Physical and Chemical Methods To Avoid Fruit Cracking in Cherry
Physical and Chemical Methods To Avoid Fruit Cracking in Cherry
Physical and Chemical Methods To Avoid Fruit Cracking in Cherry
ISSN 2285-5718; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5726; ISSN ONLINE 2286-0126; ISSN-L 2285-5718
Rain-induced fruit cracking in sweet cherries can cause heavy losses in yields and returns. Several advances in the use
of different cultural practices, which reduce the incidence of fruit cracking have been made. These practices range from
exclusion of water from the fruit surface during growth and maturation of the fruit, to reducing osmotic potential across
the fruit skins during rainfall events, to coating the fruit with elastic hydrophobic rain exclusion biofilms. Physical
exclusion of rainwater may also be achieved by covering the trees with protective plastic rain covers. Two systems have
been researched in Norway; retractable plastic rain covers and multi-bay polyethylene “high tunnels”. The supporting
framework of the former is built entirely of wood and overhead polyethylene curtains slide back and forth on three
wires per row to open or close depending on the prevailing weather. Retractable covers must be drawn over the trees
manually before rainfall events and is extremely labour intensive. The system is highly susceptible to heavy winds.
High tunnels, which are accessible to tractors, are constructed of steel bows, attached to metal posts and covered with
greenhouse–grade polyethylene. Tunnels may be fully ventilated on hot, humid days or completely closed for extending
the growing season. The plastic covering is completely removed during winter. Cherries may be covered from bloom
until harvest or only during the time when fruit are susceptible to cracking. A high density planting (1250 trees per ha)
of ‘Sweetheart’/‘Colt’ in Norway grown in high tunnels yielded 9 kg per tree on average in the 4th leaf and 19 kg per
tree on average in the 5th leaf. Fruit size measurements found that on average, more than half the fruit were larger than
32 mm in diameter by the 4th leaf. GA3 treatment at yellow straw colour delayed harvest by one week, and significantly
improved fruit size and fruit firmness.But soil moisture management is critical inside the tunnels as excess soil moisture
can induce significant percentages of fruit cracking even inside the tunnels. In the United States, Pacific Northwest,
Parka (powered by SureSeal®), a novel biofilm comprised of palm oil and cellulose, patented by Oregon State
University, resulted in 50% less fruit cracking on average, higher total soluble solids and increased retention force
between the pedicel and fruit than untreated control fruit.
Keywords: Luminance THB film, Visqueen clear UV, rain covers, Parka, SureSeal®, fruit quality, yield
plastic rain covers and multibay polyethylene operates. If birds are a problem, bird-netting
high tunnels. may be installed over the plastic on extra wires
connected to the top of the poles.
Bioforsk three-wires system
It consists of a main frame with wooden poles Multibay polyethylene tunnels
supporting three overhead wires running the Here we wish to take appropriate green house
length of each tree row. Within the rows, 5 m technology to field scale at a low cost for high
long wooden poles (100-120 mm in diameter) value crops like top and soft fruits for summer
are spaced 12 m apart (Figure 1). and fall production. These tunnels are
comprised of galvanized metal arches spaced
2m apart, attached to galvanized metal posts,
which are driven 0.7 m into the soil. For
cherries a bay width of up to 8.5 m is most
appropriate. In May 2005, a tractor-accessible 4
bay Haygrove® tunnel with open kit strut, was
installed at the experimental farm at Bioforsk,
Ullensvang, Norway (Figure 2).
In each tunnel, two rows of feathered 1-year protect the cherry fruit from being exposed to
old ‘Sweetheart’/‘Colt’ cherry trees were water on the fruit surface. However, it is
planted 2x4m apart, in four-tree plots with a important have a regular water supply to the
‘Lapins’ guard tree in between. All trees were
roots as fruit can still crack due to rapid fruit
trained as free spindles. Tunnels were covered
before bloom (before the end of April) and volume expansion caused by water uptake
covers were only removed after harvest was through the fruit pedicel. Average temperature
completed. Subplots consisted of 1) treating from May to mid-September were 14.3˚C in
with 20ppm gibberellin at yellow straw colour 2008 season (data not shown). On only a few
and 2) of reflective ground covers. Records of days did maximum temperatures rise above
environmental modifications, evaluation of tree 30˚C and it was necessary to ventilate the
growth, and yield performance were kept.
tunnels. On average, there were small
Organic biofilm differences between daily temperatures
A unique formulation of complex between the two different tunnel coverings and
carbohydrates and phospholipids was the outside temperature in the open land.
formulated in the College of Pharmacy, Oregon However, on sunny days, maximum
State University in late 2006. The formulation temperatures were 2˚C higher inside the
was tested for elasticity by coating a semi- tunnels. In 2008, control trees were first harvest
flaccid balloon followed by repeated inflating
on September 15. In 2009, control trees were
and deflating of the balloon. No cracking or
flaking of the Biofilm was observed. The base harvested on September 1. Trees treated with
formulation has however, been further GA3 trees were first harvested one week later in
refinement as a result of several in vivo field both years.
tests beginning in May 2007. An international In contrast to similar trees grown in the open,
patent was applied for in April, 2009 and the all trees grown in the tunnels were extremely
Organic Biofilm has tentatively been named precocious and average yield per tree was 9 kg
SureSeal®. in the fourth leaf and double that in the fifth
• In Vivo Field Testing leaf (Table 1).
A 5X5 completely randomized block design Within the tunnels however, there were no
was laid out at Ullensvang Research Center in differences in yield between the different
2008. There were four different treatments and tunnel coverings, nor different ground covers in
an untreated control. Treatments included a)
either year. Fruit size from trees grown under
two applications of 1% Biofilm (one at straw
color and another 10 days later); b) two tunnels was favorable in the fourth leaf, with
applications of Biofilm plus fungicide more than 60% of fruit being >32 mm in
fenhexamid; c) two applications of Biofilm diameter. When yields doubled the following
plus plastic ground covers; d) two applications year, average fruit size was significant smaller.
of Biofilm plus fenhexamid plus plastic ground Only about 20 % of the fruit were >32 mm in
covers. Fruit were harvested according to
diameter and the majority of the yield were in
industry standards. On the day of harvest, the
number of cracked fruit per tree was recorded. the fruit size between 28-32 mm (data on
In addition, a sample of 50 fruit was harvested shown) suggesting over-cropping of the trees.
from each of the trees and analyzed for fruit Fruit weight increases with fruit maturity
firmness (, average fruit weight (g) and (Table 2) and neither GA3 treatments, tunnel
TSS (% Brix). coverings nor different ground coverings had
any negative effect on this compared to
untreated control trees. In contrast however, all
Multibay polyethylene tunnels
fruit treated with GA3 were significantly firmer
Norway has a rather cool growing season
at four successive selective pick harvest dates.
accompanied by heavy rainfall. These tunnels
Table 1. The effects of the bioregulator GA3 and two tunnel covers (Luminance and clear plastic) on total yield of the
sweet cherry cultivar ‘Sweetheart’ in the fourth (2008) and fifth growing season (2009).
Significance NS NS NS NS
Luminance 8.7 10.9 19.1 23.8
Clear film 8.9 11.1 18.5 23.2
Significance NS NS NS NS
Table 2. The effects of the bioregulator GA3 and two tunnel covers (Luminance and clear plastic) on fruit weight and
fruit firmness at four different harvest windows of the sweet cherry cultivar ‘Sweetheart’ in 2008
Treatment Fruit weight, g – four harvest windows Fruit firmness – four harvest windows 1)
F-test NS NS * * NS NS NS NS
Gibberellin x NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
Surface colour development of fruits was Two applications of 1% Biofilm reduced the
delayed by a week when GA3 treated compared average fruit cracking to 17% and further
to untreated control trees (data not shown). In inclusion of a preharvest fungicide
general, average total soluble solid content was (fenhexamid) in combination with plastic
high but no significant differences were found ground covers reduced fruit cracking even
between different treatments (17-18 % Brix). more significantly to 9.8%.
Utilization of plastic ground covers is essential
Organic Biofilm. under heavy rainfall conditions, as the use of
In Vivo Field Testing 1% Biofilm and fungicide only (18.2%) did not
In 2008, fruit cracking in the untreated control result in an improvement over the use of 1%
averaged 24.6% (Figure 3). Biofilm alone.
Figure 3. Average percentage fruit cracking of ‘Sweetheart’cherries in Loftus, Norway sprayed twice with 1% Biofilm
in 2008 in combination with or without a preharvest fungicide (fenhexamid) and plastic ground covers, compared to
untreated control trees on the day of harvest.
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