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Gas Tungsten Arc welding II

This chapter describes different types of tungsten electrodes used in TIG welding
process besides selection of polarity and methods of initiating welding arc for TIGW
process. Further, the basic principle of pulse gas tungsten arc welding process has
also been presented.

Keywords: Tungsten electrode, coated W electrode, DCEN, DCEP, TIG arc initiation,
carbon block, pilot arc method, pulse TIG welding
15.1 Electrode for TIG torch
The electrode for tungsten inert gas welding process can be pure (uncoated) or
coated with Zr, La or Th. However, pure tungsten electrode offers shorter life than
coated electrodes because of rapid wear and tear of the pure tungsten electrode
owing to thermal damage caused by their low current carrying capacity. The damage
to electrode primarily occurs due to the fact that tungsten carbide (formed during
steel welding of reaction between W and C) has lower melting point than tungsten.
Particles generated from pure tungsten electrode due to thermal damage cause
contamination of the weldment as tungsten particles inclusions therefore; pure
tungsten electrodes are not used for critical welding applications.
Pure tungsten electrodes are frequently coated oxides of Th, Zr, La, and Ce. These
oxides are expected to perform two important functions a) increasing arc stability and
b) increasing the current carrying capacity of the electrodes.
Increase in arc stability of tungsten electrode in presence of the oxides of thorium,
cerium, zirconium and lanthanum is primarily attributed to lower work function of
these oxides than pure tungsten. Work function of pure tungsten electrode is 4.4eV
while that of Zr, Th, La and Ce is 4.2, 3.4, 3.3 and 2.6 eV respectively. Lower the
work function of the electrode material easier will be emission of electrons in the gap
between electrode and work piece which in turn will improve the arc stability even at
low arc voltage, and welding current.
Addition of the oxides of thorium, cerium, zirconium and lanthanum helps to increase
the current carrying capacity of pure tungsten electrode up to 10 folds. Size of
tungsten electrode is generally specified on the basis of its diameter as it largely
determines the current carrying capacity of a given electrode material. The current
carrying capacity of an electrode is also influenced by cooling arrangement in a
welding torch (air/water cooled), type of power source (DCEP/DCEN, AC), electrode
extension beyond collets, nozzle diameter and shielding gas. Typical electrodes for
TIG welding and suitable type of current are given below.
 2% Cerium coated electrodes: Good for both AC and DC welding
 1.5−2% Lanthanum coated electrode: Gives excellent low current starts for
AC and DC welding
 2% Thorium coated electrode: Commonly used for DC welding and is not
preferred for AC.
15.2 Type of welding torch
Air cooled welding torch offers lower current carrying capacity than water cooled due
to the fact that water cooling reduces overheating of the electrode during welding by
extracting the heat effectively from the electrode.
15.2.1 Type of welding current and polarity
Current carrying capacity of an electrode with DCEN polarity is found to be higher
than DCEP and AC because DCEN generates lesser (30% of arc power) heat in
tungsten electrode side compared to the DCEP and AC. Therefore, electrodes with
DCEN polarity offer longer life with same level of welding current conversely higher
current capacity for the same life. Size of welding electrode for DCEP (for the same
current and life) should be larger than that for DCEN owing to higher heat generation
at anode than cathode for the same welding current. Current carrying capacity of
electrode for AC welding is generally found between that in case of DCEP and
DCEN as continuous change in polarity during the AC welding allows the somewhat
cooling of electrode when electrode is negative for one half of the cycle.

The selection of polarity for GTAW is primarily determined by the type of metal to be
welded. The DCEN polarity is preferred for welding of steel, and nickel alloys and
other metals where cleaning action is not very crucial for developing successful weld
joints. The application of DCEP polarity is not common and is preferred for shallow
penetration welding application like thin sheet welding. AC is commonly used for
welding of aluminum and magnesium to get advantage of cleaning action and
avoiding overheating of tungsten electrode.

15.2.2 Electrode diameter and welding current

The diameter of tungsten electrode is usually found in a range of 0.3-8 mm and
length varies from 75 to 610 mm. The selection of electrode material and diameter is
governed by the section thickness of the material to be welded. Thick plates demand
greater heat input so high welding current which in turn dictates the selection of large
diameter electrodes. Excessive welding current causes erosion of electrodes and
tungsten inclusion due to thermal damage. Erosion of electrode reduces the
electrode life. Low welding current results in erratic wandering of welding arc over
the tip of electrode, which reduces the arc stability. However, wandering of the arc at
low current can be corrected by tapering the electrode tip (included angle 30-1200).
Taper angle affects the penetration and weld bead width. Low taper angle results in
deeper the penetration and narrower the bead than high angle taper.
15.3 TIG Arc Initiation
Direct work piece touch start method of initiating TIGW arc is not considered as a
good approach because it generally leads to many undesirable effects a)
contamination of tungsten electrode, b) partial melting of electrode tip (due to short
circuiting) so reduction in life of the electrode and c) formation of tungsten inclusions
which deteriorate the mechanical performance of weld joint. Therefore, alternative
methods of TIG arc initiation have been developed over the years so as to avoid
undesirable effects of touch start method. Three methods are commonly used for
initiating TIG welding arc a) use of carbon block as scrap material, b) use of high
frequency high voltage unit and c) use of low current pilot arc.
15.3.1 Carbon block method
This method is based on the principle similar to that of touch start method where
tungsten electrode is brought in contact of a scrap material or carbon block placed in
area which is close to the region where arc is to be applied during welding. However,
this method doesn’t necessarily prevent electrode contamination but reduces
tendency for the same.
15.3.1 High frequency unit
This method is based on field emission principle by applying high frequency (100-
2000 KHz) and high voltage (3000-5000V) pulse to initiate the welding arc. The high
voltage pulse ensures the availability of electrons in arc gap by field emission and
ionization of gases between the electrode and work piece required to initiate the arc.
This method is mainly used in automatic TIG welding process. Absence of contact
between electrode and work piece reduces the electrode contamination hence
increases life of the electrode.
15.3.1 Pilot arc method
Pilot arc method is based on the principle of using low current for initiating the arc 50
to reduce adverse effects of high heat generation in form of electrode contamination
and electrode melting during the arc initiation (Fig. 15.1). For this purpose, an
additional power source can be used to strike the arc between the tungsten
electrode and auxiliary anode (fitted in nozzle) using low current called pilot arc. This
pilot arc is then brought close to base metal to be welded so as to ignite the main arc
between electrode and work piece. Once the main arc is established auxiliary power
source is taken off.

nozzle Anode (contact tube)

Arc between Power

the electrode source
and anode

Fig. 15.1 Schematic showing the mechanism of pilot arc imitation method

15.4 Maintenance of TIG welding arc

Arc maintenance in TIG welding with DC power supply does not create any problem.
However, in case of AC TIG welding, to have smooth and stable welding arc,
methods like use of high OCV, imposing the high frequency and high voltage pulse
at the moment when current is zero can be used so that arc is not extinguished.
15.5 Pulse TIG Welding
Pulse TIG is a variant of tungsten inert gas welding. In this process, welding current
is varied between a high and a low level at regular time intervals. This variation in
welding current between high and low level is called pulsation of welding current
(Fig. 15.2). High level current is termed as peak current and is primarily used for
melting of faying surfaces of the base metal while low current is generally called
background current and it performs two functions 1) maintenance of the welding arc
while generating very low heat and 2) allows time for solidification of the weld pool by
dissipating the heat to base metal. This feature of current pulsation associated with
this process effectively reduces net heat input to the base metal during welding
which in turn facilitates a) easy welding especially of thin sheets and b) refinement of
grain structure of the weld. Reduction in net heat input using arc pulsation decreases
undesirable effects of comparatively high heat input of conventional TIG welding
such as melt through, wrapping/buckling and fit-up.




Tp Tb T Time

Fig. 15.2 Schematic showing parameters related with the pulse current and time.
Where Ip, Ib & Im are peak current, base current and mean current respectively while
Tp, Tb & T show pulse current duration, base current duration and total cycle time for
one pulse i.e. sum of pulse and base current period (in ms).
15.5.1 Process Parameters of Pulse TIG welding
Important variables in this variant of TIG welding are peak current, background
current, peak current duration (pulse duration) and duration of background current.
Peak and background current can be controlled independently depending upon the
characteristics of the base metal to be welded such as thickness, materials etc.

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