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Applied Statistics For Economics and Business Book Review: April 2017

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Applied Statistics for Economics and Business Book Review

Article · April 2017


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Aysit Tansel
Middle East Technical University


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METU Studies in Development, 44 (April), 2017, 115-117


Özdemir, Durmuş, Applied Statistics for Economics and Business, 2016,

Second Edition, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

The first edition of this book was published in 2001 in Istanbul, Turkey by
Bilgi University. This is a welcome publication which is the second edition
published by Springer in Switzerland. In the process of this upgrading while going
international from a domestic publication, naturally there have been substantial
changes in its content. For the first edition I had written a review (Tansel, 2008)
in Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Dergisi In that review, I had remarked that what made
this book unique and very exciting for me is that it contains a number of examples
and exercises using real world Turkish survey or time-series data. This feature is
not completely maintained. The book now contains more general examples and data
and a language that would potentially be suitable for international students.
Inclusion of a chapter on inequality indices, Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient
had also made the first edition of this book very interesting. And this feature is
fortunately maintained. In the first chapter the data collection process particular to
Turkey was explained in detail in the first edition. In the second edition this chapter
is revised and updated with international experiences. One of the major
accomplishments of the second edition is to update the computer applications in
accordance with the latest versions of the computer programs such as EXCELL
and E-VIEWS. The second edition does not include a CD-Rom as did the first
edition. In place, the data sets used together with data sources can now be
downloaded from the Springer Online. These include data files for examples, cases
and the problems in the text and at the end of each chapter.
This is a standard introductory textbook of applied statistics directed towards
Economics and Business students. No prior knowledge of Statistics is assumed. The
book provides succint explanations of the concepts. Worked examples, interesting
applications and exercises at the end of each chapter are all very useful. There are
15 chapters, plus the chapter on selected answers to the end-of-chapter review
problems and end-of-chapter computing practical solutions. Appendix includes five
tables of standard distributions and there is a brief references list. Most of the
examples are given with real world Turkish data and some utilize the UK data and
116 Aysıt Tansel

the cross-country data for the OECD countries. Some of these data include Istanbul
monthly temperatures data, historical GDP and its growth rates for Turkey from
TUIK, average hourly wage data for Turkey and household income and food
expenditures data from TUIK surveys. Others include data on tones of Hamsi and
its prices, ages of cars in the UK and cross-country data from OECD on fertility
rates, GDP-per-capita, health expenditure and infant mortality.The last two chapters
include time series Turkish macroeconomic data on imports and on aggregate
private consumption expenditures from the Central Bank of the. Turkish Republic.
The book starts with an introductory chapter explains the nature of statistics,
its importance and its use. Chapter 1 talks about data. It gives a list of the national
and international organizations that collect or generate various kinds of data. This
chapter also describes different kinds of data that is used in statistical and economic
analysis, implementations of surveys, questionnaire design and a sample survey
questionnaire from TUIK. This information about the data sources and kinds of
data is very useful for the beginners.
Chapter 2 explains and illustrates different ways of presenting the data such
as graphs, frequency tables and histograms. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss and illustrate
measures of location and measures of dispersion. The examples provided in these
chapters utilize expenditure and income data from Turkey. Some of the exercises
involve use of per capita GNP growth rates of Turkey.
Index numbers such as Laspeyres and Paasche indices, price and quantity
indices and changing the base year are discussed in Chapter 5 and illustrated with
Turkish Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI) data from
TUIK. Chapter 6 deals with inequality indices, Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient
which are illustrated with household income data obtained from TUIK based on
household surveys of 1987 and 1994.
The basic concepts and definitions of probability theory, events, expected
values, Central Limit Theorem, Bayes Theorem and Binomial, Poisson probability
distributions are explained in Chapters 7 and 8. Chapter 9 is devoted to estimation
of confidence intervals. Chapter 10 deals with hypothesis testing in various forms
related to sample means and sample proportions. The Chi-squared and the F-
distribution together with one-way and two- way analysis of variance make up the
subject matter of Chapter 11.
The concept of correlation and related issues are introduced in Chapter 12.
Some of these concepts are illustrated with inflation and unemployment data of
Turkey and OECD cross-country data on GDP, Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Total
Fertility Rate (TFR) and health expenditures. Chapter 13 and 14 deal with simple
and multiple regression analysis which are illustrated with various Turkish data
from TUIK and Central Bank of the Turkish Republic such as GDP and imports of
Turkey IMR and health expenditures, GDP and investment, tourist arrivals and real

exchange rate from Turkey. The last chapter is Chapter 15 which is an introduction
to analysis of time series. It is illustrated with quarterly data on private expenditures
and quarterly data on currency issued in Turkey.
I congratulate the author, Durmus Ozdemir for this contribution with clear
explanations and interesting applications. I recommend this book for introductory
Statistics courses. The book is in English but, it can easily be incorperated into the
reading lists of Turkish Universities which may be instructing in English or in

TANSEL, A. (2008), “Kitap İncelemesi: Applied Statistics for Economics and Business TEK ve
İstatistik Kurumuna Çağrı”, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 63 (4): 237-241.

Aysıt Tansel
Middle East Technical University
Department of Economics
06800 Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: atansel@metu.edu.tr

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