Water Stress and Crop Load Effects On Fruit Fresh and Dry Weights in Peach (Prunus Persica)
Water Stress and Crop Load Effects On Fruit Fresh and Dry Weights in Peach (Prunus Persica)
Water Stress and Crop Load Effects On Fruit Fresh and Dry Weights in Peach (Prunus Persica)
Water stress and crop load effects on fruit fresh and dry weights in
peach (Prunus persica)
Summary Effects of water stress on fruit fresh and dry Crisosto et al. 1994), apple (Lotter et al. 1985) and Asian pear
weights were investigated in peach trees, Prunus persica (L.) (Caspari et al. 1994).
Batsch., with varying crop loads: light, moderate and heavy. In Horticultural studies of water stress effects on tree fruit
well-watered controls, tree water status was independent of growth have focused on fruit size, which is largely a measure
crop load. In trees receiving reduced irrigation, the degree of of fresh weight, but have not described the effects of water
water stress increased with increasing crop load. Water stress stress on dry weight accumulation. Research on tomato sug-
induced fruit fresh weight reductions at all crop loads. Fruit dry gests that water stress limits fleshy fruit water accumulation
weight was not reduced by water stress in trees having light to but does not affect carbon partitioning to the fruit (Ehret and
moderate crop loads, indicating that the degree of water stress Ho 1986, Mitchell et al. 1991). The effect of water stress on
imposed did not affect the dry weight sink strength of fruit. reproductive sink activity in tree crops has not been investi-
Water-stressed trees with heavy crop loads had significantly gated.
reduced fruit dry weights, which were likely due to carbohy- Fruit dry weight growth can be described in terms of the
drate source limitations resulting from large crop carbon de- realization of potential: i.e., the maximum growth possible
mands and water stress limitations on photosynthesis. given a non-limiting supply of resources (Wareing and Patrick
1975). Fruit growing at its potential rate is limited by its
Keywords: carbon partitioning, drought, fruit growth.
capacity for sink activity and, thus, is sink limited. When dry
weight accumulation is limited by insufficient carbohydrates,
growth is said to be source limited.
Introduction Grossman and DeJong (1995) have described the use of
The relationship between fruit growth and water stress is variable crop loads in peach to identify periods of source and
dynamic and depends on the developmental stage of the fruit, sink limitation to fruit dry weight growth. The maximum
the severity of water stress, and the component of growth being potential dry weight accumulation of individual fruit is deter-
considered. The growth of fleshy fruits such as apples, stone mined on trees where most fruit have been removed early in
fruits, and grapes consists of distinct developmental phases. In development. Growth of the remaining fruit is not limited by
peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch), rapid initial fruit growth is competition for carbohydrates and is thus sink limited. Fruit
followed by an intermediate phase of slow growth. This is dry weight growth on trees with heavier crop loads is then
followed by a period of very rapid fresh and dry weight compared to the potential maximum to identify source- and
increase that ends with maturity and ripening (Chalmers and sink-limited periods of growth. Dry weight accumulation
van den Ende 1975). During this final growth phase, which equal to the potential maximum indicates sink-limited growth.
consists of approximately one-third of the growth period, 65% Growth below potential is assumed to result from source limi-
of a fruit’s dry weight and 80% of a fruit’s fresh weight are tations.
accumulated (Chalmers and Wilson 1978). In peach, fruit on trees bearing a normal commercial crop
It has been observed that vegetative and reproductive growth load are usually source limited during the final stage of rapid
in trees are differentially sensitive to water stress. Additionally, growth (Pavel and DeJong 1993, Grossman and DeJong 1995).
reproductive growth is differentially sensitive to water stress at During this period, the sink demand of many rapidly growing
different times of the season. It has been reported that mild fruit is greater than assimilate supply (Grossman and DeJong
water stress applied during the intermediate developmental 1994).
period of slow fruit growth has no effect on crop yields but Water stress could potentially inhibit fruit dry weight growth
significantly reduces vegetative growth in peach (Mitchell and as a result of both sink and source limitations. Sink limitations
Chalmers 1982) and pear (Mitchell et al. 1984). However, the to fruit growth could occur if fruit cell expansive growth and
final period of very rapid fruit growth has been reported to be carbohydrate accumulation processes are sensitive to water
relatively sensitive to water stress in peach (Li et al. 1989, status. Source limitations could occur when water stress re-
duces photosynthesis and restricts the supply of assimilates. light crop load (LC), minimum 10 cm between fruit, moderate
Moderate water stress will often reduce whole-plant carbon crop load (MC), minimum 5 cm between fruit (these trees had
gain, usually by inducing stomatal closure (Chaves 1991). standard commercial fruit spacing and crop load), heavy crop
The objective of this study was to investigate water stress load (HC), no fruit removed from tree. Trees were thinned
effects on peach fruit fresh and dry weight accumulation dur- during the first week of April, three weeks after full bloom.
ing the final stage of very rapid growth. These effects were Crop loads in the three thinning treatments were quite vari-
compared among trees with varying crop loads to determine: able. The LC treatment averaged 163 fruit per tree (S.D. =
(1) how much of the reported water stress-induced decrease in 58.97), the MC treatment averaged 265 fruit per tree (S.D. =
fruit size is attributable to fresh weight reduction versus dry 72.31) and the HC treatment averaged 561 fruit per tree (S.D.
weight reduction; (2) whether water stress reduces the poten- = 153.22).
tial dry weight accumulation of individual fruit on trees with
very light crop loads (i.e., does water stress induce sink limi- Water potential measurements
potentials were compared for each irrigation × thinning treat- 4A): i.e., by 23, 26 and 37% in the LC, MC and HC thinning
ment using Tukey’s means separation test at a significance treatments, respectively. In both irrigation treatments, adjusted
level of P < 0.05. mean fruit fresh weight decreased with increasing crop load.
The yield data were analyzed as a split-plot design. Data
from pairs of trees in each sub-plot were averaged to yield a
single replication value for each sub-plot. Significant irrigation
(main plot) and thinning (sub-plot) effects were observed for
both fresh and dry crop weights. To analyze the data in greater
detail, the experiment was stratified by thinning treatment and
each thinning treatment analyzed separately.
Because of varying tree sizes and degrees of fruit set, there
was considerable variability in tree-to-tree crop load within
Gas exchange
Carbon dioxide assimilation rates were highest early in the day
and declined in the afternoon (Figure 3). Leaf assimilation
rates in the WS treatment equaled those in the CT treatment
early in the day. In the afternoon, the difference between the
two irrigation treatments was greatest, with WS trees having
significantly lower late afternoon leaf assimilation rates than
CT trees in the MC and HC treatments. Reduced leaf assimi-
lation rates were highly correlated with low water potentials
and leaf conductances (data not shown). Over the 7.5 hour
measurement period, the total estimated leaf assimilation inte-
gral in the WS treatment was reduced by 21% in the MC trees
and 27% in the HC trees.
Figure 2. Mean bagged-leaf water potential for each irrigation and
Individual fruit and total crop weight thinning treatment combination during the last five weeks of fruit
development. Error bars represent standard errors. Means not labeled
Adjusted individual mean fruit fresh weight was significantly with a common letter are significantly different from one another
lower in the WS treatment than in the CT treatment (Figure (Tukey’s Means Separation Test, P < 0.05).
Irrigation treatment had no significant effect on adjusted mers et al. 1983). DeJong (1986) compared gas exchange
individual mean fruit dry weight in the LC and MC treatments parameters of the leaves of fruiting and non-fruiting peach
(Figure 4B). In the HC treatment, WS irrigation significantly trees and observed that fruit induced 30% greater stomatal
reduced adjusted mean dry fruit weight by over 18%. conductance and 11--15% increased photosynthetic rates. In-
Adjusted mean total crop fresh weight was significantly creased water use due to crop-induced transpirational in-
greater in CT trees than WS trees for all thinning treatments creases may account for the water potential differences
(Figure 5A). Adjusted mean dry crop weight was not signifi- observed in this study. In the CT trees, increased fruit loads
cantly different between irrigation treatments in the LC and apparently did not affect water status because sufficient soil
MC thinning treatments, but was significantly reduced by 17% water was present at all times.
in the water-stressed HC trees (Figure 5B). The increased water stress associated with larger crop loads
could also be the result of reduced root growth. Williamson and
Coston (1989) observed that even light crop loads significantly
Discussion reduced root growth in peach during the period of maximal
fruit growth. Because soils in the WS irrigation treatment
Water stress dried, root growth to exploit increased soil volume may have
Within the WS irrigation treatment, the severity of water stress been inhibited by insufficient carbon supply in heavily crop-
was dependent on crop load, whereas in the CT treatment, ping trees.
water status was independent of load (Figure 2). It has been
Fruit fresh weight
observed in peach that cropping trees are often more water
stressed than defruited trees (Chalmers and Wilson 1978). Water stress caused a significant decrease in fruit fresh weight
During the final growth phase, when assimilate demand by (Figure 4A). This is in agreement with horticultural studies
fruit is at a maximum, leaf transpiration rates are reported to where peach fruit size, largely a measure of fresh weight, was
be higher on cropping trees than on non-cropping trees (Chal- reduced by water stress (Li et al. 1989, Crisosto et al. 1994).
Adequate carbon was apparently available to support a moder- Grossman, Y.L. and T.M. DeJong. 1994. PEACH: A simulation model
ate crop load, even with reduced photosynthesis. of reproductive and vegetative growth in peach trees. Tree Physiol.
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treatments were at different developmental stages when har- Grossman, Y.L. and T.M. DeJong. 1995. Maximum fruit growth po-
tential and seasonal patterns of resource dynamics during the
vested. The LC fruit in both irrigation treatments were at full
growth of individual fruit. Ann. Bot. 75:553--560.
maturity when the fruit were harvested whereas fruit develop- Ho, L.C., R.I. Grange and A.J. Picken. 1987. An analysis of the
ment in the other treatments appeared to be 3--6 days behind. accumulation of water and dry matter in tomato fruit. Plant Cell
Thus the study measured the effects of water stress and crop Environ. 10:157--162
load on fresh and dry weight accumulation rate, rather than Johnson, R.W., M.A. Dixon and D.R. Lee. 1992. Water relations of the
water stress effects on final fruit size. Fruit growth rate tends tomato during fruit growth. Plant Cell Environ. 15:947--953.
to be highest just before fruit maturity is reached (Grossman Koide, R.T., R.H. Robichaux, S.R. Morse and C.M. Smith. 1991. Plant
and DeJong 1995). If development stage had been a factor in water status, hydraulic resistance and capacitance. In Plant Physi-