Welding Process
Welding Process
Welding Process
welding process
ü In an electric arc welding process, the electrode and the work
serve as the electrical terminals. The current can flow either
through the electrode to the work or vice versa, depending
upon the type of welding machine being used and the type of
polarity connection made (Figure 11.1).
There are three basic voltages of an arc welding
Open-circuit voltage is the voltage between the terminals of a
welding machine when the machine is turned on but the arc is not
struck, or no welding is taking place.
Closed-circuit voltage occurs when the arc is struck and is
being maintained or when the welding operation is going on. It is
the actual welding voltage.
Short-circuit voltage when an arc is struck and the electrode is
brought into direct contact with the work or the metal worktable.
A short circuit can cause overheating of the winding of the
transformer, resulting in damage to the generator.
Machines and Equipment
• The current used for arc welding is produced by three basic types of machine:
the generator welding machine, the transformer welding machine, and the
rectifier welding machine.
Generator welding machines are
v operated by gasoline or diesel engines.
vWelding generators are quite cheap to buy but expensive to maintain.
vThey have the advantage that they can be used at sites where electricity is not
vA generator welding machine can produce: direct current (d.c.), alternating
current (a.c.), or a combination of d.c. and a.c.
Transformer welding machines are
v operate on an electrical supply. The power supply may be 220 volts or
more, which is too
high for welding.
v reduces the voltage and provides the appropriate current for welding.
vTransformer welding machines are strongly built, light, and run quietly.
vThey cannot be used at sites where there is no electricity.
Transformer-rectifier welding machines are
ü convert a.c. supply power into d.c. welding supply.
ü They contain a transformer, which converts the high-voltage supply
into a low voltage but high current, and a rectifier, which
changes the a.c. to d.c.
ü All transformer-rectifier machines have current control; the two
remaining types have controls for setting open-circuit voltage.
Cooling is essential; otherwise the machine will burn out.
The three types of welding machine described above can be
classified as constant current machines. They are designed basically
for manual stick welding. There are other types, classified as
constant potential (voltage) machines, which are used mostly for
MIG (metal/inert gas) welding.
Effect of Current Polarity
• To complete the circuit, the current generated by the welding
machine can be made to travel from the machine through the cable
connecting the electrode holder, on through the electrode to the
work and finally through the work cable back to the machine.
Alternatively, the current can travel from the machine through the
work cable to the work, and then back to the machine via the
• Some machines can cause the direction of the current to change from
electrode to work and vice versa at a rapid rate, irrespective of how
the electrode and the work cables are connected to the machine.
• The way the electrode and the work cables are connected to the
terminals of the machine is called the polarity. The direction of
current flow determines the type of polarity or welding current.
Type of Polarity or Welding Current
A weld angle that is too large - more than 15° (Figure 11.l7(b))
- produces a narrow weld pool, an uncontrollable weld pool, a
wide, flat, rough weld bead, less penetration, trapped slag in the
weld bead, an unprotected weld pool and arc, and too much heat
directed to the weld bead.
Gas Welding
• Also called as oxy-fuel gas welding
• Derives the heat from the combustion of a fuel gas in
combination with oxygen.
• Fusion welding process is obtained by complete melting
of parent metals.
• Filler rod may be used.
• Useful fuel gases are:
Fuel Gas Chem Form. Flame Tem (°C)
– Acetylene C2H2 3200
– Propylene C3H6 2500
– Propane C3H8 2450
– Hydrogen H2 2390
– Natural Gas CH4 + H2 2350
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
• Acetylene mixed with oxygen in correct
proportion in welding torch and ignited gives
the flame of high temperature.
Fig : (a)
General view of and (b)
cross-section of a torch used
in oxyacetylene valve is
opened and the flame
adjusted. (c) Basic
equipment used in oxyfuel-
gas welding. To ensure
correct connections, all
threads on acetylene fittings
are left-handed, whereas
those for oxygen are right-
handed. Oxygen regulators
are usually painted green
acetylene regulators red.
Welding Torch
Welding Torch
• Pressure regulators
• The purpose of the pressure regulator is to
reduce the high and variable pressure in
the bottle to a suitable working pressure.
• It keeps the gas flow rate constant
throughout the life of the bottle charge,
despite any variations in back pressure
caused by the heating of the welding
• Gas hoses
• Gas hoses are color-coded: red for
acetylene and blue for oxygen. In
addition, in order to protect against
mistakes, the acetylene connection
has a left-hand thread, while the
oxygen connection has a right-hand
Flashback arrester
• A flashback means that the flame burns backwards
into the torch with a popping sound.
It occurs if the combustion speed of the flame
exceeds the speed at which the gas is being supplied,
so that the flame front moves backwards.
A flashback arrester fitted at the regulator prevents
a flashback from going any further back. The
reason for a flashback occurring is that a mixture of
oxygen and acetylene has occurred in the hoses, e.g.
by oxygen having entered the acetylene hose and
formed an explosive mixture.
The flashback arrester prevents the flame from
reaching the acetylene bottle and triggering an
explosive decomposition.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding Techniques
• There are two techniques used to weld flat joints:
ü Leftward Welding:- This method is used on low carbon steel sheet and plate
in thicknesses up to 5 mm and also on cast iron and certain non-ferrous
ØAs the name implies, the weld is started at the right hand side
and progresses towards the left
ØThe filler rod precedes the blowpipe and is held at an angle of
30° - 40° to the work surface
ØThe blowpipe is held at an angle of 60° - 70° to the work
surface and is given a slight side to side movement to ensure
side fusion as the filler rod is fed into the molten pool.
ü Rightward Welding:- This method is used on steel plate over 5 mm thick.
The weld is started at the left hand side of the joint and progresses
towards the right
ØThe blowpipe is held at an angle of 40° - 50° to the work
surface and travels in a straight line.
ØThe filler rod, which is held at an angle of 30° - 40° to the work
surface, follows the blowpipe and is fed into the molten pool
with a circular action
Gas Welding Techniques
• The flame is pointed in the
direction of welding.
• This position permits uniform
preheating of the plate
edges immediately ahead
of the molten puddle.
• Recommended for welding
material up to 1/8 in. (3.2
mm) thick.
• A great deal of pipe welding
is done using this
Gas Welding Techniques
• The torch precedes the welding
rod, away from the direction of
• The flame is directed at the
molten puddle.
• The welding rod is between the
flame and the molten puddle.
• Right hand welding may be used
with a slightly reducing flame,
increasing the carbon content,
which lowers the melting point
of a thin layer of steel and
increases welding speed.
• This technique increases speed of
making pipe joints where the
wall thickness is 1/4 to 5/16 in.
(6.4 to 7.9 mm).
Forehand and backhand welding
Getting started with oxy-acetylene
The Oxy-Acetylene Flame:-
• The heat source for this process is a chemical reaction
resulting from the combustion of acetylene with oxygen
• This is an exothermic reaction in which equal volumes of
acetylene and oxygen supplied by the blowpipe react to
produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen as products of the
first stage of combustion
Stage 1
• Acetylene + Oxygen = Carbon Monoxide + Hydrogen
• C2H2 + O2 = 2CO + H2
Stage 2
• Carbon Monoxide + Hydrogen + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide +
• CO + H2 + O2 = CO2 + H2O
In Stage 2, the carbon monoxide burns and forms carbon
dioxide, while the hydrogen which is formed from the
action in Stage 1, combines with oxygen to form water.
The combustion is therefore complete and carbon dioxide
and water (turned to steam) are the chief products of
• This produces a flame temperature of approximately 3200°C
Fig : Three basic types of oxyacetylene flames used in oxyfuel-gas welding and cutting
operations: (a) neutral flame; (b) oxidizing flame; (c) carburizing, or reducing flame. The gas
mixture in (a) is basically equal volumes of oxygen and acetylene.
Neutral flame
The normal flame is that which is used most.
It is easily recognized by the three clearly distinguished
combustion zones. The innermost zone, the cone, is a
mixing zone and glows white
The carburizing flame
• If the proportion of acetylene in a neutral flame is
increased, there is insufficient oxygen to burn
the surplus acetylene in the core zone
• The acetylene therefore continues to the second
zone, where it appears as a highly luminous
yellow-white flame
• To some extent, the length of second zone
indicates the amount of excess acetylene.
The oxidizing flame