Berean Searchlight: Studying God's Word, Rightly Divided February 2002
Berean Searchlight: Studying God's Word, Rightly Divided February 2002
Berean Searchlight: Studying God's Word, Rightly Divided February 2002
Berean Searchlight
Studying God’s Word, Rightly Divided February 2002
February 2002
Feature Articles
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter (II Pet. 1:1-9)
Pastor Paul M. Sadler .............................................. 7
How to Please God
Pastor Cornelius R. Stam ........................................ 13
The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer
Pastor Dennis Kiszonas ........................................... 15
From Our Mailbag ....................................................... 4
A Page From Pastor Sadler’s Notes ............................ 6
Question Box ................................................................ 12
A Bag of Potatoes ......................................................... 21
The BBI Byline ............................................................. 24
News and Announcements .......................................... 25
The Berean Bible Society is an organization for the promotion of Bible study by means
of newspaper series, recorded Bible lessons, and the distribution of Bible study literature.
It is a non-profit organization, a work of faith supported by the gifts of Christian friends.
The Berean Searchlight is the official organ of the Berean Bible Society,
and is sent free of charge to any who request it.
Editor: Paul M. Sadler; Composition and Layout: Kevin J. Sadler
The Berean Searchlight (ISSN 0005-8890), February 2002. Volume 62, Number 11.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Berean Searchlight, N112 W17761 Mequon Road,
PO Box 756, Germantown, WI 53022-0756.
2 Berean Searchlight
From the
Editor to You:
Dearly Beloved,
In the Book of Acts, Luke gives us this interest-
ing insight regarding the travels of St. Paul: “And
some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, let us go
again and visit our brethren in every city where we
have preached the Word of the Lord, and see how they do” (Acts 15:36).
After the apostle planted churches in the cities he visited, he would re-
turn a short time later to confirm the faith that was initially delivered unto
them. This confirmation ministry was critical to the continuation of these
newly planted works. It allowed the roots of these assemblies to go more
deeply into the fertile soil of God’s Word that they might bear fruit to the
honor and glory of God. The components of this ministry included the im-
parting of new revelations, preaching the Word to validate what had been
revealed, and a large dose of encouragement for the saints to stand fast in
the faith. These visits also gave an opportunity to address questions and
problems that had arisen in the local churches.
With these things in mind, we count it an honor to join Pastor Joe Watkins
on a similar mission to the Philippines this coming March (see page 26).
Brother Joe ministered with the Filipino people for over thirty years as a
missionary under Things to Come Mission. While TCM has been active in
establishing Grace Bible Schools in the Philippines, Joe and TCM have con-
sistently followed Paul’s example. That is, they planted local churches and
trained leaders from among those within the assemblies. Therefore, these
churches have eventually become indigenous, which means they do not have
to rely upon the mission to supply pastors or other types of assistance. We
believe this is the better part of wisdom, for this reason: Should the Filipino
government ever expel our American missionaries, as we’ve seen other coun-
tries do, these works will be able to continue in their absence.
Through the years, TCM has used our literature to help ground the Fili-
pino saints in the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of
the Mystery. In fact, there are a greater number of Searchlight readers in
the Philippines than any other foreign country. So we are looking forward
to visiting these dear saints to encourage them in the faith. Lord willing,
we will be ministering Paul’s gospel to pastors, teachers, elders, and the
churches in Cebu, Ozamis, and the newly established work at Bataan. We
have also been invited to speak at the Luzon Grace Youth Conference.
Please pray for us that God will open a door of opportunity to further
establish these saints in the preaching of the Cross. “Now unto Him that is
able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according
to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the Church by Christ
Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” (Eph. 3:20,21).
Paul M. Sadler
February 2002 3
From Our Mailbag GOD’S BLESSING
From Pennsylvania: From Florida:
“Thank you for your monthly maga- “I thought I would write to say that
zine the Berean Searchlight. I have had I greatly appreciate everyone of you for
many questions answered for me and what you have committed yourselves to.
always feel spiritually uplifted after It is no easy task. Before I got serious
reading your wonderful articles.” about studying God’s Word, I was hope-
lessly confused, even when I started to
From Illinois: study the Pauline epistles. It wasn’t
“Thank the Lord for BBS. Wouldn’t until I read Pastor Stam’s book, Things
have it any other way but the Pauline That Differ that my eyes and heart were
way. May the Lord bless all of you at finally opened. I have been studying and
BBS.” rightly dividing the Word of truth now
for 3 years.” (Pastor Stam shared with
From Michigan: me one time that Things That Differ was
“I am extremely grateful for the un- taken from his class notes when he
derstanding of the Word rightly divided. taught at the Milwaukee Bible Institute.
In this time of chaos throughout the He had planned to do a sequel, but the
world, I feel strengthened with the knowl- years crept up on him. Ed.)
edge of the gospel of Grace as my foun-
dation. I thank God and your ministry From Illinois:
for this peace.” (With all of life’s uncer- “I would like to say that we enjoy the
tainties, only the believer can have the Berean Searchlight so much and always
peace of God, which passes all under- look forward to receiving it. All the ar-
standing, because he places his trust in ticles in it are so good and especially
the sovereignty of God. Ed.) the last one, The Forgiveness of Sins by
Pastor Ken Lawson. Your article on The
From Ohio: Prediction of the Cross was also super.”
“Thanks for all the excellent articles
that were in the Berean Searchlight From New York:
which arrived yesterday. We really ap- “I pray for BBS and for each one there.
preciate them. May the Lord continue I pray the dispensational message will
to bless all of you.” be given and that many more people will
come to that belief and knowledge.”
From Pennsylvania:
“I look forward to the Berean Search- From Nairobi, Kenya:
light every month. I hope you will al- “I would like to thank the BBS for its
ways have the opportunity and the life-changing ministry for many years.
resources to tell people how important I have personally grown spiritually from
it is to rightly divide the Word of God. one level to the other through this won-
It means a lot to me.” derful magazine, that is, the Berean
Searchlight. This magazine has shed
From Indiana: the light of the gospel to thousands and
“I am so blessed by receiving the thousands of people all over the world.
Searchlight every month.” Many have come to know the gospel of
the grace of God through this valuable
From India: magazine.”
“Christian greetings from Light Min-
istries India. Thank you very much for From Tennessee:
your books that I received on Novem- “We’re so thankful for men like you
ber 10, 2001....I was really blessed by that are teaching the Bible rightly di-
going through your magazine. Please vided. May God bless you and keep up
keep sending it to me, even in the days the good work. This is not much money
to come.” but use it any way you see fit.”
4 Berean Searchlight
From New York: From Nova Scotia, Canada:
“How I wish I were near your orga- “Thanking you for sending me your
nization to help me to grow. No one is monthly booklets. They are very help-
of the same mindset up here. There are ful. This is a one-time donation as my
three of us who get together and use your finances and health are poor. I may not
material, so we are where we are because be able to send anymore but I wanted
the Lord has put us here for some rea- you to know how much I appreciate your
son. After I got to thinking about it, it is faithfulness over the years. God bless.”
hard to find anything that covers it all
like Brother Stam’s Things That Differ. From Tennessee:
I spend a lot of time in that and do enjoy “I appreciated very much Pastor Ken
it so much. The simplicity of the gospel Lawson’s article in the November issue
is truly a blessing, as Paul said.” about forgiveness and especially the sec-
tion on its personal application.” (We
From Florida: have often said, it is one thing to know
“Thank you all for being there, doing the truth, but it’s an entirely different
for Him, with a double portion of appre- matter to apply it to our lives. Ed.)
ciation for Pastor Sadler. Maybe soon
will be THE TIME.” From Illinois:
“Thank your for sending the Berean
From Kentucky: Searchlight to me for so many years. I
“It is difficult to find truth today. look forward to it each month.”
Thank you for your work in proclaim-
ing God’s truth as He gives you strength From Michigan:
to do so.” “I have been so happy with all I have
learned by reading your literature. I
From Connecticut: hope that this letter gets to the right
“Again I must say thank you. Your place because I appreciate your litera-
ministry has been a rich blessing to our ture so much and I want my donation to
church and me. Like I said before, I had go to the right address. Keep up the good
seen the truth of this as I read Ephesians work you are doing. We really need it.”
4:5. But the confirmation of these things
from Pastor Stam’s books (I own all of From Wisconsin:
them now) and your tapes has helped “I am very thankful for God’s grace
lay a solid foundation for rightly di- and the freedom we have to worship God
viding the Word of truth....Like I men- in America. I am enclosing a year-end
tioned before, I preached in many Baptist gift to help with the Berean Searchlight.
Churches for many years, but since I’ve I enjoy reading it. God bless you.”
seen the truth of the ‘one baptism’ and
the revelation of the Mystery....I have not From South Carolina:
been invited to preach again.” (There’s “I have been so greatly blessed by
always a cost for standing for the truth, your literature and all the books I have
but the eternal dividends are out of this received over the years. I really enjoy
world! Ed.) your messages. The Lord always pro-
vides some answer in your magazine
From Florida: each month corresponding to a particu-
“Thank you for the Thanksgiving lar need He provides for. I look forward
newsletter and the wonderful oppor- to the Searchlight each month. The Lord
tunity to help continue your work for is using you mightily. God bless each of
our Lord.” you a zillion times over.”
February 2002 5
A Page From Pastor Sadler’s Notes
Things To Come
Many Bible teachers are convinced that the Book of Revelation is a
sealed book, therefore it cannot possibly be understood. But the very
first passage of the account states: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
which God gave unto him, to show unto His servants things which must
shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His
servant John” (Rev. 1:1). Notice it is the Revelation or unveiling of
Jesus Christ, as the Judge of all the earth.
Even though the Apostle John purposely used symbolic language
under the supervision of the Holy Spirit, the Revelation can be under-
stood by those who know the Lord, for these things are spiritually dis-
cerned. Thankfully we are not left to our own reasoning regarding the
symbols that were used by the apostle. They are often interpreted for
us in other parts of the Word of God. Always remember, the best com-
mentary on the Bible is the Bible itself!
Gr. Semeion—Sign
See Psalms Revelation 12:1-4 (I Cor. 1:22)
“And there appeared a great wonder in
Jacob & Rachel heaven; a woman clothed with the sun,
(Gen. 37:8-10) and the moon under her feet, and upon Israel’s supremacy
Gr. stephanos (Deut. 28:13;
Victor’s crown her head a crown of twelve stars: And she Isa. 60:1-3)
12 sons of Jacob
Faithful remnant in being with child cried, travailing in birth, from whom came
Israel (Isa. 66:7,8 the twelve tribes of
cf. Rev. 3:10) and pained to be delivered. And there Israel (Gen. 37:9 cf.
Gen. 49:28)
Travail of the Tribulation
Period when Israel appeared another wonder in heaven; and Gr. semeion—Sign
will be chastened (I Cor. 1:22)
(Isa. 13:6-11) behold a great red dragon, having seven Satan
(Rev. 12:9)
7 kingdoms & their
kings (Rev. 17:9,10) heads and ten horns, and seven crowns
10 Kings
Seat of Anti-Christ’s which have
authority upon his heads. And his tail drew the no Kingdom
Probably countries (Rev. 17:12)
like Iran, Iraq, third part of the stars of heaven, and did
Afghanistan, etc. Gr. diadem
Kingly crowns
cast them to the earth: and the dragon
Satan’s control
Stars—Angels of
heaven (Job 38:4-7) stood before the woman which was ready and dominion
over the world
Here—Fallen host (Luke 4:5,6)
of angels who to be delivered, for to devour her child as
defected in the Israel
original rebellion soon as it was born.” (Isa. 54:5-8)
with Satan
Satan & his fallen host cast to the
(Rev. 12:7) The Anti-Christ’s desire to destroy the chosen
earth in the middle of the tribulation
nation (Matt. 24:15-22 cf. Rev. 6:2,9-11)
(Ezek. 28:16-18 cf. Rev. 12:7-9)
8 Berean Searchlight
there was no open vision” (I Sam. John 20:31; Acts 2:38). In short, both
3:1). In time past, when the Lord was Peter and his hearers had believed
silent it meant He was displeased the kingdom gospel.
with His people. When this took “Grace and peace be multiplied
place, the Word of the Lord became unto you through the knowledge
more precious because it was the of God, and of Jesus our Lord. Ac-
only means to know the mind and cording as His divine power hath
will of Jehovah. given unto us all things that pertain
Since Israel was being set aside unto life and godliness, through the
nationally for her unbelief, God was knowledge of Him that hath called
no longer speaking to her through us to glory and virtue” (II Pet. 1:2,3).
visions as He had done at Pentecost. The grace and peace that Peter
Thus, the promises found in Peter’s speaks of here should not be con-
writings became even more precious fused with the Apostle Paul’s salu-
to those Israelites who had believed tations. Peter taught the prophesied
(II Pet. 1:4 cf. 3:3-9). Under the ad- grace of God that would come to
ministration of Grace, the heavens Israel (I Pet. 1:10), which primarily
are silent for a completely different had to do with salvation from her
reason. Today God is carrying out enemies (Luke 1:67-75). This grace
His secret purpose, which is de- will be fully bestowed upon the cho-
tached from the miraculous manifes- sen nation when the Prince of Peace
tations and visions of the Prophetic returns to establish His kingdom.
Program. So we, too, must look to Then, and only then, will there be
the written revelation, Paul’s epis- peace upon the earth (Isa. 9:6,7).
tles in particular, to understand the With the promise of His Coming a
will of God for the Church, which is confident expectation, it is little
His Body (Col. 1:9,10,25-28). wonder that Peter declared that this
“To them that have obtained like grace and peace be multiplied—Thy
precious faith with us through the kingdom come, Oh Lord! “Thy will
righteousness of God and our Savior be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
Jesus Christ.” When Peter says they Peter understood that this grace
had “obtained like precious faith and peace would be multiplied in
with us,” he wants us to understand the hearts of his hearers through
that his readers had believed the the knowledge of God. He adds, “ac-
same gospel he and the other king- cording as His divine power hath
dom saints had received. Thus, “like given unto us all things that pertain
precious faith” is synonymous with unto life and godliness, through the
“the apostles’ doctrine” taught by knowledge of Him that hath called
the twelve on the day of Pentecost us to glory and virtue.”
(Acts 2:42). Twice in these two passages the
But what exactly is the apostles’ apostle emphasizes the importance
doctrine? Clearly it is the Great of having a fuller knowledge of God.
Commission—the terms of salvation With the majority of the prophets
being: repent, believe on the name and apostles of the kingdom having
of Christ that He is the Messiah of passed from the scene, Peter directs
Israel, and be water baptized for the his countrymen to the written revela-
remission of sins. In addition, they tion of God, where they could grow in
were to render obedience to all the the grace and knowledge of the Lord
Lord taught during His earthly min- Jesus Christ. Seeing that these of-
istry (Matt. 28:16-20; Mark 1:14,15; fices were left vacant, this is strong
February 2002 9
evidence against apostolic succes- This is what made it possible for
sion, simply because the written Word these saints to “escape the corrup-
of God was now to be their final au- tion that is in the world through lust.”
thority (II Pet. 1:19-21). A deeper un- Although the term “subtract” is not
derstanding of the Scriptures would used here, it is certainly implied. In
also serve as a safeguard against the fact, Peter uses mathematical terms
insidious heresies the false teachers quite frequently—in the first five
were seeking to spread among them. verses of this letter he multiplies,
The best defense against error is to subtracts and adds. Once the Spirit
be grounded in the truth! of God regenerated these saints, a
“Whereby are given unto us ex- number of unseemly things they had
ceeding great and precious promises: once indulged in were subtracted
that by these ye might be partakers from their lives. They escaped the
of the divine nature, having escaped corruption that comes through lust
the corruption that is in the world or “unlawful desires.” This is a prin-
through lust” (II Pet. 1:4). ciple that is true of us as well.
If you were living continually in For example, before I was saved
the face of death, as these saints I had an obsession with classic cars.
were, the promises of God would be- I had restored a 1963 Chevy Impala
come exceedingly great and pre- that was the envy of every car buff
cious. This will be especially true of in town. It was candy apple red with
future Israel during the Tribulation a 327 V-8 engine, which put out over
period. While the promises of the 400 horsepower. You could hear me
Abrahamic, Davidic and the New coming three blocks away. The sun
covenants were cherished, the spe- rose and set on that car. At the time,
cific ones Peter highlights are the it was a status symbol, but a fading
promise of the Second Coming of glory. I couldn’t understand why ev-
Christ to destroy Israel’s enemies, eryone didn’t own a ’63 Chevy. But
and the promise of a new heavens after I came to know Christ, God
and a new earth wherein dwelleth subtracted that desire from my life.
righteousness (II Pet. 3:3-9,13). God changes our attitude and gives
us new priorities upon our conver-
THE TRANSFORMED LIFE sion. Now I’m grateful if I merely
“That by these ye might be par- have transportation so I can carry
takers of the divine nature, having on the work of the ministry.
escaped the corruption that is in the I was also a sports fanatic back in
world through lust.” The moment those days. If you lived in Pittsburgh,
these saints were born again they then you were a diehard Steelers fan.
became partakers of the divine na- Our family had season tickets, so I
ture. This does not imply that they had an opportunity to see the great
were joined to the essence of God, Bobby Lane play at Forbes Field.
but rather they shared in the nature Years later I watched as Terry Brad-
of God, which enabled them to have shaw threw the “Immaculate Recep-
communion with Him. The nature tion” to Franco Harris! The steel
of a dog is to return to its vomit. To curtain was impressive. I knew ev-
share in the nature of God is to par- ery player on the team and what their
take of His holiness, virtue and glory. passing, tackling, and kicking per-
The standard is the same in every centages were. But after I came to
dispensation; God wants His people know Christ these things became but
to be holy, as He is holy. a fading memory. Unimportant!
10 Berean Searchlight
You see, at the Judgment Seat of
Christ, it really isn’t going to mat- “The standard is
ter whether or not Terry Bradshaw
has a higher completion percentage
the same in every
than Brett Favre. That’s the stuff dispensation; God
of which wood, hay, and stubble is wants His people to
made. What will count is what I have
done for Christ that brings honor
be holy, as He is holy.”
and glory to Him. Please don’t mis-
understand me, I still enjoy attend- If these things abounded in them
ing an occasional baseball or football it was an evidence that they were
game with my boys or friends. But bearing fruit. These seven virtues
when I leave the stadium I leave the were the fruits that sprung forth
game behind. God has given me a from the new nature they possessed.
whole new perspective on the mat- This is another distinction between
ter. Some desires are subtracted the kingdom gospel and the gospel
immediately from our newfound life of the grace of God. Today, believers
in Christ, while others are gradually may or may not bear fruits; therefore,
phased out over time. Now our de- it is sometimes difficult to ascertain
sire is, or at least should be, to have whether or not someone is saved. Paul
a fuller knowledge of Him! says regarding good works after sal-
“And beside this, giving all dili- vation, “For we are His workmanship,
gence, add to your faith virtue; and created in Christ Jesus unto good
to virtue knowledge; and to knowl- works, which God hath before or-
edge temperance; and to temperance dained that we should walk in them”
patience; and to patience godliness; (Eph. 2:10 cf. II Cor. 9:8-11). Notice
and to godliness brotherly kindness; believers “should walk in them,” im-
and to brotherly kindness charity.
plying that they may not always in-
For if these things be in you, and
abound, they make you that ye
crease in the fruits of righteousness.
shall neither be barren nor unfruit- Under the kingdom gospel this
ful in the knowledge of our Lord wasn’t an option, it was an absolute
Jesus Christ. But he that lacketh necessity. As Peter says, “neither be
these things is blind, and cannot barren nor unfruitful in the knowl-
see afar off, and hath forgotten that edge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our
he was purged from his old sins” Lord cursed the barren fig tree be-
(II Pet. 1:5-9). cause it was of no profit. Thus, He
Peter now instructs his hearers emphatically declared, “Beware of
to “add” to their faith seven things— false prophets, which come to you in
moral excellence, knowledge, self sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they
control, patience, godliness, kind- are ravening wolves. Ye shall know
ness and love. The number seven, of them by their fruits....Even so every
course, is the number of spiritual good tree bringeth forth good fruit;
perfection. It was Peter’s desire that but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil
these saints be complete and have a fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth
well-rounded knowledge of the whole evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree
counsel of God. Although some of bring forth good fruit. Every tree
these virtues are attributes that the that bringeth not forth good fruit is
world seeks after to become more hewn down, and cast into the fire.
refined and cultured, “whatsoever is Wherefore by their fruits ye shall
not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23). know them” (Matt. 7:15-20).
February 2002 11
With the storms of apostasy gath- saints blind because they had for-
ering strength, this is a solemn warn- gotten that they had been purged
ing to those who would deceive the from the very sins they were again
sheep of God. It is also a guideline committing. As it has been said, one
that both past and future Israel could who forgets his past sins is likely to
use to determine who were the false lapse back into them.
teachers among them (II Pet. 2:1-3). To Be Continued!
If those of their number only bore a
very small amount of fruit, it was Endnote
an indication that there was life, but
1. 101 Hymn Stories by Kenneth W. Osbeck,
that they didn’t take the things of Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
the Lord seriously. Peter calls these Pages 28-30.
Question Box
“We both know that no one can legitimately practice Mark 16:16-20,
but to what extent will God perform His own miracles of healing in
our dispensation?”
We wholeheartedly agree that God is not using His servants today
to perform miraculous manifestations. Those who claim otherwise fail to
understand that the signs, miracles, and wonders of the Acts period ceased
with the completion of the Word of God (I Cor. 13:10 cf. Col. 1:25).
Usually the answer to our pleas for deliverance from an affliction
is the same that the Apostle Paul received from the Lord, “My grace is
sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” God’s
grace and strength is always more than adequate to sustain us through
whatever circumstances we might be called upon to endure. Thus,
may our response be that of the apostle’s: “Most gladly therefore will
I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest
upon me” (II Cor. 12:9).
While God has not promised us physical healing in the dispensa-
tion of Grace, this in no way diminishes from His sovereignty. There-
fore, if He so chooses to intervene in our affairs to further His purpose,
who are we to question the counsel of His will? Paul besought the Lord
not once, but three times regarding his infirmity and received the above
response each time. However, when he and the saints petitioned the
Lord concerning his coworker, Epaphroditus, the apostle wrote the
following to the church at Philippi:
“For he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness, because
that ye had heard that he had been sick. For indeed he was sick
nigh unto death: but God had mercy on him” (Phil. 2:26,27).
Notice it was the Great Physician who had mercy on Epaphroditus.
Clearly it was the Lord who raised him back to sound physical health.
“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Please see Pastor Kiszonas’ article on
page 15 for a more comprehensive study on the subject of unanswered
prayer in the administration of Grace. —Pastor Sadler
12 Berean Searchlight
How to Please God
By Cornelius R. Stam
Christians are being told that they must
be ready to move fast with this fast-moving
world, ready to change their approach and their
methods, if not their message, to keep up with
the times.
We believe that God would rather have us
concerned about standing fast than about
moving fast.
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye
may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to
“Stand therefore…” (Eph. 6:13,14).
—C. R. Stam
14 Berean Searchlight
The following article was written by our good friend Dennis Kiszonas. Brother
Dennis is the Executive Director of Grace For Today, a nationwide radio min-
istry located in New York City. We’re sure you are going to be spiritually en-
riched by Pastor Kiszonas’ insight on the issue of unanswered prayer in the
age of Grace. —Ed.
16 Berean Searchlight
the nation of Israel, for a time (See message, this “dispensation of the
Rom. 11:15). grace of God” to this new apostle.
“For if their being cast away is Paul often writes about this special
the reconciling of the world, what ministry given to him, that he was
will their acceptance be but life not preaching the same thing as
from the dead?” (Rom. 11:15). the others before him, but that the
The nation of Israel was “cast Lord Jesus had revealed something
away” for a time, and the Kingdom new, something different to him.
they waited for was “put on hold.” “To me, who am less than the
Those great prayer promises made least of all the saints, this grace was
to Israel would also be put on hold given, that I should preach among
for a future time. the Gentiles the unsearchable riches
of Christ, and to make all see what
is the dispensation of the mystery,
“You can ‘search the which from the beginning of the ages
scriptures’ but you won’t has been hidden in God who created
find this new message, all things through Jesus Christ...”
because it was ‘hidden (Eph. 3:8,9).
February 2002 17
Spirit is, because He makes inter- was working all things together
cession for the saints according to for his good. He gives us a great
the will of God. testimony of unanswered prayer in
28 “And we know that all things 2 Corinthians 12:8-9.
work together for good to those who 7 “And lest I should be exalted
love God, to those who are the called above measure by the abundance
according to His purpose” (Rom. of the revelations, a thorn in the
8:26-28). flesh was given to me, a messenger
For those of us in the dispensa- of Satan to buffet me, lest I be ex-
tion of grace, God never promises alted above measure.
that He will give us everything that 8 “Concerning this thing I pleaded
we ask. You can abundantly prove with the Lord three times that it
might depart from me.
this by simply reading through the
9 “And He said to me, ‘My grace
letters written by the Apostle Paul. is sufficient for you, for My strength
He wrote thirteen letters, from Ro- is made perfect in weakness.’ There-
mans to Philemon, and we never fore most gladly I will rather boast
read a prayer promise like “What- in my infirmities, that the power of
ever you ask,” or “ask what you de- Christ may rest upon me.
sire.” Instead we read that “We do 10 “Therefore I take pleasure in
not know what to pray for as we infirmities, in reproaches, in needs,
ought” (Rom. 8:26). in persecutions, in distresses, for
God has promised to “work all Christ’s sake. For when I am weak,
things together for good” in our lives, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:7-10).
but He hasn’t revealed HOW He is We see in verse 7 that God al-
going to do that. He has promised lowed Paul to suffer with this “thorn
it, and we take that by faith and be- in the flesh,” some physical suffer-
lieve that He is working all things— ing that even came from Satan, but
even the “tragedies” of life—together God allowed it for a good purpose
for good for us; but we often don’t in Paul’s life. But Paul pleaded for
see it. But as Paul wrote, “We walk the Lord to remove the problem.
by faith and not by seeing.” Don’t we always pray, “Fix it, Lord!”?
Since we don’t know how God is We find Paul praying, pleading
going to work all things for good, three times, for the Lord to fix his
we don’t know exactly how to pray. problem.
How could God promise us that He And then the Lord spoke, and
will answer all our prayers, if He He didn’t say, “Whatever you ask
tells us up-front that we don’t even you’ll receive, if you have faith!”
know what to pray for? No! Not at all. The Lord told Paul
Paul’s letters contain many tes- that His grace would be enough,
timonies of unanswered prayers. sufficient for him—and His grace
People flock today to hear testimo- means His power working in Paul’s
nies of answered prayers, but Paul life. “My power is made perfect in
writes of many of his unanswered your weakness.” We always want
prayers! He knew how to pray in the Lord to just fix the problem; He
the dispensation of grace, and didn’t wants to show the sufficiency of His
become discouraged when he didn’t grace, and the magnificence of His
receive what he asked for. He be- power working in our lives so that
lieved that his Father in heaven we can “bloom wherever He has
had everything under control and planted us!”
18 Berean Searchlight
Paul’s whole attitude about suf- difficult circumstances of life, and
fering changed as a result of this to live with the difficult people of
prayer experience. He says that he life, and to do it all with joy.
learned to take “pleasure [!] in in- That’s God’s picture of being
firmities, in reproaches, in needs, “strengthened with all might ac-
in persecutions, in distresses, for cording to His glorious power.” It’s
Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, living in the midst of trying circum-
then I am strong.” stances and difficult people that
We need to learn that it is not would drive anyone else crazy, but
God’s will to take away all our prob- instead of despair, there’s joy. That’s
lems, to fix all our weaknesses, to real power, and grace—and the Lord
remove all our needs, but it is God’s Jesus says to us today, “My grace is
will in all the circumstances of our sufficient for you wherever you are,
lives to give us all the grace and and whatever your problems may
strength that we’ll need to live be, I’m working it all together for
through the problems, and even to good, and My power is being made
rejoice in them! perfect. It reaches its greatest ex-
Paul prayed for the Colossian pression and demonstration when
saints: you are weak, but miraculously, you
“For this reason we also, since find that by faith you are ‘strength-
the day we heard it, do not cease ened with all might...for patience
to pray for you, and to ask that you and longsuffering with joy.’ ”
may be filled with the knowledge of
His will in all wisdom and spiritual
understanding...strengthened with “God doesn’t promise
all might, according to His glorious to take away all our
power, for all patience and longsuf- problems...but He does
fering with joy” (Col. 1:9-11). promise to give us the grace
He prayed that these saints and strength that we’ll need
would be “filled with the knowledge to live under the difficult
of God’s will” and the result would
be that they would be “strengthened
circumstances of life....”
with all might [wow!], according to
His glorious power [think of that!], Paul never forgot the lesson that
for all patience and longsuffering the Lord taught him from his “thorn-
with joy.” prayer.” Many years later Paul
“Patience” here speaks of endur- would write to the Philippians out
ance and perseverance in the face of a prison cell—near the end of five
of life’s circumstances, while “long- years spent in prison for the Lord:
suffering” speaks of having a “long 11 “Not that I speak in regard to
fuse” on our tempers when faced need, for I have learned in what-
with unpleasant people in our lives, ever state I am, to be content:
and Paul says to do this all with 12 “I know how to be abased, and
I know how to abound. Everywhere
“joy!” God doesn’t promise to take
and in all things I have learned both
away all our problems, to answer all to be full and to be hungry, both to
our prayers—we don’t even know abound and to suffer need.
what to ask for—but He does prom- 13 “I can do all things through
ise to give us the grace and strength Christ who strengthens me” (Phil.
that we’ll need to live under the 4:11-13).
February 2002 19
Paul says that he has learned
the secret of contentment, he knows “There can only
how to abound, and also how to be
abased. God does not promise us
come disappointment,
today, living in the dispensation of discouragement and
grace, that He is going to fix all our spiritual ruin when we
problems, but He does promise us claim a promise that
grace more than enough to make
us able to rejoice through it all. So
God never made to us.”
Paul writes that everywhere and
in all things he has learned how to more wonderful, the message of
cope, and more, how to cope with grace (Eph. 3:2). Should we pray
joy. And the secret? “I can do all today? Of course! Listen to Paul
things through Christ who [con- encouraging the saints to pray:
stantly] strengthens me.” We can “Rejoice always, pray without
almost hear those words from years ceasing, in everything give thanks;
before still ringing in Paul’s heart, for this is the will of God in Christ
“My strength is made perfect in Jesus for you” (1 Thes. 5:16-18).
your weakness” as Paul writes, “I But we can only rejoice and give
can do all things through Christ thanks always when we understand
who strengthens me.” what the Lord is doing in the dis-
When the woman from Far Rock- pensation of grace and in our lives
away prayed for her husband and today. God’s people are destroyed
had everyone praying for him, if when they are told that God’s plan
only her pastor had understood how is to fix all their problems, because
to “rightly divide the word of truth” the Lord never said that to the Apos-
(2 Timothy 2:15), realizing that the tle Paul for us in the dispensation
prayer promises in the Four Gospels of grace. There can only come dis-
are not given to us today, living un- appointment, discouragement and
der grace in the dispensation of spiritual ruin when we claim a prom-
grace, but were made to Israel with ise that God never made to us. But
their Messianic Kingdom in view. what joy and what freedom there
Even in the Letter of James where is when we begin to learn to hear
he writes about the “prayer of faith,” the Lord’s promises for us today in
and how God would heal the sick, this wonderful time called the “dis-
we need to read the first verse of pensation of the grace of God!”
James’ letter, and see that he is only We close this brief study of prayer
writing to “the twelve tribes scat- in the dispensation of grace with one
tered abroad.” This is not “our mail” more prayer promise for us today
in the Bible. We can read it and found in Ephesians 3:20-21....
study it and learn from it, but we “Now to Him who is able to do ex-
need always to remember that the ceedingly abundantly above all that
twelve tribes and the chosen nation we ask or think, according to the
are today “on the outs with God,” power that works in us, to Him be
and these promises, their promises, glory in the church by Christ Jesus
don’t work today. to all generations, forever and ever.
But the Lord Jesus saved a new Amen.”
apostle, the Apostle Paul, and sent We pray in our ignorance (Rom.
him to us with a new message even 8:26), we do not know what to pray
20 Berean Searchlight
for as we ought. We ask and we in us if we will only believe it and
think we know what would be best. trust Him. He is able to do in us,
But Paul says here that God is able above all that we ask or even think,
to do above all that we ask or even for it is nothing less than “resurrec-
think. In fact, He is able to do “ex- tion power” that is at work in us.
ceedingly abundantly above all that When we “walk by faith” and al-
we ask or think.” But notice care- low Him to “fill us with the knowl-
fully how God is going to do that in edge of His will” and “strengthen
your life: “according to the power us with all His might,” then Paul
that is at work in us.” His power says, “To Him be the glory in the
and strength and grace are suffi- church by Christ Jesus forever and
cient for us in every circumstance of ever. Amen.” May He be glorified
life. That power is available to work in your life and mine today.
For those who would like additional information about the radio ministry
of Grace For Today, or to receive copies of this article in booklet form, you
can contact Brother Kiszonas directly at: Grace For Today, P.O. Box 798,
Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108. The ministry can also be
reached via the Internet: <>.
A Bag of Potatoes
“One of my teachers had each one
of us bring a clear plastic bag and a
sack of potatoes to class. For every
person we’d refuse to forgive in our life,
we were to choose a potato, write on it
the name and date, and put it in the
plastic bag. Some of our bags, as you
can imagine, were quite heavy.
“We were then told to carry this bag with us everywhere for one
week, putting it beside our bed at night, on the car seat when driv-
ing, and next to our desk at work. The hassle of lugging this around
with us made it clear what a weight we were carrying spiritually,
and how we had to pay attention to it all the time to not forget, and
keep leaving it in embarrassing places.
“Naturally, the condition of the potatoes deteriorated to a nasty
slime. This was a great metaphor for the price we pay for keeping
our pain and heavy negativity. Too often we think of forgiveness as
a gift to the other person, and while that’s true, it clearly is also a
gift for ourselves!”
“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Eph. 4:32).
—From a very special friend
February 2002 21
“Give attendance to reading”
24 Berean Searchlight
GRACE TV MINISTRY: Our dear Brother Gary Smith is producing a TV
program for Thurston County, Washington, based on rightly dividing the
Word of truth. The name of the program is “Speaking the Truth in Love.”
The broadcast airs on cable Channel 22 in Olympia/Tumwater, and Chan-
nel 29 in Lacey/East Thurston County at 5:30 p.m. every Sunday evening.
The program is also rebroadcast on these stations at 7:00 p.m. on Tues-
days. The Public Access Channel reaches about 50,000 homes, so let’s
pray for Brother Smith as he shares the riches of God’s grace from Colos-
sians. If you would like to contact Gary, he can be reached via e-mail
<> or phone: (360) 923-2391.
HOLDING FORTH GOD’S WORD OF LIFE is now holding Bible studies
at the home of Brother David Marcukaitis at 8005 W. 146 Ave. Cedar Lake,
Indiana. For directions and times of meetings, please contact: Mr. & Mrs.
David Marcukaitis at (219) 374-4603. May God richly bless these dear
folks as they faithfully proclaim the gospel of the grace of God.
NEW LOCATION: The Berean Grace Bible Church is now meeting in
the West Suburban Christian Academy located at 1721 Northview Road
in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. followed by the
Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Contact Doug and Sonja Cox for further
details or questions (414) 258-8304 or e-mail <>.
Brother Doug writes, “We stand strong for the Grace Message and invite
residents, guests, and travelers to come and worship with us. Pray for us
as we seek a new pastor for our congregation.”
NEW LOCAL CHURCH: Our dear Brother Tim Stonecipher, a former
Baptist Pastor, and a loyal group of Grace believers have formed a new
assembly. Pastor Tim shared with us the following news: “We are excited to
report that our fellowship has begun. It has proven to be more of a joy than
we had imagined. Seventy of us held services for the first time on Novem-
ber 14, 2001. We are meeting on Sunday at 9:45 a.m. and Wednesday at
6:30 p.m. We often wonder if there are those around our area that would be
interested in fellowshipping with us. We are located in Paducah, Kentucky.
On the map one will find Paducah located in the far west of the state. For
more information call (270) 554-0808 or e-mail at <>.
These will connect you to the pastor, Tim Stonecipher. We would love to
see you at Gracelife.”
AS YOU PLAN YOUR SUMMER ITINERARY, the dates for Rocky Moun-
tain Grace Camp this year are August 19-24, 2002 at Long’s Peak Inn,
Estes Park, Colorado. For brochures, directions, or more information, please
contact: Kevin and Jessica Sadler at (262) 268-0940.
February 2002 25
THE CELEBRATE GRACE CAMP will be held July 8-12, 2002 at Camp
Colorado located about one hour SW of Denver. In addition to the sound
preaching of the Word, there’s good fellowship, food, and fun, not to men-
tion the low cost! For reservations and additional information, please call,
write, or e-mail Jerry & Judy Worthley, 0627 Co. Rd. 3, Canon City, CO
81212. Phone: (719) 276-2469\E-mail: <>.
Happy camping!!
HONORABLE MENTION: The lighthouse picture that appears on the
front cover of this issue was taken by Mr. James Bayliss. James is a free-
lance photographer who has traveled extensively around the country to
capture some of the most unique sights you will ever see on film. If you
would like to receive more information about his work, he can be reached
at <baylissstudio@gg/> or phone: (715) 467-2677.
*The picture of the lighthouse that appears on the front cover was taken
by Mr. James Bayliss of Scandinavia, WI. The White River Lighthouse is
located in White Lake, Michigan.
26 Berean Searchlight
(Clothbound—Gold Stamped)
Book Title Price
Acts, (Commentary) Volumes I & II .................................................................. 18.00
Acts, (Commentary) Volumes III & IV (w/Bible Index) ...................................18.00
Author’s Choice, The ........................................................................................... 9.00
Baptism and the Bible ........................................................................................ 8.00
I Corinthians (Commentary) .............................................................................. 10.00
II Corinthians (Commentary) ............................................................................ 10.00
Divine Election and Human Responsibility ..................................................... 8.00
Galatians (Commentary) ....................................................................................12.00
Hebrews, Who Wrote It and Why? ..................................................................... 8.00
Holding Fast the Faithful Word (w/Bible Index) .............................................. 12.00
Lord’s Supper and the Bible, The ...................................................................... 7.00
Man, His Nature and Destiny ............................................................................10.00
Moses and Paul (w/Bible Index) ......................................................................... 7.00
Our Great Commission (w/Bible Index) ............................................................ 8.00
Pastoral Epistles (Commentary) ........................................................................ 10.00
Paul, His Apostleship and Message (w/Bible Index) ........................................ 9.00
Romans (Commentary) ....................................................................................... 10.00
Satan In Derision ................................................................................................ 9.00
Sermon on the Mount, The ................................................................................. 8.00
Suggestions for Young Pastors ........................................................................... 8.00
I & II Thessalonians (Commentary) .................................................................. 9.00
Things That Differ (w/Bible Index) .................................................................... 9.00
True Spirituality (w/Bible Index) ...................................................................... 9.00
Two-Fold Purpose of God, The (w/Bible Index) ................................................. 7.00
Two Minutes With the Bible .............................................................................. 10.00
No Other Doctrine ............................................................................................... 5.50
Present Peril, The ................................................................................................ 5.50
Satan In Derision ................................................................................................ 5.50
Things That Differ (w/Bible Index) .................................................................... 7.00
All 26 Clothbound Books by C. R. Stam,
Plus “The Present Peril” and “No Other Doctrine” .................................... 175.00
Set of Current Booklets by C. R. Stam ............................................................ 35.00
Set by C. R. Stam (Books and Booklets) ..........................................................210.00
Set on Acts by C. R. Stam (w/Bible Index) ...................................................... 30.00
February 2002 27
“Be careful what you say for you speak for all eternity!”