(TC) - 99m Thyroid Scintigraphy in Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening Program
(TC) - 99m Thyroid Scintigraphy in Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening Program
(TC) - 99m Thyroid Scintigraphy in Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening Program
Screening Program
by R. Iranpour,a M. Hashemipour,b M. Amini,b S. M. Talaei,c R. Kelishadi,c S. Hovsepian,b S. Haghighi,b and Kh. Khatibib
Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics and
Endocrine & Metabolism Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Iran
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Key words: congenital hypothyroidism, Tc-99m thyroid scintigraphy, thyroid agenesia, screening.
ß The Author [2006]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org 411
doi:10.1093/tropej/fml038 Advance Access Published on 30 August 2006
autosomal recessive mode of inheritance [5]. There Recalls were implemented based on the level of T4
are gender and ethnic variations in CH. Overall, and TSH. In the case of T4 < 6.5 mg/dl or TSH
there is a 2/1 female/male ratio and higher prevalence >20 mIU/l on 3rd–7th days after birth, and
in Caucasians and Hispanics than in White infants T4 < 6.5 mg/dl or TSH >10 mIU/l after the 7th day
[6]. Although neonatal thyroid screening programs of birth, the neonates were recalled. Immature
have been extremely successful in the prevention of neonates with low level of T4 for their weight or with
neurodevelopmental deficit, some studies have high TSH levels for their age were recalled, as well [15].
reported subtle neuropsychological disturbance in Considering the first TSH values (3rd–7th day of
severely affected infants despite early detection and birth), the proper approach was selected. If TSH
treatment [7–9]. The aetiology of CH may be level was between 20 and 39 mIU/l, T4 and TSH
important in determining the disease severity, measurements were repeated, but if TSH level was
Demographic characteristics and thyroid scan results in infants with congenital hypothyroidism
The mean T4 and TSH values in hypothyroid neonates based on TS results
function [28]. There are limited data available on probable, but in athyrotic or ectopic patients, life-
patterns of hormonal concentration for T4 and TSH in long therapy with higher dose might be needed.
children with different etiologies of CH. A previous Therefore, TS also provide useful prognostic infor-
study, in which the disease severity was related to mation for counseling with parents of CH patients
etiological category, reported that despite rapid and their follow-up program.
normalization of mean T4 levels in different etiologies According to the results of the present study, in
category of CH, the mean TSH level at screening and infants with athyrosis, the mean TSH level was
during the first 6 months of follow-up were consistently significantly higher than the normal scan group. No
higher in those with athyrosis than in those with dys- statistical differences were found between ectopic and
genetic or dyshormonogenetic etiologies. The percentage athyrotic patients or ectopic and normal TS groups
of patients who required a dose increase in the first 6 in the mean TSH values, but athyrotic patients when
months was significantly higher in athyrotic group compared with ectopic and ectopic when compared
than in other groups [11]. In our study, the mean with normal scan group had an increasing TSH level.
TSH level was significantly higher in the athyrotic However, no statistical difference was detected
group. Accumulating data from this and other between the groups in the mean T4 levels, but the
studies provide strong support for the view that the mean T4 values in athyrotic patients were lower than
aetiology should be considered as an important in other groups. Some studies also showed that
determinant of severity of disease and treatment newborns with normal TS had less hormonal
schedules in patients with CH. The follow-up alterations than those with athyrosis [11, 26, 28].
schedules for CH may differ in the three aetiological Our findings were consistent with the study of
categories (athyrosis, dysgenesis, dyshormonogenesis) Hanukoglu et al. [11], who examined the patterns
based on the different hormonal patterns and of TSH and T4 in the three groups based on their
responses to therapy [11]. Generally, CH children thyroid scans (athyrosis, dysgenesis and dyshormo-
with most severe and prolonged disease at diagnosis nogenesis). They reported that the mean TSH levels
have the worst outcome [29]. It is established that the at screening and during the first 6 months of follow-up
outcome is better in infants with severe hypothyroid- were consistently higher in those with athyrosis
ism if thyroxin replacement therapy would be started than in those with dysgenesis or dyshormonogenesis
on a high dosage due to the reduced period of post- aetiologies. The athyrotic group also had lowest total
natal hypothyroidism. However, the efficacy of a T4 levels at diagnosis and at 3 months of age. They
high dosage for milder forms of CH is yet to be concluded that CH patients without thyroid gland
confirmed [30]. Thus, the Tc-99m TS can add useful (agenesia) need close monitoring and prompt treat-
information in the clinical evaluation of infants with ment particularly early in life. Contrary to the
CH for choosing the better treatment strategies findings of these studies [11, 26, 28], in our patients
especially in patients with athyrosis. We suggest with athyrosis, T4 levels were not lower than in the
that performing TS, as soon as possible before other two groups but with a larger sample size there
starting replacement therapy would be useful. Due is a probability to find a statistical difference.
to higher mean screening TSH levels in infants with Conversely, one study showed that the initial T4
athyrosis than in the other two groups, TS especially levels correlated with the degree of skeletal matura-
in CH patients with severe hormonal alteration can tion and aetiology, but initial TSH level could not
determine the athyrotic group for the beginning of predict the nature of CH [31]. Further confirming
higher dose of L-T4 as well as closer monitoring. studies, with large sample size and longer period are
If the thyroid gland is present in the normal position necessary to prove definite relationship of hormonal
in TS, later discontinuation of treatment is more alteration and aetiology in CH.
We found that the mean TSH level was signifi- Group for Neonatal Screening in Paediatric
cantly higher in those with athyrosis than in patients Endocrinology. Acta Paediatrica 1999;88 (Suppl):13–4.
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Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 2000;462–71.
of L-T4 replacement in CH patients with athyrosis, 16. Delang F. Screening for congenital hypothyroidism
an aetiological diagnosis is advisable before used as an indicator of the degree of iodine deficiency
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with high level of TSH with impression of athyrosis. 17. Azizi F, Sheikholeslam R, Hedayati M, et al.
Tc-99m TS is a useful diagnostic tool for the initial Sustainable control of iodine deficiency in Iran:
investigation of suspected CH and due to correlation beneficial result of the implementation of the manda-
of TS results with serum TSH levels, proper manage- tory law on salt iodization. J Endocrinol Invest