Ecss Q ST 20c Rev.1 (1march2013)
Ecss Q ST 20c Rev.1 (1march2013)
Ecss Q ST 20c Rev.1 (1march2013)
1 March 2013
Space product
Quality assurance
ECSS Secretariat
Requirements & Standards Division
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
This Standard is one of the series of ECSS Standards intended to be applied together for the
management, engineering and product assurance in space projects and applications. ECSS is a
cooperative effort of the European Space Agency, national space agencies and European industry
associations for the purpose of developing and maintaining common standards. Requirements in this
Standard are defined in terms of what shall be accomplished, rather than in terms of how to organize
and perform the necessary work. This allows existing organizational structures and methods to be
applied where they are effective, and for the structures and methods to evolve as necessary without
rewriting the standards.
This Standard has been prepared by the ECSS-Q-ST-20 Working Group, reviewed by the ECSS
Executive Secretariat and approved by the ECSS Technical Authority.
ECSS does not provide any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed, implied, or statutory, including,
but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty
that the contents of the item are error-free. In no respect shall ECSS incur any liability for any
damages, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out
of, resulting from, or in any way connected to the use of this Standard, whether or not based upon
warranty, business agreement, tort, or otherwise; whether or not injury was sustained by persons or
property or otherwise; and whether or not loss was sustained from, or arose out of, the results of, the
item, or any services that may be provided by ECSS.
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
Change log
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
Detailed changes:
Addition of definitions in 3.2 for terms:
- Inspectability
- producibility
- repeatability
- testability
Added requirements:;; 5.5.8j; 5.5.11a-b; A.2<9>a; D.2.1a.8
Modified requirements:
5.1.2b and c; 5.2.4a-f(replacement of term “stamp” by “acceptance
authority media”); (NOTE added); (typo);.
(NOTE removed and text used for definition 3.2.3); (NOTE
removed and text used for definition 3.2.4); (NOTE removed and
text used for definitions 3.2.2 and 3.2.5); (NOTES added); 3 (NOTE moved after last item of list); 5.4.3b; 5.4.3c; 5.4.3c.1
and 4 (NOTES moved after last item of list); 5.5.1d; 5.5.1e.3 and 4 (NOTES
moved after last item of list); 5.5.2a; 5.5.2b.3 and 5; NOTE; (NOTE moved after last item of list);; 5.5.5c (NOTE
deleted);; 5.5.8e; (NOTE added);;;
5.6.4a,c-e; 5.6.5a; 5.7.1b; 5.7.3a (NOTE deleted); 5.7.3g (NOTE added);
Clauses 5.8.4 to 5.8.7 merged into 5.8.4; clause 5.8.4 renamed to
“Acceptance and delivery”; 5.8.5a (now: req. modified and NOTE
deleted; A.2<3>a; B.2.1a.7; B.2.1a.17 (NOTE 2 added);
Moved requirements: moved to 5.8.1a-c; clause 5.8.4 renamed to “Acceptance and
delivery”; 5.8.5a-c moved to; 5.8.6a-b moved to; 5.8.7a
moved to
Deleted requirements:
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
Table of contents
1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 8
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5.2.7 Handling, storage and preservation ........................................................... 19
5.2.8 Statistical quality control and analysis ....................................................... 20
5.3 QA requirements for design and verification ........................................................... 21
5.3.1 Design rules ..............................................................................................21
5.3.2 Verification ................................................................................................21
5.4 QA requirements for procurement ........................................................................... 24
5.4.1 Selection of procurement sources ............................................................. 24
5.4.2 Procurement documents ........................................................................... 25
5.4.3 Surveillance of procurement sources ........................................................ 25
5.4.4 Receiving inspection ................................................................................. 26
5.5 QA requirements for manufacturing, assembly and integration ............................... 28
5.5.1 Planning of manufacturing, assembly and integration activities and
associated documents .............................................................................. 28
5.5.2 Manufacturing readiness reviews .............................................................. 29
5.5.3 Control of processes ................................................................................. 29
5.5.4 Workmanship standards............................................................................ 30
5.5.5 Materials and parts control ........................................................................ 30
5.5.6 Equipment control .....................................................................................31
5.5.7 Cleanliness and contamination control ...................................................... 31
5.5.8 Inspection .................................................................................................32
5.5.9 Specific requirements for assembly and integration .................................. 34
5.5.10 Manufacturing, assembly and integration records ..................................... 34
5.5.11 Electrostatic discharge control (ESD) ........................................................ 34
5.6 QA requirements for testing ....................................................................................35
5.6.1 Test facilities .............................................................................................35
5.6.2 Test equipment .........................................................................................35
5.6.3 Test documentation...................................................................................35
5.6.4 Test performance monitoring .................................................................... 35
5.6.5 Test reviews ..............................................................................................36
5.7 QA requirements for acceptance and delivery ........................................................ 36
5.7.1 Acceptance and delivery process .............................................................. 36
5.7.2 End item data package ............................................................................. 37
5.7.3 Delivery review board (DRB) ..................................................................... 37
5.7.4 Preparation for delivery ............................................................................. 38
5.7.5 Delivery .....................................................................................................38
5.8 QA requirements for ground support equipment (GSE) .......................................... 38
5.8.1 Design, development and verification ........................................................ 38
5.8.2 Configuration control ................................................................................. 39
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5.8.3 Production .................................................................................................39
5.8.4 Acceptance and delivery ........................................................................... 39
5.8.5 <<deleted, requirements moved to>> ............................................ 40
5.8.6 <<deleted, requirements moved to>> ............................................ 40
5.8.7 <<deleted, requirements moved to>> ............................................ 40
5.8.8 General requirements ............................................................................... 41
5.8.9 Maintenance .............................................................................................41
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 67
Table I-1 : QA document requirement list with respect to milestones .................................... 63
Table J-1 : ECSS-Q-ST-20C Requirements per programme phase ...................................... 64
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
This Standard defines the quality assurance (QA) requirements for the
establishment and implementation of a Quality Assurance programme for
products of space projects.
Discipline related qualification activities are complemented in standards
specific to those disciplines (e.g. ECSS-E-ST-32-01 for fracture control).
For software quality assurance, the software product assurance standard, ECSS-
Q-ST-80 is applicable.
This Standard is applicable to all space projects.
This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristic and constrains of a
space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00.
For the tailoring of this standard the following information is provided:
• A table providing the pre-tailoring per “Product types” in clause 6
• A table providing the pre-tailoring per “Project phase” in Annex J
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
Normative references
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
Terms and definitions
3.2.2 inspectability
ability of an item of being inspected
NOTE Inspectability includes provisions for the
followings aspects:
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• Definition of inspection including
acceptance or rejection criteria, expressed in
an unambiguous and quantified manner.
• Part and component accessibility for
• Definition of tolerance methods for
dimensional inspection performance (e.g.
functional tolerances).
3.2.3 producibility
ability of an item of being producible
NOTE Producibility includes provisions for the
following aspects:
• Design simplification and standardization,
reduction in part types and part number.
• Guidelines for selection of preferred parts,
materials and processes.
• Unambiguous definitions of the
requirements and limits to be used.
• Definition of tolerance build-up methods, in
order to simplify manufacturing, assembly,
• Standardization of interfaces.
• Part accessibility for assembly and
• Definition of design criteria consistent with
the capability of manufacturing processes.
• Definition of design methods to ensure that
the cleanliness requirements are compatible
with the capability of related cleanliness
procedures and facilities.
3.2.4 repeatability
ability to reproduce the performance and characteristics of an item
NOTE Repeatability includes provisions for the
following aspects:
• Definition of standard tolerances generally
• Recommended design concepts and
solutions to ensure repeatability.
• Recommended manufacturing processes
having proven repeatability.
• Design criteria that optimize
implementation of automated
manufacturing methods, or computer-aided
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1 March 2013
3.2.5 testability
ability of an item of being tested
NOTE Testability includes provisions for the
followings aspects:
• Definition of test requirements, including
acceptance or rejection criteria, expressed in
an unambiguous and quantified manner.
• Part and component accessibility for test.
• Definition of recommended design
techniques to facilitate fault detection,
identification and location (e.g. test points,
modularity, built-in test software, and
feedback loops).
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1 March 2013
3.4 Nomenclature
The following nomenclature apply throughout this document:
a. The word “shall” is used in this standard to express requirements. All the
requirements are expressed with the word “shall”.
b. The word “should” is used in this standard to express recommendations.
All the recommendations are expressed with the word “should”.
NOTE It is expected that, during tailoring, all the
recommendations in this document are either
converted into requirements or tailored out.
c. The words “may” and “need not” are used in this standard to express
positive and negative permissions respectively. All the positive
permissions are expressed with the word “may”. All the negative
permissions are expressed with the words “need not”.
d. The word “can” is used in this standard to express capabilities or
possibilities, and therefore, if not accompanied by one of the previous
words, it implies descriptive text.
NOTE In ECSS “may” and “can” have a complete
different meaning: “may” is normative
(permission) and “can” is descriptive.
e. The present and past tense are used in this standard to express statement
of fact, and therefore they imply descriptive text.
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1 March 2013
Quality assurance principles
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013
d. design and verification activities are planned in a consistent and logical
e. the verification process is complete and includes clear test, test model
and verification logic;
f. a defined qualification approach is implemented to demonstrate that the
item performs satisfactorily in the intended environment.
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1 March 2013
Quality assurance requirements
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1 March 2013
5.2.5 Traceability
a. The supplier shall ensure that a bidirectional and unequivocal
relationship between parts, materials or products and associated
documentation or records is established and maintained.
b. The supplier shall be capable to trace data, personnel and equipment
related to procurement, manufacturing, inspection, test, assembly,
integration and operations activities.
c. The supplier shall be capable to trace backward the locations of materials,
parts, sub-assemblies.
d. The supplier shall be capable to trace forward the locations of materials
from raw stock.
e. The supplier shall establish controls to ensure that:
1. identification numbers are assigned in a systematic manner,
2. identification numbers of scrapped or destroyed items are not used
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1 March 2013
3. identification numbers, once allocated, are not changed, unless the
change is authorized by the customer.
NOTE Requirements for identification are addressed
in ECSS-M-ST-40.
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1 March 2013
n. The supplier shall ensure that the inspection, measuring and test
equipment is handled, preserved and stored such that the accuracy and
fitness for use is maintained.
o. The supplier shall check the test hardware or test software used for
inspection to prove that it is capable of verifying the acceptability of the
product prior to release for use during production and installation, and
recheck it at specified intervals.
NOTE 1 Examples of test hardware are: jigs, fixtures,
templates and patterns.
NOTE 2 Test aids such as test leads, break-out boxes,
mains leads and similar items are not subject to
the entire set of requirements defined in this
clause, but are validated in a way appropriate
to their usage.
p. The supplier shall establish the extent and frequency of such checks and
shall maintain records as evidence of control.
q. The supplier shall make the measurement design data available to the
customer upon request. Handling
a. The supplier shall prevent handling damage during all phases of
manufacturing, assembly, integration, testing, storage, transportation and
NOTE Possible prevention measures are:
• protection of items during handling,
• handling devices, or
• procedures and instructions. Storage
a. The supplier shall place the following items in secure storage areas:
1. incoming materials,
2. intermediate items needing temporary storage, and
3. end items before shipping.
NOTE Security of the storage is defined according to
specific customer requirements.
b. The supplier shall place the following items in designated segregated
1. limited life materials,
2. suspended limited life materials,
3. nonconforming items awaiting NRB disposition,
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4. scrapped items,
5. items designated to be stored separately for health or safety
c. Each segregated area shall be identified and labelled for its intended use.
d. The supplier shall maintain control over acceptance into and withdrawal
from storage areas.
e. The supplier shall maintain records to ensure that all stored items are
within the usable life limits, controlled and retested, and to provide
traceability within the storage or segregated area.
f. The supplier shall ensure that no deterioration, damage or unexpected
performance degradation occur to stored items due to storage conditions. Preservation
a. The supplier shall ensure that items subject to deterioration, corrosion or
contamination through exposure to any environmental elements are
preserved by methods that ensure maximum protection consistent with
life and usage.
NOTE Examples of such environmental elements are:
air and moisture. General
a. Statistical quality control and analysis methods shall be used to maintain
or improve the specified control of quality, when statistically significant
with respect to the product characteristics and to quantities produced.
NOTE Examples of statistical quality control and
analysis methods are sample inspection plans,
determination of quality levels, statistical
process control and process capabilities studies.
b. When employing statistical quality control and analysis methods, the
supplier shall ensure that all the conditions for use are enforced.
NOTE Example of such conditions are sample
significance, recording and elaboration of data,
and formulation of clear decision rules.
c. Statistical quality control applications, when used by the supplier for
acceptance of materials, parts, processes and products, shall be submitted
to the customer for approval.
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1. sample size, sample selection methods and criteria for inspection
2. acceptance / rejection criteria, and
3. screening of rejected lots.
b. The supplier shall maintain records of the sampling tests, together with
the identification of the characteristics to which sampling is applied. Producibility
a. The supplier shall ensure that the product is designed such that it can be
produced with the specified level of quality. Repeatability
a. The supplier shall ensure that the product is designed such that its
performances and characteristics can be reproduced over different
models and serial production. Operability
a. The supplier shall ensure that the product is designed such that it can be
operated in accordance with programme constraints and requirements,
throughout its whole life cycle including handling, storage,
transportation, integration and operations.
5.3.2 Verification General
a. The supplier shall ensure that requirement verification is performed
progressively, as each stage of the project is completed, and provides the
organized base of data upon which qualification and acceptance is
incrementally declared.
b. The supplier shall ensure that top-down requirement allocations and
bottom-up requirement verifications are complete and consistent.
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c. The supplier shall ensure that a system for tracking requirements and
verification of results is established and maintained during the whole
project life cycle.
d. The supplier shall ensure that verification methods are adequate and
consistent with the type and criticality of the requirements.
e. The supplier shall ensure that appropriate reference to the verification
documentation is recorded and status updated at project reviews up to
final acceptance. Qualification
a. The supplier shall ensure that all configuration items and their
constituent items, either off-the-shelf or specifically designed, are
properly qualified with margins commensurate with the application and
use environment.
NOTE For equipment with heritage, an Equipment
Qualification Status Review can be organised to
assess qualification status.
b. The supplier QA shall review and approve the qualification plan.
NOTE The qualification plan is a subset of the VCD as
defined in ECSS-E-ST-10-02.
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c. The supplier QA shall review and approve the qualification results.
NOTE Qualification results are a subset of Verification
Control Document (VCD) as defined in ECSS-E-
d. The supplier QA manager shall ensure that a Verification Control Board
(VCB) is established to monitor the qualification process.
NOTE Verification Control Board (VCB) is defined in
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3. the qualification test procedures and facilities are defined,
available and conforming to requirements of clause 5.5.11b. General
a. The supplier QA shall participate in the approval and the selection of
procurement sources.
NOTE The selection of procurement sources for EEE
components is defined in ECSS-Q-ST-60.
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NOTE 1 NOTE to item 1:Third party certification (for
instance against ISO 9001) can be also
NOTE 2 NOTE to item 3: This criterion does not apply if
the supplier has not furnished items or services
of the type being procured for more than two
b. The supplier shall document and maintain on file results of supplier
selection process.
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NOTE Example of review is the manufacturing
readiness review.
c. The supplier shall define the type and extent of surveillance by reviewing
the following criteria:
1. Testing or inspections cannot be accomplished by the supplier.
2. Verification tests are destructive in nature and the quality cannot
be verified solely by inspection or test at supplier’s facility.
3. Supplies are designated for direct shipment from source to a
customer site or the using site.
4. Manufacturing and AIV of complex equipment or subsystems.
5. Past performance or quality history of the lower level supplier is
6. Functional criticality and technical complexity of the supplies.
7. The degree of responsibility placed on the procurement source.
NOTE 1 Examples for item 1: environments or test
equipment not available at supplier’s facility.
NOTE 2 Example for item 4: payloads.
d. The supplier shall ensure that each of his suppliers implements
surveillance on their lower level suppliers, in accordance with the same
e. Surveillance may be delegated by the customer to third parties. General
a. The supplier shall ensure that all incoming supplies, including
documentation and packaging, whether delivered on his own premises
or elsewhere, conform to the requirements of the procurement
b. The supplier shall perform inspections in accordance with established
procedures and instructions, to ensure that quality level is properly
NOTE 1 Sampling plans in receiving inspection are
defined in
NOTE 2 Receiving inspection of components is defined
in ECSS-Q-ST-60.
NOTE 3 Lot or batch acceptance of materials and
mechanical parts is defined in ECSS-Q-ST-70.
c. Receiving inspectors shall have available the procurement documents,
specifications, drawings and any other document relevant to incoming
supplies as required in the procurement documents.
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013 Receiving inspection activities
a. Receiving inspection activities shall include:
1. verification of the packaging conditions and of the status of
environmental sensors,
2. visual inspection of the delivered items,
3. verification of correct identification and, where appropriate,
configuration identification for conformance to the ordering data,
4. verification of the evidence of inspection and tests performed by
the supplier and associated documentation,
5. verification of the performance of supplier’s source inspection,
when required,
6. performance of inspections and tests on selected characteristics of
incoming supplies or test specimens submitted with the supplies,
7. identification of the shelf life of limited-life items,
8. identification of the inspection status and physical separation of
the supplies in the receiving inspection area according to the
following categories:
(a) items for which the receiving inspection has not been
(b) conforming items;
(c) nonconforming items.
9. prevention of unauthorized use of uninspected items,
10. identification of the items to be released for production with
conformance status and traceability data to be recorded in
manufacturing documents,
11. maintenance of receiving inspection records in conformance with
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NOTE 2 Critical characteristics, for item 4, are defined in
f. Only “first off” shop travellers shall be reviewed unless subsequent
travellers incorporate a significant change of inspection requirements or
order of events.
g. The supplier shall also provide for detail support documents and
instructions, such as drawings, procedure and instruction sheets, to
enable operations to be correctly performed. General
a. The supplier shall monitor all processes used for manufacturing,
assembly and integration, and enforce all applicable process
b. The supplier shall ensure that all manufacturing processes are covered by
documented process specifications or standards.
NOTE The definition of manufacturing process
specifications is given in ECSS-Q-ST-70.
c. Process specifications shall include QA provisions, methods for
inspection and test, number of samples, accept or reject criteria.
d. Process witness samples shall be stored in controlled conditions.
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013 Special processes
a. The supplier shall establish and implement procedures and controls for
special processes, to ensure that:
1. Special processes are validated for the intended application.
2. Personnel who perform or inspect special processes are trained
and certified according to requirements 5.1.2b.and 5.1.2c
3. Materials, equipment, computer systems and software, and
procedures involved in the performance of the special process are
validated and monitored.
4. Coordination is maintained with the cognizant engineering
function to ensure proper selection of the non-destructive or
destructive methods for the evaluation of process performance.
NOTE Validation of special processes, as mentioned in
item 1, is defined in ECSS-Q-ST-70.
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013 Tooling
a. The supplier shall make provisions for accountability, identification and
maintenance of manufacture, assembly and integration tooling.
b. Manufacture, assembly and integration tooling shall be checked for its
dimensional accuracy, regarding the product drawings, and correct
c. The QA organization shall approve tooling prior to use.
d. The approval shall be marked in conformance with 5.2.4, and recorded.
e. Tools shall be checked for accuracy during the production life at
adequate intervals.
f. Tools shall be submitted to re-approval following modification.
g. Tools shall be properly stored to prevent misuse, damage and
h. Unnecessary tools shall be removed from working areas.
i. Records shall be kept of all manufacturing equipment. General
a. The supplier shall establish controls for cleanliness of spacecraft
hardware and facilities, and the limitation of sources of contamination.
NOTE Cleanliness and contamination control methods
and processes are detailed in ECSS-Q-ST-70-01.
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013 Cleaning materials and methods
a. The supplier shall develop detailed methods for attaining the cleanliness
levels specified for the hardware.
5.5.8 Inspection
a. Inspection and tests shall be planned at the points of the manufacturing,
assembly and integration flow where maximum assurance for correct
processing and prevention of unrecoverable or costly nonconformances
can be obtained.
b. All identified critical characteristics shall be inspected as defined in the
critical-item control programme.
c. Self-inspection by the operators performing the associated
manufacturing, assembly and integration activities shall not be
considered sufficient for critical characteristics.
d. Among the inspections and tests as part of the manufacturing, assembly
and integration flow, mandatory inspection points (MIPs) shall be
performed with participation of the customer.
e. MIPs shall be agreed with the customer on the basis of a list prepared by
the supplier.
NOTE This list may be part of another deliverable
f. MIPs shall be selected in accordance with the criteria as defined below,
when one or more of the following conditions apply:
1. When maximum visibility of quality is given.
2. When critical processes are performed.
3. Where the next step of the manufacturing sequence:
(a) is irreversible, or
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(b) makes the item difficult and costly to disassemble for
inspection, or
(c) renders the location inaccessible for inspection.
4. When the item, once installed in the next higher assembly damages
by its failure the higher assembly.
5. When previous failure history of the item indicates a need for
6. When a potential adverse impact on the properties and integrity of
the end product could result, owing to the criticality or complexity
of the manufacturing step.
7. When testing or critical inspections cannot be accomplished by the
NOTE For example, environments or test equipment
not available at supplier’s facility.
8. When verification tests are destructive in nature and the quality
cannot be verified solely by inspection or test at the supplier’s
9. When manufacturing and AIV of complex equipment or
subsystems is planned.
NOTE For example, for payloads.
10. When past performance or quality history of the lower level
supplier is marginal.
11. When an item is going to final inspection.
g. Criteria 5.5.8f.7 to 10 shall be considered together with the criticality and
complexity of the supplies and the supplier’s experience with the lower
level supplier.
h. A MIP shall require an invitation with the agreed notice before the event,
and the participation of the customer, or their written agreement to
proceed without their participation.
i. The supplier shall make provisions for a positive identification of the
inspection and test status of any items at any stage of the manufacturing,
assembly and integration cycle, starting from the incoming inspection up
to shipping of the end item.
j. MIP information shall include as a minimum:
1. Purpose and subject of the inspections,
2. Criteria for the selection,
3. Notification period,
4. MIP identifier,
5. MIP description,
6. Reference of procedures necessary to perform the MIP, and
7. MIP location in the manufacturing and Inspection flow chart or the
AIV flow chart.
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
1 March 2013 Logbooks
a. The supplier shall prepare and maintain system, subsystem and
equipment logbooks in conformance with the DRD in Annex C for all
operations and tests performed on the item.
b. Equipment logbooks shall start with the first test after assembly.
c. Subsystem and system logbooks shall follow-on from the individual
equipment logbooks to form a full record.
d. The logbook shall accompany the hardware whenever it is placed in the
custody of another organization
e. The receiving organization shall maintain the logbook up-to-date.
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ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
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b. Test witnessing by QA personnel shall be considered when manual
intervention is performed, at the setting-up, start and end of continuous
fully automated test sequences, or when no automatic recording of test
parameters or results is available.
c. All testing activities related to critical characteristics as identified in the
critical-items control programme shall be verified by QA.
d. Self-verification by the operators performing the test activities shall not
be considered sufficient for critical characteristics.
e. Testing activities or results to be subject to QA verification shall be
identified as such in the relevant test procedure.
f. Testing shall be subject to the requirements for the control of hazardous
NOTE Definition of hazardous operations is given in
g. Where safety of personnel or damage to items or associated test
equipment is possible, QA personnel shall have the authority to stop the
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NOTE Certificate of Conformity is also known as
Declaration of Conformity. Packaging
a. The supplier shall ensure that packaging materials, methods, procedures
and instructions provide for protection of items while at the supplier’s
plant, during transportation, and after their arrival at destination.
5.7.5 Delivery Transportation
a. The supplier shall make provisions for the prevention of damage to items
during transportation.
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1. complexity of the item to be verified;
2. criticality of the function to be implemented by the GSE item;
3. inherent criticality of the item itself.
5.8.3 Production Procurement
a. The supplier shall ensure that selected GSE suppliers have a
demonstrated ability to conform to requirements, through:
1. previous supply of items similar or more complex in the same field
of techniques and technologies,
2. certification covering similar design, development and production
as applicable for similar items in conformance with, or
3. evidence, documented by existing design, development,
production and quality standards, of having similar experience
associated with known success.
b. Procurement documents shall identify validation and receiving
inspection requirements, and conform to the requirements in clause 5.4.2.
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3. certification of conformance to an identified baseline,
4. description of the functioning of the item, and instructions to
operate and maintain it, and
5. safety data or safety certification(s). Acceptance
a. Acceptance shall be achieved through a review process.
b. The acceptance process shall include:
1. acceptance plan,
2. inspection and test procedures, and
3. inspection and test reports.
c. Acceptance may be achieved through a simple inspection process if
agreed between customer and supplier. Delivery
a. The requirements of the following clauses shall be applied to the delivery
of ground items and handling, storage, packing and shipping activities:
1. preparation for delivery, in conformance with 5.7.4,
2. delivery, in conformance with 5.7.5, and
3. handling, storage and preservation, in conformance with 5.2.7.
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5.8.9 Maintenance
a. The supplier shall ensure that maintenance activities are planned.
b. The supplier shall ensure that maintenance demonstration is performed
in order to prove that maintainability requirements are satisfied in the
real operational environment.
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Pre-tailoring matrix per space product
The Matrix of Table 6-1 presents the pre-tailoring of ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1 per space product type.
For the terminology and definitions of the space product types see ECSS-S-ST-00-01 which is quoted in 3.1.
NOTE 1 In the matrix, the column “Software” is for consideration in the development
of software, only in the case when the software is not installed in a
hardware. Since “Software product assurance” is covered by ECSS-Q-ST-80,
this document is not applicable to SW PA, and therefore the column
“Software” in the matrix always states “NA”.
NOTE 2 Catalogue Off-the-shelf equipment is off-the-shelf equipment that is
procured from a stock defined in a supplier catalogue. For example, a UNIX
Server is a “Catalogue Off-the-shelf equipment” while a 30 m Antenna can
be an off-the-shelf even it is built on order only.
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Annex A (normative)
QA plan - DRD
<1> Introduction
a. The Quality Assurance Plan shall introduce the purpose, objective and
the reason prompting its preparation
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ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
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Annex B (normative)
End item data package (EIDP) - DRD
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7. NCR list and copies of major NCRs
9. Summary and status of RFDs and RFWs raised and processed on
the product
10. The product logbook
11. Product definition documents to be used for further integration,
testing and operation in higher level assemblies including the
software used to operate the item and the product user or
operating manuals.
12. Procedures to be used for the proper handling of the product after
its final delivery, including procedures for:
(a) packing,
(b) handling,
(c) storage,
(d) transportation,
(e) safety, and
(f) cleanliness.
13. Copies of the product test reports, or as a minimum the list of the
documents with the identification of their location.
14. List of delivered ground support equipment (e.g.: MGSE, EGSE,
FGSE, OGSE) with the reference to their corresponding EIDPs and
software product.
15. List of EIDPs or logbooks of units and subsystem supplied by
lower tier suppliers.
16. List of the loose items and not installed items supplied with the
17. Any additional useful information or data relevant to the product.
NOTE 1 For example, cleanliness certification when
cleanliness is a requirement.
NOTE 2 For example, temporary installed or removed
items when applicable to the product.
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Annex C (normative)
Logbook - DRD
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d. The logbook shall contain the summary list of the integration and test
instructions, including for each entry, the action start date, action
performed date and action close-out date shall also be reported.
NOTE Example: shop traveller.
e. The logbook shall contain the summary list of nonconformances with
relevant identification references, issue date, closure dates, and status.
f. The logbook shall contain all the electrical connector (or other limited
cycles items) mate and demate cycles in order to ensure the conformance
with the project requirements.
g. The logbook shall contain the records of total operating hours for each
limited-life element identified in the test procedures.
h. The logbook shall contain, in chronological order, the events related to
the integration and test activities performed on the relevant item (i.e.
system, subsystem, and equipment), including the following:
1. Action requested form, reporting all the operations performed
with the references to the applicable documents or procedures,
start date, completion date and quality inspection stamps.
2. Step-by-step procedures and results, in which copies of the as-run
procedures are included in a suitable format.
3. Procedures variation form, in which copies of modified procedures
(red marked) identified with a procedure variation number and
duly approved by responsible authorities, are included.
i. The logbook shall contain the list of open action or open test at the time
of the product shipment to the customer, test facility or launch pad.
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Annex D (normative)
Certificate of conformity (CoC) - DRD
D.2.1 Content
a. The CoC shall contain the following elements:
1. Title including references to identify the product and the relevant
applicable documents;
NOTE Examples for references are item name, project,
serial number, part number, customer, contract
2. Document no. in accordance with project configuration control
3. EIDP reference number;
4. Intended use, specifying the item objective (i.e. BB, QM, FM);
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
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5. Reference of conformity, calling for example the following
(a) Business agreement requirements: reference number of
design spec., ICD or other contractual documents;
(b) Operational documents: reference number of drawings,
procedures, and electrical schemes;
(c) Deliverable documents: reference number of EIDP,
logbooks, and manuals.
6. Statement of conformity;
7. List of waivers or deviations or other remarks;
8. Full name and function of the signing person(s) authorised by the
issuer’s management to sign on his behalf.
NOTE The number of signatures included is the
minimum determined by the legal form of the
issuer’s organisation.
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Annex E (informative)
Example of a logbook cover page
Logbook Log No.
General information Model
Sheet 1 of 1
Program Item name Item part no. Item serial no.
Section 1 Hardware configuration and traceability Total Sheets
Section 2 Hardware configuration change and status ” ”
Section 3 Shop traveller list (or similar documents) ” ”
Section 4 Nonconformances summary list ” ”
Section 5 Connectors mate and demate ” ”
Section 6 Operating hours log ” ”
Section 7 Log of actions ” ”
Section 7.1 Action requested ” ”
Section 7.2 Additional actions undertaken ” ”
Section 7.3 Step by step procedure and results ” ”
Section 8 Open works ” ”
Date system quality
assurance approval:
Date programme Date PA manager
manager acceptance: acceptance:
Customer acceptance:
Date: Customer
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Annex F (informative)
Example of EIDP cover page
EIDP no.
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Annex G (informative)
Example of EIDP contents
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Annex H (informative)
Example of Certificate of conformity
Certificate of conformity
Document no. Project Log
Item name Item part no. Item serial no. Customer code
Customer Contract no. Intended use
Reference of conformity
Contract requirements Operational documents Deliverable documents
Document no. Issue/rev. Document no. Issue/rev. Document no. Issue/rev.
Statement of conformity
It is hereby certified that apart from the deviations or waivers noted in the “Remarks” box below, the
whole of the supplies detailed above, conform in all respects to the specification(s), drawing(s) and
condition(s) or requirement(s) respects to the specification(s), drawing(s) and condition(s) or
requirement(s) of the contract.
PA manager: Date:
Project/ Programme manager: Date:
ECSS-Q-ST-20C Rev.1
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Annex I (informative)
QA document requirement list
Table I-1 presents the reviews at which the different issues of the Quality
Assurance documents are expected.
DRD Ref.
Quality ECSS-Q-ST-20C
Assurance X X X X Rev.1
Plan Annex A
EIDP X X Rev.1
Annex B
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Annex J (informative)
ECSS-Q-ST-20 applicability according to
programme phases
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Clause Requirement Section
5.3.2 Verification General
X X X XX Design verification analysis
X X X X X Design reviews
X X X X Qualification process Qualification
X X X Qualification by similarity
X X X Qualification testing
X X X Qualification status
X X X X Maintenance of qualification
X X X Design changes
5.4 QA requirements for procurement
5.4.1 Selection of procurement sources
5.4.2 Procurement documents
5.4.3 Surveillance of procurement sources
5.4.4 Receiving inspection
5.5 QA requirements for manufacturing, assembly and integration
5.5.1 Planning of manufacturing, assembly and integration activities and X X X X
associated documents
5.5.2 Manufacturing readiness reviews
5.5.3 Control of processes General
X X X X Special processes
X X X X Statistical process control
5.5.4 Workmanship standards
5.5.5 Materials and parts control
5.5.6 Equipment control
5.5.7 Cleanliness and contamination control General
X X X X Cleanliness levels
X X X X Cleaning materials and methods
X X X X Contamination control
X X X X Cleanliness of facilities
5.5.8 Inspection
5.5.9 Specific requirements for assembly and integration
5.5.10 Manufacturing, assembly and integration records
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Clause Requirement Section
5.5.11 Electrostatic discharge control (ESD)
5.6 QA requirements for testing
5.7 QA requirements for acceptance and delivery
5.8 QA requirements for ground support equipment (GSE)
5.8.1 Design, development and verification
5.8.2 Configuration control
5.8.3 Production Procurement
X X X X Manufacturing, assembly, integration and test
5.8.4 Acceptance and delivery End item data package
X X X Acceptance
X X X Delivery board
X X X Delivery
5.8.8 General requirements
5.8.9 Maintenance
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