Literacy Artical Abstract
Literacy Artical Abstract
Literacy Artical Abstract
High 5!
EDU 401: Intermediate Literacy
Eastern University
Lynnea Summerscales
Strategy Introduced and Aligned with Reading Element
There are many strategies that can be utilized when developing skills for reading
comprehension. Those strategies are going to be differentiated depending on the student and the
type of text. The type of text that my strategy will be focusing on is expository text. The high
5! Strategy plan aligns with reading comprehension, and teaches students how to extract the
information they need from text. Within this paper you will be introduced to the research-based
comprehension strategies that make up the high5! as well as their benefits and guidelines for
comprehension of expository text. C.R. Adler explains comprehension strategies as, “conscious
plans – sets of steps that good readers use to make sense of text. Comprehension strategy
instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own
There are many comprehension strategies that are research based, and depending on the type of
text that you are reading will determine which strategy you would use. For this strategy we will
be focusing on expository text. Expository texts have their own, unique structures that are
different from those of narrative text, and most students, regardless of their reading ability,
struggle at times with expository text (Vacca, 1998). This type of text is meant to be read with
the purpose of educating its readers, while being clear and concise. As students progress through
school they will be faced with the challenge of having to rely on this type of text for
information. This is why it is important for them to not only know how to tell the difference
between this type of text and other texts that are found in classrooms, but also which strategy
There are roughly nine comprehension strategies that good readers utilize while reading. Susan
Dymock and Tom Nicholson devised a strategy that marries the top five of those reading
comprehension strategies for specific use when reading expository text. “The five key
comprehension strategies that published studies support, those that we think are most critical and
that we have called “High 5!”, are (1) activating background knowledge, (2) questioning, (3)
analyzing text structure, (4) creating mental images and (5) summarizing” (Dymock, Nicholson,
2001). These components can be used separately, but when combined they offer a greater
impact on learning. The following information contains the five components of “High 5!” and
1. Background Knowledge:
gain insight into valuable information on which the teacher will assess what the student already
knows, “Activating relevant background knowledge helps readers make connections between
what they know and what they are reading” (Dymock, Nicholson 2010) This strategy is
beneficial in two ways. First, it helps the students to ground the information they are taking in.
Secondly, it allows them to connect it to something from their past. They can then compare and
contrast the information they might already know and the information that they will be
learning. Assessing background knowledge is also beneficial to the teacher as a way to establish
if students have the appropriate knowledge base to continue with the lesson, or if further
instruction needs to be completed before the lesson begins. Assessing background knowledge is
done before text is read, as well as after. This can be done by the use of a K-W-L chart which
features what the student already knows about the subject, what the student would like to know
about the subject, and lastly what the student learned about the subject. This can be done in
(2) Questioning:
Questioning is one of the many tools that all teachers have at their disposal. Research proves
that teacher questioning strongly supports and advances students’ learning from reading.
According to the National Institute for Literacy, questioning is beneficial because it:
Helps students to review content and relate what they have learn to what they already
When questioning expository text, there are three main types of questions that can be asked: text
explicit (right there), text implicit (think and search), and scriptal (beyond the text). These
questions are designed for the purpose of drawing answers from the text, but are also beneficial
in the sense that they promote a level of deeper critical thinking beyond just the questions
themselves. Text explicit questions can be answered simply by pulling informational facts from
the text. Text implicit questions ask you to review the text further and piece together answers
using the facts. Scriptal questions are questions that cannot be answered from the text. When
reading and analyzing informational text, good readers consider text structure as well.
what can be found in an elementary school can be separated into two groups: text that describes,
and text that is affected by time (Calfee & Patrick, 1995). In elementary school there are
typically three types of descriptive text and three types of sequential text that students are faced
with reading and understanding. It is important for students to understand the layout of
information so they can prepare themselves to look for keywords or descriptive headings to help
Descriptive text:
There are three main types of descriptive text that students need, in order to be taught how to
recognize and analyze the data. Those main three structures are: List, Web, and Matrix. The
Sequential Text:
Sequential text provides a series of events, or steps, that progress overtime. Typically, this text
can be found in a step by step instruction or first to last pattern. The three types of sequential
text commonly found in elementary expository text includes: String, Cause and Effect, and
Problem-Solution. Below is a chart that lists the attributes of each sequential text commonly
It is not only important to understand the way informational text is written and the layout in
which the writer chooses, but that when you add a layer of mental visualization, true
comprehension comes alive. Readers, as they process the text, should be able to get a “visual
image of its ribs and bones, its structure” (Dymock, Nicholson 2010). This creates a basis for
which the student can build upon, and later diagram the information. As they are reading, they
can mentally separate information into groups or categories based on the type of text
structures. Strategies four, and five, go hand in hand, and it is important that students utilize
both strategies to increase comprehension when reading informational text. Below are
representations of how each type of text can be visualized and broken down into charts. Once
the students learn the concept of breaking down text and charting it, then they will begin to do so
without the use of a diagram and start to visually and mentally compartmentalize the data from
the text.
Visualization Diagrams for Descriptive Structure:
(5) Summarizing:
Summarizing can be a difficult process for many students because they have problems sorting
through all of the information that they have processed. When you are summarizing, you are
basically weeding out all of the extra, unneeded information. The National Institute for Literacy
Dymock and Nicholson (2010) suggest that “students can easily produce a summary if they use
High 5! Strategy 3. First, read the text. Second, identify the text structure the writer has
used. Third, make a diagram of the structure. Fourth, discard redundant information so that only
the key ideas remain. Fifth, circle only the critical ideas that you need for the summary.” Using
this process will support students and create a starting point for them to retell the information
Each of the strategies that combine to form the High 5! are effective by themselves, but when
they are put together and students are taught correct ways to utilize these strategies in unison,
they become an even better asset when comprehending expository text. The high 5! Strategy
uses very little resources and has components that have hopefully already begun to be established
in the classroom. Many students have been taught and have used most of these strategies alone
for different types of lessons, and in return they have become used to these learning strategies at
an early stage. As the students make their way through school, and work their way up to the
grades where they are depending on informational text more and more, these skills become
second nature because they have built a strong foundation in the beginning years. The High
Five! Strategy plan can be tailored for differentiated instruction. For instance, when creating a
visual image and drawing a diagram, the teacher can provide lower level students with a diagram
partly filled in. Another benefit to this strategy is the fact that it takes little time to develop once
it is established. The first few times the classroom practices this strategy the teacher will want to
take extra time to make sure each prong is well reviewed and students know what to
expect. Along with the initial learning steps come a few guidelines and suggestions.
Students need to first be taught how to use all 5 strategies that compose the High Five 5!
before they can begin to use the High Five 5! to extract information from text.
Break the lesson down into 3 sections, beginning, middle and end.
At the start of the lesson, use strategies 1,2, and 3. Utilize background knowledge, ask
questions and analyze text. The teacher should ask the students’ questions about what
they already know about a subject, and what they think they might find out.
In the middle of the lesson, use strategies 2,3, and 4. Here is where the students will
begin to break down the text into categories and begin to mentally arrange it. This may
take some time and students may need extra attention in the beginning until they feel
students may need parts given to them. For instance, if they are having a hard time
determining which type of text the article consists of then they will have a hard time
visualizing it. For those students, you can provide the text type and which type of outline
At the end of the lesson all High 5! Elements are at play. Here is where we use all of the
information we have gathered. The teacher can assess this by asking probing questions,
such as “what type of structure was this text?”, or, “how would you diagram this
This type of strategy will prove to be very useful in the years to come as the students rely
Comprehension is key to learning and as a teacher we need to realize that students need to be
taught how to learn. It may seem like second nature to us and it is sometimes taken for granted
and forgotten that not every child comes to class with an innate understanding of how to
learn. High 5! breaks down learning into a sequence of strategies that can be taught at the basic
level and used over the course of the learner’s educational path. By tapping into previous
knowledge, questioning, identifying text structure, creating a mental image, and summarizing,
students can begin to easily pull out important information that will stay with them. Once this is
practiced repeatedly, when faced with reading informational text, it will hopefully become
second nature for the student and become a great benefit to learning.
Supportive Material:
Armbruster, B. B., Lehr, F., & Osborn, J. (2006). The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read:
Put Reading First. National Institue for Literacy.
Calfee, c. R., & Patrick, L. C. (1995). Teach Your Children Well: bringing k-12 education into the 21st century.
Stanford Alumni Association.
dymock, S., & Nicholson, T. (2010). High 5! Strategies to Enhance Comprehension of Expository Text. The
Reading Teacher, 166-178.
Vacca, R. T. (1998). Let's not Marginalize adolescent literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 604-609.
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