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We give here an overview of some recent developments in the study of
the description of all the positive solutions of
1 Introduction
Given a partial differential equation in a domain Ω of RN , a natural question is
to find a way to describe all its solutions by means of their possible boundary
value. For example, if Ω is smooth, any nonnegative harmonic function u in
Ω admits a boundary trace which is a Radon measure µ on ∂Ω and the Riesz-
Herglotz representation formula holds,
u(x) = P (x, y)dµ(y) (2)
for any x ∈ Ω, where P (x, y) is the Poisson kernel in Ω. If Ω is not smooth, the
Poisson kernel is replaced by the Martin kernel and a representation formula
This article is concerned with is the description of the positive solutions of
(1) and this study is known as the nonlinear trace theory. A description as
in the linear case is still far out of reach, but thank to the works of Le Gall
[24, 25, 26], Marcus and Véron [28, 29, 30, 31, 32], Dynkin and Kuzneztsov
[11, 12, 13, 14, 15] this program is now well advanced. In this survey I want
to present the historical progression which led to the nonlinear trace problem,
and in particular present the preliminary works of Gmira and Véron (1989-
1991) [17] dealing with the measure boundary data and the isolated boundary
singularities, the question of existence and uniqueness of the large solutions in
particular in non-smooth domains and the role of the Borel measures and the
∗ Mathematics Subject Classifications: 35J60, 35J67, 35D05.
314 Generalized boundary value problems
ku1 − u2 kL1 (Ω) + kρΩ (h(u1 ) − h(u2 )) kL1 (Ω) ≤ Ckg1 − g2 kL1 (∂Ω) (5)
Lemma 1 For any (f, g) ∈ L1 (Ω, ρΩ dx) × L1 (∂Ω) there exists a unique v ∈
L1 (Ω) such that
− v∆ζdx = f ζdx − gdHN −1 (6)
Ω Ω ∂Ω ∂ν
By the maximum principle, the sequence {uk } is positive and increasing. More-
over it is locally bounded thanks to (8). Therefore it converges to some solution
u of (1). If x0 ∈ ∂Ω is such that g(x0 ) < ∞, then the continuity of g and
the elliptic equations boundary regularity theory imply that the set of functions
{uk } remains equicontinuous in some neighborhood of x0 . Consequently the
limit function u achieves the value of g in a relative neighborhood of x0 on ∂Ω.
If g(x0 ) = ∞, then {uk (x0 )} is not bounded from above.
The Lipschitz regularity assumption can be relaxed and replaced by the
Wiener regularity criterion. The problem of uniqueness remains open up to 1993
when Kondratiev and Nikishkin [21] discovered that there may exist infinitely
many solutions in the framework of boundary data in the class of continuous
functions with possibly infinite value. This will be completely understood in
the framework of the boundary trace theory.
Theorem 3 Suppose that 1 < q < (N + 1)/(N − 1), then for any µ ∈ M(∂Ω)
there exists a unique u ∈ L1 (Ω) ∩ Lq (Ω, ρΩ dx) such that
−u∆ζ + |u|q−1 uζ dx = − dµ (10)
Ω ∂Ω ∂ν
Proof. Uniqueness follows from estimate (5). The proof of existence relies
on the following well-known estimates on the Poisson kernel: there exists C =
C(Ω) > 0 such that
−N −N
C −1 ρ(x)|x − y| ≤ P (x, y) ≤ Cρ(x)|x − y|
Let {gn } ⊂ L1 (∂Ω) such that gn → µ in the sense of measures, and set un =
PΩq (gn ). From the maximum principle,
−Pgn− ≤ un ≤ Pgn+ .
Since Z
Pgn± = P (x, y)gn± (y)dHN −1 ,
we take f ∈ Lp (Ω) with p0 = p/(p − 1) and 1 ≤ p < N/(N − 1), and we have
Pgn± (x)f (x)dx = P (x, y)gn± (y)dHN −1 (y)f (x)dx
Ω Ω ∂Ω
= P (x, y)f (x)dx gn± (y)dHN −1 (y)
≤ Kp,Ω kf kLp (Ω) gn± (y)dHN −1 (y)
This implies
kPgn± kLp (Ω) ≤ Kp,Ω kgn± kL1 (∂Ω) ≤ K. (11)
kPgn± k ≤ Kp,Ω kgn± kL1 (∂Ω) ≤ K ∗ , (12)
Lp (Ω;ρdx)
for 1 ≤ p < (N + 1)/(N − 1). If we take q < p in (11), and 1 < p in (12),
we deduce that {un } and {|un | un } are uniformly integrable and therefore
Laurent Véron 317
weakly compact in L1 (Ω) and L1 (Ω; ρdx) respectively. From the Osserman-
Keller estimate {un } remains also locally uniformly bounded in Ω and by Ascoli’s
theorem there exist a sequence {unk } and a C 2 (Ω)-function u such that unk → u
locally uniformly and weakly in L1 (Ω). Moreover |unk | unk → |u| u weakly
q−1 q−1
yields to (10).
The stability result is proved by the same device. If µn → µ weakly in
M(∂Ω) , it remains bounded in the total variation norm and therefore {P|µ|n }
remains bounded in Lp1 (Ω) ∩ Lp2 (Ω; ρdx) for any 1 ≤ p1 < N/(N − 1) and
1 ≤ p2 < (N + 1)/(N − 1). Since |PΩq (µn )| ≤ P|µn | , the needed compactness in
order to let {nk } in
q−1 ∂ζ
−unk ∆ζ + |unk | unk ζ dx = − dµnk .
Ω ∂Ω ∂ν
Remark. The problem (3) may not have a solution for any measure when
q ≥ (N + 1)/(N − 1). For example there exists no solution if µ = δa for some
a ∈ ∂Ω. The full treatment of the solvability of (3) is now well understood
thanks to the works of Dynkin and Kuznetsov ((N + 1)/(N − 1) ≤ q < 2), Le
Gall (q = 2) and Marcus and Véron (q > 2). This treatment involves the notion
of removable sets which are associated to Bessel capacities. It will be presented
in Section 9.
µ = µS + µR
where µR is the regular part (with respect to the (N-1)-Hausdorff measure), and
µS , the singular one. If g satisfies a ∆2 -condition,
for some θ > 0, whenever rr0 ≥ 0, Marcus and Véron [41](1996) proved the
existence of a solution (always unique) under the mere condition
|g|(P|µ|S )ρ(x)dx < ∞.
The case of the exponential is different. For example if g(r) = e2r the existence
of a solution of (13) is insured if, for some p ∈ (1, ∞], there holds
5 Isolated singularities
As we have seen it above, if 1 < q < (N + 1)/(N − 1) and a ∈ ∂Ω, for any k > 0
the function uk,a = PΩq (kδa is a solution of (1) which vanishes on ∂Ω \ {a}.
Moreover, when k increases, it is the same with uk,a . From the Osserman-
Keller estimate, this sequence is locally uniformly bounded in Ω , therefore it
converges to some positive solution u∞,a of (1). By using some local estimate on
the boundary it can be checked that {uk,a } is equicontinuous on any compact
subset of Ω. Therefore u∞,a vanishes on ∂Ω \ {a}. This function u∞,a is a
solution of (1) has the maximal blow-up rate at a among the solutions vanishing
on ∂Ω \ {a}. As for the behaviour of uk,a near a it can be obtained from
perturbation theory, since the blow-up estimate on Poisson’s kernel yields to
that is
0 ≤ uk,a ≤ Ck|x − a| ρΩ
Finally it is possible to prove that the non-linear term is negligible near a in
some sense and
lim = k. (16)
x→a P (x, a)
Always in the range 1 < q < (N + 1)/(N − 1), the function u∞,a has a much
stronger blow-up than uk,a . The precise expression of this blow-up is made
Laurent Véron 319
Moreover u∞,a is the unique solution of (1) vanishing on ∂Ω\ {a} which satisfies
(16) with k = ∞.
The following result due to Gmira and Véron [17]asserts that the behaviours
(16) and (17) characterise all the isolated singularities of the solutions of (1)
which coincide on ∂Ω \ {a} with a continuous function h ∈ C(∂Ω).
N −1 1
∂rr u + ∂r u + 2 ∆S N −1 u = |u|q−1 u (18)
r r
N −1 N −1
in (0, 1] × S+ , and vanishes on (0, 1] × ∂S+ . Setting t = ln(1/r) and
w=r u, then w is bounded and it satisfies
∂tt w + βq,N ∂t w + ∆S N −1 w + αq,N w = |w| w (19)
320 Generalized boundary value problems
N −1
in [0, ∞) × S+ , where
q+1 2 2q
βq,N = 2 − N and αq,N = −N .
q−1 q−1 q−1
N −1 N −1
Since w is bounded in [0, ∞) × S+ and vanishes on [0, ∞) × ∂S+ , it fol-
lows from the regularity theory of linear elliptic equations that ∇α ∂
S t w remains
uniformly bounded for any |α| + |β| ≤ 3 (here ∇S is the covariant derivative
symbol). Multiplying (19) by ∂t w gives
βq,N (∂t w)2 dσ = (20)
N −1
S+ dt
1 2 1 αq,N 2 1
|w| − (∂t w)2 dσ
E= |∇S w| + |w| −
N −1
S+ 2 q+1 2 2
and by using the previous regularity estimates and (21), (22), it follows
N −1 N −1
in L2 (S+ ) and actually
S uniformly on S̄+ . Consequently, the ω-limit set
of the trajectory T = t≥0 {w(t, .)} is included into a non-empty, compact and
connected component of the set
n o
N −1 N −1 N −1
S = ϕ ∈ C 2 (S+
) : ∆S N −1 ϕ + αq,N ϕ = |ϕ| ϕ in S+ , ϕ = 0 on ∂S+
N −1
1- If αq,N ≤ N − 1 = λ1 (S+ ), which is equivalent to q ≥ (N + 1)/(N − 1),
S is reduced to the zero function. This is easily done by multiplying by ϕ, and
N −1
integrating over S+ .
N −1
2- If 2N = λ2 (S+ ) ≤ αq,N < λ1 , which is equivalent to (N + 2)/N ≤ q <
(N + 1)/(N − 1), the set S, besides the zero function, contains two nonzero
elements, ω and −ω, which keep constant sign ((ω > 0 for example), and are
rotationally invariant.
2 ¯ N −1
3- If 1 < q < (N + 1)/(N − 1) S ∩ C+ ((S+ ) = {0, ω}
Laurent Véron 321
where θ = θ(N, q) > 1. This estimate is of linear type and easy to obtained by
a representation formula. Since θ, a final estimate of the type
N −1
in the C 2 (S+ -topology. Finally, if ϕ = 0, comparison of u with ±εP (., 0)
implies that u is actually the zero-function.
Remark. If the assumptions on q and the sign of u are relaxed, the only
thing which can be proved is that the limit set of the trajectory T is included
into a connected component of the set S. However, in such cases exept for the
constant-sign solutions, and the zero function, the connected components of S
are continuum. Therefore it is not possible to assert that w converges precisely
to a particular element.
6 Large solutions
Let Ω be a domain with a compact boundary. By a large solution of (1) we
mean a positive solution u such that
the sequence {un } converges to the maximal solution ūΩ of (1) in Ω (this is
essentially the results of Keller and Osserman). The questions which are raised
are therefore
1- Existence of large solution or, equivalently, is the maximal solution a large
solution? This question is linked to the regularity of ∂Ω.
2- Uniqueness of the large solution.
The first question which is a problem linked to the regularity of ∂Ω, and it has
been solved in the case q = 2 by Dhersin and Le Gall [8] , by probabilistic
methods. If a ∈ ∂Ω, they proved that a Wiener-type criterion at the point a,
associated to some Bessel capacity is a necessary and sufficient condition for the
existence of a solution u of (1) such that
lim u(x) = ∞.
Their methods heavily relies on probability theory and the question remains
open to cover the full range of exponent q > 1. The following easy to prove
result is essentially due to Marcus and Véron [28] (although not explicitely
written in this reference, it clearly corresponds to their cone condition with
dimension 0).
Theorem 5 Suppose 1 < q < N/(N − 2), then there exists a large solution of
(1) in Ω.
Theorem 6 Suppose 1 < q < (N − 1)/(N − 3), and Ω satisfies the exterior
segment property, then there exists a large solution of (1) in Ω.
The exterior segment property asserts that there exists ε > 0 such that, for
any a ∈ ∂Ω, there exists a segment Iε,a ⊂ Ωc with length ε and a as one of its
end-points. It is also proved in [28] that if q ≥ N/(N − 2), the blow-up rate of
the maximal solution may be much weaker than the one given by (25).
The first result of uniqueness of the large solution are due to Iscoe [19],
Bandle and Marcus [1, 2] and Véron [42]. The technique used by Bandle and
Marcus or Véron needs a C 2 -regularity of ∂Ω and relies on a precise blow-up
estimate of any large solution u at the boundary, namely
u ≤ (1 + ε)ũ in Ω,
if u and ũ are two maximal solutions, and this holds for any ε > 0. Letting
ε → 0 and exchanging the role of u and ũ implies u = ũ. The result of Iscoe,
only stated in the case q = 2 gives uniqueness without the possible existence in
the case where Ω is star-shapped with respect to some point, say 0. It use the
equi-variant properties of equation (1)under the transformation
The proof of this result is not easy. The key point is that the assumption on
∂Ω implies that any two large solutions u and ũ satisfy
lim = 1. (27)
ρ(x)→0 ũ(x)
Finally, in 1997 Marcus and Véron [29] introduced a new technique for prov-
ing uniqueness of a wide class of solutions of (1) with positively homogeneous
boundary data. In the case of uniqueness of large solutions, their results is the
Theorem 8 Suppose 1 < q < N/(N − 2) and ∂Ω = ∂ Ω̄c , then there exists
exactely one large solution of (1) in Ω.
K −1 ≤ ≤ K, ∀x ∈ Ω. (28)
ūΩ (x)
Since ∂Ω = ∂ Ω̄c ; for any a ∈ ∂Ω, there exists a sequence {an } ⊂ Ω̄c such that
an → a when n goes to infinity. Because u blows-up on ∂Ω and the explicit
324 Generalized boundary value problems
ūΩ (x) ≤ C(q, N )ρΩ (x).
Consequently (28) holds with K(N, q) = C(q, N )/αq,N ).
Step 2 End of the proof. Set
w =u− (ū − u).
Because of Step 1,
1 1
+ u < w < u,
2 2K
which implies in particular that w blows-up on ∂Ω. Moreover
1 1 q 1 1
∆w = 1+ uq − ū ≤ 1+ u− ū = wq
2K 2K 2K 2K
in Ω (see [35] for an a proof of this classical result under these conditions).
Iterating this process, we consruct a sequence {un } of large solutions of (1),
which always satisfy u0 = u,
ūΩ ≤ Kun ,
1 1 1
+ un−1 < un < un−1 and ūΩ − un ≥ 1 + (ūΩ − un−1 ).
2 2K 2K
ūΩ − un ≥ 1+ (ūΩ − u).
Because ūΩ − u is locally bounded in Ω, we derive a contradiction by letting n
go to infinity.
Laurent Véron 325
max ϕV = 1.
(ii) or
Z 1 Z
V (1 − r)r drdσ < ∞,
uq ϕα N
0 V
|ζ| ≤ kϕα
V and |∆ζ| ≤ kϕα−2
V (32)
and the mapping ζ 7→ `(ζ) is a positive linear functional defined on the subset
of C 2 functions which satisfy (32).
and finally
N −1 α q/(q−1) −qα/(q−1) q((α−2)−α)/(q−1)
∆ ϕV ϕV ≤ C3 distSN−1 (., ∂V ) .
rN −2
s= and u(r, σ) = r2−N v(s, σ),
N −2
and we get
∂2v 1
s2 + ∆ N −1 v − KsN/(N −2)−q v q = 0, (33)
∂s2 (N − 2)2 S
We set Z Z
X(s) = vϕα
V dσ and Y (s) = v q
V dσ .
it infers
(i) s2 X 00 + JY − KsN/(N −2)−q Y q ≥ 0
(ii) s2 X 00 − JY − KsN/(N −2)−q Y q ≤ 0
where J = I 1−1/q (N − 2)−2 .
V (1 − r)r drdσ = ∞.
Step 3 End of the proof. Case 1: suppose 0 V uq ϕα N
R1R Ra
Case 2: suppose 0 V uq ϕα V (1 − r)r drdσ < ∞. Then a/2 (a − s)Y ds < ∞.
N q
Moreover X 00 ≤ AY q + B, and
Z s !
d2 B 2
X(s) + A (s − τ )Y (τ )dτ − (s − a/2)
≤ 0,
ds2 a/2 2
which infers that s 7→ X(s) admits
R a finite limit at infinity. If ζ is a C -function
satisfying (32), we set Xζ (s) = V vζdσ and derive
d2 Xζ 1
s2 + v∆S N −1 ζdσ − Ks N/(N −2)−q
v q ζdσ = 0 (35)
ds2 (N − 2)2 V V
and Z Z
v q ζdσ ≤ k v q ϕα
V dσ.
Z a Z Z Z
v∆S N −1 ζdσ (a − s)ds < ∞ , v q ζdσ (a − s)ds < ∞.
a/2 V a/2 V
Integrating twice the equality (35) implies that s 7→ Xζ (s) admits a finite limit
at infinity and this limit depends linearly of ζ. moreover it is nonnegative if
such is the case of ζ. We call this limit `(ζ).
Definition. The couple (S, µ) is called the boundary trace of u. The set S is
the singular part of this trace and the measure µ on R, the regular part of the
trace. We denote
tr∂B (u) = tr(u) = (S, µ).
Laurent Véron 329
and a more general formulation for (3) is therefore what we call the generalized
Dirichlet problem, namely
−∆u + uq = 0, in B,
+ (39)
Tr(u) = µ̄ ∈ Breg (S N −1 ).
lim u(r, ω) = ∞,
For m > 0 large enough and η small enough there exists ε = ε(η, m) > 0 such
that m = Mε,η . Let χDη (ω) be the characteristic function of the set Dη (ω) and
wη be the solution of (1) in B with boundary value u1−ε (1, .)χDη (ω) . Clearly
wη ≤ u1−ε . Since limη→0 ε = 0, then limη→0 wη = PBq (mδω ) = um,ω . Moreover
limε→0 u1−ε = u. Therefore um,ω ≤ u, for any m > 0, which implies (40).
Remark. The proof below cannot work in the supercritical case, and actually
the result does not hold as we shall see it below.
It is proved by Le Gall [24, 25] in the case N = 2 = q, and by Marcus and
Véron [29] in the general case, that the boundary data problem (39) is well
posed. The method of Le gall is mainly a probabilistic one while Marcus and
Véron use only analytic tools.
Since the proof is long and very technical, we shall only give a sketch of it,
pointing out the main steps.
Lemma 3 There exits a minimal solution uS,µ .
We set
µn = n δyk + χS1/n
c µ.
(in this formula ω(.) is the spherical function defined in (17)) while
2/(q−1) 2(q + 1)
lim x1 uDρc ,0 (x1 , 0) = .
x1 →∞ (q − 1)2
In the real situation where we are dealing with B and not with RN + , we proceed
by contradiction and scaling, reducing the situation to the half space case.
Proof of Theorem 10. It follows the proof of Theorem 8 (in a simplified way).
By Lemma 5 it is sufficient to prove uniqueness in the case where tr(u) = (S, 0).
Assuming that
uS,0 6= uS,0 =⇒ uS,0 < uS,0 ,
w = uS,0 − (uS,0 − uS,0 )
Laurent Véron 333
1 1
( + )u ≤ ũ ≤ w < uS,0 .
2 2L S,0
It follows that tr(ũ) = (S, 0), which contradicts the minimality of uS,0 .
Removable sets
Defintion. (i) A subset E ⊂ ∂B is said q-removable if any non-negativefunction
u ∈ C 2 (B) ∩ C(B̄ \ E) which satisfies (1) in B and vanishes on ∂B \ E is iden-
tically zero.
(ii) A subset E ⊂ ∂B is said conditionally q-removable if any non-negative
function u ∈ C 2 (B) ∩ C(B̄ \ E) which satisfies (1) in B and vanishes on ∂B \ E
is such that u ∈ Lq (B; (1 − r)dx).
The main result concerning the removability of set is the following
In the statement of the Theorem, C2/q,q0 (E) denote the Bessel capacities of
order 2/q and exponent q. In the space Rd the Bessel capacities Cα,p (E) (α > 0,
334 Generalized boundary value problems
where Gα denotes the Bessel potential of order α. Another way to define ca-
pacities is to use Besov spaces. For h ∈ Lp (Rd ) 0 < α < 1 and 1 ≤ p, q ≤ ∞,
Tαp,q (h)(t) = |t| kh(t + .) − h(.)kLp
for t ∈ Rd and denote
Bαp,q (Rd ) = h ∈ Lp (Rd ) : Tαp,q (h) ∈ Lq (Rd ) ,
with norm
khkBαp,q = khkLp + kT kα (h)Lq .
When α = 1, Tαp,q (h) is replaced by
When α > 1 the spaces are defined by induction. From this spaces (which
coincide with the classical Sobolev spaces when α is not an integer and p = q),
we define the capacity of a compact subset E ∈ Rd by CBαp,q (E) by
CBαp,q (E) = inf kf kBαp,q : f ∈ S(Rd ), f ≥ 1 on E .
The CBαp,q -capacity of an open set is defined by the supremum of the capacities
of its compact subsets, and the capacity of a general set by the infimum of the
capacities of the open sets in which it is contained.
When α > 0, 1 < p < ∞, and p ≤ d/α the following equivalence holds: there
exists K = K(d, p, α) > 0 such that for any subset of Rd ,
Sketch of the proof. In the case q > 2 Marcus and Véron [32] proceed as
follows: If η ∈ C 2 (∂B) is such that 0 ≤ η ≤ 1 is identically 1 is a neighborhood
of K set ζ = (1 − Pη )2q ϕ1 , where ϕ1 is the positive first eigenfunction of −∆
in W01,2 (B). Then it is proved by approximation that
(−u∆ζ + uq ζ)dx = 0. (41)
Laurent Véron 335
C2/q,q0 (E) > 0 =⇒ ∃µ ∈ M+ ∩ W −2/q,q (∂B) s.t. µ(E) = µ(∂B) > 0. (42)
Definition. A Radon measure µ on ∂B is called a q-trace if there exists a
solution u of (1) such that u = PBq (µ). The set of q-traces is denoted by
Mq (∂B).
The main result concerning q-traces is
Besides what has been proved in the preceding subsection, the two next
lemmas are needed, which both are mere adaptations of results of Baras and
Pierre [3], and Meyers [33].
Lemma 12 Let µ ∈ M ∩ W −2/q,q (∂B). Then µ does not charge the sets with
C2/q,q0 -capacity zero.
Lemma 13 Suppose µ ∈ M+ (∂B) does not charge the sets with C2/q,q0 -capacity
zero. Then there exists a sequence {µn } ⊂ W 2/q,q (∂B) ∩ M+ (∂B), such that
{µn } converges in increasing to µ.
Because the right-hand side of (44) is convergent, the same holds for the left-
hand side (by the Beppo-Levi theorem). Therefore u ∈ Lq (B, (1−r)dx)∩L1 (B),
which is sufficient to derive that u = PBq (µ) from the weak formulation of the
fact that un = PBq (ρn ).
with ηij = δij . Given K ∈ C ∞ (B) with N > 2, three classical problems arising
from conformal geometry are the following
I- Does there exists a positive function v on such that the metric gv = v 4/(N −2)
has scalar curvature K ?
II- Is gv a complete Riemannian metric ?
III- If so is v unique in the class of complete Riemannian metrics conformal to
gH with scalar curvature K ?
It is classical that the function v satisfies
with CN = 4(N − 1)/(N − 2). This problem has been thoroughly studied by
Loewner and Nirenberg [27](1974), Ni (1982), Aviles and McOwen (1985-1988)
and more recently (1993-94) by Ratto, Rigoli and Véron [35]. An interesting case
which is associated to supercritical trace problems occurs when K is nonpositive
(at least near ∂B ). The completeness assumption means that the geodesic
distance from inside up to the boundary is always infinite, which in this case is
equivalent to
Z 1
v (N −2)/2 (γ(t))dt = ∞ (47)
for any γ ∈ C ([0, 1]; B̄), with γ([0, 1)) ⊂ B, and γ(1) ∈ ∂B. This means that
v has some kind of blow-up near ∂Ω. Many existence results concerning this
equation have been proven. Some uniqueness results also hold under a strong
blow-up assumption, namely
lim v(x) = ∞,
and a positivity assumption on K (see [35] for details), but the problem of
uniqueness of v under the mere completeness assumption (47) remains com-
pletely open, even when K = 1.
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342 Generalized boundary value problems
Laurent Véron
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique Théorique
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
Parc de Grandmont
F 37200 Tours France