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SG-DV4420 v1-1 IM EN NA 29000633 R001

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The Sur-Gard model SG-DV4420 is a combination of The EEPROM programming is done easily and quickly
Fire control panel and SCHED-3A communicator. This by using the SUR-GARD SG-DVT1 SCHED-3A tester. It
fire transmitter consists of six channels: Two class-A is only necessary to enter the account ID and options
alarms A1 and A2, one End of line resistor supervisory needed. Other data such as the function bytes, delays,
input S1, and three closed loop supervisory S2, S3 and etc. can be modified to meet different operating conditions.
S4. There is also one programmable output, an AC fail,
and a low battery detector. The SG-DV4420 can transmit
up to ten codes to the MLR2 receiver at the central STAND-ALONE MODE
station. It includes the 12V power supply/battery charger SG-DV4420B mounted in Multi 2XF metal cabinet with
and the 24V power supply for the F1/F2 modem. The built-in 115 to 14VAC transformer, meeting ULC
standby power is obtained from a 12V battery. requirements as a Stand-Alone fire/sprinkler transmitter.

The SG-DV4420 is intended for use as a fire transmitter POWER SUPPLY
only, for connection to a sprinkler riser or to output relay
The SG-DV4420 has a built-in 12VDC to 24VDC
contacts of an existing fire alarm control panel. This unit
regulated converter power supply, to operate the F1F2
does not include U.L.C. requirements for a complete
subset modem, a one Amp 12VDC power supply and
building fire alarm system such as multi-zone with alarm
battery charger. The auxiliary power supply can be used
and trouble indicators.
to power smoke detectors and other devices requiring
12VDC. 800mA 12VDC is available from the AUX
(positive) and GND (negative) terminals. It also includes
• 2 Class A zones AC failure and low battery detector.
• 1 ELR supervisory zon

• 3 Normally closed Supervisory zones

The EEPROM non-volatile memory is used to store the
OUTPUTS programmable data needed for each installation such
• Power supply Vaux 12V at 250mA w/15 Ah as the ID code, the all call response, etc...
battery 24V at 50mA output to power modem

• Operation controlled through program options SERIAL OUTPUT

The serial output to the F1F2 subset modem is on a 6
• 1 Programmable output PGM 1: Switched to position modular jack. A 6 foot modular cable is supplied
ground with current limiting resistor with the unit.


MAXIMUM LOOP RESISTANCE PER CONDUCTOR When the battery voltage falls below about 11V, this
Class-A loops internal circuit will be activated and the programmed
A1, A2 – 100 ohms low battery code will be transmitted to the central station.

Supervisory loops
S1 – 2700 ohms ELR +/- up to 250 ohms WATCH DOG CIRCUIT
The Watch Dog reset circuit continously monitors the
S2,S3,S4 – 500 ohms. operation of the microprocessor. If a malfunction occurs
(due to lightning or other unusual event) this circuit will
Eprom part number: Type 27C256.
restart the microprocessor in less than 10 seconds.
Nominal current draw: 260mA with fully charged
Battery Required: 6.5 Amp hr minimum to 15 If the battery voltage fall below about 10.5V, the system
Amp hr rechargeable gel-cell will electrically disconnect the battery to prevent it from
or sealed lead-acid battery being deep discharged. The system remains disconnected
mounted in panel. from the battery until the AC power comes back ON or
until the dead battery is replaced with a sufficiently
TRANSFORMER charged battery.
Built-in, 16,5 Vac, 37VA Class 2 Transformer.

Dimensions: 29cm(W) x 35.5cm(H) x 12.5cm(D) CLASS A FIRE ZONES: “A1” & “A2”
The Fire zones A1 and A2 are supervised (normally
open alarm initiating contacts) Class A circuits designed
Weight: 3.7Kg
to accept sprinkler switches, manual pull stations, building
fire alarm control panel, alarm output relay contacts or
latching four-wire smoke detectors.

Circuit A1 has an “retard” activation delay. On alarm,

(fire loop shorted) once the activation delay has expired,
the alarm is transmitted to the central station. The “retard”
activation delay is programmed at location 21. If the fire
input A1 returns to normal or swings before the activation
delay has expired, there will be no transmitted alarm.
This activation delay feature makes it possible to use
vane type waterflow switches without false alarms from
pressure surges. There is also a restore delay time
programmable at location 22, to avoid nuisance repeat
2 alarms.
The A1/A2 Class A Fire/Sprinkler circuits must have SOFTWARE SPECIAL FEATURES
one closed loop between its two + terminals and another
between its two - terminals. Opening one of those loops EASE OF PROGRAMMING
will cause a fire trouble and shorting across the loops will The system ID code and other programmable parameters
cause a fire alarm. will be downloaded into the module EEPROM by using
the SG-DVT1 Tester (with program version 5.0 or later)
as an access terminal. The SG-DVT1 is plugged into
SUPERVISORY INPUTS:“S1”,“S2”,“S3”,& “S4” the SCHED-3A line modular socket.
There are four supervisory circuits provided, which may
be used to monitor other parameters such as main SELECTION OF TRANSMISSION
valve and\or pressure. The first supervisory loop, S1, is It is possible to select, for each zone, no transmission,
an End of Line Resistor loop. The supervisory loop S1 alarm transmission only or alarm and restore transmissions.
must have a 2.7K end of line resistor.This is not a Class
B fire circuit, since either a short or an open circuit ACTIVATION AND RESTORE DELAYS
condition causes the same supervisory signal.The The loop A1, Low Battery detect and the AC fail detect
supervisory loops S2, S3 and S4, are used for normally have programmable activation and restore delays to
closed switch contacts. reduce false alarms and nuisance troubles.


The PGM OUT can be activated by alarm on A1 only,
The SG-DV4420 has one programmable output, switching A2 only or both. It has a 17 minute autoreset.
to negative, with a 150 ohm 1W current limiting resistor.
A sensitive relay (with a coil resistance of 700 ohms or LINE TROUBLE WARNING
more), a buzzer, a LED or compatible DC operated
If the transmission line were cut; the unit would give a
device may be connected between the AUX (positive)
2 seconds pulse to the PGM OUT output after a
terminal and the PGM OUT (switched negative) terminal
programmable delay of 60 sec. or 120 sec.
on the main board. Typical uses are: control relay, alarm
on A1 and/or A2 indicator, line trouble warning indicator,
or “Ring Back” (call received confirmation).

The operation of the Programmable Output depends

upon which option is selected in the programming table.
See the Programming Guide for a list of programmable
operation possibilities programmed at Location 27. The
programmable output can also be controlled remotely
from the receiver.

The program selection jumper must be left open.


WATCH-DOG: Flashes once every 10 seconds to show
unit is functioning normally. Any other flashing period
indicates a malfunction in the unit.

TX LINE: Flashes when unit transmits data.

RX LINE: Flashes following incoming data.

A1 FIRE/TROUBLE: Light ON when zone A1 in alarm

or in trouble.

A2 FIRE/TROUBLE: Light ON when zone A2 in alarm

or in trouble.

BENCH TESTING running close to it, to avoid electrical noise causing
disturbance to the components.
The SG-DV4420 contains factory default programming.
Any additional programming required is done through You can use up to 5 SG-DV4420 on 1 F1/F2 subset
the SG-DVT1 tester. For many applications all that will provided they are in the same location or 1 SG-DV4420
be required is to enter the ID number. If you need help, and 1 other subscribers control such as SG-DV1660, by
talk to your Sur-Gard distributor. using the SUR- GARD SG-DS1 module (Y connector).
You have to connect together the 24V negative terminals
Program the SG-DV4420 using the SG-DVT1 Tester
of both units, separate the ID codes and program a
(with program version 5.0 or later) as an access terminal.
different all call select for each one.
The SG-DVT1 is plugged into the SCHED-3A line modular
jack. The program select jumper J2 should be removed F1/F2 SUBSET
from the SG-DV4420 circuit board.
1. Remove power to the F1/F2 subset by unplugging the
Connect a 2.7K end of line resistor between the S1 input A.C. adaptor from the 120 VAC outlet (if installed).
terminal and the GND terminal. Connect a jumper on each Do not remove the plug from the “Adapt" input of the
normaly closed supervisory zone S2, S3 and S4 input. F1/F2 subset while the adaptor is powered as it may
Connect 2 loops to the A1 and A2 Sprinkler/fire class A cause an arc at the input and damage the F1/F2 subset.
input terminals - out to - in , and + out to + in. To
completely test your Fire system including the communicator 2. If the telephone company installed a cable on the
data, it is necessary to connect the unit to a test set, such "Terminal" input of the F1/F2 subset, disconnect it
as the SG-DVT1 (see system testing procedure). and connect the 6 pin modular cable MCBL6 (6 ft.)
included with the SG-DV4420. Then connect the cable
Connect a 14Vac, 20VA transformer to the AC terminals. to the SG-DV4420 Fire Transmitter. A custom length
Before plugging in the transformer, be sure the circuit 6 pin modular cable(MCBL-C) is also available on
board is not resting on anything metallic which may special order from Sur-Gard. The custom cable is
cause a short. available in any length up to the maximum run length
of 50 feet. See the "F1/F2 Subset Connections" diagram
NOTE: The SG-DV4420 will not start up if AC is OFF
on page 10.
and the battery is low.
3. The F1/F2 subset should be installed close to the
MOUNTING THE PANEL control panel. However, if it is impossible, follow
these precautions:
Select a dry location, close to an unswitched AC source,
close to a ground connection, and close to the F1/F2 • Avoid cable runs close to noise generators like
subset (modem) location. power transformer, motor, fluorescent tube, etc...

Remove the printed circuit board and mounting hardware • If you can’t avoid this, or the F1/F2 subset is too
from the cardboard retainer inside the panel. Before far from the control panel, it is necessary to use
attaching the cabinet to the wall, press the five white low capacitance shielded cable to connect the
nylon printed circuit board mounting studs and the ground F1/F2 subset to the control panel.
connection screw into the cabinet from the back.
Pull all the cables into the cabinet and prepare them for
The RS-232 communication (Rx & Tx) has a
connection before mounting the circuit board to the
recommended maximum wire run of 50 feet, using Sur-
back of the cabinet. Press the circuit board down onto
Gard's 6 pin modular cable.
the mounting studs.
The power supply (24Vdc) has a recommended maximum
With power off, wire the DV4420 as shown on fig. #1. All
wire run of 100 feet using:
normally closed (N/C) loops require a jumper if not used.
The connections to the F1/F2 subset are shown on fig. • #18 awg unshielded 4 conductor cable
#2. Avoid running the cable close to noise generators
• #22 or #24 awg unshielded 4 conductor cable with
like power transformer, motor, fluorescent tube, etc...
2 wires connected in parallel for each of the 24VDC
DO NOT connect the transformer or battery until all other
wiring has been connected (See power-up procedure). For RS-232 communication distances greater than 50 feet,
shielded cable with Sur-Gard's SG-DS1 connectors at
Connect a ground cable from the cabinet ground connection each end must be used. One SG-DS1 has to be installed
by the shortest and most direct route to a grounding rod inside the Fire Transmitter cabinet and another one inside
and to the Earth Ground Terminal on the panel. the F1/F2 subset box, (see Appendix B for theSG-DS1
wiring diagrams). The maximum distance maybe extended
Connect zone cables to zone loop inputs and put jumpers by using a shielded cable such as those described below.
or end of line resistors as required on any unused zones.
Connect wires supplying power to detectors to the auxiliary
supply. Make sure that the PC board is clear of wire 4
A. For 50 feet to 100 feet If the transmitter is not communicating (no signal on Rx
• Use #18 awg shielded 4 conductor cable such led of transmitter) to the central station at this point, call
as Provo (Cat. Num. 1782-21) or Belden (Cat. the telephone Company and ask them to make sure
Num. 9814). that the “Leg” is on. The telephone company will ask
you for the circuit number and the leg number which
• #22 or #24 awg shielded 4 conductor cable. can be found along with the service telephone number
on a card fixed on the F1/F2 subset.
B. For 100 feet to 500 feet
Use Low Capacitance #24 awg shielded 4 conductor
cable such as ALCATEL (Cat. Num. 371-02-24), Provo REQUIREMENTS FOR ULC
(Cat. Num. 6652-21), or Belden (Cat. Num. 9927) for INSTALLATION APPROVAL
the RS-232 communication (Rx, Tx, and SG).
• All components used in the system (contacts, detectors,
You must also use a 24Vdc power supply (such as etc...) must be ULC listed.
Sur-Gard's SG-2415 24Vdc power supply) close to
• Wire the transformer to the A.C. line according to the
the F1/F2 Subset to power it. Make sure to run a
electrical code on a separate circuit breaker.
wire (#18 or two #24 awg wires in parallel) between
the negative 24Vdc terminal of the Fire Transmitter • The F1/F2 subset should be placed in a metal box,
and the power supply, so that they are connected (for example the SUR-GARD SG-UMBX1) close to
together. the control panel.
• The battery must have a minimum ampere hour
POWER-UP PROCEDURE capacity of 6.5AH. In case of long time power failure,
the control panel must function normally for 24hrs.
Before applying power to the SG-DV4420 or the F1/F2
subset, connect the 24V output to the “Batt” input of the NOTE: Refer to ULC Standard booklet “FIRE ALARM
Connect the tansformer, wait approx. 5 seconds. Check
contact ULC at Toronto for more information
that A1 and A2 loop status led lights are off and the
or to obtain the booklet.
green “A.C. POWER” led is on. If a led(s) does not turn
off, find the cause (such as loop open or shorted) and
correct it. If the “A.C. POWER LED” is off, find the cause CONTROL POINT INFORMATION
(such as breaker turned off) and correct it. Control point #1: programmable output PGM OUT
NOTE: To supply AC power to the SG-DV4420, the The control point #1 can be activated remotely from the
transformer should not be connected to an receiver. This is done by sending a command containing
outlet that is controlled by a switch. the subscriber unit ID, which identifies to which unit the
command message is addressed and the point ID which
Check for the WATCH-DOG led pulses. This led indicator
identifies the control point.
flashes once every 10 seconds to show unit is functioning
normally. Activate a zone to be sure that the panel is Point ID bytes are split into 2 digits. The first digit specifies
responding to signals. If the panel does not respond the type of command and the second digit indicates
and there are no indicators on, check that the wiring is which control point is to execute the command (on the
correct. If the panel is responding normally, connect the DV4420, the control point is always #1). The point ID
battery. The red battery lead attaches to the positive byte start with a letter from A to D, giving the desired
battery post and the black battery lead attaches to the output function, as follows:
negative battery post.
A. Turn On the specified point.
B. Turn Off the specified point (stop).
SYSTEM TESTING C. Turn On for 2 seconds (Pulse) the specified point.
First test the system thoroughly using an SG-DVT1 tester. D. Flash the specified point, 2 seconds On, 2 Seconds
Contact the monitoring station to request a transmission Off, until a command is received to stop (B).
test before connecting the 6 pin modular cable to the
modem. Trip an alarm on any loop. Wait for the When a new command is received, for the programmable
communication to complete and check with the monitoring output (control point #1), it replaces the command
station to confirm the transmission. You can use the Rx/ previously in effect, if any.
Tx Led indicator to see if the transmitter receives or
Control point #1 can be activated internally (locally) by
transmits. Perform additional transmissions required by
the unit, for an “on time” of 2 seconds, when the SG-
the monitoring station.
DV4420 receives the “Kiss OFF” character from the
The system should be tested on batteries only and AC receiver. The “Kiss Off” character is sent by the receiver
only, to be sure that both supplies are present and as a confirmation signal that the last change of status
adequate. Make sure that the AC Power to the unit is message from the SG-DV4420 was correctly received.
connected to a separate, well marked, circuit breaker This output command takes priority over any command
which will not be turned off by accident. that output point was already executing.

14V AC , 20VA




The SG-DV4420 has it’s own EEPROM which is used When the connection is established the SG-DV4420
to keep in memory all the installer programming and will identify itself on the display as follows:
that won’t erase in case of power failure.
All programming must be done according to the CONNECTING... ... CONNECTED
standards and requirements of the central station to
which this equipment is connected, and according to At this point the connection is complete and the SG-
the restrictions of Underwriters' Laboratories of DV4420 is ready to accept programming commands
Canada, if applicable. from the SG-DVT1. The SG-DVT1 is in programmer mode
and will prompt you with the following message:
The system ID code and other programmable parameters
can be changed in the EEPROM by using the SG-DVT1 Prog. all data ?
Tester (with program version 5.0 or later) as an access YES NO EXIT
terminal. The SG-DVT1 is plugged into the SCHED-3A
line modular socket. The program select jumper J2 should
be temporarily removed. At this message you can select if all data needs to be
programmed (press [ENT] to go in the programming all
TRANSFER OF DEFAULTS TO THE EEPROM data mode) or just selected few (press [SEL1] to go in
the programming selected data mode). You may also
(Hardware Reset of EEPROM to Factory Defaults). Use select EXIT option to quit programmer mode by pressing
the following procedure: the [SEL2] button.
1. Power down the SG-DV4420 by removing both AC
and battery power. PROGRAMMING ALL DATA MODE
2. Using a Plug-In jumper borrowed from J2, short pins Press [ENT] to programm all data.
marked EEPROM RESET J1 together.
Prog. all data ?
3. Power up the SG-DV4420 and wait approx. 5 seconds. YES NO EXIT

4. Remove the Plug-In jumper. ENT SEL1 SEL2

When [ENT] is pressed to select YES, the SG-DV4420

PROGRAMMING WITH THE SG-DVT1 will ask if you want to reset all data to defaults with the
following message:
Connect a SG-DVT1 (version 5.0 or more) to the SG-
DV4420 (see figure #3). Unplug the modular cable Reset ALL Data ?
connected to modem and connect it to SG-DVT1 NO YES EXIT
transmitter jack (XTR).
Power up the SG-DVT1 Tester by connecting it to the
control panel battery using the two alligator clip (make Press [ENT] if reset to defaults is not required or press
sure to respect the right polarities). [SEL1] to reset data to defaults. You may also select
EXIT option to return to the programmer mode by
At the power up the SG-DVT1 display shows: pressing the [SEL2] key.

SELECT MODE V5.0 If you press [SEL1], then the SG-DV4420 will prompt
NOW: SCAN MODE you to go ahead with reset to factory defaults with the
following message:
Select the “PROG MODE” on the SG-DVT1 by Pressing NO YES EXIT
[SEL1] twice. The SG-DVT1 screen should be as follows:
NOW: PROG MODE Press [SEL1] to confirm or press [ENT] or [SEL2] to abort
the operation. If you press [ENT], the SG-DV4420 will go
to the Programming All Data Mode. If you press [SEL2],
START PROGRAMMER MODE the SG-DV4420 will return to the programmer mode. If
Press [ENT] to start the programmer mode. The SG- [SEL1] is pressed, the SG-DV4420 will prompt you with
DVT1 will initiate the handshake with the SG-DV4420. the following message if the operation was aborted:

SELECT MODE V6.0 Writing Factory and Writing COMPLETE

NOW: PROG MODE Defaults, Wait


DATA=0 1
At this screen the cursor will be flashing at data digit 2. EXIT PROGRAMMER MODE
Press [SEL1] to increment the first digit of data or press
To exit programmer mode, select EXIT from continue
[SEL2] to increment the second digit of data. Once the
message from PROGRAMMING ALL DATA mode or
desired data value is reached press [ENT] to accept the
PROGRAMMING SELECTED DATA mode and then select
change in data value. The SG-DV4420 will refresh the
EXIT from programming all data prompt by pressing the
display for the next address. The SG-DVT1 will display
[SEL2] key.
“continue programming ?” prompt if no data is changed
for two consecutive addresses. Prog. all data ?
Continue Prog. ?
ENT SEL1 SEL2 The SG-DV4420 will prompt as follows:
Press [SEL1] to redo the last address or press [ENT] to PROGRAMMING MODE
continue with the next address. You may also select ENDED! BYE...
EXIT option to return to the tester mode by pressing the
[SEL2] key. This concludes the SG-DV4420 programming.


Prog. all data ?


If you select “NO” by pressing [SEL1] at this prompt, the

SG-DV4420 will allow you to select an address:


At this screen the cursor will be flashing at address

digit 2. Change the address to the desired address by
pressing [SEL1] to increment the first digit of address
or [SEL2] to increment the second digit of address.
Once the address is selected, press [ENT] and the
current data at that address will show:

ADDR=00 DATA=0 1

The flashing cursor will indicate that you can change

the data now. Change the data to the desired data by
pressing [SEL1] to increment the first digit of data or
[SEL2] to increment the second digit of data. Once the
desired address value is reached, press [ENT] for the
SG-DV4420 to accept the change in address value. The
SG-DV4420 will refresh the display for the next address.

If no address or data is changed for two consecutive

addresses then the SG-DVT1 will prompt you if to
continue programming as follows:

Continue Prog. ?


Press [SEL1] to redo the last address or press [ENT] to

continue with the next address. You may also select
EXIT option to return to the programmer mode by
pressing the [SEL2] key.

NOTE: All data shown are generally in Decimal [03] TO [0C] TRANSMISSION SELECT
Values (Except for alarm/restore codes which It is possible to select, for each zone, no transmission,
may be in Hex value). The locations are in alarm transmission only or alarm and restore transmission.
Hex value. This feature provides for by-passing zones you don’t
want transmitted to the receiver.
You may change the account identification code by 02 = TRANSMISSION OF ALARM AND RESTORE
entering a two digit number in hex. (DEFAULT 01).
[01] OPTION 1 - ALL CALL SELECT [03] Transmission Select for FIRE INPUT A1 02
An “All Call” is a command sent by the central station’s [04] Transmission Select for FIRE TROUBLE A1 02
receiver after each scanning of 8 identification codes. [05] Transmission Select for FIRE INPUT A2 02
If a transmitter has an alarm at this moment, it can be
sent immediately to the central station, if the unit is [06] Transmission Select for FIRE TROUBLE A2 02
programmed to respond to that “All Call”. With this feature, [07] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S1 02
it is usually not necessery for that transmitter to wait for [08] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S2 02
its turn to be polled, before it is able to send an alarm
[09] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S3 02
to the central station.
[0A] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S4 02
00 = NO RESPONSE ON ALL CALL, [0B] Transmission Select for LOW BATT. DETECT 02
01 = RESPONSE ON ALL CALL #1 ONLY, [0C] Transmission Select for AC FAIL DETECT 02
04 = RESPONSE ON ALL CALL #1 IF ID CODE IS This feature permits each zone to be assigned to the
ODD AND ON ALL CALL #2 IF ID CODE IS EVEN. zone number desired, taking full advantage of the receiver
line card decoding.
NOTE: A number programmed higher than 04 gives
the same selection as 04. When 2 transmitters DEFAULT
are used on the same F1F2 subset, each [0D] Zone Assignment for FIRE INPUT A1 01
must have a different All Call. (DEFAULT 04). [0E] Zone Assignment for FIRE TROUBLE A1 02
Example of receiver scanning [0F] Zone Assignment for FIRE INPUT A2 03
[10] Zone Assignment for FIRE TROUBLE A2 04
01-02-03..08-ALL CALL #1-09-0A-0B..10-ALL CALL #2-
[11] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S1 05
[12] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S2 06
It is recommended that just 1 All Call be selected, and [13] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S3 07
the choice of All Call be divided evenly over the installations.
[14] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S4 08
In this way, approximately an equal number of subscribers
will be programmed for All Calls #1 and #2. [15] Zone Assignment for LOW BATT. DETECT 01
[16] Zone Assignment for AC FAIL DETECT 02
If two units are connected on the same modem (F1F2
subset): Skip at least 2 codes between your 2 identification [17] TO [20] FUNCTION BYTE
codes. (ex: #01,#04 so that 02 and 03 are used at other
This feature permits each zone to be assigned to the
locations.) Each unit should have a different All Call
zone description desired, taking full advantage of the
selected. So with automatic all call selection, you should
receiver line card decoding for central station without
have an odd and an even identification code. No response
on All Call should be used for lower security installations,
and when more than two units are connected to one DEFAULT
modem - for the 3rd and additional units.
[17] Function Byte for FIRE INPUT A1 50
[02] OPTION 2 - ALL CALL ANSWER SELECT [18] Function Byte for FIRE TROUBLE A1 50
[1B] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S1 50
The unit can send an alarm and a restore on All Call,
but it is possible and preferable to limit it to sending [1C] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S2 50
only the alarms and wait for the polling of its account [1D] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S3 50
code before sending the restores. (DEFAULT 01). [1E] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S4 50
[1F] Function Byte for LOW BATT. DETECT 51
[20] Function Byte for AC FAIL DETECT 51
NOTE: For a listing of all function byte possibilities, [27] PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT MODE
refer to “Line Card DVACS* Alarm Decoder The programmable output can be activated as indicated
Version 4” sheet. below. (DEFAULT = 04).


The loop A1, Low Battery detect and the AC fail detect
have programmable activation and restore delays to
reduce false alarms and nuisance troubles. Program 1X = ALARM ON A1 INDICATION.
the duration of activation and restore delays in seconds 2X = ALARM ON A2 INDICATION.
(in decimal). 3X = ALARM ON A1 OR A2 INDICATION.
[21] Activation Delay for FIRE A1 20 KISS OFF (2 SECONDS PULSE). RIGHT DIGIT IS
[22] Restore Delay for FIRE A1 40 IGNORED
[23] Activation Delay for AC FAIL 20
[24] Restore Delay for AC FAIL 40
[25] Activation Delay for LOW BATT. 20 The programmable output activation time, after an event
selected with left digit, can be selected as indicated below.
[26] Restore Delay for LOW BATT. 40
X0 = Steady ON.
X1 = Indication (2 sec. pulse) after 30 sec.
X2 = Indication (2 sec. pulse) after 60 sec.

*DVACS is a registered trade mark of Electro Arts Limited and covers

a wide variety of products.
Full DVACS compatability applies only when the Sur-Gard equipment is
connected to the RS-232 port of a DVACS F1F2-List 3 (or a DVACS
F1F2-List 1) subset which is connected to a DVACS HUB-324 (or DVACS
HUB-308) card.
CUSTOMER ______________________________________ CONTACT ________________________________________

ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________________


TEL. # ___________________________________________ FAX # ____________________________________________

ID CODE _________________________________________ LINE # ___________________________________________

CHECKSUM ______________________________________ DATE ____________________________________________

Location Default USER

[00] Identification Code 00 I____|____|

[01] All Call 04 I____|____|

[02] All Call Answer on alarm only\alarm restore 01 I____|____|

[03] Transmission Select for FIRE INPUT A1 02 I____|____|

[04] Transmission Select for FIRE TROUBLE A1 02 I____|____|

[05] Transmission Select for FIRE INPUT A2 02 I____|____|

[06] Transmission Select for FIRE TROUBLE A2 02 I____|____|

[07] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S1 02 I____|____|

[08] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S2 02 I____|____|

[09] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S3 02 I____|____|

[0A] Transmission Select for SUPERVISORY S4 02 I____|____|

[0B] Transmission Select for LOW BATT. DETECT 02 I____|____|

[0C] Transmission Select for AC FAIL DETECT 02 I____|____|

[0D] Zone Assignment for FIRE INPUT A1 01 I____|____|

[0E] Zone Assignment for FIRE TROUBLE A1 02 I____|____|

[0F] Zone Assignment for FIRE INPUT A2 03 I____|____|

[10] Zone Assignment for FIRE TROUBLE A2 04 I____|____|

[11] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S1 05 I____|____|

[12] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S2 06 I____|____|

[13] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S3 07 I____|____|

[14] Zone Assignment for SUPERVISORY S4 08 I____|____|

[15] Zone Assignment for LOW BATT. DETECT 01 I____|____|

[16] Zone Assignment for AC FAIL DETECT 02 I____|____|

[17] Function Byte for FIRE INPUT A1 50 I____|____|

[18] Function Byte for FIRE TROUBLE A1 50 I____|____|

[19] Function Byte for FIRE INPUT A2 50 I____|____|

[1A] Function Byte for FIRE TROUBLE A2 50 I____|____|

[1B] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S1 50 I____|____|

Location Default USER

[1C] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S2 50 I____|____|

[1D] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S3 50 I____|____|

[1E] Function Byte for SUPERVISORY S4 50 I____|____|

[1F] Function Byte for LOW BATT. DETECT 51 I____|____|

[20] Function Byte for AC FAIL DETECT 51 I____|____|

[21] Activation Delay for FIRE A1 20 I____|____|

[22] Restore Delay for FIRE A1 40 I____|____|

[23] Activation Delay for AC FAIL 20 I____|____|

[24] Restore Delay for AC FAIL 40 I____|____|

[25] Activation Delay for LOW BATT. 20 I____|____|

[26] Restore Delay for LOW BATT. 40 I____|____|

[27] Programmable Output Mode 04 I____|____|


DV-4420-A (Automation) DV-4420-L (Library 4/2 style)

Input Zone Std. F. byte Funct. Zone Zone Std. F. byte Funct. Zone
Name bit Addr Zn bit Addr byte Description bit Addr Zn bit Addr byte Description

Fire A1 0D 01 17 50 ----- Alm Zn#01 0D 01 17 30 Water Alm Zn# 01

Trouble A1 0E 02 18 50 ----- Alm Zn# 02 0E 01 18 37 Other Trb Zn# D8

Fire A2 0F 03 19 50 ----- Alm Zn# 03 0F 01 19 0C Fire Alm Zn# 10

Trouble A2 10 04 1A 50 ----- Alm Zn# 04 10 02 1A 37 Other Trb Zn# D9

Sup. 1 11 05 1B 50 ----- Alm Zn# 05 11 01 1B 35 Lpres Trb Zn# C8

Sup. 2 12 06 1C 50 ----- Alm Zn# 06 12 01 1C 34 Hpres Trb Zn# C0

Sup. 3 13 07 1D 50 ----- Alm Zn# 07 13 01 1D 36 Valve Trb Zn# D0

Sup. 4 14 08 1E 50 ----- Alm Zn# 08 14 01 1E 40 Tempr Alm Zn# 01

Low Batt. 15 01 1F 51 ----- Alm Zn# 09 15 08 1F 6D LowBt Alm Zn# 08

AC Fail 16 02 20 51 ----- Alm Zn# 10 16 03 20 37 Other Trb Zn# DA

“AUTOMATION” means suggested function bytes to program if the receiver is used with a central station computer
software such as SIMS or TAMCO and/or to have the alarms received as zones 1-10 without descriptive words such
as “Fire” or “Valve”.

“LIBRARY 4/2 STYLE” means suggested function bytes to program to display a “4/2 style” zone description. When
output to the printer or RS-232 computer port, the first digit of the zone tells you what type of zone it is, and the second
digit tells you what zone number it is, (just like the 2 digit alarm code in 4/2 digital dialer format). In the example, the
zone will be received as “Water alarm zone #01” for the Fire zone A1, “Fire alarm zone #10” for the Fire zone A2, etc...


Questions to ask yourself when doing 1. Verify the Tx and Rx led indicators on the panel:
RX: Should flash with polling at fairly steady rate.
n New installation? If inactive, check that the panel is otherwise
functioning, check the watch dog led, and items
n Existing installation that was working? 2 through 4 below, then contact the telephone
company to be sure that leg is “ON”.
n Communication failed under what
circumstances? (during power failure, TX: Flashes each time panel answers polling, longer
after work done on building or system) burst for alarms, restores, openings, closings,
etc... The Interval between flashes depends on
n Intermittent problem?
the number of subscribers polled. When an alarm
triggered, check if there is only one transmission
(burst). Often needing two or more attempts to
communicate is a sign of network problems.

2. Verify 24VDC supply to the F1/F2 modem subset. It should

be between 24 and 26VDC. If more than one panel is
connected to the same modem, negatives of the panel 24
volts modem power supplies must be connected together.

3. Verify the connections between the panel and the F1/F2

subset. Check the cable, the jacks, 24VDC power and
serial connections if more than 1 control is connected to
the same F1/F2 subset. Try your spare modular cable.

NOTE: If the cable length to the subset is longer

than 50 feet, you must use low capacitance shielded
cable for the serial connections and extra, heavy
gauge wires for the 24VDC .

4. Verify the options settings on the F1/F2 subset. (don’t

change them - just look and advise the telephone
company of any discrepancies!) There are 3 dip switch
units of 6 switches each inside, behind the magnetically
attached faceplate. #1 is adjusted by the telephone
company for levels. On #2, switches 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8
must be in the “ON” position. FOR #3, all switches must
be “OFF”.

5. Test the operation of the panel with a SG-DVT1 tester. If

working correctly, switch modes on the SG-DVT1 and test
communication through the F1/F2 subset and panel’s
modular cable.


Panel sends ID ok, does not always respond to 6. If all the above checks indicate that the panel and wiring
status report requests, or does not send alarms are correct, and the SG-DVT1 cannot communicate with
or other longer transmissions, or, receiver has the central station, contact your telephone company.
periods of incorrect response for this subscriber. Advise the company technician of any action taken so
far. Request that the telephone company verify the

n The leg on status

n Hub options

n Loop back test

n Receiver polling seen on leg

n Control panel answering polling

Your tests above will give you an indication of what

to expect. For example, If the panel Tx led shows no
activity, you won’t expect the telephone company to
see the panel answering the polling!

7. If there is some, but unsatisfactory communication, have

the telephone company measure the distortion on the
leg. Each bit transmitted should be near 6.6mS long.
Distortion can cause bits, eg: spaces or zeros, to be
shorter and be incorrectly sampled, causing rejection of
the data. If you have the equipment and know-how,
check this yourself before calling the telephone company.

8. Check the software version of the panel, newer

programs may have some improvements to work on
higher distortion lines.

A1 or A2 Fire/Trouble LED on. Verify the class a loops A1 and A2 wiring: + to + , - to

- (see connection diagram page 6).



V6.0 V6.0 V6.0

Limited Warranty
Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd. warrants that for a period of twelve months from the date of purchase, the product shall be free
of defect in materials and workmanship under normal use and that in fulfilment of any breach of such warranty,
Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd. shall, at its option, repair or replace the defective equipment upon return of the equipment to
its repair depot. This warranty applies only to defects in parts and workmanship and not to damage incurred in shipping or
handling, or damage due to causes beyond the control of Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd. such as lightning, excessive
voltage, mechanical shock, water damage, or damage arising out of abuse, alteration or improper application of the
The foregoing warranty shall apply only to the original buyer, and is and shall be in lieu of any and all other warranties, whether
expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd. This warranty
contains the entire warranty. Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd. neither assumes, nor authorizes any other person purporting to
act on its behalf to modify or to change this warranty, nor to assume for it any other warranty or liability concerning this
In no event shall Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd. be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of
anticipated profits, loss of time or any other losses incurred by the buyer in connection with the purchase, installation or
operation or failure of this product.
WARNING: Sur-Gard Security Systems Ltd. recommends that the entire system be completely tested on a regular basis.
However, despite frequent testing, and due to, but not limited to, criminal tampering or electrical disruption, it is possible for
this product to fail to perform as expected.
© 1999 SG Security Communications
401 Magnetic Drive, Units 24-28
Downsview, Ontario Canada M3J 3H9
Tel (416) 665-4494
Fax (416) 665-4222
Toll Free 1-800-418-7618 29000633 R001
www.sur-gard.com Printed in Canada

Software Version 1.1
Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
STAND-ALONE MODE .................................................................................................................................................................. 1

SYSTEM OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2

ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 2

FEATURES ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
POWER SUPPLY ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
EEPROM NON-VOLATILE MEMORY ............................................................................................................................................ 2
SERIAL OUTPUT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
LOW BATTERY DETECTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
WATCH DOG CIRCUIT ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
LOW BATTERY DISCONNECT CIRCUIT (NOT ON BOARD ONLY VERSION) ............................................................................. 2
CLASS A FIRE ZONES: “A1” & “A2” ............................................................................................................................................ 2
SUPERVISORY INPUTS: “S1”, “S2”, “S3”, & “S4” ........................................................................................................................ 3
PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT: "PGM OUT" ..................................................................................................................................... 3
SELECTION JUMPERS ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
ON BOARD LED INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
SOFTWARE SPECIAL FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................ 3

INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
BENCH TESTING ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
MOUNTING THE PANEL .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
HOOK-UP PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
POWER-UP PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
SYSTEM TESTING ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
REQUIREMENTS FOR ULC INSTALLATION APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. 5
CONTROL POINT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................ 5

SG-DV4420 WIRING DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

F1/F2 SUBSET CONNECTION DIAGRAM ....................................................................................................................................... 7

SG-DVT1 CONNECTION DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................................ 8

PROGRAMMING - GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................... 9

TRANSFER OF DEFAULTS TO THE EEPROM .............................................................................................................................. 9
PROGRAMMING WITH THE SG-DVT1 ......................................................................................................................................... 9
START PROGRAMMER MODE ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
PROGRAMMING ALL DATA MODE .............................................................................................................................................. 9
PROGRAMMING SELECTED DATA MODE ................................................................................................................................ 10
EXIT PROGRAMMER MODE ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

PROGRAMMING GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................................ 11

LOCATION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

PROGRAMMING WORK SHEET .................................................................................................................................................... 13

CHART OF PROGRAMMABLE ZONE BITS AND FUNCTION BYTES ........................................................................................ 14

TROUBLE SHOOTING ................................................................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX A - SG-DS1 Wiring Diagrams ...................................................................................................................................... 17

APPENDIX B - SG-DV4420 PROGRAMMING FLOW CHART ........................................................................................................ 18


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