while the thermocline repre-
Waterfowl Association and the with the proper sinking line.
sents the transition between
White Pine Sportsman’s Club. There are many good ones
the two.
A considerable amount Since the temperature given on the market. A trip to your
of interior fence has been on most fish finders is for the favorite flyfishing store can
removed on the management top two feet of water, you still solve your problem..Just tell
area, making it easier for wild- don’t know where the ther- them the depth you need to
life to move around the area. mocline is. fish and how you will be fish-
Telephone and power poles The best way to measure ing and they can set you up
A major project that is in the works, is to expand the size of Comins Lake, has emerged as have been removed, except for the water temperature in the with the proper line.
one of the state’s premiere rainbow trout fisheries. three telephone poles that will deep is with a small ther- Bait fisherman can use an
mometer lowered to differ- adjustable bubble set at the
Lynne D. Foster Wildlife (NDOW) put togeth- More recently, NDOW has eventually be used as nesting
ent depths, usually in ten depth you need to fish.
Nevada Department of er a management plan for its been using nearly $750,000 in platforms for raptors.
foot increments, to determine Trolling a lure that dives
Wildlife new Steptoe Valley Wildlife federal grant funds to enhance All of the exterior fence has
the temperature at different to a certain depth, or using a
Management Area and has wetlands on the area. The been modified to give easier leaded line, are the best ways

access for game animals as depths.
fter six years of work, been working to meet the North American Wetlands Since trout and other salm- to fish the thermocline, but
Steptoe Valley Wildlife objectives that it outlined. Conservation Act funds are they make their way on and using an outrigger is the best.
onoid are most active in water
Management Area Mills said that one of the being used to develop an off the area. I hope this information
tat is between 50 to 60 degrees,
south of Ely is shedding its top objectives for the manage- improved water delivery sys- Mills said that a major proj- helps you as much as it did
it is important to find this
appearance of being a working ment area was to convert 350 tem on the area and to devel- ect, that is in the works, is prime range. In most instanc- me.
ranch and is now taking on the acres of alfalfa fields to native op 10 large impoundments, to expand the size of Comins es this will be where the ther-
look and feel of an area that is grasses and forbs that would or bodies of water, that range Lake, which since its acquisi-
being managed for wildlife. appeal to wildlife. This has from 10 to 40 acres. Some tion by NDOW, has emerged
“I’m very pleased that we been done along with planting smaller impoundments will as one of the state’s premiere
have been able to accomplish native shrubs, forbs and grass- have water during years when rainbow trout fisheries. The
several major projects and es on benches and ravines. there is abundant moisture. Nevada Department of
more projects are in the works. Water that is saved by remov- The impoundments will be Transportation will be work-
I think that what we’ve been ing the alfalfa fields is now a haven for shorebirds and ing with NDOW on the proj- Outdoors Now Communications, LLC
able to do and what we will be being diverted to newly cre- waterfowl on the management ect. 151 West Telegraph #17
Washington, UT 84780
doing over the next few years ated wetlands and to maintain area, which is located seven “Quite a bit of work has 435.668.2171
will really benefit wildlife as stable water levels in Comins miles south of Ely. been done in the past six years outdoorsnow@infowest.com

well as hunters and fisher- Lake, which was acquired by Grant funds are being used that really benefits wildlife. Outdoors Now is published monthly. The entire contents of this
men,” said Ron Mills, installa- the state as part of the ranch as well for improving exist- I am particularly impressed newspaper is Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No part of this
with the amount of help and publication may be reproduced in any form without written consent of the
tion supervisor. purchase. ing meadows on the area that Managing Editor or Publisher.
After acquiring the more Planting native grasses and will benefit antelope, deer, elk interest that we have received
than 6,400 acres in 1999 that plants also helps to prevent and other animals. Willows from the community, sports- Publisher’s Morrill Stout & Denny Rickards
Editor Emeritus Lyn ‘Swede’ Larson
comprised the CCC Ranch, the fields from being infested were historically found in the man’s organizations and other Managing Editor & Sales Morrill Stout - 435.668.2171
the Nevada Department of with invasive noxious plants. Steptoe Valley and Mills said groups,” Mills said. Production Editor Lisa Fuellenbach

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Dial-up ��������
September 22, 2005

Cypress Hills, Alberta Canada: The Land of Big Rainbows

By Morrill Stout Delmont Wallace, and John ated. Not so with us.

ising out of the prairie Martin, to see if they wanted I tied on one of Denny Without becoming monoto-
floor in the southeastern to go. Everyone said yes, but Rickards orange tailed seal nous, I can’t think of a way
corner Alberta, Canada Delmont. He had to be put on buggers, and eased into the the trip could have been bet-
is one of the most interesting the injured reserve list because water, kicking out fifty feet ter. The fish were plentiful,
places I have ever been. of a torn rotator cuff. or so, stripping and throwing running six to ten pounds, and
After riding over the flat We all met in the little town line as I went. they were hot. The Canadians
lands from Great Falls to of Elkwater, which is located With my line out, I set about were very friendly , and the
Havre, Montana, then north in the center of the Cypress hooking up the line apron, food was great.
past the Canadian border, the Hills. when my reel started zinging We are planning on going
landscape is just the same, flat Brent had reserved two very as the line was jerked from it. I back this fall, when the grass-
prairie with grass or grain. nice cabins for us there. He just barely retrieved the rod, as hoppers come out.
Then all of a sudden, you go joined us that evening for it headed into the lake. It takes my breath away just
up a gentle rise, and suddenly dinner. After a big breakfast That was how we were bap- thinking about how hard these
you are in quakies and pines. the next morning, at the golf tized into Cypress Hills fish- fish would hit a hopper.
Deer, elk, and other wildlife course, and a fifteen minute ing. If anyone is interested in
abound. The ride alone is ride to the lake, we were in It is not always that a trip fishing like this, give Brent
worth the trip, but that is just business. turns out better than you Schlenker a call at Cypress
the beginning. As we were inflating our thought it would. Sometimes Fly and Tackle, Medicine Hat,
When Brent Schlenker, kick boats, the fish working the fish are not as big as adver- Alberta, Canada. Toll free
owner of Cypress Fly and sounded like anvils falling in tised, sometimes the food is Canada and USA 1-888-211-
Tackle, invited me to come up the water. It was easy to tell not as good as expected, or 8184 or e-mail him at brent@
Brent Schlenker, managing editor of Outdoors Now Canada,
and sample his Canadian trout by the size of the fish that were when the group comes from cypressflyandtackle.com. You
releases a monster rainbow during our stay at Cypress Hills
fishing, I immediately called boiling, that the stories Brent all over and no one knows won’t be sorry.
Garth Williams, Tony Ogden, had told us were not exagger- each other, it gets a little tense.

Fly of the Month

Burnt Orange Tail: Medium olive marabou
with two strips of Flash-A-
probe seven to twelve feet.
In acidic lakes, Type III or
Seal Bugger Bou over top of tail
Body: Dark olive seal fur or
IV lines for fishing deep
seal substitute picked out Recommended Retrieve
By Denny Rickards
after ribbing A long slow two-foot pull-
Hackle: Grizzly saddle hackle and-pause or a bit faster
Hook: Size 8-10, 4X long
dyed burnt orange one-foot pull-and-pause.
Weight: 20 wraps of .020
Rib: Copper wire
lead wire at the head
Head: Black
Leech, damsel nymph,
dragonfly nymph or small
Recommended Lines:
Intermediate, Type II
Depth Fished: Denny Rickards burnt orange
Another big rainbow taken on When using an interme- seal bugger tied by Brent
diate line, fish from the Schlenker. These flies are
a burnt orange seal bugger
surface down two to six available only at Hurst Sports
Garth Williams shows off a typical Cypress Hills rainbow. We are coming back in September feet. Using a Type II line, Center.
for the “Grasshopper Wind”


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September 22, 2005

Wyoming - East Newton Lake

By Denny Rickards That makes learning her secrets II clear transparent line when
easier with fewer options to the routs are deep. He gives

ocated only six miles sort through. it a 30-second count and then
from the famous west- Hosting trips into the Cody imparts a slow retrieve with
ern town of Cody, East area twice a year, I always set an olive Seal Bugger. He has
Newton has become one of my time aside to fish this lake. taken browns to 27 inches and
favorite lakes. It is as close to Here, I have found some of has left a few flies in the jaws
the ideal fishery, as I can find; the most beautiful trout in the of some that didn’t want to see
shallow, weedy, ideal water western United States. While the inside of a net. Most of the
temperatures, scenic backdrop eating lunch at the water’s edge time we use intermediate lines
and small enough that it’s easy in the fall of 1998, I watched in and around the tules and
to figure out, after only a short a big male brook trout over weed beds.
period. With an abundance of 20 inches cruise by, 10 feet in Twenty fish days are pretty
aquatic insects and a healthy front of me. consistent with the major-
population of rainbow, brown Spilling my Pepsi, to get my ity of the trout running 2 to
and brook trout, that average rod, I could only watch as 4 pounds. I prefer to fish my
18 to 23 inches, with an occa- he slowly disappeared behind Stillwater Nymph, or olive
sional splake, you have it all. a stand of tule and into the Callibaetis Nymph, in size 10,
You can wade it, tube it or fish depths. I know he is still there early and late in the day and
it from a boat. All methods and I’ll look for him again the my Midge Larvae, size 12, in
work. It is rarely moody and next time I fish the lake. olive or black, during mid- East Newton Lake is a pristine, yet challenging stillwater fishery. (Dave Nolte photo)
although the numbers of the At an elevation of 5,230 feet, day hours both spring and fall. artificial flies and lures only fish 14 to 16 inches. There with a burnt orange hackle
bigger trophy fish from 8 to East Newton offers stillwater They are consistent for me and with a one trout limit (20 inch- are a few that reach 4 and 5 is very good both spring and
10 pounds are far fewer now, anglers the perfect challenge. when the bite gets difficult or es or better). The lake is open pounds. fall. When trout work in shal-
there are still some around to Although most of the local when trout are not showing, all year, but the fishing begins low water and are surface or
keep you focused. anglers choose to pursue these I’ll use my olive Seal Bugger Lake Size:
unofficially at ice out. Spring sub-surface feeding, I use my
Tules, cattails and a variety fish on foot, I feel you can and go a bit deeper. I almost and fall are the most consis- East Newton covers about A.P. Emerger, Stillwater or
of aquatic weeds provide the cover more water fishing from always start with leaders of tent times, but weather can be 125 acres with shallow shore- Callibaetis nymphs in size 10
perfect habitat to support the a floating device. During the 12 to 15 feet tapered down to on the wintry side and often lines and weed beds around or 12 and fish them in the top
food sources these trout eat hot summer days, these trout 4x tippets. If trout are surface unpredictable like most areas the entire lake. 6 to 12 inches.
and the cover they need to will seek the deeper water well feeding, fish your fly in the top in the Rocky Mountains. Wind Recommended Fly Lines:
protect them from predators. out of casting range of wading 6 inches and move it slowly. Best Times:
is also common this time of
East Newton is not a big anglers. Strikes are often sudden and I use the intermediate for the This one fishes well all year
year, so dress accordingly.
lake, roughly 125 acres with My fishing partner, Dave these trout can pull hard, so be shallow water fishing and the with the bigger fish showing
To get to East Newton, take
a maximum depth of 25 feet. Freel, prefers to use a type prepared. clear type II fast sinking line early spring or fall.
Highway 120 out of Cody and
The most dominant insects for probing the deeper water
go northeast about 6 miles. For more information Denny can
here are damselflies and near the bottom. Frannie
Make a left turn at the rifle 212
be reached at Crysal Creek Anglers,
Callibaetis mayflies especially range and follow the road to Recommended Fly Patterns: P.O. Box 470, Fort Clamoth,
during the summer months. the lake. There is also a sign on Oregon, (541)381-2218. Deaver
310 Co
My Seal Bugger in olive 295
89 mayflies and caddis the right hand side of the road 120
hatches will spice the menu that will point you in the right 296
and offer you (and the trout) direction. Powell 14B
some additional options. 32
Midges, scuds and leeches Season:
120 295
20 are always available to these Open year-round
fish so patterns imitating each Trout: East Newton 14A
should get their attention so
long as you fish them at the Rainbow, brown and brook Lake
depth where trout normally trout with an occasional splake
find them. For a 14brief period (a cross between a brook and Cody 14
89 Mackinaw). The rainbow and 14
each spring, ants and hoppers
make an appearance and the brown will average 18 to 23
inches with some browns To get to East Newton, take Highway 120 out of Cody and go
trout will respond accordingly.
going 8 pounds and a few to northeast about 6 miles. Make a left turn at the rifle range
Fishing won’t get any better and follow the road to the lake. There is also a sign on the
than this, if you time it right. 10. The brook trout are fewer
This 3 pound brown is about average for East Newton, but right hand side of the road that will point you in the right
East Newton is managed for in number with the average
lurking in the depths are larger fish. direction. 120






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