6th German Grammar
6th German Grammar
6th German Grammar
Higher Level
Julie Cullen
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* Due to large course content, these subjects have
been divided into two courses. For a full list of topics
covered in these courses, please see 3 pages ahead.
perfect tense im Perfekt Recent past/ letter writing/ ich habe ...
imperfect tense im Imperfekt/ Distant past/ story telling/ ich war/ ich
Präteritum hatte
conditional tense Konjunctiv would ... formed using ‘würden’ ... ich
würde nicht rauchen
future tense im Futur Use ‘werden’: Ich werde zur Schule gehen
1. Male persons and animals
2. Names of seasons, months and days
3. Nouns ending in -ig and -ling
4. Nouns ending in -er that refer to a person
5. Most nouns ending in -en (except verbs used as nouns)
1. Infinitives used as nouns
2. Nouns ending in - ment
- tum
3. Diminutives (making a word smaller)
- lein
- chen
Personal Pronouns
mein mine
dein yours
sein his / its
ihr hers / its
unser ours
euer yours plural
ihr theirs
Ihr yours polite
* Possessive pronouns follow the same declension pattern as The Indefinite Article
Relative Pronouns
* It is the same as the ‘der/ die/ das’ table except for Dative Plural & Genitive.
* Relative pronouns came up in 2015, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2004
©The Dublin School of Grinds 69 Ms Julie Cullen
2004 Relative Pronouns ‘Angewandte Grammatik’:
What is a case?
Case refers to the noun or pronoun in a sentence. In German, there are four cases:
aus - out of
bei - at, near
mit - with
nach - to, after, according to
seit - since
von - from
zu - to
gegenüber - opposite
durch - through
für - for
gegen - against
ohne - without
um - around, at (time)
entlang - along
bis - until, to
*The accusative shows movement TO a place and the dative shows movement AT a place
an - at, on
auf - on
hinter - behind
in - in
neben - beside
vor - in front of
über - over
unter - under
zwischen - between
statt - instead of
diesseits - this side of
jenseits - on the other side
während - during
wegen - on account of
trotz - in spite of
außerhalb - outside
innerhalb - inside
Examples of ‘time’
am Samstag on Saturday
an demselben Tag on the same day
bei Tag during the day
dieses Jahr this year
eines Morgens one morning
heute vor acht Tagen this day last week
immer always
letzte Woche last week
manchmal sometimes
meistens mostly
montags mondays
morgen abend tomorrow evening
morgen früh tomorrow morning
nach dem Film after the film
nach der Schule after school
nach einer Weile after a while
nächsten Sommer next summer
nächstes Jahr next year
nie never
normalerweise normally
oft often
Examples of ‘manner’
Examples of ‘place’
What is a conjunction?
A conjunction joins sentences & clauses together to make a longer sentence.
und and
aber but
oder or
sondern rather
denn because
als and
als ob but
bevor or
bis rather
da because
dass that
ob whether
obwohl although
während during
weil because
wenn if
Example 1:
Example 2:
also therefore
deshalb therefore
jedoch however
auch also
außerdem besides
dennoch nevertheless
trotzdem in spite of
Es regnet sehr stark, trotzdem gehen wir mit dem Hund spazieren.
Present tense
wir wohnen
ihr wohnt
sie wohnen
Sie wohnen
* In English there are two present tenses but in German there is only ONE present tense.
eg. Ich wohne = I am living AND I live
Imperfect tense
du wohntest
er/sie/es wohntet
wir wohnten
ihr wohntet
sie wohnten
Sie wohnten
Conditional tense
Conditional tense
ich würde ... gehen
du würdest ... bleiben
* I would go ... you would stay ... he would come ... we would buy
* Most verbs will follow the rules but as always there will be exceptions. The following is a
very long list but you don’t need to know every single one.
* Familiarise yourself with the verbs that appear time and again.
* The majority of verbs in the perfect tense take ‘haben’ but you must familiarise yourself with
* It is helpful to know the Imperfect list as some of them look completely different and will
Wann? when?
Warum? why?
Was? what?
Was für? what type?
Welche? which?
Welcher? which?
Welches? which?
Wem? to whom?
Wen? whom?
Wer? who?
Wessen? whose?
Wie? how?
Wie lange? how long?
Wie oft? how often?
Wieviel? how much?
Wie viele? how many?
Wo? where?
Woher? from where?
Wohin? where to?
Womit? with what?
Worein? into what?
Worin? in what?
haben = er habe
werden = er werde
machen = er mache
fahren = er fahre
gehen = er gehe
arbeiten = er arbeite
können = er könne
ich sei
du seist
er sei
wir seien
ihr seiet
sie seien
Sie seien