Whipple Procedure: (Pancreaticoduodenectomy)
Whipple Procedure: (Pancreaticoduodenectomy)
Whipple Procedure: (Pancreaticoduodenectomy)
Whipple Procedure
do the surgery and watch over
all aspects of your care. Anesthesiologists/
Nurse Practitioners/
Nurse Anesthetists
Physician Assistants
are specially trained doctors
help with all aspects of your
and nurses who take care of
care, including your symptom
your pain and medical needs
management. They are available
before and during surgery.
during office hours to answer
your questions.
Resident Physicians/
Registered Nurses (RN) Surgical Fellows
will take care of you while are doctors who have finished
you are in the hospital and medical school and are getting
at your postoperative clinic advanced training in general
visits. Registered nurses will surgery or to become specialists
be available to help you with in liver and pancreas surgery.
any questions you may have
once you are home. They help with your care during
Case Manager your hospital stay as well as at
will be available to help with your follow-up clinic visits.
special needs you may have
when you leave the hospital
such as home health care,
special equipment, or rehab.
What is a Whipple Procedure?
tail pancreas
small intestine
5-7 hours
but may be longer.
After removing part of the pancreas, the intestine
remaining part continues to make digestive
juices and insulin, but it may need some help.
It is possible you will need to start taking Step 2. Your surgeon reconnects the small
enzyme pills to help digest your food or intestine to the remaining bile duct, pancreas,
medicine to help control your blood sugar and stomach.
after surgery.
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
is a plan to help reduce the stress of surgery
What is on your body. It is designed to help you heal
more quickly and return to your normal
Enhanced Recovery routine as soon as possible. It is built from
the very beginning to involve you in your
After Surgery? surgical plan so you will know what you
need to do to help your recovery. ERAS is
safe surgical care based on research findings.
• Pain control plan. Develop a plan with your surgeon and hospital team to make sure
you get the right medicine for you to keep you comfortable after surgery.
• Early walking after surgery. Get out of bed as soon as the day of surgery and start
walking in the hallways every day.
• Smoking/nicotine use. Stop smoking and the use of all nicotine products (gums,
patches, e-cigs, chewing tobacco, etc.) at least 1-2 months before surgery. This will
help with wound healing and can help prevent breathing problems after surgery.
• Alcohol. Limit how much alcohol you drink to no more than one drink per day the
week before your surgery. No alcohol the day before surgery.
Pre-Anesthesia Clinic
You will be scheduled for an appointment in the Duke Pre-Anesthesia Clinic for
your pre-operative anesthesia clearance and screening. You will be seen by a Nurse
Practitioner (NP) or Physician Assistant (PA). At this appointment, you will have a
health history review and discuss your pre-surgery instructions. You will also get these
important items:
• Special drink. You will be given a special carbohydrate drink for you to have
on the morning of your surgery. This drink will help make you less thirsty,
control your blood sugar, and maintain your muscle strength during the
• Medicated soap. You will be given two sponges with medicine on them to use
when you shower. You will use these to shower the night before surgery and
the morning of surgery.
Check medications
Bring a list of all of your medicines to your appointment at the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic.
Be prepared to talk about all of the medicines you are taking. You may be given special
instructions for the day of your surgery at this appointment.
Review brochure
You will be given a brochure at your Pre-Anesthesia Clinic appointment that will include
pre-operative instructions, a list of things to bring with you, a map with directions to
the hospital and where to check in.
Further testing
You may be scheduled to have an X-ray, blood work or an electrocardiogram (EKG).
A nurse will call you the business day before
surgery to tell you when and where to arrive at
the hospital. Write the information below.
Things To Do: Date of Surgery:
Day Before Your
Surgery Time to Arrive: Time for Special Drink:
Address of Hospital:
Pack a bag
The brochure you will be given provides a list of things to bring with you to the
hospital. Among those things, be sure to include:
• Photo ID.
• Chewing gum. You will be encouraged to chew gum after your surgery to
help your stomach and bowels start to work. Bring enough gum to the
hospital with you so you can chew gum 2-3 times a day.
JP drains
Fistula (leak)
A fistula or leak can happen where the pancreas now joins the small intestine. If this
happens, your drain(s) may need to stay in place for days to weeks longer. The fistula
usually gets better with time.
Weight Loss
It is normal to have decreased appetite after surgery. As a result, weight loss of 10-15
pounds can occur. You will regain some weight as you recover from surgery and your
appetite returns.
Your pancreas helps control your blood sugar levels. Removing part of your pancreas
can lead to diabetes. If you already have diabetes, you may need more medicine and/or
insulin to manage your blood sugar levels.
Constipation is common after surgery due to pain medicine, inactivity, and decreased
fluid intake. You should take a stool softener daily. If you continue to be constipated,
notify your surgeon’s office for additional advice. If you have severe abdominal pain,
bloating, cramping, and/or vomiting, call your doctor immediately, as this could be a
sign for blockage of your bowel.
When can I leave?
Going Home You will be able to leave the hospital and
go home once:
• You are able to drink enough to stay
hydrated and start eating
You will be given prescriptions for your Incision Care
medications including blood thinner shots, Your incision site should be kept clean and dry.
pain medicines, anti-nausea medicine, stool If staples are present, they will be removed
softeners. You may also get a prescription at your follow-up visit. It is normal to have a
for pancreatic enzymes to help digest food little bit of tenderness and drainage from the
and medicine to decrease stomach acid. incision site. It will heal over time.
You or your caregiver may want to fill these
prescriptions at the outpatient pharmacy Activity
before you leave the hospital. Walk, walk, and walk! You should stay active
once you are at home. You should walk short
Pain distances daily. You should not drive a car
Pain after surgery is common and will until your doctor or nurse gives you the okay
improve with time. It is important that you to do so. If you are taking pain medications,
take your pain medication only as prescribed. you should not drive a car.
You should be taking less medication as your
pain improves.
When will I see my surgery
team again?
You will have a follow-up appointment with
your surgery team within 1-2 weeks after
leaving the hospital. Your discharge sheet
will have the time, place and office phone
number for this appointment. Your pathology
results will be available at the time of this
Contact Surgery
Call the appointment center at 919-668-6688.