D 2791 - 93 R01 - Rdi3ote
D 2791 - 93 R01 - Rdi3ote
D 2791 - 93 R01 - Rdi3ote
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
conforming to Specification D 1193, Type I. In addition, the dirty part of the system. Under no circumstances should the
sodium or potassium content shall not exceed 10 µg/L (10 ppb) acid enter the measuring instrument.
or 1 % of the lowest concentration to be determined, whichever 7.5 Adjust the sample flow in accordance with the manu-
is lower. facturer’s recommendation.
5.2.1 Single-distilled water passed through a mixed bed 7.6 Where speed of response is not critical, sequential
deionizing unit composed of strong cation and anion resins can sampling of multiple streams may be effected with 3-way
produce an effluent containing less than 1.0 µg/L (1.0 ppb) of solenoid valves for sample selection. The 3-way valves allow
sodium. If such water is stored in a closed alkali metal-free samples not being measured to continue flowing (to drain) and
container, such as one made of polyethylene, TFE- to be current when they are selected. Automatic selection
fluorocarbon, or stainless steel, subsequent increases in con- should include an adjustable timing device for typical sampling
ductivity, usually due to absorption of carbon dioxide, will not times near 10 min per point.
invalidate its use for this purpose.
6. Hazards
6.1 Test Method A— pH adjusting reagents are strongly 8. Scope
alkaline and volatile. Use normal eye and skin protection when 8.1 This test method covers the continuous measurement of
handling ammonia, ammonium hydroxide, dimethylamine, sodium in water using a sodium ion electrode.
diisopropylamine, monoethylamine, or morpholine. Extra care
is needed in handling the gas-permeable tubing immersed in 9. Summary of Test Method
liquid reagents used with the passive diffusion reagent delivery
system. Keep reagents in the open wherever possible and take 9.1 Sodium ion electrodes provide consistent logarithmic
necessary precautions to keep them from the respiratory tract in response over many orders of magnitude of concentration
event of a spill or leak. Under certain conditions these reagents using the same principles as pH electrodes but with different
can produce an explosive mixture with air. OSHA standards ion selectivity. The electrode signal has a slope of approxi-
must be followed. mately 59 mV/decade change in sodium ion concentration at
6.2 Test Method B: 25°C (77°F).
6.2.1 Use normal safety precautions in handling hydrogen 9.2 Where electrode selectivity and the sodium concentra-
and oxygen gas. tion and pH of the sample require it, this test method includes
6.2.2 Use extreme care to avoid contact of skin with the provision for the addition of pH adjusting reagent to suppress
extremely hot oxy-hydrogen flame as instant third-degree hydrogen ion concentration and assure accurate electrode
burns would result. response to sodium. The lower limit for accurate measurement
6.2.3 For unattended operation of flame photometer, provide without reagent appears to be about 1 µg/L (1 ppb) in
means to ensure that flame gases are shut off quickly and ammonia-treated power plant samples (4).
automatically if the flame should be extinguished for any 9.3 This test method is particularly adaptable to high purity
reason. water and is relatively free of interferences (1). The overall
operating cost of this system is considerably less than that of
7. Sampling continuous flame photometry, and it is more sensitive than
7.1 Sample the water for continuous sodium ion measure- electrical conductivity.
ments in a flowing stream in accordance with Practice D 1066, 9.4 The repeatability of this test method is 65 % of the
Specification D 1192, and Guide D 3864, as applicable. reading.
7.2 Regulate the pressure of samples within the instrument
manufacturer’s requirements. 10. Interferences
7.3 Regulate the temperature of samples that must be 10.1 The sodium ion electrode, like all potentiometric
condensed, or cooled, or both, to a level between 15 and 40°C electrode measuring systems, is responsive to changes in ion
(59 and 104°F) or within manufacturer’s requirements. For activity and not true concentration changes (that is, the
highest accuracy, bring the sample temperature close to the response is to changes in concentration multiplied by an
temperature of the standards during calibration. activity coefficient). However, as concentrations approach
7.4 When sample system plumbing has been newly in- infinite dilution, activity coefficients approach unity and ion
stalled, or has not been carrying process stream water for some concentration and active ion concentration become very nearly
time, or has been open to the atmosphere, it may take 24 h of equal.
purging to bring the sodium content at the receiving end down 10.2 The activity coefficient of sodium ion will vary with
to the same level as the sample point, especially when the changes in the total ionic strength of the solution. Therefore, it
process stream is less than 1.0 µg/L (1.0 ppb). In the case of is important to maintain either a low or constant ionic strength.
lines that are very dirty or have been subject to biological A constant flow of pH adjusting reagent generally establishes a
fouling, pumping a 25 % solution of nitric acid is effective for consistent ionic strength.
plastic and stainless lines. About 30 line-volumes of acid 10.3 The sodium content of pH adjusting reagent, if deliv-
should be pumped through slowly, followed by the fastest ered directly to the sample, must not be significant compared
practical purge of process water in the amount of 300 volumes. with the lowest concentration being measured. Any air con-
When using an acid-cleaning procedure, confine the acid to the tacting the sample must be sodium-free.
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
10.4 The sodium ion electrode is responsive to certain other the desired slow outward flow of electrolyte, the solution
monovalent cations. Interference by silver, lithium, hydrogen, pressure inside the junction shall be kept somewhat higher than
potassium, ammonium, and other ions must be considered. The that outside the junction.
selectivity to interfering ions varies by electrode manufacturer. 11.4 Temperature Compensation—Use an automatic tem-
In the low-solids water to which this test method applies, silver perature compensator in accordance with the manufacturer’s
and lithium ions are usually absent. Potassium ion, often recommendation.
contributed to the sample by the reference electrode, must be 11.5 Flow Chamber— For best results install the electrodes
carried downstream away from the sodium ion electrode. in a flow chamber and take the measurement on a flowing
Ammonium ion, present in many power plant samples, gener- stream. Use a flow chamber as recommended by the manufac-
ally does not interfere with measurements greater than 1 µg/L turer. If otherwise, design the flow chamber to minimize
(1 ppb). Measurements below 1 µg/L use a stronger base interference from the reference electrode and construct the
reagent that suppresses the ionization of ammonia. chamber of inert materials such as plastic or stainless steel.
10.5 Elevation of pH so that hydrogen ion concentration is 11.5.1 If a plastic is used, cast or machine from a solid
3 to 4 orders of magnitude lower than that for sodium generally block. Gasket electrodes to prevent in-leakage of air. Protection
makes the electrode response independent of variations in of electrodes shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
hydrogen ion concentration. Any of the reagents mentioned is recommendations. Connections to the flow chamber must be
satisfactory to increase the pH to a level such that the electrode solution or earth grounded. No glass or copper is permissible
is essentially insensitive to hydrogen ion, within sodium ranges in flow chamber construction.
specified by the manufacturer. Exceptional electrode selectivity
allows some measurements in ammoniated power plant 12. Reagents and Materials
samples greater than 1 µg/L (1 ppb) sodium without further 12.1 pH Adjusting Reagents:
reagent addition. 12.1.1 Ammonia Gas— Commercial anhydrous grade am-
10.6 When this test method is used without pH adjusting monia (NH3) having a minimum purity of 99.9 %. Gas is
reagent, the sample pH and sodium concentration must be absorbed directly by the sample.
within the manufacturer’s guidelines for the particular sodium 12.1.2 Ammonium Hydroxide—Commercial ammonia solu-
electrode to assure accurate measurement. tion, approximately 29 % NH3 in water. Vapor diffuses into the
10.7 The sodium ion electrode is not subject to interference sample through an ion-impermeable membrane.
from color, turbidity, colloidal matter, oxidants, and reductants. 12.1.3 Diisopropylamine— Commercial grade liquid is va-
porized and transported by an inert carrier gas to the sample
11. Apparatus stream.
11.1 Measuring Instrument—Use commercially available 12.1.4 Dimethylamine Gas—Commercial grade having a
potentiometric specific ion monitors that have expanded-scale minimum purity of 99 %. Gas is absorbed directly by the
operation with adjustable ranges calibrated directly in sodium sample.
ion concentration units of micrograms per litre (parts per 12.1.5 Monoethylamine— Commercial grade vapor diffuses
billion). Electrical output signals must be isolated from ground into the sample through an ion impermeable membrane.
and from electrode input and may be scaled for logarithmic, 12.1.6 Morpholine-Containing Proprietary Buffer
linear, or bilinear ranges. Solution—From sodium analyzer manufacturer, maintained
11.2 Sodium Ion Electrode—Use a commercially available free of sodium and not stored in glass prior to use. Liquid is fed
sodium-sensitive electrode (sodium ion electrode). Because directly to the sample.
electrode selectivities vary among manufacturers, care must be 12.2 Sodium Chloride Stock Solution (1.00 mL = 0.100 mg
taken that the electrode, reagent or lack of it, and sample Na)—Dissolve in water 0.2542 g of sodium chloride (NaCl),
conditions are compatible (see 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6). dried to constant weight at 105°C in water, and dilute to 1 L in
11.3 Reference Electrode—Use a reference electrode com- a thoroughly cleaned polyethylene flask. Store sodium stock in
patible with the measuring electrode. a polyethylene or equally alkali metal-free container. Prepare
11.3.1 When the sodium ion electrode has a silver-silver standards of lesser concentrations by dilutions of the stock
chloride internal half cell, the reference electrode should be solution.
silver-silver chloride. When the sodium ion electrode has a
calomel internal half cell, the reference electrode should be 13. Calibration and Standardization
calomel. Dissimilar reference electrodes may be used provided 13.1 All procedures described in this section are subject to
adequate compensation is made electronically to correct for the zero and calibration drift. Determine the frequency of calibra-
difference between the measuring electrode and the reference tion checks required to obtain the desired accuracy based on
electrode. If the reference electrode filling solution is an experience. Whenever a major shift in sodium concentration is
interference in the measurement of sodium, then the reference noted, a calibration check is advisable.
electrode must be downstream from the measuring electrode 13.2 Low sodium standards are subject to contamination
(see 10.4 and 11.3.2). from many sources. Calibrate using standards above 100 µg/L
11.3.2 If calomel electrodes are used, refer to Test Methods (100 ppb) to reduce the effects of contamination. To avoid most
D 1293. The electrolyte used in reference electrodes and all contamination connect the standard container to the measuring
maintenance shall conform to the manufacturer’s recommen- equipment so that the standard can be introduced without
dations. With flowing junction reference electrodes to ensure exposing it to nonfiltered air. Use manual or automatic valves
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
to introduce the standard for calibration checks. Some analyz- 13.5.6 After stable readings are obtained, set the instrument
ers use a known increment method that employs higher level control on standby. Measure the standard including the buffer
sodium standards. solution containing morpholine. Continue the water flow in
13.3 Run the sample and pH adjusting reagent, if used, accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations until a
through the flow chamber for at least 12 h before attempting stable reading is obtained. Adjust the instrument to read the
measurements or calibration (24 h when the equipment is new) standard value. Repeat the entire procedure with other stan-
to purge sodium contamination from all parts of the sampling dards in order of increasing concentration until the highest
and measuring equipment, especially valves. In systems where expected sample concentration is included in the range.
serious damage to the measuring electrode may occur if the 13.5.7 After the instrument is calibrated for the highest
sample flow is interrupted, provide means to automatically concentration standard, flush the instrument with sample. After
discontinue the pH adjusting reagent flow. exposure to a high concentration sodium standard, an appre-
13.4 Sodium Ion Measurement with pH Adjustment by ciable time may be required to flush electrode chamber of
Addition of Anhydrous Ammonia: excess sodium.
13.4.1 In this procedure, pH adjustment is by continuous 13.6 Sodium Ion Measurement with pH Adjustment by
addition of ammonia to the continuously flowing liquid Passive Diffusion of Monoethylamine or Ammonium Hydroxide
sample. The pH level is maintained relatively constant at pH and Calibration by Known Increment Technique Double
11.0 to 11.1. Provide a reasonably stable sample flow rate, Known Addition (DKA):
sufficient to attain reasonable response time, but not so great as 13.6.1 In this procedure, pH adjustment is accomplished by
to unduly consume ammonia. Follow manufacturer’s flow rate passive diffusion, wherein the sample passes through an ion
recommendations. impermeable tubing coil present in a reagent bottle containing
13.4.2 Pipe the standard sodium solution into the system to monoethylamine or ammonium hydroxide, which diffuses
prevent contamination during calibration. through the tubing wall and redissolves, raising the sample pH
13.4.3 Turn on the instrument and allow it to warm up in to about 11, in the case of monoethylamine. Sample flow rate
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. must be sufficient to attain reasonable response time. Manu-
13.4.4 Connect the analyzer to a water source expected to facturer’s sample flow rate recommendations must be fol-
have sodium ion concentration below 10 µg/L (10 ppb). This lowed.
may be demineralizer effluent or high quality process water. 13.6.2 Install the instrument according to manufacturer’s
Start the water flow. Maintain the temperature of the sample instructions, allowing for adequate flushing of the fluidic
below 40°C (104°F). system for stabilization before initial calibration and use.
13.4.5 Allow the water to flow until a stable reading is 13.6.3 Calibrate the instrument using a double known addi-
obtained. For a new instrument this may be 24 h or more. It is tion technique in which sample concentration and electrode
extremely important that all new equipment and sample lines slope are determined simultaneously. To calibrate the instru-
be thoroughly flushed to remove any residual sodium (see ment using DKA, follow manufacturer’s instructions for en-
13.3). suring calibration concentration increments and flow cell
13.4.6 After a stable reading is obtained, calibrate the volume are properly programmed into the monitor. Push in the
instrument according to the manufacturer’s procedure. diverter valve on the flow cell. The flow cell reservoir begins
13.5 Sodium Ion Measurement with pH Adjustment by to fill. The liquid level will rise above the siphon inlet then
Addition of a Proprietary Buffer Solution Containing Morpho- begin to drop. Open calibration port of flow cell cap.
line :
13.6.4 Follow manufacturer’s instructions for pipetting two
13.5.1 Prepare the standards such as those containing 1 increments of standards into the calibration port of the flow
mg/L (1 ppm) and 100 µg/L (100 ppb) of sodium ion by cell. Upon completion, read the sodium value from display.
appropriate successive dilutions of the sodium chloride stock Pull out diverter valve and reopen flow valve. Allow liquid to
solution (see 12.2). return to normal operating level.
13.5.2 Turn the instrument on and allow it to warm up in
13.7 Sodium Ion Measurement with pH Adjustment by
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Addition of Diisopropylamine or Dimethylamine:
13.5.3 Connect the electrode chamber to a temperature-
regulated water source (see 7.3) with a sodium concentration 13.7.1 In this procedure, pH adjustment is made by continu-
below 10 µg/L (10 ppb). This may be demineralizer effluent, ous addition of amine to the continuously flowing liquid
high-quality process water, or sample source. Start the water sample. The pH level will be relatively constant at pH 11.0 to
flow. 11.5. Maintain sample flow rate sufficient to attain reasonable
response time. Follow the manufacturer’s amine and sample
13.5.4 Regulate the flow of proprietary buffer solution
flow rate recommendations.
containing morpholine, in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions, to provide a pH greater than 10.0. 13.7.2 Pipe the standard sodium solution into the system to
13.5.5 Allow the water to flow until a stable reading is prevent contamination during calibration.
obtained. For a new instrument this may be 24 h or more. It is 13.7.3 Turn the instrument on and make adjustments in
extremely important that all new equipment and sample lines accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
be thoroughly flushed to remove any residual sodium (see 13.7.4 Start the water flow. Keep the temperature of the
13.3). sample below 40°C (104°F).
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
13.7.5 Allow the water to flow until a stable reading is 16. Precision and Bias
obtained. Flush sample lines thoroughly to remove any residual 16.1 Neither precision nor bias data can be obtained for this
sodium (see 13.3). test method from a collaborative study because this test method
13.7.6 Calibrate either by direct adjustment to standard is a continuous determination. No suitable means has been
solutions made up by dilution of the sodium chloride stock found of performing a collaborative study to meet the require-
solution (see 12.2) or by the known increment principle, a ments of Practice D 2777. This inability to obtain precision and
technique that depends on the unique logarithmic response bias data for continuous determinations is recognized and
characteristic of the sodium ion electrode (3). Follow manu- stated in the scope of Practice D 2777.
facturer’s procedures. 16.2 Statistical data on sodium measurements employing
13.7.7 Discontinue the flow of calibration solution and passive diffusion and double known addition techniques in
return the instrument to the analysis of process water. power plants has been obtained as part of EPRI project
13.8 Sodium Ion Measurement Without pH Adjusting Re- RP2712-3 (5).
13.8.1 Where power plant samples are already near 9 pH, a
sodium ion electrode with adequate selectivity can measure 17. Scope
directly without reagent addition at 1 µg/L (1 ppb) and above. 17.1 This test method covers the continuous measurement
13.8.2 Follow the steps in 13.7, except for reagent flows. of sodium in water using flame photometry.
Make up standard solutions by dilution of sodium chloride
stock solution (see 12.2), including manufacturer’s recommen- 18. Summary of Test Method
dations for pH adjustment of the standards. 18.1 When a solution containing salts of sodium is atomized
13.9 Electrode Treatment—Condition and maintain new into a gas flame, light that is characteristic of, and highly
sodium ion electrodes and those that have been stored dry as specific to, sodium is emitted with the intensity being a
recommended by the manufacturer. If the assembly is for function of concentration. The flame photometer consists of
intermittent use, keep it filled with water and the electrodes apparatus for giving a reproducible amount of emitted light for
immersed between measurements. a given concentration of sodium in the test solution and for
13.10 Flow Chamber Treatment—On a new electrode determining the intensity of such radiation.
chamber or one that has been inoperative for a prolonged 18.2 Sample handling apparatus allows continuous monitor-
period, flushing of the system with sample or with demineral- ing of a single sample stream or alternate/sequential monitor-
ized water of the highest purity attainable is recommended ing of more than one stream, using one flame photometer.
before measurements are made. Flushing for 24 h or more may 18.3 The advantageous range of application of this test
be necessary to remove traces of sodium from newly installed method as compared to the use of Test Method A will be:
equipment and tubing (see 7.4). 18.3.1 Where the range of sodium concentration is below 20
13.11 Standard Reservoir—Make provisions for introduc- µg/L (20 ppb), which is near the upper linearity limit for this
tion of a sodium standard. Provision can be made to permit test method.
draining of the flow chamber before the standard is introduced. 18.3.2 Where the most important range of concentration is
Stainless steel or plastic valves are recommended. The stan- below 1.0 µg/L (1.0 ppb) and interferences from other monova-
dard storage reservoir must be of material that does not lent cations may render the readings of Test Method A
contribute sodium. Glass is not permissible. Either polyethyl- questionable.
ene bottles or bags, acid-washed and rinsed with water, are 18.3.3 Where equilibration of the instrument reading in
recommended for storage. Vent or pressurize the container in either the shortest possible time or with the least throughput of
such a manner as to prevent contamination of the standard. sample is desirable. This will be an important consideration
when sample concentration is changed from high (>10 µg/L) to
14. Procedure low (<1.0 µg/L).
18.4 At ranges above 1.0 µg/L (1.0 ppb) and where sample
14.1 After calibration and standardization as instructed in
throughput is of little consequence, Test Method A will
13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7, or 13.8, maintain reagent addition, if
probably be the test method of choice, because of relative
used, and direct the sample flow to the electrodes. Record data
freedom from operator attention and absence of fuel consump-
continuously or manually until the run is completed.
tion. There are also more variables in Test Method B that entail
a higher degree of operator competence.
15. Response Time
15.1 The response time of the system is determined by two 19. Interferences
independent factors: the length of time required for a unit 19.1 In the analysis of low-solids water, radiation interfer-
volume of new solution to flow through the system and ences caused by elements other than sodium are negligible.
completely rinse out the previous solution, and the response 19.2 The principal errors encountered are variations in
time of the sensing electrodes themselves. The use of filters flame background and contamination of the flame by airborne
will greatly increase the time of response depending on the size dusts. Because of the abundance of sodium in all atmospheric
and type. Upscale response time is generally much faster than dust, filter air entering the burner housing. Allow no smoking
downscale. in the vicinity of the photometer since cigarette smoke is
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
heavily contaminated with sodium and potassium. Equipment consider the adsorptive characteristics of the tubing material;
and procedures for minimizing these effects are described in any surface absorption and desorption of sodium ions will
20.2. increase equilibration time. If the operating environment will
permit plastic lines (PVC, polypropylene, or polyethylene),
20. Apparatus these will be found to be easiest and cheapest to install, and
20.1 Flame Photometer— The instrument shall consist of they exhibit low retention of sodium.
an atomizer/burner in a closed housing that is purged with 22.4 All sample lines terminating at the instrument should
high-purity air, a continuous-flow sample system to deliver 25 be allowed to flow freely whether or not they are delivering
mL/min sample to the atomizer and accommodate the over- sample to the instrument at any particular time. This will keep
flow, and a spectrophotometer capable of measuring the 589 all sodium concentrations current and help to prevent settling
nm emission from the flame. Flame gas supply and control of particulate matter in pockets or tubing joints.
apparatus shall be arranged to provide a stable flame. 22.5 Requirements for sampling solenoid valves are made
20.1.1 A spectrophotometer with a grating monochromator more stringent if there is appreciable upstream pressure when
is mandatory for work below 1.0 µg/L (1.0 ppb) as the they are off. A gravity overflow weir upstream of the solenoid
bandpass should be 1.0 nm or less, with slit width not so low valve, with gravity delivery of sample to the instrument, will
as to require photomultiplier voltage above 650. The entire enable valves of modest capability to exhibit the necessary
optical system should be optimized to provide fairly flat leak-free performance.
response of photomultiplier output versus wavelength for the 22.6 For sampling the calibrations standards, reagent water
range 570 to 610 nm. Further information is provided in (blank), or occasional grab samples, a peristaltic pump acting
Appendix X1. on plastic tubing is most appropriate.
20.2 Blower and Air Filters—Pressure and volume capabili-
ties must constantly purge the burner chamber with sodium- 23. Calibration and Standardization
free air. 5 23.1 Calibration in range 0 to 20 µg/L (0 to 20 ppb) with
20.3 Recorder—To be compatible with the output of the grating-type instrument with bandpass of approximately 1 nm,
spectrophotometer and have a chart speed sufficient to separate and photomultiplier detector:
the sample signals clearly.
23.1.1 Prepare at least three standards, by dilution of a stock
21. Reagents and Materials solution of at least 10 mg/L (10 ppm). See 12.2 and Note 2 for
preparation of stock and standard solutions, respectively. The
21.1 Sodium Chloride Solution, Stock—See 12.2. concentration of the standards will depend on the range in
21.2 Hydrogen Gas, sodium-free. which the instrument is to be calibrated, but in general, the
21.3 Oxygen Gas, sodium-free. standard values selected should give points on the calibration
NOTE 1—The normal welding grades of gases have been found quite curve in the lower, middle, and upper thirds of the full-scale
satisfactory. However, if extensive supply lines are used, microparticulate range. When making dilutions into the 0 to 20 µg/L (0 to 20
filters are advised to be installed just prior to connection to the instru- ppb) range, errors due to contamination will be difficult to
ment. 6 avoid. Sample and standard handling vessels and pipettes
22. Sampling should be of plastic, not glass.
23.1.2 Turn on the electrical power to the instrument, feed
22.1 See Section 7.
fuel and oxygen to the burner and ignite the flame. Set fuel and
22.2 The burners in common use will aspirate from 1 to 5
oxygen pressures or other flow parameters to manufacturer’s
mL/min. Delivery of sample to the burner should be at the rate
recommended values. Let instrument electronics and burner
of 10 to 25 mL/min to give short equilibration times. Thus,
stabilize according to manufacturer’s recommendations while
there will be some overflow of sample to waste. To accommo-
purging the system with water.
date these flow requirements a simple weir block will suffice.
23.1.3 On instruments where coarse sensitivity is controlled
Delivery of the sample to the weir block can be by direct
by photomultiplier voltage, set coarse sensitivity control so that
pressure from the process stream, or by means of a small
dry flame (not aspirating water) background reading above
peristaltic pump acting on plastic tubing.
electrical zero is in the vicinity of 2.5 µg/L (2.5 ppb), more or
22.3 Effect of Sampling System on Speed of Response—
less, as optical bandpass is greater or less than 1.0 nm,
Where samples must be taken at widely separated points,
respectively. Electrical zero is defined here as the detector
attention must be paid to the rate at which the sample is
output, including dark current with light from flame blocked,
withdrawn from the stream, in comparison to the volume of the
and with normal operating voltage on photomultiplier.
line between the sample point and the instrument. The quotient
of line volume divided by line flow rate will be a first-order 23.1.4 Aspirate water, and when reading is stable at 589 nm,
time constant, and thus limit the speed of response. Also, take readings at 5 or 6 nm above and below 589 nm. Take
several readings at each wavelength to determine if burner has
stabilized. If the reading at the longer wavelength is higher
than the reading at the shorter one, adjust the zero control so
Donaldson Corp., Minneapolis, MN, space air filter Type HEPA 82141-Flanged
Ultra has been found satisfactory for this purpose.
that the readout indicates one-half the difference between
Balston Corp., Lexington, MA, microparticulate filter Type 92 BX Cartridge readings, positive, at the longer wavelength. If the reading at
and Type M92-810 Housing have been found satisfactory for this purpose. the shorter wavelength is higher than that at the longer
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
wavelength, adjust the zero control so that the readout indicates (assigned) true value of sodium content. The instrument is now
one-half the difference between readings, positive, at the calibrated for direct reading, in range 0 to 20 µg/L (0 to 20
shorter wavelength. ppb).
23.1.5 Aspirate the maximum value standard, and set the 23.2 Calibration in Range 0 to 200 µg/L (0 to 200 ppb):
wavelength for maximum indication on readout. Adjust the fine 23.2.1 With the oxygen/hydrogen burner and a simple lens
sensitivity control to make reading close to the value of the system to image the flame onto the monochromator entrance
standard. Do not touch wavelength setting for the remainder of slit, pronounced nonlinearity is observed for readings of
the calibration procedure. standards above 20 µg/L (20 ppb), that is, the readings increase
23.1.6 Aspirate water (blank), and when reading is stable, more slowly with increased sodium concentration. It is ex-
record the indicated value. Noise and fluctuation of the reading pected that the degree of nonlinearity will vary somewhat with
should not exceed 0.04 µg/L (0.04 ppb), peak to peak. Aspirate changing amounts and ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in the
the standards in ascending order of sodium concentration, and flame. For that reason, calibration curves with standards up to
record the readings. 200 µg/L (200 ppb) may not repeat well from day to day unless
strict attention is given to the flame gas ratios and amounts.
23.1.7 Plot the readings obtained in 23.1.6 on linear paper
Also, uptake rate of the burner may have some effect. The
with readings as ordinates and standard concentrations as
probable reason for this behavior is that with high sodium
abscissae; a straight line will be the ideal result. If the line is
concentrations the outer portions of the flame will contain cool,
not straight, the errors may be from dilution, or they may be
unexcited sodium vapor that then is involved in self reversal or
instrumental. Extreme departure from linearity, within the
atomic absorption. This phenomenon of self reversal is most
range of the standards, is most likely due to contamination easily demonstrated in the sodium line emission from a
error in the dilution, and a new set of standards should be spectrographic carbon arc in which there is a pronounced
prepared. When a repeatedly straight line has been achieved the temperature gradient through the arc cross section.
slope of plot, or the average of the slopes of the segments of the
23.2.2 At high concentrations the high temperature of the
plot, can be calculated, and the sodium content of the water can
arc will cause a large amount of Doppler-broadened energy to
be found by dividing the reading for the water by this slope.
be seen visually at the focal plane of the spectrograph and
Adding the value thus found to the values of the standards will
through a magnifying glass the lines will appear quite broad,
enable accurate assignment of standard concentrations and
yet the central portion of the lines within 0.03 nm of the true
final calibration of the readout indication directly in micro-
center wavelength will be quite dark. The calculations neces-
grams per litre (parts per billion).
sary to standardize the instrument in the 0 to 200 µg/L (200
NOTE 2—When stock solutions are diluted with water, at each stage of ppb) range are illustrated in 25.1.
dilution, the resultant sodium concentration will be that of the stock, or
previous dilution, divided by the dilution factor, plus the sodium concen- NOTE 3—The type of instrument with fixed slit width and sensitivity
tration of the water. varied by control of the photomultiplier voltage has many operational
advantages over the instrument where sensitivity can only be varied (over
For example: 1000 mg/L (ppm) Standard diluted 1000:1 with water of
a small range) by means of the slit width. The approximate photomulti-
0.5 µg/L (ppb) sodium content gives: plier voltage can be ascertained as in 23.1.3 and set to a round, easily
1000 mg/L remembered value. This is a coarse sensitivity adjustment and need not be
1000 1 0.0005 mg/L 5 1.0005 mg/L 5 1000.5 µg/L changed over long periods of time. If the electrical zeroing is accom-
plished by applying a variable current to the amplifier at its input and in
opposition to the current from the photomultiplier, a small amount of
Diluting this solution 100:1 to make a working standard gives:
electrical gain control over a range of approximately four to one in
1000.5 µg/L sensitivity can be easily arranged at some point electrically downstream of
100 1 0.5 µg/L 5 10.505 µg/L the amplifier input. Properly applied, this later control will have no effect
on the zero reading, and once the procedure in 23.1.7 is performed to
Because the last significant figure in this calculation represents preci- determine the most probable sodium zero point, the fine gain, span, or
sion well outside the capability of the present instrumentation to achieve, sensitivity control can be adjusted to give reading of (standard and water
it will be seen that the effect of water sodium content will be measurable blank) without affecting the zero reading. Of course, it must be noted that
the best water available will have a sodium content around 0.05 to 0.07
only at the last stage of dilution.
µg/L (0.05 to 0.07 ppb) and that zero indications will not be observed
In practice then, the calibration of commercially available instrumen- under usual laboratory conditions.
tation amounts to a determination of water sodium content by the method
of standard additions, with the instrument scale factor calibration and
24. Procedure
adjustment coming only as an ancillary result. This curious state of affairs
arises because water with zero sodium content is presently very difficult, 24.1 Generally the procedure for samples will differ from
if not impossible to obtain. The best water from distillation followed by that for standards only according to the requirements and
recirculation through multiple deionizing resin beds will measure, by this limitations of the sample system plumbing. Where an extensive
test method, at about 0.05 µg/L (0.05 ppb) with uncertainty of 60.03 µg/L
manifold system arranged for selecting one of several sample
(0.03 ppb).
streams is used, purge with currently selected sample to
23.1.8 When the sodium content of the water has been eliminate all of the previous sample. When the current sample
determined, add this value to the concentration value of the is below 1 µg/L (1 ppb) sodium content, purge for 1 min or
highest standard, and while aspirating this high standard, adjust more, as necessary. A strip chart recorder trace will give the
the fine sensitivity control to make the readout indicate this clearest picture of the state of equilibration.
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
25. Calculation is a continuous determination. No suitable means has been
25.1 If the calibration has been carried out so that the found of performing a collaborative study to meet the require-
instrument readings are directly in micrograms per litre (parts ments of Practice D 2777. This inability to obtain precision and
per billion), no calculations are required below 20 µg/L (20 bias data for continuous determinations is recognized and
ppb). For values read between 20 and 200 µg/L (200 ppb), with stated in the scope of Practice D 2777.
bracketing standards S1 and S2 giving readings Y1 and Y 2, if Y 26.2 In the range over 200 µg/L, users report typical single
is reading of unknown X, then: operator precision of 5 to 10 % of the reading.
~Y 2 Y1!~S2 2 S1! 26.3 In the range of 1 to 20 µg/L, users report typical single
X 5 Y1 1
~ Y2 2 Y1 ! operator precision of 1 to 2 µg/L.
26.4 Below 1 µg/L, single operator precision is typically 1
The arithmetic is a linear interpolation on a piecewise to 2 times the detection limit.
approximation to the true curve, and because the segments of
the approximation lie below the true curve, the resultant values 27. Keywords
will be lower than the true values insofar as the measured
values fall further away from the bracketing standards. 27.1 continuous sodium measurement; flame photometry;
ion-selective electrode; specific ion
26. Precision and Bias
26.1 Neither precision nor bias data can be obtained for this
test method from a collaborative study because this test method
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Anhydrous Ammonia Sample flow rate is indicated and controlled by a flow
A1.1.1 A system for anhydrous ammonia addition to the meter-needle valve combination. Gaseous dimethylamine from
sample shall be constructed as follows: Use a commercially a cylinder is regulated and supplied to a mixing (absorber)
available ammonia regulator on the ammonia cylinder. Imme- column where sample pH is elevated to 11.0 to 11.5. The
diately downstream of the regulator install a filter (5-µm conditioned sample enters a baffled flow chamber where an
stainless steel filter element). Downstream of the filter install a electrode system consisting of a sodium-ion electrode, refer-
check valve and a needle valve. A flow meter or capillary shall ence electrode, and an automatic temperature compensator
be used between the needle valve and point of addition. A produce a voltage output proportional to the logarithm of
capillary can be used where ammonia enters the mixing tee. sample sodium ion activity. The signal is displayed on an
Stainless steel or plastic fittings and tubing should be used indicating monitor. Voltage and current outputs from the
throughout. The standard solution connection and drain or monitor are used for analog recording or data acquisition.
bypass valve shall be installed in the sample line upstream of
A1.4 Diisopropylamine
the ammonia addition point.
A1.4.1 The system for diisopropylamine addition is similar
A1.2 Morpholine to that for dimethylamine addition described in A1.3. One
A1.2.1 Place buffer solution containing morpholine in a exception is noted. Diisopropylamine liquid is contained in a
container that is elevated, or pressure it with 35 kPa (5 psig) 5-gal reagent vessel. A gas-vapor transport technique using dry
clean, dry, sodium-free air. Adjust the buffer solution flow to nitrogen carrier gas conveys the diisopropylamine to the mixer
0.5 mL/min by means of a valve or by adjusting length and size (absorber) column where sample pH is adjusted to 11.0 to 11.5.
of the capillary tubing.
A1.5 Ammonium Hydroxide or Monoethylamine Solution
A1.3 Dimethylamine A1.5.1 The reagent solution is held in a container with a
A1.3.1 Sample water having a temperature of 15 to 40°C length of gas-permeable rubber tubing carrying the sample
(59 to 104°F) passes through a regulator and block valve. through it.
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
A2.1 Faulty Electrode Response alcohol (7 parts ethanol, 3 parts water). Precipitates or in-
A2.1.1 The sodium ion measuring assembly should be soluble inorganic coatings can normally be removed by im-
calibrated periodically with two reference standards to check mersing the bottom third of the electrode in hydrochloric acid
the linearity of response of the electrode combination at (1 part concentrated HCl (sp gr 1.19), 9 parts water). After
different sodium ion concentrations and to detect a faulty either solvent or acid cleaning, the electrode should be rinsed
sensing or reference electrode. A faulty sensing electrode is thoroughly with a flowing stream of Type I or other high-purity
indicated by failure to obtain a correct value of sodium ion water. Following this rinsing, the electrode should be installed
concentration on a second standard after the meter has been in the electrode chamber and flushed at least 2 h with pH
standardized with the first one. Special care must be taken with adjusted water or until a stable reading is obtained. It should
regard to handling and contamination of reference standards then be rechecked with two known reference standards.
and pH adjustment of standards as described in 5.1, 5.2, 10.3, A2.3.2 If faulty response is still obtained after replacement
10.4, and Section 13. of a suitably conditioned sodium electrode, as indicated by
A2.1.2 Contamination or inadequate pH levels can also failure to give satisfactory readings with two known sodium
result in insufficient response between two calibration stan- standard solutions, the reference electrode, measuring instru-
dards and unfounded suspicion of measuring electrode failure. ment, and temperature compensator (if automatic type) should
be examined for maloperation. These systems occasionally
A2.2 Impaired Electrode Response
need service and should always be thoroughly checked if
A2.2.1 The sodium ion responsive properties of the glass replacement of the sodium electrode does not improve mea-
sensing electrode may be impaired by substances such as oily surements.
materials and precipitates. Normally such substances will not
be present in appreciable quantities in low-solids water except A2.4 Temperature Compensation
possibly during startup of new equipment or in cycling power
plants. A2.4.1 The sodium ion electrode and reference electrode
pair shall be operated only on samples within the temperature
A2.3 Electrode Cleaning Techniques range recommended by the manufacturer. An automatic tem-
A2.3.1 When an electrode is suspected of being coated by perature compensator as supplied by the manufacturer for use
oily substances or insoluble precipitates, or both, its usefulness with the sodium-sensitive electrode shall be installed in the
can normally be restored by appropriate cleaning procedures. flow chamber along with the sodium sensitive electrode and
Oily matter can generally be removed by solvents such as reference electrode.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 For spectrophotometers equipped with variable slits, give slit widths of 0.03 nm for 1 nm resolution at 589 nm. The
consideration must be given to the fact that the intensity of the usual slit widths used with prism type monochromators for
sodium emission line, as seen by the detector, is approximately sodium analysis result in about 10 times more background light
proportional to the slit width whereas the continuous back- for a given amount of sodium radiation, and the background
ground emission intensity varies as the square of slit width. The light has a noise component that may approach the equivalent
wavelength dispersing power of the monochromator (nm/mm radiation of 0.1 µg/L (0.1 ppb) of sodium.
of slit width) should be such that slit width of 0.2 to 0.5 nm
gives an optical bandpass of 1 nm. The emission of sodium at X1.3 Background radiation appears to be a fairly flat
589 nm consists of two lines separated by 0.6 nm, so that continuum extending from 200 nm to 700 nm. Its intensity in
resolution better than 1 nm will tend to exclude one of these the region of 589 nm is somewhat dependent on hydrogen and
lines, resulting in less favorable optical throughput and more oxygen flow ratios, but is quite strongly dependent on the flame
critical wavelength setting. The slit width requirement is temperature as influenced by water aspiration rate. Results of
imposed solely to keep photomultiplier voltage low enough so many tests of a grating type instrument with focal length 250
that dark current variations and dark current noise will be nm, dispersion of 3.2 nm/mm, and a slit width of 0.3 mm,
negligible, allowing a simpler electronics scheme. which give an optical bandpass at 589 nm of 1 nm as follows:
Dry flame equivalent radiation at 589 nm 2.5 µg/L (ppb) Na
X1.2 The above considerations practically rule out use of Wet flame equivalent radiation 8 mL/min water 0.6 µg/L (ppb) Na
prism type monochromators as their dispersion is so low as to Wet flame equivalent radiation 2 mL/min water 1.6 µg/L (ppb) Na
D 2791 – 93 (2001)
Short term pk-pk noise (1/s) wet & dry flame 0.02 µg/L (ppb) Na equivalent emission intensity will be multiplied by about 10,
thus the resultant figure for the noise, 0.2 µg/L (0.2 ppb), puts
X1.4 The dispersion at 589 nm of a 500 mm FL quartz
a severe restriction on the lower limit of sodium that can be
prism monochromator is 33.5 mm/mm, thus the optical band-
pass with 0.3 mm slits is about 10 nm and the above figures for measured.
(1) Hawthorne, D., and Ray, N. J., “Determination of Low Levels of presented at the 1969 National Analysis Instrumentation Division
Sodium in Water by Using a Sodium Ion Responsive Glass Electrode.” Symposium, Instrument Society of America, New Orleans, LA, May
Analyst, Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists, Vol 5–7, 1969.
93, March 1968, pp. 158–167. (4) Gray, D. M., “On-Line Sodium Analysis for the Future,” Ultrapure
(2) Eckfeldt, E. L., Proctor, W. E., Jr., Howie, W. D., and Lower, W. A., Water, July/August 1991, pp. 37–40.
“Continuous Glass Electrode Measurement of Sodium Ion in Power (5) Rice, J. K., Sopocy, D. M., Dooley, R. B.,“ Quantification of
Plant Applications,” paper presented at 29th Annual Water Conference, Continuous Instrument Error,” International Conference on Measuring
Engineer’s Society of Western Pennsylvania, November 1968. Waterborne Trace Substances, Electric Power Research Institute and
(3) Eckfeldt, E. L., “Instrument Calibration by the Known-Increment National Institute of Standards & Technology, Baltimore, August
Principle and Its Application to a Sodium Ion Analyzer,” paper 1990.
This section identifies the location of selected changes to these measuring without reagent and with pH adjustment using
test methods that have been incorporated since the last issue. ammonium hydroxide and monoethylamine reagents.
For the convenience of the user, Committee D-19 has high- (2) Test Method B was revised and reinstated.
lighted those changes that may impact the use of these test
(3) The overall document was extensively revised and reorga-
methods. This section may also include descriptions of the
nized to reflect current technology and practice, current test
changes or reasons for the changes, or both.
method format, and to combine the two test methods.
(1) Test Method A now includes coverage of options for
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website