Socio-Economic & Political Problems (CSS - PCS.PMS)
Socio-Economic & Political Problems (CSS - PCS.PMS)
Socio-Economic & Political Problems (CSS - PCS.PMS)
Pakistan is resources rich country but due to incompetent Politicians, strong Generals, weak
Judiciary, conservative Ullemas & controlled media. It is facing numerous socio-economic and
political problems. Resultantly, 170 million masses are suffering active poverty, social
restlessness, political chaos and suicidal extremism.
Political Anarchy
Instable democracy
Incompetent political leaders
Frequent military interventions
Recurring judiciary
Absence of accountability
Lack of political education
Media curb
Religious warlords
Year jumped bureaucracy
Egoistical feudal lords
Prophet oriented Industrialist
War hysteria
Distress between centre and provinces
Prepared By: Gohar Yaseen & Syed Nazim Nisar Hussain Page 1 of 4
National Officers Academy, Karachi Essay & Current Affairs
Economic Deprivation
Increased crime rate Huge defense budget
Budget deficit
Low agricultural and Industrial production
High cost of production
Energy crisis
Foreign loans
Discontinuity of reforms
Trade deficit
Low FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)
Brian Drain
Misappropriation of funds
Economic disparity
Consumer market instead of productive market
Negative effect of global business
Global business
China factor
Poor foreign investment
Tax invasion
Absence of micro financing
Corruption in the state institutions
Misappropriation of foreign aid
Social causes
No existence of domestic culture
Outdated education system
Uneducated elders
Modernized youth
Absence of true religious knowledge
No rule of law
Avoidance of true Islamic teachings
Enchanting western culture
Dying of simplicity
Women victimization
Prepared By: Gohar Yaseen & Syed Nazim Nisar Hussain Page 2 of 4
National Officers Academy, Karachi Essay & Current Affairs
Political causes
Colonial mind set of ruling elite
leadership crisis
Army in politics
Weak performance of judiciary
Repressed provinces
Foreign investment
Wasted interest of political leaders
Religious intolerance
Poor accountability
Media censorship
Economic imperialism
Poor participation of women in state affairs
Us influence
Role of agencies
Economic causes
Inconsistent economic policies
Lack of political will
Unfriendly environment for local & foreign investment
Energy crisis
Ignorance of business ethics
Illiterate entrepreneurs
Poor tax collection
Outdated education
Non-merit appointments
Terrorist activities
Poor Industrial & Agricultural production
Economic Cures
Business friendly tax programs
Consistency of economic policies
Maximum possible incentives to local & foreign investors
Construction of dams
Exploring natural resources
Equal distribution of Income
Strict accountability on fun utilization
Technical and research based education, more budget for education
Search for new markets
Seeking peace to lower down defense budget
“Pakistan is surrounded by internal & external threats of gigantic magnitudes need is for
restoring the confidence of people who have potential to achieve all the colors of rainbow”
Prepared By: Gohar Yaseen & Syed Nazim Nisar Hussain Page 4 of 4