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Information Bulletin

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Teaching Faculty: Classes of Evening MBA Program will be

CU Evening MBA Program Preface: Chittagong University Center for Business conducted by the Faculty members of the Departments under the
Administration (CUCBA), a center of the Faculty of Business Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong.
Administration (FBA), University of Chittagong, has started
Program Structure
admission into Spring 2018 (13th batch) Evening/Business Number of Course Total
Graduate MBA Program. The first ever BBA Program in the Nature of Courses
Courses Credit Credit
country was started by the then Faculty of Commerce (today's Fundamental Courses 5 3 15
Faculty of Business Administration) University of Chittagong in
Information Bulletin the year, 1989. In today's Evening MBA Program, the FBA, Functional Core Courses
Capstone Course
University of Chittagong fulfills a many years awaiting
expectation of non-business graduates, working managers and Concentration /Major 4 3 12
entrepreneurs by offering a quality MBA Program in Chittagong Internship/Business
3 3
City. Research Report
Viva-Voce 3 3
Admission Qualification: Graduate in any discipline or a Total Credit 66
recognized equivalent degree from any University at home or
abroad. 4-year BBA or BBS (Honors) degree holders with CGPA Fundamental Courses
3.00 may get waiver for 5 (Five) fundamental courses.  English for Business Communication
 Business Fundamentals and Bangladesh Studies
Form Submission: Duly filled up Application Form along with  Quantitative Analysis for Managers
three copies of recent passport size color photographs, attested  Financial Accounting
certificates, mark sheets (SSC/ O’ Level to Bachelor Degree) and  Managerial Economics
a Bank Draft / Pay Order (from EXIM Bank) for Tk.1500/-
Functional Core Courses
payable to “Chittagong University Center for Business
 Management Theory and Practices
Administration”, are to be submitted to the CUCBA office
 Management Accounting
(BGMEA Bhaban, Level-8, Jhautala Road, South Khulshi,
 Marketing Management
Chittagong) on or before December 10, 2017 from 02.30 pm
 Managerial Finance
to 7.00 pm.
 Operation & Supply Chain Management
Chittagong University Admission Test: The Admission Test of Evening MBA Program  Human Resource Management
Center for Business Administration consists of a written test and viva-voce. The test will cover the  Public Finance & Taxation
areas of English and Mathematical IQ (GMAT Standard).  Organizational Behavior
Faculty of Business Administration Question will be multiple choice patterns. Use of calculator or  Entrepreneurship Development
other electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the Exam  International Business
Hall. Total marks in written test is 75. The written test of Capstone Course
Evening MBA Program will be held on December 15, 2017,  Strategic Management
Friday at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of
Chittagong. The admission Test will begin at 10.00 am and Specialization
continue till 11.30 am. Candidates having GMAT score of 500  Accounting
will be exempted from the written test. The result of written test  Human Resource Management
will be published at the notice board and website of the CUCBA.  Marketing
 Finance & Banking
Nature of Degree: The Degree of Master of Business
Administration (MBA) will be awarded by the University of
 Operations & Supply Chain Management
Chittagong and will be called as Evening MBA Program. Medium of Instruction and Examination: The medium of
instruction and answer in the examination script is English.
Duration of the Study: Duration of the MBA Program will be
BGMEA Bhaban, Level-8, 669/E two academic year i.e. 4 regular semester and shall have to be Fee Structure
Jhautala Road, South Khulshi, completed by a student in not more than 6 (six) semesters. Admission Fee: Tk. 15,000/-
Tuition fee per course : Tk. 9,000/-
Chittagong. Venue of Class: The classes will be held at the CUCBA Campus, Examination fee per course : Tk. 1,000/-
BGMEA Bhaban, Level-6 & 8, 669/E, Jhautala Road, South
Phone: +88 031 2869045-46 Khulshi, Chittagong.
Fee for Business Research
Tk. 9,000/-
Web: www.cbs-cu.org Class Hours: Each class will be continued for 90 minutes in the Waiver fee per course : Tk. 2,000/-
evening and afternoon for 5 days a week.

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