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Cyanide Titration With Silver Nitrate

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Cyanide Titration with Silver Nitrate

The tests for free cyanide, total cyanide and hydrocyanic acid are made
volumetrically, by slowly running silver nitrate solution from a burette into a
known quantity of the cyanide solution. For this purpose a standard solution of
silver nitrate is usually made up, of such a strength that the result may be read off
without calculation.

Such a standard solution of silver nitrate may be made by dissolving 3.262 grams
of silver nitrate (AgNO3) in distilled water and making up to 1 litre and this is the
standard adopted and referred to in the following pages. (Should the least
milkiness develop while dissolving it is an indication that the water is not sufficiently
pure). The reaction taking place between the silver nitrate and potassium cyanide
may be represented by the following equation:

AgNO3 + 2KCN = AgK (CN)2 + KNO3

Thus 169.9 gm. AgNO3 saturates 130.2 gram KCN or 3.262 gm. AgNO3 saturates
2.5 gm. KCN

Therefore 1 cc of above solution (=0.003262 gm. AgNO3) saturates 0.0025 gm.

KCN. If 25 cc of mill solution is taken for titration, then 1 cc of nitrate solution =
0.0025 gm. KCN = 0.01% or 0.1 kilo KCN per metric ton or 0.2 lb. KCN per 2000
lb. ton of solution. Similarly, a solution containing 6.525 grams of silver nitrate per
litre may be made up, 1 cc of which contains 0.006525 grams of AgNO3 equal to
0.005 gm. of KCN. Then if 10 cc of mill solution be taken for titration, 1 cc of nitrate
solution = 0.005 gm. of KCN = 0.05% = 0.5 kilo per metric ton or 1 pound per 2000
lb. ton of solution; while if 50 cc of mill solution be taken, 1 cc of nitrate solution =
0.01% = 0.1 kilo per metric ton or 0.2 lb. per 2000 lb. ton of solution. Probably the
most common strength for the standard silver nitrate solution is 13.05 grams per
litre, and is such that if 10 cc of mill solution be taken for titration 1 cc of nitrate
solution equals 0.1% KCN or 2 lb. per ton. This strength, however, is not
recommended for reasons which will be stated later.

Free Cyanide Determination

Two methods are in use for this purpose, and there is a third that may be used on
occasion, but it should be understood that there is no direct method yet devised
which will give better than comparatively correct results.

If the determination, however, can be relied on to be relatively uniform and

consistent, that is all that is required for practical working.

Determination of Free Cyanide Method No. 1

Take 25 cc of the solution to be tested and place in an Erlenmeyer flask, add a few
drops of 5% solution of potassium iodide free from alkali, and slowly rim in the
silver nitrate from the burette, shaking the flask meanwhile, until a distinct yellow
opalescence appears. Then read off the number of cc of silver nitrate used and
multiply by 0.01, and the result will be the amount of free cyanide in the solution in
terms of percentage. To get the cyanide in kilos per metric ton of solution multiply
the number of cc of silver nitrate by 0.1 or if the cyanide in terms of lb. per 2000-lb.
ton of solution is desired multiply the number of cc of silver nitrate by 0.2. If the
cyanide strength is over 0.2% KCN it is better to take only 10 cc of the cyanide
solution for the test. In this case, when using as the standard solution 3.262 grams
AgNO3 per litre, after the burette reading, has been noted move the decimal point
one place to the left and divide by 4. For instance if B = burette reading in cc then
B x 0.1/4 = % KCN or B/4 = kilos per metric ton or B x 2/4 = B/2 = lb. KCN per
2000-lb. ton of solution.

Method No. 1 is not to be recommended when the solution contains zinc (as it
usually does), because the results are not uniform. When there is no free alkali in
the cyanide solution the value obtained for free cyanide may approximate the
correct one, but if any free alkali is present (and it almost always is, in a working
solution), the cyanide reading will be in excess of the correct figure, and this
excess error will be greater in proportion as the amount of free alkali is greater,
until, if the latter happens to be about 0.08% (in terms of NaOH) or over, the
reading supposed to represent free cyanide will coincide exactly with the amount of
“total” cyanide, as shown in the method to be described later.

Free Cyanide Determination Method No. 2

In place of the foregoing the following is recommended, as giving the most correct
and consistent reading for free cyanide under ordinary conditions. It needs a
certain amount of practice to stop at the exact end-point of the reaction, but
precision is easily and rapidly acquired.
Take 25 cc of the solution to be tested. (If not absolutely clear and colorless to
transmitted light, filter and re-filter until it is.) Pour into a bulb parting-flask with the
neck cut short, Fig. 1, or into a small conical parting-flask, Fig. 2, first having seen
that the flask is as clean and transparent as the solution, for which purpose wash
with some weak hydrochloric acid solution and rinse well. Do not add water to the
solution to be tested, because it will tend to dissociate some of the zinc-potassium
cyanide and make the free cyanide reading too high. Place the burette opposite a
window with a good light (but not in the direct rays of the sun), and fix a black card
vertically about 4 inches behind the spot where the flask is to be held, so that the
light will strike the surface of the solution over the top of the card leaving the
solution itself in shadow. Then, keeping the eye on a level with the flask, watch the
behavior of every addition of silver nitrate as it touches the solution, not keeping it
in continuous agitation but allowing the bluish- white cloud formed by each addition
of silver to hang for a second or two before shaking and dissolving. The finish is
indicated by the first appearance of a bluish haze dulling the original brilliancy of
the solution. With a very little practice the operator will find he can check himself
and others within a tenth of a cc on the burette. To ensure the success and
delicacy of this reaction it is important that the silver nitrate solution should be
dilute, and for this reason the standard already recommended (3.262 grm. AgNO3
per litre) is to be preferred to the usual standard of 13.05 grm. per litre. With a
strong silver nitrate solution the tendency is to precipitate flocks instead of the
dispersed opalescence necessary for a clearly defined end point.

Number of cc of standard AgN03 X 0.01 = % free KCN or X 0.1 = kilos KCN per
metric ton of solution or X 0.2 = pounds KCN per ton (2000 lb.) of solution.

(NOTE).—It sometimes happens (that is, in the case of certain solutions) that the
addition of a few drops of potassium iodide solution before titration will render this
first haziness more easily distinguished and may give a slightly lower reading than
without. In such cases, however, there is no harm in making use of it so long as it
is clearly understood that it is the first faint blue-white opalescence that is to be
looked for and not the yellow tint.

Walter Virgoe has pointed out that cyanide solutions containing copper, when
titrated with silver nitrate without potassium iodide indicator, yield a result higher
than the true value for free cyanide, owing to part of the copper-potassium cyanide
being recorded as free cyanide. Thus, while in presence of zinc and free alkali the
addition of neutral potassium iodide as indicator gives a higher and less correct
reading than is recorded without the indicator, when copper is present without zinc
the opposite is the case and the addition of neutral iodide indicator gives a lower
reading than without, this lower reading being the correct one. So, when zinc is
absent and copper present, method No. 1 should be used.

Analytical Determination Method of Free Cyanide No. 3

When copper and zinc are present together both tendencies are displayed in
proportion to the relative amounts of each metal, and the result is thereby
complicated. In this case, it is advisable to make titrations both with and without KI
indicator and to base solution control on the lower of the two readings; or a method
devised by Clennell for determining free cyanide may be tried, though the writer
has not always found it to give concordant results.

First determine protective alkali, by Green’s method, carefully running in the acid
drop by drop and recording the number of drops needed. (For this purpose and for
the subsequent neutralization a mineral acid should be used, say decinormal nitric
acid, because oxalic would precipitate the lime in the cyanide solution as oxalate,
which would mask the end-point in the test for cyanide.) Then measure out another
25 cc of solution to be tested and run into it the same number of drops of
decinormal acid as was previously recorded. The whole of the protective alkali in
the cyanide solution is thus exactly neutralized so that it does not militate against
the use of the iodide indicator. To the test solution so neutralized add at least 2 cc
of neutral 5% solution of potassium iodide, and titrate with standard silver nitrate to
first white flocculent precipitate. Calculate free cyanide as already explained.

The writer has found this white end point rather indeterminate, but the yellow end
point is well marked and the readings uniform though the latter gives a higher and
probably less correct result than the white end point.

In the use of this method the quantity of KI added has an important bearing on the
result of the titration. The writer has found that smaller quantities than that stated
give proportionally higher cyanide readings, though the amount of iodide may be
materially increased without much apparent effect on the result.

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