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1. Having memory problems
Module 4 2. Being unable to concentrate
Risky Behaviors – Biopsychosocial 3. Having poor judgement
Biological – physical( genetic, hormonal and brain 4. Seeing only the negative
5. Being anxious
Psychological – identity crisis
6. Worrying constantly
Social- family, peers, socioeconomic status and
1. Moodiness
Pitfalls- hidden danger
2. Irritability/short temper
Pitfalls and Challenges
3. Agitation or restlessness
1. Drug addiction/ usage of drugs (peer pressure)
2. Computer games (express what they feel ) 4. Feeling of overwhelmed
3. Runaway from home (Physically/mentally hurt) 5. Sense of loneliness and isolation
4. Sexual desire (hormonal change)
6. Depression or unhappiness
5. Depression
DSMV- diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorder
fifth edition 1. Body aches and pain

Depression Anxiety 2. Diarrhea and constipation

Emotional Dysfunction Physical Dysfunction 3. Nausea and dizziness
Feeling of hopelessness, Fear and Panic
despair and anger 4. Chest pain
Depression – usually associated with suicide
5. Rapid heartbeat
Module 5 6. Frequent colds

Stress - Body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or BEHAVIORAL SYMPTOMS

1. Eating more or less
Flight or Fight reaction/Stress response
2. Sleeping too much or too little
The automatic process of the body to put self on
defense when they that sense that their in danger. 3. Isolating yourself from others

Eustress - Stress can challenge and motivate you to find 4. Procrastinating

creative solutions to your concerns. 5. Neglecting responsibilities
Distress - Stress becomes so overwhelming and leads to a 6. Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking cigarette,
sense of helplessness and exhaustion. taking illegal drugs or playing computer for several
Areas where symptoms of stress can be present: times.

 Cognitive 7. Having nervous habits such as nail biting and pacing

 Emotions

 Physical

 Behavioral
2 Ways of coping to stress Defense Mechanisms

1. Problem-focused 1. DENIAL

It refers to facing the situation squarely and exerting When a situation or fact becomes too much to
efforts to solve the problems. handle, you may simply refuse to experience it. By denying
reality, you are essentially protecting yourself from having to
Linked to effective adjustment and enhancing the
face and deal with the unpleasant consequences and pain
following skills: (1)study skills (2)time management skills
that accompany acceptance.
(3)problem solving skills (4)support group
Enhanced Skill Coping Strategy
Study Skill  Identify your Your mind makes the decision to bury the memory in
motivation the subconscious, thereby preventing painful, disturbing or
 “What you want dangerous thoughts from entering awareness. This is often
to be?” the case with child abuse or other traumatic experiences that
 “What kind of occurred early on in development.
life you want to

Time Management  Monitor your You transfer your emotions from the person who is
time the target of your frustration to someone or something else
 Plan activities entirely. Subconsciously, you believe that to confront the
using schedule source of your feelings may be too dangerous or risky, so you
 Increase shift the focus toward a target or situation that is less
efficiency intimidating or dangerous.
 Tackle one tasks
at a time 4. PROJECTION
 Group similar
tasks together Most of us have found ourselves in a situation in
 Make use of which we project our feelings, shortcomings or unacceptable
down time impulses onto the people around us.
Problem –solving skill  Assessing
situation and
determining the You are going beyond denial and behaving in the
cause. opposite way to which you think or feel. Typically, reaction
formation is marked by a blatant display.
Support group  Being with
important 6. REGRESSION
persons in your
life whom you With regression, you revert back to an earlier level of
can ask for development and earlier, less demanding behaviors as a way
support during of protecting yourself from having to confront the actual
difficult times. situation.

2. Emotional Focused In times of stress, you may find that your behavior
becomes more childish.
Refers to responding in an emotional way. Focusing
on pain triggers emotional reactions, which in turn influence 7. RATIONALIZATION
our actions. Rationalization occurs when you try to explain your
This way of coping actively make use of defense bad behavior away. Then to try to justify your behavior, you
machanisms. blame someone else for provoking you.

defense mechanism - is an unconscious psychological 8. SUBLIMATION

mechanism that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or Occurs when you transform your conflicted
potentially harmful stimuli. emotions, unmet desires or unacceptable impulses into
Defense mechanisms may result in healthy or productive outlets.
unhealthy consequences depending on the circumstances.
Avoidant Motor Cortex - Controls your body movement.
Is another way of dealing with stress. It involves Somatosensory Cortex - Process the signal of touch
ignoring a problem and hoping it will disappear on its own.
Interior Parts of the Brain
It includes avoiding the problem by drinking
alcoholic beverages, playing computer games for several 1. Brain stem
hours and usage of illegal drugs.
2. Limbic system
Indicators that you have successfully handled stress
3. Cerebrum
1. Emotional Stability – remaining calm and not being
carried away by your emotions. 4. Corpus Callosum

2. Being tactful – able to express your thoughts and 5. Cerebellum

feelings in a nonaggressive manner.
6. Neurons
3. Doing well in school – ability to meet all academic
requirement. Brain Stem - Vital body functions such as heartbeat,
respiration, body temperature and digestion are
4. Learning to say “no” – being firm on what you monitored and controlled by your brain stem.
believe is right.
3 parts of the brain stem:
Module 6
 Midbrain
Exterior Parts of the Brain  Pons
1. Frontal lobes  Medulla Oblangata

2. Temporal lobes Reticular Activating System (RAS) - located in the brain

stem and is responsible for your brain’s alertness.
3. Occipital lobes
Limbic System - Composed of structures that have
4. Parietal lobes different functions such as generation of emotion and
5. Motor cortex and somatosensory cortex processing of emotional memories.

Frontal Lobe Four parts of the Limbic system:

 Involved in planning and thinking. 1. Thalamus – most sensory information goes

through here and directed to other parts of the
 Rational and executive control center of the brain. Also, involved in many cognitive
brain. activities.
 Slowly matures until adulthood. 2. Hypothalamus – in charge of monitoring the
internal systems to maintain homeostasis or the
 Trauma to frontal lobe causes dramatic and
normal state of the body. Moderates different
sometimes permanent behavior and personality
functions like, sleeping, body temperature and
food intake by controlling the release of some
Temporal Lobe hormones.

 Deal with sound , music, face and object 3. Hippocampus – consolidate learning and
recognition and some parts of the long-term converts information to the long-term storage
memory. regions.

Occipital and Parietal Lobe 4. Amygdala – known to take part in emotions,

especially fear. The emotional element of a
 Involved mainly with spatial orientation,
memory is stored in the amygdala. Emotions
calculation and certain types of recognition.
related with a specific memory are recalled  Processes input more holistically and abstractly.
whenever the experience is remembered.
 Space-sensitive.
Cerebrum - Largest brain structure.
 Interprets language through gestures, facial
Divided into two halves called the cerebral movements, emotions and body language.
hemispheres. The function of the right hemisphere is to
 Does relational and mathematical operations.
control the left side of the body while the left side is to
control the right side of the body.  Specializes in recognizing faces, places, objects
and music.
Coordinates movement.
 More truthful in recall.
Monitors impulses from nerve endings in the
muscles, plays key role in performance and timing of  Puts events in spatial patterns.
complex motor tasks.
 Better at internal processing.
Also stores memory off automatic movements
such as touch typing and knife skills. Mind Mapping

Neurons Developed by Tony Buzan (2002), who

described it as an approach that make use of the
 Functioning core of the brain and the entire production of pictures or diagrams of ones thoughts or
nervous system. conversations, which may be used in task management,
problem solving, decision making, note taking,
 Formed through a process called neurogenesis.
brainstorming and presenting.
 Send information/signal throughout the body.
Module 7
Brain Lateralization
Psychological well-being
Each hemisphere stores and processes
information in different ways or functions separately Individuals condition that is free from mental or
from each other called laterality. emotional disorders.

Right Hemisphere Teenagers who manifest this condition are free

from distressing thoughts and emotions and can flexibly
 Connected to the right side of the body. adapt to changing situations.
 Processes input in a sequential and analytical  Failure to positively cope with stress may lead
manner. to mental disorders such as eating disorders,
 Time sensitive anxiety disorders and personality disorders.

 Generates spoken language There are different types of mental disorders that are
specified in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental
 Does in variable and arithmetic operations. Disorders (DSM).
 Specializes in recognizing words and numbers Eating Disorder
(as words)
Characterize by persistent disturbance of eating
 Active in constructing false memories. that result in altered consumption or absorption of food
 Seeks explanations for event that occurs. and significantly impair physical health or psychosocial
 Better at arousing attention to deal with
outside stimuli. Dissatisfaction with ones body due to distorted
body image.
Left Hemisphere
Eating Disorder includes:
 Connected to the left side of the body.
1. Anorexia Nervosa – experience intense fear .of Conduct Disorder - Characterized by repeated pattern
gaining weight, disturbed body image, refusal to of behaviours in which the basic rights of others are
maintain normal body weight. violated. They are even violating policies, rules and
2. Bulimia Nervosa – involves overeating and is
followed by efforts to induce vomiting and Teenagers with this kind of behaviour are
excessive exercise. commonly labeled as delinquents.

3. Binge Eating – overindulgence of food but is not Personality Disorders - Enduring pattern of inner
followed by efforts to induce vomiting, fasting experience and behaviour that deviates markedly from
and exercise. the expectations of the individuals culture.

Anxiety Disorders Suffering from this disorder usually display

deviant behaviours and may be oversensitive or
Characterize by excessive fear, anxiety and
insensitive, rigid and self centered or they may have
related behavioural disturbance.
extravagant illusions.
Anxiety disorders differs from one another in
Personality Disorders:
the types of objects situations that induce fear, anxiety
or avoidance behaviour. 1. Paranoid Personality Disorder – usually
demonstrate a pattern of distrust and
Anxiety Disorders include:
suspiciousness on the motives of the people
1. Phobic Anxiety – accompanied by physical around them. They usually think that others are
symptoms such as trembling and palpitations. thinking of hurting them, and these thoughts
Adolescents are said to be experiencing phobia cause fear.
when their fears seriously obstruct everyday
2. Antisocial Personality Disorder – manifested by
the individuals disregard or violation of the
2. Panic Attacks – abrupt surge of intense fear of rights of others. They do not care if there
discomfort. Physical symptoms such as fainting, behaviours may harm others but they will do
sweating, palpitations, chest pain and dizziness and get whatever they want even the expense
are manifestations of anxiety disorders. of others.

3. Obsessive-compulsive Disorder – manifested 3. Histrionic Personality Disorder – excessive

when one experiences persistent, emotionality and attention-seeking behaviours.
uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts At times they cry for no apparent reason just to
(obsessions) and urges to engage in senseless express what their feelings. Also, they talk like
rituals (compulsions). baby just to be able to get attention of others.

Major Depressive Disorder - Characterize by 4. Narcissistic Personality Disorder – exhibit

hopelessness, lack of energy in their usual activities, patterns of grandiosity, self-centered and their
crying for unexplained reasons and low self-esteem. need for admiration is very strong. Lack of
empathy or the ability to put themselves into
Caused by heredity, environmental the situation of others thus it is difficult for
factors and stressors. them to understand the needs others.
Bipolar Disorder - Formerly called manic-depressive 5. Avoidant Personality Disorder – individuals
disorder. Individuals who suffer from this disorder show a pattern of social inhibition, feelings of
experience both depression and manic periods. inadequacy and hypersensitivity to negative
Individuals with bipolar disorder are observed evaluation. They prefer to be alone and try to
with very high levels of energy, exaggerated plans and avoid social activities because of their fear of
very optimistic views. They said to be hyperactive and being judged.
may even work without sleeping for days.
6. Dependent Personality Disorder – demonstrate psychological wellness through various
a pattern of submissive and clinging behavior interventions.
related to an excessive need to be taken care
1. Psychoanalysis – This aims to help the client
of. Persons who suffer from this disorder
uncover conflicts and repressed emotions that
usually cannot work alone, feel helpless when
prevent him or her to develop through free
unattended by someone and may demand
association, dream analysis, resistance and
someone to be always at their side.
7. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder –
pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, 2. Behaviour Therapy – This aims to help
perfectionism and control. Persons who individuals to change or modify behaviour by
experience this kind of disorder may be overly identifying maladaptive responses to stressors.
sensitive to the cleanliness of their room. (Systematic desensitization technique, Operant
Conditioning Therapy)
Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorder
3. Client-centered Therapy – This aims to promote
Schizophrenia means “split mind”. It is
psychological changes through a supportive
a psychotic disorder usually characterized by the
emotional environment. Believes that people
deterioration in personal, social and occupational
have the capacity to grow if the so-called
functioning due to bizarre emotions and abnormal
therapeutic climate or conditions are provided.

*According to DSM 5, schizophrenic and psychotic

disorders are defined by abnormalities in one or
more of the following: delusions, hallucinations,
disorganized thinking (speech) and abnormal motor

Substance-related Disorders - A drug is a substance

such as alcohol, caffeine, marijuana and tobacco
whose chemical action alters the biological and
psychological functioning of the person. Chemicals
will flow into the bloodstream and brain through

Computer Addiction - Characterized by excessive

use of the computer/internet. They find it difficult to
control or regulate themselves in using the
internet/computer; their addiction already interfere
with their usual daily activities such as going to
school and attending personal needs such as eating
and taking a bath.

Threats to Psychological Well-being

1. Family Situations

2. Socioeconomic Factors

3. School-related Factors

Psychotherapies - Refers to the professional

relationship between the counselor/therapist and
counselee/client, which aims to promote
PRINMAR Other departments are also vital in ensuring that the
marketing department is able to fulfill its goals and
A mission statement, therefore, is a statement of the
implement its projects.
organization’s purpose and what it wants to accomplish
in the bigger environment. It serves as a guiding hand Suppliers
for the employees of the company.
Nowadays, companies treat their suppliers as partners
A company’s vision is a long-term goal of the company. because of their role in the production process.
It defines where the company wants to be in the future. Suppliers- provide the resources and materials needed
It states how the future will look if the organization by the company to manufacture goods and develop
fuliills its mission. It gives the company and its services. Problems with suppliers can seriously affect
employees a common goal that must be achieved the company; for example, shortage in raw materials
through collective efforts of everyone in the will hamper production, which will in turn dissatisfy
organization. customers. Competitors can also take advantage of the
situation, which gives them the opportunity to take
The marketing environment consists of two types of
away the company’s customers.
environment: the microenvironment and the
macroenvironment. Intermediaries

The microenvironment - consists of the components Marketing intermediaries are entities that help
close to the company that directly affect its ability to get the products to the final consumers. These include
maintain its position in the market and its capacity to resellers, distributors, and retailers. They help move the
serve its customers. It consists of the company products from the manufacturer to different places.
management, suppliers, intermediaries, customers, They make the products available in big and small
competitors, and environment publics. retailers for consumers’ convenience.

the macroenvironment - consists of the bigger factors Marketing services agencies, another form of
that are beyond the control macroenvironment focuses intermediary, include advertising firms, research
on of the management. This includes demographic, companies, media organizations, and marketing
economic, larger external factors that affect natural, consultancy firms that help promote the products to the
technological, political, and cultural forces (Kotler the fmal consumers. Financial institutions that help
“mom industry. and Armstrong, 2014). facilitate smooth and safe transactions are also included
in the intermediaries.
Company Management
Customers are an integral part of the
Marketing is one department in an organization that
microenvironment. Companies strive to build a good
has to work with other departments such as the top
relationship with them to foster loyalty and repeat
management, finance, operations, sales, and research
purchase. Providing value for them is the key to a
and development in order to implement projects,
lasting relationship.
finalize plans, and create campaigns.
There are different types of customers as follows:
The top management decides on company goals and
objectives, strategies, and policies. It usually has the Consumer market - individuals and households that buy
final say in decision making. products for personal consumption

The finance department manages the financial capacity Business market - buys materials for use in production
of the company. Reseller market - buys products for reselling at a profit

Marketing works closely with this department in order Government market - government agencies that buy
to request budget for its projects and other expenses. products to provide public service

Global market - consumers from other countries

Competitors Macroenvironment

Competitors offer products belonging in the same Demographic

product category or industry. They try to offer the most
The demographic environment contains quantitative
superior value to consumers to earn a bigger market
information on the human population such as age.
share and profits. To be able to counter competitors,
gender, income, religion, educational attainment, and
companies must determine their competitive advantage
other statistical data. These pieces of information are
and capitalize on it in their marketing efforts.
important as they help determine the characteristics of
Publics the company's consumers, which help formulate the
right products for its target market.
A public is any group of individuals that has an actual or
potential interest in the company or its products. They Baby Boomers
have the ability to create an impact on the company’s
- Born post-World War II (between 1946 and
capacity to achieve its goals.
This type of customers includes the following: - Baby Boomers make up the mature market. As
most of them are in the retiring age already.
Financial public - Banks, lending institutions, and
they seek for finer things and are ready to travel
stockholders make up the financial public that has the
the world and enjoy life. When they travel. they
capacity to help provide funding for the company’s
prefer comfort and convenience, but still go
after unique experiences. They are the market
Government public - This includes government agencies for more upscale travel packages.
that formulate regulations and provide permits for the
Generation X
conduct of the business.
- Born between 1965 and I976, Generation X has
Media public - TV, radio, print, or new media agencies
growing purchasing power.
comprise the media public that provides news and
- Some are still raising their families, sending kids
information to the public.
to school. and faced Willi challenges in
Citizen-action public - This includes organizations that maintaining their lifestyle and financial health.
champion different causes-from promotion of but generally, Gen X-ers are a strong generation
environment protection to fighting for minorities’ who are open to diversity and more
rights. experiences.

Local public - The people within the immediate Millennials or Generation Y

community where the company is located form the
- Millennials were born between 1977 and 2000.
local public.
- They are very comfortable with technology and
General public - This includes anyone who knows about form a large part of digital consumers.
the company and anyone who can see the campaigns - They are always connected to the internet, are
and products of the company. The company must be at ease with technology. and own multiple
concerned of its image to the general public, especially gadgets. They are used to multitasking, or doing
if issues arise that put the company in a bad light. things at the same time-talking on the phone
while chatting with someone on the computer
Internal public - This consists of the company’s while the TV is tuned In to their favorite show.
employees, management, and stakeholders who
contribute in achieving the goals of the organization. Generation Z

- Born 8361 the year 2000, they are 5150 tech-

savvy as they m growing up with technology
- they play on the tablets before they can even
learn how to write. They are predicted to be
highly connected, lead a technology-driven life, Cultural
and be avid consumers of social media.
People grow up to a particular set of value system
Economic based on their culture, beliefs, and religion. These
shape each person’s View of the world, people,
The economic environment consists of factors that
surroundings, and certain issues.
affect the purchasing power and spending patterns
of consumers. An increase in fuel price also Core beliefs and values are the ones passed on
increases the price of basic commodities such as from parents and family to children and are
rice, sugar, and coffee. In turn, this may affect the reinforced by school, religion, and government.
choices of consumers. Because these are basic
Secondary beliefs and values are more open to
needs, consumers will still buy them, but they may
change and most likely influenced by other people
opt for cheaper alternatives.
in your social circle, whom you meet as you go
Natural through life. Media and the wealth of information
online can also influence your secondary beliefs and
The natural environment consists of changes in the
physical environment and natural resources. For
example, companies that use coconut as raw Strategic and Tactical Planning
material were affected by the Widespread
Companies conduct strategic planning where they
infestation of cocolisap-a coconut scale insect that
define the desired goals of the company in the long
feeds on the sap, causing the leaves to dry up and
wither away. Likewise, businesses in hood-prone
areas lose sales during the rainy season. Strategic planning requires business forecasting and
foreseeing what the future may bring for the
While companies cannot prevent these events from
organization. The top management analyzes the
happening, they must be flexible enough able to adapt
current Situation, studies the industry, monitors the
to changes and come up with contingency plans to
movement of the economy, and understands the
address them.
capabilities of the company in order to come up
Technological with strategic plans.

Companies nowadays enjoy the many opportunities tactical planning focuses on short term specific
offered by technology. The availability of technology actions in order to bring the company closer to
can help marketers gather data and information, established strategic plans. lt details what needs to
conduct business online, Enjoy advancement in be done, by which department, and the tools or
production, and many others. facilities needed to Strategic planning focuses
achieve the company’s goals.
*There are several methods that a company can use
The political environment includes laws and legislation
to conduct a situation analysis, and here are two:
regulating businesses, government rulings, and other
PEST analysis and Porter's five forces analysis. *
factors that may affect the way businesses are
conducted. New policies and regulations may affect PEST Analysis
sales of certain products. For example, the Healthy
PEST-or political, economic, sociocultural, and
Beverage Options Act of 2014 seeks to ban the sale of
technological analysis mostly covers the
soft drinks, sports drinks, iced teas, and other unhealthy
macroenvironment of marketing. It helps a
drinks in schools. This will have an impact on the sales
company identify opportunities and threats in four
of beverages that are deemed unhealthy choices for
major areas, or reveal the direction of change
within the business environment.
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard University,

developed Porter’s five forces analysis to analyze
the level of competition in an industry.

It focuses on the microenvironment factors, and

measures how intense the competition is and how
attractive the industry is. To apply this method of
analysis, a company will identify whether each force
is low, moderate, or high, and provide the
supporting information around it.

Threat of new

Bargaining Rivalry
power of among power of
suppliers existing buyers

Threat of substitute

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