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Uml Atm

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Sample of UML Diagrams for ATM System

For Data: Class diagram

Class Diagram:- Class diagrams describe the static structure of a system, or how it is
structured rather than how it behaves.
These diagrams contain the following elements:
1. Classes , which represent entities with common characteristics or features. These
features include
attributes, operations, and associations.
2. Associations , which represent relationships that relate two or more other classes where
the relationships
have common characteristics or features. These features include attributes and operations.
For Function: Use case, Sequence, Collaboration/Communcation
Use Case Diagram: Use case diagrams describe the functionality of a system and users
of the system. They contain the
following elements:
1. Actors , which represent users of a system, including human users and other systems
2. Use cases , which represent functionality or services provided by a system to users
Here, is a use case diagram for the ATM System.
uc Use Case Model

Check Exceeding

Withdraw Cash


Transfer Money

Check balance

Print Receipt
Log Out


Deposit a Check

Deposit Cash

Log in

Depit Card Login Credit Card Login

Sequence Diagram: Sequence diagrams typically show the flow of functionality through
a use case, and consist of the following
1. Actors , involved in the functionality
2. Objects , that a system needs to provide the functionality
3. Messages , which represent communication between objects
Here, is an example of Sequence diagram for withdrawing amount from ATM.
Communication/Collaboration Diagrams
A Communication or Collaboration diagram, as shown is a directed graph that uses
objects and actors as graph nodes. The focus of the collaboration diagram is on the roles
of the objects as they interact to realize a system function. Directional links are used to
indicate communication between objects. These links are labeled using appropriate
messages. Each message is prefixed with a sequence number indicating the time ordering
needed to realize the system function.

Here is an example of the Check Balance communication diagram:

Here is an example of the Deposit Cash communication diagram:

For behavior: State, Activity Diagram
State Diagram:- State transition diagrams provide a way to model the various states in
which an object can exist. While the class diagram show a static picture of the classes and
their relationships, state transition diagrams model the dynamic behavior of a systen in
response to extermal events (stimuli). State transition diagrams consist of the following:
1. States , which show the possible situations in which an object can find itself
2. Transitions , which show the different events which cause a change in the state of an
Here, is an example of the state diagram for the session of ATM.

Activity Diagram:- Activity diagrams describe the activities of a class. They are similar
to state transition diagrams and use similar conventions, but activity diagrams describe
the behavior/states of a class in response to internal processing rather than external
events. They contain the following elements:
1. Swimlanes , which delegate specific actions to objects within an overall activity
2. Action States , which represent uninterruptible actions of entities, or steps in the
execution of an algorithm
3. Action Flows , which represent relationships between the different action states on an
4. Object Flows , which represent utilization of objects by action states, or influence of
action states on objects.
Following are the examples of Login, Withdraw Activity Diagrams.
act LogIn Activ ity Diagram

Customer ATM Bank


Authorize Card
Insert Card



Display Error

Max Num Tries? Ej ect Card


Inser Pin
PIN is correct?




Lock Card

Display Error

act Withdraw Cash Activ ity Diagram

Customer ATM Bank


Inser Amount <=

Amount Balance





Ej ect Money


Display New


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