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Fcu Install Maint PDF

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TYPE FCU Sizes 8 to 41

for Installation, Operation & Maintenance
for Installation, Operation
and Maintenance



Manufactured by :
G-56/57, MIDC Industrial Area, Chikalthana,
Aurangabad - 431 210. India.
TEL. : (Off) 240 2485521 / 2485856
FAX : (91) 240 2485 756
Website : www.premiumtransmission.com

1. Introduction

2. Description

3. Installation

4. Operation

5. Maintenance

6. Parts List

7. Spares

8. Storage & Preservation

9. Operating advice

CUSTOMER : _____________________________________________________

CUSTOMER ORDER NO. : _____________________________________________________

PREMIUM CONTRACT NO. : _____________________________________________________

COUPLING TYPE & SIZE : ______________________ SR. NO. :

BAFFLE SIZE : _____________________________________________________

kW TO BE TRANSMITTED : ______________________ RPM :

CENTRE For Further Details Refer Point 3.6 And 3.7 Of This Manual


This installation, Operation & Maintenance manual has been prepared primarily
for the mechanics who will be responsible for the erection, operation and
maintenance of the Premium Fluid Coupling and it is MOST IMPORTANT that the
book is handed to the men actually concerned.

Persons responsible for the equipment must read the manual and ensure that it is
properly and safely installed and maintained & operated at the specified

All similar instructions for the overall plant in which the equipment is to be
incorporated, which have an influence on the equipment application, must be
strictly followed.

Statutory and local requirements concerning work practices, safety and/or health
precautions must be observed.

= To protect the person who handle the rotating machinery, it is advisable to fit
suitable safety guard on it.

= This protective guard should be designed in such manner that escaped hot oil should
not comeout from it & sprayed on surroundings.

= Fluid coupling are supplied with thermal safety device as fusible plug for overload
protection. At the time of fusible plug blow of, hot oil escapes from coupling at high
velocity which is dangerous for human beings.

= Fluid coupling are designed & supplied for application rated based on the ordering
data for failsafe operation at rated speed & power which does not allow over
speeding of coupling than designed speed.

= All bolts should be periodically properly tightened to avoid accident due to loosening
of bolts.


These instructions have been prepared primarily for the mechanics who will be responsible for the
erection, operation and maintenance of the Fluid Coupling, and it is MOST IMPORTANT that the book is
handed to the men actually concerned.

Further copies can be supplied on chargeable basis, if required.

Impeller Runner






Input Parts

Output Parts





1. INTRODUCTION 2.2 How the fluid coupling works

The Premium make "PEMBRIL" fluid coupling is a The impeller, driven by the motor (or engine),
simple power transmission unit to couple an and runner, coupled to the driven machine, both
electric motor (or engine) to a machine. It have a large number of straight radial vanes. The
consists of two rotating assemblies only, impeller behaves like a centrifugal pump,
contained in a casing one is driven by the motor creating an outwardly flowing stream of oil,
and the other is on the driven machine side. The which crosses the gap to the runner, which acts
coupling is filled with light mineral oil which as turbine. The oil stream gives up power as it
transmits the power from the driving motor to flows inwards between the vanes of the runner
the driven machine. and, as it returns to the impeller again, the cycle
is repeated.
The fluid coupling greatly improves the
performance of squirrel-cage motors. Full load is 2.3 Characteristics
carried with an insignificant loss in speed and no
loss in torque. Typical characteristics of the fluid coupling when
used with a direct-on-line started squirrel-cage
2. DESCRIPTION motor, are shown in figures 1 and 2.

2.1 Construction

At the motor switch-on, the fluid coupling has no

The construction of the fluid coupling is shown torque capacity. As the motor accelerates the
in typical illustration on the opposite page. coupling torque remains low. The motor thus
starts under light load and runs up to speed
The main components are: quickly, while the torque of the fluid coupling
INPUT side : Impeller and casing increases smoothly to start the machine as
OUTPUT side : Runner and shaft shown in fig 1.

The impeller, runner and casing are aluminum Running

alloy castings. The impeller & the runner both have
a large number of straight radial vanes. The Ty p i c a l c o u p l i n g t o rq u e / o u t p u t s p e e d
runner shaft is carried in ball and roller bearings characteristics available for bringing the machine
in the casing and impeller. There is no mechanical up to speed smoothly and rapidly are shown in
connection between the impeller and runner. figure 2.

The amount of oil in the coupling may be varied Note high torques available for starting and
over a wide range, to give adjustment of accelerating machine. Also how accelerating
acceleration and overload torques. torque and stalling value can be adjusted simply
by varying coupling oil fillings.
A gland seal is fitted between the casing and
runner shaft.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2
275 275


250 250

225 225

200 200

175 175

150 /S 150
125 TO 125


75 75

50 50
25 25
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

2.4 Mounting machine is provided with end location. Make

sure that the distance between the resilient
This standard arrangement has a resilient driving driving disc and the half-coupling on the shaft of
disc on the input side and a multidisc semi-flexible the driven machine is set accurately during
coupling on the output shaft. (refer fig. 3) The installation to avoid undue bending of the driving
weight of the fluid coupling unit is thus shared disc.
between the shaft of the motor (or engine) and
driven machine. The resilience of the mounting at In no case, driving boss face should rest on the
each end caters for a certain degree of shoulder of motor shaft. Ensure gap of
misalignment between the motor and driven shaft. minimum 3mm.

Note, however that it is necessary for the lining- 2.6 Screw threads
up of the motor to the driven machine to be
carried out with care during installation, as if the Bolt threads and sizes of hexagon are METRIC to
machines are appreciably out-of-line, the load on Indian Standard IS1364/S1367.
all bearings will be increased, and the useful life
of the whole installation will tend to be

For the same reason, it is important that any Commissioning Instructions

bedplate that is used to support the machines is
of sufficiently stiff construction, to ensure that it On receipt of packing case, please check the
will be distorted excessively if it is pulled down material is inline with packing slip.
Fig. 3 Takeout complete material from packing case &
remove the anti corrosive coating from half
Incase half couplings are received in pilot bore,
same are to be machined to suit required shaft
diameters of motor & driven machine.
Follow the instructions given in instruction card
of coupling for finish bore & keyway machining.
Fit both half coupling on respective shaft with
on to an uneven foundation. keys.
Fit the lifting plate to coupling body by removing
2.5 Shaft location casing bolt & nut assy. (1 no for 11.5 to 26 FCU
It is recommended that the shaft of the driven and 2 nos for 29 to 41 FCU models)

Locate the coupling between motor & driven cause must be found and put right. On no account
machine shafts. machine the half-coupling to correct any faults.
Insert MDU assembly with hardwares at output
and set screw at driven plate end. 3.2 Fitting of engine crankshaft adaptor (engine
Align the coupling with motor & driven machine drives)
shaft witin specified tolerances.
Remove the lifting plate from coupling & refit Detach the driving disc 18 from the input side of
casing bolt with nut, washer. the fluid coupling and bolt, it with the adaptor, to
Secure properly lifting plate & spare fusible plug the engine crankshaft flange. After fitting, Check
for future. with a clock gauge that the register in the adaptor
Fill the correct grade of oil & quantity for for the centre spigot of the fluid coupling runs
transmission as per recommended filling angle. true.
In case filling angle is not specified known,
initially pour the oil upto 45 deg. filling angle The total variation in clock gauge readings must
from top dead centre and observe the motor not be more than 0.002 in (0.05mm) If the
current. In case motor is drawing more current, eccentricity is greater than this, the cause must
reduce the oil by 10 deg. To transmit exact be found and put right. On no account machine
power & required torque, repeat this method of the adaptor to correct any faults.
reducing the oil from coupling till get
satisfactorily results. 3.3 Erection
Once the oil qty or filling angle is arrived from
above method. Same should be marked on Detach the driving disc 18 from the input side of
coupling body & recorded in application logbook the fluid coupling, and bolt it to the driving boss
for future reference. on the motor shaft, using bolts 20 and self-
Before allowing system for continuous operation, locking nuts 70.
make ensure that all fasteners are firmly
tightened with adequate torque.
It is now necessary to put the motor (engine)
approximately in line with the input shaft of the
3.1 Mounting of driving boss and output half- driven machine, leaving the right space for the fluid
coupling coupling and multidisc plate assembly in between,
as shown by distance 'X' in figure 4 & table 1.
The half-couplings are machined to be a light
interference fit on their shafts. Fit rectangular If the motor shaft is not located endways by its
parallel keys, fitting well at the sides and with a own bearings, set it at its magnetic centre.
small clearance on the top. The half-couplings
should be drawn on to the shafts on no account Fig. 4
hammered on and heating in oil first to expand
them will help. After the half-couplings, check
with a clock gauge that:

(i) The register in the driving boss for the centre

spigot of the fluid coupling runs true.

(ii) The flange of the half-coupling on the driven

machine runs true and that its face is square
with the shaft.
Distance 'X' for various sizes of fluid couplings is
In each case total variation in clock gauge shown in the table 1. Before going further, first
readings must not be more than 0.002 in. (0.05 measure the thickness of the multidisc plate
mm). If the eccentricity is greater than this, the assembly to see that this is the same as the

figure given in the table. Sometimes oversize when setting the position of the motor. Distance
half-couplings are fitted, where the diameter of 'X' should be set to the actual length shown or
the driven machine shaft so demands, and this greater up to 0.020 in (0.5 mm) in case of 8 to
may mean that the plate assembly is thicker 11 FCU and 0.030 in (0.8mm) in case of 12.75
than that given in the table. If so, add on the to 20 FCU-never less or it will be difficult to
difference in thickness to the distance 'X' when assemble the multi-disc plate assembly in
setting the position of the motor. Distance 'X' position later.

Table - I

Fluid Overall length 'X' Thickness of

coupling Diameter of casing including multidisc plate assembly
size plate assembly multidisc

in mm. in. mm. in. mm.

5/16 7/16
8 9 237 6 163 1/4 6.4
1/2 1/2
9.25 10 268 7 191 3/8 9.5
1/8 1/8
10.5 12 308 8 206 3/8 9.5
1/8 1/16
11.5 13 333 9 231 3/8 9.5
1/2 1/4
12.75 14 368 10 261 3/8 9.5
14.5 16 419 11 3/16 284 1/2 12.7
7/8 1/16
16.25 17 454 13 332 1/2 12.7
3/4 13/16
17.75 19 502 13 351 1/2 12.7
3/4 1/4
20 22 578 15 387 1/2 12.7
23 26 660 17 454 3/4 19
1/2 1/4
26 29 749 19 489 3/4 19
29 33 838 21 5/8
550 7/8 22
32 36 914 23 583 7/8 22
36 40 1032 24 5/8
625.5 7/8 22
41 45 3/4
1162 26 660.5 7/8 22

Remove protective coating from centre spigot Remove the temporary support or slings. Bolt
and bore of spigot register. Petrol is the most the driving plate to the fluid coupling.
suitable solvent.

3.4 How to align the drive

Smear the centre spigot of the fluid coupling
with grease. Lower the fluid coupling between
the motor and the driven machine and enter 1. The fluid coupling itself is a rigid unit, the
the centre spigot in the register in the driving shaft being fully supported in the ball and
boss on the motor shaft. Support the weight of roller bearings.
the fluid coupling temporarily.
2. The fluid coupling is therefore provided with
flexible mountings at input and output ends,
Slide the multidisc plate 25 between the two so that it can act as a cardan shaft between
half-couplings, and bolt up, making sure to put the motor and the shaft it is driving. (Fig. 5)
in the spherical collars 77 which are fitted 3. In setting up the drive, the shafts of the
under the bolt heads and which are housed in motor, fluid coupling and driven machine
the large holes in the two half couplings. must be brought into one line. (Fig. 6)
Normally the driven machine, such a gearbox, is

Fig. 5 Fig. 8

(b) The shaft of the fluid coupling now being in

line with the shaft of the driven machine,
Fig. 6 within the required limits, the position of the
free end of the motor must now be adjusted
to bring the deflection of the resilient driving
disc to an acceptable working value. To
measure the deflection of the disc, clamp a
bar to the driving boss and attach a clock
gauge to the bar with its spindle bearing on
the head of one of the driving bolts. (Fig. 8)

Turn the fluid coupling by hand and note the

assumed to be fixed in position and lining up the clock gauge readings. Move the free end of the
drive becomes a matter of bringing the motor motor until the variation in the reading, taken
shaft into line with the input shaft, using the over a complete revolution, is within the total
fluid coupling in between as an "erection shaft'. tolerance given in the following table, showing
that the motor shaft is now in line with the fluid
coupling shaft.
This operation is most easily done in two stages,
as follows: Table - II
(a) By moving the motor up-and down and
sideways, bring the shaft of the fluid coupling
Total Tolerance
into line with the input shaft of the driven Coupling Size
machine (fig.7) Misalignment will be shown by MM. INCHES
variation in the gap between the two half-
couplings when measured at top, bottom and 8 TO 10.5 0.10 0.004
both sides. Continue moving the motor until
variation in the gap at the four points comes 11.5 & 12.75 0.15 0.006
within total tolerance given in following table:
14.5 & 16.25 0.20 0.008
Size Total Tolerance
17.75 & 20 0.25 0.010
8 to 20 0.004 in. (0.10 mm)
23 to 32 0.006 in. (0.15 mm) 23 & 26 0.30 0.012

36 to 41 0.008 in. (0. 20 mm) 29 & 32 0.38 0.015

36 & 41 0.50 0.020
Fig. 7

The last operation may have disturbed the

alignment of the fluid-coupling shaft to the
driven machine shaft by a small amount.
Therefore check the gap between the two half-
couplings again, and make any adjustment
necessary by moving the motor body.

3.5 Approved Oils responsible for satisfactory operation is
acceptable by them.

The following is a list of oils approved by

PREMIUM ENERGY TRANSMISSION LTD. WARNING : Great care must be taken that a
Indian market Grade of Oil mixture of oils is never used and that oil of
different grade to that in the fluid coupling is
1. Indian Oil company (IOCL) Servo system 46 never added.
2. Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL) Enklo 46
3. Bharat Petroleum (BPCL) Tellus 46 The approximate quantities of oil required for
the various sizes of PREMIUM ENERGY
International Market
1. Castrol HYSPIGN AWS32/46 Size Litre Gallons
2. Mobile DTE-24 (VG-32)/ 8 1.7 0.4
DTE-25 (VG-46) 9.25 2.6 0.6
10.5 3.7 0.8
11.5 4.6 1
3. Shell TELLUS OIL 32/37/46
12.75 6.8 1.5
14.5 10.2 2.25
5. Texaco RANDO OIL HD 32/46
16.25 13.6 3
6. Fina HYDRAN LZ 32/46
17.75 17 3.7
7. Elf ELFONA 32/46 20 26 5.75
8. Esso NUTO 32/46 23 39.5 8.75
9. Total AZOLLA ZS 32/46 26 56.5 12.5
29 78 17
The physical Characteristics of a typical oil are 32 105 23
set out below: 36 136 30
S.G. at 15 C 0.878 41 205 45
Flash Point (closed) 2130C
Pour Point -300C
00C ... 535 TRANSMISSION LTD. are as follows. Based on
Viscosity, 200C ... 170 max transmission power & 450 oil filling.
Kinematic, cSt 400C ... 46 The exact quantity of oil will depend on the
100 C ... 6.97 angular setting

The other properties, not shown, should conform Two filling plugs are fitted to the fluid coupling
to those of a similar high grade mineral oil. Fig. 9

3.6 How to fill the fluid coupling

Before the machine is started up, the fluid REMOVE THIS

coupling has to be filled with the correct quantity PLUG AND FILL
of mineral oil of low viscosity. See para 3.5 for OIL LEVEL THROUGH HOLE
list of approved oils for use in PREMIUM fluid (COLD)

An equivalent oil may be used, provided that the

manufacturer can guarantee it is an entirely
suitable equivalent in every respect and that

casing, Turn the fluid coupling until one of the filling angle must be modified to give the correct
plugs lies at the recommended filling angle from filling when the shaft is inclined at angles of up
the vertical centre line (See Fig 9) Take out the to 30 upwards or downwards.
plug and pour in cold oil to fill up to the plug
hole. Then screw the plug in again, with, its joint
washer, and tighten securely. For example, for a recommended filling of 450
and with the shaft sloping at 150, the corrected
angle would be 580 if the shaft is inclined
For correct filling angle of your coupling, please upwards or 290 if the slope is downwards.
refer para "CONTRACT DETAILS".

3.7 Filling angle with inclined shaft

4.1 General
In a drive where the coupling shat is not level,
but is inclined, then the angle to which the plug
hole is set for filling must be altered to The torque/speed and the stalling characteristics
compensate as shown this page. of the fluid coupling can be adjusted by
increasing or decreasing the quantity of oil
initially filled into the coupling, but reference
The above graph shows how the recommended

should be made to our works at Aurangabad or IMPORTANT : On no account should the fusible
to your nearest Premium Energy Transmission plug be re-filled with ordinary solder.
Ltd's. representative for advice before any ONLY NEW FUSIBLE PLUGS SUPPLIED BY
considerable departure from the recommended PREMIUM ENERGY TRANSMISSION LTD
filling angle is made. SHOULD BE FITTED.

4.2 Fusible plug 4.3 Noise Level

A fusible plug 43 is incorporated in the impeller Noise Level measured at distance of 1 meter at
as shown in fig. 10. The purpose of the plug is to maximum speed of 3000 rpm is 85 dbs.
provide additional safeguard to the motor and
prevent overheating in the rare event of a stall or When fluid coupling is installed with electric
failure of the motor overload trip. The plug motor and driven machine, three is possibility of
contains a fusible alloy that melts at a 1830c ± increase in the noise level as system cumulative
50c and allows the oil in the fluid coupling to effect. Above figure is given as guide line for
escape, thus removing the load from the motor reference.
and allowing it to run free.

Fig. 10

Fusible Plug Fitted on Fluid Coupling
Size 9.25 to 41 FCU only

It is necessary to check the design of the guard the weight of the fluid coupling. Take out bolts
to ensure that the escaping oil directed 24 from the semi-flexible coupling and remove
downwards, out of the way. multidisc plate assembly 25.

After removing the cause of the obstruction and Remove driving bolts 17.
checking the reason for the failure of the motor Move the fluid coupling endways from the
overload trip, it is necessary to fit a new fusible resilient driving disc 18, until the centre spigot
plug and to refill with clean oil (See filling 13 is disengaged from the register in the driving
instructions) to the recommended filling, before boss 19, and the coupling can be lifted clear.

5.3.2 To remove gland assembly

Before restarting, it is strongly recommended
that the nuts 49 on casing bolts 14 be
checked for tightness and if necessary Draw off the runner shaft half-coupling 23.
tightened to the recommended torque given in (a) Sizes 8 to 10.5
section 5.5.
Carefully straighten out the peened-over part of
the skirt of gland nut 9 and remove the nut.
5. MAINTENANCE Unscrew casing nut 7, and take out Oil Seal 8,
shaft distance piece 11, and 'O' Ring 73.Refer
Fig. 15).
5.1 Checking tightness of bolts and alignment
(b) Sizes 11.5 to 16.25
After the fluid coupling until has been in service Take out setscrews 28 and take off retaining
for a few weeks, it is recommended that a check plate 7, the two 'O' rings 74, gland diaphragm 8,
be made of the tightness of all external bolts casing distance piece 10 and shaft distance
and nuts. (For recommended torque settings see piece 11.
section 5.5)
Fig. 11
5.2 Checking filling

At intervals of about 12 months, with the fluid

coupling cold, remove a filling plug 22 and set
the plug hole at the recommended angle to
check that the oil level is correct. (See page 7 &
8). If necessary, add oil of the same grade to
make up the level.

5.3 Dismantling

5.3.1 General

Before removing the fluid coupling from the

drive, take out both filling plugs 22 and drain the
oil into a suitable container.
(c) Sizes 17.75 to 32
Carefully straighten out the peened-over part of
The fluid coupling may be removed from drive the skirt of gland nut 9 and remove the nut. Take
without disturbing the motor or driven machine. out floating ring 72 and remove 'O' ring 73 and
shaft distance piece 11. Unscrew setscrews 28
Attach slings or put in temporary packing to take and take off retaining plate 7. Remove gland
diaphragm 8, 'O' ring 74, springs 75 and gland

Fig. 12 Lift the impeller away from the
casing/runner assembly, taking great care in
lifting until the outer race and rollers of
bearing 5 are clear of the inner race which
remains on the shaft.

Should the roller bearing require to be

replaced the outer race may be removed from
the impeller by pouring boiling water on the
metal of the impeller surrounding the race, to
expand it.

Turn the casing/runner assembly over so that the

shaft is pointing upwards, lower it on to suitable
packing below the face of runner 2.

shim 71. Draw the runner shaft half-coupling 23 off the

shaft (if not already off).

Gland Shim 71 fitted to provide for taking up

wear of the Gland Parts which may occur over Dismantle the gland (see 5.3.2) if this has
very long periods of service, say of several years. not been done. Lift the sub-assembly again
Removal of the shim will restore the tension of and support it on packing placed under the
the gland diaphragm after wear has taken place. flange of casing 3, so that the end of the
shaft carrying roller bearing 5 is from 1½ in
(40 mm) to 3 in (75 mm) clear of the bench
5.3.3. To examine or replace the ball and roller (or floor) depending on the size of coupling.

Tap the upper end of the shaft 4 gently using a

Rest the fluid coupling on support on the bench hard wood block, to drive the shaft through the
or floor, output shaft downwards ball bearing 6. When the ball bearing is clear of
its seating on the shaft, lift the casing containing
the bearing away from the runner and shaft
Remove casing bolts 14, Screw setbolts into assembly.
the tapped holes in the flange of the impeller
1. By tightening the setbolts evenly, jack the
impeller away from the casing 3 until the The ball bearing may now be replaced if
dowels 66 in the joint face the disengaged. necessary.

Fig. 14
Fig. 13



66 3

14 3
1 1/2 TO 3 IN
40 TO 75 MM

5.4 Assembly Fig. 15

Sizes 8 to 10.5
5.4.1 General

Assembly of the fluid coupling must be done in a

clean place and care taken that all parts are
thoroughly clean before assembly. Use only clean
rag to wipe the parts cotton waste is unsuitable.

Assembly is straightforward but the instructions

given in the paragraphs following should be
carefully observed.

5.4.2 Runner and shaft assembly

Note that, depending on the size of coupling, Smear anti cease compound (Mossil) on threads
runner 2 is fitted on one side or the other of the of gland nut 9. Screw it on the shaft and tighten
shaft flange and the direction in which the runner up hard. Lock by peening a part of the skin into
bolts must be put in varies. The variations in these the hole in the shaft.
are shown in the sketches on pages 18 and 21.
Note that there are six holes for the bolts in Sizes 11.5 to 41 FCU
runner baffle and shaft flange, and the additional
two diametrically opposite holes which must be (a) New 'O' rings should be used throughout.
in line are air vents.
(b) Make sure that the gland faces are perfectly
clean before assembly. A final wipe with
5.4.3 Casing and runner assembly clean newspaper will help to ensure this.

(c) On sizes 11.5 to 16.25 smear red lead on

Sizes 8 to 10.5 FCU the threads of shaft nut 9.
Prepare a joint for the recess in the casing 3
(d) Lock shaft nut 9 by peening a part of the
see Fig. 15. Use Hermetite jointing compound
thin skirt into the hole in the shaft.
on one side and grease on the side towards the
casing, then place it in position.
5.4.4 Completion of assembly
Press ball bearing 6 into the bore of the casing.
Place the gland components in position in the (a) If it is necessary to fit a new roller bearing 5,
following order: thoroughly clean all traces of oil or grease
from the outside diameter of the outer race
Put 'O' ring 73 in place
and the recess in the impeller, using a
Put 'O' ring 61 in place suitable scivent. Smear the outside diameter
Put shaft distance piece 11 in place of the race with sealant 'Loctite 601' (or
equal) before pressing the race into the
Screw in casing nut 7 with oil seal 8 and tighten
securely. Lock by punching metal into the slots.
(b) Joint-casing/impeller
Take Casing Impeller joint (157). Attach this
Lower the casing over the runner and shaft to the flange of the impeller with Hermetite
assembly, guiding ball bearing 6 overline shaft, until jointing compound and grease the side
its inner race locates on the shoulder on the shaft. towards the casing.

(c) Casing/impeller assembly 5.5 Recommended tightening torques for nut
Make sure that the assembly marks on the
flanges of both parts are in line and tap in The tightening torques are based on bolts,
the three dowels. Peen over metal round the material grade 8.8 (BS 1768-EN 16 S
dowel holes to secure. When fitting casing equivalent).
bolts 14, use plain washers 158 under the
nut 49. Tighten the nuts in opposite pairs
evenly to torque settings given in Section 5.5. Column 1 - Bolts through steel or cast iron
85% of torque to induce load equal to 85% of
proof load.
(d) Joint-centre spigot 13 to impeller (Sizes 11.5
to 41 FCU only).
Column 2 - Bolts through aluminium 60% of
Use Gasket Sealing Compound on the centre torque to induce load equal to 85% of proof
spigot side and grease on the other. load.

(e) Runner shaft half-coupling.

Finally, press on the half-coupling. It is
recommended that it is heated in oil to assist
fitting. Make sure the flange face of the half-
couplings is fitted flush with the shaft end.

lbf ft Nm Ibf ft Nm

M5 4.5 6.0 3.0 4.0

M6 7.5 10.0 5.0 7.0
M8 18.0 24.0 12.5 17.0
M10 36.0 48.0 25.0 34.0
M12 61.0 93.0 43.0 58.5
M14 102 145 72 102
M16 153 207 108 146
M20 300 406 211 286
M24 516 700 364 494
M30 1024 1388 723 980
M36 1790 2427 1263 1712

NOTE: All loads are approximate and the Nm figures approximate conversions.


Ref. Name of part No. Ref. Name of part No.

no. off no. off

1 Impeller 1 32 Set Screw (11.5 to 32) 8

2 Runner 1 (36 TO 41) 12

3 Casing 1 32A Locking washers (11.5 to 32) 8

(36 & 41) 12
4 Shaft 1
43 Fusible plug 1
5 Roller bearing 1
43A Copper Washer 1
6 Ball bearing 1
49 Self-locking nut (8 & 10.5) 18
7 Casing nut (8 to 10.5) 1 (11.5 to 32) 24
7 Retaining plate (11.5 to 32) 1 (36 & 41) 36
8 Oil Seal (8 to 10.5) 1 51 Self-locking nut (8 to 10.5) 4
(11.5 to 32) 6
8 Gland diaphragm (11.5 to 32) 1 (36 & 41) 8
9 Gland nut (8 to 32) 1 52 Locking washer (11.5 & 32) 8
9 Gland assembly (36 & 41) 1 (36 & 41) 12
10 Casing distance piece (11.5 to 20) 1 61 'O'ring 1
11 Shaft distance piece (8 to 32) 1 66 Dowels 3
13 Centre spigot 1 69 Self-locking nut (20 to 32) 6
(36 & 41) 12
14 Casing bolts (8 to 10.5) 18
(11.5 to 32) 24 70 Self-locking nut (11.5 to 32) 6
(36 & 41) 36 (36 & 41) 8
15 Baffle 1 71 Gland shim 1
16 Runner Bolt (8 to 10.5) 4 72 Floating ring 1
(11.5 to 32) 6 73 '0' ring 1
(36 & 41) 8
74 '0' ring (11.5 to 16.25) 2
17 Driving bolts (8 to 11.5 & 17.75 to 32) 6 (17.75 to 32) 1
(12.75 to 16.25) 8
(36 & 41) 12 74A 'O' ring (11.5 to 16.25) 1
18 Resilience driving Plate 1 75 Springs (17.75 to 32) 6
19 Driving boss 1 76 Self-locking nuts (8 to 10.5) 4
(11.5 to 41) 6
20 Driving boss bolts (8 to 32) 6
(36 to 41) 8 77 Spherical collars (8 to 10.5) 4
(11.5 to 41) 6
21 Circlip External 1
79 Locking plunger (36 & 41) 1
22 Filling plug 2
157 Joint 1
22A Bonded seal 2
158 Plain Washer (8 to 10.5) 18
23 Runner half-coupling 1 ( 11.5 to 32) 24
24 Multidisc coupling bolts (8 to 10.5) 4 (36 & 41) 36
(11.5 to 41) 6 166 Spring washer (8 to 11.5 & 17.75) 6
25 Multidisc unit 1 (12.75 to 16.25) 8
26 Output half-coupling 1 177 Plain washer (20 to 32) 6
(36 & 41) 12
28 Set Screw 11.5 to 32) 8
(36 & 41) 12 193 Joint 1
29 Ball Bearing housing (11.5 to 41) 1 202 Key 1
29A Roller bearing Housing (23 to 41) 1

Fusible Plug not required for Fluid Coupling Size FCU 8.

Fusible Plug not required FLUID COUPLING UNITS
Fluid Coupling Size FCU 8. type FCU, sizes 8 to 10.5

Heads of runner bolts Heads of runner bolts Size 20 only
16 this side, size 11.5 only 16 this side, sizes 17.75 & 20

type FCU, sizes 11.5 to 20

type FCU, sizes 23 to 32

type FCU, sizes 36 to 41

Fusible Plug not required FLUID COUPLING UNITS
Fluid Coupling Size FCU 8. type FCU, sizes 8 to 10.5

type FCU, sizes 11.5 to 16.25

type FCU, sizes 17.75 to 20







7. SPARES (ii) Find the serial number of the fluid coupling
for which the spare pat is needed. This is
stamped on the flange of the impeller and
7.1 How to order spare parts casing, and might read for example:
PE 14 FCU 15B 31187
(i) Re fe r t o t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s e c t i o n a l (iii) Quote the reference number and serial number
arrangement drawing drawing and parts list in your order, as in this typical example:
to find the reference number of the part One ball bearing ref. 6 for coupling PE 14
required. FCU 15B 31187

7.2 Recommended spares

Sr. No. Part Ref. No.

1. a) Gland Nut Assembly 7, 8, 9, 11, 61, 73

(Sizes 8 to 10.5)
b) Gland Nut & diaphragm 8, 9, 74
(Sizes 11.5 to 16.25)
c) Gland Nut & diaphragm 8, 9, 71, 72, 73, 74 & 75
(Sizes 17.75 to 32)
d) Gland body/Diaphragm assembly 9 & 10
(Sizes 36 & 41)
2. Fusible Plug & Washer 43 & 43 A
3. Roller bearing 5
4. Ball bearing 6
5. Resilient driving Plate 18
6. Multidisc Unit with bolts, nuts, collar spherical 24,25 & 76, 77
7. 'O' rings (set) 61, 73, 74
(Sizes 11.5 to 32)

Service Tools
1. Shaft Holding Device
2. Gland Spanner
3. Leak testing device
4. Input/output alignment device
5. Truth testing device.


Coupling 9.25
Size 8 & 11.5 12.75 14.5 16.25 17.75 20 23 26 29 32 36 41
Type 'FCU' 10.5


25 35 45 60 3" 4" 5"

52 72 85 110 5 3/4" 7 1/4" 9"
15 17 19 22 1 1/16" 1 1/4" 1 3/8"


25 35 45 55 65 3" 4" 5"

52 72 85 100 120 5 3/4" 7 1/4" 9"
15 17 19 21 23 1 1/16" 1 1/4" 1 3/8"


Coupling 9.25
Size 8 & 11.5/12.75 14.5/16.25 17.75/20 23/26 29/32 36/41
Type 'FCU' 10.5


Inside Dia 52 72 2 3/4" 3 1/8" 3 1/2" 5 7/8" 7 1/4" 9"

Wire Dia 2.62 2.62 0.10 0.210 0.210 0.39" 0.275" 0.139"


Inside Dia 25.07 31.42 42 52 2 1/4" 3" 3 3/4" 4 1/2"

Wire Dia 2.62 2.62 1.53 2.62 0.139" 0.139" 0.139" 0.210"


Inside Dia --- --- 3 1/2" 4" 5" NA 7 3/4" NA

Wire Dia --- --- 0.103" 0.103" 0.139" NA 0.139" NA

Dimensions in mm unless otherwise shown

*Note : Clearance in Roller and Ball bearing

Roller Bearing : Normal group
Ball Bearing : Group 3


In situations where PREMIUM fluid couplings are the following procedure should be adhered to :-
to be stored for an extended period prior to
3.1 Coat all external bright steel parts with
installation, our recommendation for storage are
suitable hard setting rust preventive.
as follows:-
3.2 Close all openings weather-tight with wooden
3.3 Cover complete fluid coupling with canvas or
plastic sheeting. Encapsulate.
1.1 Upon receipt the equipment should be
inspected inside and out to ensure it is in 3.4 With side walls lined with commercial tarred
good condition any damage to surface finish paper or back hessian treated commercial
should be rectified by cleaning affected area. polythene, build up packing case around
If any water has collected owing to weather coupling.
etc. this must be wiped dry and the surface 3.5 Cases should be opened every 6 months and
cleaned. equipment checked for any signs of rusting
and/or moisture collection owing to

2.1 Place the fluid coupling on a suitable
ventilated wooden skid to raise it above floor
level and allow free air circulation. These recommendations are intended to serve as
2.2 The goods should be stored in warm, dry, a minimum guide only and will not supplant
vibration-free warehouse; ideal conditions common sense on behalf of owner for additional
would be a temperature of 20/250C, relative safe-guards to ensure safe storage where special
humidity of 45% an atmosphere free from precautions are warranted.
pollutants, dirt and dust, no vibration and no Responsibility for the equipment during storage
direct sunlight. must be assumed by the owner.
2.3 Apply protective coating of oil soluble rust PREMIUM ENERGY TRANSMISSION LTD. will not
preventive to all accessible steel surfaces be responsible for any damage to equipment
both inside and out. We would recommend during storage.
application by spray, especially for the
internal surfaces.
2.4 Place a suitable amount of silica get bags
inside the coupling box to absorb moisture.
2.5 External shaft extensions should be
protected by applications of a suitable hard
setting rust preventive then wrapped with
moisture-proof tape or similar material.
2.6 The fluid coupling should be inspected inside
and out at least every 6 months for signs of
rusting and/or moisture collecting owing to
humidity. The shaft of the fluid coupling
should be also be rotated a fe rotations at
this time.


Outside storage of PREMIUM Fluid couplings is

not recommended, but if absolutely necessary,


Cause Corrective Action

Vibration in coupling Check alignment

Check sturdiness of base frame
Check looseness of bolts
Check concentricity half couplings
Check bearing damages

Machine accelerate fast Oil level high

Check machine operating at full load
Check rating

Will not run at full speed Oil level low

Check motor speed
Check Rating
Check resistance in machine if any

Over heating Oil level low

Incorrect grade of oil
Check guard for air circulation
Check rating

Fusible failure in short time Check rating

Oil level high
Incorrect grade of oil

Noise in coupling Guard rubbing

Failure of MDU or RDP
No oil in coupling
Bearings may wornout

Oil leakage Check the oil leakage with paper

Filling /Fusible Plug loose
Gland assembly loose
Check all joints for leakage

MDU/Driving plate failure Check alignment

Check distance between shaft ends
Check the concentricity of halfcplg
Check the wear in MDU bolts


Australia : Ashley Benoit & Co. PTY. Limited, Mr. Ashley Benoit / Mr. Andrew Benoit, Unit 6, 13 Hoyle Ave, Castle Hill, NSW 2154,
Australia. Tel : +61-2-9634 3200, Fax : +61-2-9899 2313, Mobile : +61-412 604 150,
Email : michaeloneil@ashleybenoit.com.au
Canada : Rotator Products Limited, Mr. Ajay Bajaj, 570 Alden Road, Unit #6, Markham, Ont. L3R 8N5,
Tel : +905 - 479-9841, Fax : +905 - 479-9850 Email : ajay@rotatorproducts.com
China : Run Ace Co. Ltd., Mr. James Chang, Rm. 202(B), 1359 Changde Rd., Shanghai, China.
Tel : +86-21-62665219, Fax : +86-21-62664465, Mobile : +86-13651929020,
E-mail : james@runace.com.tw
Germany : DIGA Antriebstechnik GmbH, Mr. Hans Jürgen Knoll, Stockumer Straße 28, D-58453 Witten.
Tel : +49 (0) 23 02 97 890 22, Fax : +49 (0) 172 189 8488
Indonesia : PT. OUTSOURCINDO, Ms. Sulastri Conslita S., Graha Krama Yudha, 4th floor, II Warung Buncit Raya No. 43, Jakarta
12760, Indonesia.Tel : +62-21 7984955, 7984956, Fax : + 62-21-7984957
PT. SLS Bearindo, Mr. Johnny Lim, Komplek Marina Mangga Dua, Blok G/3A-5 JI, Gunung Sahari No. 2, Jakarta
14420, Tel : +62-21 6456711 / 6456728 (Hunting), Fax : +62-21 6456716-19, Mobile : +62-811 993 665,
Email : johnny@slsbearindo.com
Malaysia : Siang Maju SDN.BHD., Mr. Michael Chin / Mr. Ray S. Y. Hoh, No : 24, Jalan SS 26/11, Taman Mayang Jaya, 47301
PetalingJaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : +603-78039121, Fax : +603-78039122, Mobile : +60-122263126,
E-mail : sales@siangmaju.com.my
Nepal : Morang Auto Works : Mr. Vishnu Kr. Agarwal, P. O. Box : 1452, Tripureshwar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel : +977-1-4261160 / 8253, Fax : +977-1-258935, Email : mawnepal@ccsl.com.np
New Zealand : Maud Kirk, Mr. Allan Grigor, 428, Church Street East, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand.
Tel : +64-95710189, Fax : +64-95710197, E-mail : allan.grigor@maudkirk.co.nz
New Zealand Cooling Tower, Mr. Jens Jensen, 17 Ben Lomond Crescent, Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand.
Tel : +64 9 576 2727, Fax : +64 9 576 2720, E-mail : jens.jensen@xtra.co.nz
Singapore : Harribell Pte Ltd., Mr. Gideon Yap, Blk 203 wing 'A' Henderson Road, #10-02 Henderson Industrial Park,
Singapore 159546. Tel : +65 6276 0900, Fax : +65 6276 0922, Email: harribell@gingnet.com.sg
RO-QUIP Asia Pacific Pte Ltd., Mr. Tony Martin, 51 Lorong 21Geyland, Singapore 608609,
Tel : +65 67360192, Fax : +65 68967086, Email : tony.martin@ro-quip.com
South Africa : Conshor Services cc, Industrial Power Transmission, Mr. Patrick Shorten,
P. O. Box 92036, Norwood 2117, South Africa. Facsimile : +27 11 728 5254, Mobile : +27 82 568 0420,
E-mail : p.shorten@mweb.co.za
South Korea : Eners International, Mr. Hyung-Dong You, # 1202, BoBos Chereville, Sunae-dong 5-2, Bundang-gu,
Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-do, Korea (463-825). Tel : +82-2-895-7882, Fax : +82-2-895-7889,
Mobile : +82-16-874-0323, E-mail : hdyou@eners.co.kr
PT Couplings Co. Ltd., 769-1, Sukpo-Ri, Janqam-myun, Hawsung-si, GyeongGi-Do, Korea.
Tel : +82-2-838-0882/7589/0831, Fax : +82-2-854-4927, C.P. : +82-11-269-8615, E-mail : kmq1118@yahoo.com
Taiwan : Run Ace Co. Ltd., Mr. Daniel D. Chang, 2, Lane 137, SEC. 2, PA, TE RD., Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.,
Tel : +886-2-27731885, Fax : +886-2-27511116, Mobile : +886-933163200, E-mail : runaceco@ms15.hinet.net
Thailand : Bearings Specialist Co. Ltd., Mr. Richard Lim, 49/46-49, Kranchanapisek Rd., Moo 5, Bangkhae, Bangkok 10160,
Thailand. Tel : +66-2801-2266, Fax : +66-2801-1100, Mobile : +66-9-2025500, E-mail : richlim@bearspec.co.th
UK: Custom Power Transmission Ltd., Mr. Terry Lynch, 69, Garamonde Drive, Wymbush, Milton Keynes, MK8 8DD.
Tel : +44-1908 563252, Fax : +44-1908 563077, Mobile : +44-7985621151, E-mail : custompower@btopenworld.com
Zambia : Minjex Enterprises Ltd., Mr. S. B. Sastry, P. O. Box 20176, Kitwe, Zambia.
Tel : +260 - 2212812/15, Fax : +260 - 2210713, Email : minjex@gmail.com
Avil Kram Industrial Supplies Ltd., Mr. John Liva, P O Box 32700, Lusaka 10101, Zambia.
Tel : +260-1-238119/221412, Fax : +260-1-238119, Email: abzud@zamnet.zm
Premium Energy Transmission Limited
Head Office : P.B. No. 5, Chinchwad, Pune - 411 019, India.
Tel. : (91-20) 27488886, 27488947, Fax : (91-20) 27450287, 27472384.
E-mail : sales@petltd.com, Website : www.premiumtransmission.com

Manufacturing Units :
Unit-I : P. B. No. 5, Chinchwad, Pune - 411 019, India. Tel. : (91-20) 27475141 / 42 / 43 / 44,
Fax : (91-20) 27450287, 27472384. Unit-II : Falta Industrial Growth Centre, Sector-III, Falta, 24 Parganas
(South), West Bengal - 743504, India. Tel.: (91-3174) 222231 / 32 / 33 / 37, Fax : (91-3174) 222234.
Unit-III : G-56 / 57, MIDC Industrial Area, Chlkalthana, P. B. No. 779, Aurangabad - 431 210, India. Tel.:
(91-240) 2485521, 2485856, 2485056, Fax : (91-240) 2485756. Unit-IV : 31-P, MIDC Industrial Area,
Chlkalthana, P. B. No. 779, Aurangabad - 431 210, India. Tel.: (91-240) 2482858, 2471298,
Fax : (91-240) 2482857.
Regional Offices :
Mumbai : Industry Manor, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400 025, India. Tel.: (91-22)
24223747, 24365510, Fax : (91-22) 24367785, 24379555. New Delhi : Express Building Annexe, 9-10,
Bahadhur Shah Zafar Marg, P. B. No. 7024, New Delhi - 110 002, India. Tel. : (91-11) 23730554
(8 Lines), Fax : (91-11) 23359782 / 23357739. Kolkata : Thapar House, 25, Brabourne Road, P. B. No.
702, Kolkata - 700 001, India. Tel.: (91-33) 22424316, 22423780, 22423805, 22424317 / 20 / 21,
22438815, 22420817, Fax : (91-33) 22424325. Chennai : "Wavoo Mansion", 6th Floor, New No. 48
(Old No. 39) Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600 001, India. Tel.: (91-44) 25255200, (91-44) 25224557.
Branch Office :
Ahmedabad : ‘Jaldarshan' Ashram Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009, India. Tel.: (91-79)
26580428 / 0518 / 1856 / 1857 / 1861, Fax : (91-79) 26587783. Bangalore : 16/3, Ali Asker Road, P.
B. No. 216, Off Cunningham Road, Bangalore - 560 052, India. Tel.: (91-80) 22262062, Fax : (91-80)
22253472. Hyderabad : 6-2-47, A, C. Guards, 1st Floor, P. B. No. 9, Hyderabad - 500 004, India. Tel.: (91-
40) 23314025, 23316446, 23390544, Fax : (91-40) 23318557. Kochi : 39/5567, M. G. Road,
Emakulam, Kochi - 682 015, India. Tel.: (91-484) 2359661, 2359372, 2359190, Fax : (91-484) 2359589.
Representative Offices :
Surat : Block No. 1, 2nd Floor, Jai Ambe Society, Near Jai Ambe Temple, Adajan Road, Surat - 395 009,
India. Tel.: (91-261) 6553077, Mob.: 09879584582. Indore : G-1, ‘Vipin Kanti Mansion' 41, Anoop Nagar,
Indore (M.P.), India. Tel.: (91-731) 2421135, Mob.: 09826041910. Lucknow : G-701, Halwasiya Utsav
Enclave, Opposite HAL, Faizabad Road, Lucknow - 226 016, India. Tel.: (91-522) 3954033, 2344962,
Mob.: 09415086044. Ludhiana : House No. 74-B, 1st Floor, Model Town Extension, Ludhiana, India.
Mob.: 09814640863. Coimbatore : H, Gowtham Apartments, 114, Sengupta Street, Ramnagar,
Coimbatore - 641 009, India. Tel.: (91-422) 2230255, Mob.: 09865293350. Bhopal : 120, Aradhana
Nagar, Kotra Sultanabad, Bhopal, India. Mobile : (0) 9329540327. Bilaspur : House No. 14/1126, 1st
Floor, 4th Lane, Krantinagar Bilaspur, Chhatishgarh, India. Mobile : (0) 9424153291.

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