Reviewer - Perdev
Reviewer - Perdev
Reviewer - Perdev
1. Having memory problems
Module 4 2. Being unable to concentrate
Risky Behaviors – Biopsychosocial 3. Having poor judgement
Biological – physical( genetic, hormonal and brain 4. Seeing only the negative
5. Being anxious
Psychological – identity crisis
6. Worrying constantly
Social- family, peers, socioeconomic status and
1. Moodiness
Pitfalls- hidden danger
2. Irritability/short temper
Pitfalls and Challenges
3. Agitation or restlessness
1. Drug addiction/ usage of drugs (peer pressure)
2. Computer games (express what they feel ) 4. Feeling of overwhelmed
3. Runaway from home (Physically/mentally hurt) 5. Sense of loneliness and isolation
4. Sexual desire (hormonal change)
6. Depression or unhappiness
5. Depression
DSMV- diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorder
fifth edition 1. Body aches and pain
2 Ways of coping to stress Defense Mechanisms
1. Problem-focused 1. DENIAL
It refers to facing the situation squarely and exerting When a situation or fact becomes too much to
efforts to solve the problems. handle, you may simply refuse to experience it. By denying
reality, you are essentially protecting yourself from having to
Linked to effective adjustment and enhancing the
face and deal with the unpleasant consequences and pain
following skills: (1)study skills (2)time management skills
that accompany acceptance.
(3)problem solving skills (4)support group
Enhanced Skill Coping Strategy
Study Skill Identify your Your mind makes the decision to bury the memory in
motivation the subconscious, thereby preventing painful, disturbing or
“What you want dangerous thoughts from entering awareness. This is often
to be?” the case with child abuse or other traumatic experiences that
“What kind of occurred early on in development.
life you want to
Time Management Monitor your You transfer your emotions from the person who is
time the target of your frustration to someone or something else
Plan activities entirely. Subconsciously, you believe that to confront the
using schedule source of your feelings may be too dangerous or risky, so you
Increase shift the focus toward a target or situation that is less
efficiency intimidating or dangerous.
Tackle one tasks
at a time 4. PROJECTION
Group similar
tasks together Most of us have found ourselves in a situation in
Make use of which we project our feelings, shortcomings or unacceptable
down time impulses onto the people around us.
Problem –solving skill Assessing
situation and
determining the You are going beyond denial and behaving in the
cause. opposite way to which you think or feel. Typically, reaction
formation is marked by a blatant display.
Support group Being with
important 6. REGRESSION
persons in your
life whom you With regression, you revert back to an earlier level of
can ask for development and earlier, less demanding behaviors as a way
support during of protecting yourself from having to confront the actual
difficult times. situation.
2. Emotional Focused In times of stress, you may find that your behavior
becomes more childish.
Refers to responding in an emotional way. Focusing
on pain triggers emotional reactions, which in turn influence 7. RATIONALIZATION
our actions. Rationalization occurs when you try to explain your
This way of coping actively make use of defense bad behavior away. Then to try to justify your behavior, you
machanisms. blame someone else for provoking you.
Deal with sound , music, face and object 3. Hippocampus – consolidate learning and
recognition and some parts of the long-term converts information to the long-term storage
memory. regions.
Generates spoken language There are different types of mental disorders that are
specified in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental
Does in variable and arithmetic operations. Disorders (DSM).
Specializes in recognizing words and numbers Eating Disorder
(as words)
Characterize by persistent disturbance of eating
Active in constructing false memories. that result in altered consumption or absorption of food
Seeks explanations for event that occurs. and significantly impair physical health or psychosocial
Better at arousing attention to deal with
outside stimuli. Dissatisfaction with ones body due to distorted
body image.
Left Hemisphere
Eating Disorder includes:
Connected to the left side of the body.
1. Anorexia Nervosa – experience intense fear .of Conduct Disorder - Characterized by repeated pattern
gaining weight, disturbed body image, refusal to of behaviours in which the basic rights of others are
maintain normal body weight. violated. They are even violating policies, rules and
2. Bulimia Nervosa – involves overeating and is
followed by efforts to induce vomiting and Teenagers with this kind of behaviour are
excessive exercise. commonly labeled as delinquents.
3. Binge Eating – overindulgence of food but is not Personality Disorders - Enduring pattern of inner
followed by efforts to induce vomiting, fasting experience and behaviour that deviates markedly from
and exercise. the expectations of the individuals culture.
1. Family Situations
2. Socioeconomic Factors
3. School-related Factors
The microenvironment - consists of the components Marketing intermediaries are entities that help
close to the company that directly affect its ability to get the products to the final consumers. These include
maintain its position in the market and its capacity to resellers, distributors, and retailers. They help move the
serve its customers. It consists of the company products from the manufacturer to different places.
management, suppliers, intermediaries, customers, They make the products available in big and small
competitors, and environment publics. retailers for consumers’ convenience.
the macroenvironment - consists of the bigger factors Marketing services agencies, another form of
that are beyond the control macroenvironment focuses intermediary, include advertising firms, research
on of the management. This includes demographic, companies, media organizations, and marketing
economic, larger external factors that affect natural, consultancy firms that help promote the products to the
technological, political, and cultural forces (Kotler the fmal consumers. Financial institutions that help
“mom industry. and Armstrong, 2014). facilitate smooth and safe transactions are also included
in the intermediaries.
Company Management
Customers are an integral part of the
Marketing is one department in an organization that
microenvironment. Companies strive to build a good
has to work with other departments such as the top
relationship with them to foster loyalty and repeat
management, finance, operations, sales, and research
purchase. Providing value for them is the key to a
and development in order to implement projects,
lasting relationship.
finalize plans, and create campaigns.
There are different types of customers as follows:
The top management decides on company goals and
objectives, strategies, and policies. It usually has the Consumer market - individuals and households that buy
final say in decision making. products for personal consumption
The finance department manages the financial capacity Business market - buys materials for use in production
of the company. Reseller market - buys products for reselling at a profit
Marketing works closely with this department in order Government market - government agencies that buy
to request budget for its projects and other expenses. products to provide public service
Companies nowadays enjoy the many opportunities tactical planning focuses on short term specific
offered by technology. The availability of technology actions in order to bring the company closer to
can help marketers gather data and information, established strategic plans. lt details what needs to
conduct business online, Enjoy advancement in be done, by which department, and the tools or
production, and many others. facilities needed to Strategic planning focuses
achieve the company’s goals.
*There are several methods that a company can use
The political environment includes laws and legislation
to conduct a situation analysis, and here are two:
regulating businesses, government rulings, and other
PEST analysis and Porter's five forces analysis. *
factors that may affect the way businesses are
conducted. New policies and regulations may affect PEST Analysis
sales of certain products. For example, the Healthy
PEST-or political, economic, sociocultural, and
Beverage Options Act of 2014 seeks to ban the sale of
technological analysis mostly covers the
soft drinks, sports drinks, iced teas, and other unhealthy
macroenvironment of marketing. It helps a
drinks in schools. This will have an impact on the sales
company identify opportunities and threats in four
of beverages that are deemed unhealthy choices for
major areas, or reveal the direction of change
within the business environment.
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Threat of new
Bargaining Rivalry
power of among power of
suppliers existing buyers
Threat of substitute