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(Participating Graduates) : (Not For Sale.)

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  (Not for sale.

On behalf of Design Academy Eindhoven, a very warm welcome to   (Participating graduates)
(Not for sale.), the place to freely explore and revalue the meaning
of design — and what can and cannot be bought or sold — behind Adams Ponnis, Alice Bleton, Billie van
our complex, continuously evolving culture, amidst a typical Milanese
urban setting. Katwijk, Donghwan Kam, Irene Stracuz-
After DAE’s high-profile #TVclerici during the 2017 Salone del
Mobile, this year Design Academy Eindhoven is back in Milan with zi, Johan Viladrich, Lennart and Lauren
a unique spectacle that questions in vivo the various activities,
implications and alternative definitions of design. What’s more, this Leerdam, Marie Caye and Arvid Jense,
bold mise en scene is fully embedded in the daily life on Milan’s Via
Pietro Crespi. Martina Huynh, Nadine Botha, Razma
  (Value for money) Hassani, and Théophile Blandet
With a pharmacy, hardware store, newspaper kiosk, church, food
market, Internet café and osteria, Via Crespi represents a slice of
everyday Italian life, a stone’s throw from the Stazione Centrale di
Milano. Here, day in, day out, people come to buy their newspaper,   (Exhibition location)
grab an espresso, shop for food, trim their beards.
At first sight, we observe a thriving system of exchange. A micro- Headquarters at Osteria Crespi,
society designed around transactions of goods, services, and
currency. A co-existence of inhabitants and visitors from various Via Pietro Crespi,14, 20127 Milan
ages, cultures and professions, traveling up and down the street
within a grid of preconceived rules and set values. A collision with other venues along Via Crespi,
between the magnificence of the marketplace’s rationalist
architecture and its jarringly generic interior. Via Varanini, and Piazza Morbegno
  (Priceless design) (see map overleaf)
Yet against this burgeoning background, the street’s inhabitants
have developed a deep-rooted culture of ingenuity, creativity and
idiosyncrasy. Underneath the tangible market dynamics, each venue
boasts its own curiosities: the Internet café doubles as adviser to   (Dates and opening times)
asylum seekers; the bar is the first gay bar in the area; the market
hosts raves at night; and the hardware store displays a collection of Tuesday April 17th
not-for-sale baseball caps.
Yes, design provides us with the building blocks of society — – Saturday April 21st 10.00–19.00
commodities such as the plate of pasta, the newspaper, the
screwdriver, the coffee pot. It is how these things come together, Sunday April 22nd 10.00–18.00
though, that makes a place what it is.

  (A street-long installation)   (Press preview)

This year’s DAE presentation merges organically with the street’s
fabric, spanning from the former Osteria Crespi, revived by the Tuesday April 17 at 16.00
Design Academy for the Salone del Mobile, through the famous
covered market, Mercato Comunale Monza, to Piazza Morbegno,
with its hardware store and newspaper kiosk.   (Opening party)
The street-long installation explores design along a spectrum from
the banal to the avant-garde, from the amateur to the professional, Thursday April 19 at 18.00
from the market stall to the street performer.

  (Future urban visions)

Graduates from each of the Design Academy’s eight bachelor’s   (Social media)
departments and four master’s departments propose stimulating
site-specific design projects. For more information about (Not for
At Osteria Crespi, Martina Huynh’s interactive Basic Income
Café invites you to experience the economical principles behind sale.) please visit
two basic income scenarios — a complex system made tangible
by means of the flow of coffee. Further down Via Crespi, in the www.designacademy.nl/milan
Mercato Comunale Monza, you are served a freshly brewed drink
by SAM, a self-owning soda-making machine designed by Marie For hi-res images or more information,
Caye and Arvid Jense, while the displaced human worker performs
The Last Job on Earth, hinting at our future careers as interpreters go to press.designacademy.nl or contact
for computers. In the Anaesthesia nightclub, Donghwan Kam’s
After-Photography freezes time to look back at iconic moments of press@designacademy.nl
contemporary mass media through the virtual reality of Second Life.
And these are only a few of the twelve installations to be discovered Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and
by adventurous and observant visitors along Via Crespi.
(Not for sale.) is curated by Joseph Grima and Tamar Shafrir. Since Twitter:
2017, Grima is the new creative director of the DAE. Shafrir is a
mentor in the DAE master’s programme. #DAE #NOTFORSALE
(Not for sale.) is a tribute to the 2002 exhibition Hotel Droog, a
one-star hotel on Milan’s Via Mercato that Droog occupied and #DAENOTFORSALE #DAEBUILDUP
transformed with subtle interventions by designers in each of its
twelve rooms.

  (Not for sale.) Contributors and Collaborators

Azizur, Jules Bressers, Timo Breumelhof, Bunker-Arc, Carmen, Don-
atella, Droog, Formafantasma, Gianni, Joseph Grima, Mark van der
Gronden, Nienke Helder, Sammy Kossen, Holly Krueger, Olle Lundin,
Nicole Marnati, Alexandra Onderwater, Jurriënne Ossewold, Michael
Oswell, Paolo, Elisa Ci Penagini, Roberto, Marc Ruis, Studio Delfino
Sisto Legnani, Tamar Shafrir, Alice Twemlow

  (DAE Friends and Funders)

Baltan Laboratories, Bruns, Canon, City Of The Hague, City Of Ein-   Design Academy Eindhoven
dhoven, Daf Trucks Nv, Ecco Leather, GGZE De Grote Beek, Hague PO Box 2125
Project Peace & Justice, Hivos, Keep An Eye Foundation, Philips 5600 AZ Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Design, Royal Mosa, > Veenhuizen, Van Engelen & Evers, Vescom, www.designacademy.nl
Waterschap De Dommel, Woonbedrijf info@designacademy.nl

  (Not for sale.)   (Not for sale.)

 (Locations)  (Work)  (Designer)
A  Ferramenta Ratio Johan Viladrich
B  Edicola Misinformation Times Irene Stracuzzi
C   NoLoSo Bar The Last Job On Earth Studio Arvid & Marie
D   Anaesthesia Club After-Photography Donghwan Kam
Fountain of Money Théophile Blandet
E  Mercato Ventri Billie van Katwijk
SAM Studio Arvid & Marie
Monade Capsule Alice Bleton
F   Internet café Fountains of Knowledge Théophile Blandet
G  Osteria Basic Income Cafe Martina Huynh
Politics of Stuff Nadine Botha
H  Negozio Paperthin Lauren and Lennart Leerdam
I  Lavanderia Playful Elements Razma Hassani
?  Skaut Adams Ponnis


Piazza Morbegno Via Luigi Varanini Via Pietro Crespi


Via Marco Aurelio


  (Not for sale.)

  (Not for sale.)   (Not for sale.)

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