January 2019 Final For WEB
January 2019 Final For WEB
January 2019 Final For WEB
Berean Searchlight
Studying God’s Word, Rightly Divided January 2019
IN THIS ISSUE January 2019
Feature Article
Give the Jews Credit, by Ricky Kurth.............................................................5
8 Tips to Achieve a Godly Mindset, by Kevin Sadler..................................13
Our Union with Christ and the New Heart, by Ken Lawson....................15
True and Faithful Words, by Kevin Sadler....................................................21
2019 BBS Conference Schedule......................................................................4
Question Box...................................................................................................12
BBS Letter Excerpts........................................................................................26
News and Announcements..........................................................................30
This month’s front cover is the Portland Breakwater Light, in Portland, Maine.
The Purpose of the Berean Bible Society is to help you understand and enjoy the Bible. The
Mission of BBS is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming the whole counsel of God
according to the revelation of the Mystery. Our Goals are to evangelize the lost, to educate
the saved in “rightly dividing the Word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15), to energize the Christian life,
and to encourage the local church.
The Berean Searchlight is the official organ of the Berean Bible Society,
and is sent free of charge to any who request it.
Editor: Ricky L. Kurth/Layout and Design: Jessica Sadler (Book specials: Christine Mulholland)
Reader’s Rights & Responsibilities: BBS respects a reader’s right to hold views that differ from
those of our writers. If a reader has a serious concern with a specific article, it is his or her respon-
sibility to act in a manner that endeavors to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
This can best be accomplished by contacting the editor, who will then forward your concerns
to the author of the article in question. We promise to address all concerns in a timely manner.
The Berean Searchlight (ISSN 0005-8890), January 2019. Vol. 79, Number 10.
The Berean Searchlight is published monthly (except July) at no subscription price, by Berean Bible
Society, N112 W17761 Mequon Rd., PO Box 756, Germantown, WI 53022-0756. Periodical post-
age paid at Germantown, WI. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Berean Searchlight, N112
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A Note From the President
Dear Friends in Christ,
In January 2006, I had the privilege to take a short-term
mission trip to the Philippines with Missionary Joe Watkins.
I also traveled with Brothers John LaVier, Jr. and Dean
Reinheimer. It was encouraging and challenging to see the Lord’s remarkable
work being done in the Philippines. Their love for the truth and their tireless
zeal are readily apparent; the goals they set with respect to organization and
structure are lofty; and their undaunted focus on planting local churches is
impressive. Traveling from north to south, we visited a number of the Bible
schools in the Philippines. We had the opportunity to speak before large
classes of young people being trained for ministry and we visited just a few
of the more than 400 local churches that have been established there.
As we were driving from place to place, Pastor Watkins would often
share his memories of the early days in the Philippines, working with fellow
missionary Vernon Anderson and others. One story in particular that left a
lasting impression on me. He recalled that he and his wife, Pauline, went
to the Philippines on the support of one person who promised to send $50
a month. But when they got there, the $50 per month never came. They
prayed hard. Not long after, a gift of $3,500 came from an older woman in
the United States, which was which was her life savings. From that $3,500,
they were able to start a Bible school, and from that Bible school, leaders
were trained; the leaders, in turn, planted churches, and the ministry expanded.
I remarked to Pastor Watkins, “Think of the fruit from that one gift, and how
that lady will be rewarded one day because of all the Lord has done from it!”
He replied, “That’s absolutely right.”
This story reminds me of Philippians 4:17: “Not because I desire a gift:
but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.” When we write about
giving, it is not just because we desire the gift of money which is needed for
this work of faith, but, as it was with our apostle, we “desire fruit that may
abound to your account.” Giving by the Lord’s people yields not only the
fruits of ministry, but also yields the fruit of heavenly reward that abounds
to the giver’s account. Financial gifts in support of the Lord’s work will
be honored with eternal rewards from our Savior’s hand at the Bema Seat.
Please remember Berean Bible Society in your regular giving in 2019.
Please also consider including Berean Bible Society in your estate planning
and will. In doing so, fruit will continue to abound to your account for years
to come after your homegoing. None of us will ever regret giving to the
Lord’s work. It will be remembered forever.
Conference Schedule
Pastor RickyKurth
January 2019 5
to get His people back on track promised land, as we see pictured
(Ezra 4:24-5:2). And as you can in Haggai’s day, and everyone
see from Haggai’s words here in from the governor on down will
our text, they responded well to obey the voice of the Lord. And
the admonition of their prophets, we know that what we’re seeing
much to their credit! here in Haggai is a type of all
that, for after the Jews finished
A Group Effort building the temple, God told
Now when Ezra adds that they Zechariah to do something else
resumed work on the temple, “and that was a type of the kingdom:
with them were the prophets of “Take of them of the captiv-
God helping them” (Ezra 5:2), ity…which are come from Baby-
that didn’t mean Haggai and lon, and…take silver and gold,
Zechariah picked up hammers and make crowns, and set them
and saws and helped with the ac- upon the head of Joshua the
tual construction work. They may son of Josedech, the high priest”
have, but these men of God might (Zech. 6:10,11).
also have been as inept as I am If you know your Bible, you
when it comes to building things. might be wondering why God
It’s more likely that they helped would instruct His prophet to set
in a spiritual way, by reminding “crowns” (plural) on the head of
the Jews that God’s people aren’t the high priest. The high priest
supposed to obey the king if he or- was only supposed to wear one
ders us to do something contrary crown (Ex. 29:6 39:30,31), one
to God’s will. And God wanted that would identify him as the
that temple built! spiritual leader of the nation. So
But did you notice that Haggai why would God have Zechariah
makes special mention of a man place two crowns on His priest’s
named Zerubbabel, saying that head? Well, the only other man
even he obeyed the voice of the in Israel to wear a crown was
Lord? He was the “governor of the king (2 Kings 11:11,12), the
Judah” (Hag. 1:1). That means political leader of the nation. So
that Haggai’s words had even God had to be telling Zechariah
reached the highest office in the to crown Joshua both priest and
land, and stirred the heart of king.
Israel’s civic leader! But when
the prophet mentions that Mixing Politics and Religion
Israel’s high priest also joined the The problem with that was,
people in resuming work on the priests in Israel weren’t allowed
temple, that means that everyone to be king, and kings weren’t al-
from the governor to the priest lowed to be priests! Saul lost his
to the people pitched in. If that throne when he dared offer an
sounds heavenly, that’s because animal sacrifice (1 Sam. 13:9-14).
all of this is a type of the coming So why would God want His high
kingdom of heaven on earth. priest crowned with two crowns,
In that kingdom, a believ- one to make him priest and one
ing remnant will be back in the to make him king, now that Israel
6 Berean Searchlight
was back in the land? Surely Well, that’s what God was
it was to illustrate something doing with Zechariah. He was
that will be true in the kingdom, having him act out a prophecy.
something that God was asking In the coming kingdom, when
His prophet to act out by crown- redeemed Israel is back in her
ing His high priest with two land, the Lord Jesus will be both
crowns. priest and king to His people, as
Zechariah went on to prophesy in
“...grace believers... the very next verses, saying,
“Thus speaketh the LORD of
sometimes wrongly
hosts saying, Behold the man
conclude...we don’t have to whose name is The BRANCH…
fear God under grace.” He shall build the temple of the
LORD…and shall sit and rule
upon His throne; and He shall be
a priest upon His throne” (Zech.
That Branch is Christ, as we
see in Jeremiah 23:5:
God often asked His prophets “Behold, the days come, saith
to act out their prophecies (cf. the LORD, that I will raise unto
Acts 21:10,11), something that David a righteous Branch, and
was not always easy for them to a King shall reign and prosper,
do. I mean, imagine being told to and shall execute judgment and
walk “naked and barefoot three justice in the earth.”
years for a sign...upon Egypt and If it sounds strange to call
upon Ethiopia” (Isa. 20:1-3). In Christ a branch, remember we
those days, the Jews were look- talk about having a family “tree.”
ing to those nations to save them Well, in the Lord’s family tree, He
from the Assyrians, so God had was a branch in David’s family.
his prophet illustrate how those And as Zechariah says, in the
nations couldn’t help Israel, for kingdom of heaven on earth, He
the king of Assyria was about to will be both priest and king.
lead them away captive, “naked And Zechariah also says that
and barefoot,” as well. the Lord will “build the temple
Or imagine being told not to of the LORD.” So when Zerub-
cry when your wife dies, as “a babel and Joshua went back to
sign” to your people (Ezekiel work building the house of God,
24:15-24). In this case, Nebu- Israel’s governor and high priest
chadnezzar was about to destroy were acting out their part in this
Israel’s temple, and He didn’t prophetic picture of the kingdom,
want them crying about it. It just as Zechariah acted out his
was their own disobedience that part when he crowned Joshua
was bringing that judgment upon with two crowns. Zerubbabel
them, so God was saying, as it and Joshua typified how Israel’s
were, “When it happens, don’t Priest–King will rebuild His
come crying to Me.” temple in the kingdom.
January 2019 7
But now, if the Lord is going to of going back into captivity struck
be both king and priest to Israel fear in their hearts!
in that day, and rule the world Now grace believers who know
from Israel, this means that He that God doesn’t punish us with
will be both the spiritual and po- physical chastisement when we
litical leader of the entire world. disobey Him sometimes wrongly
If that sounds heavenly in light conclude from this that we don’t
of the political corruption found have to fear God under grace. But
in literally every government on then they come across verses like
earth to some degree, it should! Philippians 2:12, where Paul tells
That’s part of what will make the us to “work out your own salvation
kingdom to be heaven on earth! with fear and trembling.” After
And if you think that sounds that, they often write us here at
positively dreamy, you don’t have Berean Bible Society to ask why
to lust after Israel’s kingdom to we should fear God under grace.
partake of this blessing. The Lord Well, the reason you should
is already the spiritual leader of fear God under grace is: you
your life. If you’ll also make Him should be afraid to presume on
the political leader of your life, the His grace. You ought to be afraid
king of your life, and let Him hold to grieve the God who says that
o’er your being absolute sway, as He won’t chasten you physically
the hymnist wrote, you can have a if you disobey Him. You ought to
little bit of heaven on earth right be afraid to grieve the Spirit that
now, in your life! If you don’t seals you (Eph. 4:30) “unto the day
believe me, try it and see! What of redemption,” in the same way a
have you got to lose? godly husband fears to grieve the
wife who has likewise promised
The Fear of God never to leave him. That’s why
Now when Haggai says that it is very Pauline to say to one
the people feared the Lord (Hag. another, “let us cleanse ourselves
1:12), they feared with good from all filthiness of the flesh and
reason! The prophet had just spirit, perfecting holiness in the
finished pointing out to them fear of God” (2 Cor. 7:1).
that God was already beginning As we read on in our text, God
to judge them for not rebuilding says,
His house, chastening them in “Then spake Haggai the
ways that He had warned them LORD’s messenger in the LORD’s
would come whenever they dis- message unto the people, saying,
obeyed Him (1:6 cf. Lev. 26:14-33; I am with you, saith the LORD”
Deut. 28:15-41). And they knew (Hag. 1:13).
their Bible well enough to know Did you know that Haggai is
that both of those passages end the only man in the Bible that
with a promise from God that He is called “the LORD’s messen-
would allow them to be taken into ger”? All of God’s prophets and
captivity if they ignored His initial apostles were His messengers, of
judgments. And they had just course, since they all delivered a
come out of captivity. The thought message from Him to His people.
8 Berean Searchlight
But Haggai is the only one given But now, I have a question for
this spiritually–prestigious title. you. If you know this passage,
you know that the Jews hadn’t
actually resumed building the
temple yet. It isn’t until we
come to the next verse in Hag-
gai’s prophecy that the prophet
describes how they returned to
the job site:
“I am with you.” “And the LORD stirred up
the spirit of Zerubbabel the son
of Shealtiel, governor of Judah,
and the spirit of Joshua the son
That’s because he is called the of Josedech, the high priest, and
Lord’s messenger “in the Lord’s the spirit of all the remnant of
the people; and they came and
message.” The Lord’s message
did work in the house of the LORD
to Israel was, as Haggai went on
of hosts, their God” (Hag. 1:14).
to say, “I am with you.” That was
Well, if they didn’t continue
the central message of God to
building the temple until verse
Israel throughout His dealings
14, how could God say that He
with them. It was the message
was with them in verse 13?
He wanted His people to hear
According to his fellow prophet
from Him, so the message was
Azariah, God couldn’t be with
delivered by a man called the
them unless they were with Him,
right? So how could God say He
On One Condition was with them if they hadn’t yet
But there was something they rejoined Him in His building
had to remember when it came to project?
God being with them, as Azariah To answer, we have to peek
the prophet warned them: ahead to the next verse in our
text, where we learn when they
“The LORD is with you, while
resumed work on God’s house.
ye be with Him…but if ye for-
sake Him, He will forsake you”
Haggai says it was
(2 Chron. 15:2). “In the four and twentieth
day of the sixth month, in the
Under the Law, God being with second year of Darius the king”
the people of Israel was condi- (Hag. 1:15).
tional. He was with them as long When it says they strapped on
as they were with Him. But don’t their tool belts again in the 24th
let preachers put you under that day of the 6th month, that’s 23
condition, for “we are not under days after Haggai started preach-
the law, but under grace” (Rom. ing (cf. 1:1). And don’t forget
6:15). You’re not under the law what Haggai told them to do to
of conditional blessing. God is get started:
with you whether you are with “Go up to the mountain,
Him or not—another reason not and bring wood, and build the
to grieve Him. house…” (1:8).
January 2019 9
So if God says He was with Get Stirred Up!
them in verse 13 because they Finally, when Haggai says that
“obeyed” Him before they re- “the LORD stirred up the spirit”
sumed work on the temple in of the governor, the high priest,
verse 14, we can only conclude and the people (Hag. 1:14), don’t
that they must have at least forget how God stirs people up.
obeyed the prophet’s initial in- When we hear God say, “I
structions and had gone to the will stir up the Medes…and
mountain and obtained the wood Babylon…shall be as when God
needed for this rebuilding project. overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah”
And when God saw them do that, (Isa. 13:17-19), don’t get the idea
He saw that they were with Him. that God reached into the heart
What a precious lesson for of Darius, king of the Medes, and
us! Whenever we fall away from forced him to attempt a daring
walking with the Lord, the way assault on Babylon against his
back to serving Him always better judgment. Since the Bible
seems like a long, formidable trek. never says that, it is more likely
But nothing could be further from that someone showed him Daniel’s
the truth! The truth is, once you prophecy that the kingdom of the
determine to resume living for Medes and the Persians would be
the Lord, God is fully aware of the ones to topple the seemingly
the first few stumbling steps you invincible fortress of Babylon
make as you resume your walk (Dan. 2:39 cf. 8:20), and armed
with Him. He’s been watching with this assurance, his heart was
and waiting for those first few stirred to launch the offensive that
faltering steps as eagerly as brought an end to Babylon’s world
new parents watch and wait for dominance (Dan. 5:26-31).
the first steps of their firstborn Beloved, God never forces any-
child—and He is as delighted one to do anything against their
will. When He wants something
done, He always uses His Word
to accomplish it. And it was the
Word of God that came to Israel
through Haggai and Zechariah
that stirred God’s people to finish
the work on His temple.
But that means that if you
don’t feel stirred up about the
things of the Lord, if you seem to
have no interest in being involved
in the work of the Lord, you need
with those first steps as they to get in the Book and stay in the
are. So if you have fallen away Book! God doesn’t have a “Plan
from walking with the Lord, take B” when it comes to piquing your
heart—and take a few steps! The interest in serving Him. He
way back to serving Him is not works only through His Word in
nearly as long as it seems. your life as well.
10 Berean Searchlight
Get to Church! people who oppose dispensational
If you need help in getting truth on the grounds that “truth
stirred up, I would encourage you is truth, the truth never changes.”
to get to church, for it is a pastor’s Ever heard that? But if Peter
job to get God’s people stirred up says that there is a present truth,
with His Word! Look what Peter that means there must have been
said to his Jewish hearers in a past truth. The past truth he
2 Peter 1:12,13: had in mind was the old covenant
“I will not be negligent to put of the law, and the present truth
you always in remembrance of of which he was speaking was the
these things, though ye know new testament of grace. But as
them, and be established in the a member of the Body of Christ,
present truth. the truth in which you need to be
“Yea, I think it meet…to stir established is the more specific
you up by putting you in remem- grace truth of the mystery (Rom.
brance.” 16:25).
By the way, when Haggai
mentions that “the remnant of
the people…came and did work
in the house of the LORD” (Hag.
1:14), that’s the second time he
has mentioned the remnant in
“...if Peter says that there is a favorable light. In verse 12
a present truth...there must he described how “the remnant
of the people, obeyed the voice of
have been a past truth.” the LORD.”
This reminds me of how Daniel
Did you notice Peter said they mentions “Shadrach, Meshach,
already knew the things of which and Abednego” thirteen times in
he was about to remind them. Daniel 3, repeating their names
Beloved, you may know the Word over and over, most likely because
of God well, but don’t think that he was so very proud of the way
means you can stay home from they refused to bow to the will of
church. A pastor can get you the king when he ordered them
stirred up about the things you to worship his image. Haggai no
know! Of course, if you don’t have doubt found equal pride in the
a local grace church, and God’s way the faithful remnant was
Word isn’t stirring you up to start heeding his words and returning
one, you may have to move to to the service of God, and so he
where there is one. But it would mentions their faithfulness again
be worth it! Imagine being able in verse 14.
to get stirred up about the Lord
every week! Get to Work!
By the way, did you notice There was certainly good rea-
Peter said that his readers were son to be proud of them. You see,
“established in the present truth”? in speaking about the remnant,
That’s a good verse to show to you might be wondering how
January 2019 11
small a remnant we’re talking But they didn’t say, “We’re too
here. Well, if you know your small,” they just started building.
Bible, you know that when Cyrus They didn’t look at how small
told the Jews they could return they were and how big the job
to their homeland, only around was; they looked at the size of
50,000 out of a nation of probably their God and concluded, “We got
millions took him up on his gra- this! We can do it!”
cious offer (Ezra 2:64,65). When And that’s the spirit God’s
most of their countrymen chose people need to have today as
to lag behind in Babylon, and well. Don’t ever think that
went not with them to the work, your church is too small to
they could easily have concluded, build the temple of today, “the
“We’re too small a group to build church, which is His Body” (Eph.
a temple for the Lord.” They 1:22,23). Don’t ever get discour-
knew that when Solomon built aged that the grace movement is
the original temple, the nation of among the smallest of the small
Israel was a whole lot bigger and when it comes to religious groups
a whole lot wealthier, and they in the world. Just roll up your
were now a whole lot smaller and sleeves and get to work, and leave
poorer by comparison. the rest to Him!
Question Box
“If it was Paul who revealed that Christ gave Himself a ransom
‘for all’ (1 Tim. 2:6) as opposed to the “many” in Israel (Matt. 20:28),
how do we explain John 1:29?”
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are hon-
est, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if
there be any praise, think on these things” (Phil. 4:8).
Proverbs 23:7 teaches that as a person “thinketh in his heart, so is he.” And it
has been rightly said, “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit;
sow a habit, reap a character….”1 Our actions, habits, and character stem from
our thinking. In order for us to have godly actions, habits, and character, we need
to think like Christ (Phil. 2:5) and allow God’s Word to guide our thoughts and
renew our minds (Rom. 12:2).
In Philippians 4:8, the Apostle Paul spells out eight things that contribute to
a wholesome, Christ-like thought life. Paul does not name any negative or evil
thoughts to be avoided, but instead stresses positive, good things which will
enrich our spiritual lives and give us a godly mindset. “Whatsoever” and “if
there be any” introduce each one, which teaches us that many things could be
included under each term.
1. “Whatsoever things are true.” God wants us to focus on truth, things
that are real, reliable, genuine, and true in character.
2. “Whatsoever things are honest.” God desires that we think on things
that are honorable, noble, worthy of respect and reverence.
3. “Whatsoever things are just.” God’s will for us is to think about
things that are right and good according to divine standards.
4. “Whatsoever things are pure.” God wants us to think on things that
are morally clean, holy, innocent, and wholesome.
5. “Whatsoever things are lovely.” God would have our mindset to be
dwelling on things that are acceptable, pleasing, beautiful, kind, and endearing.
6. “Whatsoever things are of good report.” God’s will is that we think
on things admirable and worth talking about.
7. “If there be any virtue.” In other words, we are to think on anything
of spiritual, physical, or moral excellence.
8. “If there be any praise.” Our thought life is to dwell on anything
praiseworthy and worth recommending to others.
Paul writes, “think on these things.” The Greek word translated “Think”
means, in this context, to consider thoughtfully, to dwell in careful reflection.
Our thoughts and actions are connected, and as we fill our minds with these
things we will, in turn, be people who are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good
report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. The key to godly living is godly thinking.
This verse has been called “the briefest biography of Jesus Christ.” As we
think on things that are “true,” we undertand that Christ is “the Truth.” Christ
is “honest,” honorable, and worthy of all our respect, awe, and adoration. Christ
is “just,” righteous, and good. Christ is “pure,” holy, and wholesome. Christ is
“lovely,” acceptable, and pleasing. Christ is “of good report,” the most admirable,
about whom we tell others. Christ is virtuous and excellent in every way. Christ
is worthy of all praise. Christ is the highest One to occupy our thoughts. And
keeping Christ on our minds is fundamental to our spiritual growth.
All these things to think on in Philippians 4:8 are also true of the Bible. As
we think on our Bibles and let its truths dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16), we will
live out Philippians 4:8, and it will elevate our thoughts, actions, and character
for our good and God’s glory.
1. Warren Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, New Testament Volume 2 (Colorado Springs,
Colorado: Cook Communications Ministries, 2001), p. 95.
“By the grace of God I am what I am!” This is the believer’s eter-
nal confession. Grace found him a rebel—it leaves him a son. Grace
found him wandering at the gates of hell—it leads him through the
gates of heaven. Grace devised the scheme of Redemption—and it is
grace which carries out that scheme...The thickets of Eden would have
proved Adam’s grave, had not grace called him out. Saul would have
lived and died the haughty self-righteous persecutor, had not grace
laid him low. The dying thief would have continued breathing out his
blasphemies, had not grace arrested his tongue and tuned it for glory.
Salvation is of God—of grace—of free grace. From the germ to the
fruit, from foundation to top-stone—it is of grace, free grace, alto-
gether and only. —D. L. Moody
Our Union with Christ
and the
New Heart
Pastor KenLawson
BBS Board Member
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may
abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer
therein. Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus
Christ were baptized into His death? Therefore we are buried with
Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from
the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in
newness of life” (Rom. 6:1-4).
January 2019 15
man which will be humble and submissive to His will, and which will
also bring an eternity of great fulfillment to His soul.
As we search the writings of the
Apostle Paul for us Gentiles, there “R
is one passage of Scripture that cha oman
deals systematically with the me- the pter 6 s
chanics of spiritual heart surgery. ‘ho is
Romans chapter 6 is the “how to” of t w to’
of the Christian’s life. Although Chr he
Paul centers on Christ’s crucifix- a
ion and resurrection, he does not l i fe.” n’s
deal with initial salvation from
the punishment of sins which re-
sults from forgiveness. He dealt
with that previously in Romans 3:21-5:11, with the great themes of
sin, judgment, God’s love, faith, grace, redemption, justification, and
reconciliation. Here he begins to teach on the issue of the believer’s
sanctification (or separation) with the view to produce fruit unto holi-
ness. It answers the question, “Now that I am saved from the penalty
of sin and have eternal life, how can I live a life pleasing to God?”
The answer is nothing short of radical heart surgery. The heart (or
kardia) in Scripture is used to stand for man’s entire inner personal
life, and includes his mental, moral, and spiritual activity. It covers
his intellect, emotions, thoughts, desires, conscience, and will. It is the
seat of man’s sinfulness, but also the sphere of Divine influence. There
is a pure heart, and an evil heart of unbelief (2 Tim. 2:22; Heb. 3:12).
Although Paul does not write in terms of the word “heart” in Romans
6, the teaching is surely there in force as he writes of indwelling sin
(the old heart), as well as partaking of Christ’s resurrection life (the
new heart).
He begins by raising a rhetorical question, which is really an objec-
tion raised by his critics concerning what they thought was the “fatal
flaw” of his teaching of grace. “Shall we continue in sin, that grace
may abound?” People always raise this question when they begin to
grasp the teaching of grace. But instead of rejoicing in it, they jump
to a wrong conclusion. They think grace teaching takes a soft stance
on sin, or even gives people a license to continue in it. Paul had writ-
ten, “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Rom.
5:20). The legalist reasoned something like this, “Paul, if it is true, as
you say, that God’s grace increases much more to deal with man’s sin,
why not continue to allow sin to run free in order for God’s grace to
shine through even more gloriously.” Paul answers with the strongest
“No!” in the Greek language. The King James version translates it as
“God forbid!” Today we might say, “No, no way!” God protests sin as
it is against His holy character. Then Paul asks his own challenging
question, “How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”
16 Berean Searchlight
He is not expressing the impossibility of living in sin, but rather how
illogical and contrary to God’s purpose it would be for believers to do
so since we have died to it. The reason for the cross was especially to
separate man from his sinning.
January 2019 17
Perhaps a better word for “buried” in verse 4 is “entombed,” as
Christ was not buried under ground, but placed in a sepulcher from
which you could walk on level ground. This positional truth is more
than just theory, because Paul takes it and teaches us how we can
translate the position into everyday, practical living in righteousness.
18 Berean Searchlight
True and
Words Pastor KevinSadler
BBS President
An excerpt from our newly released Revelation,Volume 4. To order a copy, see the
special offer on page 29.
January 2019 19
John needed to write about “It Is Done”
what he saw and what he heard. “And He said unto me, It is
He was to make a record of the done. I am Alpha and Omega,
“words” that the Lord spoke about the beginning and the end. I will
making all things new and the give unto him that is athirst of
words that He was about to say the fountain of the water of life
in verses 6-8. These words are freely” (Rev. 21:6).
“true and faithful.” “It is done” implies absolute
At the Lord’s Second Coming, finality. Because Christ is faith-
John records that “I saw heaven ful and true, Who “calleth those
opened, and behold a white horse; things which be not as though
and He that sat upon him was they were” (Rom. 4:17), He can
called Faithful and True…” (Rev. say, “It is done,” before it is done,
19:11). Christ is Faithful and because it will happen exactly as
True, and the words that He He says. John Walvoord rightly
speaks are “true and faithful” (Rev. says of the words, “It is done”:
21:5). His words are, in truth, “This statement does not mean
God’s words. They are established that there are no future works
in truth, worthy to be believed, of God but that a major work has
and can be completely trusted. been brought to completion and
All who read the words that John that the works now relating to
wrote are given strong confirma- the eternal state are beginning.”1
tion that the Lord will accomplish The Lord is pointing forward to
His purposes and promises. a new, permanent condition that
God is faithful and true (1 Cor. has arrived.
1:9; Rom. 3:4). Like the God who
inspired it and revealed it, the
Word of God is faithful and it is
truth (Psa. 119:138; John 17:17).
God will keep and fulfill every
promise He has made to the na-
tion Israel regarding her eternal “In that day, the gospel
hope on the earth. God will keep
and fulfill every promise He has of the grace of God will
made to the Church, the Body not be valid.”
of Christ, regarding our eternal
hope in the heavenlies. As the
Apostle Paul wrote, “For all the The One on the throne Who
promises of God in Him [Christ] is speaking claims the names of
are yea, and in Him Amen…” God: “I am Alpha and Omega,
(2 Cor. 1:20). Everything will the Beginning and the End.” The
come to pass just as God has Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal
said and revealed in His Word. I AM, the Alpha and the Omega,
As believers in Christ, we have the Beginning and the End (cf.
much to be thankful for and look Rev. 1:8). He is fully God. He
forward to because God is faithful is infinitely qualified as God to
and true to His Word. declare the end of something and
20 Berean Searchlight
the beginning of something new. on Him should receive…)” (John
God started history and He will 7:37-39).
end it. And He will initiate the The Apostle John, who wrote
eternal state…. these verses from his recollection
As the old saying goes regard- of the Lord’s life and ministry,
ing the future in our day-to-day must have been reminded of these
experience, “I don’t know what words when the Lord spoke from
the future holds, but I know Who His throne about the water of life.
holds the future!” The Lord holds Salvation and life eternal is beau-
the future. He is in control. We tifully portrayed by the Lord as
can draw great comfort in our His giving life-giving water freely
lives in knowing this is true and to those who are in need and who
trusting Him. We also draw thirst. As the Lord said, “I am
comfort that we have a future, a the Bread of life: he that cometh
bright one in Christ in the heav- to Me shall never hunger; and he
enlies! Israel is being shown here that believeth on Me shall never
in the Book of Revelation that thirst” (John 6:35).
they too have a bright hope on
the new earth. And all of it will
come to pass exactly as the Lord
has said, because He is “true and
January 2019 21
“He That Overcometh Shall (vv. 18-21) during the horrific
Inherit All Things” 70th week of Daniel. The over-
“He that overcometh shall comers will remain loyal to
inherit all things; and I will be Christ either to the end of their
his God, and he shall be My son” lives in martyrdom or to the end
(Rev. 21:7). of the seven-year Tribulation….
The true and faithful words of The overcomers of the Tribu-
the Lord continue as He makes lation period have rich promises
a blessed promise to “he that and blessing awaiting them in
overcometh.” This Book will the Kingdom on the earth: no
be directly applicable after the second death, to be clothed in
Rapture of the Church, the Body white raiment, to sit with Christ
of Christ, during the Tribulation. in His throne, to have their name
Believers in that day, if they can confessed by Christ to the Father,
stay alive, will need to overcome the right to eat of the tree of life,
to the end of the Tribulation. The etc. (Rev. 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21).
Apostle John reveals for us in his In fulfillment of His promises
epistles that the overcomers are to them, the One Who is faithful
those who are born again—those and true tells them that, in the
who believe Jesus Christ is the eternal state, “He that overcometh
Son of God. shall inherit all things; and I will
“For whatsoever is born of God be his God, and he shall be My
overcometh the world: and this is son.” They will inherit everything
the victory that overcometh the that Christ had promised them.
world, even our faith. Who is he He will be their God forever.
that overcometh the world, but They will be His sons forever.
he that believeth that Jesus is In that eternal position as sons,
the Son of God?” (1 John 5:4,5). they are heirs. Thus, they receive
The overcomers are those who an inheritance. And it is a rich
are saved under the gospel of the inheritance when you receive an
kingdom, believing that Christ inheritance from “He that liveth,
is the Son of God (John 20:31). and was dead; and, behold,” is
The overcomers are those who “alive for evermore” (Rev. 1:18).
will overcome Satan during the
Tribulation. They will overcome The Unbelieving Unforgiven
Satan’s powerful coercion to “But the fearful, and unbeliev-
take the mark of the Beast to be ing, and the abominable, and
able to buy and sell. The over- murderers, and whoremongers,
comers are those who overcome and sorcerers, and idolaters, and
the world and its majority and all liars, shall have their part in
strong social pressure to follow the lake which burneth with fire
and brimstone: which is the sec-
the Antichrist. They are those
ond death” (Rev. 21:8).
who will abide in Christ (John
15:1-7) and in His love (vv. 9,10), In contrast to the blessings of
and love one another (vv. 12,17), eternal life, joys, and inheritance
and overcome the hatred of in the new Jerusalem among be-
their persecutors and of Satan lievers, we find the unbelieving in
22 Berean Searchlight
the Lake of Fire, those excluded because of these things cometh the
from the new heaven and new wrath of God upon the children of
earth in the eternal state. They disobedience” (Eph. 5:5,6).
have no inheritance. God will not “Sorcerers”: the unsaved who
be their God. They will not be traffic with evil spirits, who are
His sons. They are forever in the involved with witchcraft, people of
presence of sin, darkness, and evil, the occult and satanism. “Now the
experiencing the torments of the works of the flesh are manifest,
Lake of Fire and the second death. which are these; Adultery, fornica-
The unforgiven are listed by tion, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
the sins that marked their lives Idolatry, witchcraft…they which
on earth. do such things shall not inherit
“Fearful”: the cowardly un- the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5:19-21).
saved, those who were more fear- “Idolaters”: the multitudes of
ful of the disapproval of people unsaved whose worship has been
than of God, and so were afraid directed toward a material object
to trust God’s Word. which represents to them some
“Unbelieving”: all the un- spiritual reality or higher power.
saved who never trusted God’s The Apostle Paul wrote that “cov-
provision for salvation in their etousness…is idolatry” (Col. 3:5).
lifetimes. “But without faith it is Even the adoration of material
impossible to please Him” (Heb. possessions and giving them a
11:6). They have displeased God place ahead of God is considered
forever because they never placed idolatry.
their faith in Him or His Word
when they had the opportunity.
“Abominable”: the unsaved
who practice abominations; vile,
detestable people who are com-
pletely caught up in wickedness
and evil of all sorts.
“Murderers”: the unsaved
who knowingly and purposely kill;
malicious and savage killers. They
“are of [their] father the devil, and
the lusts of [their] father [they] “Liars”: unsaved people who
will do. He was a murderer from are compulsive deceivers, false
the beginning…” (John 8:44). witnesses, false teachers; those
“Whoremongers”: the un- who practice deception for gain.
saved who practice fornication They “are of [their] father the
and other forms of sexual sins; devil, and the lusts of [their] father
the sexually immoral. “For this [they] will do. He…abode not in
ye know, that no whoremonger, the truth, because there is no
nor unclean person…hath any truth in him. When he speaketh
inheritance in the kingdom of a lie, he speaketh of his own: for
Christ and of God. Let no man he is a liar, and the father of it”
deceive you with vain words: for (John 8:44).
January 2019 23
The second death, eternal all the ages is “the lake which
death, will be pronounced on all burneth with fire and brimstone:
these unbelievers at the Great which is the second death” (Rev.
White Throne (Rev. 20:14,15), 21:8)….All the unsaved will be
because they have died in Adam punished for their sins and tor-
and in their sins: “For as in Adam mented in the Lake of Fire forever
all die, even so in Christ shall all and ever. The clear teaching of
be made alive” (1 Cor. 15:22). Scripture is that sin results in
Again, the Book of Revelation death (Rom. 5:12; 6:23; James
will be used in the future Tribula- 1:15). As a result of their sins all
tion period. It reminds the reader these souls will experience the
of the certain consequences of not second death, which is eternal
believing in Christ. Universal separation from the presence of
salvation is not taught in God’s God in the Lake of Fire.
Word. But as we see in this chap- If you are reading this book
ter of this Book of the Bible for and have not trusted Christ as
people in the Tribulation period, your personal Savior, we beg
there remains a universal invita- you to do so before it is too late.
tion for all who thirst to drink the Under the dispensation of grace,
water of life by faith in Christ. In you are saved from your sins and
that day, the gospel of the grace of the Lake of Fire by just trusting
God will not be valid. The gospel that Christ died for your sins,
of the kingdom will be what saves was buried, and rose again the
their souls. If they will trust the third day (1 Cor. 15:3,4). The
gospel of the kingdom and repent, moment you trust this good news
confess their sins, get water bap- you have the free gift of salvation,
tized, and believe that Jesus is a home in heaven, and eternal life
“the Christ, the Son of the living in Christ.
God” (Matt. 16:16), they will be Endnote
saved from their sins and hell. 1. John F. Walvoord, The Revelation of
The final destiny of all unfor- Jesus Christ (Chicago, Illinois: Moody
given, unbelieving people from Press, 1980), p. 316.
• Caesarea
• Sea of Galilee
• Dead Sea
• Jerusalem
• Golgotha/Garden Tomb
• Eight nights lodging at four star hotels
• Breakfast and dinner daily at the hotel
• Travel in a deluxe motor coach
• Devotions led by BBS and BBI leaders
26 Berean Searchlight
From Oregon: From Wisconsin:
“The Apostle Paul said, ‘…I could “Enclosed is the quarterly pledge
wish…myself accursed from Christ from Friendship Congregational
for my brethren, my countrymen Bible Church. Thanks for the awe-
according to the flesh’ (Rom. 9:3-5). some service you provide for Biblical
Now I read in the last four issues of Education!”
the Searchlight (August-November)
that our dear brother in Christ, From Pennsylvania:
Kevin Sadler, has the same burden “We enjoyed your message [at the
for my people, Israel, as our Apostle November Duncansville, PA Bible
Paul, and it warms my heart. Very Conference]. Pray every day for you
encouraging. Praise the Lord!” all. Look forward seeing you again.
Until then, keep looking up!”
From South Carolina:
“I studied through your presenta- From North Carolina:
tion on baptism in the Searchlight… “A close friend and I have deeply
Your teachings are a great source for enjoyed at first Bullinger’s The
training and reference. I will be pass- Foundation of Truth, and then later
ing them on to others when the topic Cornelius Stam’s Things That Differ,
comes up…I just wanted you to know No Other Doctrine, two volumes of
that you are making a difference in Acts, etc. We are seeing how great
the lives of others.” our traditions have blinded us…We
are encountering resistance from
From our Inbox: some in our gatherings, so we would
“Thank you so much for your appreciate anything that will answer
response!!! It was so very helpful. our critic’s objections.”
Also, your sharing Galatians 3:8 was
an eye opener for me concerning the From California:
gospel preached to Abraham. Thank “I introduced…Things That Dif-
you for highlighting that. I see that fer…to my son…He read it over and
now.” over, until the book was all dog-eared
and tattered. I asked him why he
From Washington: read the book so many times, and
“One of my pastors let me borrow he said, ‘I wanted to make sure I got
Pastor Stam’s book Man, His Nature it, I needed to be sure I understood
and Destiny. It has been a massive it…You really found something valu-
help as a close friend of mine has able, Mom.’ He now wants to read
gotten caught up in some deceptive this book to his colleagues at work.”
doctrines.” (Always listen to your mother! –Ed.).
C.R. Stam
Ambassadors for Christ....................$1.00 When the Lord
Answer to Catholicism........................2.00 Became Angry....................................1.00
Believer’s Walk...................................2.00 Why Was Christ Baptized? .................1.00
Continue Thou....................................1.00 Will There Be Tears in Heaven? .........1.00
Early Ministry of Paul..........................2.00 Writings of John.................................2.00
Faith of Christ.....................................1.00 Your Faith in God’s Word....................2.00
Fulfillment..........................................1.00 Paul M. Sadler
God’s Plan of Salvation.......................2.00 According to the Scriptures..............$2.00
Hope for the Bereaved.......................2.00 Are You Secure? .................................2.00
Intelligent Christianity........................2.00 Dispensationalism..............................3.00
Is Salvation Certain?...........................2.00 Historical Beginning
Knowledge of the Mystery.................2.00 of the Church......................................3.00
Logic of the Plan of Salvation.............2.00 Supernatural Sign Gifts.......................4.00
Lord’s Prayer.......................................1.00 Trials and Temptations.......................2.00
Lord’s Supper......................................2.00 Uncertain Trumpet of
Love of Christ......................................1.00 Water Baptism....................................2.00
Our Oneness in Christ.........................1.00 Kevin Sadler
Paul the Master Builder......................2.00
2 Great Commissions........................$3.00
Pentecostal Signs................................2.00 A Praying Life......................................4.00
Power of God......................................2.00 Everybody’s a Somebody
Preaching of the Cross........................2.00 in the Body of Christ...........................3.00
Rapture of the Church........................1.00 Grieving With Hope............................3.00
Rome’s Greatest Blunder....................1.00 The Rapture vs. the Second Coming....4.00
Saul the Sinner and What Must I Do To Be Saved?............3.00
Paul the Boaster.................................2.00
Seven Times a Failure.........................2.00 Ricky Kurth
Simple as Can Be Discerning the Will of God...............$3.00
(English or Spanish)................................1.00 Now That I Believe
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