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Applied Energy
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Article history: The use of natural gas for power generation is becoming increasingly important in many regions in the
Received 17 January 2016 world. Given that the combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power stations are lower in capital cost and
Received in revised form 6 June 2016 carbon intensity than their coal-fired counterparts, natural gas fired power stations are considered a vital
Accepted 18 June 2016
part of the transition to a low carbon economy. However, CCGTs are not themselves ‘‘low carbon” and in
Available online 29 June 2016
order to reach a carbon intensity of less than 50 kgCO2 /MWh, it will be necessary to decarbonise them via
CCS, with post-combustion CCS currently regarded as being a promising technology for this application.
In this study, we present a detailed model of a 420 MW triple-pressure reheat CCGT and evaluate its tech-
Gas-fired power plant
nical and economic performance under full and part load conditions. We evaluate the technical perfor-
CO2 capture mance of our CCGT model by comparison to an equivalent model implemented in Thermoflow
CCS THERMOFLEX and observe agreement of power output and efficiency to within 4.1% and the temperature
SAFT-VR profile within the HRSG within 2.9%. We further integrate the CCGT with a dynamic model of an amine
Off-design point modelling based CCS process, and observe a reduction in the base plant efficiency from 51.84% at full-load and
50.23% at 60% load by 8.64% points at full-load and 7.93% points at 60% load. A core conclusion of this
paper is that CCGT power plants equipped with post-combustion CCS technologies are well suited to
dynamic operation, as might be required in an energy system characterised by high penetrations of
intermittent renewable power generation.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
682 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
not in itself ‘‘low carbon” - defined by the Committee on Climate It has been noted by, e:g., Gerbelová et al. [9], that CCGT-CCS
Change1 to be less than 100 kgCO2 /MW h. Indeed, it has been noted plants have an increased exposure to fuel prices relative to coal-
that energy systems with large portfolios of CCGT plants, without fired power plants, CCGT-CCS plants are less costly per MW h of
CO2 capture and storage (CCS), cannot deliver sufficient reductions low carbon energy generated [10]. Thus, CCGT-CCS plants can be
in CO2 emissions in the medium to long term to meaningfully miti- deployed in response to a relatively low CO2 price [11,12,9]. Whilst
gate climate change [5–7]. Thus, for natural gas to play a meaningful novel technologies, such as molten carbonate fuel cells and cal-
role in providing low carbon energy, CCGT power plants will need to cium looping processes [13], have been proposed for decarbonising
be decarbonised via the addition of CCS technology. This is particu- CCGT power plants [14], the vast majority of current academic lit-
larly important for countries like the UK where we expect to see fur- erature focuses on the utilisation of post-combustion amine scrub-
ther deployment of unabated CCGTs over the coming decade. For this bing as the technology of choice for this purpose [15,16]. In this
reason, the development of design methodologies for the optimal context, an aqueous 30 wt% solution of monoethanolamine
retrofit of CCS technology to combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) (MEA) is still considered the benchmark solvent for the majority
power plants, such as those proposed recently by Pan et al. [8] are of academic studies [17].
of increasing importance. Over the course of the 21st century, the energy system is
expected to integrate increasing quantities of intermittent renew-
able energy ([18,19]). In the absence of suitable solutions for grid
The Committee on Climate Change: https://www.theccc.org.uk/. scale, inter-seasonal energy storage, the flexible and dispatchable
T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702 683
nature of fossil-based power generation will become increasingly part of a CCS process in the event of part load operation of the
valued [19–22]. Thus, decarbonised CCGTs will be required to power plant leading to a substantially reduced flow of CO2 from
operate in a flexible load following manner – providing peaking the power plant. Importantly, it has been observed that the appli-
capacity in addition to their current role as mid-merit provider in cation of EGR to a CCGR would result in negligible variation in tur-
the energy system. This has been noted in a number of previous bine performance [35,36], implying that this could be readily
contributions to this literature, such as that of Ceccarelli et al. incorporated as part of a CCS-retrofit operation.
[16] wherein a study detailing the likely start-up/shut-down beha- In this study, we present a detailed mathematical model of a
viour of a CCGT-CCS plant was presented. For this reason, models 420 MW triple-pressure combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power
that describe the dynamic and off-design point of these systems plant integrated with a post-combustion CO2 capture process. We
will be of increasing value. evaluate the performance of the CCGT with exhaust gas recycle
As has been noted by Brouwer et al. [18] and Mac Dowell and (EGR) and CCS under range off-design point operational modes.
Staffell [19], increased penetration of intermittent renewable All modelling work in this study was performed using the gPROMS
power will tend to decrease the efficiency of thermal power plants, platform.
and will likely exert an upward influence on wholesale electricity The remainder of this paper is laid out as follows. First, mathe-
prices. However, it is also important that the potential role of matical descriptions of the individual sub-models, which comprise
CCS in the provision of baseload power generation should not be the CCGT and compression system, are presented. Then, the model
dismissed, and in regions with limited availability of renewable validation process is described and the adequacy of our model
energy resources, CCS can play a role in the provision of baseload across a range of operating points is quantified. We go on to
power [12]. Importantly, as has been noted by Kang et al. [23] describe the integration of the CCGT, CO2 capture and compression
the likely operating mode of the CCGT-CCS plant (base load or flex- system, and validate the technical and economic performance of
ible operation) will significantly influence the profitability of the our model by comparison with the current literature. Finally, we
plant. conclude a perspective on the implications of this work on the role
Building on this point and in light of the increasing role that that CCS-equipped CCGTs may play in the future energy system
natural gas is playing in the global energy system, Middleton and and some thoughts for future work.
Eccles [24] presented an insightful analysis highlighting the link
between variations in generating patterns of CCGT-CCS plants 2. Model presentation
and their CO2 emissions. They found that the prices required to
incentivise the capture of the CO2 was a function of the generating The physical properties package Multiflash 4.1 was used to pre-
patterns required of the plants – in other words, a single CO2 price dict the physical properties of the air, flue gas, water, steam and
(or tax) may not be sufficient to deliver low carbon electricity. For fuel streams in the CCGT and compression train models that were
this reason, advanced operating strategies for operation under created. The SAFT-VR equation-of-state [37,38] was used to
load-following conditions are important to maximise profitability describe the thermophysical properties of the MEA-solvent used
[25,26]. However, a recent study by Benato et al. [27], highlighted in the PCC plant model using the approach described in our previ-
the fact that increased frequency of power plant start-up/shut- ous work [39–41].
down cycles and ramping of the power plant can result in a reduc-
tion in the operational lifetime of the power plant owing to 2.1. CCGT power plant
thermo-mechanical fatigue, creep and corrosion. This serves to
underscore the requirement to develop detailed models describing A detailed steady-state model of a 420 MW triple-pressure
the behaviour of decarbonised CCGT power plants operating at a reheat gas-fired CCGT was created based on the parameters and
range of off-design point and part-load operating conditions. process configuration of a Thermoflow THERMOFLEX model of a
One of the key challenges in capturing CO2 from the exhaust gas triple-pressure reheat CCGT with a state-of-the-art Siemens
of a CCGT is the relatively dilute nature of the exhaust gas of a SGT5-4000F gas turbine. A process flow diagram of the standalone
CCGT relative to a coal-fired power plant. Where a coal-fired power CCGT model is shown in Fig. 1.
plant will typically have an exhaust gas with a CO2 concentration Our model has two operational modes: calibration and opera-
of 10–15 mol%, a CCGT will have an exhaust gas with a CO2 concen- tion. The model of the CCGT plant was first simulated in calibration
tration in the range of 3–5 mol%. Similarly, the volumetric flow of mode in order to size the units of the plant so that the outputs of
exhaust gas per MW h from a CCGT is greater than the correspond- the gPROMS model could be calibrated against those of the THER-
ing flow from a coal-fired power station, typically by a factor of MOFLEX model. This is, in effect, a model parameterisation step.
1.4–1.6 [28]. An unavoidable consequence of this is that the min- This allows us to assign values to parameters such as compressor
imum thermodynamic work required to perform this separation efficiency or accurately size heat exchangers. Subsequently, the
will inevitably increase from 7 kJ/molCO2 in the case of a coal operation mode model of the CCGT was simulated in which the
plant to 10 kJ/molCO2 in the case of the CCGT. A further challenge sizes of the process units were assigned to the values determined
associated with the application of amine-based post-combustion in the calibration mode model and the unit models were modified
CO2 capture to CCGTs is the relatively high O2 content in the in order to predict their behaviour at off-design conditions.
exhaust gas. Where in a coal-fired power plant, the exhaust gas
will typically contain 4–6 mol% O2, the exhaust gas of a CCGT will 2.1.1. Compressor
potentially contain up to 10–12 mol%. This is a problem, as O2 is Calibration mode. A compressor model was used to calcu-
well known to degrade alkanolamines [29,30], thus adding to pro- late the unit’s power requirement and discharge temperature.
cess operating cost. Thus, exhaust gas recirculation (or recycling), The model assumes that the air behaves as an ideal gas, the com-
known as EGR, is considered as a useful method to address these pression is reversible and adiabatic and there is a constant mass
challenges [31] and reduce process costs [32]. EGR involves the flow rate through the unit. The power requirement of the compres-
recycling of a portion of the exhaust gas exiting the heat recovery sor was calculated using the following equations [42]:
steam generator (HRSG) to the compressor of the gas turbine [33]. in
The concept of EGR has previously been applied to gas compressors _ in ¼ nair W in
W ð1Þ
[34], and indeed may well be applied to compressors operating as 1000
684 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
IP Pump HP Pump
Flue gas
to stack
Air Preheater
Compressor Gas Turbine
Equipment Key:
HRSG Units:
LPE – LP Economiser LPB – LP Evaporator IPE – IP Economiser IPB – IP Evaporator HPE1 – HP Economiser 1 IPS1 – IP Superheater 1
LPS – LP Superheater HPE2 – HP Economiser 2 IPS2 – IP Superheater 2 HPB – HP Evaporator HPS1 – HP Superheater 1 RH1 – Reheater 1
HPS2 – HP Superheater 2 RH2 – Reheater 2 HPS3 – HP Superheater 3 LP SD – LP Steam Drum IP SD – IP Steam Drum HP SD – HP Steam Drum
Miscellaneous units:
M – Stream Mixer (water/steam) S – Stream Splier (water/steam)
Fig. 1. Process flow diagram of the standalone CCGT power plant model.
W in;ideal In practice the air compressor will have variable inlet guide
W in ¼ ð2Þ
gc vanes (VIGVs) that allow for more efficient operation at part loads.
The following empirical correlation is therefore used to correct the
2 !c1 3
c outlet pressures predicted by the above law to the outlet pressures
c P out
W in;ideal ¼ Pin V in 4 air 15 ð3Þ from the compressor in the Siemens SGT5-4000F gas turbine in the
c 1 air air P inair THERMOFLEX model:
where the specific volume of the inlet air is: Pout out;FGC
air ¼ P air 0:36 nin
air þ 1:8316 ð7Þ
3 Table 1
H2 S þ O2 ! H2 O þ SO2 ð12Þ Standard heats of formation and lower heating values of the constituent species of the
air, fuel and flue gas components.
The total molar flow rate of the flue gas stream is given by: W out ¼ gt W out;ideal ð22Þ
NC fg 2 !c1 3
fg ¼
nout fg;i :
nout ð16Þ c in in 4
W out;ideal ¼ P V ð23Þ
i¼1 c 1 fg fg Pinfg
The excess air ratio is calculated by comparing the number of
moles of O2 present in the air supplied to the net number of moles where the specific volume of the inlet flue gas is:
of O2 required for complete combustion of the fuel: RT in
fg ¼
V in ð24Þ
nin in Pin
air yair;O2 fg
fair ¼ ð17Þ
NC fuel
The temperature of the outlet stream from the gas turbine is
fuel yin t
fuel;k k;O2 [43]:
2 !c1 3
The temperature of the flue gas leaving the combustion cham- in 4 P out
T out ¼ T in g
fg 5 ð25Þ
ber is calculated via an energy balance on the streams entering fg fg t T fg 1
and leaving the unit, with the combustion process assumed to be
adiabatic: The isentropic efficiency of the gas turbine, gt , was assigned a value
" NC # of 0.9.
X fg
o out o
fg fg;i Df hfg;i þ c p;fg T fg T
yout Operation mode. In the operation mode gas turbine model,
"NC # the outlet pressure of the turbine is related to the inlet conditions
X air
o in o through Stodola’s law as shown in Eq. (26). The value of the turbine
¼ nin
air air;i Df hair;i þ c p;air T air T
constant, Ut , must be calculated and this is done in the same man-
"NC # ner in which C c was calculated in Section 2.1.1.
X fuel
T in o 0 0 qffiffiffiffiffiffi12 1
þ nin
fuel fuel;k Df hfuel;k
yin þ cp;fuel fuel T ð18Þ
2 nin T in
k¼1 B @ fg fg
fg ¼ P in
fg @ 1 A ð26Þ
The standard heats of formation of air, fuel and flue gas compo- Pinfg Ut
nents were taken from the NIST Webbook database and from Perry
[46]. For completeness, both heats of formation at 25 °C and lower The outlet pressure predicted by Stodola’s law is very sensitive to
heating values, LHV, of each component are reported in Table 1. changes of the temperature, pressure and flow rate of the inlet flue
686 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
gas to the turbine as indicated by the squared term in the right- Operation mode. Once the heat transfer areas of each econ-
hand side of Eq. (26). For this reason, Stodola’s law may predict neg- omiser section have been set, the e-NTU method can be used to
ative outlet conditions depending on how the inlet conditions are predict the outlet temperatures of the water and flue gas streams.
varied relative to each other. Therefore, the outlet pressure of the The rate of heat transfer in each economiser section is given by the
turbine, Pout
fg , was set to a constant value of 0.1035 MPa at all loads
following equations [49]:
and the gas turbine model therefore sets the flow rate of air into the
compressor (which then determines the compressor discharge pres- Q_ ¼ eC min T in in
fg T water ð34Þ
sure and combustion chamber outlet pressure) that will produce
this value of P out
fg .
1 exp ½NTU ð1 C Þ
e¼ ð35Þ
Eqs. (21)–(25) are used again to determine the work output and 1 C exp ½1 C
the temperature of the outlet stream from the turbine. The THER-
MOFLEX model showed that the value of gt does not vary by more UA
NTU ¼ ð36Þ
than 2% between power plant load factor of 40% and 100% so that a C min
constant value of 0.89 could be assumed.
C min
C ¼ ð37Þ
2.1.4. HRSG (flue gas side) C max
The heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is a distributed
model with 15 discretisation points where flue gas flows down a where the heat capacity flow rates of the water and flue streams are
series of economiser, evaporator and superheater tube sections. given as:
There will be a slight pressure drop as the flue gas flows through _ in
C water ¼ m ð38Þ
water cp;water
the HRSG and the flue gas exits at approximately 0.1033 MPa. A
simple linear correlation was implemented to produce a flue gas
C fg ¼ nin
fg c p;fg ð39Þ
with this outlet pressure:
The higher and lower of these two heat capacity flow rates can
¼ Pin;stage
ð27Þ be identified as:
number of stagesð15Þ
C max ¼ max C water ; C fg ð40Þ
The flue gas exhaust temperature is calculated by energy bal-
ance that considers the quantity of heat transferred from the gas
to the steam cycle along the HRSG. The system is assumed to be C min ¼ min C water ; C fg ð41Þ
adiabatic with perfect radial distribution of heat. The value of the overall heat transfer coefficient will change
in out_ during off-design operation. In 1995, Dechamps and co-workers
fg hfg ¼ nfg hfg þ Q
nin ð28Þ
[50] proposed a simple formula for relating the overall heat trans-
fer coefficient in the HRSG sections to the off-design gas-side
2.1.5. Economiser properties: Calibration mode. A calibration mode economiser model !a !b
was created to size the heat transfer area of every economiser sec- design
fg T
U¼U ð42Þ
tion in the HRSG. The model assumes counter-current heat nin;design
T design
exchange, no radial temperature profiles in the tubes, no pressure
drop along the water side and the heat capacity of the water is This is used in its simplified form, as shown in Eq. (43), as the aver-
evaluated at the average temperature along the economiser sec- age flue gas temperatures across each economiser section do not
tion. The outlet water temperatures in each economiser section change drastically from their respective full-load values, thus the
are using the THERMOFLEX model at full load and heat exchange second quotient in Eq. (42) can be approximated as unity, reducing
areas sized accordingly. Economiser sections that send water the numerical complexity in solving this model.
directly to steam drums will be set to produce outlet water streams !a
with an approach temperature of 5 K (i.e. 5 K below the saturation design
U¼U ð43Þ
temperature at the operating pressure of the economiser section). nin;design
The heat transfer rate required in each economiser section is there-
fore calculated as: The value of the exponential term a was assigned a value of a ¼ 0:7.
The outlet temperature of the flue gas is given as:
Q_ ¼ m
_ in out in
water c p;water T water T water ð29Þ
T out in
fg ¼ T fg ð44Þ
The heat transfer area of each economiser can then be calculated C fg
from [47]:
The temperature of the outlet water stream as predicted by the
Q_ ¼ UADT NM ð30Þ e-NTU equations is:
2 1 eNTU Q_
DT NM ¼ DT GM þ DT AM ð31Þ T out;
water ¼ T in
water þ ð45Þ
3 3 C water
The economiser sections normally operate with water exit tem-
ðDT GM Þ2 ¼ T in out out in
fg T water T fg T water ð32Þ peratures very close to the saturation temperature of water and the
e-NTU equations do not account for the possibility that partial
evaporation may occur and the temperature of the outlet water
2DT AM ¼ T in out out in
fg T water þ T fg T water ð33Þ eNTU
predicted by Eq. (45), T out;
water , may be higher than the saturation
The value of the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, was taken as temperature, T water . Once the saturation temperature is reached,
0.375 kWm2K1 [48]. any additional heat transfer will go towards the latent heating of
T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702 687
d;water ¼ 0 then
If xin
_ _ in sat in
Q ss ¼ m water c p;water T water T water þ Dhwater;fg
Q_ ss ¼ m
_ in
water 1 xd;water Dhwater;fg
Fig. 2. Temperature profile graph illustrating the difference between the actual The required flow rate of water circulating through the evaporator
economiser outlet temperature and the temperature predicted by the e-NTU
tubes can be calculated using the obtained value of Q_ ss and the
assumption that there will be perfect evaporation with no super-
heating of the steam in the evaporator tubes.
the water and no further temperature rise will occur until the full
latent heat of vaporisation of the water is delivered. This concept is Q_ ss ¼ m
_ out
water Dhwater;fg ð52Þ
illustrated Fig. 2.
The actual temperature, T out out
water , and vapour quality, xd;water , of the 2.1.7. Evaporator
outlet water is therefore determined by: Calibration mode. This model is used to determine the heat
out;e-NTU transfer area of every evaporator section in the HRSG. As before,
If T water 6 T sat
water then
perfect evaporation in every evaporator section is assumed. This
T out
water ¼ T water in turn sets the heat transfer rate from the flue gas in the corre-
d;water ¼ 0
xout sponding stage of the HRSG. The operational assumptions for this
ELSE ð46; 47Þ model are the same as those for the economiser model.
The temperature of the outlet steam stream will therefore be
T out sat
water ¼ T water
equal to the saturation temperature and the heat transfer duty of
_ in
m water c p;water T water T sat
each evaporator section can be calculated as:
d;water ¼
_ in
m water Dhwater;fg Q_ ¼ m
_ in
water Dhwater;fg ð53Þ
Whilst this model cannot account for cases where superheating
of the exit stream occurs, it is noted that this is not likely to occur The heat transfer area of each evaporator can then be calculated
under normal power plant operating conditions. from Eqs. (30)–(33) which were used to size the economiser sec-
tions. The value of the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, was taken
2.1.6. Steam drum as 0.7 kWm2K1 [48]. Calibration mode. The steam drum is an inherently dynamic
unit and requires a controller to set the flow rate of water circulat- Operation mode. Once the heat transfer areas of each evap-
ing through the evaporator tubes in order to maintain a steady orator section have been set, the e-NTU method can be used to pre-
level of water in the drum. Our model assumes perfect control dict the heat transfer rate and outlet temperatures of the water and
and that the water level in the drum remains constant under all flue gas streams at off-design conditions [49]:
conditions. This means that the mass flow rate of the steam leaving
the drum must be the same as the flow rate of the water entering Q_ ¼ eC min T in in
fg T water ð54Þ
the drum:
_ out _ in
e ¼ 1 eNTU ð55Þ
m steam ¼ mwater ð48Þ
It is also assumed that the pressure inside the drum is equal to UA
NTU ¼ ð56Þ
the inlet water pressure and the contents of the drum are main- C min
tained at the saturation temperature of water at the drum’s oper-
where the heat capacity flow rate of the flue gas stream and C min are
ating pressure at all times – which means that the dryness
given as:
fractions of the outlet water and steam streams will be 0 and 1
respectively. C fg ¼ nin
fg c p;fg ð57Þ
The mass flow rate of water going to the evaporator, m _ out
water ,
must be sufficient to provide the energy needed to heat the steam C min ¼ C fg ð58Þ
drum’s inlet water stream to its saturation temperature and then
Eq. (43), with a value of the exponential term a of 0.7, will also be
completely evaporate it, Q_ ss . The mass flow rate of water to the
used to determine the value of U at off-design operation of the
evaporator is therefore set by the following perfect-control law:
evaporator sections.
Q_ ss ¼ m
_ in in sat in
water c p;water T water T water þ Dhwater;fg ð49Þ The outlet temperature of the flue gas is given as:
T out in
fg ¼ T fg ð59Þ
Q_ ss ¼ m
_ out
water Dhwater;fg ð50Þ C fg
688 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
If Q_ 6 m
_ in
water Dhwater;fg then
T out sat
water ¼ T water
d;water ¼
_ in
m water Dhwater;fg
ð60; 61Þ
Q_ m_ in
water Dhwater;fg
T out sat
water ¼ T water þ
water c p;steam
d;water ¼ 1
The same model is used for the superheater and reheater sec-
tions as they both describe the superheating of dry steam. The
2. Dry steam (point 1II) enters the turbine and the outlet stream
operation mode superheater/reheater model contains the same
leaves as a partially condensed water-steam mixture under
equations as the operation mode economiser model apart from
isentropic expansion (point 2sII) but as superheated steam
Eqs. (45)–(47). Unlike the economiser and evaporator sections
under actual expansion (point 2II).
there are no phase change boundaries to be considered at the out-
3. Dry steam (point 1III) enters the turbine and the outlet stream
let of the superheater/reheater sections and the temperature of the
leaves as superheated steam under both isentropic and actual
outlet steam is given as:
expansion (points 2sIII and 2III respectively).
T out in
water ¼ T water þ ð62Þ For isentropic expansion, the entropy of the stream leaving the tur-
C water
bine is equal to the entropy of the stream entering the turbine:
The value of the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, at full-load was
taken as 0.375 kWm2K1 [48]. Eq. (43), with a value of the expo- sout;ideal
water ¼ sin
water ð64Þ
nential term a of 0.7, will also be used to determine the value of U at
We know that the outlet stream will either be partially con-
off-design operation of the superheaters/reheaters.
densed or superheated and its properties must lie on the Pout
water iso-
2.1.9. Fuel preheater bar. The temperature and vapour quality of the outlet stream will
The natural gas feed is heated from its ambient temperature to be calculated by first assuming that the outlet stream is partially
approximately 210 °C using some of the water leaving the IP econo- condensed and then checking whether this assumption holds true.
miser in the HRSG. A calibration mode model was first implemented The dryness fraction of the outlet stream under conditions of isen-
to size the preheater to deliver outlet fuel and water temperatures tropic expansion may be first estimated as xout;1
d;water :
equal to the corresponding values in the full-load THERMOFLEX
water ¼ swater;f T sat out
water ; P water
model. Eqs. (29)–(47) used in the calibration and operation mode sat sat
out out
economiser models are applicable here. The value of the overall heat þ xout;1
d;water swater;g T water ; P water swater;f T water ; P water
transfer coefficient, U, was taken as 0.3 kWm2K1, both at full- ð65Þ
and part-loads, which the average value reported for organic sol-
vents and water in shell and tube heat exchangers [48]. If xout;1
d;water > 1 this means that the steam is superheated. The follow-
ing IF/ELSE condition can be used to determine the temperature,
2.1.10. Steam turbine vapour quality and specific enthalpy of the outlet stream under con- Calibration mode. The steam turbine model serves the pur- ditions of isentropic expansion:
pose of predicting the unit’s output power and the temperature,
pressure and vapour quality of the outlet steam. The outlet pres- If xout;1
d;water 6 1 then
sure of each steam turbine will be specified by the user to match T water ¼ T sat
water P water
the corresponding values in the full-load THERMOFLEX model.
The pressure ratio across each turbine is given as:
xout;ideal out;1
d;water ¼ xd;water
Pin hwater ¼ hwater;f T out;ideal out out;1 out;ideal out
water ; P water þ xd;water hwater;g T water ; P water
r t ¼ water ð63Þ i
water hwater;f T out;ideal out
water ; P water
There are three different scenarios that can occur during normal ELSE
operation of the turbine and these are illustrated in Fig. 3:
water ¼ swater;g T out;ideal out
water ; P water
1. Dry steam (point 1I) enters the turbine and the outlet stream xout;ideal
d;water ¼ 1
leaves as a partially condensed water-steam mixture under
both isentropic and actual expansion (points 2sI and 2I hwater ¼ hwater;g T out;ideal out
water ; P water ð66; 67; 68Þ
T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702 689
We can now use these values and the isentropic efficiency of the tropic efficiency of the HP turbine varied by 25.6% so the following
turbine to calculate the actual temperature, vapour quality and correlation was derived to relate the isentropic efficiency of the HP
enthalpy of the steam leaving the turbine. The actual enthalpy of turbine to the mass flow rate of steam flowing through it:
the stream leaving the turbine is calculated via:
gisen;HP ST ¼ 0:7388m_ in;HP
þ 33:947 ð75Þ
in out
hwater hwater
gisen ¼ in out;ideal
hwater hwater 2.1.11. Water pump
A pump model was created to predict the power requirements
The isentropic efficiency of each steam turbine was set to the
of increasing the pressure of water in the LP, IP and HP circuits of
corresponding value given in the full-load THERMOFLEX model
the steam cycle. The same model is suitable for both the initial
(nisen;HP ST = 0.86, nisen;IP ST = 0.90, gisen;LP ST = 0.91).
design and part-load operation of the plant. The power require-
We first assume that the actual steam leaving the turbine is par-
ment of each pump is given as [51]:
tially condensed and the dryness fraction of the outlet stream
1 1
under conditions of actual expansion may be first estimated _ in ¼ m
_ in V in out in
W water P water P water ð76Þ
d;water :
gisen gmech
out Çengel [51] has indicated that the temperature of the outlet
hwater ¼ hwater;f T sat out
water ; P water water stream will be no more than 1–2 K greater than the temper-
sat out
sat out
þ xout;2
d;water hwater;g T water ; P water swater;f T water ; P water ð70Þ ature of the inlet stream and so the outlet is assumed to be equal to
the inlet temperature.
The actual temperature and vapour quality of the stream leav-
ing the turbine can be calculated using the following IF/ELSE 2.1.12. Steam condenser
condition: The calibration mode condenser model is used to determine the
heat transfer area and cooling water flow rate required to perfectly
If xout;2
d;water 6 1 then condense the steam leaving the LP steam turbine (with no subcool-
T water ¼ T sat
water P water ing). The same approaches used in the calibration and operation
out;2 mode economiser models can be applied here. However, the cool-
d;water ¼ xd;water
ð71; 72Þ ing water outlet temperature and specified hot side temperature
ELSE difference, DT hot side , (10 K for a reasonable heat transfer area)
hwater ¼ hwater;g T out out
water ; P water
set the minimum pressure that condensation of the LP turbine out-
let steam can condense at (and hence the minimum discharge
d;water ¼ 1
pressure from the LP turbine). The minimum condensation tem-
The power output of each steam turbine is given as: perature and pressure of the outlet stream from the LP turbine
are given respectively as:
_ t ¼g in out
W mech hwater hwater ð73Þ
T min out
water ¼ T cw þ DT hot side ð77Þ
The mechanical efficiency of each steam turbine was set to the cor-
responding value given in the full-load THERMOFLEX model Pmin
water ¼ P sat min
water T water ð78Þ
(gmech ¼ 0:997 for the HP, IP and LP steam turbines).
The value of the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, was taken as
1.25 kWm2K1 which the average value reported for water- Operation mode. The operation mode steam turbine model cooled condensers with aqueous condensates [48].
will contain the same equations as the calibration mode model. The model is also used to determine the electrical power required
However, new equations are required as the outlet pressures and to return the hot cooling water leaving the condenser to its original
isentropic and mechanical efficiencies of the turbine will vary with inlet temperature. A simple correlation between the cooling water
load factor. power requirements (in MW) and the mass flow rate of cooling
It was first attempted to use Stodola’s law to predict the outlet water was made based on data from the THERMOFLEX model:
pressure of each steam turbine. However, it was found that the law
was very sensitive to changes in the temperature, pressure and _ cw
_ in ¼ ð1640=3580Þ m
W ð79Þ
flow rate of the inlet stream and this lead to the prediction of outlet 1000
pressures that were significantly different to the ones in the THER-
MOFLEX model. Thus, in the interest of computational stability, the 2.1.13. CCGT inlet stream properties and control variables
outlet pressures of the IP and LP steam turbines were set to con- The CCGT model is controlled by manipulating the fuel flow rate
stant values (Pout;IP
¼ 0:36 MPa and P out;LP
¼ 0:008149 MPa). to the combustion chamber, the total water flow rate in the steam
The outlet pressure of the IP steam turbine was chosen to be suffi- cycle, the water flow rates going to the LP and IP sections of the
ciently high to be suitable to provide steam to the reboiler in the steam cycle and to the fuel preheater and the outlet pressures of
capture plant. A correlation between the pressure ratio across the the LP, IP and HP water pumps. Data from the THERMOFLEX model
HP turbine and the mass flow rate of steam through this unit was used to develop simple correlations between these control
was created based on THERMOFLEX data: variables and the plant’s load factor (LF):
2 Fuel flow rate (kg s1):
r t;HP ST ¼ 0:001 m_ in;HP
_ in;HP
0:1901 m water
þ 12:885 ð74Þ _ fuel ¼ 0:1385LF þ 2:3617
m ð80Þ
The values of the mechanical efficiencies of the three steam tur- Total water flow rate in the steam cycle (kg s1):
bines and the isentropic efficiencies of the LP and IP turbines in the _ water;total ¼ 0:5928LF þ 41:328
m ð81Þ
THERMOFLEX model did not vary by more than 0.4% and 0.92%
respectively between 40% and 100% load. Hence these values were LP splitter outlet 2 flow rate (water diverted to the LP section)
taken to be constant at all load factors. On the other hand, the isen- (kg s1):
690 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
Table 2
Air stream properties.
DSS Trim
Reboiler Cooler
(steam side)
Condensate Desuperheater
LP Pump Steam
Controller LP Turbine HP Turbine
Condenser IP Turbine
IP Pump HP Pump
Flue Gas HP SD
Compressor Chamber Gas Turbine
Equipment Key:
HRSG Units:
LPE – LP Economiser LPB – LP Evaporator IPE – IP Economiser IPB – IP Evaporator HPE1 – HP Economiser 1 IPS1 – IP Superheater 1
LPS – LP Superheater HPE2 – HP Economiser 2 IPS2 – IP Superheater 2 HPB – HP Evaporator HPS1 – HP Superheater 1 RH1 – Reheater 1
HPS2 – HP Superheater 2 RH2 – Reheater 2 HPS3 – HP Superheater 3 LP SD – LP Steam Drum IP SD – IP Steam Drum HP SD – HP Steam Drum
Miscellaneous units:
M – Stream Mixer (water/steam) S – Stream Splier (water/steam) FGS – Flue Gas Splier FGM – Flue Gas Mixer
Fig. 4. Process flow diagram of the modified CCGT power plant showing the steam extraction and exhaust gas recycle schemes.
CO 2 stripped
Flue Gas
To atmosphere
To atmosphere MEA Water
To drain
Heat Exchanger
Sump FC
To/from CCGT
To drain
Equipment Key:
Miscellaneous Units:
FGC – Flue Gas Connector FGS – Flue Gas Splier FC – Flow Connector RC – Reflex Connector
Table 4 Table 5
Key PCC plant equipment dimensions and operating parameters. Parameter values required to calculate the levelised cost of electricity.
LCOEð£=MW hÞ ¼ þ ðO & M costsÞ
CF Net power Table 6
Natural gas price predictions for the UK in 2030 [66].
þ CO2 taxes paid ð89Þ
Low (£/GJ (LHV)) Central (£/GJ (LHV)) High (£/GJ (LHV))
ið1 þ iÞ
CRF ¼ n ð90Þ 3.90 6.82 9.74
ð1 þ iÞ 1
MEA unit price ð£=tonneÞ Make-up MEA rate ðkg s1 Þ CAP – capital cost of the project,
MEA costs ð£=MW hÞ ¼ CAP CCGT – capital cost of the standalone CCGT power plant,
Plant net power output ðMWÞ
3600 s CAP CCGTþPCC – capital cost of the CCGT with integrated PCC,
CRF – capital recovery factor,
CF – capacity factor (average plant load),
O&M costs – operation and maintenance costs,
CO2 transportation and storage costs ð£=MW hÞ
i – interest rate,
¼ CO2 transportation and storage unit cost ð£=tonne CO2 Þ n – plant lifetime,
CO2 captured ðtonne CO2 =MW h ð96Þ nfg – molar flow rate of flue gas going to the PCC plant,
xCO2 – mole fraction of CO2 in the flue gas going to the PCC plant,
CO2 taxes paid ð£=MW hÞ ¼ CO2 tax ð£=tonne CO2 Þ f CO2 – fraction of the CO2 in the flue gas that is captured.
are current and therefore may not reflect the prices in the year where
2030. It has also been assumed that there are no CO2 emissions
taxes in effect. Although this will not be the case in 2030, this nv ar – number of variables,
was purposely done in order to calculate the tax rate that will be nLF – number of load factor operating points,
needed to make the LCOE of the plant without PCC equal to that g i;j;calc – calculated value of variable i at load j,
of the plant with PCC. In addition, for the purposes of simplicity, g i;j;TF – THERMOFLEX value of variable i at load j.
the calculations do not include site operating taxes, maintenance
costs and labour costs. Comparisons between the net power outputs and plant efficien-
Power producers will only have an incentive to apply carbon cies (LHV) (gplant ) of the gPROMS and THERMOFLEX models are
capture if CO2 taxes are put into legislation that will make the LCOE given in Table 7.
for a CCGT without CCS higher than that for a plant with PCC. The The percentage absolute deviations of the plant power output
CO2 tax rate that will make the LCOE of the two cases equal can be and plant efficiency values increase as the load factor is decreased.
calculated as the cost of CO2 avoided [58]: The results obtained below load factors of 50% are considered
where Table 7
Comparison of the net plant power output (MW) and plant efficiency (LHV) predicted
g i;j;calc – calculated value of variable i at load j, by the gPROMS and THERMOFLEX models. The Absolute-relative Deviation (%AD)
between the gPROMS model and the THERMOFLEX model are presented in the
g i;j;TF – THERMOFLEX value of variable i at load j.
columns and the Average Absolute-relative Deviation (%AAD) is presented in the final
column for each performance indicator.
The overall deviation of the gPROMS CCGT from the THERMO-
Load Plant power output (MW) Plant efficiency (LHV) (%)
FLEX equivalent was measured by comparing the deviations of
the temperatures, pressures and vapour qualities or compositions TF gPROMS %AD TF gPROMS %AD
(where applicable) of every stream in the two models over all load 100 415.5 420.8 1.275 51.47 51.84 0.724
factors. The following equation was used to calculate the percent- 90 383.2 383.4 0.047 51.06 51.65 1.152
80 340.9 345.6 1.355 50.46 51.35 1.763
age average absolute deviation (%AAD) of the CCGT model as a
70 298.7 307.1 2.819 49.67 50.88 2.431
whole: 60 256.4 268.3 4.652 48.58 50.23 3.391
50 214.1 229.5 7.213 46.48 49.36 6.211
1 X nv ar Xload g i;j;calc g i;j;TF
1 100% 40 171.6 190.4 10.959 42.63 48.13 12.902
%AAD ¼ 100 ð103Þ
nv ar i¼1 nLF j¼40% g i;j;TF %AAD 4.046 4.082
694 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
model. It is suggested that the theoretical design equations that exhaust gas recycle (EGR) has on the performance of the plant in
were used to calculate the power input required by the compressor terms of power output and exhaust gas composition. In the case
at part-load (Eqs. (1)–(3)) are less accurate in this application as with PCC, the CCGT plant will be set to deliver an exhaust gas with
they do not consider the mechanical aspects of the compressor a CO2 concentration of 7% (made possible by the use of EGR) to the
and hence underestimate the power input required during part- PCC plant at all load factors. The PCC model was specified so as to
load operation. Similarly, Eqs. (21)–(23) that were used to calculate operate with a constant CO2 capture efficiency of 90%, i.e., 90% of
the power output of the turbine are believed to be inaccurate for the the CO2 in the flue gas stream is captured.
same reason.
The power outputs predicted by the gPROMS LP, IP and HP 4.1. Impact of EGR on the performance of the CCGT
steam turbines decreased more with decreasing load factor com-
pared to the corresponding THERMOFLEX values. These deviations This section will evaluate how varying the level of exhaust gas
were exacerbated by two assumptions that were made in the recycle (EGR) between 0% and 45% affects the composition of the
gPROMS model: (1) there were no pressure drops in the water/ flue gas going to the capture plant, the composition of the air being
steam side of the HRSG thus affecting the inlet pressures to the fed to the combustion chamber and its effect on plant power out-
HP and IP turbines and (2) the outlet pressures of the IP and LP tur- put. The maximum EGR ratio possible at each load factor will also
bines were assumed to be constant. be examined.
A comparison of the HRSG temperature profiles in the gPROMS
and THERMOFLEX models running at full load is shown in Fig. 7.
Whilst excellent agreement with the Thermoflow models is 4.1.1. Effect of EGR ratio on the compositions of the flue gas and air to
observed, those dissimilarities that are observed are attributed to the combustion chamber
the differences in the heat capacities of the water and steam pre- Fig. 8 illustrates how the compositions of the flue gas leaving
dicted by the gPROMS and THERMOFLEX models and the fact that the CCGT and the air to the combustion chamber change respec-
the flue gas enters the HRSG in the gPROMS model at a slightly tively as the EGR ratio is varied between 0% and 45% while the
higher temperature than in the THERMOFLEX model. CCGT is operated at full load.
It can be seen from Fig. 9 that increasing the level of EGR from
0% to 45% when the CCGT is operating at full-load increases the
4. Results and discussion molar concentration of CO2 in the exhaust gas from 4.32% to
9.04% whilst decreasing the molar concentration of O2 in the air
This section focuses on the impact that the application of post to the combustion chamber from 20.74% to 13.03%. It is gratifying
combustion carbon capture plant with CO2 compression to to note that the results presented in Fig. 8 are consistent with those
110 bar has on the performance of the 420 MW natural gas-fired presented by Canepa et al. [35].
CCGT power plant in terms of its power output and levelised cost The effects of varying the EGR ratio between 0% and 45% on the
of electricity (LCOE). This work will also examine the effects that CO2 and O2 concentrations in the flue gas and in the air to the com-
Fig. 7. Comparison of the full-load HRSG profiles in the gPROMS and THERMOFLEX models.
T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702 695
Fig. 8. Effect of EGR ratio on the composition of the exhaust gas leaving the CCGT at full-load.
Fig. 9. Effect of EGR ratio on the composition of the inlet air to the combustion chamber at full-load.
Fig. 10. Effect of EGR ratio on the CO2 concentration in the exhaust gas leaving the CCGT whilst operating at load factors between 40% and 100%.
bustion chamber respectively at plant load factors between 40% 4.2. Effect of EGR ratio on power plant output
and 100% are shown in Figs. 10 and 11.
As plant load drops, increased EGR has a reduced influence on It was found that increasing the EGR ratio from 0% to 45% causes
the CO2 concentration in the flue gas and on the O2 concentration a small decrease in the plant’s net power output by approximately
in the combustion chamber’s inlet air. The reason for this is that 1 MW whilst the plant is operated at any load factor between 40%
the CCGT’s controls increase the excess air ratio to the combustion and 100% as shown in Fig. 12.
chamber to reduce the plant’s output power. This leads to the pro- As the EGR ratio increases, the temperature of the inlet air to the
duction of flue gas that is more dilute in CO2 at lower loads. compressor will increase as a greater proportion of warm flue gas
696 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
Fig. 11. Effect of EGR ratio on the O2 concentration in the inlet air to the combustion chamber when the CCGT is operating at load factors between 40% and 100%.
at 40 °C is mixed with fresh air which is at 15 °C. An increase in the the capture plant which makes the capture process less energy
inlet temperature to the compressor, with molar flow rate held intensive. However, the EGR ratio is limited to 35–40% in practice
constant, might be expected increase the work requirement of [59,60] as increased an increasing EGR ratio reduces the level of
the compressor (see Eqs. (1)–(7)). However, the exhaust gas enter- oxygen that is available in the air to the combustion chamber.
ing the gas turbine will be at a slightly higher temperature and The O2 concentration in the inlet air to the combustion chamber
pressure and this will in turn increase the power output of the tur- should be greater than 16% to prevent the production of significant
bine (see Eqs. (21)–(26)) thus counteracting the increased power quantities of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide [59].
requirement of the compressor. However, the outlet pressure of The maximum EGR ratio is therefore the value that leads to an
the gas turbine in the model implemented in this work was set O2 concentration of 16% in the inlet air to the combustion chamber.
to a constant value of 0.1035 MPa due to the highly sensitive nat- The maximum EGR ratio increases as the plant’s load factor
ure of Stodola’s law, which was used to predict the part-load beha- decreases as can be seen in Fig. 13. This effect results from the
viour of the turbine. This means that the gas turbine equations set increase in the air-fuel ratio in the combustion chamber as load
the flow rate of air that must enter the compressor at each load fac- factor decreases.
tor so that the exhaust gas leaves the turbine at 0.1035 MPa. An In the remainder of this paper, we continue with an EGR of
increase in the temperature of the inlet stream to the compressor approximately 35% – consistent with the maximum EGR possible
causes the system to reduce the molar flowrate of the inlet stream. for practical applications, as illustrated in Fig. 13. This gives us a
This in turn reduces the power requirement of the compressor and CO2 concentration of approximately 7 mol% at the inlet to the
the power output of the gas turbine is also reduced but by a CO2 capture process, and is consistent with the conclusions of
slightly greater magnitude which results in the very slight decrease Pan et al. [8].
in the plant’s net power output that was observed when the EGR
ratio was increased from 0% to 45%. 4.4. Plant power output with and without PCC
4.3. Maximum EGR ratios This section presents an evaluation of the impacts that applying
PCC has on the gross and net power outputs and efficiency of the
Operating the CCGT with the highest possible EGR ratio is desir- 420 MW CCGT model. The analysis examines how the contribu-
able because it increases the concentration of CO2 in the flue gas to tions of the gas and steam turbines to the gross power output of
Fig. 12. Effect of EGR ratio on net power output of the CCGT.
T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702 697
Table 8
Gross and net power outputs from the CCGT with and without PCC.
Fig. 13. Maximum EGR ratios at plant load factors between 40% and 100%.
4.4.1. Gross and net power outputs with and without PCC
As might be expected, the gross and net power outputs of the
CCGT power plant were reduced when PCC was applied as shown
in Fig. 14 and Table 8.
The application of PCC led to a 16.7% drop in the net power out-
put of the plant at full-load. This is in good agreement with similar
studies in the literature [61–64]. Fig. 15. Net plant LHV efficiency with and without PCC.
It was further observed that the percentage drop in net plant
power output decreased slightly with decreasing load factor to
Table 9
15.8% at 60% load, except for an increase at 80% load.
Contributions of the turbines to the gross power output (no PCC).
Fig. 14. Gross and net power outputs from the CCGT with and without PCC. The red curves represent the calculated gross (diamonds) and net (crosses) power generated
without CCS and the blue curves represent the calculated gross (diamonds) and net (crosses) power generated with CCS. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
698 T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702
Table 11
Contributions of the PCC plant units to the energy penalty.
Fig. 16. Contributions of the turbines to the gross power output (no PCC).
Table 10
Contributions of the turbines to the gross power output (with PCC).
Fig. 17. Contributions of the turbines to the gross power output (with PCC).
Fig. 19. Steam extraction rate from the IP/LP cross-over and the amount of steam
extracted as a percentage of the total steam flow in steam cycle.
the percentage contributions of the gas and steam turbines in the
case without CCS.
The gas turbine provides the bulk of the CCGT’s power output by the CCGT must be used to drive the five CO2 compressors, the
regardless of whether PCC is implemented or not. The LP turbine flue gas blower and the equipment needed to provide cooling
contributes 8.70% to the standalone CCGT’s gross power output water to the flue gas cooler, the trim cooler in the steam extraction
at full-load but this contribution drops significantly to 1.50% when scheme, the trim cooler in the capture plant and to the intercoolers
PCC is implemented due to the large amount of steam extracted to in the compression train. The percentage contributions of these
provide the reboiler duty. This is a key factor in CCGT plants suffer- units to the total energy penalty imposed when the CCGT is inte-
ing a lower efficiency penalty than an equivalent coal-fired power grated with the PCC plant are shown in Table 11 and Fig. 18.
plant on addition of post-combustion CCS – the coal plants gener- At full-load, the extraction of steam from the IP/LP cross-over to
ate a much greater fraction of their overall power from their LP tur- provide the reboiler duty accounts for 74.31% of the energy pen-
bine. Table 10 and Fig. 17 show the percentage contributions of alty, the electricity required to run the CO2 compressors accounts
these units in the case with PCC. for 18.89%, the trim cooler in the PCC plant constitutes 5.64% and
the remaining units are grouped as miscellaneous equipment and
4.4.4. Contributions to the PCC energy penalty account for 1.16%. It is interesting to note that the energy penalty
When PCC is implemented, energy is lost because steam is associated with operating the compressors increases at part load to
diverted from the LP steam turbine to provide the required for sol- 23.26% of the total energy penalty, whilst that associated with
vent regeneration. Further, and some of the electricity generated solvent regeneration reduces to 69.5%. The power requirement
T. Adams, N. Mac Dowell / Applied Energy 178 (2016) 681–702 699
Fig. 20. Levelised cost of electricity from the 420 MW CCGT model with and without PCC.
associated with operating the trim cooler in the PCC plant is rela-
tively large. This arose from the fact that the cooling water was
set to have a 5 K temperature rise in the gPROMS model and this
resulted in a required cooling water flowrate of approximately
8,000 kg s1.
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