Control Coordination (Prashant Kirad)
Control Coordination (Prashant Kirad)
Control Coordination (Prashant Kirad)
Control Coordination
Nervous System:
The nervous system is like the control center of our bodies. It's
made up of special tissues called nervous tissue. The worker in
this system is the nerve cell or neuron. The nervous system is
mainly in charge of managing and coordinating things in complex
Functions of the nervous system:
1. The nervous system gets information from the world around us.
2. It collects information from different parts of our body.
3. It helps us make decisions and control our muscles and glands.
The cell body, or cyton, is the main rounded part of the neuron
where you find the central nucleus and cytoplasm.
Dendrites are like the tree branches of the neuron's cell body.
They receive and pass on signals or messages.
The axon is the neuron's long part that carries messages away
from the cell body. It's protected by a covering called the
myelin sheath.
Nerve endings are like tiny branches at the ends of neurons,
and they send electrical signals to other neurons.
Working of a neuron:
1. The neuron gets information from receptors as an electrical
signal at the start of its dendrite.
2. This signal travels from the dendrite to the cell body and then
all the way to the tip of the axon.
3. Between two neurons, there's a small gap known as a synapse.
Special chemicals bridge this gap to transmit the same signal to
the next neuron.
4. At the end of the axon, electrical signals trigger the release of
these chemicals.
A synapse is where the end branches of one neuron's axon
connect with the dendrite of another neuron.
Transmission of nerve impulse: Nerve impulses travel
in the following manner from one neutron to the next.
Dendrites → cell body → axon → nerve endings at the tip of axon → synapse → dendrite of next neuron.
The chemicals released from the tip of a neuron's axon traverse the
synapse or neuromuscular junction to connect with the adjacent cell.
types of nervous
Central Nervous System (CNS)
The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal
cord. The brain controls bodily functions, while the spinal
cord relays signals between the brain and the peripheral
nervous system.
Human brain:
2. Lobes
Frontal- controls voluntary movements of muscles, memory,
and speech.
Parietal- a sense of touch and taste.
Temporal- a sense of smell and hearing. E.M.A
Occipital- a sense of vision.
1. Cerebellum:
It's under the cerebrum and does three main things:
helps you move
keeps you balanced
manages things you do on purpose
It's the brain stem, found at the bottom of the brain and
stretching into the spinal cord. It handles things our body
does automatically, like hearing, heartbeats, breathing, and
actions like salivating and vomiting.
It also controls involuntary actions.
It regulates respiration
E.M. A
Peripheral Nervous System:
The peripheral nervous system includes cranial nerves and
spinal nerves. We have 12 pairs of cranial nerves that extend
from the brain to the head's organs. Additionally, there are
31 pairs of spinal nerves that come out of the spinal cord and
connect to organs below the head.
(Stimulus) (skin) (Muscles) (Hand Withdraw)
Plants Animals
No specific or No specific or
specialized tissue specialized tissue
present for conduction present for conduction
of information. of information.
Plant cells change Specialised proteins
shape by changing the are found in muscle
amount of water in cells which help in
them. changing the shape.
Coordination in PLANTS:
Control and coordination in plants are carried out by hormones.
E.M. A
Growth Independent Movements:
Movements unrelated to growth are termed nastic movements.
These responses occur due to environmental stimuli, but the
direction of the response is not determined by the direction
of the stimulus.
The movement in the touch-me-not plant is thigmonastic movement (movement in response to touch).
Endocrine Glands
Endocrine glands are ductless glands that release
hormones directly into the bloodstream in humans.
In the human body, notable endocrine glands include the
pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pineal, pancreas, ovary (female),
testis (male), and others. Now, let's delve into each gland to
learn more.
Pituitary Gland:
Pea-sized gland situated at the base of the brain
Functions as the master gland, overseeing the
secretions of all other endocrine glands
Produces Growth Hormone (GH)
Insufficient GH secretion results in Dwarfism
Excessive GH secretion leads to Gigantism in children
Excessive GH in adults causes 'Acromegaly'
Thyroid Gland:
Butterfly-shaped gland in the throat
Secretes the hormone 'Thyroxine,' which regulates
body metabolism
Requires iodine for thyroxine synthesis in the body
Iodine deficiency results in under-secretion of
Under-secretion of thyroxine causes goitre
Leaf-like gland located behind the stomach in the
Functions as both an endocrine and exocrine gland
Endocrine function involves the production of two
hormones: Insulin and glucagon
Insulin and glucagon act antagonistically to regulate
blood sugar levels
Exocrine function includes the secretion of enzymes to
break down proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic
acids in food
Insufficient insulin production from the pancreas
results in diabetes
Adrenal Gland:
Present in pairs above each kidney
Size decreases with age
Secretes adrenaline, a hormone facilitating the flight
and fight response
Additionally secretes noradrenaline
Gonads are gamete-producing organs: testes in males,
ovaries in females
Testes produce testosterone (male hormone), while
ovaries produce oestrogen and progesterone (female
Testosterone and oestrogen contribute to gamete
production and influence the sexual characteristics of
males and females, respectively
Progesterone serves as the pregnancy hormone
Top 7 questions
Auxin form in the shoot tip but diffuse toward the part
which is in shade/away from the light. The concentration
on shady part increase stimulation cells in this part to
elongate. The side of shoot on this side grows longer than
the part in light hence bend towards light.
1. a. Pituitary gland,
2. b. Pancreas,
3. c. Adrenal gland,
4. d. Testes,
5. e. Oestrogen,
6. f. Thyroxine.
1. If the body design in the squirrel relied only on electrical impulses via nerve
cells, the body
1. If the rangedesign
of tissues
in theinstructed to prepare
squirrel relied only onfor the coming
electrical activity
impulses viawould
be limited. On the other hand, if a chemical signal were to be sent as
cells, the range of tissues instructed to prepare for the coming activity would well, it be
would reach all cells of the body and provide the wide-ranging changes
limited. On the other hand, if a chemical signal were to be sent as well, it wouldneeded.
done in of
cells many
body and including
providehuman beings, using
the wideranging a hormone
changes called
needed. This is
done in many that is secreted
animals, from
including the adrenal
human beings, glands.
using a hormone called adrenaline
that is secreted from the adrenal glands.
i) which is the target organ for the adrenaline hormone?
i) which is the target organ for the adrenaline hormone?
Ans: Heart is the target organ for the adrenaline hormone which increases the
Ans: Heart is the target organ for the adrenaline hormone which increases the
heartbeat rate.
heartbeat rate.
ii) Which hormone is released by thyroid gland?
ii) Which
Ans: hormone
Thyroxine is released
is released by thyroid
by thyroid gland. gland?
Ans: Thyroxine is released by thyroid gland.
iii) What is the function of thyroxine hormone?
iii) What
Ans: is the carbohydrate,
It regulates function of thyroxine hormone?
protein and fat metabolism in the body and promote
the It balance
best regulates
growth. protein and fat metabolism in the body and
promote the best balance for growth.
iv) Name the hormone released by ovary?
iv) Name
Ans: the hormone
Estrogen released by ovary?
and progesterone.
Ans: Estrogen and progesterone.
V) Name the three hormonal glands located in the brain?
V) Name
Ans: thepituitary
Pineal, three hormonal glands located in the brain?
and hypothalamus
Ans: Pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus
2. Some plants like the pea plant climb up other plants or fences by means of
2. Some plants like the pea plant climb up other plants or fences by means of tendrils.
tendrils. These tendrils are sensitive to . When they come in contact with any
These tendrils are sensitive to . When they come in contact with any support,
support, the part of the tendril in contact with the object does not grow as rapidly
the part of the tendril in contact with the object does not grow as rapidly as the
as the part of the tendril away from the object. This causes the tendril to circle
part of the tendril away from the object. This causes the tendril to circle around the
around the object and thus cling to it. More commonly, plants respond to stimuli
object and thus cling to it. More commonly, plants respond to stimuli slowly by
slowly by growing in a particular direction. Because this growth is directional, it
growing in a particular direction. Because this growth is directional, it appears as if
appears as if the plant is moving.
the plant is moving.
i) How many type of tropism are shown by plants? Name them.
i) How
Ans: many type
Generally thereof are
6 typeareofshown by namely
tropism plants? phototropism,
Name them. gravitropism,
Ans: Generallythigmotropism,
chemotropism, there are 6 type of tropism namely
thermotropism phototropism, gravitropism,
and hydrotropism.
chemotropism, thigmotropism, thermotropism and hydrotropism.
ii) The me not plant is an example of which tropism?
ii) The
Ans: it isme not plantof
an example is thigmotropism.
an example of which tropism?
Ans: it is an example of thigmotropism.
iii) give one example of chemotropism?
iii) give
Ans: one of
growth example
pollen of chemotropism?
tubes to wheels is one example of chemotropism.
Ans: growth of pollen tubes to wheels is one example of chemotropism.
iv) Name the plants hormone which promotes cell division?
iv) Name
Ans: the plants
Cytokinins hormone
promotes which promotes
cell division in plants.cell division?
Ans: Cytokinins promotes cell division in plants.
v) Name the plant hormone which inhibits growth?
v) Name
Ans: the acid
Abscisic plant hormone which inhibits growth?
Ans: Abscisic acid