Rhododendron Yedoense Poukhanense: Flavonoids From The Flower of Var. and Their Antioxidant Activities
Rhododendron Yedoense Poukhanense: Flavonoids From The Flower of Var. and Their Antioxidant Activities
Rhododendron Yedoense Poukhanense: Flavonoids From The Flower of Var. and Their Antioxidant Activities
barmataI ~e~eart!~
Arch Pharm Res Vol 30, No 2, 146-150, 2007
Antioxidant flavonoids have been isolated from the flower of Rhododendron yedoense vat.
poukhanense. One new flavonoid and three known flavonoids, quercetin-5-O-//-D-glucopyrano-
side (1), quercetin (3), and quercitrin (4), were isolated from the butanol and ethyl acetate
extracts of the plant. The new flavonoid was identified as myricitrin-5-methyl ether (2). The isola-
tion of these flavonoids from this plant, for the first time, is a valuable finding. The flavonoids were
evaluated for their antioxidant activities using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical (DPPH),
TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substance) and superoxide anion radical (02) in the xan-
thine/xanthine oxidase assay system. In the DPPH scavenging assay, the IC50 values were
4.5+0.48 p.M for compound 2 and 9.7+0.29 p.M for compound 3, which showed an antioxidant
activity approximately 1.5-2 times higher than the antioxidant activity of ~z-tocopherol (9.8+0.94
#M). Additionally, the antioxidant activities of myricitrin-5-methyl ether (2) (ICso = 1.7+0.22 pM)
and quercetrin (4) (IC~o = 1.9+0.63 #M) were higher than that of L-ascorbic acid (IC50= 7.4+0,63
l.tM) when evaluated using a TBARS assay. Compound 2 showed high activity in both the inhibi-
tion of xanthine oxidase (1.1+0.21 mM) and in the activation of superoxide scavenging.
Key words: Rhododendron yedoense, Ericaceae, Antioxidant activity, DPPH scavenging
assay, TBARS assay, Xanthine oxidase inhibition assay, Superoxide anion radical scavenging
assay, Myricitrin-5-methyl ether
Antioxidant Flavonoids of Rhododendron yedoense 147