Course File: Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
Course File: Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
Course File: Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
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4) Date : 25/11/2015
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S.No. Item Page No.
1. Cover page 2
2. Syllabus copy 6
7. Brief importance of the course and how it fits into the curriculum 9
8. Prerequisites if any 9
21. Known curriculum Gaps (If any) and inclusion of the same in lecture schedule 162
b. Teaching Evaluation
2. Syllabus copy
ECOSYSTEMS : Definition, scope and importance of ecosystem, Concept of ecosyatem, Classification of eco
Structure and structural components of an ecosystem, Food chains ,food webs, And ecological pyramids. Flo
Biogeochemical cycles, Homeostasis / Cybernatics, Food chain concentration, Biomagnification, ecosystems
and carrying capacity.
NATURAL RESOURCES: Renewable and non-renewable resources – Natural resources and associated pro
resources – Use and over – exploitation, deforestation, case studies – Timber extraction – Mining, dams anot
and tribal people – Water resources – Use and over utilization of surface and ground water –Floods, drought,
dams – benefits and problems - Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting a
resources, case studies. - Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgra
modern agriculture, fertilizer- pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies. - Energy resources: Gr
renewable and non-renewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources. Case studies: Land resource
resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification, land use / land cover ma
BIODIVERSITY AND ITS CONSERVATION: Introduction - Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem divers
Biogeographically classification of India - Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethic
option values - . Biodiversity at global, National and local levels. - . India as a mega- diversity nation - Hot-spo
Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man- wildlife conflicts. - Endangered and endemic sp
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity .Food and fodder resources, Timb
forest products.
Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of:a. Air pollution: Primary and secondary pollutants, A
industrial pollution, Ambient air quality standards.
b. Water pollution: Point and non-point sources of pollution, Major pollutant of water and their sources, drinkin
standards, Waste water treatment methods, ETP, STP, CETP.
c. Soil pollution: Soil as a sink of pollutants, Impacts of modern agriculture on soil, degradation of soil.
d. Marine pollution: misuse of international water for the dumping of hazardous waste, coastal pollution due to
marine disposal of industrial effluents
e. Noise pollution: Sources, Industrial Noise occupational health hazards, standards, Methods of noise contro
g. Nuclear pollution: Nuclear power plants, nuclear radiations, disasters and impacts, genetical disorders.
Solid waste Management: types, collection, processing and disposal of municipal solid waste and industrial w
characteristics of e waste and its management.
Definition of an Impact: Classification of imacts, positive and negative impacts, rversible and irreversible, light
severe, methods of baseline data acquisition, Impacts on different components such as human health resourc
flora, fauna and society. Prediction of impacts and impact assessment methodologies. Environment Managem
technological solutions, Preventive methods Control technologies, greenbelt development, rain water harvest
sensing and GIS methods
-Environment Protection Act. -Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. -Water (Prevention and control of
Water Cess act , Wildlife Protection Act –Forest Conservation Act , Municipal solid waste management and H
biomedical waste management and handling rules, hazardous waste management and handling rules.
Concept of sustainable development, Threats to Sustainability, Population and its explosion, Crazy Consume
exploitation of resources, Strategies for Achieving Sustainable development, Environmental Education, Cons
Resources, Urban sprawl, Sustainable Cities and communities, Human health, Role of IT in Environment, En
Environmental Economies, Concept of green building, Clean development Mechanism.
1. Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by Erach Bharucha for University Grants
1. Textbook of Environmental Sciences and Technology by M. Anji Reddy, BS Publica
➢ To impart quality education in fundamentals of basic sciences, mathematics, electronics and communicatio
engineering through innovative teaching-learning processes. ➢ To facilitate Graduates define, desig
engineering problems in the field of Electronics and
Communication Engineering using various Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. ➢ To encour
among faculty and students thereby facilitating them to be creative and
innovative through constant interaction with R & D organizations and Industry. ➢ To inculcate team
leadership qualities, professional ethics and social responsibilities in students
and faculty.
5. PEOs and Pos
PEO 2: To train students with problem solving capabilities such as analysis and design with adequa
wherein they demonstrate creativity and innovation that would enable them to
PEO 1: To prepare students with excellent comprehension of basic sciences, mathematics and eng
facilitating them to gain employment or pursue postgraduate studies with development.
PEOan develop state of the art equipment and technologies of multidisciplinary nature for soc
positive attitude, professional ethics, effective communication and interpersonal skills which would facilitate
chosen profession exhibiting creativity and innovation through research and development both as team m
PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering to solve complex eng
Electronics and Communication Engineering systems.
PO2: An ability to model, simulate and design Electronics and Communication Engineering systems
as well as analyze and interpret data and prepare a report with conclusions.
PO3: An ability to design an Electronics and Communication Engineering system, component, or pr
needs within the realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and sa
and sustainability. PO4: An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams involving interpersonal skills PO5: An
formulate and solve engineering problems of multidisciplinary nature.
PO6: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities involved in the practice of Electro
Communication Engineering profession.
PO7: An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audience on complex engineering problem
nature both in oral and written form.
PO8: The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
environmental and societal context.
PO9: A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning and acquire the cap
PO10: A knowledge of contemporary issues involved in the practice of Electronics and Communicat
PO11: An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering prac
use modern Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools, software and electronic equipment to analyze, s
Electronics and Communication Engineering systems for
PO13: Apply engineering and project management principles to one's own work and also to manage
multidisciplinary nature.
6. Course Objectives and Outcomes
CO 1: Get the information about ecosystem and also about its functions like Food chain,
CO 2: Get the knowledge about the different types of resources like land, water, mineral and energy and also
CO 3: Gain the knowledge about the ecosystem diversity, its values and also about the importance
CO 4: Get the complete information about the different methods of protecting the environment.
CO 5: Gain the knowledge about the different types of pollutions and their control technologies.
CO 6: Gain the knowledge about different types of pollution and their treatment techniques like
CO 7: Get the complete information about EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment in which the student
will get the knowledge about the projects and the process involved in getting the projects.
CO 8: Gain the knowledge about the present resources and different techniques involved in its conservation.
7. Brief Importance of the Course and how it fits into the curriculum
Environmental studies are the sciences which includes the improvement of the natural environment, to provide
healthy water, air, and land for human habitation and for other organisms, and to clean up pollution sites.]
Environmental studies can also be described as a branch of applied science that addresses the issue of energy
preservation, production asset and control of waste from human and animal activities. Furthermore, it is concerned
with finding plausible solutions in the field of public health, such as waterborne diseases, implementing laws which
promote adequate sanitation in urban, rural and recreational areas. It involves waste water management and a
recycling, waste disposal, radiation protection, industrial hygiene, environmental sustainability, and public health
issues as well as a knowledge of environmental engineering law. It also includes studies on the environmental impact o
8. Prerequisites if any
The domain of environmental science is not completely defined, and includes many smaller disciplines. Our e
lifestyles and growth depend entirely on the sun and the earth. The energy from the sun is called solar capita
way, the planets, air, water, fertile soil, forests, grasslands, wetlands,
oceans, lakes, wildlife, minerals and natural purification and recycling process are treated as Earth's c
term 'environment to describe, in the language of G.T Miller, The Plant's fife -support system for us and for
life'. In effect, the environment is me sum-total of solar capital and earth capital.
Learning outcomes are the key abilities and knowledge that will be assessed
❖ Land as a resource,
❖ Mineral resources
❖ Food resources:
❖ Energy resources
❖ Water resources
❖ Value of biodiversity
❖ Hot-sports of biodiversity
❖ Threats to biodiversity
❖ Conservation of biodiversity
❖ Air pollution
❖ Water pollution
❖ Soil pollution:
❖ Marine pollution
❖ Noise pollution
❖ Thermal pollution
❖ . Nuclear pollution
❖ Solid waste Management
❖ Environmental policy, Legislation, Rules and regulation
❖ Environment Protection Act
❖ , biomedical waste management
❖ hazardous waste management
❖ Towards sustainable future
10. Course mapping with PEOs and POs EEE: Mapping of Course with Programme
Objectives: (Sample)
S.No Course component code course Semester PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3
*When the course outcome weightage is < 40%, it will be given as moderately correlated (1). *When th
outcome weightage is >40%, it will be given as strongly correlated (2).
POs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
eidutsl atnemnorivn
Engineering Chemistry CO 1: Get the
information about
ecosystem and also
about its functions
like Food chain,
Ecological pyramids
CO 2: Get the
knowledge about the
different types of
resources like
land, about the effects
knowledge about
CO 5: Gain
its values and also the
about the knowledge about
importance the
of the endemic different types
speci of
es pollutions and
CO 4: Get
the CO 6: Gain the
complet knowledge about
different types of
about pollution and their
567 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday LFriday Saturday
S.No Subject(T/P) Faculty Name
Periods/ Week
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Librar/Mentoring/sports 10 CRT
* Represents Tutorial class
Year/Sem/Sec: II B.Tech IISem ECE-B
LH 41 Acad Yr : 2015-16 WEF: 29-06-2015 V0 16/05/2015 CLASS INCHARGE:
Time 9.30-10.20 11.10
11.10- 12.00
12.00- 12.50
12.50- 1.30
2.20-3.10 3.10-4.00
1.30- 2.20 Pe
567 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday LFriday Saturday
S.No Subject(T/P) Faculty Name
Periods/ Week
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Librar/Mentoring/sports 10 CRT
* Represents Tutorial class
Year/Sem/Sec: II B.Tech IISem ECE-C
LH 41 Acad Yr : 2015-16 WEF: 29-06-2015 V0 16/05/2015 CLASS INCHARGE:
Time 9.30-10.20 11.10
11.10- 12.00
12.00- 12.50
12.50- 1.30
2.20-3.10 3.10-4.00
1.30- 2.20 Pe
567 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday LFriday Saturday
S.No Subject(T/P) Faculty Name
Periods/ Week
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Librar/Mentoring/sports 10 CRT
* Represents Tutorial class
Year/Sem/Sec: II B.Tech IISem ECE-D
LH 41 Acad Yr : 2015-16 WEF: 29-06-2015 V0 16/05/2015 CLASS INCHARGE:
Time 9.30-10.20 11.10
11.10- 12.00
12.00- 12.50
12.50- 1.30
2.20-3.10 3.10-4.00
1.30- 2.20 Pe
567 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday LFriday Saturday
S.No Subject(T/P) Faculty Name
Periods/ Week
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Librar/Mentoring/sports 10 CRT
* Represents Tutorial class
8 Mineral Resources,
Land 9
Resources applic
Regular BB
ations 10 WEEK 3 Non renewable
resources- Fossil
9 Energy resources – fuels, Nuclear
energy, Chernobyl
Reneweble, Solar
Nuclear disaster
Regular BB
Regular BB
11 III Types of Diversity,
Alpha,Beta and Regular BB
Regular BB
13 Food and fodder
Value of resources, Timber
Biodiversity, and Non timber
12 Red
Regular BB
list categories- Red
27 WEEK 6 Green house Effect & Warming
Regular BB
30 Desertification Regular BB
32 V WEEK 7 Impact and Types of Regular BB
35 EIS Regular BB
36 EMP Regular BB
55 Revision Regular BB
59 Environmental
63 Role of IT in Environment
66 Concept of green 69 Concept of green
buildin buildin
g g
Regular BB Regular BB
68 Environmental
Regular BB
72 WEEK 15 Revision
are maintained naturally. Terrestrial Ecosystem: This ecosystem
relates to biotic components living on the land. Vegetation
dominates the community and the types of vegetation
affect the climate, soil structure & a rapid exchange of O2, water &
CO2 Aquatic Ecosystem: This ecosystem relates to biotic
community living in water. The types of water ( fresh water, saline
water, polluted water ) dominate and affect the pH of water, depth of
water, temperature of water etc.. Aquatic ecosystem has been sub-
divided into fresh water and saline water based on the quality of
ecosystem Grassland ecosystem Desert ecosystem AQUATIC
ECOSYSTEM Eg: River ecosystem Marine ecosystem Estuarine
ecosystem FRESH AQUATIC ES Eg: rivers, streams MARINE
AQUATIC ES eg: seas ; oceans, salt lakes LENTIC ( stagnant
waters ) eg: ponds, wells, lakes LOTIC (Running waters) eg: river
Eg: Agricultural land, artificial pond ; URBAN AREA The two major aspects of an ecosystem a
Structure and (2) Function together they illustrate the organization of an ecosystem. The Stru
of an ecosystem consists of: Abiotic structure includes the non-living things of the ecos
such as physical factors ( soil, temperature, light & water ) and chemical factors consisting the
inorganic compounds (N,C, H, K, P,S) & organic compounds ( carbohydrates, proteins). Bioti
structure includes plants, animals & microorganisms present in an ecosystem form the biotic
component. These organisms have different nutritional behavior and status in the ecosystem
known as Autotrophs (Producers), Heterotrophs (Consumers) & Micro-consumers (
Decomposers) based on how do they get their food. Hence, the structure of an ecosystem com
(a) The composition of biological community species ( plants, animals, microorganisms), their
population, life cycles, distribution in space etc. (b) The quantity and distribution of non-living t
such as soil ; water etc . (c) The range or intensity of conditions like temperature, light, rainfall
humidity, wind & topography plays a major role in the structure of ecosystem. Function of
ecosystem means how an ecosystem works/ operates under natural conditions. The rate of
biological energy flow ; the rate of nutrient cycles ie Bio- Geo-Chemical cycles and Ecological
regulation ( means regulation of organisms by Environment and regulation of Environment by
organisms ) plays a major role in the function of an ecosystem 1. Autotrophic components
(Producers) : Autotrophic means self nourishing. Since these organisms are self nourishing,
also called producers. Eg: Algae, Green plants, Bacteria of photo synthetic. Green plants prep
their food themselves by making use of CO2 present in the air & water in the presence of sun
through the process of photosynthesis. CO2 + 2H2O CH2O + O2 + H2O ( Carbon dioxide )
) ( Carbohydrates ) ( Oxygen ) ( Water ) A few micro-organisms which can produce organic m
nutrients ) to some extent through oxidation of certain chemicals in the absence of sunlight kn
chemo autotrophs. Eg: In the Ocean depths, where there is no sunlight, chemo-autotrophic b
make use of the heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements for preparation of their f
Hetero-trophic components ( Consumers) :
Hetero-trophic means dependent on others for nourishment directly or indirectly upon the
autotrophs ( producers ) for their food. These are of the following types: a. Herbivores ( Prim
consumers ) : These animals feed directly on living plants or remains of plants. Eg: Rabbits,
Deer’s, Insects. b. Carnivores ( secondary consumers ): These carnivores (flesh eating) fee
the herbivores. Eg: Snakes, birds, Lizards, fox. c. Tertiary consumers (or) Tertiary carnivor
These feed on the primary & secondary consumers. Eg: Lions, Tigers. d. Omnivores: These
consumers feed on both plants & animals. Eg Human beings, Birds ( hawk ) etc... 3. Decomp
or Micro consumers: They feed on organic compounds of dead or living plants and animals
their food and energy. They absorb some of the products from decomposed material and rele
organic compounds ( nutrients ) making them available to producers. Eg: Bacteria, Fungi,
Flagellates. The decomposers are also called as “Saprotrophs”. FOOD CHAIN: The transfer
food energy from the producers ( plants ) through a series of organisms (Herbivores, Carnivor
successively with the repeated activities of eating and being eaten is known as food chain. In
ecosystem(s), one organism is eaten by the second which in turn is eaten by the third and so
This kind of feeding relationship is called food chain. Examples of food chain: 1. Grass
Grasshopper Frog Snake Hawk. 2. Grass Mouse Snake Hawk. 3. Grass Rabbit Man . 4. Gras
Mouse Hawk. 5. Plant leaf Caterpillar Sparrow Hawk. Explanation: A caterpillar eats a plant le
sparrow eats the caterpillar, and a hawk eats the sparrow. When they all die, they are all cons
by micro organisms like bacteria (or) fungi which break down the organic matter and convert i
simple inorganic substances that can again be used by the plants. In nature, there are two ba
types of food chains viz: 1. Grazing food chain and (2) Detritus food chain Grazing food chai
This food chain starts with green plants (primary producers ) and goes to herbivores and on to
carnivores. 1. Phytoplanktons Zooplanktons Small fish Tuna. 2. Phytoplanktons Zooplanktons
Man. 3. Grass Rabbit Fox Tiger.
Detritus food chain: This food chain starts from dead organic matter ( dead leaves / plants /
) and goes to Herbivores and on to Carnivores and so on. . Leaves or dead plants Soil mites I
Birds . Dead organic matter Bacteria Insects . dead leaves Algae Fish Man The dead remains
and animals, dead leaves and flowers & fruits are degraded by decomposers ( Fungi, Bacteria
convert the organic matter into simple substances which are then taken up by the primary pro
as nutrients. FOOD WEB: Food web is a net work of food chains where different types of orga
are connected at different trophic levels so that there are a number of options of eating and be
eaten at each trophic level. ( A trophic level refers to an organisms position in the food chain )
above figure, it may be observed that there are 5 linear food chains in the food web of a grass
ecosystem. 1. Grass Grasshopper Hawk 2. Grass Grasshopper Lizard Hawk 3. Grass Rabbit
4. Grass Mouse Hawk 5. Grass Mouse Snake Hawk ECOLOGICAL PYRAMID: Ecological py
were first studied by a British ecologist CHARLES ELTAN (1927). An Ecological Pyramid is a
graphical representation consisting various trophic levels with producers forming the base and
occupy the carnivores. In an ecological pyramid the huge number of tiny individuals form at th
and a few large individuals occupy the top / apex . This formation is known as ecological pyra
Hence, all producers (micro & macro plants) belong to the I trophic level; all primary consum
belong to II trophic level and organisms feeding on these consumers belong to the III trophic
and so on. The ecological pyramids are of three types. They are : 1. The pyramid of Numbers
showing population ).
2. The pyramid of Biomass ( showing total mass of organisms ). 3. The pyramid of energy ( sh
energy flow ). 1. The pyramid of Number: It shows the relationships among the producers,
herbivores and carnivores at successive trophic levels in terms of their number. Mostly the py
of number is straight (or) upright with number of individuals in successive higher trophic levels
on decreasing from base to apex. The maximum number of individuals occur at the produ
level. They support a small number of herbivores. The herbivores, in turn, support a fewer nu
of primary carnivores and so on..... Top carnivores are very few in number. For eg: (1) In a gr
land ecosystem. Grass Grasshoppers Frogs Snakes Peacock / Hawk. For eg: (2) in a pond
ecosystem: Phytoplankton Zooplankton Fish Crane The pyramids may be inverted in a few c
A single plant may support the growth of many herbivores and each herbivore in turn provide
nutrition to several parasites which support many hyper-parasites. Thus, from the producer to
consumers, there is a reverse position i.e., the number of organisms gradually shows an incre
making the pyramid inverted in shape. For eg: (3) in a Forest ecosystem Tree Birds / deer
Parasites Hyper parasites Tree Birds eagle 2. The Pyramid of Biomass: The amount of orga
matter present in environment is called biomass. In pyramids of biomass, the relationship betw
different trophic levels is mentioned in terms of weight of organisms. The pyramid may be up
for grassland ecosystem and inverted for pond ecosystem. Eg: A vegetation produces a
biomass of 1000 kg. Out of this 100 kgs of biomass for herbivores, which in turn only 10 kg of
biomass for primary carnivores that gives rise 1 kg of biomass for second order carnivores an
on... 1000 kgs 100 kgs 10 kgs 1 kg Vegetation Herbivores primary carnivores Secondary carn
VEGETATION DIET. 3. The pyramid of energy: The amount of energy trapped per unit time
area at different trophic levels of a food chain with producers forming the base and the top
carnivores at the apex is called pyramid of energy.
The energy content is generally expressed as K cal /m2 / year or KJ / m2 / year Large Fish ---
KJ / m2 / year Small Fish ----840 – 126 KJ / m2 / year Zooplankton ---- 7980 KJ / m2 / year
Phytoplankton (producers ) --- 31080 KJ / m2 / year Energy flow /Transformation of energy
Ecosystem The movement of energy (or) transfer of energy through a series of organisms in
ecosystem from the external environment and back to the external environment again is know
energy flow. In the universe, the main source of energy is SUN that produces energy in the fo
light or solar radiation. Different ecosystems in the world receive variable quantities of solar en
depending upon their location on the globe. The other chief factors that control the amount of
energy received by an ecosystem are Latitude and Longitude ; Slope; Cloud formation; Polluta
the atmosphere The transformation of energy in an ecosystem begin first with the input of ene
from the sun by the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is combined with hydrogen (de
from the splitting of water molecules) to produce carbohydrates (CH2O) and the energy is sto
the high energy bonds of Adenosine Tri Phosphate ( ATP ). Herbivores obtain their energy b
consuming plants or plant products, carnivores eat herbivores and micro-organisms consum
droppings and carcasses ( dead bodies). In an ecosystem, the utility of energy is taken place
following manner: The SUN provides heat to maintain the required temperature in which prop
Physical and chemical processes can take place. Certain bacteria obtain useful energy by oxi
of a few elements such as sulphur and iron. BIO – GEO-CHEMICAL CYCLES: In every ecos
sunlight or solar radiant energy is accepted by producers ( green plants ) and the energy does
recycle through an ecosystem. But nutrients like Carbon; Nitrogen; Oxygen, Hydrogen; Water
Sulphur; Phosphorous etc move in circular paths through biotic and abiotic components and th
are known as Bio-geochemical cycles. About forty chemical elements are considered to be
essential for living organisms. They are macronutrients of C, H, O, P, K, I, N, S , Mg, Ca etc..
micro nutrients of Cu, Fe, Co......While all inorganic nutrients have cycles, we focus on the foll
CYCLE THE WATER CYCLE OR HYDROLOGIC CYCLE Due to the solar heat, water evapo
or water is lost to the atmosphere as vapour from the seas / oceans which is then precipitated
back in the form of rain, snow, frost etc.. The evaporation and precipitation continues for ever,
thereby a balance is maintained between the two. This process is known as Hydrologic cycle.
CARBON CYCLE: All life is based on the element carbon and hence carbon is the main
constituent of living organisms.. Carbon may be present in most organic matter from fossil fue
the complex molecules ( DNA & RNA ). In fact, the lithosphere is only 0.032% carbon by weig
comparision, oxygen and silicon make up 45.2% and 29.4% respectively of the earth’s surface
rocks. Plants absorb CO2 during photosynthesis whereas animals emit CO2 during respiration
Animals obtain all their carbon through their food and thus, all carbon in biological systems
ultimately comes from plants ( autotrophs ). The dead bodies of plants and animals as well as
body wastes are decomposed by micro-organisms which release carbon in the form of CO2. E
plant debris if buried a longer time cause for the formation of coal, oil, natural gas and these
releases carbon when they burned. Otherwise, the carbon in limestone or other sediments
released to the atmosphere when they are subducted ( using forces ) or undergo chemical
reactions. The weathering of rocks also contribute CO2 into the environment . OXYGEN CYC
Oxygen is present in CO2, CH2O (carbohydrates) and H2O. Oxygen is released into the
atmosphere by plants during photosynthesis and taken up both autotrophs and Heterotrophs
during respiration. All the oxygen in the atmosphere is biogenic ie., it was released from water
through the process of photosynthesis. Because of the vast amounts of oxygen in the atmosp
even if all photosynthesis cease it would take 5000 million years to strip out more or less all
oxygen. NITROGEN CYCLE: Nitrogen is used by living organisms to produce a number of
complex organic molecules like Amino acids; Proteins ; Nucleic acids ; Enzymes; Chlorophyll
The largest reservoir of nitrogen is the atmosphere where it exists as a gas mainly N2. But
atmospheric nitrogen is not utilized directly. However, nitrogen gas undergoes many changes
fixation or conversion of free nitrogen into biologically acceptable form is referred to as Nitrog
Fixation. N2 + 2(O) electric discharge 2 NO Nitrogen gas oxygen radical nitrogen oxide In phy
chemical process; nitrogen combines with oxygen during lightning or electrical discharges in t
clouds and produces different nitrogen oxides (N2O5). These nitrogen oxides get dissolved in
water and react with mineral compounds to form Nitrates and Nitrogenous compounds on the
earth. N2O5 + H2O 2HNO3 2HNO3 + CaCO3 Ca (NO3)2 + CO2 + H2O Nitrogen fixation is a
carried out by biological process by means of blue – green algae in the oceans. (1) Eg: rhizob
bacteria fix nitrogen in the roots of Leguminous plants (2) Eg: Blue – green algae ( Nostoc,
Anabena ) fix Nitrogen. Ammonification: when plants or animals die or release waste, the
nitrogen is returned to the soil as ammonia. The bacteria ( nitrite bacteria ) in the soil and in th
water which take up ammonia and convert it to Nitrite ( NO2). Another bacteria ( Nitrate bacte
take nitrite and convert it to Nitrate (NO3) which can be taken up by plants to continue the cyc
Nitrification means conversion of ammonia into nitrite by some of the bacterias such as
Nitrosmonas, Nitrococcus in oceans and soils. POTASSIUM CYCLE: The major role of potas
in living organisms is osmotic control and potassium is taken up, retained and excreted in ioni
form (K+). The amount of potassium in soil solution is relatively small. Soils contain potassium
more slowly exchangeable forms which act as sources for crops. In some soils, for example c
this source of potassium is adequate to meet the requirements of cereals for decades without
supplementation with fertilizers. The main pathways for potassium through the plant and soil a
mentioned below : Plant K: Potassium is an essential nutrient in maintaining the osmotic regu
of plant cells. It will constitute between I .6 and 2.5% of the leaf dry matter in healthy leaves.
Fertilizer and manure: The principle sources of potash are manures and sulphate salts. In an
manures, the potash is not biologically fixed to other compounds,
unlike nitrogen and phosphate, and thus is readily available to plants. Common fertilizers utiliz
(chloride) and sulphate salts of potassium. Chloride, which is not toxic at agronomic applicatio
be confused with chlorine which is a poisonous gas. Manure and fertilizer potassium contribut
soil solution. Soil Solution (K+): Potassium in solution is immediately available to plants. The
potassium in solution varies with fertilizer application, and cropping history but the amount is g
enough to meet the requirements of the crop. Leaching: Where the amount of potassium add
fertilizers or manures exceeds the exchange capacity of the soil, potassium can be lost by lea
PHOSPHOROUS CYCLE: Phosphorous is present in rocks in the form of phosphate. When r
phosphate are exposed to water, the phosphate goes into solution. Plants and Fungi have a s
relationship . Plants get phosphates from fungi and give them sugar in return. Phosphorous is
constituent of cell membrane, DNA, RNA and ATP. Animals obtain phosphorous from plants t
Phosphorous is a component of bones, teeth and shells. When animals or plants die, the phos
returned to the soil or water by the decomposers. Most of the phosphates escape into the sea
waters, where part of phosphate is deposited in the sediments. This phosphorous will be relea
rock is brought to the surface and weathered. Marine birds consume phosphorous containing
oceans, their guano ( Guano is a natural manure composed chiefly of the excrement of sea b
on land as a high content of phosphorous. Thus marine birds and fish play an important role in
phosphorous to the cycle. Aquatic eco system Eco system that exists in water is known as a
ecosystem . Water is the primary requirement for life in biological community. The aquatic eco
from a small pond to a large ocean. Varying quantities of nutrients are carried from terristrial (
ecosystem by the movement of water and deposited in aquatic ecosystems. The life in aquatic
influenced mostly by physical factors like: Water depth; amount light; temperature; salinity
amount of oxygen and Carbondioxide. Aquatic ecosystems are broadly classified into fresh
marine water ecosystems. In some regions, the marine and fresh water environments
Eg: lakes, ponds, eg: salt lakes, seas eg: water bodies streams, rivers oceans mix of fresh & s
water I. PONDS & LAKE ECOSYSTEMS: A pond is a small area of still water, especially is
artificial whereas a lake is a large area of water body and the water is natural. The life span of
ponds range from a few weeks or months and whereas the life span for lakes depend upon th
location, size and depth. Depending upon temperature, the upper part of the lake becomes wa
and is called eplimnion and the lower part of the lake becomes cold which is called as
hypolimnion. These two zones are separated by thermocline zone which acts as a barrier t
exchange of material / nutrients within the pond. During rainy season, entire water body gets
temperature due to mixing of water while in non-rainy season very small amount of mixing occ
by surface waves due to wind blow. The non-living ( abiotic ) components of a pond include
Heat; light, pH value of water; organic compounds ( water, CO2, O2, Ca, N, P ..) and living
(biotic) components of Autotrophs or producers ( green plants, bacteria, rooted plants of Tra
Typha, Sagi Haria ) ; Consumers ( Herbivores, insects and large fish ) and micro cosumers (
bacteria, fungi,...). 2. STREAM & RIVER ECOSYSTEMS: Rivers and streams are flowing fres
water bodies. Out of all natural ecosystems, rivers are the most intensively used ecosystems
man. The organization of river and stream ecosystem include: ABIOTIC COMPONENTS inclu
volume of water, speed of water flow, dissolved oxygen content, temperature etc.. The energy
usually the organic matter which is being imported from adjacent terrestrial ecosystems. BIOT
COMPONENTS include Producers ( algae, grass, amphibians ); consumers ( leaches, water
insects, snails, fishes, crocodiles, reptiles ) and Decomposers ( bacteria, fungi, protozoa). 3.
OCEAN OR MARINE ECOSYSTEMS: The marine environment is characterized by its high
concentration of salts and minerals. The major oceans of the world are Atlantic; Pacific; Indian
Arctic and Antarctic. These are deep and life extends to all its depths. The sea water contains
content in the form of NaCl and rest are Mg, Ca, K . Temperature ranges from 0o to 30o C an
pressure of 1 ATM at surface and 1000 ATM at bottom of oceans. The ocean ecosystem cons
of the following; Biotic components of Producers ( phytoplanktons, marine plants , Ruppia,
Zostera, Halophile are true marine angiospers ); Consumers of Molluscas, fishes etc and
Decomposers of bacteria and Fungi. Abiotic components include Na, Cl, Mg, Ca, Sulphur,
Dissolved oxygen content, light , temperature , pressure variations etc. IV. ESTUARINE
ECOSYSTEM: Estuary is the area at the mouth of the river joins the sea and continents. It ha
free connection with the open sea and is thus strongly affected by tidal action. Estuaries are m
with fresh water from land drainages. River mouth, coastal bay etc are the examples for estua
ecosystem. Estuaries are one among the naturally fertile in the world. The components of Est
ecosystem are given below: Abiotic components: Estuaries have their own ecological
characteristics. Physical factors such as salinity, temperature, tidal activity etc are variable in
estuaries when compared to the sea or ocean. Biotic components include Producers, consu
and Decomposers. Producers: Three major life forms of Autotrophs play a significant role in g
production. They are (a) macrophytes ( sea weeds, sea grass, spartina, Thalassia, marsh gra
nagrove trees ) (b) Phytoplankton and (c) Benthic flora (algae ). Consumers include a number
zooplankton, oysters, crabs and some species of fishes capable of surviving in estuarine cond
form primary, secondary, tertiary consumers of the estuarine ecosystem. Decomposers includ
bacteria and fungi which actively take part in the breaking down the complex and dead organi
matter ( Fungi of actinomycites ). Forest ecosystem Introduction: Forest is a type of terrestria
land ) ecosystem. It consists of f trees, shrubs or woody vegetation occupying an extensive ar
land. Forests are important renewable resources. A different types of forests are seen on this
The type of forest depend upon its geographical location and environment factors ( Temperatu
moisture ) that influence the kind of vegetation that occur in an area. Types of forests: 1. Sava
These forests develop where a seasonal rainfall occurs. The grass lands of North Africa are k
as savannas. Eg: North Africa, America, Burma & India. 2. Tropical forests: These exits in a
good rainfall (>200cm per year) with uniform warm temperature. The Soils found in there fores
old, acidic in nature & poor in nutrients. Eg: Amazon rain forest (South America, India). 3.
Deciduous forests (or) Temperate forests: Deciduous forests consists of
broad leaved trees & occur where rainfall is plenty (750 - 1000 cms per year). Eg: Europe & N
East America. 4. Coniferous forest: These occur in areas with long winters with heavy snow
other words, where moisture is limited & rainfall is low. Herbivores (animals eating plants) & in
exist in these forests. Eg: Moscow. (5) Tundras: These are the large flat Arctic regions of Nor
Europe, Asia and North America where no trees grow and where the soil below the surface of
ground is always frozen. The growing season is short and plants grow very slowly. Following a
types of forests present in INDIA: 1. Tropical, forests present in Western Ghats of Maharashtr
Karnataka, Kerala. 2. Deciduous forests present at Dehradun, Eastern Ghats of Andhra Prade
Tamil Nadu, M.P., U.P. 3. Littoral and swamp forests present at Sunderbans in West Bengal a
Andaman islands. 4. Tropical Thorn forests present in New Delhi, Punjab and Gujarat. 5. Mou
wet temperature forests present at Nilgiri and Palani hills. 6. Alpine scrub forests present at La
and Sikkim. The characteristic features of a forest ecosystem are as follows: Abiotic compone
include inorganic and organic compounds and dead organic debris. Further, the natural light
conditions are different in forests due to complex stratification in the vegetation. Biotic compon
include Producers, consumers and Decomposers. Producers: These are plants and trees and
produce the food through photosynthesis. The dominant species of trees are Quercus, Acer, B
Thuja, Picea, Abies, Pinus, Cedrus etc... Consumers: The primary consumers are Ants, beetle
hoppers, bugs, spiders, deers, squirrels etc. The secondary consumers are Snakes, birds, liza
foxes etc are the examples. The tertiary consumers are lion, tiger, hawk etc. Decomposers inc
micro organisms like bacteria, fungi etc.. consume the dead or decayed bodies. Tropical rain
are found in the hot and humid regions near the equator: These regions have abundant rainfa
– 4500 mm per year ) that occurs almost daily. These forests are found in South and Central
America, Western and Central Africa , SE Asia and some islands of the Indian & Pacific Ocea
These rain forests are marked by a variety of tall trees and a dense canopy. The soils are thin
acidic with poor nutrients. A team of Brazilian scientists
conducted a research and found that a forest could return as much as 75% of the moisture it
received back into atmosphere. Hence, more trees are meant for more rain. Temperate fores
very cold in winter and warm or humid in summer. These forests grow where the annual rainfa
about 750 – 2000 mm per year and are found in Western and Central Europe, Eastern Asia, E
America. Soil is rich in temperate forest areas. oaks, maples, beech, pine trees, ferns, lichens
mosses etc are found in these forests. Temperate forests contain abundant micro – organism
mammals ( squirrels, porcupines, chipmunks, raccoons, hares, deer, foxes, coyotes, bears. B
warblers, wood peckers, owls, hawks are seen. Snakes, frogs are also common these forests
Coniferous forests derive the name from the abundance of coniferous trees like spruce, fir, p
hemlock etc. Coniferous tree produces dry fruits called cones. In coniferous forests, winters a
usually long and cold. The soil in these forests is acidic and humus rich. The main animals fou
these forests are deer, moose, elk, caribon, mice, hares, squirrels, foxes, bears and birds. Sta
Forests in India: Forest Survey of India ( FSI ) , Dehradun estimated, the country’s forest cov
6,76,000 sq km . Of this 6,76,000 sq km; 259000 sq km is open forest, 417000 sq km is cover
dense forest and mangroves occupied 4490 sq kms. Madhya Pradesh accounts for the larges
cover of the country with 77265 sq km followed by Arunachal Pradesh 68045 sq km and
Chhattisgarh with 56448 sq km. Desert ecosystem Deserts occur in regions when the annua
is in the range of 250 to 500 mm and evaporation rate is high. Deserts occupy about 30% o
area on the globe. Deserts are found 30 above north and below south of the equator. Deserts
characterized by extremely hot days and cold nights. The largest deserts are found in the inte
continents where moisture bearing winds do not reach. The desert soils has very little organic
but rich in minerals. The desert plants have adapted to the dry conditions and conserve water
having few or no leaves. eg: (1) A plant namely Saguaro cactus has a stem that can expand t
water (2) Many desert plants have thorns or toxins to protect themselves from being grazed b
animals. (3) Some desert plants have wax – coated leaves that minimize the loss
of moisture. (4) Some desert plants have deep roots that reach the ground water. (5) A few de
plants have shallow roots that collect water after any rain and store it in spongy tissues. Dese
ecosystem is characterized by scanty flora and fauna. The organisms which with stand the ex
temperatures can survive here. Desert animals are usually small in size and come out during
nights for food. Human impact on deserts.: Slow rate of growth of vegetation if topsoil is ero
due to a heavy vehicle transportation across the desert. Desert cities, depletion of ground wat
land disturbance, pollution from mining, storage of toxic wastes are some of the human activit
that cause damage. Abiotic components include temperature, rainfall, soil, water etc plays a m
role to control the desert ecosystem. Biotic components include producers ( shrubs, bushes,
grasses, a few trees and plants namely Cacti, Acacias, Euphorbias ); Consumers of insects,
reptiles, rodents of rats & rabbits; birds, camels which are capable of living under desert cond
and Decomposers include Bacteria, Fungi due to poor vegetation and the less quantity of de
organic matter. . A Case study of Desert ecosystem: The Thar desert ( the Great Indian De
is spread over four states in India __ Punjab; Haryana; Rajasthan and Gujarat and two states
Pakistan. Thar desert covers an area of about 4,46,000 sq kms. Though the Thar desert is sm
than the Sahara desert in Africa and the Gobi desert in Russia, the Thar desert is most popula
in the world with about 13 million people. The average rainfall is between 100 mm and 500 mm
The only river in the region is the Ghaggar which enters Rajasthan from Punjab and dries up
forest. The Thar desert has no Oasis. Flowering plants like shrubs, grasses, trees ( Khejra, Ba
Rohida ); fruit trees ( Ber; Pilu ) are found in Thar desert. Sheep, goats, camels are the comm
animals found in the Thar desert. In addition, wild ass, black buck deer, hare, red lynx, Jackal
dog etc.. About 23 species of Lizard and 25 species of snakes are found in Thar desert region
ECOSYSTEM ( UNIT - I ) meanings Abiotic Non – living organisms ( soil, temp, light, water,
inorganic components of N,C,H,K,P,S ) Algae Simple plant with no leaves. Stems or roots tha
grow in water Bacteria Simple and smallest form of life exist in water, air, soil and
causes of diseases Biomass An organic material from living beings or its residues ( wood, ani
Biome A characteristic plants & animals that exist in a particular type of environment Biotic Liv
Carnivores (sec consumers ) Dependent on herbivores ( snakes, birds, lizards ) Chemo autotr
organisms produce organic matter through oxidation of chemicals in the absence of sunlight.
Heterotrophs ) Depends on others for nourishing food Decomposers Feed on organic compou
living plants & animals Ecological Succession Development of ecosystem Fauna Animals Fee
(Trophic levels ) A trophic level refers to an organisms position in the food chain Flora Plants F
(mushrooms,Mildew ) Any plant without leaves, flowers or green colouring growing on other p
decaying matter Herbivores Depends on plants ( rabbit, deers ) Humus A substance made fro
& plants added to soil to help plants grow Inorganic Not consisting of or coming from any living
Lentic Standing water Lotic Running water Nourishing To keep a person / animal or plant aliv
Oasis An area in the desert where there is water Omnivores Depends on plants & animals ( h
birds ) Organic Produced by or from living things (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) Plankton Very
insects Producers ( Autotrophs) Self nourishing (algae, green plants ) Puddle A small place w
accumulates Sea weed A plant that grows in the sea or ocean or on rocks at the edge of the s
consumers Depend on primary & secondary consumers (lions ,, tigers ) Weed control To remo
plants osmosis The tendency of fluids to diffuse in such a manner DIFFERENCE BETWEEN H
NICHE In ecology, a niche is a term describing the relational position of a species in its ecosy
other. A definition of niche is how an organism makes living. A niche is the totality of all biolog
environmental factors that affect a
population. It encompasses everything one can think of that allows populations to live, grow, a
reproduce. The niche of an animal is all the conditions it can tolerate and where it lives. There
types of niches. A broad and narrow niche. An animal that has a broad niche can tolerate mor
conditions rather than an animal that has a narrow niche. An example of an animal that has a
niche is an opposum. An example of an animal that has a narrow niche is a panda bear. The
ecological niche describes how an organism or population responds to the distribution of reso
and competitors. A niche is the functional role of a species in a community—that is, its occupa
its living. For example, the tanager lives in a deciduous forest habitat. Its niche, its part, is glea
insects. The community provides the habitat—the place where particular plants or animals live
the habitat, organisms occupy different niches. Habitat - is the specific place where something
Niche - is the role of a specie plays in a community such as feeding relationships, space, and
organism needs to survive in the environment. It includes how a species uses and affects its
environment. Encompasses - ( to enclose within a circle; surround) Gleaning - To gather (grai
behind by reapers and to collect bit by bit Opossums - live in the tree canopies, feeding solely
. Tanager is a type of bird Different species of organisms may appear to have the same habita
each has a different niche so that they can survive in that habitat. A frog generally tends to ha
broad niche. It can live in areas that have little water sources to areas that have a vast region
Non-renewable resource
A coal mine in Wyoming. Coal, produced over millions of years, is a finite and non-renewable
human time scale.
A non-renewable resource (also known as a finite resource) is a resource that does not rene
sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human timeframes. An exam
based, organically-derived fuel. The original organic material, with the aid of heat and pressur
such as oil or gas. Fossil fuels (such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas), and certain aquifers
renewable resources.
Metal ores are other examples of non-renewable resources. The metals themselves are prese
in the earth's crust, and are continually concentrated and replenished over millions of years. H
extraction by humans only occurs where they are concentrated by natural processes (such as
organic activity, weathering and other processes) enough to become economically viable to e
processes generally take from tens of thousands to millions of years. As such, localized depos
near the surface which can be extracted economically by humans are non-renewable in huma
on a world scale, metal ores as a whole are inexhaustible, because the amount vastly exceed
on all timeframes. Though they are technically non-renewable, just like with rocks and sand, h
deplete the world's supply. In this respect, metal ores are considered vastly greater in supply t
because metal ores are formed by crustal scale processes which make up a much larger port
near-surface environment than those that form fossil fuels, which are limited to areas where c
forms flourish, die, and are quickly buried. These fossil fuel-forming environments occurred ex
Carboniferous Period.
In contrast, resources such as timber (when harvested sustainably) and wind (used to power e
conversion systems) are considered renewable resources, largely because their localized rep
occur within timeframes meaningful to humans.
Fossil fuel
Natural resources such as coal, petroleum (crude oil) and natural gas take thousands of years
and cannot be replaced as fast as they are being consumed. Eventually it is considered that fo
resources will become too costly to harvest and humanity will need to shift its reliance to other
energy. These resources are yet to be named.
An alternative hypothesis is that carbon based fuel is virtually inexhaustible in human terms, if
sources of carbon-based energy such as methane hydrates on the sea floor, which are vastly
other carbon based fossil fuel resources combined. These sources of carbon are also conside
although their rate of formation/replenishment on the sea floor is not known. However their ex
economically viable costs and rates has yet to be determined.
At present, the main energy source used by humans is non-renewable fossil fuels. Since the d
combustion engine technologies in the 17th century, petroleum and other fossil fuels have rem
demand. As a result, conventional infrastructure and transport systems, which are fitted to com
remain prominent throughout the globe. The continual use of fossil fuels at the current rate is
increase global warming and cause more severe climate change.[1]
Radioactive fuel
Annual release of uranium and thorium radioisotopes from coal combustion, predicted by ORN
amount to 2.9 million tons over the 1937-2040 period, from the combustion of an estimated 63
coal worldwide.[2]
The use of nuclear technology requires a radioactive fuel. Uranium ore is present in the groun
concentrations and mined in 19 countries.[3] This mined uranium is used to fuel energy-genera
reactors with fissionable uranium-235 which generates heat that is ultimately used to power tu
Nuclear power provides about 6% of the world's energy and 13–14% of the world's electricity.
the nuclear industry remains predominantly reliant on subsidies and indirect insurance subsid
Nuclear energy production is associated with potentially dangerous radioactive contamination
unstable elements. In particular, nuclear power facilities produce about 200,000 metric tons of
intermediate level waste (LILW) and 10,000 metric tons of high level waste (HLW) (including s
designated as waste) each year worldwide.[8]
The use of nuclear fuel and the high-level radioactive waste the nuclear industry generates is
to people and wildlife. Radiocontaminants in the environment can enter the food chain and be
bioaccumulated.[9] Internal or external exposure can cause mutagenic DNA breakage producin
generational birth defects, cancers and other damage. The United Nations (UNSCEAR) estim
average annual human radiation exposure includes 0.01 mSv (milli-Sievert) from the legacy o
nuclear testing plus the Chernobyl disaster and the nuclear fuel cycle, along with 2.0 mSv from
radioisotopes and 0.4 mSv from cosmic rays; all exposures vary by location. [10] Some radioiso
waste emit harmful radiation for the prolonged period of 4.5 billion years or more,[11] and stora
containment. The storage of waste, health implications and dangers of radioactive fuel continu
debate, resulting in a controversial and unresolved industry.
Renewable resources
Natural resources, called renewable resources, are replaced by natural processes and forces
natural environment. There are intermittent and reoccurring renewables, and recyclable mater
utilized during a cycle across a certain amount of time, and can be harnessed for any number
The production of goods and services by manufacturing products in economic systems create
waste during production and after the consumer has made use of it. The material is then eithe
buried in a landfill or recycled for reuse. Recycling turns materials of value that would otherwis
into valuable resources again.
The natural environment, with soil, water, forests, plants and animals are all renewable resour
they are adequately monitored, protected and conserved. Sustainable agriculture is the cultiva
materials in a manner that preserves plant and animal ecosystems over the long term. The ov
oceans is one example of where an industry practice or method can threaten an ecosystem, e
species and possibly even determine whether or not a fishery is sustainable for use by human
unregulated industry practice or method can lead to a complete resource depletion.[12]
The renewable energy from the sun, wind, wave, biomass and geothermal energies are based
resources. Renewable resources such as the movement of water (hydropower, tidal power an
wind and radiant energy from geothermal heat (used for geothermal power) and solar energy
power) are practically infinite and cannot be depleted, unlike their non-renewable counterparts
to run out if not used sparingly.
The potential wave energy on coastlines can provide 1/5 of world demand. Hydroelectric powe
of our total energy global needs. Geothermal energy can provide 1.5 more times the energy w
enough wind to power the planet 30 times over, wind power could power all of humanity's nee
currently supplies only 0.1% of our world energy needs, but there is enough out there to powe
needs 4,000 times over, the entire global projected energy demand by 2050.[13][14]
Renewable energy and energy efficiency are no longer niche sectors that are promoted only b
and environmentalists. The increasing levels of investment and that more of the capital is from
financial actors, both suggest that sustainable energy has become mainstream and the future
production, as non-renewable resources decline. This is reinforced by climate change concern
and accumulating radioactive waste, high oil prices, peak oil and increasing government supp
energy. These factors are commercializing renewable energy, enlarging the market and growi
adoption of new products to replace obsolete technology and the conversion of existing infras
renewable standard.[15]
Economic models
exhaustible resources, where he argued that the price of a mineral resource should increase o
argued that the spot price is always determined by the mine with the highest cost of extraction
with lower extraction costs benefit from a differential rent. The first model is defined by Hotellin
a 1931 economic model of non-renewable resource management by Harold Hotelling. It show
exploitation of a nonrenewable and nonaugmentable resource would, under otherwise stable
a depletion of the resource. The rule states that this would lead to a net price or "Hotelling ren
annually at a rate equal to the rate of interest, reflecting the increasing scarcity of the resource
rule provides an important result about the sustainability of welfare in an economy that uses n
However, nearly all metal prices have been declining over time in inflation adjusted terms, bec
of false assumptions in the above. Firstly, metal resources are non- renewable, but on a world
inexhaustible. This is because they are present throughout the earth's crust on a vast scale, fa
human demand on all time scales. Metal ores however, are only extracted in those areas whe
concentrated the metal in the crust to a level whereby it is locally economic to extract. This als
available technology for both finding the metal ores as well as extracting them, which is consta
the technology or demand changes, vast amounts of metal previously ignored can become ec
extractable. This is why Ricardo's simplistic notion that the price of a mineral resource should
has in fact turned out to be the opposite, nearly all metal ores have decreased in inflation adju
well before the early 20th century. The main reason he was wrong is that he assumed that me
exhaustible on a world scale, and he also misunderstood the effect of globally competing mar
terms the amount of metal in the earth's crust is essentially limitless. It is only in localized area
can become depleted, as these local areas compete with extraction costs of resources elsewh
have ramifications for the sustainability of local economies.
The word biodiversity is a combination of two words: “biological and diversity” and refers to th
variety of life on the Earth which include a large number of living things that exist in a certain a
in the air, on land or in water). The area may be considered as small as heap or as big as who
planet. Hence, Biodiversity means “ the existence of a large number of different kinds of
animals and plants which make a balanced environment” (or) “ the totality of all species
ecosystems in a region” is called as biodiversity. Biodiversity deals with a large variety of flo
and fauna on this earth. For eg: a wide variety of plants and animals are find in a part of fores
The plant life range from a small herb to a large tree and the animal life vary from a tiny insect
large mammal in addition to micro-organisms ( algae, bacteria, fungi etc ) . Biodiversity is
usually considered at three different levels: Genetic diversity means the variation of gene
within the species. For eg: in human species, genetic variation between an Indian and African
genetic variations within a population ( eg: within the Indian population) can be seen . In simpl
terms, genetic matter dictates whether the persons have blue or brown eyes, brown or black h
and tall or short.. Genetic diversity can be identified by using a variety of DNA based and othe
techniques. One estimate is that there are 1000 crores of different genes distributed across th
worlds biota though they do not all make an identical contribution to overall genetic diversity. 1
Species diversity means the richness of species in all ecosystems. It is measured on the bas
number of species in a region. So far 1.75 million
species have been described world wide. Warmer areas tend to support more species than
colder ones and wetter areas contain more species than drier ones. Topography and climate o
the areas support and control the species of a region. . 2. Ecosystem diversity means the st
of difference between ecosystem types. Ecosystem diversity is difficult to measure since the
boundaries of various sub ecosystems are overlap each other. An example for ecosystem
diversity is Godavari – Delta ecosystem which consists of grassland ecosystem, , river
ecosystem, estuarine ecosystem, fresh water aquatic ecosystem, marine water aquatic
ecosystem . Importance of biodiversity: Biodiversity performs a number of ecological series
human kind that have economic, and aesthetic values. As an example, the contribution of
biodiversity to human health is given below: One out of 125 plant species produce a major dru
as per Herb Research Foundation. Of the 118 drugs in the US, 74% are based on plants; 18%
on fungi; 05% on bacteria and 03% on vertebrates. 80% of the world population relies on
traditional plant medicine. Value of biodiversity: The value of biodiversity (in terms of its
commercial utility, ecological services, social and aesthetic values) is enormous. There are
several ways that biodiversity and its various forms are valuable to humans. We get benefits f
organisms in an innumerable ways. . Sometimes, one realize the value of the organism only a
it is lost from this Earth. Every year numerous species are lost before we have a chance to kn
anything about them. The biodiversity value may be classified as follows: 1. CONSUMPTIVE
VALUE: Biodiversity is an essential requirement for the maintenance of global food supply. Th
main sources of human food includes animals, fish and plant produces. A large number of pla
are consumed by human beings as food. A few animal species are consumed by people whic
comes from cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, buffaloes, chickens, ducks, geese and turkey species.
Fish: Many fresh water fish can be grown in ponds. Israel and China already get about half of
their fish from aqua culture. Drugs & medicines: About 75% of the worlds population depends
upon plants or plant extracts for medicines. The drug Penicillin used as an antibiotic is derived
from a fungus called Penicillium. Likewise, Tetracycline from a bacteria which is used to cure
malaria is obtained from the bark of cinchona tree. . Fuel: The fossil fuels like coal, petroleum
products and natural gas are the products of biodiversity.