Seed Sowing Machine
Seed Sowing Machine
Seed Sowing Machine
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5 authors, including:
Vinayak D. Yadav
AGTI' s Dr Daulatrao Aher College of Engineering Karad
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Abstract: In the agricultural field, seed planting operation is very time consuming in farming process. Also more
labours are required for seed planting. Hence the total cost of the farming increases. The conventional seed sowing
machines requires more seed and quantity of seed per unit area increases and this affects the yield. Also conventional
seed sowing machines have constraints to use in the ridge and furrow method. But to reduce the risk of draught due to
unpredictable rainy season and for irrigation purpose farmers accepts ridge and furrow method. Here in this study
efforts are taken to design and develop a seed planting machine which is suitable for ridge and furrow method and also
plant the seed at specific distance with specific quantity and reduce the requirement of seed per unit area.
The India is agricultural country. More than 70% peoples The following steps are to be taken to identify the problem
depend on the agriculture. To improve the economic i. The first step is to go to the farmers and find the
condition of India, growth in the agricultural sector is problems faced by them.
important. To achieve this goal efforts are necessary to ii. The second step is to choose a problem.
reduce the cost of farming process by mechanizing the iii. The third step is to collection of data regarding the seed
agricultural operations [1]. sowing and planting by farmer interview and literature
Manual seed planting is the one of the operation which is review.
very time consuming and more labours are required for
this operation. But this method have a drawbacks like low The drawbacks of existing machines are:
seed placement, variation in spacing and serious back ache a. The spacing between two seeds are uneven.
for farmers [2][3][4]. b. It requires more than two operators.
Conventional seed sowing method is available but this has c. Flow rate of seeds are not controllable.
a lot of disadvantages like no control over the depth of After the field visits and literature review we are
seed placement, No uniformity in the distribution of seed concluded to work on seed planter machine which nullify
placement, Loss of seeds, No proper germination of seeds the previous machines drawbacks.
[5]. Also not useful for ridge and furrow method.
Conventional seed sowing machines are not suitable for III. SOLUTION METHODOLOGY
ridge and furrow method and large quantity of seed is
necessary. For finding the solution of problem we studied different
types of mechanism which is useful and preferable to
In this study focus is on to reduce the disadvantages of reduce human effort and above existing machine
manual and conventional method and develop a seed problems. After comparing the various mechanism and
planting machine which is suitable to plant seed at specific there feasibility we are decided to use scotch and yoke
interval and also useful to plant seed in ridge and furrow mechanism for seed metering. In existing seed sowing
method. machines impellers are used for seed metering. To take
decision regarding row spacing, ridge and furrow
PURPOSE OF SEED PLANTER MACHINE dimensions surveying of a nearer farms are carried out.
Also survey regarding the standard material and
The objectives of seed planter machine are to put seeds at components available is carried out to fix the dimensions
desired depth with constant seed spacing and covering the of the seed planting machine. After that the seed planting
seed with soil. This machine is suitable for planting seed machine model is developed by using CATIA V5R15
in ridge and furrow method, flat arrow method, flat bed software. This model is modified by analysing the various
method as well as multi cropping. The main objective of factors like weight of machine assembly, speed of the
this machine is to reduce human effort and back ache of movement, bending moment of the rod. After that the
farmers. model is fabricated and field tests are performed.
B. Hopper
Hopper is used to store the different types of seeds. The
hopper has adjusting plate to control the seed rate. For
different types of seeds, adjusting plate helps to adjust Fig.4. Bevel Gear Assembly
seed rate. Here three hoppers are used in this machine.
Multi cropping is possible by using three different seeds E. Pedestal Bearing
for three hopper. Two Pedestal bearings are mounted on the metallic rod
and the frame is fixed on these bearings so that there is
connection between rotating rod and the frame.
Fig. 2. Hopper
Fig.5. Pedestal Bearing
C. Metallic rod
Mild steel rod of 16 mm diameter and 120 mm length is F. Ball Bearings
used to support the wheels balance the total load of Ball bearings are used to mount chain drive on the rods to
machine. transmit power to the bevel gear assembly
J. Selection of bearing
After frame manufacturing we fixed the standard bearing.
We select the three ball bearing number of 6201z and two
pedestal bearing number of UC204.
K. Wheel assembly
We select the wheel of suitable diameter on the basis of
the survey data. To fit wheel on the shaft, bushes are
manufactured and fitted on that metalic rod and wheels are
Fig.6. Ball Bearing fixed on the bearing.
G. Chain drive L. Manufacturing of dibber
Chain drive is used to ensure perfect velocity ratio. To We have to decide suitable angle for dibber. After that we
avoid slipping chain drive is used. The chain is mostly manufacture dibber of different heights with adjustable
used to transmit motion and power from one shaft to hole. With the help of this it is possible to adjust any
another. Chain drive always gives positive drive. height and row spacing .For the maintenance purpose also
this adjustment is beneficial.
Q. Transmission system
The power is transmitted from wheel to the mechanism we
select two gear and chain drive on the basis of gear ratio.
Fig.8. Scotch and Yoke mechanism The no of teeth on big gear is 44 and on small gear is 16
and the centre to centre distance between two gear is
Two bevel gears of same teeth are used to change the VII. CONCLUSIONS
vertical motion of the shaft into horizontal motion. The
completely fabricated seed planting machine is shown in We have developed a seed planter machine which will
Fig.9. meet the farmer requirements using the determined
engineering specifications. The following is a final
summary of what we did and how we went about it.
The working of the seed planter machine is described as It is necessary to give top priority for safety operation,
follows: Cost reduction. It is necessary improve the strength of the
machine members such as dibber. Presently, full focus is
When the force applied by the farmer on the handle of the given only to design modification in seed metering
seed sowing machine then the wheels are move towards mechanism which is beneficial to the small farmers. At
forward direction. The wheels start to rotate with some present, seed metering mechanism is used for sowing
specific rotation. Wheels are mounted on the metallic rod different types of seeds with single metering mechanism.
which is also rotates in the direction of wheels. In future further study is needed to use separate metering
mechanism for every seeds. Thus, we can increase the
Also the sprockets are mounted on the metallic rod which value of the machine in future. By using electrical drive,
transmit the rotating motion of the wheel to the shaft of the the machine can be made automatic just like an
bevel gear. Here, the chain drive is used to smooth automobile which can faster the work of seed planting. It
transmission of the motion of the wheel to the bevel gear can be also used for planting as well as fertilizer sowing.
assembly. In future, it is possible to use the electronic operated
solenoid valve to maintain the seed flow rate. It is time
Bevel gears are used to the transmission of motion in operated valve. Also we will use level sensors to know the
perpendicular axis. For these bevel gears are connected level of seeds and maintain it.
perpendicular to each other. The function of the bevel gear
is to transmit motion in perpendicular direction with same ACKNOWLEDGMENT
On the shaft of the second bevel gear scotch and yoke The authors would like to express sincere gratitude to
mechanism is mounted transmits linear motion to the strip AGTI’s Dr. Daulatrao Aher College Engineering, Karad,
which controls the seed rate by opening and closing the Satara, India for their help and support.
hopper outlets. Strip stars to reciprocate with constant
stroke by this mechanism. The seeds are stored in the REFERENCES
hopper as per requirement. The flow of these seeds in the
downward direction takes place due to gravity. When the [1] Kalay Khan, Dr. S. C. Moses, The Design and Fabrication of a
Manually Operated Single Row Multi - Crops Planter, IOSR
strip reciprocates with constant intervals the holes of the Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS)
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through the holes. These flowing seed moves in the [2] A. R. Kyada and D. B. Patel, Design And Development Of
Manually Operated Seed Planter Machine, 5th International & 26th
flexibal pipes and after that it comes in the back side of the All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research
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triangular strip which is mounted back side of the dibber 2014.