Review Organic Acids
Review Organic Acids
Review Organic Acids
Correspondence Abstract
Wing-Keong Ng, Fish Nutrition Laboratory,
School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains The use of antibiotics in the feeds of cultured aquatic animals to mitigate infec-
Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia. tious diseases or to boost growth performance is commonly practised. In recent
Email: years, the prophylactic use of antibiotics has been criticized which eventually led
to their ban in animal production by many countries. In view of the current
Received 15 December 2015; accepted 22
restrictions on antibiotic use, there is a critical need to evaluate alternatives. One
December 2015.
potential substitute for antibiotic growth promoters in aquafeeds is organic acids
and/or their respective salts. The use of dietary organic acids in the culture of
aquatic animals has been the focus of much research and commercial interest
recently. This review provides a comprehensive compilation of the current knowl-
edge on the use of organic acids in aquafeeds, with emphasis on its impacts on
growth, nutrient utilization, mineral availability, gut microbiota and disease resis-
tance. Many studies have reported that some organic acids can significantly
enhance the growth performance and health status of fish. Contradictory results
have also been reported, which seems to depend on the aquatic animal species,
type and concentrations of organic acids and the culture conditions used. Recent
research indicating the beneficial impact of dietary organic acids on shrimp
growth and health is highlighted. Possible mechanisms of action of these func-
tional feed additives are discussed. Strategies for enhancing the effectiveness of
dietary organic acids are given. This review aims to contribute to the sustainability
of global aquaculture production by providing a viable alternative to harmful
antibiotics, thereby meeting the growing consumer demand for antibiotic-free
seafood products.
Key words: antibiotics, antimicrobials, aquaculture, disease, feed additive, organic acids.
genetic elements had been reported to be shared between gens such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. (Cherring-
aquatic bacteria, fish pathogens and human pathogens, and ton et al. 1991b; Van Immerseel et al. 2003; Skrivanova
might have originated in aquatic bacteria. They went on to et al. 2006) and are currently employed in terrestrial live-
caution against the excessive use of antibiotics in aquacul- stock feeds to control bacterial pathogens (Van Immerseel
ture farms for short-term economic gains. Moreover, et al. 2002, 2003). Terrestrial livestock such as poultry and
research in farmed shrimp has shown that the long-term swine fed organic acid-supplemented diets have consis-
use of antibiotics can eventually reduce subsequent antibi- tently been reported to show improved feed intake, growth,
otic efficacy due to the emergence of resistant bacterial feed utilization efficiency and health (Alp et al. 1999; Parta-
strains (Reboucßas et al. 2011), while excessive levels can nen & Mroz 1999; Kluge et al. 2006). Although the use of
even negatively affect shrimp growth and overall condition dietary organic acids and their salts has been extensively
(Bray et al. 2006). studied in various terrestrial animals, the research on aqua-
Public awareness regarding the prophylactic use of tic animals has only intensified in the last 10 years (Fig. 1).
antibiotics in animal feeds, which may lead to the transfer Research and commercial interest in the use of organic
of immunity of bacterial species pathogenic to humans, has acids in aquafeeds is expected to significantly increase in
led to their ban in animal feed formulations. A worldwide the coming years due to changing global regulatory con-
effort to minimize and eventually eliminate the use of trols on the use of antibiotics. We also observe that many
antibiotics for growth-promoting purposes in the aquacul- companies traditionally dealing with organic acid additives
ture and livestock industry started with the ban on the use targeting the terrestrial livestock feeds are currently market-
of subtherapeutic antibiotics in the European Union on ing their products for the aquafeed sector, often times with-
January 2006 (European Parliament and Council Regula- out scientific proof that it works equally well for aquatic
tion (EC) No 1831/2003). The development of effective animals. This is based on our personal observations at vari-
nonantibiotic compounds as an alternative to the prophy- ous international trade exhibitions on animal feeds. A com-
lactic use of antibiotics to control infectious diseases and prehensive review on what is currently known about the
enhance growth performance is therefore paramount for use and efficacy of organic acids in aquaculture is much
the continued expansion of the global aquaculture indus- needed to address some of these concerns.
try. Reviews on the use of organic acids in aquaculture have
Short-chain organic acids (C1–C7) and their salts or previously been published as proceedings or book chapters
mixtures, commonly known as acidifiers, are promising (L€uckst€adt 2008a; Ng & Koh 2011). These reviews were rel-
alternatives for antibiotic growth promotants (AGP) and atively brief, narrowly focused and deal only with finfish.
have been receiving growing attention from aquaculture The present review aims to update the current knowledge
researchers (L€uckst€adt 2008a; Ng & Koh 2011). Organic on the use of organic acids and includes recent research
acids, such as benzoic, formic, lactic and propionic acids, with shrimp feeds. A comprehensive review on the effects
have traditionally been used as storage preservatives in food of organic acids as a functional feed additive on feed palata-
and feed ingredients for preventing product deterioration bility, gut pH, digestive enzyme activity, gut microbiota
caused by fungi and microbes (Ricke 2003; van Dam 2006). and morphology, growth, nutrient utilization, hepatopan-
Some organic acids have been shown to have strong creas pathohistology and disease resistance will be pre-
antibacterial effects against important food borne patho- sented. Even though the antimicrobial effects of organic
acids are well understood, the explanation for the growth- tissues. However, most organic acids commercially used in
promoting effects of these compounds remains to be eluci- the food and feed industry are produced synthetically.
dated (de Wet 2005). Possible modes of action of dietary Organic acids may also form into single or double salts of
organic acids will be discussed. Practical strategies for their acid through combining with potassium (K), sodium
increasing the effectiveness of dietary organic acids will be (Na), calcium (Ca), etc.
given. This single comprehensive review will likely benefit Weak lipophilic organic acids and their salts are consid-
researchers, feed manufacturers, feed additives companies, ered as ‘generally regarded as safe’ (GRAS) substances and
farmers, seafood processors and policymakers related to the have been used for centuries as preservatives in foods and
aquaculture industry. It includes peer-reviewed research beverages (Russell & Gould 2003). They are listed in the EU
published in mainstream journals (Fig. 1) as well as regulations as permissible feed additives in food animal
selected research from conference proceedings, magazine production. Organic acids, their salts or combinations
articles and other grey literature. This review seeks to pro- thereof, have been successfully used in livestock feeds as
vide scientific evidence for a viable alternative to the use of alternatives to antibiotics (Alp et al. 1999; Partanen &
antibiotics, thereby contributing to the sustainability of Mroz 1999). Commercial mixtures of organic acids are
aquaculture and safety of the resultant seafood products. widely used to control pathogenic bacteria, such as Sal-
monella species, in feed ingredients and livestock feeds
(Van Immerseel et al. 2002). Table 1 presents a list of
Organic acids
organic acids that are currently being used singly or in
The global market value of acidifiers in the animal feeds combination with commercial feeds for terrestrial livestock.
industry in 2015 was estimated to be about €1.0 billion The strength/acidity of an acid in solution is represented
(FEFANA 2014). The most commonly used organic acids by the logarithmic constant (pKa) value, which is equal to -
in animal feeds are propionic acid followed by fumaric, for- log10 (Ka = [H+][A]/[HA] = acid dissociation constant).
mic and lactic acids and/or their salts. With its emphasis on The smaller the value of pKa, the stronger is the acid. In
food safety and animal health, Europe represents the largest general, since most organic acids are considered weak acids
market (41%) followed by other developed countries such and only partially dissociate into their ions in aqueous solu-
as the United States (24%) and Japan (12%). For example, tions, the majority of organic acids will remain in their
about 67% of worldwide demand for formic acid/salt in undissociated form (i.e. free organic acid). In an aqueous
animal nutrition is from the EU countries (FEFANA 2014). solution, weak organic acids dissociate and form a pH-
With the ban on the use of AGP in animal feeds in Europe dependent dynamic equilibrium between undissociated
and with increasingly stringent regulations on the use of acid molecules and dissociated anions as in the chemical
antibiotics as prophylactic agents in the rest of the world, equilibrium below:
the use of alternatives such as organic acids is expected to
increase. HA þ H2 O $ A þ H3 Oþ
Organic acids are organic compounds with one or more
carboxyl groups. These include saturated straight-chain where HA represents a weak acid, A is a conjugate base
monocarboxylic acids (C1–C18) and their respective (acid anion), and H3O+ is a hydroxonium ion. Organic
derivatives, such as unsaturated (cinnamic, sorbic), hydrox- acids change from undissociated forms to dissociated
ylic (citric, lactic), phenolic (benzoic, cinnamic, salicylic) forms depending on the environmental pH and its pKa
and multicarboxylic (azelaic, citric, succinic) acids (Cher- value.
rington et al. 1991a), with a general molecular structure of The pH at which 50% of the acid is dissociated is called
R-COOH, where R represents the monovalent functional its pKa value and is unique for each individual acid
group. These acids are commonly referred to as short-chain (Table 1). At a pH below their individual pKa values,
fatty acids, volatile fatty acids or weak carboxylic acids. organic acids will mostly be present in an undissociated
Organic acids are produced through the microbial fer- form, thus increasing the proportion of free acids that can
mentation of carbohydrates by various bacterial species readily enter the bacterial cells by simple diffusion. Lower
under different metabolic pathways and conditions. Some molecular weight organic acids, for example formic, acetic
lower molecular weight organic acids, for example acetic, and lactic acids, are miscible in water, whereas higher
propionic and butyric acids, are also formed within the molecular weight organic acids such as benzoic acid are
large intestine of humans and animals at high concentra- insoluble in water due to their hydrophobicity. The physi-
tions by anaerobic microbial communities (Cummings cal and chemical characteristics of some organic acids that
et al. 1987; Macfarlane & Macfarlane 2003). Many of these, are commonly used in feeds for monogastric animals are
particularly the short-chain organic acids (C1-C7), are nat- listed in Table 1. These physicochemical attributes are
urally present as normal constituents of plants or animal important in our understanding of the antimicrobial
Table 1 Common organic acids and their physicochemical properties (based on Mroz 2005)
Organic acid Molecular formula pKa value Molecular mass (g mol1) Physical form Odour CR*
*CR = corrosiveness rate: high (+++), medium (++), low (+), negligible (0).
efficacy of organic acids which will be discussed in a later regarding the use of citric acid was conducted on rainbow
section of this review. trout by Fauconneau (1988). In this study, citric acid at
120 g kg1 was supplemented in a fishmeal-based diet to
partially replace the protein content in trout diets. While
Organic acids in cultured aquatic animal feeds
acidification of the diets appeared to lower the voluntary
Despite the known beneficial effects of dietary organic acids feed intake, this did not affect the efficiencies of protein
in improving the performance and health of terrestrial live- and energy utilization. Since then, several studies with more
stock, limited comprehensive research has been conducted promising results have been reported in rainbow trout,
to evaluate the efficacy of organic acids or their salts in red sea bream (Pagrus major, Temminck & Schlegel, 1843),
aquatic animals, until recently. As far as we know, only a rohu (Labeo rohita, Hamilton, 1822), beluga sturgeon
few studies had been published on the use of organic acids (Huso huso, Linnaeus, 1758) and yellowtail (Seriola qui-
in aquafeeds prior to the ban of AGP use in livestock pro- queradiata, Temminck et Schlegel, 1845) (Table 2).
duction (Ringø 1991; Gislason et al. 1994, 1996; Vielma & Sugiura et al. (1998) investigated the effects of dietary
Lall 1997; Vielma et al. 1999). More recently, many studies acidification on the mineral availability from fishmeal in
(Fig. 1) have been conducted to determine the effects of rainbow trout diets. The 12-day preliminary study found
dietary organic acids and their salts on growth perfor- that citric acid at a 50 g kg1 inclusion level significantly
mance, nutrient utilization and disease resistance in several increased the availability of P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Sr in
commercially important farmed fish species, such as rain- fishmeal-based diets. Also, the availability of Mn in the diet
bow trout, salmon, carp and tilapia. In the last 5 years, this was increased by the inclusion of 50 g kg1 Na-citrate. In
research has been extended to shellfish. A general overview their follow-up study, the ability of citric acid (20 or
of the major organic acids and their salts tested in aqua- 50 g kg1) in improving mineral utilization was further
feeds to date is presented in Tables 2–7. The major impacts confirmed in trout. However, using the same diets, no
of these dietary organic acids in fish and shrimp are sum- effect on mineral availability was reported for the agastric
marized in their respective Tables and described in this sec- goldfish (Carassius auratas, Linnaeus, 1758). The faecal P
tion. A more detailed critical analysis and discussion of content of trout fed a diet supplemented with 50 g kg1
some of these effects is given in a later section of this review citric acid was about half that of fish fed the nonacidified
to better understand the mode of action of these dietary diet indicating increased P absorption for those provided
organic acids. with citric acid-supplemented diets. At this inclusion level,
citric acid had no effect on feed intake in trout during the
five-week trial, but a marked reduction was observed in
Citric acid and its salt
goldfish. Sugiura et al. (1998) speculated that the lack of
Citric acid or its salts are by far the most investigated effect on mineral availability in the goldfish trial might be
organic acid in aquaculture (Table 2). Numerous studies due to the insufficient acclimation period for the fish to this
have reported that citric acid can improve growth, feed acidifier. In another study, Sugiura et al. (2001) similarly
utilization and mineral availability, particularly phosphorus reported that the addition of 50 g kg1 citric acid to a high
(P) in various fish species (Sarker et al. 2005, 2007; Baruah ash moist diet increased the availabilities of ash, Ca, total P,
et al. 2005, 2007a,b; Pandey & Satoh 2008; Castillo et al. Sr and Zn for rainbow trout.
2014), while some reported contradictory findings (Fau- In contrast with the findings of Sugiura et al. (1998) with
conneau 1988; Vielma et al. 1999). The earliest study goldfish, positive effects of citric acid on mineral utilization
Organic acids/salts Dose (g kg1) Species and weight (g) Impacts* Reference
Citric acid 0, 7.5 and 15 Red drum, Tended to lower the pH of diets and stomach contents Castillo et al. (2014)
W.-K. Ng and C.-B. Koh
Sciaenops ocellatus (1.26 0.01) Improved weight gain, feed efficiency and PER
Enhanced the digestive enzyme activities
0 and 10 Rainbow trout, Improved growth, SGR, FCR, phosphorus absorption/retention andez et al. (2012)
Oncorhynchus mykiss (13.2 2.4) Reduced P load to the environment
0, 10, 20 and 30 Beluga sturgeon, Huso huso (25.1–25.7) Improved weight gain, SGR, PER and FCR Khajepour and
Improved apparent protein, Ca and P digestibility Hosseini (2012a,b)
0 and 5 Yellowtail, Increased retention of P Sarker et al. (2012a,b)
Seriola quinqueradiata (129.7–135.8) Tended to increase whole-body ash content
Increased the retention/availability of minerals (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Zn and Mn)
10 Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus 9 Increased the activities of protease and amylase in digestive tract Li et al. (2009)
Oreochromis aureus (158.9 18.8) Did not affect lipase activities
0 and 10 Rainbow trout, O. mykiss (2.67 0.01) Improved growth and P retention with low fishmeal-based diets Pandey and Satoh (2008)
0 and 30 Rohu, Labeo rohita (~13.16) Increased Zn, Na, P, K, Mn, Mg, Fe, Cu and Ca absorption Baruah et al. (2007a)
Activated microbial phytase
0 and 30 Rohu, L. rohita (12.6–13.7) Improved weight gain, SGR, FCR and P availability Baruah et al. (2007b)
No effect on PER and apparent NPU
0 and 50 Rainbow trout, O. mykiss (~152) Increased availability of ash, Ca, total P, Sr and Zn Sugiura et al. (2001)
No negative impact on feed intake
0 and 10 Red sea bream, Pagrus major (5.46 0.01) Improved P retention and tended to improve weight gain Hossain et al. (2007)
0, 10 and 20 Red sea bream, P. major (12.6 0.4) Improved weight gain, SGR, FCR and P absorption Sarker et al. (2007)
Lowered N and P loading
0 and 30 Rohu, L. rohita (12.6–13.7) Improved mineral utilization Baruah et al. (2005)
Decreased intestinal digesta pH
0 and 30 Red sea bream, P. major (7.14 0.01) Improved fish growth, FCR, nutrient retention and reduced N and P loading Sarker et al. (2005)
0, 4, 8 and 16 Rainbow trout, O. mykiss (3.0 0.1) No effect on weight gain Vielma et al. (1999)
Improved P utilization and whole-body Fe deposition linearly
Citric acid and Na-citrate 10 and 50 Rainbow trout, O. mykiss (232.0 37.1) Improved availability of Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Mn and Sr Sugiura et al. (1998)
Citric acid 0, 20 and 50 Rainbow trout, O. mykiss (256.4) Improved apparent availabilities of Ca and P Sugiura et al. (1998)
0, 20 and 50 Goldfish, Carassius auratus (149.7) Negatively influenced feed intake at 50 g kg1 inclusion Sugiura et al. (1998)
0 and 120 Rainbow trout, O. mykiss Lowered voluntary food intake, but did not affect the Fauconneau (1988)
efficiencies of protein and energy utilization
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 White shrimp, Significant growth improvement at 2 g kg1 Su et al. (2014)
Litopenaeus vannamei (5.57 0.21) Significantly higher survival at 1–4 g kg1
Higher gut protease at 2 g kg1 inclusion
Enhanced immune response and disease resistance
*FCR, feed conversion ratio; PER, protein efficiency ratio; SGR, specific growth rate; NPU, net protein utilization.
Organic acids/salts Dose (g kg1) Species and weight (g) Impacts* Reference
Formic acid 0, 4 and 10 mL kg1 Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (~520) Improve availability of P, Mg and Ca Vielma and
Increased the intestinal pH Lall (1997)
*FCR, feed conversion ratio; PER, protein efficiency ratio; SGR, specific growth rate.
Dietary organic acids in aquaculture
W.-K. Ng and C.-B. Koh
Lactic acid 0 and 10 Rainbow trout, Increased bone Zn Pandey and Satoh (2008)
mykiss (2.67 0.01)
0 and 10 Red sea bream, Improved absorption of P but not in weight gain Hossain et al. (2007)
Pagrus major (5.46 0.01) and feed utilization
Ca-lactate 0, 15 Red drum, Sciaenops Lower the pH of diets and stomach contents Castillo et al. (2014)
and 30 ocellatus (8.01 0.29) Depressed growth performance at 30 g kg1 diet
No effects on body indices and composition
Na-lactate 0 and 15 Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus; Improved growth of Arctic char, but not in salmon Gislason et al. (1996)
and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar Doubled the feed retention time in Arctic
char digestive tract
0 and 15 Atlantic salmon, S. salar (~8) No effects on fish growth, mortality or gross Gislason et al. (1994)
chemical composition of the faeces
0 and 10 Arctic charr, S. alpinus (~100) Improve weight gain and feed efficiency Ringø et al. (1994)
No effects on lipid/fatty acid composition
of muscle tissue and body proximate composition
0 and 10 Arctic charr, S. alpinus (~310) Improved growth and nutrient digestibility Ringø (1991)
Organic acids/salts Dose (g kg1) Species and weight (g) Impacts* Reference
Microencapsulated 0 and 0.3 Common carp, Tended to improve weight gain and reduced FCR Liu et al. (2014)
Na-butyrate Cyprinus carpio (6.22 0.0) No effects on organ indices and intestinal
mucosal morphology
No effects on adherent bacterial population
Improved immune response
Partially protected 0 and 3 Sea bream, Sparus aurata (15) Enhanced growth, but no effects on SGR, Robles et al. (2013)
Na-butyrate feed intake and feed utilization
Altered the metabolic pattern at the intestinal level
Na-butyrate 0, 5, 10 Pacific white shrimp, Improved growth performance and feed efficiency Silva et al. (2016)
and 20 Litopenaeus No effect on P retention
vannamei (2.53 0.03) Altered intestinal microbiota
Increased serum agglutination titre
0 and 20 Pacific white shrimp, Increased the diet attractiveness and feed intake Silva et al. (2013)
L. vannamei (7.4–11.7) No effect on P digestibility
0, 2 and 20 Catfish, Clarias No effects on weight gain, SGR, PER and FCR Owen et al. (2006)
gariepinus (64 1.4) Tended to alter the bacterial community
in the hindgut of catfish
*FCR, feed conversion ratio; PER, protein efficiency ratio; SGR, specific growth rate.
and growth in another agastric fish, rohu, have been well uah et al. (2007b) reported significant improvements to the
documented. Baruah et al. (2005) evaluated the effect of growth performance, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and P
dietary citric acid (30 g kg1) on gut digesta pH, bone ash availability in rohu fed a soya bean meal-based diet supple-
and bone mineralization of rohu juveniles. At this inclusion mented with 30 g kg1 citric acid. However, it did not
level, citric acid resulted in a significant decrease in the pH affect the protein efficiency ratio (PER) or apparent net
of gut digesta from 6.53 to 5.70 and was suggested as a con- protein utilization (NPU) of fish. Baruah et al. (2007b)
tributing factor for significantly improved growth as well as attributed the growth improvement to the beneficial effect
mineral utilization in this agastric carp species. Similar of citric acid in releasing minerals from the phytic acid
reductions to the pH of diet and faeces with subsequent complex of the soya bean meal-based diet.
improvements in the utilization of some minerals have also In another study evaluating the effect of citric acid at var-
been reported for rainbow trout (Sugiura et al. 1998; ious dietary concentrations (0, 4, 8 or 16 g kg1) on the
Vielma et al. 1999; Pandey & Satoh 2008). Meanwhile, Bar- availability of minerals to rainbow trout, Vielma et al.
Acetic acid 0 and 50 Rainbow trout, Enhanced P digestibility Sugiura et al. (2006)
Oncorhynchus No effects on endogenous acid secretion
mykiss (234.4 24.2) Tended to decrease stomach pH,
but no effect on intestinal pH
Malic acid 0 and 10 Red sea bream, Improved absorption of P but not in weight gain Hossain et al. (2007)
Pagrus major (5.46 0.01) and feed utilization
Na-propionate 0, 5, 10 Pacific white shrimp, Improved growth performance and yield Silva et al. (2016)
and 20 Litopenaeus No effect on P retention
vannamei (2.53 0.03) Altered intestinal microbiota
Increased serum agglutination titre
Na-propionate† 0 and 20 Pacific white shrimp, Increased diet attractiveness and feed intake Silva et al. (2013)
L. vannamei. (7.4–11.7) Lowered the Vibrio species counts in the gut
Improved apparent digestibility of energy and P
0 and 10 Arctic charr, Depressed growth of fish fed 10 g kg1 Ringø (1991)
Salvelinus alpinus (~310) Na-propionate-added diet
Na- fumarate‡ 73 mM Pacific white shrimp, Increased in vitro protein digestibility Silva et al. (2015)
L. vannamei (0.49 0.02) Increase growth by 53% and improved FCR by
23% compared to control
Succinic acid 0 and 120 Rainbow trout, O. mykiss Lowered voluntary food intake Fauconneau (1988)
No effects on protein efficiencies and energy utilization
*FCR, feed conversion ratio; PER, protein efficiency ratio; SGR, specific growth rate.
†Best performing organic acid salt compared to Na-acetate, Na-butyrate, Na-citrate, Na-formate or Na-lactate.
‡Best performing organic acid salt in terms of growth performance compared to Na-formate, Na-acetate, Na-lactate, Na-propionate, Na-butyrate,
Na-succinate or Na-citrate.
(1999) reported a significant increase in whole-body Fe ent retention, besides lowering N and P loading that would
deposition in fish fed citric acid-acidified low-P fishmeal- otherwise been excreted into the aquatic environment. In a
based diets. Citric acid at all tested levels had no effect on subsequent study, even at a lower dietary inclusion of
weight gain but tended to increase the body P content. In 10 g kg1 and without inorganic P supplementation, citric
contrast, Pandey and Satoh (2008) reported that rainbow acid significantly improved fish growth, FCR and nutrient
trout fed with a low fishmeal-based diet supplemented with retention, while also lowering the N and P loading when
citric acid showed significant growth improvements. Con- used in a plant protein-based diet for red sea bream (Sarker
sistent with other trout studies, bone ash, P, Ca and Zn et al. 2007). Several recent studies with juvenile beluga
contents, and P retention were significantly increased, sturgeon (Khajepour & Hosseini 2012a,b) and yellowtail
which indicated a better mineral utilization in fish fed the (Sarker et al. 2012a,b) have also confirmed that dietary
acidified diet. Pandey and Satoh (2008) concluded that supplementation of citric acid to plant protein-based diets
adding a P supplement (in the form of monocalcium or is very effective in improving the growth performance and
dicalcium phosphate) to low fishmeal-based diets for rain- retention/availability of minerals, particularly P. Organic
bow trout might not be necessary if citric acid was added. acid-supplemented feeds will therefore contribute to the
Positive effects on the growth performance and mineral formulation of more eco-friendly aquafeeds.
utilization in fish fed citric acid-supplemented diets In a dose–response growth study using graded dietary
have also been reported in red sea bream (Sarker et al. levels of citric acid, Su et al. (2014) reported that an inclu-
2005; Hossain et al. 2007). Hossain et al. (2007) reported sion level of 1.9 g kg1 diet would elicit maximum weight
that even without additional 5 g kg1 P supplementation, gain of the Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei,
citric acid at 10 g kg1 inclusion level could significantly Boone, 1931). Based on other parameters such as
increased the absorption and retention of P while survival, digestive enzyme activities, immune response and
improving the weight gain and feed utilization when resistance to vibriosis, a supplementation level of citric acid
compared to red sea bream fingerlings fed the nonacidified at 2–3 g kg1 was recommended for white shrimp
diet. Similarly, Sarker et al. (2005) found that citric acid at (Table 2). In contrast, Silva et al. (2015) reported that when
a 30 g kg1 inclusion in fishmeal-based diet without addi- sodium citrate was added to a commercial shrimp feed at
tional P significantly increased fish growth, FCR and nutri- 73 mM kg1, no growth improvement was observed.
Organic acids 0, 5 and 10 Red hybrid tilapia, Lowered gut content pH Koh et al. (2016)
blend (OAB) Oreochromis sp. Reduced total cultivable bacterial in faeces and gut
(9.45 0.01) Improved apparent nutrient and mineral digestibility
Enhanced resistance against Streptococcus agalactiae
OAB 0, 2 and 4 Yellow catfish, No effects on growth performance, Zhu et al. (2014)
Pelteobagrus fulvidraco P utilization and mineral retention
(1.3 0.0) No effects on body composition
Enhanced antioxidant capacity of fish
OAB 0 and 20 South African abalone, Enhanced growth and SGR under ideal conditions Goosen
Haliotis midae (2.1 0.8) No effects on FCR, feed intake and gut microbiota et al. (2011)
OAB 0 and 20 Tiger shrimp, Penaeus No effects on growth performance Ng et al. (2015)
monodon (postlarvae 12) Enhanced nutrient and P digestibility
Enhanced resistance to Vibrio harveyi
Less hepatopancreatic damage
OAB 0, 10, 20 Pacific white shrimp, Improved growth at 20 g kg1 diet Romano
and 40 Litopenaeus vannamei Lower hepatopancreas Vibrio counts et al. (2015)
(postlarvae 12) Improved nutrient and P digestibility
Hepatopancreatic protective properties
Higher survival during Vibrio harveyi challenge
Formic acid + 0 and 4 Olive flounder, No effects on growth performance Park et al. (2011)
propionic acid Paralichthys olivaceus Reduced total gut bacterial counts and tended
(3.5 0.05) to lower the Vibrio counts
Increased resistance against Edwardsiella tarda
Na-formate + Na-butyrate 0 and 10 g Rainbow trout, No effects on growth rate or feed utilization Gao et al. (2011)
(ratio 2:1 on acid moiety acid Oncorhymchus mykiss Decreased nutrient digestibility in fish
weight basis) moiety/kg (230 and 950) fed plant protein-based diets
No adverse effects on gut health
OAB 0, 1, 2 and 3 Hybrid tilapia, Tended to improve growth, feed Ng et al. (2009)
Oreochromis sp. utilization and nutrient digestibility
(6.90 0.03) Lowered diet pH and total faecal bacterial counts
Increased resistance against S. agalactiae
OAB 0, 5, 10 Nile tilapia, No effects on weight gain, total length and FCR Petkam
and 15 Oreochromis niloticus (~7) Numerically improved body weight up to et al. (2008)
11% with 15 g kg1 OAB diet
OAB 0, 5, 10 Rainbow trout, Tended to improve growth de Wet (2005)
and 15 O. mykiss (~40) Improved SGR at 10 and 15 g kg1 inclusion levels
Na-acetate, 0, 5 Atlantic salmon, No effects on SGR, macronutrient digestibility, total lipid Bjerkeng
Na-propionate and 20 S. salar (L.) (725 7) content, fatty acid compositions of fillet and gut tissues et al. (1999)
and Na-butyrate
(5:5:2 w/w/w)
which may be attributable to the significant decrease in the 15 g kg1 Na-lactate into diets of another salmonid spe-
pH of stomach and upper intestinal tract. cies, Atlantic salmon. Contrary to Ringø (1991), no effects
Vielma and Lall (1997) reported that dietary formic acid on growth, mortality or gross faecal chemical composition
had a significant effect on gut pH. The changes to were observed in salmon juveniles fed the lactate-supple-
hydrochloric acid and bile accretion in fish fed the formic mented diet. Gislason et al. (1994) speculated that the
acid-supplemented diet led to higher gut pH. In spite of effect of Na-lactate on growth might be species dependent.
this, improved absorption of P, Mg and Ca in rainbow In a more comprehensive study using larger Atlantic
trout was still observed. L€ uckst€adt (2008b) noted that at salmon and Arctic charr, Gislason et al. (1996) found a
13.5 g kg1, dietary KDF did not influence the gut pH of significant improvement in the growth of Arctic charr fed a
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Linnaeus, 1758), but it did diet supplemented with 15 g kg1 Na-lactate, while no
significantly elevate the digestibility of protein, dry matter effect was observed in Atlantic salmon fed the same diet.
and gross energy of fish. Morken et al. (2011) demon- They attributed the growth differences between these two
strated that the inclusion of 10.6 g kg1 NADF in the diet species to the doubled retention time of feed in the digestive
of rainbow trout together with high extrusion temperature tract of Arctic charr. In contrast, no significant differences
(141°C) improved the digestibility of major nutrients (pro- in growth performance were observed in rainbow trout
tein, lipid and ash) and individual amino acids as well as (Pandey & Satoh 2008) and red sea bream (Hossain et al.
the physical quality (expansion ratio, durability and water 2007) fed diets supplemented with 10 g kg1 lactic acid.
stability) of barley protein concentrate-based diets. In con- However, the absorption of P was significantly increased in
trast, Morken et al. (2012) noted no significant interactions sea bream fed diets acidified with lactic acid (Table 4).
between KDF and extrusion temperature with respect to More recently, Castillo et al. (2014) reported that the addi-
both nutrient digestibility and physical quality of extruded tion of Ca-lactate to diets tended to lower the pH of experi-
feeds when 12 g kg1 KDF was supplemented into diets mental diets and stomach contents as well as improve the
containing soya bean meal for Atlantic salmon. They attrib- growth, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio of red
uted the inconsistent findings to differences in the concen- drum (Sciaenops ocellatus, Linnaeus, 1766). However,
trations of organic acids, animal species, diet composition growth performance of fish was reduced when fed diet sup-
as well as the culture conditions. plemented with 30 g kg1 of Ca-lactate. Moreover, dietary
In a study with crustaceans, despite no significant impact Ca-lactate did not alter the pH of intestinal contents, despite
on growth, Chuchird et al. (2015) provided evidence that the gastric pH has been numerically lowered.
Pacific white shrimp fed formic acid-supplemented diets Similar to studies reported for citric and formic acids or
showed enhanced resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus their salts, these studies with lactic acid/salt once again
challenge. The positive role of various dietary organic acids showed the importance of using the correct type and diet-
in mitigating fish and shrimp bacterial diseases will be fur- ary concentration of organic acid for different fish species.
ther discussed in a later section of this review. Similarly, No beneficial effects or even detrimental effects on fish
Silva et al. (2015) did not observe any improvement in growth and/or physiology can occur if the wrong type and/
growth response, feed utilization or survival of white or dosage of organic acids are used. In a recent study, when
shrimp when fed a commercial shrimp feed with added supplemented at graded levels of dietary lactic acid from 0
Na-formate. to 16 g kg1, we did not observe any further improvement
in growth performance above 2 g kg1 in the feeds of the
freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (unpublished
Lactic acid and its salt
data). Considering the multitude of farmed aquatic ani-
In a study with Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus, Linnaeus, mals, much more research is required to further elucidate
1758), Ringø (1991) showed that inclusion of Na-lactate in this basic tenet of organic acid supplementation in
a commercial diet resulted in a significant improvement aquafeeds.
(21%) of fish body weight compared to fish fed an unsup-
plemented diet. Moreover, fish fed a diet supplemented
Butyric acid and its salt
with 10 g kg1 Na-lactate had significantly lower amounts
of water, energy, lipid, protein and free amino acids in their A study on African catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell,
gut contents (Ringø 1991). The authors suggested this 1822) (Owen et al. 2006) reported that dietary Na-butyrate
finding to be indicative of improved nutrient utilization. In did not significantly increase the weight gain, specific
their follow-up study, dietary Na-lactate was found to growth rate (SGR), PER and FCR of fish (Table 5). Never-
improve growth of Arctic charr without affecting the theless, this study showed that Na-butyrate diets altered the
chemical composition of the fish (Ringø et al. 1994). To intestinal microbiota of catfish. Robles et al. (2013)
validate these findings, Gislason et al. (1994) supplemented demonstrated that inclusion of 3 g kg1 butyrate into the
diets of sea bream (Sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758) signifi- Succinic acid supplementation in rainbow trout diets
cantly increased weight gain and led to some potentially had been reported to negatively affect the voluntary feed
beneficial changes in intestinal metabolites. The glycolysis intake of fish, although there was no apparent effect on
intermediates, 2-phosphoglycerate and 3-phosphoglycerate, protein efficiency and energy utilization (Fauconneau
were found to be accumulated in fish fed the butyrate-sup- 1988). In another study with rainbow trout, Sugiura et al.
plemented diet through inhibition on glycolysis, as the (2006) reported that dietary acetic acid at 50 g kg1 inclu-
butyrate was a preferential energy substrate over glucose. sion level enhanced P digestibility and tended to decrease
Dietary butyrate was shown to spare the oxidation of some stomach pH but not gut pH. Additionally, dietary Na-pro-
amino acids and increased their bioavailability into arterial pionate at a level of 10 g kg1 depressed the growth of Arc-
circulation, resulting in enhanced absorption of certain tic charr, which might be due, in part, to their inferior
essential amino acids in the fish gut. Dietary butyrate also utilization of lipid and protein which led to higher water
significantly increased the concentration of some nucleo- and gross energy contents in the gut contents (Ringø 1991).
tide derivatives in the fish gut and Robles et al. (2013) sug- In contrast, Silva et al. (2013) demonstrated that among
gested that butyrate may have a potent effect on the various organic acid salts (acetate, formate, lactate, citrate,
absorption of nucleotides. The detailed knowledge pro- propionate and butyrate), diets supplemented with
vided by this study on the metabolic consequences of buty- 20 g kg1 Na-propionate led to significantly improved feed
rate supplementation in sea bream diets allows us to better intake, apparent gross energy and phosphorous availabili-
understand the many reported effects of dietary organic ties of Pacific white shrimp and were recommended as the
acids altering the microbiota population in fish gut, often- organic acid salt with the greatest potential for use in mar-
times with potential beneficial effects. ine shrimp feeds. In their subsequent study, Silva et al.
Na-butyrate supplementation has been reported to posi- (2016) showed that dietary Na-propionate enhanced
tively affect the growth performance of Pacific white growth performance and feed utilization efficiency of
shrimp (Silva et al. 2016). The study reported that inclu- shrimp irrespective of the inclusion levels (5, 10 or
sion of 20 g kg1 butyrate in the diets significantly 20 g kg1). However, dietary acidification did not improve
improved the feed efficiency, N retention, protein efficiency P availability for shrimp. Nevertheless, when Na-propio-
rate, survival and yield of shrimp as compared to the con- nate was later compared with Na fumarate, shrimp fed diets
trol diet. Apart from these, dietary butyrate at 5, 10 or with Na fumarate significantly outperformed shrimp fed
20 g kg1, significantly lowered the Vibrio sp. counts in the with propionate (Silva et al. 2015). This is in spite of the
gut of shrimp and increased their serum agglutination titre. observed increased in enzyme activities in shrimp fed the
Silva et al. (2016) suggested that butyrate supplementation Na-propionate added diet. Needless to say, much more
can alter the gut microbiota of shrimp which contributes to research is needed to fully understand and to evaluate the
better growth performance. Similarly, when Na-butyrate most suitable organic acid to be used for each species of
was added to a commercial shrimp feed at 73 mM kg1, farmed aquatic animal as well as its mode of action.
significant improvements in growth and feed intake were
observed (Silva et al. 2015).
Organic acids blend
According to Liu et al. (2014), dietary Na-butyrate at a
level of 0.3 g kg1 increased the weight gain and improved Each organic acid has its own spectrum of antimicrobial
the FCR of juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio, Lin- activity due to their specific physical and chemical prop-
naeus, 1758) prefed with or without oxidized oil. Simulta- erties (Dibner & Buttin 2002). Therefore, the advantage
neously, immune responses and intestinal condition of the of using organic acids blend (OAB) in animal feeds is that
common carp were positively affected by the dietary buty- the OAB can have a broader spectrum of antimicrobial
rate with a more pronounced effect in the repairing of activity against a wider range of disease-causing bacteria
intestinal mucosal damage in fish fed the oxidized oil. and with potential synergistic effects on growth perfor-
mance and nutrient utilization. Moreover, OAB may
allow further reduction of the dose used in animal feeds,
Other organic acids and their salts
thereby reducing costs. OAB constitutes a potential strat-
Several other organic acids and their salts have also been egy to overcome the inconsistency of findings on the use
investigated (Table 6). Hossain et al. (2007) investigated of single organic acids in the feeds of various aquatic ani-
the effect of dietary malic acid on growth and P utilization mals (Tables 2–6). Commercial and prototype OAB is
in red sea bream. Although there was no significant usually proprietary formulations of the suppliers and
improvement in weight gain and feed utilization, fish fed a researchers, respectively.
10 g kg1 malic acid-supplemented diet were found to An 8-week feeding trial comparing the growth perfor-
have significantly better P absorption. mance of all male Nile tilapia fingerlings fed diets
supplemented with 5 g kg1 oxytetracycline (OTC) or an (dry matter, organic matter, crude lipid and amino acids).
organic acid/salts blend containing citric acid and Ca salts Similarly, Bjerkeng et al. (1999) reported that Atlantic
of formic, propionic, lactic and phosphoric acid at various salmon (725 7 g) fed diets supplemented with 0, 5 or
dietary levels (0, 5, 10 or 15 g kg1) was conducted by Pet- 20 g kg1 of an OAB containing Na salts of acetic, propi-
kam et al. (2008). Tilapia fed a diet supplemented with onic and butyric acid (5:5:2 w/w/w) showed no significant
15 g kg1 organic acid/salts blend tended to have higher effects on growth, or apparent digestibility coefficients of the
body weight but no statistical differences in weight gain, macronutrients. More encouraging results on salmonids
total length and FCR among the treatments were detected were reported by de Wet (2005) who investigated the use of
(Table 7). Petkam et al. (2008) attributed the lack of signif- a commercial OAB at 0, 5, 10 or 15 g kg1 on the growth of
icant effects to the shorter experimental period and optimal rainbow trout fingerlings. After four months, a trend of
culture conditions. improved growth was observed with graded levels of dietary
Similar improvements in the body weight of red hybrid acidification. The SGR of trout fed diets supplemented with
tilapia fed diets supplemented with a commercial OAB at 1 10 or 15 g kg1 acid blends was significantly improved
or 2 g kg1 have been reported by Ng et al. 2009. The when compared to the unsupplemented diet. The final aver-
addition of OAB tended to improve feed utilization, nutri- age body weight of trout fed these diets was nearly similar to
ent digestibility and reduce total cultivable bacterial counts that of fish fed diet supplemented with an AGP.
in the faeces and gut of tilapia in a dose-dependent manner. Goosen et al. (2011) investigated the effects of different
Total cultivable bacterial count in the faeces, mainly types of OAB (10 g kg1 acetic acid + 10 g kg1 formic
Aeromonas hydrophila, was significantly reduced with OAB acid, 10 g kg1 benzoic acid + 10 g kg1 sorbic acid and
inclusion. Furthermore, cumulative mortality of 16 days 10 g kg1 Na-benzoate + 10 g kg1 K-sorbate) supple-
postchallenge with Streptococcus agalactiae was lower in mentations at 20 g kg1 on growth performance and feed-
fish fed OAB-supplemented diets. When raised from finger- ing efficiency of South African abalone (Haliotis midae,
lings to near market size, we observed that hybrid tilapia Linnaeus, 1758). Growth performance was significantly
fed diets supplemented with a prototype OAB at 5 or enhanced, but no notable effect on FCR, feed intake and
10 g kg1 tended to have improved growth and feeding gut microbiota community was observed when cultured
efficiency while those fed the 10 g kg1 OAB diet had sig- under favourable growth conditions (16.5°C). However, no
nificantly enhanced P, dry matter and ash utilization over significant growth improvement was recorded under sub-
tilapia fed the control diet (Koh et al. 2016). No significant optimal growth conditions (20.5°C). They attributed the
growth differences were detected between tilapia fed the lack of growth stimulating effect to the disruption of physi-
OTC- or OAB-added diets. Moreover, the prophylactic ological function in abalone when exposed to temperature
effects of the 5 g kg1 OAB or 5 g kg1 OTC diets in tila- outside their optimal range of 12–20°C.
pia subsequently challenged with S. agalactiae were similar In a study with juvenile yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus ful-
and led to significantly enhanced disease protection than vidraco, Richardson, 1846), a commercially available OAB
fish fed the control diet. Due to these encouraging labora- product significantly reduced the serum reactive oxygen
tory-based results, we recently conducted a field trial of the species (ROS) level, serum superoxide dismutase (SOD)
prototype OAB in a commercial Nile tilapia farm and activity and catalase (CAT) activity of fish, indicating that
observed improved nutrient digestibility, reduced bacterial organic acids could protect the fish body from cell oxida-
counts in faecal matter, enhanced immune response, less tive damage when fed mainly with plant protein-based diets
skin bacterial infections and significantly reduced antibiotic (Zhu et al. 2014). The mechanism by which organic acid
use by the tilapia farmer (unpublished data). Similarly, reduces the risk of oxidative damage in fish remains to be
Park et al. (2011) also observed significantly improved elucidated.
Edwardsiella tarda resistance in the olive flounder (Par- Recent studies with marine shrimp indicated that under
alichthys olivaceus, Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) when fed laboratory conditions, the correct dietary OAB concentra-
diets with OAB supplementations, although the implica- tion can significantly improve growth performance
tions to growth were not reported. (Romano et al. 2015). However, when the same dietary
In contrast, Gao et al. (2011) reported no significant concentration was field tested in a commercial shrimp
improvement in growth or feed utilization of rainbow trout farm, the beneficial impact on growth was not evident,
fed fishmeal or plant protein-based diets added with 10 g probably due to the multiple factors that masked the
acid moiety/kg organic acid salt blends at two different feed growth beneficial effects under pond culture conditions
production stages (before and after extrusion). Their (Ng et al. 2015). Nevertheless, in both laboratory- and
24-day digestibility trial showed that trout (~950 g) fed a field-based trials, marine shrimp fed an OAB-supplemented
plant protein-based diet with the acid salt blend added feed showed better nutrient utilization efficiency, lower
before extrusion had significantly lower nutrient digestibility hepatopancreas bacterial counts, enhanced immune
response and higher survival under Vibrio bacterial infec- tures (Table 1), all organic acids seem to have a similar
tions. mode of action against microorganisms. Organic acids are
A review of current literature on aquatic animals would believed to be more effective at low pH when they are
indicate that in many instances, researchers have reported mainly in the undissociated form, and are thus the most
that some organic acids, their salts and/or mixtures thereof effective form in killing microorganisms (Brul & Coote
could improve growth, feed utilization, mineral availability 1999; Lambert & Stratford 1999). This is because the undis-
and disease resistance. Nevertheless, despite the generally sociated form of an organic acid is lipophilic and can pas-
consistent improvement in nutrient availability of organic sively diffuse through a bacterium’s cell membrane. Once
acid-supplemented diets, contradictory results have been inside the nearly pH neutral cytoplasm, it dissociates,
reported for the growth-promoting effects of dietary releasing charged acid anions and protons that are imper-
organic acids, which seem to depend on the aquatic animal meable back across the cell’s membrane (Cherrington et al.
species, physiology, age and/or the type and dosage of 1991a; Lambert & Stratford 1999).
organic acid used. By further examining the potential mode Accumulation of excess protons within the cell will lower
of action of these organic acids, we hope that this review the cytoplasmic pH, thereby causing an inhibition of bacte-
will help stimulate more focused and comprehensive rial cell metabolism through the suppression of cell
research on this subject matter for the benefit of the aqua- enzymes (Warth 1991), particularly the pyruvate decar-
culture industry. boxylase enzyme which contributes to energy metabolism
(Sava 2011). Cell death may occur when the cytoplasmic
pH drops below the physiological optimal range for growth
Mode of action and effects of dietary organic acids
(Smigic et al. 2009). Lowering the cytoplasmic pH might
Antimicrobial properties of organic acids also neutralize the electrochemical gradient, for example
The antimicrobial activity of lipophilic weak acids was tra- the pH gradient (DpH) across the plasma membrane,
ditionally explained by the perturbation of membrane func- which is required for the active transport of nutrients. Bac-
tion, which blocks the transport of substrate molecules teria that do not tolerate changes in trans-membranous pH
(amino acids, organic acids, phosphate, etc.) into cells gradients such as E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter
(Freese et al. 1973). Other mechanisms believed to be (Dibner & Buttin 2002) will undergo cellular stress and
responsible for the ability of organic acids to limit microbial eventually die (Jensen 2001). To restore the intracellular
growth have been reviewed by Cherrington et al. (1991a) pH within a physiological optimal range for growth and to
and Booth and Stratford (2003). The most obvious mode sustain functional macromolecules, the bacterial cell is
of action of these lipid-soluble weak acids is via direct acidi- forced to pump out the excess protons, released by the
fication of the extracellular pH through its ability to disso- acids, via the membrane-bound H+-ATPase. Proton pump-
ciate into ions and release hydrogen ions (protons) to the ing by the H+-ATPase requires substantial metabolic energy
surrounding medium. However, the general consensus is in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Holyoak
that the predominant mode of action of these acidifiers is et al. 1996) and could therefore lead to depletion of cellular
mainly based on their ability to lower the cytoplasmic pH ATP, and the cells will eventually die of energy depletion
once they traverse across the cell membranes of microbes. (Warth 1991; Ricke 2003).
The majority of bacterial species has specific pH require- Depletion of ATP is not the sole mechanism for inhibit-
ments for optimal growth and is unable to grow under ing cellular growth or inducing death since proton removal
extreme acidic conditions (pH < 4.5). Organic acids can also leads to an accumulation of weak acid anions within
exert their antimicrobial activity on microbes by directly the cytoplasm, which is also responsible for the growth
lowering the pH of the environment via releasing hydrogen inhibition mechanisms of organic acids at low pH (Russell
ions and thus preventing and/or impeding the growth and 1992; Brul & Coote 1999; Lambert & Stratford 1999). Accu-
proliferation of acid-sensitive bacteria. Weak organic acids, mulation of organic acid anions can inhibit the synthesis of
such as acetic, citric, benzoic, sorbic and lactic acids, are macromolecules, for example nucleic acids (Cherrington
commonly employed to lower the pH of foods or beverages et al. 1990), proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (Jensen
in order to limit microbial growth (Stratford & Eklund 2001) as well as enzyme activity (decarboxylases and cata-
2003). lases) and nutrient transport systems within the cytoplasm
It is now generally accepted that the antimicrobial effi- (Russell & Diez-Gonzalez 1997; Roth & Kirchgessner 1998;
cacy, both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, of organic Partanen & Mroz 1999), and eventually results in cell death.
acids is mainly due to their ability to traverse across the A summary of the inhibitory mechanisms of some organic
semi-permeable membrane of bacteria and to dissociate in acid anions is shown in Table 8.
the pH neutral cytoplasm (Cherrington et al. 1991a; Booth The substantial accumulation of acid anions in the cyto-
& Stratford 2003). Despite their various molecular struc- plasm may also cause hyperosmotic stress on the bacterial
Table 8 Inhibitory mechanisms of some organic acid anions (based on growth of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the gut of tilapia
van Dam 2006) (Abu Elala & Ragaa 2015).
Acid anion Mode of action Other than a reduction in cultivable bacterial population,
changes in the population composition of the gastrointesti-
Formate Inhibits enzyme activity, specially decarboxylase and nal microbiota have also been associated with organic acids
supplementation. Liu et al. (2014) observed slight alter-
Acetate Inhibits enzyme activity
Increases heat sensitivity
ations in the adherent bacterial communities within the gut
Propionate Influences membrane transport segments of common carp fed 0.3 g kg1 Na-butyrate
Inhibition on synthesis of some amino acids diets. Zhou et al. (2009) observed that dietary supplemen-
Lactate Inhibits enzyme activity tations of KDF stimulated the colonization of some benefi-
Sorbate Inhibits a series of enzymes, amino acid uptake and cial gut bacteria and inhibited the growth of others, but
synthesis of RNA/DNA this did not lead to significant improvement in growth per-
Cell membrane damage
formance of hybrid tilapia. Alterations in the gut micro-
Benzoate Inhibits a series of enzymes and amino acid uptake
Cell membrane damage
biota have also been reported in Pacific white shrimp when
Changes membrane fluidity fed diets supplemented with Na-propionate or Na-buty-
rate, which might have contributed to the observed higher
growth compared to shrimp fed a control diet (Silva et al.
2016). In contrast, Owen et al. (2006) reported that
cell, which may contribute to growth inhibitory effects Na-butyrate supplementation did not significantly affect
(Roe et al. 1998). The high anion concentration within the the gut bacterial community of African catfish. In hybrid
cytoplasm has the potential to increase the turgor pressure tilapia, the addition of 1–3 g kg1 OAB showed no dietary
on the cell via increasing the osmotic pressure (Kroll & effect on the gut microbiota composition, while 2 g kg1
Booth 1983). To maintain the turgor pressure at a constant KDF tended to lower the relative population of potentially
level, the cell appears to reduce other anion pools, for harmful A. hydrophila (Ng et al. 2009). Similarly, Goosen
example intracellular glutamates to compensate for this et al. (2011) reported that supplementation of various
accumulation (Roe et al. 1998). Thus, perturbation of OAB, at 20 g kg1 inclusion level, had no effect on the gut
anion balance may contribute to inhibitory effects on microbiota of the South Africa abalone.
growth and eventually results in cell death (Roe et al. Changes in the population and composition of gut
1998). microbiota can have significant impact on the cultured
aquatic animal growth performance, nutrient utilization,
Effects of organic acids on gastrointestinal microbiota of immune response and resistance against pathogens. Further
aquatic animals focused research is needed to elucidate the effects of dietary
Several studies have demonstrated that the inclusion of organic acids as mediated through changes in gut micro-
organic acids, their salts and/or mixtures thereof to aqua- biota. The microbial community of the gastrointestinal
feeds can influence the bacterial community of the gas- tract needs to be characterized with greater precision using
trointestinal tract in aquatic animals. The first evidence of more sophisticated methodology in order to provide deeper
appreciable reduction in the cultivable microbiota in the insight into the underlying mechanisms.
expelled faeces and gut surfaces of fish fed organic acid-
supplemented diets was reported by Ng et al. (2009). Later,
Organic acids enhance nutrient availability
the antimicrobial efficacy of dietary organic acids on gut
microbial community was reported in olive flounder (Park Addition of organic acids in aquafeeds had generally
et al. 2011), Pacific white shrimp (Silva et al. 2013, 2016) resulted in improved nutrient digestibility (Tables 2–7).
and red hybrid tilapia (Koh et al. 2016). The inclusion of Various hypotheses have been proposed on the mode of
organic acids in fish and shrimp diets has been shown to action of organic acids in enhancing nutrient utilization in
reduce the population of potentially deleterious bacteria terrestrial livestock which includes, among others, (i) low-
such as Vibrio spp. in the intestinal tract (Park et al. 2011; ering gastric pH leading to increase pepsin activation, (ii)
Silva et al. 2013, 2016; Chuchird et al. 2015). Total viable lowering diet and intestinal pH, which may increase solubi-
bacterial and Vibrio counts in the hepatopancreas of marine lization of minerals, (iii) acting as chelating agents which
shrimp were found to be lower when fed diets with binds various cations within the intestine resulting in
20 g kg1 OAB compared to the control treatment without increased mineral absorption or (iv) inhibiting the colo-
any organic acids (Ng et al. 2015; Romano et al. 2015). nization of harmful microbes in the intestine which may
Furthermore, it has been reported that the inclusion of otherwise utilize nutrients meant for the host animal
3 g kg1 KDF to plant protein-based diets stimulated the (Sch€oner 2001; de Wet 2005). In animal nutrition, organic
acids and their salts act as a growth promotant primarily increased mineral absorption by the intestinal cells
through their impact in the feed and gastrointestinal tract (Ravindran & Kornegay 1993).
of the animal. Another possible mode of action by organic acids in
Organic acids are commonly used as preservatives to enhancing nutrient availability is through a direct stimula-
help prevent feeds and feed ingredients from deterioration tion of mucosa proliferation activity in the gastrointestinal
caused by bacteria, moulds and yeasts (Ricke 2003; Skri- tract. In rats, organic acids (acetate, propionate and buty-
vanova et al. 2006; van Dam 2006). Inclusion of organic rate) stimulated the proliferation of gastrointestinal muco-
acids reduces the pH value of the feed and therefore pre- sal cells by inducing the expression of plasma glucagon-like
vents the growth of undesired harmful microbes during peptide (GLP-2), ileal proglucagon mRNA, glucose trans-
storage and/or release of toxic metabolites (especially porter (GLUT2) and c-myc, c-jun and c-fos, which can
mycotoxins) produced by fungi. It is generally known that potentially mediate mucosal proliferation (Tappenden &
the ingestion of even small amounts of mycotoxins from McBurney 1998). It has been suggested that the positive
contaminated feedstuffs can cause serious nutritional and effects of organic acids, particularly butyrate, in stimulating
health problems during animal production, especially in the growth of intestinal epithelium cell can lead to
aquatic animals. Therefore, acidification enhances the increased nutrient absorptive capacity (Topping & Clifton
hygienic quality of the feed and reduces the loss of its nutri- 2001). Adil et al. (2010) reported that the dietary supple-
tional value during storage. In addition to improving feed mentation of organic acids resulted in increases in villus
hygiene, organic acids reduce the buffering capacity of the height in the duodenum and jejunum of broiler chicken.
dietary feed ingredients. This is important as it ensures The thickness of muscularis on the intestinal mucosa was
optimal intestinal pH, which results in better feed diges- also decreased in all the segments of the small intestine.
tion, especially in young animals (Metzler & Mosenthin These alterations in gastrointestinal structure may facilitate
2007). nutrient absorption in the small intestine, thereby improv-
In the gastrointestinal tract, organic acids exert their effects ing growth performance (Adil et al. 2010; Samanta et al.
on performance via two main mechanisms. Firstly, it reduces 2010).
the pH within the stomach and possibly small intestine of Finally, improved nutrient utilization may also be attrib-
animals (Sch€ oner 2001) and, secondly, through their ability uted to the strong antimicrobial activity of organic acids
to inhibit and kill harmful bacteria, as described earlier. In that can inhibit the colonization of harmful microbes
terrestrial animals, the addition of organic acids reduces the within the digestive tract (Kluge et al. 2006). A positive
gastric pH which favours proteolytic enzyme activity, thereby outcome of reducing harmful microbial counts is a health-
increasing protein digestibility and animal performance ier gut, and the nutrients, which may otherwise be utilized
(Roth & Kirchgessner 1998; Dibner & Buttin 2002). More- by the microbes, are now spared for the host animal.
over, organic acids added in feeds may slow down the empty- Reduced competition for nutrients between microbes and
ing rate of the stomach, therefore allowing more efficient the host animal is one of the mechanisms responsible for
hydrolysis of proteins and absorption of nutrients in the improved nutrient utilization (Partanen & Mroz 1999; Dib-
small intestine. These effects are generally more pronounced ner & Buttin 2002; Adil et al. 2010).
in younger animals, where the pancreatic enzyme secretion
and the hydrochloric acid production are inadequate com- Effects of organic acids in aquatic feeds
pared to adults (Freitag 2007). Organic acids have been reported to affect feed palatability
Another beneficial effect of lowering gastric acidity is an in aquatic animals. Citric and malic acids were shown to be
improvement of phosphorus (P) availability from phytate- very effective in stimulating the feeding responses in red-
P in plant feed ingredients (Dibner & Buttin 2002). The belly tilapia, Tilapia zillii (Adams et al. 1988). Xie et al.
majority of organic P in plant ingredients exists in the form (2003) also observed a positive stimulating effect of dietary
of phytic acid or phytates which are not digestible to citric (102–106 M), propionic (104–106 M) and lactic
monogastric animals due to lack of phytase activity in the acids (102–105 M) on the feeding responses of juvenile
digestive tract. The addition of organic acids can increase Nile tilapia, while dietary 103 M acetic and propionic acids
the phytate-P utilization by inducing microbial phytase had repulsive effects. A study with Pacific white shrimp
activity, which is more efficient in lower pH environment showed that among various Na salts of organic acids (for-
(Dibner & Buttin 2002; de Wet 2005). By lowering the mate, acetate, propionate, lactate, butyrate and citrate), the
intestinal pH, organic acids may also increase mineral supplementation of propionate and butyrate salts to a
solubility leading to improved absorption of minerals. commercial shrimp diet at 2 g kg1 acted as feed attrac-
Furthermore, the anions of weak acids can act as chelating tants and significantly enhanced feed intake (Silva et al.
agents by binding up various cations to form mineral 2013). However, it has also been reported that high
and acid complexes along the intestine, which results in inclusion levels (≥ 50 g kg1) of certain organic acids
(citric acid and succinic acids) tended to negatively impact gastrin-like mRNA and somatostatin mRNA abundance
the palatability of the feed and reduced feed intake which are involved in the secretion and regulation of gastric
(Fauconneau 1988; Sugiura et al. 1998). Improved or acid. Nevertheless, it was observed that the addition of
reduced feed palatability associated with dietary organic 50 g kg1 acetic acid to trout diets significantly improved
acid supplementation might have contributed to some of P availability. Based on these results, the researchers specu-
the variations in growth performance reported in aquatic lated that the hydroxyapatite-P in acidified diets might
animals (Tables 2–7). Therefore, more research is needed have been converted into more absorbable forms such as
to determine the inclusion level of organic acids to formu- di- or mono-calcium phosphates as the observed gut pH
late organoleptically pleasing diets that will positively affect changes were very minor. Comprehensive research focusing
feed intake and growth performance of aquatic animals. on the actual contribution of a lower pH in the stomach
and gut of aquatic animals to improving nutrient and min-
Effects of organic acids on gut pH eral availability (Tables 2–7) in much needed. The role of
A summary of the impact of dietary organic acids or their feed ingredient types in buffering the pH lowering effects of
salts on diet and stomach/gut pH in fish is given in Table 9. various organic acids at different dosages remains to be elu-
Organic acids consistently reduced the pH value of experi- cidated. A comparative study between monogastric and
mental diets, but its impact on stomach and/or gut pH was agastric fish might also shed new information on this sub-
not always significant. Sugiura et al. (2006) reported that ject matter.
dietary supplementation of 50 g kg1 acetic acid in trout
diets tended to decrease gastric and caecal pH, but did not Effects of organic acids on digestive enzyme activity
profoundly reduce the pH of gastrointestinal tract contents, To date, very few studies have been conducted to investi-
indicating that trout are efficient in regulating endogenous gate the effect of dietary organic acids on the digestive
gastric acid secretion to maintain their normal gut pH. It enzyme activity of aquatic animals, but it is a growing
was shown that dietary organic acid did not alter the research area. Li et al. (2009) reported that dietary citric
steady-state mRNA expression of H+/K+-ATPase as well as acid (10 g kg1) increased the protease activity in tilapia
the Na+/bicarbonate cotransporter and had no effect on stomach. Moreover, activities of amylase in hepatopancreas
Table 9 Summary of published data on the impacts of dietary organic acid or their salts on pH of experimental diets and gastrointestinal tract
Δ, unit change in the pH value relative to the basal diet; *, significantly different from the control group; , decrease in pH; +, increase in pH;
†, pH value of entire gut content; ‡, pH value of faecal matter; ND, not determined.
and gut were found to be elevated due to changes in the gut inflammation and oxidative stress, and improving the
pH induced by dietary citric acid. This subsequently intestinal epithelial barrier function (Hamer et al. 2008).
affected the release of cholecystokinin and exocrine secre- Empirical data on the effects of dietary organic acids on gut
tions of the pancreas. Similarly, Su et al. (2014) reported a morphology in aquatic animals are very scarce. Gao et al.
significant increase in intestinal protease activity of white (2011) observed that despite the lack of impact on growth
shrimp fed 2 g kg1 citric acid compared to the control or feed utilization, the 10 g acid moiety/kg mixture of
group. However, no significant differences were observed Na-formate and Na-butyrate (ratio 2:1 on acid moiety
for the amylase activity among the shrimp fed graded levels weight basis) added before extrusion into fishmeal- or plant
of citric acid. Castillo et al. (2016) showed that supplemen- protein-based diets significantly increased the intestine
tation of organic acids at 15 g kg1 diet, especially citric weight of rainbow trout, indicating that organic acids may
acid, improved the growth performance in juvenile red have stimulated the intestinal growth. The morphology of
drum, which they attributed in part to the enhanced activ- intestinal mucosal folds was, however, not affected by the
ity of digestive enzymes. In this study, pepsinogen activity dietary inclusion of the acid salt blend. In common carp, it
was found to be greater in the stomach of fish fed the acidi- had similarly been reported that the intestinal mucosal
fied diets. Nevertheless, the researchers suggested that pH morphology was not significantly altered when fish were
of the diets was not the only factor affecting the synthesis of fed diets supplemented with Na-butyrate although some
pepsin, as it might also be influenced by other factors. Diet- differences were observed in microvillus height (Liu et al.
ary citric acid and KDF also resulted in higher activities of 2014). Apart from the slight improvement in weight gain,
trypsin, lipase and amylase in fish. It was hypothesized that FCR and immune responses, it was reported that dietary
gut acidification by organic acids may increase secretin Na-butyrate seemed to be able to prevent or repair the
concentration which ultimately stimulate the secretion of intestinal mucosal damage and increase the microvillus
pancreatic enzymes. With respect to intestinal digestive density in carp prefed with oxidized soya bean oil.
enzymes, leucine-aminopeptidase and phosphatases were
found to be higher in fish fed with organic acid-added
Organic acids as functional feed additives in
diets. Given that hydrolysis of P is influenced by the both
acid and alkaline phosphatases, the enhanced enzyme activ-
ities might have been a contributing factor for the Organic acids and their salts are considered functional feed
improved mineral digestibility observed. additives since they have additional functions such as
Silva et al. (2015) reported that white shrimp showed health-promoting or disease-preventing properties beyond
increased trypsin and chymotrypsin activity when fed diets their nutritional value. Their use in terrestrial animal feeds
with added sodium acetate or propionate, but the activity to control bacterial pathogens and to promote health of
of these enzymes was decreased in shrimp fed diets with livestock is well documented (Partanen & Mroz 1999; Van
sodium lactate or citrate. Sodium formate, butyrate, fuma- Immerseel et al. 2002, 2003). However, despite their known
rate and succinate did not alter the activities of these diges- antimicrobial properties, the role of organic acids in disease
tive enzymes in shrimp. Despite the lack of impact on prevention in farmed aquatic animals has only been investi-
digestive enzyme activities by fumarate and succinate, the gated recently. Nevertheless, the information regarding
highest in vitro protein digestibility results occurred in their potential impact against pathogenic bacteria in aqua-
diets supplemented with these organic acid salts and the tic animals has been very encouraging.
lowest digestibility in diets supplemented with acetate or Ramli et al. (2005) reported that the addition of KDF in
propionate. Factors contributing to these discrepancies in the diet of hybrid tilapia significantly improved their resis-
shrimp remain to be fully elucidated. tance to Vibrio anguillarum and that the effects were dose
Further studies are needed to better understand the rela- dependent. The authors concluded that KDF at 20 g kg1
tionship between gut pH, digestive enzymes and nutrient inclusion might act as an effective tool to control V. anguil-
availability in aquatic animals. larum infection in tilapia culture. In contrast, Lim et al.
(2010) reported no significant improvements in the
Effects of organic acids on gastrointestinal morphology immunological responses of Nile tilapia or their survival to
It had been proposed that organic acids, particularly buty- Streptococcus iniae challenge when fed diets supplemented
rate, can stimulate the growth of intestinal epithelial cells with different levels (0–15 g kg1) of KDF for 12 weeks. It
(by acting as an energy source) which ultimately leads to should be noted that the full description of the experimental
increased nutrient absorptive capacity (Topping & Clifton methodology including the disease challenge tests is lacking
2001). Apart from being an energy source for colonocytes, since the results of both these studies were presented at vari-
butyrate also influences a variety of cellular functions asso- ous conferences. Nevertheless, Ng et al. (2009) found that
ciated with intestinal health such as mitigating mucosal even at relatively low doses of 1–3 g kg1 OAB or 2 g kg1
KDF in the diets of red hybrid tilapia, it was sufficient to shrimp, phenoloxidase activity was significantly higher for
increase their resistance to S. agalactiae challenge and was shrimp fed the OAB-supplemented diets as well as having
suggested to be linked with a significant reduction in the total less hepatopancreatic damage. These were the first studies
gut bacterial counts. The prophylactic ability of organic acids to show the ability of dietary organic acids to protect and
in enhancing disease resistance in tilapia was further con- reduce the structural damage to the hepatopancreatic cells
firmed by another study with hybrid tilapia using a propri- during a bacterial infection. This is important considering
etary OAB (Koh et al. 2016). It was observed that the the fact that the hepatopancreas is the main digestive organ
cumulative mortality of hybrid tilapia was significantly of crustaceans. We also observed an increase in lipid storing
reduced in fish fed diets supplemented with 5 g kg1 OAB R cells indicating enhanced nutritional health of the hep-
or OTC when compared to fish fed the control diet at atopancreas in shrimp fed organic acid-added diets.
21 days after challenge with S. agalactiae. We concluded that Su et al. (2014) reported that the activities of serum phe-
the inclusion of 5 g kg1 OAB was as effective as 5 g kg1 noloxidase, superoxide dismutase and lysozyme in white
OTC in protecting tilapia against Streptococcal infections. shrimp fed 2 or 3 g kg1 citric acid were significantly
Field trials in commercial tilapia farms indicated that part of higher compared to the control group. The enhanced
this increased resistance to Streptococcus infections was due to shrimp immune response most likely contributed to the
enhanced immune response of the farmed tilapia fed OAB- higher survival of citric acid-fed shrimp during a challenge
supplemented feeds resulting in a significant reduction in the with Vibrio alginolyticus. In contrast, with the exception of
amount of antibiotics used by the farmer during the grow- serum agglutination titre, Silva et al. (2016) did not find
out period (unpublished data). Similarly, Park et al. (2011) any significant differences in all immune response parame-
reported that OAB was comparable to OTC in providing ters measured in white shrimp fed Na-butyrate or Na-pro-
protection against Edwardsiella tarda infection in olive floun- pionate at graded levels up to 20 g kg1. It was also
der. Abu Elala and Ragaa (2015) showed that inclusion of interesting to note that the serum antimicrobial titre
KDF (1–3 g kg1) in the diets increased the numbers of ben- against V. alginolyticus did not show any significant differ-
eficial gut lactic acid bacteria and enhanced the cellular and ences between treatments.
humeral nonspecific immune responses of Nile tilapia, as well These findings show substantial promise, as vibriosis can
as reduced the cumulative mortality after 15 days of chal- contribute to mass mortalities during the grow-out of
lenge with A. hydrophila. Based on their results, the research- shrimp (Lavilla Pitogo et al. 1998; Soto-Rodriguez et al.
ers attributed the better resistance to the eubiotic effect of 2010a,b) and recently had been implicated as a causative
KDF, which play an important role in the activation of the agent of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome
host immune response. (AHPNS) or more commonly known as early mortality
Several organic acids, particularly formic, acetic, propi- syndrome (EMS) that is decimating shrimp production
onic and butyric acids, are the most commonly used and globally (Tran et al. 2013; Ng 2015; Kondo et al. 2015).
have been shown to inhibit the growth of various marine Chuchird et al. (2015) reported that white shrimp cultured
pathogenic Vibrionaceae, including Vibrio campbellii, Vib- for 30 days in water containing V. parahaemolyticus col-
rio harveyi and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in vitro, but their lected from an EMS-infected farm in Thailand showed
efficacy is often dependent on the type, pH as well as the lower gut Vibrio spp. and total bacteria counts in shrimp
dose used (Defoirdt et al. 2006; Immanuel et al. 2011, fed 3 or 6 g kg1 formic acid diets. Survival was signifi-
2012; Mine & Boopathy 2011; Adams & Boopathy 2013; cantly higher in shrimp fed organic acid-added diets com-
Silva et al. 2013). Short-chain organic acids (formic, acetic, pared to the control group. However, dietary formic acid
propionic, butyric or valeric acid), when added to the cul- did not influence growth performance or immune response
ture water of Artemia nauplii at a concentration of 20 mM, of the white shrimp. We are currently conducting more in-
significantly enhanced their resistance to the pathogenic depth research on the efficacy of organic acids in the pre-
V. campbellii (Defoirdt et al. 2006) and V. parahaemolyti- vention of AHPNS/EMS in marine shrimp.
cus (Immanuel et al. 2012). Similarly, Immanuel et al. Research findings augment well for the use of organic
(2011) found that medium chain organic acid (caprylic acids as a viable alternative to harmful antibiotics in com-
acid) protected Artemia nauplii from virulent V. harveyi mercial aquaculture. Dietary organic acids can be used as a
and V. parahaemolyticus. component of a sustainable fish and shrimp health manage-
More recent research demonstrated that dietary OAB at ment programme in the aquaculture industry. Organic
20 g kg1 inclusion level resulted in significant improved acids, as functional feed additives, can impart disease
cumulative survival of Pacific white shrimp and tiger protective properties to farmed aquatic animals via several
shrimp (Penaeus monodon, Fabricius, 1798) after being modes of action. The pH modulating and antimicrobial
intramuscularly challenged with V. harveyi (Ng et al. 2015; properties of organic acids can inhibit proliferation of
Romano et al. 2015). Moreover, in the Vibrio challenged harmful bacteria while encouraging the growth of beneficial
bacterial in the gastrointestinal tract of aquatic animals The corrosiveness of free organic acids can be reduced or
which in turn can affect the overall health of the animal. avoided by converting them into their natural salts such as
Dietary organic acids and/or their salts have been shown to salts of potassium, sodium and calcium. The efficacy of an
have immunostimulation effects on several species of fish organic acid can be maintained even when part of the free
and shrimp which ultimately lends itself to imparting acid is in its salt form. For example, the commercial potas-
greater disease resistance and recovery from infections. Cer- sium diformate (KDF, Aquaformâ) is a double-salt acidi-
tain organic acids have been reported to stimulate feed fier of formic acid and formate bound to potassium and
intake and improve nutrient utilization giving rise to well- had been tested successfully in the feeds of several aquatic
fed fish and shrimp which are then less prone to stress and animals (Table 3). This product exists as 35.4% formic
pathogen infections. The hepatopancreatic protective prop- acid, 34.6% formate and 30% potassium in granulated
erties of dietary organic acids have also been demonstrated form (Fig. 3). The organic acid salts will also reduce the
in shrimp during bacterial infections. These factors, both pungent smell and loss from vaporization during pelleting
singly or in combinations thereof, will contribute to the and storage of the product compared to its corresponding
reduction and ultimately elimination of the current abuse free acid form.
and misuse of antibiotics in aquaculture. To reduce corrosiveness and increase ease of mixing with
other dietary ingredients, free organic acids can be
adsorbed onto a solid inert carrier. By processing liquid
Strategies to enhance efficacy of organic acids in
organic acids into powder form will also allow them to be
packed, stored and transported more easily. Carrier materi-
The use of organic acids in aquafeeds has three major chal- als are selected based on their ability to ensure high acid
lenges. Most free organic acids are highly corrosive load adsorbed onto the carrier particles. Special carrier
(Table 1), some are easily soluble in water, and organic materials are sometimes used to ensure slow release of free
acids become less effective in an alkaline environment (e.g. organic acids throughout the gut for optimal antimicrobial
in distal gut). The corrosiveness and pungent smell of most efficacy. The scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a
free organic acids requires special handling, storage and commercial organic acids product (BiotronicTM, BIOMIN,
transportation of these compounds. Other than workers’ Getzersdorf, Austria) shows the stacked, latticed, intercon-
safety, free organic acids can also cause corrosive damage to necting pores of the special carrier used to adsorb organic
the aquafeed mill machineries. Leaching of organic acids acids (Fig. 4). This product is being marketed as an organic
from the feed pellets into the surrounding culture water acid product with slow-releasing capabilities. To increase
will be a major issue for aquatic animals. This is especially the efficacy of organic acids, some manufacturers will add
challenging for crustaceans since they do not swallow the inorganic acids such as phosphoric acid to the mix so as to
feed pellets whole but break up and masticate their feed reduce the pH of the product and allow the organic acids
before ingesting. In experimental shrimp pellets, Silva et al. to be in their effective undissociated form further down the
(2013) reported that leaching observed with dietary organic digestive tract. This will add costs to the product as inor-
acid salts was high with Na-acetate exhibiting 100% leach- ganic acids are not inexpensive.
ing within 30 min. As previously mentioned, organic acids To enhance the efficacy of dietary organic acids, a new
are most effective in their undissociated form which enables range of organic acids called coated or microencapsulated
them to passively diffuse into bacterial cells. In the stom- organic acids has been developed. Other than increasing
ach, when the pH value is usually lower than the pKa value ease of use and eliminating corrosiveness, encapsulation
of most organic acids (Table 1), organic acids remain will eliminate leaching of the soluble organic acids. This is
undissociated. However, in the intestinal tract, under more important for aquatic animals, especially for crustaceans
alkaline conditions, some of the organic acids dissociate such as shrimp as they are slow feeders and masticate feed
and therefore lower its antibacterial efficacy. pellets before ingestion. The SEM of a prototype microen-
A schematic illustration summarizing the reported bene- capsulated organic acids product (OrgacidsTM-AQUA, Sun-
fits, effects and mode of action of dietary organic acids in zen Biotech, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia) is shown in
aquatic animals as discussed in the previous sections of this Fig. 5. Protection of the organic acids may also prevent
review is given in Fig. 2. Among other factors, a full under- their interaction with other ingredients in the feed mix dur-
standing of the antibacterial mode of action of organic ing processing. Furthermore, in studies with swine, it had
acids is pivotal in designing strategies to enhance the been reported that lipid microencapsulation enables the
efficacy of organic acids in aquafeeds. Strategies to reduce weak acids to be released gradually along the intestinal tract
the corrosiveness, leaching and dissociation of organic acids and reach far into the hindgut where the highest abundance
should be considered when these feed additives are used in of bacterial populations is located (Piva et al. 2007). We
aquafeeds. have also shown that a similar situation may exist when
Passive diffusion
Dissociates Cytoplasm with pH ≈ 7
R O- H+ H+
R O-
↓ harmful bacteria H+ ↓↓↓ pH
C Bacteria
↑ enzyme activity R O-
↑ mineral solubility
Interrupts enzymes activity and DNA replication
H+ H+
↑ epithelial cell proliferation
↑ nutrient absorption/ digestibility
↑ mineral availability
↑ beneficial microbiota
FECES: ↓ colonization of harmful bacteria
↓ phosphorus load ↑ gut health
↓ microbiota load
↓ risk of cross infection
↑ water quality
Figure 2 Mode of action of organic acids against microorganisms. The undissociated organic acids traverse across the cell wall of bacteria via pas-
sive diffusion and dissociate inside the cytoplasm, causing the cytoplasmic pH to decrease. Eventually, the cell enzymes and nutrient transport systems
are suppressed resulting in irreversible damage to the microbial cell, often causing death.
used in the feeds for tilapia (Teoh et al. 2013) and the pro- Other than blending several different organic acids/salts
totype microencapsulated OAB was successfully field tested together to increase efficacy as previously described,
in a large commercial tilapia farm (unpublished data). So another trend in acidifier strategies is to combine organic
far, the effect of coated or microencapsulated organic acids acids with other feed additives for potential synergistic
has been reported in several aquatic animals, including sea effects. In a study with rohu, additions of 30 g kg1 citric
bream (Robles et al. 2013), common carp (Liu et al. 2014) acid and microbial phytase (500 FTU kg1) in low protein
and penaeid shrimps (Ng et al. 2015; Romano et al. 2015). diets were found to have synergistic effect on growth per-
Further research is needed to better understand the benefi- formance, nutrient utilization (Baruah et al. 2007b), bone
cial effects of coated/protected organic acids versus mineralization (Baruah et al. 2005) and mineral bioavail-
uncoated versions in terms of transporting undissociated ability (Baruah et al. 2007a). Zhu et al. (2014) reported
dietary organic acids further along the digestive tract of that the addition of organic acid (2 or 4 g kg1) to plant
various aquatic animals. The encapsulation process is usu- protein-based diets tended to improved growth perfor-
ally a closely guarded secret by the manufacturers as it mance and significantly enhanced antioxidant capacity of
entails very specific technical knowledge in ensuring the juvenile yellow catfish. However, when organic acid was
fine particle size of the microcapsules (Fig. 5) and that the used in combination with phytase (1000 FTU kg1), no
coating material used can be slowly degraded by the aquatic synergistic effect on growth performance was observed and
animal species to allow slow release of the active organic acids the addition of 4 g kg1 organic acid resulted in a signifi-
to their target site in the gastrointestinal tract. cant increase in oxidative stress parameters on the juvenile
Figure 3 Scanning electron micrograph of potassium diformate gran- Figure 5 Scanning electron micrograph showing the fine spherical
ules of a commercial organic acid salt product (Aquaformâ, ADDCON, microcapsules of a prototype microencapsulated organic acids blend
Bonn, Germany). Bars = 100 lm. (OrgacidsTM-AQUA, Sunzen Biotech). This product is targeting the
shrimp feeds market as it prevents leaching of organic acids.
Bars = 3 lm.
yellow catfish. Sugiura et al. (2001) noted that the addition
of 50 g kg1 citric acid to high ash diets (12.3%) contain-
ing both herring fish meal and soya bean meal as main pro- functional feed additives, recent trends indicate that
tein source decreased the activity of phytase, whereas organic acids manufacturers are combining organic acids
organic acid markedly increased the effect of the enzyme with additives such as essential oils, enzymes and plant/her-
with respect to both phytate-P and mineral availability bal extracts for potentially stronger antimicrobial and
when added in low ash diets (6.7%) containing soya bean health-promoting effects on aquatic animals. More research
meal as the sole protein source. It was reported that white is needed to provide a stronger scientific foundation for
shrimp fed diets with a combination of formic acid and such strategies in enhancing the effectiveness of dietary
astaxanthin was no better than using singly or in combina- organic acids in the feeds of aquatic animals.
tion in terms of preventing V. parahemolyticus infections
(Chuchird et al. 2015). Despite the contradictory reports to Conclusion and perspectives
date on the synergistic effects of organic acids and other
There is currently great interest in the commercial use of
organic acids in aquafeeds, to enhance both growth perfor-
mance and control disease. As evident from research
reviewed, many studies have reported that organic acids,
their salts or mixtures thereof can improve growth, feed uti-
lization, gut health and disease resistance in aquatic ani-
mals. Nevertheless, despite the reported improvement in
nutrient availability of organic acid-supplemented diets in
most studies, contradictory results have been reported for
the growth-promoting effects, which seem to depend on the
aquatic animal species and/or type and dosage of organic
acids tested. The reduction in P and N excretion due to
improved mineral utilization as a result of diet acidification
will greatly promote the formulation of more environmen-
tally friendly aquafeeds. The reduction in the microbial load
of excreted faecal matter from farmed fish fed organic acid-
supplemented feeds will benefit the farming of fish in water
Figure 4 Scanning electron micrograph showing the stacked, latticed,
interconnecting pores of the special carrier used to adsorb organic acids
reservoirs and closed recirculating water culture systems.
used in the production of an organic acids blend (BiotronicTM, BIOMIN). Increasingly, scientific evidence is being accumulated as to
This product is marketed as an organic acid product with slow-releasing the positive effects of dietary organic acids on the health of
capabilities. Bars = 30 lm. farmed fish and shrimp, imparting to them increased resis-
tance to pathogenic diseases that is commonly encountered feed additive that will cost more than USD20.00 per metric
in most modern aquaculture nowadays. However, unlike ton feed unless the shrimp farmer insists and willing to pay
terrestrial livestock where a limited number of improved a premium price for the feed (Guerin, pers. comm.). Cur-
strains are currently being farmed, aquaculture constitutes a rently, organic acids are recommended to be added at 1.5–
multitude of combinations of farmed species, feeding prac- 5.0 kg per metric ton of aquafeed by various feed additives
tices and culture systems. This means that research results companies. The economic window for the incorporation of
on the success or failure in the use of organic acids in one organic acids in aquafeeds is therefore narrow. Convincing
study might not be applicable to other species of aquatic farmers and aquafeed manufacturers as to the actual bene-
animals cultured under different conditions. Based on fits of organic acid supplementation is crucial and this can
research conducted so far, organic acids appear to be a only be done through scientifically proven laboratory- and
promising candidate to replace AGP in aquaculture. More field-based research data.
research is needed to fully understand the mechanism of Through decades of research and development, the use
action of dietary organic acids on the growth- and health- of dietary organic acids in the feeds and drinking water of
promoting benefits to cultured aquatic animals for the con- terrestrial livestock such as swine and poultry is now con-
tinued and sustained growth of the global aquaculture sidered standard animal husbandry management practice.
industry. It is hoped that this comprehensive review will The efficacy and cost-effectiveness of dietary organic acids
help researchers conduct more focussed studies in address- to livestock farmers are well established. Due to the sheer
ing the current gaps in knowledge as highlighted through- number of aquatic animal species being farmed and under
out the various sections of this review. It is also hoped that various culture conditions, the path to establishing dietary
this review will provide some guidance to aquafeed manu- organic acids as part of a standard disease management
facturers in formulating effective functional feeds by using programme in any aquaculture farm is anticipated to be a
the right type and dosage of organic acids for each farmed long one but crucial. It is hoped that this review will con-
aquatic animal species. tribute towards this endeavour.
It is anticipated that the use of dietary organic acids as
functional feed additives in aquafeeds will increase mark-
edly in the foreseeable future. The continuous expansion of
the global aquaculture industry constitutes a sizable market The research grants awarded by various Malaysian funding
potential. The intensification of aquaculture systems cou- institutions that allowed our foray into organic acids
pled with global warming is likely to increase the incidence research in aquaculture are acknowledged. These include
of disease outbreaks. For example, the recent outbreak of the Technofund Project (TF310M172) from the Ministry of
AHPNS/EMS that has been traced to Vibrio bacteria as the Science, Technology and Innovation, the Knowledge Trans-
causative agent has decimated many shrimp farms around fer Program by the Ministry of Higher Education and a
the world with farmers suffering huge economic losses. The Research University grant (1001/PBIOLOGI/815031) from
increasingly compelling evidence linking the development Universiti Sains Malaysia. The postdoctoral fellowship pro-
of antibiotic resistance genes in bacteria of aquatic origins vided by USAINS Holding Ltd (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
to animal and human pathogens (Miranda & Zemelman through a research grant from Sunzen Feedtech Pte Ltd to
2002; Cabello 2006; Agersø et al. 2007; Reboucßas et al. the second author is gratefully acknowledged. We thank
2011; Cabello et al. 2013) has already prompted many Drs. C. Luckstadt (ADDCON Group GmbH), P. Encar-
governmental and nongovernmental agencies to issue bans nacao (formerly BIOMIN Singapore Pte Ltd) and PC Kok
and/or restrictions on the use of antibiotics as growth pro- (Sunzen Biotech Ltd) for the potassium diformate, Biotro-
motants in many countries. The issue now is one of educa- nicTM and OrgacidsTM-AQUA samples, respectively.
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nations where a significant amount of aquaculture produc-
tion still comes from small-scale farmers who may be una-
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