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University of Niš Course Unit Descriptor Faculty

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Course Unit Descriptor Faculty Faculty of Science and Mathematics


Study program Computer Science

Study Module (if applicable) Information Management

Course title Multimedia Information Systems

Level of study ☐Bachelor ☒ Master’s ☐ Doctoral

Type of course ☒ Obligatory ☐ Elective

Semester ☐ Autumn ☒Spring

Year of study Second

Number of ECTS allocated 8

Name of lecturer/lecturers Milan B. Tasić

☒Lectures ☐Group tutorials ☐ Individual tutorials

Teaching mode ☒Laboratory work ☒ Project work ☐ Seminar
☐Distance learning ☐ Blended learning ☐ Other

PURPOSE AND OVERVIEW (max. 5 sentences)

This is an introductory course on multimedia information systems. The main goal is to provide students with basic analytical
skills to conduct research, to pursue further study, or to perform advanced engineering work on multimedia related topics.
You will learn how to design and develop multimedia information systems that account for the principles of human
sensation, perception, cognition, interaction and learning. The current course focuses on developing systems in a Web
environment, but the principles should apply to every information system that interacts with people.

SYLLABUS (brief outline and summary of topics, max. 10 sentences)

The basic topics cover: Introduction to multimedia systems, Images (and color), Audio (and signals), Analog and digital
video. Also cover Media features and media information retrieval. Media indexing, Lossless and lossy compression
schemes and different image standards: JPEG image standard, MPEG video/audio standard, MPEG7 digital media
standard. Media networking and QoS are also will be consider. Projects in this course will address the implementation-
oriented issues for multimedia information management systems. The course will also include student presentations of
their projects.


☒Serbian (complete course) ☐ English (complete course) ☐ Other _____________ (complete course)
☐Serbian with English mentoring ☐Serbian with other mentoring ______________


Pre exam duties Points Final exam points

Activity during lectures 5 Written examination 20

Practical teaching 15 Oral examination 30

Teaching colloquia 30 OVERALL SUM 100

*Final examination mark is formed in accordance with the Institutional documents

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