Elimination of Crack Formation in Stainless Steel After Tig Welding - 2-427-151816990575-79
Elimination of Crack Formation in Stainless Steel After Tig Welding - 2-427-151816990575-79
Elimination of Crack Formation in Stainless Steel After Tig Welding - 2-427-151816990575-79
Abstract - This paper presents the corrective measures to avoid crack formation in ferritic stainless steel grade 409L after
TIG welding. Amongst the numerous welding methods, TIG welding is the most commonly used method for stainless steel
welding process. Generally cracks are seen after certain duration of time at weld line or near a weld zone. This paper also
deals with complete analysis of TIG welding, respective parameters, quality of weld, causes of crack formation and suggests
remedial measures to reduce percentage of rejection due to cracks and improves quality of weld. It also reduce considerable
power requirement and achieves economical production.
Index terms - TIG, Hydrogen Embrittlement, Nascent Hydrogen, Stress Corrosive Cracking.
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN(p): 2320-2092, ISSN(e): 2321-2071
Volume- 5, Issue-12, Dec.-2017, http://iraj.in
II. LITERATURE SURVAY 7) A paper “Hydrogen Cracking in Weld Metals” in
which the effects of composition, hydrogen content
1) H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia in paper titled “Prevention and preheat on weld metal cracking are studied by M.
of hydrogen embrittlement in steels” suggested, it is McParlan & B. A. Graville suggest that The preheat
diffusible hydrogen that is harmful to the toughness to avoid cracking in a higher alloy weld metal is less
of iron. It follows, therefore, that the harmful sensitive to changes in hydrogen content within the
influence of diffusible hydrogen can be eliminated by practical range than a less alloyed weld metal.
preventing its entry into steel or by rendering it 8) The paper “Weldability of Ferritic Stainless
immobile once it penetrates the material. The fact that Steels” by D. H. Kah and D. W. Dickinson suggests
diffusible hydrogen embrittles is now widely that the annealed ferritic stainless steels containing 16
recognised delayed fracture in strong steels that are to 18% Cr offer acceptable oxidation and corrosion
subjected to hydrogen ingress. Delayed fracture resistance in many environments ranging from rural
occurs when steel subjected to a stress that is small atmospheres to aggressive, hot acid solutions at lower
relative to its fracture strength measured on material cost than the common austenitic stainless
manufacture, undergoes spontaneous brittle failure steels. They are, however, subject to embrittlement,
after a period of time in service. This failure under susceptible to hot cracking during welding, and their
static load is attributed to the presence of hydrogen. mechanical properties (toughness and ductility) and
Hydrogen embrittlement is generally seen in cold corrosion resistance are adversely affected by
formed steels rather than hot formed steels. welding.
2) A paper published by “Brush Wellman alloy
products” suggested that a fine grain size will III. PROCESS DETAILS
certainly improve the yield strength and stress
relaxation resistance of the finished product. Smaller
Welding Sizing
grains will also generally improve the formability of a Tube forming Finpas
3) A paper “Hydrogen embrittlement of stainless Figure 2: Tube manufacturing by cold forming process using
steels” by S.L. Robinson, B.P. Somerday, and N.R. TIG welding
Moody describes the phenomenon of hydrogen
In figure 2 process flow of tube manufacturing is
embrittlement particularly in ferritic steel. The
given. In this process tube forming is done in various
mechanical response of stainless steels to hydrogen
stages in which cold forming process is used. At first
exposure varies widely as a consequence of stage sheet of material stainless steel 409L enters to
composition, thermo-mechanical preparation, joining, the rollers which bend the sheet in the form of tube
and testing methods. Composition dictates phase such arrangement is given to the rollers. When tube
stability and properties Fusion welding processes in like shape is given finpass stage is there. In finpass
stainless steels introduce a readily hydrogen- two rollers arranged in vertical manner and two
embrittled ferritic (delta) phase, required for freedom rollers arranged horizontal manner from which sheet
from weld cracking. formed in tube shape passes to the welding torch.
4) J. W. Morris Jr. In paper “The Influence of grain Various sizes of tubes can be manufactured by this
size on the mechanical properties of steel” suggested
process. After welding torch formed tube is passed to
that many of the important mechanical properties of
the sizing section to give a required size with
steel, including yield strength and hardness, the
minimum tolerances.
ductile-brittle transition temperature and
susceptibility to environmental embrittlement can be
improved by refining the grain size. Grain refinement
is an effective means for improving the strength and
lowering the ductile-brittle transition of structural
alloys. The improvement can often be expressed in an
equation of the Hall- Petch form.
5) A paper “Defects - hydrogen cracks in steels -
prevention and best practice” by TWI suggests
preheat, which slows the cooling rate, allows some
hydrogen to diffuse away, and generally reduces the
hardness, and therefore susceptibility to cracking, of
hard, crack-sensitive micro structural regions.
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN(p): 2320-2092, ISSN(e): 2321-2071
Volume- 5, Issue-12, Dec.-2017, http://iraj.in
IV. OBSERVATION OF CRACKS 2) Hydrogen embrittlement: Hydrogen dissolves in
all metals to a moderate extent. It is a very small
Generally cracks are generated on the weld line, and atom, and fits in between the metal atoms in the
cracks are generated when the weld product crystals of the metal. Consequently it can diffuse
undergoes to a bending stress or shocks. Cracks much more rapidly than larger atoms. For example,
generated after time duration of welding. It is delayed the diffusion coefficient for hydrogen in ferritic steel
fracture. It is nascent hydrogen (H+) which embrittles at room temperature is similar to the diffusion
the heat affected zone or a residual stress zone in coefficient for salt in water. Hydrogen tends to be
which brittleness of residual stress zone increases attracted to regions of high triaxial tensile stress
which decreases the fracture strength of material. Due where the metal structure is dilated. Thus, it is drawn
to increase in brittleness, ductility of material at that to the regions ahead of cracks or notches that are
region decreases. Rejection rate is so severe that 30% under stress. The dissolved hydrogen then assists in
of the products are wasted due to generation of the fracture of the metal, possibly by making
cracks. Cracks formed products need to be recycled cleavage easier or possibly by assisting in the
to get metal from them. Welding line is eliminated by development of intense local plastic deformation.
cutting it. These effects lead to embrittlement of the metal;
cracking may be either inter- or transgranular. Crack
growth rates are typically relatively rapid, up to 1
mm/s in the most extreme cases. The bcc (body-
centred cubic) crystal structure of ferritic iron has
relatively small holes between the metal atoms, but
the channels between these holes are relatively wide.
Consequently, hydrogen has a relatively low
solubility in ferritic iron, but a relatively high
Figure 4: Cracks generated on welding line and during sizing diffusion coefficient. In contrast the holes in the FCC
process. (face-centred cubic) austenite lattice are larger, but
the channels between them are smaller, so materials
such as austenitic stainless steel have higher
hydrogen solubility and a lower diffusion coefficient.
Consequently, it usually takes very much longer
(years rather than days) for austenitic materials to
become embrittled by hydrogen diffusing in from the
surface than it does for ferritic materials, and
Figure 5: cracks generated during bending operation austenitic alloys are often regarded as immune from
the effects of hydrogen. All steels are affected by
V. CAUSES OF CRACK FORMATION hydrogen, as is evidenced by the influence of
hydrogen on corrosion fatigue crack growth, and the
1) Stress corrosion cracking (ssc): Stress corrosion occurrence of hydrogen-induced cracking5 under the
cracking is cracking due to a process involving influence of very high hydrogen concentrations.
conjoint corrosion and straining of a metal due to However, hydrogen embrittlement under static load is
residual or applied stresses. Very high temperature (> only experienced in steels of relatively high strength.
200 °C) water environments are very aggressive, and
will cause SCC of a wide range of materials. As one
of the requirements for stress corrosion cracking is
the presence of stress in the components, one method
of control is to eliminate that stress, or at least reduce
it below the threshold stress for SCC. This is not
usually feasible for working stresses (the stress that
the component is intended to support), but it may be
possible where the stress causing cracking is a
residual stress introduced during welding or forming. Figure 7: Hydrogen embrittlement phenomenon.
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN(p): 2320-2092, ISSN(e): 2321-2071
Volume- 5, Issue-12, Dec.-2017, http://iraj.in
at weld line due to residual stresses generated in the stresses on it. Elimination of cracks is possible by
formed tube, and they affect it at the weld line, hence keeping good storage of inventory.
cracks are generated.
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN(p): 2320-2092, ISSN(e): 2321-2071
Volume- 5, Issue-12, Dec.-2017, http://iraj.in
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