Compilation Sept 191
Compilation Sept 191
Compilation Sept 191
ISSUE #1: What is the “grandfather rule” in Ruling: Qualify. Unclassified: no, agricultural land:
determining Filipino control and ownership over yes. Under Sec. 13 of PD 705 or the Revised Forestry
a corporation? When do you apply the Code of the Philippines, the DENR Secretary has been
“grandfather rule”?
delegated by law the discretionary power to classify
RULING: Grandfather Rule is "the method by which as alienable and disposable, forest lands of the public
the percentage of Filipino equity in a corporation domain no longer necessary for forest services. Sec. 3
engaged in nationalized and/or partly nationalized Art XII of the Consti states that “alienable lands of the
areas of activities, provided for under the public domain shall be limited to agricultural lands”.
Constitution and other nationalization laws is Thus, the unclassified lands of the public domain, not
computed, in cases where corporate shareholders are
needed for forest reserve purposes, must first be
present, by attributing the nationality of the second
or even subsequent tier of ownership to determine declared agricultural lands of the public domain
the nationality of the corporate shareholder." Thus, before the Secretary can declare them alienable and
to arrive at the actual Filipino ownership and control disposable. Under the mentioned Sec 13 of PD 705,
in a corporation, both the direct and indirect the Secretary has no discretionary power to classify
shareholdings in the corporation are determined. unclassified lands of the public domain not needed
for forest reserve purposes, into agricultural lands.
The "Grandfather Rule" is applied specifically in cases
Once so declared as agricultural lands of the public
where the corporation has corporate stockholders
with alien stockholdings, otherwise, if the rule is not domain, the DENR secretary can then invoke his
applied, the presence of such corporate stockholders delegated power under Sec. 13 PD 705 to declare
could diminish the effective control of Filipinos. It is such agricultural lands as alienable and disposable
only when the Control Test is first complied with that lands of the public domain.
the Grandfather Rule may be applied. Moreover, a
resort to the Grandfather Rule is necessary if there is Republic vs. Cabrera, G.R. No. 218418, Nov. 8,
doubt, based on the attendant facts and 2017
circumstances of the case, in the 60/40 Filipino
equity ownership in the corporation. Issue: In reversion proceedings, who bears the
burden of proving that the property in question
was inalienable at the time it was decreed?
ISSUE #2: Does the application of the
“grandfather rule” eschew the control test? Ruling: Reversion proceeding is the manner through
which the State seeks to revert land to the mass of the
RULING: No, it does not. The Court did not foreclose public domain; it is proper when public land is
the application of the Control Test in determining fraudulently awarded and disposed of in favor of
which corporations may be considered as Philippine private individuals or corporations, or when a person
nationals. Instead, the used of the Grandfather Rule is obtains a title under the Public Land Act which
a "supplement" to the Control Test so that the intent includes, by oversight, lands which cannot be
underlying the averted Sec. 2, Art. XII of the registered under the Torrens system as they form
Constitution be given effect. The Control Test and the part of the public domain. Owing to the nature of
Grandfather Rule are not incompatible ownership- reversion proceedings and the outcome which a
determinant methods that can only be applied favorable decision therein entails, the State bears the
alternative to each other. These methods can, if burden to prove that the land previously decreed or
appropriate, be used cumulatively in the adjudicated in favor of the defendant constitutes land
determination of the ownership and control of which cannot be owned by private individuals.
corporations engaged in fully or partly nationalized
Republic v .Alaminos resources did not apply to a mining claim or
GR No 189723 July 11, 2018 patent existing prior to November 15, 1935.
Issue: In land registration proceedings who has a Even without a patent, the possessory right of a
burden of proving that a piece of land is qualified locator after discovery of minerals
inalienable, indisposable, hence incapable of upon the claim is a property right in the fullest
registration? sense, unaffected by the fact that the paramount
Ruling: title to the land is in the Government, and it is
The burden of proving that the land is capable of transfer by conveyance, inheritance,
alienable and disposable is the person applying for or devise. we must conclude that, inasmuch as
registration. (Dilijd kayo super responsive ang ruling the petitioner had located, held and perfected his
sa issue ni sir but maonisiya.)
location of the mineral lands inquestion, and had
The Regalian Doctrine, embodied in our Constitution, actually discovered petroleum oil therein, he had
decrees that all lands of the public domain belong to acquired a property right in said claims; that said
the State, the source of any asserted right to any Act No. 2932, which deprives him of such right,
ownership of land. Corollary to the doctrine, lands
not appearing to be clearly within private ownership without due process of law, is in conflict with
are presumed to belong to the State. Hence, while a section 3 of the Jones Law, and is therefore
burden of proof in registration proceedings exists, it unconstitutional and void.
is this: that of overcoming the presumption of State
ownership of lands of the public domain. Logically, Lim vs. Gamosa, G.R. No. 193964, Dec 2, 2015
such burden lies on the person applying for
registration. Issue: What proof is required in asserting the
right of ancestral property?
In order to overcome the presumption of
State ownership of public dominion lands, the
Ruling: The right of ancestral property requires
applicant must present incontrovertible evidence
that the land subject of the application is alienable or historical proof which, of course, must proceed
disposable. The CENRO certification is no such from allegations in the petition. As noted in the
evidence. separate opinion of former Chief Justice Reynato
S. Puno in Cruz v. Sec of Environment & Natural
Yinlu Bicol Mining Corp. vs Trans-Asia Oil & Resources, the IPRA grants to ICCs/IPs rights
EDC, GR no. 207942, Jan 12, 2015 over ancestral domains and ancestral lands
where land is the central element of the IPs’
Issue: are rights pertaining to mining patents existence.
issued pursuant to the Phlippine Bill of 1902
and existing prior to November 15, 1935, Issue: Were the Tagbanuas able to establish
vested rights that cannot be impaired? this requisite proof?
Ruling: Yes. Under the 1935 Constitution, which Ruling: No. Respondents made no allegation
took effect on November 15 1935, the alienation outlining and tracing the history of their
of natural resources, with the exception of public indigenous ownership of domain and land. It is
agricultural land, was expressly prohibited. The also significant to note that respondents do not
natural resources being referred therein identify themselves with other Tagbanuas who
included mineral lands of public domain, but not have been awarded a Certificate of Ancestral
mineral lands that at the time the 1935 Domain Claim as of 1998. Palpably, in the factual
Constitution took effect no longer formed part of milieu obtaining herein, the NCIP does not have
the public domain. Consequently, such ipso facto jurisdiction over the petition of
prohibition against the alienation of natural respondents just by the mere expedient that
their petition involves rights of ICCs/IPs. Section cultural welfare. It shall include ancestral lands,
66 of the IPRA, even as it grants jurisdiction to forests, pasture, residential, agricultural, and other
the NCIP over all claims and disputes involving lands individually owned whether alienable and
rights of ICCs/IPs, requires that the opposing disposable or otherwise, hunting grounds, burial
grounds, worship areas, bodies of water, mineral and
parties are both ICCs/IPs who have exhausted all
other natural resources, and lands which may no
their remedies under their customs and
longer be exclusively occupied by ICCs/IPs but from
customary law before bringing their claim and which they traditionally had access to for their
dispute to the NCIP. subsistence and traditional activities, particularly the
home ranges of ICCs/IPs who are still nomadic
Begnaen vs. Caligtan, G.R. No. 189852, Aug. 17,
and/or shifting cultivators;
b) Ancestral Lands - Subject to Section 56 hereof,
Issue: Did the land [owned since time
immemorial ] cease to become an ancestral land refers to lands occupied, possessed and utilized by
upon purchased by respondents? individuals, families and clans who are members of
the /CCs/IPs since time immemorial, by themselves
Ruling: No. As defined, "ancestral lands are lands or through their predecessors-in-interest, under
occupied, possessed and utilized by individuals, claims of individual or traditional group ownership,
families and clans who are members of the ICCs/IPs continuously, to the present except when interrupted
since time immemorial, by themselves or through by war, force majeure or displacement by force,
their predecessors-in-interest, under claims of deceit, stealth, or as a consequence of government
individual or traditional group ownership, projects and other voluntary dealings entered into by
continuously, to the present xxx." Thus, the claim of government and private individuals/corporations,
petitioner that when land is purchased, it is no longer including, but not limited to, residential lots, rice
within the ambit of ancestral land/domain, is devoid terraces or paddies, private forests,• swidden farms
of merit. Furthermore, when questioned, both parties and tree lots.
admitted that the land subject of their dispute and of
the case, was ancestral land. SECTION 56. Existing Property Rights Regimes. -
Property rights within the ancestral domains already
Note:FYI definition of ancestral land: existing and/or vested upon effectivity of this Act,
shall be recognized and respected.
Section 3(a) and (b) and Section 56 of R.A. 8371
provide for a more comprehensive definition of Drugstores Association vs NCDA GR 194561 Sept.
ancestral domains and ancestral lands: SECTION 3. 14, 2016
Definition of Terms. - For purposes of this Act, the
following terms shall mean: a) Ancestral Domains - Issue: For failing to provide just compensation to
Subject to Section 56 hereof, refers to all areas petitioners and other similarly situated
generally belonging to ICCs/IPs comprising lands, drugstores, is the mandated PWD an invalid
inland waters, coastal areas, and natural resources exercise of the power of eminent domain?
therein, held under a claim of ownership, occupied or
Ruling: No. The court ruled that it is a valid exercise
possessed by ICCs/IPs, by themselves or through
of police power, as in the case of Carlos Superdrug v.
their ancestors, communally or individually since
DSWD. Police power is the power of the state to
time immemorial, continuously to the present except
promote public welfare by restraining and regulating
when interrupted by war, force majeure or
the use of liberty and property. On the other hand,
displacement by force, deceit, stealth or as a
the power of eminent domain is the inherent right of
consequence of government projects or any other
the state (and of those entities to which the power
voluntary dealings entered into by government and
has been lawfully delegated) to condemn private
private individuals/corporations, and which are
property to public use upon payment of just
necessary to ensure their economic, social and
compensation. In the exercise of police power,
property rights of private individuals are subjected to collective organizations, shall have the right to own,
restraints and burdens in order to secure the general establish, and operate economic enterprises, subject
comfort, health, and prosperity of the state. A to the duty of the State to promote distributive justice
legislative act based on the police power requires the and to intervene when the common good so
concurrence of a lawful subject and a lawful method. demands.
In more familiar words, (a) the interests of the public
generally, as distinguished from those of a particular ARTICLE XIII
class, should justify the interference of the state; and SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS
(b) the means employed are reasonably necessary for
the accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly Section 11. The State shall adopt an integrated and
oppressive upon individuals. comprehensive approach to health development
which shall endeavor to make essential goods, health
It has a valid subject considering that the concept of and other social services available to all the people at
public use is no longer confined to the traditional affordable cost. There shall be priority for the needs
notion of use by the public, but held synonymous with of the underprivileged, sick, elderly, disabled, women,
public interest, public benefit, public welfare, and and children. The State shall endeavor to provide free
public convenience. As in the case of senior citizens, medical care to paupers.
the discount privilege to which the PWDs are entitled
is actually a benefit enjoyed by the general public to Ang vs. So, G.R. No. 182252, Aug, 3, 2016
which these citizens belong. The means employed in
invoking the active participation of the private sector, Issue: Is the transfer and registration of land by a
in order to achieve the purpose or objective of the Chinese in the favor of a Filipino ward, valid and
law, is reasonably and directly related. Also, the constitutional?
means employed to provide a fair, just and quality Ruling: No. Our Constitution clearly reserves for
health care to PWDs are reasonably related to its Filipino citizens or corporations at least sixty percent
accomplishment, and are not oppressive, considering
of the capital of which is owned by Filipinos the right
that as a form of reimbursement, the discount to acquire lands of the public domain. The
extended to PWDs in the purchase of medicine can be prohibition against aliens owning lands in the
claimed by the establishments as allowable tax Philippines is subject only to limited constitutional
deductions pursuant to Section 32 of R.A. No. 9442 as exceptions, and not even an implied trust can be
implemented in Section 4 of DOF Revenue
permitted on equity considerations.
Regulations No. 1-2009. Otherwise stated, the
discount reduces taxable income upon which the tax Much as We sympathize with the plight of a mother
liability of the establishments is computed. who adopted an infant son, only to have her
ungrateful ward eject her from her property during
her twilight years, We cannot grant her prayer.
Issue: Does the priority given to PWDs under RA Applying the above rules to the present case, We find
7277 have constitutional basis? that she acquired the subject parcels of land in
violation of the constitutional prohibition against
Ruling: Yes. aliens owning real property in the Philippines.
Axiomatically, the properties in question cannot be
ARTICLE XII legally reconveyed to one who had no right to own
NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY them in the first place. This being the case, We no
longer find it necessary to pass upon the question of
Section 6. The use of property bears a social function, respondent SySo's substitution in these proceedings
and all economic agents shall contribute to the
common good. Individuals and private groups,
including corporations, cooperatives, and similar
Ang vs. So, G.R. No. 182252, Aug, 3, 2016 Issue: Is Pari Delicto Doctrine applicable in this
Issue: Can the property be subject to escheat
proceedings by the State? Ruling:
No. The application of the doctrine of in pari
Ruling: Yes. The Solicitor Generalmay initiate an delicto is not always rigid. An accepted exception
action for reversion or escheat of the land to the arises when its application contravenes well-
established public policy. In this jurisdiction, public
State. In sales of real estate to aliens incapable of
policy has been defined as that principle of the law
holding title thereto by virtue of the provisions of which holds that no subject or citizen can lawfully do
the Constitution, both the vendor and the vendee that which has a tendency to be injurious to the
are deemed to have committed the constitutional public or against the public good. Thus, whenever
violation. Being in pari delicto the courts will not public policy is advanced by either party, they may be
allowed to sue for relief against the transaction.
afford protection to either party. The proper party
who could assail the sale is the Solicitor General. In the present case, both Grilli and Fullido were
undoubtedly parties to a void contract. Fullido,
Fullido v. Grilli however, was not barred from filing the present
GR No 215014, Feb 29, 2016 petition before the Court because the matters at hand
involved an issue of public policy, specifically the
Issue: Did the lease contract and the MOA in favor Constitutional prohibition against land ownership by
of a foreigner circumvent the constitutional aliens. As pronounced in Philippine Banking
restraint against foreign ownership of lands? Corporation v. Lui She, the said constitutional
provision would be defeated and its continued
Ruling: violation sanctioned if the lands continue to remain
Yes. The prohibition on the transfer of lands in the hands of a foreigner. Thus, the doctrine of in
to aliens was adopted in the present 1987 pari delicto shall not be applicable in this case.
Constitution, under Sections 2, 3 and 7 of Article XII
thereof. Agricultural lands, whether public or private, Encarnacion vs. Johnson, G.R. No. 192285,
include residential, commercial and industrial lands.
The purpose of prohibiting the transfer of lands to July 11, 2018
foreigners is to uphold the conservation of our
national patrimony and ensure that agricultural Issue: Man an alien own private lands by
resources remain in the hands of Filipino citizens.The virtue of an execution sale?
prohibition, however, is not limited to the sale of
lands to foreigners. It also covers leases of lands Ruling: No. An Alien cannot acquire land through
amounting to the transfer of all or substantially all participating in a public auction sale. While
the rights of dominion.
mindful of the ruling that the petitioners in this
The dominion of Grilli (the foreigner) over case cannot file a petition for annulment of
the land had been firmly cemented by the terms of judgment; we nevertheless cannot turn a blind
the MOA as it reinforced Grilli’s property rights over eye to the blatant violation of the Constitution’s
the land because, first, it brazenly dictated that
prohibition on foreign ownership of lands. The
ownership of the land and the residential building
resided with him. Second, Fullido was expressly fundamental law is clear that aliens, whether
prohibited from transferring the same without Grilli’s individuals or corporations are disqualified from
conformity. Third, Grilli would permanently reside in acquiring lands of public domain. The rule is
the residential building. Fourth, Grilli may
clear and inflexible: aliens are absolutely not
capriciously dispose Fullido’s property once their
common-law relationship is terminated. This right allowed to acquire public or private lands in the
was recently exercised when the land was Philippines, save only in constitutionally
transferred to Guibone. Lastly, Fullido shall be recognized exceptions.
compelled to transfer the land to Grilli if a law would
be passed allowing foreigners to own real properties In this case, it is undisputed that respondent is a
in the Philippines.
Canadian citizen. Being, an alien, he is absolutely
prohibited from participating in execution sale, ownership in the total number of outstanding
which has for its objects, the transfer of shares of stock, whether voting or not. The SEC
ownership and title of property to the highest formulated SEC-MC No. 8 to adhere to the Court's
bidder. What cannot be legally done directly unambiguous pronouncement that "[f]ull
cannot be done indirectly. beneficial ownership of 60 percent of the
outstanding capital stock, coupled with 60
Roy vs. Gamboa, G.R. 207246, Nov 22, 2016
percent of the voting rights is required." Clearly,
Issue: Did the SEC commit grave abuse of SEC-MC No. 8 cannot be said to have been issued
discretion amounting to lack or excess of with grave abuse of discretion.
jurisdiction when it issued SEC MC No. 8?
Issue: Must the 60% Filipino equity
Ruling: No. The Court holds that, even if the requirement be applied to each class of
resolution of the procedural issues were shares?
conceded in favor of petitioners, the petitions,
Ruling: No. In the exhaustive review made by the
being anchored on Rule 65, must nonetheless fail
Court in the Gamboa Resolution of the
because the SEC did not commit grave abuse of
deliberations of the Constitutional Commission,
discretion amounting to lack or excess of
the opinions of the framers of the 1987
jurisdiction when it issued SECMC No. 8. To the
Constitution, the opinions of the SEC and the DOJ
contrary, the Court finds SEC-MC No. 8 to have
as well as the provisions of the FIA, its
been issued in fealty to the Gamboa Decision and
implementing rules and its predecessor statutes,
Resolution. To recall, the sole issue in the
the intention to apply the voting control test and
Gamboa case was: "whether the term 'capital' in
the beneficial ownership test was not mentioned
Section 11, Article XII of the Constitution refers
in reference to "each class of shares." To be sure,
to the total common shares only or to the total
the application of the 60-40 Filipino-foreign
outstanding capital stock (combined total of
ownership requirement separately to each class
common and non-voting preferred shares) of
of shares, whether common, preferred non-
PLDT, a public utility." The Court directly
voting, preferred voting or any other class of
answered the issue and consistently defined the
shares fails to understand and appreciate the
term "capital" as follows: x x x
nature and features of stocks as financial
The term "capital" in Section 11, Article instruments. Nowhere in the discussion of the
XII of the Constitution refers only to definition of the term "capital" in Section 11,
shares of stock entitled to vote in the Article XII of the 1987 Constitution in the
election of directors, and thus in the Gamboa Decision did the Court mention the 60%
present case only to common shares, and Filipino equity requirement to be applied to each
not to the total outstanding capital stock class of shares. The definition of "Philippine
comprising both common and nonvoting national" in the FIA and expounded in its IRR,
preferred shares. which the Court adopted in its interpretation of
the term "capital", does not support such
Section 2 of SEC-MC No. 8 clearly incorporates application. To revisit or even clarify the
the Voting Control Test or the controlling unequivocal definition of the term "capital" as
interest requirement. In fact, Section 2 goes referring "only to shares of stock entitled to
beyond requiring a 60-40 ratio in favor of vote in the election of directors" and apply the
Filipino nationals in the voting stocks; it 60% Filipino ownership requirement to each
moreover requires the 60-40 percentage class of share is effectively and unwarrantedly
amending or changing the Gamboa Decision and President be a signatory to SC-46, and that Congress
Resolution. The Gamboa Decision and Resolution be notified of such contract, renders it null and void.
Doctrine did NOT make any definitive ruling that
Paragraph 4, Section 2, Article XII of the 1987
the 60% Filipino ownership requirement was Constitution requires that the President himself enter
intended to apply to each class of share. into any service contract for the exploration of
petroleum. SC-46 appeared to have been entered into
and signed only by the DOE through its then
Resident Marine Mammals vs. Reyes, G.R. No. Secretary, Vicente S. Perez, Jr., contrary to the said
180771, Apr. 21, 2015 constitutional requirement. Moreover, public
respondents have neither shown nor alleged that
Issue: Is Service Contract No. 46 (SC-46), which Congress was subsequently notified of the execution
allowed the exploration, development, and of such contract.
exploitation of petroleum resources within Tañon
Strait, valid and constitutional? Public respondents' implied argument that based on
the "alter ego principle," their acts are also that of
Ruling: No, SC-46 is indeed null and void for
then President Macapagal-Arroyo's, cannot apply in
noncompliance with the requirements of the 1987
this case. While the requirements in executing service
Constitution. In La Bugal case, we held that the
contracts in paragraph 4, Section 2 of Article XII of
deletion of the words "service contracts" in the 1987
the 1987 Constitution seem like mere formalities,
Constitution did not amount to a ban on them per se.
they, in reality, take on a much bigger role. As we
The following are the safeguards this Court have explained in La Bugal, they are the safeguards
enumerated in La Bugal: put in place by the framers of the Constitution to
Such service contracts may be entered into only with "eliminate or minimize the abuses prevalent during
respect to minerals, petroleum and other mineral the martial law regime." Thus, they are not just mere
oils. The grant thereof is subject to several
formalities, which will only render a contract
safeguards, among which are these requirements:
unenforceable but not void, if not complied with.
(1) The service contract shall be crafted in They are requirements placed, not just in an ordinary
accordance with a general law that will set standard statute, but in the fundamental law, the non-
or uniform terms, conditions and requirements, observance of which will nullify the contract.
presumably to attain a certain uniformity in
provisions and avoid the possible insertion of terms Our Constitution requires that the President himself
disadvantageous to the country. be the signatory of service agreements with foreign-
owned corporations involving the exploration,
(2) The President shall be the signatory for the development, and utilization of our minerals,
government because, supposedly before an
petroleum, and other mineral oils. This power cannot
agreement is presented to the President for
signature, it will have been vetted several times over be taken lightly.
at different levels to ensure that it conforms to law
and can withstand public scrutiny. In this case, the public respondents have failed to
show that the President had any participation in SC-
(3) Within thirty days of the executed agreement, the 46. Their argument that their acts are actually the
President shall report it to Congress to give that acts of then President Macapagal-Arroyo, absent
branch of government an opportunity to look over proof of her disapproval, must fail as the requirement
the agreement and interpose timely objections, if any that the President herself enter into these kinds of
contracts is embodied not just in any ordinary
While the Court finds that Presidential Decree No. 87 statute, but in the Constitution itself. These service
is sufficient to satisfy the requirement of a general contracts involving the exploitation, development,
law, the absence of the two other conditions, that the and utilization of our natural resources are of
paramount interest to the present and future
generations. Hence, safeguards were put in place to and fauna, and other natural resources are owned by the
insure that the guidelines set by law are meticulously State. With the exception of agricultural lands, all other
observed and likewise to eradicate the corruption natural resources shall not be alienated. The exploration,
development, and utilization of natural resources shall be
that may easily penetrate departments and agencies
under the full control and supervision of the State. The
by ensuring that the President has authorized or
State may directly undertake such activities, or it may
approved of these service contracts herself.
enter into co production, joint venture or production
sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or corporations
It must be shown that the government agency or
or associations at least sixty per centum of whose capital is
subordinate official has been authorized by the
owned by such citizens. Such agreements may be for a
President to enter into such service contract for the period not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not
government. Otherwise, it should be at least shown more than twenty-five years, and under such terms and
that the President subsequently approved of such conditions as may be provided by law.
contract explicitly. None of these circumstances is
evident in the case at bar. xxx
Ruling: No. The grandfather rule provides that Petitioners McArthur, Tesoro and Narra are not
shares belonging to corporations or partnerships Filipino since MBMI, a 100% Canadian
at least 60% of the capital of which is owned by corporation, owns 60% or more of their equity
Filipino citizens shall be considered as of interests. Such conclusion is derived from
Philippine nationality, but if the percentage of grandfathering petitioners’ corporate owners,
Filipino ownership in the corporation or namely: MMI, SMMI and PLMDC. Going further
partnership is less than 60%, only the number of and adding to the picture, MBMI’s Summary of
shares corresponding to such percentage shall be Significant Accounting Policies statement– –
counted as of Philippine nationality. Thus, if regarding the "joint venture" agreements that it
100,000 shares are registered in the name of a entered into with the "Olympic" and "Alpha"
corporation or partnership at least 60% of the groups––involves SMMI, Tesoro, PLMDC and
capital stock or capital, respectively, of which Narra. Noticeably, the ownership of the "layered"
belong to Filipino citizens, all of the shares shall corporations boils down to MBMI, Olympic or
be recorded as owned by Filipinos. But if less corporations under the "Alpha" group wherein
than 60%, or say, 50% of the capital stock or MBMI has joint venture agreements with,
capital of the corporation or partnership, practically exercising majority control over the
respectively, belongs to Filipino citizens, only corporations mentioned. In effect, whether
50,000 shares shall be recorded as belonging to looking at the capital structure or the underlying
aliens. relationships between and among the
Art. XII, Sec. 2 of the Constitution provides:
corporations, petitioners are NOT Filipino
nationals and must be considered foreign since
Sec. 2. All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, 60% or more of their capital stocks or equity
coal, petroleum and other mineral oils, all forces of
interests are owned by MBMI.
potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora
NPC, the holder of water permit. Such was
thesituation of hydropower projects under the BOT
IDEALS vs. PSALM, G.R. No. 192088, Oct. 9, 2012
contractual arrangementswhereby foreign investors
Issue: Did the sale of AHEPP and its water are allowed to finance or undertake constructionand
rights to a foreign corporation pursuant to the rehabilitation of infrastructure projects and/or own
privatization mandated by the EPIRA violate and operate thefacility constructed. However, in
the 1987 Constitution? case the facility requires a public utilityfranchise, the
facility operator must be a Filipino corporation or at
Ruling: No. Foreign ownership of a hydropower least 60%owned by Filipino.
facility is not prohibited underexisting laws. The
construction, rehabilitation and development Republic v. Tan
ofhydropower plants are among those infrastructure GR No 199537 Feb 10, 2016
projects which evenwholly-owned foreign
Issue: What is the Regalian Doctrine?
corporations are allowed to undertake under
theAmended Build-Operate-Transfer (Amended
Ruling: The Regalian Doctrine states that, all
BOT) Law (R.A. No. 7718). Beginning 1987, the policy lands of the public domain belong to the State. It
has been openness to foreign investments asevident is the fountain from which springs any asserted
in the fiscal incentives provided for the restructuring right of ownership over land. Accordingly, the
andprivatization of the power industry in the State owns all lands that are not clearly within
Philippines, under the PowerSector Restructuring private ownership. This has been incorporated
Program (PSRP) of the Asian Development Bank. in all of our Constitutions and repeatedly
embraced in jurisprudence. Under the present
With respect to foreign investors, the nationality Constitution, lands of the public domain are not
issue had beenframed in terms of the character or alienable except for agricultural lands
nature of the power generation processitself,i.e.,
whether the activity amounts to utilization of Issue: Was the property in this case
natural resourceswithin the meaning of Sec. 2, Art. converted into patrimonial property or has it
remained under the operation of the Regalian
XII of the Constitution. If so, then foreigncompanies
cannot engage in hydropower generation business;
but if not,then government may legally allow even Ruling:
foreign-owned companies tooperate hydropower It has remained under the operation of
facilities.The DOJ has consistently regarded the Regalian Doctrine.There must be an express
hydropower generation by foreignentities as not declaration by the State that the public dominion
constitutionally proscribed based on the definition property is no longer intended for public service
of waterappropriation under the Water Code. or the development of the national wealth or that
the property has been converted into
Under the Water Code concept of appropriation, a patrimonial. Without such express
foreign companymay not be said to be declaration, the property, even if classified as
“appropriating” our natural resources if it utilizes alienable or disposable, remains property of
thewaters collected in the dam and converts the the public dominion, pursuant to Article
same into electricity throughartificial devices. Since 420(2), and thus incapable of acquisition by
prescription. It is only when such alienable and
the NPC remains in control of the operation of
disposable lands are expressly declared by the
thedam by virtue of water rights granted to it, as
State to be no longer intended for public service
determined under DOJOpinion No. 122, s. 1998, or for the development of the national wealth
there is no legal impediment to foreign- that the period of acquisitive prescription can
ownedcompanies undertaking the generation of begin to run. Such declaration shall be in the
electric power using watersalready appropriated by form of a law duly enacted by Congress or a
Presidential Proclamation in cases where the Issue: Whether or not the State has
President is duly authorized by law. sufficiently proved that the property is part
of inalienable forestland at the time Espinosa
While a prior declaration that the property has
was granted the cadastral decree and issues a
become alienable and disposable is sufficient in
an application for judicial confirmation of title title?
under Section 14(1) of the PRD, it does not
Ruling: No. The State failed to prove that the
suffice for the purpose of prescription under the
Civil Code. Before prescription can even begin to property was classified as forest land at the time
run against the State, the following conditions of the grant of the cadastral decree and issuance
must concur to convert the subject into of title to Espinosa.In land registration
patrimonial property: proceedings, the applicant has the burden of
overcoming the presumption of State ownership.
1. The subject lot must have been It must establish, through incontrovertible
classified as agricultural land in
evidence, that the land sought to be registered is
compliance with Sections 2 and 3 of
Article XII of the Constitution; alienable or disposable based on a positive act of
the government.Since cadastral proceedings are
2. The land must have been classified as governed by the usual rules of practice,
alienable and disposable; procedure, and evidence, a cadastral decree and
a certificate of title are issued only after the
3. There must be a declaration from a applicant proves all the requisite jurisdictional
competent authority that the subject lot is
facts-that they are entitled to the claimed lot,
no longer intended for public use, thereby
converting it to patrimonial property. that all parties are heard, and that evidence is
considered.31 As such, the cadastral decree is a
Only when these conditions are met can judgment which adjudicates ownership after
applicants begin their public and peaceful proving these jurisdictional facts. Here, it is
possession of the subject lot in the concept of an undisputed that Espinosa was granted a
cadastral decree and was subsequently issued
In the present case, the third condition is absent. OCT No. 191-N, the predecessor title of Caliston's
Even though it has been declared alienable and TCT No. 91117. Having been granted a decree in
disposable, the property has not been withdrawn a cadastral proceeding, Espinosa can be
from public use or public service. Without this, presumed to have overcome the presumption
prescription cannot begin to run because the that the land sought to be registered forms part
property has not yet been converted into of the public domain. 33 This means that
patrimonial property of the State. It remains
Espinosa, as the applicant, was able to prove by
outside the commerce of man and the
respondent’s physical possession and occupation incontrovertible evidence that the property is
thereof do not produce any legal effect. In the alienable and disposable property in the
eyes of the law, the respondent has never cadastral proceedings.
acquired legal possession of the property and
her physical possession thereof, no matter how The State hinges its whole claim on its lone piece
long, can never ripen into ownership. of evidence, the land classification map prepared
in 1986. The records show, however, that LC
Map No. 2978 was not formally offered in
Republic vs. Espinosa G.R. No 186603 April 5,
evidence. Even assuming that the survey can be
admitted in evidence, this will not help to further
the State's cause.1âwphi1This is because the
only fact proved by the map is one already filing of the application for the compulsory
admitted by the State, that is, that the land was registration of the parcels of land and the said
reclassified in 1986.This fact does not address directive from the President, CMU did not
the presumption/conclusion that Espinosa has, present any proof of a positive act of the
at the time of the cadastral proceedings government declaring the said lands alienable
conducted in 1955, proved that the land is and disposable. For lack of proof that the said
alienable and disposable, as evidenced by the land reservations have been reclassified as
decree issued in his favor in 1962. alienable and disposable, the said lands remain
part of inalienable public domain, hence; they
Central Mindanao University vs. Republic,
are not registrable under Torrens system.
G.R. No. 195026, February 22, 2016
Notes: In the case at bar, CMU relies on the Court's ruling
Issue: Was CMU able to establish, through in the De la Rosa case that the directive from the President
incontrovertible evidence, that the land authorizing the Director of Lands to file the necessary
reservations registered in its name are petition for the compulsory registration of the parcels of
land so reserved is the equivalent of the declaration and
alienable and disposable lands of public
certification that the subject land is alienable and
domain? disposable. As such, CMU avows that the subject lots, as
declared alienable and disposable, are properly registered
Ruling: NoUnder the Regalian doctrine, all lands in its name. The lands which can be declared open to
of the public domain belong to the State, and that disposition or concession are those which have been
the State is the source of any asserted right to officially delimited and classified, or when practicable
ownership of land and charged with the surveyed; those not reserved for public or quasi-public
purpose; those not appropriated by the Government; those
conservation of such patrimony. Also, the
which have not become private property in any manner;
doctrine states that all lands not otherwise those which have no private right authorized and
appearing to be clearly within private ownership recognized by C.A. No. or any other valid law may be
are presumed to belong to the State. 46 claimed; or those which have ceased to be reserved or
Consequently, the person applying for appropriated. For the said President's directive to file the
necessary petition for compulsory registration of parcels
registration has the burden of proof to overcome
of land be considered as an equivalent of a declaration that
the presumption of ownership of lands of the the land is alienable and disposable, the subject land,
public domain. To prove that a land is alienable, among others, should not have been reserved for public or
the existence of a positive act of the government, quasi-public purposes. Therefore, the said directive on
such as presidential proclamation or an December 12, 1960 cannot be considered as a declaration
that said land is alienable and disposable. Unlike in De la
executive order; an administrative action;
Rosa, the lands, having been reserved for public purpose
investigation reports of Bureau of Lands by virtue of Proclamation No. 4 76, have not ceased to be
investigators; and a legislative act or a statute so at the time the said directive was made. Hence, the lots
declaring the land as alienable and disposable did not revert to and become public agricultural land for
must be established. 48 Hence, a public land them to be the subject of a declaration by the President
that the same are alienable and disposable.
remains part of the inalienable public domain
unless it is shown to have been reclassified and Republic versus- AFF-RSBS, G.R. No. 180463,
alienated by the State to a private person. . In the Jan. 16, 2013
case at bar, CMU failed to establish, through
incontrovertible evidence, that the land ISSUE:May national parks be increased or
reservations registered in its name are alienable diminished?
and disposable lands of public domain. Aside
RULING: Yes. Under the present Constitution,
from the series of indorsements regarding the national parks are declared part of the public
domain, and shall be conserved and may not be
increased nor diminished, except by law. Under Ruling: The Foreign Investments Act, like all its
Section 83 of CA 141, "the President may predecessor statutes, clearly defines a“Philippine
designate by proclamation any tract or tracts of national” as a Filipino citizen, or a domestic
land of the public domain as reservations for the corporation “atleast sixty percent (60%) of the
use of the Commonwealth of the Philippines or of capital stock outstanding and entitled tovote” is
any of its branches, or of the inhabitants thereof, owned by Filipino citizens. A domestic corporation
is a “Philippinenational” only if at least 60% of its
in accordance with regulations prescribed for
voting stock is owned by Filipinocitizens. This
this purpose, or for quasipublic uses or purposes,
definition of a “Philippine national” is crucial in the
when the public interest requires it….”
presentcase because the FIA reiterates and clarifies
Section 11, Article XII of the1987 Constitution, which
Beumer vs. Amores GR 195672 Dec. 3, 2012 limits the ownership and operation of publicutilities
to Filipino citizens or to corporations or associations
Issue: Can an alien husband seek
at least 60%Filipino-owned
reimbursement for the value of the lands
purchased with his funds and titled in the
name of his Filipina spouse?