Sherlock Holmes (PowerPoint)
Sherlock Holmes (PowerPoint)
Sherlock Holmes (PowerPoint)
Dr. Watson
He was very tall, thin and polite. He liked to smoke with a pipe and played
the violin.
His mainly career was chemistry. The most important thing was the
observation and his sense of deduction.
Based on real people
Sir Henry Littlejohn is also an inspiration for Holmes, providing him a sense of medical and
crime detection.
TV series and films
Sherlock Holmes has been many times the main character or idea for some films and TV and
radio series, like the BBC series “Sherlock”, which is based on nowadays. There’s also a song
called “Sherlock”, which tells the history of a robbery to a jewelry.
John H. Watson (Dr. Watson)
He’s a fictional character of Sherlock Holmes’
stories. He was Sherlock Holmes’ friend, assistant
and sometimes flatmate.