Thermodynamic Performance Study of Biomass Gasification, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Micro Turbine Hybrid Sistem
Thermodynamic Performance Study of Biomass Gasification, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Micro Turbine Hybrid Sistem
Thermodynamic Performance Study of Biomass Gasification, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Micro Turbine Hybrid Sistem
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A system level modelling study of three combined heat and power systems based on biomass gasification
Received 17 August 2009 is presented. Product gas is converted in a micro gas turbine (MGT) in the first system, in a solid oxide fuel
Received in revised form 30 March 2010 cell (SOFC) in the second system and in a combined SOFC–MGT arrangement in the third system. An elec-
Accepted 8 April 2010
trochemical model of the SOFC has been developed and calibrated against published data from Topsoe
Available online 18 May 2010
Fuel Cells A/S and the Risø National Laboratory. The modelled gasifier is based on an up scaled version
(500 kWth) of the demonstrated low tar gasifier, Viking, situated at the Technical University of Den-
mark. The SOFC converts the syngas more efficiently than the MGT, which is reflected by the energetic
System design
Combined heat and power
electrical efficiency of the gasifier and MGT system in opposition to the gasifier and SOFC configuration
Biomass gasification – gel = 28.1% versus gel = 36.4%. By combining the SOFC and MGT, the unconverted syngas from the SOFC
Solid oxide fuel cells is utilised in the MGT to produce more power and the SOFC is pressurised, which improves the efficiency
Micro gas turbine to as much as gel = 50.3%. Variation of the different operating conditions reveals an optimum for the cho-
Electrochemical model sen pressure ratio with respect to the resulting electrical efficiency. Furthermore, the SOFC operating
temperature should be kept high and the cathode temperature gradient maximised.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339 2331
without degradation. Furthermore, the impacts of varying the added to the preheated air, and dry wood together with mixed
operating conditions of the SOFC and MGT are studied and dis- air and steam are fed to the gasifier. The raw product gas is cooled
cussed and the sensitivity of the total electrical system efficiency to 90 °C in three steps, including air preheating, wood drying and
to these operating conditions are examined. From an electrical effi- syngas cooling, which produce hot water for district heating. The
ciency point of view, the optimal operating conditions are clarified. cooled syngas is then cleaned to remove impurities, such as parti-
Economic aspects will influence the feasibility of the studied plant cles, before some of the water in the gas is condensed through
concepts, but economics are without the scope of this work and, as cooling to 50 °C. The cleaned and partly dried syngas is then con-
SOFCs are not fully commercialised, the future cost of SOFCs is verted into electricity and heat in a bottoming cycle consisting of
uncertain. an SOFC, an MGT or a combination of both the SOFC and the
The present study is based on steady-state process modelling MGT. These three system configurations will be referred as the
combining zero-dimensional component models using the simula- Gasifier–MGT, Gasifier–SOFC and Gasifier–SOFC–MGT configura-
tion tool Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) [17]. DNA, which was tion, respectively. In the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT configuration, all of
developed at The Technical University of Denmark, is a compo- the components in the flow sheet are in use, see Fig. 1. With
nent-based tool that incorporates thermodynamic property data. respect to Fig. 1, the recuperator and gas turbine expander are by-
A component model of the SOFC has been developed for the passed in the Gasifier–SOFC case, whereas the SOFC and preheaters
purpose of this study. The SOFC model includes an electrochemical are bypassed in the Gasifier–MGT arrangement. Thus, the syngas
model and takes the operating conditions of the SOFC, e.g., the and air compressors work as blowers in the Gasifier–SOFC case
operating temperature and pressure as well as the gas composi- due to the lack of pressurisation. In addition, the syngas compres-
tion, fuel utilisation and load (current density), into account when sor works as a suction blower for the gasifier system. A generator
predicting the SOFC performance. (not illustrated) is situated on the axis of the gas turbine and it pro-
duces the net electric MGT power. In the Gasifier–SOFC configura-
tion, the syngas and air blowers are driven by an electric motor.
2. System description
Three combined heat and power system configurations are 3. Plant model
investigated in this study. They are based on syngas production
from an up scaled Viking gasifier. A flow sheet of the three systems 3.1. Gasifier model
is depicted in Fig. 1. The modelled gasifier system is slightly simpli-
fied, but it aims at the same resulting gas composition and cold gas The gasifier component calculates the produced syngas compo-
efficiency as the Viking gasifier. In the modelled gasifier, the dryer sition and produced ashes based on the inlet media composition
is heated by hot syngas. The steam production from the dryer is and the operating conditions. The input parameters defining the
2332 C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339
Fig. 1. Flow sheet of the gasifier system with SOFC and/or MGT.
Table 1
Inputs to the gasifier submodel. The syngas can consist of the following species: H2, N2, CO, CO2,
H2O, CH4, H2S and Ar. It is assumed that chemical equilibrium is
Operating pressure pgasifiera 0.998 bar
Operating temperature Tgasifiera 800 °C reached at the operating temperature and pressure, where the total
Pressure loss Dpgasifier 5 mbar Gibbs free energy is minimised. With this assumption, the syngas
Carbon conversion factor CC 1 outlet composition can be found by the Gibbs free energy minimi-
Non-equilibrium methane METH 0.01 sation method [18]. An option for bypassing methane in the
Equals the gasifier outlet. equilibrium calculations is included in order to reach syngas com-
positions, which contain more methane than in the corresponding
operating conditions for the gasifier submodel are given in Table 1. composition at equilibrium. Thus, the syngas composition can be
The gasifier pressure loss is defined as the difference between the adjusted to match realistic syngas compositions, e.g., from the Vik-
inlet air and steam mixture and the outlet syngas. ing gasifier. The input parameter METH is used for this bypass op-
In the gasifier, the incoming flows are converted into syngas tion and is defined as the fraction of methane that is not included
and ashes. The ashes are represented by SiO2 and unconverted car- in the equilibrium calculations and instead appears in the outlet
bon. SiO2 originates from a defined content in the inlet biomass, syngas.
while the unconverted carbon is controlled by a defined carbon
conversion factor (CC). The amount and composition of ash are cal- 3.1.1. Gasifier model validation
culated by the following equations: Model validation for the gasifier is done for the entire gasifica-
m_ ash;out ¼ m_ wood;in ½xSiO2 ;in þ xC;in ð1 CCÞ ð1Þ tion plant, from the biomass input to the cleaned and dried syngas.
m_ wood;in xSiO2 ;in Thus, data from the Viking gasifier plant can be used for validation.
xSiO2;out ¼ ð2Þ Wood chips from beech with small amounts of oak are used in
m_ ash;out
the model, which is in line with the wood chips used in the Viking
xC;out ¼ 1 xSiO2 ;out ð3Þ gasifier reported in Ahrenfeldt et al. [15]. As seen in Table 2, the
C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339 2333
Table 2 U F n_ H2 ;in
Dry syngas composition, LHV and cold gas efficiency for the Viking gasifier and the n_ O2 ;con ¼ ð9Þ
modelled gasifier.
n_ c;out ¼ n_ c;in n_ O2 ;con ð10Þ
Viking gasifier [15] Gasifier model
n_ c;in yO2 ;in n_ O2 ;con
H2 (vol.%) 30.5 29.9 yO2 ;out ¼ ð11Þ
n_ c;out
CO (vol.%) 19.6 20.8
CO2 (vol.%) 15.4 13.5 _nc;in yj;in
CH4 (vol.%) 1.16 1.19
yj;out ¼ ; j ¼ fN2 ; CO2 ; H2 Og ð12Þ
n_ c;out
N2 (vol.%) 33.3 34.2
LHV (MJ kg1) 6.2 6.3 yAr;out ¼ 1 yO2 ;out yN2 ;out yCO2 ;out yH2 O;out ð13Þ
Cold gas efficiency (%) 93 94
The fuel composition leaving the anode is calculated by the
Gibbs free energy minimisation method [18] as described for the
gasifier submodel. Chemical equilibrium at the anode outlet tem-
produced syngas composition and the lower heating value (LHV) perature and pressure is assumed for the following species: H2,
from the gasifier model are close to the Viking data. The CO2 con- CO, CO2, H2O, CH4 and N2. The equilibrium assumption is fair be-
tent shows the greatest variance, whereas the resulting LHVs are cause the methane content in this study is low.
similar. The overall performance of the modelled gasifier is also Power production from the SOFC depends on the amount of
similar to that of the Viking gasifier, as indicated by the cold gas chemical energy fed to the anode, the reversible efficiency (grev),
efficiencies. The cold gas efficiency is defined in Eq. (4). The value the voltage efficiency (gv) and the fuel utilisation factor (UF). It is
of the cold gas efficiency is higher than traditional downdraft gas- defined in mathematical form in the following equation:
ifiers, but it is ensured by the two stage design [15].
Þ n_ H ;in þ ðDh
PSOFC ¼ ½ðDh Þ n_ CO;in þ ðDh
Þ n_ CH ;in g g U F
f H2 2 f CO f CH4 4 rev v
_ cold product gas LHVcold product gas
gcold gas ¼
_ biomass LHVbiomass
ð4Þ ð14Þ
The reversible efficiency is the maximum possible efficiency de-
fined as the relationship between the maximum available electrical
3.2. Solid oxide fuel cell model
energy (change in Gibbs free energy) and the change in enthalpy of
formation, both of which are associated with full oxidation of the
The SOFC stack component calculates the air and fuel outlet
fuel. This relationship is shown in the following equation:
compositions and the power production. The calculations are
based on the inlet air and fuel compositions and flow rates as well ðDgf Þfuel
grev ¼ Þ ð15Þ
as the other operating conditions of the SOFC. The SOFC submodel ð Dh f fuel
includes an electrochemical model for predicting the performance
of the SOFC. The operating conditions are partly described by input In this model, the change in enthalpy of formation is the LHV.
parameters given to the SOFC submodel. These parameters are pre- The voltage efficiency expresses the electrochemical performance
sented in Table 3. of the SOFC. The calculation of voltage efficiency is described in
In the submodel only H2 is electrochemically converted in the the following section.
SOFC anode, but the model takes into account that CO produces
an extra H2 molecule through the water–gas–shift (WGS) reaction, 3.2.1. Electrochemical model
while four additional H2 molecules are produced from CH4 through The electrochemical model is used to calculate the cell potential
internal steam reforming and WGS of produced CO (full conversion and voltage efficiency of the SOFC. Both of these values depend on
is assumed). The total molar flow of H2 on the anode after internal the operating conditions, including the temperature, pressure, gas
steam reforming and WGS is expressed in the following equation: compositions, fuel utilisation and load (current density). The cell
potential and voltage efficiency are defined in Eqs. (16) and (17),
n_ H2 ;tot ¼ n_ H2 ;in þ n_ CO;in þ 4n_ CH4 ;in ð5Þ respectively.
H2 þ O2 ! H2 O þ 2e ð6Þ V cell ¼ E V act V ohm ð16Þ
1 V
O2 þ 2e ! O2 ð7Þ gv ¼ cell ð17Þ
2 E
H2 þ O2 ! H2 O ð8Þ In the following part of the section, the reversible open circuit
voltage (E), activation overpotential (Vact) and ohmic overpotential
The amount of H2 that is electrochemically converted depends (Vohm) are calculated. The concentration overpotential due to the
on the fuel utilisation factor (UF). The electrode reactions and the limitation of gas diffusion between the gas channel and the active
overall fuel cell reaction are as shown in Eqs. (6)–(8). cell area is neglected in this study because operation at high cur-
The overall fuel cell reaction reveals that the amount of con- rent densities is not examined. The concentration overpotential
sumed O2 is half the amount of consumed H2. The cathode outlet does not normally contribute to excessive voltage loss unless the
composition is calculated by the following equations; the only spe- current density approaches the limiting current density [19].
cies taken into account are O2, N2, CO2, H2O and Ar. E can be calculated from the Nernst equation:
Dg0f RT H2 ;tot p
p O2
Table 3 E¼ þ ln ð18Þ
ne F ne F H2 O
Inputs to the SOFC submodel.
Fuel utilisation factor UF 0.85 Because it is assumed that all CO and CH4 are converted to H2
Operating temperature TSOFCa 800 °C before the electrochemical reactions take place, the change in
Anode pressure loss Dpa 5 mbar standard Gibbs free energy (Dg0f ) and the number of electrons
Cathode pressure loss Dpc 10 mbar
transferred for each molecule of fuel (ne) are determined for
Current density i 300 mA cm2
the reaction of H2 only. Thus, ne = 2 and Dg 0f ¼ ðg0f ÞH O
a 2
Equals the SOFC anode and cathode outlets. ðg0f ÞH2 1=2ðg0f ÞO2 . The partial pressure of species j is an average
2334 C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339
across the respective electrode and is defined as an arithmetic The thicknesses of the different layers (d) and the constants
mean between the inlet and outlet shown in Eqs. (19) and (20). aohm and bohm used for calculating the temperature-dependent
The average partial pressure of the available hydrogen after inter- resistivity (q) are listed in Table 4.
nal steam reforming and water gas shift of CH4 and CO is defined in
Eq. (21). 3.2.2. Electrochemical model calibration
The electrochemical performance predicted by the model has
yj;out yj;in
j ¼
p pa ; j ¼ fH2 ; CO;CH4 ; CO2 ; H2 O; N2 g ð19Þ been calibrated against experimental data. Because the model aims
to represent the performance of 2nd generation SOFCs from Topsoe
yO2 ;out yO2 ;in
O2 ¼
p pc ð20Þ Fuel Cell A/S (TOFC) and Risø National Laboratory, published data
2 for this SOFC have been used. The model has been calibrated
H2 ;tot ¼ p
p H2 þ p CO þ 4p CH4 ð21Þ against a polarisation curve (75-cell stack, 12 12 cm2, 800 °C
and fuelled with H2 and N2) published by Linderoth et al. in [28].
The activation overpotential is due to an energy barrier (activa-
An active cell area of 81 cm2 has been assumed. Both modelled
tion energy) that the reactants must overcome in order to drive the
and experimental data as well as the error relative to the experi-
electrochemical reactions. The activation overpotential is non-lin-
mental data are presented in Fig. 2. The calibration was done at
ear and is dominant at low current densities (i). The activation
atmospheric pressure.
overpotential is defined as (cf. [20]):
The model shows excellent agreement with the experimental
2RT 1 i þ in 1 i þ in data above a current density of 100 mA cm2. A current density
V act ¼ V act;a þ V act;c ¼ sinh þ sinh ð22Þ
ne F 2i0;a 2i0;c of 300 mA cm2 was chosen to represent the SOFC load in the fol-
lowing results.
The internal current density (in) is added to the actual fuel cell
current density in order to account for the mixed potential caused
3.3. Micro gas turbine
by fuel crossover. The importance of the internal current density in
the case of SOFCs is much less than that for low temperature fuel
Modelling of gas turbines is well described in the literature. The
cells. Moreover, the value of in is usually very small for SOFCs
reader is referred to Saravanamuttoo et al. [29] for details. Charac-
[21]. In this study, the value of in is 2 mA cm2 [22]. The exchange
teristics of the turbomachinery and other components connected
current density (i0) is a measure of the level of activity on the elec-
to the MGT are listed in Table 5.
trode at i = 0 mA cm2 and is defined for the anode and cathode,
The turbine inlet temperature (TIT) is limited to 900 °C in the
respectively, as (cf. [23–25]):
Gasifier–MGT case, while it varied in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT
pH2 ;tot p H2 O Eact;a arrangement. The performance of the compressors and the MGT
i0;a ¼ ca exp ð23Þ
p a
p RT expander corresponds to common performance data for an
0:25 MGT of this scale, e.g., see [13]. The outlet pressure from the
p Eact;c
i0;c ¼ cc exp ð24Þ MGT depends on the total pressure loss downstream of the MGT
p RT
because of the exhaust pressure, which is fixed at 1.013 bar. The
The values of c and Eact can be found in Table 4. outlet pressure from the MGT is slightly higher (1.033 bar) than
The ohmic overpotential is caused by the electrical resistance the exhaust pressure due to the pressure drop in the recuperator
towards the ions passing through the electrolyte and the electrons and exhaust cooler.
passing through the electrodes and interconnects. The ohmic over-
potential is defined below. 3.4. Peripheral equipment
V ohm ¼ i r tot ð25Þ
Modelling of peripheral components like heat exchangers is
r tot ¼ r a þ r c þ r e þ r i ð26Þ standard and therefore not described in detail.
r j ¼ dj qj ; j ¼ fa; c; e; ig ð27Þ
qj ¼ aohm;j exp ohm;j ; j ¼ fa; c; e; ig ð28Þ 1.3 5%
1.2 4%
Table 4 3%
Inputs for the electrochemical model. 1
Cell potential / V
0.9 2%
R 8.314 J K1 mol1
F 96 485 C mol1 0.8 1%
ne 2
in 2 mA cm2 [22] 0%
ca 2.13 107 mA cm2 [22] 0.6
cc 1.49 107 mA cm2 [22] 0.5 -1%
Eact,a 110,000 J mol1 [22]
0.4 -2%
Eact,c 110,000 J mol1 [22] TOFC 75-cell stack (800°C)
da 750 104 cm [19] 0.3 Modelled cell potential (900°C) -3%
dc 50 104 cm [19] 0.2 Modelled cell potential (800°C)
de 40 104 cm [19] Modelled cell potential (700°C) -4%
di 100 104 cm [26]
0.1 Error at 800°C relative to TOFC
aohm,a 0.00298 103 kX cm [27] 0 -5%
bohm,a 1392 K [27] 0 100 200 300 400 500
aohm,c 0.00811 103 kX cm [27]
bohm,c 600 K [27]
Current density / mA cm-2
aohm,e 0.00294 103 kX cm [27]
bohm,e 10,350 K [27] Fig. 2. Single cell polarisation curves based on a 75-cell stack at 800 °C and the
aohm,i 0.1256 103 kX cm [27] SOFC model, respectively. The modelled performance is shown for 700, 800 and
bohm,i 4690 K [27] 900 °C and the relative error between the modelled and experimental performance
is shown at 800 °C.
C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339 2335
Table 5 ifier–SOFC–MGT case. The pressure ratio is varied for the two
Inputs related to the MGT. pressurised systems as shown below.
Isentropic efficiency of expander 84% No heat losses are taken into account. Introducing heat losses
Isentropic efficiency of compressor 75% from the gas cleaner will only affect the heat production from
Mechanical efficiency of compressor 98% the condenser because the temperature after the condenser is fixed
Maximum turbine inlet temperaturea 900 °C
Recuperator effectiveness 85%
at 50 °C.
Generator efficiency 99% The district heating water is assumed to be 30 °C at the inlet
and 80 °C at the outlet.
Only an input in the Gasifier–MGT case.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pressure ratio / -
Fig. 4b. Turbine inlet temperature (TIT), turbine outlet temperature (TOT) and air
compressor outlet temperature (COT) at different operating pressure ratios. Only
Fig. 3. Layout of the modelled dryer. the two pressurised system scenarios are illustrated.
2336 C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339
is of great importance to the resulting system performance. The approximately 6.7 in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT case, the TOT
different system configurations have different optima with regard becomes lower than the COT, making it impossible to use a recu-
to this operating pressure ratio. This relationship can be seen in perator. Below a PR = 1.8, the heat transfer in the recuperator is
Fig. 4a. In Fig. 4b, the corresponding turbine inlet temperatures sufficiently high to heat the air above the desired cathode inlet
(TIT), turbine outlet temperatures (TOT) and air compressor outlet temperature.
temperatures (COT) are shown. When operating at a constant TIT The Gasifier–MGT system performance is also dependent on the
of 900 °C, the Gasifier–MGT configuration shows an optimum at allowed TIT as depicted in Fig. 5. Decreasing the TIT by 100 °C to
a pressure ratio of 3.7, performing with an electric efficiency of 800 °C lowers the electrical efficiency to 25.4% – a drop of 2.7 per-
28.1% (energetic and based on LHV). The recuperator ensures an centage points. Considering the Gasifier–SOFC case, the sensitivity
optimum at a relatively low pressure ratio. Obviously, the pressure to the SOFC operating temperature is even greater. Lowering the
in the Gasifier–SOFC case is constantly near atmospheric pressure. SOFC operating temperature by 100 °C to 700 °C decreases the
This system performs at an electrical efficiency of 36.4%. The Gas- electrical efficiency to 28.8% – a drop of 7.6 percentage points. This
ifier–SOFC configuration has a higher efficiency because conver- differential effect indicates that the SOFC operating temperature
sion in the SOFC is more efficient than that in the MGT, but the has a greater influence on SOFC performance than the TIT has on
SOFC cannot utilise all of the fuel. With a fuel utilisation rate of MGT performance. In the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT configuration, a drop
85%, a substantial portion of the fuel passes through the anode in the SOFC operating temperature by 100–700 °C decreases the
and is converted to heat in the burner. By combining the SOFC electrical efficiency to 44.4% – a drop of 5.9 percentage points.
and MGT in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT configuration, this heat can The resulting TIT in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT scenario shows damp-
be used for further electricity production. At the optimum operat- ened sensitivity to the chosen SOFC operating temperature because
ing pressure ratio of 2.5, the combined system configuration the SOFC air and fuel preheaters transfer more heat at higher SOFC
reaches an electrical efficiency of 50.3%, thereby outperforming operating temperatures to ensure maintenance of the temperature
the two simpler configurations. The substantial increase in effi- gradients across the anode and cathode. Therefore, temperatures of
ciency is mainly the result of better utilisation of unconverted fuel the SOFC off gases fed to the burner are not significantly affected
from the SOFC, but it is also due to the pressurised operation of the by variation of the SOFC operating temperature.
SOFC. The progress in research and development aimed at lowering
In the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT arrangement, the TIT decreases with the SOFC operating temperature may facilitate the use of cheaper
an increasing pressure ratio. This relationship is due to the fact that materials, but will also influence system performance. If this is
an increasing PR increases the COT and reduces the TOT, which the case, other bottoming cycles could be beneficial, e.g., a Rankine
means that less heat is transferred in the recuperator. Therefore, cycle. An MGT development that allows for a higher TIT and an
more heat must be transferred in the SOFC air preheater to reach SOFC development that enables lowering of the SOFC temperature
the same cathode inlet temperature. More heat transfer in the could lessen the gap between the electrical efficiencies of the Gas-
SOFC air preheater results in a lower temperature of the cathode ifier–MGT and the Gasifier–SOFC configurations.
off gas fed to the burner, thus decreasing the TIT. Furthermore, An important aspect of SOFC systems is SOFC cooling. Given
the TIT is lower in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT case compared to the that the SOFC inlet and outlet temperatures are fixed, air flow
Gasifier–MGT scenario because less fuel is used to produce heat. through the cathode is determined by the cooling requirement of
A TIT of 697 °C is reached at a PR = 2.5. The optimal PR is lower the SOFC in order to maintain a certain operating temperature. In
in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT scenario relative to the Gasifier–MGT Fig. 6, the cathode inlet temperature is varied. It is equivalent to
arrangement due to the lower TIT. Characteristically, lowering changing the temperature gradient across the cathode (DTc). A
the TIT of a recuperated gas turbine will lower the optimal PR. higher inlet temperature (a lower DTc) decreases the electrical
The slight increase in the SOFC efficiency observed with increasing efficiency of the system. This effect is more pronounced in the Gas-
pressure is not sufficient to change the resulting electrical ifier–SOFC–MGT configuration than in the Gasifier–SOFC configu-
efficiency trend of the hybrid system. Note that above a PR of ration. An increase in the cathode inlet temperature from 600 to
60% 900
60% 800
Total electrical efficiency (LHV)
Total electrical efficiency (LHV)
Turbine inlet temperature / °C
800 50%
30% 700 600
30% 550
Total el. eff. (MGT) 600
Total el. eff. (SOFC) 20%
10% Total el. eff. (SOFC-MGT)
TIT (MGT) Total el. eff. (SOFC) 400
0% 500
Total el. eff. (SOFC-MGT)
500 600 700 800 900 1000 TIT (SOFC-MGT)
0% 300
TIT or SOFC operating temperature / °C 600 620 640 660 680 700
Fig. 5. Energetic electric efficiency and TIT at different TIT or SOFC operating SOFC cathode inlet temperature / °C
temperatures. The TIT in the Gasifier–MGT case is defined at the gas turbine inlet
and the SOFC operating temperature in the two other configurations is defined at Fig. 6. Energetic electrical efficiency and TIT as a function of SOFC cathode inlet
the anode/cathode outlets. The maximum allowed TIT is 900 °C. temperature.
C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339 2337
60% Table 6
Key data for the studied system configurations.
Fig. 7. System electrical efficiency and SOFC efficiency as a function of SOFC current
density. drops from 36.4% to 35.9% in the Gasifier–SOFC configuration. In
the Gasifier–SOFC scenario, the air compressor (working as a
680 °C results in a decrease in the electrical efficiency of the Gas- blower) consumes more power when the DTc is decreased because
ifier–SOFC–MGT arrangement from 50.3% to 44.1%, while it only a higher mass flow of air must be fed to the cathode to ensure a
Fig. 8. Sankey diagram of the energy flows (rounded values in [kJ s1]) in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT arrangement.
2338 C. Bang-Møller, M. Rokni / Energy Conversion and Management 51 (2010) 2330–2339
constant SOFC operating temperature. Thus, the parasitic losses in- ated MGT and 2.5 when using an SOFC–MGT combination. Inclu-
crease, which in turn, slightly lower the electrical efficiency of the sion of an SOFC lowers the TIT (less fuel is converted to heat),
system. In the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT arrangement, the higher mass thereby lowering the optimal pressure ratio. Operation of the syn-
flow of air also passes through the MGT expander, thereby gas fuelled SOFC alone was performed at atmospheric pressure.
compensating for the greater air compressor work. The higher sen- The SOFC converted the syngas more efficiently than the MGT,
sitivity to the chosen cathode inlet temperature in the Gasifier– which is reflected in the efficiency of the gasifier and MGT system
SOFC–MGT scenario is explained by the following two facts: one, configuration in opposition to the efficiency of the gasifier and
a lower DTc results in a lower temperature of the cathode off gas SOFC configuration – gel = 28.1% (gex,el = 24.2%) versus gel = 36.4%
fed to the burner (more heat transfer in the SOFC air preheater) (gex,el = 31.3%). Combining the two technologies achieved the high-
and thus results in a lower TIT; and two, a lower DTc necessitates est efficiency of gel = 50.3% (gex,el = 43.4%) due to the efficient SOFC,
a higher mass flow of air to maintain the same SOFC operating utilisation of unconverted syngas from the SOFC in the MGT and
temperature, which ensures a more lean mixture in the burner pressurisation of the SOFC.
and thereby decreases the TIT. Therefore, lowering the DTc lowers The calculated efficiencies were very sensitive to the chosen
the TIT, which decreases the MGT output and hence the electrical pressure ratio and SOFC operating temperature (or TIT in the Gas-
efficiency of the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT system. ifier–MGT arrangement), whereas only moderate sensitivity to the
The sensitivity of the model results to the chosen SOFC current temperature difference across the SOFC cathode and the SOFC cur-
density is shown in Fig. 7. At the reference current density value of rent density was observed. From a system efficiency point of view,
300 mA cm2, the total SOFC efficiency (¼ grev gv U F ) is 39.6% in the it is concluded that inclusion of an SOFC necessitates maintaining a
Gasifier–SOFC arrangement and 40.8% in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT high SOFC operating temperature and maximising the cathode
case. The difference in SOFC efficiencies is due to the higher SOFC temperature gradient and that inclusion of a recuperated MGT per-
operating pressure in the Gasifier–SOFC–MGT case. Raising the mits determination of the optimal pressure ratio.
SOFC load to 500 mA cm2 reduces the SOFC efficiencies to 34.6%
and 35.7% in the Gasifier–SOFC and Gasifier–SOFC–MGT cases, Acknowledgement
respectively. These decreases result in reductions in the total elec-
trical efficiencies to 31.5% and 46.7%, respectively – equivalent to The authors would like to thank Dr. Braun, Colorado School of
respective losses of 4.9% and 3.6 percentage points. These losses Mines, for his contribution to the development of the SOFC electro-
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