Teacher Induction Program
Teacher Induction Program
Teacher Induction Program
Module 3: The K to 12 Curriculum ..........................................................................................................
I. SESSION 1: EARLY LANGUAGE LITERACY AND NUMERACY ............................................................
Desired Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................
Pre-Test .......................................................................................................................................
Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................................................
Key Concepts ...............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 10
Reflection ..................................................................................................................................
Post-Test ...................................................................................................................................
II. Session 2: FLEXIBLE LEARNING OPTIONS (FLOs) ...........................................................................
Desired Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessments ....................................................................................................... 16
POST TEST .................................................................................................................................
III. SESSION 3: THE K TO 12 CURRICULUM INCLUSIVE EDUCATION ............................................... 20
Desired Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 28
REFLECTION ...............................................................................................................................
Post-Test ...................................................................................................................................
IV. SESSION iv: KEY STAGES OF THE BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM .............................................. 35
Desired Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessment .........................................................................................................
i |Page TeacherInductionProgram(Version1.0) Post-Test
................................................................................................................................... 52
V. SESSION 5: SPECIAL EDUCATION...................................................................................................
Desired Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 61
Reflection ..................................................................................................................................
Post-Test ...................................................................................................................................
VI. SESSION 6: Diversity of Learners – Alternative Learning System (ALS) .................................... 64
Desired Learning Outcome .......................................................................................................
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 69
Reflection: .................................................................................................................................
Post-Test ...................................................................................................................................
VII. SESSION 7: STUDENT INCLUSION PROGRAM – MUSLIM EDUCATION ..................................... 72
Desired Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessment ......................................................................................................... 81
Reflection ..................................................................................................................................
VIII. SESSION 8: Special Interest Programs in the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum ............... 83
Desired Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities ....................................................................................................................................
Reflection ..................................................................................................................................
Post-Test ...................................................................................................................................
IX. SESSION 9: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ EDUCATION PROGRAM .................................................... 94
Desired Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................
ii | P a g e TeacherInductionProgram(Version1.0)
...... 94
Pre-Test .....................................................................................................................................
Key Concepts .............................................................................................................................
Activities and Assessment .........................................................................................................
Post-Test .................................................................................................................................
iii |Page TeacherInductionProgram(Version1.0)
Module 3: The K to 12 Curriculum
The Department of Education’s goal to reach out all school-aged children
be in school to provide quality basic education. Recognizing that all children and
youth, including those with disabilities, Indigenous People, Muslim learners,
child laborers, in conflict situation, and those that are hardest to reach has the
right to education. Our department has come up with a system that will address
the needs of different types of learners.
A. Fill-in the KWL chart with the needed information in the KWL
● For column K, write all the things you know about the Early
Language Literacy and Numeracy
● For column W, write all the things you want to know about
different teaching strategies that promotes literacy and
numeracy skills.
After going through the module, fill up the L column of the chart
by writing all the things you learned about the ELLN Program
and the different teaching strategies that promotes literacy and
numeracy skills.
B. Directions: Put a check mark (/) if the statement below refers to the
aims of the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Program
and a cross mark (X) if not on the space provided.
___̸___ 1. The ELLN program was designed to provide the newly hired teachers a
full understanding of the importance of the ELLN Program.
___̸__ 2. ELLN program aims to improve reading and numeracy skills of kinder
to grade 3 pupils following the k to 12 basic education curriculum
___X___ 3. ELLN program establishes a sustainable and cost-effective professional
development system for teachers.
____̸__ 4. The study of child development helps teachers understand how
children influence their environment, and in turn, how the
environment influences them.
____X__ 5. The ELLN program intends to explain how domains of child
development are intertwined and in turn affect how children grow,
develop, and learn.
_____̸__6. The ELLN program is to develop in Filipino children literacy and
numeracy skills and attitudes which will contribute to lifelong
____X___7. Beginning teachers may not be given a sustainable and cost-effective
professional development system since they are responsible for their
own professional growth.
____̸___8. Studying child development helps teachers explain individual
variations in rate of development of their students
____̸___9. Developmentally appropriate practice is a perspective within
early childhood education whereby a teacher or child
caregiver nurtures a child's social/emotional, physical,
and cognitive development by basing all practices and
decisions on (1) theories of child development, (2)
individually identified strengths.
____̸___10. Development in the context of education maybe defined as
holistic. It is often divided into four categories that makes
it easier to observe and understand children’s behavior.
These dimensions are interdependent. Progress in one area
affects progress in others.
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
ELLN Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Program is a
program designed to provide newly hired teachers a full
understanding of the importance of the ELLN Program
Basic Education intended to meet basic learning needs which provides the
foundation on which subsequent learning can be passed
Beginning a student at this level struggles with his/her
understanding; prerequisite and fundamental knowledge
and/or skills have not been acquired or developed
adequately to aid understanding
Developing a student at this level possesses the minimum knowledge
and skills and core understandings, but needs help
throughout the performance of authentic tasks
Developmentally a perspective within early childhood education whereby a
Appropriate teacher or child caregiver nurtures a child's
Practice (DAP social/emotional, physical, and cognitive development by
basing all practices and decisions on (1) theories of child
development, (2) individually identified strengths
Elementary the second stage of compulsory basic education which is
Education composed of 6 years. The entrant age to this level is typically
6 years old, respectively
Key Stage the state of education system. The national curriculum is
divided into four key stages that children taken through
during their school life
Kindergarten the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal
education which consists of 1 year of preparatory education
for children at least 5 years old as a prerequisite for Grade
Knowledge the substantive content of the curriculum, facts, and
information that the student acquires
KWL chart a large three-column chart; the first column is labeled K for
What I Know, the second W for What I Wonder, and the third
L for What I Learned
Language a process starting in human life. Infants start without
Development language yet by 10 months, babies can distinguish speech,
sounds, and language in babbling
Learners a pupil or student; the center of the the learning system
Learning Language a universal experience for children across cultures.
and Communication Children develop communication and language skills in the
context of their own culture and thrugh meaningful
Literacy the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,
communicate, and compute using printed and written
materials associated with varying contexts
Mother Tongue languages first learned by a child, which he/she identifies
with, is identified as a native language user of by others,
which he/she knows best or uses most. This includes the
Filipino sign language used by individuals with pertinent
Numeracy the ability to reason and to apply simple numerical
concepts. Basic numeracy skills consist of comprehending
fundamental arithmetic’s like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division
Process cognitive operations that the student performs on facts and
information for constructing meaning and understanding
Understandings refers to enduring big ideas, principles, and generalizations
inherent to the discipline, which may be assessed using the
facets of understanding
Key Concepts
1. Child development helps teachers understand the changes they see as children grow
and develop. How children think, feel, and behave often stems from their stage of
Example 2: Four- and five-year old children never seem to run out of “what”
and “why” questions because asking is one way they are able to make
connections and generate more explanations about things they observe around
them. Knowing this will make teachers better understand why children are
persistent with their questions and how important it is to facilitate thinking
during conversations.
2. Knowing and understanding how children learn at different ages and stages of
development can guide teachers in many curriculum decisions they need to make -
what should be taught, what learning experiences and teaching strategies are most
appropriate to use for the age group, what to assess/evaluate and how.
Example 2: Knowing that children learn best from active exploration of his
environment of people and objects rather than from passive activities such as
flash card drills, teachers will be able to provide a rich variety of learning
experiences, materials, and themes to explore throughout the school year.
3. Studying child development helps teachers explain individual variations in the rate of
development of their students.
When teachers take into consideration these individual differences, they will
be able to transform their classrooms into stimulating learning environments
that are truly responsive to individual needs and talents. Some children can
stay focused on ageappropriate activities for relatively long periods while
others require a lot of prompting and supervision to do so. Others find it easy
to recall concepts while others require a lot of cues to do so. Some children
are more sociable than others.
4. The study of child development helps teachers understand how children influence their
environment and in turn, how the environment influences them. “Behaviour often
depends on context. “Context includes not only the immediate situation but also
aspects of the larger setting in which people live:
the extended family and neighborhood, the cultural group and the socioeconomic group.
5. Child development is a process of change in which the child learns to handle more
complex levels of moving, thinking, feeling, and interacting with people and objects in
the environment.
Growth refers to specific physical changes and increases in size. Changes in size
can be reliably measured.
spell words. If they have difficulty hearing sounds in a given
word, they will only rely on visual memory to recall its spelling.
Visual memory alone is not going to be sufficient as a
resource/tool for spelling words.
Teachers and schools must ensure that interventions are early enough as
there are limits to what can be achieved if intervention comes later.
Moreover, later intervention must have to be intensive to have a positive
impact. For instance, if the teacher is a keen observer, she will be able to
easily identify children at risk for development and learning learning delays
as well as pinpoint specific areas of difficulty. The benefits of intervention
are greater if schools provide appropriate supports early. It is also important
that there be continuous attention to the child’s development.
7. Development is holistic
It is often divided into four categories that makes it easier to observe and
understand children’s behavior. These dimensions are interdependent.
Progress in one area affects progress in others. Similarly, when something
goes wrong in any one of these areas, it has an impact in all other areas.
Likewise, development cannot be compartmentalized into health, nutrition,
education, social, emotional, and spiritual variables. All are interwoven in a
child’s life and develop simultaneously and synergistically.
Examples of How Domains are Interrelated
o Children who have low self-esteem may avoid taking risks at new
learning experiences. This will limit their explorations and will thus have
fewer opportunities to develop essential cognitive and social skills.
Teachers must plan learning experiences that provide for the development
of all domains and not just focus on cognition. For example, exercise must
be integrated into the classroom routine. Not only will this fuel the brain
with oxygen, studies show that exercise also result to better memory and
reduced likelihood of depression (Kempermann, 2002).
Teachers need to know individual students well not just in terms of their
skills across all four domains but also in terms of each one’s learning style,
interests, and preferences.
Teachers must refrain from comparing children. Many children suffer
humiliation because of unfair judgments and comparisons made especially if
this is done in the presence of peers and other significant people in their lives.
Teachers must make an effort to get to know their student’s families. Parents
are important sources of information about children’s family and school
history. They can provide information about a child’s behavior in different social
During the prenatal period, important developments occur that affect the
brain, physical body, and the chemistry of the child. They all have an impact
on the child’s ability to learn, to thrive, to grow, and to be healthy.
The first 8 years of a child’s life form the foundation for all later development.
In the early years, a child develops all the basic brain and physiological
structures upon which later growth and learning are dependent. During
these years, growth and development are the most rapid. For example, brain
grow this unmatched by any other developments that occur during the life
span. At age 6, a child will have already acquired 70% of the adult’s brain
Development and learning occur as a result of the child interacting with people
and objects in his or her environment.
Classrooms and schools must not just be physically safe but more
importantly emotionally safe for children. Meaningful Interaction with
materials and people can only happen within environments where they feel
safe, secure, and accepted.
9. Children live within a context- family, community, culture and their needs are most
effectively addressed in relation to that context.
“The child’s well-being is closely linked to the well-being of the family,
specifically to the well- being of the primary caregivers. Therefore, support to
the family and community can help children, similarly, support to children
can help the family and community. Since the environment has an impact on
children’s development it is often necessary to develop interventions that
make changes in the child’s environment.”1
List down the appropriate teaching strategies that will promote literacy and numeracy according
to each developmental stage.
Lesson Plan
Prepare a sample Detailed Daily Lesson Plan (k TO 3) and use at least one
strategy in the instructional design.
Early Childhood Counts, 2010
Demonstration Teaching
a. Approach the School Head to ask permission to conduct an interactive
and ICTmediated Demonstration Teaching
b. Request for a mentor who will assist during the Demo Teaching
c. Coordinate closely with the class adviser
d. Pre-demo teaching conference with school head and peer mentor
e. Conduct Demonstration Teaching
f. Post Teaching conference with school head and peer mentor
A. Directions: Put a check mark (/) if the statement below refers to the
aims of the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Program and a
cross mark (X) if not, on the space provided.
_____̸____ 1. The ELLN program was designed to provide the newly hired
teachers a full understanding of the importance of the Early
Language Literacy and Numeracy Program.
_____̸____ 2. ELLN program aims to improve reading and numeracy skills
of kinder to grade 3 pupils following the k to 12 basic
education curriculum.
_____̸____ 3. ELLN program establish a sustainable and cost effective
professional development system for teachers.
_____̸____ 4. The study of child development helps teachers understand
how children influence their environment, and in turn, how
the environment influence them.
_____̸____ 5. The ELLN program intended to explain how domains of child
development are intertwined and in turn affect how children
grow, develop and learn.
_____̸_____6. The ELLN program is to develop in Filipino children literacy
and numeracy skills and attitudes which will contribute to
lifelong learning.
_____X_____7. Beginning teachers may not be given a sustainable and
cost-effective professional development system since they
are responsible for their own professional growth.
_____̸_____8. Studying child development helps teachers explain individual
variations in rate of development of their students
______̸____9. Developmentally appropriate practice is a perspective within
early childhood education whereby a teacher or child
caregiver nurtures a child's social/emotional, physical, and
cognitive development by basing all practices and decisions
on (1) theories of child development, (2) individually identified
strengths ...
_______X____10. Development in the context of education maybe defined
as holistic. It is often divided into four categories that makes
it easier to observe and understand children’s behavior.
These dimensions are interdependent. Progress in one area
affects progress in others.
2.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 2.3.2 Manage classroom structure to
managing classroom structure that engage learners, individually or in groups,
engages learners, individually or in in meaningful exploration, discovery and
groups, in meaningful exploration, hands-on activities within a range of
discovery and hands-on activities within physical learning environments.
the available physical learning
Directions: Fill-up the crossword puzzle below. If you miss one item, find
out which item is it and you might need to go back to that particular text
and re-read that part.1-
1. ADM
4. FLO
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
E-learning learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational
curriculum outside of a traditional classroom
Blended learning a student-centered approach that integrates learning
experiences in online and face-to-face environments. This
article defines blended learning, discusses its history, and
provides suggestions for creating an effective blended learning
Computer-assisted use of computers to aid or support the education or training of
learning people
Computer-managed an instructional strategy where the computer is used to provide
instruction learning objectives, learning resources, and assessment of
learner performance. Computer-m
anaged instruction (CMI) aids the instructor in instructional
management without actually doing the teaching
Distance education institution-based, formal education where the learning group is
separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems
are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors
Independent when an individual is able to think, act, and pursue their own
learning studies autonomously, without the same levels of support
received from a teacher in school
Mobile learning education or training conducted by means of portable
computing devices such as smartphones or tablet computers
Multimedia learning a form of learning supported by different sources of information
(e.g., text and graphics) being handled jointly in order to
understand and memorize a given content
On-campus attending lectures, tutorials, and other classes in school.
classroom learning Lectures are delivered in a lecture hall or classroom, usually
using presentations, videos, and other visual platforms
Online learning a way of studying for an internationally recognized qualification
without needing to attend classes on campus. It is aimed at
those who wish to study for a postgraduate qualification
alongside work or other commitments
Open learning a way of studying that allows people to learn where and when
they want
Resource-based an approach to pedagogy which actively involves students,
learning teachers, and resource providers in the application of a range
of resources (both human and non-human) in the
learning process
Teleteaching long-distance teaching by electronic means
Virtual learning a system for delivering learning materials to students through
the internet. These systems include assessment, student
tracking, and collaboration and communication tools
Key Concepts
1. Legal Bases
This remains relevant in today’s Philippine Education System and in
the realization of Sustainable Development Goal (SGD) 2030. Particularly,
SDG No. 4, “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
FLOs are alternative ways for those learners who are classified as
Students-atRisk-of- Failing and Students-at-Risk-of-Dropping. They can also
be used for students disengaged from mainstream schooling such as those
who are over-aged, working, or those with financial and family problems. FLOs
can take place in or off campus depending on the needs of the learners.
4. Challenges
This program will cater different kinds of learners with different concerns
at the same time possibly from multi-grade level. Therefore, the teacher needs
to be resourceful in searching for flexible learning materials suited to the needs
of every learner.
Independent Learning Mobile Learning
Multimedia learning Online Learning
On-campus classroom learning Open Learning
Resource-based Learning Teleteaching
Virtual Learning
Interview some learners who are into FLOs using the following interview guide:
1. Reflect on the materials you read in this module and enlist at least three
(3) questions that you wanted to ask either from peer or from learners
involved in FLOs;
2. Set an appointment with your peer who is knowledgeable about ADMs,
FLOs, and other related programs intended for learners under peculiar
3. Observe how a peer facilitates learning or guides learners enrolled in
FLOs; Validate your observation by asking further questions that you
want answers.
4. Request your peer to assign you at least three learners enrolled in the
program and conduct an informal interview. You may need your peer’s
assistance in conducting the interview as most learners may not be
readily open to share their situations in life.
5. If you are successful in getting the information you need straight from
an FLO learner, make sure that you keep the learners’ information
6. Complete the template below to capture your relevant learnings:
Complete the following items below with your personal thoughts on these
certain situations especially in addressing the needs of your students. Write
your suggested flexible learning strategy as well.
2. How would you challenge your student who is about to drop his classes
because of financial problems?
I will encourage her/him by telling my struggles when I was in my
journey in achieving my dreams
2. Child of a
diplomat who is Grade 7 E learning Tablets, loptaps,
to be
android mobiles
due to parents’
frequent travel
The above given cases are extreme, you are requested to apply your
imagination in preparing the learning plans for each child. Imagine the
resources that both learner have and have not access. How can you optimize
the use of these resources to maximize learning? How can you assist the
least privilege learner in this case?
If you will make a # (hashtag) post, what would be your hashtag to encapsulate
your greatest learning in this module?
# flexible teacher
I realized that the crucial role I play in the life of my FLO learners …is to be a
1. ADM
4. FLO
Directions: Choose the best answer and write the letter only.
b. the belief that communities of learners are, by definition, inclusive
c. the belief that heterogeneity is avoidable
d. the belief that homogeneity is desirable
9. In which type of inclusion the disabled children get regular
classroom learning?
a. Full inclusion
b. Partial inclusion
c. Regular inclusion
d. Common inclusion
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Inclusion one option for the placement of special education students in
public schools. These inclusive programs are sometimes
referred to as mainstreaming, which is the selective placement
of students with disabilities in regular education classrooms.
Inclusion in education is an approach to educating students
with special educational needs. ... Inclusion rejects the use of
special schools or classrooms to separate students with
disabilities from students without disabilities. Implementation
of these practices varies
Inclusive education different and diverse students learning side by side in the same
classroom. They participate in student government together
and attend the same sports meets and plays. Inclusive
education values diversity and the unique contributions each
student brings to the classroom
Inclusive classroom a general education classroom in which students with and
without disabilities learn together. It is essentially the opposite
of a special education classroom, where students with
disabilities learn with only other students with disabilities
Inclusive teaching any number of teaching approaches that address the needs of
strategies students with a variety of backgrounds, learning styles, and
abilities. These strategies contribute to an overall inclusive
learning environment, in which students feel equally valued
Inclusive practice an approach to teaching that recognizes the diversity of
students, enabling all students to access course content, fully
participate in learning activities and demonstrate their
knowledge and strengths at assessment
Inclusive education educational services for all students including those with
programs special needs. These programs serve all children in the regular
classroom on a full-time basis. If a student requires extra
services such as speech therapy, these services are brought
into the classroom. This program allows the student to remain
in the regular education classroom setting at all times
Key Concepts
A. Child Find. This is locating where the children are through the
family mapping survey, advocacy campaign, and networking with
local health workers.
Below are some alternate suggestions that support and enhance assessment of
learning disabled students.
a. Presentation - A presentation is a verbal demonstration of skill,
knowledge, and understanding. The child can narrate or answer
questions about her task. Presentation can also take the form of
discussion, debate or a purely interrogatory exchange. Some
children may require a small group or one-onone setting; many
students with disabilities are intimidated by larger groups.
b. Conference- A conference is a one-on-one between the teacher
and the student. The teacher will prompt and cue the student to
determine the level of understanding and knowledge. Again, this
takes the pressure away from written tasks. The conference
should be somewhat informal to put the student at ease. The
focus should be on the student sharing ideas, reasoning or
explaining a concept.
c. Interview - An interview helps a teacher clarify the level of
understanding for a specific purpose, activity or learning concept.
A teacher should have questions in mind to ask the student. A lot
can be learned through an interview, but they can be time-
d. Observation - Observing a student in the learning environment
can be the vehicle for the teacher to change or enhance a specific
teaching strategy. Observation can be done in a small group
setting while the child is engaged in learning tasks. Things to look
for include: Does the child persist? Give up easily? Have a plan in
place? Look for assistance? Try alternate strategies? Become
impatient? Look for patterns?
e. Performance - A performance task is a learning task that the
child can do while the teacher assesses his performance. For
example, a teacher may ask a student to solve a math problem by
presenting a word problem and asking the child questions about
it. During the task, the teacher is looking for skill and ability as
well as the child's attitude toward the task. Does he cling to past
strategies or is there evidence of risk-taking in the approach?
f. Self-Assessment - It's always positive for students to be able to
identify their own strengths and weaknesses. When possible, self-
assessment can lead the student to a better sense of
understanding of her own learning. The teacher should ask some
guiding questions that can lead to this discovery.
The first program option that shall be organized for these children is
a selfcontained class for children with similar disabilities which can be
monograde or multigrade handled by a trained SPED teacher.
students being educated with non-disabled peers for most of their school
day. A special education teacher collaborates with a general education
teacher to provide services for students. The general education teacher
is responsible for instructing all children. The special education teacher
collaborates with the general teacher on strategies.
(British Columbia Ministry of Education, 2009).
difficult to complete comfortably. Be sure there's a support
system in place to facilitate the student’s success at a level
that he or she doubted was attainable.
iv. Use flexible grouping. Find ways and time for the class to
work as a whole, for students to demonstrate competence
alone, and for students to work with varied groups of peers.
Using only one or two types of groups causes students to see
themselves and one another in more limited ways, keeps the
teacher from “auditioning” students in varied contexts, and
limits potentially rich exchanges in the classroom.
v. Become an assessment junkie. Everything that a student
says and does is a potential source of assessment data.
Assessment should be an ongoing process, conducted in
flexible but distinct stages, and it should maximize
opportunities for each student to open the widest possible
window on his or her learning.
vi. Grade to reflect growth. The most we can ask of any
person—and the least we ought to ask—is to be and become
their best. The teacher's job is to guide and support the
learner in this endeavor. Grading should, in part, reflect a
learner's growth.
iii. Read tests aloud; iv. Use groups to write together;
v. Peer tutor.
vi. Starting a computer for a student;
vii. Guiding a hand during handwriting;
4. Input- adapt the way instruction is delivered to the learner:
i. Cooperative groups;
ii. Visual aides; iii. Concrete examples; iv. Hands-on
5. Difficulty- adapt the skill level, problem type, or the rules on how
the student may approach the work:
i. Calculator for Math problems;
ii. Simplify task directions;
iii. Outline with blanks;
iv. Word banks;
v. Provide page number and paragraph to help student find
v. Find related pictures in magazines of concepts presented
while other use resource material to research information;
vi. Some learners will discuss concepts while others use
selected computer programs for reinforcement;
Activity 2. Assessment
From the pool of assessment tools written in the box, pick the best that could
address the situations which describe the strengths and weaknesses of each
child with additional needs.
ASSESSMENT Self-assessment
Performance Task
SELF ASSESSMENT 4. Nurhalem is classified as a displaced student having
come from the war-stricken place. From the first day in class, he has seemed
to be inconsistent with his behavior and degree of participation in group
dynamics; sometimes he is persistent, other times impatient.
Study the following cases and identify the best program option that is most
appropriate for each case.
1. In the middle of the school year, Sitti and Aliwan were placed in your
school from an armed conflict area. Since the day they came to school,
they were observed to have shown peculiar behavior of inferiority and
naivete as result of the trauma which they experienced in their previous
place. They seem to struggle in keeping up with the classroom lessons
and in performing activities which call for group discussions. What
program option can you recommend for Sitti and Aliwan?
The third option is a resource room program where the child with
disabilities shall be pulled out from the general education or regular
class and shall report to a SPED teacher who provide small group/one-
on-one instruction and/or appropriate interventions for these children.
The second option is inclusion or placement of the child with disabilities
in general education or regular class where he or she learns with his/her
peers under a regular teacher and/or SPED trained teacher who
addresses the child’s needs.
This activity aimed to help you determine the reasons why some
parents have low level of involvement when it comes to the academic needs
of their children.
Activity 5. Sharing
This is an activity of sharing experiences and best practices by the
experienced or distinguished teachers of the teaching-learning materials
they used to practice inclusive education and use these materials to address
learners’ gender, needs, strengths, and experiences.
Tactile- Technology
Auditory Visual Kinesthetic Affective
Activity 6. Writing
Using the DLL format, you have to develop and demonstrate a
lesson that establish a learner-centered culture by using teaching
strategies that respond to their linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic and
religious backgrounds. Note: Outputs may vary.
1. What were your thoughts or Inclusive Education is education for all. No one is left
ideas about Inclusive behind.
Education prior to the
discussion of this lesson?
2. What new ideas did you learn The components of a comprehensive inclusive
after taking up this lesson? education program, its principles and
teaching approaches to suit diverse learners’
gender, needs, strengths, interests, and
the program options in providing education
services to children with various linguistic,
cultural, socioeconomic, and religious
3. How did you apply your By providing different methods and strategies to
learning about Inclusive cater all the learning styles of the learners
Education in your own
Directions: Choose the best answer and write the letter only.
1. Inclusive classrooms offer many benefits for children. Which of the
following statements demonstrated an inclusive classroom?
a. is usually not possible due to lack of interest and involvement on the part
of parents
b. means going beyond the actual legal requirements
c. means following the letter of the law
d. means professionals should do whatever parents want for their child
C. For additional assessment of your learning, answer the following questions.
1. Child Find.
2. Assessment.
3. Program Options.
4. Curriculum Modifications.
5. Parental Involvement.
4. Describe briefly the three Inclusive Education Program options which you
can adapt in your school.
Regular schools with or without trained SPED teachers shall be provided
educational services to children with special needs.
The first program option that shall be organized for these children is a self-
contained class for children with similar disabilities which can be mono
grade or multi grade handled by a trained SPED teacher.
The third option is a resource room program where the child with disabilities
shall be pulled out from the general education or regular class and shall
report to a SPED teacher who provide small group/one-on-one instruction
and/or appropriate interventions for these children.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on the
space provided.
D 1. The provision of Kindergarten Education (KE) to all will increase young
learners chance of completing formal schooling, reduce incidence of
school leavers, and ensure better school performance is embodied in a.
DO # 8, s. 2012
b. DO # 32, s. 2012
c. DO # 42, s. 2016
d. DO # 47, s. 2016
___D__ 2. One of the goals of the Kindergarten to Grade 3 curriculum is to develop
among learners the following except one. Which one is NOT?
____D_ 6. Fred, an 8-year old boy, was accompanied by his mother to enroll in Grade
1. Upon interview, it was revealed that Fred never attended schooling and
his mother cannot show any proof that he finished his kindergarten
education. The decision was for Fred to enroll in KE. Do you think the
decision made is right?
____D_ 7. The following are features of learning assessment except one. Which one
is NOT?
___C__ 8. The SHS curriculum formulation is a step toward the realization of the
Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF), and is the main policy tool for
the implementation of the new 13-year cycle of basic education. What
comprises the SHS curriculum?
a. Objectives
b. Strategies
c. Assessment
d. Reflection
for his higher education. Which goal of the K to12 BEP is
a. Employment
b. Entrepreneurship
c. Middle level skills development
d. Tertiary Education
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Kindergarten Education (KE) a basic education program that aims for all 5-yearold
Program children to achieve the standards and competencies
expected of them, taking into account their diverse
backgrounds, prior knowledge experiences, skills,
attitudes, personal traits, and interests.
Elementary Grades the grade levels in the elementary that range from
Grades 1 to 6. These are composed of two key stages
of the K to 12 Curriculum, namely, the primary and
middle grades. The learners in the elementary grades
are generally from 6–12 years old.
Elementary Education the second stage of compulsory basic education,
which consists of 6 years. The entrance age to this
level is typically 6 years old, which is the age
requirement for Grade 1.
Key Concepts
Early childhood is believed to be a critical period in the formation of the child’s
intelligence, personality, and social behavior. From age 0 to 4 years old,
children are developing quickly in all aspects of development, namely, physical,
cognitive, socialemotional, and language.
From 5 to 8 years old, children’s physical growth slows down a little, but
great strides in gross and fine motor coordination take place. Their organ
systems (muscular, skeletal, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, and immune
systems) are maturing, thus it is important that their health and nutritional
needs are met.
As they develop the ability to take perspectives different from their own,
children move from being egocentric to having a stronger sense of others.
They also develop the capacity to share and take turns, and they are able to
play cooperatively with their peers. Play is an important avenue for learning
and development at this age. Through dramatic play and playing with their
peers, they develop social skills. Play also enhances cognitive development
as it improves creativity and symbolic thinking.
At this age, children are also learning their identities. They learn what is
expected of them by observing and imitating models, who are usually their
parents, but can also be other significant people like older siblings, teachers,
or peers.
mental representations of objects and events. As in early childhood, children
still learn best through active engagement. For example, children will learn
more effectively about road safety by moving cars, blocks, and toy figures
rather than sitting and listening to an adult explain the rules. Their capacity
to remember (memory) also improves greatly by middle childhood, and this
helps them learn even more.
1. Early Adolescence
Early adolescence covers the ages between 12 to 15 years old. This is a
critical phase because during this time, young teens experience accelerated
growth and development. According to UNICEF (2011): “It is at this stage
that physical changes generally commence, usually beginning with a growth
spurt and soon followed by the development of the sex organs and secondary
sexual characteristics. These external changes are often very obvious and
can be a source of anxiety as well as excitement or pride for the individual
whose body is undergoing the transformation.”
e -link http://pundipusatduniailmu.blogspot.com/2011/10/nature-of-
these changes include the growth of breasts, pubic and underarm hair,
increased width and depth of pelvis, and changes in voice and skin. In boys,
these include the growth of facial, underarm, and pubic hair, changes in
voice and skin, and broadening of shoulders (Papalia & Olds, 1995). Schools
must ensure that young teens are exposed to a positive environment that
helps them adjust to their physiological transformations. Simultaneously,
young adolescents begin exhibiting greater independence and start
developing their personalities and interests. At this time, they make
decisions about friends, studies, and sports or hobbies. Many of them show
a strong need to belong to a group. They also begin to experience feelings of
attraction, which occur as they encounter gender identity or gender
expression issues.
It is at this stage that young teens also develop abstract and independent
thinking. They display a curiosity for topics that resonate with them—topics
that they find both useful and interesting. Young adolescents at this time
also “acquire the ability to develop and test hypotheses, analyze and
synthesize data, grapple with complex concepts, and think reflectively”
(Association for Middle Level Education, 2016). They are also able to think
about their thinking (metacognition).
Schools must ensure that teachers of young teens recognize and address the
wideranging diversity of cognitive abilities inside their classrooms. To do this,
teachers can employ a variety of teaching methods and strategies. Teachers
may differentiate instruction while also connecting lessons to real-life
experiences. At this stage, teachers may provide opportunities to young
adolescent learners for active learning, exploration, and collaboration with
peers and adults. Young teens will benefit from school programs that promote
independence and freedom. At this time, access to activities in which young
teens can dialogue and work with peers is important such as clubs, student
government, and groups in which they can take leadership roles. Schools
should also provide age- and developmentally appropriate reproductive health
education programs, and mental and psychosocial support services to young
Most teenagers and young adults will continue adjusting to their changing
bodies and will be more concerned about their physical appearance.
Because of this, they will spend more time grooming themselves, exercising,
and changing their looks. This is healthy for as long as they are of the
expected body weight. According to UNICEF (2011), “Girls in late
adolescence tend to be at greater risk than boys of negative health outcomes,
including depression, and these risks are often magnified by gender-based
discrimination and abuse. Girls are particularly prone to eating disorders
such as anorexia and bulimia; this vulnerability derives in part from
profound anxieties over body image that are fueled by cultural and media
stereotypes of feminine beauty.”
At this stage, most teenagers’ sense of identity, including their sexual
orientation and gender identity or gender expression (SOGIE), is firmer and
clearer. They will relate more with their peers and seek greater emotional
independence from their parents. They also show greater interest in
romantic relationships. With guidance, teenagers will be able to balance the
influence of their families with that of their friends.
Learners during this time experiment with adult roles. They also exhibit “risk-
taking” behavior that declines in late adolescence (UNICEF, 2011). With proper
supervision and open discussions about confusing situations they encounter,
learners at this stage may be helped to avoid experimentation with dangerous
substances as well as irresponsible sexual behavior. Teenagers with good role
models show greater emotional stability and concern for others. With
exposure, they develop good work habits, showing concern and interest in
their future (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016).
In its 2016 SOWC report, UNICEF turns to the issue of equity and calls on
governments of the world to ensure equity as the central goal for access and
learning (UNICEF, 2016). It says that investing in quality education for all
especially disadvantaged children and adolescents helps them break the
intergenerational cycle of poverty that they experience.
C. Adult Learners
Adult learners in the Department of Education (DepEd) are learners beyond
school age who participate in basic education because they were unable to
complete this qualification for various reasons. Recognizing the unique
contexts of adult learners, DepEd provides opportunities for them to earn
their Secondary Education credentials through flexible learning options
such as night high school or open high school. Another option for adult
learners is through nonformal education or the Alternative Learning System
A. Elementary Education
Elementary education is crucial to the promotion of the child as an
individual, a member of a family and community, and a learner in school.
Developing children for life and learning is based not only on knowledge of
children’s developmental milestones. Teachers should also understand the
child’s social, cultural, community and family backgrounds, and the current
circumstances in which the child finds himself/herself. These backgrounds
lead to diversity in childhood and shape different patterns of development
and learning.
K to 12 Curriculum, namely, the Primary and Middle Grades. The learners
in the elementary grades are generally from six (6) years old to twelve (12)
years old.
The Core Subjects in the SHS Curriculum ensure that all learners will
be equipped with competencies required for specialization studies in their
chosen SHS tracks. The subjects in the Core Curriculum are contiguous to
the K to 10 subjects and are responsive to the College Readiness Standards
and New General Education Curriculum for Higher Education formulated by
the Commission of Higher Education (CHED). Every subject in the Core
Curriculum is compulsory and has a time allocation of 80 hours per semester
except for PE and Health, which have 20 hours per semester. However, a
maximum of 2 SHS core subjects may be substituted with equivalent subjects
with the approval of DepED.
ongoing process of providing learners with immediate feedback on how well
they are learning. The results of this type of assessment are documented
but not included in computing learner’s grades. Summative assessment,
on the other hand, is used to measure whether learners have met the
content and performance standards. The results of summative assessment
are used as bases for computing learners’ grades.
Assessment in JHS
Thus, assessment in JHS includes formative and summative classroom
assessments that are given during Grades 7 to 10 to improve student
learning outcomes. To qualify for an SIP, learners take an entry test before
Grade 7.
Those who finish JHS also have to take an exit assessment at Grade 10, which
is the National Achievement Test (NAT) Grade 10.
Assessment in SHS
Classroom assessment in SHS consists of formative and summative
classroom assessments given during Grades 11 to 12 to improve student
learning outcomes. The processes may be found in DepEd Order 8, s. 2015
Learners are given as much positive feedback about their performance to
help them choose their career paths. DepEd Order 36, s. 2016 on honors
provides to schools on how to provide awards and recognition to the talents
and effort of learners.
Activities and Assessment
The table below shows the key stages of the basic education program with brief
descriptions on the characteristics of learners. Test your knowledge by checking
on the appropriate column of key stage where each characteristic fall.
7 Children’s self-concept (how
they see themselves) at this
age is influenced in larger
part by their physical,
No. Characteristics Kindergarten Grade Grade Grade
to Grade 3
4 to 6 7 to 10 11 to 12
If you scored 0-4, it’s alright. Please go over the module and follow
the directions.
If you got 5-9 correct responses, congratulations! Proceed to the
topics/sessions that you’ve missed.
If you got a perfect score, congratulations! You may proceed to the
last session on preparing a detailed lesson plan.
• cognitive development?
children’s speech and language abilities grow, allowing them to
increasingly use language and symbols to learn more about the world
around them. They use speech both to communicate to others (social
speech) and to gain control over their own actions (private speech). They
can be easily frightened by new or strange events, as they sometimes get
carried away by their imagination in the process of learning to distinguish
fantasy from reality
• learning style?
Children at this stage use symbols that allow them to think
creatively and slowly as they are learning to process information logically.
Play is an important avenue for learning and development at this age.
Through dramatic play and playing with their peers, they develop social
skills. Play also enhances cognitive development as it improves creativity
and symbolic thinking.
• cognitive development?
Children’s ability to learn grows substantially at this age because of
their increasing capacity to think conceptually, solve problems, and
use language. At this age, children should have acquired the ability to
read, write, compose, compute, inquire, and work with others. They
can now use these skills and abilities as tools for learning. They are
able to think more logically and make mental representations of
objects and events.
• learning style?
make mental representations of objects and events.
How would you describe learners in the secondary education in terms of:
• physical development?
Early adolescence is a time of physical, socio-emotional, and
intellectual development. During early adolescence, the onset of puberty
happens when young teens undergo physiological changes triggered by
the release of hormones. As such, young teens experience rapid increases
in height, weight, and growth of their internal organs, as well as their
skeletal and muscular systems. Puberty leads to growth not only in
primary sex characteristics (genitals) but also in secondary sex
characteristics. In girls, these changes include the growth of breasts,
pubic and underarm hair, increased width and depth of pelvis, and
changes in voice and skin. In boys, these include the growth of facial,
underarm, and pubic hair, changes in voice and skin, and broadening of
shoulders (Papalia & Olds, 1995).
• cognitive development?
It is at this stage that young teens also develop abstract and
independent thinking. They display a curiosity for topics that resonate
with them—topics that they find both useful and interesting. Young
adolescents at this time also “acquire the ability to develop and test
hypotheses, analyze and synthesize data, grapple with complex
concepts, and think reflectively” (Association for Middle Level
Education, 2016).
• learning style?
abstract and independent thinking.
• For column K, write all the things you know about the curricular goals
in each key stage
• For column W, write all the things you want to know about the
curricular goals in each key stage
K (What I W L
Key Stage (What I Want to (What I Learned)
Kindergarten to
Grade 3 programs.
K (What I W L
Key Stage (What I Want to (What I Learned)
discursive contexts Assessment of
for personal and Student Learning
professional for the K to 12
purposes Basic Education
After going through Activity 2, fill-up the L column of the chart by writing
all the things you have learned about the curricular goals.
What have you realized from the lesson? How would knowing the
curricular goals affect your teaching plans in the key stage you are
I should align the learning competency based on the k to 12 curriculum guide.
1. After you have read the preceding materials, you will match curricular
goals, instruction and assessment strategies.
2. Select a certain learning competency in one of the subjects you are
currently handling using the curriculum guide. Write the LC code.
2. Think of appropriate instruction and assessment strategy/ies for
the selected LC.
3. Accomplish table below
LC Code
Show perpendicular,
parallel and intersecting
Show cooperation in
small group activities
What do you need to consider in planning your instruction to ensure that
standards are achieved?
2. Read DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016, Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson
Preparation for the Kto12 Basic Education Program
b. Which part of the DLP do you find the easiest to accomplish? Why
do you say so?
4. This time, think of a learning competency on the area and key stage
you are handling. Review on the content and performance standard
of the chosen LC and prepare a detailed lesson plan. Please be
guided with DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on the
space provided.
D 1. The provision of Kindergarten Education (KE) to all will increase young
learners chance of completing formal schooling, reduce incidence of
school leavers, and ensure better school performance is embodied in a.
DO # 8, s. 2012
e. DO # 32, s. 2012
f. DO # 42, s. 2016
g. DO # 47, s. 2016
___D__ 2. One of the goals of the Kindergarten to Grade 3 curriculum is to develop
among learners the following except one. Which one is NOT?
____D_ 6. Fred, an 8-year old boy, was accompanied by his mother to enroll in Grade
1. Upon interview, it was revealed that Fred never attended schooling and
his mother cannot show any proof that he finished his kindergarten
education. The decision was for Fred to enroll in KE. Do you think the
decision made is right?
___C__ 8. The SHS curriculum formulation is a step toward the realization of the
Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF), and is the main policy tool for
the implementation of the new 13-year cycle of basic education. What
comprises the SHS curriculum?
e. Objectives
f. Strategies
g. Assessment
h. Reflection
__B___ 10. According to DepEd Order 31, s. 2012 entitled Policy
Guidelines on the Implementation of Grades 1 to 10 of the K to 12
Basic Education
Curriculum (BEC) Effective School Year 2012–2013, at the end of
Senior High School, the learner is expected to be prepared and
equipped with knowledge and skills for Tertiary Education,
middle-level skills development, employment, and
entrepreneurship. After finishing SHS, Gorio devoted his time
preparing and selling delicacies in his locality for him to earn
for his higher education. Which goal of the K to12 BEP is
e. Employment
f. Entrepreneurship
g. Middle level skills development
h. Tertiary Education
1. Use strategies responsive to 2. Design , adapt and implement
learners with disabilities/ teaching strategies that are
giftedness and talents . ( 3.3.1) responsive to learners with
disabilities , giftedness and talents .
( 3.3.2)
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Special Education also known as special needs education, aided education,
exceptional education or Special Ed, is the practice of
educating students with special educational needs in a
way that addresses their individual differences and
Special Needs a term used in clinical diagnostic and functional
development to describe individuals who require
assistance for disabilities that may be medical, mental,
or psychological.
Special Educational a term that refers to children who have learning
Needs problems or disabilities that make it harder for them to
learn than most children of the same age.
Learning disabilities a neurologically-based processing problems. These
processing problems can interfere with learning basic
skills such as reading, writing and/or math. They can
also interfere with higher level skills such as
organization, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or
short term memory and attention.
Intellectual disability a disability characterized by significant limitations both
in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem
solving) and in adaptive behavior, which covers a range
of everyday social and practical skills.
This disability originates before the age of 18.
'Gifted and talented' a term that describes children who have the potential to
develop significantly beyond what is expected for their
age. 'Gifted' refers to a child who has abilities in one or
more academic subjects, such as English or math.
Key Concepts
1. Vision Impairment4
a. Physical Signs- Crossed eyes, eyes that turn out, eyes that flutter
from side to side or up and down, or eyes that do not seem to focus
are physical signs that a child has vision problems
b. Clumsiness- Poor vision might be the cause when a child is
constantly running into things or falling down. He might have trouble
realizing how close or far away objects really are. Sometimes young
children who do not walk well actually have problems with their
c. Behavior- Some children who have vision problems appear to have a
short attention span. Other children might blink frequently or squint
whenever they read or watch television. Often children are sensitive
to bright light or might sit close to the television or hold books that
they are reading close to their face. Likewise, younger children with
visual impairments might hold toys very close to their face.
d. Poor Eye-Hand Coordination- Signs of poor eye-hand coordination
might include difficulty throwing or catching a ball, tying shoes or
copying schoolwork from the blackboard. Poor handwriting is often
another sign of poor eye-hand coordination. Children who suffer from
lazy eyes, crossed or wandering eyes can have problems with
coordination, balance and depth perception, primarily because they
learn to use only one eye at a time.
e. Poor Academic Performance- A child might not read well, or might
use her finger to follow along when she is reading so that she doesn’t
lose her place. Some children also have trouble remembering what
they read. Children with vision problems can find it difficult to write
as well or might have problems with math and other subjects.
ntal+healt h+conditions&gs_l=psy
a. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
b. Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD)
c. Pervasive Developmental Delay –Not Otherwise Specified ( PDD-NOS)
d. Anxiety/Panic Disorder
e. Bipolar Disorder
f. Depression
g. Schizophrenia
4. Intellectual Disability7
a. Intellectual disability in reading
b. Intellectual disability in math
c. Intellectual disability in writing
d. Intellectual disability with motor skills
e. Intellectual disability with language
5. Physical Disability
i. They are voracious in their search for answers, including reading and
internet research, and tend to ask a lot of questions.
j. These children are methodical thinkers, have definite opinions, and are
very motivated when curious about a topic. They work well on their own.
Because their intelligence is highly developed, they are not interested in
typical activities of their chronological peers. Rather, they prefer the
company of older children or adults.
accomplishments, be consistent with rules and discipline, correct
errors and reward students when they make these corrections
themselves, explain behavioral expectations, and teach and
demonstrate appropriate behaviors rather than just expecting students
with special needs to pick them up.
Read the situations below and identify the disabilities evident in the learner. Choose from the
types of disabilities enumerated inside the box.
Vision Impairment
Deaf or hard of hearing
Mental health
Intellectual disability
Physical disability
1. You have observed that one of your students Anabel does not pay
attention to what you are illustrating on the board. You noticed that
she squints and blinks frequently as she stares at the writings on the
2. In a number of instances, you have called Albert but he does not seem
to respond to you. He manifested some level of inattentiveness or
Let us find out if your answers are correct by referring to the key below.
List down the characteristics of the gifted learners shown in the
video. While the video is being played you will point out the characteristics
of each child being described. Use the chart below to organize your ideas.
Interview a mentor who is an expert in the field of special education and discuss with him or her
specific strategies that may be employed in dealing with learners with disabilities and giftedness.
You will then be enhancing this interview by having further readings on the said topic.
You may interview a teacher handling the last sections or those teaching
remedial reading or SPED teachers themselves. Coaches, trainers, advisers
of gifted learners may also be your interviewees.
You may use the interview questions given or you may formulate your own
depending on the subject of your interview. The interview feedback form will
guide and help you in noting down important points of discussion.
Using the points you that you have gathered from the discussions in this session and from
the interview, you will now enumerate activities that you can use in order to address the
needs of a particular learner in your class who has a learning disability or giftedness.
You may use the graphic organizer below.
You have accomplished the task with great proficiency and it is commendable.
Looking back at the discussions and activities, write your reflections on the
What is your professional obligation towards these learners with disabilities and
Use strategies responsive to learners with disabilities/ giftedness and talents
What is your personal commitment in helping your learners with special needs?
Design , adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners
with disabilities , giftedness and talents .
Let us test how far have you gone in understanding special education by having
the post-test. Write key concepts or ideas for each heading.
ALS) Desired Learning Outcome
BTI (3.4.1)
Demonstrate understanding of the special educational needs of learners in difficult
circumstances, including: geographic isolation; chronic illness; displacement due
to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disaster; child abuse and child labor.
PTI (3.4.2)
Plan and deliver teaching strategies that are responsive to the special educational
needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation; chronic
illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disaster; child
abuse and child labor practices.
a. Discuss the different ALS Programs that will cater the educational
needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic
isolation; chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban
resettlement or disaster; child abuse and child labor practices;
b. Describe the program options in providing educational services to
ALS learners; and
c. Develop a lesson plan using teaching strategies that are responsive
to educational needs of ALS learners.
_____T____ 6. Basic Literacy Program is a community-based program for
nonliterate outof-school children, youth, and adults to acquire basic reading,
writing, and numeracy skills.
_____F___ 7. Indigenous People Education is a program for Muslim migrants to
be able to positively contribute to the peace efforts of our government improve
the quality of life of Muslim out-of-school youth and adults.
_____F____ 8. Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) is an alternative delivery mode
using radio broadcast to deliver the ALS programs, as a form of distance
learning. Listeners are able to acquire equivalency in basic education
through the broadcast of lesson.
_____F____ 9. The Basic Literacy Program is a literacy service learning
intervention utilizing literate family members to help non-literate members
upgrade their literacy skills and improve the educational opportunities of
poor families.
______T___ 10. Parent education is a short-term course that addresses the
special needs and interest of the parents to promote pride of their work and
show ownership of their responsibilities as family and community members.
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Accreditation and a nonformal education certification program for outof-
Equivalency (A&E) Program school children, out-of-school youth and adults that
recognizes prior learning. The program offers
elementary and high school secondary education
comparable with formal basic education. Accreditation
is done by administering the
Accreditation and Equivalency Test (A&E Test) to ALS
learners. The passers’ next grade level depends on the
ALS Special Education a professional teacher who specializes in SPED, is
Teacher for PWD currently handling classes with either visually or
hearing impaired students/pupils in public elementary
or secondary schools and is assigned to serve as an
ALS Special Education Teacher for ALS for PWD
Basic Literacy Program a community-based program for nonliterate out-
(BLP) ofschool children, youth, and adults to acquire basic
reading, writing, and numeracy skills or the ability to
read with comprehensions, write simple messages, and
solve numeracy problems
Community Learning also called Punlaan ng Karunungan, which is similar to
Center (CLC) a school but different in many aspects. CLC serves as
a learning hub in the community, a center for skills
development and a community facility for local events
Key Concepts8
ALS only requires learners to attend learning sessions based on the agreed
schedule between the learners and the learning facilitators.
Aside from schematics, the program has two levels: elementary and
secondary. Students have to start from elementary level, then proceed to high
school level. If a student is a graduate of elementary under a formal
classroom system, the student is automatically admitted to the secondary
levels depending on which year level the student stopped schooling.
ALS uses learning modules. Each module is complete in itself. It contains the
description of the module, objectives, learning activities, and pre- and post-test.
After passing high school level test the learner can now enroll in grade 11.
The Governance Act for Basic Education otherwise known as the Republic Act
9155 stipulates the establishment of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) to
provide out-ofschool children, youth and adults population with basic
As stated in Republic Act No. 7277 “An act providing for the
Rehabilitation, SelfDevelopment and Self-Reliance of disabled persons and
their Integration into the Mainstream of Society and for Other Purposes” and
in Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 “the state shall promote the right of every
individual to relevant quality education regardless of sex, age, creed, socio-
economic status, physical and mental conditions, racial or ethnic origin,
political or other affiliation”, the State shall promote and maintain equality
of access to education as well as attainment of the benefits of education by
all its citizens.
and Equivalency (A&E). Both programs are modular and flexible. This means
that learning can take place anytime and anyplace, depending on the
convenience and availability of the learners.
What is the difference between the Basic Education System and ALS9?
Basic Education System is classroom-based, managed by trained formal
school teachers.
ALS happens outside the classroom, community-based, usually
conducted at community learning centers, barangay multi-purpose hall,
libraries or at home, managed by ALS learning facilitators, such as mobile
teachers, district ALS coordinators, instructional managers at an agreed
schedule and venue between the learners and facilitators.
the educational opportunities of poor families in the depressed,
deprived and underserved (DDU) areas.
Identify the ALS program suited to the given situations. Provide answers in a separate sheet.
a. Situation Number 1
My dear teacher, I am now on my 5th grade in elementary, I really
love to go to regular school, in our class, every day, but sadly I am now
having struggle on my way to school because my family and I are living
in a mountainous place and we belong to a Tadyawan Tribe. My father
decided that I have to stop schooling due to the distance I am travelling
just to attend class. Can you suggest possible way or solution so that I
can continue my schooling even I am at our tribe?
Indigenous People Education
b. Situation No. 2
Mang Elberto is a street vendor, selling palamig, banana que, and junk
foods. He always noticed Jojo, a street boy, who is frequently looking for
empty cans, used newspaper and other raw materials along Magallanes
Street. Mang Elberto asked Jojo if he has parents to guide him and
nurture him. He found out that Jojo doesn’t have parents or even relatives
to take care of him. Jojo wishes to continue his elementary grade. If Mang
Alberto come to you and ask for possible help or assistance on how he
can help Jojo to continue his schooling, what possible program can you
advice and why?
Informal Education for Disadvantaged Children and Adults
c. Situation No.3
Nena is 19 years old and a housemaid. She stopped schooling when
she was in grade 5. She could not find time to enroll in formal
education considering the nature of her work. The school near her
workplace does not offer night schooling. Her employer wanted her to
continue her studies through ALS. Can you suggest what possible
ALS program best suited for her? Why?
Informal Education for Disadvantaged Children and Adults
d. Situation No. 4
Nilo is a visually impaired pupil who was not able to complete his
elementary education. He wanted to continue his studies despite
of his disability. Would he be allowed to enroll in ALS program?
What advice could you give to him regarding his intention of getting
back to school?
Alternative Learning System for Differently-Abled Persons (ALS-
Develop a Lesson Plan catering the ALS Learners’ educational needs with appropriate teaching
learning strategies using the DLL (Refer to Module 4 Session 1).
Fill in the missing phrase or word to complete the nature, salient feature and the legal bases of
Alternative Learning System (ALS).
1. The potential learner in the ALS goes through a screening process
to determine whatever prior learning that he/she may have through
the Functional Literacy Test (FLT).
2. The ___ALS_________________________ is a program aimed at providing
an alternative pathway of learning for out-of-school children, youth,
and adults who are basically literate but who have not completed the
10 years of basic education mandated by the Philippine Constitution.
3. The Adolescent Reproductive Health is a project for out-of-school
adolescents ages ____9 - 24_____________ years old. It is a life skills-
based education program for adolescents who are in high-risky
behavior, sex-related or non-sex related behavior.
4. Every Filipino has a right to free basic education, the government
establishes _______ALS__________________ to provide all Filipinos the
chance to have access to and complete basic education in a mode that
fits their distinct situation and needs.
5. As stated in Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 “the state shall promote the
right of every individual to relevant quality education regardless of sex,
age, creed, socioeconomic status, physical and mental conditions,
racial or ethnic origin, political or other affiliation,” the State shall
promote and maintain equality of access to education as well as
attainment of the benefits of education by all its citizens.
6. The Family Basic Literacy Program (FBLP) is an informal education
which is a life skills short-term course that addresses the special
needs and interest of the parents to promote pride in their work and
ownership of their responsibilities as members of the family and their
7. The Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education in Alternative
Learning System (ALIVE in ALS) is design for the Muslim Migrants to
positively contribute to the peace efforts of our government to improve
the quality of life of Muslim OSY and adults.
8. The ALS program follows a uniform learning LESSON MODULE for all
academic subjects covering the sciences, mathematics, English,
Filipino, social studies, current events among others.
9. The Alternative Learning System only requires learners to attend
learning sessions based on the agreed Agreed Schedule between the
learners and the learning facilitators.
10. Community Learning Center (CLC) is also called Punlaan ng
Karunungan,which is similar to a school but different in many
After understanding the nature, salient feature and the legal bases of
Alternative Learning System, on what particular part of what you have read
ignites your enthusiasm to go beyond your limitations as a beginning
teacher? Why? Support your answer.
help non-literate members upgrade their literacy skills and improve the
educational opportunities of poor families.
________TRUE___ 6. The Alternative Learning System is a parallel learning
system in the Philippines that provides a practical option to the existing formal
The 1987 Philippine Constitution 8. Republic Act 9155 provides for the
recognition and promotion of other forms of education other than formal
Functional Literacy Test (FLT) 9. The potential learner in ALS goes through
a screening process to determine whatever prior learning that he/she may
have through the National Assessment Test.
Below are the listed practices. Write down in column A those practices which
are more important to Muslim learners, column B those which are lesser
important and column C those that must be avoided
1. Attending Madrasah
2. Going to Mosque
3. Learning Arabic Language
4. Watching movies
5. Going to Karaoke Bar
6. Love and respect to parents and elderly
7. Fasting in the holy month of Ramadhan
8. Going on Pilgrimage to Makka
9. Reading Qur’an
10. Gossiping
11. Attending Eid al-Adha prayer
12. Gambling
13. Charity
14. Modesty
15. Eating Haram
Column A Column B Column C
Going on Pilgrimage to
Reading Qur’an
KWL on DepEd Madrasah Education Program (MEP)
Working in groups of 10, brainstorm to put together your responses to the first
two columns of the table below:
What do you already What do you WANT to What have you LEARNED
KNOW about DepEd’s know about DepEd’s in the Session? (to be
MEP? MEP? filled up at the end of the
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Muslim Learner a learner who is a follower of the religion of Islam
Madrasah an Arabic word for school which is not used in its literal
Arabic meaning but as a system of education with core
emphasis on Arabic literacy, Islamic values, and Islamic
Religion (Slideshare-Madrasah Education)
Madrasah Education a comprehensive program for Muslim learners in public
Program10 schools and private madaris, which provides appropriate
and relevant educational opportunities within the context of
their culture, customs, traditions and interests. This is done
through the integration of the Arabic Language and Islamic
Values Education (ALIVE) program.
Muslim Values those which “are created as part of the culture of the Muslim
communities. This includes the day-to-day interaction
between the Muslims and their outlook on Islam’s rule and
regulations” 11
Islamic Values based on Islamic Laws which is called as “Sharia’ah”-
anchored on the Qur’an, Hadith, Ijma’ and Qiyas12
ALIVE an acronym for Arabic Language and Islamic Values
Education (ALIVE) program which is integrated.in public
school system.
Eid Al-Fitr (eed’al the “Festival of the Fast-Breaking” one of the two major
fi’ter) Muslim holidays, celebrates the completion of the fasting in
the month of Ramadhan
Eid Al-Adha (eed’ al the “Festival of Sacrifice” It falls on the tenth day ofDhul
ad’-ha) Hijja - the 12thmonth of the Islamic Calendar. It is the
conclusion of the pilgrimage, and is celebrated by all
Muslims with special prayers, feasts, gifts, and the sacrifice
of an animal (usually a lamb or goat). The meat is distributed
to the needy, relatives and friends
Pillars of Islam These are the most basic tenets that a Muslim must learn.
a. Shahada – refers to the declaration of faith ( to bear
witness that there is no God but Allah and to bear
witness that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah.
b. Salat - refers to the five times daily prayer
c. Fasting – refers to the abstinence from food, water and
sexual activities from dawn (3:30 A.M.) to dusk
(6:00 P.M.) in the month of Ramadhan
d. Zakat – is the giving of obligatory Charity
e. Hajj – going on Pilgrimage to the holy land ( Masjid al-
Aqsa, Masjid Al-Haram and Madina)
10 http://www.deped.gov.ph/press-releases/inclusive-education-filipino-muslim-learners
11 Atiq Ebady//http://www.crecentlife.com – as presented in Dr. F. Abubakar’s Dissertation, WMSU, 2009.
12 Atiq Ebady//http://www.crecentlife.com – as presented in Dr. F. Abubakar’s Dissertation, WMSU, 2009.
Congratulations ِ ً كَ َل ا
َئين ه Hanī-an laka
May Allah bless your life ُُ ي َح
َّ هللا كَ ا .
Excellent ز اَت ْم ُم Mumtāz
Key Concepts
This program further enhances the education system for the Filipino
Muslim learners and ensure that they will have access to quality and
relevant education that is also in line with the Islamic cultural heritage and
Sannad, 2015), through DepEd Order No. 51, s.2004 which spelled out the
standard curriculum for both public schools and private madaris.
Muslim values are those which “are created as part of the culture of the
Muslim communities. This includes the day-to-day interaction between the
Muslims and their outlook on Islam’s rules and regulations.”12 There is a clear
distinction between Islamic values and Muslim values. The values formulated
by the Muslims may or may not be in accordance with Islam. The detriment
which arises from this is that, many times precedence is given to Muslim values
over the Islamic values (Ebady, 2007).
Atiq Ebady//http://www.crescentlife.com
are set on justifying these practices instead of accepting the Islamic rulings
on such things.”13
The Islamic Da’wa Council of the Philippines (IDCP) is the agency
responsible for issuing the Halal Certificates label. It works hand in hand
with the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF),which was
created by virtue of Republic Act No. 9997- to ensure the rights and well-
being of Muslim Filipinos with due regard to their beliefs, customs, traditions
and institutions, as well as to further ensure their contribution to national
goals and aspirations and to make them active participant in nation-
building. The opposite of halal is haram.
This topic is from the dissertation of Dr. F. Abubakar, Western Mindanao State University, 2009, published at
DepEd-ARMM Blog and at https://m.facebook.com with slight adjustments in wording to suit the context of the
learning material.
During the prayer, the Muslim will stand, bow, and touch the forehead
to the ground facing the Qibla (facing the West). This may be performed
in any quite, clean room with privacy.
During the prayer, Muslims are fully engaged and they may not
respond to a conversation. Students and teachers should not take
offense of the worshiper not answering their call. However, in an
extreme cases of emergency, a
Muslim will respond to an announcement by stopping the prayer
e. Physical Education
Muslim boys and girls may not take same-sex communal areas
(example comfort rooms). School administrators may wish to
discuss with the student and their parents alternative clothing
in physical education classes. Muslim students should not be
forced to participate in joined swimming classes. Some schools
that require swimming skills have offered outside certification as
an option, or may offer an alternate for of physical activity.
Islam prohibits the consumption of alcohol, pork, and any pork-
by-products or derivatives. These are haram. For preschools and
elementary food programs, many school cafeterias have been
particularly helpful to Muslim parents and students by labeling
such foods with a prominent visual marker, such as a red dot or a
picture of a pig, for beginning readers.
Usually, most food products allowed for Muslims are labeled with
Halāl (Arabic: حاللḥalāl, "permissible"), refers to what is permissible
or lawful in traditional Islamic law.
j. Islamic Calendar
Hijjra or Hijjri is the Islamic Calendar. Like the Gregorian Calendar,
it has 12 months in a year: Muharram, Safar, Rabi al-Ula, Rabi al-
Thani, Jumada alUla, Jumada al-Thani, Rajab, Sha’ban,
Ramadhan, Shawwal, Dhul Qa’da and Dhul Hijja. Major
celebrations common to all Muslims are the two Eid (feast) days,
such as the Eid al-Fitr (eed’ al fi;-ter), or the “Festival of the
FastBreaking”, which signals the end of Ramadhan and the onset
of Shawwal. On the other hand, the Eid al-Adha(eed’ al ad’-ha), or
the “Festival of Sacrifice,” which falls on the tenth day of the month
of Dhul Hijja, signals the conclusion of the pilgrimage, and is
celebrated by all Muslims with special prayers, feasts, gifts, and
the sacrifice of an animal (usually a lamb or goat). The meat is
distributed to the needy, relatives and friends.
The festivities include congregational prayer, giving and sharing
with the poor and needy, feasts, gatherings, gift giving, fun, and
entertainment, especially for children. A typical greeting on these
occasions is “Eid Mubarak” or “Blessed Holiday.” To accommodate
the needs of the students during these observances, schools are
encouraged to add/note the Muslim holidays on their calendars.
Celebrating Eid requires that Muslim students take at least one day
off from school. There should be no penalty for this religious
obligation. Because the occurrence of Eid depends on the sighting of
the new moon, the exact date cannot be determined with certainty
ahead of time.14
More information can be found in this link
c. In specific case of the Muslim students, the following policies shall be
d. Female Muslim school children should be allowed to use their veil or
(hijab) inside the school campus;
e. In Physical Education (PE) classes, Muslim girls shall be allowed to wear
appropriate clothing in accordance with their religious beliefs; and
f. Muslim students shall not be required to participate in Non-Muslim
religious sites.
g. D.O. No. 41, s. 2017 – Policy Guidelines on Madrasah Education in The
K To 12
Basic Education
h. D.O. No. 40, s. 2011 – Refinement of Standard Madrasah Curriculum
(SMC) To
Refined Elementary Madrasah Curriculum (REMC)
i. D.O.No. 51, s. 2009 – Institutionalization of The Standard Madrasah
Peer Activity. Choose a partner. From the list of Muslim expressions above,
select two or more and use it as a conversation between you and your peer
in a desired situation.
Brain Teaser
Complete the table by writing your important learnings.
the communities to take part in
preserving their culture.
BEAM- RA10533/
K to 12 Law
BEST RA10533/
K to 12 Law
a. My Identity
Below are words in the box. Select and write down in the appropriate
column those which are permissible for Muslim learners. (Note: Words
which are not permissible must be explained by the teacher).
hijab mini skirt swim wear abaya kuppiya
Hajj Eid al-Fitr
(halal certified)
learner’s linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious background.
2. Post KWL Workshop: Working with your Group, complete the third
column of the KWL chart.
What already KNOW What do you WANT to What have you LEARNED
about DepEd’s MEP? know about DepEd’s in the Session? (to be
MEP? filled up at the end of the
Desired Learning Outcomes
3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and 3.1.2 Use differentiated, developmentally
understanding of differentiated appropriate learning experiences to
teaching to suit the learners’ gender, address learners’ gender, needs,
needs, strengths, interests and strengths, interests and experiences.
Identify the special interest program being described in each number by
writing the letter that corresponds to your answer.
A. Special Program in the Arts (SPA)
B. Special Science Program
C. Special Program in Journalism
D. Special Program in Foreign Languages (SPFL)
E. Strengthened Technical Vocational Education Program
____B___1. This is a special program for talented and gifted children who are
provided enriched curricula in Science and Mathematics.
____D___2. Teachers who handle this special program must have
specialization in English and must be knowledgeable of foreign
languages like French, Mandarin, etc.
____E___3. This is a program for learners who would like to develop skills in the
fields of home economics, industrial arts, agri-fishery arts and ICT.
____E___4. Teachers in this special program must be National Certificate II
holders of the subject that handle
____E___5. To assess the skills of learners in this special program, teachers
must be a Trainer’s Methodology Level I or II holder of the subject they
are handling
____E___6. The National Festival of Talents (NFOT) is a national event that
allow learners to display their skills in the four areas of technology
livelihood education under the old curriculum and currently under
the TVL track of the Senior High School Program
____A___7. This program nurtures learners who are endowed with gifts in
dancing, acting, and singing.
____B___8. Learners enrolled in this special program are given the opportunity
to invent and showcase their invention on Science, Engineering and
Technology at the national and international level.
____C___9. This program offers learners the opportunity to explore the field
of media arts, broadcasting, newswriting and photography.
____E__10. Learners with interest in carpentry, cosmetology, computer
programming, fish processing and similar skill-based learning
must be enrolled in this special program.
____A___11. It is the counterpart of Senior High School Sports track
_____A__12. It is the counterpart of Senior High School Arts track
_____E__13. It is the counterpart of Senior High School Technical-Vocational
_____B__14. It is the counterpart of Senior High School Science, Technology
and Engineering strand
On the space provided before each number, write the word ‘Track’ if what
is described is a Senior High School ‘Track’, otherwise write ‘Strand’ if
what is being described is a SHS strand.
TRACK 1. Leaners with special inclination in Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics attend SHS schools offering STEM.
TRACK2. Learners who opt to pursue tertiary education take the ‘Academic’
TRACK3. Those who are not sure what to course to take in college are given the
opportunity to explore through the General Academic Subject
TRACK4. Learners who like to obtain National Certificate Level II, III or IV join
the Technical Vocational (TVL)
STRAND5. Agri-fishery Arts, Dressmaking, Computer Programming, Cookery,
Tour Guiding take NC II or higher to be able to work
TRACK6. Learners who plan to become sports trainer explore on this
STRAND7. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) is under ‘Academic’
STRAND8. Those learners who want to become marine engineers take
prebaccalaureate Maritime
STRAND9. TVL Learners who plan to open their business in industrial arts
like welding shop, automobile repair services take this
STRAND10. These are SHS courses or subjects
Key Concepts
For further reading, you might want to visit: http://www.deped.gov.ph/k-to-12/bec-
program, this will place graduates in a more advantageous
position in the global workplace.
e. Special Program in Journalism (SPJ) hones the learners’ skills
and competencies in writing for them to become good writers
and journalists in the future.
5. Strengthened TECH-VOC Education Program (STVEP) provides
students with opportunities to acquire certifiable vocational and
technical skills that would allow broader options in the local and
global market.
6. Today, all these special interest programs are now part of the
‘Enhanced Basic Education Program’ (EBEP) articulated in terms of
SHS tracks/strands. As newly on-boarded public school teacher, the
important concept that you need to understand such as:
a. Not all schools offer Senior High School (SHS)
b. If a school shall offer SHS, the relevance to the learners and
the community where they live are two of the most important
considerations that schools must take
c. Availability of human and material resources, community and
industry partners are the most important considerations to
take when deciding which SHS track/strand to offer
d. Learners who want to be enrolled in STEM schools must
qualify and must meet the requirements stated in DepEd
Order 55 s., 2016, “Policy Guidelines on the National
Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program”, available at:
e. Teachers must meet DepEd qualification requirements before
they can teach in the Special Interest programs under the K
to 12, e.g. TVL teachers must be NC III holders or higher.
As a relevant member of your school, you must belong to a LAC group where
you and your colleagues can discuss further the challenges that you face and
the strategies that you can adopt from them. It is also expected that you can
share your knowledge and be of help to them during your LAC sessions.
Topics Sources/References How useful is this
material for me as a
new public school
DO 54, s. 1996 - http://www.deped.gov.ph/orders/do-54-s1996 It will help me in
Guidelines for the classroom
Implementation of management of all
Special Science aspects in handling
Classes (Ssc) Under SSC
the Engineering and
Science Education
Project (ESEF)
K to 12 Basic http://www.deped.gov.ph/k-to12/bec- It will give deeper
Education cgs/als-program knowledge about k to
Curriculum 12 Basic Education
DO 55, s. 2016 - http://www.deped.gov.ph/orders/do55- It will help me in
Policy Guidelines on s-2016 orientation of the
the National students for the
Assessment of prepation of the
Student Learning for National Assessment
the K To 12 Basic
Education Program
DepEd Order # 54 S. http://www.deped.gov.ph/orders/do-54-s2010 Reference to
2010-Strengthening innovate strategies
the Implementation of for the
the Special Program in
implementation of
the Arts (SPA) and
the SPA and SPS.
Sports (SPS)
My Responsibilities My Contributions
On the space provided before each number, write the word ‘Track’ if what
is described is a Senior High School ‘Track’, otherwise write ‘Strand’ if
what is being described is a SHS strand.
TRACK 1. Leaners with special inclination in Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics attend SHS schools offering STEM.
TRACK2. Learners who opt to pursue tertiary education take the ‘Academic’
TRACK3. Those who are not sure what to course to take in college are given the
opportunity to explore through the General Academic Subject
TRACK4. Learners who like to obtain National Certificate Level II, III or IV join
the Technical Vocational (TVL)
STRAND5. Agri-fishery Arts, Dressmaking, Computer Programming, Cookery,
Tour Guiding take NC II or higher to be able to work
TRACK6. Learners who plan to become sports trainer explore on this
STRAND7. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) is under ‘Academic’
STRAND8. Those learners who want to become marine engineers take
prebaccalaureate Maritime
STRAND9. TVL Learners who plan to open their business in industrial arts
like welding shop, automobile repair services take this
STRAND10. These are SHS courses or subjects
3.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge 3.5.2 Adapt and use culturally
of teaching strategies that is appropriate learning strategies to address
inclusive of learners from indigenous the needs of learners from indigenous
groups. groups.
Put a check (/) on the statement which you think is true of the
Indigenous Peoples Education Program and some IP characteristics. If not,
mark it with X.
B. IP Characteristics
__̸__1. One of the characteristics of the Indigenous People (IP) is their
reverent attitude to their cultural beliefs and traditions.
__̸__2. The cultural beliefs and traditions of the IPs vary from place to place
thus a teacher must be well versed with the type of IPs in his/her
__̸__3. Everyone has an opportunity to be educated regardless of race, tribe,
culture, traditions and dialect.
__×__4. IPs can only learn through observation, repetition and practice.
Some are aloof to Sociable skills Not participating in Strategies that will
people. class discussion encourage the
participation of all
students in class
Key Concepts
In the Philippines, the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997 (RA No.
8371, or simply IPRA), defines indigenous peoples (cultural communities):
a. are a group of people or homogenous societies identified by self-
ascription and ascription by others;
b. continuously live as organized community on communally bounded
and defined territory;
c. have, under claims of ownership since time immemorial, occupied,
possessed, and utilized such territories, sharing common bonds of
language, customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits;
d. have, through resistance to political, social and cultural inroads of
colonization, non-indigenous religions and cultures, became
historically differentiated from the majority of Filipinos;
e. are regarded as indigenous on account of their descent from the
populations which inhabited the country, at the time of conquest or
colonization, or at the time of inroads of non-indigenous religions and
cultures, or the establishment of present state boundaries;
f. are those who may have retained some or all of their own social,
economic, cultural and political institutions, but who may have been
displaced from their traditional domains or who may have resettled
outside their ancestral domains.
May 30, 2017, http://www.indigenouspeople.net/
Indigenous peoples‟ communities are found in the forests, mountains,
lowlands and coastal areas of the country and are in varied levels of
socioeconomic development. They engage in a mix of production systems
including swidden farming, settled agriculture, hunting and gathering,
livestock raising, fishing and production and trade in local handicrafts. A
common characteristic of indigenous peoples is their close attachment to
ancestral land, territory and resources. The view the world that “land is life”
is deeply embedded in their existence. Indigenous peoples are among the
poorest and most marginalized sectors of Philippine society. They experience
neglect and discrimination in the provision of basic social services by the
They are among the poorest and the most disadvantaged social group
in the country (like illiteracy, unemployment and incidence of poverty are
much higher among them than the rest of the population). IP settlements
are remote, without access to basic services, and are characterized by a high
incidence of morbidity, mortality and malnutrition. They displayed a variety
of social organization, cultural expression and artistic skills. They showed a
high degree of creativity, usually employed to embellish utilitarian objects,
such as bowls, baskets, clothing, weapons and spoons. The tribal groups of
the Philippines are known for their carved wooden figures, baskets, weaving,
pottery and weapons.
Still other Negrito groups are the Ati in Panay and Negros, Palawan,
Guimaras, Romblon and northern Mindanao. Other smaller groupings of
indigenous peoples are the Bugkalot or Ilongot, Ibanag, Gaddang, Ikalahan
and Isinai in the Caraballo Mountains of Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino and Nueva
Ecija and the Remontado of Rizal, Quezon, Negros and Sibuyan, and the
Tumanduk of Panay (IWGIA 2008: 427-432; ADB 2002: 7-8; Tebtebba 2004).
The “Mangyan” is a generic term for the indigenous peoples of the island
Mindoro and in Sibuyan island. They are usually clustered into the northern
Mangyan (Tadyawan, Alangan and Iraya) and the southern Mangyan (Buhid,
Taobuid and Hanunuo). There are also several indigenous peoples living in the
islands of Palawan. These are the Tagbanua (Kalamianen), Palaw-an, Molbog
and Batak.
investment of labour and actual improvements on the land. Access to and
control of land and resources are traditionally regulated through customary
laws, which the communities themselves evolved. Land is viewed as a
collective legacy to be maintained across many generations since it is the
source of life and livelihood for its occupants. Indigenous peoples‟
communities are generally situated in areas that are rich repositories of high
biodiversity. This is largely due to their sustainable practices in natural
resource management which have conserved the natural wealth of the land.
Distinct indigenous knowledge systems on sustainable management of
resources continue to persist in varying degrees. Indigenous knowledge
serves as a collective set of guides in the use and management of resources
within their ancestral domain (Carino 2007).
The following are suggested readings for you to explore and to discuss
with your school head, colleagues and friends. As you have your tea time, do
find time to write relevant thoughts from your discussions.
a. Legal Bases (Philippine Constitution and IPRA 1997)
b. RA 10533 of the K to 12 BEP
c. DepEd Order 32, s. 2015 (Inclusion Program and Indigenous
Education Program)
d. DO 32,s 2015- Adopting the IPED Curriculum Framework
e. DO 51, s 2014- Guidelines in the Conduct of Activities and
Involving Aspects of IP Culture
f. DO 3, s2017- Multi-Year Implementing Guidelines on the
Allocation and
Utilization of the IPED Program Support Fund
g. DO 50, s 2016- Hiring Guidelines for the T-1 Positions in Schools
Implementing IPED effective SY 2016-2017
h. DO 62,s 2011 National IPED Policy Framework
Synthesize what you have read through a graphic organize particularly a
house. In each part of the house indicate the following: learners’ needs,
challenges, action and your role as a teacher.
Read the situation below, and then do the steps that follow:
Do the following:
1. Write at least five steps that you will take in helping this learner.
After writing the steps, consult your colleague or anyone from your
school and discuss the steps that you will l take.
2. From the consultation notes, write encouragement notes for that
learner not to give up his/her studies.
3. Ask what is her/ his problem.
4. Talk to his/ her parents.
5. Engage the learner in class discussion
Your next challenge is to make a lesson sequence for that IP student
who has problems in language learning and is displaced by a disaster like
flood so that he/she can catch up with your lesson. As you prepare the lesson
sequence, always consult/confer with your seasoned co-teachers. Have your
school head look into the plan and ask discuss it with him/her. Be ready for
modifications and have it signed by him/her. You can use the matrix below
to guide you in your lesson sequence.
If you think the matrix is not enough, you can add columns. Modify it.
Remember, you know more your student and I can see that you are more
Put a check (/) on the statement which you think is true of the
Indigenous Peoples Education Program and some IP characteristics. If not,
mark it with X.
B. IP Characteristics
__̸__1. One of the characteristics of the Indigenous People (IP) is their
reverent attitude to their cultural beliefs and traditions.
__̸__2. The cultural beliefs and traditions of the IPs vary from place to place
thus a teacher must be well versed with the type of IPs in his/her
__̸__3. Everyone has an opportunity to be educated regardless of race, tribe,
culture, traditions and dialect.
__×__4. IPs can only learn through observation, repetition and practice.
Some are aloof to Sociable skills Not participating in Strategies that will
people. class discussion encourage the
participation of all
students in class
Azer, S. 2005. The Qualities of a Good Teacher: How Can They Be Sustained?
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. Feb; 98(2): 67–69
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Answer Keys
3. SARF 4. FLO
4. b
5. a
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. d
10. b
1 The onset of puberty
happens when young teens
undergo physiological
changes triggered by the
release of hormones
2 Physiological development
will be almost complete
3 Children at this stage use
symbols that allow them to
think creatively and slowly as
they are learning to process
information logically
4 They develop the capacity to
share and take turns, and
they are able to play
cooperatively with their
5 The ability to learn grows
substantially at this age
because of their increasing
capacity to think
conceptually, solve problems,
and use language
6 They learn what is expected
of them by observing and
imitating models, who are
usually their parents, but can
also be other significant
people like older siblings,
teachers, or peers.
7 Children’s self-concept (how
they see themselves) at this
age is influenced in larger
part by their physical,
intellectual, and social skills
8 Their sense of identity,
including their sexual
orientation and gender
identity or gender expression
(SOGIE), is firmer and
9 They develop the capacity to
share and take turns, and
they are able to play
cooperatively with their
10 They begin to experience
feelings of attraction, which
occur as they encounter
No. Characteristics Kindergarten Grade Grade 7 Grade
to Grade 3 4 to 6 to 10 11 to 12
gender identity or gender
expression issues.
Part II
1. B
2. D
3. E 4. E 5. E
6. E
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. E
11. Track 12. Track 13. Track
14. Track
15. Strand
16. Track
17. Strand 18. Strand 19. Strand
20. Strand